Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

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Aligning the EU and UN systems Annex One determines the scope of the Seveso Directive The EU CLP Regulation implements the UN GHS of classification No simple formula for aligning the old and new systems TWG established to consider this issue Changes to Seveso Annex 1

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Page 1: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

Update on EU Issues

10th March 2010Manchester Conference


Health and Safety Executive

Major Hazards Policy Team

Paul Edwards

Page 2: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

• The review of the Seveso Directive

• The alignment of Seveso with GHS

• The Critical Infrastructure Directive


10th March 2010Manchester Conference


Page 3: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

Aligning the EU and UN systems

Annex One determines the scope of the Seveso Directive

The EU CLP Regulation implements the UN GHS of classification

No simple formula for aligning the old and new systems

TWG established to consider this issue

Changes to Seveso Annex 1

Page 4: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

The UK wants minimal change to the overall scope:– No increase unless justified by safety– No decrease if there remains the risk of a major

accident– The link between CLP & Seveso to be as clear &

straight forward as possible– Admin burdens kept to a minimum

Changes to Seveso Annex 1

Bringing GHS into Seveso – the UK’s aims

Page 5: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

The EU wants to ensure at least the same level of protection to man &

the environment throughout Europe

Changes to Seveso Annex 1

Bringing GHS into Seveso – the EU’s aims

Page 6: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

Analysis of Current Position

Greatest discrepancy exists with the human toxicity category

Other issues with ‘physical hazard’ and ‘environmental hazard’ categories

Changes to Seveso Annex 1

Page 7: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

Comparison of Toxic Properties



1 2 3Oralmg/kg

1 2 3 4inhal.vapourmg/linhal.aerosolmg/l

1 2 3 4

2 3 4inhal. gasmg/lppm

1 32 4Dermalmg/kg

0 25 200

0 5 25 50 200 300









20050 400 1000

0,50,05 0,25 1

500 25001000


1+2 +3+4 for T

comparing line to old legislation

1+2 +3+4 for T+


A1 A2






really precautionary


Page 8: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

Impact of GHS on COMAH

Changes to Seveso Annex 1

HSE undertaking research to better determine impact of proposed changes

EU expected to produce draft proposal in 2010

Final system required before June 2015, when current system lapses


Page 9: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

Aligning the EU and UN systems

A more general undertaking than the alignment of Annex 1 and CLP

Aims to assess the effectiveness of Seveso and identify possible improvements

Carried out through two questionnaires…

Review of Seveso

Page 10: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

Review of Seveso

EU Seveso surveys• F-Seveso survey - investigated the implementation of Seveso

- identified no need for legislative change

• Public authority survey - no fundamental changes necessary

- some possible improvements in implementation and enforceability


Page 11: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

Formal proposal in late 2010Formal negotiations across Europe in 2011Changes then implemented in UK through

COMAH & HSC RegulationsUltimate deadline for completion is June 2015

Proposed Schedule

Review of Seveso

Page 12: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

Inclusion of Carbon Dioxide?

Possibility of including CO2 as a named substance

UK considers CO2 to have major hazard potential

UK aims to include CO2 only where it is part of a CCS process

Review of Seveso

Page 13: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

Security issues within Seveso?

Review of Seveso

Some interest among other member states

UK currently waiting to see where these discussions lead

BUT CA is not committing to a definitive position on the issue at this stage

Page 14: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

• Extension of the derogation rule

• Comitology for Annex 1 changes

• Clarification of underground gas storage

• Clarification of domino effect provisions

• Mixtures & preparations (‘M’-factors)

Other Issues Under Discussion

Review of Seveso

Page 15: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

Likely next steps…Formal EU proposal to amend Seveso in 2010

On-going engagement with UK stakeholders

Consultation and EU Impact Assessment

Final system must be in place by June 2015

May require new or amended COMAH Regulations and LUP legislation

Changes to Seveso Annex 1

Page 16: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

Reduction of Administrative Burdensi) Computerised notification

- national websites for operators to submit notifications

ii) Co-ordinated inspections

- between Seveso and IPPC regimes

Review of Seveso

UK agrees with these proposals in principle

Page 17: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

Critical Infrastructure Directive

Critical Infrastructure DirectiveAdopted in December 2008

‘Critical Infrastructure’ – assets that destruction/disruption of which would have a serious impact on health or well-being of a


Currently limited to the energy and transport sectors

Page 18: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

Upcoming Event

Workshop on Emergency Planning

21st April, Madrid

Event open to a wide audience

Aims to share experiences and identify good practice in the development of External Emergency Plans

Provide details to HSE if interested in attending

CCA Meeting, Madrid

Page 19: Update on EU Issues 10 th March 2010 Manchester Conference Centre Health and Safety Executive Major Hazards Policy Team Paul Edwards

How to contact HSEFurther information on HSE’s website:


Contact details: [email protected]

Infoline: 0845 345 0055 [email protected]

Contacting HSE