UNIX Cmd 1.1

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  • 7/27/2019 UNIX Cmd 1.1


    UNIX Commands

    Heading Objective Command Example

    df df command displays

    information about total spaceand available space on a filesystem

    This displays the file systemstatistics in 1024-byte diskblocks.

    df k df -k /test

    This displays file systemstatistics in MB disk blocksrounded off to nearest 2nddecimal digit.

    df m df -m /test

    This displays file system

    statistics in GB disk blocksrounded off to nearest 2nddecimal digit.

    df g df -g /test

    find Finds files with a matchingexpression.

    This searches the entire filesystem and writes thecomplete path names of allfiles named .profile. The /(slash) tells the find commandto search the root directory and

    all of its subdirectories.

    find / find / -name .profile-print

    This lists the names of the filesthat have only owner-read andowner-write permission. The .(dot) tells the find command tosearch the current directoryand its subdirectories.

    find . find . -perm 0600 print

    To list all files in the currentdirectory that have beenchanged during the current 24-hour period.

    find . ctime find . -ctime 1 print

    To lists the names of theordinary files (-type f) thathave more than one link (-links +1).

    find . -type f find . -type f -links+1 print

    To find all accessible fileswhose path name contains find

    find . name find . -name '*find*'print

    To search for all files that areexactly 414 bytes long

    find . -size find . -size 414c print

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    Wait Waits until the termination ofa process ID.

    Waits until the termination ofa process123456789.

    wait [ ProcessID] wait 123456789

    date Displays the date in the

    desired format.Displays the date in the formatequivalent to %m/%d/%y.

    date +"%D"

    Displays the locale's fullmonth name.

    date +"%B"

    Displays the hour (24-hourclock) as a decimal number(00-23).

    date +"%H"

    Displays the locale'sequivalent of either AM orPM.

    date +"%p"

    Displays 12-hour clock time(01-12) using the AM-PMnotation; in the POSIXlocale, this is equivalent to %I:%M:%S %p.

    date +"%r"

    errpt Generates a report of loggederrors.

    To display a completesummary report


    To display a complete detailedreport

    errpt -a

    To display a detailed report ofall errors logged for the erroridentifier E19E094F

    errpt -a errpt -a -jE19E094F

    To display a detailed report ofall errors logged in the past 24hours.

    errpt -a -s mmddhhmmyy

    To list error-record templatesfor which logging is turned offfor any error-log entries.

    errpt -t -F log=0

    To view all entries from thealternate error-log file


    errpt -i/var/adm/ras/errlog.alternate

    To display a detailed report ofall errors and group duplicateerrors

    errpt aD

    fmt Formats mail messages priorto sending.

    To format a message you havecreated with the mail editor

    ~| fmt

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    The file file1 is formatted anddisplayed on your screen

    fmt filename fmt file1

    fuser Identifies processes using afile or file structure.

    To list the process numbers of

    local processes using the/etc/passwd file

    fuser /etc/passwd

    To list the process numbersand user login names ofprocesses using the/etc/filesystems file

    fuser -u /etc/filesystems

    To terminate all of theprocesses using a given filesystem

    fuser -k -x -u -c/dev/hd1 orfuser -kxuc /home

    To list all processes that areusing a file which has been

    deleted from a given filesystem.

    fuser -d /usr

    ipcs Reports interprocesscommunication facility status.


    jobs Displays status of jobs in thecurrent session.

    To display the status of jobs inthe current environment

    jobs l

    To display the process ID forthe job whose name beginswith "m"

    job -p %m

    ls Displays the contents of adirectory.

    To list all files in the currentdirectory

    ls a

    To display a long listing withdetailed information aboutchap1 and .profile.

    ls -l chap1 .profile

    To display a long listing forthe directories . and manual,and for the file manual/chap1.(Without the -d flag, this

    would list the files in the . andmanual directories instead ofthe detailed information aboutthe directories themselves.)

    ls -d -l . manualmanual/chap1

    To display a long listing of thefiles that were modified mostrecently, followed by the olderfiles.

    ls -l t

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    Mail, or


    Sends and receives mail.

    The mail command lists everymessages in your system



    To send the message letter tothe recipient user1@host1 andcopies touser2@host2 and user3@host3

    mail -c "user2@host2user3@host3"user1@host1

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    with field specifiers ruser,pid,ppid=parent,args

    To display information aboutprocesses and kernel threadscontrolled by the currentterminal

    ps lm

    To display information aboutall processes and kernelthreads

    ps -emo THREAD

    rlogin Connects a local host with aremote host.

    To log in to a remote host withyour local user name

    rlogin host2

    To log in to a remote host witha different user name

    rlogin host2 -l dale

    To log in to a remote host withyour local user name and

    change the escape character

    rlogin host2 -e\

    shutdown Ends system operation.

    To turn off the machine Shutdown

    To give users more time tofinish what they are doing andbring the system tomaintenance mode

    shutdown -m +2

    su Changes the user IDassociated with a session.

    To obtain root user authority Su

    To obtain the privileges of thejim user

    su jim

    To set up the environment as ifyou had logged in as the jimuser

    su jim

    To run the backup commandwith root user authority andthen return to your originalshell

    su root "-c/usr/sbin/backup -9-u"

    uname Displays the name of thecurrent operating system.

    To display the completesystem name and versionbanner

    uname a

    rsh or


    Executes the specifiedcommand at the remote host orlogs into the remote host.

    To check the amount of freedisk space on a remote host

    rsh host2 df

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    To append a remote file toanother file on the remotehost, place the >>metacharacters in quotationmarks

    rsh host2 cat test1">>" test2

    To append a remote file at theremote host to a local file,omit the quotation marks

    rsh host2 cat test2>> test3

    To append a remote file to alocal file and use a remoteuser's permissions at theremote host (The remote filetest4 is appended to the localfile test5 at the remote host,with user jane's permissions.)

    rsh host2 -l jane cattest4 >> test5

    grep Searches a file for a pattern.

    To use a pattern that containssome of the pattern-matchingcharacters *,

    ^, ?, [, ], \(, \), \{, and \}

    grep "^[a-zA-Z]"pgm.s

    To display all lines that do notmatch a pattern

    grep v grep -v "^#" pgm.s

    To display all lines in the file1file that match either the abcor xyz string

    grep E grep -E "abc|xyz"file1

    To search for a $ (dollar sign)in the file named test2

    grep \\$ test2

    This option causes a case-insensitive search.The -n option lists the matching

    lines, together with line numbers.

    grep -i

    This option matches only wholewords.

    grep -w

    The -l option lists only the files

    in which matches were found, butnot the matching lines.

    grep -l

    The -r (recursive) optionsearches files in the currentworking directory and allsubdirectories belowit.

    grep -r

    The -n option lists the matching

    lines, together with line numbers.grep n

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    vi (visual) vi is a display-oriented texteditor based on an underlyingline editor. When using vi,changes we make to the fileare reflected in what we see on

    our screen.

    vioptions filename

    By using this we come out oftext mode and enter intocommand mode.


    1. Commands for Saving Work

    / Editing

    write file under original name :w

    write file under original name,exit vi

    ZZ or :wq

    exit vi, no changes are saved :q!

    write the file underfilename :wfilename

    write the file underfilename,overwrite existing file


    write linesx throughy underfilename

    :x,y wfilename

    filename write linesx throughy underfilename , overwriteexisting filename

    :x,y w!

    2. Commands for Inserting


    insert before the currentcharacter


    insert after the current



    insert at end of current line A

    insert at beginning of currentline


    insert below current line(opens new line)


    insert above current line(opens new line)


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    end text insertion ESC

    3. Commands for Replacing


    replace the current character rreplace the current word s

    replace the current line S

    4. Commands for Deleting Text

    delete the current character x

    delete the current line dd

    delete the previous character X

    5. Commands for Copying

    (yank) and Pasting Text

    yank current character y

    yank current word yw

    yank current line yy

    place most recently deleted oryanked character(s) or word(s)after the current character,place line(s) below current line


    place most recently deleted oryanked character(s) or word(s)

    before the current character,place line(s) above the currentline
