UMUC Solicitation #91392 Paid Social Media Advertising Management Services - Page 1 of 24 University of Maryland University College Paid Social Media Advertising Management Services Solicitation #91392 Issue Date: March 18, 2016 Due Date for Responses: April 6, 2016 Submit responses to: Beth Kirk, Assistant Director Goods and Non-Technology Services [email protected] Telephone No.: 301-985-7618 Facsimile No.: 301-985-7151 and Sharon Barry, Director Goods and Non-Technology Services [email protected] Telephone No.: 301-985-7156 Facsimile No.: 301-985-7151 All questions are to be submitted in writing solely to the above-mentioned persons no later than March 25, 2016 at 4:00 PM EST. Responses may be submitted via hard copy, fax, or e-mail. Solicitation documents and details can be found at www.umuc.edu/procurement. It is the prospective proposer’s responsibility to monitor that site for updates and amendments.

University of Maryland University College · UMUC Solicitation #91392 – Paid Social Media Advertising Management Services - Page 3 of 24 Development of new ads (messaging, creative)

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UMUC Solicitation #91392 – Paid Social Media Advertising Management Services - Page 1 of 24

University of Maryland

University College

Paid Social Media Advertising Management Services

Solicitation #91392

Issue Date: March 18, 2016

Due Date for Responses: April 6, 2016

Submit responses to:

Beth Kirk, Assistant Director

Goods and Non-Technology Services

[email protected]

Telephone No.: 301-985-7618

Facsimile No.: 301-985-7151


Sharon Barry, Director

Goods and Non-Technology Services

[email protected]

Telephone No.: 301-985-7156

Facsimile No.: 301-985-7151

All questions are to be submitted in writing solely to the above-mentioned persons no later than

March 25, 2016 at 4:00 PM EST. Responses may be submitted via hard copy, fax, or e-mail.

Solicitation documents and details can be found at www.umuc.edu/procurement. It is the

prospective proposer’s responsibility to monitor that site for updates and amendments.

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1.1 Purpose. University of Maryland University College (UMUC) seeks proposals from

qualified vendors to establish a nonexclusive contract for the provision of paid social media

advertising management services. UMUC’s online paid social media advertising efforts are

designed to serve two purposes: 1) generate an overall awareness of the UMUC brand and 2)

directly drive potential students to complete a lead form and ultimately enroll at UMUC.

UMUC’s paid social media advertising accomplishes these goals by targeting both prospective

audiences and re-targeting users.

It is anticipated that one (1) contract will result from this Solicitation. The selected vendor will

provide management of paid social media advertising activities. UMUC does not guarantee the

amount of management services needed or required during the term of the contract resulting

from this Solicitation. Services shall be considered on an as needed basis.

1.2 UMUC Background. Since 1947, UMUC has focused exclusively on the education and

professional development needs of adult students, offering classes at times and locations

convenient to students whose busy schedules require that they balance school with full-time jobs

and full-time family or community responsibilities. UMUC has earned a worldwide reputation

for excellence as a comprehensive virtual university and, through a combination of on-site and

on-line learning formats, provides educational opportunities for lifelong learning to students in

Maryland, as well as throughout the United States and around the world. UMUC serves its

students through undergraduate and graduate degree and certificate programs, noncredit

leadership development and customized programs.

For more information about UMUC visit http://www.umuc.edu/visitors/about/.

1.3 Term. The initial term of the contracts arising from this Solicitation shall commence on

or around June 1, 2016, through May 31, 2018. There will be three (3), one (1)-year renewal

options at the sole discretion of UMUC. The maximum fee for the contracts shall not exceed

$100,000.00. Total fees for any service shall not exceed the maximum fee.


Currently, UMUC spends approximately $100,000.00, per month for social media advertising.

Overtime, pending the maintenance of efficiencies and conversion rates to other online

advertising activities, it is anticipated UMUC’s online social media advertising will increase.

Social media advertising management services under this Solicitation shall include, but may not

be limited to, the following:

● Review of UMUC’s current and historical paid social media results, placements,

messaging, targeting and other settings, landing pages and pixel placements.

● Development of strategic recommendations and implement optimizations on an ongoing

basis aimed at maximizing efficiencies while driving qualified leads. ● Management of the day-to-day paid social media activities, including frequency capping,

bid strategies, day parting, and budgets based on UMUC’s goals.

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● Development of new ads (messaging, creative) and provide direction on the

corresponding landing pages, following UMUC’s brand standards, legal guidelines, and

review processes.

● Implementation of campaigns using trackable URLs (provided by UMUC) and

parameters to allow for appropriate downstream reporting through UMUC’s systems

(Salesforce®, Google Analytics®).

● Sharing of best practices related to paid social media advertising and provide guidance on

changes in platforms, potential impacts, and ways to mitigate risks on an ongoing basis. ● Regular review of at least bi-weekly reporting on the progress of campaigns along with

key highlights and opportunities for optimizations. ● Aiding in the tracking of variances between paid social media network sites and UMUC’s

Salesforce® reporting and other reporting systems. Note: The awarded vendor under this Solicitation #91392 shall only be responsible for the

management of paid social media advertising, not the purchasing of media.


The following documentation must be provided in the response:

3.1 Company and Company Profile.

A. Provide a brief history of the company including the number of years providing paid

social media advertising management services with emphasis on the required functions

specified in the Scope of Work above.

B. Provide a minimum of three (3) client references (contact name, company name, and

telephone number including extension numbers). If available, higher education references

are preferred. UMUC reserves the right to contact references not provided in the


3.2 Technical Approach.

A. Provide a narrative of how your firm will provide and approach the requested services in

the Scope of Work, set forth in Section 2 of this solicitation. Proposers are to include

your firm’s philosophy and samples of weekly and monthly performance reports that

demonstrate your firm’s ability to balance impressions and leads in paid social


3.3 Pricing.

Provide pricing plan(s) that include an itemized breakdown of services and fees for social

advertising services. Vendors are to complete the Pricing Sheet included in this solicitation. See

Pricing Sheet, page 7.

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3.4 Case Studies

Vendors are to provide two (2) case studies that represent the Vendor’s capability to provide the

paid social advertising services required and as listed in the Scope of Work, Section 2. The case

studies should demonstrate the Vendor’s ability to provide successful paid social advertising

management services including details on how success was measured.

The case studies must include:

A. A descriptive narrative of the project. Narrative may include but is not limited to:

• Client’s paid social advertising marketing issue/s or need (focused on the use of

social media).

• Vendor’s approach and methodology recommendation to client.

• Results achieved including the tracked key performance indicators (KPIs).

B. A timeline schedule and the services provided by the Vendor (this may be presented in


C. Quantitative results.

Please label each case study with your firm’s name. Case studies will not be returned.


Solicitation Issue Date: March 18, 2016

Questions Submission Due Date: March 24, 2016 at 4:00 PM EST

Proposal Due Date and Time: April 6 2016 at 4:00 PM EST

Anticipated Award Date: April 22, 2016

Anticipated Contract Start Date: June 1, 2016


UMUC reserves the right to terminate this Solicitation, in whole or in part, at its convenience. 6. PROJECT MANAGEMENT:

The UMUC Office of Strategic Marketing will be providing the management services for this



Proposals are to be provided to the Issuing Office in accordance with the Solicitation

Schedule. Proposals that are submitted electronically must be attached to an e-mail in portable

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document format (.pdf). Hyperlinks to software products sent to UMUC’s Issuing Office that

indicate that the Proposal is posted by the Proposer on an electronic site may be rejected or

considered non-responsive if contract terms and conditions (i.e., a Click-Through Agreement)

are required to be accepted by UMUC in order to download the Proposal. By providing the

Proposal to UMUC electronically, the Proposer grants the University the unlimited right to

generate additional electronic and/or paper copies for distribution solely for the purpose of

evaluation and review.

Responses are to be provided by the due date noted above. Responses are to be submitted

electronically to:

Beth Kirk, Assistant Director

Goods and Non-Technology Services

[email protected]

Telephone No.: 301-985-7618

Facsimile No.: 301-985-7151


Sharon Barry, Director

Goods and Non-Technology Services

[email protected]:[email protected]

Telephone No.: 301-985-7156

Facsimile No.: 301-985-7151

Responses must be submitted by an individual of the company who can bind the Firm to all

contents of the response.

Responses will be evaluated for technical merit (how well the proposed services meet the needs

of UMUC) as well as price. The technical aspects of the response will weigh greater than the

price (i.e., a vendor’s response evaluated to be more technically responsive even though it has a

higher associated price, may be awarded the contract). The decision as to the “most

advantageous” is solely at UMUC’s discretion.

At any time during the procurement process, UMUC may request Proposers to execute UMUC’s

non-disclosure agreement. The failure to execute UMUC’s non-disclosure agreement may deem

your firm’s proposal as non-responsive and your firm’s proposal may not be considered for an



A shortlist may be developed based on the initial evaluation results. All Offerors will be notified

of the results as they pertain to their respective proposal. The decision for progressing in the

procurement process will be made based on the strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and

deficiencies the Proposals present. UMUC reserves the right to reject, in whole or in part, any

and all proposals without liability and/or to accept any bid in the best interest of the State of


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A UMUC non-exclusive contract will be issued to the awarded vendors. By responding to this

Solicitation, proposers are accepting that they will agree to execute the attached Agreement

including mandatory Terms and Conditions for contract award. As part of the attached

Agreement, the awarded vendors shall be entering into a Non-Disclosure Agreement with

UMUC for confidentiality and protection of UMUC’s intellectual property. (Refer to Sections 6

and 7 of the Agreement). All work product and documentation shall be regarded as a work for

hire and is the property of University of Maryland University College and may not be copied or

reproduced without its expressed written permission.


Other institutions within the University System of Maryland may utilize this contract with the

written permission of UMUC. If such use is requested, all terms and conditions including

pricing of the contract is to be provided to the requesting institution. If, based on such use by

other institutions, the overall volume of the contract increases significantly, UMUC reserves the

right to negotiate more favorable pricing for the contract. The service to UMUC must not

diminish as a result of other institutions utilizing the contract.


Solicitation Terms and Conditions

UMUC Professional Services Contract, Inclusive

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Paid Social Media Advertising Management Services

Pricing Sheet: Solicitation #91392

Due Date: April 6, 2016, on or before 4:00 PM EST

Firm/Contractor: __________________________________________________________

Responses must include all pricing/fees associated with providing paid social media advertising

management services. You may add additional sheets as necessary. Local travel will not be


Proposers are to provide pricing plan(s) and an itemized breakdown of the services and fees for

paid social media advertising management services. Pricing may include but is not limited to: Hourly Rate/Fees:

Marketing Manager

Marketing Analyst Package Fees/Quarterly Fees/Monthly Fees:

Analytical Reporting

Paid Social Optimization

Customer Support

Account Management

Creative Development Fees: *Firm may include other types of fees not listed.

(Signatures should be placed on following page.)

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The Offeror represents, and it is a condition precedent to acceptance of this proposal, that the Offeror has not been a party to any

agreement to submit a fixed or uniform price. Sign where applicable below.


In Presence of Witness: _____________________________ VENDOR NAME ________________________


TELEPHONE NO. _______________________







B. CO-PARTNERSHIP PRINCIPAL _________________________________________

(Name of Co - Partnership)



In Presence of Witness: TELEPHONE NO.________________________

Printed Name:


as to BY_____________________________________


Printed Name:


as to BY ____________________________________


C. CORPORATION ________________________________________

(Name of Corporation)



Attest: TELEPHONE NO.________________________


[Printed Name of Corporate (or Assistant Corporate) Secretary]


[Corporate (or Assistant Corporate) Secretary Signature for Identification]

BY: ____________________________________

Signature of Officer and Title

Printed Name

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THIS CONTRACT #91392 (“Contract” or “Agreement”) is made this 1st day of June, 2016,

between the University of Maryland University College, a constituent institution of the

University System of Maryland ("USM"), an agency of the State of Maryland, with offices at

3501 University Boulevard East, Adelphi, Maryland 20783, hereinafter referred to as (”UMUC”

or “the University”) and _________________________ hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”

or “Vendor” with principal offices located at _________________________________

(collectively, “the Parties”).


The University issued solicitation documents (Solicitation #91392) on March 18, 2016, as

amended from time to time (“the Solicitation”), for paid social media advertising management

services. Contractor submitted technical and price proposals dated April 6, 2016, and accepted

by the University (collectively, “the Proposal”) in response to the Solicitation, and the University

subsequently selected the Contractor as an awardee of this non-exclusive Contract.



1.1 Contractor shall provide professional paid social media advertising management services.

(“the Services”), as needed by UMUC’s Office of Strategic Marketing, in accordance

with the terms and conditions of this Contract.

1.2 This Contract consists of multiple documents as follows in order of precedence:

● This Contract Form (pages 1 through _ ); and any Amendments; ● The Solicitation #91392 and all amendments to the Solicitation; ● Exhibit A: Contractor’s Proposal dated April 6, 2016; ● Attachment A: Contract Affidavit; and, ● Statements of work, if any, issued from time to time, pursuant to this Contract

(each of which is incorporated in this Contract whether or not physically attached


1.3 The initial term of this Contract shall commence on or around June 1, 2016, and

conclude May 31, 2018. There will be three (3) one (1)-year renewal options at the

sole discretion of UMUC.


2.1 The Contractor shall perform the Services as described in Exhibit A to this Agreement.

Services shall be performed in accordance with the schedule included in Exhibit A, or, if

no such schedule is included, in accordance with a schedule agreed upon in writing by the

Parties at a future date and adopted as an amendment to Exhibit A. The Contractor shall

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perform the Services as expeditiously as is consistent with good professional skill and

care and the orderly progress of the Contract.

2.2 The UMUC Office of Strategic Marketing will designate a staff member to act as

coordinator (“Project Coordinator”) between UMUC and the Contractor. Throughout the

period of the Contract, copies of all correspondence, work products, specifications,

estimates and other materials prepared by the Contractor should be directed to the Project

Coordinator and also to any other UMUC personnel designated by the Project

Coordinator. Direct contact or communication by the Contractor with other UMUC

offices or any other entity concerning the Project shall be made only with the prior

knowledge and concurrence of the Project Coordinator.

2.3 The account manager/executive for the Contract shall be the same person identified in the

Contractor's submittal responding to UMUC's solicitation unless (a) a change is requested

by the Contractor and approved in writing by the Project Coordinator; or (b) a change is

requested in writing by the Project Coordinator for good cause, in which case the

Contractor shall make an appropriate substitution, subject to UMUC's approval, and

notify UMUC in writing. Major changes in the Contractor's organization or personnel

(other than the Contractor’s Team) shall be reported to UMUC in writing as they occur.

2.4 All terms and conditions of UMUC's solicitation, and any amendments thereto, are made

a part of this Agreement unless expressly contradicted by a term or condition of this

Agreement. Proposals or suggestions of the Contractor for changes in the solicitation or

the terms and conditions of the contract are not binding upon UMUC and are not a part of

this Agreement unless set forth in an amendment of the solicitation or in this Agreement

and agreed to in writing by UMUC. 3. FEES AND PAYMENT

3.1 The aggregate maximum fee for all Contracts resulting from Solicitation #91392 cannot

exceed $100,000.00. The total fees for services required to complete required services

shall not exceed the maximum fee.

3.2 The Contractor’s fees shall not exceed fees set forth in the Contract per the Contractor’s

proposal, attached hereto as Exhibit A of this contract. There is no guarantee of a dollar

amount of work under this Contract.

3.3 As compensation for satisfactory performance of Services, the University will pay

Contractor no later than thirty (30) days after the University’s receipt of a proper invoice

from Contractor. Charges for late payment of invoices will be only as prescribed by Title

15, Subtitle 1 of the State Finance and Procurement Article, Annotated Code of

Maryland, as from time to time amended.

Payment requests (invoices) shall be submitted electronically to the Accounts Payable

Department, University of Maryland University College, 3501 University Boulevard

East, Adelphi, MD 20783-8002 at [email protected].

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Contractor may also send the invoices to the UMUC Office of Strategic Marketing. The

University’s current Purchase Order number, issued for accounting purposes only, must

be noted on all invoices.

3.4 All fees are exclusive of applicable federal, state, local, and foreign sales, use, excise,

utility, gross receipts, value-added and other taxes, tax-like charges and tax-related

surcharges. The University is generally exempt from such taxes, and Contractor agrees

not to charge the University for such taxes in accordance with applicable law. The

University will provide exemption certificates upon request.

3.5 Electronic funds may be used by the State to pay Contractor for this Contract and any

other State payments due Contractor unless the State Comptroller’s Office grants

Contractor an exemption. Charges for late payment of invoices, other than as prescribed

by Title 15, Subtitle 1, of the State Finance and Procurement Article, Annotated Code of

Maryland, or by the Public Service Commission of Maryland with respect to regulated

public utilities, as applicable, are prohibited.


4.1 Contractor shall complete all tasks required by the University and other tasks and duties

set forth in the request(s) for Services.

4.2 Contractor and UMUC intend this Contract to be a contract for services and each

considers the Work to be a work made for hire. If, for any reason, the Work would not be

considered a work made for hire under applicable law, Contractor does hereby sell,

assign and transfer to UMUC, its successors, and assigns, the entire right, title and

interest in and to the copyright and any registrations and copyright applications relating

thereto and renewals and extensions thereof, and in and to all works based upon, derived

from or incorporating the Work, and in and to all income, royalties damages, claims and

payments now or hereafter due or payable with respect thereto, and in and to all causes of

action, either in law or equity for past, present, or future infringement based on the

copyrights, and in and to all rights corresponding to the foregoing throughout the world.

4.3 Contractor agrees to execute all tasks and to perform such other proper acts as UMUC

may deem necessary to secure for UMUC the rights in the Work.


5.1 Upon completion and delivery of service by Contractor, UMUC will begin the evaluation

and acceptance process, which shall include, but not be limited to, the steps described

below. Payments, in accordance with Section 3 of this Contract will be based on the

completion of requests by Contractor and acceptance by UMUC of each review/report. 5.2 Within the time period specified in the Contract including any Contract Amendments, or

work order(s) UMUC shall determine whether Contractor’s services materially conforms

to the specifications defined in the Contract and/or work order(s). As used herein, the

term "materially conforms" means that the Service is ready to be used and meets or

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exceeds UMUC’s specifications. If the Service materially conforms to the specifications,

then, UMUC will provide confirmation to Contractor that the Service is accepted.

5.3 If the Service does not materially conform, UMUC shall immediately inform the

Contractor of the deficiencies. Contractor, at no additional cost to UMUC, shall

thereafter make all appropriate and necessary fixes to the Service within the time period

specified by UMUC. If the Service again fails to materially conform, then, this same

process will be repeated one more time. If the Service fails to materially conform to the

specifications after delivery for the second time, then, UMUC may, at its sole discretion,

(a) further extend the timeframe for cure, (b) cancel the work order and c) begin the

termination process as defined in Section 11.1 of this Contract. If UMUC does not elect

to terminate this Contract after the second failure, it has not automatically waived its right

to do so following any additional failed attempt at correction by Contractor to which the

Parties may agree.

5.4 If the Contractor fails to meet the Service required at any other periods of time as

mutually agreed to, UMUC may declare the Contract in material breach and begin the

termination process as defined in Section 11.1 of this Contract.


6.1 Neither Party may use the other Party’s name, trademarks or other proprietary identifying

symbols without the prior written approval of the other Party.

6.2 Contractor agrees to defend upon request and indemnify and hold harmless UMUC, its

officers, agents and employees with respect to any claim, action, cost or judgment for

patent infringement, or trademark or copyright violation arising out of purchase or use of

materials, software, supplies, equipment or services under this Contract.


7.1 Contractor acknowledges and understands that in connection with this Contract, the

performance of the Services and otherwise, Contractor has had or shall have access to,

has obtained or shall obtain, or has been or shall be given UMUC’s Confidential

Information (as defined herein). For purposes of this Contract, “Confidential

Information” means all information provided by the University to Contractor including,

without limitation, information concerning the University’s business strategies, political

and legislative affairs, students, employees, vendors, contractors, student records,

customer lists, finances, properties, methods of operation, computer and

telecommunications systems, and software and documentation. Confidential Information

includes information in any and all formats and media including, without limitation oral,

and includes the originals and any and all copies and derivatives of such information.

7.2 Contractor shall use the Confidential Information only if and when required for the

performance of the Services, and for no other purpose whatsoever, and only by

Contractor employees engaged in that performance.

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7.3 Contractor shall not, in any manner whatsoever, disclose to, permit access to, or allow

use of Confidential Information by any person or entity except as specifically permitted

or required under this Contract.

7.4. Contractor acknowledges and understands that UMUC is required to protect certain

Confidential Information from disclosure under applicable law including, but not limited

to, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), the Gramm Leach Bliley

Act (“GLBA”), or the Maryland Public Information Act (“PIA”) including regulations

promulgated thereunder, as the laws and regulations may be amended from time to time

(collectively, “the Privacy Laws”). The Confidential Information that is protected under

FERPA was provided to the Contractor as it is handling an institution service or function

that would ordinarily be performed by UMUC’s employees. The Contractor agrees that it

shall be obligated to protect the Confidential Information in its possession or control in

accordance with the Privacy Laws to the same extent as UMUC would be obligated if the

Confidential Information was in the possession or control of UMUC. The Contractor

further agrees that it is subject to the requirements governing the use and re-disclosure of

personally identifiable information from education records as provided in FERPA.

7.5 Contractor may disclose Confidential Information as required by legal process. If

Contractor is required by legal process to disclose Confidential Information, Contractor

shall immediately notify the University, and before disclosing such information shall

allow UMUC reasonable time to take appropriate legal action to prevent disclosure of the

Confidential Information.

7.6 Contractor’s obligations with respect to Confidential Information shall survive the

expiration or the termination of this Contract.

7.7 Contractor acknowledges that Contractor’s failure to comply fully with the restrictions

placed upon use, disclosure and access to Confidential Information may cause the

University grievous irreparable harm and injury. Therefore, any failure to comply with

the requirements of this Article 7 shall be a material breach of this Contract.

7.8 Contractor agrees and acknowledges that it is not the custodian of any Confidential

Information that may be in Contractor’s possession or control. Contractor shall forward

any request for disclosure of Confidential Information to:

Office of Legal Affairs

University of Maryland University College

3501 University Boulevard East

Adelphi, MD 20783

7.9 Except to the extent otherwise required by applicable law or professional standards, the

obligations under this section do not apply to information that (a) is or becomes generally

known to the public, other than as a result of disclosure by Contractor, (b) had been

previously possessed by Contractor without restriction against disclosure at the time of

receipt by Contractor, (c) was independently developed by Contractor without violation

of this Contract, or (d) Contractor and UMUC agree in writing to disclose. Contractor

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shall be deemed to have met its nondisclosure obligations under this section as long as it

exercises the same level of care to protect the Confidential Information as it exercises to

protect its own confidential information, except to the extent that applicable law or

professional standards impose a higher requirement.

7.10 All Confidential Information received by Contractor shall be returned to UMUC or

destroyed upon completion or termination of this Contract.


8.1 Contractor shall endorse UMUC’s requirement to adhere to the University System of

Maryland (“USM’s”) IT Security Standards

(http://www.usmd.edu/usm/adminfinance/itcc/ITSecResource.html). UMUC is required to

assess risks, ensure data integrity, and determine the level of accessibility that must be

maintained. Specific activities include:

● Identification of security, privacy, legal, and other organizational requirements for

recovery of institutional resources such as data, software, hardware,

configurations, and licenses at the termination of the contract.

● Assessment of the contractor’s security and privacy controls.

● Inclusion of UMUC’s security and privacy requirements in the agreement. ● Periodic reassessment of contractor services provisioned to ensure all contract

obligations are being met and to manage and mitigate risk.

8.2 The Contractor is the owner or authorized user of the Contractor’s software and all of its

components, and Contractor software and all of its components, to the best of

Contractor’s knowledge, do not violate any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or

any other right of ownership of any third party.

8.3 Contractor shall (i) establish and maintain industry standard technical and organizational

measures to help to protect against accidental damage to, or destruction, loss, or alteration

of the materials; (ii) establish and maintain industry standard technical and organizational

measures to help to protect against unauthorized access to the Services and materials; and

(iii) establish and maintain network and internet security procedures, protocols, security

gateways and firewalls with respect to the Services. Contractor software and its

components are equipped and/or designed with systems intended to prevent industry

known system attacks (e.g., hacker and virus attacks) and unauthorized access to

confidential information.

8.4 Report any confirmed or suspected breach of University data to UMUC’s Computer

Incident Response Team (“CIRT”) within one (1) hour of discovery or detection. Any

confirmed or suspected computer security incidents not resulting in breach of University

data shall be reported to UMUC CIRT within 12 hours of discovery or detection.

8.5 Follow strong identity management characteristics and practices, requiring users to

adhere to organizational usage, construction, and change requirements.

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8.6 Configure and maintain network to be suitably hardened against security threats and

ensure adequate performance.

8.7 On an annual basis, Contractor shall obtain Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 report

(“the Report”) for all facilities from which the Services are provided. It is the

Contractor’s responsibility that such Report are provided under the terms and conditions

of this Contract without the University being required to agree to additional terms and

conditions that may be applied by a third-party. If the Report states that a facility has

failed to materially satisfy one or more control objectives, Contractor will, as UMUC’s

sole remedy, use commercially reasonable efforts to cause the facility to materially

satisfy all control objectives. If, despite Contractor’s efforts, the facility cannot

materially satisfy all relevant control objectives, Contractor will mitigate the issue in

a commercially reasonable manner which may include the migration to an alternate

facility which materially satisfies all control objectives. Failure to do so may be

considered a material breach of this Agreement in the sole and reasonable

discretion of UMUC.

8.8 UMUC or an appointed audit firm (Auditors) has the right to audit Contractor and its sub-

vendors or affiliates that provide a service for the processing, transport or storage of

UMUC data. Audits will be at UMUC’s sole expense which includes operational charges

by Contractor, except where the audit reveals material noncompliance with contract

specifications, in which case the cost, inclusive of operational charges by Contractor, will

be borne by the Contractor. In lieu of UMUC or its appointed audit firm performing their

own audit, if Contractor has an external audit firm that performs a review, UMUC has the

right to review the controls tested as well as the results, and has the right to request

additional controls to be added to the certified report for testing the controls that have an

impact on its data.

8.9 UMUC shall have sixty (60) days after the expiration or termination date of this

agreement to retrieve and download data and content. The Contractor shall make

available to UMUC a complete and secure (i.e., encrypted and appropriately

authenticated) download file of customer data, sales, and product information in .xml

format including all schema and transformation definitions and/or delimited text files

with documented, detailed schema definitions along with attachments in their native

format. The Contractor further warrants that all data and content pertaining to UMUC’s

buying programs is solely owned by UMUC and shall not be transferred or disclosed to

any Parties without the written consent from UMUC.


9.1 Nothing in this Contract shall be construed to establish a relationship of servant,

employee, partnership, association, or joint venture between the Parties. Neither Party

shall bind or attempt to bind the other to any contract, warranty, covenant or undertaking

of any nature whatsoever unless previously specifically authorized in writing in each


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9.2 It is understood and agreed that Contractor is an independent contractor of the University,

and not an employee. Except as set forth in this Contract, UMUC will not withhold

income taxes, social security or any other sums from the payments made to Contractor

hereunder. All employees or contractors of Contractor shall in no way be considered

employees of UMUC, but rather they shall be employees or contractors of Contractor,

and Contractor shall bear full responsibility for compensating those persons and for the

performance of the Services by way of them.

9.3 Each Party reserves the right to review all press releases or other public communications

of the other Party that may affect the Party’s public image, programs or operations.

9.4 This Agreement is non-exclusive. UMUC reserves the right to arrange for the Services

provided hereunder from any other Party.


10.1 Contractor shall maintain in full force and effect adequate insurance coverage to protect

against the risks associated with the performance of Services under this Contract.

Contractor shall also maintain in full force and effect workers’ compensation insurance as

required by the laws of the jurisdiction where the Services are performed. Upon request,

Contractor shall provide the University with evidence of such insurance.

10.2 Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless UMUC and the State of Maryland, their

officers, employees, and agents, from any and all costs (including, without limitation,

reasonable attorneys’ costs and cost of suit), liabilities, claims, or demands arising out of

or related to Contractor’s performance under this Contract. UMUC agrees to notify

Contractor promptly of any known liabilities, claims, or demands against UMUC for

which Contractor is responsible hereunder, and Contractor agrees to, at UMUC’s request,

defend UMUC or settle any such liabilities, claims, or demands.

10.3 Neither Party shall be liable to the other for indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive,

exemplary, nor special damages, or losses including, without limitation, lost profits and

opportunity costs.


11.1 Termination for Default. If the Contractor fails to fulfill its obligation under this Contract

properly and on time, or otherwise violates any provision of the Contract, UMUC may

terminate the Contract by written notice to the Contractor. The notice shall specify the

acts or omissions relied upon as cause for termination. UMUC will provide Contractor a

reasonable opportunity, not to exceed 10 business days, to cure the act or omission,

provided such opportunity to cure does not extend the deadline for any deliverables and

does not cause the University further damage. All finished or unfinished work provided

by the Contractor, to which UMUC is entitled pursuant to this Contract shall become the

University's property. UMUC shall pay the Contractor fair and equitable compensation

for satisfactory performance prior to receipt of notice of termination, less the amount of

damages caused by Contractor's breach. If the damages are more than the compensation

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payable to the Contractor, the Contractor will remain liable after termination and UMUC

can affirmatively collect damages. Termination hereunder, including the determination

of the rights and obligations of the Parties, shall be governed by the provisions of USM

Procurement Policies and Procedures.

11.2 Termination for Convenience. The performance of work under this Contract may be

terminated by the University in accordance with this clause in whole, or from time to

time in part, whenever the University shall determine that such termination is in the best

interest of the University. The University will pay all reasonable costs associated with

this Contract that the Contractor has incurred up to the date of termination and all

reasonable costs associated with termination of the Contract. However, the Contractor

shall not be reimbursed for any anticipatory profits that have not been earned up to the

date of termination. Termination hereunder, including the determination of the rights and

obligations of the Parties, shall be governed by the provisions of the USM Procurement

Policies and Procedures.

11.3 Delays and Extension of Time. The Contractor agrees to prosecute the work

continuously and diligently and no charges or claims for damages shall be made by it for

any delays or hindrances from any cause whatsoever during the progress of any portion

of the work specified in this Contract. Time extensions will be granted only for

excusable delays that arise from unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the

fault or negligence of the Contractor including, but not restricted to, acts of God, acts of

public enemy, acts of the State in either its sovereign or contractual capacity, acts of

another Contractor in the performance of a contract with the State or UMUC, changes in

law or regulation, action by government or other competent authority, fires, earthquakes,

floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, malicious or

criminal acts of third parties, or delays of subcontractors or suppliers arising from

unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of either the

Contractor or the subcontractors or suppliers.

11.4 Suspension of Work. The Procurement Officer unilaterally may order the Contractor, in

writing, to suspend, delay, or interrupt all or any part of its performance for such period

of time as the Procurement Officer may determine to be appropriate for the convenience

of the University.

11.5 Subcontracting and Assignment.

11.5.1 The Contractor may not subcontract any portion of the Services provided under this

Contract without obtaining the prior written approval of UMUC nor may the Contractor

assign this Contract or any of its rights or obligations hereunder, without the prior written

approval of UMUC. UMUC shall not be responsible for the fulfillment of the

Contractor’s obligations to subcontractors. Any such subcontract shall be subject to the

terms and conditions that UMUC deems necessary to protect its interests. Contractor

shall remain responsible for performance of all Services under this Contract, and shall be

subject to liability to the University for acts and omissions of subcontractors.

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11.5.2 Neither Party may assign this Contract without the prior written consent of the other

Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, except that Contractor may

assign this Contract to any parent, subsidiary, affiliate or purchaser of all or substantially

all its assets with notice to UMUC. Contractor may designate a third party to receive

payment without the University’s prior written consent unless in conflict with Maryland

or federal law, but shall provide the University with notification thereof.

11.6. Maryland Law Prevails. The laws of the State of Maryland shall govern the

interpretation and enforcement of this Contract.

11.7 Contract Integration and Modification. This Contract and the documents incorporated

herein form the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this

procurement, and supersede all prior negotiations, agreements and understandings with

respect thereto. This Contract may be amended with the written consent of both Parties.

Amendments may not significantly change the scope of the Contract.

11.8 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is only for the benefit of the undersigned

Parties and their permitted successors and assigns. No one shall be deemed to be a third-

party beneficiary of this Agreement.

11.9 Notices. Notices under this Contract will be written and will be considered effective

upon personal delivery to the person addressed or five (5) calendar days after deposit in

any U.S. mailbox, first class (registered or certified) and addressed to the other Party as


For the University:

University of Maryland University College

Procurement Department

Attn: Procurement Officer

3501 University Boulevard East

Adelphi, MD 20783-8044

For the Contractor:





11.10 Disputes. This Contract shall be subject to the USM Procurement Policies and

Procedures. Pending resolution of a claim, the Contractor shall proceed diligently with

the performance of the Contract in accordance with the Procurement Officer's decision.

11.11 Retention of Records. Contractor shall retain and maintain all records and

documents relating to this Contract for five (5) years after final payment by the State

and will make them available for inspection and audit by authorized representatives of

the State, including the Procurement Officer or designee, at all reasonable times and

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at no cost to UMUC. These documents may include, but are not limited to,

correspondence, the original signed consent form, background search results, W2s,

paystubs, employment verification documents, and official transcripts.

11.12 Non-Hiring of Employees. No employee of the State of Maryland or any unit thereof,

whose duties as such employee include matters relating to or affecting the subject matter

of this Contract, shall, while so employed, become or be an employee of the Party or

Parties hereby contracting with the State of Maryland or any unit thereof.

11.13 Non-Discrimination in Employment. The Contractor agrees: (a) not to discriminate in

any manner against an employee or applicant for employment because of race, color,

religion, creed, age, sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, or physical or mental

disability unrelated in nature and extent so as reasonably to preclude the performance of

such employment; (b) to include a provision similar to that contained in subsection (a),

above, in any subcontract except a subcontract for standard commercial supplies or raw

materials; and (c) to post and to cause subcontractors to post in conspicuous places

available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the substance

of this clause.

11.14 Contingent Fee Prohibition. The Contractor warrants that it has not employed or retained

any person, partnership, corporation, or other entity, other than a bona fide employee or

agent working for the Contractor, to solicit or secure this Contract, and that it has not paid

or agreed to pay any person, partnership, corporation, or other entity, other than a bona

fide employee or agent, any fee or any other consideration contingent on the making of

this Contract.

11.15 Financial Disclosure. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Section 13-221

of the State Finance and Procurement Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, which

requires that every business that enters into contracts, leases, or other agreements with the

State of Maryland or its agencies during a calendar year under which the business is to

receive in the aggregate $100,000 or more, shall, within 30 days of the time when the

aggregate value of these contracts, leases or other agreements reaches $100,000, file with

the Secretary of State of Maryland certain specified information to include disclosure of

beneficial ownership of the business.

11.16 Political Contribution Disclosure. Contractor shall comply with Election Law Article

Sections 14-101 through 14-108 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, which requires that

every person making contracts with one or more governmental entities during any 12-

month period of time involving cumulative consideration in the aggregate of $100,000 or

more to file with the State Board of Elections a statement disclosing certain campaign or

election contributions.

11.17 Anti-Bribery. The Contractor warrants that neither it nor any of its officers, directors or

partners, nor any employees who are directly involved in obtaining or performing

contracts with any public body has been convicted of bribery, attempted bribery or

conspiracy to bribe under the laws of any state or the federal government.

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11.18 Ethics. This Contract is cancelable in the event of a violation of the Maryland Public

Ethics Law by the Contractor or any UMUC employee in connection with this


11.19 Compliance with Laws. The Contractor hereby represents and warrants that:

11.19.1 It is qualified to do business in the State of Maryland and that it will take such action as,

from time to time hereafter, may be necessary to remain so qualified;

11.19.2 It is not in arrears with respect to the payment of any monies due and owing the State of

Maryland, or any department or unit thereof including, but not limited to, the payment of

taxes and employee benefits, and that it shall not become so in arrears during the term of

this Contract;

11.19.3 It shall comply with all federal, State, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances

applicable to its activities and obligations under this Contract; and

11.19.4 It shall obtain, at its expense, all licenses, permits, insurance, and governmental

approvals, if any, necessary to the performance of its obligations under this Contract.

11.20 Indemnification. UMUC shall not assume any obligation to indemnify, hold harmless, or

pay attorneys’ fees that may arise from or in any way be associated with the performance

or operation of this Contract.

11.21 MultiYear Contracts Contingent Upon Appropriations. If the General Assembly fails to

appropriate funds or if funds are not otherwise made available for continued performance

for any fiscal period of this Contract succeeding the first fiscal period, this Contract shall

be canceled automatically as of the beginning of the fiscal year for which funds were not

appropriated or otherwise made available; provided, however, that this will not affect

either the University's rights or the Contractor's rights under any termination clause in

this Contract. The effect of termination of the Contract hereunder will be to discharge

both the Contractor and the University from future performance of the Contract, but not

from their rights and obligations existing at the time of termination.

The Contractor shall be reimbursed for the reasonable value of any nonrecurring costs

incurred, but not amortized in the price of the Contract. The University shall notify the

Contractor as soon as it has knowledge that funds may not be available for the

continuation of this Contract for each succeeding fiscal period beyond the first.

11.22 Pre-Existing Regulations. In accordance with the provisions of Section 11-206 of the

State Finance and Procurement Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, the regulations set

forth in USM Procurement Policies and Procedures in effect on the date of execution of

this Contract are applicable to this Contract.

11.23 Insurance.

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11.23.1 The Contractor shall secure, and shall require that subcontractors secure, pay the

premiums for and keep in force until the expiration of this contract, and any renewal

thereof, adequate insurance as provided below, such insurance to specifically include

liability assumed by the Contractor under this Contract, inclusive of the requirements in

the solicitation documents:

Commercial General Liability Insurance including all extensions-

Not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence;

Not less than $1,000,000 personal injury;

Not less than $2,000,000 products/completed operations aggregate; and

Not less than $2,000,000 general aggregate.

Workers’ compensation per statutory requirements.

Fiduciary Bonding of Workers with access to cash and/or credit card information.

11.23.2 The Contractor shall provide to the Procurement Officer a certificate of insurance

including evidence of the required limits at the execution hereof, and annually thereafter.

All insurance certificates provided to the University for general and/or excess liability

protection, bodily injury or property damage and fiduciary Bonding must specifically

name on its face the University as an additional insured as respects to operations under

the contract and premises occupied by the Contractor provided, however, with respect to

the Contractor’s liability for bodily injury or property damages above, such insurance

shall cover and not exclude Contractor’s liability for injury to the property of the

University and to the persons or property of employees, students, faculty members,

agents, officers, regents, invitees or guests of the University.

11.23.3 Notices of policy changes shall be furnished to the Procurement Officer. All required

insurance coverages must be acquired from insurers allowed to do business in the State of

Maryland. The insurers must have a policy holder’s rating of “A-“or better.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties, by their authorized representatives have executed this



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE ____________________________________

By: By:

Name: ___________________ Name: ______________

Title: _______________ Title:

Date: Date:

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This Exhibit A to THIS CONTRACT #91392 is made this 1st day of June, 2016, between the

University of Maryland University College, a constituent institution of the University System of

Maryland ("USM"), an agency of the State of Maryland, with offices at 3501 University

Boulevard East, Adelphi, Maryland 20783, hereinafter referred to as (”UMUC” or “the

University”) and _________________________ hereinafter referred to as “Contractor” or

“Vendor” with principal offices located at _________________________________

(collectively, “the Parties”).

Statement of Work:

Exhibit A:

See Contractor’s Proposal dated April 6, 2016.

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(This affidavit is a mandatory contract addendum in accordance with USM Procurement Policies and

Procedures, but it is only required from the successful Contractor.)



I am the (title) and the duly authorized representative

of (business) _____ ___________________________________and that I possess the legal

authority to make this Affidavit on behalf of myself and the contractor for which I am acting.



(1) The business named above is a (domestic ) (foreign ) [check one]

corporation registered in accordance with the Corporations and Associations Article, Annotated

Code of Maryland, and that it is in good standing and has filed all its annual reports, together

with filing fees, with the Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation, and that the

name and address of its resident agent filed with the State Department of Assessments and

Taxation is:

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________ (2) Except as validly contested, the Contractor has paid, or has arranged for payment

of, all taxes due the State of Maryland and has filed all required returns and reports with the

Comptroller of the Treasury, the State Department of Assessments and Taxation, and the

Employment Security Administration, as applicable, and will have paid all withholding taxes due

to the State of Maryland prior to final settlement.


(1) The undersigned bidder or offeror certifies that, in accordance with State Finance

& Procurement Article, §17-705:

(i) it is not identified on the list created by the Board of Public Works as a

person engaging in investment activities in Iran as described in §17-702 of State Finance &

Procurement; and

(ii) it is not engaging in investment activities in Iran as described in State

Finance & Procurement Article, §17-702.

(2) The undersigned bidder or offeror is unable to make the above certification

regarding its investment activities in Iran due to the following activities:

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To the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, each of the affirmations, certifications, or

acknowledgments contained in that certain Proposal Affidavit dated , 20__,

and executed by me for the purpose of obtaining the contract to which this Exhibit is attached

remains true and correct in all respects as if made as of the date of this Contract Affidavit and as

if fully set forth herein.




Date: By: __________________________________________________