Update issue 4 2019 PLATINUM HEALTH: Tel: 087 463 0660 | www.platinumhealth.co.za CASE MANAGEMENT AND CLIENT LIAISON: Tel: 014 590 1700 or 080 000 6942 | Fax: 086 591 4598 Email: [email protected] | After-hours emergencies: 082 800 8727 Official opening of Burgersfort Medical Centre 04 Honouring Madiba by giving… 08

Update - Platinum Health...6 load suppression for 90% of those treated by 2020. He said the new state-of-the-art facility will provide Platinum Healthan opportunity to achieve its

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Page 1: Update - Platinum Health...6 load suppression for 90% of those treated by 2020. He said the new state-of-the-art facility will provide Platinum Healthan opportunity to achieve its

Updatei s s u e 4 2 0 1 9

PLATINUM HEALTH: Tel: 087 463 0660 | www.platinumhealth.co.zaCASE MANAGEMENT AND CLIENT LIAISON: Tel: 014 590 1700 or 080 000 6942 | Fax: 086 591 4598

Email: [email protected] | After-hours emergencies: 082 800 8727

Official opening of

Burgersfort Medical Centre

04 Honouring Madiba

by giving…


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iN T



UE 2 Calendar of events

3 Message from the Principal

Officer’s Desk

4 Investing in members’ health -

official opening of Burgersfort

Medical Centre

7 New Stakeholder Relations


8 Honouring Madiba by giving

12 Viva Vulindlela Viva

16 HIV Management Programme

19 First aid - how to treat a fever

20 Platinum Health maintains

healthy Solvency Ratio

S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 9National Oral Health Month

Pharmacy Month

O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9Eye Care Awareness Month (23

September to 18 October)

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

9-15 National Nutrition Week

10 World Mental Health Day

11 World Sight Day

12 World Arthritis Day

12-20 World Bone and Joint Week

15 Global Handwashing Day

15-19 National Obesity Week

20 National Down Syndrome Day

20 World Osteoporosis Day

24 World Polio Day

29 World Stroke Day



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Chronic disease management is key to thesuccess of Platinum Health. It is for this reasonthat Platinum Health covers 84 chronic medicalconditions, which is significantly more than theindustry average of 43 chronic medicalconditions.

Besides covering more chronic conditions,Platinum Health also spends more than 30% ofits chronic medicines spent on HIV, whereas theindustry spends only 8% on average.

On hypertension, as one of the prevalentchronic diseases, Platinum Health spends17.32% of total chronic expenditure versus16.49% for the industry. There is a higherprevalence of major depression in the miningcommunity, which is a result of the PlatinumHealth Employee Assistance Programme (EAP).4.48% of total chronic medicine costs is spenton major depression compared to the industryaverage of 3.36%.

Early detection of chronic conditions throughits world class wellness programme enablesPlatinum Health to cover double the amount ofchronic conditions and four times the industryaverage spent in respect of HIV. Despite moreextensive chronic medicine cover than offeredby any other medical scheme, Platinum Healthcosts are R122.26 per patient per monthcompared to the industry average of R139.10,

a saving of 12%. This is due to the fact that 90%of all chronic medicine is dispensed throughown pharmacies where the mark-up is 14.9%compared to the industry average of above30%. Generic utilisation is 81.8% compared toindustry average of 58.8%.

With regards to oncology costs PlatinumHealth spends 14.3% of its oncology costs onbiological medicine and 58.8% on otherexpensive medicine. This compares veryfavourable with the industry which spends 8.5%on biological medicine and 49.4% on otherexpensive medicine. This is proof that PlatinumHealth provides members with superioroncology and chronic medicine benefits.

Yours in health Welcome Mboniso


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The new premises offer great convenience tomembers due to its location on theintersection of R37 and R555 in Burgersfort,Limpopo. The parking is easy and accessible,allowing convenient access to the medicalcentre.

The medical centre now provides a morespacious, relaxed environment withdesignated waiting areas and a better flow of

patients. It clearly demonstrates how PH iscreating real value for its members byproviding state-of-the-art healthcare facilities.This is in line with the scheme’s vision ofproviding appropriate healthcare of highquality to the satisfaction of stakeholders.

The official opening of the medical centre washeld on 27 August 2019 and Far Eastern LimbOperations General Manager, Mr Daan Breet


Official Opening of BURGERSFORT MEDICAL CENTREPlatinum Health’s (PH) commitment to investment in members’ healthprompted the scheme to relocate the Burgersfort Medical Centre to TubatseCrossing Mall, Shop no UG04.

Above: PH CEO, Mr Dan le Roux (left) and GM, Mr Daan Breet (right) did the honours ofcutting the ribbon at the official opening of the medical centre on Tuesday, 27 August2019. Standing with them from left are: PH BOT, Mr Phillemon Maimele; Modikwanational union of mineworkers chairperson, Mr Teffo Moloto and PH Business UnitManager, Dr Katlego Pholoana.

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was amongst the visitors who graced theoccasion. Organised labour from surroundingmines also attended to witness the opening ofthe improved facility.

In his address, Mr Breet commended PlatinumHealth for the role it played in saving 53people’s lives during 2018 in terms ofTuberculosis related cases. He thankedPlatinum Health for the symbolic role it playsin being a well-established health provider tothe workforce.

Platinum Health Principal Officer, Mr WelcomeMboniso reflected on the past twelve monthswhich also saw the opening of two newmedical centres in Mashishing and Mokopanerespectively. He attributed the success ofPlatinum Health offering the best benefits in

the medical scheme industry, to it operating aStaff Model Health Maintenance Organisation(HMO). He explained that the HMO modelprimarily focuses on delivering healthcare ataffordable prices to members. He firmlybelieves the HMO supports the NationalHealth Insurance (NHI) concept as itsprinciples are based on primary healthcareservice.

In his address, Chief Operations Officer(COO), Dr Matome Sekgala said PlatinumHealth endorses the 2014 UNAIDS 90-90-90strategy which was adopted by theDepartment of Health and the World HealthOrganisation (WHO). The target is to ensurethat 90% of all members know their status, toprovide antiretroviral therapy to 90% of thosediagnosed as HIV positive, and achieve viral

Above: 1) PH BUM, Dr Katlego Pholoana and Mr Daan Breet takes a walkabout of the newpremises, followed by other stakeholders. 2) The new premises offer great convenience tomembers due to its location at Tubatse Crossing Mall. 3) Iridium Pharmacy.

1 2


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load suppression for 90% of those treated by2020. He said the new state-of-the-art facilitywill provide Platinum Health an opportunityto achieve its health targets.

Platinum Health Chief Executive Officer (CEO),Mr Dan le Roux paid tribute to the Burgersfortand Modikwa teams for rendering world-classmedical services to its members. He mentionedthat Platinum Health recently had its highestclaim in the history of Platinum Health, whichwas R5.9 million. "I'm sharing this with youbecause I'm extremely proud. When you are inneed or when you have an emergency, no other

medical scheme in South Africa offers benefitson a par with that of Platinum Health.” Mr LeRoux added that Platinum Health'sTuberculosis incident rate is now half that of thenational infection rate. He attributed thesuccess to Platinum Health giving HIV patientsINH prophylaxis which prevents TB. “Thenational average is 718 new infections everyyear for every 100 000 people and we’re nowstanding at 324 which is less than half of thenational directory.” He concluded by thankingthe teams, union leadership and minemanagement for attending the opening and allstaff for making it happen.

Above: 4) Dental services offered at the facility. 5) The medical centre now provides a morespacious, relaxed environment with designated waiting areas and a better flow of patients. 6) Optometry services available at the facility.



Burgersfort Medical Centre is open 24 hours/day, 7 days/weekContact number: 087 463 0275

Physical Address: Tubatse Crossing Mall, Shop no UG04

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Prior to joining Platinum Health, Kutlwanoserved as a broker consultant for MedshieldMedical Scheme from 2013. While atMedshield Kutlwano was awarded the 2018Top Performer Broker Consultant. Her careerin the healthcare industry began atInternational SOS in 2002 where she held thefrontline case manager position. She joinedDiscovery Health in 2004 as a service specialist.Since then Kutlwano worked her way up in theindustry by joining various employee benefitsconsulting companies such as ProgressAdministrators, The Phila Group, AlexanderForbes and NMG Consultants and Actuaries.Kutlwano filled several positions in theseorganizations such as healthcare consultantand consulting manager. Kutlwano has apassion and background in client relations andbusiness development.

Kutlwano is quite the academic as she iscurrently studying towards her Bachelor ofBusiness Administration degree at MilparkBusiness School. She also has the followingqualifications to her name:• Advanced Certificate in Financial Planning

NQF Level 6 (Milpark Business School)• Customer Centricity Certificate (University

of Stellenbosch)• Wealth Management Certificate NQF Level

5 (PSG Consult)• Call Centre Effectiveness Certificate

(Customer Centric Solutions)

Commenting on her appointment asstakeholders relations manager, Kutlwano says: “Ifeel honored about my appointment. I amexcited that I can bring my wealth of healthcareexperience into Platinum Health and at the sametime learn new things. This opportunity brings alearning experience into fields I have never beenexposed to, such as occupational health and I willfully embrace the journey. I enjoy travelling andworking with people and this position gives methe best of both worlds. I love that I have a greatdegree of control and freedom within my job andmy colleagues share the same vision. I amdedicated to serving all our stakeholders andtouching their lives.”

As stakeholders relations manager, Kutlwanowill play a leading role in building conduciverelationships with stakeholders across all PHparticipating employers. She will be engagingwith stakeholders on issues which need PHmanagement’s attention and resolution; andshe will be responsible for new businessdevelopment and marketing the scheme.

We are pleased to introduce Platinum Health’s newstakeholder relations manager, Ms KutlwanoLefakane. She has extensive experience in themedical scheme industry and we are confidentthat she will add immense value to the scheme.



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To build on the legacy of our late president,Platinum Health gave their 67 minutes byreaching out to learners in surroundingmining communities, where most PHmembers reside.

PH believes that education is very importantand is necessary to every child, andtherefore former President NelsonMandela’s famous quote, which says,“Education is the most powerful weaponwhich you can use to change the world”remains relevant. ‘Catching them when

they’re young’, PH made the decision toprovide basic eye tests for theschoolchildren, and those identified withvisual impairment will receive advanced eyetests and free spectacles.

Underlining the importance of preservingthe legacy of Madiba, PH Principal Officer,Mr Welcome Mboniso said: “We are alwayshappy when we are able to make a positivedifference in people’s lives, especially theyoungsters of today as they are leaders oftomorrow. It is an exhilarating experience to

HONOURING MADIBA BY GIVINGNelson Mandela International Day is celebrated annually on 18 July to honourour late president and to celebrate his birthday. Mandela Day is about changingthe world for the better and ’67 minutes’ represents one minute for each year ofMandela’s public service.

Above: Spreading Madiba’s care and respect… PH staff from Amandelbult (Tumela) Hospitalvisited Chromite Primary School.

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be part of an initiative that gives somethingmeaningful to the community. We receiveda warm welcome from each school wevisited, and I would like to take thisopportunity to thank School Managementand all involved for making these givinginitiatives such a success.”

Over and above this, each child was given agoodie bag containing stationary items

which would come in handy during schooltime.

Thus far, a total number of 1 889 learnersreceived basic eye tests and 41 learnerswere identified for advanced eye tests. Eachchild identified with visual impairment willhave the opportunity to receive advancedeye tests and receive free spectacles ifnecessary.

Above: Contributing their 67 minutes… The Platinum Health Medical Centre team visitedSeraleng Primary School, just outside Rustenburg, on 27 September.

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WHY CHILDREN'S EYEEXAMS ARE IMPORTANTEye exams for children are very important toinsure your child's eyes are healthy and haveno vision problems that could interfere withschool performance and potentially affectyour child's safety.Early eye exams also are important becausechildren need the following visual skills thatare essential for optimal learning:• Excellent visual acuity at all distances• Accurate and comfortable eye teaming

skills• Accurate eye movement skills• Accurate and comfortable focusing skills

VISION SCREENING ANDPERFORMANCE IN SCHOOLAppropriate vision testing at an early age isvital to insure a child has the visual skills heor she needs to perform well in school.A child who is unable to see print or view ablackboard can become easily frustrated,leading to poor academic performance.Some vision problems, such as lazy eye, arebest treated if they are detected andcorrected as early as possible while thechild's vision system is still developing.

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Thousands of Platinum Health members participated in recent VulindlelaWellness Campaigns held at participating employer groups. The popular Vulindlela Campaigns sawexcited members eagerly awaiting their turnto participate and be tested for BP, Glucose,TB screening and HIV where after they eachreceived a loyalty gift from the scheme as atoken of appreciation.

Since initiating the Vulindlela Campaign, thecampaign has grown from strength to strengthand therefore Platinum Health has continuedhosting similar annual events at participatingemployer groups.

The campaign also serves as a productiveplatform to build stronger relationships with

scheme members. Apart from the Nursingstaff that assist members with testing, Clientliaison staff inform members of schemebenefits and procedures. Members also havethe opportunity to talk to Client Liaison staffregarding queries related to membership,claims, tax certificates or other service-relatedmatters.

In support of the United Nations AIDSstrategy 90-90-90, Platinum Health focuseson providing members with confidential HIVcounselling and testing. The 90-90-90 targetaims to diagnose 90% of all HIV-positivepersons, provide antiretroviral therapy (ART)

Viva Vulindlela Viva

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for 90% of those diagnosed, and achieveviral suppression for 90% of those treated by2020.

According to members who participated, it isvery convenient to be tested at their

workplaces and they appreciate the initiative.To date Vulindlela campaigns have been heldat Modikwa Platinum Mine, NorthamBooysendal, Siyanda Bakgatla Platinum,Amandelbult Complex and Northam PlatinumMine.


ModikwaPlatinum Mine

North & SouthShafts 488



South Shaft, Centraland Plant286 1 369


North ChangeHouse296

North Training


North Plant


South Plant


South Central

111 730

Siyanda BakgatlaPlatinum

Spud Shaft396

Richard Shaft304

Decline 4 Shaft190 890


Tumela Shaft340

Dishaba Shaft 360

15 East Shaft/ Mlanje 255 955


Northam Medical Station



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September is PHARMACY MONTHThe National Department of Health (NDoH), together with the South AfricanPharmacy Council (SAPC) and the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa(PSSA) recently announced “Mental health: Are these challenges affecting you?”as the theme of Pharmacy Month 2019.

The tag line to compliment the main theme is“Mental illness can be treated – Ask yourpharmacist for advice”. The strategic focus ofthe campaign is to make people aware of issuesthat may affect their mental health, such asanxiety or stress, addiction, abuse, self-harm anddepression.

Mental health refers to our cognitive,behavioural and emotional wellbeing - it is allabout how we think, feel, and behave. Mentalhealth can affect daily life, relationships and evenphysical health. Mental health also includes aperson's ability to enjoy life - to attain a balancebetween life activities and efforts to achievepsychological resilience. It also helps determinehow we handle stress, relate to others and makechoices.

Mental health is important at every stage of life,from childhood and adolescence throughadulthood. Over the course of your life, if youexperience mental health problems; yourthinking, mood and behaviour could beaffected. Early diagnosis is essential, and the

treatment of a mental disorder can lead to rapidrecovery while substantially reducing theeconomic and personal costs associated withthe illness.

Platinum Health’s Mental Health Services (MHS)can assist with all kinds of problems, includingwork stress, family problems, trauma debriefing,adjustment problems, anxiety and depressedmood, substance abuse and grief andbereavement. Our main office is situated inRustenburg at the Platinum Health MedicalCentre, 175 Beyers Naudé Avenue and thecontact number is (014) 590 1700. Members canmake an appointment either directly, or via a GP.The respective Human Resource Departmentsat the various business units may also, formallyrefer an employee by contacting Mental HealthServices.

Therapists are also available at most PlatinumHealth facilities and no referral or authorisationnumber is required to access the service.Contact MHS or your nearest Platinum Healthfacility, to establish where to access the services.

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WHAT TREATMENT OPTIONS AREAVAILABLE?Just as there are different types ofmedications for physical illness, differenttreatment options are available for individualswith mental illness, depending on the specificillness. You can ask your mental healthprofessional about the different treatmentoptions available.

IF A MEDICATION IS PRESCRIBED TOME AND I BEGIN TO FEEL BETTERAFTER TAKING IT, IS IT OKAY TO STOPTAKING IT?It is not uncommon for people to stop takingtheir medication when they feel theirsymptoms have become controlled. Othersmay choose to stop their medication becauseof side-effects. A person may not realise thatmost side effects can be effectively managed.While it may seem reasonable to stop takingthe medication, the problem is that at least50% of the time, the symptoms will return. Ifyou or your child are taking medication, it isvery important that you consult your doctorbefore making decisions about any changesin your treatment.• Another problem with stopping

medication, especially if you stop itabruptly, is that you may developwithdrawal symptoms that can be veryunpleasant. If you and your doctor feel atrial off your medicine is a good idea, it isnecessary to slowly decrease the dosageof medications so that these symptomsdon’t occur.

• It is important that your doctor andpharmacist work together to ensure yourmedications are working safely andeffectively. You should consult them abouthow you are doing and whenever thereare side-effects that might make you wantto stop your treatment.

WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW ABOUTMEDICATIONS?The best source of information regardingmedications is the pharmacist dispensingthem. He/she should be able to answerquestions such as:• What is the medication supposed to do

and when should it begin to takeeffect?

• How is the medication taken and forhow long?

• What food, drinks, other medicines andactivities should be avoided whiletaking this medication?

• What are the side-effects and whatshould be done if they occur?

• What do I do if a dose is missed?• Is there any written information

available about this medication?• Is there other medication that might be

appropriate? If so, why do you preferthe one you have chosen?

• How do you monitor medications andwhat symptoms indicate that theyshould be raised, lowered, or changed?

• All medications should be taken asdirected. Most medicines for mentalillnesses do not work when takenirregularly and extra doses can causesevere, sometimes dangerous side-effects. Many psychiatric medicationsbegin to have a beneficial effect onlyafter they had been taken for severalweeks.

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HIV Management Programme

There are 36.9million peopleliving with HIV

75% know theyare HIV-positive.The rest do not

The Platinum Health (PH) HIV Management programme endorses the 2014Strategy by UNAIDS adopted by the Department of Health and World HealthOrganisation (WHO) 90-90-90 which target aim was to diagnose 90% of all HIV-positive persons provide antiretroviral therapy (ART) for 90% of those diagnosed,and achieve viral suppression for 90% of those treated by 2020.

90-90-90: AN AMBITIOUS TREATMENT TARGETTO HELP END THE AIDS EPIDEMICPlatinum Health Medical Scheme works to increase access to HIV testing, antiretroviraltherapy (ART), and viral load monitoring, to improve the clinical management of HIV as anurgent health priority prevent HIV-related morbidity and mortality.

Three out of fivepeople living withHIV are onantiretroviraltherapy

And only 47%have undetectablelevels of HIV

30 million people ontreatment by 2020

90% of peopleliving with HIV knowtheir status

90% of people whoknow their statusare on antiretroviraltherapy

90% of people onantiretroviraltherapy achieve viralsuppression

90-90-90 HIV treatment targets

90-90-90 treatment for all


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The power of antiretroviral medicines

90-90-90 treatment for all

Saving livesIf antiretroviral therapy is initiated early and taken for life,life expectancy of people living with HIV is thought to bethe same as that of someone without HIV.

Preventing mother-to-childtransmission of HIVWomen living with HIV can improve their health andprevent their children from HIV infection by takingantiretroviral medicines during pregnancy and for the restof their lives.

Post-exposure prophylaxis foraverting HIV infectionA short course of antiretroviral therapy is effective foraverting HIV infection caused by accidental exposure toHIV or exposure during unprotected sex.

Restoring respect and dignity topeople living with HIVAccess to antiretroviral therapy has in some places reducedthe stigma of HIV and lessened the discrimination peopleliving with HIV face in many settings. HIV treatment hashelped to normalize HIV, which is no longer considered adeath sentence.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis for peopleat higher riskPeople who are at higher risk of acquiring HIV can lowerthis risk by taking a combination of antiretroviral medicinesas a pre-exposure prophylaxis.


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Preventing tuberculosis (TB), TB-related deaths and TB transmissionPeople who are living with HIV and taking HIV treatment lower

their risk of developing TB disease. Antiretroviral medicinesimprove the effectiveness of TB treatment, reduce TB-related

mortality and cut the risk of transmitting TB to others.

Restoring employmentPeople regained their strength and good health,

ending prolonged absenteeism from work.

Reducing the number of children becoming orphans

As antiretroviral therapy increases the survival of adults,fewer children are becoming orphans. The burden of home-based care, which often fell on young girls, has declined and

children are able to return to school.

Preventing HIV transmission amongserodiscordant couples

People who are living with HIV and achieve viral suppression have a lower risk of transmitting

HIV to their uninfected sexual partner.

Reducing maternal mortalityRecent research has shown that the provision of antiretroviral

therapy would avert much of the maternal mortality thatoccurs in the countries with a heavy HI burden.

VIRAL SUPPRESSIONViral Suppression: Virologic Control. Whenantiretroviral therapy (ART) reduces aperson’s viral load (HIV RNA) to anundetectable level.

An undetectable viral load is when a personhas so little of the virus in their blood that atest cannot identify it. Being undetectablemeans the virus is less able to attack yourimmune system cells, which means that there

will be less damage to your immune system,your body will be healthy to fight infections.This allows people to stay healthier and livelonger.

While an undetectable viral load does notmean that a person’s HIV is cured, it doesoffer tremendous promise for a person’soverall health and for reducing viraltransmission.

Platinum Health staff will help you understand better and maintain undetectableviral load thus compliance and lifestyle modification are encouraged at all times.


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A person’s normal body temperature, whenmeasured orally, is between 36.5˚C and 37˚C.Platinum Health takes a closer look and advises onwhat to do in the case of a higher temperature.

First Aid - How totreat a FEVER

You are suffering from a fever if your bodytemperature remains higher than 37°C for sometime. For very young children and infants, evenslightly elevated temperatures may indicate aserious infection. In newborns, a subnormaltemperature – rather than a fever – may also be

a sign of serious illness. A fever is one of thebody’s reactions to infection and a sign that thebody is defending itself. Since viruses andbacteria do not normally survive during anelevated temperature, fever is actually an ally infighting infection because it increases theproduction of infection-fighting white bloodcells, their speed of response and killingcapacity. It will take at least 72 hours for fever tofully settle on treatment.

How is a fever treated?• Paracetamol (found in Panado and other

over-the-counter medications) is a drug thathelps to lower fever. It is also an analgesic(pain reliever), which eases the discomfortand body aches that often accompany fever.

• Ibuprofen is another fever-reducingmedication that relieves mild to moderateaches and pains.

HOME TREATMENTTo bring down a person’s temperature:• Remove excess clothing.• Administer medication or prescribed

suppositories to reduce a fever of 40°C orhigher.

• Keep the patient hydrated by givingplenty of water or fruit juices in small butfrequent quantities.

• Sponge the skin with tepid ( lukewarm)water:• Adults can take a lukewarm bath and as

the water temperature drops it will alsoreduce the fever

• Kids – bath or use a face towel withlukewarm water – not too wet and wetthe upper body including head andface. The use of a towel with similarwater can also be used, squeeze waterout and wrap the child. It is morereassuring for small kids if you holdthem to you while wrapped in thetowel.

• Do not give aspirin to a child with a fever.Many fevers are caused by viralinfections, and the combination of aspirinand viral illness has been linked to thedevelopment of Reye’s syndrome, aprogressive and very dangerous liverdisease.

WHEN TO CALL THEDOCTOR ABOUT A FEVER• When a newborn or baby younger than

six months has an elevated (or low)temperature.

• When the fever is accompanied by a stiffneck, confusion, lack of energy, difficultyin waking or inconsolability andheadaches.

• If an adult has a temperature of morethan 39.4°C or has had a fever for morethan three days.

• If persistent vomiting, unusual skin rashor mental confusion accompany a fever.

• When the sufferer shows signs ofseizures.


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Platinum Health maintainshealthy Solvency RatioIt is pleasing to report that the Platinum Health (PH) solvency ratio currentlystands at a sound 30.75%, which complies with the statutory requirement ofthe Medical Schemes Act.

Solvency ratio

The Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998, andspecifically Regulation 29, requires medicalschemes to maintain accumulated fundsexpressed as a percentage of gross annualcontributions – also called their solvency –amounting to at least 25.0%. Thispercentage is an indication that a medical

scheme is financially sound and sustainablein the long run.

The graph below indicates the schemeconsistently maintained solvency of above 25%in the past two years, which is an indicationthat the scheme is financially sound.

The accuracy of member’s details on thePlatinum Health database is veryimportant. Reason being, Platinum Healthcontinuously communicates with membersvia SMS, email or mail and therefore it isimperative for members to keep theircontact details (such as telephonenumbers, residential, postal and emailaddresses) updated with the scheme.

How to update your personal details:Members have to complete a form in orderto change personal details. The relevantform named “Request to change

membership details, Scheme option orCard request” can be obtained fromPlatinum Health via any of the followingchannels:• Download the form from the Platinum

Health website(www.platinumhealth.co.za)

• Email a request to Client Liaison onemail:[email protected]

• Phone the Client Liaison Call Centre on014 590 1700 or 080 000 6942

• Collect the form from Client Liaisonoffices in your area.

Remember to update contactdetails with Platinum Health

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