University of sulaymany OSCE exam For sixth stage , college of medicine Including theory exam and some important subjects that you have to know before the exam 1

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University of sulaymany

OSCE exam

For sixth stage , college of medicine Including theory exam and some important subjects that you have to know before the exam

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib


OSCE exam in surgeryFINAL 2006-2007

Room1: Slides:

- encephalocele- hydrocephalus( sunsetting eye)- carcinoma of RENAL tubule- meningocele- meningomyelocele- racon eye

Room2: Slides:-bells palsy-flial chest-Inguinasl hernia -external fixator

Room3:readiology :

- tension pneumothprax- fracture of radius- achlasia- stag horn

Room4:Recognition and Uses:chest tube underwater seal , suture material,nilon, folly catheter

Room5: short case : apatient with colostomy ,abd examination( inspection)


Room6:short case: there is apatient who is postoperative patient who had pulmonary hydatid cyst, the senior ask u about treatment of this case postoperatively

Room7:History taking : on a patient

Room8:there is apatient who has been injured by knife in his abdomen and the senior ask u ( which structure is more liable and which structure is more dangerous to be injured in this case?)

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in surgeryAssessment 2007-2008

Room1:-arterial forceps( recognize it and one indication)-T tube (recognize it and one indication)-normal saline (recognize it , does it contain energy ?does it cause extravasation ?)- folleys cathetre (indication intraoperatively and complication )

Room2:Inspection of apatient who had jaundise , some question on jaundice loke types of jaundice ?difference between types of jaundice ?complication of operation in this patnt?Preoperative preaparation of jaundiced patient ?Room3:Just inspection of abdomen of afemale patient who has dressing on abdomen vertically . and she had RIF scar

Room4: inspection of ajaudised face of apatient and inspection of his abdomen ( in abdomen he had umblical stitch till RL region _ kucher _)and what do u do for him preoperatively?

Room5:orthoZhnek dasty rasty post slaby habu wty inspect bka tab3an dressing y post slab habu wty lakwewa bo kweya ?harwaha qachy chapy lai hip joint dresing y habu wty an dwana bochy bayakawa ( walam : falling to ground)wa hardu qachy hata knee expose krabu wa xrya radius u ulna danrabu lasary Room6:Inspection of genitalia of aman who had inguinal swelling ( scrotal swelling)Treatment and DDx of inguinal hernia

Room7:Examine thyroid for anirmal woman


Room8:slides:- protrude of anus: DDx ? and how do u diffrentiate them clinically ?- rasmy zhnek bu 3amaliaty thyroidy bo krawa w sphygmomanometer

ek badasty rastyawa bu ka la elbow daflexion y krdbu wty ama chya ?( carpopedal spasm - komalek bardy rashy gawra danrabu wty ama la gall bladder da haya chand present haya ?


N . surgery :Mnalek 13 sala dressing lai rasty haya wty ama chya :shunt . bochy ?hydrocephalus,wty ama ventr—peritonem , wty chand jory try haya wtm pleura .Harwaha jga la head bo vertebrash abet


- radioisotp indication- multiple opacity _hydsatid cyst, 2ndary- pnemothorax- air fluid level _intest obs- exostoses

Room11:Cardiothorax’Chest tube ( recognize it and indications)Underwater seal ( recognize it and why we use it in chest tube )Sag sig

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in surgeryRoom1:Dr abas &dr ali1-Jaundice patient and investigation for jaundice2- difference between obst &non obst T tube

Room2:dr aso & dr ali kamal-Git operation -esophagectomy-tube abdomen ( question about it)

Room3:Slides: neurisyrgery:

- encephalocele- hydrocephalus( sunsetting eye)- meningocele- meningomyelocele- racon eye- battle sign

Room4:Dr sirwanSlides:

- imp anus- herpes zoster ( ddx :apendicitis surgery)- hemorrohoid- pead orange of breast cancer

Room5:readiology :

- tension pneumothprax- fracture of scaphoid- esophageal atresia ( child )


- achlasia- stag horn- exostosis- diaphragmatioc hernia

Room6:Mnalek lazga drawa la dasty , du se jar xweny tekrawa: splenectomy , hypersplenectomy

Complication:nj -gastric dilatation

Room7: Orthopedics:snake bite,Pulse site,fasciotomy(indication) Room8: Recognition and Uses:chest tube underwater seal , suture material,nilon, artery , ETT

Room9 :dr ary zangana : burn ,treat ment and stages( tetracyclen)

Room10:abd examination , surgical sites

Room11:-D.V.T patient exam and some questions after operation- goitre

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in surgeryAssessment 2007-2008

Room1: renal dr aso + dr sarwar2 x ray of the same patient . plain KUB (show small ureteric stone) by IVU show left side hydronephrosis. How do u treat hydronephrosis?

Room2: vascular dr nzar + dr rzgar Chest tube:1-Dx it?answer : chest tube underwater seal contain blood 2-Indications?3-how do u put chest tube?by steps4-if u put chest tube but tube underwater seal is not present what do u do?answer: Atwanyn lastiki pewa bkainRoom3:dr amir radiology - bilateral stag horn stone

- ERCP , indications?- pnemothorax- air fluid level _intest obstruction

Room4:dr hiwa + dr jalalDo general examination ? Do thyroid examination?Where is the duct of mandibular gland?drain to where?

Room5:Dr abdulwahid


On the lastik cadaver(doll):Suspect this is the trauma patient ,unconscious 1-how do u manage him?Answer: By primary survey ABC 2- how do u treat airway obstruction:?answer: by clearing mouth secretion (sucker), withdraw tongue . Oropharyngeal airway: put endotracheal tube ( the senior ask u to put endotracheal tube on that doll ( jusa lastikaka )

Room6: dr xalid+ dr luaee neurosurgery1- depreassed skull fracture: Rx it? Answer: craniotomy2- if you have atumur of left pareital lobe what neurological

defecit do u get by it?answer: aphasia, convulsion3- if u have acase of breast carcinoma with supraclavicular LN

and axilary LN , determine TNM ?and if on medial side of breast which LN will be affected?

Room7: dr muhamad kamil instruments1- T tube indications?2- Tracheostomy , indications?3- Nylon , describe it ?suture material , nylon, synthetic,

nonabsorbabale 4- Manitol , uses?

Room8: orthopedic dr baxtyar + dr hamid1- apatient whose hand is normal , the senior will ask you :by inspection

how do you know that median nerve is intact ?answer: pointing sign , wasting2-you have apatient with fracturein leg and they put skeletal traction , the senior will ask you :describe this ?Answer: you have to say that this is skeletal traction and describe its parts: skinmanpin , itscomplication ?and the senior will ask you : how do u know that this patinet didn’t get (UMNL )?


Room9:dr abas + dr ibtisamA 19 year old lady who is aknowun case of DM presented with multiple lesion in both leg : the senior will ask u describe these lesions: Answer: multiple red papule in both leg : whats the casue of it?_ there is one large purple patch on big toe :- how do u examine all pulses in lower limb and its surfae landmark?

Room10 dr abdusalam cardiothoraxAman presented with swelling of both leg for longtime duration whats this?Answer: chronicDVT - how do u mnage chronic DVT?

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in surgery

Surgery clinical examination for repeaters student in 2008

1- dr abas+ dr nzar dawd:patient with intermittent claudication what do you do , how

do u examine him?

2- Dr abdulsalam + dr arampatient had operation yesterday the stich was at his forearm whats the operation ,he has atrial fibrillation answer: thrombectomy a axillary artery using f.catheter

3- dr sarwar :swelling in the left side of scrotum ? examin him and differential diagnosis?

4- dr luaee+ dr ibtisam: patient with jaundice , examine. Type obstructive , what do u do in investigationand management ? why do u give vit K ? why do u give iv fluid ?

5- dr ali abdulnaby + dr baxtyar:patient with back slab ,what is it?is it a POP or back slab? Why u do abackslab?look at the cannula what is it?is it in its proper position , where is the proper position?, why? If apatient with hypovolemic shock u cant find veins what u do?answer :venous cutdownwhere do u do venous cutdown show me?


6- dr ismaeel: history:female patient right hypochondrial pain radiate to the right soulder and weight loss 5 kgm no vomiting and fever .ask this patient is the pain refered pain or radiated pain? Whats important question in systemicreview u like to ask?whats ur diagnosis? How do u exclude ur DDx?

Answer; dxgallstone , cholycystitis .if u hadPU how do u exclude ur diagnosis? Answer:By endoscopy

7- instruments:all are forceps and needle holder (11 instruments)

8- pictures( 8 pictures):dr sirwan 1- patient with panda eyes2- mamometry: is it malignant or benign tumor?3- Hydrocephalus(congenital)?4- CT scan of brain showing atumur at one side of the brain ?

what sign will happen?5- Meningomyelocele(whats contain)?

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in surgeryFINAL 2007-2008

Room1:Surgical emergency:Aman with sudden onset of severe epigastric pain ask:1-DDx?(perforated pu, cholangitis)2- how do u manage him?history , exam, invest3-are u going to decide immidiate operation?4-preopration and postoperative management ?

Room2:Do abdominal examination on a patient with iv fluid +chest tube +midline laparatomy + tube drain( I examine for PR and genitalia )

Room3:History :Patient with biteThe patient said that something bitten him he doesn’t know what thing bitten him .Ask about abdominal painAnd any rash, dypnoea, colur of urine, stool,ask about animal history at home

Room4:1-Ct scan, is it normal or not?2-fracture lower end of radius3- popcorn calcification , uterine fibroid . KUB


4- chest xray with pulm hydatid cystInstruments:1- intestinal clump ( uses)2- T tube ( clinical uses )3-differnece between vicryle and nylone?4- endotracheal tube , indication?Room5:Slides :1-thrombectomy by fogartey catheter2- hydatid cyst , common sites?3-paronychia , Rx4-hydrocephalus , 4 clinical signs5-skull fixation by instrument uses ( cervical spine fracture )6-segment of bowel wich is become dark colur is it viable or not?why?7-venous ulcer, varicose vein8-breast cancer and he will ask u to which bone t metastasis first( vertebra) and by which route spread to bone ?( by blood)Room6:Uro-Foleys catheter ( types, indication , complication , how do u remove it)ortho-*examine all nerves of the hand*examine knee joint

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in surgeryFINAL 2007-2008

Room1:Surgical emergency:Aman with snake bit come to u . ask:1- how do u manage him?history , exam, invest2-preopration and postoperative management ?

Room2:Do abdominal examination on a patient –Do general examination (there was alarge scar fro previous apendicictomy he asked why this scar is large?

Room3:History :Patient with hydrocephalus(Vomiting, vaccination)

Room41-T tube indication?

2-esophageal fistula3- stag horn stone. KUB4- fracture of calcaneus :1- intestinal clump ( uses)


2- NG tube ( how u clinically know tha it is not in its place )3-differnece between PDA and polyglycone?

Room5:Slides :1-apendicitis2- breast mass ?3-goitre, complication if its retrosternal4-CT acan , subarachnoid hemorrhage5-diabetec fot., Mx6-wt loss, weakness, abnormal xray , DDx?( TB, ca)

Room6:Uro-Foleys catheter ( types, indication , complication , how do u remove it)

-ortho-*examine radial nerve*examine knee joint

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in medicineFINAL 2006-2007

History taking : on a patient and the senior will ask u some question ( investigation and management ) of that case

Room2Halbzhardny zarfaka :emergensy

- Hypoglycemia- Diabetic ketoacidosis- Pulmonary edema (cause and treatment)- Nephrptic syndrome (cause and treatment)

Room3: Slides:

- cushing syndrome- scleroderma- ECG of MI- Hand of rheumatoid arthritis patient ( swan neck)

Room4:: short case-Examine abdomine-Examine chest posteriorly- general examination


Room5:Short case on apatient , the senior ask u to examine radial pulse and he will ask u some question on pulse

Room6:Halbzhardny zarfaka :neuropsychiatry-subarachnoid hemorhage - pontime hemorhhage- guelian barre syndrome- shchizophrenia ( positive and negative sypmtoms)-feature of mania- depression and antidepresant drugs

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in medicineAssessment 2007-2008

Room1:dr dler and dr taha karbuly Slides:

- cushing syndrome( Dx , cl feature, Tretment medically and surgically)

- obstetrician hand (causes , treatment)- ECG of VT ( diagnoses and treatmnet )

- chest x ray , pulm oedema ( read it? Diagnoseit and treatmnet) - chest x ray , pulm mass ( hydatid cyst )


Dr abubakr and dr omed oral1-talk about clinical fetaure and management of addisons disease2- talk about clinical fetaure and management of ventricular tachycardia VT ?3-talk about esopageal motility disorder?4-talk about hepatic encepahlopathy ?

Room3:dr akram and dr nzar Halbzhardny zarfaka :neuropsychiatry-treatment of status epilepticus - assess suisidal risk?- risk factors of shchizophrenia?


-difference between typical and atypical antipsychotic drugs?- enumerate and talk shotly about types of tremor ?

Room4:Dr bilal and dr taha mahwy examination

There are 2 patient :1- pateint with tender hepaticand spleen area and hepatosplenomegaly ( DDx of it?)2- patient with asthma?

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in medicine24-1--2007

History taking : on a patient with loin pain and the senior will ask u some question ( DDx ) of that case

Room2Examine facial nerve( the patient had facial palsy)

Room3: Slides:

- Iv abuse in forearm ,cause what?- leg edema9ddx and dx)- ECG of LBBB(dx and causes)- RA (extra articular feature in eye(dx and treatment)?

Room4:: short case- Short case on apatient , the senior ask u to examine chest posteriorly and he will ask u some question onit ? the case was pneumothorax as acomplication of asthma and senior ask u what are the complications of asthma?

Room5:Short case on apatient , the senior ask u to examine chest posteriorly and he will ask u some question onit ? the case was pleral effusion, causes , treatment?



oral-diffrentiation between real epilepsy and pseudoepilepsy - substance abuse- avian flue- vibrio cholera-RX of SVT?

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in medicine Final 2008Room1:1-hepatic encephalopathy , precipitating factors and management2 DKA ,Mx?

Room2:Examine chest posteriorly( patient with asthma)Examine only radial pulse (rate, rhythm , delay)Examine hand of RA?Examine leg for DVT?Room3:1-Patient with ptosis of right eye and fixed dilated pupil of right eye only and when I examined she got diplopia ( 3rd nerve pulsy)2-examine tone of upper limb

Room 4:General examination of aboy have mild jaundice and pallor , extensive dental carries , pigmentation on cheek, on abdominal examination there was large midline scar and umbilical hernia (everted)(DDX) : thalasemia

Room5:Chest xray and EcgYou answer them by T or F: XRAY:1- criteria for right hemidiaphragmis normal?T2-this is anodule in left segment ?F


3- can be diagnosed histologicaly by bronchoscopy?F4-in full inspiratory film we can assess cardiac enlargement? T ECG:1- have second degree heart block and evidence of previous MI and abnormal rhythm

Room6:Neuropsichiatery:1-Causes and ddx of ptosis?2- difference between real epilepsy and pseudoepilepsy?What are the causes of pseudoepilipsy?Answer : causes of pseudoepilipsy:-Conversional disorder -Trauma to head-Any psychological fit

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in medicine Final 2008

Room1: neurology:Examine lower limb ( inspect, tone . power .reflex)

Room2:Examine chest posteriorly( patient with asthma( decrease breath sound, , wheeze , crepitation,decreased vocal fremitus and vocal resonance)

Room3:Examine face of this patient ( had hypothyroidism face) and tell me the neurological feature of hypothyroidism

Room 4:Neuropsychiatry :- suisdal riskClinical feature of panic attack-Autism--TIA ,-guillian barre syndrome,-investigation of myasthenia gravis


Chest xray and Ecg


You answer them by T or F: XRAY:1-is this PA or AP ?2-this is anodule in left segment, s it benign ?3- need CT or not?4is it aortic aneurysm?ECG:1- is this right axis?2-is this inferior MI?3- is this heart block?4-is v1 indicate anterior MI?

Room6:Oral:Causes and treatment of AFStatatus asthmaticus

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in pediatrics Room1:cases :

1-Ten month child have diarrhoea , vomiting , fever fpr 3 days ,write 3 most important point in history taking for assessing dehyadration state?Answer::- frequency - amount-consistency - wt loss-urine out put 3 most important point in examination for asessing hydration state:Answer::- conscious ness- drinking- skin turgor

2- Ten month child have anemia Hg = 6gm /dl ,pcv=19,(mcv ,MCH ,MCHC ) are below normal Serum feriitin above normal

1- whats the dx?Answer: thalasemia2- give another two investigation: answer: blood film ”(target cell) hb electrophoresis


3- ten month infant come to emergency department with convulsion , the mother says that the baby had fever last night whats ur response in step wise?

Answer:1-ABC 2-diazepam + antipyretic3- blood for electrolyte and sugar4-LP and treatment accordingly.

Room2:x ray :-cardionegally( give 2 cause of it) ( very important )-air fluid level-renal atresia-pneumonia-mass - rickets rossary- marble bone disease - rickets- pulm collapse

Room3:Slides ‘

1- chiken pox ( mention 2 complica tion)2- apicture of a child with protruded tongue:give 2 finding :(flat nasal bridge , protruded tongue)

give 2 DDx : down syndrome , hypothyroidism3-cephalhematoma ,give 2 DDx cephalhematoma, caput succidanum3- apicture of child of old face and muscle wasting: marasmus( (very important )


4- cafeaulet 5-Hydrocephalus( very important )6- vitiligo

Room4: cases: 1-Pneumonia :auscultate chest , DDx , common cause , Rx,

2 -Jaudice :general exam 3- Down syndrome 4- assess dehydration level of this patint ?

Room5:case on paper

- celiac disease - typhoid : compication , Rx -pyloric stenosis - management of emergency respiratory problem - pyloric stenosis

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in pediatrics6-3-2008

Room1:cases :

- 1-infant with diffuse wheezy chest on auscultation there is rhonchi this is the first time get this problem

- Gve 2 DDx?bronchioloitis , asthma - Give 4thong which support you to definite diagnosis

or which differntial is most likely? Why?( ,most likely is brochioloitis because it is the first atack , age less than one year , and by CBP if there is lymphocytosis it is viral bronchiolitis . if by PFT if normal so it is not asthma

2- Ten month child have hypochromic microcytic anemia

3- whats the dx?Answer: thalasemia4- give another two investigation: answer: blood film ”(target cell) hb electrophoresis3- newborn babay with diabetic mother after 3 days of birth come to emergency department with convulsion , whats ur response in step wise?



1-ABC 2- iv diazepam + antipyretic3- blood for electrolyte and blood sugarand give glucose because of hypoglycemia 4-LP and treatment accordingly .

Room2:Slides ‘1- rash of chiken pox ( mention 2 complica tion)2-ashleaf patch ( feature )3- cutis laxa 4-rikets ( treatment) 5-marasmus ( 2 findings)6- rash of measles 7- subconjuctival hemorrhage 8- xrya ( pneumonia) RX?9- herpetic stomatitis( 2 line of treatment)

Room4: cases:

oral examination : general examination :signs and symptoms of heart failure?

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in pediatricsPEDIATRIC : practice:Clinical examination for repeaters student in 2008: 2 sheets:

1st sheet question on the picture , on each picture there was 2 questions:1- hydrocephalus( Dx and Mx)?2- Down syndrome(Dx and Ix)?3- Baby with malnutrition(Dx and other feature)4- Abdomen with patches of hypopigmentation (Dx )?5- Abdomen with red spot(Dx )?6- Baby with cephalhematoma?7- Describe xray ( unilateral pleural effusion)?8- Describe xray?

Xray: Xray one only newborn xray showing barium study , stomach and duodenum is the only part of GIT seen , the questions are:Ahistory of newborn babay complaining of vomiting for 6 hours , vomitus contain bile stain:

1- describe the xray?2- Give the diagnosis?3- Whast the management?

Answer: small IO?


2nd sheet : case or data question Case 1: ECG :1- whst the rhythm ?2- what maneuver u should do?3- What first drug of choice?

Answer : SVTCase 2:ababy with history of vomiting and no feeding for 2 days , his weight is ..kgm?:

1- what iv fluid u give?2- How u will calculate the fluid according to weght in the

first line of treatment :1- 2- 3- ( multiple number u should chose appropriate one)

3- What’s the number of fluid in ml u give the baby in the first 24 hour ?1- 2- 3-( multiple number u should chose appropriate one)

Case 3: newborn baby has history of vomiting after breast feeding , every thing is normal?

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in pediatrics Final 2008

Room1:-Examinefor knee jerk , what are the causes of hyperreflexia?(UMNL)- Type of ABO groups , ask about infection transmitted by blood transfusion ?( HBV, HIV , TYPHOID, IMN)Room2:7 year old child come with red urine howdo u manage him?By history: drug history , abdominal pain ,diarrhea, vomiting , rash

Room3: xray -( pneumonia)Barium meal show pyloric stenosis-Hyperdense bone marble bone disease(osteoptrosis)Double buble sign- cardiomegally-Achild with jaundice , ask 4 questions to reach the possible diagnosis?


Dx(Gilbert syndrome)-

Room4:Slides:Chiken pox( write its complication )Henoch scholen purpura ( write 2 comlpication)Abdominal distention +arm wasting(rickets)Microcephaly,write 2 causes Nephritic syndrome , 3 investigation

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in pediatricsFinal 2008

Room1:Examine abdomen ( has hepatosplenomegally)he will ask u some question about typhoid and meningitis, complication of meningitis ?Room2:Assess dehydration level of 5 year old child? Howdo u treat him? By (ORS)

Room3:xray-GOO, investigationMultiple air fluid level. (IO)-Hyperdense bone marble bone disease(osteoptrosis)-Achild with non bilios projectile vomiting , ask 4 questions to reach the possible diagnosis?Dx(hypertrophicpyloric stenosis)-


Room4:Slides:Herpes zoster( write its complication )thalasemia ( write 2 comlpication lead to death)2sign ( hypothyroidism)Nephritic syndrome ,2 investigationComjuctivitis (pertusis), complicationSternomastoid tumur ( Rx)

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in gynecology Assessment 2007-2008Room1:

Slides:-amniocentesis , indication?-placenta previa , method of delivery ?-turner syndrome -forceps delivery indication ?-thretened abortion , causes ?- Weeks of gestation-vulval carcinoma -ectopic pregnancy , causes -Uterine fibroid and polyp-pap smear

Room2:instrumenys-vollecelum (indication)-Uterine sound(indication and complication )-Higar dilator, uses ?- xray of pelvis IUCD , do u need another investigation ? answer :yes ( us )- ergometrin (indication and contraindication)- what do u see in this xray ? answer : HSG show block falopian tube , indication of HCG ?


Room3: HISORY (twin preagnanacy , polyhydramnios)

Room4 : ABDOMINAL EXAMINATION: of preagnanat lady

Room5Examination of first postoperative patient(inspection , palpation. Auscultation for bowel sound)Room6Cases:

1- theye give you a HB 7.5, ESR 10 in 3o years old preagnanat woman, whats this case ? HOW U MANAGE ?


Answer: fibroid , adenomyosis

3- G7P6A0 woman presented with excessive bleeding after delivery whats the diagnosis ? management?Answer:PPH

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in gynecology Fianal 2007Room1:

Slides:-bartholine cyst-Ovarian carcinoma -Loveset manueover- brow presentation - abdominal examniation of fetus which lie Transverse ly , method of delivery ?- mersilene tape - multiple genital wart-seperation and desend of placenta-Delivery of placenta by cord traction

Room2:instrumenys- wringleys Forceps (indication and complication )-Uterine sound(indication and complication )-Higar dilator- xray of pelvis IUCD , do u need another investigation ? answer :yes ( us )- featal head craniotomy -- HSG( name the image)- one end curette- sponge holding forceps- cusco speculum- sims speculum



Room4 : obstetrical EXAMINATION: of preagnanat lady?Risk of transverse lie ?DDx of large fordate ?

Room5Examination of first postoperative patientRoom6Cases:1-acase of endometrial hyperplasia , what other investigation u need to confirm the diagnosis in addition of endometrial sampling which was done for this patient ?management?2-they give u U/S which show absent fetal heart ? whats the diagnosis ? management?Answer: missed abortion 3- pre eclampsia , management ?

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in gynecology Assessment 2007-2008Room1:

Slides:-bartholine cyst-Ovarian carcinoma ( distended abdomen)-Types of prolapseur(urethrocele, rectocele m cyctoocele)-Loveset manueover-Laparoscopy- Weeks of gestation-Twin( breach / cephalic)-Transverse lie-Uterine fibroid-Delivery of placenta by cord traction

Room2:instrumenys-Forceps (indication and complication )-Uterine sound(indication and complication )-Higar dilator- xray of pelvis IUCD , do u need another investigation ? answer :yes ( us )- oxytocine (indication and complication )-Cusco speculum( indication)



Room4 : ABDOMINAL EXAMINATION: of preagnanat lady

Room5Examination of first postoperative patient


Cases:1-theye give you a GUE WHICH show turbid , yellow , acididty whats this case ? HOW U MANAGE ?

answer : UTI2-they give u U/S which show absent fetal heart ? whats the diagnosis ? management?

Answer: missed abortion

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in gynecology Assessment 2007-2008Room1:

Slides:-abdominal swelling?ovarian carcinoma-controlled cord traction -twin pregnancy -laparoscopy-lovesets maneuver- gestational week:certain level marked in the abdomen , identify the gestational week which belong to each level?- bartholin cyst-transverse lie- uterine fibroid- rectocele, enterocele, cystocele

Room2:instrumenys-vollecelum (indication)-forceps(2indications)- cuscos speculum. Where do we use it?- ergometrin (2 contraindication)- what Is this xray ? answer : HSG ( HYSTEROSALPINGIOGRAPHY ), indication of HSG ? Room3:


history taking from apatient with (UTI)

Room4 : obstetrical examination of preagnanat lady

Room5Examination of first postoperative patient(inspection , palpation. Auscultation for bowel sound)Room6Cases:

2- theye give you a US (show adnexial mass) of 30 years old woman with vaginal bleeding and pregnancy test positive, whats this case ? HOW U MANAGE ?

answer: ectopic pregnancy3- theye give you acase: 30 years old woman with frequency,

dysurea, pass cell in GUE , whats this case ? HOW U MANAGE ?

answer: UTI4- 34 week gestational week developed vaginal bleeding whats

this case? Management?

answer: APH

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in gynecology Assessment 2007-2008Room1:

Slides:-partogram ( 2 indications)-twin cephalic breech abnormalities; placetal bleeding -laparoscopic veiw of hydrosalpinx- prolapse- bartholin cyst- fibroid(Cx)- pap smear

Room2:instrumenys-curatte (complications )-uterine sound (2indications)- cuscos speculum. uses?- oxytocine ampule (2 contraindication)- what Is this xray ? answer : HSG ( HYSTEROSALPINGIOGRAPHY ), finding ? Room3: history taking from apatient ( LMP , EDD,GPA)

Room4 : obstetrical examination of preagnanat lady( fundal hight?


Room51- in 37 weeks pregnant lady PCV is normal , HB normal ,liver

enzymes elevated , GUE revealed protenurea, high blood pressure: Whats this case ? management?

Answer : PE , MANAGEMENT : lower BP or terminae pregnanacy 2- menorhhagia in 17 years old female 3- treatment of a case of fibroid:if complete her family do hysterectomy , if not myomectomy

Room6Cases:Obstetrical emertgency:Apregnanat lady delivered a fetus vaginally there was no any bleeding outside but suddenly she became colapsed?whats this case? Manage it?Answer:amniotic fluid embolismMx : ABC

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in gynecology Final 2007-2008

Room1:Abdominal examination of pregnant lady 31 wks gestation

Room2:obstetrical emergency37 wk s primigravida lady with blod pressure (190/110)now got convulsion manage her?Dx( Preeclampsic fit or eclampsia as acomplication of preeclampsia )Rx( hydralazine , methyldopa +diazepam ,Mgso4)Best treatment is termination of pregnancy

Room3:Instruments and radiology:-HSG bicornate uterus ( write 2 complication)-wrigley forceps (write 2 indication)-Combined oral contraceptive pill( write 2 side effects)-oxytocine ampule (write 2 indication)-case:apregnant lady come with vaginal discharge her ultrasound show non viable fetus , Dx , Rx?Dx : missed miscarriageRx:D and C and oxytocine


Room4;Slides1- delivery after coming head of breech with forceps2-ectopic pregnancy3-gestational age ,36 wk4-ambigous genitalia(investigation:karyotyping)5-60 year old female with abdominal distension (ovarian tumure)6-amniocentesi(write 3indication)s7- cystourethrocele ,rectocele, enterocele8-placental abraptio9-cardiotopography(write3 uses)10-breech baby.

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



OSCE exam in gynecology Final 2007-2008

Room1:Obstetrical examination of pregnant lady, tell me gravida, para, EDD, gestational age

Room2:obstetrical emergency-PPH ( causes . Mx)Room3:Instruments and radiology:-HSG ( write indication. Finding( hydrosalpinx)-IUCD(write complication )-sims speculum ( write 2 indication)- higar dilator ( uses)- vollecellum( indication)-ergometrine ampule (write 2comlpication)-case:apregnant lady come with placenta previa, Dx , Rx?


Room4;Slides1- controlled cord traction2-ectopic pregnancy, risk factor3-fibroid , types4-episiotomy , indications5-which hormone secreted by follicles6-pap smear , sims spatula (write indication)s7- diameter of post-ant , transverse, of pelvis8-genetal wart9-turner syndrome10-16 year old female with amenorrhea , pain, tell the causes?.

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib



TheoryPediatric theory:theory examination for repeaters student in 2008Part1: 4 cases: Case 1: Questions for XLR there was agenetic graph and the question :

1- if the baby of third generation might have the disease?2- Give example of the disease?3- Type

Case 2:one and half year old girl aby has palor , anemia, bleeding tendency , factor Vlll normal:1- whats the diagnosis?2- Investigation?3- Management?

Case 3: table put increase or decrease or normal:Bleeding time PT PTT

Thalassemia V.W.DVit, K difficiency

Case 4:


CSF taken from achild bac .2, everything else were normal, glucose8 mg/dl:

4- whats the diagnosis?5- Investigation?6- Management?

Part 2: essay :1- complications of measle?2- Complications of meningitis?3- Immunization sqedual in iraq?4- Write shortly about bone age?5- Write some characteristic feature of kwashiorkor?6- Clinical feature of IMN?7- Criteria of rheumatic fever?8- Difference between croups and epiglotitis?9- Factors that precipitate hemolytic jaundice?10- Hemolytic disease in new born?11- Thalassemia?12- Down syndrome?13- DM?14- Hypoglycemia?

Part 3 : MCQ


Surgery:Theory:theory examination for repeaters student in 2008:

1- long case 10 marks: presentation and management of hydatid cyst?

2- Short case :1- postoperative fluid management for apatient of age .. in the

first 24 hour?2- Signs of basal skull fracture ?3- Diagnosis of intussception of anew born babay ?4- Management of aburn patient ,second degree, 30% , 70 kg 5- Anti tetanus prophylaxis ?6- Acute scrotum?7- Carple tunnel syndrome?8- Perforated PU ,presentation and management?

3- blanks:fill in the blanks:1- A, C precaution ------- -------- -------- --------2- Degree of snake bite: ------- -------- -------- --------3- Chest trauma life threatening in : ------- -------- --------


--------4- Risk factors of AIDS : ------- -------- -------- --------

4-match5- MCQ

Medicine:theorytheory for repeater students in 2008Cases: 1- diabetic ketoacidosis ?2-bronchogenic carcinoma? 3- Alzhimer disease

Essay : megaloblastic anemia

Gynecology:theory theory for repeater students in 2008

- Infertility( investigations)- Cervical arcinoma- Complications of twin- Preeclampsia- Side effects of oral contraceptive pills


Radiology :

Prepared by : Soran Mohamad GharibSixth stage 2007-2008

1- PTC : indications( obtructive jaundice)

2- secondary metastasis:( ca prostate, ca breast)

3- achalasia (dilated esophagus)

4- hysterosalpingiography( indications: infertility and patency of fallopian tube )

5- right side pneumo thorax

6- right upper zone opacity( secondary or hydatidcyst)7- hair on head in thalasemia major 8- MRI contraindications:

-Intraocular forign body-Pace maker-Cocclear implant


9- vesical stone:

10-bone scan:it is very sensitiveindications:- secondary ca- early oseomyelitis- occult fracture - TB


12- antegrade pyelography

13-congenital digphragmatic hernia14- mamography(indications)

15-exostosis in knee joint16-esophageal atresia with fistula

Prepared by:Dr.soran Mohamad Gharib