Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows in Porous Medium BY Kashif Ali Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctorate of Philosophy Department of Mathematics NED University of Engineering & Technology University Road, Karachi-75270, Pakistan 2018

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Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)

Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows in Porous Medium


Kashif Ali

Thesis submitted for the

Degree of Doctorate of Philosophy

Department of Mathematics

NED University of Engineering & Technology

University Road, Karachi-75270, Pakistan


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Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)

Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows in Porous Medium

PhD Thesis


Kashif Ali

Batch: 2015-2016


Professor Dr. Mirza Mahmood Baig


Dr. Mukkaram Hussain


Department of Mathematics

NED University of Engineering & Technology

University Road, Karachi-75270, Pakistan

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Author’s Declaration

I Kashif Ali hereby states that my PhD thesis titled Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic

(MHD) non-Newtonian Fluid in Porous Medium is my own work and has not been

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has the right to withdraw my PhD degree.

Kashif Ali

Date: 12-10-2018

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I solemnly declare that research work present in the thesis titled “Unsteady

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) non-Newtonian Fluid in Porous Medium” is solely my

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Certificate of Approval

This is to certify that the research work presented in this thesis entitled “Unsteady

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) non-Newtonian Fluid in Porous Medium” was conducted

by Mr. Kashif Ali under the supervision of Professor Dr. Mirza Mahmood Baig.

No part of this thesis has been submitted anywhere else for any other degree. This thesis

is submitted to the NED University of Engineering and Technology, University Road,

Karachi-75270, Karachi in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor

of Philosophy in the field Applied Mathematics Department of Mathematics NED

University of Engineering and Technology, University Road, Karachi-75270, Karachi.

Student Name: Kashif Ali Signature: _________________

Examination Committee:

a) External Examiner: Dr. Abdul Wasim Shaikh Signature: _________________

Professor & University of Sindh, Jamshoro,


b) Internal Examiner: Dr. Faheem Raees Signature: _________________

Assistant Professor & NED University of

Engineering and Technology, Karachi


Supervisor Name: Dr. Mirza Mahmood Baig Signature: _________________

Professor & NED University of Engineering

and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan.

Co-Supervisor Name: Dr. Mukkaram Hussain Signature: _________________

Institute of Space Technology, Karachi, Pakistan.

Name of Dean/HOD: Professor Dr. Noman Ahmed Signature: _________________

Faculty of Information Sciences and Humanities,

& NED University of Engineering and Technology,

Karachi, Pakistan

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Office of the Controller of Examinations


No _____________________ Date: ________________

It is notified for the information of all concerned that Mr/Ms: Kashif Ali PhD Scholar of

Department of Mathematics of NED University of Engineering and Technology,

University Road, Karachi-75270, Karachi has completed all the requirements for the

award of the PhD degree in the discipline Applied Mathematics as per detail given


PhD in Education Cumulative Result







Gcredit Hours Cumulative

Grade Point

Average CGPA Course



Work Total



Kashif Ali Ali Sher 18 36 54 3.68

Research Topic: Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) non-Newtonian

Fluid in Porous Medium

Local Supervisor-I Name: Professor Dr. Mirza Mahmood Baig

Local Supervisor-II Name: Dr. Mukkaram Hussain

Foreign/External Examiners:

a) Name: Professor Dr. Abdon Atangana

University: University of the Free State, 9300, Bloemfontein, South Africa

Address: Faculty of Natural and Agriculture Sciences, University of the Free

State, South Africa.

b) Name: Assoc. Professor Dr. Sharidan Shafie

University: Univesiti Teknologi Malaysia

Address: Faculty of Science, Univesiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Detail of Research Articles Published on the basis of thesis research work:

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[1] Kashif Ali Abro, Mukarrum Hussain, Mirza Mahmood Baig, An Analytic Study

of Molybdenum Disulfide Nanofluids Using Modern Approach of Atangana-

Baleanu Fractional Derivatives, European Physical Journal Plus, Eur. Phys. J. Plus

(2017) 132: 439, DOI 10.1140/epjp/i2017-11689-y (2017)

[2] Kashif Ali Abro, Mukarrum Hussain, Mirza Mahmood Baig, A Mathematical

Analysis of Magnetohydrodynamic Generalized Burger Fluid for Permeable

Oscillating Plate, Punjab University Journal of Mathematics, 50(2) 97-111 (2018).

Note: This result is declaration as notice only. Errors and omissions, if any, are subject to

subsequent rectification.

Signed by

Controller of Examinations

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I dedicate this thesis to my loving parents, sisters, brothers, wife, and sons.

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In the name of almighty ALLAH, the most Benevolent, the most Merciful, the creator of

the universe and the master of life and death, who inculcated his countless blessings upon

me to fulfill the requirements of this Ph.D. thesis at NED University of Engineering and

Technology, Karachi, Pakistan. I offer my extremely humblest, sincerest Darood-O-

Salam to our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) who is forever a

symbol of complete guidance in every walk of life for humanity.

I would like to express my supreme and the sincerest gratitude and warm thanks to my

supervisor Professor Dr. Mirza Mahmood Baig (Chairman at Department of Mathematics,

NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan) for the continuous

support, patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge in completing my

doctorate degree in Applied Mathematics. His guidance helped me throughout my

research process and writing of this thesis. I could not have imagined having a better

advisor, overseer and mentor for my Ph.D. study. His kind support and guidance have

been of great value in this study. My special sincere thanks also goes to my co-supervisor

Dr. Mukkarum Hussain (General Manager at Institute of Space Technology, SUPARCO,

Karachi, Pakistan) for his sympathetic help, care, concern, and continuous contribution in

this achievement. His extensive discussions around my work and interesting explorations

in difficult concepts have been very helpful for this study.

I would also like to record my gratitude to Dr. Mushtaque Hussain (Assistant Professor at

Department of Mathematics, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi,

Pakistan) and Dr. Ilyas Khan (Assistant Professor at Basic Engineering Sciences

Department, College of Engineering Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia) for their

advices, invaluable and invigorating encouragement and support in various ways. Their

elegant personality will always remain a source of inspiration to me. I further

categorically acknowledge all of my honorable teachers (Dr. Muhammad Jamil and Dr.

Azam Khan); without them I would not be able to reach this stage of academic zenith. My

heartiest regards to my colleagues for their continually increasing encouragement,

appreciations, invaluable suggestions, cooperation and to provide me the wonderful

environment. I also want to pay my thanks to all the official staff of Department of

Mathematics particularly Arman Hussain Siddiqui and Furqan Ali for their help in office

work and procedures.

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I am failing in my duties and it will be skimpy on my part not to acknowledge the

benevolence of my Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro,

Pakistan for providing me an excellent opportunity to complete my Ph.D. at NED

University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan. It is not possible for me to

name all those who have contributed, directly or indirectly, towards the completion of my

research work. I am grateful to all my well-wishers for their sincere support. I express my

apology to those entire not mentioned personally by me individually. Words wane in

expressing my veneration to my loving, grateful, graceful, delicate and simple parents and

all my family members. I owe my heartiest gratitude for their assistance and never-ending

prayers for my success. I would never have been able to stand today without their

continuous support and generous help.

Department of Mathematics, NEDUET Kashif Ali


October, 2018

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Table of Contents

Acknowledgement i

Table of contents iii

List of Figures vi

List of Tables x

Nomenclatures xi

Abbreviations xiv

List of Publications xv

Additional List of Publications xvii

Draft of Thesis xix

Abstract xxi

1. CHAPTER 1 Preliminaries of Fluid Flows and Mathematical Techniques 1

1.1. Introduction 2

1.2. Review of literature 6

1.3. Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids 13

1.4. Equation of continuity 15

1.5. Magnetohydrodynamics 15

1.6. Porous medium 17

1.7. Nanofluid and nanoparticles 18

1.8. Heat transfer and dimensionless numbers 18

1.9. Fractional derivatives 19

1.10. Special functions 21

1.11. Constitutive equations of fluids 22

1.12. Integral transforms 24

2. CHAPTER 2 Analytic Solutions of MHD Generalized Burger’s Fluid with

Porous Flow 29

2.1. Introduction 30

2.2. Modeling of the governing equations 30

2.3. Accelerated plate with electrically conducting Burger fluid in porous flow 32

2.4. Solution of the problem 32

2.4.1 Calculation of the velocity field 32

2.4.2 Calculation of the shear stress 35

2.5. Limiting cases 36

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2.5.1 Solution of Burger fluid 36

2.5.2 Solution of Oldroyd-B fluid 37

2.5.3 Solution of Maxwell fluid 37

2.5.4 Solution of second grade fluid 38

2.6. Results and concluding remarks 38

2.7. Validation of the results 40

3. CHAPTER 3 A Mathematical Analysis of Fractional Generalized Burger’s

Fluid for the Oscillations of Plate with Magnetic Field 47

3.1. Introduction 48

3.2. Modeling of the governing equations 48

3.3. Porous flow of fractional Burger fluid on oscillating plate with magnetic field 50

3.4. Solution of the problem 51

3.4.1 Mathematical analysis of the velocity field 51

3.4.2 Mathematical analysis of the shear stress 52

3.5. Results and concluding remarks 54

3.6. Validation of the results 56

4. CHAPTER 4 Helices of Generalized Burger’s Fluid in Circular Cylinder: A

Caputo Fractional Derivative Approach 62

4.1. Introduction 63

4.2. Modeling of the governing equations 63

4.3. Oscillations of cylinder due to helicity of fluid 65

4.4. Solution of the problem 66

4.4.1 Investigation of the velocity field 66

4.4.2 Investigation of the shear stress 70

4.5. Results and concluding remarks 72

5. CHAPTER 5 An Analytic Study of MolyBdenum Disulfide Nanofluids: An

Atangana-Baleanu Fractional Derivative Approach 78

5.1. Introduction 79

5.2. Formulations of flow equations 80

5.3. Analytical solution of the problem 83

5.3.1 Temperature distribution via Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivatives 83

5.3.2 Velocity field via Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivatives 84

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5.4. Results and concluding remarks 86

6. CHAPTER 6 Applications of This Research and Future Recommendations 93

6.1. Applications of non-Newtonian fluid 94

6.2. Applications of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) 95

6.3. Applications of nanotechnology 96

6.4. Future recommendations 98

Appendix 99

References 100

Publication Snaps 110

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List of Figures


Figure 1.1 Natural flows and weather 2

Figure 1.2 Power plants 2

Figure 1.3 Piping system 3

Figure 1.4 Industrial application 3

Figure 1.5 Process of magnetic separation of magnetite iron ore 4

Figure 1.6 Electromagnetic stirring 5

Figure 1.7 Electromagnetic pump 5

Figure 1.8 Geometry of fluid describing the relation between shear rate with shear

strain 14

Figure 1.9 Structure with magnetic 16

Figure 1.10 Structure without magnetic 16

Figure 1.11 Plate with porous medium 18

Figure 1.12 Plate without porous medium 18


Figure 2.1 Geometrical configuration of accelerated plate 32

Figure 2.2 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for at 41

Figure 2.3 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for at 41

Figure 2.4 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for at 42

Figure 2.5 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for at 42

Figure 2.6 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for at 43

Figure 2.7 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for at 43

Figure 2.8 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for at 44

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Figure 2.9 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for at 44

Figure 2.10 Comparison of velocity field and shear stress at 45

Figure 2.11 Comparison of velocity field and shear stress at 45

Figure 2.12 Comparison of velocity field and shear stress at 46

Figure 2.13 Validation of present solutions with obtained solutions by Jamil [41] for the

velocity field when and remaining parameters are at



Figure 3.1 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for with

different values of 57

Figure 3.2 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for with

different values of 57

Figure 3.3 Plot of velocity field for with different values of and 58

Figure 3.4 Plot of velocity field for with different values of and


Figure 3.5 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for with

different values of 59

Figure 3.6 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for with different

values of 59

Figure 3.7 Comparison of velocity fields for four models for 600

Figure 3.8 Comparison of velocity fields for four models with and without magnetic

field and porous medium for 60

Figure 3.9 Comparison of present solution with the solution obtained by Ilyas et al.

[96] 61

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Figure 4.1 Geometrical configuration of helical cylinder 65

Figure 4.2 Plot of velocity fields for and distinct values of 74

Figure 4.3 Plot of velocity fields for and distinct values of 74

Figure 4.4 Plot of velocity fields for and distinct values of 75

Figure 4.5 Plot of velocity fields for and distinct values of


Figure 4.6 Plot of velocity fields for and distinct values of


Figure 4.7 Plot of velocity fields for and distinct

values of 76

Figure 4.8 Plot of velocity fields for fractionalized Newtonian, fractionalized

Maxwell, fractionalized Oldroyd-B and fractionalized Burger, for 77

Figure 4.9 Plot of velocity fields for ordinary Newtonian, ordinary Maxwell, ordinary

Oldroyd-B, ordinary Burger for 77


Figure 5.1 A principle ore of 79

Figure 5.2 Van der walls interaction of 79

Figure 5.3 Plot of velocity profile for four types of nanoparticles in an ethylene glycol

based nanofluid when . 88

Figure 5.4 Plot of velocity profile for molybdenum disulfide in ethylene Glycol based

nanofluid when with different values of 88

Figure 5.5 Plot of velocity profile for four shapes of molybdenum disulfide in

ethylene glycol based nanofluid when 89

Figure 5.6 Plot of velocity profile for molybdenum disulfide in ethylene glycol based

nanofluid when with different values of 89

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Figure 5.7 Plot of velocity profile and temperature distribution for molybdenum

disulfide in ethylene glycol based nanofluid when with

different values of 90

Figure 5.8 Plot of velocity profile for molybdenum disulfide in ethylene glycol based nanofluid

with different values of 90

Figure 5.9 Plot of velocity profile for molybdenum disulfide in ethylene glycol based nanofluid

with different values of 91

Figure 5.10 Comparison of velocity profile for four types of molybdenum disulfide in

ethylene glycol based nanofluids for smaller and larger times when


Figure 5.11 Comparison of velocity profile for Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivative

verses ordinary derivative when 92


Figure 6.1 Role of non-Newtonian fluids in industries for unidirectional and

oscillating flows 94

Figure 6.2 The process of magnetic separation of magnetite iron ore 95

Figure 6.3 Plasma confinement 96

Figure 6.4 Coolant tower of power plant 97

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List of Tables

Table 3.1 Rheological parameters for limiting solutions 54

Table 3.2 Rheological parameters for validation of results 56

Table 4.1 Rheological parameters for particular solutions 63

Table 5.1 The Sphericity for different nanoparticle shapes with constants a and b 81

Table 5.2 Thermo-physical properties of ethylene glycol and nanoparticles 81

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Electrical conductivity

Magnetic field

Velocity field

Newtonian velocity field

Non-Newtonian velocity field

Relaxation time

Material parameters

Retardation time

Shear stress

Dynamic viscosity of fluid

Shear rate of deformation

Density of fluid

Cylindrical coordinates

Cartesian coordinates

, Physical components

Total magnetic field

Magnetic field strength

Electric field

Permeability of the free space

Current density


Characteristic dimension

Thermal diffusivity of the fluid

Kinematic viscosity

Grashof number

Fractional parameter

Caputo fractional operator

Caputo-Fabrizio fractional operator

Atangana-Baleanu fractional operator

Mittag-Leffler function

Fox-H function

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Generalized M-function

Cauchy stress tensor

Indeterminate spherical stress

Dynamic viscosity

First Rivlin Ericksen tensor

Dell operator

T Transpose operation

Extra-stress tensor

, Normal stress moduli

Second Rivlin Ericksen tensor

Velocity gradient

Material time derivative

Upper convected derivative

Integral transform operator

Kernel of the transform

Image of transform

Function of time

Transform parameter

Laplace transform operator

Inverse Laplace transform operator

Fourier Sine transform operator

Inverse Fourier Sine transform operator

Finite Hankel transform operator

Inverse finite Hankel transform operator

Convolution product

Applied magnetic field’s magnitude

Darcy’s resistance

Permeability of the porous medium


Non-zero constant

Unit step function

Fourier sine transform parameter

Letting parameters for cylinder

Angular velocity

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Oscillating velocity

Radius of cylinder

Molybdenum disulfide

Dynamic viscosity of nanofluids

Electrical conductivity of nanofluids

Thermal expansion coefficient of nanofluids

Density of nanofluids

Thermal conductivity of nanofluids

( )

Heat capacitance of nanofluids

Temperature distribution

Empirical shape factor


Constants of particle shape




Ethylene glycol

Volume fraction of the nanoparticles

Peclet number

Reynold’s number

Radiation parameter

Letting parameters of governing equations

Letting parameters of calculations

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HAM Homotopy analysis method




Molybdenum disulfide




Ethylene glycol

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List of Publications

[1] Kashif Ali Abro, Mukarrum Hussain, Mirza Mahmood Baig, Analytical solution

of MHD generalized Burger’s fluid embedded with porosity, International Journal

of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4(7) 80-89, (2017).

[2] Kashif Ali Abro, Mukarrum Hussain, Mirza Mahmood Baig, Khalil-ur-Rehman

Channa, Analysis of generalized Burger’s fluid in Rayleigh stokes problem,

Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences (JAEBS), 7(5) 55-63


[3] Kashif Ali Abro, Mukarrum Hussain, Mirza Mahmood Baig, A mathematical

analysis of magnetohydrodynamic generalized Burger fluid for permeable

oscillating plate, Punjab University Journal of Mathematics, 50(2) 97-111 (2018).

[4] Kashif Ali Abro, Mukarrum Hussain, Mirza Mahmood Baig, Helices of

generalized Burger fluid in circular cylinder: An analytic analysis, Applied

Sciences (under review).

[5] Kashif Ali Abro, Mukarrum Hussain, Mirza Mahmood Baig, An analytic study of

molybdenum disulfide nanofluids using modern approach of Atangana-Baleanu

fractional derivatives, European Physical Journal Plus, 132: 439, DOI

10.1140/epjp/i2017-11689-y (2017).

[6] Kashif Ali Abro, Mukarrum Hussain, Mirza Mahmood Baig, Impacts of

magnetic field on fractionalized viscoelastic fluid, Journal of Applied

Environmental and Biological Sciences (JAEBS), 6(9) 84-93 (2016).

[7] Kashif Ali Abro, Mukarrum Hussain, Mirza Mahmood Baig, Slippage of

fractionalized Oldroyd-B fluid with magnetic field in porous medium, Progress in

Fractional Differentiation and Applications: An international Journal, 3(1) 69-80


[8] Kashif Ali Abro, Mukarrum Hussain, Mirza Mahmood Baig, Influences of

magnetic field in viscoelastic fluid, International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis

and Applications, 9(1) 99-109 (2018).

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[9] Kashif Ali Abro, Sumera Dero, Mirza Mahmood Baig, Effects of Transverse

Magnetic Field on Oscillating Plate of Second Grade Fluid, Sindh University

Research Journal (Science Series), 48(3) 605-610 (2016).

[10] Kashif Ali Abro, Zubair Ahmed Kalhoro, Mukarrum Hussain, Accelerating Flow

of Oldroyd-B over the Boundary with No Slip Assumption, Science International

(Lahore), 28(4), 4163-4169, (2016).

[11] Kashif Ali Abro, Zubair Ahmed Kalhoro, Mirza Mahmood Baig, Rajab Ali

Malookani, Impacts of Permeability on Oldroyd-B Fluid in the Absence of

Slippage, Science International (Lahore), 28(4) 4171-4176 (2016).

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Additional List of Publications

[1] Kashif Ali Abro, Ilyas Khan, Asifa Tassaddiq, Application of Atangana-Baleabu

fractional derivative to convective flow of MHD Maxwell fluid in a porous

medium over a vertical plate, Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena, 13

(2018) 1, https://doi.org/10.1051/mmnp/2018007

[2] Kashif Ali Abro, Ilyas Khan, J.F. G´omez-Aguilar, A mathematical analysis of a

circular pipe in rate type fluid via Hankel transform, Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2018) 133:

397, DOI 10.1140/epjp/i2018-12186-7

[3] Kashif Ali Abro, Ilyas Khan, Effects of CNTs on magnetohydrodynamic flow of

methanol based nanofluids via Atangana-Baleanu and Caputo-Fabrizio fractional

derivatives, Thermal Science, (2018), DOI: 10.2298/TSCI180116165A

[4] Kashif Ali Abro, Ali Dad Chandio, Irfan Ali Abro, Ilyas Khan, Dual thermal

analysis of magnetohydrodynamic flow of nanofluids via modern approaches of

Caputo-Fabrizio and Atanagana-Baleanu fractional derivatives, Journal of

Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, (2018), DOI: 10.1007/s10973-018-7302-z.

[5] Qasem Al-Mdallal, Kashif Ali Abro, Ilyas Khan, Analytical solutions of

fractional Walter's-B fluid with applications, Complexity, (2018), Volume 2018,

Article ID 8131329, 10 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/8131329

[6] Kashif Ali Abro, Anwar Ahmed Memon, Muhammad Aslam Uqaili, A

comparative mathematical analysis of RL and RC electrical circuits via Atangana-

Baleanu and Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivatives, European Physical Journal

Plus, (2018) (2018) 133: 113, DOI 10.1140/epjp/i2018-11953-8.

[7] Ilyas Khan, Kashif Ali Abro, Thermal analysis in Stokes’ second problem of

nanofluid: Applications in thermal engineering, Case Studies in Thermal

Engineering, (2018), Available online 10 April 2018, DOI:


[8] Kashif Ali Abro, Ilyas Khan, Analysis of Heat and mass transfer in MHD flow of

generalized Casson fluid in a porous space via non-integer order derivative

without singular kernel, Chinese Journal of Physics, 55(4) 1583-1595 (2017).

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[9] Arshad Khan, Kashif Ali Abro, Asifa Tassaddiq, Ilyas Khan, Atangana-Baleanu

and Caputo Fabrizio analysis of fractional derivatives for heat and mass transfer of

second grade fluids over a vertical plate: A comparative study, Entropy, 19(8) 1-

12 (2017).

[10] Muzaffar Hussain Laghari, Kashif Ali Abro, Asif Ali Shaikh, Helical flows of

fractional viscoelastic fluid in a circular pipe, International Journal of Advanced

and Applied Sciences, 4(10) 97-105 (2017).

[11] Shakeel Ahmed Kamboh, Zubair Ahmed Kalhoro, Kashif Ali Abro, Jane

Labadin, Simulating electrohydrodynamic ion-drag pumping on distributed

parallel computing systems, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10(24) 1-5


[12] Kashif Ali Abro, Porous effects on second grade fluid in oscillating plate, Journal

of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences (JAEBS), 6(5) 71-82 (2016).

[13] Muhammad Jamil, Kashif Ali Abro, Najeeb Alam Khan, Helices of

fractionalized Maxwell fluid, Nonlinear Engineering, 4(4) 191-201 (2015).

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Draft of Thesis

The thesis is categorized as the following order:

Chapter 1 elucidates fundamentals of fluid flows, few types of fractional derivatives,

different special functions, constitutive equations of fluids, mathematical techniques

(some integral transforms).

Chapter 2, pertains to study magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) generalized Burger fluid in

porous medium as a sum of Newtonian and non-Newtonian forms. The integral

transforms (Laplace and Fourier Sine transforms) are invoked on governing partial

differential equations for investigating the analytical solutions of velocity field

corresponding to shear stress. The general solutions have been established to retrieve

several special cases of the problem. The effects of different pertinent parameters, for

instance, time, viscosity, magnetic field, material parameters, porosity are underlined by

graphical illustrations. The contents of this chapter have been published in “International

Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, (2017) 4(7) 80-89”.

Chapter 3 is particularized for an electrically conducting flow of fractionalized Burger

fluid over an oscillating plate with permeable plate. The governing partial differential

equations have been converted into non-integer order derivative (i-e Caputo fractional

operator). The analytical solutions are investigated for velocity field and shear stress

satisfying initial and boundary conditions as well. The general solutions are focused for

four models namely (i) the solutions in the absence of magnetic field, (ii) the solutions in

the absence of permeability, (iii) the solutions for ordinary differential operator, (iv) the

solutions for fractional Burger, Oldroyd-B, Maxwell and Newtonian fluids. The effects of

these models have also been checked graphically by imposing rheological parameters.

The contents of this chapter have been published in “Punjab University Journal of

Mathematics, 50(2) 97-111 (2018)”.

In Chapter 4, the effects of generalized Burger fluid flow for infinite helically moved

cylinder are analyzed. The analytical solutions are investigated by invoking Hankel and

Laplace transforms on the governing partial differential equations. The expressions of

velocity field and shear stress are expressed in the layout of Fox-H function satisfying

initial and boundary conditions. The helical flows of four models as Burger, Oldroyd-B,

Maxwell and Newtonian fluids are presented for comparisons with existing published

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findings which exhibit good agreement and reveal the accuracy and validity of this

analysis. This work is under review process in “Applied Sciences”.

Chapter 5 concerns with an analytic study of molybdenum disulfide nanofluids using

modern approach of Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivatives. Here, the core object is to

check the significance of different shapes of Molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles

containing ethylene glycol in mixed convection flow with magnetic field and porous

medium. Non-spherically shaped molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles namely platelet,

blade, cylinder and brick are utilized in this analysis because ethylene glycol is chosen as

a base fluid in which molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles are suspended. A modern

approach of Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivatives is applied for the modeling of the

problem. The analytical solutions are investigated by Laplace transforms with inversion

and expressed in terms of compact form of M-function Ta

bM . The ordinary derivative

models have been compared with the Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivatives models

graphically by setting various rheological parameters. This investigation has been

published in “The European Physical Journal Plus (2017) 132: 439”.

Chapter 6 is devoted for the applications of this thesis in real world problems; for

instance, role of non-Newtonian fluids in industries, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), heat

transfer of nanofluids and coolant tower of power plant. Meanwhile, future

recommendations of this research with different geometries of non-Newtonian fluid have

been highlighted as well.

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The objectives of this thesis is to explore analytical solutions of velocity field, shear stress

and temperature distribution subject to the electrically conducting flows of fractionalized

non-Newtonian fluids embedded with porous medium. The mathematical modeling of

governing equations for fluid flow has been established in terms of fractional derivatives

and solved by employing discrete Laplace, Fourier Sine and Hankel transforms. The

newly defined fractional derivatives namely Atangana-Baleanu and Caputo fractional

derivatives have been implemented on the problems of fluid flows. The general solutions

have been investigated under the influence of fractional and non-fractional (ordinary)

parameters, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), porous medium, heat and mass transfer and

nanoparticles suspended in base fluids. The obtained solutions satisfy initial, boundary

and natural conditions, expressed in terms of special functions and have been reduced for

special and limiting cases as well. Moreover, influence of magnetic field, porosity,

fractional parameter, heat and mass transfer, nanoparticles and different rheological

parameters of practical interest have been investigated. At the end, in order to highlight

the differences and similarities among various rheological parameters, the graphical

illustration has been depicted for fluid flows.

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Preliminaries of Fluid Flows and Mathematical


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1.1 Introduction

The mechanics of fluid is dealt with the deformation of Substances under the

influence of shearing force. The velocity of the deformation will be correspondingly

small because a small shearing force can deform a fluid body. In simple words, fluid

mechanics is the study of fluids either in motion or at rest. It has been utilized in several

technological advancements; for instance, piping systems in chemical plants, design of

canal and dam systems, lubrication systems, aerodynamics of automobiles and supersonic

airplanes, ducting and piping utilized in the water and air conditioning systems of

businesses and homes and many others [1]. The classification of fluid mechanics is

divided into various categories: for instance, the study of movement of fluids with

incompressibility is called hydrodynamics; the study of fluid flows in open channels and

pipes is termed as hydraulics; the study of fluid flows that undergo changes of density is

known as gas dynamics; the study of fluid flows of gases over bodies is categorized as

aerodynamics [4]. In brevity, due to naturally occurring flows, few subcategories are

hydrology, oceanography and meteorology. However, fluid mechanics plays an adhesive

and vital role in the development of science and technology. It is extremely useful in the

design and analysis of wind turbines, aircraft, jet engines, boats, rockets, submarines,

natural gas, crude oil, the transportation of water, the cooling of electronic components

and biomedical devices etc., some examples are shown from figure 1.1 to figure 1.4. It is

also useful for the design of bridges and buildings. Various naturally occurring

phenomena are also ruled by ideologies of fluid mechanics such as rain cycle, the rise of

ground water to the top of trees, ocean waves, weather patterns and winds.

Figure 1.1 Natural flows and weather Figure 1.2 Power plants

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Figure 1.3 Piping system Figure 1.4 Industrial application

The analytical solutions of governing equations of non-Newtonian fluid flows

perform an adhesive role due to various reasons: for instance, the accuracy and

correctness of numerous approximate methods can be checked for standard validity by

analytical solutions; numerical and empirical results can also be recognized through the

comparison with analytical solutions; the numerical solutions/schemes for various

complex problems of unsteady flows are also verified by analytical solutions. However,

analytical solutions are not only important in non-Newtonian fluid flows but also play a

significant role in certain physical circumstances. Hence the diversity of analytical

solutions lies in various disciplines of science like electromagnetic theory, chemical

kinematics, optical fibers, meteorology, hydrodynamics and several others. At the current

scenario, the governing partial differential equations of fluid mechanics problems are

usually solved by various attractive numerical schemes. This is due to the fact of

availability of computer codes and programs. Such approximate solutions may be

insignificant if they are not compared with analytical solutions or experimental data.

Hence, analytical solutions are fundamental tool for serving the accuracy/correctness of

experimental as well as asymptotic methods. In brevity, analytical solutions arise in

several scientific modeling for instance, fluid mechanics, beam theory, the propagation of

shallow water waves, nonlinear optics, earthquake stress, astrophysics, elastic waves in

soil and optimization and many others [7].

The study of the interaction between magnetic fields and conducting fluids is

termed as magnetohydrodynamics. In other words, study of flows in which the fluid is

electrically conducting is known as magnetohydrodynamics. Magneto means magnetic

field; hydro means fluids; and dynamics mean forces and the laws of motion [8-9]. Some

familiar examples are liquid metals (molten magnesium, liquid sodium, mercury, molten

antimony, gallium, etc.) and plasmas (electrically conducting gases or ionized gases).

Fundamentally, the relative movement of a conducting fluid and a magnetic field causes

an electromotive force and that relative movement generates electrical currents. The

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concept behind magnetohydrodynamics depends upon the order of density ;

here are electrical conductivity, velocity field, magnetic field respectively. Due to

this fact, the fluid generates flow with magnetic field lines because current give rise to

another induced magnetic field. In short, one can observe that the magnetic fields can pull

on the conducting fluids while fluid can drag magnetic field lines. The applications of

magnetohydrodynamics can be categorized in numerous engineering processes. Processes

are described briefly as follows;

For removal of non-metallic inclusions

It is well established fact that all metallic materials are magnetic in nature. The

removal of non-metallic inclusions is extracted from iron ore (magnetite) by

various methods such as magnetic separation. For instance, one can consider the

magnetic roller for removal of magnetic and non-magnetic particles form finely

ground ore as shown in the figure 1.5

Figure 1.5 Process of magnetic separation of magnetite iron ore

However, several researchers use certain amount of aluminum in molten steel by

which they discuss the removal of non-metallic inclusions by utilizing high frequency

magnetic field.

Solidification Processing of Materials in Magnetic Fields

Solidification describes the phenomenon of liquids transforming into solids as a

result of a decrease in liquid temperature. Researchers have diverted their attention for

improved process performance and better-quality products because use of external

magnetic fields controls the behavior of the melts during solidification. Furthermore, the

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purpose of magnetic field during the solidification process is to eliminate the impurities

(bridging and macrosegregation) from the products.

The metallurgical industries where magnetic fields are routinely used to heat,

stir, pump and levitate liquid metals

One of the most important applications of magnetic effect is pumping of materials

that are hard to pump using conventional pumps. The main advantage of this lies in the

MHD molten salt pump that is used for nuclear reactor coolants due to its no-moving-

parts feature and propulsion.

Consequently, the study of magnetohydrodynamic can be discussed further;

however it is justified to the end here by adding few supportive applications, for instance,

dampen the motion of liquid metal, Astrophysics (planetary magnetic field),

electromagnetic stirring (see figure 1.6), electrolysis cells where it is used to reduce

aluminum oxide to aluminum, electromagnetic pump (see figure 1.7) and MHD


Figure 1.6 Electromagnetic stirring Figure 1.7 Electromagnetic pump

A material that contains pores (voids) is typically filled with a fluid (liquid or

gas). The main characteristics of porous medium are porosity and permeability; here the

porosity refers to the relative fractional volume of the void space and permeability refers

to capacity of the medium to transmit fluid. The porous media encompasses several major

applications for instance, hydrogeology (groundwater modeling, nuclear waste disposal,

soil drainage, tracking the distribution of pollutants, etc.), flows in heavy oil reservoirs

and petroleum for field tests and filtrations processes, hydraulics and drilling fractures

due to complex rheological behavior in pore materials, subsurface flow models, geo-

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mechanical engineering and several others. On the other hand, there is no denying fact

that nanofluids have become more popular among the researchers due to scientific

development and technological advancement. Nanofluids are formulated by the

suspension of the nanoparticles (carbides, oxides, carbon nanotubes or metals) in

conventional base fluids (water, engine oil, kerosene or certain liquids). Due to significant

role of nanofluids in industries, Several researchers have diverted their attention towards

the analytical study of nanofluids for improving the heat transfer of the conventional

fluids and enhancement of thermal conductivities.

1.2 Review of Literature

The analysis of the Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid flows has great

importance and significance because of distinct engineering and industrial applications,

for instance pharmaceuticals, chemical, oil and gas, polymeric liquids, polymer solutions,

cosmetics, filtration and ceramic processes, biomechanics and enhanced oil recovery

processes. Due to this reason the industrial fluids are mostly referred as the non-

Newtonian fluids because of their complex flow characteristics, the rate of deformation

and structures. This diversity of applications in different fields of science and technology

has created an opportunity for scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and numerical

analysts to exhibit the behavior of typical characteristic of non-Newtonian fluids. The

typical characteristic of non-Newtonian fluids includes shear thinning and thickening,

relaxation and retardation, yield stress and non-zero normal stress differences in shear

flow, asphalts in geomechanics and asphalt concrete and many others. In continuation,

there is no denying fact that the non-Newtonian fluids are not easy to handle in

comparison with Newtonian fluids and it is also not an easy to explain all the

characteristics of non-Newtonian fluids. Due to non-linear relation between the shear

stress and shear rate, there does not exist single governing equation that possesses the

potential to predict all kinds of rheological characteristics of non-Newtonian fluids.

Therefore, various models have been proposed by scientific community to predict the

complete properties and characteristics of non-Newtonian fluids [1-7].

It is well known fact that non-Newtonian fluids are enumerated into following

classes as (i) the class of differential types, (ii) the class of rate type and (iii) the class of

integral type models. The Maxwell, Oldroyd-B and Burger models lie in the category of

rate type fluids because they take into account the elastic and memory effects and they

also describe slight memory. The main advantage of rate type fluid is to characterize the

viscoelastic fluids (i-e viscous and elastic memory effects). The first viscoelastic model

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was originated by James Clerk Maxwell that could describe the stress relaxation. He

recognized that a body has the means to dissipate energy for the description of its viscous

nature and to store energy for characterizing the fluids elastic response [8]. Choi et al. [9]

studied incompressible and steady suction flow of Maxwell fluid for investigating the

combined effects of inertia and viscoelasticity. Fetecau and Corina [10] analyzed the

flow of a Maxwell fluid over a suddenly moved an infinite flat plate by using integral

transforms. They recovered the well-known solution for Navier–Stokes equations by

neglecting relaxation time parameter. Corina et al. [11] studied the second problem of

stokes for the flow of incompressible Maxwell fluid over an oscillating plate at small and

large times. They investigated the steady-state and transient solutions by invoking integral

transforms and analyzed several rheological effects of the material parameters. Friederich

[12] applied the science of fractional derivative on the Maxwell model for retardation and

relaxation functions. He applied Riemann-Liouville definition of fractional operator and

found the relaxation function in the time domain by employing power law series. Hayat et

al. [13] observed the effects of viscoelastic fluid via fractional Maxwell model for the

unidirectional flow periodically. They invoked integral transform and found analytical

solutions for the flows induced by periodic oscillations of lower plate when the upper

plate is at rest or being free. In a similar vein, a fractional Maxwell model to the unsteady

flow was investigated by Corina et al. [14] for constantly accelerated plate. They

presented the solutions for the contribution as a sum of non-Newtonian as well as

Newtonian fluids and also retrieved the ordinary solutions from fractional solutions by

making fractional parameter equal to one. Vieru and Rauf [15] analyzed the Maxwell

fluid under the wall slip and non-slip assumptions for stokes flows. They found the

solutions for velocity field and corresponding shear stress along with two particular cases

namely translation with a constant velocity and sinusoidal oscillations at the wall. In

exaggeration, several researchers extended Maxwell model with and without porosity,

magnetohydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer, stretching sheet and modern fractional

operators. Ilyas et al. [16] investigated the impact of magnetohydrodynamic Maxwell

fluid for oscillatory flow embedded in porous medium. They established the steady and

transient solutions for the cosine and sine oscillations of a plate satisfying the initial and

boundary conditions. Nadeem et al. [17] worked on numerical analysis for heat transfer of

a viscoelastic fluid in the presence of nanoparticles on a stretching sheet. They replaced

their flow equations into coupled ordinary differential equations and presented the

numerical solutions by invoking similarity transformations. Ilyas et al. [18] employed a

modern definition of fractional Caputo-Fabrizio operator on the unsteady flow of a

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generalized Maxwell fluid over the oscillating plate with constant temperature. The

mathematical formulation of the problem was modeled via Caputo-Fabrizio fractional

derivatives; they found exact solutions and presented them in terms of special function

namely modified Bessel functions and complementary error. Imran et al. [19] examined

heat and mass transfer for natural convection flow of Maxwell fluid with non-integer

order derivative. They applied Laplace transform techniques on the non-dimensional

governing differential equations of temperature distribution, mass concentration, and

velocity field and presented the general solutions in terms of special functions namely

Wright's function, Robotnov-Hartley function Mittage-Leffler function and G-function.

Ilyas et al. [20] presented an interesting scientific report on mixed convection flow of

Maxwell fluid with constant wall temperature. They formulated the problem on

oscillating plate with coupled partial differential equations and introduced some non-

dimensional variables for converting the governing problem into dimensionless form. In

this work, the impacts of Grashof number and Prandtl number on different times for

velocity field and temperature distributions and a comparative graphical illustration was

presented for Maxwell and Newtonian fluid as well.

After that there is another model namely Oldroyd-B model commonly known as

rate type model which was proposed by Oldroyd [21]. Although, an Oldroyd-B model is

not sufficient for the rheological descriptions of shear-thinning/thickening yet it can

describe the normal stress differences, the stress relaxation, and retardation in a shear

flow. This is analyzed deeply by several researchers with different geometries. Few

contributions in this regard are discussed as, Rajagopal and Bhatnagar [22] observed the

flow effects of an Oldroyd-B fluid via analytic solutions under the consideration of two

cases; one is the case of longitudinal and torsional oscillations and the second is the of an

infinite porous plate. The findings of this problem admit asymptotically decaying solution

in terms of Bessel functions. Fetecau and Corina [23] presented interesting solutions on

stokes’ first problem for an Oldroyd-B liquid. This study was extended by Wenchang [24]

a modified Darcy’s law for a viscoelastic liquid. He extended an Oldroyd-B liquid in a

porous by invoking the mathematical methodology of Fourier Sine transform and

established exact solution. The main investigation of this extension was to highlight the

effects of viscoelasticity in porous medium. On the other hand, some previous solutions

were retrieved from [23] in the absence of porous medium. Hayat et al. [25] presented

analytical solutions for the steady flow of an Oldroyd 6-constant with magnetic field by

employing Homotopy analysis method (HAM), namely (i) Poiseuille flow (ii) generalized

Couette flow and (iii) Couette flow and presented this analysis by the comparison of

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Homotopy analysis method (HAM) with numerical solutions as well. In another study,

this model was analyzed in the presence of an external magnetic field. Ghosh and Sana

[26] investigated exact solutions for the fluid velocity and the shear stress on the plate by

invoking operational methods. The main focus was to study the rheological effects of the

fluid elasticity and the magnetic field simultaneously on the wall shear stress and on the

flow for different periods. Haitao and Jin [27] worked on the unsteady helical flow within

an infinite cylinder and between two infinite coaxial cylinders for fractionalized Oldroyd-

B fluid. They investigated the exact analytical solutions of governing partial differential

equations by applying Weber transform, Laplace transform and finite Hankel transform

satisfying imposed initial and boundary conditions. Ellahi et al. [28] observed the impacts

of slippage on an Oldroyd 8-constant liquid by the consideration of non-linear boundary

conditions with Couette, Poiseuille and generalized Couette flows. Zheng et al. [29]

analyzed the impacts of magnetic field on fractional Oldroyd-B fluid induced by an

accelerated plate with no slip assumptions. They investigated the closed form solutions

and expressed them in terms of Fox-H function.

In this continuation, the Burger model is also lying among the category of rate

type fluids that enables the behavior of fluids and characterize the typical rheology of

fluid for instance, asphalts in geomechanics, response of a variety of geological materials,

simultaneous effects of relaxation and retardation phenomenon, response of asphalt and

asphalt mixtures, propagation of seismic waves in the interior of the earth, geological

structures like Olivine rocks, motion of the earths’ mantle, the post-glacial uplift and

several other geological structures [30-37]. The Burger model is highly non-linear model

which contains four special cases depending on relaxation time , retardation time

and material parameters and ; for instance (i) if then the

Burger model is reduced for the Newtonian fluid, (ii) if then the

Burger model is reduced for the Maxwell fluid, (iii) if then the Burger

model is reduced for the Oldroyd-B fluid and if then the Burger model is reduced

for the simple Burger fluid. In brevity, Krishnan and Rajagopal [37] investigated the

constitutive modeling of asphalt concrete with thermodynamic framework. They

generalized upper convected Burger’s model for describing the nonlinear behavior of

materials such as asphalt concrete. They emphasized their investigations for tensile creep

of asphalt concrete using numerical scheme on the initial value problem and compared

via experimental data. Even the diverse application of Burger’s model, the Burgers’

model is still not contributed deeply because of complexities in terms of mathematical

modeling. Limited studies have been carried out on the flows of the Burgers fluids.

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Ravindran et al. [38] investigated the solutions of Burgers’ fluid through orthogonal

rheometer. They solved the governing couple differential equations under the

assumptions that the fluid adheres to the top and bottom plates. Hayat et al. [39] analyzed

the Burger fluid for the unidirectional flow based on imposed conditions on geometry of

the problem. They investigated exact analytical solutions using Fourier Sine transform

and retrieved the solutions of Oldroyd-B, Maxwell, Second grade, Newtonian fluid from

open literature as the limiting cases. Chen et al. [40] observed the effects of unsteady flow

of Burger fluid by considering four types of flow situations namely (i) constant

acceleration piston motion, (ii) suddenly started flow, (iii) trapezoidal piston motion, and

(iv) oscillatory piston motion. They concluded that Burger’s fluid parameters have

significant effects on pressure gradient and velocity fields. Jamil [41] presented

generalized Burger fluid with first problem of stokes’; here sum of steady and transient

solutions for velocity field and adequate shear stress were generated by invoking integral

transforms on governing partial differential equations govern the generalized Burger fluid

flow. Of course the study on Burger fluid is continued but the study on Burger fluid is

categorically discussed in terms of magnetohydrodynamic, porous medium, heat transfer,

cylindrical geometry, fractional operators and few others in following sections.

Burger fluid with magnetohydrodynamic

Siddiqui et al. [42] investigated exact solutions from the governing momentum

and energy equations and they analyzed the effects of Hall current and heat transfer on

the magnetohydrodynamic flow. In exaggeration, they checked various pertinent

parameters on fluid flow, such as, the fixed Hartmann number, the hall parameter, the

vorticity, the heat transfer, Prandtl number etc. Ilyas et al. [43] studied rotating flow of an

incompressible generalized Burgers fluid in presence of magnetic field and porous

medium. They applied Laplace transform techniques to solve the modeled governing

equations and investigated closed form solutions using modified Darcy’s law. They

concluded their analysis that the real and the imaginary part of velocity decreases and

increases respectively for large hall parameter.

Burger fluid with porous medium

Masood et al. [44] observed the impacts of flow of the fractional generalized

Burgers’ fluid in a porous space by implementing modified Darcy's law. They established

the solutions for velocity field for three types of problems: (i) flow due to rigid plate, (ii)

periodic flow between two plates and (iii) periodic Poiseuille flow. Their major findings

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were to compare the present analytic solutions using fractional calculus approach with

previously published results which were found in excellent agreement. Aziz et al. [45]

investigated exact steady-state solutions of magnetohydrodynamic for rotating flow of

generalized Burgers fluid. They invoked Fourier Sine transform techniques on the

imposed governing partial differential equations over variable accelerated plate. They

particularized the obtained solutions for various cases; for instance, (i) MHD Burger fluid

in porous medium, (ii) MHD Oldroyd-B fluid in porous medium, (iii) MHD Maxwell

fluid in porous medium, (iv) MHD second grade fluid in porous medium, (v) MHD

viscous fluid in porous medium and few others as well.

Burger fluid with cylindrical geometry

Tong and Shan [46] analyzed annular pipe for unsteady unidirectional transient

flows of generalized Burgers fluid. They utilized Hankel and Laplace transforms for

investigating the two types of flow problems namely axial Couette flow in annulus and

Poiseuille flow with a constant pressure gradient. Fetecau et al. [47] worked on

generalized Burgers fluid due to longitudinal oscillations of circular cylinder with

pressure gradient. They presented starting solutions for generalized Burgers fluid as the

sum of steady-state and transient solutions. Jamil and Najeeb [48] studied flows of

Burgers’ fluid with fractional derivatives model through a circular cylinder by utilizing

integral transforms on the governing partial differential equations. They focused the

effects of linear and angular velocities. They presented the general solutions in terms of

special function commonly known as G-function, while all the solutions were satisfying

imposed initial and boundary conditions. Moreover, a recent study by, Masood [49]

considered the generalized Burgers fluid constitutive model with the electrostatic body

force in the electric double layer in cylindrical domain. They applied the temporal Fourier

and finite Hankel transforms on the Cauchy momentum equation and presented analytical

solutions from non-dimensional governing differential equations of the generalized

Burgers fluid.

Burger fluid with fractional operator

Xue et al. [50] investigated the exact solutions for the fractional generalized

Burgers’ fluid under the influence of modified Darcy’s law. The general solutions were

established by invoking the Fourier sine transform and the fractional Laplace transform

on fractional partial differential equations. They also focused on the first problem of

stokes for Burger, Oldroyd-B, Maxwell, Second grade and viscous fluids as well. Hyder

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[51] analyzed the fractional Burgers’ fluid model between two parallel plates with some

unidirectional flows. In this study, the exact solutions were obtained by invoking the

finite Fourier sine and Laplace transforms for two types of flow namely Plane Couette

flow and Plane Poiseuille flow. More recently, Shihao et al [52] analyzed slippage of

generalized Burgers’ fluid via Caputo fractional derivative. The flow is induced between

two side walls caused by a constant pressure gradient and an exponential accelerating

plate. The fractional Calculus approach was used on governing partial differential

equations to investigate exact analytical solutions via integral transformation techniques.

They also depicted the 2 and 3-dimensional graphs for the rheological effects of pertinent

parameters on velocity field and shear stress.

Burger fluid with heat transfer

Chang feng and Jun xiang [53] analyzed the Stokes’ first problem of a heated

Burgers’ fluid via calculus of fractional differentiation in presence of porous medium.

They traced out the solutions of temperature and velocity distributions by invoking

Laplace and Fourier Sine transforms. Yaqing et al. [54] considered incompressible

generalized Burgers’ fluid with heat transfer for exponentially accelerating plate under

the influences of magnetic field and radiation. They investigated exact analytical

solutions for temperature and velocity distributions by using fractional calculus approach

via integral transforms and expressed their mathematical results in terms of special


Burger nanofluid

Masood and Khan [55] studied free convection boundary layer flow of a Burgers’

nanofluid suspended with nanoparticles under influences of heat generation/absorption.

They invoked similarity transformations on the differential equations of fluid flow and

investigated analytic results via homotopy analysis method. Their main interest was to

analyze the effects of few non-dimensional numbers and some rheological parameter for

instance, Lewis number, Deborah numbers, Prandtl number and the thermophoresis

parameter and the Brownian motion parameter. In this connection, the same authors

Masood and Waqar [56] considered two-dimensional forced convective flow of a

generalized Burgers with nanoparticles over a linearly stretched sheet. They investigated

analytic results through the homotopy analysis method (HAM) on the set of coupled

nonlinear ordinary differential equations. They also presented the graphical illustrations

of velocity, temperature and concentration fields and discussed them in detail. In another

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study, the same authors [57] observed steady three-dimensional steady flow of Burgers

nanofluid and emphasized on the heat and mass transfer characteristics over a

bidirectional stretching surface. They sketched the graphical and numerical computations

and ensured the convergence of series solutions as well. On the other hand, a very

interesting study was presented by Rashidi et al. [58] in which they achieved the

mathematical modeling for hydro-magnetics. They analyzed the effects on the flow of a

Burgers' nanofluid and constructed set of coupled nonlinear ordinary differential system

by employing the suitable transformations. The significant work in this research paper

was the comparative study of present results with an already published data. Off course,

there is a list of research related to Burger fluids but few recently published studies are

discussed here. [59-64].

The objectives of this thesis is to explore analytical solutions of velocity field,

shear stress and temperature distribution subject to the electrically conducting flows of

fractionalized non-Newtonian fluids embedded with porous medium. The mathematical

modeling of governing equations for fluid flow have been established in terms of

fractional derivatives and solved by employing discrete Laplace, Fourier Sine and Hankel

transforms. The newly defined fractional derivatives namely Atangana-Baleanu and

Caputo fractional derivatives have been implemented on the problems of fluid flows. The

general solutions have been investigated under the influence of fractional and non-

fractional (ordinary) parameters, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), porous medium, heat

and mass transfer and nanoparticles suspended in base fluids. The obtained solutions

satisfy initial, boundary and natural conditions, expressed in terms of special functions

and have been reduced for special and limiting cases as well. Moreover, influence of

magnetic field, porosity, fractional parameter, heat and mass transfer, nanoparticles and

different rheological parameters of practical interest have been investigated. At the end, in

order to highlight the differences and similarities among various rheological parameters,

the graphical illustration is depicted for fluid flows.

1.3 Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids

The fluid that satisfies Newton’s constitutive equation of viscosity is termed as

Newtonian fluid. Newton’s law of a viscosity is given by

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are shear stress, dynamic viscosity, shear rate of deformation

respectively. In simple words, the rate of shear and applied shear stress possess linear

relationship. There are several Newtonian fluids which include such as air, water, gases,

glycerin, silicone oils, ethyl alcohol, benzene, hexane and other solutions of the lowest

weightage of molecules. In exaggeration, the experimental characteristics of Newtonian

fluid are enumerated below depending upon constant temperature and pressure, (i) when

viscosities are measured during various types of deformations for Newtonian fluids they

turn to be in simple proportions to each other. (ii) In simple shear flows of Newtonian

fluids the only non-zero stress is the shear stress, whereas the two normal stresses give

zero difference. (iii) The viscosity remains constant with respect to the shear applied to

the fluid, over a wide range. As long as the shear applied to the fluid is stopped the

resulting shear in the fluid tends to zero. (iv) In a Newtonian fluid the shear viscosity

remains independent of its shear rate. On the other hand, the fluid that does not satisfy

Newton’s constitutive equations of viscosity is termed as non-Newtonian fluid. The

rheological characteristics of non-Newtonian fluid are exhibited by



Where, characterizes the behavior of fluid flows. Equation (1.2) can be particularized

for equation (1.1) by employing . The non-Newtonian fluids include for instance,

suspensions, elastomers, lubricants, clay coatings, paints, cosmetics, extrusion of polymer

liquids, certain oils, toothpaste, blood, ketchup, jellies and few others.

Figure 1.8 Geometry of fluid describing the relation between shear rate with shear strain

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Basically, the classifications of non-Newtonian fluids are usually divided as (i) the

rate type fluid, (ii) the differential type fluid and (iii) the integral type fluid. These three

types of fluids are discussed in detail in the open literature as well.

1.4 Equation of Continuity

Assume that a control volume is bound with surface along with assumption of

the fact that fluid is not leaving or entering the surface. Meanwhile, having in mind the

law of conservation of mass, the expression can be written for the total mass as:

Here, describes the density of fluid. The control volume is considered arbitrary;

hence the differential form of the continuity equation for an unsteady flow of

compressible fluid as

Where, and are density and velocity of fluid respectively. The reduced form

of equation (4) for an unsteady flow of incompressible flow is described as

The equation (1.5) represents the condition of incompressibility can also be

expressed in terms of cylindrical coordinates and cartesian coordinates

respectively as



Here in equations (1.6) and (1.7), and are the physical

components of the velocity field .

1.5 Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)

Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) refers to the electrically conducting fluid where

the magnetic field and velocity field are coupled. It is also meant as hydromagnetics or

magneto fluid dynamics. The electrolytes or salt water, plasmas and liquid metals,

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mercury, sodium or molten iron, gallium and ionized gases are well known examples of

electrically conducting fluid. The concept of magnetohydrodynamics was suggested by

Hannes Alfven. He described the operational meaning of magnetohydrodynamics in three

words; “magneto” refers to magnetic field, "hydro" refers to liquid and "dynamics" refers

to movement. Magnetohydrodynamics plays an adhesive and significant role in the

analysis of magnetics. The main theme of magnetohydrodynamics is that a magnetic field

can generate current in conductive fluids. It also affects the magnetic field itself and also

responsible for imposing forces on the fluid. Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) has

uncountable applications in various areas, for instance; the description of ionosphere is

analyzed by magnetohydrodynamics, generation of Earth's magnetic field,

electromagnetic forces can be used to pump liquid metals. Induction furnace and casting

is usually analyzed by magnetohydrodynamics and several others [65]. In short, structures

with and without magnetic are sketched in figures 1.9 to 1.10.

Figure 1.9 Structure with magnetic Figure 1.10 Structure without magnetic

The description of magnetohydrodynamics can be characterized by the

combination of Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism and Navier-Stokes equations of

fluid dynamics. The momentum equation with magnetohydrodynamics is



Here, the Lorentz force is represented by , defined as

⁄ ⁄

The following equations represent the different formats of Maxwell’s equations

with the nature of magnetic field , as

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Here, equations (1.10-1.15) represent solenoidal law, ampere equation, Faraday’s

law, charge conversation, Ohm’s law and Lorentz force respectively. Whereas, for above

equation, and are the total magnetic field, the magnetic field strength, the

electric field, the permeability of the free space, the current density and conductivity


1.6 Porous Medium

The study of porous medium has diverted the interest of researchers due to its

applications in ceramic and filtration processes, chromatography, biomechanics,

insulation system and several others as well. The porous medium is a term stated as a

substance that encompasses spaces between solid areas through which liquid or gas can

be transmitted. The complexities of pore structure usually occur in context of physical

aspects to characterize the permeability and porosity of porous medium. Where,

permeability refers capacity of the medium to transmit fluid and porosity describes the

fractional volume of the void space to the total volume. In this continuation, the

mathematical description of the flow in porous medium is extremely challenging and

complex task for the analytical solution of fluid mechanics problem. Such problems of

fluid flows through porous medium are rarely found in literature. In order to have an

analytic study of porous flow problem, several researchers are usually employing the

Carman-Kozeny equation commonly known as Darcy’s law which can be found in

literature [66-67]. In short, structures describing the vivid characteristics with and without

porous medium are sketched in figures 1.11 to 1.12.

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Fig. 1.11. Plate with porous medium Fig. 1.12. Plate without porous medium

1.7 Nanofluids and Nanoparticles

Nanofluids are generally stated as the suspension of nanometer sized particles

which can increase few properties of base fluid. In simple word, the colloidal suspension

of nanoparticles (1-100 mm) in the base fluid is termed as nanofluids. In order to enhance

the thermal conductivities, various researchers utilize the concept of nanofluids.

Typically, nanoparticles are made up of metal oxides, stable metals and carbon in various

forms. The size of nanoparticles varies in some unique properties to the base fluids,

erosion of the containing surface, reduced tendency for sedimentations, greatly enhanced

mass transfer and energy momentum. They have also unique characteristics varying from

conventional solid liquid mixtures of (mu) m and mm sized particles dispersed in non-

metals and metals. However, nanofluids are widely applicable for the enhancement of

heat transfer due to their excellent characteristics. The term nanofluid was suggested by

Choi in 1995 [68]. He described that fluids with good heat transfer characteristics have

superior thermal properties as compare to conventional fluids. Nanofluids are stable

colloidal suspension of nanoparticles, nanocomposites, nanofibers in base fluids includes

polymer solution, ethylene glycol, oil, water and several others. Dimensionally,

nanoparticles are usually less than 100 mm. The goal of nanofluids is to achieve the

highest possible thermal properties at the smallest possible concentrations by stable

suspension of nanoparticles and uniform dispersion in base fluids.

1.8 Heat Transfer and Dimensionless Numbers

It is well established fact that heat transfer ceases when thermal equilibrium is

reached. The heat is transferred from hot to cold medium. Fundamentally, heat transfer is

classified into three categories namely (i) conduction, (ii) convection and (iii) radiation.

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Whereas, Conduction is the way through which energy is transferred by the movement of

electrons or ions. Convection is the transfer of heat energy into or out of the body by

actual movement of fluids particles that transfer energy with its mass. Thermal radiation

or radiation is the process of heat transfer due to emission of electromagnetic waves [69].

In brevity, there is a variety of dimensionless numbers but a few dimensionless numbers

used in this thesis are described below:

Peclet number

The Peclet number is a dimensionless number that is applied to perform the

convective heat transfer. It is denoted by . In other words, the ratio of thermal energy

convected to the fluid to the thermal energy conducted within the fluid is called Peclet

number. Its mathematical form is

Here is fluid velocity, is a characteristic

dimension, and is thermal diffusivity of the fluid.

Reynold number

The Reynold number is a dimensionless number that is applied to find flow

behaviors such as laminar, turbulent or transitional flows. It is denoted by . In other

words, the ratio of inertial force to the viscous force is called Reynold number. Its

mathematical expression is

Here represents the free stream velocity,

denotes the characteristics length and stands for kinematic viscosity.

Grashof number

The Grashof number is a dimensionless number that is used in natural convection.

It is denoted by . It approximates the ratio between buoyancy force and viscous force

acting on fluid. Its mathematical expression is ( )


1.9 Fractional Derivatives

The description of the complex dynamics is explained by the fractional derivatives

in theoretical and practical areas. Due to increasing attention of fractional derivatives, the

fractional derivatives ascertained to be an intensive tool in the study of fluid mechanics.

In general, a fractional model is generated from ordinary model via interchanging the

derivatives of integer order into derivatives of fractional order. Furthermore, in order to

describe the characteristics of polymer solution and melts, the rheological constitutive

equations are modeled via certain fractional operator. Nowadays, it has been rectified that

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fractional derivatives can be utilized for the description of certain physical problems, and

also for processes where memory effects are important [70-71]. In brevity, few types of

fractional derivatives are elucidated as below

The Caputo fractional derivative

It is an established fact that the Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative and the

Caputo fractional derivatives are the most useful fractional derivatives in literature. The

Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative exhibits some difficulties in the applications in

comparison with the Caputo fractional derivative. For instance, Laplace transform of the

Riemann–Liouville derivative contains terms without physical significance and the

Riemann–Liouville derivative of a constant is not zero. Due to these facts, the Caputo

fractional derivative has eliminated both difficulties because this operator contains a

singular kernel. The Caputo fractional derivative of order is stated in [72-73]

Where, the fractional operator is so called Caputo fractional operator.

While, { } of Caputo fractional operator can be obtained from equation (1.16).

On the other hand, it is noted that Caputo fractional operator can be extended

significantly by letting in equation (1.16) as well.

The Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative

Although Riemann–Liouville and Caputo fractional derivatives are the most

useful fractional derivatives yet a new definition of the fractional derivatives is presented

namely Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivatives in literature. The main significance of

Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivatives is that its kernel is based on exponential function

having no singularities. In a nut shell, the Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative is

commonly known as CF fractional operator of order is stated in [74-76]

∫ (


where, the fractional operator is so called Caputo-Fabrizio fractional

operator. While, { } of Caputo-Fabrizio fractional operator can be obtained

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from equation (1.17). I contrast, it is essential to note that Caputo-Fabrizio fractional

operator can also be extended significantly by letting in equation (1.17) as well.

The Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivative

In relation to be with above definitions of fractional derivatives Riemann–

Liouville to Caputo and Caputo to Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivatives, the diversity of

definitions is due to the fact that fractional operators take different kernel. Meanwhile,

Atangana-Baleanu presented newly proposed fractional derivatives based on the

generalized Mittag-Leffler function. The powerful significance of Atangana and Baleanu

fractional derivatives is the non-singularity and non-locality of the kernel. To fix the

shortcoming of the non-singularity and non-locality of the kernel, Atangana-Baleanu

fractional derivative is commonly known as AB fractional operator of order is

stated in [76-78]

∫ (


where, the fractional operator is so called Atangana-Baleanu fractional

operator. While, { } of Atangana-Baleanu fractional operator can be obtained

from equation (1.18). On the other hand, it is essential to note that Atangana-Baleanu

fractional operator can also be extended significantly by letting in equation (1.18)

as well.

1.10 Special Functions

The special functions have significant applications in a large variety of problems

encompassing the fractional differential equations, integral equations, diffusion, reaction,

reaction–diffusion and several other areas of theoretical physics and mathematics. The

special functions cover various problems of engineering, physical, biological and earth

sciences. For instance, rheology of fluid flow, kinematics in viscoelastic media, diffusion

processes in complex systems, diffusion in porous media, propagation of seismic waves,

anomalous diffusion, relaxation, turbulence and several others. However, to have the

usefulness of the Caputo, the Caputo-Fabrizio and the Atangana-Baleanu fractional

derivatives in this research work, first discusses some useful mathematical definitions of

special functions that will commonly be encountered and are inherently tied to fractional

derivatives. This thesis includes here some well-known special functions namely Mittag-

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Leffler function, Fox-H function and Generalized M-function which are used in this

thesis for writing the lengthy and cumbersome calculation. The mathematical expressions

of Mittag-Leffler, Fox-H and Generalized M-functions are defined [79-84] as


∑ ∏ ( )

∏ ( )

[ |

( )

( )]

∑ ∏ ( )

∏ ( )

[ |

( )

( )]

1.11 Constitutive Equations of Fluids

The relation between rate of deformation and stress is termed as constitutive

equation. In simple words, the properties of rheological materials are generally specified

by their, so called constitutive equation. Constitutive equations do not lie in the truth of

universality but offer some specific and particular properties for certain class of

substances. In continuation, some general principles such as objectivity principles and

symmetry principles are also verified and satisfied by constitutive equations. In Short, the

dimensional simplest constitutive equations are listed below

Newtonian fluid

The Newtonian fluid characterizes the relationship between the shear stress and

the rate of deformation, such equation are usually called Constitutive equation of

Newtonian fluid which are defined as

In this continuation, the following described equations are the constitutive equations for

non-Newtonian fluids

Second grade fluid

The second grade fluid model is preferred due to its relatively simple structure

which forms the simplest subclass of differential type fluids. The constitutive equations of

this model are

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denotes the material time derivative. From this model a classical

Newtonian fluid model can be reduced when and .

Maxwell fluid

The Maxwell fluid model is considered as a viscoelastic model which

characterizes the relaxation phenomenon of certain fluids. This model recognizes that the

body has a means to dissipate energy and to store energy. Where, the dissipation of the

energy describes its viscous nature and the storing energy characterizes the elastic

response of the fluids. In short, the constitutive equations of Maxwell model are

Here, represents relaxation time and

elucidates upper convected derivative.

A special case namely Newtonian fluid model when is substituted in the

constitutive equations (1.25).

Oldroyd-B fluid

The Oldroyd-B fluid model is also called Oldroyd 3-constant model and

categorized as a rate type fluid which enables the retardation time, stress-relaxation and

normal stress differences. These characteristics occur frequently in the motion of fluids.

Furthermore, the Oldroyd-B fluid model is inadequate to characterize the shear-

thinning/thickening phenomenon of fluid. The constitutive equations of Oldroyd-B fluid




Here, represents retardation time. A special case namely Maxwell fluid model

can be reduced when and are substituted in the constitutive equations (1.27).

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Burger fluid

The Burger fluid model is also a rate type fluid model developed by Burger. This

model enables the most significant characteristics for the motion of fluid includes, the

transient creep property of earth mantle, the response of a variety of geological materials,

the post-glacial uplift and the response of asphalt and asphalt mixes. The constitutive

equations for Burger fluid model are





Generalized Burger fluid

This model is an extension of Burger fluid model which performs similar

characteristics as described in Burger fluid models. The generalized Burger fluid includes

some special cases, such as if then Burger model is achieved, if then

Oldroyd-B model is achieved, if then Maxwell model is achieved and

if then Newtonian model is achieved [85-86]. The constitutive

equations for generalized Burger fluid model are



1.12 Integral Transforms

Generally, origination of an integral transform was developed via Fourier integral

formula. Integral transform has been employed for the solutions of several problems in

engineering science and applied mathematics. An integral transform simply refers a

unique mathematical operation for real or complex-valued function which is transformed

into new function. The main significance of the integral transform is to converts a

difficult mathematical problem to relatively easy problem, which can be solved easily

without any cumbersome and lengthy calculations. Just like, for the solution of initial-

boundary value problems and initial value problems of integral and linear differential

equations, the integral transforms have been proved to be powerful operational methods.

Such problems mostly arise in the modeling of fluid mechanics problems. The basic

definition and concepts of integral transform can be described in the following standard

definition. Consider the function defined in as [87-89]

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{ } ∫

Where, integral transform operator is represented by , the function is so

called kernel of the transform, the transform function is the image of function ,

and is the transform parameter. An integral transform of the function is stated in

then the improper integral is stated as below:

{ } ∫

Here, the interval of integration is the unbounded interval . Meanwhile, an

equation (1.32) is said to be convergent if limit exists and if limit does not exist one can

say that an equation (1.32) is divergent. In continuation, one can retrieve number of

important integral transforms which include Laplace, Hankel, Fourier and several other

transforms by interchanging different kernel function into equation (1.32) with

different values of and . Few major transforms are discussed below which are utilized

in this thesis for investigating the general solutions of governing partial differential

equations of fluid flows.

Laplace and inverse Laplace transform

Suppose be a real or complex-valued function of time variable and is

real or complex parameter then the Lebesgue integral (1.31) is defined for Laplace

transform as [87-89]

Here, the function is called original function, is a kernel function

of Laplace transform and the function defined by (1.34) is called Laplace image of

the function . The formal definition of inverse Laplace transform is stated as

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Applying mathematical definitions say equations (1.33) and (1.34), one can

investigate Laplace and inverse Laplace transform of various elementary and simple

functions as well which can be found in any standard of transforms [87-89].

Fourier sine and inverse Fourier sine transforms

There is no denying fact that linear initial value and boundary value problems

arising from fluid mechanics phenomenon can effectively be solved by invoking Fourier

sine and inverse Fourier sine transform. This transform is very significant for the general

solution of integral and differential equations for the below reasons:

The integral and differential equations are converted into elementary algebraic

equations, which capable us to investigate solution of transformed function.

Solutions of boundary value problems are then converted in the format of

original variables by inversions.

Solutions provided by Fourier sine and inverse Fourier sine transform are

interconnected with the convolution theorem generates an elegant compact form

of the solutions.

Consider a function which is piecewise continuous and absolutely integrable

over the Fourier sine and inverse Fourier sine transforms are stated as respectively


{ } √

{ } √

Here, the function is called original function of Fourier sine transform,

is a kernel function of Fourier sine transform and { } and { } are

the Fourier sine and inverse Fourier sine operators respectively.

Finite Hankel and inverse finite Hankel transforms

A German mathematician namely Hermann Hankel (1839-1873) is a real founder

of finite Hankel transformation which is commonly known as finite Fourier-Bessel

transform. He worked on Hankel functions so called Bessel functions of the third kind.

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Owing to his scientific contribution towards finite Hankel transformation, he

suggested the usefulness of finite Hankel transformation when the axisymmetric problems

are formulated in cylindrical polar coordinates and spherically symmetric coverage

problems. The finite Hankel transformation is an integral transform whose kernel is the

Bessel function. The main significance of finite Hankel transform is that the differential

equations involving partial derivatives in cylindrical coordinates can be converted into the

differential equation involving ordinary derivatives by using the finite Hankel

transformation. In brevity, let a function be a function which is defined on ]

then finite Hankel and inverse finite Hankel transforms are stated as respectively [87-89]

{ } ∫

{ }

Here, the function is called original function of finite Hankel transform,

is a kernel function of finite Hankel transform and { } and { }

are the finite Hankel and inverse finite Hankel operators respectively, the summation is

taken over all positive roots of . Meanwhile, few important relations which

have been highly used in this thesis are described as [90]

∫ (


∫ (


Convolution integral

Convolution integral is a mathematical relation that is extremely important in the

study of fractional calculus. This mathematical relation provides an elegant representation

to the solution in terms of integral form. Consider and be two functions of time

variable then the convolution of a product of two transformed functions is denoted by

. The inverse Laplace transform of convolution is defined as

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{ }

alternatively, one can define as

{ }

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Analytical Solutions of MHD Generalized Burger Fluid

with Porous Flow

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2.1 Introduction

In this chapter the MHD generalized Burger’s fluid embedded with porous

medium is studied. The investigations of analytical solutions are presented as a sum of

Newtonian part and non-Newtonian part. The solutions are derived for the velocity field

and the shear stress while governing partial differential equations have been solved via

the integral transforms; and solutions are expressed into the compact form of infinite

series format. The general solutions also satisfy initial and boundary condition and

particularized for special cases along with sum of Newtonian and non-Newtonian forms.

The impacts on six models namely (i) Generalized Burger model, (ii) Burger model, (iii)

Oldroyd-B model, (iv) Maxwell model, (v) Second Grade model and (vi) Newtonian

model are investigated. These models are also discussed with and without porous medium

and magnetohydrodynamics effects on fluid flow. At the end, the impacts of permeability

(porosity), magnetism and several rheological parameters have been analyzed for fluid

flows by portraying graphical illustrations. Finally, the graphical results show that

Newtonian model moves slower than other models in presence and absence of magnetic

field and porous medium.

2.2 Modeling of the Governing Equations

The constitutive equations for an incompressible generalized Burgers' fluid are

[41, 86, 91, 92]




denotes the upper convected time derivative defined as



represents material time derivative. The unsteady flow of an incompressible fluid is

governed by:

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For this problem, the equation (2.5) is employed for velocity field with an extra-stress

tensor as

Introducing equation (2.5) in equation (2.1) and considering the initial conditions as

yields and





in which tangential stress is . With reference [93], the generalized Burger’s fluid has

relation for is


) (


Assuming that there is no pressure gradient in the flow direction and introducing

equation (2.5) into equation (2.4) and using equations (2.7- 2.8), the following governing

equations are obtained as




















are kinematic viscosity, applied magnetic field,

porous medium of the fluid, respectively.

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2.3 Accelerated Plate with Electrically Conducting Burger Fluid in Porous Flow

Here, consider electrically conducting generalized Burgers fluid embedded in

porous medium lying above a plate perpendicular to the y-axis. The plate is permeated

under an influence of magnetic field normal to the flow in porous medium. For

the plate begins to accelerate in its own plane with velocity . Due to

the shear, the fluid above the plate is gradually moved as sketched in figure 2.1, while the

governing equations (2.9) and (2.10) and imposed conditions are:


Figure 2.1 Geometrical configuration of accelerated plate

2.4 Solution of the Problem

2.4.1 Calculation of the Velocity Field

For finding the solutions of governing equation (2.9), the Fourier sine transform is

applied on equation (2.9), the expression is



} { (





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) (

) }

simplifying equation (2.14) and employing the imposed conditions (2.11-2.13) gives





{ √

} (




Where, is the image of Fourier sine transform of as defined in

equation (A1) and the Fourier sine transform has to justify imposed condition equation


applying Laplace transform on equation (2.15) and keeping imposed conditions equations

(2.11) and (2.12), we obtain


{ }

{ } ]]

The sum of non-Newtonian and Newtonian part can be

obtained by making in equation (2.17). The Newtonian part of

equation (2.17) is

in order to balance the equation (2.18) for satisfying imposed conditions, equation (2.18)

is employed into equation (2.17), the balanced equation by using appendix (A1) is

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{ }


applying inverse Fourier sine transform on equation (2.19), the suitable expression of

(2.19) is


{ }


invoking inverse Laplace transform on equation (2.20) and using appendix (A2), the

obtained expression of velocity field in the format of convolution product is

( √



{ }

{ }

{ }

{ } ( )


finally, the velocity field is expressed in the compact form in terms of series, as

∫ ∫


{ } ( )

{ }

( ) ( )



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( √


∫ ∫

is the Newtonian part of velocity field.

2.4.2 Calculation of the Shear Stress

For finding shear stress, the Laplace transform is applied to equation (2.10) as



The sum of non-Newtonian and Newtonian part can be

obtained by making in equation (2.24). The Newtonian part of

equation (2.24) is

employing the expression of equation (2.18) and (2.25) into equation (2.24), the balanced

equation for shear stress is found by using the appendix (A1) as



under the simplification, equation (2.26) is written for more suitable equivalent form as


{ }

{ }

{ }

{ }


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invoking inverse Laplace transform on equation (2.27) and the shear stress is expressed in

the compact form in terms of series as

∫ ∫


{ } ( )

{ }

( ) ( )



∫ ∫

is the Newtonian part of shear stress.

2.5 Limiting Cases

2.5.1 Solution of Burger Fluid

Letting in equation (2.23) and (2.28) and using appendix (A3), the

solutions are obtained as

∫ ∫


{ }

( )


and corresponding shear stress

∫ ∫

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( )


2.5.2 Solution of Oldroyd-B Fluid

Letting in equation (2.23) and (2.28) and using appendix (A4), the

solutions are obtained as

∫ ∫


( )


and corresponding shear stress

∫ ∫


( )


2.5.3 Solution of Maxwell Fluid

Letting in equation (2.23) and (2.28) and using appendix (A5),

the solutions are obtained as

∫ ∫

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( )


and corresponding shear stress

∫ ∫


( )


2.5.4 Solution of Second Grade Fluid

Letting in equation (3.23) and (3.28), the solutions are

investigated as

∫ ∫






( )



and corresponding shear stress

∫ ∫




) ]

2.6 Results and Concluding Remarks

This portion is the analysis of the significance of permeability (porosity),

magnetism and several rheological parameters, material parameters on the fluid flow due

to accelerating plate for magnetohydrodynamic generalized Burger fluid embedded with

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porous medium as a sum of Newtonian and non-Newtonian forms. In order to illustrate

the differences and similarities among various graphs for relevant physical aspects,

different numerical values are used for instance, time, permeability, porosity, magnetic

parameter, viscosity, non-zero constant, density, kinematic viscosity, relaxation time,

retardation phenomenon, material and rheological parameters few others. However, the

major findings/outcomes are listed below

(i). The general solutions for velocity field and shear stress have been expressed into

compact form i-e in terms of series form satisfying initial, boundary and natural

conditions as well. These solutions are obtained employing four translations of

integral transforms which are (i) Fourier Sine transform, (ii) Laplace transform,

(iii) Inverse Fourier Sine transform and (iv) Inverse Laplace transform. The

translation from (i) to (iv) are applied according to governing partial differential

equation and usual initial and boundary conditions.

(ii). The influence of time parameter is depicted in figure 2.2 in which both velocity

and shear stress profiles are absolute increasing function with increase in time.

(iii). Figure 2.3 is plotted for the rheology of viscosity of the fluid in which the elastic

behavior of fluid has a tendency to decline the profiles of velocity and shear stress

generated by motion of accelerating plate.

(iv). Figures 2.4,2.5,2.6 and 2.7 have been drawn for showing the influence on material

parameters ( and ), by considering nearer and smaller values of

and have similar and identical behavior of fluid flow as expected. It is worth

pointed out that and relaxation and retardation phenomenon respectively

have quiet contradictory effects on fluid flow for both profiles velocity as well as

shear stress.

(v). Figure 2.8 presents the profile of velocity and shear stress in which various

extreme small values are taken for magnetic field , it is clearly seen that it is a

Lorentz force which resist the fluid flow. This is due to the fact that magnetic field

B is applied in transverse direction.

(vi). Effects of permeability and porosity on the fluid motion are depicted in

figure 2.9 which has qualitatively scattering behavior on the fluid motion.

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(vii). Figure 2.10 is drawn to give variations for the behavior on the fluid motion in

presence of magnetic field as well as porosity. In which the velocity field has

squeezed motion of fluid as compared with profile of shear stress.

(viii). Figures 2.11 and 2.12 display the variation in presence of porosity and magnetic

field respectively for six models namely (i) Generalized Burger model, (ii) Burger

model, (iii) Oldroyd-B model, (iv) Maxwell model, (v) Second Grade model and

(vi) Newtonian model, in which generalized Burger’s model is the efficient and

the Newtonian model has slowest behavior on motion either in the presence or

absence of porosity and magnetic field.

2.7 Validation of the Results

It is worth pointed out that this problem can also be considered for retrieving a

few solutions from the published literature. The obtained analytical solutions as equations

(2.33) and (2.34) can be particularized in the absence of magnetic field and porous

medium if and in equations (2.33) and (2.34) respectively, such solutions

can easily be retrieved in similar manners which can be recovered from literature as

investigated in [41]. The solutions obtained in [41] are in excellent agreement with the

present solutions in the absence of magnetic field and porous medium. The comparison is

shown in figure 2.13 for the graphical validation at three different times i-e (smaller time,

unit time and larger time), It is observed that for the smaller time both

velocities have identical behavior while for the unit time and larger time

velocity field obtained by present solution is increasing function. This graphical

illustration also confirms the accuracy of the present work.

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Figure 2.2 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for at

Figure 2.3 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for at

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Figure 2.4 Profile of velocity field and shear stress for at

Figure 2.5 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for at

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Figure 2.6 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for at

Figure 2.7 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for at

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Figure 2.8 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for at

Figure 2.9 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for at

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Figure 2.10 Comparison of velocity field and shear stress at

Figure 2.11 Comparison of velocity field and shear stress at

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Figure 2.12 Comparison of velocity field and shear stress at

Figure 2.13 Validation of the present solutions with obtained solutions by Jamil [41] for

the velocity field when and remaining parameters are at

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A Mathematical Analysis of Generalized Fractional

Burger Fluid for Permeable Oscillations of Plate with

Magnetic Field

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3.1 Introduction

It is an established fact that mathematical analysis of fractional derivatives of

arbitrary order has several applications in various scientific fields. In this chapter, the

mathematical analysis for an electrically conducting flow of generalized fractional

Burgers' fluid with permeable oscillating plate is investigated. The governing partial

differential equations of fluid flow have been converted into fractional differential

equations by the Caputo fractional operator. For tracing out the analytical solutions of

velocity field and shear stress with and without magnetic field and porosity, the

techniques of Laplace transform are invoked. In order to get rid of the product of Gamma

functions, the analytical solutions are established in the format of Fox-H function which

satisfies imposed conditions. The final analytical solutions are particularized for limiting

cases, such as (i) the solutions are retrieved without magnetic field and permeability, (ii)

the solutions are converted into ordinary differential operator, and (iii) the solutions are

reduced for fractional Burger, fractional Oldroyd-B, fractional Maxwell fluid and

fractional Newtonian fluids. At the end, in order to highlight the similarities and

differences among various rheological parameters, the graphical illustration has been

depicted for fluid flows.

3.2 Modeling of the Governing Equations

The rheological equations for generalized Burgers' fluid can be characterized as


The upper convective time derivative is stated as





are material time derivative and upper convective derivative. The

well-known governing equations for an unsteady flow of incompressible fluid are

described as below

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The equation (3.5) is considered for velocity field and extra-stress tensor as

Keeping initial conditions in mind, it is defined as

implementing equation (3.5) in equation (3.1), yields and the

suitable equation is





in which tangential stress is . As per previously published literature [93], the

generalized Burger fluid has relation for is


) (


Where are the permeability and porosity respectively. By considering that

flow direction is free from pressure gradient, balance of linear momentum, absence of

body forces and implementing equation (3.5) into equation (3.4) keeping with equations

(3.7-3.8), the governing equations for the generalized Burger fluid are obtained as

















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is applied magnetic field,

is porous medium and

is kinematic viscosity of the fluid. Using the concept of non-integer order derivative, so

called Caputo fractional operator, the governing equations for the generalized Burger

fluid in the form of non-integer order derivative or Caputo fractional derivative are

investigated as

















where, the

is so called Caputo fractional operator described as [72-73]


3.3 Porous Flow of Fractional Burger’s Fluid on Oscillating Plate with Magnetic Field

Here an electrically conducting incompressible generalized fractional Burgers

fluid is considered with porous medium occupying the space above an oscillating plate

which is placed perpendicular to the y-axis. The plate is saturated under an influence of

magnetic field and permeability. At the moment , the plate moves in its own

plane with oscillating velocity. When shear is functionalized, fluid and plate are gradually

moved, for this fractional equations which govern the fluid phenomenon are given by the

equations (3.11) and (3.12) and corresponding conditions are employed as

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In order to have analytical solutions of fractional differential equations (3.11-3.12)

with above imposed conditions (3.14-3.16), integral transform methods are applied.

3.4 Solution of the Problem

Case-I: Cosine Oscillations

3.4.1 Mathematical Analysis of the Velocity Field

Apply the Laplace transform to equation (3.11) and the results (3.14-3.16), yields

( )

subject to the imposed conditions


and { }. The solution of equation (3.17) is obtained as

( √


In order to justify the initial and boundary condition, writing equation (3.18)

equivalently as by invoking appendix (A6) and (A7)

( √ )






) (

) (



) (

) (


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Inverting equation (3.19) by means of Laplace transform, and expressing final

expression of velocity field in terms of Fox-H function [79, 84] and convolution theorem,

the expression is

∑( √ )








) (

) (



) (

) (



) ]

3.4.2 Mathematical Analysis of the Shear Stress

Apply the Laplace transform to equation (3.12) and keeping the imposed

conditions (3.14-3.16), yields



differentiating equations (3.18) with respect to “ ” partially, then simplified expression as



writing equation (3.22) equivalently as by invoking appendix (A6) and (A7)

√ ∑






) (

) (



) (

) (


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inverting equation (3.23) by means of Laplace transform, and expressing final expression

of shear stress in terms of Fox-H function and convolution theorem as

√ ∑








) (

) (



) (

) (




Case-II: Sine Oscillations

Invoking the similar procedure, the calculation of velocity field and shear stress is

obtained as

∑( √ )








) (

) (



) (

) (



) ]

√ ∑



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) (

) (



) (

) (




3.5 Results and Concluding Remarks

In this section, the main features and concluding remarks for the present

mathematical analysis of magnetohydrodynamic and porosity are discussed. The

analytical solutions of velocity field and shear stress with and without

magnetohydrodynamics and porous medium have been established by employing discrete

Laplace transform with its inversion. The general analytic solutions are written in the

layout of the product of Gamma functions and Fox-H function. The equations (3.23-3.26)

are the analytical solutions of generalized fractional Burger flow with magnetic field and

permeability. In short, the generalized fractional Burger model has several special cases

which depend upon concerned rheological parameters. The important solutions can be

retrieved by setting certain rheological parameters as discussed in the table 3.1

Table 3.1- Rheological parameters for limiting solutions

Equation (s) Parameter (s) Type of solutions

(3.23-3.26) The solutions are in the absence of magnetic field

(3.23-3.26) The solutions are in the absence of porosity

(3.23-3.26) The solutions are in the ordinary differential operator

(3.23-3.26) The solutions are for fractional Burger fluid


The solutions are for fractional Oldroyd-B fluid


The solutions are for fractional Maxwell fluid


The solutions are for fractional Newtonian fluid

(3.23-3.26) The solutions are for first problem of stokes investigated

by Ilyas and Sharidan [96, see equation 20]

In short, the main features concerned with results are enumerated below

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Figure 3.1 is presented for time parameter, it is observed that as time increases

then velocity field and shear stress are increasing function of time. It is noticed

that both velocity field and shear stress have qualitatively identical behavior of

fluid flows over the boundary.

Figure 3.2 is presented to show the impact of viscosity on fluid flow. An

interesting fact is achieved that velocity field and shear stress have decreasing

behavior of fluid flow as lower value of viscosity is used. In general, this

phenomenon meets with true facts of shear thickening and shear thinning.

The influence of relaxation time, retardation time and material parameters are

shown in figures 3.3 and 3.4. Here, it is noted that velocity field has reciprocal

trend of fluid flow. Meanwhile, velocity field is increasing and decreasing with

respect to rheological parameter vice versa.

Figure 3.5 elaborates the effects of magnetic field on fluid flow. Increase in magnetic

field decreases the velocity field while increases the shear stress. This may be due to

the fact that resistive force is generated by applied magnetic field which is alike a

drag force. Consequently, velocity field and shear stress have opposite trend due to

applied magnetic field which slows down the motion of fluid flow.

Figure 3.6 is plotted for porosity; here velocity field and shear stress show

scattering behavior reciprocally.

Comparison of four ordinary and fractional models namely (i) Burger fluid model,

(ii) Oldroyd-B fluid model, (iii) Maxwell fluid model and (iv) Newtonian fluid

model is shown in figure 3.7. It is found that both ordinary as well as fractional

Newtonian fluid moves faster in comparison with remaining other models. It is

also noted that all ordinary models have sequestrating behavior and fractional

models have scattering one.

Comparison of only ordinary and fractional Burger model with and without

magnetic field and porosity is presented in figure 3.8. It is pointed out that both

ordinary as well as fractional Burger fluid model without magnetic field and

porosity moves faster in comparison with remaining other models with and

without magnetic field and porosity. On the other hand, models with magnetic

field have sequestrating behavior and models with porosity have scattering

behavior over the whole domain of plate.

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3.6 Validation of Results

The analytical solutions of velocity field and shear stress with and without magnetic field

and porosity have been investigated via fractional calculus approach. The Caputo

fractional operator is applied on the governing fractional differential equations of fluid

flows. In order to have the validity of the obtained results, few rheological parameters are

to be set for fulfilling the gaps between present solutions and the solutions obtained by

[96]. The main features are listed in table 3.2 as

Table 3.2- Rheological parameters for validation of results

Present solutions Published solutions [96]

The Caputo fractional parameter . The rotating parameter .

Here the present and published analytical solutions of velocity field are validated

with published data in figure 3. 9. It is worth mentioning that comparison of the present

results with a previous published result is in good agreement.

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Figure 3.1 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for

with different

values .

Figure 3.2 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for

with different

values .

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Figure 3.3 Plot of velocity field for

with different values and .

Figure 3.4 Plot of velocity field for

with different values and .

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Figure 3.5 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for

with different values .

Figure 3.6 Plot of velocity field and shear stress for

with different values .

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Figure 3.7 Comparison of velocity fields for four models for


Figure 3.8 Comparison of velocity fields for four models with and without magnetic field

and porous medium for


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Figure 3.9 Comparison of present solution with the solution obtained by Ilyas et al. [96].

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Helices of Generalized Burger Fluid in Circular

Cylinder: A Caputo Fractional Derivative Approach

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4.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the analytical solutions are derived for the effects of generalized

Burger fluid flow for infinite helically moving cylinder. The analytical expressions are

traced out for velocity and shear stress profiles by utilizing mathematical Hankel and

Laplace transforms with their inversions. The expressions of analytical solutions have

been established in the layout of Fox-H function. The general solutions satisfy

initial and boundary conditions and reduced for limiting / particularized solutions of

Burger, Oldroyd-B, Maxwell, Second grade fluids. The helical flows of four models as

Burger, Oldroyd-B, Maxwell and Newtonian fluids are compared with existing published

research exhibit good agreement and reveal the accuracy and validity of present study.

With the help of graphs, the influence of rheological parameters such as dynamic

viscosity, time, fractional parameter, material parameters, oscillations, retardation and

relaxation periods are investigated for helicity of cylinder on fluid flow.

4.2 Modeling of the Governing Equations

The constitutive equations for an incompressible generalized Burgers' fluid are



The upper convective derivative respectively defined as



represents material time derivative. This incompressible generalized Burgers' model

has particular cases of fluid models as discussed in the Table. 4.1

Table 4.1- Rheological parameters for particular solutions

Parameter (s) Type of fluid model

Newtonian fluid model

Maxwell fluid model

Oldroyd-B fluid model

Burger fluid model

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For this problem, the following assumptions can be considered for velocity field

and extra-stress tensor

Initially the fluid does not take motion because it is in rest when then due to

this flow constraint of incompressibility is consequently fulfilled,

Here, the term is then the corresponding result can be attained as[86, 97]




) (


where, the shear stresses and are considered vividly.

Neglecting body forces and balance of linear momentum without pressure gradient leads

to identical equation due to rotational symmetry [98]





cancelling and from equations (4.5) and (4.6), with the help of Caputo

derivatives operator fractionalized governing equations are




















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where, Caputo-fractional operator of order is defined as [72, 73]


4.3 Oscillations of Cylinder Due to Helicity of Fluid

Consider a flow of generalized fractional Burger fluid at rest in an infinite circular

cylinder subject to imposed conditions with radius . At the initial stage, the

cylinder starts to rotate around its axis with or

(angular velocity) and to oscillate along with the same axis

or (oscillating velocity). Fluid is

gradually moved due to shear stress; while the velocity is assumed of the form of

equation having the governing partial differential equations (4.7-4.10). Such type

of flow generates helices (flow in helicity), in general its streamlines yield helices. See

figure 4.1 for the detailed configuration of helical cylinder.

Figure 4.1 Geometrical configuration of helical cylinder

The corresponding boundary and initial conditions are

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4.4 Solution of the Problem

4.4.1 Investigation of the Velocity Field

Case-I: and

Applying Laplace transform to equations (4.7-4.8) and considering the initial and

boundary conditions (4.12-4.14), the following set of partial differential equations are
















where, and are the image functions of and respectively

and have to fulfill the imposed conditions defined as in equation (4.17)

Applying Hankel transform on equations (4.15-4.16) and taking into account

equation (4.17) along with the well-known results [ Debnath and Bhatta, 87 ]

( ) ( ) ∫ (

) ( )

( ) ( ) ∫ (

) ( )

we obtain that,

( )

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( )






( ) ∫ ( ) ( )

( ) ∫ ( ) ( )

are the Hankel transforms of and respectively. Inverting with Hankel

transform for perusing and , rewriting equations (4.20-4.21) in

equivalent form as

( )




{ (





( )




{ (

) (



inverting equations (4.24-4.25) by Hankel transform [87]

( )

( )

and using the fact of integrals as described below

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∫ ( )

∫ ( )

The obtained simplified form is as below.

( )



{ (




( )



{ (

) (


writing equations (4.28-4.29) into series form by invoking appendix (A6) and (A7), the

equivalent expressions are

( )

( )

∑( )









( )

( )

∑( )









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inverting equations (4.30-4.31) by Laplace transform and writing in terms Fox-H

function, the final expressions of velocities can be expressed as

∑ ( )

( )

∑( )









[ |


∑ ( )

( )

∑( )









[ |


equations (4.32-4.33) are general solutions for velocities satisfying initial and boundary

conditions. Where, the newly defined special Fox-H function is

∑ ∏

[ |


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4.4.2 Investigation of the Shear Stress

Applying Laplace transform on equation (4.9-4.10) with implementing equations (4.12-

4.14) as initial and boundary conditions, it is found that










Where, using identities ( ) ( ) and ( )

( )

( ), it is obtained as


) ∑

( )

( )



{ (






( )

( )



{ (

) (


employing equations (4.37-4.38) into equations (4.35-4.36) respectively and using

Laplace transform on both sides to equations (4.37-4.38), we obtain final expressions of

shear stress in terms of Fox-H function by invoking appendix (A6) and (A7) as

∑ ( )

( )

∑( )









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( )


( )

( )

∑( )












( )


Case-II: and

Employing identical procedure, solutions for velocities and shear stresses are

obtained for cosine oscillations.

∑ ( )

( )

∑( )







[ |


∑ ( )

( )

∑( )









[ |


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∑ ( )

( )

∑( )












( )


( )

( )

∑( )












( )


4.5 Results and Conclusion

This portion is written for the final analytical expressions which are obtained for

velocity and shear stress profiles by utilizing mathematical Hankel and Laplace

transforms with their inversions are analyzed. The analytical expressions have been

established in the layout of Fox-H function and imposed conditions are fulfilled for the

oscillating velocity and angular velocity along with same axis. It is important to point out

that various solutions can be retrieved from literature under certain conditions. For the

sake of literature and the most elementary case, we set then the

fluid is termed as Newtonian fluid (the classical Navier-Stokes viscous fluid), for such

case the solutions have been investigated by [Jamil et al. 99 (see equations. 46-49)]. The

solutions and effects of helicity for second grade and viscoelastic fluid (Maxwell fluid)

can be retrieved by letting and [Jamil et al. 99 (see

equations, 32-33 and 40-41)] respectively. The similar solutions for Oldroyd-B fluid

have been deduced for longitudinal and torsional time-dependent shear stresses by

employing [Jamil et al. 100 (see equations, 25-26 and 32-33)]. In order to

reveal physical aspects from obtained results, the graphical illustrations are investigated

and discussed as below

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The analytical solutions for two components of velocity and shear stress have

been established in terms of newly defined Fox-H function and the

correctness of these solutions have been determined by graphical illustrations with

comparison of four models for ordinary and fractionalized fluids, i-e (i) Ordinary

and fractionalized Burger model (ii) Ordinary and fractionalized Oldroyd-B model

(iii) Ordinary and fractionalized Maxwell model and (iv) Ordinary and

fractionalized Newtonian model.

Figure 4.2 is portrayed for velocity components, both velocity components are

increasing functions with variation of time. Additionally, it is obvious that due to

helical flow in circular cylinder the influence of the rigid boundary is larger over

the boundary.

The rheological effects of relaxation , retardation and material parameters

have been depicted in figures 4.3, 4.5, 4.4, 4.6 respectively. More precisely,

the relaxation parameter has reciprocal behavior of fluid flow in comparison

with retardation parameter. Qualitatively the same phenomenon is observed for

the material parameters on the whole domain. This phenomenon may be

due to the rotations and oscillations of cylinder because stream lines of rotations

and oscillations of cylinder are helices (Helical flow).

The impact of radius is shown in figure 4.7. It is noted that the fluid motion is

sequestrated about its own plane. This is due to the fact that as radius increases

the motion of fluid slows down and decelerates the helices in cylinder.

The viscoelastic behavior of real materials is modeled by fractional-order laws of

deformation. Figure 4.8 signifies the dynamics of fractionalized and ordinary fluid

models with comparison. The models are (i) ordinary and fractionalized Burger

model (ii) ordinary and fractionalized Oldroyd-B model (iii) ordinary and

fractionalized Maxwell model and (iv) ordinary and fractionalized Newtonian

model. It is pointed out that in figure 4.8 fractionalized models are scattered and

fractionalized Newtonian fluid moves faster in comparison with other

fractionalized models. On the contrary, in figure 4.9, ordinary models are

sequestrated and ordinary Newtonian fluid is slower in comparison with other

ordinary models. Hence, due to significance of fractional parameter helices of

cylinder for fractionalized and ordinary fluid have reciprocal behavior of fluid

flow over the boundary.

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Figure 4.2 Plot of velocity fields from equations (32) and (33) for

and distinct values of


Figure 4.3 Plot of velocity fields from equations (32) and (33) for

and distinct

values of .

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Figure 4.4 Plot of velocity fields from equations (32) and (33) for

and distinct values of .

Figure 4.5 Plot of velocity fields from equations (32) and (33) for

and distinct values

of .

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Figure 4.6 Plot of velocity fields from equations (32) and (33) for

and distinct values

of .

Fig 4.7 Plot of velocity fields from equations (32) and (33) for

and distinct

values of .

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Figure 4.8 Plot of velocity fields for fractionalized Newtonian, fractionalized Maxwell,

fractionalized Oldroyd-B and fractionalized Burger, for


Figure 4.9 Plot of velocity fields for ordinary Newtonian, ordinary Maxwell, ordinary

Oldroyd-B, ordinary Burger for


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Analytic Study of Molybdenum Disulfide Nanofluids:

An Atangana-Baleanu Fractional Derivatives Approach

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5.1 Introduction

This chapter is devoted to the analysis of nanofluids because nanofluids have

attained the consideration of researchers for last two decades. Molybdenum disulfide is

usually considered as an inorganic compound consisting of alternative layers of sulfur and

Molybdenum atoms, having chemical formula MoS2. Molybdenum disulfide is a mineral

so called molybdenite containing silvery black solids. Molybdenum disulfide is largely

utilized as a lubricant in the form of solids; this is due to the fact that it has robustness and

low friction properties. MoS2 is unaffected through oxygen as well as dilute acids and is

quite stable. MoS2 is composed of lamellar crystal structure designed as sandwiched

between trigonal prismatic molecular structures of sulfur atoms in a hexagonally closed-

pack arrangement. In brevity, the principle ore and van der walls interaction of MoS2 are

shown in figure 5.1 and figure 5.2 respectively

Figure 5.1 A principle ore of MoS2 Figure 5.2 Van der walls interaction of MoS2

Here it is well established fact that, the significance of different shapes of

molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles containing in ethylene glycol have recently attracted

researchers, because of numerical or experimental analysis on shapes of molybdenum

disulfide and lack of fractionalized analytic approach. In order to analyze the shape

impacts of molybdenum disulfide nanofluids in mixed convection flow with magnetic

field and porous medium, Ethylene glycol is considered as a base fluid in which

Molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles are suspended. Non-spherically shaped

Molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles namely platelet, blade, cylinder and brick are

utilized in this analysis. The mathematical modeling of the problem is characterized by

employing modern approach of Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivatives and the

governing partial differential equations are solved via Laplace transforms with its

inverses. The general solutions are obtained for temperature distribution and velocity field

and are expressed in terms of compact form of M-function Ta

bM . A graphical

illustration is depicted to compare the non-spherically shaped Molybdenum disulfide

nanoparticles. The Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivatives model have also been

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compared with ordinary derivative model and discussed graphically by choosing various

rheological parameters.

5.2 Formulation of Flow Equations

Assume unidirectional and incompressible convection flow of ethylene glycol

based nanofluids containing nanoparticles based on Molybdenum disulfide saturated

porous medium with effects of radiation. The convection flow in the absence of an

external pressure gradient is caused by a buoyancy force. The fluid is considered under

the effects of a transverse magnetic field 0B applied perpendicularly to the flow. The

impact of convinced magnetic field can be ignored when the magnetic Reynolds number

is assumed to be small. The electric field due to polarization is also ignored because

external electric field is considered to be zero, while flow is considered under the

assumption of no slip boundary condition. The x-axis and y-axis are taken along the flow

and normal to the flow direction respectively. The governing equations of momentum and

energy are described by implementing the assumptions of Boussinesq approximation as



0 ) ( )

( )

Here, dynamic viscosity and thermal conductivity are based on Crosser’s and

Hamilton (1962) model which gives validation for non-spherical as well as spherical

nanoparticles are utilized. In this model,

( )

( )

The empirical shape factor as

is appearing in equation (5.3), where, is

the sphericity. In this connection, sphericity is stated as the ratio between surface area of

the real particle and surface area of the sphere with equal volumes. While and are

constants which depend on the particle shape. In brevity, the particle shapes and constant

and are illustrated in the table 5.1 [101]

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Table 5.1 Sphericity for different nanoparticle shapes with constants a and b .

Model Platelet Blade Cylinder Brick

0.52 0.36 0.62 0.81

37.1 14.6 13.5 1.9

612.6 123.3 904.4 471.4

Table 5.2 Thermo-physical properties of ethylene glycol and nanoparticles

Nanoparticles /

Base fluid (m

-3 Kg) ρ (JKg

-1 K

-1) Cp (Wm


-1) k

MoS2 5.06 × 103 397.21 85-110

Cu 8933 385 401

Al2O3 3970 765 40

Ag 10500 235 429

EG 1.115 0.58 0.1490

Solving equations (5.1-5.2) by using the relations investigated by [102, 103] as

( )



Here, subscripts and are denoted for base fluid and solid nanoparticle of the

fluid properties while is the volume fraction of the nanoparticles. It is also assumed that

temperature of both plates and are high and generates radiative heat transfer, which

is defined as

{ }

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Employing equation (5.6) in equation (5.2), we arrive

( )

{ }

Implementing dimensional variables given below in equation (5.1) and equation

(5.7) and equation (5.3-5.5) as

The governing partial differential equations using equation (5.8) as






( )

( )

( )

[ ( )

( )


Here, is Peclet number, is Reynold’s number, is thermal Grashof

number, is a magnetic field, is radiation parameter. The following conditions are

imposed as

Simplifying equations (5.9-5.10) and using newly defined Atangana-Baleanu

fractional operator of order as [77,78]

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∫ (


For equation (5.15), ( ) ∑( )

is the Mittage-Leffler function, the

final expression of governing equations is




5.3 Analytical Solution of Problem

5.3.1 Temperature Distribution Using Atangana-Baleanu Fractional Derivative

Employing discrete Laplace transform on equation (5.17) and imposing the

equations (5.12-5.14), taking

, yields



the solution equation (5.19) is traced out with imposed conditions as

{ √


expanding equation (5.20), into suitable format for satisfying the initial and boundary

conditions, an equivalent expression

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( √ )


) (



) (


Where, ,

and . Now inverting equation (5.21) by

means of discrete Laplace transform and expressing final solution of temperature

distribution in terms of M-Function as previously published papers [79, 82,84]

∑( √ )

[ |


) (



) (



Here, the property of

M-Function is defined as [79, 82,84]

[ |

( )

( )]

5.3.2 Velocity Field with Atangana-Baleanu Fractional Derivative

Employing discrete Laplace transform on equation (5.16) and imposing the

equation (5.12-5.14), taking

, it is obtained as



the solutions of differential equation (5.24) is traced out via initial and boundary

conditions, we get

{ √

} (


{ √


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Where, the parameters are supposed as ,

, ,


Now expanding equation (5.25), into suitable format for satisfying the initial and

boundary conditions, an equivalent expression

( √ )






) (


( √ )




) (



) (


( √ )




) (



) (


inverting equation (5.26) by means of discrete Laplace transform and expressing final

solution of velocity field in terms of M-Function as previously published papers

[79, 82,84]

∑( √ )



[ |




) (



( √ )



∑ (


[ |


) (



) (



( √ )



∑ (


[ |


) (



) (



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5.4 Results and Concluding Remarks

The different shapes of Molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles containing in

ethylene glycol have been analyzed using fractionalized analytic approach for mixed

convection flow with magnetic field and porous medium. Ethylene glycol is chosen as a

base fluid in which Molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles are suspended. The

nonspherically shaped Molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles namely platelet, blade,

cylinder and brick are used in this study as discussed in table 5.1 and table 5.2. Governing

partial differential equations have been modeled by employing modern approach of

Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivatives and then solved via Laplace transforms methods.

The final expression are investigated for velocity and temperature while these general

solutions are expressed in the layout of M-function . The Atangana-Baleanu

fractional derivatives models have been compared with ordinary derivatives models and

discussed in detail by varying various rheological parameters. However, the major

outcomes are enumerated below:

Figure 5.3 presents the comparison of different types of nanoparticles namely,

(silver), (copper), (molybdenum disulfide) and (alumina). The

results show that the moves faster and has highest velocity in comparison with

remaining types of nanoparticles, followed as (copper), (molybdenum

disulfide) and (alumina) in ethylene glycol based nanofluids. This may be

due to fact that thermal conductivity and viscosity of nanofluids increase for large

deferment/suspension with volume fraction of nanoparticles as stated in Hamilton

and Crosser’s (1962) model.

Figure 5.4 elucidates the impacts of Grashof number. It is observed that velocity

field is increasing function with respect to increase in Grashof number. Increase in

Grashof number indicates an increase in free convection and buoyancy force. This

is due to the fact that conduction is not dominant in comparison with convection

by increasing temperature.

The effects of different shapes of molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles namely

platelet, blade, cylinder and brick on the velocity field of ethylene glycol based

nanofluids have been plotted in figure 5.5. It is quite clear to mention that

nanoparticles namely platelet, cylinder and brick have least velocity in contrast

with blade-shaped nanoparticles. Brick and blade shaped nanoparticles have

lowest viscosities in discrepancy with platelet and cylinder nanoparticles. This is

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due to the fact that particle shapes totally depend upon the strong behavior of


The influence of radiation parameter is emphasized in figure 5.6. It is observed

from physical point of view that an increase in thermal radiation generates an

amount of heat energy due to fluid molecules convection.

Volume fraction of molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles has interesting behavior

on temperature distribution and velocity field of ethylene glycol based nanofluids.

This behavior is depicted in figure 5.7. The velocity field has scattering behavior

by increasing volume fraction of molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles, while

temperature distribution shows sequestrating oscillations over whole boundary.

This may be due to the fact that an increase in volume fraction leads fluid more


Figures 5.8 and 5.9 disclose the hidden phenomenon of transverse magnetic field

and permeability on velocity field as well as temperature distribution. It is noted

that due to Lorentz force, velocity field has resistive behavior of fluid. In simple

words, Lorentz force which is identical to drag force tends the fluid velocity to be

slowed down. On the other hand, in Fig.5.9 fluid friction is reduced due to

increase in permeability.

Figure 5.10 is presented for smaller and larger time for analyzing the effects of

velocity field on molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles with ethylene glycol namely

(silver), (copper), (molybdenum disulfide) and (alumina). For

smaller time , moves faster in

comparison with other nanoparticles, for larger time ,

moves slower in comparison with other nanoparticles. In

brevity, for a unit time , almost an identical behavior is observed for all

nanoparticles with resistivity.

Figure 5.11 explores the effects of Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivative verses

ordinary derivative on the velocity field. In this figure, an opposite direction of

fluid flow is observed. This may be due to the non-locality and non-singular

kernel of Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivative. It is noted that temperature

distribution was also analyzed for Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivative verses

ordinary derivative in which reciprocal behavior was observed. But for the sake of

simplicity, graphical illustration of temperature distribution is not included here.

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Figure 5.3 Plot of velocity field for four types of nanoparticles in an ethylene glycol based

nanofluid when


Figure 5.4 Plot of velocity field for Molybdenum disulfide in ethylene Glycol based

nanofluid when

with different values of .

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Figure 5.5 Plot of velocity field for four shapes of molybdenum disulfide in ethylene

glycol based nanofluid when


Figure 5.6 Plot of velocity field for molybdenum disulfide in ethylene glycol based

nanofluid when

with different values of .

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Figure 5.7 Plot of velocity field and temperature distribution for molybdenum disulfide in

ethylene glycol based nanofluid when

with different values of .

Figure 5.8 Plot of velocity field for molybdenum disulfide in ethylene glycol based


with different values of .

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Figure 5.9 Plot of velocity field for molybdenum disulfide in ethylene glycol based


with different values of .

Figure 5.10 Comparison of velocity field for four types of molybdenum disulfide in

ethylene glycol based nanofluids for smaller and larger times when

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Figure 5.11 Comparison of velocity field for Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivative

verses ordinary derivative when


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Applications of This Research and Future


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6.1 Applications of Non-Newtonian Fluid

The research in this thesis is based on the non-Newtonian liquids/fluids. Several

mathematicians, engineers, scientists and researchers have significant opinions that flows

of non-Newtonian liquids/fluids are extremely important in industrial and manufacturing

processes. Ultimately several industries will benefit as the result of the understanding of

the dynamics and physics of helical, oscillating, constantly rotating, and accelerating

processes of circular cylinder and plate as shown in Fig. 6.1. Meanwhile, the non-

Newtonian fluid mechanics provides the theoretical foundation for the turbomachines and

hydraulics. Both focus on the engineering uses of fluid properties. Any device that

extracts energy from a continuously moving stream of fluid is termed as a Turbomachine.

Turbomachines have direct applications in the following terms

Compressors, pumps and turbines in mechanical applications for example, irrigation,

sewage treatments plants and heating ventilation and air conditioning systems.

Power generation in thermal power plants, hydro power plants, wind turbine.

Jet propulsion, chemical and food processing industries.

On the other hand, hydraulics is the liquid version of pneumatics which is highly

used in applied science and engineering because it deals with mechanical properties of

fluids or liquids. From application point of view, a word Hydraulic covers most of

engineering modules,

Dam design, pipe flow, river channel behavior, pumps.

Turbines, hydropower, fluidics and fluid control circuitry, flow measurement and erosion.

Figure 6.1 Role of non-Newtonian fluids in industries for unidirectional and oscillating


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In order to understand the unidirectional and oscillating flows in manufacturing

process, as shown in above figure. One has to follow the set of steps listed below:

(i). The flow of raw material, (ii). The flow of work-in-process, (iii). The flow of finished

goods (iv). The flow of operators, (v). The flow of machines, (vi). The flow of

information and (vii). The flow of engineering. It is very important not to skip these steps

while manufacturing processes.

6.2 Applications of Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)

Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) deals with the dynamics of a conducting fluid

which interacts with a magnetic field. The magnetohydrodynamic non-Newtonian fluids

have also significant role in science and engineering phenomenon. For instance

It is well established fact that all metallic materials are magnetic in nature. The

removal of non-metallic inclusions is extracted from iron ore (magnetite) by

various methods such as magnetic separation. For instance, one can consider the

magnetic roller for removal of magnetic and non-magnetic particles form finely

ground ore as shown in the following figure 6.2

Figure 6.2 Process of magnetic separation of magnetite iron ore

However, several researchers use certain amount of aluminum in molten steel by

which they discuss the removal of non-metallic inclusions by utilizing high frequency

magnetic field.

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The efficient thermal power generating systems are usually influenced by heat,

this is due to the fact that the thermal energy is directly converted in to electrical

energy (MHD) in power plant. The magnetohydrodynamic processes can be

employed on many purposes, for instance hydroelectric power plants, nuclear

power plants, commercial power generation systems and few others.

Magnetohydrodynamics as a science of electrically conducting fluids has its

applications in astrophysics and geophysics. The magnetohydrodynamics is

interconnected to several engineering phenomenon such as liquid-metal cooling of

nuclear reactors, electromagnetic casting and power generations and plasma

confinement (see figure 6.3).

Figure 6.3 Plasma Confinement

6.3 Applications of Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology has diverted the attention of several scientists and researchers

because of its technological development and industrial applications. The nanotechnology

refers to the type of technology that scientists, engineers and researchers use for materials

at the nanometer size. Undoubtedly nanofluids would be a significant topic of the

upcoming era because of thermophysical properties and rich increase in heat transfer rate.

Nanofluids are considered better thermally effective in comparison with conventional

heat transfer fluids. It is also well established fact that the enhancement of thermal

conductivity is due to thermophysical properties which plays an adhesive role in

nanofluids for mass and heat transfer. It is well established fact that the suspension of

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nanoparticles in nanofluids depends upon preparation and stability, shape and size,

volume fraction and temperature factors, because the suspension of nanoparticles

characterizes the perfect and effective heat transfer. In short, the cooling is one of the

most pressing needs of many industrial technologies because of their ever-increasing heat

generation rates. Conventional heat transfer fluids such as water, alcohol, air, engine oil

and kerosene shows very low thermal conductivity. In order to increase energy efficiency

and heat transfer, several industries have opted efficient coolants. For instance, nuclear

reactors coolants, car radiator coolants, industrial coolants, Smart Fluids, nanofluids in

automobile fuels, extraction of geothermal power and few others. A useful coolant is

sketched below in Fig. 6.4.

Figure 6.4 Coolant tower of power plant

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6.4 Future Recommendations

It is very significant to highlight some extensions regarding this research work

with different geometries for non-Newtonian fluid as

The same problems can be extended with different fractional derivatives, for

instance the Caputo-Fabrizio, Atangana-Baleanu and Atangana-Koca fractional

derivatives and few others.

By invoking the natural and Sumudu transforms, the same problems can be

extended with and without magnetohydrodynamic and porous medium.

The problem discussed in chapter five can be analyzed via different base fluids,

for instance, engine oil, Kerosene, methanol excreta using few suitable


The same problems can be extended with different numerical schemes, like lattice

Boltzmann method, Adomian decomposition method, Homotopy perturbation

method and Keller Box method.

The problems of this thesis can be analyzed under the assumptions of no slip

conditions, first and second order slip conditions with Newtonian heating and

chemical reactions.

In order to enhance or modify the work of this thesis, the different numerical

techniques can be applied for three dimensional study of the problems.

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Page 141: Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Non-Newtonian Fluid ...prr.hec.gov.pk/jspui/bitstream/123456789/10965/1/Kashif Ali_Maths_… · I Kashif Ali hereby states that my PhD thesis titled


Page 142: Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Non-Newtonian Fluid ...prr.hec.gov.pk/jspui/bitstream/123456789/10965/1/Kashif Ali_Maths_… · I Kashif Ali hereby states that my PhD thesis titled


Page 143: Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Non-Newtonian Fluid ...prr.hec.gov.pk/jspui/bitstream/123456789/10965/1/Kashif Ali_Maths_… · I Kashif Ali hereby states that my PhD thesis titled


Page 144: Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Non-Newtonian Fluid ...prr.hec.gov.pk/jspui/bitstream/123456789/10965/1/Kashif Ali_Maths_… · I Kashif Ali hereby states that my PhD thesis titled


Page 145: Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Non-Newtonian Fluid ...prr.hec.gov.pk/jspui/bitstream/123456789/10965/1/Kashif Ali_Maths_… · I Kashif Ali hereby states that my PhD thesis titled


Page 146: Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Non-Newtonian Fluid ...prr.hec.gov.pk/jspui/bitstream/123456789/10965/1/Kashif Ali_Maths_… · I Kashif Ali hereby states that my PhD thesis titled


Page 147: Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Non-Newtonian Fluid ...prr.hec.gov.pk/jspui/bitstream/123456789/10965/1/Kashif Ali_Maths_… · I Kashif Ali hereby states that my PhD thesis titled


Page 148: Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Non-Newtonian Fluid ...prr.hec.gov.pk/jspui/bitstream/123456789/10965/1/Kashif Ali_Maths_… · I Kashif Ali hereby states that my PhD thesis titled


Page 149: Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Non-Newtonian Fluid ...prr.hec.gov.pk/jspui/bitstream/123456789/10965/1/Kashif Ali_Maths_… · I Kashif Ali hereby states that my PhD thesis titled


Page 150: Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Non-Newtonian Fluid ...prr.hec.gov.pk/jspui/bitstream/123456789/10965/1/Kashif Ali_Maths_… · I Kashif Ali hereby states that my PhD thesis titled


Page 151: Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Non-Newtonian Fluid ...prr.hec.gov.pk/jspui/bitstream/123456789/10965/1/Kashif Ali_Maths_… · I Kashif Ali hereby states that my PhD thesis titled


Page 152: Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Non-Newtonian Fluid ...prr.hec.gov.pk/jspui/bitstream/123456789/10965/1/Kashif Ali_Maths_… · I Kashif Ali hereby states that my PhD thesis titled


Page 153: Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Non-Newtonian Fluid ...prr.hec.gov.pk/jspui/bitstream/123456789/10965/1/Kashif Ali_Maths_… · I Kashif Ali hereby states that my PhD thesis titled


Page 154: Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Non-Newtonian Fluid ...prr.hec.gov.pk/jspui/bitstream/123456789/10965/1/Kashif Ali_Maths_… · I Kashif Ali hereby states that my PhD thesis titled