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After completing this course, you will be able to:

• Add, modify, and delete individual Contact Records

• Upload, rename, and delete Lists

• Save Lists as Shared Lists

• Create Filters using different criteria and options

• Save Filters as Shared Filters

• Use a Segment Template to build a Segment

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At the end of this module, you will be able to:

• Describe Marketing Segmentation

• Define Eloqua Segments

• List the Segment building blocks

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Market segmentation enables businesses to route the right offers to the right customers.

This is achieved by dividing the market into smaller units, or segments of like-minded

individuals. All customers present within a segment:

• Have similar tastes, demands, and preferences

• Respond in a similar way to an offer

Segmentation helps a business increase relevance by developing a targeted marketing

program and sharing best practices aligned to the customers present in a segment. This

increased relevance enables a business to deliver value and create relationships. It also

drives conversion as customers receive information and content relevant to their needs.

This also means that customers respond to or interact with businesses that provide the

right offer at the right time. Let us examine campaign effectiveness when you segment

and target customers.

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This chart represents the email effectiveness of any campaign based on the campaign

size for both B2B and B2C companies. You can see that as campaign size decreases

effectiveness increases.

When you examine the metrics for a campaign sent to one million people, it shows an

open rate of 3%, a click-to-open rate of 16%, and a click-through rate of 0.5%. These

statistics are not impressive.

However, the metrics for a campaign that is sent to less than 100 individuals is quite

impressive. The averages for the second campaign are an open rate of 19%, a click-to-

open rate of 17%, and a click-through rate of around 3.5%.

These figures prove that campaign effectiveness multiplies if you deliver relevant

messages to a targeted audience.

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Remember, StarBoat offers training programs for increasing employee engagement and

building new skills. The company participates in trade shows across the US, UK, and

Canada to promote its vision and offerings, facilitate interaction, and secure future

business. To further enhance interaction with customers, the company regularly conducts

seminars. Additionally, it provides thought leadership by circulating newsletters to

customers. Let us examine how the company uses tradeshows,

In the Fundamentals Introduction WBT, you learned about the Modern Marketing

landscape. You also learned how businesses segment prospects to ensure correct

targeting. The original Segment for this webinar invitation campaign was anyone who

stopped by the tradeshow booth.

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Let us start by examining the tradeshows. StarBoat’s pavilion at tradeshows offers the

latest information about the space training industry, its efforts to stay ahead of the curve,

and its vision and offerings. The company works toward ensuring sizeable footfalls at its


Typically, the representatives offer a cup of coffee to all visitors. At the same time, a team

member scans the visitors’ badges. Some visitors’ share their business cards. Behind the

scenes, the team collects these contacts. After the tradeshows, visitors receive a Thank

you for stopping by email which also includes an invitation to an upcoming webinar. This

ensures that the company sets up a communication channel with these prospects.

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As mentioned, StarBoat runs campaigns for all contacts who attend one of their

tradeshows, but they also run campaigns for contacts who:

• Open or click through emails

• Download whitepapers

StarBoat keeps communicating with these prospects to understand their requirements and

offer training solutions and services. Using marketing segmentation, StarBoat segments

and targets its prospects efficiently.

Let us examine how Eloqua can help you segment and target.

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The simplest definition of a Segment is your target audience.

In Eloqua, to create a Segment you decide who should be included in the campaign and if

anyone should be excluded.

• Included contacts: These are the contacts that should receive the communication and

should be included in the campaign.

• Excluded contacts: These are the contacts that should not receive the communication

and should be excluded from the campaign. Excluded contacts include employee


You will examine how to include and exclude records in this course.

There are multiple criteria that can be used to shortlist the contacts present in a Segment.

For example, you can build a Segment using industry, geography, and form submission, or

a combination of all three.

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What happens if a contact matches the criteria for both the Include and the Exclude?

In this example, StarBoat wants to reach out to prospects who have attended one of their

webinars, but they need to exclude customers who have already purchased a trip to the

moon. If a contact fits both the Include and the Exclude criteria which criteria will apply?

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What happens if a contact matches multiple Include criteria?

In this example, StarBoat wants to reach out to prospects who have attended Astronaut

Training AND individuals who have purchased a trip to the moon AND individuals who

have purchased a trip to Mars. What if there is a person who has done all three? How

many times will that contact be counted in the Segment?

Eloqua deduplicates Segments and only counts contacts once.

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Before you examine how to build a Segment in Eloqua, let us examine the building blocks

of a Segment. These blocks include:

1. Individual contacts

2. Lists with multiple contacts

3. Filters that are used to dynamically find individuals who fit certain criteria

When you add or create building blocks, you can choose to save these blocks as local or

shared assets.

Local assets are available only for the Segment for which these assets are created.

Shared assets are available to all Eloqua users and can be added to any Segment. These

shared assets can be used as pre-configured building blocks and can be added to any

Segment. Any of these building blocks can be used to include or exclude contacts from the

Segment you are building. You will examine local and shared assets and the associated

best practices later in this course.

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There are three main methods to create a Segment:

1. Use a Blank Segment and add building blocks: Use this method to build a Segment

from scratch. This can be a long and effort-intensive procedure. To reduce the effort,

you can use a template or copy and modify an existing Segment.

2. Use a Segment Template and add building blocks: A Segment Template is a pre-built

Segment that can be used instead of a blank Segment. Once a Segment Template is

selected, it can be modified for a specific campaign. This will be discussed later in the


3. Copy an existing Segment and modify it to suit your requirements: Use this method to

reuse an existing Segment. To copy a Segment, open the Segment Chooser and

locate the Segment you want to copy. Right-click the Segment to get the context menu

options. From the options, click Copy. The system adds a copy of that Segment to the

current folder and appends the name with :copy. You can rename the file inline by

either selecting it then clicking on it again, or via the Rename option in the same right-

click context menu.

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Let us build a Segment that StarBoat built for its campaign. You will use a Blank Segment

to create a new Segment and save it. For the purpose of this activity, you will change the

Segment name to Fundamentals Segment <<User Name>>.

1. Navigate to the main menu and click Contacts. From the Contacts row, click


2. In the Segments Launch Pad, click Create a Segment.

3. In the Template Chooser, select Blank Segment, and click Choose.

4. Double click the Untitled Segment label, located in the top left corner of the screen,

next to the Draft button.

5. Type Fundamentals Segment <<User Name>> and click Save.

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At the end of this module, you will be able to:

• Describe basic terminology related to uploading contacts (Contact Records, Contact

Fields, Lists, and Shared Lists)

• List best practices for uploading contacts

• Create and manage a Contact Record

• Upload and manage a List

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A Contact Record is the entire set of data for an individual you wish to communicate with.

This data can include information like first name, last name, title, phone number, and email

address. Each of these pieces of data is stored in a Contact Field. This means that a

Contact Record is made up of multiple Contact Fields.

Eloqua allows you to upload Contacts with No Email Address; however, there must

always be a unique identifying field. This field can be defined by your company. By default

all installs are set to use (and require) email address as the unique identifier. To enable

other unique identifiers you must contact support. If your instance supports other unique

identifiers, then when you are uploading a new contact manually, via a Data Import using

an SFTP server, using the Upload Wizard, or importing via your CRM system, the contact

does not necessarily need to have an Email Address.

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However, it is important to note that if the contacts do have an email address, it must be

unique. That is, if you have two different email addresses for the same customer, Eloqua

creates two different Contact Records for that contact. For example, John Smith has a

personal and work email address in the Eloqua database. This means that John has two

Contact Records in Eloqua.

StarBoat created Contact Records for all prospects who shared their business cards. You

will examine how to add these contacts later in this section.

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1. Each install can support 300+ Contact Fields. There are 50+ Standard Contact Fields

(depending on the purchased trim level) and 250 Custom Contact Fields.

2. Each Custom Contact Field has to be configured as one of the Eloqua Data Type

formats (such as numeric or text). This can be configured from the Settings, Fields and

Views area.

3. Typically, an administrator can create, configure, and delete a Custom Contact Field.

All marketing users can modify data present in a Contact Field that already exists.

4. To save a record with a business phone, mobile phone, and home phone, you need

three Contact Fields (one field for each phone number).

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You will now use one of the business cards that was collected during the tradeshow to

create an individual Contact Record. You will also search for this contact and modify it.

Finally, the instructor will demonstrate the procedure to delete the Contact Record.

Creating a Contact Record

1. Navigate to the main menu and click Contacts. From the menu, click Contacts.

2. Click the New button located at the right side on the blue bar.

3. In the New Contact window, type the following information:

a. Email Address: jsmith<<User Name>>@superco.com

b. First Name: John

c. Last Name: Smith <<User Name>>

d. Company: Super Co.

4. Click Create.

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5. Continue with creating a contact for instructor. Click the New button.

6. In the New Contact window, enter the following information:

a. Email Address: <<Instructor >><<User Name>>@oracle.com

b. First Name: <<Instructor>>

c. Last Name: <<User Name>>

d. Company: Oracle

7. Click Create.

Previewing and Editing a Contact Record

1. Search for the Contact Record by entering the name of the newly created contact in

Search, located at the top-right corner of the Contacts Overview screen.

2. Double-click the desired contact record when it appears in the results to open the Edit

Contact window. The Edit Contact window has the following tabs:

• Summary: Use this tab to examine the contact's recent activity, subscription status,

email address validity, physical address, and sales information.

• Field Details: Use this tab to edit the contact’s information.

• Preferences: Use this tab to manage the contact’s subscription and address.

• Campaigns: Use this tab to examine detailed information on the contact's

campaign activity. You can identify all the campaigns in which this contact has been

included. The information can be narrowed down to a particular timeframe by using

the calendar drop-downs.

• Activity Log: Use this tab to examine detailed information on the contact's email

activity. The activity can be narrowed down to a particular timeframe by using the

calendar drop-downs.

• Scoring: Use this tab to examine the contact’s current lead score for a specific

scoring model. Double clicking on a lead scoring model will activate another view

that illustrates the historic progression of the contact’s lead score.

3. Select the Field Details tab and click the drop-down arrow next to the field displaying

the current contact view labeled Default General.

4. Select the All Contact Fields view from the drop-down list.

5. Locate the field called Job Role and select Operations from the drop down list.

6. Click Update.

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DEMO: Deleting a Contact Record

If you have maintained your marketing database for a length of time, it is important to

clean the database by deleting contacts you are unable to reach or engage. Examples

include records that have been deleted from your CRM system.

1. Search for the instructor’s Contact Record by entering the name of the contact in

Search, located at the top-right corner of the Contacts Overview screen.

2. Right-click the Instructor’s contact record.

3. From the drop-down list that appears, click Delete. A Delete? confirmation box will be


4. Click Delete to remove the contact.

Adding the Contact Record to a Segment

1. Navigate to the main menu and click Contacts. From the menu, click Segments.

2. In the Segments Launch Pad, click Open an Existing Segment.

3. In the Segment Chooser, select Fundamentals Segment <<User Name>>, and click


4. Navigate to your Segment, click the + icon, and choose Individual Contacts.

5. Click Add Contacts. This displays the Add Contacts window.

6. Locate John’s (John Smith <<User Name>>) contact record by typing John in

Search and clicking Enter.

7. Select the contact and add it to the Segment by clicking Add Contacts.

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Profiler is an add-on to Eloqua. It presents the complete Digital Body Language in a visual,

consumable fashion. It provides a 360 view of a contact’s activity across your marketing

assets; for example, it shows how many emails were sent to that person, the number of

email Opens and Clicks, Form Submissions, Web Page Views, and External Activity (if

any). You can launch Profiler from any Contact Record. This tool is also available via web

browser or through your CRM.

Profiler also provides a contact's information, such as email address, phone number,

Twitter handle (if available), and the most recent Lead Score. In addition, you can also

search for a specific activity; for example, the name of an email or web page.

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A List in Eloqua is a set of Contact Records grouped together for the purpose of

segmenting and targeting. It is used to determine who is included in or excluded from a

campaign. You can create a list in Eloqua by uploading an external file consisting of

contacts; for example, a list of attendees from a recent event.

StarBoat created a List of all booth visitors who scanned their badges. This List was then

used to send the Thank you for stopping by email that also included an invitation to the


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1. Lists are a static asset type in Eloqua. This means that Contact Records in a List will

always be the same unless you set up a process to add or delete contacts to modify

the List. This is similar to a playlist in your MP3 player. The songs in the playlist do not

change unless you update the list.

2. Lists include individuals who share an attribute. For example, the contacts may have

been uploaded at the same time, registered for the same webinar, or attended the

same tradeshow. This makes it easier to segment and target people who attended last

year’s tradeshow. Again, this is similar to the songs present in the playlist of your MP3

player. You can have separate playlists based on genre (country music or rock), singer

(John Denver or Metallica), or albums.

3. Lists can be deleted from the database. However, the Contact Records that were

present in the List will remain in the database. This is much like deleting a playlist in

your MP3 player. The playlist is deleted but the songs in the deleted playlist remain in

the memory.

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Eloqua allows you to upload a List as a Shared List. This makes the List available for all

users in your database to search and use.

Let us determine when to use a Shared List or a Local List.

1. Two different Eloqua users want to include a core set of Contact Records in a

Campaign. To better utilize the resources, the Contact Records can be a part of a

Shared List. Thus the List can be accessed by both the users.

2. An Eloqua user is running a campaign related to an internal holiday. Considering that

this is a one-off campaign and will not be re-purposed by other users in the database,

this List can be uploaded as a local List.

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1. Upload as Shared List: This enables you to retrieve the Contact Records as a

consolidated group. If you do not save the uploaded List as a Shared List, the

uploaded contacts are dispersed amongst other contacts in the Eloqua database.

2. Use .CSV File Format: This is the recommended file format for any List that needs to

be uploaded. This file format helps delete commas and spaces from values present in

the List. However, if the data contains non-Western characters, you need to save the

List as .XLS or Unicode text, and proceed as if it is a .CSV file. In Eloqua, the option

you will choose is .XLS.

3. Header Row to Describe Column Names: First row of the .CSV file should contain

the header row or column names. The column name should be unique and must have

a corresponding Contact Field present in Eloqua. If there is no corresponding field in

Eloqua, you can choose to ignore the column. Also, note that the order of columns

does not matter.

4. Use Consistent, Proper-Case Values: The values in the List file must be in

accordance with your organization’s upload guidelines and format. Also as a best

practice, you must ensure that proper nouns have proper case values.

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You will now upload the List that was created during the tradeshow (Downloaded File:

Tradeshow Shared List). You will also search for this List and rename it. Finally, you will

add this List to the Segment.

Uploading a List

1. Navigate to the main menu and click Contacts. From the menu, click Contacts.

2. Click the Upload button located at the right side, on the blue bar.

3. In the Contact Upload Wizard window, provide the name of your List. For the purpose

of this activity, use the name Tradeshow Shared List <<User Name>>.

4. Click the cloud icon to start uploading the file. From the Open dialog box, browse to

the location of your file and click Open.

5. In Step 2 of the wizard, review the data, and click Next Step.

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6. In Step 3 of the wizard, map the fields from the uploaded file to the fields in Eloqua.

The fields will automatically map if the column header name matches a field name in

the Eloqua database. For fields not automatically mapped, double click and select the

desired contact field.

7. Click Next Step.

8. In Step 4 of the wizard, enter the email address where you wish to receive the Upload

Notification email. Additionally, to save the List as a Shared List, mark the Place

Contact into a Shared Contact List box and identify the target folder.

9. Click Finish.

Note 1: You can also upload a List from the Segment Workspace using the Contact

Upload Wizard. The procedure is very similar to the above procedure. The only difference

is that you cannot save the uploaded List as a Shared List as part of the upload

procedure. You will examine the sharing procedure when you perform the Filter

Management exercise.

Note 2: Notice that the record for Vince Edurado has not been created. Do you know


Searching and Renaming a Shared List

1. Click Contacts from the main menu.

2. Click Shared Library.

3. On the left hand side of the screen, click Shared List.

4. Locate your Shared List, right click it, and select Rename.

Note: You can also use this menu to delete the List.

5. Type the new name (StarBoat Tradeshow Shared List <<User Name>>) and press


Adding the Shared List to a Segment

1. Navigate to the main menu and click Contacts. From the menu, click Segments.

2. In the Segments Launch Pad, click Open an Existing Segment.

3. In the Segment Chooser, select Fundamentals Segment <<User Name>>, and click


4. Navigate to your Segment, click the + icon, and choose Shared List.

5. Locate your Shared List and click Choose.

6. From the Add Shared List window, choose Add Shared List to add the Shared List to

the Segment.

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In the exercise, you created a List by uploading a list of tradeshow attendees. You can

also have other sources of contacts; for example, CRM System, Form Submissions, and

rented or purchased Lists. These sources can be classified as:

• Active Sources: These sources can communicate with Eloqua. Once you create a

Shared List for an active source, you can configure Eloqua to keep updating the

Shared List automatically. Examples include CRM System and Form Submissions.

• Static Sources: These sources cannot communicate with Eloqua. You need to

manually update (upload) the Eloqua database every time you have new contacts.

Examples include tradeshow attendees Lists and rented or purchased Lists.

Note: It is not a best practice to purchase lists as this can negatively affect your Sender

Score and Deliverability.

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At the end of this module, you will be able to:

• Define Filters

• List Filter types

• Create a Filter

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A Filter is a dynamic asset that queries the database for Contact Records that meet

identified criteria. There are three types of Filter Criteria:

1. Contact Field Filters: These are based on values found in one or more Contact

Fields. In other words, it looks for specific values in specific Contact Fields and returns

the Contact Records that meet the criteria. For example, you may filter to find contacts

located in a specific city (Detroit), work for a company in a specified revenue range

($10-100 M), and have one of the several job titles (VP/ CIO/CMO).

2. Activity-Based Filters: These capture the activities the contact has carried out

regarding your marketing collateral and channels. The criteria you set may reflect a

typical profile for a potential customer. For example, a contact may have been sent at

least three emails in the past three months, opened two, and clicked-through on one.

3. Inactivity-Based Filters: These capture the details that show the lack of interaction

between the contact and the marketing channels. You can use this information to

target contacts for further lead nurturing activities or to re-engage with inactive

contacts. For example, a contact may have been sent at least three emails in the past

three months, but did not open any of the emails and did not visit your website.

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You have already examined that Lists are static assets. This means that Contact Records

present in a List will always be the same unless you set up a process to add or delete

contacts to modify the List. This is similar to a playlist in your MP3 player. The songs in the

playlist do not change unless you update the list.

Filters are dynamic assets. This means that Contact Records searched through a Filter

can change depending on the criteria. This is similar to a playlist created online on music

portals like Pandora/Spotify that is regularly updated based on your preference settings.

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Filters are created from the Segment page. Let us analyze how to create and structure a

Filter in Eloqua by examining the Filter that was created by StarBoat. StarBoat created a

Filter that locates all people from the US, UK, or Canada who have opened at least one

email in the last one month.

You will analyze how to:

1. Add a Filter and identify the Filter Criteria

2. Edit the Criteria using Filter Options

3. Link Multiple Criteria using Boolean Operators


• OR

4. Save as a Shared Filter

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To start building the Filter, open the Segment. Click the + icon on the left side of the Work

Area and choose Filter Criteria. The Filter appears on the left side. When you select the

Filter, a list of Filter Criteria is displayed on the right side of the Work Area. You can drag

and drop the different criteria into the Work Area to start building the Filter. For building the

StarBoat example, select the Compare Contact Fields criteria.

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Filter criteria include multiple comparators. Also, note the not checkbox for negating


• exactly: Use it to match an exact value (Capitalization is ignored).

• contains: Use it to locate all records containing the string entered. If you want to find

all Contacts who have the domain @mycompany.com, use contains.

• matches wildcard pattern: Use * to return any block of characters in a specific

position. For example, *Manager returns Sales Manager and Training Manager. Use ?

to match just one character in a specific position or to locate a special character. For

example, C?O returns CMO, CFO, CEO, etc.

• is blank: Use it for locating records which do/do not have a value populated

• between: Use it to locate numerical values in a text field within a certain range

• in picklist: Use it to enable a pick list allowing you to determine values that should be


• in quicklist: Use it to create a comma-separated list of values, useful for matching

non-standardized data values. For example - US, USA, U.S.A., United States.

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What needs to be noted here is the appearance of AND between the various criteria. AND

is a Boolean operator that is used to link different criteria. You can combine up to 15

criteria into one Filter and target specific contacts. The Boolean operators that you can

use are:

1. AND: This ensures that values returned as results meet both criteria. It is used to

narrow down the scope of your search. For example, you can query for contacts that

work in the city of Austin AND have Manager in their title.

2. OR: This ensures that values returned as results meet either of the criteria. It is used

to broaden your search. For example, you can query for contacts that work in the city

of Austin OR have Manager in their title.

You can click the operator to change it from AND to OR and vice-versa.

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Let us examine how to use the AND operator to build a Filter. This Filter example searches

for all contacts from the US who have opened at least one email in the last one month.

Let us examine what happens if you replace AND with OR.

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If you replace AND with OR, you get a Filter that searches for all contacts that:

1. Are from the US


2. Have opened at least one email in that last one month

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You can use the AND and OR operators to build a Filter that will search contacts from the

US, UK, or Canada who have opened at least one email in the last one month.

• To start, you search for contacts that are from any one of the three countries. This

means that you have to broaden your search. To do so, use multiple Field Filters

combined with OR operators.

• To continue creating the Filter, search for contacts that have opened one email in the

last one month. To do so, use an Activity-based Filter.

• To complete the Filter, combine the two conditions. To do so, use the AND operator.

However, first group the Field Filters. This ensures that Eloqua first searches all

contacts from the US, UK, or Canada. Eloqua then narrows down this list to provide

only those contacts that opened one email.

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You can create a Local or a Shared Filter just as a list can be uploaded as a local or

shared asset. A Shared Filter can be used in multiple campaigns and is accessible to all


Let us determine when to use a Shared Filter by analyzing the following examples.

1. A Filter that has ten criteria combined to locate your audiences should be shared.

2. A Filter that locates last year’s holiday purchasers for a one-time email with a holiday

coupon can be saved as a Local Filter.

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When you use a Shared List or a Shared Filter, the system asks you to choose either the

shared or local version. Let us examine the guidelines that govern the usage.

If you need to make a universal change to a Shared Asset, you should use the shared

version. Any changes made to the shared version reflect in all Segments that reference

the shared version.

If you want to make changes that should not affect other Segments, copy the shared

version locally and use the local copy.

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You have already uploaded all contacts that were collected at the Tradeshow. Now, you

need to build a Filter to search for contacts in the US, UK, or Canada, who have opened

at least one email in the last one month.

Creating the Filter

1. Navigate to the main menu and click Contacts. From the menu, click Segments.

2. In the Segments Launch Pad, click Open an Existing Segment.

3. In the Segment Chooser, select Fundamentals Segment <<User Name>>, and click


4. Click the + icon and choose Filter Criteria.

5. Rename Filter Element on left hand side of screen to StarBoat Filter <<User


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7. From the right hand column of filter options, select the filter criteria called Compare

Contact Fields.

8. Double click the Compare Contact Fields criteria to configure it. Select the field

Country, select the operator Equals and enter the value USA in the field.

9. Click Save and Refresh.

10.Add a 2nd and 3rd criteria within this filter for Country Equals CA and Country Equals


11.Switch the Boolean operator between criteria to OR.

12.Hold down the Shift key to select all 3 country criteria (you will know they are selected

because they will be outlined in blue).

13.Once multiple criteria are selected you will see the Group button below the criteria.

Click Group.

14.Now, Save and Refresh.

15.To continue, select Opened Any Email.

16. In the first drop-down, select at least. In the entry field, type 1.

17. In the second drop-down, select within last. In the entry field, type 1. In the third drop-

down, select Months.

18.Ensure that the Boolean operator between criteria is AND.

19.Now, Save and Refresh

20.Right click the Filter element on the left hand side of the Segment screen.

21.From the displayed menu, click the option to Share. This will display the Share Filter


22. Identify the name of the Filter (StarBoat Shared Filter <<User Name>>), provide

description, select the folder to which you want to add the Filter, and click Share.

23.This would open the Shared Filter Successfully window. To continue with your

current Segment, click the desired option to use a shared or a local copy of the Filter.

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At the end of this module, you will be able to:

• Describe how to exclude contacts

• Differentiate between exclusion methods

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A few definitions that help us to understand how Segments exclude certain contacts.

• Unsubscribes are anyone who has requested that you not send them any more emails.

• Hard bouncebacks are invalid email addresses or domains. This can be bad data or it

can be someone misspelling their actual email address. As a best practice,

Unsubscribes should not be sent emails and hard bouncebacks should never be sent

emails as it hurts your Sender Score. Therefore, Eloqua protects you by excluding

these individuals from campaign sends.

• Soft bouncebacks are perfectly good email addresses that are having a bad day; for

example, the server is down or the inbox is full. Eloqua will send to these addresses

even after they are marked as soft bouncebacks since the problem is usually

temporary. Eloqua does not have a threshold where it turns a soft bounce into a hard


Let’s look at the three ways to control exclusions in Eloqua.

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You have already learned how to include contacts in a Campaign using Lists and Filters.

However, as you examined earlier, you can also exclude contacts from the Segment and

therefore from the Campaign. For instance, if you are hosting a webinar on the same topic

every Wednesday, you should exclude individuals who have already attended that topic.

The various ways by which you can manage exclusion of contacts in Eloqua are:

1. System Exclude

2. Master Exclude

3. Segment Exclude

Now, let us examine each of these in detail.

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• What does it contain?

The contacts that have:

o Opted out of email subscription (through Subscription Links or Preference Center)

o Marked the email as Spam

o An incorrect email address (Hard Bounceback)

• Who manages it?

System Exclude is automatically and dynamically managed and implemented by the system. System Exclude is the same for every install of Eloqua as these rules apply universally.

• How is it implemented?

It is implemented by creating Email Groups.

For more information about Email Groups, refer to the Fundamentals of Email class.

Note: Emails sent automatically to form submitters (auto responder emails) do not fully adhere to the System Exclude. This means that individuals who have unsubscribed will receive an auto responder email.

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• What does it contain?

o The contacts that your company should never email for any campaign; for example,


• Who manages it?

o Master Exclude is created and managed by your Eloqua Administrator.

• How is it implemented?

o It is implemented by identifying the excluded contacts in the Master Exclude Area.

Note: Emails sent automatically to form submitters (auto responder emails) do adhere to

the Master Exclude. Regardless of whether the individual is subscribed or not, if they fit

the Master Exclude criteria they will not receive any emails, auto responder emails or

other emails.

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• What does it contain?

o The contacts that should never be mailed for a specific campaign; for example,

internal employees.

• Who manages it?

o System Exclude is created and managed by the Power Users.

• How is it implemented?

o It is implemented by adding or creating an asset and setting it to be excluded from

the Segment.

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System Exclude and Master Exclude are processed when you send the email. This means

that when you are examining a Segment you see all contacts, even those that are present

in System Exclude and Master Exclude. However, when you send the email these

contacts are excluded.

Segment Exclude is processed as you create the Segment. This means that when you are

examining a Segment you see only the filtered contacts. Contacts present in the Segment

Exclude are removed from the Segment.

You can use the View Contacts button to identify All, Included, and Excluded contacts.

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1. Open your Segment.

2. On the left hand side, right click on your Filter, and select the option Switch to


3. Now, Save and Refresh.

4. Click the View Contacts button in the upper right.

5. Flip through the tabs to see All Contacts, Included Contacts, and Excluded Contacts.

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At the end of this module, you will be able to:

• Describe a Segment Template

• List the benefits of using a template

• Describe how to create a template

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You read about Segment Templates earlier in the course. Now, let us explore these in

detail. A Segment Template is a prebuilt Segment that can be used instead of a blank

Segment to ease the process of building a Segment. You can use these templates to

include or exclude a base set of contacts. Once a Segment Template is selected, it can be

modified for a specific campaign. However, as a best practice, only Power Users should

create templates.

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To use templates click Contacts on the Menu bar at the top of the screen. From the drop-

down, select Segments. From the Segments Launch Pad, click Create a Segment. This

displays the Template Chooser window. From the window, select the desired template

and click Choose.

The brand new Segment that opens is already configured with base elements that you

need. Let us examine where you can use Segment Templates.

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1. Including Contacts:

• Industry or Product Segment: Enables targeting of contacts based on verticals

and/or product of interest.

• QA Segment: Enables targeting of internal personnel who should be included in

every single Segment.

2. Excluding Contacts:

• Internal Employee Segment: Enables exclusion of internal employees.

• Unmarketable Contacts: Some companies choose to exclude unmarketable

contacts (hard bouncebacks, unsubscribes) at the Segment level in order to see an

accurate Segment size, since the System Exclude is processed at the time of an

email send and not when the Segment is being created.

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You need to ensure that StarBoat employees do not receive the mail as they are not the

target audience. You need to regularly exclude this segment from the campaign. Use the

StarBoat Fundamentals Segment Template to exclude all contacts for which the

Company field is StarBoatELQ.

1. Navigate to the main menu and click Contacts. From the menu, click Segments.

2. In the Segments Launch Pad, click Create a Segment.

3. In the Template Chooser, select StarBoat Fundamentals Segment Template, and

click Choose.

4. Rename the Segment StarBoat Fundamentals Segment <<User Name>>.

5. In the displayed segment examine the Filter that has been excluded.

6. Click the + icon, and choose Shared Filter.

7. Locate your Shared Filter (StarBoat Shared Filter <<User Name>>) and click


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8. From the Add Shared Filter window, choose Add Shared Filter to add the Shared

Filter to the Segment.

9. Click the + icon, and choose Shared List.

10.Locate your Shared List (StarBoat Tradeshow Shared List <<User Name>>) and

click Choose.

11.From the Add Shared List window, choose Add Shared List to add the Shared List to

the Segment.

12.Click the + icon, and choose Individual Contacts.

13.Click Add Contacts. This displays the Add Contacts window.

14.Locate John’s (John Smith <<User Name>>) contact record by typing John in

Search and clicking Enter.

15.Select the contact and add it to the Segment by clicking Add Contacts.

16.Click Save and Refresh.

17.On the Segment Chooser window, click Save.

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Segment management in Eloqua is flexible. This allows you to precisely target your key

personas. Segments include:

• Multiple types of building blocks

• The ability to Include and Exclude

• Boolean Values and grouping

Eloqua has set internal procedures like de-duplication of contacts, System Exclude, and

Master Exclude. This ensures that you stay in compliance with privacy laws and prevent

duplication errors. It also allows you to set exclusion rules to fit your business needs.

Templates provide consistency across your team for how Segments are built. Shared

assets also provide consistency. Both are great time savers since every user can re-use

instead of building each piece from scratch.

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This class provides the foundation to dive deeper. There are Eloqua University classes

(eloqua.com/university) available on some of these topics, including:

• RPM: Targeting and Segmentation – Best practices for segmentation and targeting are

key to achieving the best campaign responses. This class will help identify your next

steps for optimizing your targeting efforts.

• E10: Insight – Segments are for more than just your Campaign audiences. Use

Segments to locate your target audience, and then tracking the growth or decrease in

the size of that Segment over time to assess your lead generation. Additionally, keep

track of how much of your database is unmarketable by locating hard bouncebacks in

a Segment. This class provides an overview of Eloqua Insight reporting and enables

users to prompt reports and manipulate general report features.

• E10: Lead Scoring class – This class will help you learn how Segments can help you

optimize your lead scoring engine.

New classes are continually rolling out; make sure to join the Eloqua University Topliners

group to be notified.

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Please submit the evaluation survey in order to get course completion credit within Eloqua

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This class is not part of the Luminary program, but it is still worth knowing about the great

opportunities to be recognized for your learning accomplishments.

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