Fallout Tabletop Rulebook Ver. 0.01

Unofficial Fallout Tabletop Rulebook

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Rulebook for the Unofficial Fallout tabletop RPG made by a friend and I. Contains helpful information and examples.

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Fallout Tabletop RulebookVer. 0.01

Character Creation

S.P.E.C.I.A.L.SPECIAL is your attributes; the sole numbers that determine what you are capable of. Your 7 attributes are Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck. Think carefully about what you want as a character, because there arent many ways to change these numbers.STRENGTH: This is your ability to lift, hit, and push anything. Youll need this for Melee, as well as being able to wield heftier weapons, or various interactions with the environment, like kicking in doors or moving rubble.PERCEPTION: Any senses you have, like sight, smell, hearing, etc., is determined by this score. Noticing enemies in the distance, or hearing someone sneak up behind you, Energy Weapons and Explosives all rely on Perception.ENDURANCE: CHARISMA: Your ability to socialize and trade falls under Charisma. You may have a silver tongue, using it to talk your way around a sticky situation, or trip over every word. Speech and Barter are the prime use of the attribute, as well as your appearance to other people.INTELLIGENCE:

Player Races

Vault DwellerFresh out of the nearest Vault, this xenophobic ball of radiation-free adventurer gets the bonus of a shiny Personal Information Processor, or Pip-Boy, for short. However, with no experience of the outside world, they suffer a negative to Barter, along with whatever twisted experiment they went through in the safety of their Vault.

WasterYour everyday life is survival as one of the Wastelands many free-folk. With your whole life a struggle between Radiation, Starvation, and the terrors of Post-Apocolyptia, you have built up a resistance to Rads, especially from food and drink.

GhoulHaving had your good looks taken from you in the sweet kiss of nuclear fire, and made to endure hundreds of years in the half-life of the war, you bask in the sweet rays of Radiation. You may not get your face back, but each point of radiation heals you little by little. However, if you feel like binging on Chems, be prepared to turn out your pockets, because you are immune to most regular drugs. Seek out anyone selling super chems if youre in a fit and need a fix.

Super MutantOnce the stalwart front line of the Masters Army, you are (in equal amounts) the most terrifying, and just about the dumbest thing roaming the wastes. The FEV has pushed your body and mind to the limits, giving you both a bonus to STR, and a negative to INT.


Vault-DwellerPip-Boy (unlocks VATS, Vital Tracking)-15 to Barter, See Vault Chart

Waster+5 RAD resist for irrad. food/drink

Ghoul+1 HP per round while IN RadiationNo Bonus from normal Chems

Super-Mutant+2 STR-3 INT

Playing Tag: Skills and You

Skills are tested on 1d100. The lower the better. You receive one degree of success for every 5 points under your skill total you are. The exception is Sneak which is 1 Degree of Success per 10 points.

BarterBarter is used to facilitate trade as well as convince people that you deserve MORE MONEY. Barter translates to a direct discount on goods maxing out at 25% at 100 Barter. Which means it is 5% for every 20 points in barter.

Energy WeaponsThe Energy Weapons skill determines what equipment you can use and your chance to hit with those weapons.

ExplosivesDetermines which explosives you can use and your accuracy with them.GunsWhat you can use and how well you can use it.

LockpickDetermines what level of lock you can crack

MedicineYour effectiveness at treating wounds

Melee WeaponsWhat you can use and how well you can use it.

RepairYour ability to repair and maintain your equipment and the world around you.

ScienceDetermines what level of terminal you can crack.

SneakDetermines your ability to get by undetected

SpeechAn expression of your influence.

SurvivalYour ability to survive off the land. Who needs a bed when youve got a patch of rock-free dirt?

UnarmedWhat you can use and how well you can use it.

InitiativeInitiative order is determined from top to bottom by Agility. Highest Agility First, Lowest Agility lastIn the event of a tie, the tie is broken by the character with higher luck. In the event of YET ANOTHER TIE. Roll 1d10, highest roll goes

Action PointsAction points determine the number of actions a character may take per round. Moving one hex grid costs 1 action point. Each weapon has an action point cost that counts against your total every time you use it. Aiming for a body part adds one AP to the cost of the weapon. FOR EXAMPLE.You have 7 Action Points, move 3 grids. You have 4 AP remaining. You fire your Laser Pistol, which costs 2 AP. You may fire your Laser Pistol one more time this round. However, if you had aimed for the enemys head the cost is increased to 3 AP. With only 1 AP remaining you cannot take another shot. You may move one more grid, or end your turn. Ending your turn does not bank action points for later use. Use em or lose em.

AttackingTo attack an enemy, you declare your target, and whether or not you are attacking an extremity. To determine if you hit an enemy, roll 1d100 vs the relevant weapons skill. You are attempting to roll UNDER your skill total. The lower the number, the better. For every 5 points under your Weapons skill, you achieve 1 degree of success. Degrees of Success are the way we resolve most skill attempts.FOR EXAMPLE.You are attempting to shoot a raider. You have 35 Guns skill. You roll 24. 24 is 11 lower than 35, which means you have achieved 2 degrees of success. This takes us onto Dodging. Your friend. Remember that.

DodgingYour ability to dodge is a statistic derived from your Guns and Energy Weapons Skills. This number can only be improved through: Increasing your Agility, Guns, and Energy Weapons. It is your primary defense versus ranged attacks. Melee is another bag of worms. Well get there, dont worry.

FOR EXAMPLEThe raider has 34 Energy Weapons, 19 Guns, 6 Agility leaving him with a Dodge Rating of 31. Using our earlier example of attacking and the 2 Degrees of success we earned, the defender with 31 Dodge must now roll ATLEAST 21 to avoid the hit so that he also has 2 degrees of success. Ties on dodge rolls resolve favorably for the defender. Our Raider however rolled 24. He has failed his dodge, and is hit

DamageCalculating Damage on a successful hit is a multi-stage process beginning with your damage roll. The next step is checking the penetration value of your weapon versus the targets armor to determine how much, if any you have negated. Finally, if any armor value remains it is subtracted from your damage. I apologize sincerely for how obtusely this had to be phrased.

FOR EXAMPLE.A .357 Magnum Revolver does 1d5+1 Damage and has a penetration value of 1. You roll a 3, so your total is 4. The Raider is wearing a Duster which has 2 points of armor. Your bullet has 1 penetration, so their armor only counts as 1 point. This means that your 4 damage has 1 point subtracted from it and the raider loses 3 health.

CripplingYou can cripple limbs by aiming at them at a 1 AP penalty to the attempt. Shooting at the head costs 2 more AP and occurs at a -10 Penalty to the pertinent weapon skill. Limbs have your total Health. If you have 24, they have 6hp each. The Adamantium Skeleton Perk doubles this HP. Crippled Limbs carry a penalty. Crippled arm imposes a -20 Penalty to lockpicking and pocket picking, anything that requires fine manipulation. It also imposes a -10 to hit with all weapons types. Crippled Leg hits you with +1 AP cost per square moved, doubled with 2 broken legs and -50 carry weight per leg broken. Crippled head inflicts -2 Perception and -2 Intelligence till its fixed. Crippled Torso = -2 Endurance and -50 Carry weight.WoundsYou receive wounds when you go down in a fight. You receive a wound based on how you got downed. To clarify, you running out of HP is not a death sentence. Its when your group leaves you there that youre done. Or. If the whole party runs out of Health. THEN its game over. So. Everyone dies. OR. You get left because nobody loves you. Wounds are healed by someone using Medicine on you. With proper tools. Scalpels, Bandages, Surgical Tubing, Medical Braces, Crutches, etc. WE ARE STILL WORKING ON THE PENALTIES THAT COME WITH WOUNDS AND HOW THEY DIFFER FROM CRIPPLED BITS. THNX