SHENANDOAH HERALL SHED WEEKLY BY, JNO. H. SRABILL . UPTION. $1.00 Per Year, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. ' am ! a prvat nature f, .. charged for as advertising. THdiirRALDJOB OFFICE MBpIetsj iu every respect* Work -hort ssOtSM and on the lUv it able icrms. VOL. 84. WOODSTOCK VIRGINIA. FRIDAY. MAY 31, 1.901. NO. 22. Sams'AMMA 4 HEHALD -7-." Advertising Rates Alvcrci-eiueuts wl'i he nsetted at on doiiar pei >qture of t lines or Vss lor the first Insertion or centh lor each subsequent insertion. .sar* y utterly or yeaily ad7«r- 'isemeut* by contract. Hst* lTn!e*« the number of inser¬ tions ls marked upon the mani, script, advertisements wll! be Dub- lished until forbidden and charged accordingly. PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. H. WILLIAMS sj . T. WILLIAMS. UIUJAAMS & BROTBKB, Itt or ney s- at-Law, WOODSTOCK, VA. Practice in ali tho Com ts ot Sheuan- doab and adjoining eoacil .«. iu Shs preme Conn of Appeals, aud in tbe cuit ami District Coan* of the Ul States. G** 9 attention Kn en I ec-tion of claim*. M. U WALTON. WALTON** WALTON', Attoineys-at-Law, WOODSTOCK, VA. Practice iu all thc Courts ot Ms I ooah aud adJoioiDf coontie*, iu tl i pieiue Court ot Appeal*, abd In the Cr- emt aud District Coons ol thi States; Special attentior to collection of cairns Oct -" .' -. r, >. rAVKNNKi;. j. M. KAI SEB SN. TAVEXXEU st RAUSERMAN, Attorneys-at-Law, >VOOl »STOCK. VA Ju I lj JXO. ll. DI LIX, Attorney - at - Law, Woomtocr, Virginia* Will practice id the court* of Sbenau- X >»h Count) . Iffice iu Ls Money '.. lo tn se,.* Mir pd. IOLA* 4 conrad, p. \v. m iqbiIDSJ fJONUAD cS: MAC Li DHL, Attorneys - at - Law. woods rot i N JJ II. >KYLK>. Attorney=at> Law, Wo l, Va. OSFU i Sh | o, i".. L ". nov. 8v iyr. T E.ML'KL BORDEN, Attornev-at-Law. fy Office Ii n -v kley ani Bojei Building, Woodstock ai . al Iriuunt sWarr, Vb. WILLIAM IL M. CO0PE1J, ATTORNEY ANUCOUNSELLOR Al Muni ie nj wa. B om Ki The j< I iyr- lj 1). CARTER, M. D., Office anclB WOODSI :.. V:i. \ \, t Th ! i. Ju D L .LL. ( AMl'BELl Physician and Su: Wo .. \ ... Toi ¦?dava aud Thii:oday&,;at hoi .onsilfa' Dex. Jod. 9.tf. QR. J. ii RUSH, WOODSTOCK, VA. Established in 188a, Office; 8 >ot Haw) St re* r. Terms caah. may 2.1yr. D U. W. S. CLINE, Resident Physician. XZfT Calls answered nay ur night, Olfice and rt-aidenoe NortD Mai Mre-t. Mar?h l-t t\\\. W. 0. FORD Has located in Woodstock ami wi promp'ly snivur ail oalls. pjfbrricK and residence . afohleubnrr Street. mav 8 '.'-* l'»r. 1)1 LT. 1\ LOCKE, Resident Dentist, Ofkkk.Main i., Woodstock, \ f^y Chloroform. citU-r and cooaii nsed tor paiok ** axtraaiicsj ot t^th. Doc. >3-l r. r\R. CHAS. J. sa having socati I at 1 ois pi Ile will be I siter April 2n ¦ llsSfjtsfil ' *!!». sf ir. IO, 1*9.it. . KSTAl.l MIK1> IWaW. ; J. F. SAUM & co., .WHOLESALE. Produce CcnmussiOaoMerclwa& 9*25 LoUISUANi Avknik, WASHINGTON. : I». ( Solicit shipments ol every maraetal produce.no matter wtiat^-of the Far Dairy, Poo itt y and Stock Yard. 8h pera paid da.ly the highest whole* P «i5 years (over 'JO in this city) of si oeasful experience is gnorantee of ( bnsineas ability to handle shipmei aatisfaetorilv. Kater to proprietor of Herald ano Ci eeos National Bank o Washington o D.C. Mar. 20 *U lyr 4 ANO HIKKANDOAII HERALD, s>ili I j ear, tLi\ 1 Do Buckeye Binders, Buckeye Mowers, ALWAYS UP-TO-DATB, No Setter i^achin© sit ar\y price, No Machine sis good at san^e price. Wk DO vi EMPLOY Canva-skks, w k GU k nil ri iiaskk tiik UEXEFIT OP WI1A1 « lXVA88ERfl WOULD COStT VS TO SsXL OUE MACHIJODI. 3, M. BOYEIt, Agt. S. J. SPIKER, Agt Mt. .' v KSOX, Va. Mai KKUToWS, Ya. W. II. BALTHIS, Agt } Strasburg, Va, DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAT* . :.ody for < v»ug.i» and colds ll al r;.:!::, but von want something hat a .. li vt- and cure the mort revere and dangerous results ol throat and lune troubles. Wha! shall you dor Uo t a warmer and more regalaf climate? Yes, if possible; if not possible 'or von, thea in either casa take thc »\i \ n me ly that bas bees Introduced countries with success in I lung tr nbii s, 'Bo* Gi rm in Syrup-, lt not on!y i - ami stimulates the tissue to do stroj the germ ii* sse.but sllsys inila- mario - t&y expectoration, glvei s j .<>: nig nd cure- the pay NE bottle. Recomrcendec rears by all druggists in tin w il, 1 by I.. H. 1 rwiu. \V tod -:.»* Geo. K. baver. irs ago Isaac IL Moore .I Mountain Fall.-. Ya., marriec Vfisa Frye, the daughter o J V I \ . o! th it plat e. Hi: ! ;iml then he w nt n.wooini r, Miss Sallie V. Prye pretty and 18. Mr. Frye objected ti Mr. Mooro asa double son-in-law e forbade him the courtesy ol his home lor courting purposes. ouple met by ^t<\altli i ranpementfl hat] . rn li elope. A white flan ¦ t of Moore s residence a -i_::ial that he wa* ; to be eloped arith, hut a win»' -i rm toro thc flag down and thi ell through. At -o'clock ; tho couple mei and . e to Winchester, when the 'arly train lol ll >¦. and were married th* n. * A very PtemarKat>l9 Kerned j . It i- with a good deal of pleaser ind satisfaction that I recomtnenc mlKjrlain's Colic, Cholera am and Diarrhoea Remedy/' say: -A- W. Sawtelle, of Hart nn. A lady customer, »eeirn iho ren i ly - 1 for salo on rn \ -;ii 1 to me: 'I rcalL ne saved my life the pas! summer while at tho shore. ind -h" enthusiastic ovei :t I at once made nj ny ! . I nd it in tin uturc, Recently a gentleman cami into my st< overcome witl :oli< that he sank at once t< :. 1 gave bim a (lose ol thi ¦li helped him. I repeat ed the dose and iu fifteen minute: e left . ulingly Informini blt aa well as ever.1 Soli st. TOURS TO BOSTON. rERSOXAl LY < OBDUCTKD, \! I BXPENSBfl INCLUDED. BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD Jt «b 25and July IC, 1901. On June 35 and July 16, the Ball ¦¦ii' halI road will run Personall ruura to Boston from WaahinRtcj t the very low nu< "i |SSu i"i t :.. trip, wi u li i all neos nd permits ot fttop oyerof oi i and one whole dav . Ina trip. Tickets wltl l to retun lays, ext lusive of v it'-. Avenue ar station, washington, at S Kl a. a italian, 9.19 a. m.: S . m. rmstion sod lllustrati - ll, G< neral \-> me ni. >'. sahl norton; lt. trent, Fliltitnoi or Arl 0 I iir-rn I'.t \ I N ri E II n The Shenandoah Farmers' omeMutnal Fire InsuraDeeC it i tO KMT 0 in I tl io nutnbci if sal. cheap ¦ i wuut Insurance, ipi J. R. BAKER, I idqunrters. Va. Ji losco you al oace. nu h IS Sta tl Li¬ ll: IS si ac sj Qt- Iti- it* t rn Bat Notiee to Horse Ww Wi havf thought ' ."..1 BCOttlS f(»r i v from the >*tu . t<- s limited mun nljr. Would DS pleased to have Ml Da \\ i Ile, al whS h plact .. i Unsee ta wait part DBSCRIPTION. Mi sri] 1m. i ¦ Ila May. weighs i I bas not a hiern l is kind and gentle, and sure foal getter. i are will !*. taAvn to prevent any aeeidri and we viii bi stole for any aceid that essa be traced to the vi»i<>u*no«a of horno. orthe carleaanesa of the groom. TBStMS rs to insure colt stand «oii .vL.ii ia houri with reasonable care. David M. CCBST, I Ia KV kv BWAJsTB, ]{. bojsdjbi. Wm. Kri.i.kb. Apr.it- st- vj .% 1? o Tl. X -A. . Bears th, ^ .ta Md Vs. Haw Aiaip Bc Signal... J . ,he Kind You Haw Aisafs WOMAN CONFESSE9 MURDER. Mrs. Bonine Says She Killed Ayres In Defending Her Honor. Washington. May 20..The mystery attending the killing of Jamea Seymour Ayres, a census office clerk, in the Ken¬ more hotel, early last Wednesday morning, and which became of the pe- tuliar circumstances surrounding lt MUS. LOLA IDA HENRI BONINE. h.iH aroused Washington more than ai y tnt! ly |n -. vend >. ed yest< .lay ly s iron (ital | from -Mis. Lulu I.B. a marri in, .md .1 ouse, tl r si.e had fired the Shrei S/ll I Ayres' lift* The roman - i - made an Insulting '.. h: \ threatened her with a reYol?er. In a stnigg 'li' possess! d of th wen pon he was killed. Bhe wa¬ the grand jury. The Death of Father Phillips. Nev York. May 22. -Discussing tl. death of Kev. Father I'hiiiips Coroner Bausch said last night: "The autopsy slows that Father Phillips was in very poor condition physically. A collapse was liable to esjPie at any Hmo. Wh- n it did come. h», oHmply lay down and died. I think thal he and Stanley ha I Ol en drinking tog»,t>er. In my oni;.- ion. after the priest died Stanley was frightened and took one drink after hu- other until ho was In a state of abject stupidity. He Just delayed notifying th" proper authorities. That. I thll is his worst crime." Father Phillips ' miners' friend. \va6 found dead In Sta ley's massage rooina *u Thursday i f last week. The Albany 8trike Ended. Albany. N. Y.. May 2m. The great railroad strike, lasting 12 days requir¬ ing th< presei the national guard in the city, cos* th-- lives of two prominent merchants and entailing an expense to the count) Of Albany of over $lf,000, ls amUabl;. settled, and if the agreements are ken' there will be no trouble for three year- at least. The men get some wage tn creases and other concessions and the company has the right to employ non union men and is not compelled I ognJy.e '. .¦. '_ mUm Pain back of your eyes? Heavy pressure in your headr And are you sometimes faint and dizzy? Is your tongue coated? Bad taste in your mouth? And does your food distress you ? Are you nervous and ir¬ ritable? Do you often have the blues? And are you troubled about sleeping? Thon your liver is mil wrong. But there is a cure. 'Tis the old reliable A^as -a They act directly on the liver. They cure con st i pat ion, biliousness, sick headache, nausea, and dyspepsia. Take a laxative doae each night. For 00 years yeera they have been the Standard Family Pills. Seka 21 ct ats. AH Sn-f rlsss. "I hara taken Ayer'§ Pills r»ip- larly for six months. Th*? (.wi cured soe of a severe headache, ana I o*o oow walk from two to four Ballas without totting ttred or out of breath, something I have pot *--"-- allia *<¦. At* ST^vai **'B\nT "*^A*» Salem, been able to do forman? years S.E. WAi.wcf** Joly il, 1*90 Wr/fm the Omoiew, If yeo hare arr complaint witter*? and astir* th* b*«tm*alc*la<W1es Toa a»o i-'-.i'b'r reaelre, «rits tha iahnt lr. T-4 will raee/ Ithuut <¦.,pt AV fia. J. C. A VF lt. Lowan. Maes fiaeir pit sagkjssj °ot\ ll racalva a prompt re- '4<lr«at, SHAM DISABLED. King Edward Had a Narrow Es¬ cape in the Disaster, SIR THOMAS LIPTON'S GAMENESS He Will Ask an Extension of Tim From the New York Yacht Club, an Declares He Will Build Another Boa If Neccessary. Southampton. May 23..The moi dramatic inc bb nt in the hlfctory of th America's cup occurred yesterda when a sudden squall on the Solea rompletoly wroeked the new challer Lret and "iidaiitferod tho life of Kin Rdward and werai distinguished pei ;ona, including Sir Thomas Lipton. Th results of thia disaster, which coul scarcely recur without great loss c life, can best bo Judged by the writte Btatement made late last night by Si Thomas Lipton to a press represent! tive. an follows: "My deepest rogTtt ls that today' accident prevents me from toeing th mark at the appointed hour, and con pols me to ask the Now York Yacti dub to grant mo an extension of timi If they will be good enough to do the I shall rac.-, even if I have to bull a boat between DOW and the dat agreed upon. I still belters the E r<"-k II a boat worthy to bo the cha lenger and that when thin unfortunat f eccl lenti to an en . ll stani a gool chance I lifting the cup. I have not a slngl complaint to mako against my boat Th of Kine Edward durin th" di ma.-'lng of the Shanir I narr uvvr than at flrst suppoeei While th. yachts were maneuvertfl the start a squall came without th s 11 tr 1»r. ,i wa v iwxprlt « arri' d away shor The . thrown on th . j.r..vf,I ton mu<h for th< It Whipp loubled oft t .:..::. fr do weight < . . Limos! the to . 1 nalnmas thant ling an a Utloi s sjred i'' then almost by a mi plunged nv' r th" side and Int the with »h«' ripping, ti -ound os" breaking wire and touring g'-ar In tl Th* I n of th" r >yal parl . t :. panlonwar. Tho king was showir s, wat< bing th*' flcht th, Captain Sycamore was making for tl advantage at thi Hu yacht wi Jong it .i formidable angle ai the sloping dc<k, with a mer* fringe rall, seemed a ruths : perilous place fi the a the i Isitora. The beary steel I ">m of the chi lenger was Just swinging aboard wh« the catastrophe occurred. Had tl break come a . inda later tl i would I over Tl l lt is Impossible to estlma what damage might ba d dor As it was. all the «"iir f<dl (bar ol tl ya> b( n ' of the boom hoing Ju cleai ' si i'- 11 quarter When il mainmast went over it was still ho ¦ n but it hung pinn do* d randed In th" mud. As the wi i pt the d"ck was most asl . .. al no one w Injured, for s moment or two the s nation appeared to be very gravo. t king maintained his composure. Within Ave second? of tho disast the Shamrock I bore around to rend aaalatance, win n she in turn w caught b> th" squall and her gaff a topsail .spars collapsed, leaving h ).> Iplessly crippled. Th" lg followingrangodaloi side the helpless yachts and a torpe boat which was in the vii inlty and t Sybarite sent boats to tho gcene. B In answer to s hail. Captain Bycamc j sent Hie reaasurlng no ssaft that on board ha.I 8 without Injur Ab quickly as poeslble the king a tl royal pan i ¦ ire tranafem I ti.- Erin, an ! later the king, acco panted bj sir Thomas Lipton, land .it Boutl . Accompanied I jf t Marchi 4 Londonderry and Stanley Clark" King Edward I Southampton al 10:11 p. m and rived la London al midnight Th" ki drove to Marlborough Mouse, where was < heei.d b v . small crowd awaiti his arrival. Numerous telegrams wi awaiting him fn.m Emperor Willis the crowni d beads of Europe and o ors, congratulating him upon his cape. When th" distinguished partld tors in the n ishap had boen saf transferred to the Erin the king's tl remark ¦. "When shall we sail again. Liptoi and before his majesty started for L don his leal words to sir ti aa were: When you next sall I am ing witta you " The question whether the New Ti Yacht club should be aaked to per the substitution oi tho Shamrock; I Hie Shamrock ll was quickly reheat because Sir Thomas and Mr. James la spite of everything that has hapi. ed, maintained that the n*»w boat I well worth the trouble she had caui Sir Thomas calculates that a de of three weeks or a month in the d of the conteat la amatitan waters enable him IO SJOBC to the scratch, says that he is greatly handicapped the fact that be ha^ BO duplicate mi tor the Shamrock II. but by an uni ated expenditure of money and ene he believes the defect* can be re died in time to provide for an intel tioiial race this year. Prince and Princess Banished. Berlin. May ^3. I'mler dynastic the young Ofsusd Doles af Saxo \ mar, Charles AuguStn, has eompe Prince lurnhut I of Saxe Weimar his wife to have for the (flited Sta Prince Bernhard was married in 1 don In 1H'>*> to the widowed Coun Luci hoslnl. the daughter of a Lui hotelke.p. j Mime,! lirorkniueller. I grand duh. las granted] Prince B Liird a rea. xabls allowance. GENERAL SOUTHERN NEWS.il Richmond, May IO..The insurance on the Jefferson hotel, which was de¬ stroyed by fire March 2{j. has been ad¬ justed, lt is understood that the baals of settlement is about $505,000. Newport Nows, Va., May 20..Mrs. (ieorge W. Nelms, president of the lo¬ cal chapter, Daughters of the Confed¬ eracy, has been appointed sponsor for the First brigade. Virginia division Confederate Veterans, at Memphis, Venn., May 28, 29, 30. Huntingdon, W. Va., May 20.Mrs Amelia Rollins, of this city, fell dead Inside the grave of her brother in Cat- letteburg, Ky., yesterdsy. Her brothpr died only a few days ago. bequeathing her all of his property. Yesterday while weeping at his grave her death summons came. Birmingham, Ala., May 20..O. A. Boyleston. a citizen of Atlanta, was shot and killed Saturday night by ne¬ gro highway robbers while In company of E. D. Evans, of Pratt City. The killing occurred near the office of the Pratt City Lumber company, of Pratt City. The people of the little mining suburb are aroused, and if the ne¬ groes are caught a lynching may fol¬ low. n ie ie ie s s IS st IC ld lb H is lt- is ST er SS id er lo se it. re ill sd to rn- cd h. Ill fl ir ag hi ag Te nt, th es- Suffolk. Va.. May 20.Tried for a tragedy which grew out of a practical Joke, Joe Brinkley, colon d, was today elven t*m y< ira' Imprisonment by s Nansemond county Jury. While pa ssw lng along i road near Chuchatncl Hrlnkley met Ell Wilson, also colored, whom he ordered to throw up his hands, and whom he fatally si Wilson refused and drew a pistol Wit¬ nesses said there was no malice. The evidence was <onfllcting. Knoxville. Tenn.. May M..H. H Gouchenhous, of Greenville, I Perno- ocratic politician, is under Indictment before the federal court for using the United States mall, lt is alleged, for purposes of fraud. It ls alleged that he collei ted from some of thu poatmaa- ter» in the district contribution! to the campaign fund, promising to repay Hs made this promlav Imcd, by mulling at the several post Dees .n nigh campaign literature to than reimburse the post r- Dallas, Tex. Il a torrent rain fell in this i itv Thc pre*imitation ls sstlmat< d at t*o lio bi - tn lesa than tl urs. For a tim** "Very street in the city was flooded. snd ther^ ls no queatl >n but that stocks of goods In basements and cel¬ lar.- have been heavily damaged. The rain was accompanied by an electrical display of sublime proportion* This -sltated shutting off th^ public lights, leaving the city in darkie ss and bringing the cars on all of the S3 stems to a standstill. Fairmont. W. Va . May ll..The I annual convention of Waal Virginia ("hrisMan Endeavorers opened her.- to¬ night and fully 330 d»'b tates from all parts ol the state srerc present. Hon. O. a. McKinney welcomed the dele- tonlghl on behalf of th< Bishop C C Penlck on behalf ol tbe churches and young pei oclety, and Hov. a. II. Duchannon, l> l>. of Morgantown, responded with some well chosen remarks. The pri: ad iress a as by Evangelist Arthur J. Smith of Haw York. Charlotte. Sf. ('. May II.The in North Carolina ts the worst In many years. The Catawba river at Morgan- ton lb 3i feet above low water A' three places n»»ar Marion lt bas chang' ed its course. At Marion 700 fe* track on the Southern railway is wash ed away. Asheville is Isolated, BO trains entering or leaving there. The electric light plant ls Injured and the City is In darkness. Biltmore, Vambr hilt's ideal village, is partly go many cottages' lower floors being cov ..red with water. At Iuirham E ll Inches] of rain fell In 24 hours. Pam age to growing crops wdll amount up to hundreds of thousand of dollars. THE ALABAMA CONVENTION. ss I) I Bl l?" m las go >rlv nit for ed on. en a- ed. lay ate vin He by ats Im rgy ne- ua- law Vet Hod and tes. x>n ess eek rhe ETQ- Presldent John B. Knox Lauds the Policy of President McKinley. BJ tgomi ry, Ala May H -The constitutional convention reaterday elected Hon. John B. Knox, of Annis ton, president. In accepting the bonoi Mr Knox said the white men of the north would not submit to negro rub any more than would those of thc south Nogra domination. when brought home, he said, would provoke Internal opposition In both sections. "This ls our problem." said Mi Knox, "and we should ba loft to dani with it with our own sense of rtaponti bllity and recognized relations in th< conduct of government. We do got hear of any threatened or real Inter terence with any northern stat* forts to provide for purity of govern ment and there should be none wit!. us It has not tuen so much the eli ration <>f the black man as it has been the humiliation of thc white that lias characterized this conduct of the past but much of lt has been nullified by the statesmanlike and wise conserva live course of tho present chief ex ecutlve of the United States, who ls the president of the whole country ami not merely of one section. We may differ with him politically, but we must confess that his policy has brought about a reunited country." He objected to the Mississippi plan as a perpetuation of the evil sought to be arerted. He rlewed some of the provisions of Mississippi. South Caro lina and North Carolina acts, all of which provide a system of registration snd payment of poll tax. Faith Curist Goes to Prison. . New York. May H- J. Luther Pier son. the faith curist and member >; the Christian Catholic church, of Chi cago. who was convhtod by a Jury at White Plains Tuesday for falling t< provfcle medical attendance for his 1«- months edd adopted daughter, who dlei from catarrahal pneumonia, was yes lerday sentenced to pay a fine of $50< Pierson refused to pay the fine am nae led away to prison, p(Ml ll?On\ i i w iv'n\ v ender a Reception to Sir Knight William McKinley. HE GREATEST BROTHERHOOD. eclaree the Chief Msglstrate In a Speech, ls United Ststes Citizenship. Mrs. McKinley Recovering FromHer Recent Serious Illness. San Francisco, May 13 .President cKinley was a guest of the Knights om piara at the Mechanics' Pavilion ?sterday afternoon. The president as met at the pavilion by a proces on of 1,400 Slr Knights from this city id other cities of the state in full re- illa and escorted Inside the building, here 12,000 people had already as- .rabled. The appearance of the resident on the platform caused a smonstration that shook the large sliding. Oen W H. L. Dames Introduced reeldi ni McKinley. Following this itroductory address a choir of 150 jlces sang the "Templars' Prayer." lth the accompaniment of a band of I pieces, and the affect was most im ressive. Then President McKinley >sponded to the address of welcome, tying In part: "(ieneral Barnes, Slr Knights, La- lea and Gentlemen: I thank you for ila fraternal welcome. I had no con- rptlon that I was to be treated to such scene as is presented here today, and want to thank my brother Masons nd their families and friends for this ie than gracious meeting, which ii nlque, differing from any of our re- options In the long journey which we ave made from the capital city of th* atton to this city by the sea. "We have every variety of assoela- on in the I'nited States. In this land f liberty we enjoy the freedom of as n< iatlon together for worthy and no le purposes We have our fraternal .iee; we have our church asso lat ions, we have our political coonee lons, but we all belong to a brother tod to which we are strongly attach 1. whb h commands our love and de otb.; brotherhood of Amerlcar Itlzenshlp under a common conatltu iged in securing the higher people by pureulni he pathl ' luty and honor. A br tb rhood that represents the highes topes, not of the people of the Uniter States alone, but we believe the bes' I of humanity. "What a noble conception lt was o he fathers. The founding of this gov rnment. not upon the will and Jude ¦lent of th*» few. but upon the will am .idscment and conscience of the many l government in which all the peopl* ery state participate In a citizen hip that ls equal everywhere; equa itlzenshlp equal in states In a unloi Int has never been equalled. An' vhether American manhood an< Vmerican liberty go to Cuba or ti Porto Hbo or to Hawaii or to th Philippines it raises the same stand .ry Knight and Mason was pn rlded with a small American flag. The waved incessantly all throng he exercises. The feature of the pei formance was the presentation of dutiful American silk flag to th president mounted on a Manzanill staff at the head of which U a speai tiead of Kobi Following the presents Hon of the tlag the "Star Spangle Banner" was sung tty the audience an there was a patriotic demonstrate which will be long remembered by a who witnessed lt. Mr* McKinley passed another con Portable dsy. Secretary Cortelyoi when asked tf he could state deflnltel when thc president would leave fe Washing m. replied: "I can only sa that the presidential party proposes t depar >n Saturday if Mrs. McKinley condition will permit. There ls a poi Slblllty, however, that a start will nc t»e made until Monday." THE DISCIPLINED CADETS. Not Likely to Be an Uprising Arnon Their Comrades. West Point N Y May 23..The flv tl who were yesterday dismiss*' from the Military academy and tho* who wen nded have all dopnrtl for their respective homes Thora wt no demonstration on the part of tl Othet cadets, and all ls quiet her There is not likely to be an uprlsir among the comrades of those relegate to civil life, as was anticipated fro some sources). When a cadet ls di missed it is final, and he can be rei stated only by a special aot of co i^ress. The dismissed cadets are: Bolb Nebraska Cleveland. Alabama; T< ler. New York; Linton. Michigan; M haffey Texas. The following hai D suspended without pay unt April 1. P>'»2: O. C. Aleshire. Illiuoli H. F McClellan, Mississippi; J. Shannon. Minnesota; Charles Telfor Utah, Harry Hawley. New York. Sentences For Military Thieves. Manila. May 23.-The following a proved sentences will soon be promt 1 Capt Frederick J. Barro* Thirtieth Volunteer Infnntry. late d pot quartermaster of the departme of Southern Luzon, who was chargi with embezzlement and selling go ernment property, to be dlshonorab discharged and to undergo five yeai Imprisonment; Lieut. Frederick Boys Thirty ninth infantry, former dep commissary at ('alamba, on Bay I afc on similar charges, to bo dishonors!) discharged and to undergo a yeal imprisonment. They will eventual be removed to Leavenworth prise Kansas. The Steel Trust Capitalization. New Y i k, May lt, The governl OSnmlttae ol the New York stock . henge % !.v> sated upon appin tlons to increase the listings of sto md bond issues of various com pa ni Bsnong thoo granted was that of t i ailed States steel corporation who I creased the listing of common sto $81,473,400 and preferred stock $83.48 300. making their respective toU $SOt>,473,iOt> aud #*"!>, U6.4W. &AKJNG rU Powder AB5^IAJrELYt>LKE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome BC'»L 8*«IHO POwW *l CO., nfm ron*. e Sj ie s] is le e. kg id ¦ s II I y. d a re tu i; A d. P ll 's. le nt sg IV- ly rs' <r ot .e ly r*| Iv »n. ¦I x a eft BJ hs n cl 6. sh A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED, Friday, May M. Thc lor court at Chicago de¬ clined the smpl rers "black list" legal. Mrs. Lyman J. Gage, wile of the sec- re'ary ot the treasury, died In Wash¬ ington, ags ; '* Edwin r cu assistant secretary of state and ambassador to Germany un¬ der Cleveland, died at Grand Rapide, Mich., aged SO. In the race for the world's cycling championship at Paris Jacquelin, th" French rbbr. defeated "Major" Taylor, the coloicd tm ll :cau. Saturday, May 18. It ls reported that 'he shah of rer- sla ls dyint? -if ki li Govern iterd Inted Joseph N. Shomo ' l trolls of Berlet A. P. Cr ad j I Miss., e murder of William ! re, neal In a fight ;.. Poll - ri at Duryea. Pa ley wa^ killed snd the | <;i.,l a woman around! I Monda/, May 23. Andrew Carnegie has pi - ti°.- 000,000 to four Scotch universities Turk, y for vlolatb ns of for The British government is io trans¬ port all Boer prisoners to thc Benauds islands. Two men were killed ami thre tally injured by escaping molt* ii metal in a mill at Youl O. The machinists throughout the try who struck on Monday, to the number of 50,000, are gradually win nlng. Robert Pitcairn, of Pittsburg, wa« appointed vice dj r of the Pres¬ byterian general ass* moly at Philadel¬ phia At White Plains. N. Y . Giovanni Buttacavollo wae sentenced to nine years and ten months imprisonment for burying his Illegitimate child alive The babe was rescued, but died from disease. Tueeday, May 21. BaavCongressman B »utelle, ol' Maine, died at an asylum at Waverly. Mass aced 62. Cumberland (Md.) voters declined to accept Andrew Carnegie's conditional 125.000 gift. Contributions for t' ferers from the tire in .1 I '.lb- amount to $.' 1,370. B T. Wolfer, charged with attempt to black nator Ke.irns. ot* Ct.iii. b is beer. iha. F'>r> man Sa in and I): ivers Fred O'Donnell and Alexander ';.t".!aghcr were drowned in a mine Hood at Hasleton, Pa, The census of Ireland shows the population to be 4,i ! reese of 5 3 per cent. Scotland has a popu¬ lation >f 4.47i. wi. At Terre Haute. Ind.. James Myerly. recently of the Fifth States ar tlllery, had his hand blown off by an exploding cannon at Buffalo Bill's show. Wednesday, May 22. The National Congress of Mothers ls in session at Columbus. 0. Topeka, Kan., ls now entirely under the control of the "dry" clement. Gen. William Kapps. ex-consul at Sydney. Australia, committed suicide by shooting at Portland, Ore., aged 66. | Kouroulah, the Turkish wrestler, de- I feated three Americans In 30 minutes I at Buffalo last night. A dispatch from Paris announces that Chicago has boen selected as the place tor the Olympian games tn 1904 Andree Carnegie's gifts to American libraries and otb* r institutions aggre- gate U5.0T0.053, while his total loreign gilts an- $11 Thursday, May 23. Iowa's prohibition state convention nominated A. C. Coates for governor and indorsed Mrs. Carrie Nation. Collections of Internal revenue for April. 1901. were $L,i).941.579. an in¬ crease over April. 1900. of $3,689,926. At Harrisburg yesterday Ruth Wise, aged 3 years, waa fatally burned by her clothes catching tire from a gaso¬ line stove. Milt. Calvert, a negro, charged with attempting an assault on Tiny Gates. 10 years old. waa hanged by a mob at Griffiths. Miss. The Michigan house, by unanimous vote, passed a bill taxing the Pullman Palace Car company 3 per cent on their gross camions in the statu. GENERAL MARKETS. Philadelphia. May 22-Flour firm; win¬ ter superfine. SL10t>2JS; Pennsylvania roller, c'.^ar. nifty, city milln extra, BS.4S '42.66. Rye tiour quiet aud Steed] at I. "'¦ ttJ.90 per barral Wheat alow: No J red spot. 77Vdf7v'ijc. Corn dull. No. 2 mixed apot. 4M««s,«c.. No. 2 yellow, for local trade. Iltjtt. Oats dull. No 2 wMt.v dip ped 14 S fl to1 : lower grad** ISjSjatC, Hn\ gelst; No. 1 timothy. $17iil7 5») for larwv balee. Beet duli, beef hims ii?.1*620. Pork quid, fi* rnily tl7SJ17.S0 Lard - western iSSSaUISd tn 47><,. lave i>oultr> ijuoled at ile for hvna, 7c f«»i «. 1 roost nra and lllj2ft<\ toe sprln* chi. kf ns Hress- sd poultry (fresh killed) at 10 V- tor . heue fowl*, lc, for old rooatera. 23'u.»5» for nearby broiler*. 101il2<.' for ehtcttSStt and 10^1lc for froien turkeys Rutter SSSady; cr«am»>ry. IJS^PV.. factory. lKy 13c imitation wsaasstjf, ttgjlsV New YorK. dalry. ItylSr fancy Pennsylvania prime jobbing at H*S2So.f do. extra. 3c. Cheese quiet, laney large .eluted. SC.; fane) Ura'' whit*. *Hc.; fan* y small COl- irsd yV fancy larifp white. S%C, Eggs steady; New York and Pennsy.^ IH|e*; western unarnded ll1-. tfHu< west¬ ern selected. 13tsl.V*c. Potato.*, .inti I aaya. 50e.<rSl.a6; New York, ll Ja*rt75; Usv yana. $3*36. Jersey *w*-«ta, ft 50^2. Cab¬ bages quiet; N*>w York. Ji2«jilt> per ton. Kaat Liberty. Pa. Mnv st..CUttM roar ket ateady. extra. tS.7tHi>vi. pi mie. li.JH) a.S5; good IkJSSJ i W). 11 ¦ »»* * ateady. prime heavies. |S: prime Yorker* and osM.r ed mediums. $f>.%4jo. fair to good light York¬ es. $5.«6«\>ft». pigs J *). skip- UM SJ« IS, rouahH S4f1 f> -Vi Sheep Mendy, beet wethers. t4<S4M.*t cr»^(c lam tai. SVJSv S.av. eusnmou lu good. lu. ^ veal calves* 3EATH OP FITZ JOHN PORTER. literal Who Was Dismissed Prom the Army snd Reinstated. Morristown. N. J May 22.Cen Fits In Porter, who had been ill for sev¬ il weeks at his home here, died yes- Igad &0. He had t«?<n suffer- *; from chronic diabetes, and his a*h bad xpeeud for several vc among the pa. will be .ns. Webb. Scofleld. Butterfield. raaklla and Smith and ex Mayor-1 .witt and (irate Cen Brooke, oom- arider <jf the department of the* ll! have entire charge of the military rangementl for the funeral. Flti John Porter was a native of 'rtsmouth. N H., his father being a 'ptain In the navy gradu; ) ri West Point In 1M". and in the [eileen war was breveted captain and ij<»r for gallantry. From l*c<3 to >55 he was instructor at West Point 1 the civil war he n se to the rank of k r general in the regular army nd major general of rolunteera. In k,'.i! he waa relieved of his command, rr. ste,i court martialed.convi | red from the army on ch::- f disobeying orders of Den. I' fter years of conflict he was. in 1S66. "stored to his rank by cor. . Soon fter his vindication he resinned from Se army and was appointed president f the New Jersey insane asylum. Ho ras subsequently president of New ork's fire commission. At one time be khedlve of Egypt offered Gen. Por¬ er the rank of major general to com* tiand in his a: my, with a salary of $25,- 00. but the offer was declined. A ll Mi,-.* Milne-. In nanice, n little village in lapan, bas liol . i|Uarrel or a lau- mit In '-<*> years. Neither bas there t)et?n one single crime committe*!, one poor person obliged to call for aid from tbs vu of I delinquent tax list. The Japanese government has made this mod* l community a gift of |10Q, araiel? all will admit ls areli deserved. But : rs iia~2 earned infinitely In the peace and prosperity they have enjoyed- a reward which thc peo¬ ple of any town might Lave with the saint pains. Healthy Mothers Pew mothers ire healthy, because their duties art so exacting, the anxiety of Drefaancy, the shock of childbirth, end tb* cart of young children, are severe trials on any woman. But with Wine of Cardul within har (rup. sven, mother.every woman In the land .can pay the debt of personal health she owes her loved ones. Do you wast robust health with all Its privilege! and pleasures? Wins ol Cardul will give lt to you. strtagtheni the ftmalt organs sad invtg- oratM wsakeaed function*, for avery female ill or weaknaaa lt ls the best medicine made. Aatyour drusels* for $1.00 bottle Wins of Cardul. andtake no substitute under say circumstances. Mr*. Bawn Om Goraxv. MkJu "?bco I eommtxxti uOa« w 'tom ol Car«ui I wai hardy afc* to walt aSSSSI Sm beuaa. Twa waaia ahtr I SSassS h4B a mik tai picked SSSJSJtsSSSSS. **b« idy ocharchiliwaisoralauftaras' web fcsor sana M ti.,-% aaa had to raat has oo a WcSa becaua* 1 has oe rr-ilk. Aecr uao| Ux ?¦» e\*no« arasnaorv that qom. I se*t Urth lae nco* Isa eaVf »-L ani mm io labor oahr two hour*, wi* Sui Irk awn. mi 1 hr»e pkn^r ot ouUl Fat Sakjrae fcnp«r»* tua* ia tuy Uaaa I BSSSfe GoS aaa* Wk* ti Car**. For ataca la cam raju»na« asirial 4r«cnooj .diraw. »<nas STa**o«na, "Tba LaW/U*itonr Pasassssssa Tbacw ssaeoaa Maalcana Ca GsSSSSSSna Teae, Flowers. Fi.owkrs of all the LBADINO kinds at thc ROCKVILLE OREEN HOUSE situated "i miles sreet af Middletown 1 milos south of Marlboro. Ser\d for Cataloges Describing Nove'ties a- well as large collection of testkh vari tics including plants and shrubs with which to adorn your home. Address, Mrs. SMITH W. COOLDV, Midi LEToWN, Frederick Co., VIRGINIA. WAGON JAKING. I have opened a shop for make wagons and ropair work, on buggier mid wagons, at David Gillock's old stand. Main St., WOODSTOCK, VA. I have a stock on hand and gag¬ an rea good work and fair prices sfcTgGive me a call, Til do (he Itt TOMS. H. BMSWlLLBIs) rasa o*_i WOODSTOCK, VA. Jan. 26.ljr .

UP-TO-DATB, price, Machine good price. BC'»L 8*«IHO POwW ... · SHENANDOAH HERALL SHED WEEKLY BY, JNO. H. SRABILL UPTION. $1.00 Per Year, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. ' am ! a prvat nature

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' am ! a prvat naturef, .. charged for as advertising.


MBpIetsj iu every respect* Work-hort ssOtSM and on the

lUv it able icrms.VOL. 84. WOODSTOCK VIRGINIA. FRIDAY. MAY 31, 1.901. NO. 22.

Sams'AMMA 4 HEHALD-7-."

Advertising RatesAlvcrci-eiueuts wl'i he nsetted

at on doiiar pei >qture of t linesor Vss lor the first Insertion orcenth lor each subsequent insertion.

.sar* y utterly or yeaily ad7«r-'isemeut* by contract.

Hst* lTn!e*« the number of inser¬tions ls marked upon the mani,

script, advertisements wll! be Dub-lished until forbidden and chargedaccordingly.




Ittorneys-at-Law,WOODSTOCK, VA.

Practice in ali tho Com ts ot Sheuan-doab and adjoining eoacil .«. iu Shspreme Conn of Appeals, aud in tbecuit ami District Coan* of the UlStates.G** 9 attention Kn en I

ec-tion of claim*.



Attoineys-at-Law,WOODSTOCK, VA.

Practice iu all thc Courts ot MsI ooah aud adJoioiDf coontie*, iu tl i

pieiue Court ot Appeal*, abd In the Cr-emt aud District Coons ol thiStates;Special attentior to collection of cairns

Oct -" .' -.

r, >. rAVKNNKi;. j. M. KAI SEB SN.


Attorneys-at-Law,>VOOl »STOCK. VA

Ju I lj

JXO. ll. DI LIX,

Attorney - at - Law,Woomtocr, Virginia*

Will practice id the court* of Sbenau-X >»h Count)

. Iffice iu Ls

Money '.. lo tn

se,.* Mir pd.

IOLA* 4 conrad, p. \v. m iqbiIDSJ


Attorneys - at - Law.woods rot i



Attorney=at> Law,Wo l, Va.

OSFU i Sh | o, i".. L ".nov. 8v iyr.


Attornev-at-Law.fy Office Ii n -v kley ani Bojei

Building, Woodstock ai . al IriuuntsWarr, Vb.



B om Ki The j<I iyr-

lj 1). CARTER, M. D.,Office anclB

WOODSI :.. V:i. \ \,

t Th !

i. Ju

D L .LL. ( AMl'BELl

Physician and Su:Wo .. \ ...

Toi ¦?dava aud Thii:oday&,;at hoi.onsilfa'Dex. Jod. 9.tf.

QR. J. ii RUSH,

WOODSTOCK, VA.Established in 188a, Office; 8 >ot

Haw) St re* r. Terms caah.may 2.1yr.


Resident Physician.XZfT Calls answered nay ur night,Olfice and rt-aidenoe NortD MaiMre-t. Mar?h l-t

t\\\. W. 0. FORD

Has located in Woodstock ami wi

promp'ly snivur ail oalls.pjfbrricK and residence .

afohleubnrr Street.mav 8 '.'-* l'»r.

1)1 LT. 1\ LOCKE,

Resident Dentist,Ofkkk.Main i., Woodstock, \

f^y Chloroform. citU-r and cooaii

nsed tor paiok ** axtraaiicsj ot t^th.

Doc. >3-l r.

r\R. CHAS. J. sa

having socati I at 1ois pi

Ile will be Isiter April 2n ¦

llsSfjtsfil ' *!!».

sf ir. IO, 1*9.it.

. KSTAl.l MIK1> IWaW.

; J. F. SAUM & co.,.WHOLESALE.

Produce CcnmussiOaoMerclwa&9*25 LoUISUANi Avknik,

WASHINGTON. : I». (Solicit shipments ol every maraetal

produce.no matter wtiat^-of the Far

Dairy, Poo itt y and Stock Yard. 8h

pera paid da.ly the highest whole*

P«i5 years (over 'JO in this city) of si

oeasful experience is gnorantee of (

bnsineas ability to handle shipmeiaatisfaetorilv.

Kater to proprietor of Herald ano Ci

eeos National Bank o Washington o

D.C.Mar. 20 *U lyr



HIKKANDOAII HERALD,s>ili I j ear, tLi\ 1 Do

Buckeye Binders,Buckeye Mowers,

ALWAYS UP-TO-DATB,No Setter i^achin© sit ar\y price,No Machine sis good at san^e price.Wk DO vi EMPLOY Canva-skks, w k GU k nil ri u« iiaskk tiik


3, M. BOYEIt, Agt. S. J. SPIKER, AgtMt. .' v KSOX, Va. Mai KKUToWS, Ya.

W. II. BALTHIS, Agt} Strasburg, Va,

DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAT*. :.ody for < v»ug.i» and colds

ll al r;.:!::, but von want somethinghat a .. li vt- and cure the mort

revere and dangerous results ol throatand lune troubles. Wha! shall you dorUo t a warmer and more regalafclimate? Yes, if possible; if not possible'or von, thea in either casa take thc»\i \ n me ly that bas bees Introduced

countries with success inI lung tr nbii s, 'Bo*

Gi rm in Syrup-, lt not on!yi - ami stimulates the tissue to do

stroj the germ ii* sse.but sllsys inila-mario - t&y expectoration, glveis j .<>: nig nd cure- the pay

NE bottle. Recomrcendecrears by all druggists in tin

w il, 1 by I.. H. 1 rwiu. \V tod-:.»* Geo. K. baver.

irs ago Isaac IL Moore.I Mountain Fall.-. Ya., marriecVfisa Frye, the daughter o

J V I \ . o! th it plat e. Hi:! ;iml then he w nt n.wooini

r, Miss Sallie V. Pryepretty and 18. Mr. Frye objected ti

Mr. Mooro asa double son-in-lawe forbade him the courtesy ol

his home lor courting purposes.ouple met by ^t<\altli

i ranpementfl hat]. rn li elope. A white flan

¦ t of Moore s residencea -i_::ial that he wa*

; to be eloped arith, hut a win»'-i rm toro thc flag down and thi

ell through. At -o'clock; tho couple mei

and . e to Winchester, whenthe 'arly train lol

ll _¦ >¦. and were married th*n.

* A very PtemarKat>l9 Kerned j. It i- with a good dealof pleaser

ind satisfaction that I recomtnencmlKjrlain's Colic, Cholera am

and Diarrhoea Remedy/' say:.» -A- W. Sawtelle, of Hart

nn. A lady customer, »eeirniho ren i ly - 1 for salo on rn \

-;ii 1 to me: 'I rcalLne saved my life

the pas! summer while at tho shore.ind -h" enthusiastic ovei

:t I at once made njny ! . I nd it in tinuturc, Recently a gentleman cami

into my st< overcome witl:oli< that he sank at once t<

:. 1 gave bim a (lose ol thi¦li helped him. I repeat

ed the dose and iu fifteen minute:e left . ulingly Informini

blt aa well as ever.1 Solist.



BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROADJt «b 25and July IC, 1901.

On June 35 andJuly 16, the Ball¦¦ii' halIroad will run Personallruura to Boston from WaahinRtcj

t the very low nu< "i |SSui"i t :.. trip, wi u li i all neos

nd permits ot fttop oyerof oii and one whole dav

. Ina trip. Tickets wltl lto retun lays, ext lusive of vit'-.

Avenue ar

station, washington, at S Kl a. aitalian, 9.19 a. m.: S

. m.rmstion sod lllustrati

- ll, G< neral \->meni. >'. sahl norton; lt.

trent, Fliltitnoior Arl 0 I iir-rn I'.t\ I N ri

E II n

TheShenandoah Farmers'

omeMutnalFireInsuraDeeCit i

tO KMT 0

in I tl io nutnbci if sal. cheap ¦i wuut Insurance, ipi

J. R. BAKER,I idqunrters. Va.

Ji losco you al oace.nu h IS Sta







Notiee to Horse WwWi havf thought

' ."..1 BCOttlS

f(»r i v from the >*tu. t<- s limited mun

nljr. Would DS pleased to haveMl Da

\\ i Ile, al whS h plact.. i Unsee ta wait


Mi sri] 1m. i ¦ Ila May. weighs iI bas not a hiern

l is kind and gentle, andsure foal getter.

i are will !*. taAvn to prevent any aeeidriand we viii bi stole for any aceidthat essa be traced to the vi»i<>u*no«a of

horno. orthe carleaanesa of the groom.

TBStMS rs to insure colt stand«oii .vL.ii ia houri with reasonable care.

David M. CCBST,I Ia KV kv BWAJsTB,]{. bojsdjbi.Wm. Kri.i.kb.

Apr.it- st-

vj j« .% 1?o Tl. X -A. .

Bears th, ^ .ta Md Vs. Haw Aiaip Bc


. ,he Kind You Haw Aisafs


Mrs. Bonine Says She Killed Ayres In

Defending Her Honor.Washington. May 20..The mystery

attending the killing of Jamea SeymourAyres, a census office clerk, in the Ken¬more hotel, early last Wednesdaymorning, and which became of the pe-tuliar circumstances surrounding lt

MUS. LOLA IDA HENRI BONINE.h.iH aroused Washington more thanai y tnt! ly |n -. vend >.ed yest< .lay ly s iron (ital |from -Mis. Lulu I.B. a marri

in, .md .1 ouse, tl r

si.e had fired the Shrei S/llI Ayres' lift* The roman -

i - made an Insulting '.. h: \

threatened her with a reYol?er. In a

stnigg 'li' possess! d of th wen

pon he was killed. Bhe wa¬

the grand jury.

The Death of Father Phillips.Nev York. May 22. -Discussing tl.

death of Kev. Father I'hiiiips CoronerBausch said last night: "The autopsyslows that Father Phillips was in very

poor condition physically. A collapsewas liable to esjPie at any Hmo. Wh- n

it did come. h», oHmply lay down and

died. I think thal he and Stanley ha I

Ol en drinking tog»,t>er. In my oni;.-ion. after the priest died Stanley was

frightened and took one drink after hu-

other until ho was In a state of abjectstupidity. He Just delayed notifyingth" proper authorities. That. I thllis his worst crime." Father Phillips '

miners' friend. \va6 found dead In Sta

ley's massage rooina *u Thursday i f

last week.

The Albany 8trike Ended.Albany. N. Y.. May 2m. The great

railroad strike, lasting 12 days requir¬ing th< preseithe national guard in the city, cos*

th-- lives of two prominent merchantsand entailing an expense to the count)Of Albany of over $lf,000, ls amUabl;.settled, and if the agreements are ken'

there will be no trouble for three year-at least. The men get some wage tn

creases and other concessions and thecompany has the right to employ non

union men and is not compelled IognJy.e '. .¦. '_

mUmPain back of your

eyes? Heavy pressurein your headr And are

you sometimes faint anddizzy? Is your tonguecoated? Bad taste inyour mouth? And doesyour food distress you ?Are you nervous and ir¬ritable? Do you oftenhave the blues? Andare you troubled aboutsleeping?Thon your liver is

mil wrong.But there is a cure.

'Tis the old reliable


They act directly onthe liver. They curecon st i pat ion, biliousness,sick headache, nausea,and dyspepsia. Take alaxative doae each night.For 00 years yeera theyhave been the StandardFamily Pills.

Seka 21 ct ats. AH Sn-frlsss."I hara taken Ayer'§ Pills r»ip-

larly for six months. Th*? (.wicured soe of a severe headache, anaI o*o oow walk from two to fourBallas without totting ttred or outof breath, something I have pot*--"-- allia *<¦. At* ST^vai **'B\nT "*^A*»

Salem,been able to do forman? years

S.E. WAi.wcf**Joly il, 1*90

Wr/fm the Omoiew,If yeo hare arr complaint witter*?

and astir* th* b*«tm*alc*la<W1es Toaa»o i-'-.i'b'r reaelre, «rits tha iahnt

lr. T-4 will raee/Ithuut <¦.,pt AVfia. J. C. A VF lt. Lowan. Maes

fiaeirpit sagkjssj °ot\

ll racalva a prompt re-'4<lr«at,

SHAM DISABLED.King Edward Had a Narrow Es¬

cape in the Disaster,


He Will Ask an Extension of Tim

From the New York Yacht Club, an

Declares He Will Build Another Boa

If Neccessary.Southampton. May 23..The moi

dramatic inc bb nt in the hlfctory of th

America's cup occurred yesterdawhen a sudden squall on the Solea

rompletoly wroeked the new challerLret and "iidaiitferod tho life of Kin

Rdward and werai distinguished pei

;ona, including Sir Thomas Lipton. Thresults of thia disaster, which coul

scarcely recur without great loss c

life, can best bo Judged by the writte

Btatement made late last night by Si

Thomas Lipton to a press represent!tive. an follows:"My deepest rogTtt ls that today'

accident prevents me from toeing th

mark at the appointed hour, and con

pols me to ask the Now York Yacti

dub to grant mo an extension of timi

If they will be good enough to do the

I shall rac.-, even if I have to bulla boat between DOW and the dat

agreed upon. I still belters the Er<"-k II a boat worthy to bo the chalenger and that when thin unfortunat

f eccl lenti to an en. ll stani a gool chance I

lifting the cup. I have not a slnglcomplaint to mako against my boatTh of Kine Edward durin

th" di ma.-'lng of the Shanir Inarr uvvr than at flrst suppoeei

While th. yachts were maneuvertflthe start a squall came without th

s 11 tr 1»r. ,i wav iwxprlt «

arri' d away shorThe . thrown on th

. j.r..vf,I ton mu<h for th<It Whipp loubled oft t

.:..::. fr do weight <


. Limos! the to. 1 nalnmas

thantling an a

Utloi s sjred i''then almost by a mi

plunged nv' r th" side and Intthe with »h«' ripping, ti-ound os" breaking wire and touringg'-ar In tlTh* I n of th" r >yal parl

. t :.

panlonwar. Tho king was showirs, wat< bing th*' flcht th,

Captain Sycamore was making for tladvantage at thi Hu yacht wi

Jong it .i formidable angle ai

the sloping dc<k, with a mer* fringerall, seemed a ruths : perilous place fi

the a the i Isitora.The beary steel I">m of the chi

lenger was Just swinging aboard wh«

the catastrophe occurred. Had tlbreak come a . inda later tl

i would I over Tll lt is Impossible to estlma

what damage might ba d dorAs it was. all the «"iir f<dl (bar ol tl

ya> b( n ' of the boom hoing Jucleai ' si i'- 11 quarter When ilmainmast went over it was still ho

¦ n but it hung pinndo* d randed In th" mud.As the wi i pt the d"ck

was most asl . .. al no one w

Injured, for s moment or two the s

nation appeared to be very gravo. tking maintained his composure.

Within Ave second? of tho disastthe Shamrock I bore around to rendaaalatance, win n she in turn w

caught b> th" squall and her gaff a

topsail .spars collapsed, leaving h).> Iplessly crippled.Th" lg followingrangodaloi

side the helpless yachts and a torpeboat which was in the vii inlty and t

Sybarite sent boats to tho gcene. BIn answer to s hail. Captain Bycamc

j sent Hie reaasurlng no ssaft thaton board ha.I 8 without InjurAb quickly as poeslble the king a

tl royal pan i ¦ ire tranafem Iti.- Erin, an ! later the king, acco

panted bj sir Thomas Lipton, land.it Boutl . Accompanied I jf t

Marchi 4 Londonderry andStanley Clark" King Edward I

Southampton al 10:11 p. m andrived la London al midnight Th" kidrove to Marlborough Mouse, wherewas < heei.d b v . small crowd awaitihis arrival. Numerous telegrams wi

awaiting him fn.m Emperor Willisthe crowni d beads of Europe and o

ors, congratulating him upon hiscape.When th" distinguished partld

tors in the n ishap had boen saftransferred to the Erin the king's tlremark ¦.

"When shall we sail again. Liptoiand before his majesty started for Ldon his leal words to sir ti aawere: When you next sall I aming witta you


The question whether the New TiYacht club should be aaked to perthe substitution oi tho Shamrock; IHie Shamrock ll was quickly reheatbecause Sir Thomas and Mr. Jamesla spite of everything that has hapi.ed, maintained that the n*»w boat I

well worth the trouble she had caui

Sir Thomas calculates that a deof three weeks or a month in the dof the conteat la amatitan watersenable him IO SJOBC to the scratch,says that he is greatly handicappedthe fact that be ha^ BO duplicate mi

tor the Shamrock II. but by an uniated expenditure of money and ene

he believes the defect* can be re

died in time to provide for an inteltioiial race this year.

Prince and Princess Banished.Berlin. May ^3. I'mler dynastic

the young Ofsusd Doles af Saxo \mar, Charles AuguStn, has eompePrince lurnhut I of Saxe Weimarhis wife to have for the (flited StaPrince Bernhard was married in 1don In 1H'>*> to the widowed CounLuci hoslnl. the daughter of a Luihotelke.p. j Mime,! lirorkniueller.

I grand duh. las granted] Prince BLiird a rea. xabls allowance.

GENERAL SOUTHERN NEWS.ilRichmond, May IO..The insurance

on the Jefferson hotel, which was de¬

stroyed by fire March 2{j. has been ad¬

justed, lt is understood that the baalsof settlement is about $505,000.Newport Nows, Va., May 20..Mrs.

(ieorge W. Nelms, president of the lo¬

cal chapter, Daughters of the Confed¬

eracy, has been appointed sponsor forthe First brigade. Virginia divisionConfederate Veterans, at Memphis,Venn., May 28, 29, 30.

Huntingdon, W. Va., May 20.MrsAmelia Rollins, of this city, fell deadInside the grave of her brother in Cat-

letteburg, Ky., yesterdsy. Her brothprdied only a few days ago. bequeathingher all of his property. Yesterdaywhile weeping at his grave her deathsummons came.

Birmingham, Ala., May 20..O. A.

Boyleston. a citizen of Atlanta, was

shot and killed Saturday night by ne¬

gro highway robbers while In companyof E. D. Evans, of Pratt City. Thekilling occurred near the office of thePratt City Lumber company, of Pratt

City. The people of the little miningsuburb are aroused, and if the ne¬

groes are caught a lynching may fol¬low.













Suffolk. Va.. May 20.Tried for a

tragedy which grew out of a practicalJoke, Joe Brinkley, colon d, was todayelven t*m y< ira' Imprisonment by s

Nansemond county Jury. While pa ssw

lng along i road near ChuchatnclHrlnkley met Ell Wilson, also colored,whom he ordered to throw up hishands, and whom he fatally siWilson refused and drew a pistol Wit¬nesses said there was no malice. Theevidence was <onfllcting.

Knoxville. Tenn.. May M..H. H

Gouchenhous, of Greenville, I Perno-ocratic politician, is under Indictmentbefore the federal court for using theUnited States mall, lt is alleged, for

purposes of fraud. It ls alleged thathe collei ted from some of thu poatmaa-ter» in the district contribution! to the

campaign fund, promising to repay Hsmade this promlav Imcd,by mulling at the several post Dees.n nigh campaign literature tothan reimburse the post r-

Dallas, Tex. Il a torrentrain fell in this i itv Thcpre*imitation ls sstlmat< d at t*o lio bi -

tn lesa than tl urs. For a tim**

"Very street in the city was flooded.snd ther^ ls no queatl >n but thatstocks of goods In basements and cel¬

lar.- have been heavily damaged. Therain was accompanied by an electricaldisplay of sublime proportion* This

-sltated shutting off th^ publiclights, leaving the city in darkie ss

and bringing the cars on all of theS3 stems to a standstill.Fairmont. W. Va . May ll..The I

annual convention of Waal Virginia("hrisMan Endeavorers opened her.- to¬

night and fully 330 d»'b tates from all

parts ol the state srerc present. Hon.O. a. McKinney welcomed the dele-

tonlghl on behalf of th<Bishop C C Penlck on behalf ol tbechurches and young pei oclety,and Hov. a. II. Duchannon, l> l>. of

Morgantown, responded with somewell chosen remarks. The pri:ad iress a as by Evangelist Arthur J.

Smith of Haw York.Charlotte. Sf. ('. May II.The

in North Carolina ts the worst In manyyears. The Catawba river at Morgan-ton lb 3i feet above low water A'

three places n»»ar Marion lt bas chang'ed its course. At Marion 700 fe*track on the Southern railway is washed away. Asheville is Isolated, BO

trains entering or leaving there. Theelectric light plant ls Injured and the

City is In darkness. Biltmore, Vambrhilt's ideal village, is partly gomany cottages' lower floors being cov

..red with water. At Iuirham E llInches] of rain fell In 24 hours. Pam

age to growing crops wdll amount up to

hundreds of thousand of dollars.



I Bl








Presldent John B. Knox Lauds the

Policy of President McKinley.BJ tgomi ry, Ala May H -The

constitutional convention reaterdayelected Hon. John B. Knox, of Annis

ton, president. In accepting the bonoiMr Knox said the white men of thenorth would not submit to negro rub

any more than would those of thcsouth Nogra domination. when

brought home, he said, would provokeInternal opposition In both sections.

"This ls our problem." said Mi

Knox, "and we should ba loft to daniwith it with our own sense of rtapontibllity and recognized relations in th<

conduct of government. We do gothear of any threatened or real Interterence with any northern stat*

forts to provide for purity of government and there should be none wit!.

us It has not tuen so much the eliration <>f the black man as it has been

the humiliation of thc white that lias

characterized this conduct of the pastbut much of lt has been nullified bythe statesmanlike and wise conserva

live course of tho present chief ex

ecutlve of the United States, who ls

the president of the whole country ami

not merely of one section. We may

differ with him politically, but we

must confess that his policy has

brought about a reunited country."He objected to the Mississippi plan

as a perpetuation of the evil sought to

be arerted. He rlewed some of the

provisions of Mississippi. South Caro

lina and North Carolina acts, all of

which provide a system of registrationsnd payment of poll tax.

Faith Curist Goes to Prison. .

New York. May H- J. Luther Pier

son. the faith curist and member >;

the Christian Catholic church, of Chicago. who was convhtod by a Jury at

White Plains Tuesday for falling t<

provfcle medical attendance for his 1«-

months edd adopted daughter, who dleifrom catarrahal pneumonia, was yes

lerday sentenced to pay a fine of $50<Pierson refused to pay the fine am

nae led away to prison,

p(Ml ll?On\ i i w iv'n\ v

ender a Reception to Sir KnightWilliam McKinley.


eclaree the Chief Msglstrate In a

Speech, ls United Ststes Citizenship.Mrs. McKinley Recovering FromHerRecent Serious Illness.

San Francisco, May 13 .PresidentcKinley was a guest of the Knightsom piara at the Mechanics' Pavilion?sterday afternoon. The presidentas met at the pavilion by a proceson of 1,400 Slr Knights from this cityid other cities of the state in full re-

illa and escorted Inside the building,here 12,000 people had already as-

.rabled. The appearance of theresident on the platform caused a

smonstration that shook the largesliding.Oen W H. L. Dames Introducedreeldi ni McKinley. Following thisitroductory address a choir of 150jlces sang the "Templars' Prayer."lth the accompaniment of a band ofI pieces, and the affect was most imressive. Then President McKinley>sponded to the address of welcome,tying In part:"(ieneral Barnes, Slr Knights, La-

lea and Gentlemen: I thank you forila fraternal welcome. I had no con-

rptlon that I was to be treated to suchscene as is presented here today, andwant to thank my brother Masons

nd their families and friends for thisie than gracious meeting, which ii

nlque, differing from any of our re-

options In the long journey which we

ave made from the capital city of th*atton to this city by the sea.

"We have every variety of assoela-on in the I'nited States. In this landf liberty we enjoy the freedom of as

n< iatlon together for worthy and no

le purposes We have our fraternal.iee; we have our church asso

lat ions, we have our political coonee

lons, but we all belong to a brothertod to which we are strongly attach1. whb h commands our love and deotb.; brotherhood of AmerlcarItlzenshlp under a common conatltu

iged in securing the higherpeople by pureulni

he pathl ' luty and honor. A br tb

rhood that represents the highestopes, not of the people of the Uniter

States alone, but we believe the bes'I of humanity.

"What a noble conception lt was o

he fathers. The founding of this govrnment. not upon the will and Jude¦lent of th*» few. but upon the will am.idscment and conscience of the manyl government in which all the peopl*

ery state participate In a citizen

hip that ls equal everywhere; equaitlzenshlp equal in states In a unloiInt has never been equalled. An'

vhether American manhood an<

Vmerican liberty go to Cuba or ti

Porto Hbo or to Hawaii or to th

Philippines it raises the same stand

.ry Knight and Mason was pnrlded with a small American flag. The

waved incessantly all thronghe exercises. The feature of the peiformance was the presentation of

dutiful American silk flag to th

president mounted on a Manzanillstaff at the head of which U a speaitiead of Kobi Following the presentsHon of the tlag the "Star SpangleBanner" was sung tty the audience an

there was a patriotic demonstratewhich will be long remembered by a

who witnessed lt.Mr* McKinley passed another con

Portable dsy. Secretary Cortelyoiwhen asked tf he could state deflnltelwhen thc president would leave feWashing m. replied: "I can only sa

that the presidential party proposes t

depar >n Saturday if Mrs. McKinleycondition will permit. There ls a poiSlblllty, however, that a start will nc

t»e made until Monday."


Not Likely to Be an Uprising ArnonTheir Comrades.

West Point N Y May 23..The flv

tl who were yesterday dismiss*'from the Military academy and tho*

who wen nded have all dopnrtlfor their respective homes Thora wt

no demonstration on the part of tl

Othet cadets, and all ls quiet her

There is not likely to be an uprlsiramong the comrades of those relegateto civil life, as was anticipated frosome sources). When a cadet ls di

missed it is final, and he can be rei

stated only by a special aot of co

i^ress.The dismissed cadets are: Bolb

Nebraska Cleveland. Alabama; T<ler. New York; Linton. Michigan; M

haffey Texas. The following hai

D suspended without pay unt

April 1. P>'»2: O. C. Aleshire. IlliuoliH. F McClellan, Mississippi; J.Shannon. Minnesota; Charles Telfor

Utah, Harry Hawley. New York.

Sentences For Military Thieves.

Manila. May 23.-The following a

proved sentences will soon be promt1 Capt Frederick J. Barro*

Thirtieth Volunteer Infnntry. late d

pot quartermaster of the departmeof Southern Luzon, who was chargiwith embezzlement and selling goernment property, to be dlshonorabdischarged and to undergo five yeai

Imprisonment; Lieut. Frederick BoysThirty ninth infantry, former depcommissary at ('alamba, on Bay I afc

on similar charges, to bo dishonors!)discharged and to undergo a yeal

imprisonment. They will eventualbe removed to Leavenworth priseKansas.

The Steel Trust Capitalization.New Y i k, May lt, The governl

OSnmlttae ol the New York stock .

henge % !.v> sated upon appintlons to increase the listings of stomd bond issues of various compani

Bsnong thoo granted was that of t

i ailed States steel corporation who Icreased the listing of common sto$81,473,400 and preferred stock $83.48300. making their respective toU$SOt>,473,iOt> aud #*"!>, U6.4W.


Makes the food more delicious and wholesomeBC'»L 8*«IHO POwW *l CO., nfm ron*.




















Thc lor court at Chicago de¬clined the smpl rers "black list" legal.

Mrs. Lyman J. Gage, wile of the sec-

re'ary ot the treasury, died In Wash¬ington, ags ; '*

Edwin r cu assistant secretary ofstate and ambassador to Germany un¬

der Cleveland, died at Grand Rapide,Mich., aged SO.

In the race for the world's cyclingchampionship at Paris Jacquelin, th"French rbbr. defeated "Major" Taylor,the coloicd tm ll :cau.

Saturday, May 18.It ls reported that 'he shah of rer-

sla ls dyint? -if ki liGovern iterd Inted

Joseph N. Shomo ' l

trolls of BerletA. P. Cradj

I Miss., e

murder of William ! re, neal

In a fight ;.. Poll - ri at

Duryea. Paley wa^ killed snd the | <;i.,la woman around! I

Monda/, May 23.Andrew Carnegie has pi - ti°.-

000,000 to four Scotch universitiesTurk, y

for vlolatb ns of forThe British government is io trans¬

port all Boer prisoners to thc Benaudsislands.Two men were killed ami thre

tally injured by escaping molt* ii metalin a mill at Youl O.The machinists throughout the

try who struck on Monday, to the

number of 50,000, are gradually win

nlng.Robert Pitcairn, of Pittsburg, wa«

appointed vice dj r of the Pres¬

byterian general ass* moly at Philadel¬phia

At White Plains. N. Y . GiovanniButtacavollo wae sentenced to nine

years and ten months imprisonmentfor burying his Illegitimate child alive

The babe was rescued, butdied from disease.

Tueeday, May 21.

BaavCongressman B »utelle, ol' Maine,died at an asylum at Waverly. Massaced 62.Cumberland (Md.) voters declined to

accept Andrew Carnegie's conditional125.000 gift.

Contributions for t'ferers from the tire in .1 I '.lb-

amount to $.' 1,370.B T. Wolfer, charged with attempt

to black nator Ke.irns. ot* Ct.iii.b is beer. iha.

F'>r> man Sa in and

I): ivers Fred O'Donnell and Alexander';.t".!aghcr were drowned in a mine Hoodat Hasleton, Pa,The census of Ireland shows the

population to be 4,i ! reese

of 5 3 per cent. Scotland has a popu¬lation >f 4.47i. wi.At Terre Haute. Ind.. James Myerly.

recently of the Fifth States artlllery, had his hand blown off by an

exploding cannon at Buffalo Bill'sshow.

Wednesday, May 22.The National Congress of Mothers

ls in session at Columbus. 0.Topeka, Kan., ls now entirely under

the control of the "dry" clement.Gen. William Kapps. ex-consul at

Sydney. Australia, committed suicide

by shooting at Portland, Ore., aged 66. |Kouroulah, the Turkish wrestler, de- I

feated three Americans In 30 minutes Iat Buffalo last night.A dispatch from Paris announces

that Chicago has boen selected as the

place tor the Olympian games tn 1904Andree Carnegie's gifts to American

libraries and otb* r institutions aggre-

gate U5.0T0.053, while his total loreigngilts an- $11

Thursday, May 23.Iowa's prohibition state convention

nominated A. C. Coates for governorand indorsed Mrs. Carrie Nation.

Collections of Internal revenue forApril. 1901. were $L,i).941.579. an in¬

crease over April. 1900. of $3,689,926.At Harrisburg yesterday Ruth Wise,

aged 3 years, waa fatally burned byher clothes catching tire from a gaso¬line stove.

Milt. Calvert, a negro, charged with

attempting an assault on Tiny Gates.10 years old. waa hanged by a mob at

Griffiths. Miss.The Michigan house, by unanimous

vote, passed a bill taxing the PullmanPalace Car company 3 per cent on theirgross camions in the statu.


Philadelphia. May 22-Flour firm; win¬ter superfine. SL10t>2JS; Pennsylvaniaroller, c'.^ar. nifty, city milln extra, BS.4S'42.66. Rye tiour quiet aud Steed] at I. "'¦

ttJ.90 per barral Wheat alow: No J red

spot. 77Vdf7v'ijc. Corn dull. No. 2 mixedapot. 4M««s,«c.. No. 2 yellow, for localtrade. Iltjtt. Oats dull. No 2 wMt.v dipped 14S fl to1 : lower grad** ISjSjatC, Hn\

gelst; No. 1 timothy. $17iil7 5») for larwv

balee. Beet duli, beef hims ii?.1*620.Pork quid, fi* rnily tl7SJ17.S0 Lard -

western iSSSaUISd tn 47><,. lave i>oultr>ijuoled at ile for hvna, 7c f«»i «. 1 roost

nra and lllj2ft<\ toe sprln* chi. kf ns Hress-

sd poultry (fresh killed) at 10V- tor. heue fowl*, lc, for old rooatera. 23'u.»5»for nearby broiler*. 101il2<.' for ehtcttSSttand 10^1lc for froien turkeys RutterSSSady; cr«am»>ry. IJS^PV.. factory. lKy13c imitation wsaasstjf, ttgjlsV NewYorK. dalry. ItylSr fancy Pennsylvaniaprime jobbing at H*S2So.f do. extra. 3c.Cheese quiet, laney large .eluted. SC.;fane) Ura'' whit*. *Hc.; fan* y small COl-irsd yV fancy larifp white. S%C, Eggssteady; New York and Pennsy.^IH|e*; western unarnded ll1-. tfHu< west¬

ern selected. 13tsl.V*c. Potato.*, .inti Iaaya. 50e.<rSl.a6; New York, ll Ja*rt75; Usvyana. $3*36. Jersey *w*-«ta, ft 50^2. Cab¬

bages quiet; N*>w York. Ji2«jilt> per ton.Kaat Liberty. Pa. Mnv st..CUttM roar

ket ateady. extra. tS.7tHi>vi. pi mie. li.JH)a.S5; good IkJSSJ i W). 11 ¦ »»* * ateady. primeheavies. |S: prime Yorker* and osM.r ed

mediums. $f>.%4jo. fair to good light York¬es. $5.«6«\>ft». pigs J *). skip- UMSJ« IS, rouahH S4f1 f> -Vi Sheep Mendy, beetwethers. t4<S4M.*t cr»^(c lam tai. SVJSvS.av. eusnmou lu good. lu. ^ veal calves*


literal Who Was Dismissed Prom theArmy snd Reinstated.

Morristown. N. J May 22.Cen FitsIn Porter, who had been ill for sev¬

il weeks at his home here, died yes-Igad &0. He had t«?<n suffer-

*; from chronic diabetes, and hisa*h bad xpeeud for severalvc among the pa. will be.ns. Webb. Scofleld. Butterfield.raaklla and Smith and ex Mayor-1.witt and (irate Cen Brooke, oom-

arider <jf the department of the*ll! have entire charge of the militaryrangementl for the funeral.Flti John Porter was a native of'rtsmouth. N H., his father being a

'ptain In the navy H« gradu;) ri West Point In 1M". and in the

[eileen war was breveted captain andij<»r for gallantry. From l*c<3 to

>55 he was instructor at West Point1 the civil war he n se to the rank of

k r general in the regular armynd major general of rolunteera. Ink,'.i! he waa relieved of his command,rr. ste,i court martialed.convi |

red from the army on ch::-

f disobeying orders of Den. I'fter years of conflict he was. in 1S66."stored to his rank by cor. . Soon

fter his vindication he resinned fromSe army and was appointed presidentf the New Jersey insane asylum. Horas subsequently president of Nework's fire commission. At one timebe khedlve of Egypt offered Gen. Por¬er the rank of major general to com*

tiand in his a: my, with a salary of $25,-00. but the offer was declined.

A ll Mi,-.* Milne-.

In nanice, n little village in lapan,bas liol . i|Uarrel or a lau-

mit In '-<*> years. Neither bas there

t)et?n one single crime committe*!, one

poor person obliged to call for aid fromtbs vu of I delinquent tax list. The

Japanese government has made this

mod* l community a gift of |10Q, araiel?all will admit ls areli deserved. But

: rs iia~2 earned infinitelyIn the peace and prosperity they

have enjoyed- a reward which thc peo¬ple of any town might Lave with thesaint pains.

HealthyMothersPew mothers ire healthy, because

their duties art so exacting, the anxietyof Drefaancy, the shock of childbirth,end tb* cart of young children, are

severe trials on any woman. But withWine of Cardul within har (rup. sven,

mother.every woman In the land .canpay the debt of personal health sheowes her loved ones. Do you wastrobust health with all Its privilege! and

pleasures? Wins ol Cardul will give ltto you.

strtagtheni the ftmalt organs sad invtg-oratM wsakeaed function*, for averyfemale ill or weaknaaa lt ls the bestmedicine made. Aatyour drusels* for

$1.00 bottle Wins of Cardul. andtake no

substitute under say circumstances.

Mr*. Bawn Om Goraxv. MkJu "?bco Ieommtxxti uOa« w 'tom ol Car«ui I wai hardy afc*

to walt aSSSSI Sm beuaa. Twa waaia ahtr I SSassSh4B a mik tai picked SSSJSJtsSSSSS. **b« idy

ocharchiliwaisoralauftaras' web fcsor sana Mti.,-% aaa had to raat has oo a WcSa becaua* 1 hasoe rr-ilk. Aecr uao| Ux ?¦» e\*no« arasnaorvthat qom. I se*t Urth lae nco* Isa eaVf »-L ani

mm io labor oahr two hour*, wi* Sui Irk awn.

mi 1 hr»e pkn^r ot ouUl Fat Sakjrae fcnp«r»*tua* ia tuy Uaaa I BSSSfe GoS aaa* Wk* tiCar**.

For ataca la cam raju»na« asirial 4r«cnooj.diraw. »<nas STa**o«na, "Tba LaW/U*itonr

Pasassssssa Tbacwssaeoaa Maalcana CaGsSSSSSSna Teae,

Flowers.Fi.owkrs of all the LBADINO kinds

at thc ROCKVILLE OREEN HOUSEsituated "i miles sreet af Middletown 1milos south of Marlboro.

Ser\d for CatalogesDescribing

Nove'tiesa- well as large collection of testkhvari tics including plants and shrubswith which to adorn your home.

Address,Mrs. SMITH W. COOLDV,

Midi LEToWN, Frederick Co.,VIRGINIA.

WAGONJAKING.I have opened a shop for make

wagons and ropair work, on buggiermid wagons, at

David Gillock's old stand.Main St., WOODSTOCK, VA.

I have a stock on hand and gag¬an rea good work and fair prices

sfcTgGive me a call, Til do (heIttTOMS. H. BMSWlLLBIs)rasa o*_i WOODSTOCK, VA.Jan. 26.ljr .