University College LIT Original Constitution

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  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution



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  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution



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  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution



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    * Omnium reglua rerum oratlo."PAocrrot

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  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution


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  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution


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    patrons:REV. JOHN McCATJL. ll.d.. ] DANIEL WILSON. E9Q.,ll.d..

    M. E. I. A., President of Uni- I f.s.A-Scot.versity College.

    Kev. JAMES BEAVEN, D. D.H. H. CROFT, Esq., b c.l., r.c.s.GEORGE BUCKLAND. EsQ.J. B. CHERRIMAN, EBQ..Ji.A.,



    PreufTient:William Wedd, m. a.

    Thomas Hodgins, b. a. , j M. M. Ceombib, b.a.

    StcrttarB sJames Ross.

    BTvtnBuver :N. MONSABKAT.

    CuratorC. D. Paul,

    A. Cattattactt, b. a.C. E. English, b. a.

    CouncUlars tNelsok Btjenb,R. S. Appelbe.

  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution





    ll '

    Appelbe, B. S.Barnhart, C. E.Benson, T. M.Blake, D. E., b. a.Blake, S. H.Bowlby,W. H., B.A.Boyd, J. A.Bull, T. H.Burns, N.Cattanach, A., B, A.Crombie, E., b. a.Crombie, M. M., B. A.English, C. E., B. a.Eitzgerald, E., b. a.Prancis, W. S.Hodgins," T., B. A.Holcomb, J. H.Hume, B., b. a.

    , Jo/ses,* E. C, B. A.Kennedy, Q-.Kerr, W. H. C.Matheson, T. G-., b.a.Meudell, W., b. a.Milroy, W.

    Etmhtt iMonsarrat, N.Moss, T.McCabe,* W.McDerraid, P.McDougall, J. L.J^cNabb, A., b. a.Oille, L. S., b. a.Paul, C. D.Battray, "W". J.Ross, D. W.Boss, J.Sampson, D. A.Smith, J. F.Stanton, W, I.Sullivan, B.Tassie, H.Thorn, J., B. A.Trew, N. McL., B.A,Tyner,* B. J., b. a.Walker, N. O., b.a."Waters, D.Wells, B. M., B. A.Wilson, J.Toung, P. H.

    (a) Joint Editor of the Sdueational ManualJbr Upper Canada^ and Right t(fthi Bibk in9Ur Common SchooU,

    (6) Reporter to the Court ofCommon Pleas Upper Canada,(e) Head Master of the Whitby Grammar School.(di Late Head Master of the Brantford Grammy School.

  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution


    tmnuAT AND soiKimyio ocmr.1Knorira JHrmtrrfl*

    Baldwin,* Eev. B., H. .Barrett/ M., u. A. ,Barron/ F. AV., M. A.Beaumont,* W., m. d.Bovell/ J., M. D.Boyd, J., M. A.Boyd, W. T., M. A.Boyd, Wr., m.d.Boys,' H., M. D.Brown,* J., m. a.Chewett,' W. C, M. D.Clark, A. M., M. A.Croft," H. H., D. 0. L.

    Crooks," A., u. A.Desmond, H., M. D.Draper,* W. G., M. A.Eastwood, C. S., ii. d.Eastwood, W. 0., M. d.Freeman, CL, m. d.Grasett,' llev. E., M. A.Hell iwell, J., m A.Herrick, G., m. d.Hodder,' B. M., c. m.Hurlbert,* Bev. J., ll.d.Jessopp,' Bey. H. B., m.a.King" J., u. D.


    .-S W'lV*,- t .^' ,

  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution


    ?. 'I- *as iwivsBSBi coMia,

    ^''S,' I., H. A. . ip,I"gl>t. E. N, H. A ^^t^"". H. W, M. A.I.>-g-.tb,^e.- 8. MA ^'T'"^' ^- ^- ^

    McKeo,, J.. ^. ^. I ^'!7;/*'' - W., H. A.

    Patton/ Hon. J., b o J '^'"*' ^^- ^- Stected.

    m Heaa Master of th^VT' "~~ '() Reere of the Town hin'^n'!:'* ^'""" School,(6) Member of ihp "'*'*P "^ "'fo'd, S5e. ^(O Foer[;i;tfsrf Ma? ""^^'^^. "

    Crf) Formerly Professorrf^e^rr ''"' ^-"'ty of Toront.

    (/) FormerlT Professor o' p "^ ^'"'' '(?) Coroner for the of r"'**"' ^'"*'"y' ^'"'ver,ity of T(A> Pro. Vice. Chancellor of . "t'"ln

  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution


    LITERARY AMD SCIENTIFIC SOCIETr. Corrf0ponlii(n0 Mimicxt,

    Armour,' J. D., b. a Cobourg. ^Bayly, II., b. a London* i^Craigie,*" W., B. A Hamilton. ; ^Eliot, C. F., B. A Windsor. .Evans," Q-. M., b. a Simcoe. rEreer, C, b. a Montreal. ^Hudspeth," T. A., e. A Lindsay. tHuggard,** J. T., b. a Hamilton.Kingsmill,' J. J., B. A Guelph, . ,rKingsmill, N., B. A do.Lawrason, "VV. L., b. a London.Lister,** B. p., b. a Brighton.Macgregor,' C. J., b. a Stratford.Marsh, Eev. J. AV., b. a ,..Ingersoll.Matheson/ E., b.a Milton.Byerson," E. F., b.a Stratford.Sanderson, Eev. J. E., b.a Montreal.Stanton,* J., b. a St. Thomas.Tassie,"' W., B. A Gait.

    t< ] Solicitor to tlic United Counties of Northumberland and Durham,[m] Secretary to the Oramtnar School Board, Hamilton.[n] Head Master of the Siracoe Qrammar School, and late Superintendent of Sebosit

    for the Township of Woodhouse.[ o] Secretary to the Oratnmar School Doard, Lindsay,[p] Late Head Master of the Hamilton Orammar School. ^tq] Solicitor to the County of Wellington.t> ] Head Master of the Brighton Orammar School.[] Head Master of the Stratford Grammar School.[t] Head Master of the Milton Qrammar School. .t] Solicitor to the County of Perth, ^ .[f] Formerly Treasurer of the Municipality of St. Thomai,t"'] Head Master of the Gait Orammar School,


  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution


  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution


    GENERAL LAWS,**Oumium rcgiiwi perom oratio."

    affttun LC^c Sodttg,1. The Society shall consist of the Graduates of

    King's College aiid V '* University ofToronto ; and ofthe Students of University College,

    2. It shall be called |c m^ittxsitu iAltQt Ktcrnra anil

    3. The objects of the Society shall be : the encour-agement of Literary and Scientific pursuits among itsmembers, hy Discussions and Essays on subjectssuitable for that purpose ; and by the establishmentof a Heading Eoom.

    4. 'No controverted point in religion or politicsshall be admitted for discussion in the Society.

    5. The President and Professors of UniversityCollege shall be the Patrons of the Society, and shallhave the right of attendance at all its meetings.

  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution


    12 THE UNIVEU81TY COLtlOK/-''

    JBfftfcn ll.-~ieitmhtr8


    1. The Society shall consist of Ordinary, Honorary,Corresponding and Life Members.

    2. Ordinary Members shall consist of Graduateaand Students. ,, , ,

    3. Honorary Members shall consist of Graduates,as hereinafter determined, and such Ordinary Mem-bers as the Society may elect.

    4. Graduates of King's College and the Univer-sity of Toronto, who have already () taken a higherdegree than Bachelor of Arts in the same, shallbe Honorary Members.

    5. Ordinary Members, upon taking a higher degreethan Bachelor in any of the Faculties, at the Univer-sity of Toronto, shall thereby become HonoraryMembers.

    6. Corresponding Members shall consist of suchGrp.duates, not resident in Toronto, as may be de-sirous of contributing to the objects of the Society.

    7. Life Members shall consist of such OrdinaryMembers as shall have subscribed for four years tothe funds of the Society.

    (a) February 22nd, 1864.

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    tlTERAUT AND SCIfiNTIFIO 80CIETV. II-8. Candidates for Membership shall be nominatedat an ordinary meeting, and balloted for at the next

    ordinary meeting.9. The Election ofMembers shall be by ballot ; the

    votes of a majority present shall elect a Graduateor Matriculated Student, and the votes of two-thirdapresent, an Occasional Student.

    10. An Occasional Student shall be nominatedby one of the oiBBcers of the Society, and, whenelected, shall have the right to continue a member ofthe Society only so long as he attends UniversityCollege, unless elected an Honorary Member. ,, ^,,

    11. Each member, on admission, shall subscribe hisname to a declaration to observe the laws of theSociety.

    J9fct(on III.fflffr . i1. The officers shall constitute the General Com-

    mittee of the Society, and shall consist of a President,two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, aCurator, and four Councillorstwo of whom shallbe Graduates.

    2. The election of officers shall take place annually,by ballot, at the ordinary meeting preceding theclose of the academic year.

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    f! I

    3. Members, to be eligible for offices in the Society,shall be nomiiiafced at the ordinary meeting precedingthe election ; iwd such aa are nominated for superioroffice?; and not elecl:ed thereto, shaii be eligible forelection, as Councillors. '

    4. The General Coaimittee shall make by-laws forconducting the business of meetings, and for other-wise carrying out the laws of the Society.

    6. The President, or, in his absence, one of theVice-Presidents, alternately, shall preside at all meet-ings of the Society, and shall decide questions oforder, subject to an appeal to the meeting.

    6. The Secretary shall keep the minutes, and con-duct the correspondence of the Society and GeneralCommittee, and notify Debaters and Essayists of theirappointment,

    7. The Treasurer shall receive and account for allmoneys belonging to the Society, and notify membersof the fees and fines in arrear.

    8. The Curator shall have charge of the EeadingBoom, and shall have authority to enforce the rules,subject to an appeal to the General Committee.

    9. Vacancies in the General Committee shall bofilled up in the same manueraa at theAnnual Klectious.

  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution


    LITERAaY AMD SOIENTinO SOOIRTT. 16''v:i: #)^w:-i^-.v.'.-i^ ,!

  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution



    tlon to the vote of the meeting, with which his de-cision shall be counted; and in case of an equaldivision, he shall have a second or casting vote.

    0. The General Committee shall have authority tocall a Special Meeting of the Society at any time, andfor any purpose, by giving due notice thereof.

    JScftfon V.~!ataT>lnB=iaoom.L The Eeading-Eoom shall remain open from nineo'clock in the morning until sun-set, each day, exceptFriday, when it shall remain open until the close ofthe meeting of the Society.

    2. Members on entering the room shall sign theirnames in the Register ; and shall avoid such discus-eions as might disturb others in the room.

    3. No periodicals shall be removed from theRead-ing-Eoom.

    - Jicrtfsn VI.JTCnancf.1. The annual subscription for Ordinary Members

    shall be 53.2. Matriculated and Occasional Students of Uni-

    versity College, not members of the Society, shallbe admissible to the Eeading-Boom on an annual pay-ment of 2s. 6d., and on signing a declaration toobserve the rules of the same.

  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution


    LITERAttT AND SOIlNTiriO 8O01BTT. n3. The following fines shall be imposed under thelaws: ' '-' '

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    H Tns uNivE&Brnr colleob



    1. Tho Order of Business at the Ordinary Meetingsof the Society shall be as follows

    {a.) The minutes of the previous meeting read andconfirmed, and then signed by the Chairman.

    (J.) Election of Candidates for admission, previous-ly nominated.

    (c.) Nomination of Candidates for admission.(d.) Communications received since the last meet-


    (e.) Business from the G-eneral Committee.

    (f,) Business arising out of the minutes.(y.) Notices of Motion.(A.) Roll called,(i.) Essay read.OO Question Debated.Cfc.) Announcements for the next meeting.


  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution


    LITERARY AND SOIENTIPIO BOCIKTT. If2. The following Motions shall be in order at any

    time:(a.) To adjourn the meeting.(b.) To postpone the discussion.

    .. ' " T(c.) To refer to the General Committee.3. The following time shall be allowed in the Order

    of Business

    (a.) Twenty minutes to the Essayist.Cb.) Fifteen minutes to each Speaker.(c.) Ten minutes to the Opener for his reply at the

    close of the debate,

    4. Every Motion, and Notice of Motion, beforebeing read to the Society shall be put in writing bythe mover.

    6. Each Member, during the last fortnight of eachterm, shall hand to the Secretary four questions fordebate, from which the G eneral Committee shall selectsuch as may be approved.

    6. The Secretary shall prepare a list of the Essayistsand Debaters for each meeting during the year, andplace the same in the Eeading Uoom.

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    7. The Treasurer sliall, each month, announce thefines and fees due by members, and place a list ofthe same in the Reading Room.

    8. The Curator shall prepare a list of the Periodi-cals received, with the value of single copies, andplace the same in the Reading Boom.

    9. Each Member shall have the privilege of admit-ting a Visitor to the Heading Eoom and OrdinaryMeetings of the Society.

    .' . ^\ ' '\-'\ " .'" ,^'7;10. Any By-law may be suspended for one meet-

    ing by a majority of the members present.-.' -- 'J^ '/*VM,*v''.*fv


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  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution



    ffl^ronolosfcsl lift of OSctrfPbbhisemt.1854A. Crooks, m. a.1854A. Crooks, m. a.

    Vici-1854W. W. Baldwin.C. E. English.

    1854J. E. Sanderson.E. Crombie, b. a.

    1854E. Crombie.1864Thomas Hodgins.

    1855Wm. Wedd, M. A.1850Wm. Wedd, M. a.

    TICB'PBXSIDEKTB.1856J. McKeown, b.a.

    C. E. English, b.a.'55-6N. O.Walker, b.a.1850T. Hodgins, b. a.M. Crombie, b. a.

    BaCBBTART.1855-0James Boss.1856James Boss.

    1865Thomas Hodgins.Tbbasueek.

    1854J. E. Sanderson.1854M. M. Crombie.1855W. H. Bowlbj.

    1855-6N. Monsarrat.1850N. Monsarrat.

    1855J. E. Sanderson.1855C. D. Paul. ..

    OOXTKCILLOBB.1854James Brown, b.a.

    D. E. Blake,B. a.Thomas Hodgins.C. J. Macgregor.

    1854N. M. Trew, b. a.J. McKeown, b. a.C. E.^English.Nelson Bums.

    1864-5N. Kingsmill.

    CUBATOB.1850C. D. Paul.

    1855N.M. Trew, B.A.Adam Crooks, M.a.M. M. Crombie.Alex. McNabb.

    1855-6Geo. Kennedy.1 856A. Cattanach, b. a.

    C. E. English, b.a.Nelson Bums.B. S. Appelbe.

  • 7/28/2019 University College LIT Original Constitution



    )pfrfolitral0 uceiiittr at t^e E(al(in|/ %loom.

    *Anglo-Amorican Mngazine.Barrie Northern Adyance.Belleville Hustings Chronicle.Belleville Intelligencer.Berlin Telegraph.^Blackwood's Magazine.Boston, (U. S.) Anglo-Saxon.Brampton Times.^Canadian Journal.'Canadian Quarterly Review.CarletoD Place Herald.Chatham Kent Advertiser.Chatham Western Planet.Duudas Warder.*Edinburgh Quarterly Review.Guelph Herald.Harvard College Magazine.Journal of Education.Kingston Chronicle and News.Kingston Herald.London Canadian Free Press.London Herald.London Middlesex Prototype.*Loudon (Eng.) Quarterly

    Review.Lower Canada Law Reports.Montreal Commercial Adver-


    Montreal Pilot.Montreal Transcript.Montreal Witness.Newburgh Index.New-York Albion.New-York Independent.New-York Spectator,Niagara Mail.Ottawa Citizen.Ottawa Gazette.Prescott Telegraph,Port Hope Guide.Quebec Gazette.Quebec Mercury.St. Catherines Post.Simcoe Norfolk MessengfStratford Examiner.Three Rivers luquirer.Toronto Christian Guardiar.Toronto Colonist.Toronto Echo.Toronto Leader.Toronto Times.*Westminpter Quarterly Re-

    "tiew.Windsor Herald.Woodstock Gazetteer.Woodstock Sentinel.


    *MoBtbl7 or QuMtsrly*

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