University of Debrecen Hungary Faculty of Science and Technology Electrical Engineering, BSc Program 2015.

University of Debrecen Hungary · University of Debrecen Hungary Faculty of Science and Technology Electrical Engineering, BSc Program 2015

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Page 1: University of Debrecen Hungary · University of Debrecen Hungary Faculty of Science and Technology Electrical Engineering, BSc Program 2015

University of Debrecen


Faculty of Science and Technology

Electrical Engineering, BSc Program


Page 2: University of Debrecen Hungary · University of Debrecen Hungary Faculty of Science and Technology Electrical Engineering, BSc Program 2015


Table of Contents

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 3

2. Information on the Electrical Engineer Bachelor’s programme (electrical engineer BSc), goal of the qualification, programme and graduation requirements .................. 4

3. Basic examination for electrical engineering knowledge (TFBS1200) ...................... 6

4. Possibilities and rules of specialization.................................................................... 6

5. Individuallaboratory, rules of the production of thesis.............................................. 8

6. Requirements of Electrical engineer BSC final examination and classification of

certificate............................................................................................................... 8

7. Recommended Curriculum of Fundamental, Basic Professional and Specialization

Subjects ................................................................................................................10

8. Summarized Table of Subject Prerequisites ............................................................14

9. Foreign language (for Hungarian students) and physical education requirements prescribed in the programme and graduation requirements ......................................17

10. Personal Conditions of Training.............................................................................19

11. Description of Subject Programs ............................................................................25

11.1. Fundamentals of Natural Sciences ..........................................................................................25

11.2. Economics and Human Knowledge ........................................................................................31

11.3. Advanced Professional Module ..............................................................................................38

11.4. Optional Professional Subjects................................................................................................55

11.4.1. Infotechnology specialization.............................................................................................................................55

11.4.2. Automation specialization ..................................................................................................................................59

11.5. Free Optional Subjects ............................................................................................................64

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1. Introduction

Dear Student,

Welcome to the Electrical Engineering Bachelor programme, Faculty of Natural Science and

Technology, University of Debrecen. The electrical engineering bachelor programme (electrical engineer

BSc) was first launched at our University in the academic year of 2006/2007. Some years prior to that, on the initiative of and in close cooperation with the Institute of Physics, the

four-year electrical engineer teaching was launched at the Faculty of Techniques. Students after graduation readily found their jobs indicating that the labour market highly appreciated the efficacious education. During this time new laboratories were created, the curriculum was expanded and modernized,

regional and national professional relations became established. The majority of curriculum has been developed in the Institute of Physics by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

according to the requirements of engineer teaching, and most of the subjects are also cared and educated by this institute. Some subjects are taught with participation of tutors from other departments.

There are great traditions of the education in the field of electricity, electronics, informatics and

material science as well as the experimental education of physics at the Institute of Physics. Practical electricity and electronics lectures and practices have always featured prominently in the education at the

experimental departments. At present the ratio of students graduating in technical and natural sciences in Hungary is very low,

only about 6% of those leaving the universities. The same ratio in the EU is about 15%. The European

Union wants to increase that share of education up to 20%, because that basically determines the competitiveness of the economy of EU. The number of the students in our country admitted in this area

should be at least doubled to reach the minimal rate of 15% of EU. Some master degree programs of the University are directly built on the electrical engineering

Bachelor of Science degree program. Most of the credits received in the Bachelor of Science degree

program can be used for the entry of the master degree program of material engineer, engineer-information technology, mechatronics and physics.

Hereafter you can review the basic requirements of electrical engineer BSc degree program and the possibilities and the rules of the options of the specialization, and we provide you with the

recommended curriculum of specializations . Subject programmes can be found on the home page of

the Institute of Physics. Should you have any question related to the electrical engineer BSc program you can refer to Mrs Váradiné Dr. Szarka Angéla associate professor, head of the electrical engineer BSc program using the following e-mail address: [email protected] or personally in her office


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2. Information on the Electrical Engineer Bachelor’s programme

(electrical engineer BSc), goal of the qualification, programme and

graduation requirements

Coordinator of Electrical Engineering Bachelor’s programme: Angéla Váradiné Dr. Szarka Angéla, associate professor.

Coordinator of Infotechnology specialization: Dr. Sándor Kökényesi, scientific advisor. Coordinator of Automation specialization: Dr. Misák Sándor, associate professor.

The name of the bachelor’s programme: Electrical Engineering

Level of the qualification and the name of professional qualification awarded: – Level of qualification: baccalaureus, Bachelor of Science; abbreviated: BSc

– Name of professional qualification: Electrical Engineer

The name of the optional specializations within the programme: Infotechnology specialization,

Automation specialization. The field of qualification: technical

Qualification branch: electrical- and electronic engineer.

Length of the programme: 7 semesters (full time course, part-time course)

The Bachelor degree requires the completion of 210 credits (ETC). Minimum of credits required for defined segments within 210 ETCs: - Minimum of credits required for the specialization: 40 - Minimum of credits for optional subjects: 10 - Credits for thesis: 15 - Minimum of credits for practical lessons: 60 - Minimum of credits obtained at internships outside the institute: -

Number of lessons (contact hours) within the total hours (total student study working hours): 2520 for

students in full time course and 505 for student in part-time course.

Goal of qualification of the Bachelor programme, the professional competence to be acquired:

The goal of the qualification is to educate electrical engineers who have an integrated knowledge in the natural sciences, technical fields, IT and economy. Graduates in possession of their gained knowledge are capable of meeting the challenge of arising electrical engineering tasks. Accordingly, as they have

bachelor degree and professional qualification of electrical engineering they can contribute to development of electronic devices, equipment, complex systems and facilities, performing measurement,

classification, quality and control tasks in the course of their production and operation. Electrical engineers can participate in setting operation of electrical devices, electronic systems, they can be employed as operational engineer, service-provider, service engineer, integration engineer, product

manager requiring electrical engineer knowledge, additionally; they can hold related leading positions. Students participating in this programme have been prepared for a creative engineering work in a

specialized professional area within the field of study (according to their specialization), in addition they have got adequate theoretical grounding in the underlying principles of electronic and electrical engineering to continue the second cycle of the qualification later on, in the master course.

Electrical engineers having bachelor degree – considering the expectable specializations – are qualified for: - designing and implementing simple analog and digital circuits based on their electronic component- and

microelectronic knowledge, - designing, analysing and fixing of electronic equipments and systems,

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- operating and programming computers utilising their essential hardware and software knowledge, - practical application of principles of electrical and non electrical measurement methods, - solving problems requiring application of the main electric-industrial materials and technologies,

- application of control engineering equipments, - solving electrical engineering problems connected to the process of electric power supply and energy

conversion, - solving electrical engineering problems connected to essential telecommunication and info communication systems,

- solving electrical engineering problems (designing, improvement, putting into operation, running, service, maintenance) using their application level knowledge according to the chosen specialization,

- adoption of the principle of equal chance access, - solving labour safety problems.

Program details (e.g. modules or units studied, determinative area of expertise from the point of

view of competence):

– scientific basic knowledge: 40-50 credits mathematics (min.12 credits), physics, IT, electric industrial knowledge of materials, additional scientific

basic knowledge in accordance with the traditions and possibilities of the institute; – economic and human knowledge: 16-30 credits economics, management and enterprise-economics, legal knowledge, additional economic and human

knowledge in accordance with the traditions and possibilities of the institute; – main professional subjects: 70-103 credits

electricity, electronics, digital techniques, programming, professional basic knowledge (telecommunications, measurement techniques, automation, microelectronics, electronic technology, electrical energetic), additional knowledge in accordance with the traditions and possibilities of the


General requirements for graduation from the electrical engineering bachelor programme exist in the

Educational and Examination Regulations of Faculty of Natural Science and Technology,

University of Debrecen. The precondition of the pre-degree certificate (absolutorium) is to meet the

requirements for the foreign language (language examination, terminological semester) and the two-

semester physical education course .

Credit requirements for qualification (according to the programme and graduation requirements):

scientific basic knowledge 43 credits

economic and human knowledge 16 credits

main professional subjects 91 credits

differentiated professional knowledge 50 credits

optional subjects 10 credits

The pre-condition to obtain credit for the given subject is the mark 2 (pass) or more, on the five-grade scale. The prerequisite of obtaining the pass (2) grade for a given subject - announced as a lecture - is passing written tests (not more than three) on fixed level determined by the lecturer of the subject at the

beginning of the semester, and also passing the semester final exam. In case of subjects including practical course and being completed with exam, the prerequisite of entering for the exam is the

fulfilment of the practical course of the subject.

The pre-condition of obtaining credits for courses closing with awarding practical grade is the active participation in at least 80% of the calculation practices, and the fulfilment of all written tests on prefixed


Students are required to perform all of the practices at the laboratory work (practices).

Intermediate Basic Exam: students have to take a complex examination in the fundamental electrical engineering curriculum at the end of the fourth semester of the study timetable. The curriculum of the

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basic examination includes the most important basic knowledge of circuits, analog electronics and digital technics.

Compulsory industrial plant visit: The institute organizes the visits of at least 2 industrial plants in

relation to the subject of Production and Quality Management (TFBE1227), the participation is compulsory.

Summer internship: Requirements of summer internship accomplished outside the university. The summer internship should be performed in an external professional practising place, in an institution, in a suitable organisation, or in a practice area of a higher education institution, according to the study

timetable, after the 6th semester. Students can apply for the summer internship providing that they have already begun their study in one of the specializations. The length of summer internship is at least 6

weeks, which can be performed in parts, in more than one place.

Foreign language requirements for Hungarian students: To obtain a bachelor’s degree student must have at least one intermediate complex type (B2, written and oral) state accredited foreign language

proficiency examination, or an equivalent school leaving certificate or diploma.

3. Intermediate Basic Exam in electrical engineering (TFBS1200)

Students have to take a complex examination in the fundamental electrical engineering curriculum at the end of the fourth semester of the study timetable. The curriculum of the basic examination includes the

most important basic knowledge of circuits, analog electronics and digital techniques, which lays the foundation of the acquirement of the knowledge required for the electrical and electronic devices,

equipments, and complex systems in the process of their application, production and design.

Study preconditions for applying for the Intermediate Basic Exam the fulfilments of the

following subjects:

Electricity 3. examination

Electronics 2. examination

Digital techniques 1. examination

Student who has completed the following subjects can take the Intermediate Basic Exam:

Electricity 3. examination

Electronics 3. practical grade

Digital techniques 2. practical grade

Fulfilment of the basic examination is the precondition of the entry for the specialization and a number of the main professional subjects.

The detailed programme of the primary examination can be found on the home page of Institute of


4. Possibilities and rules of specialization

There are two specializations at the electrical engineering basic programme: information technology

and automation. Main rule: students have to choose specialization in the fourth semester. Subjects of specializations start in the fifth semester for the full time course, and in the sixth semester for the distance

learning course. The headcount of the specializations is published by the institute in March every year, students have thereafter to submit their application forms to the head of the institute within the given

deadline. Professional precondition of taking a specialization is the previous fulfilment of all of the following


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Electrical engineer knowledge primary exam (TFBS1200)

Physics 2. (TFBE1102)

Mathematics 3. (TMBE0609) The ranking of the candidates is based on the weighted average of professional credits obtained. If the

number of candidates for a specialization exceeds the maximum, students will be set against the ranking and admitted accordingly, or they will be redirected to the other specialization. Normally, only one specialization can be completed financed by the state. To perform a second specialization is only possible

according to the faculty rules.

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5. Individual laboratory, rules of the thesis project

In the thesis, the candidate is required to present the solution of an individual engineering problem

achieved under the control of their supervisor and has to prove, at the defence of thesis, their own contribution to the assignment. The thesis can not be merely founded on reviewing and processing the

special (professional) literature. It is of utmost importance that this requirement should be made clear for every candidate.

Individual engineering assignments refer to tasks solved using the application level knowledge in the

area of the design, development, introduction into operation, running, supply, and maintenance. The Individual laboratory work serves the preparation for the thesis, involving the solution of the

laboratory and practical assignments. Further information related to the assignment of the thesis and the individual laboratory is published

on the home page of Institute of Physics in the autumn semesters of the academic years for students

started their specialization study

The precondition of taking the subject of Thesis (TFBL1414) is to perform the subject of Individual

laboratory (TFBL1411).

The study preconditions of the subject of Individual laboratory (TFBL1411) are the fulfilments of the following subjects on the specializations:

Infotechnology specialization: Programmable logic devices (TFBE1617)

Nanotechnology (TFBE1602)

Automation specialization: Programmable logic controller (TFBE1714) Electrical devices (TFBE1707)

6. Requirements of Electrical engineer BSC final examination and

classification of certificate

Structure, form and mode of appraisal of the final examination

The final examination is an oral examination taken in the final examination board presence. The final examination board is appointed by the head of Institute of Physics. The number of members of the final examination committee is 3 or more. Permanent members of the final examination board are the

coordinator of the academic programme and the coordinator of the given specialization. The student’s university supervisor can participate in the work of the board in the course of the defence of thesis. The

tutor in charge of the given subject can be taken into the work of the board. In case a board member is unable to be present, the head of institute can appoint another university tutor for substitution.

The BSc final examination can assess whether the candidate possesses a stable professional basic

knowledge in the most important topics, and is familiar enough with a special topic within the specialization.

The examination consists of the following three parts:

1. The defence of the thesis 2. Oral examination in the general (main) subject

3. Oral examination in the specialized subject

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Appraisal of the examination:

1. Appraisal of the thesis

The supervisor appraises the thesis of the candidate in written form and makes a proposal to the

grade. The grade given by the board can differ from that proposed by the supervisor. The professional content of the thesis and the presentation/ defense of the work is appraised

separately and awarded two grades by the board. The average value of the grades obtained to the thesis is counted for the classification of the certificate.

2. The grade of the final examination is the average of the grades of the general- and specialized


Programme of the final examination

The series of themes containing about 30 themes from the final examination subjects is published by the Institute of Physics. Students in advance have access to these themes.

Subjects of the final examination:

Infotechnology specialization:

General subject: Electronic technology (The examination subject consists of the curriculums of the following subjects:

TFBE1245 Microelectronics, TFBE1221 Electronic Technology and TFBE1611 Fotonics.)

Specialized subject: Nanotechnology (The examination subject consists of the curriculums of the following subjects: TFBE1602 Nanotechnology and TFBE1603 Nanoelectronics.)

Automation specialization

General subject Industrial measurement and process control

(The examination subject consists of the curriculums of the following subjects: TFBE1714 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), TFBE1712 Computer Controlled Measurement and Process Control, TFBE1716 Sensors and Actuators.)

Specialized subject: Actuators of industrial automation (The examination subject consists of the curriculums of the following subjects:

TFBE1711 Electrical Machines and Drives, TFBE1705 Power Electronics, TFBE1707 Electrical Switching Gears.)

Assessment of BSc degree

The assessment of the certificate is the average of the following grades:

- the (accumulated) weighted study average counted for the whole study,

- the average of the grades obtained for the thesis and defense,

- the average of the final examination grades obtained for the general- and the specialized


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7. Recommended Curriculum of Fundamental, Basic Professional and

Specialization Subjects

Electrical Engineering BSc, full-time course Term CO DE SUBJECT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fundamentals of Natural Sciences (43 credits)

1 TMBE0603 Mathematics 1. 4/2/0/e/6 2 TMBE0604 Mathematics 2. 4/2/0/e/6 3 TMBE0609 Mathematics 3. 2/2/0/e/5 4 TFBE1101-K5 Physics 1. 3/1/0/e/5 5 TFBE1102 Physics 2. 3/1/0/e/5

6 TFBE1113 Materials Science for Electrical Engineering


7 TFBE1114 TFBL1114

Informatics 1. 2/0/2/ep/5

8 TFBE1115 TFBL1115

Informatics 2. 2/0/2/ep/5

Economics and Human Knowledge (16 credits)

9 TTBE0040-A Basic Environmental Science


10 TTBEBVVM-KT1_EN Introduction to Economics 2/0/0/e/3 11 TTBE0030-K1_EN EU Studies 1/0/0/e/1

12 TTBEBVVM-JA1 Fundamentals of Civil Law 1.


13 TTBEBVVM-JA2 Fundamentals of Civil

Law 2. 2/0/0/e/2

14 TFBE1112 Intellectual Property Protection


15 TTBEBVVM-KT2 Economics of Enterprises 2/0/0/e/3

Advanced Professional Module (91 credits)

16 TFBE1231 TFBL1231

Programming 1. 2/0/2/ep/4

17 TFBE1232 Programming 2. 1/0/2/p/3

18 TFBE1233 Introduction to Measurements and Instrumentation


19 TFBL1220 Introduction to LabVIEW Programming


20 TFBE1234 Measurements and Instrumentation


21 TFBE1235 TFBG1235

Electricity 1. 2/2/0/ep/5

22 TFBE1236 Electricity 2. 3/2/0/ep/6

23 TFBE1247 TFBL1247

Electricity 3. 2/0/1/ep/4

24 TFBL1246 Basics of Circuit Simulation and Design


25 TFBE1238 Electronics 1. 2/0/0/e/3 26 TFBE1239 Electronics 2. 3/2/0/ep/6 27 TFBE1240 Electronics 3. 2/0/3/p/6 28 TFBE1241 Digital Electronics 1. 3/2/0/ep/5 29 TFBE1242 Digital Electronics 2. 2/0/3/p/6

30 TFBS1200 Intermediate Basic Exam in Electrical Engineering


31 TFBE1245 Microelectronics 2/1/0/e/4 32 TFBE1221 Electronic Technology 2/0/2/p/5 33 TFBE1212 Automation 1. 2/2/0/p/5 34 TFBE1213 Automation 2. 2/2/0/ep/5 35 TFBE1244 Telecommunication 2/0/1/e/4 36 TFBE1226 Electric Power Systems 2/2/0/e/5

37 TFBE1227 Production and Quality Management 2/0/0/e/3

O ptional Professional Subjects (50 credits)

38 Professional Subject 1. 2/0/2/p/5* 39 Professional Subject 2. 2/1/0/e/4* 40 Professional Subject 3. 2/0/2/ep/5* 41 Professional Subject 4. 3/0/0/e/4* 42 Professional Subject 5. 2/0/1/e/4* 43 Professional Subject 6. 2/0/0/e/3* 44 TFBL1411 Individual laboratory 0/0/10/p/10 45 TFBG1414 Diploma Thesis 0/15/0/p/15

46 TFBL1406 Mandatory Summer Internship after the 6th semester, at least 6 weeks. The Internship may be performed in parts and at different places. Registration on subject is carried out next semester after obtaining of completion endorsement.

Free O ptional Subjects (10 credits)

47 Free Optional Subject 1. 2/1/0/e/3* 2/1/0/e/3* 48 Free Optional Subject 2. 2/0/0/e/2* 2/0/0/e/2* 49 Sport 0/2/0/s/0 0/2/0/s/0 0/2/0/s/0 0/2/0/s/0 Total hours / hours

per week 181 27 27 24 25 24 28 26

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Total credits 210 31 31 28 30 30 31 29 Number of exams 38 6 5 7 3 5 6 5

Markings: a/b/c/d/f – lecture/practical/laboratory/examination form (e – examination; p – practical grade; s – signature)/credits

The table contains weekly teaching hours.

* – lecture/practical/laboratory/examination form ratio in the case of different specialization and different free optional subjects among all teaching hours may

be different.

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Electrical Engineering BSc Speciality, full-time course


TERM CODE SUBJECT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Infotechnology specialization

38 TFBE1617

Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs)


39 TFBE1602 Nanotechnology 3/0/0/e/4 40 TFBE1611

TFBL1611 Photonics 2/0/2/ep/5

41 TFBE1603 Nanoelectronics 3/0/0/e/4 42 TFBE1614 Digital Signal Processing 1/0/2/e/4 43

TFBE1608 Fundamentals of Materials Science


44 TFBL1411 Individual laboratory 0/0/10/p/10 45 TFBG1414 Diploma Thesis 0/15/0/p/15

Total credits 9 23 18


TERM CODE SUBJECT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2. Automation specialization

38 TFBE1714

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)


39 TFBE1707 Electrical Switching Gears 2/1/0/e/4 40 TFBE1711

TFBL1711 Electrical Machines and Drives 2/0/2/ep/5

41 TFBE1712

Computer Controlled Measurement and Process Control


42 TFBE1716 Sensors and Actuators 2/0/1/e/4 43 TFBE1705 Power Electronics 2/0/0/e/3 44 TFBL1411 Individual laboratory 0/0/10/p/10 45 TFBG1414 Diploma Thesis 0/15/0/p/15

Total credits 9 23 18

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Electrical Engineering BSc Speciality, full-time course

Term CO DE SUBJECT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Free O ptional Subjects

1 TMBG0616 Basic Mathematics * 0/2/0/p/2 2 TFBG1520 Basic Electricity** 0/2/0/p/2

3 TFBE1523 Application of Microcontrollers


4 TFBE1526 Building Informatics 2/1/0/e/3 5 TFBE1527 Team-work project 0/3/0/e/3 6 TFBE1502 Magnetic Materials 2/0/0/e/2 7 TFBE1517 Applied Electronics 1/0/1/e/2

8 TFBE1515 Materials Science Fundamentals of Information



9 TFBE1521 Industrial Supervisory and Control Systems 1.


10 TFBE1522 Industrial Supervisory and Control Systems 2.


11 TFBE1501 Energy Sources 2/0/0/e/2 12 TFBE1510 Robotics 2/0/0/e/2 13 TFBE1525 Technical Documentation 1/0/1/e/2 14 TFBE1506 Nuclear Electronics 2/0/1/e/3 15 TFBE1524 Interfaces 1/2/0/e/3 16 TFBE1508 Digital Image Engineering 2/1/0/e/3 17 TFBE1528 Team-work project 1. 0/0/5/e/5 0/0/5/e/5 18 TFBE1529 Team-work project 2. 0/0/5/e/5 0/0/5/e/5

Markings: a/b/c/d/f – lecture/practical/laboratory/examination form (e – examination; p – practical grade; s – signature)/credits

The table contains weekly teaching hours.

* Closing-up Mathematics subject is highly recommended for those students who completed Mathematics 1. subject level estimation with fa iled result! ** Closing-up Electricity subject is highly recommended for those students who completed Electricity 1. subject level estimation with failed result!

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8. Summarized Table of Subject Prerequisites

Electrical Engineering BSc Speciality, full-time course


Term according to Curriculum of Subjects

Code of prerequisite

subject [1]

Prerequisite subject

Fundamentals of Natural Sciences

1 TMBE0603 Mathematics 1. 1 2 TMBE0604 Mathematics 2. 2 TMBE0603 Mathematics 1. 3 TMBE0609 Mathematics 3. 3 TMBE0604 Mathematics 2. 4 TFBE1101-K5 Physics 1. 1 5 TFBE1102 Physics 2. 2 TFBE1101 Physics 1.

6 TFBE1113 Materials Science for Electrical Engineering


7 TFBE1114 TFBL1114

Informatics 1. 1

8 TFBE1115 TFBL1115

Informatics 2. 2 TFBE1114 TFBL1114

Informatics 1.

Economics and Human Knowledge

9 TTBE0040-K2-A Basic Environmental Science 3 10 TTBEBVVM-

KT1_EN Introduction to Economics 3

11 TTBE0030-K1_EN EU Studies 3 12 TTBEBVVM-JA1 Fundamentals of Civil Law 1. 4 13 TTBEBVVM-JA2 Fundamentals of Civil Law 2. 5 TTBEBVVM-JA1 Fundamentals of Civil Law 1. 14 TFBE1112 Intellectual Property Protection 6 TTBEBVVM-JA2 Fundamentals of Civil Law 2. 15 TTBEBVVM-KT2 Economics of Enterprises 7 TTBEBVVM-KT1 Introduction to Economics

Advanced Professional Module

16 TFBE1231 TFBL1231

Programming 1. 1

17 TFBE1232 Programming 2. 2 TFBE1231 TFBL1231

Programming 1.

18 TFBE1233 Introduction to Measurements and Instrumentation

2 TFBE1235 TFBG1235

Electricity 1.

19 TFBL1220 Introduction to LabVIEW programming

3 TFBE1233 TFBE1232

Introduction to Measurements and Instrumentation Programming 2.

20 TFBE1234 Measurements and Instrumentation

4 TMBE0609 TFBL1220

Mathematics 3 Introduction to LabVIEW programming

21 TFBE1235 TFBG1235

Electricity 1. 1

22 TFBE1236 Electricity 2. 2 TFBE1235 TFBG1235

Electricity 1.

23 TFBE1247 TFBL1247

Electricity 3. 3 TFBE1236 TMBE0604

Electricity 2. Mathematics 2.

24 TFBL1246 Basics of Circuit Simulation and Design

4 TFBE1247 Electricity 3.

25 TFBE1238 Electronics 1. 2 TFBE1101-K5 TFBE1235

Physics 1. Electricity 1.

26 TFBE1239 Electronics 2. 3 TFBE1238 Electronics 1. 27 TFBE1240 Electronics 3. 4 TFBE1239 Electronics 2. 28 TFBE1241 Digital Electronics 1. 3 TFBE1238 Electronics 1. 29 TFBE1242 Digital Electronics 2. 4 TFBE1241 Digital Electronics 1.

30 TFBS1200 Intermediate Basic Exam in Electrical Engineering (IBEEE)


TFBE1247 TFBE1240 TFBE1242

Subject registration prerequisites:

Electricity 3. Electronics 2. Digital Electronics 1.

TFBE1240 TFBE1242

Subject examination prerequisites:

Electronics 3. Digital Electronics 2.

31 TFBE1245 Microelectronics 4 TFBE1113 Materials Science for Electrical Engineering

32 TFBE1221 Electronic technology 5 TFBE1245 Microelectronics

33 TFBE1212 Automation 1. 4 TFBE1232 TMBE0609

Programming 2. Mathematics 3.

34 TFBE1213 Automation 2. 5 TFBE1212 Automation 1. 35 TFBE1244 Telecommunication 5 TFBS1200 IBEEE 36 TFBE1226 Electrical Power Systems 5 TFBS1200 IBEEE

37 TFBE1227 Production and Quality Management


[1] In all cases prerequisite on exam registration is completion of practical course if the subject contains practical and

theoretical ones.

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1. Infotechnology specialization


Term according to Curriculum of Subjects

Code of prerequisite subject


Prerequisite subject

38 TFBE1617

Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs)


39 TFBE1602

Nanotechnology 5

TFBS1200 TFBE1245

IBEEE Microelectronics

40 TFBE1611 TFBL1611

Photonics 6 TFBS1200 TFBE1245

IBEEE Microelectronics

41 TFBE1603 Nanoelectronics 6

TFBS1200 TFBE1245

IBEEE Microelectronics

42 TFBE1614 Digital Signal Processing 6 TFBS1200 IBEEE 43

TFBE1608 Fundammentals of Materials Science


44 TFBL1411 IndividualLaboratory 6 TFBE1617


Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) Nanotechnology

45 TFBG1414 Diploma Thesis 7 TFBL1411 Individual laboratory 46 TFBL1406 Professional Practice 7 TFBL1411 Individual laboratory

2. Automation specialization


Term according to Curriculum of Subjects

Code of prerequisite subject


Prerequisite subject

38 TFBE1714

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)


39 TFBE1707 Electrical Switching Gears 5 TFBS1200 IBEEE

40 TFBE1711 TFBL1711

Electrical Machines and Drives


41 TFBE1712

Computer Controlled Measurement and Process Control

6 TFBS1200 TFBE1234


42 TFBE1716 Sensors and Actuators 6 TFBS1200 IBEEE

43 TFBE1705 Power Electronics 7 TFBS1200 IBEEE

44 TFBL1411 Individual Laboratory 6 TFBE1714


Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) Electrical Switching Gears

45 TFBG1414 Diploma Thesis 7 TFBL1411 IBEEE 46 TFBL1406 Professional Practice 7 TFBL1411 Individual laboratory

Recommended free optional subjects for Electrical Engineering BSc students


Term according to Curriculum of Subjects

Code of prerequisite subject


Prerequisite subject

1 TMBG0616 Basic Mathematics 1 2 TFBG1520 Basic Electricity 1

3 TFBE1523 Application of Microcontrollers

6 TFBE1232 TFBE1242

Programming 2. Digital Electronics 2.

4 TFBE1526 Building Informatics 6 TFBS1200 IBEEE 5 TFBE1527 Team-work Project 6 TFBS1200 IBEEE 6 TFBE1502 Magnetic Materials 6 TFBE1102 Physics 2. 7 TFBE1517 Applied Electronics 6 TFBE1240 Electronics 3.

8 TFBE1515 Materials Science Fundamentals of Information Technology

6 TFBE1245 Microelectronics

9 TFBE1521 Industrial Supervisory and Control Systems 1.

6 TFBE1714 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)

10 TFBE1522 Industrial Supervisory and

Control Systems 2. 7

TFBE1714 or


Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) OR Computer Controlled Measurement and Process Control

11 TFBE1501 Energy Sources 7 TFBE1102 Physics 2. 12 TFBE1510 Robotics 7 TFBE1213 Automation 2. 13 TFBE1525 Technical Documentation 7 TFBE1232 Programming 2. 14 TFBE1506 Nuclear Electronics 7 TFBE1240 Electronics 3. 15 TFBE1524 Interfaces 7 TFBE1242 Digital Electronics 2. 16 TFBE1508 Digital Image Engineering 7 TFBE1232 Programming 2.

17 TFBE1528 Team-work Project 1. 6

TMBE0609 TFBE1247 TFBE1241 TFBE1239 TFBL1220

Mathematics 3. Electricity 3. Digital Electronics 1. Electronics 2. Introduction to LabVIEW

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18 TFBE1529 Team-work Project 2. 7 TFBE1528 Team-work Project 1.

[1] In all cases prerequisite on exam registration is completion of practical course if the subject contains practical and

theoretical ones.

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9. Foreign language (for Hungarian students) and physical education

requirements prescribed in the programme and graduation requirements The condition of the obtainment of the degree certificate for the Hungarian students of bachelor course of Faculty of Natural Science and Technology is a state accredited, intermediate (B2 level in Europe

Reference Frame), complex (C type, oral and written) language examination – from a living foreign language – or an equivalent school leaving certificate or other equivalent certificate.

Qualification requirements is the fulfilment of the terminological semester as well.

The faculty offers two semesters preparing students for intermediate (B2) language examination

(language semesters preparing for written and oral examinations) in financed form, and a compulsory

terminological semester. The Language Teacher Group provides the language teaching in English and German language for students of Faculty.

The Faculty offers the following courses for student to help the achievement of the prescribed foreign

language criterion to the obtainment of the diploma. Module 1.: beginning level (A1) (for a fee) Module 2.: intermediate (A2) (for a fee)

Module 3.: intermediate (B1) (for a fee) Module 4.: preparing for oral language examination (B2) (financed)

Module 5.: preparing for written language examination (B2) (financed)

Module 6.: terminological semester (B2) (financed, obligatory)

You can join the foreign language instruction after filling in the test at the beginning of the first semester. Students will be classified on the basis of the result of the test to one of the five levels.

- Module 1. starting from totally beginning level is from the language of English, German, French, Russian, Italian. It starts in the odd semesters, and the system is built on each other through three

modules. It is for a fee.

- It is worth choosing the language learned at the secondary school, because the financed language teaching starts in intermediate level (module 4.). English and German courses can be chosen in

financed form at Faculty of Natural Science and Technology.

- Students can get into the financed language examination preparing course (module 4. 5.) by the

successful writing of the test.

- If students want to enrol in extra language examination preparing course, they can do it for a fee by the

re-enrolment in the module 4. or 5.

- In summer months (until middle of July and after 20 August) students of Faculty having not got language examination can participate on financed intensive language examination preparing courses.

Students enrolling language courses mentioned above in order to accomplish language exam, can receive practical grade during maximum 3 semesters (4 lessons/week), as well as 2-2 credits from the

optional credits, provided they take their language examination successfully. If you have language examination you can obtain credits only from other foreign language (from the credits of the optional subjects and until their credit frame).

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The achievement of the terminological course of one semester (module 6, 2 credits) is obligatory for

all of the students participating in the bachelor training of Faculty of Natural Science and

Technology. Taking the terminological course is not possible before the third semester. Terminological semester is mainly published in odd semesters for the student of having intermediate

language examination, and in even semesters that is for the students having not language examination. The terminological semester is of financed form, the attendance of classes is compulsory.

Physical Education

Students participating in the bachelor programmes (BSc, BA) of University of Debrecen have to perform 2 semesters of physical education (1 occasion/week, 2 lessons practice)

The achievement of the physical education courses is the precondition of the issue of the pre-degree

certificate (absolutorium). The enrolment of the physical education course in Neptun system is possible before a given dead time.

Excusing can be requested for health reasons or in case of justified competition sport activity. Excusing requests can be submitted on the form which can be found on the following web site:

www.sport.unideb.hu Deadlines: 30 September, and 28 February. Location: office of the Physical Education Group, Faculties of Natural Science and Technology.

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10. Personal Conditions of Training



Name and responsibility type of

responsibles (rp: responsible for profession,

rs: responsible for specialization,

rfes: responsible for final

examination subjects)


degree / title Scope of activities

Type of labour



for how

many BSc


Angéla Váradiné Szarka rp PhD associate professor F 1

Sándor Kökényesi rs DSc, prof. scientific advisor F –

Sándor Misák rs PhD associate professor F –

Sándor Misák rfes PhD associate professor F –

F full-time educator; O contract educator.

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Subject lecturers

Name of lecturer

(In the subject

block in the first

place represent the subject responsible)



degree / title

Scope of


Type of





Y / N



Y / N

Totally in how credite-



responsible in

BSc training profession /

institution /


Totally in how



responsible in

MSc training profession /

institution /



c su



1. Mathematics 1.-3. László Kozma PhD

head of department,



F Y Y 19/30/30 4/7/7

2. Physics 1., 2.

József Pálinkás acade-mician

full professor F Y Y 10/30/30 2/7/7

Balázs Ujvári PhD



lecturer F Y Y 0/0/0 0/0/0

3. Materials Science for



Sándor Kökényesi DSc scientific

advisor F Y Y 23/26/26 5/6/6

4. Informatics 1., 2.

Árpád Rácz PhD



lecturer F N Y 10/10/10 2/2/2

Gyula Zilizi PhD assistant

professor F Y Y 17/24/24 4/7/7

Balázs Ujvári PhD

student assistant lecturer

F Y Y 0/0/0 0/0/0

5. Basic Environmental

Science Gyula Lakatos PhD


professor F Y Y 2/x/x 1/x/x

6. Introduction to

Economics László Muraközy PhD


professor F Y N 3/x/x 1/x/x

7. EU Studies Károly Teperics PhD assistant

professor F Y N 1/x/x 1/x/x

8. Fundamentals of Civil Law 1., 2.

Veronika Szikora PhD associate professor

F Y N 4/x/x 2/x/x

9. Economics of

Enterprises György Blaskó DSc full professor F Y N 3/x/x 1/x/x

10. Intellectual Property


László Mátyus DSc full professor F Y N 3/x/x 1/x/x

Tamás Bene PhD associate

professor F Y N 0/x/x 0/x/x

F full-time educator; O contract educator.

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Subject lecturers

Name of lecturer

(In the subject

block in the first place represent

the subject



degree / title

Scope of activities

Type of

labour rela-



lecturer Y / N


holding Y / N

Totally in how



responsible in BSc training

profession /

institution /


Totally in how



responsible in MSc training

profession /

institution /





al co

re s




1. Programming 1., 2. Ferenc Kun PhD associate

professor F Y 7/23/23 2/5/5

2. Introduction to Measurements and


Sándor Egri PhD assistant

professor F Y Y 5/22/22 2/7/7

3. Introduction to Lab-View programming

Angéla Váradiné Szarka

PhD associate professor

F Y Y 19/19/28 5/5/7

4. Measurements and


Angéla Váradiné

Szarka PhD


professor F Y Y 19/19/28 5/5/7

Zsolt Szabó engineer-

lecturer F N Y 0/0/0 0/0/0

5. Electricity 1.-3.

Sándor Nagy PhD assistant

lecturer F Y Y 17/23/23 3/5/5

Kornél Sarvajcz assistant

lecturer F N Y 0/0/0 0/0/0

Zsolt Szabó engineer-

lecturer F N Y 0/0/0 0/0/0

6. Basics of Circuit

Simulation and Design

Gyula Zilizi PhD assistant

professor F N Y 17/24/24 4/7/7

Zsolt Szabó engineer-lecturer

F N Y 0/0/0 0/0/0

7. Electronics 1.-3.

Sándor Misák PhD associate

professor F N Y 21/21/21 7/7/7

Lajos Harasztosi engineer-

lecturer F Y Y 2/2/2 1/1/1

László Kazup assistant

lecturer F N Y 0/0/0 0/0/0

8. Digital Electronics 1., 2.

Sándor Misák PhD associate

professor F N Y 21/21/21 7/7/7

Árpád Rácz assistant

lecturer F N Y 10/10/10 2/2/2

László Kazup assistant

lecturer F N Y 0/0/0 0/0/0

9. Automation 1., 2.

Angéla Váradiné

Szarka PhD


professor F Y Y 19/19/28 5/5/7

Enikő Kósáné



lecturer F Y N 0/0/0 0/0/0

10. Microelectronics


Kökényesi DSc


advisor F Y Y 23/26/26 5/6/6

Sándor Misák PhD associate

professor F N Y 21/21/21 7/7/7

11. Electronic technology

Sándor Kökényesi

DSc assistant lecturer

F Y Y 23/26/26 5/6/6

Enikő Kósáné



lecturer F N Y 0/0/0 0/0/0

Sándor Misák PhD associate

professor F N Y 21/21/21 7/7/7

12. Telecommunication

Gábor Katona PhD assistant

professor F Y Y 6/13/13 2/5/5

József Molnár PhD senior research associate

O Y Y 0/13/13 0/4/4

F full-time educator; O contract educator.

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Subject lecturers

Name of lecturer

(In the subject

block in the first place represent

the subject


Scientific degree

/ title

Scope of activities

Type of

labour rela-


Subject lecturer

Y / N

Practice holding

Y / N

Totally in how



responsible in BSc training

profession /

institution /


Totally in how



responsible in MSc training

profession /

institution /





al co





13. Electric Power Systems

Angéla Váradiné

Szarka PhD


professor F Y Y 19/19/28 5/5/7

Árpád Rácz assistant

lecturer F N Y 10/10/10 2/2/2

14. Production and



Árpád Rácz assistant

lecturer F N Y 10/10/10 2/2/2

Sarvajcz Kornél assistant

lecturer F N Y 0/0/0 0/0/0

F full-time educator; O contract educator.

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Subject lecturers

Name of lecturer

(In the subject block in the first

place represent the

subject responsible)


tific degree /


Scope of activities

Type of labour


Subject lecturer

Y / N

Practice holding

Y / N

Totally in how



responsible in BSc training

profession /

institution /


Totally in how



responsible in MSc training

profession /

institution /


1. Photonics

Sándor Kökényesi DSc scientific

advisor F Y Y 23/26/26 5/6/6

Sándor Misák PhD associate

professor F N Y 21/21/21 7/7/7

2. Nanotechnology Dezső Beke DSc full

professor F Y N 9/25/25 3/8/8

3. Nanoelectronics Sándor Kökényesi DSc scientific

advisor F Y N 23/26/26 5/6/6

4. Digital Signal

Processing István Szabó PhD


professor F Y Y 6/24/24 2/7/7

5. Fundamentals of Materials Science

Dezső Beke DSc full professor

F Y N 9/25/25 3/8/8

6. Programmable Logic

Devices (PLDs) István Oniga PhD


professor F Y Y 4/6/6 1/2/2

7. Programmable Logic

Controllers (PLCs) Sándor Misák PhD


professor F Y Y 21/21/21 7/7/7

8. Electrical Switching

Gears Sándor Misák PhD


professor F Y Y 21/21/21 7/7/7

9. Electrical Machines

and Drives Lajos Daróczi PhD


professor F Y Y 7/10/10 2/4/4

10. Computer Controlled

Measurement and

Process Control

Angéla Váradiné

Szarka PhD


professor F Y Y 19/19/28 5/5/7

László Kazup assistant

lecturer F N Y 0/0/0 0/0/0

11. Sensors and Actuators

Angéla Váradiné

Szarka PhD


professor F Y Y 19/19/28 5/5/7

Lajos Harasztosi engineer-

lecturer F Y Y 2/2/2 1/1/1

Kornél Sarvajcz assistant

lecturer F N Y 0/0/0 0/0/0

12. Power Electronics

Lajos Daróczi PhD assistant

professor F Y Y 7/10/10 2/4/4

Enikő Kósáné Kalavé


F Y N 0/0/0 0/0/0

13. Individual Laboratory

IT specialization Sándor Kökényesi* DSc


advisor F Y Y 23/26/26 5/6/6

14. Individual laboratory AUT specialization

Sándor Misák* PhD associate professor

F Y Y 21/21/21 7/7/7

15. Diploma Thesis Angéla Váradiné

Szarka* PhD


professor F Y Y 19/19/28 5/5/7

* Subject responsibles coordinate only thesis problem authorization, issue and submission. Students are assigned to internal supervisors

according issued thesis topic.

IT Infotechnology.

AUT Automation.

F full-time educator; O contract educator.

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Subject lecturers

Name of lecturer

(In the subject

block in the first place represent the




tific degree

/ title

Scope of activities

Type of labour


Subject lecturer

Y / N

Practice holding

Y / N

Totally in how



responsible in BSc training

profession /

institution /


Totally in how



responsible in MSc training

profession /

institution /


1. Basic Mathematics László Kozma PhD

head of




F Y 19/x/x 4/x/x

2. Basic Electricity Sándor Egri PhD assistant

professor F Y 5/22/22 2/7/7

3. Energy Sources

István Csige PhD associate

professor F Y N 2/2/2 1/1/1

Péter Raics PhD associate professor

F Y N 0/10/10 0/4/4

4. Magnetic Materials Dezső Beke DSc full

professor F Y N 9/25/25 3/8/8

5. Application of

Microcontrollers Sándor Misák PhD


professor F Y Y 21/21/21 7/7/7

6. Interfaces Lajos Harasztosi engineer-

lecturer F Y Y 2/2/2 1/1/1

7. Nuclear electronics

László Oláh PhD assistant professor

F Y Y 3/16/16 1/7/7

János Gál CSc scientific

advisor O Y Y 0/0/0 0/0/0

8. Applied Electronics Gyula Zilizi PhD assistant

professor F Y Y 17/24/24 4/7/7

9. Technical

Documentation Sándor Misák PhD


professor F Y Y 21/21/21 7/7/7

10. Building Informatics Sándor Misák PhD associate professor

F Y Y 21/21/21 7/7/7

11. Robotics Gábor Katona PhD assistant

professor F Y Y 6/13/13 2/5/5

12. Industrial Supervi-

sory and Control

Systems 1., 2.

Sándor Misák PhD associate

professor F Y Y 21/21/21 7/7/7

13. Materials Science

Fundamentals of



István Szabó PhD associate

professor F Y N 6/24/24 2/7/7

14. Digital Image

Engineering István Szábó PhD


professor F Y Y 6/24/24 2/7/7

15. Team-work project

1., 2.

Angéla Váradiné

Szarka PhD


professor F Y Y 19/19/28 5/5/7

Zsolt Szabó engineer-lecturer

F N Y 0/0/0 0/0/0

László Kazup assistant

lecturer F N Y 0/0/0 0/0/0

Kornél Sarvajcz assistant

lecturer F N Y 0/0/0 0/0/0

F full-time educator; O contract educator.

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11. Description of Subject Programs


Subject: Mathematics 1.

Subject code(s): TMBE0603

Lecturer/teacher: Zoltán Muzsnay

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 4/2/0

Department: Department of Geometry

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 6

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical signature and exam

Prerequisites of registration:

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: practical signature

Summary of content and learning outputs: Integers, rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers. Basic

combinatorics. Vector algebra, coordinates, matrices, matrix operations. Determinant and its properties; rank of a matrix;

system of linear equations. Sequences of real numbers, convergence. The notion of function, limit, continuity. Curves and

equations. The slope of a curve, the derivative. The derivative of sums, products, quotients. The chain rule, inverse function

and its derivative. Elementary functions and their inverses. Fundamental theorems of differential calculus. Extremal values,

existence. The main value theorem. Increasing and decreasing functions. Curve sketching. The indefinite integral. Upper and

lower sums. Fundamental theorems and basic properties. Inequalities. Improper integrals. Substitution, integration by parts.

Applications: length, area and volume. Work and moments. Taylor’s formu la. Differentiation of vector-valued functions.

Differentiable curves. Ordinary differential equations. Linear differential equations, Fundamental solutions, Wronskian and

linear independence.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Howard, A.: Calculus with analytic geometry, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1989.

2. Lang, S.: A First Course in Calculus, Springer, 1986.

3. Elliott Mendelson: 3,000 Solved Problems in Calculus, McGraw-Hill, 1988.

Subject: Mathematics 2.

Subject code(s): TMBE0604

Lecturer/teacher: Zoltán Muzsnay

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 4/2/0

Department: Department of Geometry

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 6

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical signature and exam

Prerequisites of registration: TMBE0603 Mathematics 1.

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: practical signature

Summary of content and learning outputs: Functions of several variables, partial derivatives, Jacobian. Differentiability and

gradient. Taylor’s formula, estimate for the remainder. Critical points, relative maximum and minimum. Stationary point,

second derivative test. Multiple integrals, applications: surface area, centers of gravity. Line integrals, independent of paths,

Green’ theorem. Surface integrals, divergence theorem, Stokes’ theorem. Examples for partial differential equations. Discrete

probability distributions, continuous density functions. Discrete and continuous conditional probability, paradoxes. Importan t

distributions and densities. Expected value. Discrete and continuous random variables. Law of large numbers. Central limit

theorem. Elements of mathematical statistics.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Howard, A.: Calculus with analytic geometry, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1989.

2. Lang, S.: A First Course in Calculus, Springer, 1986.

3. Elliott Mendelson: 3,000 Solved Problems in Calculus, McGraw-Hill, 1988.

4. Feller, W.: An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1950.

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Subject: Mathematics 3.

Subject code(s): TMBE0609

Lecturer/teacher: Csaba Vincze

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/2/0

Department: Department of Geometry

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical signature and exam

Prerequisites of registration: TMBE0604 Mathematics 2.

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: practical signature

Aim of the subject: The aim is to complete the mathematical studies of the students by some advanced topics in complex and

functional analysis. They have direct applications in engineering. In fact some of the historical motivations are strongly relate d

to real engineering problems.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Operations with complex numbers and elementary topology in the plane. Limits

(sequences and series). Power series , region of convergence. Complex exponential, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions.

Complex differentiation, holomorphic functions. Cauchy-Riemann equations. Curves in the complex plane. Integration of

complex functions along curves. Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula and Taylor series. Isolated singularities and

Laurent series. Residue theorem. Hilbert spaces. Examples: series and function spaces. Approximation in Hilbert spaces,

orthogonal systems. Fourier series, the classical Fourier system. Classical orthogonal polynomials (Legendre -, Chebyshev-,

Jacobi-, Hermite-, Laguerre-polynomials). Fourier and Laplace transforms. Basic properties and applications.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Operations with complex numbers and

elementary topology in the plane.

Operations with complex numbers and

elementary topology in the plane.

2 Limits (sequences and series). Limits (sequences and series).

3 Power series. Complex exponential,

trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. Power series, region of convergence

4 Differentiation. Cauchy-Riemann equations. Differentiation

5 Integration along curves. Cauchy’s theorem,

Cauchy’s integral formula. Differentiation. Potentials .

6 Taylor series of holomorphic functions . Integration along curves .

7 Isolated singularities, Laurent series and the

residue theorem. Residues.

8 Prehilbert and Hilbert spaces . Orthogonalization, Gram-Schmidt process.

9 Approximation in Hilbert spaces , orthogonal


Approximation in Hilbert spaces, orthogonal


10 Fourier series, the classical Fourier system. Fourier series.


Classical orthogonal polynomials (Legendre-,

Chebyshev-, Jacobi-, Hermite-, Laguerre-


Classical orthogonal polynomials .

12 Fourier and Laplace transforms. Basic properties . Fourier and Laplace transforms.

13 Applications of Fourier and Laplace transforms.

The solution of differential equations. The solution of differential equations .

14 Applications: the RLC circuit and planetary

orbits. The solution of differential equations .

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Beck M., Marchesi G., Pixton D., Sabalka L.: A first course in complex analysis.


2. Lang S.: Complex Analysis, Springer, New York, 1985.

3. Szőkefalvi-Nagy B.: Introduction to real functions and orthogonal expansions, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1964.

Subject: Physics 1.

Subject code(s): TFBE1101-K5

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Lecturer/teacher: Zoltán Trócsányi

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 3/1/0

Department: Department of Experimental Physics

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical signature and exam

Prerequisites of registration:

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: practical signature

Summary of content and learning outputs: Physical concepts and quantities, systems of units. Description of motion of

point particle. The concepts of mass and moment, the conservation of moment. Newto n’s laws, force laws and their simple

applications: throws, harmonic motions. The Galilei principle, inertial forces. The law of angular momentum, conservation of

angular momentum. Equilibrium of rigid bodies. The concepts of work and kinetic energy, the t heorem of work. Potential

energy, conservation law of mechanical energy. Elastic bodies, Hooke’s law, elastic strength. Statics of liquids and gases.

Stream of fluids, the equation of continuity, the Bernoulli’s law and its application. Elastic waves, prop agation, basic wave

phenomena. The concept of temperature, temperature scales; equations of states. Interpretation of internal energy, the 1 st law of

the thermodynamics, specific heat. Reversible and irreversible processes. Heat engines and refrigerators. The 2nd law of the

thermodynamics. Experiences on molecular structure of matter; Dalton’s laws, Avogadro’s law, Brownian motion. Potential

energy of molecular interaction, surface tension, capillarity. The kinetic model of gases. The concept of probability

distribution, the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. The concept of statistical weight. Statistical interpretation of entropy; free

energy and free enthalpy. Phase transitions, chemical potential. Transport phenomena: diffusion, osmosis, heat conduction,


Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Halliday, Resnick, Krane: Physics, John Wiley & Sons Inc.

2. Sears, Zemansky, Young: University Physics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

3. Dede M.: Kísérleti fizika 1. kötet, egyetemi jegyzet.

4. Dede M., Demény A.: Kísérleti fizika 2. kötet, egyetemi jegyzet.

Subject: Physics 2.

Subject code(s): TFBE1102

Lecturer/teacher: Zoltán Trócsányi

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 3/1/0

Department: Department of Experimental Physics

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical signature and exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1101-K5 Physics 1.

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: practical signature

Summary of content and learning outputs: Basic concepts and phenomena of electrostatics. Electric charge, force between

charges. Coulomb’s law. Electric charge and matter. The concept of electric field. Gauss’s law. Electrostatic potential. The

electric dipole moment, the electric field of a system of charges, the principle of superposition. Conductors and insulators.

Capacitance and capacitors. Energy density of the electrostatic field. Electric current and electric resistance, current dens ity.

Resistivity and conductivity. Ohm’s law. Electronic circuits, the electromotive force. Kirchhoff’s rules, an RC circuit. The

mechanism of the electronic conduction of solids, liquids and gases. The concept of the magnetic field and the definition of

magnetic field inductance vector. Magnetic force acting on a current or a moving charge. The magnetic field induced by a

current or a moving charge Biot–Savart’s and Amper’s law. Magnetic properties of matter. Dia-, para- és ferromagnetic

materials. Motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic field, mass spectrometers and particle accelerators. Faradays

law of induction. The properties of the induced electric field, self induction, RL circuits. Energy stored in the magnetic field.

Electromagnetic oscillations. Free and damped oscillations in LC and RLC circuits, forced oscillations, coupled oscillations,

resonance. Alternating current circuits. Motors and generators, the transformer. The concept of displacement current and

induced magnetic field. The Ampere-Maxwell law, Maxwell’s equations. Electromagnetic waves. The properties and

propagation of light, emission and absorption of light. The light as an electromagnetic wave. The diffraction of light on a s lit,

on double slits and on optical gratings. The propagation of light in materials, absorption and s cattering. The light and the

quantum mechanics; the properties of thermal radiation, Planck’s law, the photoelectric effect, the concept of the photon. The

Compton effect and the spectral lines of atoms. The wave properties of material particles, material waves. The Heisenberg

uncertainty principle. The Schrödinger equation, the quantum sates of simple systems. The structure of the atom. The

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Thompson model. The Rutherford experiment. The Bohr/Rutherford model of the atom. The simple quantum mechanical

model of the Hydrogen atom. The quantum numbers. The spin of the electron. The characteristic x radiation. The Pauli

principle and the structure of many electron atoms. Spontaneous and induced emission light, and the laser effect. Chemical

bonds. The electronic properties of solids, band structure and quantum statistics. Contact and thermoelectric phenomena.

Electric current in semiconductors. Superconductivity. The discovery of the atomic nucleus. Radioactivity. The effect and

measurement of radioactive radiation. Cosmic rays. The properties and structure of the atomic nuclei. Nuclear models. Nuclear

fission and fusion. Energy from the nuclei, nuclear reactors. Elementary particles and fundamental interactions. The basic

principles of cosmology.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Halliday, Resnick, Krane: Physics, John Wiley & Sons Inc.

2. Sears, Zemansky, Young: University Physics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

3. Hevessy I.: Elektromosságtan I., egyetemi jegyzet.

4. Hevessy I.: Elektromosságtan II., egyetemi jegyzet.

Subject: Materials Science for Electrical Engineering

Subject code(s): TFBE1113

Lecturer/teacher: Sándor Kökényesi

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 3/2/0

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 6

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: examination and fulfilment of seminars

Prerequisites of registration:

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: seminar signature

Aim of the subject: Introduction to the fundamental conceptions and laws of materials science and engineering,

systematization of basic parameters and characterization of different materials, used in electrical engineering, electronics and

technology, what serve a basis for understanding their principles and applications.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Systematization of materials, interconnections between the composition,

structure, technology and properties. Structure of materials: elementary particles, atoms, periodical system. Chemica l bonds,

crystalline structure, defects, polycrystalline and amorphous materials. Phase diagrams. Mechanical, electrical and optical

characteristics of materials. Metals and alloys, their technology and applications in electronics. Semiconductors: types, b and

structure, electron-hole conduction, doping, applications. Dielectrics: conductivity, polarization, dielectric losses. Insulators in

electronic technology. Magnetic materials. Special functional materials, superconductors, nanostructured materials and


Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Van Vlack L.: Elements of Materials Science and Engineering, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.

2. Callister W.D.: Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 7th ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2006.

3. Safa Kasap: Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, McGraw-Hill, Science/Engineering/Math; 3 edition ,2005.

4. Callister W.D.: Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, Student Problem Set Supplement, 6th ed., John

Wiley & Sons Inc., 2005.

5. Functional Materials and Devices, edited by Arof A.K., Hashim Ali S.A., Trans Tech Publications, 2006.

Subject: Informatics 1.

Subject code(s): TFBE1114, TFBL1114

Lecturer/teacher: Árpád Rácz

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/2

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration:

Requirements of practical mark: completing two tests during the semester

Requirements of registration to exam:

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Aim of the subject: To give to the students basic knowledge on computer usage and to lay the foundation for admission

possibility of further subjects.

Summary of content and learning outputs:


Basic elements of informatics: data, program, compiler, interpreter, programming, operation systems, application software, etc.

Numeral systems, number representation. Computer architectures, peripherals. Operation systems: tasks, threads, multitasking,

interrupts, real-time and embedded operation systems. Databases: elements, architecture, entity, relation, data- representation,

operations, SQL.


Word-processing, spreadsheets and presentation. Technical documentation. Units, numeral systems and number representation.

Hardware elements. Operating systems. Boole-algebra. SQL.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Introduction Introduction

2 Basic elements of informatics Word processing

3 Basic elements of informatics Spreadsheets

4 Computer architectures, peripherals Technical documentation

5 Computer architectures, peripherals Technical documentation

6 Computer architectures, peripherals Presentation

7 Computer architectures, peripherals Test 1.

8 Operation systems Units, numeral systems

9 Operation systems Number representation

10 Operation systems Hardware elements

11 Databases Operating systems

12 Databases Boole-algebra

13 Databases SQL

14 Databases Test 2.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Tanenbaum, A.S.: Modern operating systems, Prentice Hall.

2. Tanenbaum, A.S.: Structured Computer Organization, Prentice Hall.

3. Garcia-Molina H., Ullman J., Widom J.: Database Systems: The Complete Book.

4. Course materials.

Subject: Informatics 2.

Subject code(s): TFBE1115, TFBL1115

Lecturer/teacher: Árpád Rácz

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/2

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1114, TFBL1114 Informatics 1.

Requirements of practical mark: completing one test and one assignment during the semester

Requirements of registration to exam:

Aim of the subject:

To give to the students advanced knowledge on computer architectures, computer networks, operating sy stems and databases.

Summary of content and learning outputs:


Computer architectures: embedded systems, registers, interrupts. Modern computer hardware. Evolution of computer

architectures. Operating systems: Computer networks: topologies, communication media, equipments, ISO OSI, Ethernet,

TCP/IP Databases: basics of database design.

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Assignment to improve research and presentation skills. Windows and Linux exercises.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Computer networks Windows exercises

2 Computer networks Windows exercises

3 Computer networks Windows exercises

4 Computer networks Windows exercises

5 Computer networks Linux exercises

6 Advanced computer architectures Linux exercises

7 Advanced computer architectures Linux exercises

8 Advanced computer architectures Linux exercises

9 Advanced computer architectures Linux exercises

10 Advanced computer architectures Linux exercises

11 Advanced computer architectures Test

12 Operation systems Assignment evaluation

13 Operation systems Assignment evaluation

14 Operation systems Assignment evaluation

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Tanenbaum, A.S.: Modern operating systems, Prentice Hall.

2. Tanenbaum, A.S.: Structured Computer Organization, Prentice Hall.

3. Tanenbaum, A.S.: Computer Networks, Prentice Hall.

4. Garcia-Molina H., Ullman J., Widom J.: Database Systems: The Complete Book.

5. Course materials.

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Subject: Basic Environmental Science

Subject code(s): TTBE0040-K2

Lecturer/teacher: István Gyulai

Department: Department of Hydrobiology

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 1/1/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 2

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration:

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: practical sign

Aim of the subject: Students can acquire the basic terms and gain insight into the sub -fields of environmental science; the

presentation of the most important tasks of environmental protection

Summary of content and learning outputs: The definition and the elements of the environment. Man and his environment.

Inter-, multi- and transdisciplinar characteristics of environmental science. The history of human activity on the environment,

its effects and consequences, the environmental crisis.

The definition and scope of environmental protection. The history of environmental protection and conservation, global

problems of the environment. The elements of natural environment, the ground, the wat ers and the atmosphere. Organization

of living resources, basic ecology. The evolution of the biosphere, human population.

System-based approach in environmental science. Environmental resources and their protection. Environmental conferences,

the message of Rio and its documents. Agenda 21, the conclusions of Johannesburg and their aspects in Hungary.

Environmental pollution and its effect, environmental protection as a human -centered social activity. Ecological approach

focusing on life, the principles of sustainable development in environmental protection

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Jackson A.R.W., Jackson J.M. Environmental Science. The natural environment and human impact. Longman,

Singapore, 1996.

2. Kerényi A.: Általános környezetvédelem. Globális gondok, lehetséges megoldások. Szeged: Mozaik Oktatási Stúdió,


3. Lakatos Gy., Nyizsnyánszky F.: A környezeti elemek és folyamatok természet-tudományos és társadalomtudományos

vonatkozásai. Unit 1. EDE TEMPUS S-JEP 12428/97, Debrecen, 1999.

4. Mészáros E.: A környezettudomány alapjai. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2001.

5. Kerényi A.: Környezettan. Természet és társadalom – globális szempontból. Budapest: Mezőgazda Kiadó, 2003.

Subject: Introduction to Economics

Subject code(s): TTBEBVVM-KT1

Lecturer/teacher: Judit Kapás (Professor, Course coordinator)

Department: Faculty of Economics and Business, Institute of Economics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 3

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical mark and/or exam:

The exam is a written test which will be evaluated according to the following grading schedule:

0 - 50% – 1;

50%+1 point - 63% – 2;

64% - 75% – 3;

76% - 86% – 4;

87% - 100% – 5.

Prerequisites of registration:

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam:

Aim of the subject:

The course will provide the students with the basic concepts of economics: how economists think about the behavior of

households, firms, how to think about markets, how to analyze the economy as a whole, what is inflation and unemployment.

By the end of the course students should be able to use some basic tools of economics and apply them in solving basic

economic problems.

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Summary of content and learning outputs: Micro-economy. Actors of micro-economy. Households. Non-profit sector.

Public utilities, enterprises. Consumer behaviour and demand. Producer behaviour and supply. Measuring in economy. Money.

Market. The micro-economy of production. Expenditure, spending, revenue, income. Analysis of prod uction factors. Capital,

labour force.

Macro-economy. Context of economy. Indicators of national economy. Processes of reproduction. State roles. The tools and

mechanism of economic management. Unemployment and inflation. The role of investments and saving s in national economy.

Financial sector. International economic integration. The European Union. International financial processes. Globalization.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Readings

1 Basic concepts and fundamental questions of


2 Ten principles of economics and the economic

way of thinking/1. Mankiw pp. 3-19

3 Ten principles of economics and the economic

way of thinking/2. Mankiw pp. 3-19

4 Production possibilities frontier Mankiw pp. 21-30

5 How markets work: demand and supply I. Mankiw pp. 65-88

6 How markets work: demand and supply II. Mankiw pp. 65-88

7 Measuring a nation’s income Mankiw pp. 507-527

8 Measuring the cost of living Mankiw pp. 529-545

9 Exercises to measurement

10 Savings and investment, and the role of the

financial system Mankiw pp. 575-596.

11 Unemployment Mankiw pp. 613-637

12 Money and inflation Mankiw pp. 663-687

13 Summary

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:


Mankiw G.: Principles of Economics. Fifth Edition. South-Western, Mason, USA, 2009.


Heyne P., Boettke P., Prychitko D.: The Economic Way of Thinking. Twelfth Edition. Pearson Education International, New

Jersey, 2010.

Subject: EU Studies

Subject code(s): TTBE0030-K1


Instructor: Mr. János Mazsu

Lecturer: Mrs. Eszter Tóth

Department: Department of World Economy and International Business /Relations

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 1/0/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 3

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Written exam at the end of the semester

Final evaluation: 0–50% failed (1), 51–65% acceptable (2), 66–75% medium (3), 76–85% good (4), 86–100% excellent


Prerequisites of registration:

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam:

Max. 3 absences in the semester

Aim of the subject: Surveying the European Union’s evolution from the Rome Treaty to the present, the course captures the

full story of Europe’s ongoing integration, its changing identity, and its increasing impo rtance as a global actor in the 21st

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century. The course consists of the history, institutions and policies of the European Union, lays out the major elements of the

European integration and explain how the European Union functions.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Theories of European Integration. The Rome Treaty and Its Original Agenda:

1957-1975. The Single European Act and the Maastricht Treaty (1975-1993). Efforts to Reach the Next Level (1994-2008).

Enlargement of the European Union. Institutional Dynamics in the European Union. Electoral Politics and Public Opinion.

Economic and Monetary Union. The EU Budget, Common Agricultural Policy and Cohesion Policies. External Economic

Relations of the European Union. Common Foreign and Security Policy . Justice and Home Affairs.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Introduction

2 History and Development of European

Integration I.

3 History and Development of European

Integration II.

4 The Institutional Structure of the

European Union


The Union’s Competences, Decision-

making and Legislation in the EU, EU


6 Test-week : NO CLASS

7 The Internal Market and the Four



The Budget of the EU, Competition

Policy, Consumer Policy, Public Health

Policy, Cultural and Audiovisual Policy


The Economic and Monetary Union,

The Common Agricultural Policy and

the Common Fisheries Policy, The

Common Transport Policy and Trans -

European Networks,

10 Regional Policy – Economic, Social and

Territorial Cohesion in the EU


Education, Vocational Training, Youth

and Sport Policies, Employment and

Social Policy


Industrial and Enterprise Policy,

Research and Technological

Development Policy, Energy Policy,

Environmental Policy


Justice and Home Affairs in the

European Union, The External Policies

of the European Union, Enlargement


14 Summary of the course

Compulsory Readings:

1. Horvath, Z. (2011): Handbook on the European Union. 4th edition, HVG-Orac Lapkiadó Kft, Budapest.

2. Birol A. Yesilada – David M. Wood (2010): The Emerging European Union, 5th edition, Longman-Pearson, Washington.

Recommended Readings

1. Dinan, D. (2010): Ever Closer Union – An Introduction to European Integration. 4th edition, Palgrave Macmillan,


2. Blanke, H. J. – Mangiameli, S. (Eds.) (2012): The European Union after Lisbon. Springer-Verlag, Berlin – Heidelberg.

3. Ott, A. – Vos, E. (Eds.) (2009): Fifty Years of European Integration: Foundations and Perspectives. T.M.C. Asser Press,

The Hague.

4. Baldwin, R. – Wyplosz, C. (2009): The Economics of European Integration. 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, London.

5. The official website of the EU: www.europa.eu

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6. EU Bookshop: www.bookshop.europa.eu

7. EU Single Market: www.singlemarket20.eu

8. Eurostat: www.ec.europa.eu/eurostat

9. European Commission: www.ec.europa.eu

Subject: Fundamentals of Civil Law 1.

Subject code(s): TTBEBVVM_JA1_EN

Lecturer/teacher: Dr. Tamás Fézer, PhD (Associate Professor of Law)

Department: Civil Law Department (Faculty of Law)

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/0

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 2

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: written exam at the end of semester

Prerequisites of registration:

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: attendance

Aim of the subject: The course aims to provide basic knowledge on the most important legal institutions of private law such

as contracts, torts and competition law. The course focuses on the legislation of the European Union and practical questions

related to the above-mentioned topics.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Private law covers various topics. The course covers several of them that should

be important to engineers. The semester starts with a general introduction to the operation of legal systems in Europe and a

comparison between civil law and common law. The structure, goals and legislative methods of the European Union are

important elements in the course as well, so students get basic understanding on this phenomenon of international law. After

these preliminary observations, true private law topics are discussed during the semester. Contract law classes cover questions

related to formation, interpretation, breach, remedies and damages. Tort law covers the area of civil delicts and liability

attached to them emphasizing strict liability forms (e.g. product liability, liability for conducting dangerous activities) and

vicarious liability questions. Finally, competition law concludes the semester with analyzing the law of cartels, monopolies,

fusions and state aids. After the successful completion of the course, students will have general understanding on the operation

of legal systems in the European Union, can decide whether a contract serves their interest and what liability is attached to

potential activities they are doing.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Introduction to the operation of law.

2 Civil law and common law legal systems in


3 Institutions and legislation of the European Union

4 Principles of civil law

5 Definition and formation of contracts

6 Interpretation of contracts

7 Breach of contracts and available remedies to the

aggrieved party

8 Fault-based liability and the law of torts

9 Strict liability regimes: product liability

10 Strict liability regimes: dangerous activities

11 Vicarious liability (children, employees,


12 The law of unfair competition practices

13 Cartels and Fusions

14 State aids

Compulsory Readings:

Lecturer provides slides and handouts during the course related to all topics discussed during the semester. These materials

form the compulsory literature for the successful completion of the course.

Recommended Reading:

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TWIGG-FLESNER Ch.: The Cambridge Companion to European Union Private Law , CUP, 2010. ISBN 9780521516174.

Subject: Fundamentals of Civil Law 2.

Subject code(s): TTBEBVVM_JA2_EN

Lecturer/teacher: Dr. Tamás Fézer, PhD (Associate Professor of Law)

Department: Civil Law Department (Faculty of Law)

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/0 lectures

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 2

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: written exam at the end of semester

Prerequisites of registration: Fundamentals of Civil Law 1.

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: attendance

Aim of the subject: The course mainly deals with the most important rules and legal institutions of international business law

and commerce. It aims to provide knowledge that students may use if working for an international company and are involved

in international business trading their intellectual property.

Summary of content and learning outputs: International business law covers various topics. The course selects those with

major importance for engineers practicing in an international market and/or being employed by an international company. The

semester starts with general questions related to company law, analyzing the legislative instruments of the European Union

covering this field. Then international treaties covering intellectual property issues (patents, petty patents, trademarks, designs)

are in the center of discussion. Rules for international sales transactions and the related transportation issues are also an alyzed.

The course ends with potential dispute resolution methods available in international commerce. After the successful

completion of the course, students will be able to position their company and their opportunities in the international market .

They will also be familiar on how to utilize intellectual property they created, and settle any dispute arisen in connection with


Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Legal sources and actors of international business


2 Principles of international business law and the


3 Partnerships and companies

4 International companies

5 Company law elements in the legislation of the

European Union

6 Copyright and their trade

7 Protection of industrial property I. (patents, petty


8 Protection of industrial property II. (designs,


9 International sales transactions

10 Incoterms trade terms

11 Carriage of goods by sea, ground and air


12 Diplomacy in dispute settlement (mediation,

arbitration, negotiation, inquiry)

13 Settling disputes in municipal courts

14 Private international law

Compulsory Readings:

Lecturer provides slides and handouts during the course related to all topics discussed during the semester. These materials

form the compulsory literature for the successful completion of the course.

Recommended Reading:

August, Ray A. – Mayer, Don – Bixby, Michael: International Business Law, Prentice Hall, 2014. ISBN: 978-0132718974.

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Subject: Intellectual Property Protection

Subject code(s): TFBE1112-EL-EN

Lecturer/teacher: Dr. László Mátyus, Dr. Tamás Bene

Department: Department of Experimental Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): no lectures, because it is an e-learning course

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 3

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration:

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: registration for the course in the NEPTUN system

Aim of the subject:

• Raise awareness of the principal concepts of intellectual property and its importance as a spur to human creativity in the

advancement of economic and social development, and in the facilitation of international trade through the treaties offering

multi-lateral protection.

• Explain what constitutes protection of IP.

• Introduce the treaties that govern IP.

• Explain some of the services of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) that assist in the worldwide acquisition,

management and protection of IP rights.

Summary of content and learning outputs: This course covers the main areas of intellectual property (IP), namely copyright,

related rights, patents, trademarks, geographical indications, industrial design, plant breeders' rights, unfair competition and

international registration systems. This is an e-learning course which lasts for 50 hours and closes with an on-line exam. There

are now lectures since the students have to learn alone using the learning materials of the course after signing in to the

webpage of the course. The course consists of 13 Modules. Self-assessment tools are strategically placed throughout each

module to assist participants with gauging their respective levels of knowledge and progress, as well as their ability to app ly

the concepts and facts presented within the course. The final exam for this course is comprised of a series of multiple choice

questions. A fixed amount of time is allocated for participants to complete and submit the exam on -line.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Modules

1 Module 1: Guide to Studying the Course

2 Module 2: Introduction to IP

3 Module 3: Copyright

4 Module 4: Related Rights

5 Module 5: Trademarks

6 Module 6: Geographical Indications

7 Module 7: Industrial Design

8 Module 8: Patents

9 Module 9: WIPO Treaties

10 Module 10: Unfair Competition

11 Module 11: Protection of New Varieties of Plants

12 Module 12: IP and Development- The WIPO Development Agenda (New since 2011)

13 Module 13: Summary and Discussion on Intellectual Property Rights

14 Final Exam

Compulsory/Recommended Readings: learning materials of the course

The webpage of the course:


Subject: Economics of Enterprises

Subject code(s): TTBEBVVM-KT2

Lecturer/teacher: Marietta Kiss

Department: Department of Marketing

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/0

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Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 3

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TTBEBVVM-KT1 Introduction to Economics

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam:

Aim of the subject: Introduction to the operation of enterprises in practice. Preparation of investments, registration, business


Summary of content and learning outputs: Examining enterprises. Methods to describe enterprises. Performance of enterpri-

ses. Business performance, monetary performance, extraordinary performance. Development of enterprises. Investments at

company level.

Preparation of investments, feasibility studies. Analysis of investments. Static and dynamic methods of analysis. Re gistration,


Public procurement. Certification and accounting of economic operations. Rules of invoicing. Balancing, inventory. Accrual-

based accounting, tax-paying obligations. Laws regulating the taxation system. Types of taxes on enterprise s. Corporation tax

and capital return tax. Value added tax, personal income tax.

Making business plans.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Miller D.S., Catt S.E., Carlson J.R.: Fundamentals of Management, South Western College Publishing, 1996.

2. Lussier R.N.: Management Fundamentals, 2nd edition, South Western College Publishing, 2002.

3. Mohanty S. K.: Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2005.

4. Steinhoff D., Burgess J.F.: Small Business Management Fundamentals, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 1992.

5. Friend G., Zehle S.: Guide to Business Planning, Economist Books, 2004.

6. Papp P., Egri I.: Vállalkozási ismeretek, Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetem, 2004.

7. Egri I., Papp P.: Üzleti tervezés, Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetem, 2004.

8. Egri I.: Üzleti tervezés munkafüzet, Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetem, 2004.

9. Fribiczer G. (szerk.): Közbeszerzés, Budapest: Közgazdasági és Jogi Könyvkiadó, 2004.

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Subject: Programming 1.

Subject code(s): TFBE1231, TFBL1231

Lecturer/teacher: Ferenc Kun

Department: Department of Theoretical Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/2

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 4

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration:

Requirements of practical mark: practical programming tests

Requirements of registration to exam: practical signature

Aim of the subject: Students acquaint with C programming language, become familiar with basic algorithms and

programming techniques.

Summary of content and learning outputs: principals of machine data processing: computer organization, batch -processing,

multiprocessing, time-sharing, personal, distributed, server/client computations, structural programming, basic principals of C

environment. Introduction to C programming language: basic concepts of computer memory, examples of simple programs.

Structural program development: algorithms, flow control statements (selection, repetition), branches, loops. Functions:

program components, math library functions, definition and declaration of function, storage classes, pass arguments to

functions (pass-by-value and pass-by-reference), recursion. Arrays and vectors: declaration, passing arrays to functions,

sorting, searching, multidimensional arrays. Pointers: declaration, initialization, pointer operators, passing arguments to

functions by reference with pointers, relationship between pointers and arrays, arrays of pointers. Characters and strings:

declaration, character handling library, functions of string handling library. Format ted input/output: streams, printf/scanf

functions. Structures, unions, bitwise operators, ordinal constants. File processing: data hierarchy, files and streams, sequ ential

and random-access files. Self-referential data structures: dynamic memory allocation, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees.

Preprocessor directives.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Kernigan B. W., Ritchie D M.: The C programming language, 2nd ed. Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, 1988.

2. Deitel H. M., Deitel P. J.: C How to Program, 4th ed. Prentice Hall, 2004.

3. Harbison S., P. Steele G. L., Jr. C: A Reference Manual, 5th ed. Prentice Hall, 2002.

4. Perry G.: Absolute Beginner’s Guide to C, 2nd ed., USA: SAMS Publishing, 1994.

5. Benkő Tiborné, Poppe A.: Együtt könnyebb a programozás: C, Budapest: Computer Books, 2004.

6. Pere L.: UNIX-GNU / Linux: programozás C nyelven, Budapest: Kiskapu, 2003.

7. Bodor L.: C/C++ programozás: feladatokkal, CD melléklettel: nyitott rendszerű képzés, Budapest: LSI Informatikai

Oktatóközpont, 2002.

8. Benkő Tiborné, Benkő L.: Programozási feladatok és algoritmusok Turbo C és C++ nyelven: program lépésről lépésre,

alapalgoritmusok, Budapest: Computer Books, 1997.

Subject: Programming 2.

Subject code(s): TFBE1232

Lecturer/teacher: Ferenc Kun

Department: Department of Theoretical Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 1/0/2

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 3

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical grade

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1231 Programming 1.

Requirements of practical mark: practical programming tests

Requirements of registration to exam:

Aim of the subject: Students acquaint with C++ programming language.

Summary of content and learning outputs : Introduction to C++ programming language: introduction to classes and objects,

control statements, functions, arrays and vectors, pointers and pointer-based strings. Deeper look to classes, data abstraction

and information hiding, operator overloading. Object-oriented programming: polymorphism, inheritance. Templates, stream

input/output, exception handling, file processing. Web programming, searching and sorting, data structures, bits, characters,

structures. Standard Template Library (STL).

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Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Deitel H. M., Deitel P. J.: C++ How to Program, 5th ed. Prentice Hall, 2005.

2. Stroustrup B. The C++ Programming Language (Special Edition), USA: Addison Wesley. Reading Mass. 2000.

3. Schildt H. C++: A Beginner’s Guide, 2nd ed., USA: McGraw-Hill/Osborne, 2004.

4. Schildt H. C++: The Complete Reference, 4th ed., USA: McGraw-Hill/Osborne, 2003.

5. Liberty J., Jones B. SAMS Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days, 5th ed., USA: Sams Publishing, 2005.

6. Benkő Tiborné, Tóth B., Programozzunk C++ nyelven! : az ANSI C++ tankönyve, Budapest: Computer Books, 2003.

7. Benkő Tiborné, Poppe A. Objektum-orientált C++: Együtt könnyebb a programozás, Budapest: Computer Books, 2004.

8. Kuzmina J., Tamás P., Tóth B. Windows alkalmazások fejlesztése C++ Builder 6 rendszerben, Budapest:

Computerbooks, 2004.

9. Benkő Tiborné, Poppe A., Benkő L. Bevezetés a Borland C++ programozásba, Budapest: Computer Books, 1995.

10. Benkő Tiborné, Benkő L., Poppe A. Objektum-orientált programozás C++ nyelven : C++ program lépésről-lépésre, a

nyelv, Budapest: Computer Books, 2002.

Subject: Introduction to Measurements and Instrumentation

Subject code(s): TFBE1233

Lecturer/teacher: Sándor Egri

Department: Department of Experimental Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 1/0/2

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 3

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical grade

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1235, TFBG1235 Electricity 1.

Requirements of practical mark:

• Students should complete each of every laboratory practice. Missed class could be repeated on the last week.

• Grade is determined on the test/oral discussion on 12th week, for improving the grade it could be repeated once on the last


Requirements of registration to exam:

Aim of the subject: The aim of the subject is to learn the basic principles of electrical measurements and usage of digital

multimeters and oscilloscopes.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Uncertainity of the measurement, fundamental knowledge about errors.

Determination of the error of the measurement from the manual of the DMM or from evaluation of measured data. Firm

knowledge and also practical skill how to measure electrical quantities with DMM (voltage, current, resistance, inductivity,

capacity), how to characterize AC signals by using oscilloscope. Ability to realize if measured quantity is irrelevant, to find

and correct simple errors was made during the measurement.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Measurement, uncertanity, SI units How to build circuit on the board: wires and



Relative and absolute error, classification of the

errors. Importance of choosing the proper range

for the measurement.

Serial and parallel circuits on the board.

3 Accuracy, resolution of a DMM. Measuring voltage with DMM.

4 How is multimeter working? Measuring current with DMM.

5 AC signal, basics of oscilloscope measurement. Measuring AC signals with oscilloscope

6 Power supplies and signal generators (CC, CV

mode), Function generator.

Measuring AC signals with oscilloscope:

coupling, trigger.


8 Extending the range of the Volt or Ammeter. Measuring Ohms-law.

9 Mean values for AC signals. Measuring RMS value of the AC signals .

10 Methods for measuring resistance. Measuring and calculating net resistance of

simple circuits.

11 Measuring capacity and inductivity. Measuring capacity and inductivity.

12 Test or oral discussion. Test-measurement.

13 Basics of power and energy measurement. Measuring Kirchoff-laws.

14 Digital measurements: digitalization, resolution, Measurements with digital oscilloscope. FFT,

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sampling rate, signals in frequency domain. XY-mode, roll mode.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Electrical measurement, Signal Processing and Displays (selected chapters only), CRC press, 2004, edited by John G.


Subject: Introduction into LabView programming

Subject code(s): TFBE1220

Lecturer/teacher: Angéla Váradiné Szarka

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 0/0/2

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 2

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical grade

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1232 Programming 2.

TFBE1233 Introduction to Measurements and Instrumentation

Requirements of practical mark:

• Attend laboratory practices is compulsory. Max. 2 absents per semester is allowed.

• 2 practical tests in LabView programming (max score: 50, satisfaction level: 20).

Aim of the subject: Introduction into the LabView programming on basic level. Provide basic programming skill in graphical


Summary of content and learning outputs:

• Structure of LabView programs, basic concepts of programming technics. Structures of graphical programming, methods

of variant declaration, wiring technics.

• Function directory, using programming functions and building user interface panels in LabView. Study array and cluster

handling, shift register application, event driven programming, error handling, global and local variable handling, subVI


Detailed content of the subject:


week Practice

1 Basic definitions. Front Panle, Block Diagram, tools in LabView. Graphical programming concept.

Controllers and indicators.

2 Structures: while and foor loop, case structure, formula node.

3 Shift registers and array handling

4 Array and cluster functions, flat sequence and property nodes.

5 Local and global variables

6 Practical task for training

7 Test 1.

8 Waveform generation and waveform processing

9 Working with files in LabView

10 Error handling

11 Event driven programming

12 SubVI generation

13 Test 2.

14 Possibility to repeat failed test.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. http://www.ni.com/gettingstarted/labviewbasics

2. http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/320998a.pdf

3. Help of LabView program system.

Subject: Measurements and Instrumentation

Subject code(s): TFBE1234

Lecturer/teacher: Angéla Váradiné Szarka, Zsolt Szabó

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Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/2

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical grade

Prerequisites of registration: TMBE0609 Mathematics 3.

TFBE1220 Introduction to LabView Programming

Requirements of practical mark:

• Attend laboratory practices is compulsory. Max. 2 absents per semester is allowed.

• 1 oral practical test in instrumentation handling (max score: 20, satisfaction level: 8).

• laboratory exercises using laboratory equipment DAQ board and LabView (max s core: 4x10=40, pass score: 16).

• 1 written theoretical test (max score 40, pass score 16).

Aim of the subject: Introduction into the theory of measurement, increase instrumentation handling practice, introduction into

computer controlled data acquisition and practice in basic level LabView measurement applications .

Summary of content and learning outputs:

Basic definitions of measurement science. Models and modelling basics. Measurement equipment and methods. Measurement

errors: systematic and random errors, mathematical methods for error-handling including methods of random errors

approximation. Probability of error occurrence in case of normal Gaussian and non -Gaussian measurement series. Using

regression analysis for measuring series. Accumulation of random errors using measurement result s in mathematical

calculations. Basics of digital measurements. Sampling and quantization, its electrical circuits: sample and hold, D/A and A/ D

converters. Digital multimeters: functions, specification, measurement errors. Structure of computer controlled measurement

systems. Basic function of multifunctional DAQ boards, practice in LabView application. Basics of data processing.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Basic definitions of measurement science.

Models and modelling basics.

Laboratory rules. Information and arrangement of

working in laboratory.


Measurement errors: systematic and random

errors. Calculation of errors as absolute, relative

and full scale errors.

Practicing instrument handling: oscilloscope,

DMM, function generator. LRC instrument and

power supply.

3 Definition and methods of determination of

confidence interval.

Oral practical test in instrumentation handling

(max. score: 20, pass: 8)


Processing mesuring series of Gaussian

distribution. Basics of quality control systems,

SPC, 6sigma, process capability.

Introduction into computer controlled

measurements. Practice 1. Using digital ports.


Processing mesuring series of non-Gaussian

distribution. Hystogram generation. Probability

calculations of measuring errors.

Introduction into computer controlled

measurements. Practice 2. Using analog input and

output channels.

6 Using regression analysis for measuring series. Introduction into digital measurements. DMM



Accumulation of random errors using

measurement results in mathematical


1. experiment: Checking DMM’s accuracy using

2 instruments. Measurement report to be

uploaded into Moodle system. (max score: 10)


Basics of digital measurements. Sampling

theorem, Nyquist frequency. Quantization and

quantization error. Electrical circuits of


Using LabView to acquire measuring series.


9 Digital multimeters. Specification, structure,

functions, calculation of measurement error.

2. experiment: Measurement of Gaussian

distribution series using LabView. Measurement

report to be uploaded into Moodle system. (max

score: 10)

10 System of computer controlled measurement

systems. Specification, functions.

3. experiment: Measuring non-Gaussian series.

Create hystogram. Measurement report to be

uploaded into Moodle system. (max score: 10)

11 Multifunctional data acquis ition boards.

Functions and application.

4. experiment: Using regression analysis for

defined measuring series. Measurement report to

be uploaded into Moodle system. (max score: 10)

12 Basics of data analysis in digital systems. Problem solving practice in accumulation of

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Processing signals in time and frequency domain. random errors using measurement results in

mathematical calculations

13 Written theoretical test (max score: 40, pass

score: 16) Individual practice

14 Industrial test systems with focus to car and

electronic production industry. Possibility to repeat failed experiments.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Webster J.G.: The Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook (Electrical Engineering Handbook Series), CRC

Press Inc., 1998.

2. Northrop R.B.: Introduction to Instrumentation and Measurements, 2nd edition, CRC Press Inc ., 2005.

3. Data Acquisition Handbook. A Reference for DAQ and Analog and Digital Signal Conditioning. Measurement Science.

Measurement Computing Corporation.

Subject: Electricity 1.

Subject code(s): TFBE1235, TFBG1235

Lecturer/teacher: Sándor Nagy, Kornél Sarvajcz

Department: Department of Theoretical Physics , Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/2/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical grade and exam

Prerequisites of registration:

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: practical grade

Aim of the subject: The basic laws, analysis methods and circuit theorems of DC circuits.

Summary of content and learning outputs: System of units, prefixes, charge, current, voltage, power, energy. Basic circuit

elements, ideal sources, resistors, Ohm's law. Two terminal circuit elements. Graphs of networks: branches, nodes, loops,

Kirchhoff's laws, connection of resistors, voltage and current dividers. Network analysis: nodal analysis, mesh analysis. Circuit

theorems: linearity, superposition principle, compensation theorem, reciprocity theorem, source transformation, Thevenin

theorem, Norton theorem. Maximum power transfer, practical sources, resistance measurement.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Basic concepts.

2 Basic circuit elements.

3 Ohm's law, resistors.

4 Network graphs.

5 Kirchhoff's laws.

6 Two terminal circuit elements .

7 Nodal analysis.

8 Mesh analysis.

9 Problems in network analysis.

10 Linearity, superposition principle.

11 Compensation and reciprocity theorems .

12 Thevenin and Norton theorems .

13 Maximum power transfer.

14 Practical sources, resistance measurement.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N. O. Sadiku:Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (McGraw-Hill, 2013). 1. Alexander Ch. K., Sadiku M.N.O.: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits. McGraw-Hill Education. 2007.

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Subject: Electricity 2.

Subject code(s): TFBE1236, TFBG1236

Lecturer/teacher: Sándor Nagy, Kornél Sarvajcz

Department: Department of Theoretical Physics , Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 3/2/0

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 6

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical grade and exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1235 Electricity 1.

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: practical grade

Aim of the subject: The basic laws, analysis methods and circuit theorems of AC circuits. Frequency response, and periodic


Summary of content and learning outputs: Characteristics of capacitors and inductors, properties, connections. Source free

first order circuits, step response. Sinusoids, phasors, connections of impedances. Kirchhoff's laws, nodal analysis and mesh

analysis in the frequency domain. AC power analysis, three phase circuits, mutual inductance, transformers, transfer function s,

Bode and Nyquist diagrams, series and parallel resonances, passive filters. Two -port networks. Fourier series of periodic

signals, calculations of periodic responses, Fourier transform, spectrum, form preserving transfers, band and time limited


Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Capacitors, inductors.

2 First order circuits.

3 Basics of AC circuits.

4 Network analysis for AC circuits .

5 AC power analysis .

6 Mutual inductance, transformers .

7 Three phase circuits .

8 Transfer functions.

9 Bode and Nyquist diagrams.

10 Two-port networks.

11 Resonances.

12 Fouries series.

13 Fourier transform, spectrum.

14 Bandwidth analysis .

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Alexander Ch. K., Sadiku M.N.O.: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits. McGraw-Hill Education. 2007.

Subject: Electricity 3.

Subject code(s): TFBE1237, TFBG1237

Lecturer/teacher: Sándor Nagy, Kornél Sarvajcz

Department: Department of Theoretical Physics , Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/3

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical grade and exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1236 Electricity 2.

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: practical grade

Aim of the subject: Continuous and discrete Laplace transforms, fundamentals of electrodynamics .

Summary of content and learning outputs: Laplace transform, definitions, properties, inverse Laplace transform, network

applications, transfer functions, convolution, comparison of the Laplace and the Fourier transforms, network stability, discrete

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time systems and networks, z-transform. Basic laws and concepts of electrodynamics, differential and integral forms of

Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic potentials, conservation laws in electro dynamics, electromagnetic waves in insulators

and in conductors, wave equations, telegraph equation.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Laplace transform.

2 Inverse Laplace transform.

3 Network applications.

4 Transfer functions.

5 Convolution.

6 Network stability.

7 Discrete time systems.

8 z-transform.

9 Basics of electrodynamics.

10 Mawell's equations.

11 Electromagnetic potentials .

12 Conservation laws.

13 Electromagnetic waves.

14 Telegraph equation.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Alexander Ch. K., Sadiku M.N.O.: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits. McGraw-Hill Education. 2007.

Subject: Basics of Circuit Simulation and Design

Subject code(s): TFBL1246

Lecturer/teacher: Zsolt Szábó, Lájos Harasztosi

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Department of Solid-State Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 0/0/2

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 2

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical grade

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1247 Electricity 3.

Requirements of practical mark: practical signature

Requirements of registration to exam:

Aim of the subject: introduction to computer-aided simulation and design of electrical circuits.

Summary of content and learning outputs: the most important principles and devices of low-current electrical circuits

design. Main steps of circuit diagrams simulation. Introduction with data and files needed to simulation. Demonstration of

some circuit simulation programs (Tina, Multisim, Ngspice, etc.). Introduction with different CAD software, including those

ones which support strong-current and mechanical engineering design as well. In the framework of subject students study

opportunities of CAD programs, their role and application in engineer work. Design of wiring drawings, introduction with files

needed to circuit production, design of schematics, introduction to output files generated from schematics, rules of printed

circuit board design.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Main steps of design and simulation.

2 Modelling of components.

3 Preparation of netlist.

4 Analysis of simple circuits.

5 Comparison of some simulation programs.

6 Analysis of complex circuits.

7 Test (Individualproblem solution).

8 Basic tools for schematic development.

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9 Files generated from schematics.

10 Basic tools for PCB preparation.

11 Output files of PCBs.

12 Handling of components libraries.

13 Test (Individualproblem solution).

14 Test or laboratory supplement.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Paul W. Tuinenga P.W.: SPICE: A Guide to Circuit Simulation and Analysis Using PSpice. Prentice Hall. 1992.

2. CAD programs documentation.

Subject: Electronics 1.

Subject code(s): TFBE1238

Lecturer/teacher: Lájos Harasztosi

Department: Department of Solid-State Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/0

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 3

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1101-K5 Physics 1.

TFBE Electricity 1.

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam:

Aim of the subject: introduction to functional, system technical interpretation of electronic systems. Introduction to physical

operation and models of passive and active circuit elements. Introduction to basic operation of amplifier and digital inverter


Summary of content and learning outputs: previous knowledge: DC circuits, fourpoles, controlled generator. Functions of

electronic circuits in electronic systems system technical approach. Basic characterization of amplifiers and signals in

electronic circuits. Ideal model of operational amplifier. Basic circuits of operational amplifiers: inverting and non -inverting

circuits. Other operational amplifier applications: differential amplifiers, instrumentational amplifiers. R, L, C and other simple

circuit elements. Circuit models of semiconductor diodes, diode types, simple diode circuits. Physical operation of

semiconductors 1.: planar diode. Physical operation of semiconductors 2.: circuit models of bipolar transistors, characteristics,

typical parameters. Basics of switching-mode bipolar transistor operation. Simulation modelling. Physical operation of

semiconductors 3.: MOSFETs, modelling, characteristics, parameters. MOSFET inverter, power MOSFET devices. Simulation

modelling. Physical operation of semiconductors 4.: JFETs, modelling, characteristics, parameters. Comparison of bipolar

transistors, MOSFETs and JFETs.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Lecture materials on Moodle server: http://roller.ttk.unideb.hu/moodle/: Electronics 1.

2. Sedra A.S., Smith K.S.: Microelectronics circuits, 5th ed. Oxford University Press, New York. 2004.

Subject: Electronics 2.

Subject code(s): TFBE1239

Lecturer/teacher: Lájos Harasztosi

Department: Department of Solid-State Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 3/2/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 6

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam and practical grade

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1238 Electronics 1.

Requirements of practical mark: practical grade

Requirements of registration to exam: practical grade

Aim of the subject: introduction to operation, parameters and design viewpoints of basic transistor and operational amplifie r

circuits. Introduction to operation of feed-back networks. Functional operational amplifier circuits. Operation of voltage and

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current sources. Analysis of temperature effects influenced on circuit operation. On practice lessons students perform

calculations on the basis of theory and deepen their knowledge by simulations.

Summary of content and learning outputs: one-cascade bipolar transistor amplifier circuits and their characteristics.

Operation point setting, signal interfacing. One-cascade MOSFET and JFET amplifier circuits and their characteristics.

Operation point setting, signal interfacing. Simulation of basic circuits. Theory of feed -back. Negative feed-backs in basic

operational amplifier and transistor amplifier circuits. Operational basics of digital circuits, CMOS logic circuits, level

matching. Parameters of real operational amplifiers. Effect of non-ideal characteristics on basic circuits. Simulation models of

operational amplifiers, simulation of basic circuits. Multi-cascade transistor amplifier circuits. Stability, frequency

compensation. Inner circuit structure of operational amplifier. Typical operational amplifier parameters, their types. Output

amplifier stages terminal amplifiers, integrated power amplifiers. Cooling of semiconducto r devices. Functional operational

amplifier circuits 1.: basic integrating, differentiating circuits, rectifying circuits. Functional operational amplifier circuits 2.:

comparators, limiters, logarithmic, exponential amplifiers. Positive feed-back, oscillators, multivibrators. Filters and tuned

amplifiers. Linear power supply units, stabilized energy sources, reference voltage preparation. DC/DC converters.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Lecture materials on Moodle server: http://roller.ttk.unideb.hu/moodle/: Electronics 1.

2. Sedra A.S., Smith K.S.: Microelectronics circuits, 5th ed. Oxford University Press, New York. 2004.

Subject: Electronics 3.

Subject code(s): TFBE1240

Lecturer/teacher: Lájos Harasztosi

Department: Department of Solid-State Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/3

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 6

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical grade

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1239 Electronics 2.

Requirements of practical mark: practical grade

Requirements of registration to exam:

Aim of the subject: acquirement of complex circuit knowledge. Aspects of electronic systems applicability in practice.

Properties of special networks with distributed parameters. Aspects of energy efficiency in electronic systems. On laboratory

measurements students get measuring practice by measurements of circuit parameters studied on theoretical lessons.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Non-linear circuit operations. Multiplier, square root, RMS measuring circuits.

AM, FM modulation. Modulator, demodulator, mixing circuits. Basic electronic measuring and transmitting circuits. Noises in

electronic systems. Noise calculations. Properties of operational amplifiers: non -linearities, distortions. Power supply

providing and grounding in electronic systems. Circuit protection on external static and pulse effects. Analog switches and

their applications. Amplification of extreme low current and voltage. System technical and circuit implementation of

measurement data acquisition systems. AD and DA converters. Circuit elements of RF and microwave circuits 1.: passive

circuit elements. Circuit elements of RF and microwave circuits 2.: active circuit elements. Energy efficiency 1.: accumulator

handling, energy harvesting. Energy efficiency 2.: driving of LEDs, wireless energy transmission.

Topics of laboratory measurements:

Diodes, diode rectifiers, diode limiters. Basic non-inverting and inverting operational amplifier circuits. Measurement of

circuit frequency transfer. Measurement of bipolar transistor switching and amplifier operation modes. Measurement of

common-emitter bipolar transistor amplifier. Basic adding, subtracting, differentiating, integrating operational amplifier

circuits. Power supply circuits. Precision operational amplifier comparator and rectifying circuits. Measurements of oscillator

circuits. Measurements of filter circuits. Multiplier circuits, modulation.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Lecture materials on Moodle server: http://roller.ttk.unideb.hu/moodle/: Electronics 1.

2. Sedra A.S., Smith K.S.: Microelectronics circuits, 5th ed. Oxford University Press, New York. 2004.

Subject: Digital Electronics 1.

Code(s): TFBE1241

Lecturer/teacher: László Kazup

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Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 3/2/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1238 Electronics 1.

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: registration to subject

Aim of the subject: Acquisition of knowledge about the basics of combinatorial and sequential networks design methods and

digital integrated circuits.

Summary of content and learning outputs : The first topic of the subject deals with the basics of combinatorial logic

networks. This part defines the laws of Boolean algebra, definitions and canonical forms of logic functions and explains the

graphical simplification methods and contains the basic knowledge about the typical combinatorial networks such as

multiplexers, demultiplexers, coders and decoders. The second topic of this subject introduces to the basic design methods of

sequential logic networks. This topic explains the models and standard design tools of sequential net works and presents typical

sequential logic networks such as counters and registers.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice


Definition/ classifiation of logic networks. Basics

of Boolean algebra. Description.

Types of combinatorial logics. Fundamental logic


According to lecture.


Logic schematics. Logic variables as electric

signals. Types and operational principles of

TTL / CMOS digital circuits.

According to lecture.

3 Combinatorial logic design. Canonical forms of

logic functions. Karnaugh- map. According to lecture.


Typical combinatorial logics. Programmable

combinatorial logics. Effects of signal

propagation delay. Hazards in digital logics.

According to lecture.


Description and classification of sequential


Synchronous and asynchronous sequential


According to lecture.


7 1st test – Combinatorial logics. According to lecture.

8 Basics of flip-flops. According to lecture.


Design methods of synchronous sequential

networks: state table, state equation, state


According to lecture.

10 Typical synchronous networks: counters,

registers. According to lecture.

11 Design methods of asynchronous sequential

networks. According to lecture.

12 2nd test – Sequential networks. According to lecture.

13 Consultation. Consultation.

14 Repeat of tests.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Floyd Th. L.:Digital Fundamentals . Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey, USA. 2009.

Subject: Digital Electronics 2.

Subject code(s): TFBE1242

Lecturer/teacher: László Kazup

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/3

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 6

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical grade

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1241 Digital Electronics 1.

Requirements of practical mark: solving two independent practical task and one written test

Requirements of registration to exam:

Aim of the subject: Acquisition of knowledge about arithmetical circuits, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters,

programmable logic devices, memories, microprocessors and digital serial communication protocols.

Summary of content and learning outputs: The first topic includes knowledge about arithmetical circuits. The second part of

the subject deals with the analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters. The third topic explains how digital systems can

be connected to external systems or electrical actuators. The next topic introduces to the basics of programmable logic devices.

Last topics deal with types of memory, basics of microprocessors and important digital serial communication protocols.

Detailed content of the subject:



Lecture Practice

1 Arithmetical circuits. Introduction

2 Interface circuits for driving external components

with digital systems. Analysis of digital inputs and outputs

3 Digital to analog converters. Combinatorial networks I.

4 Analog to digital converters. Combinatorial networks II.

5 RAM and ROM circuits. Sequential networks

6 Microprocessors. 1st independent task



9 Programmable Logic Devices (PLD, CPLD,


10 Hardware description languages: VHDL, Verilog,

System C. FPGA III.

11 Serial communication protocols: RS232, RS485,


12 Test. 2nd independent task

13 Consultation. Consultation

14 Repeat of tests. Consultation

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Floyd Th. L.:Digital Fundamentals . Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey, USA. 2009.

Subject: Microelectronics

Subject code(s): TFBE1245

Lecturer/teacher: Sándor Kökényesi

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/1/0

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 4

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1113 Materials Science for Electrical Engineering

Requirements of practical mark: two tests during the semester

Requirements of registration to exam: seminar signature

Aim of the subject: Introduction to the basic conceptions and laws which determine the possible structures and governs the

function of microelectronic elements and devices, the development from macro- to micro- and nanoelectronics, integrated

electronics and optoelectronics, with emphasis of semiconductor materials and devices.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Systematization of functional materials of microelectronics, interconnections

between the band structure, conductivity, composition, technology and applications, based on the variations of electron -hole

process. Linear and non-linear electrical processes, devices. Field effects, electron-hole processes and conductivity at different

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interfaces, p-n, heterojunction, field effect transistors, passive and active integrated elements, structures. MOS and CMOS

memory elements. Charge-coupled devices (CCD) and their application. Basic elements of optoelectronics, light emitting and

sensing devices. Elements of integrated optics, nanoelectronics, their structure, functioning and applications .

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Sze S.M. and Ng K.K. Physics of Semiconductor Devices. Wiley and Sons, 2006.

2. Sedra A.S., Smith K.C.: Microelectronic Circuits . Oxford Series in Electrical & Computer Engineering, 5th edition,

Oxford University Press Inc., U.S. 2004.

3. Nalwa H.S. Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology. Elsevier, 2002.

Subject: Electronic Technology

Subject code(s): TFBE1221

Lecturer/teacher: Sándor Kökényesi

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/2

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical grade

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1245 Microelectronics

Requirements of practical mark: two tests during the semester and fulfilment of laboratory works

Requirements of registration to exam:

Aim of the subject: Introduction to the basic technologies of materials, elements and devices of micro - and optoelectronics,

understanding the performance and limits of laboratory and industrial technologies, acquire the modelling of electronic

circuits, technology of thin layers, integrated structures, printed circuit boards.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Basic technologies of microelectronics: laboratory and industry. Main types and

technology of materials for electronics: metals, semiconductors, dielectrics. Technology of single crystals, amorphous

materials. Basic thin film technologies: PVD, CVD, MBE. Implantation, diffusion, vacuum- and laser technologies.

Lithography. Technology of active and passive elements, diodes, transistors, circuits. Technology of optoelectronic elements

and devices: light sources and solar cells. SMT and THM technology of PCB. Quality, reliability. Some peculiar applications:

sensors, memory elements, functional electronics, mechatronics. Trends of the development in micro- and nanotechnology.

At the laboratory students deal with thin film technology, thin film measurements, lithography, design and fabrication of PCBs.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Sze S.M. and Ng K.K. Physics of Semiconductor Devices. Wiley and Sons, 2006.

2. Sedra A.S., Smith K.C.: Microelectronic Circuits. Oxford Series in Electrical & Computer Engineering, 5th edition,

Oxford University Press Inc., U.S. 2004.

3. Nalwa H.S. Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology. Elsevier, 2002.

Subject: Automation 1.

Subject code(s): TFBE1212

Lecturer/teacher: Enikő Kósáné Kalavé, Sándor Misák

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/2/0

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1202 Programming 2.

TMBE0609 Mathematics 3.

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: Participation on the lectures and practices

Aim of the subject: Demonstration of the work of continuous linear control systems, analysis and synthesis.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Concept of control. Signals and their classification. Control structures, open - and

closed-loop control, disturbance elimination. Structure of an automation control system. Block diagram. Examples. General

specifications for closed-loop control system. Description of continuous linear blocks and systems, modeling. State space

description. Solution of state equation, own motion, excited motion, stability. State transformations. Controllability and

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observability. Kalman subsystems types. The principle of state feedback. Specific functions of ideal basic blocks and complex

elements. Transfer characteristics of a feedback system. Resultant transfer functions, type number, fixed set point control,

follow-up control and disturbance rejection. Stability analysis and the Nyquist stability criterion. Quality characteristics of

regulators and their estimations based on the frequency domain features. Design of the control system, requirements and

methods. Serial P, PD, PI and PID compensation, to proportional and integrating process. Compensation by feedback.

Compensation of a process including dead-time, Smith predictor. Disturbance compensation, cascade regulation. Experimental

setting of control systems, the Ziegler-Nicholson and the Oppelt method. Computer based laboratory practices applying

MATLAB/SIMULINK program. Presentation of demonstrative examples, solution of analysis and synthesis problems.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Basic notions, open loop- and closed loop

control, structure, requirements, examples.

Description of continuous linear blocks and

systems: differential equation, state equation, unit

impulse, step responses, transfer function,

frequency function.


Equivalent block manipulations. State space, state

trajectory, solution of the state equations in the

complex frequency and in the time domain.

Own motion, excited motion, stability.

3 State transformations.

Controllability and observability. Kalman

subsystems types. The principle of state


4 Specific functions of ideal basic blocks and

complex elements.

Specific functions of ideal basic blocks and

complex elements.

5 Transfer characteristics of a feedback system.

Resultant transfer functions, type number, fixed

set point control, follow-up control and

disturbance rejection. Stability analysis and the

Nyquist stability criterion.

6 Structural and conditional stability.

Compensation of right side pole.

Quality characteristics of regulators and their

estimations based on the frequency domain


7 Design of the control system, requirements and


Serial P, PD, PI and PID compensation, to

proportional process.

8 Serial P, and PD compensation to integrating


Design of type 2 regulation to proportional


9 Serial PI, and PID compensation to integrating


Serial PD compensation to a process with double

integrating process.


Compensation for a process with dead time, serial

I compensation to ideal dead time, PI and PID

compensation to a proportional process with dead


Application of SMITH predictor.

11 Design of disturbance compensation and cascade


Design of disturbance compensation and cascade


12 Experimental setting of control systems with

swinging (Ziegler-Nicholson method).

Experimental setting of control systems with

swinging (Ziegler-Nicholson method).

13 Experimental setting of control systems on the

basis of unit step response (Oppelt method).

Experimental setting of control systems on the

basis of unit step response (Oppelt method).


Tuning of control systems ‘with own method’

with a first order, dead time approach and a first

order, integrating approach.

Tuning of control systems ‘with own method’

with a first order, dead time approach and a first

order, integrating approach.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Keviczky L., Bars R., et al.: Control Engineering, Szechenyi University Press, Gyor. 2011.

2. Dorf R. C., Bishop R. H.: Modern Control Systems, Eleventh Edition, Pearson International Edition, Pearson Education

Inc. 2008.

3. Schleicher M., Blasinger F.: Control Engineering, A Guide for Beginners, 3rd edition, Jumbo GmbH and Co. 2003.

Subject: Automation 2.

Subject code(s): TFBE1213

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Lecturer/teacher: Enikő Kósáné Kalavé, Sándor Misák

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/2/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1202 Programming 2.

TMBE0609 Mathematics 3.

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: Participation on the lectures and practices

Aim of the subject: Presenting discrete linear and nonlinear systems, synthesis and analysis.

Summary of content and learning outputs : Basic notions of nonlinear control systems, linearization of the static

characteristics. Case study: temperature control and its modeling. Manipulation of the static nonlinearity, nonlinearity of the

furnace, equal percentage valve. Typical nonlinearities and their effects. Describing function. Describing function of some

typical nonlinearities. Application of describing function for stability examination, limit cycle. Reduction the sensitivity band

of a servo motor, position setting unit, tachometer feedback. Integrating windup and its elimination, gradient restraint, Foxboro

regulator. Position regulations, improving the regulation properties with feedback. Time proportional regulations. Regulator

programming. Neural networks and fuzzy control.

Sampled data control systems. Choosing of the sampling time. Mathematical description of the sampled signals. Z -

transformation. Description of sampled signal transfer blocks in the time domain and the z-operator domain. Pulse transfer

function. Determination of the pulse transfer function of the typical signal transfer blocks. Stability examinations of the

sampled data control systems. Frequency functions of the sampled signal transfer blocks. Relation between the continuous and

the discrete frequency functions. Low frequency approximation. Discrete PID compensating algorithms. PID regulator

planning in the frequency domain. Planning examples. Examples for the planning of discrete PID regulators. Design of finite

step regulators. Internal Model Control (IMC) structure. Smith predictor. Planning examples. State variable description of the

sampled data control systems. Computer based laboratory practices applying MATLAB/SIMULINK program. Presentation of

demonstrative examples, solution of analysis and synthesis problems.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Basic notions of nonlinear control systems,

linearization of the static characteristics. Case study: temperature control and its modeling.


Manipulation of the static nonlinearity,

nonlinearity of the furnace, equal percentage


Typical nonlinearities and their effects.

3 Describing function. Describing function of some

typical nonlinearities.

Application of describing function for stability

examination, limit cycle.

4 Reduction the sensitivity band of a servo motor. Position setting unit, tachometer feedback.

5 Integrating windup and its elimination. Gradient restraint, Foxboro regulator.

6 Position regulations, improving the regulation

properties with feedback.

Time proportional regulations. Regulator

programming. Neural networks and fuzzy


7 Sampled data control systems. Choosing of the

sampling time.

Mathematical description of the sampled signals.



Description of sampled signal transfer blocks in

the time domain and the z-operator domain. Pulse

transfer function.

Determination of the pulse transfer function of

the typical signal transfer blocks. Stability

examinations of the sampled data control



Frequency functions of the sampled signal

transfer blocks. Relation between the continuous

and the discrete frequency functions. Low

frequency approximation.

Discrete PID compensating algorithms. PID

regulator planning in the frequency domain.

Planning examples.

10 Examples for the planning of discrete PID

regulators. Design of finite step regulators.

11 Internal Model Control (IMC) structure. Planning examples.

12 Smith predictor. Planning examples.

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13 State variable description of the sampled data

control systems.

State variable description of the sampled data

control systems.

14 Programming of regulators. Programming of regulators.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Keviczky L., Bars R., et al: Control Engineering, Szechenyi University Press, Gyor. 2011.

2. Altmann W.: Practical Process Control for Engineers and Technicians, Elsevier. 2005.

3. Fardo S. W., Patrick D. R.: Industrial Process Control Systems, 2nd edition, The Fairmont Press. 2009.

Subject: Telecommunication

Subject code(s): TFBE1244

Lecturer/teacher: István Szabó, Lajos Harasztosi

Department: Department of Solid-State Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/1

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 4

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBS1200 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: practical signature

Aim of the subject: Introducing the most fundamental concepts of telecommunication systems, the theoretical foundation of

their methods, and the development of the corresponding competences .

Summary of content and learning outputs: Fundamentals of random processes, filtering techniques. Communications

channels and information theory fundamentals. Modulation: AM, FM, analog and digital, bandwidth, demodulation. The basics

of radio transmission. Digital signal transmission. Communication networks. Wired and wireless signal transmission systems.

Mobile cellular communication systems. Optoelectronic communication systems.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. O'Reilly J.J.: Telecommunication Principles (Tutorial Guides in Electronic Engineering), Van Nostrand Reinhold

International. 1989.

2. Dunlop J., Smith D.G.: Telecommunications Engineering, 3rd edition, CRC Press Inc. 1998.

3. Goleniewski L., Jarrett K.: Telecommunications Essentials: The Complete Global Sources, 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley.


4. Telecommunication, ed. Géher Károly, Budapest: Műszaki Könyvkiadó. 2000.

5. http://alpha.ttt.bme.hu/hirtech, on-line proboem sets, ed. Gyula Marosi.

6. Dr. Ferenczy P.: Video- and sound systems, Budapest: Műszaki Könyvkiadó. 1986.

Subject: Electrical Power Systems

Subject code(s): TFBE1226

Lecturer/teacher: Árpád Rácz

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/2/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBS1200 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Exam

Requirements of practical mark: no mark, only signature, for signature: completing two tests during the semester

Requirements of registration to exam: practical signature

Aim of the subject: to give fundamentals for the students about the production, transmission and distribution of the electric

energy. Understanding operation, control and safety of electric power systems.

Summary of content and learning outputs:

Theory: General structure of electric power systems, generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy. One and

three phase systems. Renewable energy sources. HVDC transmission. Electrical energy storage. Fundamentals of power

engineering. Indoor and outdoor switching gears. Earthing systems. Physiological effects of magnetic and electric fields,

electric shock. Over-voltage and ESD protection. The concept of power quality and Smart Grids.

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Practical: Equivalent one-phase circuit, generator, transformer, power transmission line, distribution lines. Three-phase short

circuit. Low voltage safety. Sizing of conductors.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Introduction to Electrical Power Systems Overview of symmetric three-phase systems

2 Electric power generation Stability parameters for electrical power systems

3 Renewable energy sources Impedance calculation

4 Transmission and distribution of electrical energy Impedance calculation

5 HVDC-transmission Calculation symmetric components

6 Electrical energy storage Calculation of equivalent reactance

7 The cost of electricity Test1.

8 Indoor and outdoor switching gears Calculation of three-phase short circuit

9 Electrical safety of low voltage systems Calculation of three-phase short circuit

10 Electrical safety of low voltage systems Calculation of low voltage safety systems

11 Over-voltage protection Calculation of voltage drop

12 ESD protection Sizing of conductors

13 Power quality Sizing of conductors

14 Concept of Smart Grid Test 2.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Wildi Th.: Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems, Prentice Hall.

2. Casazza J., Delea F.: Understanding Electric Power Systems: An Overview of the Technology and the Marketplace,

Wiley. 2010.

3. Mitolo M.: Electrical Safety of Low Voltage Systems, McGraw-Hill, 2009.

4. Electrical Installation Guide by Schneider Electric (available on the Web).

5. Course materials.

Subject: Production and Quality Management

Subject code(s): TFBE1227

Lecturer/teacher: Kornél Sarvajcz

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/2/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 3

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: written exam (at least 40% completion)

Prerequisites of registration: TFBS1200 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Exam

Requirements of practical mark: attendance at all practices and plant visits, completing two tests during the semester

Requirements of registration to exam: practical signature

Aim of the subject: The description of industrial production processes and their relation to quality control. Introduction of the

applicable ISO standards and their applications.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Experimental and full scale production methods. Sequential and parallel

production techniques. Specific elements of the electronic industrial production. Logistics and production organization issues.

Methods of documentation. Industrial production and standards. The ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standard series on the example

of electronic manufacturing. Green electronics. Introduction to LEAN and 6 procedures. TQM integrated control system.

During the practice periods, the students get acquainted with the standard practices at the National Instruments Factory

especially with the steps related to quality control, application of automated test methods, laboratory techniques for product

quality assessments (microscopic techniques, enhanced aging test etc.).

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Smith J., Whitehall F.B.: Optimizing Quality in Electronics Assembly: A Heretical Approach, McGraw-Hill Publishing

Co. 1997.

2. Tricker R.L.: Quality and Standards in Electronics, Newnes. 1997.

3. Shinskey F.G.: Process Control Systems: Application, Design and Tuning, McGraw Hill Higher Education. 1996.

4. Hoyle D.: ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook, 5th edition, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. 2005.

5. The ISO 14000 Handbook, edited by Cascio J., McGraw-Hill Education. 1999.

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6. Quality control: Mojzes Imre, Talyigás Judit, Veszprémi Egyetemi Kiadó, Veszprém. 1998.

7. Production management: Kalapács János, Műszaki Kiadó. 2001.

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11.4.1. Infotechnology specialization

Subject: Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs)

Subject code(s): TFBE1617

Lecturer/teacher: István Oniga

Department: Department of Informatics Systems and Networks

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/2

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical grade

Prerequisites of registration: TFBS1200 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Exam

Requirements of practical mark: attendance at all practices, completing two tests during the semester

Requirements of registration to exam: practical signature

Aim of the subject: Introduction to structure operation of different architectural programmable logic devices (PLDs);

acquirement of their development, design point of views and programming methods.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Simple programmable logic devices (SPLD): PAL, PLA, PLS, PROM circuits.

Configurable macrocell PLDs: CPLD, FPGA circuits. Computer-aided design of digital systems. Steps of design from problem

definition to whole digital system implementation. Performing of digital plan. Drawing and hardware description language

(HDL) based schematics development and design. Fundamentals of hardware description languages (VHDL, Verilog). VHDL

system description modes. PLD development systems. Xilinx WebPACK ISE development environment. Digital circuits

design and development on Xilinx boards.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Ashenden P.J. The Student’s Guide to VHDL, San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1998.

2. http://www.xilinx.com

3. http://www.altera.com

4. http://www.vhdl-online.de/tutorial/

5. http://www.asic-world.com/verilog/veritut.html

Subject: Nanotechnology

Subject code(s): TFBE1602

Lecturer/teacher: Dezső Beke

Department: Department of Solid-State Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 3/0/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBS1200 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Exam, TFBE1245 Microelectronics

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam:

Aim of the subject: To show and illustrate the meaning and content of nanophysics, nanotechnics and nanotechnology.

Describe the basics of most important nanotechnologies, those nanoscale processes on which the present and future

technologies are based.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Production and characterization of thin films and multilayers. Nanoscale

engineering, tailoring and characterization of surfaces. Mechanical stability and time of life of nanostructures. Spintronics

(Tailoring and realization of devices based on spin-manipulations). Technologies of nanoparticle ensembles. Nanomagnetism.

Nanodiffusion. Nanosegregation.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Sidorenko S.I., Beke D.L., Kikineshi A.A.: Materials Science of Nanostructures (Ed. M.K. Pynina), Kyiv: Naukova

Dumka, 2002.

2. Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, edited by Bhushan B., 2nd edition, Springer Science, Vol.XLIV 2007.

3. Introduction to Nanoscale Science and Technology, edited by Di Ventra M., Evoy S., Heflin Jr. James R., Springer

Science, 2004.

4. Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, edited by Schwarz J.A., Contescu C.I., Putyera K.: T aylor &

Francis Group, 2004.

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5. Wolf E.L.: Nanophysics ans Nanotechnology: An Introduction to Modern Concepts in Nanoscience (Physics Textbook),

2nd ed., Wiley-VCH, 2006.

6. Poole Ch.P., Owens F.J.: Introduction to Nanotechnology, Wiley-Interscience, 2003.

Subject: Photonics

Subject code(s): TFBE1611, TFBL1611

Lecturer/teacher: Sándor Kökényesi

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/2

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: examination and practical grade

Prerequisites of registration: TFBS1200 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Exam, TFBE1245 Microelectronics

Requirements of practical mark: fulfilment of all laboratory works

Requirements of registration to exam: laboratory mark and one test

Aim of the subject: Introduction to the fundamental conceptions and laws of optics, light -matter interaction, systematization

of basic parameters and characterization of optical elements and devices used in photonics, integrated optics.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Interaction of light with matter, optical transmission, refraction, reflection.

Interference and diffraction, optical elements and spectral devices. Principles of functioning and main paramete rs of light

sources (incoherent and coherent, LED, OLED, LD, different lasers). Detectors. Modulators. Optical memory. Waveguides,

technology and application of optical fibers in telecommunication systems. Non -linear optics, elements, integrated optics.

Nanophotonics and plasmonics.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Electromagnetic waves. Wave and corpuscular

nature of light. Basic photometrics.

2 Geometrical optics: absorption, reflection,

refraction, polarization of light. Lenses, prism,

windows polarizers. Proper materials, parameters,


3 Interference and diffraction. Application in

optical elements and devices.

4 Light sources: physical principles, thermal

emission, plasma sources, LED.

5 Lasers (gas-, liquid-, solid state-, DPSSL). Laser


6 Photodetectors: photoresistor, photodiode,

phototransistor, others.

7 Passive optical elements: optical windows, filters

(materials, structures, parameters).

8 Active optical elements: modulators, frequency

converters, bistable optical elements and


9 Projectors and screens , LCD, DLP devices.

10 Optical memory, holography, elements,

technology and materials.

11 Elements of optoelectronics: switches, CCD,

solar cells.

12 Optical waveguides. Types, materials, optical

fibers. Optical communication lines and systems.

13 Integrated optics: elements and devices, sensors.

14 Plazmonic elements: physical principles,

materials and applications.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings :

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1. Saleh B.E.A., Teich M.C. Fundamentals of Photonics. 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, N.J. 2007.

2. Optoelectronics and Photonics. Pearson Education. 2013.

3. Kasap S., Ruda H., Boucher Y. Handbook of Optoelectronics and Photonics , Cambridge University Press . 2009, 563 p.

Subject: Nanoelectronics

Subject code(s): TFBE1603

Lecturer/teacher: Sándor Kökényesi

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 3/0/0

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 4

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: examination

Prerequisites of registration: TFBS1200 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Exam, TFBE1245 Microelectronics

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: two tests

Aim of the subject: Introduction to the basic conceptions and laws of electrical, optical, chemical and thermodynamical

effects in materials at nanometer scale dimensions. Their applications for projecting and fabrication of elements and devices of

electronics at nanometers scale.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Nanostructured materials and elements: top-down and bottom-up technologies.

One-, two-dimensional structures, nanocomposites. Downscaling and self-organization. Quantum states in nanostructures.

Superlattices: technology and applications in light-sources and detectors. Porous silicon, artificial and biomimetic structures.

Fullerenes, carbon and other nanotubes, graphene : applications in nanoelectronics. Q-tranzistor. SQUID. MEMS and NEMS.

Nanofluidic elements. Nanocomposites in holography and information storage. Elements of nanophotonics and plasmonics.

Biomedical applications.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice

1 Nanstructured materials and elements:

systematization and main characteristics.

2 Top-down and bottom-up technologies for


3 Quantum states in nanostructures.

4 Superlattices: technology and applications. Laser

systems, detectors.

5 Porous silicon and other nanoporous materials.


6 Fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, devices.

7 Graphene: peculiar characteristics and


8 Q-transistor, SQUID device.

9 MEMS and NEMS devices.

10 Nanofluidic elements and devices, applications in

electronics and biomedicine.

11 Nanocomposites in holography and information


12 Nanopotonics and plasmonics.

13 Nanostructures for sensors.

14 Physical and technical limits of downscaling.

Reliability, problems of industrial manufacturing.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Hanson G.W.: Fundamentals of nanoelectronics. Prentice Hall. 2008, 385 p.

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Subject: Fundamentals of Materials Science

Subject code(s): TFBE1608

Lecturer/teacher: Dezső Beke

Department: Department of Solid-State Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 3

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBS1200 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam:

Aim of the subject: to review the fundamentals of materials structure. To interpret the basic properties of solid -state materials

based on the knowledge of physical phenomena in atomic shells and molecular bonds .

Summary of content and learning outputs: Structure formation of materials, their stability. Harmonic oscillator. Types of

bonds. Bond of ionic crystal. Madelung constant. Order and disorder. Nanostructure. Spectrum of hydrogen atom. Frank-Hrtz

experiment. Bohr-model. Magnetic momentum of atoms. Ster-Gerlach experiment. Periodic system. Thin structure. Molecular

spectra. Raman effect. Crystal types, diffraction basics. Diffusion. Elastic shape change. Lattice vibrations, heat capacity.

Electrons in solid states (free-electron model). Electron bands. Semiconductors. Temperature dependence of electrical

conductivity. Magnetic properties. Modern methods of materials structure investigation.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Lecture materials.

2. Erdélyi Z., Grúz T.: Az anyagszerkezet alapjai. Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Bp. 1973.

3. Máthé J. Az anyag szerkezete. Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Bp. 1979.

Subject: Digital Signal Processing

Subject code(s): TFBE1614

Lecturer/teacher: István Szábó, Lajos Harasztosi

Department: Department of Solid-State Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 1/0/2

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 4

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBS1200 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam:

Aim of the subject: The course is introducing the basics of real time digital signal processing techniques with implementations

on DSP processors.

Summary of content and learning outputs: DSP algorithms: Linear systems, Fourier series and Fourier transformation,

Convolution and deconvolution, A/D converters, Digital filters, DFT-FFT, signal encoding and compression, DPS processors:

typical architectures, addressing modes, instruction sets, memory models. Real time signal processing with DSP processors .

In the laboratory practices DSK sets are used to implement example problems: Introducing the programming environment,

A/D-D/A conversion, FIR and IIR filter implementation and measurement, real time data compression: coding and decoding .

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Andreev Bateman, Iain Paterson-Stephens: The DSP Handbook Pearson Education, Harlow, England .

2. http://www.dspstore.com

3. Texas Instruments manuals: http://www.ti.com

4. Smith S. W.: The Scientists and engineers guide to Digital Signal processing (http://www.dspguide.com).

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11.4.2. Automation specialization

Subject: Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)

Subject code(s): TFBE1714

Lecturer/teacher: Sándor Misák

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/2

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practical grade

Prerequisites of registration: TFBS1200 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Exam

Requirements of practical mark: two written tests on theory, Individualproblems solution

Requirements of registration to exam:

Aim of the subject: Students master implementation of industry control by programmable logic controllers (PLCs).

Summary of content and learning outputs :


Tasks of compact and modular controller installation. Presentation of some specific PLCs. The structure, classification,

function model of PLCs. Programming languages, current-path project, block language, flow-diagram language.

Implementation of current-path project, sequential network and flow-diagram implementation by relay description. PLCs with

modular structure. Design aspects, methods and steps. PLCs with high reliability, self-test, debugging and error correction

(erase) methods. Aspects of program development. Structure and functions of developing systems. Programming and

possibility of program portability. PLCs buses and sensor buses. PLCs selection.

Laboratory: Practical presentation of some programming device structure, and hardware installation problems. Programmin g

with ladder-diagram. Function block programming. Presentation of input attached sensors and output attached actuators

problems. Entire control system development. Presentation of GSM communication possibilities. Programming and

development of MODBUS communication systems.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Bolton W.: Programmable logic controllers, 5th ed., USA: Elsevier Newnes. 2006.

2. Collins D., and Lane E.: Programmable Controllers A Practical Guide, McGraw-Hill. 1995.

3. Crispin A.J.: Programmable Logic Controllers and their Engineering Applications , McGraw-Hill. 1997.

4. Mossis S.B.: Programmable Logic Controllers , Prentice Hall. 2000.

5. Olsson G., and Piani G.: Systems for Automation and Control, Prentice Hall. 1992.

6. Parr E.A.: Programmable Controllers An Engineer’s Guide, Part of Reed International Books. 1993.

7. Webb J.: Programmable Logic Controllers Principles and Applications , Maxwell Macmillan. 1992.

8. Dr Ajtonyi I., Dr Gyuricza I.: Programozható irányítóberendezések hálózatok és rendszerek, Budapest: Műszaki

könyvkiadó. 2002.

9. Katona L., Kalmár P., Máray T.: PLC programok tartályparkok irányítására, Mérés és Automatika, 1994. 41.évf. 1.sz,

Budapest, 1994.

Subject: Electrical Switching Gears

Subject code(s): TFBE1707

Lecturer/teacher: Sándor Misák

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/1/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 4

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBS1200 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: three written tests

Aim of the subject: to introduce the students with power electronics equipment, automation elements of electrical machines

and drives, switching gears and equipment, with structure of consumer networks. Students master implementation of industry

control by programmable logic controllers (PLCs). To show the role of switching gears in electrical power distribution

networks, first of all in area of electrical applications in buildings and through some industrial examples.

Summary of content and learning outputs : Summary on switching gears which operate power electronics equipment,

electrical machines and drive. Classification on the basis of current and voltage s tress. RC, RL, RLC circuits switching-on

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transients in the case of direct and alternating voltage powering . Switching-off phenomena in ideal case. One- and two-

frequency fly-back voltage interpretation. Operational and overload current heating. Short-circuit heating. Electrodynamic

force effect. Relays: structure, parameters, application. Disconnectors: structure, parameters, application. Circuit breakers :

structure, parameters, application. Fuses: structure, parameters, application. Switches, contactors: s tructure, parameters,

application. Utilization categories. Motor-protective devices: structure, parameters, application. Solis -state relays.

Electromagnets. Overload and electric shock protection of electrical equipment. The role of electrical switching ge ars in low-

voltage electrical building system.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Lecture materials.

2. Manufacturers catalogs.

Subject: Electrical Machines and Drives

Subject code(s): TFBE1711, TFBL1711

Lecturer/teacher: Lajos Daróczy

Department: Department of Solid-State Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/2

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 4

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam and practice grade

Prerequisites of registration: TFBS1200 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Exam

Requirements of practical mark: attendance on all laboratory measurements

Requirements of registration to exam: practical grade

Aim of the subject: introducing students to the fundamentals of transformers, electric engines and propulsion systems.

Understanding operation, control and service of these equipments.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Classification of energy-conversion equipments. Physical principles of

transformers, induced voltage, construction, energy losses, open circuit, short circuit and loaded operation. Three-phase

transformers. Fundamentals of rotating field theory and its application. Synchronous machines: principle and structure of three-

phase synchronous machines. DC machines: mechanic end electronic commutation. Three -phase asynchronous machines:

principle and construction.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Vas: Electrical Machines and Drives, Oxford, 1999.

2. Nasar: Electric Machines and Electromechanics, McGraw-Hill, 1981.

3. Halász S., Hunyár M. Schmidt I.: Automatizált villamos hajtások II. Egyetemi tankönyv. Budapest: Műegyetemi Kiadó,


4. Halász S. Villamos hajtások, Egyetemi tankönyv, Budapest, 1993.

Subject: Computer Controlled Measurement and Process Control

Subject code(s): TFBE1712

Lecturer/teacher: Angéla Váradiné Szarka, László Kazup

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 1/0/2

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 4

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBS1200 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam:

• Attend laboratory practices is compulsory. Max. 2 absents per semester is allowed.

• 1 practical test problem solving (max score: 50, satisfaction level: 20).

• 1 written theoretical test (max score 50, pass score 20).

Aim of the subject: Widening theoretical knowledge and practical skills in computerized measurement and process control

systems. Learn basics of system development and integration in the field. Increasing controlling software development skills in

LabView to an intermediate level is also an aim of the subject.

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Summary of content and learning outputs: Digitalization of analogue signals, sampling and quantization. Using sampling

theorem and Nyquist frequency in the practice: aliasing phenomenon, antialiasing filtering. Hardware parts of digitalization:

sample and hold circuitry and AD converters. Structures of computerized measurement systems, online and off-line

measurement requirements. Signal conditioning and signal converting. Data transfer control methods and their effects to the

measurement parameters. Processing in time and frequency domain after digitalization of a signal and learning how digital

signal processing methods should effect to the measurement system parameter settings. Sampling frequency synchronization

and windowing. Multifunction data acquisition and process control equipment. Using analogue inputs, analogue outputs,

digital I/O, counter/timer units. Building AI, AO, DIO and C/T applications in LabView using multifunctional boards.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture Practice


Refreshing knowledge in basic instrumentation

and measurement, theory of measurement errors.

Type of measuring errors and calculation


Laboratory rules. Information and arrangement of

working in laboratory. Refreshing LabView

programming knowledge: structures, controls,

indicators using graphical indicators.


Refreshing analogue electronic knowledge with

focus to operational amplifier based circuitries.

Data processing methods in time and frequency


Refreshing LabView programming knowledge:

array and cluster handling, shift registers, event

driven programming, error handling


Introduction into computer based measuremet

systems. Basics of digitalization of analogue

signals. Sampling thorem and quantization.

Quantization error. Electronic circuits of

digitalization. S/H and ADC

Introduction into working with multifunctional

data acquisition boards. Study Measurement &

Automation Exlorer, using digital ports.


Structure of computer-based measurement

system. Simultaneous and multiplexed sampling.

Analogue signal conditioning, signal conversion

and multiplexing.

Working with tasks in LabView. Task generation

rules, parameter setting, measurement methods

and application possibilities.


Data transferring methods: program controlled

(pollen driven), interrupt driven and direct

memory access driven operations. Practical use

of methods, comparision of application


Development of DIO control application tasks.


Study of multifunctional data acquisition

systems: analogue inputs, analogue outputs, DIO

and counter/timer units.

Introduction into working with analogue input

unit of multifunctional data acquis ition boards.


Analogue input applications, parameter settings,

using continuous measurements or finite sample


Working with analogue input channels:

amplifying signals, finite samples and continuous

measurements, single ended and differential

connection of signals.


Theory and practical possibilities of triggered

measurements. Analogue and digital triggering

methods. Level triggering, window and hysteresis

triggering. Pretriggered data acquisition.

Triggered measurements. Analogue and digital

triggering. Pretriggered data acquisition.

9 Analogue output function and its parameters.

Generation of DC signal or waveform.

Development of analogue output task in



Processing sampled signals in time and frequency

domain. Parameter settings of measurement

depending on further processing methods.

Individual laboratory task for training 1.


Data transfer protocols used in computerised

measurement and process control systems: serial

and parallel protocols.

Individual laboratory task for training 2.

12 Computer-based test methods in electronic

industry. Calculation and practical problem solving.

13 Theoretical test Practical test

14 Possibility to repeat failed theoretical test Possibility to repeat failed experiments.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. National Instruments: DAQ and Instrument Control Fundamentals, http://www.ni.com/white -paper/3214/en

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2. National Instruments: Measurement Fundamentals, http://www.ni.com/white-paper/4523/en

3. MCC: Data Acquisition Handbook; http://www.mccdaq.com/support/Data-Acquisition-Handbook.aspx

Subject: Sensors and Actuators

Subject code(s): TFBE1716

Lecturer/teacher: Angéla Váradiné Szarka, Kornél Sarvajcz

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/1

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 4

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Prerequisites of registration: TFBS1200 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Exam

Requirements of registration to exam: attendance at all laboratory measurements and their successful fulfilment

Aim of the subject: To study systematically the sensor based measuring technologies and related measuring methods. The

course provides the metrological properties of the measuring sys tems using sensors, the evaluation methods of measured data

sets and practical experience in application of sensors.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Definitions of sensors and actuators, their typical measuring properties, noise,

nonlinear characteristic, response function, reproducibility, drift, etc. Overview of the basic physical effects for understanding

the working principle of sensors. Overview of main group of sensors: sensing geometrical position and direction, temperature,

mechanical deformation, force, pressure, acceleration, velocity, magnetic field, electric conductivity, light, ionization radiation.

Chemical sensors for detection of gases and ions. The basis knowledge of biosensors. Basic elements of manufacturing

procedures of sensors. Applications of sensors: sensors in automotive electronics, sensors in controlling, biomedical sensors,

use of sensors in industry and safety-applications. Remote sensing. Evaluation of electric signal of sensors and its application

in computerized process control. Actuators: actuators based on piezoelectric effect, servo motors, stepping motors, micro

motors and silicon based micro actuators and valves. Basic elements of photometry and human sight. Active and passive

display. The basic phenomena, technical structure and main technical properties of different displays: cathode ray tubes, light

emitted diode, liquid crystal display, liquid crystal thin films transistor display, organic light emitted diodes, surface

conduction electron-emitter display. Fluorescent- and electroluminescent-type displays.

Topics of laboratory: Measuring of temperature by sensors. Application of Hall effects for sensing of magnetic field.

Electromagnetic sensors: GM tube, solar cell, pyroelectric effect. Use of piezoelectric effec t as mechanical sensor. Acoustic


Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Middelhoek S.: Silicon sensors, Academic Press, 1989.

2. Göpel W.: Sensors, VCH,1993.

3. Prudenziati M.: Thick Film Sensors, Elsevier, 1994.

4. Harsányi, G.: Polymer Films in Sensor Applications, Technomic Publishing Co., Lancaster (USA), Basel, 1995.

5. Harsányi, G.: Sensors in Biomedical Applications, Technomic Publishing Co., Lancaster (USA) Basel, 2000.

Subject: Power Electronics

Subject code(s): TFBE1705

Lecturer/teacher: Kósáné Kalavé Enikő

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 3

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBS1200 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: Participation on the lectures and practices

Aim of the subject: Getting to know the working and application possibility of the power semiconductor devices. Getting to

know the working and application possibility of AC-DC converters, AC Voltage Controllers, DC-DC converters, and DC-AC


Summary of content and learning outputs: Power semiconductor devices. Thyristor, Triac. Light Activated SCR, Gate Turn

Off Thyristor, Static Induction Thyristor, MOS controlled thyristor. AC-DC Converters, rectifiers. AC Voltage Controllers.

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Illumination control circuit and its working. Phase-control type. On-off control type. Cycloconverter. DC-DC converters. Step-

down chopper (buck-converter). Step-up chopper (boost-converter). Four quadrant choppers. DC-AC converters.

Detailed content of the subject:


week Lecture

1 Power semiconductor devices. Ideal switch characteristics, practical switches. Classification.

2 Power semiconductor devices. Thyristor, Triac.

3 Power semiconductor devices. Light Activated SCR, Gate Turn Off Thyristor.

4 Static Induction Thyristor, MOS controlled thyristor.


AC-DC Converters, rectifiers. Classification. Half-wave rectifier with RC load, with RL load. Half-

wave controlled rectifier, one pulse converter. Calculation for half-wave controlled/uncontrolled


6 AC-DC converters, rectifiers. Classification. Full-wave controlled converter with center-tapped

transformer. Calculation. Full-wave bridge rectifier both without and with filter.

7 AC-DC converters, rectifiers. Classification. Three-phase bridge rectifier. Calculation.


AC Voltage Controllers. Variable speed AC motor drive (block diagram and operation). Using

power electronics, energy conservation in motor driven pump and compressor systems. Illumination

control circuit and its working.

9 AC Voltage Controllers. Phase-control type. Phase half-wave control type. On-off control type.

10 AC Voltage Controllers. Cycloconverter. Three-phase ACVCs.

11 DC-DC converters. Step-down chopper. RLE load connected to step-down chopper (buck-


12 DC-DC converters. Step-up chopper (boost-converter). Four quadrant choppers, circuit diagram and


13 DC-AC converters, inverters. Types of inverters. Half-bridge inverter. Bridge inverter.

14 DC-AC converters, inverters. Three phase inverters and their conduction strategies.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. R. S. Ananda Murthy, V. Nattarasu: Power Electronics, Sanguine Technical Publishers, Bangalore, India. 2005.

2. Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland, William P. Robbins: Power Electronics, John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2003.

3. Ned Mohan: First Course on Power Electronics and Drives, Mnpere, Minneapolis,USA. 2003.

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Subject: Basic Mathematics

Subject code(s): TMBG0616

Lecturer/teacher: László Kozma

Department: Department of Geometry

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 0/2/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 2

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practice grade

Requirements of practical mark: successful fulfillment of all tests

Prerequisites of registration:

Requirements of registration to exam:

Aim of the subject: Repetition of secondary school material, improvement of problem solution ability.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Algebraic laws. Operations with expressions. First- and second-order equations.

Textual second-order equations. Absolute value, sign, integer part, fractional part. Square root, exponential, logarithmic,

trigonometric equations. Series. Elementary planimetry Polygons, perimeter and area of plane figures. Surface and volume of

3D figures. Coordinate geometry, transformations.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Practice materials.

Subject: Basic Electricity

Subject code(s): TFBG1520

Lecturer/teacher: Sándor Egri

Department: Department of Experimental Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 0/2/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 2

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: practice grade

Requirements of practical mark: successful fulfillment of all tests

Prerequisites of registration:

Requirements of registration to exam:

Aim of the subject: Repetition of secondary school material concerning basic Electricity concepts and relationships, analysis

and solution of practice problems for better understanding of basic Electrical Engineering subjects .

Summary of content and learning outputs: Properties of electric field, its demonstration. Coulomb law, electric field

strength. Direct current concept, voltage, current strength, resistance. Ohm law, problems on networks with series and parallel

circuit elements. Power and heat calculation on resistor. Inner resistance of battery. Capacity, capacitors. Solenoid and

magnetic field generated by long straight conductor. Magnetic induction vector. Electromagnet. Basic cases of magnetic

induction: Lorentz force, motive and mutual inductance. Generation of alternating current, mathematical description. Capacito r

and coil in alternating current circuits. Effective value. Transformer. Power calculation in alternating current circuits.a

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Practice materials.

Subject: Energy Sources

Subject code(s): TFBE1501

Lecturer/teacher: Árpád Rácz

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 2

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1102 Physics 2.

Requirements of registration to exam: two tests during the semester

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Aim of the subject: It gives an overall description on the features and utilization of the main energy sources: fossil, nuclear,

renewable, alternatives, bio, wastes. Strategies for further development. Effects to the environment. Economical strategy.

Summary of content and learning outputs : Fundamentals from physics. Technologies of the energy production and

consumption. Modes of exploitation. Fuel cycles. Efficiency, energy production density, load fact ors. Thermal power

generating techniques. Fossile energy resources. New technologies at coal fuelled plants. Characterization of oil and gas

fuelled power plants. Locations and forms of the environment pollution. Benefits and drawbacks of different methods .

Possibilities of the nuclear power generation and their realizability. Introductory reactor physics and techniques. Condition s for

the safety of nuclear energy production. Fuel cycle. Reactor operation. Reprocessing of burnt fuel and waste handling. Reac tor

accidents, their reasons. Analysis of the effects of the accidents. International comparison. Thermonuclear fusion. Hybrid

nuclear systems. New methods for nuclear power generation. Main characteristics of the renewable sources. Direct and indirect

application of sun power. Geothermic resources. Bioenergy. Exploitation of wastes. Recent and future possibilities of

alternative solutions. Prospectives. Economical security and independence related to energy polices. Public expectations and

realities. Expected tendencies and possibilities. Risks, costs, responsibility. Health protection and care. Effects on the

environment, protection of nature. Managing of the environment. Short and long term strategies. Self restriction, sustainable


Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Wang X., McDonald J.R.: Modern Power System Planning, London: McGraw-Hill, 1994.

2. Smith C.B.: Energy management principles, Pergamon, 1981.

3. Miller R.H., Malinowsky J.H.: Power System Operation, 3rd ed., New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994.

4. Büki G.: Energetika, Budapest: Műegyetemi Kiadó, 1997.

5. Fazekas A.I.: Villamosenergia-termelési technológiák jellemzői, Budapest: MAFE, 2005.

6. Kiss Á.Z. (szerk.): Fejezetek a környezetfizikából, Debrecen: Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, 2003.

7. Raics P., Sükösd Cs.: Atommag- és részecskefizika. VI. fejezet 635-684 o. A fizika alapjai c. tankönyvben (Erostyák J.,

Litz J. szerk.), Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, 2003.

8. Sükösd Cs.: Atommagfizika. VII. rész, „Fizika III.” 329-482 (szerk. Erostyák J., Litz J.), Budapest: Nemzeti

Tankönyvkiadó, 2006.

Subject: Magnetic Materials

Subject code(s): TFBE1502

Lecturer/teacher: Dezső Beke

Department: Department of Solid State Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/0

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 2

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1102 Physics 2.

Requirements of registration to exam: two tests during the semester

Aim of the subject: Introduction to properties of technical magnetic materials. Provide knowledge on the applications of

magnetic materials from the transformer sheets across the relays, filters to the nanomagnetic devices (data recording materials

and spin-valve systems).

Summary of content and learning outputs: Basic magnetic properties . Domain magnetism. Magnetic hysteresis. Soft

magnetic materials. Sensors, relays. Magnetic filters. Hard magnetic materials. Magnetic data recording. Nanomagnetic

materials and composites. Spin valves. Barkhausen noise and its technical applications.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

Sidorenko S.I., Beke D.L., Kikineshi A.A.: Materials Science of Nanostructures (Ed. M.K. Pynina), Kyiv: Naukova Dumka,


Beke, D.L., Szabó S., Kis-Varga M.: chapter “Intrinsic and domain magnetism pf magnetic materials” in „Advances in

Condensed Matter and Materials Research” Vol. 5. p. 77-112 (Ed. F. Gerard, Nova Science Publications, Inc. New York).

Spaldin N.A.: Magnetic Materials: Fundamentals and Device Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2003.

O'Handley R.C.: Modern Magnetic Materials: Principles and Applications, Wiley-Interscience, 1999.

Jiles D.C.: Introduction to Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2nd ed., CRC, 1998.

Cullity B.D., Graham C.D.: Introduction to Magnetic Materials, 2nd ed., Wiley-IEEE Press, 2007.

Advanced Magnetic Nanostructures, edited by Sellmyer D., Skomski R., Springer Science, Vol.XIV, 2006.

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Subject: Application of Microcontrollers

Subject code(s): TFBE1523

Lecturer/teacher: Sándor Misák

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 1/2/0

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 3

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1232 Programming 2.

TFBE1242 Digital Electronics 2.

Requirements of registration to exam: two tests during the semester

Aim of the subject is student preparation to the proper choice and practical usage of microcontrollers for solving of different


Summary of content and learning outputs : Atmel 8-bit AVR microcontroller family architecture and instruction set. RISC

architecture microcontrollers. Parameters and instruction set of ATMEL manufactured microcontrollers. Software and

hardware parameters of ATMEGA128 microcontroller. Computer development environment (compilers, simulators,

emulators). Comparison of some 8, 16 and 32 bit microcontrollers (ATMEL, Cygnal, Cypress, Texas, Philips, Hitachi, Dallas).

Microcontrollers in network applications.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Predko M.: 123 PIC Microcontroller Experiments for the Evil Genius, 1st ed., USA: McGraw-Hill, 2005.

2. Susnea I., Mitescu M.: Microcontrollers in Practice (Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics), Springer Berlin,


3. Predko M.: Handbook of microcontrollers (TAB Electronics Library), USA: McGraw-Hill, 1998.

4. Dr. Kónya L.: PIC Mikrovezérlők alkalmazástechnikája, Budapest: ChipCAD Kft., 2003.

5. Dr. Madarász L.: A PIC16C mikrovezérlők, Kecskemét: GAMF, 1996.

Subject: Interfaces

Subject code(s): TFBE1524

Lecturer/teacher: Zsolt Szabó

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 1/2/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 3

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1242 Digital Electronics 2.

Requirements of registration to exam: two tests during the semester

Aim of the subject: Basics of computer and peripheral interface protocols and system engineering techniques .

Summary of content and learning outputs: Data transfer techniques between peripheral and computing units (PC, micro-

controller, microprocessor): serial and parallel protocol, hardware and software considerations with practical examples

(Centronics, GPIB, PXI, SCXI, PCI, RS232, RS422, RS485, IrDa, USB, I2

C, SPI, CAN, FireWire, FieldPoint).

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

Axelson I.: Parallel port complete, Lake View Research (ISBN 0-9650819-1-5).

Axelson Axelson I.: Serial port complete, Lake View Research (ISBN 0-9650819-2-3).

Hyde J.: USB design by example, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (ISBN 0-471-37048-7).

Subject: Technical Documentation

Subject code(s): TFBE1525

Lecturer/teacher: Sándor Misák

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 1/0/1

Semester: fall

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ECTS Credits: 2

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1232 Programming 2.

Requirements of registration to exam: two tests during the semester

Aim of the subject: to acquire the basics of technical drawing.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Equipment, Instruments, and Materials; Lettering; Linework; Projection and

Dimensioning; Pictorials; Computers in the Design and Manufacturing Process ; Fundamentals of Electronics ; Components and

Symbols; Designations, Standards, and Abbreviations ; Microcircuits; Schematic Diagrams; Block Diagrams; Wiring

Diagrams; Motors and Control Circuits ; Logic Diagrams; Programmable Controllers and Robotics ; Power Distribution; Printed

Circuit Boards; Electronic Packaging.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Lamit G.L., Lloyd J.S. Drafting for Electronics, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 1998.

2. Bethune J.D., Svatik P.T. Introduction to Electrical Mechanical Drafting with CAD, Prentice Hall, 1996.

3. Giesecke F.E., Mitchell A., Spencer H.C. Hill I.L., Dyqdon J.T. Technical Drawing, 12th ed., Prentice Hall, 2003.

4. Maquire D. Engineering Drawing from First Principles: Using AutoCAD, Butterworth -Heinemann, 1998.

5. Simmons C., Maquire D. Manual of Engineering Drawing: to British and International Standards, 2nd ed., Newnes, 2003.

Subject: Nuclear Electronics

Subject code(s): TFBE1506

Lecturer/teacher: László Oláh

Department: Department of Experimental Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/1

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 3

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1240 Electronics 3.

Requirements of registration to exam: two tests during the semester

Aim of the subject: The main objective of the course is to study the operation and the applications of electronic circuits in

nuclear measuring devices.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Characterization of pulses of particle detectors. Electronics for pulse processing

and shaping: linear and logic pulses, cables, preamplifiers, main amplifiers, pulse shaping networks: CR-RC shaping, Gaussian

shaping, double differentiation shaping, delay line shaping, pole-zero cancellation, baseline restoration, pile-up rejection. Pulse

counting systems: integral discriminator, differential discriminator(SCA), scalers, timers, ratemeters, deadtime. Pulse height

analysis systems. Pulse timing: time pick-off methods, coincidence units. Pulse shape discrimination. Time-of-flight technique.

Instrument standards. Computer controlled systems: CAMAC, VXI, PC-cards.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Knoll G.N.: Radiation detection and measurement, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1989.

2. CANBERRA: Laboratory Manual for Nuclear Science, Meriden USA, 1988.

3. Horowitz P.: The art of electronics, Cambridge University Press, 1989.

Subject: Applied Electronics

Subject code(s): TFBE1517

Lecturer/teacher: Gyula Zilizi

Department: Department of Experimental Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 1/0/1

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 2

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1240 Electronics 3.

Requirements of registration to exam: two tests during the semester

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Aim of the subject: The main objective of the course is to study the operation and the applications of domestic electronic


Summary of content and learning outputs: Electroacoustics devices and systems. Microphone and pick-up types. Speakers

(subwoofers, woofers, tweeters), active and passive crossover circuits, sound boxes. Bass and treble controls, equalizer

circuits. Preamplifiers, power amplifiers. The electronics of tape recorders. Bias ; DC and RF erase. The Dolby B and C system.

Video technology basics. B&W and colour composite video signal; the PAL system. Analogue and digital video transmission,

broadcast and record devices. VHS and DVD videorecorders, Hi-Fi sound reproduction. CD and DVD standards. Error

correction, CIRC and EFM encoding. Data reduction techniques, MPEG and other compression methods. Sound cards, FM and

wavetable synthesis. The MIDI standard.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

Relevant links on the following web page: www.epanorama.net

Subject: Digital Image Engineering

Subject code(s): TFBE1508

Lecturer/teacher: Csaba Cserháti, István Szabó

Department: Department of Solid State Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/1/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 3

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1232 Programming 2.

Requirements of registration to exam: two tests during the semester

Aim of the subject: The course is going to provide practical techniques and mathematical principles of image manipulation,

processing and machine vision. It will present how to get utmost information of the images provided by cameras or other

equipments used in technological applications.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Human and computer vision. Introduction to digital images: sampling,

quantization, colour images. Introduction to the image processing. Geometrical transformations. Image enhancement: pixel

brightness, local preprocessing, image restoration. Linear discrete image transforms (Fourier transform and filtering).

Segmentation: thresholding, edge-based segmentation, region growing segmentation, matching. Machine vision .

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Sonka M., Hlavac V., Boyle R.: Image Processing: Analysis, and Machine Vision, 2nd ed., Brooks and Cole Publishing,


2. The following documents are available from the NI home page, or from the Institute of Physics’s

e-Learning site:

IMAQ Vision Concepts Manual.

IMAQ Vision fo Labview Users Manual.

NI Vision Builder for Automatic Inspection Users Manual.

Subject: Robotics

Subject code(s): TFBE1510

Lecturer/teacher: István Szabó

Department: Department of Solid State Physics

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 2

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1213 Automation 2.

Requirements of registration to exam: two tests during the semester

Aim of the subject: Fundamentals of robot construction and control.

Summary of content and learning outputs: The history of robotics. Kinematic and dynamic models for robot control,

methods for motion path design. Structural element: actuators and sensors. Motor control. Fundamentals of machine vision.

Navigation systems. Robot control architectures. Real time and distributed sig nal processing systems. Autonomous systems,

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agent systems, artificial intelligence. Robot simulation. Application examples and problems: roboleg, industrial robotic

manipulators, autonomic vehicles, robotic soccer, humanoid roots.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Schilling R. J.: Fundamentals of Robotics: Analysis and Control, Prentice-Hall International, 1990.

Subject: Materials Science Fundamentals of Information Technology

Subject code(s): TFBE1515

Lecturer/teacher: István Szabó, Sándor Kökényesi

Department: Department of Solid State Physics, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/0

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 2

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Requirements of practical mark:

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1245 Microelectronics

Requirements of registration to exam: two tests during the semester

Aim of the subject is to give an overview on materials and technologies used in info-communication devices and gears .

Summary of content and learning outputs : Wide range of materials from complex multilayer compound semiconductors to

paper is used in IT devices. Parameters of these materials are usually the best because of used high -quality technology. Fast

function rate, system complexity make high demands not only to the reliability of discrete elements but also to the technology.

Besides the ergonomic aspects are also important for example in printing, displaying and sometimes in implementation of

displays. Lectures acquaint with the fundamentals of above-mentioned materials and technologies.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Materials for Information Technology: Devices, Interconnects and Packaging (Engineerin g Materials and Processes),

Zschech E., Whelan C., Mikolajick T., Springer, 2005.

2. Nanoelectronics and Information Technology: Advanced Electronic Materials And Novel Devices, edited by Waser R.,

Wiley-VCH, 2003.

3. Optical Properties of Condensed Matter and Applications (Wiley Series in Materials for Electronic & Optoelectronic

Applications), edited by Singh J., Wiley, 2006.

4. Szentiday K., Mészáros S.: Információ- és képmegjelenítő eszközök, Budapest: Marktech Kiadó, 2002.

5. Mojzes I., Kökényesi S.: Fotonikai anyagok és eszközök, Budapest: Műegyetemi Kiadó, 1997.

Subject: Building Informatics

Subject code(s): TFBE1526

Lecturer/teacher: Árpád Rácz

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/1/0

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 3

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBS1200 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Exam

Requirements of practical mark: no mark, only signature, for signature: completing two assignment during the semester

Requirements of registration to exam: practical signature

Aim of the subject: The course provides the basic idea of the building automation systems and the intelligent building concept

and technologies.

Summary of content and learning outputs: General understanding of building automation systems. Overview of the

electrical engineering aspects of building, such as: property protection systems, fire sa fety systems, access control systems,

local area networks, building automation communication systems, lighting control systems. Introduction to the design methods

of systems, such as: property protection systems, access control systems and KNX/EIB. Introdu ction to the intelligent building


Detailed content of the subject:

Academic Lecture Practice

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1 Introduction to Intelligent Building Concept Electrical Engineering aspects of buildings

2 Property Protection Concepts Risk evaluation

3 Electronic Alarm Systems First assignment

4 Electronic Alarm Systems Design of electrinic alarm systems

5 Physical Protection, Security Lighting Design of electrinic alarm systems

6 Fire Safety Systems Components of fire protection systems

7 Test 1. N/A

8 Electronic Access Control Second assignment

9 Principles and technologies of LAN Conponents of access control and LAN

10 BAS Communication Standards Communication Standards Examples

11 KNX/EIB Design of KNX/EIB systems

12 Intelligent bulidings Design of KNX/EIB systems

13 Lightning Control Systems Evaluation of assignments

14 Test 2. N/A

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Wang Sh: Intelligent Buildings and Building Automation, Spon Press, 2010.

2. Michael J. Arata, Jr.: Perimeter Security, McGraw-Hill.

3. Course materials.

Subject: Industrial Supervisory and Control Systems 1.

Subject code(s): TFBE1521

Lecturer/teacher: Sándor Misák

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/0

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 2

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1714 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: successful completion of two tes ts

Aim of the subject: Acquirement of basic principles of computer control, supervisory, distributed and PLC control systems , as

well these systems programming methods .

Summary of content and learning outputs: Levels of computer control, their development. Special requirements to control

systems softwares at different control levels . Functions of supervisory control, typical operator actions. Human-machine

interface devices in industrial systems. Process control software as a complex of processes. Parameters of SCADA systems.

Architecture of DCS systems and their programming techniques. Fuzzy controllers. Features of PLC languages according to

IEC 61131-3 standard. xSoft CoDeSys software. Eaton XSystem touch screen handling. Vision X9 SCADA software.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Ajtonyi I. PLC és SCADA-HMI rendszerek 1-3. Aut-Info, Miskolc, 2007-2008.

2. Handbook of Industrial Automation. Ed. Shell R.L., Hall E.L. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2000.

3. Macaulay T. Industrial Automation and Process Control Security: SCADA, DCS, PLC, HMI. Auerbach Publications,


Subject: Industrial Supervisory and Control Systems 2.

Subject code(s): TFBE1522

Lecturer/teacher: Sándor Misák

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 2/0/0

Semester: fall

ECTS Credits: 2

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1714 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) or

TFBE1712 Computer Controlled Measurement and Process Control

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Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: successful completion of two tests

Aim of the subject: Real-time operating systems, introduction to industrial networks, acquirement of their programming


Summary of content and learning outputs: Industrial real-time operating systems. Parallelism, process synchronization.

Main characteristics of QNX industrial network operating system. Communication and scheduling of processes at QNX

operating system. Industrial control system networks: field buses, sensor busses, Internet connection. Industrial control systems

and signal coupling technologies.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

1. Ajtonyi I. Ipari kommunikációs rendszerek 1-3. Aut-Info, Miskolc, 2008-2010.

2. Kóczy A., Kondorosi K. Operációs rendszerek mérnöki megközelítésben. Panem kiadó, Budapest, 2000.

3. Handbook of Industrial Automation. Ed. Shell R.L., Hall E.L. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2000.

4. Mackay S., Wright E., Reynders D., Park J. Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting.

Newnes, 2004.

Subject: Teamwork Project 1.

Subject code(s): TFBE1528

Lecturer/teacher: Angéla Váradiné Szarka

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 0/0/5

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TMBE0609 Mathematics 3.

TFBE1247 Electricity 3.

Digital Electronics 1.

TFBE1239 Electronics 2.

TFBL1220 Introduction to LabVIEW programming

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: completion of received problems

Aim of the subject: Introduction to project work structure, operation and methods. Performing of one engineering problem

from problem definition to implementation.

Summary of content and learning outputs: Formation of student groups, development of student project tasks. Problem

definition, timetable and working plan preparation, determination of “mile stones”. Development and definition of control

methods. Professional reviews, presentations on actual state of work. The projects are mainly related to the research projects of

Institute of Physics.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

According to project needs .

Subject: Team-work Project 2.

Subject code(s): TFBE1529

Lecturer/teacher: Angéla Váradiné Szarka

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/laboratory): 0/0/5

Semester: spring

ECTS Credits: 5

Requirement for acquiring ECTS: exam

Prerequisites of registration: TFBE1528 Team-work 1.

Requirements of practical mark:

Requirements of registration to exam: completion of received problems

Aim of the subject: Introduction to project work structure, operation and methods. Performing of one engineering problem

from problem definition to implementation.

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Summary of content and learning outputs: Finishing, ultimate implementation of received problem in the framework of

Team-work Project 1. Presentation about results.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

According to project needs .