«■ ^ -- Ttie SOtfi and SJst 1 ^ ^ ^ deaths of m s in Magic VaUcy occur- red Dcc. 30 as r.csult ; ot an accidcnt. In ' I MiiUdoka county ■ ^ VOL. 40, NO. 259_________ Team sters XJ] Picket N ew I Station in j S I NEW YORK, Dcc. 30 (/P)--Tlie Tcanni ^ ■ tcM. nUrtiiiR Jnn. 12, m.ji lirive to owiiii' H ■ Teamsters official, hukI thc pickofin^ wotil I Is o prccinct fltnl^na in tho dty. Fcinstein * B tinner Stephen P. Kcnncily. wiu, opppsos -1 Crops Productic 1958 Sets Ne>v i BOISE. Dec .10 (UPI) _ produ, Tops climbed to a new record diirinK' ]!)5i lulturo department reportc<l l,uhiv that ,f crop prodiiction was lai, n jump of six , I .ftound 15 above IHoC. \ioI(Ih iior acre thi- <)E7 and nyeraKG for niaiiV croiw, (hu i everal hittin^f new record liiKhs, itichitli ry benns, dry pens, .siiKur Jjcels, A uslri statoes. Better than avenijrc • < ieldfl were realized for most ^ ;her crops. W f.if-A T h The deportment noted thnt tJic ^ ly crop* wltli a poor yield per acrn -witt. ■re tJops nnd some of (hr rid j \V 'B 1lf'r> ■dn. However, hop,i were nt'n rec- * ’ l l l l C 1 hlRh In production fi,i n result expanded ncrcnRf, ' ^ductlon tiUo wn«;nt ti rccord * lU U l lh this yenr Jor dry -benns, suRar Jale summer poutoe.i {nil Dec. itoes. peors, olfnlfn »ecd nncl f'*'’" ''” «fedcd d hny. “ thl.1 fnll. wllh i: tere Is a breakdown of Idnho crou •'otilhcm hi ductlon for 106B: 11. S, nKrieultu - J 2. « 2.000 bushel.-., fhtly hlRher thnn tn 1957 imd tlx .«lepi«rtm eent above ttie ltH7-5fl nvernRc ■'eediiiK.i Avere 73 Id per acre nvcmKed very Rood P«r cenl both wlnler nnd spdntf crop,i— y « r «ko nnd 15 ind only to record hlftli.i cMnb- 10<8-57 ftveniKe. ed In JB57, .^n Initial c.iiinml 22 per the 195J wlnler ' M ilio lil ID,OS 1 the lOIO-Ca ftvernRc. , would be seven 1 "«<• uo per ccn’ a ‘'t;r;L;,’ 's r;r r beans — 3,007,000 bnifs tioo ds clenn). Output exceeded 1057 [percent nnd the 1047-60 nver- r pen . 1.116.000 baff* ,<:oo p*'’ « n i over the C»llrrw .n rii«»r c.1a,.n 1) M e ^Ut Uir«# I " ■ ' avernRc, Tho dt irly Move Is -SSSS. rt 'South Se» uu»ue for Bmiis i. _ of per cenl froi Dam Proposal srSS «rljr move wil! be made to oblnln nrcii of the *lni 3np.vUonal pn.vinRe of n bin to Idi.lio, pnrtlcutar uilior^ construcUon of Burns extremely dry »o rtet dam on tho Snnke river. vnlied ihLs foil Sci Stn. Henry Dworahalc. n„ idn,. In’many ccweit; du la ne will Join lils Democrnllc eol- ture with conilde wue. Sen. Frnnlc Church, in apon- .needed In An effo irtnf the bill. stand " The sennte pn.ved n Burns Creek . _________ _ I! In 1B57 but lha measure died In /~ i T • 1 I# housp Interior commlllee. I y II k 1,1 Based otl the .-lennle ncilon, how. tr eoncre.-« npproprlntcd *500.. i 0 for lhe-project aubject to lt.i AOTf»A £ Ml aulhorlaiUon. Thla money atlll © wld be Bvnllftble until June 30 T O I 111 s o l' The «U<0,000.project would be V/ASniNQTOhr. 1 30 miles below jile Republlcnn lli mjaaes dnm to reculale flow.s re- dny lo bnck n alixt ued from tlmt structure. . John Shermnn Coo It would havo Inslnlled Rencrntlnic the pnrty lendershl JL kllowulls inaJ'i-hourmc of alornKe, ln.-.urKrnl senators ^ d l n s 100,000 Bcrc-Iect for Irrl- support Sen. Thon The 30-mlle reaervolr to be crcnt- ^°^le'B°o''uD*dMld' l»ould offer vntloiw rcsircnllon n ,. irant Okayed for Hospital in Hailey loS'-.frSA "ASHrNaTON, Dec. 30 CR-An- '^e past «™i *a.-i reported Mondny of « porters of President 1;«1 m n t to nld in construcUon PU*- Cwper Inlo c W IdBjio ha-;plinl. Rep. Hnmcr f.®"- D'^lca ,W'J«e. R„ idQ.. Mid the reslonnl hcntlhserv- conftrwa optnlr Wtltted him it hnd Approved Dirksen. now the ■ ^ ftlo n of nn Ji-bed Renernl ernlly la expected i ap 1*1 ai Hnlley In Blnlno county. tiiJce over the lutdcr 1« -plnccd ■SO'. W llllnn «»:iOI with the federal Rovern- Cftllfomla,, itate, District Leaden / Here to I^ n Ida district officera awardi to'Iho vocatl, ^ W n h o t-uturo Pntmcr* of Broup.1. SUn IhM In Twin Pnlls "Donor* rIvo their 'iMttlnrr u “ '^U ve■commit- Ll ndmlnlstered by n i * conducted by Eddie l« s composed entire DrV,iri?'V PfM 'dcnt. Olher nre active In the voct 0«"> Nm - M*ro proRfftm." “«n _Tw;« iL'.. P‘’f«l<lcnt: Jto . Beat know of.tho iSfed-by-tiis'rouniiika ^'1. K im L "• tfcftsurer; Curt Parmer of America"' Hnp.ii '■'■porter, nnd Oarth annually al tho natlc bo «««lnel. ventlon to thc boy wh llemtt momlnB Ion of the JudRes. hn.; *’ thainL *'"• BurllnaUain, most In fnmilnK, leadi Poun- ntlon nnd citizenship “""•n rJ committee, HIII Ln receives a foundivUc ^crd Motnv " "'’'cmeni division jr.OOO. Tliree rcRlonal «Jpot Ihli He tald thc rccelve JSOO each, ““ Uons . 1 , llrins, or- The owart* are cle* tii„ ‘"“Ividunls which ulnto interest in thi *‘80.000 annually forlproJ««tj, ItlU told th .'i'C-r- . ■ o A RcRionnJ Newt JnioiuPlai York’s I Latest K S "il liolicc inf fi n s.Ai Uie picketin;: is afmed unuiiii}:ntion of tho police, "V I , _ tiie comm ion for . Fcinstein , ^Record — xiuction of principal ownlzed 1058. The .u, S. apri- Fdnaleln ; Ht, tins year'.s index tc ix pointH over a year “nd this year were above munlelpnl w le USDA said, with iitiin;: oat,<i. all- hay. "'onih by Urian pca.s ;»hI fiilj J"mes n, ]k V ft V Feln,iU*ln f man- picket 1 IT' 9 aldeTtellce h armers’' ter Wheat. K ..1 cut off dellve iitings Dip 3 ^ 1 - lec. 30 (UPll — Idaho ‘"•■'^Umpnj.: rded le.<ai winter whent . , :h the decline mnlnlj-ln , ,P 1 hnlf of the stale, the ^"'‘1 ulture dcpnrtment wld “ onorecl I n ie 'demoti.1t rlmentr luvld cstlmnKd «omelhl e 733,000 ncre.\ which ii nt leiw thnn thal of « 1 LllDJ -Utlmate l/ower _ mnle by the USDA of T - nler wheat production I I 0,058,000 bushels, which -■■■* en per cenl below 1058 HAVAMA cent under llie lO.ycar . into the hea lhe flnnl outlum of the o" <-Xplo.‘ imvlerlnlly Influenced store.H o f arr tier nnd other nnlur.il on a private n'een Dcc. 1 and har- the bav fron- pnrtment anld, t 10 secdlnRs nro placed ernment cs. nn lncrcn.vs of two t>on-*’t i r the 1058 planted acre- --------------------- :# per cent icsa ttuin 5 C A 0 department said the D V I III nte calla for tlie InrRCst since the l»a3 crop. C Seedinn Lower O U ffflT 1 Idaho, the estimate ^ ». This Ll 0. decline from the ICM seedlnRs 03016 Ifih below averaee the lid. " “KC.ine .WASHmOTO Lhe 1057 crop," the The nifrlculturo Ided, •■«cdlnR» for the dny fixed ihe U .St'." s ; r ,£ ‘IS itorly the aoutheaat “"changed irom soli conditions pre- . Sccdlnff wns delnyed. The quou ro\ , duo lo lack of moLi- Ihrs in this com ildemble ncrense rc- and domesUc si effort ,to set a roo(1 nre controlled b> partment under :— --------------- federal auRar acl Pi-ovldlnR ndequi jij)erals m f«ir p _ Quotas for u. ; on Man )lon Post , ? ubS>” iS7/'t;: S 'I'cS TO alixte headed by Sen, nnwftti gooper. Kentucky for pu-.to Rleo rshlp In the «.iale, S o • mcetlnK. eight OOP canAda tors nRreed nlso to _ homas Kucliel. Coll- y , ------------ 1; ), o r ixssUlnnt lender. l^aUSC 01 •cldcd jiiit to conte.it I of Sen. Styles A P Pinar Inmpshire, as chair- XlCCIUCl )P Policy commlllee BOISB Dec 30 :-evcrett Snllonatnll, lng and fallRue ai as chnlrmnn of the causes of liotldny 11 OOP senators. state Lnw Bnfoi by the. eight sena- -'loner Earle E. Kc m have listed them- do)'. Mt as sUanch aup- Koehler replied lent Elacnhorer, will from Burton Ma 0 competition wllh D.C.. director of th Hrlcaen, iltlnol.i, for mcblle assoclntlon y floor leader In the irnfflc offlclnls of enlnsJnn. 7. ihey believed wen lhe parly whip, sen- facton. fd lo be chosen to Koehler listed "s iderahip post vncnl- ed limits Qnd road itlnm P. Knowlnnd. inR driven and fa • "Driver* try lo the officials will be travel In loo shor u. the holldny period, irs of FFA Meei laho Falls Conv uitlon^ agriculture Uian 40.(W pPA fo K.lr>„na.«u. .. -Hill told Uu "'•^''"‘Panyins u oundatlon prcRmm nild-yenr conclave a y A bonrd of mis- their projram were tlrely of men who Boise, aUte FPA a vocaUonal nerlcul- Hanaen, Boise. Uiry; Horace Morre the. awards jpon- «»«« aRrlcullure lea ilttaom#-Ul6'"SUr R^-Irons,-Wendeltr lea- award elvcn Minidoka, and Lee intlonal PPA eon- Tho Rroup represi ’ who. In Uie opln- 3.100 PPA members hnj accomplished stale. OUier dlstrlcl eadei^ahlp, cooper- tending were Robert ship. The winner dleton; Duane Kirk, livtlon • checlc (or Schodde. Minidoka; i inal Stnr Farmers scn. Ooodlns; Davl Palls: Rex Jenkins, dmlgned to sUm- Hendricks, Snake their work and Lloyd. North Oem, 1 .ths boys. More lnws,'6andpolot. I'f swspapcr Serrlnfj _________________ - 1 TWIWFy .ns to Cou Police O f) lecision „I;J; in^allaticinH. incliidinjr take over •’I wc are ;;oinff to ;:ive siienif it on nmissioncr a tasie of n S e t iti nom,c force and nre.s- ‘ '•^^^ey'^ilked ,tne,ioam.ster uiiion,” "PPtied lo n c, in aaid. 'tme htRhwny he Tcnmster union mnkes mntchlnR fun Ir to'our union nnd lo all ented It hkec lied labor,” - ' deleRatlon wna I to brln& nil pollccmen. The money t md other atAte. counly nnd nvnltnble for ec l workcr»-inlo the union- Jnl'-sloners sale ve wns nnnounced last ®'Wl•!lpr^l^'lf■ by Ti'nmsters President board met wi( , ' PocnCcHo, att Itl .inld the thrcnlened <0- They dLv:u.ved ei line would remnln out- In rlghl.of-wnj e hcndquarters for an In- ukes office n, f''*®'’',, tnlked nbou’t a ^ckct tines will go up out- Involvlne Dense 0 acpois and supply ata- eastern Idaho, wteln SAld in nn effort to Mrs, Alice • liveries of fuel and oUier owai farm prop jl anld the pleketlnR even- the" propowd'' P°"®« "PPenred betore tiJ. including precinct sta- she did'not n« 1. president of Tcomslcrs lng Ihe^roaic c' >nld llie picket lines will She US1*e t d by Tcnm-iter truckers, offlclali 'nre be )an Rebels Str tn Heart of H ^A, Cuba Doc. .10 (U P I)-C u b a leart of Havana province todav wit jlo.sivoH depot in which they 'dyna ammunition they could not carry iitely owned explosive depot at Gui •om Havana followed rebel claims t. nt forces in contra! rind eastern C iting they were *‘at the door.'t of blaat of the ( fuotafor - f c t S . ir Will Be vnnn area. Roads le as 1958 S? . men -aboard a ITON. Dec. 30 (UPll— pulled up in fron uro department yesler- ftorape of Uie ", »-U. s. sugar marketing . .t woc.000 ,h,rt iom. ; o ,dS "oS ' rom th. llml UM Th.y IM up » ftnd the third sold governs sugar market- '^’hnt exploalveti w :ountry by boUi foreign Police eatsbll.ili : suppliers. MnrkeUnRs tho nren. adjacent 1 by the agriculture de- tcry In Ouanabaco dcr the terms of the “ npeclnl guard nl act. which Is aimed nt Port In nenrby I equate suppUes to con- lending oul of « r pricca, ploced under vigil U. S..producer, and Hll . producers: P™''l'»cc a 1S59 Pinal ■ ‘•'"PO- Quota 1058 , wns the seoon Quota Incident of sabot (toai (ions) province In 12 houi 3,060.475 3261AB3 •»><>^’n lo st nl; :ar 14)08.717 3.342.M8 Melana. ltr 015,034 720,805 At the aamo- tlr •1.115.470 700,000 which Idci 1.108J75 815.000 t^e "voice of Uie e 8<,609 00J(50 fPPcaled to all wo 63 1 70« “f the pnrty —----------------- ngninst Uie "Inst nt f Holiday (tent tontu hnd cupi ents Listed X «v-apc«, dripk- S ; ' » e are the three major „»«. ' a.y tr.IIlc .tcldmu, moat Cuba, illed to a telegram ___________ . r h ? L . " r „ ‘r . ”: Howell Cai Hon. who had asked , 1 of each sUie what SlTl Ara« were the three clilef ‘-'m Sawtooth forest 1 "speed beyotkl poat- the Howell canyon >ad condlUons, drink- moved up sev, 1 fatigue." heavier snow lone lo cover .too niuch Ihort a time during J* lod." Koehler added 3.W0 feel h -------------------------- ^ former akl area, ll w er season of anow. U rt-f public use Ulls wlnl . aioi"* - ' ivention i— ally eadl'.^a?!'^ • the boys, to the I— /e and asslsUng with ere Ralph Edward.i. .. HAVANA. Cuba, De \ adviser, KenneUi {'oldlng ift-o Amerlcar le, execuUve seiSre- turbonce.'’ The men. i Jrrell. Jr.. Pocatello, arrested Ute yea teachers president; to New Orleans leftrMelvln-DeWltt; --------------------r- «rs throughout Uie M onntin i i « . ^ ;rlct presidents-at- woe u a t >ert Robinson.’Mid- london t>«. « .. M P.yrtK; o^„'SS''hm";.°a1 ir«]^ s s m. and Dan Rob- Dec. 7. The car wu * nlflit, aad poUc« begat 1 t w in FA L I.S falls , IDAHO, TUESDAY, PEC unties O 1 ffering J. S. Aid ‘ Il iJ. Dec. no r/Pi—Com- Ts of Blaine and Cnm- tie.<< asked the jttate y board .ye.stcM-dav to / ■r $215,000 in fc('i(*ral • h they can't u.sc and on a state highway ■n their-uoiintic.s. ■'«*"'> on th c iked thnl ilie money be Both Hevbur n consirucUon projccl rn be from Siou sro,'g.s}d:';k?r,': reciuiro SI35.000 in atnte funds. 'Die bcurd Indl- T P I? f., hked lhe propauil.' Titt- J . • X • t ( wns lold to cxpcct a de- - __ r the bonrd’s next meet- 1>L^ • f-0 In BoUe, iJK lllS ey tl part ot federnl fund.-\ 5r eounty ronds, Thc com- 1 said-m oy lu»V8 no rond.-i — -1^31*1 Uiey cnn now spend It, tl n one-dny nieeilns the * ‘*® Twin pn with Prank L. Beaion,' "'o«nd up lhe attorney Kcneml-clect. n'eetlng Mondn; wed proccduriM to be u.icd "PPro.vcdi /inot •wny ncquLililon ft^tec.h^ '‘•’■n't license nm e next week. They also P«pP«nI by the it a rlght-of-wny dlcputc tnmlng to flnni icnson's own properly in Pnrklng. ho, the board snld. a llciuor lieens ce Cosaid, ■Boise, who for 1050 wns b 5ropcrty In Jerome coun- the chib files n si on ttie right of wny of clly clcrk. Tlie.T M Interauue highway, estnblLihmcnt In itore the board. She snld purchiised a lOJ • ngrea wilh other land only two other p le nren, who nre protest- 1050 tlccnsca fron tc chMcn by the board, Uio pub nnd lhe he Uilnks su ie hlichway , r-ti,. »« .,»» better Informed than dlw uLd the Nn^ us ns to how the high- ul^ c ^ n ,iX « r 52:____________________win ask-tho leglsi , ' low which forbid* iriKe __ bonding the city, ________ are hesluint to pu M JlV 5 IT Ifl »>“cked by IX C i V C illC t from the street Jr uban rebels ntriick communities iSn, With a darinif raid wny off-street pn .-namited the huRe Twin ry away. The raid P"*’’ ' ’"? J? p™*'*' GuanabLoa acSs » Cuba. The rebels r-indy i* being mi of triumph." The Power eompany ol le Guanabacoa cx- fot jre heard in lower S id ^ ^ K in * included to* i alerted tho 19 pre- projecia. Th# ton I m the greater Ha- for such a report ] )nd« and airporti were Commlsaloner Jo lected to attend a c Jl na d aweral armed at Boise on Jn ft,J -/Iw"'***. «•''» defe iront Of the explosives asked U) attend U le "Armera de Cuba" Tho commUslon, ^plosives, at 0:30 ajii. December payroll , thanked ard loaded the vehicle, and others coneerr 0 n civilian watchman f®r making 1D58 "a soldier and dynamited ------------ toi' 2-Satelli V Bhcumnao. Roadi liT p S ’c.S; M o n th i hway leading to Plnar ' ■* « at Uie western end WASHINOTON. I The United Slates econd rebel-authored abotage In Havnna 1 “t hours. A small bridge (nrt ' 1 night at Outra de RattlJrfrm '’wn?' '■ time a new radio . ^nahe nlp-nnd-tuc workers and mem- >’«*'• > n«y U> Join forces " Jo"B-«ngo r It stand Of the die- I PulRcnclo BnUsla Sclentl.its ond mil roadcnsls oald insur- t»e talking AUns sal cnpiured 80 per cent as evidence ling provlnce'of Las Performance by a it Cubft in a major “nt-footed by Russia m would cut UlO ts- ** months ago. ^ and seat off Ha- In {lie weapons flel »d supplies, Ameriean Thor ml.islt l?i? reported sweep- In Britain In at least. “ tomie MUvltjf In eastern. Rus.ila provokes war. 'anyon’s Snov rea Moved •i»-lWVCU ot Mngic Valley Tu :st OfflclaU report Ing wllh Intemilttei yon rope tow hnsi the Twin Palls aren several miles- to ni No new snow was one closer td Ml. the Hailey vicinity bi of Uie new winter overcast. Snow that >merellc. mna momlng on thc et hlRher thnn Uie valley, floor wna s' II will have a long-1 Rround ond good al ’. U will be open to] tlons were reported winter. Uiey stale, with CSyo and one-t nt a>lles south of nnow, w s B ulletir •iSn'to2ri^Y^^’“ ^u‘’"" «lLiclosed to •n .'•’nrges of ••eotnmllting i " A W . neld and Louis Mn. T Havona's InternaUonoJ 'alrp enns.. La., from Monle8p_Bny^januUcji^ y- . ^ T ip s Indicate thrM women who ewao «»*t. but whal (bey did a? ■ Mystery, W ,rde» L. E.' CUpp oald todaj 10 I^ T h e balloon Smoll W orid-is^intJSl 1 “ 'ey *U11 hove had no word abc J or Uielr plastic balloon. ocareh continued today fo u * *•?«'•»«! f«mlly of rivo th 9 —J Nine DECEMBER 30. 1958 Heybur n Crash Auto; I EV, I « no— T "» Ilc.vbiirii JOM the Heyburn bndjfc? acro.ss Ihc S Vburn, Taken to the CciUafre hosp Sioux City, Nebr.. hcispitn! jittendi ro.iiyht iMagic Vnllcy'H lO.'iS traffic to Back Fl hs to G et irldng-L ots In Polls clly commission the yenr wllh a short .4 ondny night nl which It /inoUier Uauor-by-Uic- 5c nnd voted to aupport a ' the clly of Nnmpn pcr- flnanelng of off-alrect Iicei}»e for the Turf club ■as approved, providing jrJ Mft slate llccnse with thc lie .Turf club Is thc only --«• » ! nt in 'ivin Poll.i which X 1058 license. To dMc, ner places hnve received ^ 1from Uie city. They nro ........the Cove, Iger Joseph H. LnUn^ore |^ H | e Nnmpa proposal with t ^ loners. He snld Nnmpa . ^ fJ* leglalature to obange a A irblds clUes frotta u.ilng H IV lu funds to BubslcUM off- lg. He snld ofr-sUeet . ' b« accomplLihed by. city, but bond buyers , IH M I lo purchase such bond^' d by revenue recolved . nted oul that In mony -" -J - f ! " r ‘: also reported Oiat.a t t , |g made by the Idaho I I ^ 1 ny of the possibility of I J . 17- g for.downtown alleys ^ Ilel to'^laln avenuo. He a •- WASHING! ” .i z ‘”d,,s=?.“s nd Uie meeting. papers pro.seni uloners approved Uie sociation for t neemed with the city scratched the 58 "a successful year." nsked M iss B -- ----------------- kin. John Hop] > L a u n c ll ^aluaSe umapped she snld. •TTie loni H ite s P e r space age." Ilin 1 9 5 9 -"“ ^ whnt ahe called *'& 3N, Dec. 30 (UPD— with making Uio j otes plans to launch laboratory coot, t wo satelllles a month ninle success, ot the aame, time “They've empha vlth bftlllsUo missiles not hord work an tar weapons to deler I’ftve praised bea ir- slic snld, "As a resi d-tuek rnce, America thinks it's far many experts wlUi 5®"® ten on nn pnce In spnce cx- <c«ate) a ; 'ear and holding its P^'^nUc In the labo ngo missile develoo- '-.The Soviet Unloi women engineers l ^,(1®}'* M 1858 ends. He aakcd: "W n s S 'r j f i ‘s s S ! " “ Labor Rei ~ ~ Wage Hil low WASHINGTON. 1 reported falling Kefau », eaatem aecUon «' y TMesday m om - <lcmands whi nlttent drliaie in ^ ^ '. w « rtportcd In chalrmo Ity but akles were “"tUtrust subcomm that fell Christ- ^'Bht such wage , 1 thc Wood river' ^ the inflatloti M «UII on the industri Od akllng condl- P""*®® Prwa orted at lOnlena i ^ ‘*’ *>®l*tv one-balf feet or ‘demand or receive- crease which mam ____________ . Ju»tlfy os Uie basis ' neceasary price Incrc In^N ew Saj ------- 1 . Fori «Pl<«y nine, airport while en and set a new rocon Ica^lUsh-Weyt 847,000-iwXr^E report*. highway 93 w: The- two greatest « th’’.* *‘f k'"“"P ftnS^pfcnlclrea; vp (^at vaiyahed ter aporU areas. .■S' _______ __________ _ '. i rni! Irrica)cd Waho Counlits tUmW, nf AuJIt Hur»u . ---- --------------- - A..o^l.i>l PrM. UMi^, rn Yout h of Pot Fwo Oth youths were killed.and two other le.Siiake river on hifrhway 27. Doa lospiuil were Dntiald Ilc.lliiiRs. 16. ] iffic faljility total to .^1. six lc.is tl France Devalues ] - ........ ............ ’•{*«« '"'*‘®r Antoine Mnay. len, annoi t ministry of inleHer. Parlo. after Frn • franc to 433.7 lo Uie A o.«rt«„‘dona "5^ 20 to the dollar. At rftht Is Informatloi AT wlrephoto Tla radio from Parlal . Wastes Won Jilities, Exper t^GTON, Dcc. 30 (/P)—The United £ brainpower; a female scientist •holo^ist said more Americans nro I some reasons why. Theso repor sented to edutation sessions of thi or the Advancement of Science. •e inferior male , mind when wt the Huriace of our female brain 1 s Betty Lou Ras- --------------------iopkin.s university. 1 o AT 11 ftinpower is our most X D lia n pped natural resouree,“ 1longer we fnll to make C 1 ' rv^vs-rsi; »peed. rv«th-’SS“S Radar d -M adlson Ad Venue" Thirteen speed liio inlnlc coot, not the Monday night In nt, tho symbol of fe- erated by stnte pc . , half mllcs east'of iphaslzcd leisure Ume. Palrolmen jepc t ftnd originality, and ranged from. 05 to beauty, not brains," In a 85-mlla nleht result, today's sehool- Two of the cnrs I far more exelUng lo fomla, eight from nn airplane lhan to ty, one from Mln: in‘L ” T ^™ni Jerome < la^ratorjy- Olen A, Olaon, Jnlon-gmdunles-more boulevftrd north v Wqndny In • nws hna done In lls court for speeding she snld. in » 25-mlle, tont B program. Dr. I. M. city police Iri U\e ^ Bnrrlngton, Moss,, dlson nvenuc. S. vodka produeUon C. d . Shorthouie a per cent between sU-eet, was fined : W nt la behind Ui« r*chftw'*of” njnn . ». c»i.» . j , ShorUiouso WM clt r~——; ----- , rtlday at tho InU: C eirain in *^°»® » ^ « t n o r u t a Kike Asked Ooinv I »N. Dec. 30 (UPD— X efauver. D... Tenn.. *>f lo ss > refrain from any P«ked up Just nfl which basic indus- ''•y .ft tho county to juaUfy price in- •'* courUi, During the mom Irmon of the senate *® " .*ble to p Dmmittee, anld lost P**t«a without wal ge demands would* * P-™ - ««ven atlonary splrAl. were walUng. ustrles. during this _P««nacr plates [ireaaure.” Kefauver *330'# were bel -elltve labor should **’•1® ^ c k pl elve-sany wage In- sold In tha 310 management could Deadline for dl jasls for absolutely P^t«* ^ J“n. 18. Increases." |L awtooth Forest ] • Recxeation Use 'S; S ‘„" mtnt prolKt Ju .O-hopr „d iramea for the In- added for family cam ^ facillUes, offl- unlla are set up wltt ho Improved sur- than tho former fom t |3 win bring nddl- and Si"de~ ^w ioom area facUJUpa and gAfbo^ "Slnco theeo, fadlll <«t nrcns of Jn- the public, it Is to th e in the summer to take good caro of U ureas and In win- sute. ‘The less Ume 1 th,d picnic faclll. w M t?S?ta“J 2 ael«l‘^Wood rtw Ic* ^ FI] EDr ••u of cireuliilon* Ifl - _________ths Kill tato Tri hers Inj her persons were hospitalized thij Dead-were Gary Butterfield. 16. a 16, Burley, and Frank Jlavers, 18, 0 youths’ injury was not known s than were killed in traffic clcatl 3 Franc ' . M ', ------------------------------- t y ’s 1957 tl The last I ' t*. counly took ------------ ----------Manuel-Trtvli was killed nt nnd one • Rupert In a t I Butterfield I . g |ta || Mm. -Jnmes V, -S' Rom youUi Is Mrs. Olen H. I Trafi ' Scoi I Here Is a c ' faUllUes ss c ond 1058 for Al I ^^® Magic Valler, I Idaho, 1058 - Mnrvln Snyd stalo pnUxitmc Mlnldokft couni ' InvesUgaUon, r which the fom apporenUy skli crossed Uie br the pobito truci nnooneei mw financial' °®t Injured «neh goremnent de- Report of th r. The old offlclat rata cclved In tho 1 itloa JiUaUter Jacqaea ltfa ofllce at I . ; The bridge la ----------- m iles frcTO Bui^ men’s H-S.= ', Bodies of Uic srtSays“ '-J2 sd States Is wasting d ^ «c ist said yesterday, county, officer* nre drinking vodka. Hi,® t ports were in two “ «mu the American As-1 ---------- ------------- “Why dig deeper U I/SU I I we haven't even in power Buppiv?" Today's 1 bbed on kiKn'tSh _____ youUu meet he d D u rin g to“ ^dTot": & SUUORI In ut ar Checks - national forest 1 peedcrs were nabbed P*» 3 — Ai <■ln a radar net op- ntarUng, six we e police two nnd one- Uons leery abo t of Twin Falls. sU rt Jon. l. jeported Uie speeds Page 4 — Edit > ?»’2 mites on hour anclngActr* '• Ighttlme driving tone. Page 8>-cincli :ars vtre from Coll- ly rnUngs. rom Twin FolU coun- PageL-T«a two slstera ne- me counly. Year's oartv « KS Jlp. ■h, ^ fined. (13 and _____________ In Twin Palls pollcc —Z ------------------- Ilng 38 mites an hour X I„«.„vU riM SiS's . Quits 1 ®W’le IntersecUon of Sho- BORLEY. Dee 'th m d SIxUi aveaue. general manager c J *«to processors. In r Faster unty asjcssor's of- f. “P irthouse responalbUlty of oU lomlng.wovmere- his full Ome, > purchase their . *,*5* *®"’®«* walUng, Just be- Uie poUto ven or eight own- ? , " * * ng. signed his ^ommljj fttcs numbered In •tarted co t being sold Tues- dollar facUl ;k plates wero be- aiM-fl. ^ L “W futi cUsplaylng J850 I <*5,*‘nit« but todlcatc B. I private business entc _________ _________ I maintain his re t Record Bepori se of A rea Durii I'm ':'”*'; 'su;n u ns begun in-the ^ Providing parklnj »MttrHowca-tam« *»!?‘=froinjiknicran Mfnplnff. UlO now ® with *rllU raUier " «»• ,«wU art w ‘ «rvlco stove#, tlvo Ofl yetti frtiB-i» ' tables. caoltAfy to kftep rebldM ^M logecons.' thognttaadihnblS cUlUes belonr to PenedtnfUlowstmZ » their advanUge Polnt«d«ijt,^.,. ■ of Uiem," Offlclala In this, U« '-ieooni ?^»Mi “OperaUons outdoon" INAL 'ITIGN PWCE 5 CENTS led uck, jured this morning in a (toi- ’ 3. nnd Larry Rose, 18/ 18, who is believed to. . wn Immediately. Tho :ntha in the area dur- 7. Minidoka county’s itality tota! roso tb vo lesa than the coun-' 7 total. It Uufflc deaUi In the >ok place Oct. 20, when rtvlno,-73,--ftren-oheepman:— 1 at a mrnl IntersecUon one-hnlf miles west- of a truck-car collision. , sld la Uie non of Mr. a t® M W. Butterfield and ths h Is th® aon of Mr, and H. «ose, all Heybum. iffic Death :oreboard n comparison of trafflo as of this dnl« for W57 for Magic Valley and nUre state: i' «ey. 1D57_;. _____ ;'j7 Hey. 1058 -- ------------- 81 57 ___ 203 -------- I I i^der M)d Roy Thomaa, Bimen _Jor Cassltt and ounUea, who headed Uib n, reported Uio auto In four yoQtha wero rldlne '• ■ skidded on Ico aa It < bridge, colliding wlUi truck, which wns headed «)le dlrecUon. Driver of Ifl C?urU» C. Roblrda, pauL '** ured. ^ j r tho accident was ro- ho Cassia county sher- I at Burley at 10:<0 ajn. • lo ono and one-fourtJi Burley. AaslsUnv ln th» i I wero Oeorgo WarttU, X of police, and Caasia uty H. o. Warrell. , Uie dead jouUia vcr* ood^ _ y lm t occurred o n ‘th * ' ;J of the brldfo' ao th* ' 5 recorded Sor Mitic.*«v« m aald. TU# river !■ ly betweepi O utU i imUe*.’ LIGHTS in l s Times-News . S 9 peybum jiwths tx on bridge„PPA t ner« to plan Idaho rl ntlon. Teamster* im -. ' in :et New York poUci ifl tmlonlzaUon drive, era aet, crop record In lUonuseof Sawtooth est WU new xword. - - ArgenUna reforms : westem Europe na- about frcft trado to | EcUtorlal: *Tli# Bal- ' i' Inclnnatl leads week- I: boy starves and i nearly dead. New I r cost to be about ; d Wesl 3Post at ley Plant I, Inc., announeed his iny. ' aho commissioner of Mt IndlcaUxi he will - : ‘TO as manager unUl appointed or untU r oUier endeavors re- Ime. ved as general man- I « to processing firm j :h, 1B57. when be re- mlsaloncr post. Th# . : i constrxlctlon of lU i^U es here at that future plana aro ln« - ^ cated he will enter a ' < enterprise. He plan* • ’ : i resldenco in Bur. / rted •ingr’58' In that the purpcw ' -Un» areas a'UW# staoA canipgmig<urir:s ; regotiUon. pmaxi.^: ul abo allowing for: JrouBpo*. ■ i' V* to b* attra^ '. -' w*wm ban >..

unties O 1 Heybur ths Kill York’s I ffering rn Yout led ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF193/PDF/1958_12_30.pdfTtie SOtfi and SJst 1 ^ ^ ^ deaths o f m

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Page 1: unties O 1 Heybur ths Kill York’s I ffering rn Yout led ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF193/PDF/1958_12_30.pdfTtie SOtfi and SJst 1 ^ ^ ^ deaths o f m

« ■ ^ --

Ttie SOtfi and SJst 1 ^ ^ ^ d ea th s o f m s i n

M agic VaUcy occur- red Dcc. 30 as r.csult

; o t a n accidcnt. In' I M iiUdoka co u n ty ■

— VOL. 40, NO. 259_________

T e a m s t e r s X J]

P i c k e t N e w

I S t a t i o n i n jS I NEW YORK, Dcc. 30 (/P)--Tlie Tcanni ^ ■ tcM. nUrtiiiR Jnn. 12, m.ji lirive to o w iiii' H ■ Teamsters official, hukI thc pickofin^ wotil I I s o prccinct fltnl^na in tho dty. Fcinstein * B tinner Stephen P . Kcnncily. wiu, opppsos

-1 Crops Productic 1958 Sets Ne>v i

BOISE. Dec .10 (U P I) _ produ , Tops climbed to a new record diirinK' ]!)5i lulturo d e p a rtm e n t reportc<l l,uhiv th a t ,f crop p rodiiction w as l a i , n jum p o f six ,

I .ftound 15 above IHoC. \ioI(Ih iior a c re thi-

<)E7 and nyeraKG fo r niaiiV croiw, (hu i everal hittin^f new record liiKhs, itichitli ry benns, d ry pens, .siiKur Jjce ls , A u s lr i statoes. B e tte r th a n avenijrc • <ieldfl w ere rea lized fo r m o st ^;her crops. W f .if -A T hThe deportm ent noted th n t tJic

^ly crop* wltli a poor yield per acrn -w itt.■re tJops nnd some of (hr r i d j \ V 'B 1 l f ' r > ■dn. However, hop,i were n t 'n rec- * ’ l l l l C 1 hlRh In production fi,i n result expanded ncrcnRf, '^ d u c tlo n tiUo w n«;nt ti rccord * l U U l lh this yenr Jor dry -benns, suRar „

Jale sum m er poutoe.i {nil Dec.itoes. peors, olfnlfn »ecd nncl f'*'’" ' '” «fedcd d hny. “ thl.1 fnll. wllh i:tere Is a breakdown of Idnho crou •'otilhcm h i ductlon for 106B: ‘ 11. S, nKrieultu

- J 2. « 2.000 bushel.-., fhtly hlRher thnn tn 1957 imd tlx .«lepi«rtmeent above ttie ltH7-5fl nvernRc ■'eediiiK.i Avere 73

Id per acre nvcmKed very Rood P«r cenl both wlnler nnd spdntf crop,i— y « r «ko nnd 15

ind only to record hlftli.i cMnb- 10<8-57 ftveniKe. ed In JB57, .^n

Initial c.iiinml 22 per the 195J wlnler

' Milio lil ID,OS1 the lOIO-Ca ftvernRc. , would be seven 1"«<• u o p e r ccn ’

a‘'t;r;L;,’'s r;rr beans — 3,007,000 bnifs tioo ds c lenn). O utput exceeded 1057 [ p e r c e n t nnd the 1047-60 nver-

r pen . 1.116.000 baff* ,<:oo p*'’ « n i over th e C»llrrw .n r i i« » r c .1a,.n 1) M e ^Ut Uir«# I

■ " ■ ' avernRc, Tho d t

irly M ove Is -S S S S .rt 'S outh Se»

uu»ue fo r B m iis i._ of per cen l froi

Dam P roposa ls r S S«rljr move wil! be made to oblnln nrcii of th e * lni

3np.vUonal pn.vinRe of n bin to Idi.lio, pnrtlcutar u ilio r^ construcUon of Burns extremely dry »o rtet dam on tho Snnke river. vnlied ihLs foil Sci Stn. Henry Dworahalc. n „ idn,. In ’ many ccweit; du la ne will Join lils Democrnllc eol- tu re with conilde wue. Sen. Frnnlc Church, in apon- .needed In An effo irtnf the bill. s tand "The sennte pn.ved n Burns Creek . _________ _I! In 1B57 but lh a measure died In / ~ i T • 1I# housp In terio r commlllee. I y I I k 1 , 1 Based otl the .-lennle ncilon, how. t r eoncre.-« npproprlntcd *500.. i0 for lh e -p ro je c t aubject to lt.i A O T f » A £ Ml aulhorlaiUon. Thla money atlll ©wld be Bvnllftble until June 30 T O I

111 so l 'The «U < 0 ,000 .project would be V/ASniNQTOhr.1 30 miles below ji le Republlcnn lli mjaaes dnm to reculale flow.s re- dny lo bnck n alixt ued from tlm t struc ture . . Jo h n Shermnn Coo It would havo Inslnlled Rencrntlnic th e pnrty lendershl

JL kllowulls i n a J 'i - h o u r m cof alornKe, ln.-.urKrnl se n ato rs

^ d l n s 100,000 Bcrc-Iect for Irrl- support Sen. Thon

The 30-mlle reaervolr to be crcnt- ^°^le'B°o''uD*dMld' l»ould offer vntloiw rcsircnllon n , .

irant Okayed for Hospital in Hailey loS '-.frSA"ASHrNaTON, Dec. 30 CR-An- '^ e past«™i *a.-i reported Mondny of « porters of Presiden t 1;«1 m n t to nld in construcUon PU*- Cwper Inlo c W IdBjio ha-;plinl. Rep. Hnmcr f.®"- D' lca

,W'J«e. R„ idQ.. M id the reslonnlhcn tlh se rv - conftrwa op tn lr

Wtltted him i t hnd Approved Dirksen. now the ■ ^ f t l o n of nn Ji-bed Renernl ernlly la expected i ap 1*1 a i Hnlley In Blnlno county. tiiJce over th e lutdcr

1« -plnccd ■SO'. Wllllnn«»:iOI with the federal Rovern- Cftllfomla,,

itate, D i s t r i c t L e a d e n / H e r e to I ^ n I d a

distric t officera aw ard i to'Iho vocatl, ^ W n h o t-uturo Pntm cr* of Broup.1.SUn IhM In Tw in Pnlls "Donor* rIvo th e ir

'iMttlnrr u “ '^ U v e ■ commit- Ll ndmlnlstered by n ■ i * conducted by Eddie l « s composed entire

DrV,iri?'V PfM 'dcnt. O lher nre active In th e voct 0«"> Nm - M*ro proRfftm."

“«n _Tw;« iL'.. P‘’f«l<lcnt: J t o . B eat know o f.th o iSfed-by-tiis'rouniiika

'1. KimL "• tfcftsurer; Curt Parm er of America"' Hnp.ii '■'■porter, nnd O arth annually al th o natlc

bo «««lnel. • ventlon to thc boy w hllem tt momlnB Ion o f the JudRes. hn.;

* ’ tha inL *'"• BurllnaUain, most In fnmilnK, leadi Poun- ntlon nnd citizenship

“""•n rJ committee, HIII Ln receives a foundivUc crd Motnv " " '’'cm eni division jr.OOO. Tliree rcRlonal

«Jpot Ihli He tald thc rccelve JSOO each,““ Uons . 1 , llrins, or- T h e owart* a re cle*

ti i„ ‘" “ Ividunls which ulnto interest in thi *‘80.000 annually forlproJ««tj, ItlU told th

.'i'C-r- . ■ ■ o

■ A R cR io n n J N e w t

J n i o i u P l a i

Y ork’s I Latest K

S " il liolicc inffi n s .A i Uie p icketin ;: is afm ed

u n u iii i} :n tio n o f t h o p o lic e , "V I , _ ■ t i i e c o m m

ion for. Fcinstein ,

^Record —x iu c t io n o f p r in c ip a l o w n lz e d 1058. T h e . u , S . a p r i - F dnale ln ; Ht, t i n s y e a r '.s in d e x tcix p o in tH o v e r a y e a r “ ndt h i s y e a r w e r e a b o v e m unlelpnl w le U S D A s a id , w ith ii t i in ; : oat,<i. all- h a y . " 'o n ih by U r i a n pc a .s ;» h I f i il j J"m es n , ]k

V ft V Feln,iU*ln fman- picket 1

I T ' ■ 9 aldeTtellce harmers’' te r Wheat. K . .1

cut off dellve

iitings Dip 3 ^ 1 -lec. 30 (U P ll — Idaho ‘"•■ '^U m pnj.: rded le.<ai w in ter w hent . ,:h th e decline m nln lj-ln , ,P1 hn lf o f the sta le , the ^"'‘1u ltu re dcpnrtm ent w ld “ onorecl I n ie 'demoti.1t rlm entr luvld cstlmnKd «omelhle 733,000 ncre.\ which ii n t leiw thnn th a l of « 1

L llD J-Utlmate l/ower _m nle by the USDA of T -n le r w h ea t production I I0,058,000 bushels, which -■■■*en per c e n l below 1058 H A V A M A c e n t u n d e r llie lO.ycar .

in to th e h e a lhe flnnl o u tlu m of the o " <-Xplo.‘

imvlerlnlly Influenced store.H o f a rr tier nnd o the r nnlur.il on a p r iv a t e n'een D cc. 1 a n d har- th e b a v fron - p n r tm e n t anld, t10 secdlnRs nro placed ernment cs. nn lncrcn.vs of two t>on-*’t i rth e 1058 p lan ted acre- ---------------------

:# p e r cen t icsa ttuin 5 C A0 d e p a r tm e n t said the D V I III nte calla fo r tlie InrRCstsince th e l»a3 crop. C ’ S e e d in n Lower O U f f f l T1 Id a h o , the estimate ^» . T h is Ll 0. declinefrom th e ICM seedlnRs 0 3 0 1 6

Ifih below averaee thelid. " “ KC.ine .W ASHmOTO

Lhe 1057 crop," the The nifrlculturo Ided, •■«cdlnR» for the dny fixed ih e U

.St'. " s ;r ,£ ‘ISi to rly th e aoutheaat “ "changed irom so li conditions pre-

. Sccdlnff wns delnyed. T he q u o u ro\ , duo lo lack of moLi- Ihrs in this com ildem b le ncrense rc- and domesUc si e ffo rt ,to se t a roo(1 nre controlled b>

p a rtm ent under:— --------------- federal auRar acl

Pi-ovldlnR ndequijij)erals m f« ir p_ Quotas for u.

; on Man )lon Post ,? ubS>”iS7/'t;: S' I'cS TOalixte headed by Sen, nnwftti gooper. Kentucky for p u - .to Rleo rsh lp In the « .ia le , S o • mcetlnK. eight OOP canAda to rs nRreed nlso to _hom as Kucliel. Coll- y , ------------ 1;), o r ixssUlnnt lender. l aUSC 0 1 •cldcd jiiit to conte.it I o f Sen. Styles A P P i n a r Inm pshire, as chair- X l C C I U C l )P Policy commlllee BOISB Dec 30 :-evcrett Snllonatnll, lng and fallRue ai as chnlrm nn of the causes of liotldny11 O O P senators. sta te Lnw Bnfoi b y the . e ight sena- -'loner Earle E. Kc m h av e listed them- do)'.Mt as sU an ch aup- Koehler repliedle n t E lacnhorer, will from Burton Ma0 com petition wllh D.C.. director of th Hrlcaen, iltlnol.i, for mcblle assoclntlon y floor leader In the irnfflc offlclnls of e n ln s J n n . 7. ihey believed wen lhe pa rly whip, sen- facton.fd lo be chosen to K oehler listed "s ide rah ip post vncnl- ed lim its Qnd road itlnm P . Knowlnnd. inR driven and fa

• "Driver* try lo th e officials will be travel In loo shor u . the holldny period,

irs o f F F A M eei la h o F a lls C o n vu it lo n ^ agriculture Uian 40.(W pPA fo

K . l r > „ n a .« u . . .-Hill told Uu " '•^ ''" ‘Panyins u

oundatlon prcRmm nild-yenr conclave a y A bonrd of mis- the ir p ro jram were tlre ly o f men who Boise, aUte FPA a vocaU onal nerlcul- Hanaen, Boise.

Uiry; Horace Morre th e . aw ards jpon- «»«« aRrlcullure lea

ilttaom #-U l6 '"S U r R ^-Irons,-W endeltr le a - aw ard elvcn Minidoka, and Lee intlonal PPA eon- Tho Rroup represi ’ w ho. In Uie opln- 3.100 PPA members h n j accomplished stale. OUier dlstrlcl

eadei^ahlp, cooper- tending were Robert sh ip . T h e winner dleton; Duane Kirk, livtlon • checlc (or Schodde. Minidoka; i in a l S tn r Farmers scn. Ooodlns; Davl

Palls: Rex Jenkins, dm lgned to sUm- Hendricks, Snake th e ir work and Lloyd. N orth Oem,

1 .th s boys. More lnw s,'6andpolo t.

I ' f

s w s p a p c r S e r r l n f j

_________________ - 1 TWIWFy

. n s t o C o u

P o l i c e O f )

l e c i s i o n „ I ;J ;

in^allaticinH. incliidinjr take over •’I

w c are ;;oinff to ;:ive siienif it on nmissioncr a tasie of n S e t iti nom,c force and nre.s- ‘ '• ^ ey' ilked ,tne,ioam .ster uiiion,” "PPtied lo n c, in aaid. ’'tm e htRhwny

he Tcnm ster union m nkes mntchlnR fun Ir to 'o u r union nnd lo a ll ented It hkec lied labor,” - ' deleRatlon wna

I to brln& nil pollccmen. The money t md o ther atAte. counly nnd nvnltnble for ec l w orkcr»-inlo th e union- Jnl'-sloners sale ve wns nnnounced la s t ®'Wl•!lpr^l^'lf■ by Ti'nmsters P residen t board met wi( , ' PocnCcHo, a ttItl .inld the thrcnlened <0- T hey dLv:u.ved e i line would remnln o u t- In rlghl.of-wnj e hcndquarters fo r an In - u k e s office n, f''*®'’', , tnlked nbou’t a^ckct tines will go up o u t- Involvlne Dense0 acpois and supply a ta - eastern Idaho, w teln SAld in nn effort to Mrs, Alice• liveries of fuel and oUier ow ai farm prop

jl anld the pleketlnR even- th e " propowd'' P°"®« "PPenred betore

tiJ. including precinct s ta - sh e d id 'n o t n«

1. president of Tcom slcrs lng Ihe^roaic c' >nld llie picket lines will She U S 1 * e t d by Tcnm-iter truckers, offlcla li 'nre be

)an Rebels Str tn Heart of H^A, Cuba Doc. .10 (U P I ) - C u b a leart of Havana province todav wit jlo.sivoH depot in which they 'dyna ammunition they could not carry iitely owned explosive depot a t Gui •om Havana followed rebel claims t. nt forces in contra! rind eastern C iting they were *‘a t th e door.'t of

blaat of the (

fuotafor - f c t S . ir Will Be vnnn area. Roads

le as 1958 S? .m en -aboard a

ITON. Dec. 30 (U P ll— pulled up in fron uro departm ent yesler- fto rape of Uie ", »-U. s . sugar m arketing . . t woc.000 , h , r t iom . ; o , d S " o S ' rom th . llm l U M T h .y I M up »

ftnd the third sold governs sugar m arket- ' ’h n t exploalveti w

:ountry by boUi foreign Police eatsbll.ili : suppliers. MnrkeUnRs th o nren. adjacent1 by the agriculture d e - tc ry In Ouanabaco dcr the term s of the “ npeclnl guard nl act. which Is aimed n t P o rt In nenrby I

equate suppUes to con- lending ou l of « r pricca, ploced under vigil

U. S ..p roducer, and H ll. producers: P™''l'»cc a

1S59 P inal ■ ‘•'"PO-Q uota 1058 , wns the seoon

Q uota Inciden t of sabot( to a i (ions) province In 12 houi

3,060.475 3261AB3 •»><>’n lost nl;:ar 14)08.717 3.342.M8 M elana.ltr 015,034 720,805 A t the aamo- tlr

•1.115.470 700,000 which Idci1.108J75 815.000 t^ e "voice of Uie e

8<,609 00J(50 fPP caled to all wo63 1 70« “ f th e pnrty

—----------------- ngn in st Uie "Inst nt

f Holiday (tent tontu hnd cupi

ents ListedX « v - a p c « , d ripk- S ; ' »

e are the three m ajor „ » « . 'a .y tr .I I lc . tc ld m u ,

m oat Cuba, illed to a telegram ___________

. r h ? L . " r „ ‘r . ”: Howell CaiHon. who had asked ,1 of each sU ie w hat S l T l A r a « were the three clilef ‘- ' m

Saw tooth forest 1 "speed beyotkl poat- th e Howell canyon >ad condlUons, d rink- moved up sev, 1 fatigue." h eav ie r snow lonelo cover .too niuch

Ihort a time during J *lod." K oehler added 3.W0 feel h--------------------------^ fo rm er akl area, ll w

e r season of anow. U r t - f public use Ulls wlnl

. a i o i " * - '

ivention i— —ally e a d l ' . ^ a ? ! '^• th e boys, to the I—/e and asslsUng withere R alph Edward.i. .. HAVANA. Cuba, De \ adviser, KenneUi {'oldlng ift-o Amerlcar le, execuUve seiSre- turbonce.'’ T he men. i Jrrell. Jr.. Pocatello, arrested Ute yea teachers president; to New Orleans

leftrM elvln-DeW ltt; --------------------r -

«rs throughout Uie M o n n tin i i « . ^;rlct p residents-at- woe u a t>ert Robinson.’Mid- l o n d o n t>«. « . . M P .y r tK ; o ^ „ 'S S ' 'h m " ; . ° a 1

ir« ]^ s sm. and D an Rob- Dec. 7. T he car w u *

n lf lit , a a d poUc« begat

1 t w i n F A L I . S

f a l l s , IDAHO, TUESDAY, P EC

unties O 1 fferingJ. S. Aid ‘ I liJ. Dec. no r/Pi—Com- Ts of Blaine and Cnm- tie.<< asked the jttate y

board .ye.stcM-dav to /■r $215,000 in fc('i(*ral • h they can 't u.sc and on a s ta te highway

■n their-uoiintic.s. ■'«*"'> on thc iked th n l ilie money be Both Hevbur n consirucUon projccl r n be from Siousro,'g.s}d:';k?r,':reciuiro SI35.000 in atntefunds. 'D ie bcurd Indl- T P I ? f . ,hked lhe p ropauil.' Titt- J . • X • t (wns lold to cxpcct a de- - __r the bonrd’s nex t meet- 1 > L ^ • f-0 In BoUe, i J K l l l Sey t l p a rt ot federnl fund.-\5r eounty ronds, Thc com- 1sa id-m oy lu»V8 no rond.-i — - 1 ^ 3 1 * 1 Uiey cnn now spend It, tl n one-dny n ieeilns the *‘*® Tw in pn

w ith P rank L. Beaion,' " 'o«nd up lhe a ttorney Kcneml-clect. n 'ee tlng Mondn;

wed proccduriM to be u.icd "PPro.vcdi /inot •wny ncquLililon ft^tec.h^ '‘•’■n't license nm e nex t week. They also P«pP«nI by the it a rlght-of-w ny dlcputc tnm lng to flnni icnson's own properly in Pnrklng. ho, the board snld. a llciuor lieensce Cosaid, ■ Boise, who for 1050 wns b 5ropcrty In Jerom e coun- th e chib files n si on ttie r ig h t of wny of c lly clcrk. T lie .T

M Interauue highway, estnblLihmcnt In itore the board. She snld purchiised a lOJ • ngrea w ilh other land on ly two other p le nren, who nre protest- 1050 tlccnsca fron tc chM cn by th e board, Uio pub nnd lhe h e Uilnks s u i e hlichway , r-ti,. »« .,»»■ better Informed than d lw u L d the Nn us ns to how the high- u l^ c ^ n , i X « r52:____________________ win ask-tho leglsi, ' low which forbid*

iriKe_ _ bonding the city,

________ a re heslu in t to puM J l V 5 I T I f l »>“cked byI X C i V C i l l C t from th e s tree t Jr

uban rebels ntriick communities iSn, With a darinif raid wny off-street pn .-namited the huRe Twinry away. The raid P"*’’' ’"? J? p™*'*' G uanabLoa a c S s

» Cuba. The rebels r-indy i* being mi of trium ph." The Power eompany ol

le Guanabacoa cx- fotjre heard in lower S id ^ ^ K i n *

included to* i alerted tho 19 pre- projecia. T h# ton I m the greater H a- for such a report ] )nd« and airporti were Commlsaloner Jo

lected to attend a cJl na d aw era l armed a t Boise on Jnf t , J - / Iw " '* * * . «•''» defeiro n t Of th e explosives asked U) a ttend U le "Arm era de C uba" T h o commUslon, ^plosives, a t 0:30 a jii. Decem ber payroll ,

thankedard loaded th e vehicle, and o thers coneerr0 n civilian w atchm an f®r m aking 1D58 "asoldier and dynam ited ------------ —

t o i '2-SatelliV Bhcum nao. R oadi

liTpS’c.S; M onthihway leading to P lnar ' ■*« a t Uie w estern end W ASHINOTON. I

T he U nited S latesecond rebel-authoredabotage In H avnna 1 “ thours. A sm all bridge (nrt '1 n igh t a t O utra de R a t t l J r f r m '’w n? '

'■ tim e a new radio . ^ n ah e nlp-nnd-tuc

workers and m em - >’«*'• >n « y U> Join forces " Jo"B -«ngo r I t s tand Of th e die-I PulRcnclo BnUsla Sclentl.its ond mil roadcnsls oald in sur- t»e ta lk ing AUns sal cnpiured 80 per cen t as evidence ling provlnce 'o f Las Perform ance by ait Cubft in a m ajor “ n t-footed by Russia m would cu t UlO ts- ** m on ths ago.^ and seat off H a- I n {lie weapons flel » d supplies, • Ameriean T h o r ml.islt l?i? reported sweep- In B rita in In a t le a s t .

“ tomieMUvltjf In e aste rn . Rus.ila provokes war.

'anyon’s Snovrea Moved•i» -lW V C U ot M ngic Valley Tu:st OfflclaU report Ing w llh In tem iltteiyon rope tow hnsi the Tw in Palls arenseveral miles- to ni No new snow wasone closer td Ml. the H ailey vicinity biof Uie new w in ter overcast. Snow th a t>merellc. mna m om lng on thce t hlRher thnn Uie valley, floor wna s'II will have a long-1 Rround ond good al ’. U will be open to] tlons were reported w inter. Uiey s ta le , w ith CSyo a n d one-t n t a>lles sou th of nnow,

w s B u l l e t i r•iSn 'to2ri^Y ^^’“ ^ u ‘’" " «lLiclosed to •n .'•’nrges o f ••eotnmllting i

" A W . n e ld and Louis M n . T H avona's InternaUonoJ 'a lrp enns.. La., from Monle8p_B ny^ januU cji^

y- .

^ T i p s Indicate thrM women who ew ao «»*t. but w h al (bey did a?

■ Mystery, W ,rde» L. E.' CU pp oald todaj

10 I ^ T h e balloon Smoll W o rid - is^ in tJ S l 1 “ 'e y *U11 hove h a d no word abcJ o r Uielr p la stic balloon.

ocareh continued today fo u * *•?«'•»«! f«m lly of rivo th


— J Nine

D E C E M B E R 3 0 . 1 9 5 8

H e y b u r n C rash A u to ; I

EV , I « no— T " » Ilc.vbiirii JOM the Heyburn bndjfc? acro.ss Ihc S

Vburn, Taken to the CciUafre hosp Sioux City, Nebr.. hcispitn! jittendi ro.iiyht iMagic Vnllcy'H lO.'iS traffic

t o Back Fl h s t o G e t

i r l d n g - L o t sIn Polls clly commission

the yenr wllh a sh o r t .4ondny n igh t n l w hich It /inoUier U auor-by-Uic-

5c nnd voted to auppo rt a ' the clly of Nnmpn pcr- flnanelng of o ff-a lrec t

Iicei}»e for the T u rf club■as approved, providing j r JM ft s la te llccnse w ith th cl ie .Turf club Is th c only • - -«• » !n t in 'i v in Poll.i w hichX 1058 license. T o dM c,ner places hnve received ^1 from Uie city. T hey nro .........»

th e Cove,Iger Joseph H. LnUn^ore ■ | ^ H | e Nnmpa proposal w ith • t ^loners. He snld N nm pa . ^ fJ* leglalature to obange a A irblds clUes frotta u.ilng H I V l u funds to BubslcUM off-

lg. H e snld ofr-sU eet . ' b« accomplLihed by.

city, b u t bond buyers , I H M I lo purchase such bond^' d by revenue recolved .

nted ou l th a t In m ony

- " - J - f

! " r ‘:also reported O ia t . a t t ,|g m ade by the Idaho I I ^ 1 ny of the possibility of I J . 1 7 - g for.dow ntow n alleys ^Ilel to '^ la ln avenuo. H e a • -


”.iz ‘”d,,s=?.“snd Uie meeting. p a p e r s p ro .sen i u lone rs approved Uie s o c ia t io n f o r t

neem ed with th e c ity s c r a tc h e d t h e 58 "a successful year." n s k e d M is s B -- ----------------- k i n . Jo h n H op]

> L a u n c l l ^a luaS e umappedshe snld. •TTie loni

H i t e s P e r space age."

I l i n 1 9 5 9 ™ - " “ ^w h n t ahe called *'&

3N, Dec. 30 (U PD — w ith making Uio j otes plans to lau nch laboratory coot, t wo satelllles a m on th n inle success,

o t the aame, tim e “They've empha v lth bftlllsUo m issiles n o t hord work an ta r weapons to d e le r I’ftve praised bea ir- ■ slic snld, "As a resid -tuek rnce, A merica thinks it's fa r m any experts wlUi 5®"® ten on nn

■ pnce In spnce c x - <c«ate) a ; 'e a r and holding its P^' nUc In the labo ngo missile develoo- '- .T h e Soviet Unloi

w omen engineers l

,(1®}'* M 1858 ends. H e aakcd: " W ns S 'r jf i‘s sS ! " “ Labor Rei ~ ~ Wage Hill o w WASHINGTON. 1reported falling Kefau

», eaatem aecUon « 'y TMesday m o m - <lcmands whin ltten t d rliaie in ^ ^

'. w « rtportcd In chalrmoIty bu t akles were “" tU tru s t subcomm th a t fell C hrist- ^ 'B h t such wage ,

1 th c Wood river' “ ^ the inflatloti M «UII on th e industriOd akllng condl- P""*®® Prwaorted a t lO nlena i ^ ‘*’ *>®l*tvone-balf fee t o r ‘demand or receive-

crease which mam____________ . Ju»tlfy os Uie basis

' neceasary price Incrc

I n ^ N e w S a j — ------- 1 . F o r i

«Pl<«y nine,a irpo rt while en a n d s e t a new roconIc a ^ lU s h - W e y t 8 4 7 , 0 0 0 - i w X r ^ E


highway 93 w:

T he- two greatest

« th ’’.* *‘f k” '"“ " P ftnS^pfcnlclrea;vp ( ^ a t vaiyahed te r aporU areas.

. ■ S '

_______ __________ _ '. i

rni! I r r i c a ) c d W a h o C o u n l i t s

tUmW, nf AuJIt Hur»u . ---- --------------- - A..o^l.i>l PrM. UMi^,

r n Y o u t h o f P o t Fwo O thyouths were killed.and two other le.Siiake river on hifrhway 27. Doa lospiuil were Dntiald Ilc.lliiiRs. 16. ]

iffic faljility total to .^1. six lc.is tl

France Devalues ]

„ - ........ ............

’• { * « « ’

” '" '* ‘®r Antoine M nay. len , annoi t m in istry of inleHer. Parlo. a fte r F rn • franc to 433.7 lo Uie A o .« r t « „ ‘dona " 5 ^ 20 to th e dollar. At r f t h t Is Inform atlo i AT w lrephoto Tla radio from P a r lal

. Wastes Won Jilities, Expert^GTON, Dcc. 30 (/P)—T he United £

brainpow er; a female scientist •holo^ist said more A m ericans nro I som e reasons why. Theso repor sented to edutation sessions of thi or th e Advancement of Science.•e in ferio r male , mind when wt the Huriace of our fem ale brain 1s B e tty Lou R a s ---------------------■iopkin.s university. 1 o AT 1 1 ftinpower is our m ost X D l i a n pped n a tu ra l resouree,“1 longer we fnll to make C 1 '

rv^vs-rsi; »peed. rv«th-’SS“S Radard -M adlson Ad Venue" T h irteen speed liio inlnlc coot, no t the M onday n ig h t In nt, th o symbol of fe- e ra ted by s tn te pc

. , h a lf mllcs east'o fiphaslzcd leisure Ume. Pa lro lm en jepc t ftnd originality, and ranged from. 05 to beau ty , no t brains," In a 85-mlla n leh t resu lt, today 's sehool- Two o f th e cnrs

I f a r m ore exelUng lo fom la , e ig h t from nn a irp lan e lhan to ty, one from Mln: in‘L ” T ^™ni Jerom e <la ^ r a to r jy - O len A , Olaon,Jnlon-gm dunles-m ore boulevftrd north v

W qndny In •n w s h n a done In lls cou rt fo r speeding she sn ld . in » 25-mlle, to n t

B p rogram . D r. I. M. c ity police Iri U\e ^ B nrrlng ton , Moss,, dlson nvenuc.S . vodka produeUon C. d . Shorthouie a p e r c e n t between sU-eet, w as fined :

W n t la behind Ui« r * c h f tw '* o f” n jnn . ». c»i.» . j , ShorUiouso WM clt r ~ — — ; ----- , r t ld a y a t tho InU:C e i r a i n i n *^°»® » ^ « t n o r u t a

Kike Asked Ooinv I»N. D ec. 30 (UPD— Xefauver. D... Tenn.. *>f loss> re fra in from any P «ked up Just nflw hich basic indus- ' ' • y . f t tho countyto juaU fy price in - •'* courUi,

D uring th e momIrm on o f th e senate * ® " .*ble to pDmmittee, anld lost P**t«a w ithout walge dem ands would* * P-™ - ««venatlonary splrAl. w ere walUng.ustrles. during th is _ P « « n a c r plates[ireaaure.” K efauver *330'# were bel-elltve labor should **’•1® ^ c k plelve-sany wage In- so ld In th a 310m anagem ent could D eadline fo r d ljasls fo r absolutely P^ t«* ^ J “n . 18. Increases." |L

a w to o th F o r e s t ] • R e c x e a t io n U se

'S; S ‘„"m tnt prolK t Ju

.O-hopr „ diram ea for the In- added fo r fam ily cam ^ facillUes, offl- unlla a re se t up wltt ho Improved sur- th a n tho form er f o m t |3 w in bring nddl- and S i " d e ~ ^ w i o o m area facUJUpa a n d gA fbo^

"Slnco th e e o , fa d ll l <«t nrcns o f Jn- the public, i t Is to th e in th e summ er to take good caro of U ureas a n d In win- s u te . ‘T h e less Ume 1

th ,d picnic fac lll. w M t ? S ? ta “J 2 a e l« l‘^Wood r t w Ic *

^ FI]E D r

••u of cireuliilon*Ifl - _________■

ths Kill tato Tri hers Injh e r p e r s o n s w e r e h o s p it a l i z e d th i j D e a d -w e re G a r y B u t t e r f i e l d . 1 6 . a 16, B u r le y , a n d F r a n k J l a v e r s , 1 8 , 0 y o u th s ’ i n j u r y w a s n o t k n o w n s th a n w e r e k i l l e d in t r a f f i c c lc a tl

3 Franc ' . M ' ,------------------------------- ■ t y ’s 1957 tl

■ The la st I ' t*. counly took

------------ ----------Manuel-Trtvli■ was killed nt

nnd one • Rupert In a t

“ I Butterfield I. g | t a | | Mm. -Jnmes V,

-S' Rom youUi IsMrs. Olen H.

I Trafi ' S c o i

I Here Is a c ' faUllUes s s c

ond 1058 forAl I ^ ®

-» Magic Valler,

I Idaho, 1058 -

Mnrvln Snyd sta lo pnUxitmc Mlnldokft couni

' InvesUgaUon, r which the fom apporenUy skli crossed Uie br th e pobito truci

nnooneei m w f in a n c ia l ' °®t Injured « n e h g o re m n e n t de - Report o f th r. The old offlclat r a ta cclved In tho 1 itloa JiUaUter Jacqaea ltfa ofllce a t I

■ . ; T h e bridge la ----------- m iles frcTO Bui^

men’s H-S.=', Bodies of Uic

s r t S a y s “ '-J2sd S t a t e s I s w a s t i n g d ^ « c i s t s a id y e s t e r d a y , county, officer* n re d r in k in g v o d k a . Hi,® tp o r t s w e r e i n tw o “ «mut h e A m e r ic a n A s - 1 ---------- -------------“ W h y d i g d e e p e r U I / S U I I

w e h a v e n 't e v e n in power Buppiv?" T oday 's 1bbed on kiKn'tSh_____ youUu m eet he

d D u r i n g to“ ^dTo t":& SUUORI In u t

ar Checks- national forest 1 peedcrs were nabbed P * » 3 — Ai <■ ln a rada r n e t op - ntarUng, s ix we e police two nnd one- Uons leery abo t of Twin Falls. sU r t Jon. l.jeported Uie speeds Page 4 — Edit > ? » ’ 2 mites on h o u r anclngActr* '• Ighttlme driving tone . Page 8>-cincli :ars v tre from C oll- ly rnUngs. rom Twin FolU coun- P a g e L - T « a

two slstera ne- me counly. Y ear's oartv «

K S J l p . “■h, ^ fined. (13 a n d _____________In Twin P a lls pollcc — Z -------------------

Ilng 38 mites a n h o u r X I „ « . „ v U

r iM S iS 's . Q uits 1®W’le

IntersecUon o f S h o - BORLEY. Dee 'th m d SIxUi aveaue. general m anager c

J *«to processors. In

r Fasterunty asjcssor's o f- f . “ Pirthouse responalbUlty o f oUlo m ln g .w o v m e re - his full Ome, > purchase th e ir . *,*5* *®"’®«* walUng, J u s t be- Uie poU to

ven or e ight ow n- ? , " * * ng. signed his ^ommljjfttcs numbered In • tarted cot being sold T ues- dollar facUl;k plates wero be-aiM-fl. ^ L “ W fu ti

cUsplaylng J850 I <*5,*‘n it« bu t todlcatc B. I p riva te business entc _________ _________ I m a in ta in h is r e

t R e c o r d B e p o r i se o f A r e a D u r iiI'm':'”*'; 'su;n uns begun i n - t h e ^ Providing parklnj »M ttrH ow ca-tam « * » !? ‘=froin jik n ic ra n

Mfnplnff. UlO now ®w ith *rllU raU ie r " «»• ,«w U a r t w ‘ « rv lco stove#, tlvo Ofl y e t t i fr t iB - i» ' tables. caoltAfy to kftep r e b ld M ^ M lo g e c o n s .' t h o g n t t a a d i h n b l S cUlUes belonr to P e n e d tn fU lo w s tm Z » the ir advanU ge Polnt«d«ijt,^.,. ■ of Uiem," Offlclala I n this, U « '-ieooni ?^»M i “OperaUons outdoon"

I N A L • ' I T I G N ■


ledu ck ,ju re dth is m orning in a (toi- ’3. nnd L arry Rose, 18/18, who is believed to. . wn Immediately. Tho :ntha in the area dur- 7. Minidoka county’s itality tota! roso tb vo lesa than the coun-'7 total.I t Uufflc deaUi In th e >ok place Oct. 20, w hen rtvlno,-73,--ftren-oheepman:—1 a t a m rn l IntersecUon one-hnlf miles west- o f a tru ck -car collision. ,

sld la Uie non of Mr. a t ®M W. Butterfield and th s h Is th® aon of Mr, and

H. « o se , a ll Heybum .

iffic Death :oreboardn comparison of trafflo as of th is dnl« for W57 for Magic Valley and

nUre s ta te : i '«ey. 1 D 5 7 _ ; ._____ ;'j7Hey. 1058 -- ------------- 8157 ___ 203 ■

-------- I I

i ^ d e r M)d Roy Thom aa,Bimen _ Jo r Cassltt a n d ounUea, w ho headed Uib n, reported Uio au to In fou r yoQtha wero r ld ln e '• ■ skidded on Ico aa I t

< bridge, colliding wlUi truck, w hich wns headed «)le dlrecUon. D river o f Ifl C?urU» C. Roblrda, pauL '** ured. ^ jr tho accident w as ro - ho C assia county sh e r- I a t Burley a t 10:<0 a jn . • lo ono a n d one-fourtJi

Burley. AaslsUnv ln th » i I wero Oeorgo W arttU ,X of police, and Caasia u ty H . o . W arrell. ,

Uie de ad jouU ia v c r*o o d ^ _ y

l m t occurred o n ‘th * ' ;Jof th e b rld fo ' ao th * ' 5 recorded Sor Mitic.*«v«

m aald. TU# river !■ ly betweepi O u tU iimUe*.’ • •

LIGHTS in ls Times-News .S 9 p e y b u m jiw th s

tx o n b ridge„PP A t ner« to p lan Id ah o r l n tlon . Teamster* im - . ' in :e t New Y ork poUci i f l

tmlonlzaUon drive, era aet, crop record In lU o n u se o f Sawtooth e s t W U new xword. - - A rgenU na reform s : w estem Europe na - abou t frcft trado to |

EcUtorlal: *Tli# B a l- ' i'

Inclnnatl leads week- I:

boy starves and i nearly dead. New I

r cost to be about ;

d Wesl 3 Post at ley PlantI, Inc., announeed h is iny. 'ah o commissioner of Mt IndlcaUxi he will - :‘TO a s m anager unUl

appoin ted or untU r oUier endeavors re- Ime.ved as general m a n - I « to processing firm j :h, 1B57. w hen be re - m lsaloncr post. T h# . : i constrxlctlon of lU ’i ^ U e s h e re a t th a t

fu tu re plana aro ln« ■ - cated h e will enter a ' < enterprise. H e plan* • ’ : i resldenco in B u r . /

r t e d •in g r’5 8 'In th a t th e pu rpcw '-Un» a re as a 'U W #staoA can ipgm ig < u r i r :s ; regotiUon. pmaxi.^: ul a b o allowing fo r: J ro u B p o * . ■ i'V * to b* a t t r a ^ '. -'

w* wm b a n >..

Page 2: unties O 1 Heybur ths Kill York’s I ffering rn Yout led ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF193/PDF/1958_12_30.pdfTtie SOtfi and SJst 1 ^ ^ ^ deaths o f m

H H r Idaho FaiW i i m i Marks Noted M i i i .....For’58 Crop g

! pounds c ] e a n * ^ > . ’^ V l 't per eenl , > I [ i , • below 19S7 -and live per cent less ’. i t u l l l H U u n ■ average. Reduction from n d u M l 'n i u l l l year b ro ta Iracenble to n eliorp cut r> ■ { ■ • h lJ l f f • in acrcfttte Inwrnuch m ftVCt/>K« r 'l l S 'i r l l l r yield ior th e stnle n t 1,480 pounds ' i H l l i m l ’ I (Cleon) sets a new record. ) (I^ B n i u u l V All hay-3 .117/»0 tons. Four per ^ ‘•■.flf M k S - cen t below 1957 l u t a flf Hi larser K A m V . WF* • th » n avernBe. Decline from o yenr • ■ ifc il v lil i ■ «B0 resulted from a live per cent f l ; ' r L i 1 • drop In oereftRO cut. AveroKB yield U iim I I « t 3M tons se t a new record. ai ■ i I; Barley—10,TJ8.000 busliels. Second a;

- t n sIz© only to Itist year's rccord j;,' *m iP P M • crop and exceeds tho 1B47-j O ftvcr- in• n i i H l H l a«e by 43 p c r cent. ['!'

O ats — D.100.000 bushels. Eleven ;* 'Y # I !V I I I > p e r cen t moro Utnn 1SS7 nnd nine „ ' / S-' f n u per cen t h ish c r thnn nvcmse. Tlie

'■ y‘eld p e r nere n t .60 bushcU was n " record high . »'

ilS : > ji'-jF CommerolnJ apple croiVr'UOO.OQO „i i l f l ' 'L « ' l l i ' ' bushela. F ifteen pc5ccn t below Ml x,

• y e a r and tho 1B47-M nvcraBc. Rnlny. « ;dnm p w eather durlriB the polllnslnB mi

’ period reduced th b year‘.i croi». Mt i r ' p » ' " i i l Peache«--350.0(X) bushels. Nenrly f>'

r l f i Y I ^ o u r tlmea as Inreo aa last ycnrJaki'l Hlikliy • e « P “” <1 itrcatcr than «r 'r f l l lM lH lf l ' ' Bverage.j ^ k ' . H i y Pears-120,000 bushels. A record. —

A bout A fir th ’ more tlmn 10S7 and I L k H B I ' 60 p e r cen t lo rser thnn the 10*year It ’ average. {n r H H I •' P runes-10300 tons. ThL-i compar- _ . I ‘ ed w ith 22500 tona In 1057 nnd the

- ftveraBo Of 23300 tons. _i ' r -I ' l l ! n sw ee t cherries - 3.000 tons. E x - MrMill “ ceeded b o lli l057 and nvemge by «I f t ‘a h i # " p e r cen t and 10 per cent respecUv- n

I'InvL iIH L L '- I* Sou r cherrles-l.tlOO tons. Scconil Plr M ' - r i - ' l l ' Z In slM only to lost year's crop of Me l y t l ' M l i “ 1.700 tons. More, tlm n double .the the

“ llH7-flO avernge or CSC fons.^.. dfliAIk I H I I ' Onlons-8S4.000 bags (100 pounds), dny' R H I I AboTO production of tlis pn.^t two^ l l H I I years b u t sUlI nbout IB per ccnt be* ^

,• j i | i p n i low tho 1040-56 nverase.

i i l Chaplin’s Tax l;sI ‘ ^ It ' ^ ^ ctci

‘'TO' • Case Is Settled. S”i I l f : For S425,000^t T ' I f ' i' 1 WASHINOTON, Dec. 30 W -T h e iiikJh- . h In terna l reve rtB scrvice said yester- I W R rw '! day a *700.00a claim ngalnst eo- . t t W - t ' ' m edian C hnrlla-O haplln for bnck I— 1 ; Incom e taxes h a s been settled for c

.»425.ooo. %i- 'i ik -t ' Li* I Revenue officials snld chiiplln hnd

; ‘ 11 ■“'■e'l and the Interest cal-J iA k '< Dl c u ln te d a t six p e r ccnt a yenr boosted

tt»e am ount to *700,000. T he se ttle- , , lii-ifil . 1 1 ' m e n t Is fo r *333.000. 'W ith the orlg- ,, ^ ■ • f J T ’n!'' In a l In terest th a total due Is n w V

■ : # ! f™’•)N f'!r ‘ T h e - m s h a d conUnded t h n t ; ’ ,®*i’^ T ; I.,' 'C hapU n owed »4aoj}50.« In taaes

• ' f or 1853 a n d th a t Celebrated Pllmn1>'J’ i' I' :| corporntlon. w hich ho owned, owedIV ‘;{i' ' ,1 « addlU onal *55,078,03 for fiscalDir' I ' I ! ' years ending In 1051, 1052 and 1053. , ,t t iL Th® *426,000 settlem ent plus *75.-

m ’i i ' - ' 000 or aasesaed UobUlUcs yms paidH T i' I ' ' w ith a half-m lU lon-dollar cnshler'a

check draw n on ll Swiss bank. The'l check 'wns delivered to the IR S t»-

filli j s |K riiiE Ll ' T ho case oeo lnst Chaplin, who „, ^ 1 1 1 J' now m akes h is homo In Swltaerland, J l ” M »L J| I -was tenlaU vely se t fo r tr ia l here

HI r J a n . 8.PR.*ft ! r T h e m a in Issue wna wheUier the

V EngU sh-bom com edian Is enUUed P P>}B*N > to claim , s ta tu s aa a nonresident 1 '

•* ’ oUen. n o t sub ject to Income taxes ^ I p rio r to April 10. 1053. I-

. OhopUn m oved to Sw lU erland In I - t h e faU o f 1052 a n d surrendered his ,

V p e rm it to re -en te r th e U nlled States ' _ln April 1053,

I lirj:. Pay to Judge S | | | | ' Is Fought in 4

. Idaho Co\u*ts 91' B O ISE , Dec. 30 W — T ho Idnho

r t ' l i J ii l: suprem e cou rt Hp-as toM today th a t7 o b e r ? . Tn-ay, Idaho Falls, is n o t *'leffoUy enUUed to s a lu r as dlsUHct tol

V iH l r ' t judgo o f th e n in th judicial district moJ o r th o m o n th of November on two glv

ftU,') 'M!: g rounds: j •* 2. T h o Judgeship d id n o t exist. •

• 1 2 . i r i t d id . Twny wns no t np- Vj|u [u 4 .tlj | .p o in te d to i t properly. „

• T h o a rgum en t vi-ns In ft brief sub-wiitiiwrn'.' •' m it ted by th o n ttom ey general's of- ‘u r n ! f ' 8.' ' in th e ocUon brought by Twny ha

o ' ‘ in o n e ffo rt to collcct his salniy for iS n • Novem ber. Uuio^ii ¥t<l^ ‘ TAiiy rUed fo r tho n in th dlslrlcl nfl Iffla f i lm ' JudBoahip p rio r lo Uie prim ary dec- ihi U tt U 'R * tlo n lo s t Aug. 12 and wns the only utiB n n i i l cand ida te . T h a second Judgeship In nci f f a ‘5r.Lll . t h e d is tric t w as crented by the 1057f fu m M I “ Jeg islature a t B. time when the dis- , S '19?rl{p . t r l c t included Bonneville nnd five

>: 'O th e r e aste rn Idnho counties. Sub- t^equenU y during Uie suno seulon

W SrH B a • ^ 0 leglslftturo uplli tho district, S r a ;ie a v ln g only Bonneville In Uie n inth ‘V

d la tr ic t nnd pulUng Uie five othcr coimU es In a ncw dlsu-lct. the tweUUi.

. I n I ts brief, th e nltoniey general's « o ffice contended Umt the Inlciit of th o legislftturo wna d e a r. Tlie law- af m akers; th o brief snJd, intended to so h a v e one Judge tn Uie nlnUi dlsu'icl a l

I S ^ l l f m I and'O QoU ier Judge In the IwcUUi.I I B u t oven If 'creation of Uie sec- f

[ f i y i ; - J iS u y ! * » o ‘b?lef’'M W ." ^ n y ’ « iM ISdhI< I 1 lioKl ** ^ ^ e btglnnlng or n y » t B l I 1 'r e g u la r te n n Ja n ; 5 flm ronI7by np.'H K l l r 1 po lnU nent o f Oov. Robert E, Sinylic

r e u ch .appo lnU nen t was not made. ^

mBII i' r—----- '•— ------- i 1»H I il D r i v e - i n M a r k e tI B M . - 'M O U N T A IN HOME.Dec. 30 cn M H O — r o r th e second tW e in th r « ' Im u . ; . m o n th s , a shopping homeu'tfc en. : c n U f l I t e r e d ' t h e ' Model market here ' fci y n u 1 . . . ^v U h o u t: getUng out of her car ' w W I .be fo rehand . nI n B ' 2 ^ B e tty J . Pennock, 2i, put : rcH m . 'o a h e r bm k es as she puiUd up to

1 ‘th e -atore'a f ro n t door yestprdny «B U H [ j__ b ra kes dldn 'l rn tcti I ff

- -:T h 8 -^ )« -« n m # S ^ th ro u (! ii_ ih e Ir. t n s i t 'door. ^ n

I ^ H 1 * 'r rA n b lh e r h o u s e w i r e drore ^ N H I > U irough f t hugo p lo le glaut vin-J j B * f .’d o v - th r e e . monUis neo, u,ortly

‘wttCT t h e s t ^ h a d been remodel- n n w r t ‘h e o»-ner» MOO. ,f l H I • . I 'n il* -tim e .'th ey ,w U m a te d d»m-iMI I M l I '


W e a th e r , T(MACIO V A LLEV -ntostly eloudy'fl

t l ig h t.d rln le o r anow flu rry Ihrongh I a t .time*. Little U m peralure ctianice

n l jh l 22 io 28. Low la s t n igh t 2«, 20 Uon: Trace or snflw a n d ra in betwee:

l l ' * “ ss ' NORTHERN IDAHO-M cwtly cloU( n drlrzle *lhrouRh tomorrow.. N ot niuel ut row Bboul 38 In no rth h a lf, 45 to 60

Is NEW yOUK. Dec. 30 ( U r i) —Th« (IiIr monilne. a* reported to Ihe V.

•r below »cro a t Kniser. Colo. -Thff hlj •r Kinlfivllle, T ci. • ____

![ jli.llon Mo*-J AiKjtiy ....:........—.... •...... i[,* j j II

‘Id i'? '* '"* .— .... . ........... I’o Id ........ -..... ,|||- i .n DIoTlsmr '........................ H '•" )fnv<r ........-................... ^0 . ' . l'l .e Jr. Mnlnt. ...................... -Il Me ^ ----*................. <1

• g g f t = 1 = ’ I a

. New V..tk ................ - .... . U " I; ca r ------------- « « •«* i

I'hlU *rlpM»^rr!Zr!Z..''! i t .«5 '—

') M a g ic V a lleFILER — Funeral servleea for i

, Mrs. O . E. Rosclbn BntUe Chnsteen, c I will bo held a t 2:30 p jn . Frldny v

In tho Filer MeUiodlat c hu rch wltli i tho Rov, O rnn t H w c y offlclntlng. i F inal rites wilt bo he ld In Sunsel Memorlnl park. Prlends m ny cnll a l the T'">'ln Falls m ortunry W ednes- l day from S a.m. ta 3 p jn . ond R ’l- cl dny from 0 n jn . to noon: c

---------- 0BURLEV — Ftm ernl services for ii

Mrs. Ja ite 6 . Robinson will be held o a l 1 p . m. Wednesdny n t th o Unity n LDS ward chnpel w llh B ishop Wai* c Inco Bnker olflclnllng. Concluding rltea will be in P lensnnt View cem- elcry. Frlenda mny cnll a t th e Pnyne C m ortuary TXicsdny n n d luiU l Ume d of services W ednesday. v

-------- cJEROM E — Orftvesldo r ite s for I

M a g ic V alle ;St. Bcncdict’s, Jerome JVlslUng hours n t S t . Bencdjel's

liaipltnl are from 2 to 4 a n d n ro m n 7 lo 8 p . m. ' p

ADSUTTErt 8M rs. Edwin Fam sw orlh . Rlch-

rickl: Donnn Randcll. K imberly: Jncob Rocssler, Shoshone; Mrs. e Fred A. McCloud, Glen Pn isons, both i< W endell: Mrs, Clnrk Cnll, M rs. R a v c sell llubbell, Mrs. Jny H ightow er, nll l T ftln FaJlsS M ra. Bcn Cooley. Mrs. e Ha rry W nlters. Mrs. H cnrlck D rnkc, |{ and Orico Klnss. nil Jc rom e. i(

DISMISSED ‘ ]jM rs. Thom as HutchLwn n n d son, j

Bliss: M rs. M innie WlL<wn, Sho- p slione: Mrs. Elm er D ocklcr nnd j Ncnl 'Voung, bolh Jerom e.

n iR T tlSSons were bom to M r. n n d Mrs. ^

R onnald Shit>|Bhlre, M r. n n d Mrs. j; Ben Cooley, bo th Jerom e: M r. nnd Mrs. U rban Mnson. T w in Falls , nnd \ Mr. nnd M rs. Edw in Fam aw orth , x I^IChfleld. II

Polite Womanr

Bandit Stagesr

Theft in Utah J’SALT LAKE CTTV, Dec. 30 «W A i

w omnn bnndlt ooilng m nnncrs nnd i regrets pulled h e r sccond rucccs.i Iu1 Job in ns many dnys yealerdny. She held u p ft jewelry store.'

T h e woman, tn h e r early thirties, visited th e store yesterday m orn- ” Ing. snld Co-Owner Sherm nn W rlght. She rctyrned a .fe w hours la ter wlUi a 'p ls to l. j

‘I 'm Sorry,’ She Sny*'T m .sorry I hnve to do Uils.“ she

lold w rlg h t, "bu t please p u t the } money from the safe in a bag and give t t to me."

Before leaving, she sliopped in the wttsO w ntch case. ,

" n i Uike Uuit one.” sho told • W rlght.

“You’re lhe bcss," h e replied, handing 11 over.

T he w oman’ le ft w ith Bboiit $30. ' Uie *80 watcli nnd a *7 w ntch band nfter wnmlnK W rlght n o t to net off the nlnrm. "But I lold h e r th e min­ute she stepped out, th n t wn.n ex- aclly w hnt I plnnned lo do," h e s.\ld.

Alarm I i PulledHo flld.He followed the w om nn nM m d

n corner In the block bu t relrented when she turned on h im w ith her hand mcnnclnRly In h e r cont pockel. He .'.nw her d a rt up nn nlley nnd Uii'n iMltce arrived,

A womnn answering n sim ilar dc- , scrlptlnn held up n aen 'lce stntlon f early sundny tn suburban Murrny,. a fle r teUtne the n tte n d an t; ‘T m 1 sorry' i hiive lo do th is ." She got I about *50 there.

i GOP’s Executive ' Unit Plans Meet

DOISE, Dec. 30 (U P D -T lie ex­ecutive cointnlUce o t 'the Rcpubllcnn Mate ecnirnl com m ittee wilt meet- heri' Saturday w ith G O P members'

[O f-thc'R liile leKWnture. G O P Ex- ‘ecutlve S « rr ia r} ' Jo h n .Martin iin- I nounced lodjiy.

'H io iiicellnc was cnllrrl bv Klate • Chniriniin Rny Robbliw. Idnlio F.ills . for the purpose of rtevrlopinc n

■ «-orklnc relaUonship brfs-ren the RepubllCiin piiriy workers nnd ih rlr

j reprr.Ncnlallve^ In tli f 'lcK5>l»iurp i M arlin wild thn t ihe rxeciitlvp'

, rommltlee nl.w wil! up nn .nccndn I _ L{g£_nJull.eeuU-.ll-coromltl<y»-inf<;|-.

ins in i->bniary. nt, w u id i um e n m c ^ . a r «.ill bp immMi to the l.ile

' u w - '’" " '’" ' ' ' '"" '■ n lttecm nu llieo . Jl-W cReiier. Rnlse., ,

• l a n d s u r v e y f l a n n k d 1• P'JJffK ; ;• 30 '^ -S o u ih e rn

JoLX“o.’Jss '‘’e ' . r ‘i- ;- ? t Ll .■ ;

r e m p e r a t u r e s ^

ly with patches ofvalley fog a n d » lUUe ■ ngh-Uomorrow,' I>o«ilbIe freeslng d r ln le n ic e .lilsb tomorrow 35 to 40; low tb«23 n t 8 a.m. and 31 Bt noon.-Preclplla-

iveen S p jn . yesterday and 8 a .m . today.---------- ■ Uloudy with con.ildernb!e fog nnd n llU le 1 lueh icm pcm ture clinngc. lllg h tom or- t CO in souU vhnj;: |ow ton igh t 28 to 38. 'l:

The lowest (em perature In th e nation U. fi. w eather bureau, was 33 degrees s htghMt reported yeiterday, w as 77 a t ^

1' . r--------- -------------------------------------------------- h■cp. 4‘hurnU ........... ............ .... fO t i j]„ >•'' - « „

■“ If ■■=li ' ! j t!

„ ? H »•' s . n - , y:

rZ 7.U TWrs-.KAI.IJi .............. J« S» . Tr. .

w. II 1.02 eirr. llu :<> d

c - :« lc11I.1 IJ 91 hllli' |» Tr.

S i «'r.i I-.K i« Tr. If .11 Jiofk ................... :o 7 lr

liE__________ Lii >5l e y F u n e r a l s •;

I fe>r Elsie Mny W alters, In fan t dnugh te r n, of Mr. nnd Mrs. H arry P . W nltera, ly will be held a t 2 p . m. W ednesday In Jl Uie Jerom o ccmetery wlUi th e Rev.K. Dwight E . W llcher o frid atfiu c ^ , ;:l --------- I'llll PAUL—Puneral services fo r Dnvld 1- H d n re will be held n t 2 p . m . P rl- !- clay ttt the Paul CoRgrcgntlonnt /"

church wlUi the Rcv. R hlnhold O pp 1 offlclntlng. Concluding r ite s will bc

>r held in th e Pnul cemelery. i n llcu d or flowers, tho fnmlly suggests m e- y morlnl conUlbuUons lo th e Pau l* church.g • ----------

RU PERT—Punernl services for Ed e Cole will be lield a t 1 p jn . W ednes- ' e dny n t Uio W nlk m orluary chnpel dit

w ith Florence cobb o frida tlng . c o n - *et eluding rite s will be h d d a t tho wi

ir P leasan t view cemetery a t Burley. w< *

e y H o s p i t a l s

M a g i c V a l l e y M e m o r i a ls v is iting hours in th e m atern ity n ward «iro from 2 to 4 nnd 7 to 8 '

p m .: n ll o ihers a re from 11 « jn . lo 8 p jn . ' '*11

ADMITTED : Mrs. Jo h n McRlll. M rs. G crnld »• Etsenhnuer, Mrs. Richnrd W . Bow- 1» ler. Je rry Jnrrlson, W llllnm M nrtln . „• Gall M nrtln , Brnd Schroyer, Clyde ll Lewis, Leo Longobnrdo nnd Mrs.»• Elmo O reen, nil Twin Fnlls: Gny-:, lord Goodyenr. Rogerson; M ike B a r- j . low. K ing H lll; Mlchncl Bow lin, . . f

H nzelton; T im othy Mlll.i. a n d M rs. “ I. Jess Johnson, bo th Buhl; Charlea - Foreman, Ooodlng. a n d Pa tric ia “ Hollon, Edeh.

DISMISSED _G nyla Losser. F iler; M rs. L nvar I ’

'■ M ltlon and daughter. CnsUeford; ij Mrs. D onald Bowlin nnd dnughter,2 H n « lto n ; Mrs, D ella H . Thom pson,“ Moscow: John A. B lnscr, Logan, j '• UUih, nnd F lora L.-iPniy. W nrren Cc<

Hnmllton, Mrs. John M cRlll, Mrs. n t Ed Morse nnd son, M rs. Jnm es wit Spenccr nnd dnughter and B rad offl Schroyer, a ll TwIn Palla. p

n iR T IIS leyD nuglilera wore bom M ondny to c

Mr. nnd Mrs. Pred Becker nnd Mr. Kn nnd Mrs, RIehard W. Bowler., nil nm

, Twin Fnlls. A son wa* bom M ondny piU I to Mr. nnd Mrs. H omer W etm ore, / , Twin Falls. A dnughter wna bom Ho ^ Tuesdny to Mr. nnd M ra. G erald \Vv d E lsenhnuer, Tw in RiUa. cai

H o o d i n g M e m o r i a l tv,J VlslUng houra n t Ooodlng M e- _

morinl hosplinl a re from 3 to 4:30 I ]„ nnd from 7 to 8:30 p. m . . ^ ." , AnMITTED

Mrs. Eusebio Snra.1. ShM hone, nndLee Pntter.vjn. Gooding. 1

RIRTIIS due A dnughter wns bom lo D r. and ntle Mra. Eusebio Snraa. SliM hone. mi

M i n i d o k a C o u n t y S?VlslUng hours n l Mlnldokn Coun- ^hl

ly hospital nre from 2 to 4 nnd from Id 7 to B p jn . an

ADMITTKD M‘d, Leo Trncy. Mr.t Cnr! G nrner. Mrs.

Wnllnce Walker, j , v . D ollar, E u- Se 0, gene Hni7A and MnrllVn Dcvnncy. .

a ll Rupert, t t DISMISSED ;

• John Sm ith and F rank Frederick j.. Rnsmus.sen. both R uperl; pccgy (J Schell, Mlnldokn: je rry Selbold

Pnul. nnd Mrs. Lyle D urice nnd dauRhter, Malta. rc

n iR TH S Joi*" A daughter was born to M r. ond “ I

Mra. Carl Garner. Rupert. |

King Hill Guestsc- KINO HILL. Dec. 3 0 -W c 4 -e n d

V. Cook nnd•m family, idnho Fnlls. Mrs. Cook Is o t Mrs. Cam nhnn’s sLMer

Mr, nnd Mrs. M artin Woodwnrd have left for a trip-to Lo.uine. Ore, n^nd LewlMon. Ncw Meadows nnd EmiiKll where U)cy will visit rein-

R F ^ D ^ r E S - m W 3 WANT ADS Annret-

•£ ' I N O T I


h t . , 7 4 ‘ ''^ e 3 j« c l;y n o U fled ilw tlh elioldi-r^ of the T ttln rnlU-C;.inil Com

I tho 13th (lay nl .i;„umry. 13S0, n t 10 Ivej ».ilil Compnny in T iiln Pnlls Iduht ?l!li riimibers of i],,. „f n t' n busuie;.s ns nmy coine before s;

Tlie’ lwok.* «iii cl(,,se f„ r the inii I s-ild mcellnK nnd nil proxies m ust bc

no t icM thnn fiie ,mys before said n

,0,. • . ■Mi t w i n f a l l s


i ; . . ___

R < ^ s Opened, I - In Snowbound' Fll II .Southern Ai'ea Sy. ALBUQUERQtTE, N. M.'. Dcc. 30 l!P,• WV-Roadblocks swung open In the le T exas Panhandle and Ncw Mexico ’- today, allowing Uiousnnds of molor-8. Ists to Stnrt Inching slowjy down Icy '

roads between m ountainous drifts. n T h e nrterm nth of th e unexpected '» s to rm which Inshed th e Texas-New >t Mexico high p lains nnd pa rts o t the

Rocky m ountain s ta les le ft six dead, hundreds of m inor accidents: nnd thousands of s tra n d ed ' tourists, m nny of them Ro.se bowl-bound. *

. Power Restored Pow er companies la te last n igh t ‘J*

ii completed resloralion or electricity to th c 30.000 or the c ity’s 88.000 fam - J®? llles. who were w ithout powei;. for *7 . varying periods a fte r nn 11 to 15 inch rail had blanketed th e clly.

T lie U. S. w eather burenu report- " " 'i ed Jlll roada in the T exas Ppnhnn.- .

die Into New Mcxlco were open but Icy thla m ornlns. T lin t was Uie area

, lu irdcst h it by th e s to rm .11 Inche« F a lls -

Tucum carl, In extrem e norlhenat- S®* e m New Mcxlco, had 11 inchea on ^ th e ground Uila rhom ing. nnd 2& Inches fell Bt Conchaa dnm 30 miles Vai

» to th c norUi. D rirts nlong U. S. C hlghwny M In th e Tucum cnrl nrcn M a rcnched n dep th of seven feel. Mo

Som e 2.250 tourists w ere stranded cd In th n t town o t 0,400 ovem lght. Mo- th e tela nnd h o le b were Jnmmed. bu t ing. few tourists look advantage or the bro

. emergency opening of Uie Tucum - ‘ carl armory nnd the offering or free T

cola to sh d te rlcss fnmUles. a .fe w I , sOlyed in p rivate homes.

• s u t o police sa id a ll New Mcxlco . highways wero open, b u t tm v d wna I dangerous a n d discouraged.

d :

Chui-cii Rites Of New Year

, A reSetE fere lT h e F irs t Presbylerlan church tro - Muf

dltlonnl New V enr^ eve communion H ur senrlce nnd - cand ld lgh tlng service acct will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. O W ednesdny. m er

W ritten by th e ' Rev. D onald B. cent Blackstone, ehurch pasto r, th e pa- and gennt is designed to provide a n op- B rit

'porU m lly to th e congregoUon and O th e ir officers, teachers a n d lenders D ea to begin th e new y e a r w ith a re- Uio dedication of them selves to th e work M at of Uie church a n d th e fn lth . U«1

Soloists will be M rs. O ren Boone Wot nnd Roger StAfford. C andlellghters Llill 'will bc N ancy H ln tl, EllznbeUi cns. Jncobnon, M ym a A nn S chlfrier and M Prances Peavey. U shering will be cem Fred O tto and R icky W Jlhlte. «eco

Also taking p a r t In th e progrnm M ar will bo -church d d e rs . deacons, »l* trastcea, church school o tflcers nnd spol lenders of Uie vnrlous youUi nnd by J adult organlznltoas tn th o church.

ParU elpants in Oie pngennt ore n.iked to come to Uie church n t 7 O C p. m . to rccelve flnnl InslrucU oai.

All m em bers o f th e congregaUon nro urged lo a tten d . „

• ____ .B '

Carl Cederburg n Funeral Is .Held upt

Funern l services for Cnrl W illiam “ nn' C ederburg were conducted Tuesday Tl n t th e TR-ln F a lb m ortuary chapel Ic r 1 WlUl th c Rev. W alter A. M acA rthur sa id o tfldn tlng . oper

R obert D. W ilson nnd M rs. s ta n - pron ley Phillips fu rn ished ’ mu.%lc.

C. W . Kevan, E . M. Dosselt. A. G. u ,« Knll. E verett Woolley, C arl Boyd c e„ t and Orvel G uffey wero honorary vnii, pnllbenrers. •

AcUve pnllbenrers were Carrol Qm. Hollowny, Pa trick Oren?;, .Wnyne S i W yatt. H arland Carlson.- O rnnt <1 nf C arbon nnd M orrb C arbon . „ ,

Concluding services wero held In Z , , T ftin F a lb cemeU ry. ^

Duplicate Bridge Winner Reported

N orth nnd sou th w inners o t the duplicate bridge club M onday night a t lh e Legion holl were Mr. and Mrs. R . J . Cook, f irs t; M rs. Jerre ■ Cover nnd Mrs. K . P . Thom aa. sec­ond. nnd Dr. nnd Mrs. H . E. Burgess, third.

E nst and w est w inners were Mr. nnd Atrs. R. G . Snss,’ f lrat: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tucker, second, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Dudley D rtx o ll. third. Seven tables were plnyed.

7 CLERK APPOINTED BOISE.. Dec. 30 W V-Jerry Clnpp,

Bobe has been nppolnted n deputy clerk In. the U. s . dbU-lct court here, Clcrk Ed M. Brynn announced to­day. Clnpp rcplnccs p a u l Boyer who rt^lgncd 10 become probnUon officer for th c d b lrlc t.

r I c E . ‘ , III0I.I>L11S OK THEANAL c o m p a n t ;': , 1 '

Ihe regulnr m eeting o t the stock- | Compnny, will be h d d .o n Tuc.sdny, I ■t 10 o'clock A.M., n i the ofJlcc of f :liihn. for lhe t>urpof< of dectliig I—D ticclors nna-tranw cU iig-ftiieli__ _____rc Kild mccUng. po lb close' n t 0:00 '

lniii.ifrr of slock ten diiyji beJcirs r .I be In the hnnds ot the Secrelnry i Id mecUng. I

LLS CANAL COMPANYa ,L H . WILSON, / l i t . Seeretary j

T iJ Ig g - ’NEW S, TW I

I Twin Falls N! F ined fo r Nelsy M ufflers

K erm lt L. Douglas, 18, H aielton,I w as f ined *18 a n d costs M onday by 1 M rs. J . Leslie A ndenon ,. acting po- . lice Judge, fo r opernU ne a m otor ve-

h id e WlUl noisy m u trlcra. ;

D river FUied „ Alvle J . Sm llh, T w in P a lb . was ' f ined *5 nnd* *3 costs Monday in , T w in F a lls probato c o u rt ror oper-

“ aU ng a motorrvehlcle w llhou t tt valid '• d river 's llcensc.’T he cltaU on wns is- j sued by d ty police.

, •’M otorlat Flneil

’ J e rry Brown. 28, 200 H eybum ave­nue. was rined *5 nnd costs Mondny

(, In T tt'ln F n lb pollce court, fo r park- y ing ft m olor vehicle overUme In the . 100 block of Second nvcnuo enst nnd J, fnlling to post th e custom ary bond 5 W ithin y e s ^ d r^ o d Ume. ,

. B irth Reported !

. W ord hfts been recclv6d or the . b ir th o r a son to Mr. a iid Mrs. E. J.^ OsUom, Eureka. Cnllt. O strom is the

son o f M rs. Nellie O strom Bnbcock, ' T w in Pnlls. He Is p rincipal o t Uie ‘

. G eorge C. Jocobs Junior h ig h school, ' , E ureka . I

C ity police received a rep o r t from I M agic Vnlley M emorlnl hosplUtl }

M onday th n t vandnb h a d destroy- ; 1 cd p n r t o t Ute C h rb tm a s scene on . th e e as t side or th e hospltnl build- 1 t ing . H eads or several figurines were > } broken. . ‘. • ' — — 1,

’ LDS Meeting 5

Held in DecloDECLO, Dec. 3 0 -a a c ra n ie n t m eet­

in g waa he ld In {he D eclo LDS c chape l Sunday n igh t w ith Cnrl O s- n te rh o u t, counselor in th e bUhoprtc, t< condufU ng. u

T lie prelude was pinycd by M rs. f N orm an H u r s t . O ste rhou t n n - b nounced th n t UUiing sctU ement w ould be held on M onday a n d T ues- n day n ig h t a t tho c liu rch building. 1> M uslo w ns led by M rs. W infield 0 H u ra t WlUl Mrs. N o n n an H u rs t ns e a ccom panb l. I!

O pening praye r wns g iven, by E l­m e r Sax ton . A llen Jacobs, who rc - 1 cenUy re lu m ed homo fro m a two J a n d o ne -ha ir year m ission In the B ritish isles, spoke.

C ollege s tuden ts who spoke were D ean B a n n er nnd T ed O llle lte , from Uio U niversity o r Idnho, Maicow; M arg a re t Lcw b, B righam Young U niversity . Provo; K ay Bnlley, W ashing ton S la te collegc, Pu llm an; ’ L illian D arrlngU in and P n tty Stev- » cns. R lcks college, R exburg. ,

M b s Stevens g rndunted in D e- cem ber and will a ta r t teach ing th c .1 second grnde o t M enan M ondny. ^ M nrvln Cope who hns sp e n t thc pnst six m o n th s o t F t. O rd, Cnlir.. nlso spoke. T lie closing p rnyer was given * by M elvin D arrlng lon . “

School Districts " Will Get .$32,000;;

.B O IS E , Dcc. 30 if^ -F o u rte en Idn­ho school d b lr lc ts will rccelve n p - _ proxlmnU>ly *32.000 In redcra l funds „ lo o ld Uiem In tho education of In - d ia n s tuden ts , A lton B. Jones, s ta te « su p e rin ten d e n t of public InstrucUon, 'h announced today.

T ho funds are fo r th e f irs t quar­te r or th o 1S58-50 school year. Jones 11 sa id , n n d a re to r m a in tenance nnd ji, opcrn tion a n d fo r Uio school lunch di p rogram . “

LnrRC.st nllocnUon. *10.000,'*goeiJo U, Uie Blnckfoot dbW ct. w hich b ndjn- dc c e n t to th e P o rt H nll In d ian reser­vation. T h e Lnpwnl d is tric t in no rth ­e rn Id ah o receives *0,700 nnd the O m nd View d b lr lc t gct-sl J3.4B0. ni

O U ier nllocnUons of m ore th a n M *1.000 nre K am lnh, *2,000; O range- te Vllle, *2.000; Pocntdio, *1,000 nnd A m erlcnn Pnlb , *2,250. • • • B

MdA-'s -------G ro w in g O ld e r E C o m p en sa tio n s , 1

E nch year seem s to be ono bis psychological p n ttem . Every sen- li aon and holiday w orks its effect h____ ________ , on us, and we li

respond almost u

W k ^ ^ 1 N ow wilh n d i w holo new cal>

t jU ^ w ith deun

‘ with-Uio im pube• lo organize ou r Uves, to write

down events neutly u n d in order on Uioso pugcs, to w rest tho most o u t of cnch day. I t 's n good feel­ing . liko taking 0 baUi.

T lie rtfs little dou b t b u t that wo’ll feel ba ttered u t Uio end ol tho nex t l a m onths, b u t it will /■ havo been - w orth it i( wo’vo grown a litUo. I t ’s th e ono conj,- “ pensution for getting o lder—Uiut nerhiips wu; ure u litUo wiser. M uch as wo m ls lit y i^ rn for y

r llh nnd ita vivacity, wo’d real- iicviT go buck to Uio imma-

. tu r ity Umt m ust go w ilh iU

So wo mnke ou r resolotlons — to bo b cU erlo rgan izen , lo pre- jinro be lter mcnla, to manugo our money bcUer, to w rite moro lot-

, tera, lo visit tho sick, to bo mure - I chee rfu l, to do fo ro i l ie n , u Uiuu- j sand wonderful resolutions. And

although iom e m ny bo bent ( badly nnd n few even broken, /

still we’ro Iliu be lter (o r lhem. I

j ■ ^^nf»-re6<>lutiTin~I-m~mftking~is ~ I tlini I'm RoiHK to havo more I in i'iids in. nnd I’m sta rting uven I New Y ear's D ny nrrives.V liii 'i afternoon tho neighljors on j tl>« s tre e t — oven Ju lio Jackson I w ith her threo linb ln — aro com­

ing in for a sn n tk .-rv e n bowl of I .1VIT Pntp D ip to go nlong with a niiiiintnjn of chips nnd hnt ten

[ nn<I cukes. And wc’ll ju st visit J and visit.


News in Brief■ T ools Sloten ' '

ton, H orold M a goffln rn35 A d j im s by s tre e t, r ^ w r te d lo d ty police the

po- U ieft o f A box of toob from h b ve- e a r someUihe Sundny n igh t. H e snld

‘ ho. b e lle m i th e - to o b were taken w hile th e c a r was pnrked in f ro n t of h is home. T h e toob were valued a t

WM obout *100,

ier- T a* U e n Filed"“ lild A federa l w ithholding ta x Hen Is- ngalnst W alte r B - O rifflth ,, doing

business a s O rlff’s U nion service. T w in P n lb , for * l« J 4 w as flletl Modday wlUi tha Tw in PalU county

vg. recorder.

£ U. o r I. Seeksind

Nine MUlion, C. of C. Told

the b u r l e y , Dec. 30 — A req u e st or n lno m illion dollars for Uio ftlennlal budget fo r th o U niversity o f Idaho

>oi, will be m ade o f the legislature w hen It Convenes n e x t m onth.

L ee Scotl, Junior a t th e un ive r­sity . spoke U> tho Chnm ber or Com -

„ m erce M ondny noon and lold o f the plnns. S c o tt Is n son or M rs. M ory

, Scolt. B urley, nnd a g raduate of ’y* U16 local h ig h sehool,

A quesUon irh J answer period foK lowed w hich brought o u t th e ’de-

^ e ta ils or th e proifosed budget.B a n C a rb o n , principal or th e

local h ig h school, s ta ted th a t the public schools nre going to ask for 32 m illion dollars t h b year to keep Idaho tcochera In Id .iho. H o compli­m ented th e local school orricialsr

0 s u td e n u a n d 'p n tro n s for th e high s ta n d ard s s e t In .C ossla couniy.

!t- D on C hbho lm re te rrc d to th e re- 3S cen t strtto C ham ber o f Commerce >s- m eeting a n d Its discussion relaUve ic, to tax es nnd said. '" D o m uch or our

lax m 6ney b going to Uie federa l rs. govem m ent n n d dw indling too fa r n - betore I t com cs bnck." n t M rs. P red A nderson, secreU ry-, !S- m anager, nnnounced th n t th e m'eet-

Ing n e x t w eek, tm der th e dlrccUon lid or E m e s t R . Blauer, c hairm an of the 03 education com m lltee, would bo "Are

Businessm en Nece.*isary?"

™ Rebates Told ™ On Irrigation S W ater Pumpsn : ' BO ISE. Dec. 30 Ml—Id ah o u.sers of , V* e lectricity fo r pum ping w nter to r Ir­

rigation o r d ralnnge will receive re - ' ba tes totn ling *371J)08 ror 1068, the

he StAte ta x commission announced to - ' |y . any. I

T lie m oney represents n tn* ex- em pllon given 21 eligible prlvnle nnd ru ra l electrlflcntlon compnnle.s, -. explnlned H nrold Johnson, cxecuUvo secretary.

B u t Instead o t b d n g rcU ilned by } ^ the com panies, the am oun t rep re - ; n sented by th e excmpUon m ust be r e - , ” tu m e d to th e users.

T h e exem ption represents taxes .on j P* property assessed Bt *5 J27.445, J o h n - j “ son sa id . T h n t b th e portion of th e i '}* com panies' to tn l holdings w hich *e .were used fo r the generating a n d < n> delivering of elcclrlcnl pow er fo r t

pum ping purposes. ]*■* Johnson sa id the cerUflcaUon or j e^ the exem pt am ount goes to th e pub - ‘f* lie uUllUcs com m bslon. T lio la tte r =n determ ines Uie am ount to be re fu n d ­

ed th e Individual custom ers on th e ' lo ^ i s of rep o rts subm itted by th o < 1- componles. , Sr- ----------------------- . (1- ATTEND INSTALLATION ic K IN G H ILL, Dec. 30—T h e Rev.

and Mrs, R. I . Bam es nnd N nthnn in M iller drove to Bobe Sundny to n t- s- tend the installo tlon of th e Rev. id W lillam P inkerton ns pw ilor o t the• Boise Southm ln.sler church ,

• H a s I ts 1, T o o !

_____ 6 ^ A f 0 t t ( A

jig T lii i L iver . Pnto D ip is dj».?a- licious eating . I t 's rich w ith ect M orning M ilk, and tho flavors ot we liver sp read , homeradLih, onion Dsi und W orcesterahiro s iuco nro me blended toge ther w ith Iho doublo nd rich M om ing Milk to m ake a

Rourmet’s delight. F o r ono who likes to servo unusual things, thia

a dip would bo pleasing.

us L IV E R PA T E D IP Vi eup (Iw o 2 '4 -oz . cans)

liver spread pd i/^ pup undiluted

M om ing Mlllc

i“ i- • onion '

Vj teospoon W orceslershlr*

2 tablespoons chopped lat s lu rred olivei ,fi{ _ B lond nll ingredionls together.'vo Serve with crisp poUilo

chips. M akes 1 cup. iut • • •!-’r ' H ave you henrd nbout ihla or young/m nn?

T h ^ n wns a young man in ■a- H ohnkcn

W ho miido New Y ear's vows, loudly snnken.

— N ex t diyy ho eould see ' re- I t wns flitile. Quolh lio u r “Iteso lu tions are mode to be .Qt- broken!”

lU-nd 1 I ___

m! / ’" S ^ e r - b l e n d l n g N

^ \ ^ ^ l n ^ u o ^ ^ o o k l n g l ^

~|U, i . Charged ■" With W asting S; Female Brains

p a it Ont>'ken sudden popularity of a bcverngc t o t w hidr.w ns previously thou gh t of as

a t excluslvely.o Russlnn na tional drink o f .a time when Russia Is n o t very popular WlUl o u r c ltlie n ry In gen-

,. e ral?"le n T lie social d rin k er welcomed Ing vodka, Allnraz sold. I I hnd oppeal le?' to. Uie am ateur b a rte n d e r who likes i‘« to mix original o r exotic drinks n ty because It mixes Well nnd. mnkes

such dramaUcally nam ed drinks as Bloody M ary, V orga Boatman and Purple Cow.

I t nlso nppenb lo persona who w nnt a drink Umt doesn’t Unger strongly on the brea th ', h e said,

Vodkrf, h e said, b v irtua lly taste- ' less and appeals to tho so who wonl

d to be sociable o r to have a lift of a d r in k - b u t don't- like th e U ste ot m ost liquors,

o r M any dHnkers. A lta raz said, re- llai po rt th a t vodka produces no hang- iho over.ien T liere oro oUier possible reasons,

Altornz suggests, t r - "PundamenUilly, th e re b the m - question w hether th e social drinker the Is m aking every e lfo r t n o t lo become ifv an alcoholic." h e sa id , o f "M ay ll be lh a t th e ‘norm nl, aver­

age' m an, conrronted w llh a new ojw m ethod or solbfylnR somo of h b ]e . desires a t w hat seem s to lilm a

lesser risk to h b body , m ay be .he clutching n t his ow n life-preserver j ,e In accepting nu trlU ous mixtures [or Olke rru ll Juice com binations) of •ep American vodka?'* h e aaked.

S Designer Fees . ■ce Ai-e Approved

BOISE, Dec. 30 M l-^Payment of , a rchitectural fees fo r th e designing

or three state buildings w as npprov- ed todny by the Id ah o b oard of ex-

y . aminers.7,.' I t wns Uie Inst scheduled meeting OJ, o t th e group before th e new ofd- he eers are Installed n e x t week. U nder ^ th e new Sloff, the bo a rd will be con­

trolled by D em ocrats.Paym ents' o t *18373 to Cedric

M. Allen, Pocatcllo, w as approved ror preparing p re lim in a ry plans for a science laboratory bu ild ing to cost nn esllmnted *000,100 nnd a class­room building to co st *400,000 ot Idaho S ta te college.

Charles W, Johnston , pay etle , wos iC authorized to receive s ilj)0 8 for ^ d ra ttlng prelim inary p la n s ror a cus-

lodial dormllory cosUng an eaU- , ‘ m nted *OT2,414 n t Uie N nm pa slote .g. school ond colony, he No funds are av ailab le fo r con- Q. StrucUon w llhout legislaU ve action.

TwoT.F.YWths , Fined on Larceny

T w o 18- y e a r - o ld T w in F a lb u„ youths nrrcsted by d t y police early

Tuesdny on charges o f pe tty lor- ' cony wcro fined *S0 eac h In police “• court. .

Serving ou t lh e lr f in es th Jnll are D onald- Leo-. Pow ers,- 441 - Jdckson

n- stree t, and Clifford D e a n Mecham, ne 1B05 Elizabeth boulevard, en Police apprehended Pow ers, Me­ld cham and a m inor following the o r th e ft o f-19 gallons o t (rnsollne and

*5 from th e M. A. T . P av ing com- or p aay , 318 W nshlngton s tre e t.

HOPE RETU RN S 1. HOLLYWOOD. Dcc. 30 MV—Bob le Hope b home from a n 18,000-mlle 10 C hrb tm os tour e n te r ta in in g some

50,000 U. S . servicem en. I t was h b elgh lh c h rb tm as tou r.

m S B

t t | in to ' every p

d o c to r orden

W e use 0 t e n l - . ^ h a t

Every prescriptic

s to c k includes fl

Im m edio l

O u r P r e d e i a


Diol RE 3.6574

> ' TUI

[ S e e t r T ^& 'Shlrt-slecvea lo e « i u 7 ^

m iS >h local bnnk "JJ «

would»ng- • • . ISSo’grSy

ome cheerful ondlylW of M tes.crow d, InV iS S ^^ M

^1. A nd overheard: "I majin wh. • • • ■

h b wh a t hnppeiiwl to m - “ '> ■

N ew Leadws I O f Exchange I

i C l u l ) C h o s c i l

dl Now otricers tor th s nn t m on th period were IwtnlW ^ c h a n g e elub meeting

” 5?' ‘h» n a lw - D r. Donnld 6oniu.< u ^ H J J . presiden t: Ralph Olmstead. t i S B .

u rer, and Ralph Smith. lino d ire c to r s nre EIIL1 iffl- JJo t^ rt Richards nnd C l n r f ^ J g B f ider Holdover directors Includi u H

- 23 W.i;.';'SSS

“ a Me w t P residen t Kennelh Webb

nouneed a toinl of $38 coIlK iM tB Uio club fo r the Salvation Anu i 9 thanked a ll the members wbo m nn th e keules. Webb re e e tn lH

/o r vote or thanks for the work hi e H •u*- h is board or directors had d c c iV

Uie pn st six months for the d H ^ te G uests wcro stew ard Wejentr b H

G erald Heldemoiu.

“ Car Ban Asked 1LO S ANGELES, Dec. 30 (DT%H

■' C lly offlclas smarting undtr b H com bined eftecU of eye-lrrlt^M

I j smog nnd citizen compblnls a lb a ir pollution, have unlenslied i i H irly rles of anti-smog proposoli l a d ^ | or- Ins banning the sale of new lice In t h b sprawling c a r-d e p sd ^H i

city.are --------------------------- Hson READ-TIMSS-NEW 8 WANT •

. ‘I A K A Y L E R L O D G e I ^ 0 . 94. A .F .& A . l t l fl

md MASONIC T U PU ^ h,m. V Ui DU. Dlt«.


lob Thursday, Jan . 1 -8 p a .

" w i i j w a " - ‘ - t i s rDlat CA J- llil m .l « MW

" “ I AO 8«l«snim W.tmX


P r e c i s i o n I s

o u r P h a r m a c i s t s '

F i r s i - C o n c e r n

racy th o f com es from mony

ra in in g o n d experience go«

/ p rescrip tion compounded

J olw ays g e t " ju s t whot the

d e red " to safeguard your

th . . . o n d ge t it promptlyl

J o n ly froph and po- larm aceuticals from ion's m ost reputable

, ■■


iplion filled hero Is occurelilr

from fre sh , p o ten t, toMU"W

:ols. O .u r oIw oys-com plH '

!5 those t h a t represent the W-

in Ihe sc ience of meillcln"-

i o t e F r e e D e l i y e f f■ - • ■ ■ ■

Ision I b Your Protection

GSBURY'S------ \

I p f IO N p h a r m a c y

7 4 : ^ T . i . f ^


Page 3: unties O 1 Heybur ths Kill York’s I ffering rn Yout led ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF193/PDF/1958_12_30.pdfTtie SOtfi and SJst 1 ^ ^ ^ deaths o f m

W ■ \ \ . ■ --

D E C B I I B E R 3 0 , ; i ! l5 8 ; .

jirgentina Has H Help; Reforms To- Be Started ! ,

. . BUENOS A m E S . Dec. SO (U t l) — 'ArtcatlM.. bolstered by 320 million •• • .

■ ijoiur*- w orth o f. prfdom lnanlly ■ • Imerican lUd. ha* freed the pe.w, : ended Import e o n lro b «nd called on a l u people to tig h ten Uielr belu, p

p roldent A rturo PVondiil (old the | » \ i I nation In a broodciwt lost n ight the § ' \ ; 1; -olne wUl be rough In th e year or Ltvo tie believes I t will tnke lo putt ! the eounlry back from th e verRc of » bwikniplcy.

He said, however. thi»t tho eco. nomlB reform s h e Is InunehhiR ^ •may Blve ArRentlna one of the high- I r•*St llvlnB a tandarda in - th e Western ^ _____ ^jtcmlsphcre.

’V J I Peso to Seeic Ourn Level x j f A major resu lt of Frondlzl'A pro .

cTun was to elim inate th e orflclnl i ^ ^ H H raJuntlon w hich mnde tho peso worth 6.5 U. 8 . c en tA -it was worth S B ^ H i only 1-51 cents on tho free mariset. ^ ^ S S H m Ihn future, i t will be nllowM m B 5 ^ S S S seck iu o w h level.. •- - ~’ Tlie Central bonk nuspended all f S S B S m trading In foreign currcnclM until M B I B S B Jan. S to easo Uio effec t of the pew | H | H | refonn.

Tlifl president a lso abollslied the total ban he Imposed on Imports chortJy afler taJclng office th is year. bul warned U iat In future Items Tesorded as luxuries by the govern.

, mcnt win be sub ject to dutle.i rang . vlng from 20 to 300 p e r cenl of Uieir mvalue.

Ust LIrlntr F iction Ended \■ Ifo Mid Uie ob ject of his program '•Ll to put an end to. the fleUon of easy living w hich h a s been createdby sulMldles and o th e r arllfleloi aids *In reccrjt y e a r s .: P ractl?in r

"We could havo chojen th e easy 29. r i ,h l . thi way oul. ond doubled eve«7 body's Here ho I. .J «U axyFY ondU l sa id . ■ In a ahort In « n t e r l ,time, however, lock of foreign ex- --------------------eiuuijB would have led to a kek -o f y - t o t imports which w ould liavo )»nfc. f | \ U f k C

« w i p t e d our Industry and thrown|)iundreds of thousands of people out o

He noted U ia t th a am ount of money. In criculallon In Argentina P a r i s t w

• has risen frora 7,0 billion pcaa'j In E u r ^ im ' n ^ ;iM8 t^r^O blUlon t h b year, m u r e w ^to l»to lh. baasct nna p™" L Uonallted Industry on a paying basis T h p L u In 1050 would forco tho go\-emment m eat everywhe to print anoUier 60 blUlon pesc«. he cou«o h w b J ^

■ GoM. D ollar lU ^ervei F a l l '

c»5sr rsssof gold and dollara hnve fallen frem mnnv

“ LxSfbo?WOTld ftur H to th o present c ircum . concem for ts ^ c e s . In w hich A rgentina has couoled w ith or plied up » blUlon-dollar foreign So 1

Two official U. a . agenclM. l | p rl. , A vate banks-tO A m erican and ?ne

D * 1 i** 1 1 T T (Uld poUUclans ^mchfield Has. . /M . - ...........- T fc trodo rainbow :

Grange Party p S V i S . . S ° S S “cS S i„ = S :a K i; S I ?

. . s s ; s . S

s r ' .v s v s s .w sKvo miain'i. ' “ «|Duels were aung by Carol Ann

eiubbs nnd Eliene B ^ . darfne" ^wlo by Elolne B eh r a n d accortlon . 5 ^ ^ eelectlons by M nxlnc B ehr. Carol oftenllaubrlch nnd Moxlno IVhV were P ' ^ “cUpn melho accompanlsl.1. M rs. M ax B ehr nnd " “^ 8 out ll » ln"in^“*“ 2 ase accom panied group **8S.

Oransers presented In pantomimeswere Mrs Edgar StubbsT mT b S i W e t n O d l S « ln s and Dorothy, M rs. Glen Rxas y~< , , ^R etio Alexander nnd Joy Alex-' C o l l e g (

Odell Chatfleld, O range master, HAOERMAN. ] nnnounced com m ittee nnd chair- *t«<lenls were hor mnn nppointments fo r Uie now yenr. worship servic Tl.iey ore Max B ehr. R obert M yen ehureh. mm reaoIuUop* com- l"eUcla Jolley U

n A lexander, chair- ohip; .yern lta 8mi com m ltteei Mrs. “ Uon: Geno Mcv

c o n v a le ae n t home flnhoUon o f faiUi Alex- Rave Uie scrlpUire

« « i . 2 * ” - Huffkea- gave u ^ Mrs. Hawkes ectod u

^ R o r 8iubb3. nnd M rs. Odell C hat- iw ponslva readlr l« w , community scrvlce. Klscr a n d D on Pr

--------------------- offering.

High CouncilmenCl • . benedlctloservices A re Held

“ - 'H l s h “ 0 Mn>- K»lln .K mnatouv „l,hl TO. ob.,rv,il .1 „ ^Sins'" "■"“ “ "'••X Holiday A

N oted a t

*pcnkeh Included M rs V em Brown. M

s A S . — • “

JJ™’ J^lnce acted a/i o rgan ist. WIN *’®ve re tu n" gave t h o ^ e jicUon. vUlUng M r. and Mr

^uhl C. of C. Sets Conviction! Annual B an au e t »««Bum T, ■ ■ ^ a l i q u e i to a to ta l of

C>4fflb n7',S- — T h o 'a n n u a l monUis and-lO doy ^ h d d L ,? J " ' '" e r c o banquet wlli Police fluperintender

Iwrwjuet prognun rests tn which rndar ^ used, 35 fo r dnink«

luUUnt S! be Ilo b ert Ball, MO others. T here wep residen t o f Idaho « « “ •T he nnnouncem ent >-----------------------^

SJ C a m , ‘>’0 B uh l Cham ber /S A D A <S i o d n „ 7 ' M onday a t th e w A K A l

t e ^ A , ... h o m e tMPROr t fWea p.,.. ohtttnnan of ■ No dn. payments, «

CRESS BIDG.''««r‘IihK I ««® Kimberly ltd.

^ * » d e o lo We give 8& H On

He Practices, Sht'r iv : • r,-^ ....................... ■


In r » f«*t pitlol draw a t hi* home In *>ioi and Icllierf h{<-K .m on(h-aia ton . P®“ «® elation with hl< cuni« hBlding the dealh weapon. (NKa

Bstern European ] art Free Trade CDec. 30 W—six wc«l«m Ju s t Ifixt a wtlona ioniew hnt ginger- government d r toes Into the open w a- immedlnlo ci ' trnde Jnn’. 1 .. French prodi

oome apprehension nl- elgn currenci ■where, even Uiough th e sliould sell nv been carefuUy c h arted on Common mnr f a successful p lio t n m . nou>vrr ,

S it'll wST.?;;;{SNetherlands. Belgium wmo o n ^ n

h general opUmlimi over UW». Woi

deal o f com fort comes F V e n th '^ ill^ tjropenn Coal n n d Steel S g h ^ e -8chum an plan—which „ , ^ JtU e Europe a progres- m arket In Uioeo base “ “ 'i '" ?

: nearly six years manufacturing « WlUl big nnd llttlo bus- govemmeni cconom lsu m a show Uieso concerns ‘■e hopes ns Europe rid-" . “ ’ . " " > " ‘h . r , « * S S w rite

F o r Uie F rench. wlUi a lnllonm st history of rigid

Tl. Uie Common m arket t clear iireak w iu i Uie net r « n .„ t .U o „ of h . r S . i 1 “ "p£,'

o f 'U ie m arket trea ty ;he projpect o f much •sUnent to b ring her la r African arena into

AIgert ?';ebcml ?c m w fca’h“ “e‘c, ^ ecneme* of ceramics indust

w e e ’s highly protected

lists F e te s S S jge Students tflSTmcMuhono rd^a t the m om - Nonn nf Hi

TVl c e s a ? ^ MeUiodlst fully o m c ^ r ?

:y led the call to wor-

r £ E r sJidlng, and Charles

•■^to" ts'aSSn^thrJo;. E. O ilbert conducted lUi Felicia Jolley glv- “he J ia s IIction. A coffeo hou r 1” « « college students p rior h Mrs. nobert T upper I'*® H*® a .Phillips serrlng. «>e 1«>8»

• sn a il companies

Activities_ _ _ » choice slt« for

at Heybum‘ S.TbC®Dec. 30 -M r. and Mrs. Uvity is #teei. whli family relum ed to Uie Coal and Ste< lay a fte r vlslUng h e r mon m arket wUl h nd Mrs. Carl-Merz. a te effect.

Don fltaUiQS. w h o _________


d w n f the holidays coVer edw n «renta, Mr. and Mrs. base n t M lm r i ■ u**** *** ®«eney Toss report

. “The M lm y base . H onu Nellson and patrol to help Uie Mont., and Mr. and Uirough Uie lce • lonnor and family, Uiree snow vehicles stumed homo a fte r m ent and freah f< 1 M rt. Louis Connor, grad. Tass said thc ----------------- Unue to Queen Mu

m sTolaled S i rHEAP TlMES-MtV

^ d o ! s ^ ^ n ^ ^ a p 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ^ndent A, E. FerUns 9 111 1 D D I

yiAMjunke^drlvIrS^ and g MOVI0 were 1,181 convlc* f

JagI s n RE ysj'ROVEMENTS <% 7 9 7 1 Ots, <0 mos; lo p a f } i ' i i t I "SB)G . SUPPLY • altd. R E 3 .7 » o ; g A LU ID VAI: Oreen S um ps , g _______

■ • ’ ~ ~x _

loots Son Senal


^ lodny PcntjiR ! ' | \ l i / f . ed nbout re

i Union will hit t i n e J bnlli.itlc ml.v

* A report tnny verUtc'ai

. a ; a we«i-cm I.-’ ^ J . A&soclnlti ... ' jh k M k of Sclr

' I t snld hnll ' work, with 1

li* th a t could d■J? ' ‘'S ic ' n l r <

— I c\ . - \ -T liere wus I H H - tnr>' offlcinlii.

* Roger illLiid irector Ui leglslnUve ref

1. ' got' the repor'! m eeting al Councll of Foi

j, J B utm einbei

1n il l te » Mild


Mike JsLiLant


’ orders' meets

Sennlor.% Joh W H H H Prencoit Bush.

In J.C I. n „ a „ , w i P S ' i


1 Nations Concerned

t Snturday tho De Ooulle I t devnlued Uie fm ne, The A # C ' cffect will be lo mnke I X ^ roduct* cont less In for- f /V ^ laicy. T lius F rench Items / > \I more readily w llhln the \ J 7 ^ r A S < mnrket nrea. . ,'• a t Uio samo Ume.nounced price Increases in v . — *5 iteiM a s gasoline, cool» r t . T ills cnnnot help bu t __ ■d In production costs, so e ndvnnUige from devalu- IDe wiped ou t. Ire Is solid optimism lit _______Worldxrenowned FVench l & H B l 9. Uio univerxaJ appeal of A l E :lll. will bring France ■ ■ P me ndJusUnenl crises. .v ■ V ir imeh lin i lan Industrie* mnchlnes and typewriter r - - — — — ■lng Uie Com mon m arket

to be n boon from the

re olrendy proved U^em* item atlonn i competition, rtlon of COOU of Uio.llght

Industry is labor; nnd -------. labor siuplus.

m K hnnical Industries. , ‘ m ateria l costs a re more •m a y have difficulty, de Bteel m ills, shipyards, ilonls nnd automakers, several o th e r Common nlTles, looks forw ard to oreign investm ent, por- '«n A merica nnd Britain •many — Tho atrajjplng Jlan t o f tho Conunon Ite worries, i t Is expect-

leather, glassw are and lustrJes WlU su ffe r from

compeUUon. ' ^Industry is likely to be € ^ M

auso lho F rench mllU I mto Industrial sites In 1

in n a iv th n n th o R uhr '■ # - T / W B

iktriea m ny go underw y wUl be forced tolto changes. Among de- ' ^ H n lforeseen Is a tendency ^ ■ S MmrniUon of Industry.T i a n ^ f o r m e Dutch.m arket Is n p n ln f u ln f .Uio six nnUons needs

immerco m ore. Holland Vommon m a rk e t m ight - ■

r s 'M is s s „ ' .1■lands la B rita in 's best —Europe, and now Uie I■ve lo tu m more to h e r Ital parU iers. ■ ■ . ■ ■Id L u x e m b o u rg p v ,rCommon m arke t will v '- 'wnedlato Im pact be.ts Uio low est present „•community.

* p o r t m nrket Is out- !t a rea for maty? prod* ng run . however, m any hles wiU probnbly find ■p compete nlone. Bel- ■t*CT ^ n d Is becoming ^ ■

A m ain Industrial nc- Hvhlch Is controlled oy H


aches B ase I I)ec. 30 (UPD —Tho in ta rcu c expedlUon’s 1 renched th e coastal ' n e a r th e R ussian .f. the Soviet news ^uorted todoy. _ase sen t out' on air:he sh ip find a pa th i P J X . ^ > e. T he O b brought , ( t f i / ' , > 7 cles. sclenUfle equip. ^ A1 food from K n iln . 1> '|W tho vessel will cori- l & J ^Maud's land lo set

Uflc s ta llon . nam ed

irtrw a WAKT a d s .S o o o o o o a o o o K

iERG^S I _ _ _

^ F R I IN l

U N LINES S____ _____ , D l

-■ t lM l

ate Units New • Look Into lissile StoryINOTON. Dec, 30 i,pil-Mem.,v»o senate commlller.% n.-itd i S H B a nUgon offtclnLn wltl be n.<ik-I repo ru lh a t the Soviet I B C 9 III hnve 300 liiterconllneninl • m l.«ile.i'W llhln ,18 monili.vr t to Uint effect, w ithout . U n BficaUon. wa» mnd* public H H i-end m eeilng of tlie Amerl-•clnllon for the Advnnce- H B IScience,hnlf the 300 IC B Sb ivnitld th a range .nml ’ nccurncy ; B | R H d deattty ih r u , S. Kirn. r comninnd'A retallntory

0 Comment Madenis no com m ent from mill- - . i H B I

illLvnnn. deputy reiien'rcli ' IB H b I f Uie L lbriirj' nt Congrew’ lH k ! J l iS reference service, nnld he

pport second.hnild from n ’ ■f a m inority cnm p of the Foreign Relations In New - E l

y this m onth , ' - H 'nbem of th e sennle nrmed u ;• nd foreign relations com- B . ' >. lid ithe rsllm n te calls fnr slntem enl by the defeiwc It to Uie two groups. ly Action ExpeeUd ke MoiiAfleld. Mont., n.s- na te D em ocnille le.idcr. W orkm en 'a t1 door se.isloan of the two Colorado rlrer « lo receive th e nppralsal will be (he » nably will be among the sy .lem s In lUa . M n . ! . - . t o r oo„ . |A P . 1 , , ,

John S parkm ati,D .. Ala.* />, , ,ush. R , Conn.. and Jo h n I . n i l t l P l I R„ Ky,. Ml anld congress ome early com m ent from fiffOSffONE, ] : departm ent on w hnt the cllmen vl.ilte<r U

__________ m in t serylce.1 Si

lES-fJEWB WANT ADS. le7«on’."both'^Cn?

if t k e H EW YEAI


REEE T U R K E W Y CPelicious-Hblidoy-Mc


ew C oioi’a d o B rid

the « r ld - i highMl- » leel.arrh X ruclur“. I r ' a o f f * " " " ^ ’ " I - I . .

leilmeii Visit^'NE, 3 0 -H lg h coun-

LDS sncm - Intlon meetlng*^ :m Sunday evening. T hey nnnounced thc Adnmson and Alton P n t- society. Prlmaj

ll Cnrey. thlj,


- ^The maat Music, dar Johnny Ul it all to the to their spi

• ' - fun for al ' night of thl

E -Ho

• H o r n

iC E Y lME A R 'SMonu-FoT-YourSpei

idge Built Wiiiii

. Ligh* SHOSHON:

n W H B n S S f f K n pre.iented In ilRhllng cont

B E 3 i | l | [ ^ d ' . ' C linm bv ofI W r r H B i f B B m l S ^ noitncccT Tue.B r W W |B ^ j | | t ; j ^ ^ from th e civ

Scene pri?^n Love, flrxt; C9 Ourton 1H B 8 b $ 8 « % 1 B Honorable r■ e <<>ui e■m B B K e H ^ ^ n H llynrd. JtogerB bright.- .ji 'j ^ .M a S g V a ^S Judge.t' wer(- r l a n S S S a ' m ^ Mrs..Hii:t vre<

iBIaw M K B Ifa B J Mnnnuig nndi ^ a v H S n 'liiey'g :<ve s|i

itf n i i n £ H B I’ iKongi■ scene n t her rcI WmmBE^mi ''I ' blbllcnl Mury5 B S t V S C ^ J p ! Prizes wrre8 providedI ff' B I B J U ' i j J l Commercc nni

il’ ' ^ > W ^ L m £ S lanliD i^ w e r ( l ‘B ' 5 i J n 5 w ® 3 Scenes whlcll ; - | ( f l u B i H f e 3 ^ e tle by Judith

used the wise n wise m en drnw

°Tliorne mid a rhway bridge a c ro u Ihe TJiorncfeet above th e water. I t ^ ----------■eture.. U nk ing hU hirar P l l i l H l 3 be com pleted In feiiru- • J p U I l Q l

■ SCRANTON.— -------------------------------- Dnvldow bulldl:penkers w ero Knren Sor- en-and brick sl id David Ronds. Conrad of Scranton 's 1 «>-ed ft p iano solo. swept by flamein io rn e nnnounced corre- llon-dollnr. prc ting for tliLi week. He nlM fire.1 there will be no Relief The 21 bual rlmary o r MIA meellngs building were di _________________________ seriously InJurci

SHU CIU rE PARTVith a Great New Yeo

Eve Program by

O H N NW E L E l

AND HIS FAMOUS HAWAIIAN TROUPIaster music makers of 'the dancing, floor show entertainn Ukelele’s accomplished group

the Horse Shu Cliib. Don’t fail special New Year’a Eve progr;

• all and all for fun on this j■ the year fo r making merry I-

ats * Rattles •Favors ns * Surpris

Hlway 93 S

i /MV G e t o n th e FREE

SHU- BU S Q t 7 p

Bob G e e r 's W e s t 5 S e rv ice . I t w ill brli b o c k w h e n th e over.

I N N E RD A Y !

i e c i ^ ~ P j i e a $ u r e ! v - v '

i i i e i s T o l d F ~ ^ • S h r t s h o n e - ’w ?K i ; h t C o n t e s t S H ,IONE, Dec, 30 - A w nrds' " l i f e cltv

in th e annual Chrlstmna the cltv 'locontesi • sponsored by the ''of com m erce .-were nn - “

“ " T '“" Feathe>ri«.i w rre won by Jud ith T o TVTi t: Conrnd Tliorne, sjcond A l lin T horne. Uilrd. l-’O RT HA3le m ention prlie.i w ent to whnt the fen h Dner. Dougins Hnnsen. P " " '' meaiw

R -.W . Orove, Oeorge W. H'lHaiis.)B«r K elley nnd Ollle Al- Cu-ttom I.t

■among Bnm

V redenburgh. Mrs, R u p e rt AtsfiifLrnnrf* e nnd Mrs, Clelus sh o n k . " S e specinl Ihnnks to -Mrs, band i n X V ongii for the C hristm as menns she U er resldi-nep. which ahe se t irlbe.-Linen ui yenr,n ngo to dep lit th e wenr two fr

ory of Ciirlsimns, one.Miouldw. •rre nwnrded from n »30 All a re In Ided by lhe Chnm ber of though. Ench

nnd ll flr.it prize from strinds for n i ■•er com pany office c i , TJve num ber ,’hlch won were n sllhoii- e<|ualled cnen idllh Love In which she — - Ise men a n d manger, th ree HOLI Irnvrn'lo scale nnd p a in t- IIAOERMA 11 of p a tte rn by Conrad miests a t the d a fireplace tetU ng by (Gilbert R a u e orne." Connlo R a w -------------------------- Mr. and Mra

I d i n f f B u r n s nnd 'fnm ny.* 'l ON. Pn„ Dec. 30 W>-The Illdlng, a two-8tory w ood. R n S B B a :k stru c tu re In Uie h e a r t ,I 's business oecUon, wns A Y , i imea yesterday In a m il-, p redaw n genernl olorm l * n o n e

b usine* places In the l re daalroyed. No one waa TV lured.___________________

>r*C2;^ (f

IIB iFY!'ear's

IY f l

> 1JS

'PE:e islands I

b r in g s ' ail to come Igram. I t ’s

s greatest

'■ . ' n i . - - . '



'o d o

EE '

st 5 P o i n t s . . . . b r in g y o u i e p a r t y ' s

■ H


N o P ro fit IR O IT . Dcc. 30 (UPI) — Bolcslnw Gnwel pays hi*,

th e c ity loses money, use of a veternn's exem p. Jaw el's inx U only soven

city treasu rer says I t costs y 50 cen ts to bill hlra.

hei- M eaning N pt C lear NowHALL. Dec, 30 tR -K n o w 1 fen ih c r In nn Indlnn h e nd - ll

■aiw7.NelUier do a lo t of I

1 Is changing so rapidly 3nnnock - Shoshone trlbes- the F o r t HAll regervallon

' tho c iders cnn define tho ICC of fea thered headbands.<Ie fcn th c r In n girl's hend- n n s .sh e is a maiden—two c U wed. According to some I. itnm nrrled bucks should I fea th e rs pointed tow ard dcr. N ot «J. My o the rs .- In accord on warbonnets,

,nch fenUier in the bo nnet '■ n m n jo r nccom pllshm ent flbcr <)I‘- fe a th ers o n c e ' ' ;nem lcs killed.

^ I D A Y OUESTS |-MAN. Dec. SO -Chrlstm ns l l tho hom e of i l r . and M ra. ■ u.«ell were Uielr daughter, ■ ta ise ll. and he r pa ren ts , H M rs. Oeorge Jones, b o th I ■. a n d Mrfl. Clayton T u m e r ■ y. B nm eau ; and his p a r - H a n d Mr«. J . R. Ruiseii. n

^ S E R V IC E fl l jo n e R E 3 -2 8 3 3 ' . f l


1' ' i '


y ■'•X'


Page 4: unties O 1 Heybur ths Kill York’s I ffering rn Yout led ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF193/PDF/1958_12_30.pdfTtie SOtfi and SJst 1 ^ ^ ^ deaths o f m

IS p a g e ; P O U R ' ^

A F«b. 5 «1»« of lh . I i

“ S i X " ‘W r m

■ ■ ■ i m v i . i a . ' K i r J i . g K i .v i<' U n nollM* r«.lrW b» t.w <H>»


a r m r t ! ----- :—WATIONAL nBPItMKNTATI’

WEST-IIOUDAY CO.. INC, ________ t ; i Mtrktl a»««l. Stn t'runeltftn.

T H E B A L A N C IN G A P re s id e n t E lsenhow er haa, con

a e lf to a rem arkable crfort. H e pi to ■'balance. In fiscal IflCO, a fe ex p ec ted to bc o u t of b alancc by Uon dollars th is year.

T h e re p robably I s n 't ‘a tax p co u n try ■who d o esn 't w ish h im ^ . T ho a lte m a tlv b o f a n o th e r i

e ith e r m ore borrow ing, w hich i In fla tio n a ry Influence, o r m ore cu t purchasing: pow er d lrcctly .

W h e th e r o r n o t th c P re s id en t t of ach iev ing h is announced goi m eed .' 77-bUllon,doUar budget iu re to be h o tly d eba ted in th c

H is p la n presum es reasonable* 'ed era l-rev en u es, p robably In c h n th e Jjasollne tax . I t also envlj le rto ln ex isting p rog ram s a f fe c t a rm a id and unem ploym en t co

Theso la s t m ay bo easie r to pro; ir ln g about. F edera l p ro g ram s : if cling ing to lire tenaciously.

I t Is to be no ted , too, t h a t M r. ;c tually in ten d s to aslc fo r m noney th a n ever before in peac neans a ll th e b u rd en o f a tta ln ln s u d g e t Is upon th o nondefense lt< T h e on ly tro u b le w ith th a t ,

peaking , Js t h a t th e recen t h is u d g s t shows, a p r e t ty s te a d y c: a ta l nondefense budget o u tlay , av e b een p red ic tions from high )le sourccs th a t th is tre n d w ill c c ars to come.I n th e lig h t o f th a t , som e wil

l a t th e P re s id en t’s 1000 budge a r e u n rea lis tic a n d h av e been to&

^ PJ'^ce rcsponsll)lllty •’ • J u 'iR ' sp en d in g o n th e b ig D em ocratic K;i|?w[r'. in th o n ew congress.

i ': J u ^ t hpw rea lis tic h is p la n Is i ^ O ' .K’’ • to ta ls w e r in g up n e x t jI f i i j i t ; fe d e ra l ca sh reg iste r.

S'K huL P As fo r passing- a ro u n d th e b lan fo r a c tu a l re su lts , t h a t li t t le g am a t fu l l pace , a s i t a lw ays h as .

'■ N A S S E R V S . M O S C O ’ |t :j!ST:i| j T h ^ W est reg a rd s P re s id e n t Ni

’ U n ite d A rab R ^ u b U c a s boslcal Li-; ijilf iv ' w ho could n e v e r b e h e ld a s a*4M||| u f i n eyen th e l>e5t o f c ircu m stan ce ^ L J P e rh a p s th e m o s t i t hopes fo t

¥ » R y view th e C om m unists a s Ju - It h is enem ies a s h e 'seem s to see- <

n a tio n s .H T h e re h av e b een signs la te ly t i b e in c lin in g In th a t d irec tion , l-

1-1:4t / s ^ n o w t h a t C om m unists a re th e o:

'*** Is n o t y e t say ing t h a tla 'ljl ii ;| >• 2 5 th u s gu ilty , on ly t h a t A rab re d s

^ b lam e. •' f l i i j i '. | 2 . B u t h is qu ite op en s ta te m e n t

h'. snv is a la rm e d a t th e e x te n t o t C om n H ilT l, t l ’ £ t r a t lo n In Sy ria , I r a q a n d elsew

Ho ev iden tly secs a r e a l k ? 111;!! ' g e tt in g 'o u t o f 'h a n d .is'H ill-'l''' ^ course, Is th e p r ice yo

5 5 y o u dea l -with th e C om m unists in lil t ’' ^0 c rea te co n

^ j | ! ‘ i<» f o s te r th e i r subversive ac tiv ities . S fy ] , h M B ela ted ly N asser is b eg lnn ln ( W f '! ' !i'l th e d anger. B u t h is a w a re

I* com plete. H e s ti l l Im ag lj' '■ ^ m a k e t ra d e a n d a rm s d ea ls w ith

Hi; I' 5^1 I ts s a te llite s a n d y e t keep th e m ;W!jC j ^ I n g d am ag in g In fluence o n

P m , I'i. W h a t h e Im ag ines is re a lly pos!b 'F r i ^ n a t io n s w ith s tro n g , s tab le

Mf l i ' l l i 2 ; so u n d ly fo rtif ied w ith m ilita ry•IfflM 'l i i- ^ s < 5 r 's UAR-does n o t f ill th is b ill,

I [) fill HZ do th o o th e r M iddle E a s te rn co tI M : X N asser co n tin u es to d ea l w ith : .rP ') favo rab le tra d o a rran g cm eilij Sjl; » - o n try in g to p la y th e R ussians

S : t h e W est. I n a ll th is h e a c ts aj• ® fic t a k e Moscow o r leave' It, aa h e cw i ' SI! t r u th is If h e doesn’t waki

fl’l'tfil c a n n o t leave It.'THe S h is b i t t e r sorrow t h a t you c a n r

| i | l #E w ltlt-M oscow . T ry lo bc rea l frli i lw f w ind u p in th e .e m b ra c e th i

' P R I C E O F P R O G K E vFH S en o u g h t h a t c lrcu rC tn , Sm c o m b in in g to ta k e th c d o lla rs ou /<j !>[ S ln g . T h e y 're w ork ing h a rd a t d (1 ;•[ 5S*«*” “ ^ce of It.

jljl Ijl .g * W h e n th e sn o rtin g , p u ff in g s\ u j JI «M t iv e b e g a n to go In to lim bo, oni u j |[ S » m a sc u llr ie 'e le m e n ts in m o d ern 1 «lli< • aw ay. Y ou h a v e n 't q u ite

: 5j»4iU t I f you 've n e v e r s to o d . in 'i nD u . . .S t v a t c h e d onc o t th o sc* th ln g s c< u lm s h a k in g th c la n d sc a p e 'n fflf ' 2 5e l lE ~ - ? T O elr m o u rn fu l w h istle s ' h c lt Klla, S o f d i s t a n t p laces d ream ed o f b y :

■ g ; i n 'e v e r y c ity a n d h am le t. T hi KIdk S ‘'b o n k 7 o f th e m o re e ff ic ie n t c

S t i v e is n o s u b s titu te .EBlii S N ow th e y 're in s ta ll in g s tee l n r i f f — S B O n n i r l o n g t h . v a s tly c h cap e i n S t h o n s h o r te r p ieces, m a k in g f< K S S l i d e . O n ly o ne th in g w rong:H 8 g 8 o ln , th lfc e x c l t ln g c U c k e ty -c U c l B f t - . < « ra i l8 v a n ls h e s . . • ■B S Sm E ffic ien cy th e ra ilro a d s badl: I »■ S b a s Its p rice . I n th is case t h a h I a t r a c t l n g som e o f t h e d r a m a ti jp. I ^ ^ A m e r i c a a l l f e . .


5 ^ .= WHh i« • W ASHINaTONPfii t. Ih« P«» annex to lhe alng Pt M«fch I. lait. Ington will- bc bir o f «o*rt ol c o n e r tu approvesII h* publUK«l le Ux r > ■ tUe. Idiba Co<l«. ,

_____________ M,».i Im

__ ilt,MADVANCE . U H K ^ M

— H S H g n

ir:::_________ i i.to--------------------- 5 1-;S »•» Tock.r .

— ::::rrii»:«o node or rcpuwic;.7 V ,vr^------------------ WhiUs Hoiuom e. $1J.000 a year.:I>M. Ctlir.

C O r-E R S AWA : ACT - I t 1* Mllmftledcommuted him-e p ro p o s e s to t r y j^- nddiilon to th

f e d e ta i b u d g e t ernors ejected fcoi I b y s o m e 12 b J l- U»e more importan

nnd com m lulona.: ( lu and public c

a x p a y e r i n th e equipped for prlva m w e ll. • . TheM admlnUlr

r r d e f i c i t s p e lU S ' o ' i e r - r S i ! h m e a n s a d d e d ^ o t a d ju u n t <re ta x e s , w h ic h commanders, y ., t h . , n ,a.hopcg o a l o f a b a l - w hIto House by I

c t is a m a t t e r supervised this bu l e w e e k s a h e a d , i n u»b innow ble a<lv»nc« in^eluding a - ru s „™ „uon. r„al," n v is lo n s c u t s i n reau o( investisatlc e e t in g h o u s in g , a m an m ust be a S

c o m p e n s a t io n . Um inaw tesL propose than to roLiricAL ad M hove a way MFUCE-Hicr. > Y. dlUon to providingMr. Elsenhowerttnfnncn PUDilcftn, h as Heqi

m o r e d e fe n s e low levels aro ale a c e tim c . T h is policies advocatedJ ln g a b a la n c e d f d r and Harry‘ I te m s P“ *<* hostiio Blat, pmctleally ]h i s t o r y o f t h e aUnce—on the ir clc7 c l im b i n th e Thus. If th e newa v A n d th e r e conservative streakv J u i altlon to InfluenceIghly respoM-III continue for


d g e t p ro p o s a l s conservaUvea. Mor to s s e d o u t n o w clvll aarvlce status, t y f o r h e a v ie r cause- and on chai atlc majorities ^

th is prORram, cnplt< I s w n i b e to ld of It. Headed by Si

: t y e a r o n t h e conRrew may refu: panslon. Besides sei

ilame or credit cniis “burrame will go on by

V I E ^L U W t h e I. N a s s e r o f th e Everj-one says thIc a l ly a t r i c k y b u t parionK lot ^ a . i rm Mendn c e s . amaU cars. L. B . Ef o r Is t h a t h e Inston Parking as

: J u s t a s m u c h m akes em inent mi e,. the western

people In D etroit ty t h a t h e m a y Now. ther# a re s1. H e Is s a y in g cepuons to (ho t«= opponents 01 g 5rp .'„’S ’SS

y e o n In advance ch a t M o sco w is th e scofflny. B u td s i n t h e M id - InfatuaUon w ith i

o ther StlU prevail:« f U'® m am m oths, ofn t s u g g e s ts h e th e problems ofm m u n l s t p e n e - odorn-i some modis e w h e re i n t h c phonic headiiRhts■al nrosD CCt o f .termlnaUon oc par ,a i p r o ip c c s q i

operators hns vote y o u p a y w h e n by J5 to so per c

3 in a n y w a y a t T hus if esUieUi conditions th a t S l. • * . wllh thftl i n g to U U fle r- sooner or U U r it

a r c n e s s o t f p e r l l lith s th a n to keei i g i n c s yoVi c a nl t h M o sc o w a n d n » r o _ n ^e m f r o m e x e r t - t hn y o u r h o m e . . . make hia k

h ls troubles In ijosslWe only lo rc g o v e rn m e n ts which leavo a *trr y m e a n s . N a s - years b exposed) lll, a n d n e i t h e r picture,c o u n t r i e s . w d ^ i k o tS ^ ^t h R u s s ia , s e e k - drcles. when hem e n l s . H e g o e s long tim e, and Ua n s o f f a g a i n s t highway deparU J a s if h e c o u ldle c h o o s e s . Ha is an old n / a k e u p s o o n , h e nim ble, h is eyes H e w ill l e a r n t o UrlnB. T hU meat annot play eow t." ™ Iriends and you i„ p, t h a t k i l l s . about, outside th

___1— _ pertly aod wtll

S t a n c e s are S f S i o u t o f r a i l r o a d - b u ever done.— t d e s tT o y ih g t h o —

g s t e a m lo c o m o - e o m ^ m |T d l ? f to n c - o f t h e m o s t m i w hether the

r n in d u s t r i a l l i f e to w arran t th e jllte lived to th e W .if ' S f X ?n a station and S J J S m i K is c o m e t h u n d e r - uceosed suldes .p e l lk c a m i n o r W hile th e »i^

hunUnB safer—held aU .the liire S u ' / u l ' Sb y y o u n g o n d o ld T h is propaw d lT h e b u s ln c ss ll lc e it m uch like, ih It diesel .locomo-

pearaoce Is mt !l rails a quarte r- ono t« i or.per to m ain tain ■ mako u much » f fo r a smoother : When the rails m ^e woui :lick of wheels on out*ot^Uue iiui

h u n te ri la likely

a d l y n e e d . B u t 4 t S f o i i S SM i h a t I n c lu d e s e x - ^m ority . or idn l a t l c f l a v o r f r o m t n u t those cnv

__ - .__ til# t f t t of the



n R L IG IGO N, D ec.'SO^An-entirely n e v ahd novel already swollen Jx ireau c racy .a t W aah- • built Into the federal governm ent. If )VCS a personnel program underU ken by

tho civil service com m lulon a t W hite House command. ,

' - ‘ U nder the proposed InnovaUon, . I there will be created th e new post of *

|!C 'adm inistrative a ss is ta n t for every ^ cabinet departm ent a n d alphabetical I

agency. I t w ill-really a m o u n t.to a Jw U iIrd bureaucratic level, which will ^ ■ o p e ra te ns liaison betw een depart* iR m c n t secretaries, undersecret«rles. ‘ B a s s l s t a n t .se c re ta r ie s -a n d the vast ? H h lv e s of dow nstairs employes. {!■ These . ^ I t l o i l s , obviously, will \ ■ provide a reservoir l o r the large

bllcnn "lam e ducks” lying wounded on * lUse doorstep, fo r they will pay about

WAITING FEDERAL APPOINTM ENTS led th a t there are abou t 200 of these ling federal appolntm enld a s a re.iult of : slaugJiter on Nov. y0 the senators, rep resen ta tives and gov- & l ^ m office, they seeV to land Jobs for a rtant members of th e ir secre taria l s ta ffs IS. H aving spen t so 'm any yeors In poll- c office, few qf thcso casualties are rlvate business a n d Industry . wlitm t^ve assistan ts w ould. In effect, be ni rk and coordinators. T o uso P residen t ^ illllnry parlance, they w ould serve a s ci »nt general fo r cab lnc t a n d commUslon 3-

rrjw EXTENSION—T hey w ould become pif the " staff system " In.iU lled a t the •ly tho m nn who form erly headed nnd u

bureaucracy orroy—S h e n n a n A dam s, tl lovntlon b snld to be a n A donu legacy, nnrks. T lia tjieatlonnalre.n prepared for uIS penetratlnR 'and exhaustive oa th e ex- wHired of candidates fo r th e federa l bu - diotlon or th e centrnl Intelligence aRency. nla S ir G alahad to survive even th is p re - ai

y«• • • Ul

ADVANTAGES IN "LAM E DUCK" di re are o th e r pollticnl advan tages In ad- Qng a "lam e duck" refuge. tliin pa rly , w hether D em ocratic o r R e- br requently complained th a t bu reaucrats tv ro able to sabotage o r m odify or btock dc ted by th e Incum bent adm inistra tion , •rry S . T rum an felb them selves h a m - ar0 Hoover-Coolldge hangovers In these Ui01 R epublicans blam e m any of £ lsen- 'n Republicanisms''—spend ing , fo r In* r dny*by-day, dcsk-by-desk Influence, lew bureaucracy has a R epublican and eak. a s expected, they will bc In a po­nce govem m ent operatlon.i for yenrs, <p. ;rnt U e lK ted p residen t In 1000. '

CONTEMPT FO R 'H U R R O C R A TS "— nc I th n t m ost of th e Republican office- t j re winged by th e on Kov. 4 were co ioieover, the.ic C)p<%tc&n will enjoy ^ ;us, nnd they c n n w r & » a < only "for ha rges substnn tlat^ j P |E ^ m p la ln - tc

ifts been no official h n n o u ^ ^ k n t of ipltol h ill Democrotaiftre n o t y y hwnre pj f Speaker Snm Raybtirn . n M M r n l j In (jg efu.« to snnctlooi,«»^ffm5i4e th li ex- to I seiislng ILi poljncal Im plications w hcn S( Speaker Sam n W s ^ l d th in k m uch of {u Hirrocrata”! nby McClure Hcwupaper Srndlcate]

S O F O T H E R S sE B IG G ER T I lE t COME niI th n t autJunobllcA aro RCktIng too big, co ot ■ .ope ra to rs-b less th em —a re doing tlo abO]it It. Ono W ashington operator by about one th ird fo r custom ers w ith th l. D oggett, Jr.. p residen t o f Uie W ash- tJi

assoclaUon nnd opera to r o f 17 lots, m nthem ntlcal sea ie w hcn h e points

-p in t au tos can bo f itted In to Ujc space or 20 of th c behem oths w hich some I t wasplshly te rm a "norm aV ' alzc car. . ■ ro sovcrol honorable a n d energetic cx- ^

trend am ong m anufactu re rs to make “ huger; a n d the Indecision am ong the ?“ which m uat "frce ic" models several

:e deserves somo sym pathy along wllh u t It Is m elancholy lo no te ih n t the •h size an a symbol o t somethlnR or 'alls; m any 18S9 models even outtpnn ;.0 f Iflua. Add to th is Rrowlng lenRth of th c frnRlle ncw equipm ent w hich « lodels—It has alm osl come to stcreo- lils a n d swltchbtodc fln.v—n n d th e de- park ing lo t owners to revL-.e ra te sched- indable. I n New;_York ono group of <00 roted to raise fees for m ost 1050 models •r cent.leUc considerations fall to shrink the Mnomics—and the sh e tr impossibllUy tough ro ad spncc If th c size of cors in- hft volume—mny yei curb Uie length, r I t m ay cost more to pnrk theM mono- Seep u p tho pn>-nicnls..and the fnmlly wm like a n airdrome over tlis house lOrtals dwell.—Wa.-(hlnRton Post.

THEY D O N'T HARDLY la k ind ony more. BIU H ughes conUlns n ft hom em ade of hum-Or. Henpcrvlous to the Holl>-wt)od yuck-yuck on avenue line of commcrclnllscd titters s tra in on anyone who In hLi formnUve

ted to television, Tadlo a n d Uie motion

t you know Mr. HuRhrs. We tlmuRhl ■ know he cxLils. First, In municipal he was Lewiston's c lly cnslnccr for a

a then as urban engineer fo r the Idnho ' [irtment. h e carried his spnrklc into; gray by problems, planning and U iclr'

d m an. A puckish old m nn. Hls mind Is yes are still blrd-brlshi. bu t h r I." r e .; leon.'i Uiosc who did rci to k„ow him os' round Uie n u ie won't .see him much a n y ' exp ln lai thU editorliil. Wc wiuit i t n c -'J p r ln l th a t n mnn Uie public iicard little 1

r . s i r , a r a F n a ' n " “ ° '"

LAW WE nO N T NEED B tjp l. t n t a t In U l. •ood,'.. anJ

Ull! « t C o te, „ i , i

■ r-l“ .:! i" 'b ,? ' " “ '" “ m - l " laaue

Jdnho.in.v-tiie o iiu i.'r *’>' *>nly a

i: S h o t s Z a “>y , ; • [U- te I I ■ ________ , . c r


« How come I t 's nlwaya -you ROOd c t ,1 consU tuenls" whenever you 're refer- th a ring to Uic people who keep you Jn Tl II. business, namely, us readers? t rI . D on’t you know th a t va rie ty b th e f r . spleo of life? I t seem s you could gel th

a little variety Into the^ term , fo r su Instance, you could substitu te for

III th a t word "ROod" such word.i a s m ,g fine, poor, r ich , lousy, b e tte r , worse, bc

etc. •• • , , • ngD on 't you th ink th o t w ould m ake lal

for a little be tter read ing? InA. R eader n r

5 . •• CTwln T ails) ^

If P o t Shots note: so rry , b u t fltnontf you good consUtuents, p o t recognlr.-

- es no division, class o r g rade . You {” ' ir a re a ll g o o d ., , ^ th

- K ITTEN S FO R K IDS D E P T .a A half-ffroK-n. block fem ato .cM,

an excellent pet, h a s lo have' a0 new home because her yoting m a.v,t te r to bothered w.lth a sth m a . You fP! s can get h e r by phoning REdwood ^ “ . ; •„ . «1

OLD, FO R G O IT E N e PoPShoU :e • M ony years ngo. my Rrondm other be! il used to confuse ih e smoll fry du ring fr< I. Uie-dylng days of tho year. jcar. Along nboul Dee. 32. sh e ’d te ll t u th ' r to look flhorp and we'd see a m an- WlUl as m any fingers as there-w ere s d- days,in tho year. A nd slic’d work I t uU '• a long every day. using a ho rse w ith tci- as m any legs ns th e re were In th e j u

yenr. m nn w ith aa m any eyes, etc., ] un til she w as rig h t down to the la s t na dny of tho y e a r ." ' j-~ -

■ Each dny h e r h in ts on aolutloh to ly th e riddle bccame b roader and ^ 2

- brooder u n lll th e re were on ly one or 1 s two days le ft In th e .y ea r. T h en th e n a c down would s ta r t to b reak. tlo:

W ell. I've been trying I t th is yenr "bt- and get no th ing b u t sta resi T h e kids shf6 Ihlnk I 'm lechcdl . . j

C e T tto^O lder be ( T w l n ^ I ls ) rul

« FU R S FO R , FREE i r ' M ax Miller, who sells o ds fo r th e Is 1• T-N and llvea In Shoshone, acc ldcn t- soc

ally stum bled across a system of nc- nc\ qulrlng furs fo r free. P o t S h o ts docs Of

• no t necessarily recommend th c sys- ta t• tem . bu t m aybo-som a of you good■ constituents m ight like to h e a r abou l i ' It. th l■ One n igh t la st week. Max'® daugh* l>a ' te r WAJ homo alono w hen a womon bol , knocked a t tho door. She explained of

she knew Mnx drove over to T w in ! Falls every m orning ond nsked Uic ' dnuRhtcr If .ihe would osk h e r fa th e r ‘• to deliver a fu r co at to M rs. So-A nd- tm ‘ So In T w in Palls. A nd she le f t Uie1 fur coot. e r

W ell, b ? th e .tim e M r. a n d Mrs. M iller hod retu rned nom e, - th e * daughter h a d th c atory com m itted

, to m em ory except for a couple of m inor details, s h e h a d fon ro ttcn th e ar» noma o f .th o woman w ho le ft’ th e I®-

• coat and also th e woman to w hom I t 'rn ( was to bo delivered.f M ax con tac ted everyone h e couldf *“ » th ink o f; b u t Uio laa t Ume h e m en- T ‘ Uoned It. h e 's ti ll h a d a f u r co at on X ' h b hands! s • • •; WOOD FO R FREE D E P T . j

A fellow who Is dlsm anUlni; a 50 thi by 100-foot building a t Bverton 's d t

. M attress factory has a lo t of wood we ; suitable fo r kindling to give nway. «ei J He says sevem i loads are^avallable j , to anyone w ho w ants to h a u l I t S a! away- . rnr . • • • Qj, FAMOUS L A S T 'l i n e ' scl , *. . . Ju s t lend us ih e bill a fle r , ibe f irs t of th e year." bll



[ AnnounThe Sc



• A c r o s s F r o m t h e®i'*1 In o rd e r to dev o fc ou r full- , th e op era tio n o f ou r O ff

-, , h av e so ld o u r G ift Shop tlyj ’ In m oking th is announci‘ j th o n k o u r m o n y friends> th e ir p a tro n a g e o t th e Giy to th em on inv ita tion to c

I ' M ARGARET'S GIFT SHC ■* C om plcto G ift Shop wheri

th o t o re d i f f e r e n t .-

; Effective Jaile;

I ★'«!rs'

a; W e W i l l C o i

>' O w n a n d (Id ■ ' . '


1 3 8 2 n J A v e n u o S o u th

T IM E S -N E W S , T W IN

1 W A S H I• • B y p e t e :

W A SH T N O T O N .'(N E A )-T hc sc- curUles a n d . exchango commission under C hairm an Bdw ard N. Ondsby

I L'l stepp ing up Its enforcem ent ac­UvlUcs against ■•boiler -room '' op­era tions by Slock brokers and deal-

—' CCS who u se ^ rau d

ic" begun BG'■■broker-• ngc-dealcr adm ln - r « u r E4mh ce la tratlve p roceed- .

Ings’—to glvo Uicm th e ir formal r nam e.' T h is is double th e rate for s) th'e full fiscal y c w .e n d ln g la st June

30. when SI acUo'na w ere begun.T hla Increase 'i s considered a ha -

tu ra l u s u l t of th e recen l sUick m a rk e t boom. W hen prleca ore r is­ing. every6ne- w an ts to get In on tho ground floor of "su re things.” This, m akes I t eaay fo r boiler room

J o p e ra tio n s ., ' ‘

° A prom oter will r e n t bore office ' space. In sU ll.a b a tte ry o t sU nd-up ^ telephone- booths. lUrc a s ta ff of

fast-ta lk ing salesm en a n d proceed to sell h is "securities" by long distance phonc. Toll chargcs ru n $10,000 or m o re ..

Nam es, addresses a n d phone num - 'r b e rs o t prospecUvo custom ers come K from .'jsucker lis ts" so ld by com pan­

ies whose business 'is to compile IS them . T here are lis ta o t people who n liave a b it on e arlie r promotion ^ flchemes. T here a rc f Iso lis ts of <rcp- It u tab lo d o c t o r s , mwyero, sehool* h icocliers o r—best o ^ J l^ w ld o w s who e havo rcccntly .in h e rited 450,000 up,

H igh p tts su re so le im ansh lp-'ls a t n a tu ra l p a rt o f bo iler room oper­

a tion . T h e stocks offered ore usual-0 ly ■'bargains,'* se lling from ( I to »S Q a share.r H igh pressure salesm anship Is a c n a tu ra l p a rt of bo iler room opera-

Uon. T he stocks o ffe red nre usunlly r "barRalns," selling fro m |1 lo $s a 3 sho re..

E verything Is prom ised. T liere will r be a big rise In p rice In Uie n e a r 1

fu tu re because of m ysterious gov- : em m en t conUncts o n w hich the se ll- : ir claim s inside InformaUon. O r It

e Is claim ed-there w lllb e big dividends - soon because of som e Invention or ; . now product abo u t to bc mnrkcted. s O fU n there is f ra u d o r m lsreprcscn- > . ta tlo n In Uie' sa le. ^1 • • • I .t SEO SP^ '^'Ind of these IhinRS

th roug h 'c b m p la in ta o f people whb . hnve been defrauded. I n a few c.iscs.1 boiler rooms have m ade th e mlatoke i o f trying to sell SEC employes.

U sually th e ,boller room Is a one- c •■'hot operallon. T h e ope ra to r will try r to se ll one block of a parU cular stock . th e n vanish. T ho Job o t SEC en- « forcem ent is to move In on the boll- :

e r room w hile it 's sUll going and p u t , I t o u t of business. f SEO operates u n d e r th e general | (J f ra u d ond broker'-dealer llccn.^lng ,t sections o t th e SccurlU es a c t of 1033 0 a n d the SecurlUes E xchange a c t o( e llU i—T hey are In ten d e d to prevent It f ra u d In th e p u rch ase a n d sfilo of

securities h i In tc rs ta lo commerce. *

; Third Drive forRabbits Is HeldJ

MONTEVIEW. Dec.-. 30 Mt—A 0 thou&ond rabbit h u n te rs arm ed with s clubs tum ed ou t again over lhe d w eek-end in the Uilrd drive o f the ^ season to rid th e a rea o f jockrnbbltJi. e A bout 6.500 rabb lta were killed t Sa tu rday In tho sagebrush west of,

Rigby. Jefferson C ounty Agenl Rex Gooch said two m ore drives are scheduled this com ing week-end.

r Aboul COO hu n te rs killed 7,800 rab ­b its In the west end o t th e caunly Dec. 14 and a no ther 6.000 were klll- ed Dec. 21._______________________

ncing.ide of IING'SSHOP

l e I d a h o T h e a t r e

r fu ll tim o a n d e n e rg y to O ffice Supply S toro w e '

op to M orgore t M cA tee . oun cem en t we w ish to :nds and custom ers for lo G ift Shop a n d ex ten d to con tinue shopp ing a t

SHOP, Twin Foils' on ly vhere you'Nvill f ind G ifts

lan. 1,1959

C o n t i n u e - t o

J O p e r a t e


RE 3 -2 0 8 4


IN G T O Nr E R E D S O N , ,

se- SEC proceeds ngainst boiler rooms slon by s e c u r in g courl InJuilcUons, by Isby revocation of b roker-dealer licenses ac- o r by referring cases to departm ent op- Of Justice fo r crim inal prosecuUon. cal- P ourteen broker-dealer license re­

vocation coses were bCRun th is yeor, H resulUng In 10. losing th e ir llceAses.

T w enty-five Injunction proceed* Ings wera filed agaln sl boiler rooms

■ In calendar 1968. Only a few a lle » d f ra u d . Actions were based on otl%r

n charges, more easily lUsUilned. so as to slo p lh e lr operatlonsKlurlng crim -

■ In a l prosecuUon.E j * * *B l ' F o u r boiler room cases have been B referred to departm en t of* Justice

th is year. An Indictm ent u-as re tu rn ­ed In ohc cose. T h rea 'o th e ra aw ait

• p resen ta tion to grand Juries, m oj - T w enty .one o the r SEC cases were f®r referred to departm en t o f JusUce

une thi* year. M ony Involve boiler room opcraUons though th e . reference to

n a - Justice Is on o th e r charges. Artd six m ore cases ore In prepnroUon.

ris* T h a do llar volume of fraud In on these cases to sa id to be Impossible

B*- to com pute. B u t tho know n fraud In wra th ree cases closed th is year ran

from $300X100 to $900,000 apiece.

-w Moscovites to nS Have Limited

Vodka Supplya n ! MOSCOW. Dec. 30 tn-M oscovltea pile Jam m ing Uie n ig h t spots on New vho Y ear’s cva probably will have to ,lon depend on cham pagne o r other cpr wines, no t,tra d itio n a l and more po- Ml* te n t vodka, to mako them m erry, vho ■ T h c Soviet cap ita l's downtown ho- up. lel d ln ln ? rooms, re s tau ran ts and s o cafes a ra booked solid for U » gayest icr- n ig h t o f the Russian year. ^ lal- M n n y are expected to restric t

$S vodka drinkers to IOO g ram a -^b o u l ono sh o t—for th e evening. In ac-

I 0 cordancc wlUi Prem ier N ' l k l l a r a - K hrushchev 's new edict In th o s te p - illy p e d -u p cam paign to discourage i a drunkenness.

O lher D rinks Available vlll B u t the proprieto rs assured In- eor qu lrers th a t wines, cham pogne and ov- lig h ter In toxicants w ould be avall- ell- ablo In qunntities lim ited only by • It th e drinker's pocketbook. id s K lirushchev in a spcech Oct. 17 or snld a new Inw was being w ritten

ed. u n de r w hich a custom er could get :n - only one sh o t o t auxing d rink In a

re s tau ran t. “ThosB w ho w an t five glasses will have to ro to five res-

ngs taurnntA,'* said th e Prem ier. 'They^ll .'hb sober up w hile m aking th e rounds." ses. RestrieUon SU rtedlke M ost offldato believed th e new

directive would n o t become fully ef- ne- fecllve un til New Y ear's dny. B ut try m any rcstouronU ^ eg a n re.ttricting 3Ck th e ir custom ers la s t So lurday. nnd :n - tem pera tures ranging to 30 below )ll- zero discouraged w ould-bo drunks pu t from m aking tho rounds. O n New

Y ear's eva they probably c a n 't get iral Into resA flhiuilB-where they don 't lng h n v e r H ^ a t lo n s .033 F o r tho celebration m ost rcstau-

o( ro n t j ore offering a special dinner c n l w ith wine, chompogne. musle. dnnc- of lng a n d 100 gram s o t vodka per

:e- custom er. -Tho cost to 150 rubles, — 137.60 a t th e official ra te . A nything

else will bo ex tra .


iHi! r . ,1 H ’ I

y B 1 ^ 1 ■ ■ ■ I


= 1



rfcS itil! y STEREOPHOHIl

Full price

I ^ On,r%5


n r - ': - - ' .

[ H o i i s e ‘S yp ibo l - T a k e u O u t f i

WASHINGTON, Dee. 30 L R -H n sergeant a t a rm s took th e sjonbol o

im t of houso-'of represenlli'tlves ou l of safekeep ing yesterdaj

re*car I t ’r th 'e 'v m c ra b le mace, a 40-lncl lg,,' looc sh a ft of s le n d er e b o n y . rod:

bound together w ith sliver band; o„,g and topped by a silver globe sur-

m ounted 'by a n eag le of solid silver W hcn Uie house convenes n t noor

s fl. on Jan . 7. Uie m ace will s ta n d on n j _ pedestal by th e speaker, a i I t hns foi

160 yeata, to ba-.uscd to keep ordci If necessary.

icen I ■ Nobody G e ts Bopped ,tice . History doesn 't show U ial thc ser: im - scan t a t a rm s ever bopped anybodj valt on the head w llh th e mace.

Instead,. Zeako W . Jo h n so n r jr . ,cre present se rgean t a t arm s, 'sald nl. tlcc th a t has been neceasary to quiei X)ni a n unruly m em ber, to lo /■prtssenf , lo the moce before h im . g l , Johnson him self h a s ncver had U

do'even tha t.In A h lsU iry p rep a re d for offlcla:

Ible use o t the house rela te s lh a t thc 1 Jn la st Ume tho m ace was used w u _ during the fam ous W orld w ar I con-

g rM . th e 05th, from •1D17-1010. W ar Entry E xel(«i Tempers

Tempers f lared th e n during debute over America's e n try Into, th o wnr, Twice d u r in g 'th e aeaslon th e mocc

1 W0S required to resto re ord^r. Ac­cording to tha booklet, bo th Instances

. Involved Rep. T om H efllp, Alabama, [ a leodlng advocate of w ar wllh [ y Germany.J Once In 1M7, th e re was auch b itter

Ites debate over tho a lavery Issue tha t few tho sergeant a t fttm a seized the,moce

to and quieted a n up roar. ’ her During the 60 th congre.-!s of 1007- po- 1000, one m em ber rushed af. anolher

with a kn ife w hile o thers roso up lo ho- sUip the fight. T lic sergeant a t ind annsap p rn re d .o n th e scene with tiie 'cst moce, and ordei' w aa restored.

Scuffle la Stopped rtet T he mace atoo stopped a brief out scuffle belween two. members during ac- the 53rd congrcAs of 1893-05. t a The senate ha^ no mnce.

Cold Test StartsWASHINGTON. Dcc. 30 MWArmy

engineers havo carved o u t nn 1.160- I, fool tunnel u n d e r th o G reenland lee

cap to try to de term ine how i t would ' be for mlUUry m e n to llvo and

work In o pe rm a n en t deep freeze,, Tl i e tunnel 's la r ta near th e big

a ir force base a t T hule, on the f®' norUiweot coast o f G reenland. I t ; “ conUlns tliree hu g e room s eoch'7Vi

feel from floor u> c e llin g ,.2l feet wide and from 2004o 300 fee t long, when the firs t congress m eeting In

* bo is MOM THAN JUST "SHIINIC- MCf. N o S u r g e r y

S l o p P a i n O l T i s s u e s W h l l

■flu To stop n»gg lng d licom fo rt of »*olIen pllci <n mlnuM*. tbou-

'C '' sand* m e Sfolnleij raxoR. Not RCI only reduces tlMuo iwelling but in't stop* pnln Bl onee, promous Jie»l-

-Ins or InQained Uuues too— alt IU. iriiftout lur^ervl PrepsnUons th slnerfl'* Por real comfort, f u t . you need[*r • this more complete medicatlba.Ics, In doctor*' M U . pailenu hadlog Immedlato reUef. T b a tl becau^

Tlw Sa turday Evening i f l

lhe S h o i m i s


~ ~ Jumn L^‘BUILT-

I n o n e c o r r

H d M E M U :• Now! Choose you r kind of

r e c o rd s .e i th e r th e new s . records o f any conventiom

P W nificcht e lectronic organ, ya cost f a r beto-w theso un iu

“B u ilt-In T eacher" maki ’ Organ.'cnsirst of all J Y ou i

reco rded lessons on the ,C sim pHned InstrucUon book

f _ l C O M E M I N D H E I



>1 o f D ig n i^ ’ ^■ fo i’ P o lis li iu g Toi,mtli- vldlng for u rcwlutlon :rday Long ngo. ihc nincc wn, » .


sur- Flr»t JUace .liver. T lie Jlm i mnce of the noon of reprcscn ia tiv ti « ,,, on a w l« n a Britisli nnnv s for capltol on aur, i a n li,

body ‘W d since, it* n '

“ SK' " ‘ - S ' i ' Si nli of the Iflii

S I l l i n ^ r ^ o i -Is Actjuitted of

™ Poor ConduciAc- A U n o n A ,- lll ., Dec. 30

: u“c meeUng to nsk for help i„

tion signed by EKnn Oet. 1 3 ^ on everyone. “IncludlnB. legally

___ « e d communLus." lo old In t f f S i r fto tu rn ou l the pollcc. ^

i , proclomsiion pe.' lalned to events beforo the dslTrf rmy th e w arron t. “IM - Police Chlcf Donnld Curraa »«I Ice chief sU to witne.vi. He teitlS

orid ^blp PHYSICIAN DIESUie IDAHO FALLS. Dcc. 30 W ui

, I t H nrry L. Willson. C3, promlneni ph.'7Vi sic lan nnd sumeoji In this area itfeet m ore th a n 40 years, wns found iaiong. In hto resldenco yesterday bi h J in wife.

" f tu T i is u n ir y N e e d e d T oI I S w o l l e n P i l e I l l e T h e y H e a l lt o f £<alnfM(pftzoeomblnt«th«m(M' ou- eSeeUvA InRrMlenu kaown tot Not pile.. Thus vorks J v ir i t t oneeibu t (1) itopspiUn.ltchlnginmlnuM; esl* (3) ihrlnk i uatue iwellms. too.-a lt geaUon; (3) promoui bMaing c<Ihst raw tluues. You get. Immtdlate an 't new comfort while Katurt'* ova lief. taenlliiR msffie con to'vorkl • leed Don’t suffer needU iilj. Oet a . ' fifslnlMi Paa) Suppotliorlt* or had Ointment a t dpiKfUU. Oct rtUef lu ^ wimout turg«<y -or money btekt


' ”i i ' T Q i r u i l i l m r o ^ r o "



iT-IN” TEACHER i I_______ ___ I .u

i m p a c t

U S I C C E N T E R ;d of fu n : llsienlng to your favotil*:w stereophonic discs o r jnonsuitl .

rA 'n 'irn -;-L '.'S 4 S Sjn it t if purchased MpamtclylM k . , (o pU y U » T l « « ' ou (im ply p u t tho Thomaa sptcw th e rec o rd c h a n fs r , follow » o k - a n d s ta r t p la y ln |l— . ------ -

I E A R I T T O D A Y I ;

\NH S a__________F u r n i t u r ^ ^ ^


Page 5: unties O 1 Heybur ths Kill York’s I ffering rn Yout led ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF193/PDF/1958_12_30.pdfTtie SOtfi and SJst 1 ^ ^ ^ deaths o f m

w West Eiu’ope’s llll Economy Plan ,'T

I Is €o ing WeU'U I lyONDON, P e c . 30 (U P D -W est'>< ■ ' Europe's ' economy bounccd bAck i r ^ i

■ (tronsly today from IU r in t bigU. ■ oost-war. dow of freedon^. nnd eco- • | f ' ' ' a

. ' I nomJe experU sa id lhe way u’u now H cl(*r to Im port more U. s , nnd I consum er Roods.

"J'i ■ Tfte British pound (iterllnR,.which »nyM relK ner,jjow can chftnRe for U 6 Cnnadlnn dollnr.v kicked

' ( « ■ of't lta ®0"tro l-free day wllh 'I > new showing of slrcngth, Conti*

■ nenUI currencies fallowed cult. 'FrcDch Unions Objecl

foil ■ The blffgest aour note In a Ren- A ,.? I erttUy Ijr lgh t European economic ! \ '4 «■ picture come from Pnvnce. Commu- 5 ^ ' ^ ] l5t-domUuiled labor un toa i there ’>1 ruihbled ominously agniniii Uie . BBB

jieary doses of ttusterfty ordered by '■;R2 li the De Oiiulle BOvemment.

President-elect Charles de Onulle’s ability to enforce n s tern belt-tiRht- SgffiC

,, • enlng financial p rop-am to keep I Prance’s newly devalued franc In RjBM

line would be th e f irst showdown .£ test of h is government'^ authority. ' «g 6 ^ H W estern .Europe got IW-economic

bBost yeaterday w hen BrllAln nnd Iff eontlnenUl neighbor* made the ir /

t l currencies '•externally convertible"— meaning th a t any foreigner could

, convt r t th e currencies nlmost with- NI ^ out restrictions Inlo dpllara and other ■'"'I hard currencies,

Flm t Re*ultj Prom liln r I t w«3 i darlriff move de.ilBn*d to

^ restore sound money in Europe and ^ f in t resulU were promising,■r' BrlUsli flnanclaLexperts snld there

now is no reason 'w hy Britain and “5 olher w estern Europenn nations 1

should n o t proffre.'KUvely step up )• fl ■ir their • Import* o f consumer goods lli'j]^ from the United S la te s and Canada /. l j)/;

Hitherto, because of n sho ruge of ' W(t dollars, m oat w estern European NU countries have h a d to lim it ihelr dollar area purchases to heavy cap­ital gooda a n d vita l necesanry com- --------------- -

K modules like oil and coal. i IBut now American clRareKes. cof. AJlTlO

* ! M " fee, breakfast foods, canned goodsand other consum er Items for which \T / v European# hnve been ••aurvlriR" for years are likely to erowHhe AUantlc ALMO D in increasing tjuanUtles. who hns sp

----------------------------- S a l t Lnke C

Visitors Reported irncd ho;

By Oaicley PeopleOAKLEy. Dee, 3fr-M r. and XUs. visited frlen

Ted Coombs, Balt Loke City. left Is presently Sunday o f te r vUltlng h e r motljer, Arli.Mr*. Verla M artlndale. m - . - r f >

Mr. and M « . l^ v ld O kelbeny and s j ^ d in g th

Jle MllS; BoutiUr?l.” u u h ? le f r s '2 ! l . ' Snd" family'

Marlel Pnakett, who apent Christ- ' ,

i rDr. ond M rs. Hal Pldcelt and son, ------

Dolse. vU lted hU parenta, Mr.. ond ' n i c / > i i Mra. E ugene Pickett. l i l S C U

-------------: --------- ------ HAOERM,

JffeanngSetBO ISE„D «c.‘30 W»—A prelim inary ? « o discuss

Jiesrlng on ft chorge of m urder will lereotod cIUz be held J a n . IS fo r % S3-yeor-old son Puffmire K una raUroact worker oocused In T h e bulldl th e fa ta l ahooUng of hls wife. th e re Is no

. Waldo G a r th H un te r demonded here . A eo T th e hearing when h e appeared be- J . R . Russell

lo re JusUce o f the Peace K enneth m ire was cli G . Bell yesterday. Mrs. H unter died bestjudgm en • t o N am pa hoepltol a fte r being neas of the h wounded In % ahooUng. _____________



MAliy I . IHgS ct. DtXEASED. • Ki«ulor ta thi J’unmnl la an crtltr of m M CouH. •o"* h«»ln« «!•

on lh* 17th <Ur «r D««mb*r. til t; or hik J '• ".” 7^^ ■I” ® MomWj, U» •lU' U>t ii«e«M 3,*2 IM» «t tiro o'clock month* Ui

et m M d«r. *t th« Court lloom «r noUcf. lo tb* , MlJ *t lh . Couni, Coutt I W . In 0/lkm of ll.nc*?•, Cl‘7, »f Twin r»ll». Caualr of Twtn Tniit IluildltM.

fdtho h « b..,; .ppolnlVl . i th. ly in r.Ni. Sui•iw £ • ’ ‘*7'bMrltx t^*pp|le«llan‘of*Junk>r‘s ^ in for !>■>''■ U «m l

Md whm anir MrMs .lnUr»t«d n . r *pi T«|I 's .r - . > ruhiuh, d.-!*?:

________ '»'ubli,h Pw. ae,-’iw i. Uirouch J«n. 1H9

ilST 3 IK K S B

rv«il»v. • lltumU•urric. tnd • eonent* *nd Stni H.IL

■ W X l i ' c . S ; ’" ” * n o -m id ) 1.

I . i - a s . -

I■ 1 ^ . '^ * X»(l<»^ *t Bhobc..,I <oU«n (U.W) «IU UH U i.!^S l»nnmt taI " n a u u

IH an aecpubl. propoM]H <!'•H t ^ t r i •mouRl of th. 'H >uaninir mu.t b« In th.■ ChLTi Z' * CmlfiMt Cb«ek er Cuhl.r'*I ‘ X !<>ibo bank, m><I. Mr>

■ ,>-I<Id.r» .hali b . I lcn irt In ,H Ij!.« n”' Idaho by tiw SUU Contractor.

■ ,7 .T"*'-, •• provl,|«d In 8ufc.«Uoi> lOI.OJ■ ■ t*»n of II'jV “Undard EtMclfleallon., BJl- ••

I .OIC* paid le all Itkor


i K i N G ^ SI WAliBERG'S

•i ^ R u e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 . 1 0 5 s

10 Residents ' Cam ^ote Yule Trips>. Dcc, 30-M r.v H , E, King,» spent tlie pa.it 10 days in r i . a - i - ke City vl.-atlng h e r dough- S f i I I. Mllton Muir, and family,1 home Sundny n igh t. ’ . L o g AN' Green, who hns been stn- dieti a lltt n Athens, O recce. w ith the plcce of a e for the past Uiree yenrs. her. rlcnds In Almo Sunday. He TlieVrn ntly employed In Phoenix. ^ only a

^d M n, Asael M. Lowe-are ^ ^ r * ih r a , : Uie holidays In Los An- th Ihelr son: m n k Lowe, nlly and th e ir son-ln-lnw 5 ; 'iBhter, Mr. ond M rs, John city hubbiJ

;uU'rjr?„r-c=X‘£ ' ‘i ith ro a t

cuss HospitalRMAN, Dcc. '3(>—W a « to Kaufman.' - Uie laat Indebtedness of friend of t erm an Emergency hospital Li trying to cuased a t -a mecUng of In- new ClUzens conducted by Emer- Sheba’a r Hire, mayor. himaelf whulldlng la now Tocont as dollar 2 « j no physician wlUi offices J'O'mff-

, eommlttee conalaUnR of won't asell. Roy V ader ond Pug* Profeaslonal 1 choscn to " ac t In their m ent to retire th e Indebted, “ hoollng w tie hospital." become hla

of Uie th ir

■ A D V E R T IS E M E N T S " S iu r m .^

,. , chipped In <h.rabr »l»«n br Ul. undtr(kn«l dog and Ifa : ; f c ir hll nta l* .'to .ihlblt thtm hOW.EOCn-ti •«"“ rr Youch.r., within four and finds I

‘!;;n“ t ' ' S i ” : t ° " £ k ' ' : S . ' f o r o i l 'dint. Twin K.lk Counir of Sho’U' gO SUU of Idaho, thl. th. Just before ■- f f - S u . ' - " ' " " L “” I I "

KWbrr I. ItSR. • ,“ IMAUIUCB pRTEn rn icsoN Avoid ahal

S i r ,t . ». II. H. M. W l dried film . ,

IN IN G P L A Y I W a tc h in g a bow]

c o m fo r ta b le l iv in g r o o m w i l l h lg h l

jtie r ic an s . N a c u ra l G as hMC w i l l c

sa n d s o f s o u A e r n Id ah o h o m d s w l

c o m p lete ly c a rc frc e fu e l I — A d v ;

Ju s t B ro k e1


iicer S trikes Use of It Jo b o f Dog Credi ill C ontinuesANGELES, Dec, 30 M>-Sheba “ " “ o" “ llule b ll every dny. And a *> *'“ te solut]

f Rny Myers' h e a r t goea w ith

Te buddies, you know. Close i “ ‘ "« *ver ’ ft blind m an and his do*

W hile thehree weeka Uie gray G erm an «b■d hns lived on will power •e. She goes r ig h t on work- ding h e r m aster through U»e Timber, aa bbub. are includedicortt o f people who scurry ^icm a t th e little sidewalk " c r « . where vhere Myers sells novelUea Pfevlously. i low she's In agony from th e f '* " * ** ‘I*' eating h e r Intestines and “" tl ^

for » comple•hould have been p u t to ”u7 “ “ 'IVf''.®,

■re# w c k s ago," said Morris „ f.' n. o cafe owner, nnd a >f th e blind m nn. “The vet ; to keep he r nllve unUl Ray fo ld ing flrealew dog." * \ ' _____'a no t'o ld . Bny trained h e r nWhen he.bouR ht h e r for a P a p C r SW yeara ago w hen ehe waa ^

n t be trtum'ng h is new dog. W O I ImaU will do Uiat. O n Jnn.a r ts two o r tlu-ee week* of n

IhlnjI. » r ™ ,M ly K .u r . “

a n filso got a new room for SP*ln‘s pell n h e waa evicted because of ? 'S f V J ? * t'l n d patrons of th e cnfe and J; of o lnrge alore nearby " ^In on expenaea for th e new J.®I fa training. church In Kiracnrcely touches h e r food ‘ "-Sh -d ay ahe geta more gaunt . A. bearing- 8 I t ha rde r to get to her •»« 2 p.J gela pills Uiree Umes 0 S f» ln 'a a ttoth e poln. ---------ffo to h e r well-earned real LEAVE Fi re th e new dog enlera h e r RiCHPlELE life, if ahe Uvea th a t long . Mrs. Charlea

0>.W nj o r . t M n , S a .“ im p ” OU use It. OUierwlse olr and daughter, la y Xana and rem ain In the Connelly, a t \ "• , - ____________sUj^_________

owl game on TV 'fipm the favorite , shli'sht thc fiKt dny of the new year lo 1 moke the occasion.even more enJ which are now heated with this dear

' I •


F ra n ■ , , Ne^v

Ow’ , PARIS, n

Clinrlc-1 de ( ■ • progrmu tc

France's ml the requlrcn

\ , • TllC ilefeir t i l i w eek -end1) which bronIj i . . F rench lnboV • . * . Ictformnllc

r [ •■ . Soustelle an;I I orgnnluitlon

' m eeting of I^ . Old {■ k (1 Tlie progrH I \ J J - _ thc 'cxL itlng

f. / ~ wn,' ' deslgne■ I / mnde ob^oleiB V J j / clear bombs

/ ■ Tlie deffci.1of I

Onullo. Lt pu! rclinqul.ihcs

TllO new « slsncd to kei

O nen i s ta te 0J and uncxpec

stcp.1 to defl penceUme s

1, ^ the kind pm- Ba*ed 01

J l ^ T lie proRtii^ * > + ^ Gaulle's owr

lence. appnre T ) \ theory thn t

" lenve no tlmiRremlve mob farces,

f H t t n t w - I Soustelle sI deren.ie'leglxi

i B ^ a l l l • legal dLitlncttCy.-• (il: - \ I nnd whrtlme

J ■ bnsed on arnalve mobill7.nt

One of the strenm llnlnc nUon of a nal tee sim ilar U

-------------------------------- c6unell In t:

of Planes Is ;ditedforCut'1 Forest Burns 2 Ai»e of plnnea equipped with LOS ANOE n tanks contnlnlng calcium Victor Angel. BluUon In controlling range mute, was w; est fires wna credited by town s tre e t j I fore.it officials with re- atruck Jn Uie iverage ocreaga b u m thU body,

- Angel, a floth e average num ber o f fires lhJ«red when I about th e aame, the total » only a lltUa mor# than ■ en th floor of a Uie overage. I*®'' »>«ly l»ndi•, aogebrm h ond rangelands S i’iLw”l!!i'!f. *: ded In theso figures Aver- S S fell S> t he fires th is yenr wa.i 618 “ere It wna nearly 1.500 acres . . . »y. By use o t an observer HAOBRMAt

direc t Uie fire fighting „ n u n d ^ m Id ina iruct ground crewa DendectomT 8 nplete correlaU on of effort, mg Memorial h nne waa reduced consider- jey Elko U h Iclnls feel th a t, while Uie o « 'b S l n « wlxjm te m ethod Js new here, ----------a g rea t deal o f promise InIrea to a m inim um . | GUAI—-., DENT,rs Filed for j seOman’s Estate ds"*""

K e p a i r t ^sforp rob ttU ngU iew lU and _le tters of admlnlaU^Uon IU T a F

Ite of Mr*. M ary L. Rlgney I * l v J U 1 la T w in ra l la probate n C k l * ] Iday by Ju n io r Spain. • . U t N IpeUtlona aU t« lh a t Mrt. OKAS 8 I1C Kl J a n . 11. leaving a will AVEi. 30, 1055, w hich names 3r b u t aUpuIales lh a t her !1 go to Uie F lrs l BapUat Klmberiy. T h e estate Is 10.500. ■ ng- on th e peUtlons will B ' .2 p jn . Jan ; 12. ■atto rney la H a r ^ T u r n e r . ■ • /- 'J L 'A

5 FO R CALIFORNIADec. ,30 — M r. and ■ I § 7 W 'a

lea o n e s le ft Sunday to M f w inter In Torrance . Collf. H V - ^ L '# mponled th e ir son-in-law M ^ ter. M r. and M rs. Thom as ■ a t whose hom e they w l I l H

b I b i

^ m \\ N

■ ■ I HiI

^ ■ ; r ; f

Ite atm choir I rforimllions, I enjoyable in I Ilean, conven- ' H

......... '


mce S t a i ' t s I l i

w P l a i i s - f o r 's S >wn Defense H Srs. D « . 30 (UPD— Premlpr «nvencs . « de Gnulle Lisutd n. drnmntic —

•; nX'o-^°4»'’r i S Hagend economic -rfvolutlnii." sou.i„.i„u '

brought nimlilliiK.i f r o i n m I, lnbor today.

mnllon M inister J a equ p s ri«,,^ i V le nnnounced the itrfni.^- r e - ‘ntlon n fte r n. h u r M .o u r “: of th e De .Onullc cablnetv -n .r . „i.Old System Serspiicd > • “ M^^program In cffect JUTsppwl ; ;fn„ r s ,.Itlng • P rench s>-»lcni, sh lc li Lydia Hau'*lgncd to m eet conrtiiionsb^olete by Uie tttlve.u of „ u - ^ 7 , 1 ^ 1imbs and bnlllatic ml.vilps:effci.to nnil econom ic ri.fonna Z ( i c r nt of a seriea o f m cfiaum D e jLt pushing UirouKh- before lie jilV “ ^ 1""•Ihes the p rem len h ip to tak e w w he prM ldcncy Jn n .'8 .lew ticfcnse p ro sra m h d e-.0 keep- F rnnce on n pnm ii- ■*'“ tlee. Tvnte of n le rt n g s ln s t smldcn:xpecteri a ttac k . I t nl.vi mici-.t fTTVA.'.) defend th e m tlor^ nMi11.1t .ne subversion, pnrticuinrlyd pracUced b y communism.■ed on N uclear W arfnrr H IM IiroRtuin, c lenrly based on Dc ; own long m ilita ry exprr- pparently wa-n bw od on th r th a t nuclear w srfn re »ould } time for th e old-ntyleVro-

m obilization d f l h o ’Rmied

He s.ild Fm n ct's exl^ning legislation wna based on n

itlncUon between pencetim e | | ^ H rtlme. In wnrtlmen II wa.%(I army *zoncs and protrca-

f the m ain fenlurcsei ot Ihe ■•’‘M lin e progroni w u th e c re - -''K im a naUonal d e fen u comm it- lar Ki th e national defense in th e U nited S tntes, i t ! under De Gnulle n a preal- & M M tier mem bers mtMld include prem ier a n d Uie m ln lite rs - S M l

or, th e a rm e d forces and

Are Killed S^NOeI e S. D ec. SO fUPD—ingel. a 44 -yeir-o ld deaf I S u C TIS walking a lo n t i t dovn- M f e p f leet yesterdny v h e n desth T O F ^ n l. Uie form of a. plum m etlns M g S g

a flower 'aeller. v o a fsltlly vhen 0 despondent %-oman R E B w S ■o h e r death from th e i»v- r of a departm en t a to re and landed on to p ef h im . Two

nnd th e ir children narrow ly :Ing struck na the -womsQ's

to th e crowded s tre et.

HA8 BU dG ERT ^MAN. Dec. 3t>-U oyd Jen- rrwcnt a n em en en cy »p- ny Sunday o t tho Oood- rlal hospital. Thom na Owa-

la helping w ith Jensen'a aa while h e la 111.______ _


ire Replacementsiln whilo you w ait


rk Free RE 3 - m i

M S S M i


lATS - HQIloise Makers, Fi

FUNfor Everyo


r l z e s & S u r p

I ^ N C I N IB est M usic In t h e A rea by „


I lU B 9 3

Ike Talk Set DivorTTlfSDUnO, Pa„ Dec. 30 WV- ! Tilf„len t Etacniiowcr will deliver his • i U d»1 Stn te of the Union measnRe A dlvorc raon to congrc.is Jan . 0 , HliMing, ls .was announced ‘today by dUitrlct c( le;itlnl aides. Tha ncw congrcss Hugh A. B

IllMunu wife, whoir

agerman News 'LSJ.OEnMAN. iDec.. 30-i-'MK, Joe lO-monih-i >ck spen t Chrlslmns with h e r Custody i-lnw nnd dauuhler. Mr, and ^ ” ‘«unB. Bob Collier, and family. BoUe. Hlasung Haycock, who had been a p a - >»rr» « n d ': nl the Vciernan hosplial for —week., also spent Chrlatmns llAf;

lhe Colliers. . . UAGEJlhy visited Mrs, Hnycock'a sLt- Mr. nnd ? Mrs; Lesler Shelton and M rs, the ir sons Christ nnd her mother. M rs. Mr. iiiui Mi Hawker. uy, w nlla \

tors over Ihe ChrLitmns week- bert Owsle t the home pf M r..nnd M rs. verslty of ' isllce were the ir sons {.eonnrd Mrs, Cnrl f. and fnmlly. Arco, p e rry parents. Mi !. nnd wife, Em m ett: d iiugh- H enry Ows: Elennor Justice, EUensburg, lng a rccer ; and h e r guest. AcUiur Swo- hla hln.Tncomn. Wnsh., nnd Billy • ___

r. Twin Fnilt.________________ READ TIM

S i r ■ '; J M i

A H <

A B uffo lC h ony Hoh'ciay evi o g e i.

So eosy to l e e p Cheddar, S' bort a n d Bli/e 9

See how n deflcioui Holiday supply Is high, n o w 'o t your favc

THE IDAHO pAI Pw vok* of 91

J i.

i r t y Nt5 EVE ^

)RNS —Fovorsr Fl

o n e a l


p r i s ^ ^

IG! Prh

3 ^ -

; ■ ■■ X

orce Granted P a r Hari at Hazelton P os tin gvorce wns granted to QeorRC of J l'eo c : R, Hnzelton. ■ In Twin Fnlla were Car'

in s sought a dlviree from h b hom he m arried in Elko, Ju n e P m kerton 5. on grounds o f Infidelity Ing. Jo h r . «i<fferlnR and cruelty to the ir Mra. A. un-oi(i son, H elen Cct>dy of the child wns awatxled Lee. Ahfi untr. Drown (tim g wa.t represented by R ay- i i i s s s

- f s SIIAOKItMAN GUESTS ' l | P n ERMAN, Dec. 30 -G uests of l l . . Id Mrs, H enry Owsley were I M A sona and «!aURhters-ln-lBW.I| * ’ * ^ ■J Mra. Cnrl Owsley nnd fn m - il I Iln W alla: M r. nnd Mrs. H er- I V ■ wsley, a s tuden t a t the U n l . l | of Idaho, Moscow. Mr. and I t ijo finf

arl Ow.Hey also visited h e r I o dinm o :, Mr. and M rs. Le.iley Scvey. I o m v Owsley is on crutches follow- I -ccenl fnll In which he b rokejl

----------- --------------------I 115 M alTIM ES-NEW S WANT A n S .H _

0 I . I D A Y

\ Cheese Troy It a freof ihot fit* evenf. Hit* the spot wMi olt

' to p repare, foo, whon yoo ir, Sw ijj, Creom, Brick, Cam en- e fh e e ie j ofvhand.

V much oo jler Ir Is to lervo 'Jdoy trea ti when your d ieese jh. G et your favdrlfa cheeses Favorite grocery ttore.

pAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIATIONt* 90,000 Idoho h tm iu

lew Year's IQPEN HOUS

1 P:M. to 3 -p.

FREE DINN3 P.M. 'til

ALWAYS the B vFOOD ot "93

ill 5-00-I4■ » s 2 5 .

• All Afternc and Even ir

^ P A G E m E

arking FinesUng overtime parking bondi each w ith city pollco Uonday

C nrl ;>ut*ler^ Jo h n R. Gentry, a n . Mrs. J . D . Em erton, John 'ood, Lloyd Ham ilton, Alice rton , Jo h n Silvers, I . o . Good- lohn W oters, j . R. itiieson,A . U Ourley. i . w . Gulley,

Colea, Jam es Dillon. Betty A h h 'M c K in n o n ond L.- IL»1 (two)._________

rikinply B eautiful P a ir o f Exquisitea t c h i n gl AM Oh H> S

(C ara t U Each) finest- quality obtainable In ^ o n d anywherei $ 2 5 0 Q

i r to n Jew elryM ain E as t T w in Falls


. / v > ■:

' Day I>SE ■ f l

4 U t I


^ 1m Iicon | f l ing l l

s ^ l

Page 6: unties O 1 Heybur ths Kill York’s I ffering rn Yout led ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF193/PDF/1958_12_30.pdfTtie SOtfi and SJst 1 ^ ^ ^ deaths o f m

pH iR ayburn May i l l i Have Doomed !—j i W : Alford Moves

js ’IBoeaker 6am R aybum may t , 4 i i


i l i S l i i’ -fl-r'ilH r n "moJor opemUon" to b#r Alford ,

‘« W f f JronV thoparty If he prew nted him - ,,-0 j

•: i l l J f ! %SSSSt»«> „ i;3'IlK lip l'lB •■ R«P. Leo M etcalf. D.. Mont.. Kjld „ ,o s j

I n l l i : ^ h e Interpreted Raybum 'a remnrk*. u-og j

■ |y j 1 " i n M in n . 09 melmlng, “D o n t try 11. , ; ; , j j

i M i H i ^*Such’ * from n a y b u ^ . } l |« {• M 3PD « h 08e 'word on party m atlera In m e } ;001

■; M l houM la regarded by mtiny t ;901

S’ ' M W i 'would undoubtedly bo faU I tiTHM 2:uu Jfi 'n ^ ••bloclc Alford” crnnpnlcn. : ; «

3-i • i - l -Another and moro fo r « « liln KI ' L f 'a movo M oinst Alford previously Jiad 4:uo i

I l ^ f ft drive to deny him n *e»t In th e ».o» { i l ^ ' r l w pcndlDR an Investlp llon of ,

■liC'' •iW a election com plaints oROlnat him. t:os iiW lt^ ' v i 'l . . . SeaUnf Probe Cw tom ary «;«»

T h a custom ary house action In , f.ifflM l ik l such C0M9 Is to seat the chnllensed tioo i U lin k W I m em ber and then investigate.; 5 >oj.i

B u t a houso elecUons committee,I A iiji^^n on B th n e (o two vote, aslced th e '& house In th is caso to leave the seat r V , .I r l B «h llo a n inquiry was made U U

L i f l 'Al f £ £ II f l ' k’l i 'H .H ays was th e D em ocratic nominee .M k lk « In Arkansos- f ilth congressional DIE r * S k n ' dU trlct. H « had no opp^M on on M r ^ .

■ I f t l " th o general election ballot. D ut Al- Io. Wh e D l t l S r a . . l t h l h .b a c U n i o I o m - .o r v i . l Mr.I'll' V | . Paubus. enlered th e campaign m a baby,

1 y i ; f i w lte - ln candldato a week beiore homeffffT J S electfon day.Dili' — n trs

, .|E|I Filer Woman Is t f i l l : Taken by Death SSS''• I, ‘,<>11 FILER, Dec. 3 0 -M rs . O . E. Rosel- “ u^ t, t • ! : H b a B attle C haiteen. 86, died a t 4:30 n e r. a ‘ . ' P j l l p.m . M onday a t h e r home. 407 Sixth Mr,i ■ : •i’ I flrfeet, Pller. She h a d been 111 for m enu

th o post JO weeks. “ r - n

f 'S h o w aa 'b o m Sept, 18, 1873, a t Diwls, • A u 8 tln ,ln d .S h p w a a m a ir le d to a .E , Mr.

(B urt) Chosteen, r e b . 10, 1001, n t a n d ^ A ustin, Ind. T hey came to Idaho In « t u n rWjTUary, 1018. aijil have Uved In HaUw th o Piler d istric t slnco then . They Chris' fa n n e d untU 1043. .

•M rs. O hasteen wa.i a member of t«» Sa Iho M ethodist church. She was a paren chaYtcr member of tho Filer QranRe, *en.

; i|: m em ber of th e Pou r Square club.form er m em ber of tlie Pller H igh- V J a

r i i i i i l 'f c w ay JCensInaton a n d was a Rebekah i l C r’n u ’y l unU l livo yenrs ago.

Surviving ore two daughters, Qer- " ''- lm 'P l ' a ld lne Chasteea and M rs. M argaret

S troud , boUi ^Pller; a grandson, C hnrles E. Stroud, Cocur d'Alene,

I 'b l S l 1; o n d a g reat-grandchild .1 l iT T d i ’' Puneral services will bo held n t UV'fi' ![,: a:30 p jn . Priday In tho P ile r M eth- •■'■‘'i’ l'u church w ith th o Rev. O ra n t

i l H arvey offlclaUng. P in a l rites will W W l bo held In Sunset M emorial pork.

I ' i Pricnda m ay caU ak th c T w in PalU i' n iortuary W ednesday from 0 n.m. to "

s .p j i u and r t ld T y -lro m 0 n « . to__________ , Roge

Im l Hunter Injured in "lifi 1 : Special Elk Hunt s ;M»Li i ASHTON. D ec. 30 W — A h igh - n r s t m JJ' 1S< Pbwered rifle bulle t ahattered a suni!

: R n u n te r’a leg yeaterday -oa he and p e r j ' ‘111! friends took p a r t In a apeclal

cUc h u n t eas t o f here .■'iUri <rll T h e wounded m an , C arl E . Rob- s r l i ; . '.I 'j c rts , 30, Blackfoot. waa hospitalised

h e re In serious b u t n o t criUcal con- ’ ' i l i l l d ltlon. Officials p lanned to move -jud . ; ,^.U M m la le r to a hosp ital In Idaho

, I 111 --li 'D e p u ty -S h e rlff H ugh McCarrel. how;ll j;,!! y te m o n t county, w h o . InveAlgated vers

;} y t h e shooting, sa id E ari Exler, Jr., j j I, III. ' B oberts, told h im h e though t th e LeeI ’f • I'li'H 'h o r s e Roberts w as rid ing was a n Ida:

. I f f * ' 1.1 i> e lk . T h e deputy sold Exler Is R ob- i&■ f i j i i 'p r ' erta* b ro ther-in -law . Sheiii’ill.if. "i,: Prem ont county Sheriff Jease ingt

'U H l ' h B u tta , 'sa id th o Investigation would collU jit Jji; 'c o n U n u e .' . ' K «

i i | i | ' Rent Suit FiledJ . C. B la ir aeeka bnck r e n t and j

H W r l , restoraU on of premlae.<i a t 337 M ain leg, H • avenue eaat In a civil acUon filed ver

‘’ 1 ' M onday In Tw in Palla p robate cou rt am '( aM *)!' : nga ln st S e th Low. Iln• V T hb com plain t aU tes Low owea <v'MiiwV' *31.15 for Novem ber and-S51.I5 fo r Un W im-i' '!• Decem ber. B la ir la represented by «or

• .f a it ij: ' Roy E . SmlUi, T w in Palls a tto r - Le

I — —M b: I Watch the "Rose‘i I I I ' while ylDu dine in.I l f N E W E S T a n .

I l l ■ D I N I N G

i i J I the.


I i j , 1 2 Entrees to Choose 1

j m ^ . .. w Bli f f ln R I New Y ear 's Eve an

™ E Special Hbl

H i . e v e r y b o iB H b | i n | I - , , _______

__ u -_______

MAGICk a y t k b a k

(>70 a ilo cy e lf l . ^ |« 3 0 «»«>«»«'* vtoticauAt

'Hf, n.m. *'WIBs V MernlD. . T'lJ jiV'"'"*i4» Trt-iti:! I'Ml , , iloOoirK.Vlh

!i4“pwr»hop WC0NE8DAT20 Ulll Abuut Uuilt a.Bu'os •■00 SunrU* Uuti:<& IKthoird (i)» N<wi'S S !;!! K: 3 ! S : : : : s !!QS M»n About Hu*l« »lOO, UM.Iifml Clu

fd i i ‘« c';;!:™ ''nV,13# KAVT^II*poll«r miO CiiH*. i" W•00 Ntwi i:H)9 CMdfOokaiVS (Irfan nhtptoJIr* UKI:90 UitlHM VtrltllM .UiOS (itm »•:uu Niwa >:H0 I'artn. N«<>1:0i Uollntt VaritUM U ilJ 8c«rl«:00 K » i i:::o TbtiOr Mari«t Cciuntr; Slflt UUA I2 i:t W«ath'r l<tl>;U0 Ntwi 12:30 I'aul llarvirslU Tbriiar Showcard 1:00 Muila (nr Yc:0l) Nawt liS iN tw ilOS Mallnta VarKlIt* :;C0 Mutis Car M:DV Nawt t i t s Nawt

illss iiS ( i S . i'sE!

lOb Dtll} Oarotlena <:0 titiilo for nin 111 0» ________________ l i » I'aul U»rva>

Metrich Citizens jJ Report Activities "■

DIETRICH. Dec. 30 — Mr. nnd ;rs. Joe Perkins hnd famliy. O thel- . W ash., a re visiting relaUves here.M r. and Mrs. Dale PlUnan and iby, San Jose. Calif., have fe tu m ed — )me n fler apendlng the holidays Ith re;atIre.T here.Mrs. Otho McClure is vlslUng h e r Iter. Mrs. Doorthy Pence, Spokane.M r. and Mrs. Ollle •♦‘encher re - irned to. th e ir home In W ashtucnn. »|®| 'n sh , a fte r vlslUng his m other nnd 7,01 irit, and h e r brolher, W alter P ech - ‘r i i rr. and family.Mr, and Mrs. Dale Davls, S a c rn - --»;o ento, visited his brolher- nnd s is - >:3 ir-ln-law , Mr. and Mis. Orville nvls, and family.M r. and Mrs.’je as Ruddles and M r. id Mrs. J . p . page and famliy have :tum ed to the ir home Sunday tn | , j alfw ay ,-• Ore., n f t e r apendlns »;o hristm as w ith relaUves here. *“ Jan ice Paulsen h a s relum ed hom e . n I S a it Lake.C lly nfler visiting h e r J t ( a rents, Mr. and Atis. H . B. P a u l-

^ew Counselors Lir Speak at Service

MALTA. Dec. 3 0 -D on Show w ilh ^ Is counselors. H eber Zollinger nnd >0 URla8 H arper, who wero recently ppolntcd to the R aft R iver s lake unday s e h o o l superlntendency, ^ 'e re th e m ain speakers a t th e stako unday school prepnmUon m ecU ns unday. .D evotional musle «-as played b y a . ,

h e n y Udy and Ephralm -S . MUier ftve th o opening prayer. Raw lins w . [arper extended greeUnga a n d toger Neddo led the sacram en t _ cm . C'I t was announced th n t th e p re - K

laratlons meeUng will be he ld tt\e cor ourUi Sunday of each m on th a n d Hll ta k e 'b o a rd meetings wlU b e , th e bo Irs t W ednesday a lter th e second of lunday cach m onth. Douglas H a r - pn te r gave th e bmedlctlon'.

Students VisitPA IRPIELD, Dec. 30 — Collece

BtudenU homo for tho holldnys I n ­clude D on Humplureys, Oeorge Dlck> enson, M artin Koonce. Mlko H a n ­sen. R oger Lee. Leo B arron. M onty H oward a n d Jayno Scoggins, U n i­versity of Idaho , Moscow.

N adine Brooks, Peggy Miller. Jo y Lee, D aw n B allard and Jim K em s, Id ah o S ta te college, Pocotello; D a r ­la Brooks, Bolae -Junior collcfre; Sheila Tucker, U nlvenlty of W ash ­ing ton . Beattie; Joy Rice, Cascade college, PorU and, and W allace K rah n . R lcks college, Rexburg. j

Coeds SpeakJJEYBURN, DCC. 30-T hrc6 co l­

lege elrls from Brigham Young u n i­versity , N ah Scovii, Carla M cln tlre and Racdene Brower, spoke n t thej flrat w ard .services Sunday evening,

O the r speakers were La Veil M cln- Urc, Richland,.W ash.; Clyde SU mp- aon. W arm 'Spflng, Ore.. and D onald Lee. LuelUe and ta v y rle aoncs sang.

se Bowl Gome" n Magic Valley'sjnd FINEST 5 ROOM

alley CafeLOME; a k ’s d a y d i n n e r s

i e F r o m ........................ $ 1 .2 5

m GRILLBE OPEN .an d i^ew Yeor's Day

olfday Medls ?sn'the menu

ODY C O M E!-^ 5.................... .. HI;,. ■ .

y v m E Y R A I

R . K E K Pj t M (14M EUoeycie*) | r,1 TumiUAV'r Oinliif'- ■ 5;«d Rl iliatk . '

' T u

, »;ttfl-K«p'n KoBipaaf- . . . CiWi { ;5 S S - .T V ,L V „ ■ X ill

. * :« ■ :V o iUu»it sioo u«"«‘ ■*l‘l lo"" ' luiofl

Kleli(>f:d Kaixflar 11:00 "• 10:l& Sliflnkim StarduM JJI0^

lltSX Nawi IlaadUKN ** | 2i'j> ctprinklin riu>r,liial .

, U :tt N»wa llaadlinn • - , A„ ■ WEDNKHOAV ■abira (,]0 IlMilllnai, Waalliar '.1^I Air S::S Lswranct *Wlt *jJ|J

S:OU KMp'a Sunn} Slda IL , .ka Ilk- Melnirr*. N««i IlS

SiUU K.I Ulack. U'lill V'Oi> Naw* SiOOBpurla ,Wl I;ia Waalhar

S:iS Slelnlrra, N to »arqut« (:0U Lanny lltiltraiB } v rKtporl • >:30ilporta . yn «;S3 Nawar Yao ' 10:00 L^nnr llntarmtB ' ^r M* llluQ ll^nni' iltitarraaa 1

1:9» Ka«p‘«'KoiBPanit 1 I jt:00 M ll*atJ<br«« :0:S:00 Huila ‘O'4:00 UmiI UlStle ’O'tiW-Youni al llttrl «<>

nifllDI iioo Uutle 'tu 10 S:Antl 10:00 KlehClald llaporltr *,U0

T h is dally Behedn*e of teIe»liioB and r* a service to readers o f (he Times-News. 1 s la tlon . Any e rro rs o r chan ies should be a n d no t the T lnes-N ew s. ,

* * * *

TelevisioiKLIX-TV ilij;

(C hannel U I '«;»2- TUESDAf

SiOO n if TIctur.«>S0 J n JaaHon . 17iOO Iltiifal l.ancar* ^: i »0 ntd siiallon * “?11:00 Nana Taht Tune ■ laaJJon A;na<ha I'rratnU

•>.00 Blorlaa flf Canlunr »;'»>:30 llBlarJamboreellJO wl riUadl'lBaa JiJ®

WEDNESDAY 1:S5 KtlX Headllnea » ;«SiOO KorLovaorManrriSw ciSfrw'-nma'" ___________

Petition Is Filed I In Estate Matter

A peUUon for le lte rs of adm in- g , IslraUon In th o c sU to of T ca r l m t . E vere tt Seebold, w ho died Dec. 10, {nmi w as filed M ondny In Twin P a lls Bu^k p robato court by h is widow, M rs,I rm a Seebold. T w in Palls. jjc r i

T h o esUle consists of. real a n d n( j , personal property valued a t a p - th e : proxlmatcly >11,000. nnd

H eirs besides th e widow are fo u r teacl daughters, V elda Dickinson, Elko, p a ib Nev.; AnnlUa Pyle, Hcspcrlo, Calif.; » ^ L ola Prcscott a n d CalUe Clarlae A f . Seebold. both T w in Falls, and two sons, T carl T erry Seebold and L o n y M acy Seebold. b o th T w in Polls.

CONGREGATIONAL MEET^^ET JS n l K IN G HILL. D ec. 30—Aiinuol aviat

conKregnUonal m eeting of the K ing Py H lll United P resbyterian church w ill wayi bo held a t 8 p . m . M onday. O fficers woo< of lUl organlzaUons orfi rem inded to agen p repare a w ritten report. .__________ tunc

Two Ejig Special N Roller Skating P(from 7:00 io 9:30 and J

Make plans to akati ont and tho new yei

Magic Valley ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■








- O P E N F R O J

I Music New Year’s E

by "The

T H E Y ’R E W O

z ............ -

lDIO s c h e d u !KUX KTFI

OSIO Rlloeyeies) (U7Q R llw ycla’ - • iN uo •

. rueauA * TUiaiu*»„ SiuO f>«t«a4iis llamlBiway-Nawi j.Jo 3huw Tuna TliSiOO Warren 7 ,jo |||ti|f KalluwilSl4S Anll•rwn-^tw< TiiU aJlninia Maiae.UO unaaush.1.1. . TUfr iHn Man'. KactilS uk Warran i,o» Varltlli TlmaV<00 .arrr Walton t:o» iNtwaSiOD Nawt tiiO Khiin runtiSiOO U rrf Walton Wng Oanct TlmaV :SO JutlJi»n • '• -l»;IO LHa • tba W.,U:UONaw> . ' lOilS Da^ea Tlma i|:OD Jutt JonealliOl « .»aaM aifnoW WKUNBSDAT

, ^ WifUNtliUAV. - «!!■» Vafla* AfrlrutiSO flutnits^fofjla# IlM«‘:00 KUx'’N»«ah»al Sioi' Mtlwlr Curnai<IV» UunUpfolllta * ' SUV llu.M.rtt (-.illll 7 UU Naw. » l« Cornai7:0» SunUoKothae . ; J 0:0 0 Nawa7:30 Ja<k Warran dhow tiDPUtKxtr Carnat 1:00 lltmlniwar-Nawa 11:00 iNawt SiUJaek Warran 11 US UcMjr Curnti

« " '» N<«"lliOO.Dava U rdltj Mallnt

. »':0» wVa”ha" Uird1 lOD KLIX NawraUat m s Nawa .•;un,n.ai1 lOS DinoacMU Uadu» (:]U Show Tuna Tl1 llO-Tha Kox T;04 al-aopla Are f

;00 Tht I’oi 7U0 Ulbla Kellowt:0U Newa- 7i4t One Uao'a KilOO U rrr Weiloa iiOS Vacitlr Tlma

. • a i S ' - K ? , ’. . " ™Si4t Or»il Andartok tUioO Oanta TimeS.UO Junrau 8h/nn ' lOilO Ufa * lha W

* * * * . . d rad io program s is p resented as -rTS. in U n c s a re fum lsbed by '(he J. b e Mported to th e sU U on Itself

Morris* * * * 1 Ing th

m Log . K* Mnr

1:50 KntoraTheaUr -------- San 1i S i S S ' i S s i . .isso iiouiai'artr parent,IOO Ulf P»>o« • AUls1130 Verdict ll Youra1:00 Tha Drlfhter Bay ."^ f '• '!iIS .SfctttBlorm AlStCr,USD XdcaclNlfht lly.I lOO American UandtUnd

i 'H s S : . . -Ini iSK-.aivj;."-'""'-1:10 Whirlrtlrda ■ for El1:00 You Are There . te r Of1:30 DanitrUMrllulnae* ,11, ,»:00 <!EI'r«enta l e « . ’);S0 AU BUr Theater day lriaaiyiSiiir-_________________


Fairfield Guests wSSPA IRPIELO . Dec. 30 — Holiday paten

u e s ts a t th e hom e o f M r. a n d Mrs. Mrs.•. E . Neeley w ere M r. and M rs. R. P rl| t. Sullivan a n d fam liy, Los Angeles; fore t ( r . nnd M rs. W llUam Reeso and funer amlly, Pocatello, a n d M r. a n d M rs. m w Jurke Neeley. H lll C ity.N adine Brooka. w ho h a s completed

ier coune In e lem entary education ,t Idaho s u t o college. Is spending H h e holidays w ith h e r pa ren ts , Mr, I ,nd Mrs. H aro ld Brooks. Sho will each fou rth srad e in th e Idabo *nlb schools beg inn ing M onday.

Appointment MadeO ffiry S B U R O . P a ., Dec. 30 « 1 - _

^resident E lsenhow er n p p o l n t e d ism es T . Py le, h e a d of th o clvU leronouUcj adm ln lstraU on, deputy idm lnlstrator o f th e new federal S •viaUon agency yeaterday.- ^

Pyle, m fo n n e r P a n A m erican a ir- ^ vays official, w ill bo a ss is ta n t to El- ^ vood Pete Queooda. to p m an In Uie \ tgency w hich b absorbing CAA'a ^ :uncUons. %

N e w Y e a r ' s E V e S

P a r t y S e s s i o n s 9

d J0:00 to J:00 a .m . . 9

a t e t h e o l d y e a r Wy e a r i n a t ^

y Skateland ^



IS IT Y O F ID A H O i3 G R O U P . I


lar's Day |VENING SHO.WS ' '

R f O O M a n d


OM 2 P.M.

S pecially In vited____

3 Eye and Week'ends

e Saints"vo,NDERFUL! !

T i ; ^ i N E W S , T W IN ;

J L E S ■;:/i ' l KART

*' 'S .™ ,' i l

m*w.hlp _ Jigo K*mb*rlr Bljnwr> Kaoiiir ' s'ioo'idthn kVw‘> th e aTime «i04 llowllnf n«Mrt CCmi

SlIO llan Thurnr Bhow rr «iao Muile Ala Kart-

ife* World 5'uTlo Ala Kart ' • 10 ai l t J Ntli’*^""!.®’" ’' ‘

DAT S:00 lion-Thernrshow Sh»:5» N r.a ■ •.0;0u Uon Thoraa Show

Kfrlrultoit Ntwa AWewe ' N ?l? '

iiloo SliV offCurnar , rcfU! , I-.-IIII00- • , WEDNESDAY , »ouri

' T is f l le n 'o n ' »rO t;orn« «!l)0 Idaho-Down- , agai:

Si30 Nawi a ^ U Corntr t:*S Ho^^Phllllpa ShowIlllon Nawa 7 I d X Nawt' ' « cn tf‘ ;:7 JSR.™''’""”- Sii, ;. r „ S.!

' S . , E :” rh« .,„ s h . . S i i S S J l S K W . . . .

loloo KrmUrlj'show J l IBitt Newt ' nttO

Dietrich News i'iD IETRICH, Dcc. 30—Mra. D ora c

lorrls and family, Boise, Is spend - h islg tho vacaUon w ith he r p a re n ts , j | I r. a n d Mrs. H arold, HolUbaugh.lr . nnd M rs. K arold Hollibaugh, jr ., dq]]loise, re lum ed home Monday n f te r - n c ,Isitlng h is parenta. no t M nrjorle Helken hna re lum ed lo

;an Pranclsco where she Is s la - loncd Jn th e nnvy a fte r vlslUng h e r J a ren ta, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Helken.AUlaon D oughty and aon. N yaaa, CBl

>re., apen t Uie week-end w ith h la and Istcr. M rs. OrvUlo-DavU and la m -ly. , “ In t

, • —J ----------------------- . h e r

Infant’s Rites S6t SSJEROM E, Dec. 30 -am v e sld e r ite s v^<

or E lsie Moy w allers . In fan t d a u g h - • er o f M r. and Mrs. H arry P . W al-,ers. WlU be h c jB T ttT p in rW ed n e s --------lay In th e Jerom e cemetery w ith th e , tv ^ev. D w ight E . W llcher officiating.

T h e in fan t died shorUy a fte r b ir th Monday a t S t. Benedict's hospltnl. Survivors Include • two bro thers, ATayho and Thom as W allers, a n d — ja te m a l grondparcnls'. Mr. a n d ^ Mrs. C arl W alters. ' I

F riends m ay cnll W ednesday b e - X :ore tim e o l services a t tho C rlpp ln runeral home._____________________

" n p A u T ic s I TV Service i <

IN. BACK OF MOON’8 : . I — Twin Falls RE 3 -2260 {— F il« r D A 6 - 4 3 0 0 . j '

PAUL RALBPLEISCn [W e Give Gold Strike Stam ps T

S W E W I L L B E O P E t I N E W Y E A R 'S E V I ^ 5 : 0 0 P .M . T O 4 : 0 0 A





Buhl AmericarM U SIC BY W A L I

A D M IS S IO N 9 0 c

IN F A L LS, ID A lSb .> ■

W riter Keeps I^ Secret, Gjiyen . .i Jail Sentence

NEW YORK, Dec. 30 (J>-M arie ro rre , rad io and television critic of h e Now York H erald Tribune, chose odoy-to serve lO days In Jall ra th e r .hnn . disclose fo r a federal court .he source of one o t her.slo ries con- jem lnglslnger Judy G nriand. '

U. S. D lst. Judge Sylvester J . R yan j“ ” l ) rdered M iss T o rre lo surrender a t “ * T 10 a.m. M onday to bsgln serving “ th e acnU nce. ^

She Is th e m other of two children, on I T est Case Made ihey

A test case of a newsm an's’ r ig h t pneu n o t to divulge th c source of n news • s tory has been m nde of MIm Torre’s I*, refusal. She would .not reveal the IV sourcc o l .a n Ucm In a 'co lum n she w rote w hich resulted In a libel su it n t U ngaipst th e Columbia BroadcosUng n o r t system . volvi

Judgo R yan no ted to d n y .th a t h ls nrd- Bcntonce, Imposed in November. 1897, 1953 h a d been affirm ed by th e U . S, court Nem of appeals and th a t the U. S . su - cast, p rem e court had t'efused to intervene Pc In the case, therebyfUpholdlng h is pcd ru ling . Nem

R epeat I s PoMlble ‘Judgo R yan asked Mlsa Torre’a

n tlo m e y , ' M aih las Correa. If “ he colum nist rcallzod th a t a fte r ahe „ / ccrvcd th e Jail sen tence sho could be calied-'upon a g a in 'to answer th c y quesUons and again be sentenced i ._ . to Jall If she refused, aboi

Correa sa id -h e had so Informed — h is client. 1“

Judgo R yan sa id Miss Torre had nn additional obllgaUon a s a Jour- t nn lls t whose wrlUngs influence pub - I lie opinion and declared she should ' n o t be allowed lo defy th a courts.

' Suit U Filed Judy OarUind filed a su it fo r

»U03,333 In federal court agalnat CBS M arch 15. 10&7, alleging libel a n d breach of contract.

Miss T o rre was called a s a witness In the s u it and w as questioned about h e r 'column In w hich she quoted a CBS execuUve a s having snld Mias a r f ln n d "Is know n for a highly d e - v^ oped Inferiority complex."

SPEAKERS NOTED~ A ia ( r D e c - 3 o := S p b ik e r « -a tn h B - LD S sacram ent services Sundayw ere W eldon G reen, A rlhu r T aylor ■n n d V em G reen. Prayers xrer# o f- [Ifered by Wesley Rice and G . L . |Erickson._________________ _________^

i.i.i..M.!..iiiyjiii rT U E S .-W E ff.E lltabe th T aylor ' . j

"C A T O N A HOT , , T IN RO O F" ^


k V W M iia i : .

T U E S .-W E D .G ary 'C oopcr - JuUe London . 1 "M A N O F THE W EST" ,

ClnemaSeope - Color

> E N

■ V E 5

1A.M. m 8

D f \ :KR'S DAY S : ^Y, JAN. 2 s t

z n m l l



H C E►AY, Dee. 31;an Legion HallALDEN b r o t h e r s '9 0 c PER PERSON

Riailroad Is Sued, After Ski Mishan

.B O ISE , Dec. 30..UB—A N orth^D a- cou Ota woman and h e r husband fUod llm

138^26 dam age su it again st ttie Uat Jnlqn P acific R ailroad com pany OOC 'o slerday as a .re s u l t o f a aplU Uie 'V rom an eold she took whlla In a .ski nai la ss a t Sun VaUey. ' chi

A lan M eldrum a n d hla w ife, E r- tc r nn, of O ra n d PdHcs. N. D.. aald th e ' iccldent occurred on Christm as day, 1 .057. T hey sa id a n Inatructor pu l J idrs. M eldrum . w ho had never akled, . n an advanced clnss and took h e r to ^ , t place w hich was unsafe- fo r bogln- lera. eh

As a resu lt of lying In th e anow th, )n DoU ar m oun ta in a fte r h e r faU, m , Jley sold, M rs .'M e ld ru m 'caugh t qq jneum onln a n d pleurisy.- ' Pa

Mishap ReportedA h acciden t a t 8:25 p.m. M onday

H th e Interaectlon of M ain avenuo _ lo r th nnd FourU i a tree t n o r th In - 1“ /olved a 1030 Pord driven by R lch- ird- H. W nltc, T w in Pnlls, nnd a! 1953 Bultik d r iv e n .b y M erwln L .| N emnlch. SS. 320 T h ird avenuo i| cast. ” • I

Police reported th o t W aite s lo p - , pcd for a c a r In fro n t of h im and! Nem nlch was changing lanea from I r ig h t to le ft. N etpnich colUdcd w ith I { W aite s cor. D am age to th e r ig h t 1 rea r of tho Fo rd wak estim ated a t (36. Darnage to tho le ft fro n t of the B uick was abou t SIOO. ;

U.Si a rm y engineers esllm ate th e i leng th of th o M ls ^ lp p l r iver as! ’ abou t 3,350 m iles. ' _____________ [ L



■— ----- S lartln jf

- W h e l d <CECIL B . D & lfL L E , .

. PRESEN TS' ^ ^■ A T |t£M E N D O U S SAGA


th « tw o low arinv

T«« Commandm««tm"l

= = = = = = = DOORS OPENPR IC E S . — . — w r

«Se till B, tb e n 8O0 f I I | I I 1 IChild ren tCc - M | j | y j

Big Holiday Show

TUEsBI S B A Y . D E C E M B f c s o / j , ^


court Monday after he llmlnary hearing in

court.. H u loS d S M®.?-000 by-Judge P. C. 'Webb Is charged h name of John Robinsoncheek cashed at thc Okay ‘t« . He w « arrested . •

DietrichStudents ■DIFTRICH.: Occ. 30--Stiirf^.

home for Uio holiday* includ^uL**

K i,sm /iV -n M E S .m sw s

1 T H A T 'S-A la i; . .WONDERFULl

. served In a basket. . , lor dm- ' Ing at lls flnesll ' '

1 S C O T T ' S ^

; j [ C A F E V ^ ^



q VERI— ^ IA JCbatUan RwUi

B m ~ A* GtntriljETO I S Andrew JacUea

PEN 1:15 PJW. _ p e a t u M ^

> w - T O M O R R O W !



M S@ 3VCM ©

O H .T In D o l'ra iE C IE .tliB U inb

liaOFAWAlTmSHErjl :

n f j ^ ^ T o m o W i ®

Page 7: unties O 1 Heybur ths Kill York’s I ffering rn Yout led ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF193/PDF/1958_12_30.pdfTtie SOtfi and SJst 1 ^ ^ ^ deaths o f m

^ ^ S D A Y . B E O E M B E R s o , 1S6P

-Pair U n itec t in Buhl R

a m . AND MRS. DWAINE TCBNOIILn ^ 'V ep trav ln i)

Miss F la tte rs and- Tesnohlldek W ed h“. I r » . . I theIn ChurcK R ifualCAflTLETORD, Dfc. .30—fcarolyn wm cont«r«i wl

t Flallcr*. daughter oX, Mr; -iind wedding ctiice decc M li Dalo F la ltcn . and'Du-tUne T es- heorLi luid bu ltc

■-j^lldelc. ion of Mr. and Mrs. Je rry wlUi a mlnlaturo t^nohlldek, InRlewood. Calif., were and rcd and whit SuTled In 3 o’cloclc rltea S a turday rounded the cake. •(temooQ a t the Church ot Im m ac* tapers l ix r y s ta l } ulalfl ConcfpUon In Buhl. T j^ ^

The Rev. C. A. Brodlcy perform ed Mrs. Al fcTuner, the double ring ccremony beforo n Paul Flufierson. I

m l camatlonj and whlto ch rysan- neceptlon n«lai , Leo Peterson. Mrs.

The bride, given In m arrlago by clllo Huaton, Mrs her father, choee n floor-lcDgth Judy and Peggy li sown of white satin. I t woa fnah - Stew art, alster of loned with n lace bodice. M iKidorln a ttended tho guest collar, long pointed aleevea .and a Hodges., alster of lua panel down the fro n t o f th e e n d Kay Conm d »Urt. Her flngerUp veil of nylon n e t Conrad displayed t r a held by a band of lace and seed D u rin g . th e re pearls. Sho carried a bouquet of red K udlao played bi iwts and white caniaUona Ued w ith and accompanied J rhlte aatln atreamer* on ik w hite h e sang "Becauae." aother-of-pearl prayer book. and “So In Love."BUne Platters was mold of h ono r a wedding t

X her Bletcr. Bridesmaids were brido chose & [»rea K ram er and JoA na P lnger- d ress w ith m atch li a . AU wore IdenUcal Em pire otyle ccasorlea and tho Iw w of red velveteen a n d carried £oraago from h e r alfs w ith corsages of w hlto a n d th(tJahflttcred carnations.- Both th e . brideiusle Hodgea, niece of th e b ride- oom. wearing % red velveteen achool a n d t ock w « flo»er gtrl. She carried a

ihlte ne t baaket from w hich sh s .a tle red red reee petals.Ronald Blihop was b e rt m a n . 2 ^ 5ohn HIU and Gary BUck were u sh - bride w « h<

ne traditioiuu wedding muslo and _________ _________ecompanled Jo h n jiisunaa w ho • ■

Carel.lrs. Flatters selected a n a fte r - ■ ^ ^oon dreas of powder blue wool w ithlack aceeasorlcs. Mra. T esnohlldek _______________

M arian M artinp . , , I 'm ashamed of your O t t e r n In g ln h e re w o u M U -

up.“ .y I ’ Elizabeth pushed 1

•rfh fnllM' chocked back the

l / V l ^ ^ tiw memorle.1 h e r motli caUed and ijald, "Pl

m othei^Jnio chlldrer I 'x l u . \ m e. T he house can 1

h I w an t them to grO'

I \WMl I f l W ElUabeth'fl m otheI f o y ' I I I' .■**rTfl \ i \ h e r “ « d s firs t b u t itI jS I lT ~rn~TTi\\. n \ place to th e h o u se .:I ^ I X T T 7 ~ f l in . \ » \ bo waahed Immedlo I A / V £ J I l m t V ' ' I Uio poUshed floor ■ - / n f a l f t r / , \ I scratched by chlldrc!

^ \ \ I X /G r A belonged ond used or^ \ f i J I f i v M - J W V “io " ' Chalm h a d fJ

\ V ^ a j g x n s had EUzabeth. usuef l ^hem. so th e knew

/ J T A J j h e a r t w hnt chlldregavo It to Uiem, h e r

lUll'h X m l I T S I panlonshlp os f a r asK / O r f l i C * n T f fil " '“ ChH j tjB I th inks sometimes.^ h S t i f l T 4 ^ 1 Now a gro^vnupK / n 7 ^ 4 up to a heaUhy

f lh Jm ' 4 - plAys bail, tennis, nte Jlr * r4 ' I r O ' ^ h e like, b u t ho carl l u I l I f l b \ sldeUpea w hen he is 1/ i j ™ » “ L 3 ^ \ •J 'd cheer. B u t swlrr koU. walking offer f

^ fo rc b lld and pa re n t! -f- ■ enough to keep

* • o ther. Tlr ■ - / / S - f - + H l E r i l " loves fishing b u t m> : r r t 4 A H O i am all son along, ther - > golf bu t never think]T- 7 ^ boy along to get a lirT*M[ T t h H ^ K s pro while he goes s

game, and trea ts I afterword, Uie sort i

9Q RA ehlldren enUrely tow c P U ld goes off by hlmw» J ? , . ^ T N l »P°rt. Is Ignoring hi2-20j40 I I ' ’ child. He needs the

’ . . I am DQt, definite

<v„*p.T,. „ „ ™ kh r s g a s ' s . :« w -J u a t Uiree m a in be dooe on a, Umltei

^ t l n ^ o r e l ^ r * ’ ' v ^ w o u ld V ln t ^ W « ^ l h e r v e r t o Ma**cob-

»prw. Chooee 'g iy ,» d rip-dryt ™ ™ . . . H .U . p r o f e s s i l

OOM: Misses’ sixes ’ w l _________»• B. 18. 30; 40. SUe 16 to k e i . r l i a r i t K S »-lnch fabric. .t 7 ^ ‘ ^ l ^ ^ o n each p a tte rn l H 6 t h A v * n


k 18th 8 t. New " n e 9 *T(re« ' P fln t plainly nam e. , RE 3 - 7 :

»im tone. tiM a o d Ityle

" : - :t — -

R ituals R uth So ^ol^ert

l i g H i & J In ChuD(

S ^ ^ ^ b h H I R v8 ^ P ! W B H d R dauffhter ^ w : i M . B S V n SArgent. and :

' Mr. anil' Mm. In rites solcmr

' r j i H n n f w D . i 21,. y ^ V e f f i c M ? chucch. Burley

The Rsv. K(- . . — form ed the di

I > before the al ' -> « baaiceta ot wh1 .................and plnk cam a> of white car

were Mrs. Roge . te r of the brlc

Wartt-ood. Burl I o f plnk lace w

antt corsages of nations.

Tho church s<- . and "Thc Lord

Tlio bride, gl he r father, wor over ta ffe ta, fai bodice, dlamoni ncckline. llly-i:

J long full aklrt. signed nnd ma( f ingertip veil < tho.:dlamond-al held in placo i pearls. She car quet of red ro stream ers.

Joann Robert, and Jo a n S a r bride, were bridi wera styled Idei

ILTDEK eaded ta ffe ta v ing) bell sleeves and -------- ' - r led bouquets

“SSS“. SI fo r m r o » i .

H. B uhl Khool .n d l - "

' j / i ? r s . s s s £ | , £ jSK ornU d ,1 th Intllco K i . u ttcrfllcs and topped

w i n S ' e ^.01 Holders.M c u t and aerved by Sa rgen t wore a t icr, Bsslstcd by M rs. dross with blac n. M rs. Qua Kudlae bridegroom’s mc le coffee service an d nnvy blue dress

lu ls tan ts were M rs. carnations and t Mrs. EarJ Helilcl. L u - Following the Mrs. Pred Quuidler'. tlon was held In [y Heldel. Mrs. L nrry T lie bride's tnble

of th e bridegroom, loce-over-plnk cl' u est book. Mrs. Veral ed w ith a tlire

of th e bridegroom, w hite cake t i ^ c i-nd a n d .M rs. R o b e r t------------------------ed th e gifts. • del. Mrs. Olenr

rec ^U o n Carolyn Dalas. Mra, Ous I background mualc Qeorge Bllck nsa

hour lastlae, " I f I Loved You" home of K aren *•" a fte r tchooi Monlg tr ip to CaUfomla Lucllle Huaton aa ) a royal blue Jersey pllm ented the br «h lng h a t, black ac- O ut-of-town gu m e whlto carnation Mrs. j e n y Tesno h e r bridal bouquet. Mra, vcm l Hodf I th e ir home In Buhl. Quincy, Wbsh • A •Ido and bridegroom Stewart. Pocate

CasUcford Somers, Cedar Rt “U * ’®. of K**" C nrretl. T h e bride Js tcnch- Mrs. BUW E. Df Ihl achiols and the \Va.-Oi.: Mr. i»nd' cently received h is and family, F ir ' six m onths in the Orcenflold. Md.;

- Pord. JuncUon Ca honored a t a p re- Voyles. Tivln F^l a t ^ 0 home of Mrs. gan. LeRoy DoC WlUl Mrs. Earl H cl- Somers, all Klmbi

e of Your Chih8y ANGELO PATRI

Jt sledding with th e Is th n t they she •our hMsework no t children's need ol

tho sink, beds n o t companlonahlp. In re a r you UiU way. leadership and wh you. Anybody com- offers take advan

!d thlnk-weU—1 give pa re n ta l responslb w here something ll

led back Uie fluff of waahlng the car, : oUen over her e>'ea. « n wnit while th ' th e blttemesa of visit wlUi the ir fn

m other's words re- „ . - r - r " P lm tw no.

dren eome f ln t with to cuidt Uihfui chiui an wnlt. They can'L “n-* OttWol cu« ." grow up U n s w ith K S ..‘"p'™ S V . ”'!

yort I*. N. Y.9ther had no t pu tu t Instead g ive tha tse. T he dUhes m ust iledlately a fte r use: ,• , Iloor m u it ' not be U - l ^ t I CIdren's boots; books F l U U aI shelves where theyd orUy wllh permls* _d fixed places. SousuaUy on one of Vlew In h e r cheated M.Idren needed and Ih e r love and com- ■

r ns they would go.I fu rther Uian one |

up person cannot IU hy youngster who ' ^ 1 .. I, racing gomes, and Ican stnnd on th e I

I is invited to do so ■ swimming.' fishing, e r full opportunity

ceep them In toueh ^ ^ . ‘The father vho t never takes histhe one who plays ■ ■anks of taking his I f m I ia le sso n /to m Uie V U l l

u ahead with his ■ ■ ■ ■ 'ts h im to lunch. ____ ____.rt who leaves toe B R E S S E l

to Uielr molher h a m s , D f

aie companionship ‘keep hU growUi • —

N U M E R Cnite ly not, sayinglid play with-chll- •I do. T h a t can only . 'i - *llted scale Indeed. _In t o u t to pawnts

i s i o n o l D U - -

t n o c y

venue East


I ■ ’

■ ’ T IM E S

io r g e n td n d ' . VVi rt. B ehr W ed _ _ _ lUreh R itua ls

Dec. 30—W edding vows nged by Rut'.i Sn/gcnt, — f Mr. nnd r^lrs. J n m u Id Robrt-t sen ofm. C hester Behr, Dcclo. rmnlzed at- 2 p ju . b'uii- : i , a t Uie Preabyterlnn‘Icy- 'K en n e th O . Beall per- double r ing ci.'remony f c | ' " ' a l ta r deeorated with

w hite chrj-snnthcmums - '. JK ® m atlon.1, nnd cnnd fbb racandles. CandlellKhtcrs:oger.A gte, Spoknne, sis-bride, a n d M n . Dwalne fe:;,-4.luriey. B oth wore- gowns5 w ith w hite accc.isorles ■ ' jE r -W tS rJ of w h ite and plnk car- 1

h so lo ist M ng "Beeauso- ^o rd ’s Prnj;cr.’' ■ g t j ^ -. given -In" marrlnge by wore IV w hile Uce gown B S v W - , fash ioned w ith a flUed E q SS: * lond - shaped scalloped 'ly-po ln t sleeves and a 7Irt. T h o gown was de- m ade by tho bride. HerII o f tulle, edged WlUld -shnped scallops, was t » | H 3 V S v ;o w ith n tlnrn of seed c arried a cascade bou-

roses tied wlUi white

>ert!i wns maid of honor Sargent. sU ter of the i l M g W i^9>J ridesmnlds. 'n ie lr gowns Identlcnlly of blue bro- ■ i i .hlia w ith a fitted bodice, md fu ll sk irt. Both car-

of plnk nnd w hite'1th p lnk s t r e a m e r s . -------------------------

N am pa, sen-ed as bride and bridegnIII B eh r bro ther o f th e ed w ith plnk am w as th e grooniamnn. balls and angel 1

‘n th e t?adltA ers o f th e bride. scr\-ed by M rs. R< : “«“ ■ *1*1" of thee oride. She wore a EaUe Sa raen t co Identical to Uie brides- and Mra. H elen '

^ brtdegroom. pourcwere carried on saUn was attended by :

" “ In Of U; ' ‘trs. Harold KK

lew of Uie bridegroom, e rt Kloer. sisters ughter a wedding. Mrs. tended too g ift t a n ^ bluo ^ te rn o o n For her weddl

Jlaek ttcceasorics. The Lako City, th c no m o th w iU » woro n a bluo su it w ito w

TM-wCtfc black iu-cm. ...^nie-htidffs-A -ei wore c o rn g c a of p lnk high s 3 ^ V , Id rcd rdsca. W cstem Equipme:he ccrem ony a recep- bridegroom was . In th o churc li parlor. Dcclo h igh sclio . " '“ h n college nnd Uie J. d o t ^ I t wna center- school n t Pocatellc liree-U ered p lnk and by too B untlnc ' pped w lto a m in iature Buriey. T hey will

a t n i i m oukley n :enn H ll l ,_ i l r a . Lyle The bride wns li lu s K udlae and Mrs. nupUal shower glv. a s s is ta n t hostessea. A Brune. Mra. D w at is t W ednesdny a t Uie Jo ann Roberta enti •en K ra m e r and one ding p.-irty a t a dir iilonday In B uhl w ith rehearsal Saturdaj 1 as hoste ss niso com- W aruood home,

bride. • « «I guesta were. i l r . and .

S S S rn . 'iJ S ' A rea Pair In Heybi

R apids. Ia.: Mr. and IIBVBURN Dee "D nlM ^W ^ii “ *® liom e'of M:

Block Tuesday un Ihelr daush tcr, Jo

FirU i: Lewis O rlng. Fcnstennn te r Mn ■ 'n tv ‘ f t “ ^ A*''*" Fensterm ake I C ty . O r e . ^ a r l l y n ccremonj- was perf'

oSdt>n Andcrson. s ta ia n d D onald Members of tho Ules were present.

— ■ T he new M r. ar• I I m aker will m nko iildren ,__________ _ View LDS.' o°,“5.,5"5S;'«‘l'p' H as A n r, l n t « « t . advice nnd VIEW. Dcc. 30—i

“ *® n ttractloi ®Sm?® -Aceopt l d s church pa rty i

islb lllty to th e degree to e recreaUon hall

er 1mu« • fauhfui chiM *^®Nce Pon'ler. Peg i.-h ,. not .m l u iu h o - nls Searle a n d ClifJ

’’J* <lren.«!-. ^ ^ ® dl* M. suuoB c . Nrw C hrlstm as songs an _ . SanUi diaU-Ibuted ti

ishka's Tot & Be


L E A R i»NE TABLEilues to 8.75SES— cottons, tissue fflnR.Dan R iver plalds. BLOUS-


1 . 0 0 Iche Houshka's

)T&BEEMain East ~


^ e c j in B urley Cer,eni

i i - \ 1

M il. AND M RS. RO BERT BEHR (Album photo—ita f f epognivlng)

and silver ChrLitmns [ s o c ia l Cel ha ir. The cake w aa I—' ndltlonnl m nnner a n d p j r -7,,h » » i \ h o *’b r l d o m > c m > “ “ heon Friday, «us'iS‘’r r - b Sen W olf, aun t of Uic « - *.oured. T lie guc.it book noyM Nelnhbop

rV r b V ir " ™ =“ ■ “ " " T .L - \ , T, t. ‘0 o“ ‘ce«

“ '‘W ‘0 bring wll ^ o f the bride, a t - ceremony. Myrtle f t lable. frcshm cnt chalrircddlng trip to- R l l t Robert A dam son^ ' new Mrs. Belir w ore man. ix w hlto ncceiisorlcs. . ]/.jk-fifodU ttt^-of-B urier -JifO -R T A -T rO -ir Is employed by th o Square D ance club am ent compnny. T lie Yenr’s eve dnnce ■as g rtduated from Uie M urtaugh- Qt eliool. Bolso Ju n io r O range will serve IB M cchanlcal 'T rade toe dnncc. AU squ tello. He is employed invited. Jo h n a le c< IB 'T ractor compnny. * ¥vlll m ake to e lr hom e OOODINO — : ey avenue, Burley. Dnnco c lub will ho aa honored n t a p re - ey® d w c o a t lho Tu given by Mrs, E dw in All squa re dance:

'walno Wnrn'ood n n d Tliose a tten d in g nn en terta ined Oie w ed- dessert o r sandwlcf . d inne r folloiving to e cnll. rday evening a t toe. * *

"» * D evotions lir M arry By Maxi/bu rn R ites lY outo FcUoffshlp gDec 30—A wpdfiiiitr ‘ “'5' evening w ith M : M r. n ^ Mr",'‘‘u n e ‘‘‘ vntlon.v

united in m urric«c , J o Ann. and Leon fan of Mr. nnd Mrs.inker. Hazelton. T h e ^ " c t c r led group dl

t h . > ™ .< ,h .t.

* * M IA H as)S G ro u ;^ JS=.^S?-MSri nnual Fete« - S n n ta Clnus was “ ® cllon n t to a annual f « t lo n of W anda 1 rty C hristm as evo In 1** chnrgo of too de hall. -ft-oa b y .th e -J o h n 6t^slctlng a family on 1 .JM presented ^ M r. American Sted Powler na toe f a - u t a r n r r •r nnd Jen n McBride, s u ? ? ”Peggy Senrle. D en- '1 1Clifford Senrle. ch ll- ^ o t o e

de p a ru n e n t ' ta n g Interm onnlalr > a n d recited poems. &E S-SC21 J trea ts . ■_________


t - E N D


Values to 8.7DRESSES — cottons, nylona, River plaids. BOYS’ Nylon S SHIRTS, JACKETS, SWEATI BOYS’ F lannel SHIRTS; B( SLACKS an d many, many o items.

E - f W E E l

3,'lDAHO ■ :

sm o n y ' ' Dona.M Installf

honored queen

Masonic temple

Jones. Junior p

' ■ ren Morse, sen' ^^cElroy,.Junior

Sharkey, lim cr ‘ '■ lib rarian ; CollC'

* - ' messenger: Ar messenger; Lcul

held^’by*^3eMoU I IR O ldham , A rt Dtlg) Robert Runnlni

David ShurUeff,

I C o lo n d o r M lM M W inerTy- Harrison.

H m eet fo r a I o'clock rtff®day a t th e homo ofrray. 228 I W rd avenue

c ' ^ JH by M>-ma Schilibor lodgo will m eet comn“tS!!?rt''h^®wtiny a t Uie lO O F hallflccra.- M embers a re ,g white robes fo r the

5S'™r'’TnY %s:. *i' « o ree tlnga wc■ r» - ir» p a -s -iiT itrT [r t S S m ' m ^club WlU hold a New ho

m ce a t 8;30 p.m. a t ^{{V n ^ w ‘fi"- '£ 1- O range hn ll. 'H io ?®” ®’“y e"; $ervo b rcnkfast a fte rI square dancers a re ®“»»dy, T ,lo coatea will call.jf. Mrs. RusseU Iju si— M clodr Sauarea “ *8*® c h ap te r NoII how H o w w l “"1 T*10 TutU e O rango hall. ^ .lancers are Invited.lg nro asked to bring ^"I"'”- SS

* * ' f S '’.MIchner prM entft

ins G iven K l S n " S i , ! ' , '

ax ine B ? h r - M “ S ', ! « , i..-M .t;o d « s j s ; r , v « f

chapla in: Sue p re e n te d by Phylla caro l L lndem er.'

id M rs. C harles A. and K aren KoonU cdlate leader. M arly A fter th e oereir up discussion on rea - were served by 2 ing MVP. Miss Sum ner,conducted by EUene

Schlsler. Carol H au - - ol Ann Stubbs. BUly :el\to PeUey wcfo re - g

V ¥ , ^

las D anceDec. 3 0 -T h o LD S ■— lA .h e ld 'a “mlsUetoe 0 O S? -evening a t toe

> girls, under t A d l- I I IIda W hittaker, were I I I10 decoraUng. Mualo I ■ Im Stonea orchestm ; ■ ■ ■

Stoker S lack! . fO IL TREATED i l *• to n D elivered ^1 Ton Oeserves ^ Alo to e r- 5 ^ I ta ln F u e l Co.

EI ®

I ] A»na, D an


l y o th e r ■ , T ■ - 1. price . ,

I n v e n t t tI ________

^ ■ '

EM «


• . - • •• • > " -

Michnet- Is H onon llled Ih R ites p r ””* / Bethel Q u e en J " j SLchiicr-wns Inxliillcd a s ? . ^ S | iieen. of b e t te r No. 43. ' ' ■ ■ :hcers,- la s t week a t th e ' mple. , Lfleers Iq sc^ ■e with h e r ':t r,lx n io iuhs nre Jesnne Ilor prhlcc,-'s: C atherine ' o r princc.'.s; L inda O lln,' dl lioy tcr. miiislml; KiUI

senior custodian: Jnne* . inlor:Cur,iodlnn: Barbara

.o u t» guard: Su.iiui - rner (iTInrd: Susiui Irwln.^ollccn Custer, recorder; . J B 3 3 1 i " ie r . tren.^urer: Sonia Al- Iln; K nren K ing, flr.nt

Ann Pcnvey. second ‘ ^ ^ ^ K S S M Louise Dnvls. th ird mes- u o n Jones, fourth mes- ^leene Thoniiison, fUUi Earlene Petem on, p jge;

ig, pace: KaUiy. v.'hlte,'f llRhls; Belty Jenkins.Nancy H ynit, niiir.lclan,Calvert, cnptnln. m bers selected by Miss ro M nrgucrlle Brown,. O corglna Enton. JoAnn irilyn H arper. Lynette n ^ v f ;Shirley Reed. Dlnpna la O ayle Snyder. Bonnie (Kelker photo idra Brown. Sue Louise

Voslka. SuM lte House.CllUngcr and Lis Jacob- A n n i V e j T !

ie H arrison Is guardU n. H O Q e r r >f too InstalUitlon ccre- • ' - ' y ' - ' ' o rch of red roses wns M n r k Molay members, Jam ea »V lU I i s t D ahl, Charlea Basom. HAOERMAN, nnlng' Jo h n Shurtleff. Mra, s . a . Wlnca Ueff. Jo h n Carsbn and Christm as day 1, Pocntello. A bouquet union in observ I was la te r presented to wedding annlver it by Bobby nnd Michael All b u t one of

nttended to e rc tusic, wns dedicated to American Legion sr. Immediate p a s t hon- A dinner was

•Rlchnrd Sm ack sang wedding cake, bt I P rayer" accompanied by ^^r3. Flo>-d W Schlffler. ' JoA nn C al- « t Uio clow o f I Ve Lovo You llen e” nc- C hildren prese ly Nancy H yatt. . Mrs. Ployd Wlr g h t ceremony was p re- Buckley. Woali,; bethel m embers, Judy ScatUc; Mr. nnd y D ldlcr, Carolyn Slack, egar and family,. D iana G ray and Carol nnd Mrs. Howar Carolyn Wylie carried Mr. and Mrs. Jw d n ttended n t to e altar. »y. Bnhl, nnd Mi

wero presented by Lemmon nnd f vln; Carol Llndemer. Oriindchlldren, I 9 honored queen: O ld- Jordnn and dai r counselor fo r Twin and M r. nnd Mr. ly chnpter; R u lh S tlm - and daughter, B Palls betoel No. 47; as weU na o toe r i

r. Tw in Palls councU Nephews a nd ' n I and Selec** M aslers; Doyle Shriver, M L arsen, w orthy m atron. Harms a n d Jam es r No. 83, D rder o f E ast- visited during toe 1 Terrel, Pocatello D e- In-law and daugl ‘r- Loren Neff and faier introduced h e r pn r- arrived in too ovi I M n . E m e s t M Ichner: tow n visitors remn Je rry and Roger, and end.

in-law and alster. Mr. ChrUUnaa day J irl H offm an. Roger by Mr. and M rs. l ented h e r w lto a ring en ts of Mra. Pli n he r fam ily. M r. and Mrs. H oward W in

‘“ ® guard ian wedding an n ivuw '.of be toel No. lo , also tho d im e r , ed. u tofficers w ere Hene m ic n a M r

w m o n y refreshm enta by Miss M litoner and **” ®^ ^ ,


_ 3 M 0 R E B




dnd other


r ^ M E JN PICK out the itsi ' . and w hat a prico . . . we-ro r i tJ iy , so come In and save thle wci

USED APPEntire Stoek


juIhl ‘ . Sqyi■ ' I - ______________

'■■■ '■ . ; ■ E

ared Q ueen M iss Co ^ - ’"1 C ritch


. . V < Couch. dDught ^ P T : Couch. Burtey,R l ' — ■? field, son oJ^^ ■ K ! ^ : Critehfleld, alsi

■ ' ...... In m arriage a t• cliapel n t 8:30

Bishop.Steve: ' too double rll

on nrch deconR ' - I ' r -P i t ’ ' I 'Tho bride, g!| k . : ' her. brother, 8I A I 3lUrcd In a bi■ I . ‘’f tarfeU-i nnd

hnea with . lar. Her sleeves

M a 'oped i^t tho iH i i ' nylon veil wasS tfiA I -] '> M -leed pi-arls. Eli

m , / £ n ^ouQUet o f whi O l n S i ' / j M j 'V S i H Uons with wh

The banquet su ’ ' U B I JUd corsage.

B M T ' H er slster-ln-m H ' ,1 maUnjn ofB S H y l j L j D ^ ^ ^ H -ed ta ffeU shea

maid.-M argo ,Ai

NA MICHNER ton.. E ach *^t^ bo to .ita ff engraving) sp lit camnUon

---------------------------- Ocorgo W arn

srsary o f c o m h ™ ! ,^ 'Sf _ Mi«. J i i jn l t .

;rm an P a ir ‘ '; " „ „ ^ r2 f '“h V

rked d t F e te^ ;.-" -" '” '

»y * l th « lam lly ro-“ ifo M

; ° ; . K ™ ru " n T “Mu;Li.S *“ A r a tp u o n »

* o t „oo„. A S r j S ' i y ' ” baked nnd decoraled p j jn Critohfl

« h .; FVans W lnegar!

“ oS.7r^S5i.S S J " S - Vc riteh fleld . Twh

. Critehfleld. Sail1 M r. nnd M ra. Oeorge M rs Rav Bedk

n, Mr. and M rs. Dale refreshm nela - daughter. CasUeford, J o ^ s t o n i ' s i Mrs. O ordon Howard muslo fo r danJta

•, Buhl, also o tlended brido I s^ic r rcIaUves. hlBh tc h i» l J ,r** *romr, Mr. nnd M rs. F ted la st year nnd ia m es W lnegar, a ll Buhl, a rm ed forces stai to e afternoon. A son- oon. Colorado Sd

lughter, M r. a n d Mra. T h e couplo m t' d family. Soda Springs, in Nevada,> evening. All ou t-of- «■emalned fo r too wecfc; FA M lLir I

RU PER T, Dec. lay also waa observed E dw ard JaroUme rs . Sam 'Thorton, p a r- hosts lo a C h r

Ployd W lnegar and nnd supper fo r > W lnegar as t h d r 36to JaroUmek. D ord rersary. T hey a ttended a n d Mrs. Ollbe

famUy and Ronii ¥ ¥ a n d M r. a n d M

1ND3 FETED P “UlDee. 3<>-Membcrs o f .— — —

enterinined to e lr hua- T i f T B i tirlsUnos p a rty Friday I V I 'K 10 home of M r. and Kill. T ho guesta ex- CALL R

" “, ‘ 71“ ? * “ ' ' FACTORi-NEWS W AKT AB3. I T V . C l




LE N O IIE-Z?NITH 3r famous

a n c eU SAVE . . . IVE SHOW YOU item you w ant, i n d w.6’U (juoto j ro really ou t to c l w o u r atock b weok.,

PLIANCES:k R educed


i m e


PAGE'^SEVEN . ' - i f l

lo u c h d n d :h fie ld W ed . Heyburn R ite -IN. bee . 30 — ptttrtcitt •« ughter of Mrs. Ocorgo ^•ley, and Michael CriUih- qt^Mr. and Mra. A rnold • also Burley, were un ited

e a t tho LDS fh-tt w ard 3:30 p. m . Friday, tevens Helner perfonned,..I ring ceremony beforo 1 ecprated in too hoUday 'j

e, given In m arriage by r, Shermnn Couch, w as ' ' a bnllerinn-lcngth-gow a m d laee, styled on ^>rin- -Ith n high stand-up col- - ' eves wero long and scal^Uo uTlsLs. Her fingertip .. wns held by a crown o f •. She carried a caseado white shattered c am a - ' white aatln ttrm m ers.

t surrounded a red rose-

>ln-l*w. Delores Couch,I of honor and wore o ' ihcato gown. 'The brides-0 Ann Chrlatenaen. wer® ' n pleated gou-n o f cot> . -attendant « r o w h lta - i

lon c o i w ( l I 'arrell; Jr> aftved as beat ride’s twin brotoer, Pnul 1 usher.

Ilta Carrie. Paul, played * lg m arch and accom- brldo’t sltler.'M ra, Carol 10 sang. '- I Lovo Y ou"

daughter's wedding, to s ' ' ler chose a lavender bro*"

while toe brldegroom'a^ tctcd an ensemblo o f - and black ny ldn to ffe to .: ' I B

te t were whlto sh a tte re d '' ! ■ n.-lto plnk rosebuds. ; ^ 9 m waa held in too r e c - i i J ’f l

im mediately foUowinff" , ■ ly- I Hehfleld, sister o f to o Hattended toe gueat book.! ■1 received by toe b r id e - ' ■ n-a,^Katole and Debby ■ antf to e sister o f too H a Couch. Carol D e laa n , ■ and Ja n e Coueh a r - j ' ■

l lf l Ubles. M rs. O lauda, W rw ln PaUs; Mrs. H azel | | Sa lt Lake City, a n d I ■

3edke and M rt. L lo y d ' ■ x th Oakley, served to s ^ ■

-e's orchestra fum lahed- .nclng. ' ; ■ts a eenlor a t M ln lco . ■and Critehfleld w as. ' ■

om Burley h igh schoo l'1 is now tervlng tn to ft. : ■staUoned a t P o r t C a r - ; • ■

} Springs, Oolo. ■spent to e lr honeym oon ' ' ■

.Y HAS DINNE& - ■D ec ..30 -M r. a n d M rs.. ■Umek an d famUy v e r o ' « C hristm as day d lnne if'Or M r. and M rs. S m a a ■ >orcheater, Nebr.; M r.-' HlUbert Jarollm ek o n d . i HlonnlQ .^eree. aU Filer,- Hd M n T lM JaroUmek;'; M*aul.'__________ ■ ..

ROUBU? [; IL RE 3 -2 2 ^ 3 ' ' v f l

ORY RADIO : i l.C E N T E R . A

« l l


IKE 'I'm

m I

' - '‘' II i ■

S S 1ou. . . - , - - r Hte you ak before • • «

' '

’• 1- .I 'S J^ H

. ' ' a j S l B

a s *

Page 8: unties O 1 Heybur ths Kill York’s I ffering rn Yout led ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF193/PDF/1958_12_30.pdfTtie SOtfi and SJst 1 ^ ^ ^ deaths o f m

I 'p A G I i ia G H T

Bearcats I Meager 19 Starte Roui

N e w YOKK, Dcc. 30 (U P D - t e m a t i o n a l c o lle g e b n s k e tb a l l ra t i : w e e k O s c a r R o b e r ts o n n n d c o m p a B p o t .C o a c h G e o r e c S m ith 'S 'B c n r c r a n lc in g a b y t h o U P I b o a rd o i c o n

NCAA Concl Four Major ^

N E W Y O R K . D ec . 3 0 ( f lV - S o m d e v o te e s o f co lleg e a th l e t i c s a r c d n n a t i n e x t w e e k to w re s t l e w i t l c o n f r o n t in g co llcg o s p o r t s le a u e rf t l o n o f t h e N a t io n o l .C o lleg ia te _ A 8 6 t h c o n v e n t io n o f t h e A m e r ­ic a n C o l lc g c F o o tb a l l C o n c h es U a s s o c i a t i o n a r e t h e m a m •■•J e v e n t s , b u t s i x a llie d n a t io n a l ^ BTOupa a re dua io m eet n t Ujb imnic I Um#. T he iootbnll eoachca com- ^ priM ftbout CO per ccn t o r th# totol . gnthcrlng. ' A .

I n addition to Uio aUiletlc Bdmln- I s tr s to n ond tho football coaches.

- th o American AMOClatlon of CoUcrc klca B u e b a l l Coachci. Uie NaUonai CoIt the IcflBto Traclc Coaclics aasoclfttlon,' t u c th e CoJIcffe AtW rtic BwlncM Manir^ be ■ sera auoelaU on. Uie Cotlcse Sports x InformBUon Directors, Uio NaUonal *coc FooUkUI foundation and hall of nvci Imno atod tho Navy V-8 aBaoclatlon, nvci WlU hold meetlnns during tho week, ovci

F o u r prlnelpal eubject* to come ih ls tip before Uio NCAA do lcgaU a-a t two round table discussions and Uio F r i- thel day buslncM meetings a rc : ord.

. 1. Discussion of & "letUrr of In- J te n t" p rosram on a naUonal basis.

a . T h e report nnd recommenda- fucc tlons o f th e NCAA television com- “ W m l l t o • 5 S

S. A report on procedure followed by tRo NOAA committee on Inft-oc- tlo o i In colleotlns and evaluating evidence a n d conducUnE InvcsUsa- Uons. g

.■'■jClt'rl ConsldernUon of various pnv;.ilfl)! U posed omendtnent* t o ' t h e NOAA r p '

j j l . consUtuUon and by-laws. ____ ___ J|_ _

I l f I Aggies Win jCiI } OWENSBORO, Ky., Dec. 30 U) B

[’■ i l / J — U U h 8UiU> university .h it 80.7 Ehirj iT p e r cen t o O ^ Bhots nnd defeat- quc

Cd ho st K ln tucky •Wesleyan M - touiI 'A i 'r i l 80 In f irs t-roond play Of th e All dow[ l .b A m erican Olty baskcUxiU to u r- nlslilir-l J i n a m en t M onday n ight. Ii-

<■ i D efending champion O hio un l- beat'i 'l verslty doTi-ned Mlddls Tennes- umi

W ^- seo 77-08 In th e opener. g ,

| l ; i'Serpa’s Takes | f|l I ; Lead in G ty . ™I I ; Hoop League . ^;r*]1 \a . Serpa's s ta n d a r d ' OU took -over Bm

aolo possession of flrat place In city spa:i-D ’ -leitsUD play M onday n ig h t while gav

ii~:V B a r ta ’s of F iler scrwnWed to a dou- U ir:S'l I *'H b le overtim e 60-40 . d edslon over p u t

B uh l AQ m arke t. .. o t t•(:;1 I n o th e r ocUon. Dorkles knocked c d i:I|{ i,; , o ff T w in Palla T ractor 48*27 and K •I', l i ' NnUonal G u ard hurried p a s t Tele- fin!i{.:\ !'i> M pbone com pany 43-38. Ci'i U , .Bob F a la sh eet tiie pecs fo r Ser- Una -J ^1 p a 's a s they pulled away in the too^ ■ ■ . fo u rth q u a rte r to knock ' o ff prevl- witAM / J l ously unbeaten Foux Clgnr store. I

a B uhl. Fau x w as led by D anny.M oore for' |LVi -who tanked 17. wll

^ i'/i B a rta ’a a fte r trailing a t each of foif ‘fl i .'IJ th o f l n t th ree re s t pertods. pulled 37Sliil Ih i In to a 43-43 'Ue a t the end of reg- m

I I ' ulaU on play and they ba ttled AQ to >S t i l t iu overtime. T hen 17W Schlango cam a up w ith th e bucket H

> t t h a t p rovided th e w inning polnls. -fc' \ ■ T h e box scores:

l i S '- j !|& ... i s i js :>lll . ' Qu4ll* 0 2 0>Shock«r T * OUQiJ|. ' 1 Khui* . 1 4 t WaUoa 1 « t « ,

I Walta 0 t WCoonu t } I t JUI■ Ea*tm&a O i l ] WD

iff:' ' ---- ciJp P 10 l i » n | Toul* U l t t t t tnS m il 1P H I ! . STANDARD OIL f l, FAUX 41 .i,K h J f S u n tfr 2 0 4 4 r.l>n>leca 4 n I >iiW &•“ SSS,as- isiUi 11? . . f.Tar“ 51 !.!■>.

UamM 1 1 0 (SbMti a .e 0 i mS K f ! • IlfTnold* _1_0_1 2

1 -ToUU tS *«» S 4 r Toul* nBABTA3 An MAItXET 11 oi

I I I •ia llljK R &TlplS2 * S *:o (HI I . • glia" 11 .KSr ! J!! Jfilli' ±±_I ___f i f f ln 1 • .T ouk » 1 0 1 »m 1 TnUli- » u i» 4 t ^

R I ' ' Moore Wanted Top; f f i I ■ Honor of Year| ] ^ K ' 1 /> S ANOELES, Dcc. sb IM-LlRht <:R S m m •' ' beav jrw elght cham pion Archie Moorc c

‘ s s ld M onday h e is keenly o tu p - I M I H I •' ‘ .. ''p o ln to d U utt lU ng magazine did no t I W M f f .[ ' a u n e h im f ig h te r o f th e year. i

' . M nnre sa id ho could no t believe It ■ fBIli — • »g e D be . r c o a -w in -Tnn- n f i i a rer: i H n f N M ''' . «/4i»/tr n r 'R l n s . h a d nnmed itiw - !

.ttjm nsson of fiw'eden fighter ot

I H h R ; . . ■ ^ i tM T 'S a n i p te lephoned .h is vic*-sI M t iP . iroB i C hicago to Sld Z irt. Mirror■ B H lm ' ' ' K fivs s c o rts editor,m i n ' ° n e U ^ e r a lto deliberately IntuU-W l i • " w l m e w h » h e ranked me bthind

, S j ^ i u y

’ e l s c h d - m »de '6 l8 raUngs a f t«

M "XlgW ;?! th » . ' ^ 1

FATI RET Lead Keni 9 P o in ts ;; mds Out TD—C incinnati.retained f irs t pli •atings while relaxing during thc npany ire t a stiff tcat to determ inrciits. who led Kentucky by ot coaches, are engro.sscd m the Di ---------------- -c;

clave Faces »■ Problems5ome 2,200 brawny and brainy n ire scheduled to meet in Cin- “ vith ft sizable set of problems j, ier.s. The 53rd annual convcn- u 3 Athletic asaociation nnd the----------------------- - p,

Husldes Host I Carey Tonight “ At Hansen »

HANSEN, Dcc. 3 a -H a n s e n ‘s Hus­kies and Carcy Pan the rs wlU play 5, the Inst basketball gnme oC th e year b< Tuesdny n igh t and th o H uskies will u pc (h» hosetng tenm. rc

T lie Huskle.1, booaUng a strong i t scoring tandem In A rt Jo n e s (17.S pi average) nnd Dsva W llboum (14.3 ft average) win bo seeking to brenk le over th e .500 mnrk fo r th e f ir s t time di Ihls yenr. T hey dropped th c lr first two games bu t pickcd up wins In ni th e ir la s t two ouUiigs for a 3-3 rec- 4- ord. . Ir

T h a vlslUng Pnn lhers will b e seek- w lng Uielr f irs t win. having bcAi u n - p< successful in the lr f irs t fo u r ou t- ol lng.1. However. Cnrey h a sn 't been w beaten by much, seven poInU by Haliey being Its "w orst" gam e. Tliey U were defeated in doubla overtim e In N th e ir la s t game. ■(

BYU Finishes I; Tliii-d in Queen G ty Tourney g

BUPP;MiO, N . Y , Dec. 30 W — D artm outh won Uie fif th annual Queen C ity inv ltn tlon basketball ^ tou rnam en t Monday n igh t wlUi a down-to-the-wlTB victory ove r C a- \ nlslus. 73-00. "

I n an o th er ha ir-raiser, s e to n Halt be a t B righam Voung 02-80 In over- ®' Ume for th ird place.

S e ton Hnll. behind by U polnU In ._ lhe cnrly moments, rallied,strongly H under th e wlilpOinnd of plnt-sU ed ^ K en W nlker and Ued n t the h a lf, 30- 1 all. B righam YCl»»-*uff«red badly • from UlO loss o T jo h n Nlcoll, who J le ft w ith a twisted knca a t th a 10- J m inute m ark.

W ith W alker a n d 'H u g h D unnlon p driving. Uia HnU took a 01-80 Jead b1 midw ay through th e la s t h a lf . B u t u B u r t M yers cnmo off the bench to p spa rk ft B righam Young ra lly th a t gave th e Cougnrs a 71-05 edge w ith p th ree m inu tes rcinnlnlng. H ero cross s; p u t In tw o Quick baskets—h is f irst 0 o t th e Bomo—and Ja ck Rowley add­ed a n o th e r. II

M yers a n d Rowley traded scores to n f in ish rcgulaUon tim e-a t 73-all. I

Cross counted twice In. th e over- t Ume—h is sccond basket a ta p th a t V took th e H all ou t o f reach a t 01-7S w ith only seconds le tt. (

B ob-Skousen. a steady perform er c fo r B righam Young, led .Uie scoring w llh 30 a s th e , Cougars lo s t the ir fo u rth gamif In 10 sln rts. W alker hnd 37 and 'D u n n lo n 17 for S e ton Hall as th e p ira tes made the lr rccord.0-3.

Kentucky Runs up Ninth Win in Row

L E X IN O tO N , K y , Dec. 30 W - D nbcaten Kentucky ran up Its n in th victory Monday n ig h t 83-GO over Nnvy w llh senior Johnny Cox and Junior Bennie Coffman lending the

pitched In 33 po in ts and Cotfm nn ID as th e W ildcats never trn lled b u t nn*er succeeded In m ak­ing th o eam e a runaw dy ns they th rea tened lo on several occniilons.

Navy wns led by 0*0 Junior Jny M etzlcr who tossed In 10 polnls, 12 of Ihem In the f irs t ha lf. RIehnrd Qrown ndded 14 fo r th e m ldshlp-

- K entucky, .not ns sh a rp ns In lls ", p rc-Chrlsim iis play, held n 37-20

hnltU mo mnrgln and pu t th c contest ou t o f r e a c h 'w ith a ,20-0 scoring

, drive In th e f irst f l« - m lnules ot i, Iho second half.

• Champ Is Cleared■ Of Dope Charges

- LOS ANOELES. Dec. 30 World “ wcltcrwclghi chnmplon D on Jordan

wns tflcnred- Monday In a complnlnt [J nKnlnst Uie newly crowned 147- r pound chnmp. w ho wns nrrcsted

Sundny In a car w ith fou r oUierf. Police said Uiey found a smoul-

tit dcrlng m nrljuana clgnrctta on m e rc c a r’s back seat.p- Jo rdan , w ho, won th e Utle by o t w hipping Vlrgll A klnt Dec. 5. dented

ajiy knowledge of-Uie nitrcollrs.It " I t - I had knoUrn ihcre wns nnv

g?: m arTfu-uria In lh a l car 1 woutdn'l :e- hnve. been riding in ll," h e b id . o t Thu distric t ntlor^cy 's office nlao

declined to Issue complalni.-i agnliut w s tHVce or th e olhers in the enr a ror fou rlh youlh in the car. ntcliiird

Holguin. 18. will bo c li.irert w th lit- narcoilc.% poss«slon. Uic district nl- Ind tom ey said. •

" ■ “ ' r ' ?boxer Javier Sanche*. 24, of Mexico-drlv'er Of t l^ * " :c k - and OcotRe Chavei, 21.

Bob Wanzer. bn.ikclball coach ol

r A E s r s F I I

itucky by Kansas

rop Threeplace in the' 'Unitcd-Pre.ss In- the Christmas holiday, b u t th is . irmine their rig h t to thc No; 1 only 19 points in th ia w eek'a 1 Dixie Classic, ra ted th c tough-

■ e.st of the holiday tournam ent.. Cincinnati beat-W iikfr'Fore.st .- OliVO h rtts 'flra t-D lx ie Classic

game Monday afternoon,' bu t conceivably could- m eet two tenm sIn llil.il wcek's“ top“ 1 0 - b e f o re - th e — tournam ent Is over. •

Holiday IdlencM -froM -' Uie n llgn- ; m ent o r the top six team s, w ith . K ansas Slntc. M ichigan SUiU;. N o r lh :, Cnrollna and NorUi C nrollnn S tn te ’ holding Uie raU ngs from th ird plnce- Uirough slx lh In th a t order.J Bradley moved up to th o top 10■ group for the f irs t tlm o th is sen­

non (In eighth plnce) nnd T exas ChrlsUnn re lum ed n f te r nn abscnce of one week (In n in th plncc). N o rth ­western. ranked seventh, a n d A u­burn. ranked 10 th ,‘ .completed th e top 10,

Tlie conches ba.<ied Uiclr raU ngs on games plnyed th rough Sn tu rday n lgh l. Doc. 27.

Tu'enty-ono of th e 35 ou tstan d in g ' conehcsi who comprise th e U PI board picked C incinnati ns Uio No. 1

‘ team ; 10 voted for KcnU icky and four for Ctilrd-rankcd K nhsnx Stci(e.

{ I n polnls, ClnclnnnU hnd 333 com- i pored to 314 for K entucky n n d 333 I fo r K nnsns StAte. T h o B cnrcn ts 'E lead over K entucky thu.s w ns re- : duced from 33 to 10 points .I MIehtgnn 6tAU>. N orth C nrollnn I nnd N orth Carolina S tn te, ranked■ 4-6-0 tn th a t order, a ll s ta r te d piny

In Uie Dixie Classic Ihls week. I t• was InevlUible th n t somo o f the.ne• powera would c lash w ith one nn-- oUier or wlUi C inclnnaU before th e I week Is over./ The leading team s f l i t c h m nde / tho biggest advances th is week were I •Northwestern, from a Uo for lOth to —

sevenUt; Brndley, from 13th to eighth, and T e x a s . C h ris tian , from 13Ui to n in th . W « t V irginia, X avier (Ohio) and C nllfom la (Ued fo r 10th

. Inst week) dropped o u t o f ^ e top

I WlUl polnta d istributed on ft lO-O- I 8-7-0-6-4-3-2-1 bnsls fo r votea from

firs t to 10th placcs. M ichigan Sbxte had 183. N ortli C arolina IBS. N. C. SUOe 119, N orthw estern 81, Brndley

, 70, TCU 05 and A ubum 80. “1 Purdue headed th o sccond 10 /■ I group, follcftfcd In order by S t . 1 [ John ’s (N. Y .). S t. Joseph’s (Pn .) . V . W est V irginia, C alifornia, MLisls-

slppl su ite , S t. Ixiuls, X avier (O.). r I M arquelto ond W w?hlngton. T e n ■

o the r tenm s received 'p o in ts th is \ week.

! Magpies Destroy ■; Fewer Pheasant : Eggs Than Listed -

BOISB, D tc. 30 cn—D estrueU on o f U 1 pheasan t eggs by m agpies I s ’on ly * ' 1 slight despite belief to th e con- T . t t r ^ , th e stnte fish n n d gam e d e - J J 0 partm ent said M onday. r rt The agency sa id th n t as .long n s JL h pheasants nnd mngplcs exist In th e . « same areas, however, the re will be It some loss.

Tha departm ent sa id I t w as b e - lleved such losses m ig h t be heavy J:**

o and for th a t reason University o f * " Idnho bloloRlsU In coopcmUon w ith

-. tho departm ent undertook ft five- J It year sludy.18 Prof. K en H ungerford, w ho h e ad - ^

ed the survey, said th a t only 1.4 p e r *JT cen t of the magpies exnmlned d u r - *rt lg lng the flvo y e a n h a d ph e asa n t Ir eggs In Uiem during nesting se a -

id Ho snld Uie study Indicated t h a t tl r 3 deprcdaUon occurs prim arily w hcn ‘

■ pheasants ncsl In poor cover, such roi as sagebrush. fir

■This prove.1 w hat wo havo th o u g h t an and Inughl for n long tlm c," D r, da

. Hungerford tald . "T he wny to p ro - lie vide more gome Is to provide b e tte r de

- hablU l." th lh ------------------ ---------- ph

S Hoop ScoresCOU.r.nR p ^ H K ^ A L L 20

^d IKJnl lltiunill a... . . CInrlnntll »t, \V>V« Komi 10 I“ Ulrhliin 8U1./S, Duk* H Vey Ko«h^cV*olK^'Y*.t'” « * ’ J

19 ^.Vc^-'hlrul’rN lc"* •12 . (Ktr.l Ilouiv.1i Ccrd Sl- Fr.n<-I, IP».|,M. llufkfi.ll «S C{P- n^wlnn c im ih T 't i “ hn

»orilh4m i’lltilnirBh T» nCllfl ----- -— . ■ no-20 HI* WiM To»rn.r "

CnW.,!!, &1. Nrtrt.vU’w 111ng K » ... s u i , : j , ovuhcn,. » cli 5 ' lo .. f i , . , ; m i

Okl.hnm« .S,.i» si. Kl.n.M A ’

s S i ^ s . , "t.d ‘ i t .™ ;; , ," Wllan H. S.n ) r.nrl.fo «• P‘In l . SiChimirlnTnhtni ClOH.hom. Cl.y Ti. » g ,ted KxihoMt Conr.ctnc*• T ..., A .^,l Jjl M -r , , . , ChfI.ll.n « In

S i- T .„ . T„K ■ Sl

.n , ‘ ] c.) Tt

An A«,rl<.n I llr To.rtiinitnt AV..K ri

In l . . >:CAC iioiid.7

t r t ...... I 1;

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V.rd.tbiu ' : j. Vt'JilnU* « " , C

_ • -V

T IM B S -N E W S , T O T

RST PLA(Top Q uar

T t^ S r-H ATM U . B B

< . fS O fiT H /-V T H S . A

■ C iU A A rS^S3A C .< M

' > i B l K m S s s

COP Player. i Oscar Rol)er1

SA N FRANCISCO, Dec. SO m Pacific, contended Monday th a t . gets p lenty of help from the^refe: m an told northern California ^aa n a ti gam e tho big 0 had only 10 ;

Washington Surges In Second Half to S Tip Gophers 73-57 S

SEATTLE, Dec. 30 W W W ashing- ‘Yo to n used th e second hn lf surge to or w hip M innesota ■ again Monday "J n ig h t, roaring from a 34-34 halftlm e waj tlo to a 73-57 baskoUKill victory over * th e visiting G ophers. So '

Led by Q orry B utlcr’fl dead-eye “ nd shooUng from th e com er, Mlnncao- *®®t tft dom inated Uio f irs t hnlf. U klng ^ a ft lend n t 0-5 a n d never trailing from th e re to th e game’s midway T m ork . • ' 6rls

•W oahlngton. o f tc r leading briefly ave a t th e sU irt, Ued th e count seven gan tim es b u t could n o t get In fron t. ^

T ho H uskies S a turdny n igh t, (ran rom ped to a 10-polnt lend in Ihe Uip f lra t fou r m lnutea o f the second half , ond th e Q opbers never agn ln looked clul dangerous. W inning on sensational P'fi: hook - sho ts Saturdoy , W a ^ ln g to n H depended m ore M ondny n igh t on phc th e long-range sliooUng of Al M ur- the p h y and th e c lose-ln work of B runo U k B oln a n d Doug Sm art. and

Boln ,wna the scoring leoder wlUi of i 20 points. M urphy had IS. R

---------- ------------------------------ tha

Cal Coach Claims "•! Huskier Are Best “

s a n I I t i a n c i s c o , Dec. 30 W - Coach P e te Newell o f th e Pnclfle Conat conferenee defendlnff»haskel- ball cham pion California Bears sees nolhlng, b u t trouble u p c o m i n g again st W ashington . “ "J

He term ed th e Huskies •'polcn- Unlly a n a tional contender,” as h is “ I' club prepares to m eet them Friday P®" In ScaiUe. » h

C nllfom la and W a.ihlngton shared (h ^ sa m e court on a recen t trip to Wie M idwest p laying lown and W is- \ 7 consln. B o lh th o Coast clubs won *

"Iowa fa n s h a d never seen th e P k ind of hook nhooUng (he Huskies , p u t on.” Newell told Uie N orthern , C nllfom la Bn.ikclball W riU rs and i,., Spo rticasters nssoclntlon. !'

S U nford departs on New Yenr’s m om lng for gnmes ngninst W ash- i , ‘ Ington' s u i e , Id ah o and- Oregon „

________________ ___ ■ ZArizin Scores ;»

- lQ.OQOth Point__E;ST. - LOUIS, Dcc. 30 ( f l -P a u l in

A rlzln o f Uie~I>iil{a3clphia W ar­riors Joined Uie selec t ranks of 10.- MjI 000 po in t shoolers In th e NaUonnl ; Ba.ikclbnll nsxoclntlbn M ondny n lgh l mu early In th e flret qunrter of a game hie ngninst th e M inneapolis Lakers. • Ml

W llh less th a n six m lnules gone lor In lhe first qunrter. ArlrJn- sank u-h

) h is th ird field gonl which gave him 10.001 to u i p o in ts , fo r_ h l.i NBA carecr.

Only four o th e r plnyers have reached that-mnrk.- They nro Oeorge M lkan of the o ld Laker.i, D olph’ Schayes o f Syrncu.ic. Ed MnCauley,'

- TJO w conch-of-thc-atrL outs-H nw kar and Bob Cousy of th e Bcalon i Celtics. -I



M3E-Bsr:tJarterbacksi W ill 1

i l o O K K , WHAT 1 .

■ -••< -1 ' E S f i y . a ru u a , r "

L - ;

o rB / 4

< PI4

f f l

re claims Ref rtson Pile u]I (ffO— Davo Klurm an, .a sraallisl l a t A ll A merica Oscar Robertsoi re ferees when he plays on hia I V sk e tb a ll w riters th a t two w( 10 poin t.1 a t ha lf time. “ N ear tl

■ m an said, "O scar said to me, 'I ‘You’re playing mo too close. i ’ I’m going to tell th e referee i

about it.’ “ I thought he waa • Joking." th o Callfom lan continued. "B ut w hen th e second h a lf sU rted th is offlclaU camo to m e a n d said, •

. ’You’ll hnve to give R obertson room,) or I ’ll call n personal on you.’’ " I played Robertson th e tam e i way a s 1 h a d been, ond sure enough.: I w as 'ca lled fo r m y fou rlh personal. ]

50 th e n we w en t inW a stra ig h t lone f . and th e y killed us." K lurm an, 5 '. feet 10 lnchc.1, s a id -h e h a d bcltn *. gua rd ing Robinson In a m on-to -m an \ [ defense. - JI T h e fina l score waa 113-68. R ob- }' e rtson ended wlUi 30 points. Ho h as ‘ t ovcroeed b e tter th a n 38 polnta a 1 gamo th is year. *

K lu rm an averaged 33 poinU a ‘, gam e o n C O P’s Just-com pleted road ' i Ulp. H e m odo It c lea r second -rank - t ed C incy would have beaten h is I club no m a tte r w here Uie gam e was I played, CJ H o sa id Robertaon waa “really { J phenom enal on Jum p sh o u nround ‘ . th e key a n d on drives. Ho doesn 't * > U ka long sho ts o r ony silly shots,

and h e ’s no hog, e ither. H e h a d o lo t 1 I of nssls ta ogalnst ua.’* t

R obertson cm pliatically d e n i e d I- Ih a t he -gc ta nny help from ' Uie of-

ficlals on Uie ClnclnnnU cou rt. ‘••I d idn ’t say anyUilng like th n t {

to h i m ’(K lu rm an)," said Robertson a t. R nlelgh. N . C.. whera C lndnnaU » is p lay ing In th e D txla Classic ,

; tou rnam en t. "He can say w h at h e ]I w nnts U>. Y ou can check th e jcco rds ,

and sUUsUcs. I ge t quite n few fouli' on m y hom o court. A foul’s & foul.‘ an>-w, herc ." ,

" T h a t 's Ju st one m an 's opinion " t a sa id O eorge Sm llh. R obertson’s 1 y poach n t CinclnnaU . ’’I don’f k n o w 1

w hnt tho boy.’s Uilnklng. T h e boy’s l i foolish." - I

; Valdes Offers Big 1 = Purse for Swede '* G O TEBORO . Sweden. Dec. 30 fe ;; —Ingcm nr johans.ion, th e European

heavyw eight boxing chnmplon has been offered I200.W)0 to figh t Cuban ,

N ino V aldes bu t will m ake no de- cLilon u n til neKoUnUons for a UUe 1 m nU h wIUj Floyd Pa tte rson nre finished.

Edwin Ahlqulst, form er m anager , and now "advisor” of Johansson. 1 said th e o ffe r for the Valdes m atch hnd come from OcorKe R a ft, movie

• nc lor. who •ft’ould stnRo th e fig h t 1II In H avana. !


M a irln n d ’s bcnrtiug defense checked c hlB h-.icoring . Ballcy Howell; but

M lMlwlppi Stn te found th e range a t ' e long d isu n c a ^londay n ig h t a n d ' ^ whipped M aryland 56-45.

J LONG'S TVh ’ S o ld & Service

________E veo lo ti C»U HE 3-680B

[JPI W EE]I Pit T Jents in R«

. . . . i S N O T 9 s ca^/srsuEO /A - i /4OP tv£LCaM S T i^m ^M W H rgM P ^ ^ ^s>^jZ4W y

iO V M Y / ^ ^ A - V / S ■AhJO A I M ’-A M s m c A h i l i f c Io u e i . t ^ r . . .

M B i . . . s / A / c e * ^/J O T B X A c n > / f e

A eJSSET/i-JG - C^R£>a S i S p /k i


jferees Help ' ap PointsIlish guard from College of th e J tson, the nation’s leading acorer, ia hpme Cincinnati court. K lur- : I weeka ago In th e COP-Cincin- : ir th c end of tho half,” Klurm an ’ l e , — —

ee St. John’s ■ V.fWinsECAC' : “ Holiday Meet ;

NEW YORK. Dee. 30-tf l-6 p ee d y , ■ ’ftl' well-mcshed S t. Jo h n ’s (N.Y.) won ■ ,ne th e ECAC holldny fe.itlvnl basket-

5 boll tourham cpt fo r th e f irst Ume ; ■kfi in six Irlet M onday n igh t, w hip- ■ on plng S t. Joseph 's XPa.) 90-79 as

• Jumping Jack Tony Jackson a n d ' . litUe Al Selden com bined for 84 ' S ; points.

U U h took th ird place 70-70 over D ayton ond S yracuse beo t Holy <

- Cross 08-82 fo r f if th place In th e ' ,(ul consolation p relim inaries o f the t r i - '

ple header before 13,740 a t Madison hi., Square ga rden ..,-as O ory ChesU ng, a borrel-chested .

0-fool, 4-lnch, 315 pounder, a n d ! i,„ hook-shooUng C am ey Crlsler com - ' - i blned to score 81 po lnU for tha U tcs

ogalnst. Dayton. ;Its, ChesU ng scored 37 po in ts w ith b lo t U-emcndout sp ree In Uie seeond

ha lf, in which ho h it U U h’s f irs t 11 • d points and 16 o f .Uieh- f irs t 20 be- (,# fore • rcUring - t o ' Uie bench w ith

excessive fouls. C rlsler h a d 34 points , and w as 12-for-13 from tho free

Uirow line.Dayton, unbeaten In seven games

befora Its loss lo S t. Jo h n ’s In S a t- ■’j c urday’s sem l-flnols. never led bu t j i c m anaged to sU y w ith in n « u n le of

points o f tha U tcs u n til ChcsU ng broke I t open In th e sccond h n lf . '

W hen ChesU ng drew h is fou rth foul w ilh about 0’,i m lnules left,

n." U U h h eId n 6 3 -5 0 lead. H e retum ed n 's WiUl about tlx m lnutea to play bu t ow picked up his flfUi foul before he ly's had » chance Ui even handle th e

ball.F rank Cose a n d Bobby Jones each

. ' had 18 po lnu f o r th e Flyers, who , sU yed' as cloje a s ihcy did by h l t ­

Ung on 34 of 26 free Uirows .LllUe Eddie 'G oldberg got some

{- help from hla m oles in th e tecond h a lf ns Syracuse downed Holy Croas

ian SCORES 29 PO IN TS “C- STOCKTON, Oallf., Dec. 30 « V - '“ c Dftva K lurm an poured in 20 polnU are Monday n tght lead ing College o t th c

Pacific's 'Hgera to a 70-61 victory »cr over th e Unlveralty of Ai*lsona. T h e on. loss was Arizona’s slx lh sU nlght on ^ h lla cu rren t rood trip , vieJh t READ 'nM ES-N E W S WANT ADS.

Pl— RadiatorsNEW AND USED

nt 5cn)fce t iJcpafrsm d ' All T y p e ^ K ln d i

i , RE 3 -6 0 8 0 ' .


__n i Wsy 30—O d ,T ruck Lane •~ IlidU to™ -A re-O nr-B B »lB ew

I _________Not « Sideline


R o s e B o w l

0 ^ . O L D s E I M i?

- ■ ' • . ♦ « «

DuncanTsn’t AU Iowa Has For Rose Bowl

PASADENA, C alif- Dec. 30 iJP>-— All-America Randy D uncan o t Zfftrt

Is a great quarterback b u t .h e Isn’t th e only problem C a llfom la faces In th e Rose bowl New -Yeaf's day.

"Certainly, D uncan Is A fine quar­terback." aald Pete E llio tt, Callfor- n la 's handsome young cooch. '‘But we know Iowa haa a well balanced o tU ck and excellent personnel to

l e m ake It work."T> E lllolt reeled off th a nam es' of r - Rny Jauch. Bob J e te r and WlUIe n - Fleming, and paid specia l compU-

m en t to th e la tte r.— H a said th e movies h la sU ff and

squad have viewed o f th e Hawkeye gnmes this fa ll clearly Indicate th a t Fleming is a m lghly tough young- a le r lo catch o r hold.

Fleming haa no t been u ted reu- Inrly as a s ta r te r In th a low a back- fleld b u t he haa produced fireworks

. nplenty In wheeling o ff 425 yards in 02 trips WlUl Uie boll nnd storing

ly n ine touchdowns aa th e team 's Isad- nn lng scorer., t . A thletic direc tor F r itz Crlsler of

Michigan,' whose, tenm lost to lowa p . 37-14, Is a visitor In P aa ad e n o r 03 'T h la Fleming -is sim ply trem en- nd dous. B ut fo r h im , m aybe th e result M m ight havo been d ifferen t,'' Crlsler

aald.,f,f Crlsler snld thla low o team Is as ,ly good as any Uial hns represented he the Big T en against th e Pacific r l . Coaat conference In th e Rose bowL


Oklahoma City unlvcrsliy iwon lls ° th ird All-College baaketball tour- ■ na m en t Mondny n igh t, bcaUng D ^

quesne 78-54 before 4,500 p e t y p y ^

I CONCRETE1 R E 3 - 5 5 0 0

«t Colonial Concrete- S & H G ro e n S t a m p i

th t ~

ed , , Magic Valley Ra

C u t te r a n d Cch __________ " ■ ;

I t- S m S m p m

Ju ...


' SCHEJon. 1 ' "Jan. 10-11 Jan. 17-18 Jan. 21-23 Feb. 7-8........

Feb. 14-13



^ P .IN G sI

Tilt to Climax ^igSTom-iiev

braska'a C o m h iis ltc r* ^ ^ 5' ' ^.. n igh t to ra in a finni^hS,K '® ^l

b a s k e S ? o ^ S , t K ; n ^ f P

Colorndo was nhcnri 11 „

«d up to make the f l n U l iZ y " " :

Th, w i i d c t , . . y. sh o u . In [he rirsi hair

. h e d 3S-M n l Ult h " r M i . . ’ ". o o o « f , IJ „ „ tl,

^h^^■Sor:s“ >■««sSooner.n only had Imll ihe(oul\2 clianccjfT mailing n of 25 ” ,

A prc.islng. dORKtnR k-sin t, fense nllowed Oklnhoma i f , ^

> sh o ts a t ih e .b n s k e i “ ' “ 1

.v S r .r 't£ “,,u"rK

ISU, Clemson End Sugar Bowl D r i l l - l r

NEW ORLEANS. Dec. b ta n a S ta te university mid ciraS took Ihclr final harji workouu'ut; day polnUng for Uie Sunr w fooUball game Thursdny ind S

■ a x tLSU, the nation’s top tnm

strong favorites to win bui eoia F rank Howard ot Clemson dniTX ••that w e ihnnk Our lucky lUn t hnve aoma boys who doat ta easily,”



i n Y o u r f i a s l i n e l

Add HIET to your gat to absorb moisture b e ^

. . it hos 0 chonce to.frmtl

.* A u to a u th o r i - t i c s a g r e e : ;

• “ I n w i n t e r „ B i ^ D w h e n y o u r - I l E B f

Its m o t o r t u r n s n C E l u r - o v e r b u t y o u r ^ \ ^ w o n ' t s t a r t , 5 5 .“ ; ^

U 's 9 t o 1 t h e r c i I n ^ i n l h e fu e l

R a c in g ^ s s o c i a t i o n • I

ChoN t Roceil

iEDULE . ■............R 0 P « i | M

.Jew »MR i c l l f l t l j l B

. . B a r l t o HE l k o . M |

...............K c t c h u m - S u n T « ^ W

r i m e — 2 p . m .

Page 9: unties O 1 Heybur ths Kill York’s I ffering rn Yout led ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF193/PDF/1958_12_30.pdfTtie SOtfi and SJst 1 ^ ^ ^ deaths o f m

. i Sli Rli• / ; S « M- Extended | g l T | C o Q

' fiS iir ■as-'P*'* ' A ^ l s y p lf Ptrtnt ' 38. Plkellke £ ^ H ^ T I p l,.'s teir* ttd ^ s h B v E E R I

40 .C h .n jed • 3 $ A « f g )(iiduetoM . p o lit lo n ^ i T £ R ^

■1 Mother et M4. Seem dhind lo k lN B Ir i t f a o lE lUinkind • 49. Af(lrm«llvi J

• iiS loplni 4J. Raised Solution «f Y iiii rdi.*nrt* lurface •

" h S w t r d « .P a1p lU U D iJtfN , .8.. . ^ n i d 51. H ebrew ■ l.T h re td i 8.

prophet " Z G louy - 10.t f / " " ' 83. Anchor p«int I

. . . tackle 3,Cunnlr.f IiIJ.U fiebIrd 54.M alecat 4,Tr#ck . t l .

. iJ.Co*nt»tW' . 55. Develop In w om by • . 13.. liquid '4 e lsU usa ,« ' V

II B»nllh 88. P rio r in • . 5, Aurlculate ' ' 20.I ||.lmm»n«» tim e • fl.Slepifor 22-f . n Condenitd SO.AMlfnt t e i l ln ( t r' moiiluf# 80. Crlnuon ■ fcne« 24..

13. Preu - 81. O ne who 7.BM «ofth« ejtSm oelh ' fore te lli declm tl 27.

' . 82. Direction lyitem 29.

I— r r " U , U 'Kija 7 ~ T 5 " 'l7 " b V..m, U " lir i 52.• ' 1. r r ^ T r r l n• — T — — “ “ m l u — — 34.

. ' r ------------ -------------------------Ij______ ^ _____:____ ______ | | ^ ________

' / K ‘‘

1 I I I i j j I I

5f b o a r d in g h o u s e -M A JO R E" / V ........... X* MSURELY iou 3EST,«A5


H A '- r 0 /« S 0 0 M B S T 0 M A cpS; OiaBHSeV.TaMAKRYlAlTOTHBP)!'^^^^: ftCKEFELLERFAMILVASPlCK , ^OUTDSTiCkTBTM&FAas y : eOK SEVEN PAYS IM A g ^ . y )

i s s s s s s ' z n r r

E S JJ^ t ^ T i • Wo ^



< 2 Z J> - < 3 S » ^.=®> Hl-Tei

, n - i

r "W hllfl y o u 're aay in g good n ig h t fo r th c ne


s f e ss',s« \? fk fe v la J ' !'flu BCLItVSP PflOFESSdR \ SON ANO HIS ^ L 8 R CAPABte OW ‘ j Ml«ET FATHER.


ANDI'm j —7^ — •'rP fe llO V ^ R A N C

DfiCEMBEB 30; 195f: / ,

. ' O U T 0 1

)lvMKt'l jpiDl .

H : : f eiirday'e PuziU |i.8. Him ; ^e.Wint r,

lO .PenlM uliin ■ I b B ^ Newfound. ■

JX TibU .• lupport y j A / 4 ^20. Cr. le tter . I T W / ^2Z AtUch by U K P / J B

ftitche*24. Armed __

eondlcl '27. Small e iik V29. EdlbU '

32. Time o t ••liShl ,.

34. Pretent lime

35. Utter ,■ indlillnctly . . « . ^ ,38. OppoJite ----------^

S I D E G I39. Entertain ' ,


41. Cancel42. Makei

h»ppy '.43. Abhor i 45. Nole of th f /,

icale A 1‘47 Cavalry f / t t V

xword (re50, ReiUng n i j■ place*' y ff52. Andiron \ i / ^58. Amer. • . ^

fen e ril '- • V 57. Uncooked


,MARTHA.ONSeeEM />6 -plOOSLy ^ .

/lCCA5IOH5Jj% /RIFLING M / trn FACTS,) i / . 7)ELISHT y I fI N A W ^

ri% < ^ S e '’”

^ “Kenneth,

(/v /fcp--~-0 in{rredients!’‘



r e E N if ./2-30

J -3 O -S -0 '-----------------' "Ho pi*ovci

1 nex t h o u r . . bad-raannerc


PROrMBOR tlK R U itw o u s r , • 'ZS'IUCHCd TALw

E U L U ^i 111 j( i4 l ,- n 3 O T S - 0 ll ' * •-jj II" ^

_ . , T I M E S - I

^ R WAY ; By WI]

OAM.' 1 THCUdMT V ,if O l, TVM - J ^ i ; ^ .= = / VGWWA5AUl>iat \ ./< v ;u B ,« o'-touan c a w U w c 'rc h

PUMOICKO.'LOOKW [1 T'lHET. \ ‘CAUSC Tti'iy itop /n t a b o u t

Z = - ;Z Z 'i- I LIP COMC OFF IM l - t \ OtPS •Z Z '^ -F " L ln " WACOM A u y V> z l ^ I CVCRV7HIM'.'y

t ea ( \‘, y / ' ( ' M f i X te,'-

aw tET ^M?^a'AMp'3wcl^^


: f f V i l


J ' J f 'L ^ I f ^ S;h, can’t y ou ta lk o n th e phonfe w ith* rec ip e I jo t te d dow n h a s 'S a lly ' a ll s ! ”


d g ’ ' l y

y c tm tf i.

v c d you w e re ^Ig h t, D ad . H e ’s a n irc d th u g I"

I m i l l IWT wa- ')riltlilllBk(IM |||Wffl

W SI vH/KK \ Z ^ n ^ a

Ihm i M *'

B y W A L T D IS N I

Rl - J ‘ K y

S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S / I D .

W I L L I A M S - p

' ' •“ • A ' TWftXOj• • A iH irm E

TaiM T TW M -siB,fiU&AK.r V (c h a r pc m g p T ^ » ■HET.' WC 2 ^iTMlWKIM*' «-• . ^

■■ ^ y Q

L ' I K

r . r ; C - ' . ™ ,

E f f i

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6 rSUl N s H

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9 1 I■ & . , I I

ithou t doodlinir? B a ll over the dry U

G ' n

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T U H N E R g

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^ 4 I • P E

« E ^V U:>«

^ J D l m r ■ u

l r - - / S 'Q

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C wa n Ill- tem pered , „ 'H ^

_______________ ____ Y S

IBfill ’ ■

f | I- 1

<i ■ i -, P

5 ’-^ B

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— “ " i / i N E Y . . , . t ! -

- A fSfT h NP ‘ E W

^ V 0 ' ' |}_P . I

" . ' ■■. '■' V '- ,- .i D A i i b . , - . ' .


BECAUSE^ ^ T / J ~

couip ^ s | J m b Sb |b | ^ ^f u o AfiSUTdI KMre 5eeN \ l W k H n T |M V

’MK.X* EU KAJTE I B H t iM B g lf l f ] I HBBE...ORIM r n i P I P l l ^ V l I A CAPE oa.K HOTBL7

nHasTlTlAEllHj lil vM DH ^ J d h k S s t :

b I ft’n fl Ml ,U.^ J K Ot^ \ w j c a s c o - ^ v m v . v ^ -p ? c - o o p - ^ v > \K ;a (K u v ,

a ? v:(?» ■:^o '.C fiov.i •b o c^ 's - ^ «a£50T

You hsvcrfb'iEric-got back ycst«pday,) him .for•mo Margftand he oau® na /Judy. I thoi _o. airi5tma& gift. -^ma» cut of y

\Cl i3 u\ i » y ^


r ic K c v - jn A JUST WHAT I {'t/I / N-NEED TOR W / / ^



w - 1J fifjry C c a ta H ^r^V M S U R B i


r f c yc

! A F i y 5 ^ 6 « v ^ 6 ^ l l £


A H I,raU A 7M Y .W A M E IS ^ S M I T H - “W E U . B E ’ J

V S E E l N S A i O r e P ■

V '*,11. / v j« y DIO Y ^ t x'O 'F L IN G J evrv

- ^ R O C K W /T f tf f f i A T L I'L

I.I lL B E W .tO N T Y O lW S O \R t e l l m e m w ( X w c n t j h e PKWi:*' IV DlDFAU-OFF> TELL A VlOULD- I \ J H E p p o a X J ^ y (re m e m b eb

t t t fQH*ttiHG?>y T V ■

i f l 5 i f f r o |E r t o i t o ^ t e


fHBwA5>frT0UMre ii W E w d M S K O n ^ OrnciALS WMO 7At.KE■ f ’y j j M r r a i m BEOUSHT H eu ‘.K '^ M 9 ? A m 4 Z iS «O.WASUcKEEl ouc

iTtNGVCV.T^SSs'. I«>.'%, VCftvSCv C '£> V Je, VOVST

y e \ .o s?B

crfb'ftenfcioned't He's a ,boy Y Yc r.months, J and I .like him, / Imagi thoush t h e ( bufcMothor.pulls ■ hej o f your U f e ^ l ^ l t h a ^ t n n g s d moth

“ 1 I l ’LdT-TAlfEY I t - '- A l K f t WI ITI HEyl m j GIVE YA \ AQr! I OP

[ IfSOOfZa^VOESHTI iR E A U Z E E V E i s m s -

M D O N T K N O W -B ur \ I Z hMp S PrRVTW\EVsfE R EA D S ) ( te W M E

'F E A R L E S S / S S E E . , R K t RD SD IO C W E „ J t h E T ''

___ J ^ - ' I IPROBASLVT ^ v /W s iM a n rs E E M S ^ acojstotOU / TOMETHeyCOULO TO'-HAWIKK 3Siy I HAVE A RAJUN6 lOJZ-SO


■ . - TU ESD A Y , D EC EM



k 5 S /jf !


CAR. TOa I ■ | ^ ^ K f V _ _ L

L. hH

n i'^ V P R N 'P ^ V b C JM 'S ,X ^VVi'C. S

e * 'S > « ’® «W E R .V "XWa. ^^ 1

Y 6 s 7 a n d > I T u i h a t d i d / w o t a r l i

”K ? o S "^ [ “ I " S & ylo the r-ln .la iii/ L 4 t ^ - - A . h a v e

K l i V ! ^ — V”

® *

F n ^ K iM l l i ^V lT S NO USB... I \ | [ ■ P T L L D E U V O N 'T BU06E YA.) ^ ■ ( r V E S O F l A POC I BUT CON'Tjj I S B V PER PRE

ff 1 ^ 1 .

V \ ■ -O k'E J ^ r A

^ S ^ m s= ± :kswj t o m e o / \ ^ . 7 x ^ ^ ^ a v - * - \ a VIMO / l^ /B B -\% '|-a jU I.U ? ----]T l S IO C .l BUMP. l \ ^ ' H O u m > f / J SOKTS V VKNOW/yJNG V y ‘ '. I N P /A

^ | | m n T > s .lllB H k '


5M(3R(lOIW'V«Wia 1 ’ 1 ^ 1 •EETHEM-'AaOUR . >eOPLE>lTV1AKeSMV ■ 'R ^ l t E A R T 6 l A P / ^ ^ ' n ^ H

3 s i s ! r " ^ ^ U ? v i ^ E SEfrU(KE6 «eA R O eD l B B l <«weRB TK seurncel B B m SHEOl <j MEEA WITH E « 9

Ho ^ a i pp J . n m

H Q j H ^ H I

• w e . « , W\. O F ^ I .

T f r ^ l '£ I I

a ring, If th a tis c vou mean. J u s t .H, t le 'd a s p ld o n 'fc m : ave t o return.^^^^ i n


-EuvEB r r ) ' [OPPICE 7

' ij

wjAoarV *rou \ I^ S ^ vS!Sh ]r—<Cl'U. TO Ut

I •

^ t | :

y M M \ \ W K L J & S s is ! ^ '

l A d n * *

F ooc^Yiwrno I; '.\ BRINS-IHB UR BUT ‘ ■ .ITM AFRAIP-‘IV4SiS / SOME 8ADN&W5 "■,. -, ^ R J R U S H E R E jg ;•.:■ '.1

[ W c A p f rk g ^ j a y s

Page 10: unties O 1 Heybur ths Kill York’s I ffering rn Yout led ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF193/PDF/1958_12_30.pdfTtie SOtfi and SJst 1 ^ ^ ^ deaths o f m

" ■ - - -

IB ---l i i dESft-£:! aS£;

ellTOii by P«fll t*Mi.». . I' • • lllv ir lif l Volumt for th t i tr »»• ' " ‘‘'"•JJJ J i )C*ij ’ f f f *•«»•»« •‘ cocnp.r«l wim I.MO.W

l i i i ,flS^SS;r«£|

( i l l i i ^ H • Amwlcn Hoto™ « .« .l« l .n - r l r fl.f BF ?/J I W O ■nd drepprf irMtJon*!!!:- . , . „ i j «iL 'fl.iJrM Tb« m»tk« «dT«nf*I ftoin th. « •« . -i-w

i | j : l i l | ’; m a r k e t s a t a g l a n c e ^ ‘"‘'P e S H w rw YORK. D»e. M !■»-., TOv M l j aieeli»-HlihM| J^M nd r»“T ecu- t - «

i I ^ ' “ W » -L o « » r . «#rpo«l« tiri.r pi«- illoO

I '' j i i i *“Swo“ -y II I ' l . i •‘"I"*- _ i . .

' U I t ' K l Wht*WlItrh*r| bfiM<t tr*<lf burlnf. tm.1 n i U C«f«-HI«h.r; lr»d. yurjm.I ' : m 0 *t>-lltfh«r: IP«I» ln>rli|>. , »*"

11 < | j | ^ n AorbMn*—IIllbtN lr»|U m1^

■'•■"'“Ui' ) | / iH NKW YOBIC STOCK KXaiASUB tuM

'A i s CjI^llJmld si" l/“ i"co «J|. !1.00l'l! ‘K 3 l'l ■*'" 8 *11°' *«’* T «“ ulf 5ul ‘ ‘-t ?nm“

i t l i i l 'i i i l l a S t S t t:» T'mkfn « ' ik Am 7WM<ra f* Tnnt Amrr »V', *Iim-Iiy i l H l An«or«u «o’4 :«»> c«ni.ro» h ;i JI«i f l l ArmfoSCMl etfy Union C*rb U j t .miii ssK 1: i|

f ' H H “««“» H C*n» »^o » •" h H 8 U*lh StMl t J I Cu* »'.«.1 l ^ lw Uo^nf ■' S OeUnoi# , »N {’ i f l l Booltn 1 U CdOMZ Cp 7I'\ , CII' !> (> U “ f*Mi Ult »S Cm do l*M«) « ' i )»««•t .■ f P j l l l Oran* tc>i Chet & Ohio M 'l ln>i«i

l CurtlM-Wflrtt SB i Chrjiler cp MJiih & r . s K g s s f f J i u S l : “

': ,n fc V K4.1 Alrlln*. « Con COTP»r 19 1, Ur .M l-n: r ICwtffltn l« t Oon EdlxOD a U *nd l:

, 'li k I?.-!* ® Auio t«!i Ooat Oil ^ !"lm<’’ivjH.' Sfl« RR >* Contlner Cp » 5».»

s IWj ■ Flmton* 1J«.,.Corn ProdU S3UI ’ Konl ' 4»}| OoodrMT 134V4 » • » '

' . , ® *-n..h*uf - « ' * O tK ir n rp f Sh*c « Um” o u ir o n “* l a u

' r # V i troodM i ( ' icft rower *t*\- s - s i f f i i S t M c . r o«

'" ' .I 'N l Mftt ou t 2«S lo tM4t0rpwm »»< m t mcmi «7»i »sr*

I 'i # S; HVCenlrU « U Ja t T Jt T «3 »J-2;««rA m trA T *S}J K«nn*eolf MU ‘M l

,jilM l i i Kor ruUlo 49H X m n GO 33 x> ^ ,f i n i l ^ n Oblo Oil I I S Alro M .,(-•>M l -S ^ iS S '-v iS . ;i!:

l E ■ ?ZTi„ ’!! SSgSS"»ffi! f ; j'I n .- I’NIip Morri* •I'/i Ud Aircraft « '«i j R i " ' S '* S S S = ! 1 :/|i. Ksj"" sa s-ivffii;, s> ll I It*pub BtMl U S Smelt 37 f— .

[ 'i n«rTDbD M S U s s tM i Mib _ ,':..r4l' ; 8at*w«r 40 ; W»](reeD 90 I

Iia>:l " U s f s Sii i

I i i f ' - l i s ■ “l ~ -Si iilHPi ll AKERICAK EXCnANGB

; t a t S ■■!,?“ • ,%■ v u f f i f c - 1 : | a 11 S r A r i i ' i " • g i :

S t o c k A v e r a g e s S

1 " ' •' Tiuna % « - . ill' i?- ' ' : w . J»ft eh*n«*—AI.T A !l Al.l aI i '. n i T o d ty ____lOX.e-h IU.«>h M.I>K 2ll.}<h

j | ; i ! - : ^ j , b.H«w »M bliht. “'rt;;;ji’. i.'V ' INVEaTMKNT TRtlSTfl .4 (' . "'•fti.csvuT.r.,?-’'■ r£ I ; t » » -- ----------- f ; s » ;M< ,,1,1' Af{lll«t«d riind* _________ 1.IJ T.i: ^

IJ h=|. & , 'K ! r s . 5 ; r = z : !;S '!:! s iUib;- ,a J-i

• 1 * 0 ' V*Ju. Lin. Ineom*_______ t.U 6.1; •*(,■ u 1 ''X*r*u>n* 11*____________ l« .u I.t

y - - ' S « E = ; K i j i Lj - 1| Si

t V Kato'n *nd Kowari nAI< — . 2>.U «.74 If ' Katon and llowmrd Stoek _ M . tT 4.HX ^

•){;. TatnMon £3*<lranl«* _____QM2 &.2I[5;1' WOOLij , I ,NEW YOnK. D*e. »0 HV-Wool fulurn ,tB!| oloMd .« of • e*nt to 1.2 e«nu hlfb.r;

, 'Uarch m .T a i Mar lU .O? Julr 11J.411; m*.1{.1;] ^ u W u d wool 'nM im N . ' ” *’f y, Wool top. futur*. olo.«l .6 ot a ««nt to . . .\ I. I .t em u hlsher: Uarch Ul.OOl Julr u .

f . I

I M a n Q f K i n g H i l l

i : W o u f t d e d o n H u n t »| l | K IN O H ILL. .Dec. 30 ITV-Thnlne in

Sim m ons. 40, K ins Hill, vaa report*< f f i r recoverlns today Irom a bullet tc( M w ound In th e leir. received wtUle o2 ^ liu n l tn s cllc nen r Alpine, 'Njo. uiMM V . S im m ons w u h u n lin s w ith twojBgl 'b ro tbe ra* ln -law , Brvln Mftrtln, King loiIIm ' BIU. U ld R aym ond Flow'd. OoodinR. ci

JiuM T hey r e p o i i % 33>«allber ^ t o i lay ilF lm l pimtwnnn w as carrying dischnrRcd

K u l) w ith tho bullet hllUnR air^lEI b lm ^ lodging In th e A


U N ij iakle. la

l i T w i n F a l l s

S U H jl '* ^ * - LIVKSTOCkM IiBJ TUfan 1-1 nfv.«i I'An M - ' -. c S ^ »»a c ° a « " ’............... %

iQ : V "Mil ~ e a S 'r g ____ ...- lia'Hil. ■ ■!’■'“ ‘

r S ' A N D f i* ' * » »

-Livestockrlrar*n<* Ul* r«l»fd*rM>" r«>l»W* I"

W h iood to h « eholt. KHVI.OOO Ih. •J .u i^ MiX.r h.lf.r* 3d.2J-SJ.on: on» Io*'', *‘« . ‘J’•loek «lw * J*-l«» ’•> nothin* of- ta

m": liouii^n BP»n»J Um^lir 10 , ' Inwir* or* Inl US 1 IM lli- barrown «ncl »tt Cllu i».6o: * *"■’* *•''” fih«p"lM*'no*‘ «1 Sf m‘i»krt o« il.UBhljf hll Iim l-; f« r h.ad rx ^ l i l lh. "■17 &0: 111* »cjl*nl*r *»•» wU t« “l l>ll*l«". .V h. m»l*.l .l.uahlrr UmU imOdi • heaJ hli

Ulllllr IM 11 lO.OCK____ «'•DKNVKn ,

Jl.IW.l7.tH>: » l«r »*1»** S3.1W5.00i b.U.r U»” m I lop H.75i »ow, 11.H4.USJ. I;l

Hhm> S.VOO: wontnl lU uihur lamM nuId.SO-lK.SO: »horn .l»uiht«r Urtil- l«-09: «dtu<hl*r *«rc» <-0»-T.», j ,J

ronTLA sn'roim-AND. D«. JO lUi-n-Caiii* :o»: .

p«rt W l high *ood l.ftSJ lb. f*l •I**'* Sl.OOi t*w utlllly in «taniUrd H**r* 51.60-21.00: Utililr eo« i;.».l»,M ; rann.r. '.n.l d ill .t. 18.00.I1.M: Ml»« W: «ood «■y**lrrt 21.00-S0.00: lr» chok* to M.M. «a

llo» "jO ■ Nn. 1 ami 2 l>ul<h>ra 20.2<! Julm lirt V o. I.VS .llil » «ra.l. tO.OMO.OO; Stifrw^ heavier and ^«»hwr wtifhU »-‘0*

HhrVp 100 ; harillr *nouKh to tMt mirVrt: • mlixl vxkI and thole* 9( ll>. tlaiilhur Ul Umbt II.JOj eull lu «i«>d ♦«*•

W .l AN(:KL?a. u«‘! M’ o jp i- r s iiN i-

lUPpIr: *«»• *>”< hull* itltlnir only mod. J“' aellun. about tltadr: alhtfi teart*! S*|

r . s ‘s , s »i:l.OO; eanntn *n.l culttn JS.Sft-U.OOi Mt Ulllllr llolittln JUjutlatil* IU: nnt ennuKh lUuihttr eal«*t ar ■ IIH-Iitrt *nl.l to Indlral* trend, nominal.

Jtoci >«Ubl* 400: >r>*ral imall Jota No. >t and 1 ir*d> (ralnftd barrow* and (llll ri>-.S-flO Innrrr than liut midweek a t lA.li- haim .li: roupl* loadt lnrallr->«l butchtn (I-ind coupl* InU aowi illll untold. II;

6bt«p atlabi* ncin*! nnmlnat. (CIIICACO *1'

CHICAfiO. Dk . SO lUrlW tU.SDAl- »1-Hull ll.uuo; bulchtrt T.’-l.On lowrr wllh <nifanrn l .h lu .tr : U.S No. 2 thd t oh:u0-27i Ib. bulchtrt W.SU-li.it: around 4U 1>**<! No. t and 2 : 00-:i£ Ibt. IR.tS. 1

CtlU* S.OOO: ealtt* 100; motllr aUush- }Mr lirrr* 1.200 Ib*. an.l up; hlali |ou.| )md t>elt*r tle rn fullr tl*adr: levtrtl loidi \n-lm* I.16&.I.2&0 Jb. ilaufhirr itr*r« :n.7»- 1:o .» ; cholca and prim* N0-I.02S Ibt. 2A.7t; ITVOII cood and ehcle* 1,»0 Ibt. down 2t.OO- _ ' i i h ^ S.SM; tlrtd r nn tll r lii t r t; contl ind eholc* wooltd Umbt lOMOS Ibt. K.W-:o.;». ______

OUAIIA ^^OKAIU. D*«. **_,■OWI mo*tlr !> Inwtr; No. I and 2 cradtii 'nil a»-240 lb. butrhtn HI.OMI.tB;*%ro«nd “1 .» h**d 200-2)0 Ibt. IH.Tt; No.-1 to i f," aw* 2S0-U0 Ib*. 11.00-14.7t. " i

Catll* 7.(00: ralvt* Ml dtadx t Inad ^ ilch eholf* to prim* around 1.169 ib. ftd » ■ti-r, 2<,74i'elv.Je* undtr 1,200 Iht, :U,»0- *®, I7.7&: load of hlch rhnlct to prim* «1t ,_i b. h tlf tn 2JIJ0 : bulk choir* 2l.2V2ll.00; illlllr and eooimtrrUI eowi 11.SO-IMO,

tihrrp t.KOO; aliuchlrr *wrt wtr* iboul iteadr: load IOO IL. chnlc* wiytlr.1 Umht |«.U: load chole* thorn Unda IH.2S: amall OU cull lo cood tltuchltr tw n 4,00-11.00,

Potatoes-OnionsIDAHO rA U ^ ! '’D i*^0* (^un)-?oi»- S

:oe*. Upper »*U,y. Twin i-alU. I)url*y ” IJiirlct.

I’otato offrrlnc* modtral*) rood *lr* to nqulry: stml firm) prier* tilranctd FrU tay and Saturday. ; '

JtUMCta US mntUr tll* A 2-4 oi. mln, “ Mek*d CWL waihrd (ob market’ .100 lh. j laekt 10-21) p tr ctnl 10 ot. Itrgtr 2.10.2,U ! J lO-iO p tr c tnl 10 ni. Utvtr 2,24; Slb40 I D*r ctnt to o«. larstr 2.S0.2.40; haktra muiUr mli*.l can (-14 oi. 2.1U.DO10-12 It. minimum 2.«0-2.M: 10 lh. iirk in..h — baltd :.ft4-3,00; mrth loot* 3,iM.I0: US 2

I'rler* lo rrowtrti niiitttt tiulk ewt. at rrowtri' celUn lo b* watht.1 packoul batli U SI 4ni. minimum I.40-1.74; US 2 motUy (<«!. minimum JS-.tO.

ciiicA(;oCIIICACIO. D*e. >0 tUPh — ?oUlnti

foki and n*w| i Tulal U. S. ihlpmmU CO; arrivali S3 | irack 111; lupplln modtral*: ' demand modsrata: matkti nn rutttu atroncrr, round r«lt tbnut tltadr.

Track la in (100 Ibt, US IA uniat* olhrr- wlta alal*<I); Idaho rMMtu S.74; htktr*

" "S trn l aaln : Id*ho ruutta 4.00 | baktr*

4.40-4.60; Colnrailo r fl Mei^Jurrt J.'A: Ulnneaou-North D tU u Rtd rlter Taller I’ontUr* mutUy 2,U; ftw S.UU; ru..t( jjurbankt 2.M; S*lM(Ot 2.1],' Onlont: .Supplitt llihtj demand filr i marktl about ileidy.

Track aalrti Nnnt rtPoned,8lr*tl u ie t I Colorado ytllow Spanlih

whU^cIoi^-mSjUimrilSri Car*fo™U whataloh* m«Ilumt.4.74; mklwnl yrllow rinb* ^jdluma 2.M; llllnoU yillow club* J.OO-

FUTUBES Th* followlnc futur** quotallnnt ar*

proYldr.1 br W. Mtllobtru and com- . panr, Twto FalU.

llUh Cln** Car* -Januarr —_____ 2JI2. 2.« 2,»l SI tNo.eml,.r. 1.40 Ud. offtrtd at l.tO; no .all '

P*Ut**aJanuary. t .U aik*l; no lal* 1Marrh. 4.24 atktdi no aal*

Italian Sorcerers Make Predictions'

nO M E ,‘Dec. 30 W -IU iy « boldest Mreerer*. nbandonlnit caution, came out of th e ir annual erysw l-gailnir , Invnees today and forecoat fo r lOSO: '

Labor troubles for Brita in , an a t­tem pt nRnlnst the life o t Charles de Oaulle (he will escape), and a re­united O ermany.

T here will be no u-orld w ar. bu t a lo t of peripheral confUels. I n gen­e ral. 1050 will malce headway toward

'i lasting peace.1 T here will bc trouble fo r Presldeni K Abdul Q am al WoAser in th e United c Arab republic and for Prlfne Min*

la ter Dftvld Beii-Ourion la Urael.

Is Markets.» E . . .

M »;;Uy;s UU*d‘ Gralri -----------:& tThr** daaltr* quollnil

ilto u s dt^lVr. auStincl.00 J<o. t y -.24 Grtmt^NorVh.fSU nS.‘ i __________ „.49 Cr»tl .Snrthtrnt No. 1 _

..J 5 ' ! a - g ' i ‘_ ; : : :s n ' " ’ ____

s s s i n ' t S 'v . ” ;" !"I®« "“'“Uifl '

’• No •' “talrrt quoilnc ] | centa W ea

u . P - L . i r r . 'i . r . i f '- " 'I

INANGE j|-■'V « « . - ^ V

— Grain ^ iCIIICACO. Dte. SO W>—Th* craln fu- J

| ^ ^ . r ‘f ‘i{ 4 d ‘‘b?'aH eSl r v J !h e f“wmor* mott of th* time. ^

ll wat Iht f ln l central ad>anra a{Ur ' ..veral tucc»*tlr. dtcllnr* In wlilch RK-t eonlracti- a lliw l to n.w low priet* for' ^ .T r - M \ ? t ‘tit 't •tV.‘~n :rk'ei‘"h':!i£ J ro ..n « ad and thal a reaction . a . dut,

Carlol rraln rteelpu In Chleaco w .r. »tlmil*d a l: *-h-il 2 ran. corn 2B. caUI rr* I barley I and Mybtant non*. ----‘ Wh,»l flnlthed tU-l% cenu a biithrl

^If’Hire"* old ‘;’r^ * ^ .;.« c T I.Vs’.f : —

er. January 2,UU-‘.i.CAHII CHAIN

CIIICACO. Dcr. I'O (/!■)—Whtat No. 2 yellow hard l.»»»i-2,00: No, S y»llow hanl l.*C',l-l.»5'.i. t.irn Nn, .1, yallow 1.15:No, 2 H l‘”» l,lI 'j- l .lJ !4 : Nn. S -jpellow I,lOH-l.lHi; N.1, 4 yell-.w l.OS^ . Oat^Nu. 1 heavy whll* No aorhoani.

f K i m w i v X S * s ' . S " « ,

Wh*atI .m ; i.jiK >

Ju " : ;z : : i : i in i i .w i *

«.S"" .U .H l.llli ‘« . r . " j ." r ,s ; i , . : . i ..,..1 ; B; :::;;::;!:IJi! 1:1:;; I:IS::Sept ...__.t.lCU J . i ’i t .n Mlili, JM " r* 'l ,- .«4'4 .44H .«6'4 .*4>-i JMty ..... .«•>» .»2‘, .« 3 \ ,62V, tJu ly ..... . .81 ,80». ,«i .noiJ (S.,,1 ---------- . -... ,«P,i .41

ii! i i ! : ;KANSAS CITY ^

KANSAS CITY, Dk . 2» l/D-Wheat 449 Crart: unchanc*<l to down I cenl; No. 2 >hard and dark harrl tl.tl',i-2,0CVi ; Ho. .1 '(1.93-2.07 ; No. 2 red ll.tM .M '^N t No. i T

. ^ . . n s ' . r r ;Oau 21 ra r t: N. down 1 ctn l; No. 2 *

whll* e4-1tc: Nu. S 42.10CN. I

{u7itJ‘ ti',o?-l‘.u ” 'N. ' ‘Hoyboant I2.07>;-2,11N. I llrtn I4<.00.««.74.Shorta >44,00.46,74. }

■ ------ 1 t

Butter and Eggs ICmCACO ■“

' CIIICACO. Dtc. SS lU ri) — Cht*.t; ~ SInrI* dalll*. »Hi-S*H! tonchorna SWHS; proc*tt*d loaf SM Ij Swlit crtd* A' 47-411: '

^ l iM i^ O M 'e t t i* ’: IrrtcuUr! whlu atx] _ 1 mlitd Urc* exlrat 40; mtdiUmt 14; aland- UU arda S4> ; diriira S2 '.i: checka tlV i. _3

Markets to Close ^NEW Y O RK , Dec. 30 MV-U. 8 . wi

stock e n d com m odity mftrlcets w ill _ i be closed New Yenr'* day. cu

Several com m odity exehttngea w ill 777 be open on ly a ha lf day tom orrow . * ^ - m o r k e t s o re open a fu ll d a y ijn

. Scheduled to w ork only b a lf a divy _ I tomorrow ia th o Chicago bo a rd of trade.____________________________ _ *

Classified"^; WANT AD RATES “• lUaaad ao aoet-Mowordl Oj' 1 Day , , ________ 4e »«t i*or4 ' |

I Dayt . _ 4 « per word p«> day ,t Uay*__________l l per word p*r day \

IA mlBlaaai ot 10 word* »*,r^ —I m *U?'*'ht **** rt Worda , tday ■ I daya i « dar*^ I

: 1 ' 1-14 i . o a - W < o - ], UBlaaa rour *r*dll bta b*« « u b - —

Uihtd eaah nuit aacocapany order. ttt ’ . RE.4-0W1 ^ ‘ Brrer* thoold b* r*Mrt*d ImtMdUu, CA

j j^ N o ^ lo ^ c * trill be mtde-for Bor* <

d e a d u n b T oV culi^flid oniVl aX^ Uanddra tda-4 p.bl S ttu rd tn jTueadayi ihrouch Frldar*—^ <

, , t p.m. Dty befor* lBiertloo.>. _J- lUBd*r*-t ».■. SatardarB W. *■ Tbla paper r*— .ta Um rlikt to adit '

end rel*el any eUulfitd «d>irU*lB(. '-Dllad Adi- ar* luictlr *0Btid*iiUai J


li !iidd‘r*«inf. ma'lin«!’7u]fi_fflim‘i‘'^cMn 'H ir 'i tK ^ i j r i

k u U lU boo. b'rtur ttrTWa.'‘Auu>or<>;d ’

Salt*. 412 AddltoB WeiL RE S-114H


UKUlSTEHtU ttpencer Cofttlltre. Btfle J cVtdner'* ItE*S *o“o'*'*‘ * nJ

A C H IR O P R A C T O R S ^

n l B E A U T Y SH O P S ^

I d ^l«,JV'-w^^7c^ll MiJdVt .Su^,;.r“ . 'f “l." ^

“ t<hlnt)r»i and cold — ■n ’•«»«• tSOft up. .\niitlc ll**my Salon. UI Wf-Sf KND llr.u,y « j, „ „ - A ~ ..

WttL I’hnn* WE.I 4-lloj. Coodlnc. (Op- „_ - a s , . ? ” "* c b . i - s

tUMIILhlfc Urtuly S.r..<t by tU.anc^J,5, miilcnli a( ixluci.1 V'leri Junior ilu- ^‘r« drnu fret. M.ehlntltt. and cold J

-t»t*. <}.go. ti.«uy Att. Acadtmr. i-I:» L O ST A N D FO U N D j-

‘ 'ail F

to i>""'i'» and "Alldt *'



EXPERIENCED ■Automotive m an . ' i

■ E £ L V % M & ^ i 'E K E i _ ~I T t r ^ J ^ t n i7l«S^to7^UlJ. potTiUnahould Im well QUallfltd In one or mor* ^ of th* abo.* potltlont. Thli I. aptrmantnl Mlllon. Mlarlt<I. and offen ^ punned adrtnremtnl. . hotpltalUallon,life (n.uranee, rellnm.nl plan an.i • 2 U;minr Olhtr taluabli employee bentflla. fui>'or tmploymtnl. Inlervjtw fot

CONTACT K. L. MeNBW , ^BUHL MOTOR CO. Tm-KoW» Salrt and Servle." nui

iBuht, Id ah o ' kuu



• W ith i « t


T he P R O qrE R & GAMBLE 5^ Dlstribulinc Com pony hoa p*i

. sales openln* for a n IntelUgent j - jjj yountf mon 25 to 30 years o f ogo mi WiUl strong sales. In terest, who 7 can progress from personal tp< scUlng to a position of 'sales management. A dvancem ent In ^ tio position depends only upon proved oblUly and perform ance Sui] plus dem onstrotlon of leader- ship Qunllties, A pplicants muat be high school-graduatcs, some ‘ collcgo train ing b p referred . m>

A well developed tra in in g ' pro- gram mokes previous sa les ex- _ perience unnecessary. A p leas- tau lng, forceful pe rsona lity ,-de ter- — nilnaClon to succeed .-and high hi moral charactcr aro ,esscnUal requirements. r- .h^

S tarting sales position provides kkn a good salary, oppo rtun ity lo earn subatontlal bOTUsi'CXceU , alTo Iciit plans fo r p ro fit aharing ; dlaobiilty benefita: nnd life In - u i surance. Cor fu rn ished . £ x - penses paid. .

Men Interested In Uila oppor- tun lty should send full details on personal hlatory. cducntion, qualifications to Box A-10 c/.o Tlmes.Ncws.

SITUATIONS W A N TEDlt&l.IAHL£ ehlld care. KeaMnahle. rhont

KKS-IOlP.TwlnKallt._______________UUS'lUU Plowlnc and manure haullnc.

IlKS-im, fernan Kadlk..UOUaKWOIlK by day or hour. Hon.*.«K

Cllll-U caiu: In my honi*“Lr bour."dir or -----

H.ireUnd. phon* IIK S-471IB._______ UNK

^rh“ nrnE*£m»'or^t^S-447ll‘* v“ "nn: T/

b f . r : ; ‘rv ” r;v“ '5-4S?*“‘'ri‘antVn- _CAItl-KNTEK « r k . ne- or r.m«lellnc. » A'

Cablnti or tmall joU. Phen. HE S-7C:a, « ' OiaiiWASIlElt. hgiuecleanlBc. babr tll- ^

l!?^».11W.""‘“*- “ " P"1‘AINTIMU. Raterlor and Interior. Alao

ptperbtncinc. Fhoae HE S-Sttt. Albert

DIUUSUAKINli. cblldr*a‘e eiolhe*. alter*. lloni. baliosholta. Keatonabla. Pbeot do

ItAMUYUAN I Carpenierinc. palntlnc, Jtnl. -----lorlrc. Wh.ll have youT lleaionahle. It? Tl

CA*i!‘- E N r o r ," ;k . new or ren.odelln,. fal Ily hour or Job. 20 year* •iperlence.Phene HE MUK atler 4 p.m._______ «.

LITT US recommend vood ezt>erleneed ntn pli(or your reraodillnc. repalrlnc. or palm- Se Inc. Nolhinc down, up lo 4 year* to pay Ctneral llulMInc Sunnly. KK S-SS>it

UNUtJU tIUUSK eicavaliun. r<ew bate- •<menu under eiliiinc homat. Ulock and _11cement work. UK S-4141 evenlnc*. Eaiyparmtnl plin,_____________________ Ci

EXl'KIUtNt;m> and well trained book. »f keeper. Alto eiperlenced a t ..rvice lU-ikin atlendtnl. Anrlhlnc *lie conildeml. ^Inlurr lla>lU IKUnc ahUlly and tpt.klnc ><*eapacltr. Ilobert Mur^y RE S-44». jn

BUSINESS O PPORTUNITIES ■"CAKE, tnoner-maker. Iteady to move Inlo. .u

l=C?e“w K t e . SaAUmMt;^ trice. Nice 'lU unit moltl. (

y tan old. Money maker. I4V000.^IS,M0REV sll"."* **'*• W

WANT lo borrow 41U.U0W.416.TOU. Ul ‘" moncace end ateurtd ncrnwi aa **ca>lir.Or will lell'etcmw. et dlieount. WtJu *'Ilo. A-12. Time^Sewi. a^


SALE OR LEASE Sbatemtnt, modern eQulpmtnt tor her

—and'clnb toem.-ln-eenn*etion,-}4 elsol-------- -cafe. Iltal opportunity for man and Applicant muil bave Hank referenet.Inquire , .

McGILL c l u b i n c .McGill,

; BOARD AN D ROOM* n o o u s and Hoard for 2. Cloia la. Call

\ FURNISHED ROOMS^ CU:AN, comforuble. hall entrance. Man , prrferrt.1. SOI 7lh Avenue Norlh.

ONK <;eaUemi*

* N ia ; IIWM with Utalory. Very raatan-

ULXA.S, eklt* In, reawnabie. ZZX 4U ate-

- WAIIM. eltan baiement room~(M~Bia; 41.10. 4<S 2nd Avtnue North. m.^ HLtt:i-IMi toom. - private balk aa^ I j p; , ealr»n<t. 144 WaiblnctOB atreet. Fboae

‘ ^UTKU elute In. IteaMnable. Wllb or •- without kltchennte. rbon* RC~S-43(l Een

5 FURNISHED T ^ P A R T M E N ir ^»-KWJ^.jiiple.. j;u lrd Avtnue >ji.i. ^

11 VILt. A-Jolti only. # _

..........._ CI.KAN, comfurublp. ernpluxrd ruuple pri- TT— d terrfl. iOl llh Avrpue Norlh.

- “ /UNFURNISHED A p f s !- i^ir^^^diiplTi. Wlll iu rn lp iud

lUit or ciIITn: S-H10 atler 4.

'T IM E S -N E W S . T w iC

- -F U R N IS H E D -H O U S E S ^ ^ _'PARTLY furnlthtd modera. Soluble older U:

people. Water furBlthtd. 4U.OO. I«l '-------- - 12 UrJiiiUUM huute.' *41 JackMn. OM ,

furnace; |40 moalh. Thon* JIK 1-OOSIfor k*y.,______________________ _

- UNFURNISHED HOUSES2 UKOnOU^htim*^en ■«'^of^ ground. Ii>:

kUUKItn i beiltwm Mui*. Clot* in. I’oe- tettlon January IS, Phone UE l-24Sg.

2 lltOtllOOM fullr Riodtrn. partial, bat*- menl. 1‘hune UK S-74t>. ‘ • ' -

2 llhUitUUMtl. nuxltra eieept beat. I'boni UK 3-21J1. 22J KIm,

» lir jJ» u 6 M modttn homt. S mllr* (rom city, Phone HE 4-2l>lt,

TWO UtUMUUU Booit on Monru* Slnel.Call atter 4:70 p-m, BK S.4141.

MOVlNUT^ tiaM Ualph HarrU', Mayflower.

TWO UEDKUOH. three .oom modera.. clean. Natural caa.-lU4 Prlmrot* Drive, aMAtX modern home *i xlii Tyler. SSS

per monlta. Oliver W. Jobnion. Mur-taUBh, I’hon* HE 2.2«1. ___________

S lltDltOUM modtrn houtt. lurpaee. al 481 JaekM>n. Inqulr* 4M Quincy, phomUK S - M 2 4 , _____________________

CLKAN 2 bedroom »ouie. Hath, carden apace. oU heater (urnlihtd. S mJIfi oul.ttS.OU, Haret t'omllure.____________

S IlUUM. atAkarmrat. fireplace, hardwood floon. (WtIo wilh Urte will landtraped ytn lj ,I.|refer lo leaie br the year. Phone

MUUr.ltN 4 iMdrvum liomt. fuU flnlmed baiement on Ttylor Street. ImmetlUle - potieatlon. tllO.OO ptr month. Inquire464 Clh Avenue Notlh._______________

4 KUUMd-: Z bedrooBit. Ilvinc room, kluhrn hath. Stove and rtftlcrnlor, full l,ite- ment. Adulu only. Clote In. Phone HK S-IBIO, I '_____ ______________ I

MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENTTAULt:;S AND chain for al, occailoni.

IntermounUln Kutl Co. I'hone HE S-«II21. UKNT-ALUi CU. rtnu motl~everytblnc.

m i (Umi. Aerou *treee from ffre — DepL_____________________________

WARMlUUaE or Horace iptce. AUo healed tlK^V14*B0 alrporL Pboni jj;

KKNT a tewlnc mieblnt. Free pick-up and dejlve^. Ct l SIncer Siwinc Uachlnt -

iiliui' M-Vu*. Ollle^ ri.>lV heal and llchlt furnithe.1. C.II UK 1-W7 or Inq»lr. ~ Hoilthka'i Tot tnd Ilelween Shop. 434 _




rilONE RES.2tt1


Locat and Notion Wide

. SOPERSRE 3-5533 ^

'The Live (ipot on Truck Lane**

W AN TED TO RENT. LEASEUNKUItNlsaro 2 bedroom houte or

aparunenk Contact Coodhop* a l KLU T.V._____________________________

HOMES FOR SALE1 AUilK. * bedroom home. «.400. Will

accept trailer houtt. Aee Rc«Ity. Phone RE S-4217.

2 AND I ll>:OUOOM homt*. R*uonablr pricwl. l^ a tad In {lurley. Phone OR *• 7231. .Hurley.

TU UK MUVU>. Jerome frame duplet. 4 bedroomi. 2 balht. 2 kllcheni. 2 llvlnc ~ room*, 1200 iqutr* ftet. Goo>I Unanl faoui* or Incomi propetty. 46,000, Low 1?m" UkTVi67^*'* *"

THE CLKANHIT IIOU.SE IN TOWN. ralnte<l lail ytir, 2 ilrepinc roomt,Urc* livinc and dininc room, nearlyCirace and ilnrtl'e .htd, nultlde flre place. . Cliwe Ip. IP.OOO. (k>od termi. S*ll*r earaJn conlract.

JIM VANDENBARK212 Haln North RK 4i.4r.14 or t«14

Celebrat* TIIE NEW YEAR In a love­ly new hom* nn Mnnlt VUu Drive.Ilulli for ipaclout llvlnc with three bedroomi. two Mreplactt. bath and on^ half-Ulreh kllchtn with nvtn.-ranue and dlthwather. I lti w.ll arranced nnfchalf l>aiemrnl. Only 111,604 wllh cood lermt.

o n SECthil nlc* Iwo bedroom and dtn hnm* with fJrepUce aJI on lirie douhl* Jot.Viry raaMnabIr priced it 111.100,

' FARMSWe have a nice ttltcllsn of conl ftrmi

[ Includlnir IhU Perfect Itrlnc I'O In the Jerom^W*ndelI arei. (loral vill, Mo>l-

, ern. Jutl rrnodeltd homt. Kourtten aunchinn barn—eictlltnl (eed corral—Onir 424.000.AIii>-Thl. Money mikinc 124 Acrra North of Jerumt. Rich pruduetlve toll. Modern 4 bedroom bomt and olhereutl<ulldlnci. 440.000.

KEY REALTY____. 1 2 f Shoshone Street -West

. ' Phons BE 3-B121Sumliyi and Evtnlnci

OUIRK 4.1ttl—Al Mortan or

^ KK l-IOI»-llob I'tnceBE S.2>»4-JohB i'eldhuicn



i O n e o f

3 • A V T O fA R T S . ACCgSbUHigS «e Abbou-a ABlo Sapply, 121 Srd. Ata. W.' jl; • B A T T E n iE S___________________ 2* Ken-, lltllery Utrialn Blore. Uesalrinc. -

Ilallerln, (.enerilori, ittru ri, Weldlnc. J; • 4* 2nd So. RK 4*CS22. ^

7 ^ B I C r C L E SALES & St,jlV /{;g J UUlIM CyeUry UK >.»»» m Wtin E. J

’ • ^ X B T f fE T S 'm d F U nN IT u ilE a; John. lUwklni-.|nitrlon. HK 4.0141.; • CK.UK.Vr ^ vo n K •

'• • C H A IN SAW SEHVICE •; Ac* Machln* Workt ■ tjg Wtiblnctun~ I!

• CLUCK and W AIC H l{El‘A ll{ i' Uuaranived Work—IOI Kimb«rlr Road, ii■ • U ltA l'E n iE S '1‘ John llawkini—Inieiiuft. HB S.QI61,. • m u C LEANISG -I- iTTcbardwn t IM ,nd a t W«t. mi S.2«2»

* E L E < nim :A i. i n s i a i .i j \ i u »n sliJBlraii ngute. . IMu.inil tn.l repilr

, Killmeet Kleeir e S.47r4n" ^ E X C A V A T I O S ' '

i C F A L L S , IDA HO ■■

_ HOAXES FOR SALEr u y OWNER: New rrf UrlcJt 2'b«lroomi. - SI ' nicktl acbool dlitrlct. fuU baicmant, caa

fumac*. on corner lol, AIio 2 t,edroomi, in fuU baaement, coal furnace, hardwood II 'floora on H acr* Momlacilde diilrlct.

Phone- RE 4-4444._______________~ SPACIOUS ultra-modern beautlfally

decorated and Undtciped home. Per.- aonal Interview necetiary for furthtr

detalli. A» etrepllonai buy. .Price- duee<I for Quick aale.*■ 4-l)KDItOOM molirn home. larca llvlnc _ room, hreikfiit nook, utility, earport.. . (loltbed baiemenl. SacrlfJct.- ■' LU K E’S AGENCY_ 744 niu* Lake* Dial HE 1-U20 -

_ 2-nedroom cutlom llrlck Jieme. (In- m Uhrd l>a..menl. double carace. fine

lucllon. Cuud lermt.a>alUlilt..41ll,H0._It- S-Iledroom llrlck. ^itachM cirac*. A 7. Cl loi.iJ'g?Tll'A. ‘ '""su.boo!- 2-IledrbAm homt. Arellent location.B. IoU of alorace.'fenceil ward. Quick pni- •*: aetilog and. EASY TKUUS. I l t .200.

” ROBINSON-FELDTMAN .21 Drlv»-ln Rctllortn, 147 Main Ave. Wett RK S-ltil

'u IN FLATION IS QVERHKAUTIKUi, 2000 Sq. Knot S b*<lronm

^ bomt, Larct recreation room, beauUful - ru hlibrat quality carpeUnc throiichoui."• a fireplace.. Uree trnnli coutl for old

and your;c. Nice piilv wllh nuld'xir ed srill. Chrery kitchtn and breakftit te -nonk and conctotii illnlncroum. iire re thli and you will lellle (or nnlhlnr _ oilt. Th* low. luw prlc* win .mat* you. -


227 Slioshone S t. N orth J R E 3-8855- MaurJr* KUai Ktrn.ll Andtnnn It JtK S-141l>—I'hon* Anyllm*—ItE S-1(tl '1. ‘‘W* ar* your lervanti"7. Nui Member of Multiple " '

ACREAGES FOR.SALE“• OOOU m acre* In tiuhl. iharet vf

water, fi rotim houie. modern eicepl htal. , l i tlanchlon cuw barn and other out- Jnt ■ bulldlnct. Prica 18.000. 43,400 down, or

trade enully nn M acr* (arm anywhtre.^ I'hon. 0414-JI. Uuhl. ■_________


ONLY II.SdO KOn 1 UEDROOM framt. ‘ wllh I,aliment and doublt s a n it . . Cood ihrubbtry, crait and tree*. Coil furnace and-iloker. 11.000 down, bll. ance like rent. Move In now..■5KE THI.«l LAJl(:Elt^2 alory. 4 ^ml-

3 car«il*.l'li™t llyln*c'and*tllnlnc roomtwllh lovely flre(>ltri. Will carry blc

_ loan. Atklnc 411.000.I.OVEL.Y NEW 1 llclroom l.rick. Sr-a- rluui carpele<l llvlnc room wllh.Oaklryl.u rt* In ' chlVa' cablnti.'’ l/tiniy* wm! attarheil carait, natural ( l l hrtl.In Lynwond . Qalck poiiritioA. Alk*Inc SU.OOO.VKHY FINE i:o Aen firm, toulhwt.t Wrndill. wilh excnlltnl farm home and

_ hulldinci. Very clean, hichly pro.lur- g the. Low prie* with cood June lermt.- 2M ACIlE-t. the fineit .Salmon Tnct

land, with «<0 ih irti of wiitr. A n il^ pro<luc*r every ye*r, Ilnme. machine'_ ahe<l, dometlle well. Atklnc only 4<l.-


C. LOONEY. RealtorT, R E 3-4081*■ MUL-nPLE^LISTERS

ir M O V E I N

N E W Y E A R ’S

IM M EDIATE POSSESSION on these Plvo Holiday Buyi

1. 1800 DOWN. 2 ntdrrwrn home. Rin ace. battment. Toul pricc. tl.OUO. Iltlance Ilk* rent.

_ t. tlOO DOWN. ICS monlh. 2 Oedroom - with hirdwoo<I Cuori and ulllllr mom, full baiemtnu Priced low at t«,400. Ownrr miy contlilir lowtr down piyment end 414 a month.

2. ISOO down on thlt ipaclout 2 bed­room recently ttmodtltd bomt. Priced at IIO.JOO.

4. A DOWN PAYMENT to (It yeur budcel. Will put you Into IhU ntw . , S bedroom brick home, Ilai hardwood floor., bl/ch kluh.n. ipaciuui ulllllr room, attached (ance. A cuod Ur. caIn at 113.900.

I. THIS IIOMK nOASTa a SV.I4' carpeted llvlncrvom. 3 beilroumt wilh larct wtrdrobet, llullt-ln o>tn and ranur. iet In tn all blreh klul.- en. (itlllly room. 2 r ir cance. Uwner will cnniIJtr Irade on alhtr property ai down payment.

f A r m s . ■S3,luo DOWN win pul you In poiiet-' alon o( thlt 120 acre farm. Ilii ntw I heilrtnm home. Vtry |oo<l cintlir block eow barn. Located en the SouthSltlt. •

^ R O “NTIER~ REALTY-------I r t North on Rlut UVt. North'

Uut. Phon* RE S-JOtt Imrl Draney. Wendtll KB 4.:o$l Don hdwtnli. Twin Falli. UK J.2HS Larry^Uorenien. Tirln Kalli, RE 4-12S*


E C T (D A N E X ' I ^ ]

t T h e s e Can. He l i_ • FLUUn SANUINC '__________«

- O A. Helder. Free eti.m.ie^ KK S j iT- • FUEL OIL___________ Ttic! t**m HUla O n Uli | .4„ ,- • FUtlNiTUnE REFINISIIINU -

joho~llawWn*-lnierWrt. UK 4-OIST. i1 • M ^ v v /^ c ; £

• PErs — *’“ • I'arakeeu. Cockatltla. Buppllei. Ua 's-Hh '. K~ • FLUMRINC & UEAI INU 5- Home I'lumhinc and Hi*. Co. KE 4-I4J7. J- ^ S E W E n SERVICE _; j Roto-ltnoler Hewer Servlca. DA~4-4?l'>. •


- ^^U se ^(approtlaituiy I wor^i • C “ . •a*” ***“ •

1 PHONE RE 3-0931 s ----------T — W — i

.■■■■■' I - . ’ " "


^ “ 2^S0”U tl l8 iD C ^ r ire ’ '" A “" d a 7 fr“„ ' (arma worth the atoaey.>d RO»T Ice .cream drlve-ln. en bicbwy :t. SO. Kor le t t '^ ia eotl. b iy letni._ 2 Cheap IQ'i,' m all down paymtnt.

I ACRE la Kimberly.'I roem eiod*ni- bom* belBc kept vacant for immediale

'poneeilon. It.OOO. cood, termi.

• A, G. HOLLANDIS 441 Main W. Twin KaUi ’ Rb l-l»lo

Arnold ilolUnd - KE 4-2134, WendeU Ted.DUU. CIO lJuhl

Dave Uuffakar — KE 4-:4Ci. Wendtll

ANNOUNCEM ENT“ I with to Inform all of mr frltndt and

aciiualntancei thal 1 am ontl aiiain aetlvily encactd In lhe Rial Katalt builneti. I lak* pteaiure In announr- Inc my a t t r i t io n 'with the llimltll Really, localdd In Ihe FJki bulldlnc her* In Twin Falli. Drop In ind aiy ••Hello."1 *^1^ *Ito approcUle Ihe npnrlunjtr of your real etiaia pmblemt. I.el ui

_ t i n, H arry E . R yan

NKW - I.UXUnlOIIS RRICKl 2’ihathi - 2 (Ireplice. . « ronmt plu. bate, meni • double carace . famllr tooni . all bi>lll-lni. "HEDALLION HOME." ImnirdUle poittiilun.SPACIOUS LOT: Near hich-ichnol. Lovely larce fimlly room - fully ear-aten. 115.400. * “ 'QUICT WALNUT STREETS Vtry nice clean modern •, homt, 411 Walnut - cround.floorUiUllty • lirce ciraire . dinin* room -•aloktr (urnaet. Onir410.000. 11.(00 down,KAIIMS: 2M acre. - full w.Ur riirhli,2 t tu of Imtmavemenu. 4C2.000. Verr

- CooJ term..too acrea all culllvale<l. Waled t mlirt aouth of tianttn. Exetllint bomt.440.000. Oood ttrma.

MAGIC v a l l e y r e a l t yor 224 Shoihone Nnrih RK 1-.7131e. J<E 4-SOig K.enlnct KK S-C431 _ Member o( MultlpI* LIttUc

! TRADEyour acreace (or Ihli ICO acii farm, ' SO acret wheat allolmenl. larct fleldt, heavy aoll, no land, I bedroom homt, liarn and mlKtllanmui outbulldlnct. Price 422,400. eicemional lermt. Imme­diate (NMtetilon.2 UKOIIOOM home cloie lo achoolt and auptr market. Cule, coiy and lirmi.

u ALSO •,TWO NICB I I«<lroom homt*.- KOUR 3.4 acre loll. Rancho-VliU aubdlvUlon.


Wnyne W. B lauer - fVnnk Booth RE 3-HOO’ RE 3-5074

R a lp h A ssendrup - R E 3-2334"Acrott (rum Stara” •



INSURANCE _ ilai W n luccntfiil In cittlnc a aetec-

llon of lovely homei. both new and eiiitinc lo ilart the nrw year wllh a banc. Our loam ar* atlracUti wllh Phonf Ul nuw In arranct an ippolnl-

.ment to tjiow yoii^ow eaty ownlnc


Phone R E 3-3Q03 HE 4-<eoo Kvenlnci 1IE t-eSS2

Member.p( Multiple Uilinc

DUPLEX! I!Nc.i:y n.w Duplex. 2 bolrooni unlli. Caricrt. Uve in one and let Iht olher make the paymtnlil One of Ihe l>eii Invrtltnenu In lown I Worth the PrJct nf IM.400. Termi available.

' Dandy I beilroom home on >i aeril Kictptlonally nice kitchen. Aluminumm“an7 fJ«*Ve«"r« IhlVTnm'e-171‘ u e(fir al unly (IS,200. with larmt.

FARMS240 arret wllh 120 undre ciiltlvailnn. SulUble for all cropt. 1 hradmli. Uo- merilc well wllh prrttur* •ylirm. No bulldlnct eictpl rorral and loafinc ihed. l'rlce<I al IIH.ftOO ll'. tht l>eit valut we know of. Termt If needed.'Are you conltmpUlInc a chine* In your farminc ©perallonil Whither ll mlcht mean an niitrlcht tale. Inde for a imaller farm o( l( you want a U ratr acnact. we Mllell your llillnc. Uur eiperlence. prvipecl. iml knowhow wll^ prove Inviluable to you. Cam* In

IDAHO REALTY<14 Shothone St. K. Ph. IIE S.40JI

Ue.-nben ef Mulllpit LUtlnc

t O N A L

O R Y* E R T ?l i p Y o u i

_ • SE W IN U M .iCH INE S__________~ CocBPitent itrvlii NecchI and all makM i; Alao Vaiuum eleaner*. Pb. KB S-4C14.- A-t Sewinc Machlnet. 1SS4 Kimberly R l _ Uint raincer tiiwinc Maihiaa. Kre« airk I, up and ..dellvtry. .Phene (IE S-IJI4,- S lnttr Sewinc Machine Compiny.- • TEf.EVlS/ON ‘iF.HVICP-- Dir lluiertitld’a TV and radio IIK C-mT _ HCA'a lladlo 4 •|eleviimn. Pnune UK. 1-»lT ® 1412 Kiml,erly Hotd. Phon. IIB

- o °“

i • T E n M llE CO N I UOL~ •^rmlnli Intureil frotecilon. lib k:2»4l~.

• U H IO LS1EH YJoba llewklnt-lniartgra. KK 4-0147. '

* -W K T ^ e H S

w E D i m u rnonH ;nA P iiY


j _ RE A L E S T A ~ t 7 7 ^ ^

^ ' *5M D O W ^ ^

• m i r . 'j’ t e•n- family hnme.

■ , .»> Mala Kmi

Acrr., M ... larct fr»'llnc"''u|"rMil!l” ' ' i / ' ‘ '» /"U tl ranehrt Jn ih. f.i.V J."* '*t

r 1IAN.Ch‘ two" '3 oj A.r„«nch h.m'c's""'’"’ ‘'" i ' ' ' ' I ri*

“ Ihret l.e.1[«,m |„,n„ i;,‘, (* '" ’•.r am :*h\r,:,„ K*mUrlr.^‘" '" “ * tl

•GKM STA TE REALTYOfflcc Phone RE 3-S33J__ D’ick‘Me.~r»mTih Ir.m '■'•*■“‘1

: ..........• . MulUpU IJ.iInc H.r .|„


ce ' “Murliuih I n 'l l / .X n ’.ii'.'ilj .

: ^ ^ p a rm s^ f o r s a l T ^

i'op producer, *'|;i%“o, ri *;;V H.n..n


n, ‘I; Iv i pcrject; * ^

40 ACR« ,n .ir Twin. Urxt ( ,i•- and cood Kill. Nlct bemt inl wf buliainc, A re.1 buy. "" ‘ j j .S

"* ROBINSON - FELtmw.V ', , , ^ I Ilriv-ln Iletlwii 747 Uiln A.t. Wett RE uia

80 A CREsf Sinrfy loam. Hat Jirct (UWt; dtt, iJl.b^Rwm houtr. dnmnllc wtll, taj«

lh H EISS IN V E S T M E N T SI '■ S.N .ff..>.A 4.i?m» KA 4-ia

_ CHOICE PARMIOO lerrt. deep rleh. bnvy toll. U Only” lwo‘’ m'v**'(400.00. 120.000.00 dswn, bilin'ct'tim

MANN REAL ESTATE F. n. tnd Doa A. Mtna EA 4-M

. Uttl Salth . . EA.WIHJeromt. Idiho

e- FOR SALEI* One of the bett firmt on SMVt a tracL 221 Arm. 1C;I Inchn wi'ji.

Only SV, mlln frnm lown. Nl<i t- ern home wilh cool oulliulldinn, Ttii. I ■* farm It a miinrr mikrr wlih Oei«'.'1 b<»kt open for Inipeelton. Only IUM

wllh IIS.COO down, btlinri etty Ut«iSCHMITT &-MUFFLEY

Intunnct • lliil bui3 COODINC. IDAHO

Piione WE 4-4781John Ulnlxituucli. Kilnmii

---------------------------------------------_ FARM IMPLEMENTS

KKItliUhUN U delutt traclor ta4 Mt Kord-Kercu,on wlUi' loidtr. 4 M il Wd. muth Jerome. Ilrrmin icia

fj BALER TWINE';; & WIRE 'n> Ifirvrtt Kinc Twine M.OO ptr UIt Inlerntllonal “fwlne ..—tll.OO ptt U10 Super TU Twinr .... ......IT.SO pti

4300 r.K. A I. Wire _lll.50 ptfla'2140 C.r. A L Wir* -.111,21 (tfla


'S AT t h e s e "“ BARGAIN PRICES


■ a l f a l f a cr o w n e kTO riT DIAMOND OARSW iml


Hard «ur(aela» Plow SkartfcPOTATO PlLEBS



Paul “ *

HAY. GRAIN ANP ^ 5ilAY^^for .:al..

wrM Kij“To'uiiY“ «o<dCamey. Phone UK »-IS»- - j

!!!■ WANTEDt Mli»d craln.^ barky. Top prlc* at lh*— bauU J. S. Craven, TauI, I4*»^ HE 4-441S, • _____

- I'S i' JX!. MVS!C L IV E ST O C K 4 POUt S S H__ I iprinc*r cowt^ niehlt. HE ^-*n** <11**

us “ “. ' i s ;s r (Uld M m .

Page 11: unties O 1 Heybur ths Kill York’s I ffering rn Yout led ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF193/PDF/1958_12_30.pdfTtie SOtfi and SJst 1 ^ ^ ^ deaths o f m

D E C E M B E R 3 0 , 1 0 5 3

’- r ^ l S r o C K t PO U I-TR Y . I ~ ~ ~ ^

ttia rke

I ! ^ ^ u ” T B iuN ir"b i.w t. «l«n. F U R N IT U R E &

* n uih .im l. Pho« « : , KT.NMOitK wri.,«r .

' ^ s i ^ l l p r X i z ± ± ]T-^^ri'U L UKfefcUiwO to A.ll.a. I’roYttl ^i” t»rr'rhrin.''('lK"i

. RE »-'«0. Twin .,,,. " In .n " :* "'•I ^SK. .Mf i "'l! 1;Iu"‘u' a«u'

• ■ s p o t

j ; T h « j r ^ ' V i i n ' v : , ’: . '■ r.i r;." "" '* "'n'l'* • ' nANNKri f

. . kUKwtr ts . :M Rhtwhona <iniit><-------------CACIIB v \ L L i : y ---------------------------

SP E C IA L :n " u r A. •*>■•' Hxhl ^ I'T IC TANKS clirh«»c.u. rhoninr.i-«m .T w i»N ii. ->a -t-.i

-----^LUrrVlEW INSriJlNATlON- .. ■i-hnn'VSrtlVICL _ SKITIU TA.SKS. c

”“”S«V'‘r-A 'S s ii‘;r O R PROMPT ■ I'hflnt Filer DA i-i

■r e m o v a l

of Dead and Oseless n . w niciur. mw.

_ L IV E S T O C K r ^ ^^ K N T M r-rnONE u s COLLECT lt«iUn.___________

TwlB r»iu UE W lJ l- I ’tuI IIEH tO t ACCOUDIDN.H. sulUI

ID A H O H ID E j ~ . ‘'; ii,':i'.';;« ’i T A L L O W C O . ‘" 'S ! ‘'l l“ ? . r i ' “ ;

Y G OOD T H IN G S 'fo EA T L ' Z ' . ,

■•■:'■■"£::: t r u c k s a n


■■ p a r t s - !. . , .b , 1 — 1 .1 Wnl 1

ACEIIKX from Aetrol. U tfi... uniul-, J I O T O R TR

lltaltk y e ^ Slort. «:J Mtin Wml I'hon* ” 3* KImUrIr noid

t s.AMt^b- i . r 5 ^ L ..Si v .n " S A N T A

, j s ' ' Ai ^ ” u. . . , . r . i b l.,. S P E CpooHI* ruo*. !«*• Ilr»kurii Ktil.

' lo t -uoaf5~ Ull .tu t Mfvk.. O n A ll

UUS'IUM B e ^U II bullMc puvpin. $Zi T H IS AD I

PUPPlM. Call ■tl*r t^.fn. I»T Mi>nrn». lO-FOO'TUV IIOSTON tlenwIAU tlud ..r.lc*. »:> TO JftHUftlRR _______________I’AllAKt'.in'S. CMhall.il, Hrniih bIH. b*n< • *“•* ”

Urn^^.r.4 tllkU cblcUxi. Thon. UA j j y j

fUU l‘U m £ S . AKC rrtimrtd. Ktwnt .nd biMkt. Sm lh«m «t Sklpnir'* Kin* It li I.Ur thin .1.. phon. n r. M»>._____________ 8»nu will .non 1

fUUIt—Mln* iDOBtbt. B.I* ond fnn.l*.IlKUlmd CDmuUmI, CMU.f6rt K.n- M ERRY C!

"•■«i!rv5!S .".“I, . J S ' , :: i“ K - ■=r u i of WouM bii. ll.i.rm .n , phon.

. J g ^ S i m p s o n McliKAUTirUl< (i*rtn*B 8hcph.nl pup., » T>iit«.i-fnontbt oM. lUf« punr ihou. ptp.rt RupcrC,

•r* >r4lI>bU.-. For ul« «t Twin K»ll. _________________J V rt.rln.rr CJInl* «B >ad Soulh. B»jt to ---------------------------

W A N T E B TO BU Y “ C A P ]’ 'f f i ; ; ‘S ..s ." , ',S iK S .i« . d . . . .»a t r a i l e i

“ S . v ? s . , v ; u t : : . M ' , ; A ' ! . . r i* w i s h e ;

- s ; H A P P Y H

i;i;r.»5 '“r '.T . ': ‘•“ ' ‘ *»■>S P O R T IN G GO OD S - R E A S O N 'S

^ • «»• low. I hC.n>d« Dry Hlfhkll U itn

Lucky L w r l!«r. le* Cold ''• * *'*““ S f f s 'w T i 'S *JsMBM* Ijltechl. ,

B O B G E E R ’S ' n ^ T > ^Cc*«n sum p. li-nau t. O A J t J

M ISC EL L A N E O U S FO R SALE TRAILEI‘ "S. V u«>d W M t Plve PolnlU»e WllhlniMn. M; mUw iinrdi. <;oo.llni, — .V v t . ..II or Inu). «UB.. a lU 8nr>. Il.p.

r LlIilLT ^'Kk^Ul pin. 10- l*lncopini ' -

° i i 'S r £ “"-- ““■ f .QUA) k*" n‘- . r . t i . " s i s , ? , " " ” '- ' u s e d p

I S S S S f S l K i i j T i r i i r >-onD v -l !ililtK I-U cfc . . . .< Ob.,,,. Iig p ., >«* DODCB V-I 1

•l*tl<r*r*d. Then* RK l-0 » . 1»S1 DODUK H Ts rilUIU>|NC5-S»"tMt wlll*-»-dlff.r.nt -1»»I-1NTKHNAT10

l*n»th«. rhon* RB i-T77t or KK HCOi. jmo INTKHNATIO.WINUOW SKAUEK. t>« tnd ap. Cut to ( tock 'r.ck

»li* frM. All H. It. Klai >lot««._______ 1941 KOIID H Ton. UUI I t ' mlnut* coiin.L Cntlt'i

_P«lnt fitor*. 6M M.ln gouth. . XTt-v rmt m . „ „ „ „ II,. . A N D T

IVmh.r t ».00 TteiMBd, N«il door to •>-»rrinn M.Hr*M CacnP.iiT. ______ »S l DODRR Tnifl

fuii.NKV tJ*etrl« W*ld«r, IM snp, I r*ar *“™<.‘1-1. wJlli ^ .lUchffl.BH. C.II E.I.H. m i KOnO C*bo».r

____________________________ l»ll ClIEVnOLETbAVt: o v c n tM.M. TU. a>rr p*rRirntt 1»S1 FOriD >'•( Ttl

»n fiUu(/*r HMhln*. Fho.i* KB N.w motor. CT7^;"‘’*” ' , ____________________ t»«l CIIEVUOLETI f M a r j i . . i i a

t w i n i

e q u i p m :

■ i~ i- ! i ! r ’ ''*•* ’•■'•■ R E 3-

m u f f l e r s IN S T A L L E D ~I’ltEI-AHB 70R HOUDAY BniVlNO I 9 I

MiN U TB'senyicir P O T T T '• J, A BBO TTS ADTO ii t fP L Y ‘ O U J j U ,

o J .% v ; i ; ; s U P E R I

'y„rt,i. ulllli, —33* — 10 WldB

« '* ** *!*•” —Wmll lo wall c

h a r r y K O P P E L C O . - 'm c n n o p jin e p1S3 2nd Avenut South —D eliuo eyo levi

____________________ _____________ —0 *rbft«e' O ltpaf u r n i t u r e i A PPL IA N C E S - m i o r r d h« th fl

. r


' w A L K E R r " " ■ '• rrn iich lacd OE Dealer *»">“

_________ ^ South U*l{t,

vet placeo f 3 s Q 3

ic valley; & y P L IA N C E S TRUCKS Ah

l .m '‘y"rn‘l!l',* ‘'’''*"“ ^ w 'T iK 'l :" iV ,

“'Mrn.''il!l“‘Art.l‘,^n wjli!: > QUALITY Ml U- U.-J*Uh....r..lli AT

______________ niEiu Pr^ hlrctnc r.ng.. only *n,.n


J v : .u.„n-,ic . . . i , „ . T R A D E

_______________ «i: Addlion Wni• nd avpll.ncn. You c.n “I'™*'* h» tfa. k

i l H j ' " - , WA]DT CA SH . ' „

a « .d o . .a -rt funm ruR B and Ti. . . . r . . . . i . i i M i n .,

• B O Bm o t (

j i T y S ' S AUTOSik*n’* HoliKoot*'Stf.Vc” **ronilll«^V'.m.i «->;iQ._____________ <:.ii nin-j. iiiiiii.AND MUSIC

' 11" c.llnrl TV. Viit,aW. ntw p.n .. JH. RE 1,! C.II CA l.tl jl

or 21" Kloltinn irij. by •I r.kionabl* r.Im. Kulorr _ _517,......... M U I

'E jr H H 'Z YEARE.on iil.n. C O N T

iir.I.yt’i'lK **'°"' -


M O N D - T ’ W H O L

5 - s e r v i c e T O ■!

e s t e r n -------T R U C K I N C .

no.d IIE t.:n i BcU ci

M U R P H Y ’S FA C L A U S ” EAST !

'E C IA L S *’*

All Units -------------------iD IS W ORTH B e a iJ ON ANY■OOT UNIT M E R (nutirr 1. 1D59

lU R R Y (Bccnuio we

’6 7 m e r o . tCruiMr. Yukon y

: CHRISTMAS whll. InlMlor. r.br.kn.rnOU (I.........klrt., whl

„ . _ „ th* mo»t Iw.ulKi.~ J l T j ’57 M E R C . JM o b ile H o m e s i>h«ion. i

pert, Idaho____________________ A ll lh .« l r . j . Lo

low riIImc*. ^

lP I T A L '5 6 M E R C . 11

m S A L E SH E S Y O U • M.rcon,Mlc. Wk-

H O L I D A Y S -56 M E R C . .

N 'S S P E C I A I ^ S S S

old' en ^ tatb '5 5 'M E R C . J** 4-d«or. IJm* tnd '

PAN AMERICAN b«ln~ m .n . Uwjlpir l l t t t P*d' cannot m lol

' '64 MERO. J

. P I T A L S’rir^oJr.i’iai'o!!

,ER SALES' ’« me£C._c»olnta Beeline h ..u r. whii.w.u


------------------------------ ' \ T H E I S E Jr A T T T 'V L lN CO LN -M IlA L i J - Y .;i 7 0 1 M A

P I C K U P S ------------------

U\lz":;Lz w ' R I C E c h4 Ton. E»lr» toodmoNAI.-^-Tsa---- - \rAPTr<kTIONAL *, Ton. Dutll, .B lA ljlO

Ton. V.l. *-.PMd T R A D IN (

TRUCKS ‘“'JVS.*'!:fnitk with iOod /urnl- J,“rnl'’?lnlri'hn... 1. ' v.» m'llMM. ThLSr 'l Ton. Stock rack* 'I Ttiornlnh dual drio. 1911 ClIKVItOLr <r. Cood ■.»’>. Turbo-flld*LET t Ton, Slock r.ck ■I Truck. S..p«d. run.

HJT fORD ralrli

F A L L S E i ' i r f E '

' M E N T C O . - - 'B 3-4420 »«-------------^ ^

Urw. R*allj1959 «M» CIIKVROLt-rowtrflld*

. U M B I A ,

I D E L U X E' irr.MffwM

IdO Itlt NASII Uo<ow'c'ir.' U< poruUon _

ill carpet , ' * ' le picture w lpdoffi C O M M Ilevel oven ' »»’

Itpostl hitch. A fOc* m t u m - » H c u K v n ^

• ot Mrrlc* It'f

;; V A L L E Y U S E D (

^ H O M E S

.th8hoiQ .ane

rui* fr«m Ui Bundajr

' x'


? : H H t ' i i H H § ; T O P Q UM. ILE HOMES --- CA.P««"jor You •"

>rir.n ' ' Nylon'.llr». hVH,w cilEV v.n. V l'S . S^'KVIl;^^ ilrl»«. lraniml»»hW ln B for 'Hire '*» *-o«i) ►'.iriar.

. AuUiniatlc. lUdID E R H O R N CKVROLKT VL E R S A L E S •>lnl UK M5}» *« »'0IID V .fOI.II. bconoRiy oC «u.lll»" d.n, ll.dlo, h*«li

........................................... •« PONTIAC Chlet

A J ^ T E D ■ S K - 'l J I l " .I Will Buy «A.sv«o«r.™:d TnielM, pickup. Y O U ]

-M O T O RK»njM o.n 10^ 5 .

3 R E E S ET O R C O . ----------------------- ;: tnd-ATmu*-8oulh --------------------

IS FOR SALE ’•19-’50-’5 I T W E W IL L M

i i --------;-------- ;--------- JA N U A R Yv^ri'n ;t:i'.', ',i:i‘'’r-ui,i:;: lo" «*..ma r.cllllac «.,|M>r .nl>n DODrPJ»r v .r , , 00.1 .Nlcal. „ ,;,invVoLCTB._____________________ t l h'nill) Vlfinria,


■ u r p h y ’s . o15 tJI-DSMOHILr •

E N D S A L E “• cS m S ' ' ;

T I N U E S S S I I S f - K i ;U nUICK Conxrtll __________ t t LINCOLH CapH

.sell C n rs se v e r a l n o d (

L E S A L E a l l c a m V I Y 0 U !------------ • H A L O '

Ucr Hurry- r .f ' s USED.CARS “ p h o i3 e “T 5-PO IKT3 J . . I W "t .( >H.L.ih nr. i- :2U ---------------------------

PERSONALLYs a u t i f u l


tInlKl claM. al

IK N O W !.«e told them ne»-) » » K a ^ J . ' l d '

:. T u rn -P ik e $2895 „ „ c. Ln rtllow with l>lack and on* own.r. *■. I'owrr •Irrrlns, iv<wrr lockout front• Malic. Mullllt>l.«r. llnl..l and whll* Irt whlKwall lirr*. On. ot d.froalara.

uU(ul cart rvir ah-iwn.1»ST PLYUOUTIJ

M o n tc la ir 52495 ‘n. Yollow and whll*. ati whll*. GOOD ir, rowrr .Irrrlns. I>nwrr

whlLwall tlr« . 19J7 CIIEVAOLET. Loc.l owntr. Enlrrmrly dan. Automatli

I. H a rd to p S1795Sirrn r«l and whll*. L i. ndlo. haal.r..<nllr.K.. Kully fqulpprd (.Kt rack, t-l

«k.up ( U. uar.nl nAMtlLER I

4-Hoor 51G95II.au.lful hlu* .ml whlu Sillta.V Coi y «<]ulm>td wllh U*rc<.- .m u .Htaltr, llnl*d i l» i . Loc.l• t« lo appr«lal».

;. Monlcrcy S1205 D E A N M (md Mark. Ownr.1 1>y I~al , .Uw mil**c*. (ullr •uulp. S"*! Av*nui W.• told trom ntw.

!. M on te rey $1095 ITTT' il*«rln«, power hrakM,radio, haaltr, whiltwall . , .r- V ’T? A PI throufhouu . . X u r i J n

a ® B;A .RGrwaU tlrra. Lt.dtd and ^

"8HiEN M O T O R S • CARS 1-MERCURY-EDSEL . '• , =MAIN E A S T 57 WILLYS s u t

. 4-whc«l drUt. Onll

I H E V R O L E T , ■„ =

C V ./^L E Y 'S ! “ ;;"."r."diu5


...iKir, Drn.On* tr.n.- e1tua'’" leAn“'“radio. h«l*r. pow.r ______

pnwrr hrakr., Iwo-lon. ■ . —■ 'Sll'S V M PLYMODTKa r -------------------- laoM lUdlo'. bnl*

;.v "k.;. z - . , i r .j «™..~. tnilnr. Iwo-ton* paint, . , - laii. radio, htaUr. Thl.I'a lln*at In 'tJ 64 OLDSMOBt-door 6up*r Hardtop. «H!<>»r. Iladl o. bMta

!‘“ ”,;n.Sir.ton.“ *tli"tii fflLEACE*"-to-lon* palnl, whllewall _____•>rr nica______ ji:9» 'lLCT4.IoorHard.opV-*. B3 PORD V-8d* trmoimliilon. Ilnlnl Itadio, baal.r, aurKO-ldn* palnl. Uia ot TltULY A GOOD I obl^frto acrvlc* — c s ^ =

door t'alrlan* V.t. Ford^ . PIC ! antmltalon. radio, htaltr,palm, Unl*d ila t.. ^ IS CHEV H ton. 4-

* t i OUO H Ton t-door Suitiman. 0 'tr>anamlaalon. Nlc* eltas . t t STUDCOASEIt. --- 1-------1*----- 1311 11 CHEVnoLET Vi

M E R C U L S • “ -‘=“ *vnoLET\)LCT Ji Ton. 4-aptrd. « CUEVhOLCTply llrva, h*.vy duly i p . -food aolld pickup-.tlSIl>1>ET H Ton. 4-(Pt«d. TTTTTW..Kr*nK*l hlUh. Lola ' W l lI lift In thlt unlL-_.»T4t ' - t • *.a.


Phone EA 4 -«13Pbon. aE * 't.« il”

idayi 10 ‘Ul t "Wbar. Cuaiomar. 1

. - ■ ■ TIM ES-:■ t


; FOR SALE ‘ AUTOS FO----------- -------------TwtTTmirrTwTiu;

Q U A L IT Y:a r s - .•• :-d~,r atd.n: Ra^J. ' i '? i‘ hrV.m Ilk'


nlutoTr'.Tfjr.'nJ'o't'i i »»* OLDSMOIIlLr. I . • *•” ’ f 19S1 PONTIAC Club

lant V.a t.ctoor imI.h. •nulniitd ..

•T r . T ia i ' • ‘ T '' ''

‘"*1 BOY’S. USE T aMmlMlfn.''’ U *'’.‘'u y <30 M«ln NorUl

^ —.™. KH Optn Sunday* •: TO CHoosB r i lo u ■

lUN'G’S B E L <M A R K E T

. OB th. T trr.c ." ]9S( WII.I.V,1^J«P

3 -N E E D -------------L TRADE-IN’S u S '." ! ;" .. , .

follawlnr'earil 19M CIIKVnOI.ITT 1.<«.Kiw.nK car., fil.I|.,r, Wa.on .oor V.t l»t4 PLYMOUTH :-<rr RtlAIr Sport Coup* Kuiinn tVaion .

i m CIIKVnOl.CT <■ S f.'o 'A l^^Tundard- 'ir. o.trdrl.a QVER « CAKS. FL£ • ll" Moor TOUOKS TO CH

~ T W i f f iU»odlCn

On TnifW) DOWN PAYMENT A.k for Nutiy Norihr CARS _____________ •-- -


.O U SK A0 S A L E S ■ " s s . a s J1 Avenue Ea.nt tiTrlt^A-i'coNDi rE RE 3-8i75 SPEC ( lh* Ntw City HaB iiOTO Klr*tlll

Stdan. Hadio, h*a«?n«" On” ^s|!M

LLY INDORSED iyTbia car li «ond.

II Ambaiaador Cu.tomaio. htaltr, ruih-l>ullan 'tt FORD V-l Plckui r»r alrtrlnr and brakt*. »ilra‘*. 4.700 act■I. air condlllonlnt. un. THIS AT A, whd.wall llrM. Only i

TWCTIM Sator 4-door S.- 'H *, “ alBu"cOOD'’T l l* ^ • 'S P II j t p K Ton Pickup. TERM S ;r, 4-wht.l drlv. wllh ’ront hub*, Mon* blu*, Irtth . lr htaUr and BROWNINGTli V - l -n tN I t^ t . • (Whar. ,o» dtal , Io, htalar, puih bulloB n ^Ion. t-ton* »rt*a and ')0D TIRES ~ •

p r e -n e wod Uraa. 2-UB* plnk and

Italion Waron^PV-4«, ‘ J A M B 0 R 5

n. ow i?ow'neii A _1 USEI

>ulo«ali«'*tr7ni:aliil^' AND TR.Ur, llnltd ilaia. Mon*htf(» On* own.r. low W.'r* d*ltrm1ntdGood ()'*<• H*cllninr Inrtnlory ot ui*d i

btfor* Jan. 1, ‘(9. t .v * Ioadri*«p*1

M OTOR CO. lUt torhA-1 hura. It Wt*l - RE t- :o » . •________________ , --------1958 F


^ R E N D ? . " V : i r u : ; ’i ' r t ', • *aulpp«i and only 4R G A I N S ,


3UUon WoBOn *2103 > « uUm.Or.ly ItOO mllf,. V*ry, • , 55,

I —FO R D COUNT= ^ = 0 PASSE^ L E R 4-door rully Tow*r tqulpix1 Radio htaltr «>tr> • W« .OtUy _ liUoolBi’ anlu *___ J ------ 2 1057 PI

LET 3-door $1399 nntamallonal) . LenBuUatl* tran.BlaaloB. io“ C) n«lIo. Kr*at. N

'r tr V fl tia1u#.hj.va -SCOTSMAN TH V-a Belvederebnltr. aulomatia Iran*. Ottrdrlt* and ap

H.OM nllta. rrlcwl .ctiral mllta.

= = = 18S7 r<LET BelAlr 4-door RANCH Vlow mll*aft. Eac*Ilinl rorJ«m»Uc. radio, ha; a** to appr*clalt. . i«t. Nyloa Urta

nvhS '"v-a;v a s

_K.5 G IV E -A ’ttandart lraa,»uai.a. BUY A SEC'


'ic K u p ; „ „ „ _ r „ u ;Poiltl.aly <1.

n t t d CHEV l-door _Bit U T«» ' •»** TORD I lon —

^ l l l l DODCE Corontt^ H Ton CHEV Moor _T - l l t l PONTIAC, «-do<^ '* 19M PLYMOUTH O!T y Ton 19tQ 8T0BB Pltkop

' , 1ST C O M B ............

a L L S - ^ - — ' - 5 xJHL“ M 0 DAR D E P T . r ini Mlu .LANE rtE S T ■ ' . ■

’lil t. Roy Un..r<lKl Twin Fallt Opts CxalDit>ara Sand TbiU I'n .ad.” •


n.l 1M4 ciiKviioi.vrrr..S..n^dardlr.n.„,t. XHC N E \xir with 0I.la M .ntln.

...... ........« « . Mei

^ n e w l o vClub to«P«- fullr ■ , A

ri« Sptcl.l Dtliixt C"A “R “Ij"Ii0- CHOOSE FROM Cftdlllac *:USED CARSrui RE3-13C3 1958 CADIll«r* and c»tnln*» , , Dc\---------------------- ' All powtr ijulppci, Inc. air .mprni'oiiI L O WE T P R I C E S CAd ii

J„r. 4.wht.l H.l.r,.................... tain I.»urrl and ItiRiallon Wteon. <.whr«l t:t.(>Oi) arlual mlira.

.CT s! Ton. _4.J,-.~1 1955 CADlLLiT.,n. Cu.lom rJar.innllirin!;''','! .............. ........«l irtmh l"\call^Z n ^ T ^ J : l % r t ....... ......fTT l-door • SEE T H ESE '!r'lTt-i;;--------'* MODEL T'CT4;;iir * 1957 PONTIA

-..... ......... *’•* SupcrchicfRS. PICKUPS AND ' Cai.llna Harrlmp5 CHOOSE FROM wSlV/lX L I E ’S 195rFO R D ^/ £ l S-MOTOR IMiwtr tlttrlna, CrI .Car Lot 'ri'.7,7o«hrupTl.udy Lodtr • 39|5J_^FORD^y

, *r.' aulomalle lr

iV N I N G ’S 195G 6 ld s m (

5 C I A L Sn,,i„. Pr*mlum tirt., Im

:i;! SiaXw. rtdlo. 1957 PONTIAfoNDiTioN. '*** ChioftaiSPECIAL AT I20S0 Caullna Hardmn (.. ... . . Ptd plui TMiwrr-p

S ;r"■• 1056 PONTM

apEClAi. AT « l«5 C h ic tta i

•r drn.'la*. .ciuifhL pii'iM tiw.r.w.'

p f r ? ' “ S s s r a E V ‘i.IE

SPECIAL 13005 ''"J®"*- “ TWOloih . raal buy. NUMEROUS C'■ SPECIAL AT $323 MODELS.


NG AUTO CO.dtal wllh coBtldtnea) C -A -R -L"!

--------PON7IAC-CA• Ttt'ln

E W Y E A R S • -•



O K U S E^at an all-tlni* high.

3M‘k*orv thli partial GLEN G. hurt.

ig FORD------ — CLEARAN't■IDERBteDalu* for lha buytr wh* ' Ofl mott In luiury. Fully

y ■ There't oi

“ 4 —----- 1857 OLDSMOB58 FOBD FORDORS .i: AND FAIRULNE 8up*r tl.'Kicrptlo

1.57 BDICK C .Ityeathittlownlluc* , J2 Fujly *(iulp»*d_ ,

10S8 1057 CHEVROU)UNTRY SEDAN— M\SSENQER flUlion Waton. iV.

and grlcri^U 195a CHEVROLI

7 PICKUPS------ „ 3 5 ch e v ro l;Kr«»*‘ hlwh. >i«'u« V.,rOEBAKER— ~ 1854CHEVnOLl^ N JORDOR...... .............. pow*;iBd tpoU*aa wllh lt.og» ----------*• -----BUY OP 1S7 rORD:H WAGOli 10S7 CHEVnIlo. baalar, pewar attar. 19.000 mll. V-l. j

Urt*. mtullk cold and. <« (H h ir^all !>»>-'


OLDER1-AWAYS- tord 3-a SECOND CAR “ g “ S K fLY 524.44 UP iflsr cHEvnoLi

1080 MERbURYruU Prlc* - Hurry 1M9 PONTIAO>.ly <10 d Iara • 105J CADJUJiC

orontt twloer_t444.(4 COMMER

IH Cont____ I444.UItkup -.t t f . . M954 FOftO >i ‘

' KaMlltnt. . . > . IST SERVED 19J3 FORD H ’

_____ ___ __ -!„ ■M OTOR CO. 'let and Service 1941 pom , ,4 .II THE DRIVE FOR ' ' TYOUSXVE. . , C aU R

luhL Idabo GLEN G.'* Twin Fj

.. ID A H O . . ' .

IS FOR SALE AUTOS F(iv;. I'unliar V.K llarillgp. HJKI) 4-ilour n

[ E W Y E A R g o e

Means V,0 W P R I C E S 'M O T O R

, t i Z. ^LrE-S-0”N “S • Kootl clcAn ujcione. owners.

Ill .U5 on these top 'llac Trade-ins' i»« viuKDOiin <-•

.DILLAC Coupo,E '!.'il,t . 1, >■” " f ' s s "rniloi>. Eldor.do tnsltit, whd.i.I: "''il?* W.ulltuI t-.-lht motl ouuianillnf u»»J ftllmt whlit»

nine UNIT,DILLAC Coupo i9i j FiRnDOMK :DeVille *uu"f

mllf.. viu'll lovt 10 own 15JI rijSTUH Wi

LLAC ‘G2’, DeViUc H :r 'S rw 'Jijpi.pd and jMiwtr rhi. air Miundmd rl».-lrlcally ronlrollf. can't-htat IhliU'"."- ' " ■ 1951 KIHEI'OMK :•SE SHARP LATE *

TRADE-INSm ,. r* We hnve forty 0 i modtl.i-to chooshicf $2295 top condition, ydinp Coiipt. Conip]«t!y Jy dO bctlcrr . ‘Xirh!'"v>» ww'lli*! . al

D Wngon $2895 GOBn, Vullr Miulpptd pluit. CruUr-O-tlailo Iran AciDu ftnm tlInlcrctpliir *nilnt. Solid . Iluilntai,

$17.15 Dial RE-loor fiflan. nadlo. htal.c iranimlillon. i.toa* —

SMOBILE ■ ^?1895 ^

. Fully *qulppKt. I'nwtr (tr brakfo. tltrtrlo atat. ^1. Uw mlltast. CITIAC - i:iftain $2295 ‘ J-llnn Coupt. Fully tqulp- „ ^ ^K - 'A . 'S d T - R - A - p -

ITIAC • ■ ' ’ C tO - M - Ii ta ia $1695 -o t> jllop Coupt. Fully tqulp- ,? •JT-IV-i- r-pac, dual txhauili. Unl-I *h*fP- I ' J9S1 CHKVIIOLCT:V BclAir 91295 » » chevroll-tHan. lladio. htaltr. powtr 1D» DODGF. Plck-u... Dual iptaktn. Rtal , „ j , WILLVS *--1


. 19S4 FORD PlekupL-E-S-O-N’-S ' *** «.M0° m»«,:-CADILLAC-aMO Inil i’'«*n hl^iFtt-ln FalU 1«» FORD V-* Lon

• .E«k«"ridir- ' ot.rdrK* andh(a ---------

l U r t T h o

W Y E A R M O T O Iyr _ E n c 8.h lftl«h A Quality

S E D 'C A R S I . ,Kom ■



. “ M A G I C

a't one here Ior youl FoniotnaUo t»M « ________ 67 FORD CutlOtV.K. t-d^p itVIOBILE 4-door Fordomatlo- Taa

$3485 Locally ownadctpUonal SB BUICS SpCCC century ju^'r.“‘w i» w

*3305 tlrai SO.OOO actual4 ' iBB MERO MojatcaOLCT 4.door bPiki'IS^mfu:

(310S wall llrta, radio, bin. iV.| powtnillila S7 MERO MontC)HOLET 4-door ■ S^’t l M l S l I.11493 . UnlMl Iau. powar

Irlo ■' ‘P '‘-• ' B8 VOLVO 3-dO<Bwtdtn'a guallty c$12DS . 'radio, btaUr, wbltr

.rclU* tatraa. 10.009ROLCT p iA I r • U , r 5 ? . S l “

$9051 drlv* Lliht crttn»w*r attSrInr 55 FORD CUitOB________ Va t.d0«r .Sadaa. Idrlv* tranamlaalon.O P T H E W I E K — n ' r o p S T d SA Crtanputf Country Btdaa f[E v n o L E T B d A ir K i r a i o E ' s S iV-l. powtnlld.. Btautlful £tuu SuUoB Wa. and btlf*. If you eaa’It»-W.niat«youl 85 CHEV. BelAl

■■ ' ■ 4-door. Radio, htal53 BUICK Spec

jELECTION OF 4. M r 8rt.tt. £XlER MODELS 63 dodge ,

4-door StdaB. PERI 3-door______1505 64 FORD V-8BclAir Hardtop $505 ?o‘|!dimMH*tSa«2-door 4505 • 54 FORD Cu tOi

— — . . tHp*«l With t-«pc*rT^or-fATC ' 57 INTERNATI[ERCIALS . . . IH Toa. A Fin. TTOLFt' H Ton $1898 “ 0 2 Ton .

“!i‘ Ton V-8 _»7«5 m any PICKUP■Hint condition 7R)H Ton V-8----- S043 .„• - 1- • , M AROLCT n-T6t,--45g5 — CAR"&‘I 14 Tbn --------- IIB5 COMI

FORD — MRRiUl RE 3-3033 TRC G. JENKINS »«■“>

i, fWlt. Idaho • “ *•“ »

' ' ■ ' ' ■ P j

^ • r 1 a u t o T T■»« ciiKvimi.irr1 yi ‘ ■ tran>mli>lon.' ItadlS

|_CS • ron.mion. .Ntw tin

t ' 3 . - 0 9 3 i Ti

.,r m.inlln.r w.lh n.tr- '• W ith

SHARPEJ DRE’S T(« m art ■idcrful telcctlon otujcd Dcsoto-R-Ail ■ ALL CAR5


^in^-^nfi-S,'::;::; ■ ' ' ' N O...................... IlMi

youi i i i r H r S ■ moto

ISI Uala SoulbIK :..l«or Hardlnp. trlnt anil hrakti. radio,

iirj?Si:S:Ki w e ' r e n c - A n y tu i n g ,

h“wU*h‘‘ir«'ll7*‘ ntw* THESE UTh^A n"'^"* '*™ SPECIALS.

H O N EST 'ri; (iltamlnc two-lnn*

-Make tho .T•ptciai. ONLY...... tnu hapov Christty olher mokca itnd ot our "SAFE lioose from. In tip- Uted

Y o u l . . l n u l i . r . l .dan. Fordomai

at I" palnl. naw

DRE’S, & ; S : S

r e ' 3-7124 S 'S 'C l r ' '

- im NASH AmbaiCoupt. Radio,P whllawalli? il



D -E I-N -S S S .i -p -a -r : e

-I-C -E-S We havo manLCT S ton Truck^lint ' «'>LL-T S-ten Truck _«»t BlUlt ftll gO bj

---------!t!t • NO REASON*4-whMl drlva pick. R E F I

n trusV --------- - t i l l S P AVTIONAL Pleku<v*“ » _

-i— motc ^ y 'S J r w : : : ! : !LCT Pickup____ lt» ------ .

body------------12100 ___& '* rt;:i^ K ;- ,^ r r , A D I F F ]>dlo, biKh, crill .fuard, and vary low mil*.------------- — ««« • IN USEN IO N We RecondlUonDRS, Inc. "ur..v™c»« ; p . n . n ™ ' “ “ ” " s ,s 's 3 , . r ?


ttlw innaala^.V A L L E Y I IHT rLYuouTi!urbaa, RuHo.HC CARS”

llil DUICK Spael atom 11578 vJ*-*?Stdaa Radio, haaltr *«w«r brakaa.aftiBliloi^MATblui 1P« OLMHODIL] nion ^.IIIS T«»

K i S K . ■ ' “ s a s ' u i 'ODtclalr »3906rowtr alt.rlBf. powar ]iu DODOE S-d»natlc. Brand atw whll jlo, btattr. p<lo, btaltr. UnUd slata. brakta. pamt

)DteUU- . «3503 19H CHEVnOLSIul UrggoU* aad whlU . b**Ur —lo, hMiltr. W*rce>naile. ih< DODGE t-doo>war brakta. Nav wbit*. Babolll liotol-door sedan |1909Ity aar. Egulpptd wllb COMMEibltawall tlr** asd maay0.000 actual ollafc njTERNATKUttom $t04S l-apttd. 4-tptlan. HadW.be»t*r,.«var. __ bolli notoe .rttn tlnUL }iu CUEVROLtIIttom $945 . ap**d. Onablaa. Radio, btatar. evaiw .’btd. tl.000 Datlon. Iltht'erm and » « CHEVROLEl

»2oJk, s ! - ! . . ? : ; ? :B » paMtotar 6uUo'b'>, IHI STUDEDAKE peclal I34SS * irala Ud ^

Waoa. Radlfc baatar. m l yoRO l-lon ".b**** *“ *■*” “ "**• ^ I r • . IS75' „ „ DODCE~oIIi


PERFECT COMDITmN Fn'd’aSr Srtl1 Rtdlo. ktaur. 1I«F_0R ^Ifto“m '*“• ma VijJSiJ a*'"’ ^*"’£*45 im B^EOAKI btaur, dy.*now- drlva.

“ ? m i a l s ' „ „ S „ - S sQO 3 Too $3999 up. t-apoad>apc«d Top abapa . Sharp uaU .ATIONAL ___$3599 » » CHEVROLEIin. Trtrek Good ,•OO_________*3145 « «



JEROUB. IDABO • 'Uaad Cu U« SA «4ta SOO Block 2piM *ru. »■

5 FOR S A U T n ' i ^ B-KT . Utlalr*. . Asifmatli tadl3, htaltr. In axlaUttI

tlrca. tlBIS. .rhoa* BJS


[t e s t ' l o t ” H' i t h - th o ' H B

'E S T c a r s : n

T O W N ■

3ED CA RS B BI ln s Down B h M'Ider Models

\R S PRICED '• 1 ^ :> SELL - -

>I0W 1 * ^AT | K f l |

) U R E E

r o R C O . ; ' Mb — RE t- lll t , i| P H


T V A L U E S ! ! ; ' | Bno .whole fam llj ** irU tm as .with one » 9 AFETY TESTED" . IB M te d Cara.•Irlana *-{00-< Town | ^ Hlomallc. braltr, two.ton* tw prtmlum whlltwaU ISOLUTELY UKF- * l l ^ ^ H------------------ _ _ l 2l t tniLE Suptr M 4.dpof .dio. haaur. hydramailt' .Ittrlnf, powtr. brakti wlndowt. aulrasla trd p ^ la I^ £ d M r1 i^ .* i^ tr, dynUIow. tw«^Un* bit la an outttandlnambaaudor V-l Hardtop’:adlo, btaltr, aubHnaOi^

■rdomallc. radio, baaltrf •I n« • «

n ie r c ia l s -LCT U n r whtal h u i .uek. (lr«ln btd. I par*(a:o lft p|y U r ^ j ^

^ ! ^ a L ^ 1” ° % ^ ' '^ '

many o th e r make* ;;I In stock and th e r ' ,0 by Decem ber 31. Z i ^ H

lONABLE O FF E R i j ^ H £ F U s m i / .

? A E T H H T O R C O .- B3A H 0 EA 4-493i

[ E R E IS.; I ' f l

E R E N C E “ f l

rsED c a r s ■. IitloD a n d G u aran tee L& see tb o differences

Flr«w»«p 44oor h u j : io. haalar, powtr at«ar» . t r brakta IT,000 mllt*.>y a 100*1 dMior.

m i . Balvadtr*. 4^eoir.

m i «-d^r CBatQB 6Bb. adlo. fcMUr, powarttMik ' ''.*S : ■Bpaelal 4.4eer'Hardtop: -

■ ■iDILE 2-door t r Barif r tr at*«rla(, radio (»4

n * ) i2 t ! * " w L n ^ a S

/^ CEM t-door. g j ufai

6 0 ^ 1 I.door RwdUv.klA, abudard traa» .

SHloor CoBTtrtlhU. IU> . tr. pov«r •tMtlBC, powar«ir«r wladowi.-----IUMILET 4-door. Badto a ^ '

^ r . B4dl» aad baay .


lU T 2-toB . t r w l u ^ ,oTnJltt)LET M«a UtKk'-wlth 'Inaha (ra la and aVtak '

iAKER ^ tea tnck, V.1

l-loa truck with du ll. illaa. y g atowr.

Cuitom U toa pUkaiC , mA A U % T»-Pk^ ^ i M

a .It. r^ .p . 1. ^ . . ■ S H

lA ^E t^^T oa ' I H

H)u n ? U Toa V.1 p u £ '. "■pood tM aratdriva. ..Bit __ ___________ I i m 1 ^ 1

B-BEESEi. (TjDRCO.^ 9dc A n . B n t l i

PAGE 1 ^ 1

Page 12: unties O 1 Heybur ths Kill York’s I ffering rn Yout led ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF193/PDF/1958_12_30.pdfTtie SOtfi and SJst 1 ^ ^ ^ deaths o f m

-jYeOT’s'Eve to . ™ lll :' Be Same Cost

-NEW YO RK . Dee. 30 W -R fw T ear’s eve a t m ost of Uio nations

K t l W H ' leadln? hoteU &ad n igh t tpota will * ' n v i i n coot ^ n i alKRit th e «une a s l u t year

—which, M, y o u n a y re«U , wns -

r a i ’'S lr ta n n ta w ho u n n t dflrner nnd . 'a 'W I I h H entertAlnment w ill pay uP ^ *37^0 ' ' RcjIiK '» p e n « n -* n d ex tra for tho drlnlt*.

'O w f c T • A survey of m a jo r cltlc# turned up' Do.slffn th a t th o n ish t spoU «re' j t 'lD jL l oppln* prices noticeably th is year.. ■ though tho tren d for f la t prices on

n l " k ‘2fl Hew Y ear’s evo haa long been up- t|j||H U H ward.

' U r L l S ' Top t*h» will bo paid « t Uie Em- Plre room of th e Waldorf>Astorla

H l l l l l ^ H ^ Aiigetes-Coeoanut Orove.

C o s t to B e U T J O . >L 'f f l n r N ho th p laces dinner, danclnir.

.A t 'I [I'i'll (u tlnyha td ,hom sanden te rto inm en t iw M i'fl will co«t.about «37.fi0. Including tax.

I l l l L i ^ '« A t U>o W aldorf's Empire room ‘I l i W B f l th a t price w ill'Includo Ibtenlnit to ‘

> I I f l l i h altwer EarU ia K itt , Emll Coleman’s i l F l ^ l r C ■orcheitrtt a n d OjT»y vloUnlst Bela ” «

lltO i | MMt w ell.heeled celebrants who “ ik 'Xi w an t to do Uio evenlns up right In

nw Jor ClUes w ill bo paying about «39 i petaoQ, p lus up to *1.35 a

i l l 'C H I ^ I n k ex tra .{ r i ^ H T h a t la U)o p rice In top spots in ^

MXtntl Beach and Ohicacft the boplusher club« oQ Los ADselM'IAinset

iln i » i ' V l Btrip, a n d New yoke's ulUti-sVi'ank pj. . B i r ' ‘r i H r T w en ty^ ne a n d B Morocco. oli

l ! i V I I - LocaUon Sets Price tn•’ ( P v f i T l I Tft-o biff, hraw y spots in New Yortc,I L |M 4 ! l ‘ w llh elaborate f loor ahowa and fUct be

'.1 r e R f^ i ! inlim ondinners. ATO billlhff all-night 1 irirn'^l.'l custom ers according to where they Ti l u U I 'f l i sit . At tMth th e Copaciibona and T 7 ! | D f i 'd u l th e LaUn Q uarter, I t will be «19. J j j I n>' I n f or 139 p e r perum', depcndlns r ' i B I H I locaUon. X1 j T here will be a few bartralns. '>1' i i ^ m ’ A t a W ashington n igh t club It P I T ^ W ta x pcr person' . < ’INI fo r dinner.' one coclcUll, aouvenlrs i' { i i « * n d nolsem aiera, Uie In k Spots, a

' i i i l U chorus line, alngers a n d dancers—siM breakfast. Sev<

I . i i l « 1: ^ W a W ertto B o P n b lle f ' "Tho W aldorf -WlU open I t j grand iP“

ta llroom fo r » publlo Now’ Y ear’s e ro p a rty fo r Uia first Ume In h is- ^ tory. I n addlU oa to jupper, hats. ziolsemakeni a n d tho m usic of Les _ _ •D d Lorry- E lga rt. a ll tho ladles will ** ge t gifta o f PVench perfume—also for ,« on ly »10 ft head.

Probably th e b est buy will bo the tribi M iami Beaoh K ennel club, which and

S opens tom orrow n ight offering a w full*courae d in n e r, muslo a n d favors rec t fo r only IS » pe rson . sear

------------------------------ Hi

CoUege Pupas Give Program j ’;

' BD RLE7, Deo. 90 -C ollese s tu - Lc denta hom e fo r th e holidays p re- v e n eented th a p ro eram fo r aacm m ent for aervlces In th e f irs t , w ord LDS m ln church Sunday n ig h t. Di

Speakers wero B e tty 8 haw , P a r- med Jey B aker, K en n e th P tonk , Billy Ni ZlUbce a a d O eainls PeterM n. A nn ficej

. L ee H atch p layed a n organ solo, and Wai Carol WUUams sa n g two aolos, a c - Johi com panled by JiS irie Hanka. Tho In- vice Tooatlon a n tt benedlcUon were given Was b y D oa N orton a n d O ale Jensen, trea

BlsM p Isaao X « announced newPR.T. lU members In th e w ard Include Isa-

' ^i O rlndrod, P a t ty Lou Grlndrod,<1 i W ilkinson, R onald Wilkinson,

JR D onna W ilkinson, N onnan W ilkin- „' | J aoa, D o ird l YHlklnson, L ee Lowder, „ 0

J . - t . t ' J B otty low der, W esley Lowder. John0 - r Lowder. Roym ond P. Stew art, Helen: . I R Stew art, M elba M ortenson, Jnck; ! J l | M ortenson a n d Lavere E . Peterson,t" -il: . Mrs. Isaa c L eo direc ted congrepi- E.,; ' 'I :[ !j tlo n a l singing a n d M arilyn BuoVfr „i j | | : __________ uS

Rocket DriftsOff ^ I Course; Blown upM |'4 ; l • CAPE CANAVERAL, F la.. Dec. 30r » } ! » - A sleek P o laris te st rocket roor-

I lih'll ed off to a beau tifu l s ta r t today bu t■2 <t| IWji) w as blown up*m inutes la te r when it,nlS drU ted off courae.i m ^Kil'l was th e th ird tim e In n row

.•[»([; .p'!;! . th a t a Polaris w as destroyed ofter launching.

tem peram en tal tw o-stase ]:i& P L ji': tnlssilo b lasted s tra igh t u p a t 0:98 Mt

-‘ iiil ret' | 7 ^ . I '3 " However, IB m inutes a tte r th e unW lildilfli! ipectacu lar b la sto ff Uio navy nn- p iC fn w i:' nounced th a t th o range aafety offl- m(

'w i t e e r destroyed th e missile when It hii F& |frv.ir. I deviated from Its ploim ed tragec- wcRitt -HiM o H 'I 'I T h e m laslon w as to ahoot Uie 2S-

i | l | l l i f : io o t te s t rocket on a n 800-mlle lilgh t he| | | y a c ro u th e A tlanU c. ar

i l l l l ' Visitors Noted Sl i t t SHOSHONE, Dec. 30 - Mr. nnd *■w e 'f itwfi M rs. K a y Eddlngion. T ho Dallen. Ia n f f l i l l O re , a ro v is iting his fallicr. Henry Iw I i l ' R l E ddington, a n d h is sIsU r, Mrs. f'I f i t Ml I n V elma A llen, n n d children. X

w n - ^vnn Lee and son.^. iM Logan. U ta h , ^ e n t th e wcflc«rnd *

r a I U Tlsltlng M r. a n d Mrs. B u rton ’Thorne I|S { I n -■ a n d famUy. _____________________ f

’(I I I'- NEW!ffi I I S

- * I V I o d e s a *• 'S l i m m e r c o n t o u r

~ e x t r a a b s o r b o n c y•• ^ • . d B l n ty p a s to i c o lo r

S H H v " - '. ' ---------------------- ------------------U n i l ^ - V t. '

' S p e c l a i H y d o s l g n o e J fo i

- ■ r - V : ; 9 . E

W reckage ot I lo llenb ich 1nollenbach and e lib t of lie r childre d o t st|>nd« w itc h in f th e jKene.’ lAP

Repeat ^ST. NEOT. England, Dec. 30 ftl

—Wllf and Val H odgklnson werebom twins. S

They w ent to School together, fiplayed together. Joined th e Royal p nlr forco together and m arriedtmlned nurses togclher. V

O n C hrlstm iis.doy th e y bo lh ubecame faUiers. C


Expel-ts From SWestern Area SAi’e Honored “

CORVALLIS, Ore.. Dec. 30 WW r; Several Pnclflo N orthwest scientists h were honored yesterdny a t the e> Joint m eeting he re of th e Oregon a Academy of Science nnd N orthw est SclenUflc assoclnUon. 1

Somo 350 scientists a re n ttend lng J the tw o-day confcrence on th e Ore­gon s w to college campua.

Orecon Men Honored Tho Orctcon group nam ed ; -Alex W olker. T illamook, fo r con- !:

tributlons In Uio field o f wlldlUe ° and waterfowl. .

W alte r ' Dj-kft M cM innville, dl- '' rec tor of Uio U nfleld collcgo re- _ search InsUtute. • ?

Henry P . H anson, denn o f the. " 0 8 0 graduate school, fo r resenrch on p eat bog In a sludy o f c lim ate ^ changes over th o n^st 10,000 yenrs. ,,

Idaho D ean Nam ed "Honored by th o N orthw est Sel-

entlflo nasoclaU6n weTe:' "Louis C. Cady, d c iil of Uie Unl- "

ven ity o f Idnho g radunte school. ^ for work In' th e field of sc ience nd- mlnlstraUon. ^

Dr. R obert P . E . SUer, Spokane ^ medical technician. „

Northwest Science association of- ‘ ficers elecled w ere M ark P . Adnms, ** W ashington S ta te college, p residen t;' . John Roberts, Pnclflc un iversity , , vice president, a n d W. B . M errinm , ^ W nshlngton S ta te college, secretAiy- ? treasurer.

Oakley Youth Is Feted at Service

OAKLEY, Dcc. 3 0 -A farew ell tes- j Umonlal w as hold Sunday evening i a t th e LD S stake house to honor t: Elder V em Okelberry. w ho w ill en- o U r th e m ission homo n t S n lt Lake City Ja n . ID p rior to lenvlng on a d mission to th e sou them sln tca . r

His headquarters wlli b e n t At­lan ta, On. P rogrnm for th e service « was under tho dlrecUon o f Blahop j Joel E . Rasm ussen of th e second ( ward. Prayer was ottered by Blsop W llford Bagcr and speakers Included > R alph Oortlnge. M. W. C m nney and j Samuel B . .C m ne, g rand fa ther of the young missionary.

Jeon and Joyce McKny snng a duet. Closing pm yer u-na given by . Mrs. Samuel B. Crnne. ^

Richfield Visits 'RICHFIELD, Dec. 3 t>-M r. and 1

Mrs. O erald Voigt and fnm lly have 1 returned tO Nnmpa n fte r spending i Uie C hristm as vacnllon w ith her parents, M r. nnd Mrs. C. M. P rld - ; more. Roy H eldcrman accom panied

' h is m olher. Mra. Voigt, h e re and• went on to Arco to visit h is fnUier, '

^Harvey H elderman.• N orlna Johnson Is vacationing t here th li week w ith her p a re n u . Mr.

and Mrs. M ont Johnson. S h e will retum th is week-end to Boise where she Is.employed In a brokerage of- flce. •____________________________

; i ’ TV SERVICE 1'■ t Day Phono RE 3 -7 1 1 1 t , N l3hl Phono RE 3 -1 0 3 7 |


K * y i t f ^ ' K X \ 'y. f o r g i r l s in th o lr-to < i'n s .

B o x o f ^ o n ly ’ 4 5 ( .


Die in Home Blaz<

h home unou ide rt « t Auburn, W ash., a f l Idren. Ilotienbach a n d two other* escapei LP wlrephoto]

Richfield People f Report Activities

RICKtTELD, Doe. 30—Lnrry nnd - S and ra S tubbs accompnnied th e ir fn ther. E dgnr Stubbs, on a tr ip to PorUnnd Sunday.

G aydenna B r o w n , C larkston. t Wajih., a rrived €undoy to visit h e r uiicto nnd ' aun t. Mr. ond Mrs. O . D . I Cnldwell: h e r b ro lher. C haries A. ! _ Brown, nnd fam ily, and th e T lieo B nw h fam ily. MIm Brown, form erly ^ o f Shoshone. Is a physical educn- J tlon teacher a t C larkston h igh school.

Mrs. L ester Stubbs accom panied h e r b ro lher. P r a n k . Stevens, and wlfo ond daughter, O thello . W osh.. .

I to Rexburg to spend severol days. ' Lynn Prldm ore Is vacnUonlng

w ith his pnrents. Mr, and M rf. H nr- - ry Pridmore, and bro ther a t h is ye s home In P a tterson . Cnllf, H e nc- jjc ; eompanled h is imcle, Dick Prldm ore, tw1 a n d fam ily, Bolso, to Cnllft^nlo.

t Holiday Journeys Noted for Oakley : ir

OAKLEY, Dcc. 3 0 -M r. and M rs. a r Roland M cIntosh nnd sons le ft wt

. Sundny 'fo r S n lt Lake C ity After ■ visiting h e r pa ren ts , M r. a n d M rs, on . Jo h n A. Clnrk. v/«

Mrs. A. M. Fitzsim m ons and aon, pe Ilobert, linve retu rned to DlUon. se

. M ont., o fte r v isiting he r son-ln-low a n d daughter,-M r. and M rs. WUllam x...

\ N ix. •L lndn Southw orth. Caldwell, vis-

• Itcd Sheryl H ardy here.Mr. nnd M rs. T aylor Nielson ond

gm nddaughter, B e th Nielson, le tt M ondny for R ichfield, U tah , o tte r ^ vlslUng M r. and Mrs. Rom t . N lel- he son . Miss NeUson a tten d s h igh eJ- school there.

Mr. a n d M rs. J . J . McLaws brought W ' N llo J e o n H untsm an home from . Pocatello w here she h a d been hos- to-

pltaUsed.Mr. and M n . Lawrcnco EUlott

' a n d D lone McLaws relurned .r'lM-• tiny from Bolso w here they visited' M r. and M rs. M yrthcn ElUott nnd 1

M r. and M rs. O scar EUlott, N am pa, On- ■ ■ — El

Travels Reported & , In Heyburn Area f■" HEYBURN. Dec. 3 0 -S /S g t. nnd• M rs. Melvin Pfe ifer hnvo gone to hu S Fairbanks, Alnakn, where ho will ,u r bo StaUoned for th e next- two ond —• one«hnlf ycnrs. '** e Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bunri, O g-^ den. were gueata of Mr. and Mrs.

Orville Doggelt.• Mr. and Mrs. P rnnk Herm enson " ® nre spending th ts week w ith Mr. and2 M rs. M elvin Froom In G ardena,^ Cnllf.I? Guesta of M r. and Mrs. Amo? Jo r- [} dnn Saturdny evening were Mr. ond ^ M rs. H erbert. Anderson, plcrce.

; Speakers Told' ■ RICHPIELD. Dec. 30 -G len S o r­

ensen o n d Howard PlUnon. Dlelrlch. were speakers a t lh e Richfield LDS cliurch Sunday evening.

Y outh speakers. Linda Sanders, d DoroUiy Deeds. Terry KlnR, nnd 'c Randy Parke, told of experiences lg a t th e temple In Idaho Pnlli,•r MerUn. veriln , and Boyd K ing 1- sang w llh L inda Pnttereon ns p l- «1 anlst. W alter S lcveiu and KcnneUi id Johnson otfered prayers.T, • ^ I—

lg I


Toko advontagc of it w ith a Will g ivo you f u lu r e s c c u r i t

Courses Of BUSINESS MAlf

a n d C.P.A. 1

Full o r Port Timo — Do!

Business tra in ing is your g ua positions o t cxcelicnt solorii today for full deloils.


TWIN FAltS^USI"Business T ra in ing Doc

a fU r tb e flr« (ook th e Uvea of Mrs. aped . iB th e foreground Use f a ^ ly -

WantedST. JOHNS. M lch., Dec. 30

— Tom Pouch, an 18-year-old M lchlgnn S la te university s tu ­dent. hna a sleigh bu t n o horse. y

He h a s adverUsed in th is *' town'a weekly paper:

"W onted—girl wlUi horse by boy w lth-elelgh."

Texas Boy Is Dead; Sisters !< Nearly DeadAUSTIN. T ex., Dee. 30 W—A *■

yenr-old boy died of malnutrlU on h e re In st n igh t nnd police found h b ' two sistera "obout to s tarve to denUi."

T h e vIcU m 'i.m other, M rs. Lnveme SylesUne, 24. wns quoted by detec­tives ns say ing th o boy h a d been' on a d ie t o f “beans and bread for b reakfast, no th ing fo r lunch, beans a n d bread fo r supper a n d p lenty of w ater."

W lbom Rowe BatU se w as dead o n a rriv a l a t a local hospllal. Be weighed 24 pounds. Ju s tice o t the Peace J . H . W a t« n said. " J t doesn't aeem possible a t th is day a n d tim e, b u t th e re Is no doub t th a t death w as caused by malnutrlUon.'*

D elecUves w en t to th e boy’s home and found th e two sisters, 0 and 2.

•T hey h a d n o th ing to eat. ’They were so weak they could hardly stand . T here wns one bed In the houso—n o sheets, only a th in blank­e t—a nd no place fo r th e kids to aleep.” sa id detecUve L leiit. Merle Wells.

T lio tw o girls were ta k en Into cus­tody a n d given food a n d core.

' Prince Is OKK IN G S LYNN, Etiglond. Dee. 80

on—Prince C harles, son of Queen E llm b eth n , w&Ued o u t o f th e hos­p ita l yesterday wlUi h la r ig h t leg n ll weU a n d o u t o f Ita p la s te r cast.

F o r th ree weeks—ever since he sp ra ined on -ankle falling down- Btalrs a t school—th e lO-year-old h e ir to th e B ritish th rone h as hob­bled oround. h is cas t covered by a th ick wool sock.y-

---------- j D o n J M u U

lil i r fu m o ce

■ H y e u rB B l hom eB h I I hooting l

I #Oil a ad Oaa

F u rn a c e s ,

W a r b e r g B r o s .HEATING CO.

198 Fou rth Ave. South D ial RE 3-& M 8


1 o course of tra in in g th a t jr i ty th ro u g h o u t your life.


D oy or Evening C la u e i

g u a ran teo of succcss. Goorf q crie s a r e w ailing . S top in

ES fo i^mTn gN . 5

ISINE-SS-COUEGE- -doesn 't C ost— It Poys"

. TIM ES-lte'W S.-TW iN

I — "T"-'






T N ^ A L L S ; ID A H O ..


W /rv ^

S .

^ Y o u 'l l a W h<

a Ti M e w YI u

a n d A j T H U R I

* Noise: •Rats

; * Ball


' p e iFun Spot' South

M M l i i i i i

I H a v e l a l e o f ' i m erE A R ^S

MLII D a y S P A Y



^usF E ' S:h of The -Border


• ».■ '.TUE


PESDAY, DECEMBER i t , . ; .