UNIVERSITY OF SZEGED Medicine Dentistry Pharmacy ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAMS Admission and Academic Bulletin 2016 2017 / Education. Our YOUR MISSION.

UNIVERSITY OF SZEGED€¦ · Examinations in Szeged, Hungary 9 Evaluation Examinations in Szeged, Hungary 9 Examinations in Budapest, Hungary and Abroad 9 After Acceptance 10 Letter

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Page 1: UNIVERSITY OF SZEGED€¦ · Examinations in Szeged, Hungary 9 Evaluation Examinations in Szeged, Hungary 9 Examinations in Budapest, Hungary and Abroad 9 After Acceptance 10 Letter

UNIVERSITY OF SZEGEDFaculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy

Foreign Students’ Secretariat

Phone: +36 (70) 439-2124

+36 (62) 545-031

Fax: +36 (62) 545-028

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.szegedmed.hu

UNIVERSITY OF SZEGEDM e d i c i n e D e n t i s t r y P h a r m a c y


Admission and Academic Bulletin

2016 2017/

Education. OurYOUR MISSION.

Page 2: UNIVERSITY OF SZEGED€¦ · Examinations in Szeged, Hungary 9 Evaluation Examinations in Szeged, Hungary 9 Examinations in Budapest, Hungary and Abroad 9 After Acceptance 10 Letter
Page 3: UNIVERSITY OF SZEGED€¦ · Examinations in Szeged, Hungary 9 Evaluation Examinations in Szeged, Hungary 9 Examinations in Budapest, Hungary and Abroad 9 After Acceptance 10 Letter



Why Szeged? 2University of Szeged 2

International Programs 3Medical Program 3Dental Medicine Program 3Pharmacy Program 4Foundation Year Program 4

Entry Requirements 5

Application Procedure 6Application Documents for the Degree Programs 6Application Documents for Transfer Students 7Application Documents for the Foundation Year Program 8

Entrance Examinations 9Examinations in Szeged, Hungary 9Evaluation Examinations in Szeged, Hungary 9Examinations in Budapest, Hungary and Abroad 9

After Acceptance 10Letter of Admission 10Welcome Package 10Documents to be Submitted after Admission 10Passport, Visa and Residence Permit 11

Support for Students 12Foreign Students’ Secretariat 12International Student Union of Szeged 12Szeged University Medical Alumni Association 12

Life on Campus 13Fees, Additional Costs 13Deadlines for Payment 13Accommodation 14Cost of Living 14Health Insurance 14Library Services 14Open Days 14

Structure of Studies 15Academic Calendar, Academic Policies, Curricula 15Grading System 15Types of Evaluation 15Suggested Study Plans at the Faculty of Medicine 16Suggested Study Plans at the Faculty of Dentistry 21Suggested Study Plans at the Faculty of Pharmacy 25

Essential Information 28University Contacts 28Other Information 28Official Representatives 28

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Why Szeged?

10 reasons to study at the Universityof Szeged

1. Excellent education at a distinguished institution –“University of National Excellence”

2. Be part of the faculties where outstanding discoveriesare made

3. Valuable degrees4. Prestigious place in University rankings5. University Campus situated in the heart of the city6. Szeged – “the City of Sunshine” as an ideal place to

live and study7. Multicultural environment8. Rich Social and Cultural Life9. Reasonable costs

10. Green University

Szeged is situated near theSouthern border of Hungary, onthe banks of the River Tisza. It is acity with deep historical and cul-tural roots, inhabited since Romantimes. Szeged was rebuilt after thegreat flood in 1879 when most ofthe city was destroyed by theRiver Tisza. By Hungarian stan-dards Szeged is a large city withits population of 160,000.

Szeged is a thriving universitytown and the cultural and eco-nomic centre of South-EasternHungary. The salami and paprikabusiness has brought fame andcredit to the city. Szeged has amuseum of history, art galleries,theaters, movies, large parks, fa-mous botanic garden. The Na-tional Theater of Szeged, its Con-temporary Ballet Company andSymphony Orchestra provide a fullseason of entertainment. The cityis also famous for its open-airtheater and the city centre ismarked by the twin spires of theRoman Catholic Cathedral (Dóm).

Szeged is often called the “Cityof Sunshine” as it enjoys an aver-age of 2000 hours of sunshineannually.

University of Szeged

The University of Szeged is one ofthe largest, top universities inHungary. Its institutional andintellectual history goes back to1581 when the Academia wasfound in Cluj, contemporary Ro-mania. Due to the political

circumstances after the first WW,the University found a new homein Szeged in 1921.

In the year 2000, all universi-ties and colleges were integratedinto one educational institution,the University of Szeged.

Today, the University compris-es 12 faculties with 2,300 facultymembers, 7,000 employees and23,000 students. It has 600 under-graduate training programs andmore than 100 Ph.D. programs in19 Ph.D. schools.

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International Programs

Statement of Non-Discrimination

The University does not discriminate on the basis of age,race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, creed, sex,sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status orphysical disability.

The University has been trainingdoctors in English language formany years. The English languageProgram offered for foreign stu-dents at the Faculty of Medicineand the Faculty of Pharmacy start-ed in the academic year 1985/86and 1986/87 respectively. In1990, English language Founda-tion Year Program was introduced.In the academic year 2004/05 theEnglish language Dental MedicineProgram was launched.

The University also offers theGerman language Medical Pro-gram for the first two years since1999 as well as the German lan-guage Foundation Year Programfrom the academic year 2004/05.

Our national and internation-al reputation for academic excel-lence, combined with our world-class facilities, attracts interna-tional students from around theworld. The faculties host ap-proximately 1,400 internationalstudents studying in our inter-national programs.

Our teaching system is verytraditional. We place great em-phasis on the theoretical subjectsin order to provide a solid basis forthe clinical training. The programsare designed to unify the basicand clinical sciences, as it is be-lieved that scientific and profes-sional development cannot besharply separated but should pro-ceed concurrently throughout theprograms. Special Ph.D. programsare arranged, along with individu-al postgraduate training for Hun-garian and foreign colleagues.

In short, our main mission is totrain well-educated professionals.

English LanguagePrograms

Medical ProgramThe Medical Program covers

six years, that is, 12 semesters.The first two years serve as thefoundation of basic medicalknowledge. From the third yeartheoretical training is extended

with regular clinical practice,where students intensively takepart in the work of the clinicaldepartments and the teachinghospitals. The Faculty’s excellentscientific laboratories offer thestudents a wide range of oppor-tunities to join high standardscientific research activities. Inthe last two semesters – theclerkship year – students performclinical rotations of 40 weeks.Our medical training center is toaid medical students by enablingthem to practice the methods ofvarious procedures on dummiesthroughout their academic stud-ies. At the conclusion of theprogram (State Board Examina-tion) the title Doctor of Medicine(medical doctor; Dr. Med.) isgranted for those who have metall the requirements of thetraining.

Dental Medicine ProgramThe five-year program (10 se-

mesters) is designed to unify thebasic and clinical sciences. In thethree years the students aretaught basic sciences – medicaland dental courses – which arethe foundation of clinical den-tistry. From the third year onmore emphasis is placed on the

study of dental diseases and theirtreatment. The last two yearsserve the intensive clinical studyof each of the various disciplinesof dentistry with emphasis onthe assessment and managementof patients. Furthermore,throughout their training stu-dents participate in elective pro-grams, clinical conferences andhospital-based practices. Afterthe successful completion of theprogram (State Board Examina-tion), students are awarded thetitle Doctor Medicinae Dentaire(dentist; D.M.D.). Teaching isperformed at the departments ofthe Medical and Dental Faculties.The Dental Faculty, which is theregional center for dental care inthe south-eastern region of Hun-gary, has approximately 30 grad-uates each year in the Englishlanguage program.

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Pharmacy Program

German Language Programs

We offer the first two years of the six year Medicalprogram in German language, furthermore theFoundation Year Program (Preparatory Course) is alsoavailable in German language.

For more information regarding the German LanguagePrograms, please contact the German Admissions Office:Tel.: +36 62 546-865E-mail: [email protected]: www.szegedmed.hu/de

The Academic program offeredby the Faculty of Pharmacy ex-tends over a period of five years(10 semesters) and leads to thedegree Doctor of Pharmacy. Itbegins with an introduction to thebasic sciences providing a basis forfurther pharmaceutical studies. Inthe second part of the program,students take part in general andspecial pharmaceutical educationat the university departments,teaching pharmacies, institutes,hospitals and clinical pharmacies,laboratories and pharmaceuticalworks. The faculty seeks to edu-cate its undergraduates by pro-moting their intellectual develop-ment and their progressive accu-mulation of competence in allfields of modern pharmacy. Afterthe successful completion of theprogram the title of Doctor Phar-maciae is awarded (pharmacist,Dr. Pharm.). The quality of thetraining is outstanding comparedto similar Hungarian and Europeanpharmacist training centers. TheFaculty takes part in internationalresearch activities too. The train-ing material is continuously updat-ed in light of the most recentresearch results. The lecturers areinternationally respected profes-sionals and active researchers.

Foundation Year Program(Preparatory Course)

This program is organized forstudents who feel unprepared forthe regular degree programs orwho need help in reviewing basicsciences in English language toprepare for the final examinationat the end of the course.

Subjects taught are Biology,Chemistry including ChemicalCalculations, Physics, Mathemat-ics, Medical English, Medical Latinand Hungarian language.

Students who participate in ourFoundation Year Program have agood chance to be admitted tothe first year Medical, DentalMedicine and Pharmacy Programof the University of Szeged in theforthcoming academic year. How-ever, in order to be admitted toone of our degree programs youneed to pass the final examinationwith good results.

The duration of the courseis eight months, starting in Oc-tober.

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Entry Requirements

Medical, Dental Medicine and PharmacyPrograms Entry Requirements

Applicants are required to sit for an entrance examination(see page 9).

Holders of the following degrees can be exempted fromsitting for the entrance examination:

1. International Baccalaureate (IB) DiplomaStudents are required to achieve a grade of at least 5in two natural science subjects studied in English lan-guage (Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics).

2. General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE)Students are required to achieve a grade of A in threenatural science subjects studied in English language(Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics).

3. First Class Honours Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degreein Natural, Biomedical, Life Sciences, Chemistry, Biolo-gy, Physics.

4. First Class Honours Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degreein Dental Hygiene for Dentistry program.

Applicants are required to be overthe age of 18 in the year of appli-cation.

Applications are acceptedfrom graduates of accreditedhigh schools or colleges/universi-ties. Both oral and written com-petence in English language ispart of the entry requirements forthe University. Applicants whohave studied Biology, Chemistry(General, Inorganic, Organic) andPhysics in high school are givenpreference.

According to the decision ofthe Admission Committee of theFaculty of Medicine, the Faculty ofDentistry and the Faculty of Phar-macy of the University of Szeged,students who have failed anysubject in their final year of theirhigh school studies are not enti-tled to apply to our programs.

Students wishing to study inprograms we offer for foreign stu-dents at the University of Szegeddo not need any prior knowledgeof Hungarian.

Transfer from otherUniversities

Students who have successfullypursued medical, dental medicineor pharmaceutical studies at oth-er accredited universities canapply for admission without be-ing obliged to take an entranceexamination. Admission to anupper year might be possible ifsubjects of previous studies iden-tical or similar (at least 75%) tothe curriculum of the Universityof Szeged are approved. Pleasenote that at least 50% of thestudents complete medical/dental medicine/pharmacy stud-ies must be fulfilled at the Univer-sity of Szeged. Relevant curricu-lum can be downloaded at www.szegedmed.hu.

Students might also be subjectto sit for evaluation examinations.

Students who have pursuedtheir previous studies in other lan-guage(s) than English must provide proof of sufficient Englishlanguage proficiency. For the listof English language test resultsaccepted by the University pleasevisit our website at www.szegedmed.hu.

Precondition of transfer fromother Hungarian universities areset by the respective Faculty.

Foundation Year ProgramEntry Requirements

Applicants applying for admissionto the Foundation Year do nothave to take part in the entranceexamination; however, they needto prove English language compe-tence. For the list of English lan-guage test results accepted by theUniversity please visit our websiteat www.szegedmed.hu.

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Application Procedure

All applicants must register on-line at www.aas-szegedmed.hu.During the online registrationprocess you are required to regis-ter your personal details. Com-munication between the applicantand the University is conductedthrough the online Applicationand Admission System, the AAS.

The University of Szeged web-site (www.szegedmed.hu) pro-vides detailed guidance on howto complete your application. Youcan also contact your local repre-sentative for advice.

You have to mail your applica-tion package directly to the Ad-missions Office, University ofSzeged (address: 12. Dóm tér, Sze-ged, H-6720 Hungary) or to yourlocal representative. Prior to mailingyour application package, pleasecheck which documents are re-quired to be uploaded to the AAS.

Documents are only acceptedas attested copies in English lan-guage or as certificates with anauthorized English translation(including high school diplomasand transcripts). Submitted doc-uments cannot be returned to theapplicants.

Deadline for application isJune 30, 2016.

Applicants are asked to applyas early as possible. Please notethat places are offered on a firstcome first served basis. If you failto fulfill the requirements indi-cated in your Letter of Acceptanceyou will be registered on the wait-ing list. Late applicants are consid-ered based on place availability.

After the online registration, youcan follow the procedure of yourapplication by checking your onlineaccount at www.aas-szegedmed.hu. Make sure to remember yourusername and password.

Application Documents for Medicine, Dentistryand Pharmacy Programs

1. The signed hard copy of your online Application Form availableafter online registration at www.aas-szegedmed.hu.

2. Proof of Payment USD 200 Application Fee (non-refundable).Payments can be made by wire transfer in USD to the bank accountbelow:Account name: IS International StudiesUSD Account (IBAN) Number: HU43 10300002-10476764-40120044Bank name: MKB BankBank address: H-1056, Váci u. 38., Budapest, HungarySwift/BIC code: MKKBHUHB

As a remark on the transfer sheet please indicate your name and“Szeged Uni”. Please note that commission charges have to be paid by theapplicant.

In case, your application is submitted through your local repre-sentative you are not required to submit proof of application fee pay-ment.

3. Certified copy of your High School Diploma (HSD) from anaccredited high school/senior secondary school and Certificate list-ing all the subjects you have taken and the grades you haveachieved.

You are also eligible to submit your application and sit for an ent-rance examination if you are in your final year but have not receivedyour School Leaving Certificate or Diploma yet. In this case, you mustpresent proof that he or she is attending high school.

In case of applying for an exemption, provide certified copy of yourpredicted grades and actual IB Diploma, GCE A-level Certificate(s)or B.Sc. Degree and Transcript(s) listing all the subjects you havetaken and the grades you have achieved.

4. Curriculum Vitae. You may create your CV online at www.europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/home.

5. Three passport-size photos6. Photocopy of your valid Passport or Identification Card7. General Medical Certificate. Official form available at www.

szegedmed.hu.Prior to submission, upload the file at www.aas-szegedmed.hu.8. Dyslexia Declaration Form. Official form available at www.

szegedmed.hu.Prior to submission, upload the file at www.aas-szegedmed.hu.9. Applicants applying for exemption from the entrance examina-

tion must provide proof of sufficient English language proficiency.For the list of English language test results accepted by the Universityplease visit our website at www.szegedmed.hu.

For documents to be submitted after acceptance please see sectionAfter Acceptance (page 10).

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Application Documents for Transfer Students

1. The signed hard copy of your online Application Form availableafter online registration at www.aas-szegedmed.hu.

2. Proof of Payment USD 200 Application Fee (non-refundable).Payments can be made by wire transfer in USD to the bank accountbelow:Account name: IS International StudiesUSD Account (IBAN) Number: HU43 10300002-10476764-40120044Bank name: MKB BankBank address: H-1056, Váci u. 38., Budapest, HungarySwift/BIC code: MKKBHUHB

As a remark on the transfer sheet please indicate your name and“Szeged Uni”. Please note that commission charges have to be paid by theapplicant.

In case, your application is submitted through your local repre-sentative you are not required to submit proof of application fee pay-ment.

3. Certified copy of your High School Diploma (HSD) from anaccredited high school/senior secondary school and Certificate list-ing all the subjects you have taken and the grades you haveachieved.

4. Official University Transcript(s) listing all the subjects you havetaken and the grades you have achieved and information on the grad-ing system.

5. Course Description(s) of all the subjects you have completed.6. Motivation Letter7. Curriculum Vitae. You may create your CV online at www.

europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/home.8. Three passport-size photos9. Photocopy of your valid Passport or Identification Card10. TOEFL test results. For equivalent English qualifications see our

website at www.szegedmed.hu.11. General Medical Certificate. Official form available at www.

szegedmed.hu.Prior to submission, upload the file at www.aas-szegedmed.hu.12. Dyslexia Declaration Form. Official form available at www.

szegedmed.hu.Prior to submission, upload the file at www.aas-szegedmed.hu.For documents to be submitted after acceptance please see section

After Acceptance (page 10).

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Application Documents for the Foundation Year Program

1. The signed hard copy of your online Application Form availableafter online registration at www.aas-szegedmed.hu.

2. Proof of Payment of EUR 200 Application Fee (non-refund-able). Payments can be made by wire transfer in EUR to the bank ac-count below:Account name: IS International StudiesEUR Account (IBAN) Number: HU83 10300002-10476764-48820030Bank name: MKB BankBank address: H-1056, Váci u. 38., Budapest, HungarySwift/BIC code: MKKBHUHB

As a remark on the transfer sheet please indicate your name and“Szeged Uni”. Please note that commission charges have to be paid bythe applicant.

In case, your application is submitted through your local repre-sentative you are not required to submit proof of application fee pay-ment.

3. Certified copy of your High School Diploma (HSD) from anaccredited high school/senior secondary school and Certificate list-ing all the subjects you have taken and the grades you haveachieved.

You are also eligible to submit your application if you are in yourfinal year but have not received your School Leaving Certificate or Di-ploma yet. In this case, the applicant must present proof that he or sheis attending high school.

4. Curriculum Vitae. You may create your CV online at www.europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/home.

5. Three passport-size photos6. Photocopy of your valid Passport or Identification Card7. TOEFL test results. For equivalent English qualifications see our

website at www.szegedmed.hu.8. General Medical Certificate. Official form available at www.

szegedmed.hu.Prior to submission upload file at www.aas-szegedmed.hu.9. Dyslexia Declaration Form. Official form available at www.

szegedmed.hu.Prior to submission upload file at www.aas-szegedmed.hu.For documents to be submitted after acceptance please see section

After Acceptance (page 10).

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Entrance Examinations

Entrance examinations are held inSzeged, Hungary and at differentlocations in Europe, Asia, Africaand the United States betweenFebruary and July. Detailed infor-mation regarding the entranceexamination will be sent after theonline registration in the Applica-tion and Admission System (AAS)at www.aas-szegedmed.hu. Ap-plicants are allowed to participatein a maximum of two examina-tions during one applicationperiod, if the chance is offered bythe University of Szeged. Theexam consists of a written and anoral part. Entrance examinationcomprises the following subjects:Biology (obligatory), Chemistryor Physics (only in Szeged) andEnglish language (competencetest).

Examinations in Szeged, Hungary

Entrance Examination dates in Szeged, Hungary in the year 2016:April 13, May 11, June 15 and July 13.

Important notice: Registration Forms will be only accepted if youhave submitted all the required application documents to our Admis-sions Office.

In order to register for the entrance examination at the University ofSzeged, the following documents have to be sent directly to our Admis-sions Office via e-mail or regular post:

1. Application documents required (see section ‘Application proce-dures’).

2. University of Szeged Entrance Examination Registration Form(downloadable at www.szegedmed.hu).

3. Proof of Payment USD 300 Entrance examination Fee (non-re-fundable). Payments can be made by wire transfer in USD to the univer-sity bank account below:Account name: University of SzegedUSD Account (IBAN) Number: HU14 10300002-66103177-27004013Bank name: MKB BankBank address: H-6720 Szeged, Kölcsey u. 8., HungarySwift code: MKKBHUHB

For entrance examination topics and sample tests visit our websiteat www.szegedmed.hu.

Evaluation Examinations in Szeged, Hungary

Transfer students might be subject to take evaluation examinations incertain subjects. Evaluation exams are held only in Szeged, Hungary.For students who participate in evaluation examinations, the fee of 200USD/subject must be paid to the University of Szeged’s bank account.

Detailed information about exam registration will be sent to theapplicant via e-mail after the receipt of the complete application pack-age.

Please note that unsuccessful evaluation examinations cannot berepeated.

Examinations in Budapest, Hungary and Abroad

For information on the entrance examination dates and the list of repre-sentatives please visit the following website: www.studyhungary.hu.

Application documents (see section ‘Application procedures’) haveto be submitted to your local representative.

Please note: if the entrance exam is taken in Budapest or outside ofHungary, information about the examination fee will be given by therepresentative concerned.

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After Acceptance

Letter of Admission

If you get admitted to one of ourprograms you will receive a Letterof Admission. This document willbe sent to you as an e-mail attach-ment; in addition, the hard copywill be mailed to you either by yourrepresentative or the University.

Welcome Package

The University of Szeged wel-comes all international studentswishing to study in Szeged, Hun-gary. Our Welcome Package in-cludes useful information regard-ing visa, transfer to Szeged, ar-rangement of temporary accom-modation and your studies toinsure your safe arrival and asmooth adaptation to your newenvironment.

This document will be avail-able in PDF format at the Secre-tariat’s website. The link is goingto be indicated in your Letter ofAdmission.

Documents to be Submitted after Admission

1. Proof of Enrollment is available online at www.aas-szegedmed.hu.

2. Proof of Payment of tuition fee. Tuition fee has to be trans-ferred to the bank account indicated in your Letter of Admission.

As a remark on the transfer sheet please indicate your name and“Szeged Uni”. Please note that commission charges have to be paid by thestudents.

3. Hepatitis B blood test results (valid within five years) or Hep-atitis B vaccinations (minimum of two shots required: indicating yourname, dates of vaccinations and type of the serum; valid within 10years).

4. Hepatitis C test result5. HIV test result6. Chest X-ray result. Only paper based result required (CD/X-ray

film is not required).7. Vaccination Card or Immunization Records issued by your

General Practitioner.8. Varicella and Rubella Declaration Form download official form

at www.szegedmed.hu.9. Certified copy of your Birth Certificate. It has to be an attested

copy in English language or certificate with an authorized English trans-lation.

Please note: medical tests have to be taken after January 1, 2016.First, documents should be uploaded to the AAS (www.aas-

szegedmed.hu) in addition, they should be sent directly to ourAdmissions Office (Foreign Students’ Secretariat, University of Sze-ged Dóm tér 12., H-6720 Szeged, Hungary) via regular post.

Should you fail to fulfill the above requirements till the deadline indi-cated in your Letter of Admission, you will be registered on the waitinglist.

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Passport, Visa and Residence Permit

It is highly recommended to contact the Embassy of Hungary inyour country before you make any travel arrangements.

Visa Free EntryOn the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (www.

konzuliszolgalat.kormany.hu/visa-waiver-agreements) you can find a listof those countries whose citizens are exempted from the visa obligationif they are travelling to Hungary and hold a valid travel document enti-tling them to visa-free travel. However, three-five days after enteringthe country, need to contact the Immigration Office in Szeged andapply for their residence permit. Furthermore, it is recommended to askthe Hungarian Embassy for confirmation of the information posted onthe website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at www.konzuliszolgalat.kormany.hu/en.

Student Visa RequiredStudents from outside of the Schengen Treaty Area have to hand in

their visa application to their local Hungarian Embassy or Consulate.Please note that the period of the Student Visa procedure takes a mini-mum of 30 calendar days. In order to start the procedure of applying forthe Student Visa, the Embassy concerned requires the student to submita valid passport (the validity of which has to exceed that of the request-ed visa by at least three months). Three-five days after entering Hungary,students need to contact the Immigration Office in Szeged and apply fortheir residence permit. For details regarding the visa application anddownloading the application form please visit the website of the Ministryof Foreign Affairs at www.konzuliszolgalat.kormany.hu/en.

The Hungarian Embassy may require:1. Proof of credited tuition fee. This certificate needs to be re-

quested from our recruiting company, College International at [email protected].

2. Proof of temporary accommodation. This certificate needs tobe requested from the University Admissions Office at [email protected].

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Support for Students

Foreign Students’Secretariat©We are here for you!

You will find student life new andexciting, but also a bit bewilder-ing. If you’ve come from highschool, you need to get used tobeing part of a much bigger com-munity, and you may also be liv-ing away from home for the firsttime, with all the readjustmentinvolved in that. You are likely toneed advice and support in orderto find your feet socially and aca-demically, so we make sure thatfrom the start you have access toour support service staffed bypeople who are easy to contactand who can give you guidanceon the following:• application and admission,• orientation,• academic regulations,• accommodation,• financial issues / loan,• legal and community prob-

lems,• residence permit / visa,• health insurance,• personal concerns.

Address: 12. Dóm tér, H-6720Szeged, Hungary

GPS: 46.248587, 20.149538

International Student Union of Szeged

I.S.U.S. is an organization created for students by students with thesupport of the University of Szeged providing you with free, indepen-dent and confidential advice and guidance. Members can help yousolve problems you may face as a student, including academic, infor-mation about housing, transportation, restaurants and more. Studentsare able to access the service face-to-face, via e-mail or over the phoneat our on campus office. For more information about the service andcontact details please visit www.isus-szeged.com.

Szeged University Medical Alumni Association

SUMAA has been established in 2014 with the philosophy in mind tounite and connect all alumni and future students and provide a base forthe long term. Connect to us on social media or see who are involvedin our organisation at www.sumaa.org.

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Life on Campus

Fees, Additional Costs

The tuition fee includes general health insurance valid for Hungary; however, it does not include the costs oftextbooks, accommodation and living expenses.

Tuition fees for students who begin their studies in the academic year 2016/2017.*

Tuition fee in USD Additional fees in USD

Faculty Year1st









completedin Szeged

State Boardexamination


Medicine1 8,800 7,300 16,100 200 300 220 500(5) –2–5 8,050 8,050 16,100 – – – 1,000(5) –6 8,050(2) – – – – 300

Dentistry(1)1 8,700 7,600 16,300 200 300 220 500(6) –2–4 8,700 7,600 16,300 – – – 600(6) –5 8,700 7,600 16,300 – – – 800(6) 300


1 6,050 4,150 10,200 200 300 220 – –2–3 4,850 4,850 9,700 – – – 300(7) –4 4,850 4,850 9,700 – – – 600(7) –5 4,850 4,850 9,700 – – – – –

Tuition fee in EUR Additional fees in EUR

Foundation Year 3,520 2,460 5,980 200 – 220 – –

* These fees are subject to change in case the student’s academic progress does not follow the suggested study plan.(1) Tuition fees include the annual material fee.(2) The student is entitled to spend half of the sixth year practices at the University hospitals. If the student would like to accom-

plish more than half of the internships at the University, the fee has to be paid on a pro rata basis.(3) If you only apply to the University of Szeged.(4) If the entrance examination takes place in Szeged, Hungary. If the examination is taken at other locations, information about

the Examination Fee will be given by the official representative.In case of transfer students who have to take an evaluation examination the examination fee is 200 USD per subject.

(5) Fees of: 4-week long Nursing Practice (after 1st year), 4-week long Internal Medicine Practice (after 3rd year), 4-week longSurgery Practice (after 4th year).

(6) Fees of: 2-week long Nursing Practice (after 1st year), 2-week long Odontotechnology Practice (after 2nd year), 4-week longOral Surgery Practice (after 3rd year), 4-week long Basic Treatment in Dental Medicine Practice (after 4th year).

(7) Fees of: 4-week long Pharmacy Practice (after 2nd and 3rd year), 8-week long Pharmacy Practice (after 4th year).(8) The State Board examination has to be taken in the final year of the programs.

Deadlines for Payment

Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, PharmacyYear 1: 1st semester: as indicated in the Letter of Admission,

2nd semester: till the end of the course registration period.Years 2–5(6): 1st and 2nd semester: till the end of the course registration period.Foundation Year: 1st semester: as indicated in the Letter of Admission,

2nd semester: till the middle of February.

Mode of Payment Refund Policy

For details please see your Letter of Admission. For details please see your Proof of Enrollment.

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The University will assist freshmenfree of charge in finding accom-modation and signing the con-tract with the landlords betweenJuly and September. For arrang-ing your appointment please con-tact us at [email protected].

Cost of Living

Cost of living (including boardand lodging) in Szeged is approxi-mately USD 600-1000/month.

Health Insurance

A general health insurance validfor Hungary is included in yourtuition fee. Medical care is pro-vided by the University doctorson campus. More informationwill be provided at the officialregistration.

Library Services

Our main university library offers you access to more than 1.8 millionbooks, periodicals, manuscripts, microfilms, e-journals, e-books andother documents, out of which there are about 138,000 items relatedto the medical field. The reading rooms of the library are spread out onfour floors and are equipped with an open access collection of 350,000volumes. The reading rooms are furnished with 1000 seats and approx.300 computers with Internet access. This is the largest library in CentralEastern Europe. The building itself also functions as a conference center.It is the largest conference center in the region that hosts national andinternational conferences, exhibitions and other programs. For furtherinformation please check the library’s website at ww2.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/en.

Open Days

Choosing your university is an important decision. The best way to findout is to come and visit us. We offer different types of visit – choose theone that suits you.

For our virtual open day and campus tour visit our website atwww.szegedmed.hu.

Also, University of Szeged welcomes visitors all the time. Open daysare organized on request for a minimum number of 10 participants.However, if you intend to visit us and would like to meet one of ouradmission officers you are more than welcome to stop by at the For-eign Students’ Secretariat (address: Dóm tér 12., Szeged, H-6720). Foryour appointment please contact us in advance at +36 (62) 342-124 orat [email protected].

We hope that you can visit us and see what a great place Szeged isand why our students love it.

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Structure of Studies

Academic Calendar,Academic Policies,Curricula

Teaching is performed under thecredit system in modules.

Students have to fulfill all therequirements of a certain modulein order to enter the next one.This means that a given numberof credits have to be acquired indifferent types of courses eachmodule:• Compulsory Courses,• Compulsory Elective Courses,• Elective Courses and• Criteria Subjects.Students are provided a detailedsuggested study plan at the timeof registration.

Grading System

Five-grade system5 (jeles) Excellent4 (jó) Good3 (közepes) Accepted2 (elégséges) Passed1 (elégtelen) Failed

Types of Evaluation

Term Mark (TM – gyakorlati jegy) – continuous testing of practicalknowledge, 5-grade system

Evaluation (Ev – beszámoló) – evaluation of the subject matter of onesemester in 5-grade system

Examination (E – kollokvium) – evaluation of the subject matter of onesemester in 5-grade system

Comprehensive Exam (CE – szigorlat) – evaluation of the subject of one,two or more semesters in 5-grade system

Preliminary Exam (PE – elovizsga) – evaluation of the subject matter ofone semester in 5-grade system

Academic Calendar

Degree ProgramsFall Semester:

beginning of September, 2016 through end of January, 2017.Spring Semester:

beginning of February, 2017 through beginning of July, 2017.

Foundation YearFall Semester:

beginning of October, 2016 through end of January, 2017.Spring Semester:

beginning of February, 2017 through end of May, 2017.

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Suggested Study Plans* at the Faculty of Medicine

First Year

Compulsory Subjects

1st semester 2nd semester

Weekly hoursCredits


Weekly hoursCredits

ExamformTheory Pract. Theory Pract.

Anatomy, Histology and Embryology 2 – 5 E 2 – 3 E

Dissection Practice – 3 3 TM – 3 3 TM

Histology Practice – 2 2 TM

Anatomy Seminar – 2 0 S

Basic Life Support – 2 2 TM – 2 1 TM

Medical Physics and Statistics 3 2 4 E+S 3 2 4 E+S

Medical Chemistry 3 3 6 E+S 3 3 6 E+S

Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics 2 2 4 E+S 2 2 4 E+S

Introduction to Psychology, Basics of Nursing 1 – 0 S

Communication Skills – 2 2 TM

Abbreviations: E – Examination, TM – Term Mark, S – SignatureCompulsory Elective Subjects: Basics in Molecular Biology, Biostatistical Calculations, Cytomorphology and Microtechnics,

Developmental Genetics, Frontiers of Molecular Biology, Genetic Analysis, Introduction to Medicine, Electrophysiology,Introduction to Chemistry, Introduction to Medical Informatics, Modern Instrumental Analysis and Separation Methods,Neurocytology, Steric Structure of Biopolimers

Elective Subjects: Medical Latin Language, Chemical MisconceptionsCriteria Subjects: Hungarian Language, Physical Education, Nursing Practice

Second Year

Compulsory Subjects

1st semester 2nd semester

Weekly hoursCredits


Weekly hoursCredits

ExamformTheory Pract. Theory Pract.

Anatomy, Histology and Embryology 2 – 3 CE

Dissection Practice – 3 3 TM

Histology Practice – 2 2 TM

Biochemistry 4 2 6 E+S 4 2 6 CE+S

Medical Physiology 4 4 8 E+S 6 4 10 CE+S

Microbiology 2 3 5 E+S

Immunology 2 – 2 E

Basic Surgical Skills 1 2 3 E+S

Abbreviations: E – Examination, CE – Comprehensive Examination, TM – Term Mark, S – SignatureCompulsory Elective Subjects: Medical Physiology (Seminar), Biochemistry Seminar, Molecular Cytology and Histology, MedicalSociology, Electrophysiology, Human Embryology: Development of the Organ Systems, Cardiac Electrophysiology as a BasicProperty of Cardiac Function, Molecular Developmental – Biology, Medical Anthropology, Biochemical Basics of PreventiveMedicineElective Subjects: Body Development and Diseases and a Molecular Biological Background, Clinical Anatomy, Mathematical and

Statistical Modelling in Medicine LectureCriteria Subjects: Hungarian Language, Physical Education, Nursing Practice

* subject to change

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Third Year

Compulsory Subjects

1st semester 2nd semester

Weekly hoursCredits


Weekly hoursCredits

ExamformTheory Pract. Theory Pract.

Clinical Diagnostics (Internal Medicine – Basicsof Haematology)

2 – 4 E – 2 0 S

Clinical Diagnostics (Surgery) 2 2 4 E+S

Pathophysiology 3 2 5 E+S 3 2 5 CE+S

Microbiology 3 2 5 CE+S

Basics of Emergency Medicine 1 2 2 S+TM

Stomatology and Oral Surgery 1 1 2 E+S

Pathology 3 3 6 E+S 2 4 6 CE+S

Internal Medicine 3 2 4 E+S

Medical Psychology 1 1 2 S+TM

Ethics in Medicine 1 2 3 E+S

Abbreviations: E – Examination, CE – Comprehensive Examination, TM – Term Mark, S – SignatureCompulsory Elective Subjects: Advanced Surgical Skills, Microsurgery, Molecular Medicine, Pathophysiology of Sepsis at the

Bedside, Electrophysiology, Molecular Developmental-Biology, Microbiological Probems in Med. Practice, Microsurgery,Pathophysiological Aspects of Laboratory Medicine, Gerontology, Cardiac Electrophysiology as a Basic Property of CardiacFunction

Elective Subjects: Animal Experiments in Medicine, Body Development and Diseases and a Molecular Biological Background,Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, Chemical Misconceptions, Basic Immunpathology, Biotechnology from a BusinessPerspective, Mathematical and Statistical Modelling in Medicine Lecture

Criteria Subjects: Hungarian Language, Internal Medicine Practice

* subject to change

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Fourth Year

Compulsory Subjects

1st semester 2nd semester

Weekly hoursCredits


Weekly hoursCredits

ExamformTheory Pract. Theory Pract.

Internal Medicine 5 2 5 E+S 5 2 5 E+S

Pharmacology 3 2 5 E+S 4 2 5 CE+S

Public Health and Preventive Medicine 2 2 3 E+S 2 2 3 E+S

Orthopedics 2 2 3 E+S

Pulmonology 1 2 2 E+S

Radiology 1 1 2 Ev+S 1 1 2 E+S

Surgery 2 2 3 Ev+S 2 2 3 E+S

Obstetrics and Gynaecology 3 2 4 E+S 3 2 4 Ev+S

Delivery-Room total 3 days 0 S total 3 days 0 S

Clinical Oncology 2 – 2 E

Stomatology 1 2 2 E+S

Medical Psychology 1 1 1 Ev+S

Abbreviations: E – Examination, CE – Comprehensive Examination, Ev – Evaluation, S – SignatureCompulsory Elective Subjects: Basic Biostatistics, Introduction to Aviation and Space Medicine, Medical Informatics, Medical

Molecular Biology and Genomics, Microsurgery, Nuclear Medicine, Pharmacology Cases, The Language of Effective Doctor-Patient Communication, Electrophysiology, Advanced Biostatistics, Advanced Surgical Skills, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,Mentalhygiene, Clinical Immunology, Laboratory Diagnostics: Use of Laboratory Tests in Practice, Molecular Developmental-Biology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Social and Health Policy, The Clinical Basics of Aviation and Space Medicine, TropicalDiseases, Cardiac Electrophysiology as a Basic Property of Cardiac Function

Elective Subjects: Esthetics of the Face, Modern Approach of the Gynecological Laparoscopy, Illicite Drug Use, BiochemicalBasics of Preventive Medicine, Clinical Aspects of Tropical Diseases, Modern Complex Therapy of Malignant Diseases inClinical Practice, Intensive Course on Radiation Oncology, Chemical Misconceptions, Multidisciplinary Care of Breast Cancer,Sexual Disorders – Gynecological Aspects, Tropical Medicine

Criteria Subjects: Hungarian Language, Doctor-Patient Communication, Examination in Behavioural Sciences, Surgery SummerPractice

* subject to change

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Fifth Year

Compulsory Subjects

1st semester 2nd semester

Weekly hoursCredits


Weekly hoursCredits

ExamformTheory Pract. Theory Pract.

Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy 2 1 1 Ev+S 2 1 2 E+S

Internal Medicine – Practice – 2 0 S

Internal Medicine 2 total 16 3 E+S

Infectology – Infectious Diseases 2 – 3 E

Surgery 1 1 2 Ev+S

Pediatrics 1 2 0 S – 2 0 S

Pediatrics Seminar – 2 5 TM – 2 4 TM

Neurology 1 2 3 E+S 1 1 2 E+S

Psychiatry 1 1 2 S+TM 2 1 3 E+S

Forensic Medicine 1 2 3 E+S 1 2 3 E+S

Dermatology 2 3 4 E+S

Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 2 3 4 E+S

Ophthalmology 2 2 3 E+S

Urology 1 2 2 E+S

Traumatology 2 2 3 E+S

Abbreviations: E – Examination, TM – Term Mark, Ev – Evaluation, S – SignatureCompulsory Elective Subjects: Basic Biostatistics, How to use microbiology laboratory results to diagnose and treat infectious

diseases: interactive – problem-based case discussions, Introduction to Aviation and Space Medicine, Medical Informatics,Medical Molecular Biology and Genomics, Microsurgery, Nuclear Medicine, Pharmacology Cases, The Language of EffectiveDoctor-Patient Communication, Tropical Medicine, Rheumatology, Electrophysiology, Neurosurgery, Clinical Genetics,Advanced Biostatistics, Advanced Surgical Skills, Cardiac Electrophysiology as a Basic Property of Cardiac Function, Child andAdolescent Psychiatry – Mentalhygiene, Clinical Immunology, Laboratory Diagnostics – Use of Laboratory Tests in Practice,Molecular Developmental-Biology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Social and Health Policy, The Clinical Basics of Aviation andSpace Medicine, Tropical Diseases

Elective Subjects: Biophysics of Hearing, Objective and Subjective Audiometry, Diseases of the Temporomandibular System,Illicite Drug Use, Sexual Disorders – Gynecological Aspects, Modern Approach of the Gynecological Laparoscopy, MedicalHistory Taking in Hungarian, Biochemical Basics of Preventive Medicine, Clinical Aspects of Tropical Diseases, ModernComplex Therapy of Malignant Diseases in Clinical Practice, Intensive Course on Radiation Oncology, ChemicalMisconceptions, Multidisciplinary Care of Breast Cancer

Criteria Subjects: Examination of Forensic Medicine – Public Health, Thesis Consultation

* subject to change

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Sixth Year

Compulsory Subjects Practice Credits Exam form

Internal Medicine 9 weeks(1) 10 Comprehensive Exam

General Practice 1 week(1) 0 Signature

Surgery 7 weeks(1) 9 Comprehensive Exam

Emergency Medicine 1 week(1) 0 Signature

Traumatology 1 week(1) 0 Signature

Neurology 4 weeks(1) 4 Comprehensive Exam

Psychiatry 4 weeks(1) 4 Comprehensive Exam

Obstetrics and Gynaecology 5 weeks(1) 5 Comprehensive Exam

Pediatrics 7 weeks(1) 8 Comprehensive Exam

District Pediatric Consultation 1 week(1) 0 Signature

Thesis –



State Board Examination – written part – Examination

State Board Examination – oral part – Examination

State Board Examination – practical part – Examination

(1) 1 week = 30 hours

* subject to change

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Suggested Study Plans* at the Faculty of Dentistry

First Year

Compulsory Subjects

1st semester 2nd semester

Weekly hoursCredits


Weekly hoursCredits




Anatomy for Dentistry Students 2 2 3 E+TM 2 3 5 E+TM

Biology for Dentistry Students 2 1 3 E+Ev 2 1 3 E+Ev

Physics for Dentistry Students 2 1 3 E+Ev 2 1 3 E+Ev

Chemistry for Dentistry Students 2 Total 30 4 E+TM 2 Total 30 4 E+TM

Dental Instruments 1 1 2 Ev+TM

First Aid and Resuscitation – 2 2 TM

Introduction to Dentistry 1 1 2 Ev+TM

Abbreviations: E – Examination, TM – Term Mark, Ev – EvaluationCompulsory Elective Subjects: Introduction to Medicine, Dental Prevention in Children, Smoking prevention in Dental practice,

Social Policy for Dental Students, Communication in Dentistry, Introduction to Informatics, Introduction to Medical ChemistryElective Subject: General Elective Subjects (University of Szeged), Language Courses (University of Szeged)Criteria Subjects: Latin Language for Dental Students, Hungarian Language, Nursing Summer Practice, Physical Education

Second Year

Compulsory Subjects

1st semester 2nd semester

Weekly hoursCredits


Weekly hoursCredits

ExamformTheory Pract. Theory Pract.

Anatomy for Dentistry Students 2 2 4 CE+TM

Dental Anatomy 2 1 3 E+TM

Biochemistry 2 1 3 E+TM 4 – 4 CE

Physiology for Dentistry Students 4 2 4 E+TM 4 2 5 E+TM

Dental Biometry and Evaluation of ResearchResults

1 1 2 Ev+TM

Ethics in Medicine 1 1 2 E+TM

Medical Psychology 1 1 2 E+TM

Medical Sociology 1 – 1 E

Oral Biology 2 1 3 E+Ev

Dental Materials and Technology 2 2 4 E+TM

Biomaterials and Biocompatibility in Dentistry 2 – 2 Ev

Preclinical Course of Operative Dentistry I. 1 3 4 Ev+TM

Preclinical Course of Prosthodontics 1 2 3 Ev+TM

Abbreviations: E – Examination, CE – Comprehensive Examination, TM – Term Mark, Ev – EvaluationCompulsory Elective Subjects: Physiology Seminar, Biochemistry Seminar, Medical Anthropology, Preclinical Course of

Operative Dentistry SeminarElective Subjects: Animal Experiments in Medicine, General Elective Subjects (University of Szeged), Language Courses

(University of Szeged)Criteria Subjects: Hungarian Language, Odontotechnological Summer Practice

* subject to change

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Third Year

Compulsory Subjects

1st semester 2nd semester

Weekly hoursCredits


Weekly hoursCredits

ExamformTheory Pract. Theory Pract.

Pathophysiology 2 2 3 E+TM 2 2 3 E+TM

Pathology for Dentistry Students 2 2 3 E+TM

Oral Pathology 2 2 3 E+TM

Microbiology and Immunology 2 1 3 E+TM

Pharmacology 2 1 2 Ev+S 2 1 2 E+S

Public Health 1 1 1 E+S

Gnathology 1 3 3 Ev+TM

Internal Medicine 2 2 2 E+S

Introduction to Surgical Techniques 1 1 2 E+TM

Infection Control in Dentistry 1 1 1 E+S

General and Dental Radiology 2 2 4 E+TM

Preclinical Course of Operative Dentistry II., III. 1 4 3 Ev+TM 1 4 3 CE+TM

Preclinical Course of Periodontology 1 2 2 E+TM

Preclinical Course of Prosthodontics 1 4 3 Ev+TM

Prosthodontics 1 6 6 Ev+TM

Preclinical Course of Oral Surgery 2 1 3 E+TM

Preclinical Course of Prosthodontics andGnathology – preliminary exam

– – – CE

Abbreviations: E – Examination, CE – Comprehensive Examination, TM – Term Mark, Ev – Evaluation, S – SignatureCompulsory Elective Subjects: Preclinical Course of Operative Dentistry SeminarElective Subjects: Animal Experiments in Medicine, Preclinical Course of Operative Dentistry Seminar, General Elective Subjects

(University of Szeged), Language Courses (University of Szeged), Basic Medical Skills, Advanced Medical Skills, BasicImmunpathology, Dental Biometry and Evaluation of Research Results

Criteria Subjects: Dentist-Patient Communication, Oral Surgery Summer Practice, Preclinical Course of Prosthodontics andGnathology, Hungarian Language

* subject to change

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Fourth Year

Compulsory Subjects

1st semester 2nd semester

Weekly hoursCredits


Weekly hoursCredits

ExamformTheory Pract. Theory Pract.

In the General Clinical Module

Internal Medicine 2 2 4 E+TM

Dermatology 1 total 3 1 E+S

Neurology 1 1 2 E+S

Microsurgery 1 1 2 E+TM

Medical Genetics 1 – 1 Ev

Theoretical Basics of Treatment in DentalMedicine

1 – 1 E

Practical Basics of Treatment in DentalMedicine

– 1 1 TM

Surgery 2 1 3 E+TM

Obstetrics and Gynecology 1 – 1 Ev

Psychiatry 1 1 2 Ev+TM

In the Dental Clinical Module

Operative Dentistry 1 6 4 Ev+TM 1 6 4 PE+TM

Advanced Imaging Techniques in Dentistry 1 1 1 Ev+S

Endodontics 1 – 1 E

Prosthodontics – 7 3 TM – 7 3 TM

Prosthodontics – preliminary exam 1 – 1 PE

Orthodontics 1 2 3 E+TM

Oral Surgery – 3 1 TM – 3 2 TM

Oral Medicine 1 2 2 E+TM 2 1 3 PE+TM

Dental Diagnostics and Treatment Planning 1 1 2 Ev+TM

Pediatric Dentistry 1 2 2 E+TM

Periodontology 1 2 2 PE+TM 1 3 4 Ev+TM

Abbreviations: E – Examination, TM – Term Mark, Ev – Evaluation, S – Signature, PE – Preliminary ExamCompulsory Elective Subjects: Surgical Considerations in Dentisry, Esthetic Dentistry, Dental Treatment of Elderly People and

Patients with Spetial Needs, Microsurgery in Dentistry, Scientific CircleElective Subjects: Echocardiography, Modern Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach of Hemathology, Operative Dentistry

Seminar, Global Perspectives of Modern Management of Acute Bleeding in Obstetrics, Sexual Disorders – GynecologicalAspects, Modern Approach of the Gynecological Laparoscopy, Actual Problems in Obstetric Immunology, General ElectiveSubjects (University of Szeged), Language Courses (University of Szeged), Dental Biometry and Evaluation of Research Results,The Investigation of Male and Female Infertility and the Importance of Andrological Aspects, The Use of GynecologicalEndoscopy with Respect on Average and Special Applications, Gynecological Endocrinology, Infertility, Modern Diagnosticand Therapeutic Approach of Hemathology, Arythmology

Criteria Subjects: Hungarian Language, Basic Treatment in Dental Medicine Summer Practice, Physical Education

* subject to change

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Fifth Year

Compulsory Subjects

1st semester 2nd semester

Weekly hoursCredits


Weekly hoursCredits

ExamformTheory Pract. Theory Pract.

In the General Clinical Modul

Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 2 1 3 E+TM

Pediatrics 2 total 7 2 E+S

Opthalmology 1 3 1 E+S

Forensic Medicine in Dentistry 2 – 2 E

In the Dental Clinical Modul

Prosthodontics – 7 3 TM

Operative Dentistry – 6 3 TM

Oral Surgery 2 4 4 Ev+TM – 6 3 TM

Pediatric Dentistry 1 4 3 Ev+TM – 3 3 TM

Orthodontics 1 2 3 E+TM 1 2 3 Ev+TM

Comprehensive Dentistry – 12 6 TM

Periodontology 1 3 4 Ev+TM

Practice Management in Dentistry 2 – 2 E

Dental Implantology 2 – 2 Ev – 2 2 TM

Preventive Dentistry 1 1 2 E+TM

Dental Implantology in Prosthodontics 2 – 2 Ev

Abbreviations: E – Examination, CE – Comprehensive Examination, TM – Term Mark, Ev – Evaluation, S – SignatureCompulsory Elective Subjects: Animal Experiments in Medicine, Weekly Scientific Session, Operative Dentistry Seminar, Diseases

of the Temporomandibular System Treatment of Traumatic Dental Injuries in Childhood Lecture, Treatment of TraumaticDental Injuries in Childhood Seminar, Scientific Circle

Elective Subjects: General Elective subjects (University of Szeged), Esthetics of the Face, Prostodontics Seminar, OperativeDentistry Seminar, Language Courses (University of Szeged) Criteria Subject: Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, PediatricDentistry and Orthodontics, Oral Surgery, Periodontology, Prosthodontics and Implantology, Physical Education

State Board Examination: Thesis, Written Test, Patient Examination – Oral exam, Patient Examination – Practical exam

* subject to change

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Suggested Study Plans* at the Faculty of Pharmacy

First Year

Compulsory Subjects

1st semester 2nd semester

Weekly hoursCredits


Weekly hoursCredits

ExamformTheory Pract. Theory Pract.

Physics-Biophysics 2 – 2 E 2 – 3 E

Physics-Biophysics – 3 2 TM

History of Pharmacy 2 – 2 E

Mathematics 2 – 3 E

Mathematics – 2 2 TM

Informatics – 2 2 TM

General Chemistry 2 – 3 E

General Chemistry – 4 3 TM

Pharmaceutical Biology 3 – 3 E

Anatomy 2 – 2 E 2 – 2 E

English Language – 2 0 TM – 2 0 TM

Latin Language – 2 2 TM

Hungarian Language – 4 2 TM – 4 2 TM

Inorganic Chemistry 3 – 4 E

Qualitative Chemical Analysis 2 – 3 E

Qualitative Chemical Analysis – 5 4 TM

Quantitative Chemical Analysis 2 – 2 Ev

Biostatistics 1 – 2 E

Biostatistics – 1 0 S

Basic Life Support 1 – 0 S

Basic Life Support – 1 2 TM

Abbreviations: E – Examination, TM – Term Mark, S – Signature, Ev – EvaluationElective Subjects: General Laws in Chemistry, Short History of Hungary, RadiochemistryCriteria Subject: Physical Education

* subject to change

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Second Year

Compulsory Subjects

1st semester 2nd semester

Weekly hoursCredits


Weekly hoursCredits

ExamformTheory Pract. Theory Pract.

Quantitative Chemical Analysis 2 – 4 CE

Quantitative Chemical Analysis – 6 4 TM

Quantitative Chemical Analysis Calculation 1 – 1 Ev

Organic Chemistry 4 – 4 E 3 – 5 CE

Organic Chemistry – 6 5 TM

Pharmaceutical Botany 3 – 5 E

Pharmaceutical Botany – 2 2 TM

Physiology 4 – 4 E 4 – 6 CE

Physiology – 2 2 TM – 2 0 S

Physical Chemistry 2 – 2 E – 5 4 TM

Colloid Chemistry 2 – 3 E

Physical Chemistry Calculation – 1 1 TM

Hungarian Language – 4 0 TM – 4 0 S

Biochemistry 4 – 4 E

Physical and Colloid Chemistry – 5 4 TM

Pharmaceutical Propedeutics 2 – 3 E

Abbreviations: CE – Comprehensive Examination, TM – Term Mark, E – Examination, S – Signature, Ev – EvaluationElective Subjects: Practical Optical Spectroscopy, Radiochemistry, The Role of Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of

Diseases, Basic CommunicationCriteria Subject: Physical Education

Third Year

Compulsory Subjects

1st semester 2nd semester

Weekly hoursCredits


Weekly hoursCredits

ExamformTheory Pract. Theory Pract.

Pharmacognosy 3 – 3 E 2 – 3 CE

Pharmacognosy – 4 3 TM – 4 3 TM

Pharmaceutical Chemistry 4 – 5 E 4 – 5 CE

Pharmaceutical Chemistry – 6 5 TM – 6 5 TM

Pharmaceutical Technology 2 – 0 S 2 – 3 E

Pharmaceutical Technology Galenic, Prep. andTheir Manufacture

– 3 3 TM

Pharmaceutical Technology, PrescriptionPharmacy

– 3 3 TM

Microbiology and Immunology 4 – 4 E

Microbiology and Immunology – 2 0 TM

Pathophysiology 2 – 3 E 2 – 4 E

Pathophysiology – 2 0 S – 2 0 S

Hungarian Language – 3 0 TM – 3 0 TM

Biopharmacy 2 – 2 E

Biopharmacy – 3 2 TM

Abbreviations: E – Examination, CE – Comprehensive Examination, TM – Term Mark, S – SignatureElective Subjects: Communication in Pharmacy Practice, The Harms of Smoking and Strategies to QuitCriteria Subject: Physical Education

* subject to change

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Fourth Year

Compulsory Subjects

1st semester 2nd semester

Weekly hoursCredits


Weekly hoursCredits

ExamformTheory Pract. Theory Pract.

Pharmaceutical Analysis 3 – 3 E

Pharmaceutical Analysis – 5 4 TM

Pharmaceutical Technology 2 – 0 S 2 – 6 CE

Pharmaceutical Technology, PrescriptionPharmacy

– 3 5 TM – 3 2 TM

Pharmaceutical Technology Sterile and AsepticDrug Formulations

– 3 3 TM

Pharmaceutical Technology, IndustrialPreparation and Investigation of Solid DosageForms (Tablet and T. coating)

– 5 2 TM

Pharmaceutical Technology, Investigation ofDosage Forms

– 4 3 TM

Pharmacodynamics 3 – 3 E 3 – 3 E

Pharmacodynamics – 3 2 TM – 3 2 TM

Public Health 2 – 1 Ev 2 – 3 E

Ethics in Pharmacy 2 – 2 E

Introduction to Law 2 – 2 E

Introduction to Economy 2 – 2 E

Hungarian Language – 2 0 TM – 2 0 CE

Drug Regulatory Affairs 3 – 6 CE

Clinical Laboratory Practice 2 – 2 E

Clinical Laboratory Practice – 2 0 S

Thesis Consultation – total 10 0 TM – total 10 0 S

Pharmacy Administration – 1 2 TM

Abbreviations: E – Examination, TM – Term Mark, S – Signature, CE – Comprehensive Examination, Ev – EvaluationElective Subjects: Computer Literature, Illicite Drug Use, Communication in Pharmacy Practice, Basic Clinical Pharmacology,

Tropical MedicineCriteria Subject: Physical Education

Fifth Year

Compulsory Subjects

1st semester 2nd semester

Weekly hoursCredits


Weekly hoursCredits

ExamformTheory Pract. Theory Pract.

Basic Clinical Disciplines 3 – 4 E

Clinical Pharmacy 2 – 3 E

Pharmacodynamics 3 – 5 CE

Pharmacodynamics – 3 2 TM

Pharmaceutical Care – 3 2 TM

Natural Treatments 2 – 2 E

Pharmacy Practice – 40 hrs 6 TM – 40 hrs 16 TM

Thesis Consultation – total 10 0 S

Thesis – – 10 Defense

Abbreviations: E – Examination, CE – Comprehensive Examination, TM – Term Mark, S – SignatureCompulsory Elective Subjects: Ward Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Psychology, Veterinary Pharmacy, Quality Assurance,

Phythotherapy, Everyday Dermatology, Computerized Dosage Form Planning

* subject to change

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Essential Information

University Contacts

Admissions TeamAddress: Dóm tér 12., Szeged, H-6720, HungaryPhone: +36 (70) 439-2124

+36 (62) 545-031Fax: +36 (62) 545-028E-mail: [email protected] online: www.aas-szegedmed.huWebsite: www.szegedmed.hu

Other Information

Accommodation ServicesPhone: +36 (62) 342-059Fax: +36 (62) 545-028E-mail: [email protected]: www.facebook.com/Flatrent-Szegedmed

Official Representatives

College International / International StudiesMail: H-1406 Budapest 76, P.O. Box 51, HungaryAddress: H-1071 Budapest, VII. Bethlen Gábor tér 2, HungaryPhone: +36 (1) 413-3016, 413-3015Fax: +36 (1) 413-3030E-mail: [email protected]: www.studyhungary.hu

[email protected]

www.facebook.com/[email protected]

[email protected]

Page 31: UNIVERSITY OF SZEGED€¦ · Examinations in Szeged, Hungary 9 Evaluation Examinations in Szeged, Hungary 9 Examinations in Budapest, Hungary and Abroad 9 After Acceptance 10 Letter



Szent István University, BudapestFaculty of Veterinary Science

Veterinary Medicine: 5½ years, in English and Germanwww.univet.hu


Eight-Month Foundation Year in GermanUniversity of Szeged – Szeged, Hungary

Students are reviewing basic sciences to prepare for the final examination at the endof the course equivalent to the entrance examination; furthermore, to get admission

to the first year Medical Program of the University of Szeged.More information at www.szegedmed.hu/de

One-Year Pre-Medical Program in English and GermanMcDaniel Europe – The Budapest Campus of McDaniel College

Students are taking selected courses from the McDaniel catalog, which can also prepare themfor studies at degree programs in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy,

Veterinary Medicine, Nursing, and Midwifery worldwide, including universities in Hungary.More information at www.studyhungary.hu

One-Year Foundation Program in EnglishStudents are taking selected courses from the McDaniel catalog, which prepare them

for further studies in Art History, Business Administration, Communication, Economics,Political Science, Psychology or other major fields of study or for entry into the pre-medical program.

More information at www.studyhungary.hu


McDaniel Europe – The Budapest Campus of McDaniel College ➞

➞ McDaniel College – Westminster, Maryland, USAAmerican B.A. Programs in

• Art History and Art • Economics • Business Administration •• Communication • Political Science • International Studies • Psychology •

• Study Abroad Programs • One-year Pre-Medical Program •• One-year Foundation Program in English •


Budapest Semesters in Mathematics• Undergraduate Study Abroad Program for North-American students •


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Page 32: UNIVERSITY OF SZEGED€¦ · Examinations in Szeged, Hungary 9 Evaluation Examinations in Szeged, Hungary 9 Examinations in Budapest, Hungary and Abroad 9 After Acceptance 10 Letter

UNIVERSITY OF SZEGEDFaculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy

Foreign Students’ Secretariat

Phone: +36 (70) 439-2124

+36 (62) 545-031

Fax: +36 (62) 545-028

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.szegedmed.hu

UNIVERSITY OF SZEGEDM e d i c i n e D e n t i s t r y P h a r m a c y


Admission and Academic Bulletin

2016 2017/

Education. OurYOUR MISSION.