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FK 2009 1

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Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science

May 2009

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Specially dedicated to….

My loving parents…

My beloved husband…

My wonderful siblings…

My friends…

for their support and encouragements…

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Abstract of thesis presented to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science





May 2009

Chairman: Siti Mazlina Mustapa Kamal, PhD

Faculty: Engineering

The processing of tropical fruit juice has improved nowadays. Dragon fruit or pitaya

is one of the tropical fruits that has attracted the attention of consumers, fruit growers

and also food processing industry entrepreneurs in this country. Various pitaya

products have been marketed in Malaysia. Pitaya juice is well known for its health

benefits. Since pitaya processing has just developed, more research should be carried

out to increase the production quality of pitaya product such as fruit juice. In the

current research, pitaya juice production operations were studied from the peeling

process to the production of clear pitaya juice using enzyme. A fruits grater and

peeler was invented to ease the peeling process before the fruit is processed into

juice. The machine was able to reduce the peeling time up to 94% when compared to

manual peeling. This apparatus was proven to ease and speed up the process of

peeling pitaya skin. Studies were carried out to obtain the optimum processing

condition for enzymatic clarification of red and white pitaya juices. Two types of

commercial pectinase enzymes had been used which were Pectinex Ultra SP-L and

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Pectinex CLEAR. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to obtain the

optimum processing condition in terms of enzyme concentration, temperature and

incubation period. The optimum processing condition for enzymatic treatment of red

pitaya juice treated with Pectinex Ultra SP-L was found to be at 0.10% enzyme

concentration at 40oC for 45 min. The optimum processing condition of red pitaya

juice treated using Pectinex CLEAR was reported in other study. For white pitaya

juice, the optimum processing condition for enzymatic treatment using Pectinex

Ultra SP-L was at 0.06% enzyme concentration at 49oC for 40 min. For white pitaya

juice treated with Pectinex CLEAR, the optimum processing condition was at 0.10%

enzyme concentration at 40oC for 82 min. The use of this enzyme was proven to

increase the recovery of pitaya juice after the filtration process. The data for pitaya

composition after processing was also obtained. It was observed that several

components such as protein and phenolic contents (antioxide component) had

increased after the enzymatic treatment. Research was carried out further by

developing a process flow sheet for producing pitaya juice at laboratory-scale (batch

processing). Laboratory-scaled processing was carried out to resemble large-scaled

continuous processing in the industry. Calculation of material balance was also done

based on the process flow sheet that had been developed. Data obtained from this

research can be used as a base for developing large-scale pitaya juice production

process at industrial level.

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Abstrak tesis yang dikemukakan kepada Senat Universiti Putra Malaysia sebagai memenuhi keperluan untuk Ijazah Master Sains





Mei 2009

Pengerusi: Siti Mazlina Mustapa Kamal, PhD

Fakulti: Kejuruteraan

Pada masa kini, pemprosesan jus buah-buahan tropikal telah semakin meningkat

maju. Buah naga atau pitaya adalah salah satu daripada buah tropikal yang mula

mendapat perhatian di kalangan pengguna, penanam buah, dan juga pengusaha

industri pemprosesan makanan di negara ini. Pelbagai produk hasil pitaya telah mula

dipasarkan di Malaysia. Jus pitaya juga telah dikenali kerana khasiat kesihatannya.

Oleh kerana pemprosesan pitaya baru sahaja berkembang, maka pelbagai kajian

perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualiti pengeluaran produk pitaya seperti jus

buah. Dalam penyelidikan ini, operasi penghasilan jus pitaya telah dikaji dari proses

pengupasan pitaya kepada penghasilan jus pitaya jernih menggunakan enzim. Sebuah

alat pemarut dan pengupas kulit pitaya telah direka bagi memudahkan proses

pembuangan kulit pitaya sebelum diproses untuk menjadi jus. Alat ini dapat

mengurangkan tempoh pengupasan buah sehingga 94% berbanding dengan

pengupasan secara manual. Penghasilan alat ini terbukti dapat memudahkan dan

mempercepatkan lagi proses pengupasan kulit pitaya. Kajian turut dijalankan untuk

memperoleh keadaan pemprosesan yang optimum bagi proses rawatan berenzim jus

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pitaya merah dan putih. Dua jenis enzim pektinase komersil telah digunakan iaitu

Pectinex Ultra SP-L dan Pectinex CLEAR. Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

telah digunakan bagi memperoleh keadaan pemprosesan optimum dari segi

kepekatan enzim, suhu dan tempoh masa inkubasi. Keadaan pemprosesan optimum

bagi rawatan berenzim jus pitaya merah oleh Pectinex Ultra SP-L adalah pada

kepekatan enzim 0.10%, pada suhu 40oC selama 45 minit. Keadaan pemprosesan

optimum bagi jus pitaya merah yang dirawat menggunakan Pectinex CLEAR telah

dilaporkan di dalam kajian lain. Bagi jus pitaya putih, keadaan pemprosesan

optimum bagi rawatan berenzim menggunakan Pectinex Ultra SP-L adalah pada

kepekatan enzim 0.06%, pada suhu 49oC selama 40 minit. Bagi jus pitaya putih yang

dirawat oleh Pectinex CLEAR, keadaan pemprosesan optimum adalah pada

kepekatan enzim 0.10%, pada suhu 40oC selama 82 minit. Penggunaan enzim ini

telah terbukti dapat meningkatkan lagi pemerolehan semula jus pitaya selepas

melalui proses penapisan. Data-data bagi komposisi pitaya selepas diproses juga

telah diperoleh. Didapati bahawa beberapa komponen seperti protein dan fenolik

(komponen antioksida) telah meningkat selepas dirawat dengan enzim. Kajian

diteruskan lagi dengan pembangunan helaian aliran proses bagi penghasilan jus

pitaya berskala makmal (pemprosesan berkelompok). Pemprosesan berskala makmal

ini dijalankan bagi menyerupai pemprosesan berskala besar di industri yang

menjalankan pemprosesan secara terus-menerus (continuous). Pengiraan terhadap

keseimbangan bahan juga telah dijalankan berdasarkan pada helaian aliran proses

yang telah dibangunkan. Data yang diperoleh dari kajian ini dapat dijadikan asas

kepada pembangunan proses penghasilan jus pitaya berskala besar di peringkat


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I would like to express my gratitude to Allah S.W.T. for His entire blessings towards

me and all the strength that He gave me in finishing this study.

My sincere appreciation goes to the members of my supervisory committee, Dr. Siti

Mazlina Mustapa Kamal (Chairman) and Dr. Farah Saleena Taip for their guidance,

constructive comments and assistance during my study. A special thanks to all the

staffs of the Department of Process and Food Engineering and to all of my friends for

their supports.

My deepest gratitude goes to my husband, Mohd Hafizul bin Ismail for his love,

support and encouragement. Million thanks to my loving parents, Abd Rahman bin

Said and Wan Zaharah Megat Hashim, my siblings and family in laws for their

continuous support. May Allah S.W.T. bless all of us.

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I certify that a Thesis Examination Committee has met on 6th May 2009 to conduct the final examination of Nur ‘Aliaa binti Abd Rahman on her thesis entitled ‘Development of An Improved Pitaya Juice Processing System’ in accordance with the Universities and University Colleges Act 1971 and the Constitution of the Universiti Putra Malaysia [P.U.(A) 106] 15 March 1998. The Committee recommends that the student be awarded the Master of Science. Members of the Thesis Examination Committee were as follows: Mohd Nordin Ibrahim, PhD Associate Professor Faculty of Engineering Universiti Putra Malaysia (Chairman) Ling Tau Chuan, PhD Associate Professor Faculty of Engineering Universiti Putra Malaysia (Internal Examiner) Chin Nyuk Ling, PhD Lecturer Faculty of Engineering Universiti Putra Malaysia (Internal Examiner) Ida Idayu Muhamad, PhD Associate Professor Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (External Examiner) ________________________________ BUJANG KIM HUAT, PhD Professor and Deputy Dean School of Graduate Studies Universiti Putra Malaysia Date: 29 May 2009

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This thesis was submitted to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia and has been accepted as fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science. The members of the Supervisory Committee were as follows: Siti Mazlina Mustapa Kamal, PhD Senior Lecturer Faculty of Engineering Universiti Putra Malaysia (Chairman) Farah Saleena Taip, PhD Senior Lecturer Faculty of Engineering Universiti Putra Malaysia (Member) ________________________________ HASANAH MOHD GHAZALI, PhD Professor and Dean School of Graduate Studies Universiti Putra Malaysia Date: 8 June 2009

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I declare that the thesis is my original work except for the quotations and citations which have been duly acknowledge. I also declare that it has not been previously, and is not concurrently, submitted for any other degree at Universiti Putra Malaysia or other institutions. _________________________________ NUR ‘ALIAA BINTI ABD RAHMAN Date: 20 May 2009

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1.1 Fruit Juice Consumption 1 1.2 Pitaya 2 1.3 Enzymatic Clarification of Fruit Juice 3 1.4 Fruit Processing Operation 4 1.5 Problem Statements 5 1.6 Scope of the Project 6

1.7 Objectives 8 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 9 2.1 Pitaya 9

2.1.1 Pitaya Cultivation 9 2.1.2 Pitaya Fruits, Flowers and Branches 11 2.1.3 The Benefits 15

2.2 Fruit Juice Production 16 2.3 Fruit Juice Clarification 21

2.4 Fruit Peeling Process 23 2.5 Product Design Procedure 26

2.5.1 Concept Development Process 27 2.5.2 Identifying Customer Needs and Establishing 27

Target Specifications 2.5.3 Concept Generation 27

2.5.4 Concept Selection 28 Concept Screening 30 Concept Scoring 32

2.5.5 Concept Testing and Setting Final Specifications 33 2.6 Food Process Design 33

2.6.1 Preliminary Study 34 2.6.2 Process Chart 35 2.7 Material Balance 37

2.8 Summary of Literature Review 38

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3.2 Methods 40 3.2.1 Structure of Fruits Grater and Peeler 41 3.2.2 Conceptual Design 42 3.2.3 Concept Selection 45

3.3 Description of the Invention 50 3.4 Testing of Several Fruits and Vegetable Peeling Process 53 3.5 Summary and Conclusions 54

4 OPTIMIZATION OF ENZYMATIC CLARIFICATION OF 55 PITAYA JUICE 4.1 Introduction 55 4.2 Materials 56 4.3 Methods 57 4.3.1 Juice Extraction Process 57 4.3.2 Enzymatic Treatment 57 4.3.3 Physical Analysis 58 4.3.4 Experimental Design 60 4.3.5 Comparison on the Quality of Pitaya Juice 62

Produced using Two Commercial Enzymes 4.4 Results and Discussion 62 4.4.1 Enzymatic Clarification of Red Pitaya Juice 62

(Pectinex Ultra SP-L) 4.4.2 Comparison on the Quality of Red Pitaya Juice 70

Produced using Two Commercial Enzymes 4.4.3 Enzymatic Clarification of White Pitaya Juice 71 4.4.4 Comparison on the Quality of White Pitaya Juice 83

Produced using Two Commercial Enzymes 4.5 Selection of Filtration Apparatus 84

4.6 Determination of Several Properties of Pitaya Juice 85 4.6.1 Materials 85 4.6.2 Production of Pitaya Juice at Laboratory-Scale 86 4.6.3 Determination of Chemical Composition and Some 88 Physicochemical Properties of the Juice 4.6.4 Determination of Vitamin C and Total Polyphenols 88 4.6.5 Results and Discussion 89

4.7 Summary and Conclusions 99 5 DEVELOPMENT OF A PROCESS FLOW SHEET OF PITAYA 102 JUICE PROCESSING 5.1 Introduction 102 5.2 Methods 102

5.2.1 Operation Process Chart for Pitaya Juice Production 103 5.2.2 Flow Process Chart for Pitaya Juice Production 107

5.3 Results and Discussion 109 5.3.1 Process Flow Sheet of Pitaya Juice Processing 109

5.3.2 Material Balance of Pitaya Juice Production 114 5.4 Summary and Conclusions 118

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6.1 Summary and Conclusions of Research 120 6.2 Recommendations for Future Research 122 BIBLIOGRAPHY 123 APPENDICES 129 BIODATA OF STUDENT 131 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS, PROCEEDINGS, PATENT AND AWARDS 132

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Table Page

2.1 Grading of dragon fruit 14

2.2 Pitaya nutrition 16

3.1 Structure of fruits grater and peeler 41

3.2 Features of concepts A, B, C, D and E 42

3.3 Specifications of the apparatus 52

3.4 Average size and peeling time of several fruits and vegetable 53

4.1 The Box-Behnken experimental design (in coded level of 61 three variables) for enzymatic clarification of pitaya juice 4.2 Regression coefficient, R2 and coefficient values for FOUR 64 dependent variables for clarified red pitaya juice (Pectinex Ultra SP-L) 4.3 Changes in main physicochemical characteristics of red 70

pitaya juice produced using different enzymes

4.4 Regression coefficient, R2 and coefficient values for FOUR 72 dependent variables for clarified white pitaya juice

(Pectinex Ultra SP-L)

4.5 Regression coefficient, R2 and coefficient values for FOUR 73 dependent variables for clarified white pitaya juice

(Pectinex CLEAR)

4.6 Changes in main physicochemical characteristics of white 83 pitaya juice produced using different enzymes 4.7 Optimum processing conditions for enzymatic clarification of 87 red pitaya pulp 4.8 Optimum processing conditions for enzymatic clarification of 87 white pitaya pulp 4.9 Yield, physical and physicochemical properties of red pitaya 91 juice 4.10 Yield, physical and physicochemical properties of white pitaya 92 juice

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4.11 Chemical composition of red pitaya juice 94

4.12 Chemical composition of white pitaya juice 94

4.13 Vitamin C and total polyphenols contents of red pitaya juice 97

4.14 Vitamin C and total polyphenols contents of white pitaya juice 97

5.1 Difference in peeling time for two methods 112

5.2 Optimum process condition for enzymatic clarification of red 112 pitaya pulp 5.3 Optimum process condition for enzymatic clarification of 113 white pitaya pulp

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Figure Page 1.1 Scope of study 7

2.1 Pitaya tree 10

2.2 Pitaya flower 11

2.3 Pitaya fruit 11

2.4 Hylocereus polyrhizus 12

2.5 Hylocereus undatus 12

2.6 Seleicereus megalanthus 13

2.7 Flow chart of fruit juice production 17

2.8 Peeler for small and medium-sized fruits (Anonymous (e), 2007) 25

2.9 Peeler for large-sized fruits (Anonymous (f), 2007) 25

2.10 Process flow diagrams for three product development 26 Processes (after Ulrich and Eppinger, 2004)

2.11 Concept development phase 28

2.12 The five-step concept generation method 29 (after Ulrich and Eppinger, 2004)

2.13 Six-step process in concept selection process 30

2.14 Example of concept screening matrix 31

2.15 Example of concept scoring matrix 32

2.16 Standard process chart symbols 36

2.17 Flow chart of fruit juice production 37

3.1 Concept A 43

3.2 Concept B 43

3.3 Concept C 44

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3.4 Concept D 44

3.5 Concept E 45

3.6 Concept screening matrix 46

3.7 Concept scoring matrix 48

3.8 Final concept 49

3.8 Fruits grater and peeler 50

4.1 Steps for extraction and subsequent clarification 59 by enzymatic treatment of pitaya juice

4.2 Response surface for juice yield of red pitaya juice 65 (Pectinex Ultra SP-L) as a function of time and enzyme concentration at 40oC

4.3 Response surface for viscosity of red pitaya juice (Pectinex 66 Ultra SP-L) as a function of time and enzyme concentration at 40oC

4.4 Response surface for clarity of red pitaya juice 67 (Pectinex Ultra SP-L) as a function of time and enzyme concentration at 40oC

4.5 Response surface for L* value of red pitaya juice 68 (Pectinex Ultra SP-L) as a function of time and enzyme concentration at 40oC

4.6 Combined contour plot of red pitaya juice after enzymatic 69 treatment (Pectinex Ultra SP-L) as a function of enzyme concentration and incubation time at 40oC

4.7 Response surface for juice yield of white pitaya juice 74 (Pectinex Ultra SP-L) as a function of time and enzyme concentration at 40oC

4.8 Response surface for juice yield of white pitaya juice 75 (Pectinex CLEAR) as a function of time and enzyme concentration at 40oC

4.9 Response surface for viscosity of white pitaya juice 76 (Pectinex Ultra SP-L) as a function of time and enzyme concentration at 40oC 4.10 Response surface for viscosity of white pitaya juice (Pectinex 77 CLEAR) as a function of time and enzyme concentration

at 40oC

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4.11 Response surface for clarity of white pitaya juice (Pectinex 78 Ultra SP-L) as a function of time and enzyme concentration at 40oC 4.12 Response surface for clarity of white pitaya juice (Pectinex 79 CLEAR) as a function of time and enzyme concentration at 40oC 4.13 Response surface for L* value of white pitaya juice (Pectinex 80 Ultra SP-L) as a function of time and enzyme concentration at 40oC 4.14 Response surface for L* value of white pitaya juice (Pectinex 81 CLEAR) as a function of time and enzyme concentration at 40oC 4.15 Combined contour plot of white pitaya juice (Pectinex Ultra 82

SP-L) after enzymatic treatment as a function of enzyme concentration and incubation time at 49oC

4.16 Combined contour plot of white pitaya juice after enzymatic 82 treatment (Pectinex CLEAR) as a function of enzyme concentration and incubation time at 40oC

4.17 Difference in juice recovery using different instruments 85

4.18 Yield of red pitaya juice 92

4.19 Yield of white pitaya juice 93

4.20 Protein content of red pitaya juice 95

4.21 Protein content of white pitaya juice 95

4.22 Carbohydrate content of white pitaya juice 96

4.23 Phenolic content of red pitaya juice 99

4.24 Phenolic content of white pitaya juice 99

5.1 Operation process chart for pitaya juice production 104

5.2 Flow process chart for pitaya juice production 108

5.3 Process flow sheet of pitaya juice processing 110

5.4 Production scheme of pitaya juice 111

5.5 Material balance of red pitaya juice production 115

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5.6 Material balance of white pitaya juice production 117

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3D Three-dimensional

abs Absorbance value

b0 constant

b1 Linear coefficient of temperature

b2 Linear coefficient of enzyme concentration

b3 Linear coefficient of time

b12 Interaction coefficient of temperature and enzyme concentration

b13 Interaction coefficient of temperature and time

b23 Interaction coefficient of enzyme concentration and time

b11 Quadratic coefficient of temperature

b22 Quadratic coefficient of enzyme concentration

b33 Quadratic coefficient of time

cps Centipoise

HTST High-temperature-short-time

L* Lightness value

p Probability

RSM Response surface methodology

rpm Rotation per minute

R2 Regression coefficient

TSS Total soluble solids

X1 Coded level of maceration temperature

X2 Coded level of enzyme concentration

X3 Coded level of maceration time

y Response function

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1.1 Fruit Juice Consumption

Juice is defined as the extractable fluid contents of cells or tissues (Merriam-

Webster, 2007). The manufacture of juices from fruits is as old as agriculture (Bates

et al., 2001). The demand for fruit beverages is largely based on their nutritive value,

flavour, aroma and colour. These quality factors are dependent directly on the

structure and chemical composition of the fresh fruit. The process starts with sound

fruit, freshly harvested from the field or taken from refrigerated or frozen storage

(McLellan and Padilla-Zakour, 2004). Fruits have always played an important role in

human nutrition (Horvath-Kerkai, 2006). Fruit juice is a source of vitamins, minerals,

carbohydrates, amino acids, flavanoids compounds and other unidentified

constituents. Due to the revolutionary development of technical equipment, the

appearance of chemicals, and biological substances (enzymes, clarifying and

flavouring agents), and the application of new technological procedures, especially

the aseptic technique – which enabled the production of fruit juices without

preservatives – of fruit juice production became widespread (Horvath-Kerkai, 2006).

Since fruit juices are caffeine-free, they are healthier for consumption than any other

caffeine-containing beverages. The global market for juice and juice products was

estimated to be about 50 billion litres in the late 1990s.

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1.2 Pitaya

The pitaya or dragon fruit is also known as pitahaya, strawberry pear, nanettikafruit,

thanh long or ‘kaktus madu’. It is a cactus species of the genus Hylocereus and

Stenocereus. Generally, pitaya comes in three types, which are Hylocereus undatus

(white flesh with pink skin), Hylocereus polyrhizus (red flesh with pink skin) and

Seleicereus megalanthus (white flesh with yellow skin) (Anonymous (d), 2007).

Pitaya originated in Mexico and Central America and subsequently, the plant has

been cultivated widely in countries such as Vietnam, Taiwan and Malaysia.

Pitaya is mildly sweet and low in calories, has attractive flesh and juicy with subtle

fruity flavour (melon-like flavour). Pitaya is round or oval; the skin is fuchsia-pink or

yellow depending on the species, leathery and slightly leafy; and the fruit usually

weighs about 200–1000g. It is rich in potassium, ferum, protein, fibre, sodium and

calcium which are good for human health. It also contains zinc, vitamin B1, vitamin

B2, vitamin B3, vitamin C, carotene and phosphorus. Pitaya can be converted into

juice, jam and red wine.

Recently, pitaya juice is becoming popular due to its nutritional benefits despite its

colourant properties. All the research done on pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus) focused

on the betalain contents. In the process of obtaining pitaya juice, the fruits were cut

in halves and the peels were removed manually (Herbach et al., 2006). Subsequently,

the fruit pulp was strained using a finisher. The strained pulp was centrifuged and the

supernatant juice was flushed with nitrogen and stored at -30oC until use. In the

research done by Moβhammer et al. (2005) to study the colour of fruit juice blends

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from Opuntia and Hylocereus cacti, the process of obtaining pitaya juice was similar

as done by Herbach et al. (2006).

Currently this fruit utilization is further expanded to produce dragon fruit enzyme

and dragon fruit concentrated juice. These products are now available in the market.

This expansion has promoted dragon fruit as a great source of functional beverages.

However, less attention is being given to the appearance and texture of the drinking

products. The undesirable texture of the concentrated juice causes difficulties in

mixing the concentrate with water to be drunk. This situation may not attract the

consumers to buy this product again. Hence, action should be taken to overcome this


1.3 Enzymatic Clarification of Fruit Juice

Enzyme is an essential tool in juice processes, both in terms of quality improvement

and cost saving (Ramadan and Moersel, 2007). Fruit and vegetable juice production

is nowadays unthinkable without the use of enzymes (Baumann, 1981). The

degradation of plant cell walls by exogenous enzymatic treatment results in easier

release of the components contained in cells (Janser, 1997).

The cloudiness in the juice is mainly caused by the presence of polysaccharides such

as pectin and starch. The pectin can be associated with plant polymers and the cell

debris, which has a fibre-like molecular structure and makes the clarification process

harder. Enzyme-catalyzed breakdown of the plant cell-wall matrix and middle

lamella may first increase the immediate turbidity in the juice, which is generally

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assumed to be mainly due to the presence of pectin and other fractions of fruit cell-

wall material (Grassin and Fauquembergue, 1996). Therefore, enzymatic treatment

by using pectinase is an effective way to reduce the pectin in the fruit juices because

pectinase has the ability to hydrolyze pectin and cause pectin–protein complexes to

flocculate (Rai et al., 2004; Lee et al., 2006; Liew Abdullah et al., 2007; Sin et al.,

2006), which could be easily removed by filtration. A complete enzymatic

breakdown of pectin is the key for producing clear and stable fruit juices. Though

hard to believe, juice clarification is the oldest and still largest market for

commercial pectinases (Baumann, 1981).

1.4 Fruit Processing Operation

The major unit operations in fruit processing are peeling, pulping, enzymation,

centrifugation, filtration, pasteurization, hot filling and cooling. Each step has its own

importance to the fruit processing operations. Fruit peeling has its own impact

towards the efficiency of the whole system.

In the processing of fruits, fruit peeler is needed to reduce the time required for

peeling process. It is crucial for the fruit processing industry to operate at minimal

operating costs. Peeling using hands is time consuming and may require several

workers to perform the operation, and thus may increase the operating costs.

Different types of fruits have different shapes and sizes. Thus, several different

machines are provided for separately processing each of the fruits. Therefore,

processing of a particular fruit, such as removing the skin from an orange, is usually