Umberto ® NXT LCA (v2.0) Tutorial Chocolate Production ifu Hamburg GmbH Max-Brauer-Allee 50 22765 Hamburg / Germany www.ifu.com DocVersion: 2.0 Datum: May 2014 Publisher: ifu Hamburg GmbH http://www.umberto.de

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Umberto® NXT LCA (v2.0)


Chocolate Production

ifu Hamburg GmbH Max-Brauer-Allee 50

22765 Hamburg / Germany www.ifu.com

DocVersion: 2.0

Datum: May 2014 Publisher: ifu Hamburg GmbH


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Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Medellín – Facultad de Minas

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Information in this manual is subject to change without notice. No liability for the correctness of the information in this manual. All figures are for demonstration purposes only and contain fictitious data. Reproduction or translation of any part of this manual in any form (electronic or mechanic) without prior written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission should be addressed to ifu Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg, Germany.

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Content Overview

I. Background .................................................................................... 5

II. Getting Started ............................................................................... 7

Welcome to Umberto NXT LCA................................................................... 7

Step 1- Creating a first process module ...................................................... 8

Step 2 - Defining Materials ..................................................................... 10

Step 3 - Specifying the Process ............................................................... 12

III. Processes ..................................................................................... 14

Crop Establishment ................................................................................ 14

Cocoa Seedlings .................................................................................... 14

Harvesting & Extraction .......................................................................... 15

Transport of Cocoa Beans ....................................................................... 15

Fermentation & Sun Drying ..................................................................... 17

Transport .............................................................................................. 18

Industrial Cleaning................................................................................. 19

Heat Production ..................................................................................... 19

Roasting ............................................................................................... 20

Winnowing ............................................................................................ 21

Grinding ............................................................................................... 21

Pressing ............................................................................................... 22

Milling .................................................................................................. 22

Mixing .................................................................................................. 22

Conching and Tempering ........................................................................ 23

Moulding & Packaging ............................................................................ 24

Refrigerated Transportation ..................................................................... 25

Cooling in Supermarket .......................................................................... 26

Storage in Refrigerator ........................................................................... 26

Eating .................................................................................................. 26

Package Disposal ................................................................................... 26

IV. User Defined Specifications .......................................................... 29

Mixing .................................................................................................. 30

Cooling in Supermarket .......................................................................... 32

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Storage in Refrigeration .......................................................................... 34

V. Using the Expand Function ........................................................... 36

VI. Creating a Subnet for the Aluminum Production........................... 43

VII. Evaluation .................................................................................... 46

VIII. List of all applied materials .......................................................... 48

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I. Background

Based on a real life cycle assessment study about the cocoa production and

processing in Ghana (Environmental impacts of cocoa production and processing

in Ghana: life cycle assessment approach, Ntiamoah 2008) and the process

description for the production of cocoa powder in the UK (Scenario building to test

and inform the development of a BSI method for assessing greenhouse gas

emissions from food, Defra 2009) the procedure for creating a full life cycle

assessment of the Chocolate Production using Umberto NXT LCA will be explained.

Therefore, the following documentation will guide through different steps that have

to be performed. The overall model can be seen in Figure 1 Overview of the

complete Model .

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Figure 1 Overview of the complete Model

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II. Getting Started

Welcome to Umberto NXT LCA

The first thing that appears after opening Umberto NXT is the start page. This page offers some information about the software and provides links to commands for creating a new Umberto project file.

In Umberto NXT, the topmost data structure is a project file. A project file is a

database where the models and materials are stored in. Several models can be created in one project file. A model typically contains one network for calculation. Every material defined in a project can be used for every model within the same


All changes made while working on a project are instantly written in the project database. Therefore, it is not necessary to actively save the working progress.

Before a model can be created, a new Umberto project file needs to be opened. There are three ways to do so. Either, follow the link 'New Umberto Project File' on

the start page, or navigate to 'File' in the menu bar and choose the entry 'New'. The third possibility is to click on the 'New Project File' button in the main toolbar

at the top ( ).

A file save dialog will be shown asking whether to save the project file on the hard disk. Please find an adequate name for the Umberto project file. Now that a new

project file has been opened, the graphical user interface of Umberto NXT shows the workspace: There are four windows on the screen (see below).

Figure 2 Overview of the workspace

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The largest window is called ‘Net Editor’. The net editor allows for creating a

graphical model.

The window pane on the top left is the so called ‘Project Explorer’. It shows all models and materials that are contained in the respective Umberto project file.

At the bottom left there is the ‘Property Editor’ window pane. The first information on the top of this window shows the type and name of the selected

element. Further properties of this element are also displayed and can be edited here.

Below the net editor the ‘Specification Editor’ is located. It allows for specifying the elements of the model. This pane is also used to show the calculation results.

Since no network has been created yet, the specification editor is empty.

Step 1- Creating a first process module

After having created a new project and a new model, you can start to build the

first network model by creating a first process. In this example, the first process

step ‘Crop Establishment’ will be developed.

Start by clicking on the process symbol in the toolbar of the net editor. The

cursor changes to a cross, indicating that the design mode is active. Next, click in

the middle of the net editor to draw the first process.

To draw several elements in a row without exiting the editing mode,

double-click on the desired element in the toolbar. After double-

clicking on an element a small pin is shown in the button icon

indicating that multiple elements can be created → . To exit the

multi-draw mode, use the right mouse button or click on the arrow

button again.

Name the process by clicking the the text label located right below the process.

Navigate to the property editor and enter the name ‘Crop Establishment’ in the

field ‘Text’. It is also possible to change a text label by clicking on its text while it

is selected. Apply the change by hitting the tab key or by clicking elsewhere in the

net editor.

Figure 3 Crop Establishment, the first project

The process will need an input place and an output place. Choose the input place

(symbol with a green line and a vertical trace on the left) and place it left of the

process by clicking there. Then, select the output place from the toolbar (symbol

with a red line and a vertical trace on the right) and place it on the right side of

the process.

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Another way to create elements is to use the 'Draw' menu and to

select the desired element. Alternatively, choose 'Draw' from the

context menu, which pops up by right clicking on the area of the

model editor.

The next step is to connect the three elements with arrows, on which the materials

or substances flow into the process and out of the process. As a general rule,

places always connect to a process, and processes always connect to a place.

Never does an arrow connect a place directly to another place, or a process directly

to another process.

To connect the input place to the process with an arrow, click the arrow button

in the toolbar. Place the cursor over the input place. When a grey filling appears,

drag the cursor onto the process symbol (keeping the left mouse button pressed).

Watch the arrow emerging from the element. When the cursor comes close to a

connectable target element, the arrow snaps to this element automatically as the

mouse button is released: the two elements are now connected with an arrow

leading from the input place to the process.

In the same way, draw an arrow from the process to the output place. The first

very simple network model should now look like the figure below. The process

shows a small red warning sign. This means, that the process is unspecified.

Figure 4: A process with inputs and outputs, the start of a process chain

The function 'Snap to Grid' in the net editor's toolbar can be used

to easily align elements. By default, this feature is enabled, which

is indicated by a blue square around the symbol. To disable this

feature, click on the symbol and the blue square will disappear. The

grid to which the elements are aligned can also be enabled and

disabled by using the 'Show Grid' button.

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Step 2 - Defining Materials

Before you can start to specify the process, it is necessary to add materials to your


In this example, it is demonstrated how to create new materials. Materials are

categorized into material groups. Material groups are shown as folders in the

Project Explorer.

The material group 'Project Materials' contains all materials used within a project.

Figure 5: Project Explorer

Press the 'New Material' button in the Project Explorer's toolbar or use the

context menu to create a new material.

The properties of the material are managed in the properties editor (situated below

the project explorer). Rename the material to ‘Cocoa Seeds’. At this stage of the

tutorial there is no need to change other material properties. The unit type should

be ‘Mass [kg]’, the display unit ‘kg’ and the material type ‘Good’.

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Figure 6: Property Editor

Material groups and sub groups can be created by selecting a

directory for the group within the Project Explorer and pressing the

'New Material Group' symbol on the Project Explorer's toolbar.

Another option is using the context menu to create a new material

group by pressing the right mouse button. Material groups are

useful for large projects with a variety of materials.

A material group can be named and renamed by selecting it and

editing the name field within the Property Editor.

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Step 3 - Specifying the Process

To specify the process ‘Crop Establishment’ with input and output material

entries, click the process in the net editor. When the process is selected, the

specification pane below the net editor shows two sections: the left section for the

inputs of the process and the right section for its outputs.

Materials from the materials list can easily be added to the input or output side

using drag and drop. Drag and drop the material ‘Cocoa Seeds’ to the input side

of the process specification window. In the Project Explorer, you can also search

for those materials provided through the databases used in Umberto NXT. Search

for ‘irrigation’ and ‘electricity, medium voltage’ and add those to the input side

too. These materials are already existing in the datasets of Umberto NXT. The list

at the very end of the tutorial names all materials applied including data source.

Create the new material ‘Cocoa Plantation’ with material type ‘Good’, unit type

‘Area’ and unit ‘ha’. Then, add this material as well as the already existing material

‘Carbon dioxide, non-fossil [air/unspecified]’ to the output place.

Materials can also be added to a process by using the button

at the bottom of the Specification editor below the table. This button

prompts a dialogue, which allows searching for materials by group,

name, display unit and source.

As there is still a warning marker on the process element, the process is still not

fully specified. It is necessary to determine the ratio between the input and output

materials. This can be done by adding coefficients to the materials in the

specification pane for this process.

In this first process ‘Crop Establishment’, the growth of cocoa plants requires

electricity for the irrigation. Enter a new input place above the process and connect

it to the process. Name the new input place ‘Energy’. To avoid the arrow crossing

through the name label of the input place simply drag the label to another position,

e.g. above the place.

The material ‘electricity, medium voltage’ should have a coefficient of 0,317

kWh and ‘Cocoa Seeds’ requires a coefficient of 4,5 kg. Also enter a coefficient

of 15m3 for ‘irrigation’.

Enter the ‘Cocoa Plantation’ and ‘Carbon dioxide, non-fossil

[air/unspecified]’ with coefficients of 25 g and 125 g to the output side. The

process specification should look similar to Figure .

Figure 7: Process specification ‘Industrial Cleaning’

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A comma (',') is used as the decimal point. Type '1,7' not '1.7' for

the coefficients in the process specification window. Otherwise a

message will be prompted to confirm the right value.

After entering the coefficients, the process is specified and the warning sign


Figure 8: Process ‘Crop Establishment’

Note that adding the material on the output side results in a change of the

respective font to bold and of the 'Material Type' to 'Reference Flow'. This is

because the product is connected to a system output place and therefore leaves

the system. Any product that leaves the system is considered a reference flow and

is assumed to be (one of) the functional unit(s) of the network.

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III. Processes

The following processes use materials that need to be created as well as materials

existing in the ecoinvent dataset provided in Umberto NXT. Chapter VIII at the end

of this tutorial provides a list of all applied materials, sorted by processes.

Information on the unit, material type and data source is given.

The following figure shows an overview of the first processes until the ‘Cocoa


Figure 9 Overview of the cocoa bean production

Crop Establishment

As this process has already been established above in chapter ‘II.Getting

Started’, precede with the next process ‘Cocoa Seedlings’.

Cocoa Seedlings

Growing seedlings requires a cocoa plantation, fertilizer and pesticide. Put the

following materials on the input side:

Material Coefficient

chlorothalonil 2 kg

Cocoa Plantation 1 ha

Pesticide, unspecified 0,25 kg

Phosphate fertilizer, as P2O5 18

Potassium fertilizer, as K20 14

Create the material ‘Cocoa Pods’ with the material type ‘Good’ and the type

‘Mass’ and enter it on the output side, with a coefficient of 4 032 kg.

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Figure 10 Specification ‘Cocoa Seedlings’

Harvesting & Extraction

To the input side of the process ‘Harvesting & Extraction’, enter ‘Cocoa Pods’

with the coefficient 4 032 kg. Create new materials named ‘Prunings’ and ‘Cocoa

Husks’, both with the unit type ‘Mass’ and the material type ‘Bad’. Drag ‘Prunings’

to the output side and enter a coefficient of 2 232 kg. Then, drag ‘Cocoa Husks’

to the output side and enter a coefficient of 1 500 kg. Create a new material

called ‘Unfermented Cocoa Beans’ with the material type ‘Good’ and the unit

type ‘Mass’ and include it to the output side, with a coefficient of 300 kg.

Figure 11 Specification ‘Harvesting & Extraction’

Transport of Cocoa Beans

The unfermented cocoa beans need to be transported for further processing. Add

the material ‘transport, freight, lorry > 32 metric ton, EURO3’ to the input

side of the transport process.

The coefficient of `transport, lorry >32t, EURO3 [RER]’ is described as a

formula in the ‘Function’ column. DST is a parameter, described in the ‘Parameters’

tab that resembles the distance. As the transport unit takes into account the weight

in tons, the distance in km needs to be divided by 1000.

transport, lorry >32t, EURO3 [RER] DST/1000

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Figure 12 Specification ‘Transport of Cocoa Beans’

‘DST’ is a parameter that you need to add in the ‘Parameters’ tap. Working with

parameters has the benefit that, in case of changes, the numbers can quickly be

adjusted and the process adapts it. Name the parameter ‘Distance’ and enter a

quantity of 100 km.

Figure 13 Parameter ‘Transport of Cocoa Beans’

In this process, generic materials are very useful. As the input and output of the

process are the same, namely ‘Cocoa Beans’, this should not be calculated twice

regarding the environmental impacts. Create the generic material ‘Cargo’ with

each 1 unit on the input and output side of this process.

Figure 14 Generic Materials ‘Transport of Cocoa Beans’

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Fermentation & Sun Drying

Around 3 % of the incoming unfermented cocoa beans are damaged and cannot

be used for further processing. This material connects to an output place.

Therefore, create an output place and called ‘Waste’.

Now, enter the parameter ‘PCD’ named ‘Percentage Damaged Cocoa Beans’

and enter a quantity of 3 %. Add the parameter ‘PDCB’, Percentage Dried

Cocoa Beans, with the quantity 97 %. The parameter ‘UCB’ named

‘Unfermented Cocoa Beans’ with the quantity 300 kg needs to be added to

show the overall volume of unfermented beans.

Figure 15 Parameters ‘Fermentation & Sun-Drying’

Now, create the materials ‘Damaged Beans’ with the material type ‘Good’ and

unit type ‘Mass’ and drag it to the output side of the process. Instead of entering

the coefficient, insert the function ‘UCB*PDB/100’. Create the material ‘Raw,

Dried Cocoa Beans’ with the material type ‘Good’ and the unit type ‘Mass’. Drag

it to the output side of the fermentation and drying process and enter the function


Figure 16 Specifications ‘Fermentation & Sun-Drying’

Below, find a first rough overview of the processes entered so far.

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Figure 17 Overview of the chocolate production from ‘Raw Dried Cocoa Beans’ to ‘Chocolate’


Before the actual chocolate production can start, the cocoa beans are transported

200 km to the production facility. This distance is changeable by using the

parameter `DST’ defined in the Parameters tab as described in the previous

transportation process.

Figure 18 Parameter ‘Transport’

The coefficient of `transport, lorry >32t, EURO3 [RER]’ is described as a


transport, lorry >32t, EURO3 [RER] DST/1000

Figure 19 Specification ‘Transport’

There is no normal output. However, the generic material ‘Cargo’ is defined in the

tab ‘Generic Materials’.

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Figure 20 Generic materials for transport services

The following figure shows a rough overview of the processes in the production

phase of chocolate that will be created next.

Industrial Cleaning

Cleaning the cocoa beans requires electricity. Therefore, enter the material

‘electricity, low voltage’ with a coefficient of 1,7 Wh to the input side of the

process. In addition, add ‘Raw, Dried Cocoa Beans’ with a coefficient of 150 g.

Create the output materials ‘Cocoa Beans Waste’ and ‘Cleaned Cocoa Beans’

with the unit type ‘Mass’ and the material type ‘Good’ and add them with

coefficients of 25g and 125 g.

Figure 21 Specification ‘Industrial Cleaning’

Heat Production

The cocoa bean waste from the cleaning process is being burned to produce heat

that is required for the roasting. Add 0,025 kg of the material ‘Cocoa Beans

Waste’ to the input side. Fuel is required for burning the waste. Therefore, enter

‘petrol, unleaded’ to the input side. A function is needed to define the amount of

petrol needed.

In this process, parameters are useful. Create the parameters ‘HVB’, heating

value biomass, with a quantity of 4,5 kWh/kg and ‘HVP’, heating value

petrol, with the 11,5 kWh/kg. Now, add the material ‘petrol, unleaded’ to the

input side and insert the function:

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The coefficient of `unleaded petrol’ is described as a formula.

Unleaded petrol (0.2-(0.025*HVB))/HVP

Now, edit the output side of the heat production process. Create the material ‘Heat

Energy’ and drag it to the output side. Enter the coefficient 0,2 kWh. The

following materials leave the process as direct emissions and need to be included

into the output side:

Material Coefficient Unit

Methane, fossil [air/unspecified] 3,000E-06 kg

Dinitrogen monoxide [air/unspecified] 6,800E-07 Kg

Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock [air/unspecified] 1,200E-04 Kg

Carbon dioxide, fossil [air/unspecified] 0,024 kg

Figure 22 Specification ‘Heat Production’


The cleaned cocoa beans can now be roasted. Add the material ‘Cleaned Cocoa

Beans’ to the input side of the process and enter the coefficient 125g. Create a

new material ‘Heat Energy’ with the material type ‘Good’ and the unit type

‘Energy’. Drag it to the input side and enter a coefficient of 0,2 kWh.

For the output side, create the material ‘Roasted Cocoa Beans’ with the material

type ‘Good’ and the unit type ‘Mass’. Enter it with the coefficient 125g.

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Figure 23 Specification ‘Roasting’


The cocoa nibs are valuable for the chocolate production but the shells must be

sorted out via the winnowing process, which requires electricity.

Enter the material ‘electricity, low voltage’ to the input side of the process with

the coefficient 0,12 Wh. Enter ‘Roasted Cocoa Beans’ with the coefficient 1g to

the input side, as well.

Create new materials ‘Cocoa Nibs’ and ‘Shells’, both with the unit type ‘Mass’ and

material type ‘Good’. Insert both to the output side, shells with a coefficient of 0,2

g and the cocoa nibs with 0,8 g. The shells can be used as mulch and connect to

an output place named ‘Cocoa Shell Mulch’.

Figure 24 Specification ‘Winnowing’


The roasted nibs are broken into pieces. This process not only produces cocoa

liquor but also little pieces of roasted nibs that are treated as bio waste.

The process is specified with user defined functions. Therefore, it is explained in

section ‘III. User Defined Specifications’.

Grinding is followed by two parallel process strings, one starting with ‘Pressing’

and one beginning with ‘Mixing’.

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During the pressing process, cocoa butter and the remaining cakes are extracted

from the cocoa paste. The cocoa liquor leads to two new materials: ‘Cocoa Butter’

and ‘Cocoa Cake’. Create both materials with the material type ‘Good’ and unit

type ‘Mass’ and enter them with the coefficients 25g and 40 g.

Drag the ‘Cocoa Liquor’ to the input side and enter a coefficient of 65 g and put

the material ‘electricity, low voltage’ with a coefficient of 0,0384 Wh to the

input side of the pressing process.

Figure 25 Specification ‘Pressing’


The pressing is followed by milling, where the remaining cocoa cakes are ground

to powder.

40 g of ‘Cocoa Cake’ produce 40 g of ‘Cocoa Powder’. Name the output place

connected to the milling process ‘Cocoa Powder’ as well.

Figure 26 Specification ‘Milling’


The next step includes adding new materials to the process in order to get the

chocolate mix as a final product. As this process is specified with user defined

functions, it is explained in chapter ‘III. User Defined Specifications’.

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Conching and Tempering

During the conching, the residual moisture is removed, while tempering transforms

the semi-liquid mix into a solid product using heat treatment. A new material

named ‘Solid Chocolate Mix’ must be created, and added with a coefficient of 80


Drag the materials ‘electricity, low voltage’ with a coefficient of 0,1 Wh and

‘Semi-liquid Mix’ with a coefficient of 100 g to the input side. In addition to

‘Solid Chocolate Mix’, a new material ‘Steam’ needs to be created with the the

material type ‘Bad’ and the unit type ‘Mass’. Add it with a coefficient of 20g to the

output side. Steam will be connected to a new output place.

Electricity can connect to the same output place as the other materials ‘electricity,

low voltage’ used before. Just connecting it to the exact same place would result

in arrows crossing each other. Therefore, right-click on the ‘Energy’ connection and

choose ‘Duplicate’. A new connection will be created, which is similar but can be

located separately. Drag it to ‘Mixing’ and set is as the place for the corresponding

input in the Specifications window. When you click it, the original place as well as

its duplicate are highlighted in green, showing that they are the same. This is

presented in the following figure.

Figure 27 The input place ‘Energy’ and its duplicate

Figure 28 Specification ‘Conching & Tempering’

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Moulding & Packaging

In the last step, the chocolate is poured into moulds of different shapes and then

packaged for the market.

The main output in this process is the new material ‘Chocolate’, with the material

type ‘Good’ and a coefficient of 106 g, as packaging materials are used.

Thus, the new material ‘aluminium foil’ with a coefficient of 3 g and ‘paper,

woodfree, coated, at regional storage [RER]’ with a coefficient of 3 g, both

from the ecoinvent database, have to be added to the input side. In addition, add

‘electricity, low voltage’ with a coefficient of 20 Wh and ‘Solid Chocolate Mix’

with a coefficient of 100 g to the input side.

Figure 29 Specification ‘Moulding & Packaging’

The following figure gives a rough overview of the processes in the distribution,

consumer use and disposal phase that will be modelled next.

Figure 30 Overview of the processes involved in the distribution, consumer use and disposal phase

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Refrigerated Transportation

When delivering the chocolate to the supermarkets, the temperature must be kept

low to prevent melting. Consequently, it is delivered by refrigerated transportation.

This distance is changeable by using the parameter `DST’ defined in the

‘Parameters’ tab. See below. The chocolate is transported 200 km by lorry.

Figure 31 Parameter ‘Refrigerated Transportation’

The coefficient of the input material ‘transport, lorry >32t, EURO3 [RER]’ is

described as a formula.

transport, lorry >32t, EURO3 [RER] DST/1000

Figure 32 Specification ‘Refrigerated Transportation’

There is no normal output. However, generic materials are defined in the generic

materials tab similar to the transportation processes presented before.

Figure 33 Generic Materials ‘Refrigerated Transportation’

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Cooling in Supermarket

Most supermarkets have air conditioning in order to keep the chocolate at low

temperature. The electricity consumption should therefore be taken into account.

As the process is specified with user defined functions, it is explained in section

‘III. User Defined Specifications’.

Storage in Refrigerator

The bought chocolate is likely to stay in the consumer´s refrigerator for a couple

of days.

As the process is specified with user defined functions, it is explained in section

‘III. User Defined Specifications’.


After all, the consumer will eat the chocolate and leave the packaging behind for

disposal. A new material ‘Eating Chocolate’ needs to be created and added to

the output side. It has the unit type ’Amount’ and the material type ‘Good’ as well

as the coefficient 1 unit.

Create the material ‘Package waste’ with the material type ‘Bad’ and the unit

type ‘Mass’ and put it to the output side of the process. The coefficient is 6 g.

Figure 34 ‘Specification Eating’

Package Disposal

The package waste is disposed. The package for one unit of chocolate consists of

3 g ‘paper’ and 3 g ‘aluminum’.

The input side consists of the ‘Package waste’ with a coefficient of 6 g.

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Drag the materials ‘waste aluminum’ and ‘waste paper, sorted’ to the output


Figure 35 Specification ‘Package Disposal’

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Figure 36 Overview of the Processes ‘Grinding’ to ‘Package Disposal’

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IV. User Defined Specifications

Some processes got specified with user defined functions (UDFs). For the

processes ‘Grinding’, ‘Mixing’, ‘Cooling in Supermarket’ and ‘Storage in

Refrigerator’ the changes are shown below.


The roasted nibs are broken into pieces. This process not only produces cocoa

liquor but also little pieces of roasted nibs that are treated as bio waste. The mass

of this bio waste is calculated with the parameter ‘WR’.

Figure 37 Parameter ‘Grinding’

The electricity consumption is calculated, assuming that 0,1536 Wh of electricity

are consumed for grinding 1 g of cocoa nibs.

This value was calculated with real data taken from a small chocolate factory in

Grenada. A grinder consumes 7 680 Wh of electricity per day, based on the

assumption that 50 000 kg of chocolate are produced.

Overview of the used formulas:

Material name Function

Cocoa Liquor Cocoa Nibs*(1-WR/100)

Biowaste Cocoa Nibs*WR/100

Electricity, low


0.15360*Cocoa Nibs

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Figure 38 User Defined Function ‘Grinding’

Figure 39 Specification ‘Grinding’


A typical milk chocolate recipe is formed by 45% of sugar, 10% of cocoa liquor,

20% milk and 25% cocoa butter (ADM Cocoa, 2009, p. 83).

For this process, two new materials must be added: The material ‘sugar, from

sugarcane, at sugar refinery [BR]’, from the ecoinvent dataset and the new

material ‘Milk’ with the material type ‘Good’ and unit type ‘Mass’ (Mogensen,

Hermansen, Halberg, & Dalgaard, 2009, p. 124). In addition, it is necessary to

create a new material named ‘Semi-liquid Mix’, which is the main output after

finishing the mixing process. It has the unit type ‘Mass’ and material type ‘Good’

Further information is needed for the calculation of the coefficient of each

ingredient. This information will be stored in parameters to keep them easily

changeable. The parameters and their values needed for the calculation are shown

in the following figure.

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Figure 40 Parameter ‘Mixing’

According to this ratio, the mass of the materials is calculated as shown below.

The electricity consumption is calculated assuming that 0.00015 MJ are used for

100 g of semi-liquid mix.

Overview of the used formulas:

Material name Function

Cocoa Butter TOT*CBUT/100

Milk TOT*MIL/100

Cocoa Liquor TOT*CLIQ/100

Sugar TOT*SUG/100

Figure 41 Specification ‘Mixing’

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Figure 42 User Defined Function ‘Mixing’

Cooling in Supermarket

Most supermarkets have air conditioning in order to keep the chocolate at low

temperature. The electricity consumption should therefore be taken into account.

Five parameters are defined in the ‘Parameters’ Tab (see below).

‘EC’ is the total electricity consumption for air conditioning over the period of one


‘RP’ is a retention period of chocolate. It takes into consideration how long the

chocolate will stay in the supermarket before being sold.

Figure 43 Parameter ‘Cooling in Supermarket’

First, the overall electricity consumption caused by the retention period is

calculated by dividing the electricity consumption for 1 year by 365 and multiplying

by the retention period, which is defined as a parameter. This results in the EPRP,

which is the electricity consumption for the whole supermarket.

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Then, the electricity consumption for the retention period is allocated to the

chocolate sales area by multiplying the EPRP with the share of the chocolate rack

area (CRS) of the the supermarket area (RC).

Finally, the electricity consumption of the chocolate sales area is allocated to the

chocolate bars, which are stocked in the chocolate rack area, by using chocolate

per rack. We are assuming that 1 chocolate rack takes up 1 m2 space.

Chocolate per gram=Electricity consumption of chocolate sales area/CPR

Figure 44 User Defined Function ‘Cooling in Supermarket’

See the process specifications below.

Figure 45 Specification ‘Cooling in Supermarket’

Expand ‘Electricity, low voltage’ to ‘market for electricity, low voltage

[RoW]’. This activity should stand alone and not be connected to the connection

‘Energy’ as it was used before. ‘Cooling in Supermarket’ is part of the distribution

phase. Processes in different phases should not be linked to the same activities as

this causes problems regarding calculations.

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Storage in Refrigeration

The bought chocolate is likely to stay in the consumer´s refrigerator for a couple

of days.

3 parameters are defined in the ‘Parameters’ tab to calculate the energy

consumption of a refrigerator.

Var Name Quantity Unit

RC Refrigerator’s capacity 100 Kg

RP Retention Period 3.00 Day

EC Electricity Consumption 295 kWh

The electricity consumption is calculated in a stepwise approach. First, the overall

electricity consumption for the retention period is calculated in the same way as it

was done previously. Divide the annual electricity consumption by 365 and multiply

it with the retention period (RP). EPRP is the overall electricity consumption for the


In a second step, the overall electricity consumption for the retention period is

allocated to the volume of the chocolates. The electricity consumption of chocolate

per gram can be calculated by dividing EPRP by the product of multiplying the

retention period by 1000.

Figure 46 User Defined Function ‘Storage in Refrigerator’

Figure 47 Specification ‘Storage in Refrigerator’

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‘Storage in Refrigerator’ is part of the consumer use phase. As described above

regarding ‘Cooling in Supermarket’, it should be expanded to its own ‘market for

electricity, low voltage [RoW]’ and not linked to an activity from another life

cycle phase.

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V. Using the Expand Function

In this step, some activities that deliver the specified flows or intermediate

exchanges to the model need to be added as the LCA methodology requires taking

into account the pre-chains of intermediate flows. In the table at the end of this

chapter, the affected processes as well as the material names and their

corresponding activities are listed.

If it is already known, which process delivers a certain product or service, the

corresponding activity can be added manually. You can search for it in the project

explorer and drag and drop it into the grid in order to connect it to the process.

The input ‘pesticide, unspecified’ in the process ‘Cocoa Seedlings’ shall be

expanded to ‘market for pesticide, unspecified [GLO]’. Make sure to select the

‘Result’ activity with the system model ‘Allocation Default’. The following figure

shows, how this activity was selected from the project explorer and dropped into

the grid in order to be connected to the corresponding process next.

Figure 48 Manually expanding through the project explorer

In some cases, it is not known which process delivers a certain product. The user

may want to research the different activities that can deliver an input or output.

Therefore, use the automatic 'Expand' feature. This will be explained by expanding

the same material as done manually above - ‘pesticide, unspecified’ from the

process ‘Cocoa Seedlings’. First, mark the input ‘pesticide, unspecified’ and

then press the button. Umberto NXT will search for activities that deliver

this intermediate material. Pick the corresponding ‘market for pesticide

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unspecified [GLO]’ activity. Be sure to always select activities of the type

‘Result’, which are marked with the system model ‘Allocation, default’.

Figure 49 Select activity window for expanding processes

After clicking 'OK', the complete activity will automatically be added to the

network. The process stub will appear in the grid.

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Figure 50 Model stub of the selected activity

Next, it will be explained how to expand materials of several processes to the same activity. For example, the following chocolate production processes require the

input ‘electricity, low voltage’: Industrial Cleaning, Roasting, Winnowing, Grinding, Pressing, Milling, Mixing, Conching & Tempering, and Moulding & Packaging. They

can all connect to the same connection point and activity to keep the model simple. Start with ‘Industrial Cleaning’. Mark ‘electricity, low voltage’ in the process’

input side and press the button. Choose the ‘Result’ activity ‘market for

electricity, low voltage [RoW]’ with the system model ‘Allocation, default’. Name the connection point between ‘Industrial Cleaning’ and the activity ‘Energy’. Now, merge that connection place with the already existing place ‘Energy’. In order

to do so, turn the input place into a connection. Click on the input place and tick the ‘Connection’ box in the properties editor. Now you can simply move the two

places onto each other to merge them.

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Figure 51 Properties Editor of ‘Energy’

Instead of using the expand function in every process that requires electricity,

simply link the connection place to those processes mentioned and choose this place for the input materials ‘electricity, low voltage’.

The processes ‘Mixing’ and ‘Conching and Tempering’ cannot be connected to ‘Energy’, without arrows crossing. Therefore, the connection ’Energy’ was

duplicated before (see Mixing). This duplicate will connect the processes to the same activity as the original place ‘Energy’.

Note that it is important to keep the model as clearly structured and simple as

possible. Ecoinvent activities that are needed by several other processes in one

phase can be connected to them without having to create several identical

processes of the same type. They must, however, not be connected to different

phases. Each phase must have an own process to enable accurate calculations. For

example, ‘market for electricity, low voltage [RoW]’ can be connected to different

processes that use low voltage electricity but it must be given separate markets

for each phase that requires this activity. For example, the processes in the

production phase can use one activity, but processes from the distribution phase

have to use a separate activity.

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Figure 52 Overview of the processes from ‘Transport’ to ‘Moulding & Packaging’

Use the same approach described in this chapter to expand the model. All affected

processes including the corresponding materials are listed in Table 1. Always select

the result activity with the correct system model - ‘Allocation, default’ – and the

correct geography as referred to in the table.

As no dataset for ‘milk’ exists in ecoinvent 3, a similar process will be adapted.

Searching the database, you will find ‘market for milking [GLO] modified,

based on ecoinvent 3 (v3.01)’. Drag it into the net. In order to modify the

market, click the lock button ( ) to unlock the activity. Now, rename it into

‘market for milk [GLO]’, delete the output ‘milking’ and replace it with the

already used material ‘milk’ and a quantity of 1 kg. The activity will now appear

as ‘market for milk [GLO] modified based on ecoinvent 3(v3.01)’. Connect

it to the corresponding process and make sure to select the right place of the input

‘milk’ in the process ‘Mixing’.

Similar to ‘milk’, no dataset for ‘cocoa seeds’ exists in ecoinvent 3. Searching the

database you will find ‘market for potato seed, organic, for setting [GLO]’.

Unlock the activity, rename it into ‘market for cocoa seeds, organic, for setting

[GLO]’ and replace the output ‘potato seed, for setting’ with ‘cocoa seeds’.

Enter a coefficient of 1 kg. The activity will now appear as ‘market for cocoa

seeds, organic, for setting [GLO] modified based on ecoinvent 3(v3.01)’.

Table 1 Overview of the required expansions

Process Material


Function Unit Activity for Expansion



Cocoa Seeds 4,5 kg

market for cocoa seed,

organic, for setting [GLO]

modified, based on

ecoinvent 3 (v3.01)

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voltage 0,317 MJ

market for electricity,

medium voltage [RoW]

irrigation 15 m3

market for irrigation



Seedlings chlorothalonil 2 kg

market for chlorothalonil



unspecified 0,25 kg

market for pesticide,

unspecified [GLO]


fertiliser, as

P205 18 kg

market for phosphate

fertiliser, as P2O5 [GLO]


fertiliser, as

K20 14 kg

market for potassium

fertiliser, as K2O [GLO]

Transport of

Cocoa Beans


freight, lorry

> 32 metric

ton, EURO3 DT/100 tkm

market for transport,

freight, lorry >32 metric

ton, EURO3 [GLO]



freight, lorry

> 32 metric

ton, EURO3 DST/100 tkm

market for transport,

freight, lorry >32 metric

ton, EURO3 [GLO]




low voltage 1,7 Wh

market for electricity, low

voltage [RoW]




unleaded 0,008 kg

market for petrol,

unleaded [RoW]

Winnowing electricity,

low voltage 0,12 Wh

market for electricity, low

voltage [RoW]

Grinding electricity,

low voltage 0,12 Wh

market for electricity, low

voltage [RoW]


User defined

functions g

market for biowaste


Pressing electricity,

low voltage 0,038 Wh

market for electricity, low

voltage [RoW]

Milling electricity,

low voltage 0,003 MJ

market for electricity, low

voltage [RoW]

Mixing sugar, from


User defined

functions g

market for sugar, from

sugarcane [GLO]

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low voltage

User defined

functions MJ

market for electricity, low

voltage [RoW]


User defined

functions g

market for milking [GLO]

modified, based on

ecoinvent 3 (v3.01)

Conching &



low voltage 0,1 Wh

market for electricity, low

voltage [RoW]

Moulding &



low voltage 20 Wg

market for electricity, low

voltage [RoW]



coated 3 g

market for paper,

woodfree, coated [RoW]

Cooling in



low voltage

User defined

functions g

market for electricity, low

voltage [RoW]

Storage in



low voltage

User defined

functions g

market for electricity, low

voltage [RoW]




aluminium 3 g

market for waste

aluminium [GLO]

waste paper,

sorted 3 g

market for waste paper,

sorted [GLO]






ingot 1 kg

market for aluminium,

primary, ingot [GLO]

sheet rolling,

aluminium 1 kg

sheet rolling, aluminium


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VI. Creating a Subnet for the Aluminum Production

In some cases, a refinement of the model is needed, while keeping the initial

graphical layout intact. In other cases, the analysis of results of one part of the

model shall be separated from the overall results. In either case, the use of subnets

is indicated.

Use the context menu of the process ‘aluminum production’ to convert the

process into a subnet. The subnet will automatically open in a new sub net.

For the chocolate’s packaging, thin aluminum foil is needed. The production of that

foil will be modeled in more detail in its own Subnet. This subnet is composed of 3

processes: the primary aluminum, the sheet rolling, and the actual aluminum foil

production. This is presented below. Following, the specification of the process will

be explained.

Figure 53 Subnet ‘Aluminum Production’

During this process, aluminum ingots are rolled and processed into aluminum foils,

which are used as chocolate´s packages.

Name the subnet process ‘Aluminium production’ and put the following on the input


Material Coefficient Unit

Sheet rolling, aluminum 1 kg

Aluminum, primary, ingot 1 Kg

Create a new material ‘aluminum, foil’ with the material type ‘Good’ and the unit

type ‘Mass’. Drag it to the output side with the coefficient 1 kg.

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Figure 54 Specification ‘Aluminum Production’

Expand the input side to the ‘Result’ activities ‘market for aluminium, primary,

and ingot [GLO]’ and ‘sheet rolling, aluminium [RoW]’.

Now, the model is prepared and can almost be calculated. The following figures

show the complete model, separated into three parts. First, the raw materials

phase is presented, followed by the chocolate production and finally the

distribution, consumer use and disposal phases are shown.

Figure 55 Overview of the processes up to ‘Fermentation & Sundrying’

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Figure 56 Overview of the chocolate production

Figure 57 Overview of the distribution, consumer use and disposal phase

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VII. Evaluation

Two important things still need to take place before calculating. First, the reference

flow must be set. The main product, chocolate, leaves the process ‘Eating’ to an

output place. To create a reference flow here, drag the product ’Eating Chocolate’

onto the arrow between the process and the output place and enter the quantity

1 unit. The arrow will turn purple, indicating a reference flow.

Next, the different life cycle phases need to be drawn so the impacts of each phase

can be distinguished. The phases can be either included in the very beginning,

when starting to create the model, but in this tutorial it makes more sense to

create the phases last. Now that you know the different processes. Click ‘Draw –

Life Cycle Phases’ on top left corner in the screen. As the whole life cycle will be

considered choose the ‘Cradle-to-Grave’ approach. Now, the phases are drawn in

different colours. On top of each phase, next to the caption (e.g. Raw Materials),

you can click and drag the shape in order to distinguish the right phases. The

phases of this example are listed below. The model now includes the five life cycle

phases represented through different colours.

Phase Starting Process

Raw Materials Crop Establishment

Production Industrial Cleaning

Distribution Refrigerated Transportation

Consumer User Storage in Refrigerator

Disposal Package Disposal

The life cycle model is now ready to be calculated. Calculate by clicking on the

button with the calculator icon in the toolbar. If the model is fully specified and no

problems occur, all arrows will turn their colour from light grey to black.

After the calculation has finished, two new tabs will appear in the specification

window at the bottom, displaying the calculation results.

Figure 58 LCA Results Chocolate Production

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Figure 59 Result Sankey View

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VIII. List of all applied materials

Table 2 List of all applied materials

Process Material Source Type



Unit Unit





Activity for





Cocoa Seeds User Defined Good 4,5 kg Input

market for

cocoa seed,

organic, for




based on

ecoinvent 3





ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good 0,317 MJ Input

market for






ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good 15 m3 Input

market for




Plantation User Defined Good 1 ha Output


dioxide, non-



ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Bad 4,00E-05 kg Output




Plantation User Defined Good 1 ha Input


ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good 2 kg Input

market for


l [GLO]



ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good 0,25 kg Input

market for





fertiliser, as


ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good 18 kg Input

market for


fertiliser, as

P2O5 [GLO]


fertiliser, as


ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good 14 kg Input

market for


fertiliser, as


Cocoa Pods User Defined Good 4032 kg Output

Cocoa Pods User Defined Good 4032 kg Input

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Harvesting &



Cocoa Beans User Defined Good 300 kg Output

Cocoa Husks User Defined Bad 1500 kg Output

Prunings User Defined Bad 2232 kg Output

Transport of

Cocoa Beans


freight, lorry

> 32 metric

ton, EURO3

ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good DT/100 tkm Input

market for


freight, lorry

>32 metric

ton, EURO3




Cargo 1


] Both


n & Sun



Cocoa Beans User Defined Good 300 kg Input

Raw, dried

cocoa beans User Defined Good


B/100 kg Output


Beans User Defined Bad


/100 kg Output



freight, lorry

> 32 metric

ton, EURO3

ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good DST/100 tkm Input

market for


freight, lorry

>32 metric

ton, EURO3




Cargo 1


] Both



Raw, dried

cocoa beans User Defined Good 150 g Input

electricity, low


ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good 1,7 Wh Input

market for


low voltage


Cleaned cocoa

beans User Defined Good 125 g Output

Cocoa beans

waste User Defined Good 25 g Output



Cocoa beans

waste User Defined Good 0,025 kg Input



ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good 0,008 kg Input

market for




heat energy

ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Bad 3,00E-06 kg Output

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ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Bad 6,80E-07 kg Output


dioxide, from

soil or

biomass stock



ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Bad 1,20E-04 kg Output





ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Bad 2,40E-02 kg Output

heat energy User Defined Good 2,00E-01 kWh Output


Cleaned cocoa

beans User Defined Good 125 g Input

Heat energy User Defined Good 0,2 kWh Input

Roasted cocoa

beans User Defined Good 125 g Output


Roasted cocoa

beans User Defined Good 1 g Input

electricity, low


ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good 0,12 Wh Input

market for


low voltage


Cocoa nibs User Defined Good 0,8 g Output

Shells User Defined Good 0,2 g Output


Cocoa Nibs User Defined Good



functions g Input

electricity, low


ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good



functions Wh Input

market for


low voltage


Cocoa Liquor

ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good



functions g Output

Biowaste User Defined Bad



functions g Output

market for




Cocoa Liquor User Defined Good 65 g Input

electricity, low


ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good 0,038 Wh Input

market for


low voltage


Cocoa Butter User Defined Good 25 g Output

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Cocoa Cake User Defined Good 40 g Output


Cocoa Cake User Defined Good 40 g Input

electricity, low


ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good 0,003 MJ Input

market for


low voltage


Cocoa Powder User Defined Good 40 g Output


sugar, from


ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good



functions g Input

market for

sugar, from



electricity, low


ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good



functions MJ Input

market for


low voltage


Milk User Defined Good



functions g Input

market for




based on

ecoinvent 3


Cocoa Liquor User Defined Good



functions g Input

Cocoa Butter User Defined Good



functions g Input


Mix User Defined Good



functions g Output

Conching &


electricity, low


ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good 0,1 Wh Input

market for


low voltage



Mix User Defined Good 100 g Input


Chocolate Mix User Defined Good 80 g Output

Steam User Defined Bad 20 g Output

Moulding &



foil User Defined Good 3 g Input

electricity, low


ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good 20 Wg Input

market for


low voltage


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ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good 3 g Input

market for






Chocolate Mix User Defined Good 100 g Input

Chocolate User Defined Good 106 g Output




freight, lorry

> 32 metric

ton, EURO3

ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good DST/100 tkm Input



Cargo Good 1


] Both

Cooling in



ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good



functions kWh Input

electricity, low

voltage User Defined Good



functions g Input

market for


low voltage


Chocolate User Defined Good



functions g Output

Storage in


Chocolate User Defined Good



functions g Input

eletricity, low


ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good



functions kWh Input

market for


low voltage


Chocolate User Defined Good



functions g Output


Chocolate User Defined Good 106 g Input


Chocolate User Defined Good 1 unit Output


Waste User Defined Bad 6 g Output




Waste User Defined Bad 6 g Input



ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Bad 3 g Output

market for




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waste paper,


ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Bad 3 g Output

market for

waste paper,

sorted [GLO]





priamry, ingot

ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good 1 kg Input

market for



ingot [GLO]

sheet rolling,


ecoinvent 3

(v3.01) Good 1 kg Input

sheet rolling,




foil User Defined Good 1 kg Output