Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Academic Year 2004-2005 Annual Report 1994-2004

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - UOC...“In the sphere of research, the UOC has made a commitment from the outset to quality. The Projecte Internet Catalunya(PIC), an ambitious study

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Universitat Oberta de CatalunyaAcademic Year 2004-2005 Annual Report


Logo designed by the Management Staff to commemorate the UOC’s first 10 years



UOCGoverning BodiesOrganisational StructureStrategic AlliancesInternational ScopeBusiness Initiatives: The UOC Group

ActivityTraining- Introduction- First Cycle Studies; First-and-Second Cycle

Studies; Second Cycle Studies; Own Degrees- Doctoral Programme- Postgraduate Education- Pre-university Training- Ateneu- UOC Methodology- The Virtual Library

University Life- Community- Face-to-face Meetings- Student Services and Care- The UOC Friends’ and Graduates’ Club

ResearchKnowledge Dissemination and TransferSolidarity Co-operation

Financial Report 2004

Annex. Activities Involving SocialDissemination

UOC Support Centres and Support Points











In the 2004-2005 academic year, the UOC came into its tenth year ofexistence. This has been a decade of innovation, efficacy, and quality inteaching, and it has seen the University attain international respect andprestige. This has also been the academic year of the approval of thegeneral research framework of the UOC; of the continuation of theambitious study on the information society, the Projecte Internet Catalunya(Internet Project Catalonia); and of the launch of the @teneu universitari(University @thenaeum) (the possibility of placing access to the Universitywithin the reach of a greater number of people). The evaluation surveys onthe level of student satisfaction maintained a constant result: 4 out of 5. Asregards graduates, 88% of those surveyed stated that their critical criteriaand capacity had been enhanced, and 82% affirmed that they hadimproved in professional terms.









95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05



Evolution of the Number of UOC Students

Recognised Degrees,Main Campus 17Recognised Degrees,Latin American Campus 14Own Degrees 1Postgraduate Programmes 178Students 40,707UOC’s Teaching Staff 132Tutors 1,462Counsellors 305Subjects Offered* 1,851Graduates with RecognisedDegrees 4,856Graduates with Master’s and Postgraduate Degrees 6,382Diplomas in Advanced Studies 164Management Team 371

* Main Campus and Latin American Campus

The UOC in Figures 2004-2005

Type Ordinary Investmens2000 (1) 28,986,634.49 E 4,765,386.21 E

2001 (1) 33,836,534.97 E 4,839,289.18 E

2002 (1) 38,705,615.86 E 7,190,938.43 E

2003 (1) 40,900,382.75 E 9,407,455.37 E

2004 (1) 46,223,443.22 E 7,709,872.89 E

2005 (2) 46.741.145,26 E 5.119.724,93 E

(1) Settled budgets, with amortisations

(2) Approved budget, without amortisations











01995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2004-20052003-2004

Growth of the Offer at the Main Campus and at the Latin American Campus

















* Main Campus** Latin American Campus

“In the sphere of research, the UOC has made a commitment from the outset to quality. The Projecte Internet Catalunya (PIC), an ambitiousstudy of the information society in Catalonia, in which the InternetInterdisciplinary Institute (IN3) participates, is a clear example of theUOC’s desire to make research into one of its priorities”.

Carles SolàChairman of the Board of Trustees of the FUOC and Ministerfor Universities, Research and the Information Society

“The ten years of the UOC are a success of the Catalan society, whichhas been able to understand and take up the advantages of a rigorousuniversity education offer – one that is at the same time flexible andadequate to the necessary management of time and study space ofthose who have chosen us for the continuation of their education”.

Gabriel FerratéRector of the UOC

“The UOC provides a distance model based on the information andcommunications technologies (ICT), and it has provided access touniversity education to many people who otherwise would not haveobtained it. This model, furthermore, has shown itself able to evolve and to adapt to the various needs of society and of widely-differinggroups of students”.

Josep VilarasauChairman of the FUOC Council

Central Building UOC



The Universitat Oberta de Catalunyacontributes, year after year, to enrichingthe Catalan university system and togiving it prestige. Its extensive academicoffer allows fully efficient responses to begiven, with outstanding results, to thegrowing social demand for distance andhigh-quality tertiary education. Theamount of time that must be devoted tostudy is growing steadily, and very oftenpeople find that a single degree is notsufficient. The UOC has become an idealinstrument for making this increasingly-present social necessity attainable, whileguaranteeing standards of quality thatwould be hard to better.

The causes of this success must besought in – to name but a few – anexemplary organisation, the quality of theacademic offer, and the use, worthy ofemulation, of the information andcommunications technologies. Anothermain factor in this success is theinnovative spirit that has characterised the UOC from the outset and which theUniversity has applied insightfully not onlyto the teaching model – adapted as it isto the necessities of the twenty-firstcentury – but also to its own networkorganisation.

In the sphere of research, the UOC hasmade a commitment from the outset toquality. The Projecte Internet Catalunya(PIC), an ambitious study of theinformation society in Catalonia, in whichthe Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)participates, is a clear example of theUOC’s desire to make research into oneof its priorities. This fact, together with thedevelopment of many other research anddevelopment undertakings and the firmintent of the University to promote freesoftware, justifies the full confidence andsupport that the government gives –andwill continue to give– to the UOC in orderto contribute to its expansion to thebenefit of the university system ofCatalonia and of Catalonia as a nation.

Only ten years after its creation, the UOChas won international respect andprestige. The brilliant trajectory of thisacademic institution would scarcely havebeen possible without the determinationand strong leadership of its Rector,Gabriel Ferraté, who has been at itsforefront from the very beginning and who fully deserves the recognition of thegovernment for the work that he hascarried out as the head of this universitythroughout the years in question.

Carles Solà i FerrandoChairman of the Board of Trustees of the FUOCMinister for Universities, Research and the InformationSociety of the Generalitat de Catalunya

In the 2004-2005 academic year the UOCentered its tenth year of existence, and fromthe time of the creation of this University, itsinnovative distance education model basedon the information and communicationstechnologies has proved its efficacy and itsability to provide positive social outcomes.The undertaking, I think, was right from itsinception. Throughout the last ten years the organic growth of the UOC has beenconstant and sustained. The UOC has gonewell beyond the number of 11,000graduates, and in the 2004-2005 academicyear the number of enrolments grew, as ithad done in the previous year, by more than16%: the number of students now standsat more than forty thousand.

Nonetheless, I have always believed thatthis success is not only of those who makeup the teaching and management teams ofthe University, but also of the Catalansociety from which the UOC derives, asthis society has been able to understandand take up the advantages of a rigorousuniversity education offer – one that is atthe same time flexible and adequate to thenecessary management of time and studyspace of those who have chosen us for thecontinuation of their education. A new proofof this understanding between Catalansociety at large and our educational modelis the @teneu universitari (University@thenaeum), which the UOC set in motionin the second semester of the 2004-2005academic year. The @teneu is perhaps oneof the proposals that most clearly showsour foundational identity and our conditionand vocation as an open university. It is aquestion of making real what we imagine.This is the guiding thread that, almostimperceptibly, has vindicated the existenceand the consistency of this University towhich we began to give shape ten yearsago. Making the imagined real is what isbehind the @teneu: that citizens –anycitizen at all– should be able to accede tothe University without previously-establishedlimitations, and to share the space, time,and knowledge at the disposal of studentsfollowing the UOC’s recognised degreecourses. The @teneu universitari is anopportunity for our society; it is a tool at theservice of the capitalisation of Catalonia in acontext based more and more on theeconomy of knowledge. It facilitates thepossibility of succeeding in a world which,as some authors have well pointed out, hasbecome and is now without frontiers.

Now, when the UOC has been in existencefor ten years, other universities in Cataloniaand throughout the Spanish state areopting, logically, to introduce virtual learningmodalities. Very soon, what will differentiateus will be not our methodology but ratherthe quality of that methodology. InDecember 2004 the Universitat Oberta deCatalunya received the gold medal forEuropean excellence from the EuropeanFoundation for Quality Management (EFQM),an award that takes into account the positiveevolution of the integral management of anorganisation. This gold medal is also anindicator of the effort that the UOC ismaking, and has made throughout thisperiod of ten years, continually to improve.

Gabriel FerratéRector of the UOC

In my presentations of the Reports of thelast two academic years of the UOC Isought to illuminate the international roleof the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, areference-point that has become all thestronger throughout the year 2004-2005.

This year, I want to concentrate on one of the foundational aspects of the UOC–an aspect inseparable from its identity.For this University provides a distancemodel based on the information andcommunications technologies (ICT), and it has provided access to universityeducation to many people who otherwisewould not have obtained it. This model,furthermore, has shown itself able toevolve and to adapt to the various needsof society and of widely-differing groupsof students.

This is a model which, in the secondsemester of the 2004-2005 course,favoured the launch of the @teneuuniversitari pilot test. The @teneuuniversitari made it possible for 589people who did not have the requisitesfor access to the University, but who wereinterested in broadening their knowledge,to undertake subjects offered at the UOC.

The people who enrolled in the @teneuattended lectures in these subjects in thesame rooms as did the remainder of the students and were provided with the same academic material and calendar.They were able to rely on the rigorousand high-quality tutoring services thatdistinguish the UOC university model.

In education, as in any other serviceactivity, quality is not measured by whatone believes one does, but rather bywhat we are able to verify in theeducational experience of our student-clients: throughout the 2004-2005academic year, the levels of satisfaction of UOC students remained stable, atlevels of about 4 out of 5, according tothe results of evaluation surveys.

Graduates award an average score of 8.2 to the UOC, and 98% of themstate that they are satisfied with theirexperience at this university. Ninetypercent of them would recommend theUOC to a friend or a family member.Finally, I want to stress that 88% of thosesurveyed state that having attended theUOC has caused them to gain self-esteem,self-confidence, and critical criteria andcapacities; while 82% affirm that theyhave made improvements in professionalterms.

Josep VilarasauChairman of the FUOC Council



Governing Bodies

The Foundation for the UniversitatOberta de Catalunya

The Foundation for the Universitat Obertade Catalunya, created on 6 October1994, is governed by a Board of Trusteesmade up of various entities firmlyconsolidated throughout the territory andof acknowledged social prestige. Thefollowing are its founding institutions: theCatalonian Federation of Savings Banks;the Chamber of Commerce, Industry andNavigation of Barcelona; Televisió deCatalunya, SA; Catalunya Ràdio, Serveide Radiodifusió de la Generalitat, SA(Catalonian Radio and Television).

The Board of Trustees next incorporatedthe Generalitat de Catalunya (CatalonianAutonomous Government), which holdsthe majority of votes, and later theFundació Enciclopèdia Catalana, the Fundación José Manuel Lara and the Fundación Telefónica.

Its constitutive process was continuedwith the unanimous approval of the Lawof Recognition of the UOC (Law 3/1995,of April 6th) and the correspondingpublication in the Official Gazette of theGeneralitat (DOGC) no. 2,040 of 21 April1995.

Board of Trustees of the FUOC

The Board of Trustees is the highest bodyin the representation, government andadministration of the Foundation accordingto its Statutes (section 1, article 14.1).The main functions of the Board ofTrustees in regard to the UniversitatOberta de Catalunya are to approve, andif need be to modify, the Norms for the organisation and functioning of theUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya, toappoint or to remove the Rector and the Administrator, to approve the Budgetand the accounts of the University, toapprove the Strategic Plan presented bythe Rector and to evaluate its results.

Members of the Board of Trustees ofthe FUOC

Carles Solà i Ferrando Minister for Universities and Research,Generalitat de CatalunyaChairman

Antoni Serra-RamonedaPresident, Caixa de CatalunyaVice President

Ramon-Jordi MolesSecretary-General, Department ofUniversities and Research, Generalitat deCatalunyaVice President

Ramon Vilaseca i AlavedraDirector-General of UniversitiesVocal

Francesc Xavier Hernández i CarmonaDirector-General of Research Vocal

Francesc CabréPresident of the Chamber of Commerceof ReusVocal

Joan Majó i CruzateDirector-General of Corporació Catalanade Ràdio i Televisió (Catalan Radio andTelevision)Vocal

Pere RifàDirector, Caixa de SabadellVocal

Miquel VallsPresident of the Chamber of Commerceof BarcelonaVocal

Josep Maria Rañé i BlascoMinister of Employment and Industry,Generalitat de CatalunyaVocal

Raimon CarrascoPresident, Fundació EnciclopèdiaCatalanaVocal

Marta CidMinister of Education, Generalitat deCatalunyaVocal

José Manuel Lara BoschPresident, Fundación José Manuel LaraVocal

Oriol Ferran i RieraSecretary of Telecommunications and theInformation Society, Generalitat deCatalunyaVocal

Fernando VillalongaDirector-General, Fundación Telefónica Vocal

Gabriel FerratéRector, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya*

Xavier AragayDirector, Foundation for the UniversitatOberta de Catalunya*

Enrique AlcántaraSecretary, Foundation for the UniversitatOberta de Catalunya*

* They have no voting rights

Board ofTrustees






Standing Committee of the Board

The Foundation’s Board of Trusteesdelegates some of its functions to theStanding Committee, which is thepermanent body for the administrationand management of the Foundation. Itsmission is to direct the ordinary affairs ofthe Foundation.

Members of the Standing Committee of the Board

Ramon Vilaseca i AlavedraDirector-General of UniversitiesChairmanJoan Majó i CruzateDirector-General of Corporació Catalana deRàdio i Televisió (Catalan Radio andTelevision)VocalPere RifàDirector, Caixa de SabadellVocalFrancesc CabréPresident of the Chamber of Commerceof Reus Vocal

Oriol Ferran i RieraSecretary of Telecommunications and theInformation Society, Generalitat deCatalunyaVocal

Gabriel FerratéRector, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya*

Xavier AragayDirector, Foundation for the UniversitatOberta de Catalunya*

Enrique AlcántaraSecretary, Foundation for the UniversitatOberta de Catalunya*

* They have no voting rights

The FUOC Council

The Board of Trustees is assisted by theFUOC Council, a consultative body of the Foundation, in accordance with anagreement of 28 December 1995, madeby the Government of the Generalitat deCatalunya, by which the composition andfunctions of the Council are approved(Resolution of 8 January 1996).

The function of the FUOC Council is toinform about the budget, the programme,and the appointment of the Rector of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

It is made up by – in addition to theRector of the UOC and the Director of the FUOC – two representatives from theCatalan Parliament, four representativesfrom the public universities, tworepresentatives from the employers’associations and two from the tradeunions, and various personalities from the fields of research and culture. It istherefore widely representative ofCatalonian society, to which theUniversity, given its condition of publicservice, has the determination and the duty to serve.

Members of the FUOC Council

Ministers-representatives appointed bythe Catalonian Parliament:

Josep LaporteLate Excommissioner for Universities andResearch, replaced by Francesc Esteva iMassaguer, Director of the Institutd’Investigació de la Intel·ligència Artificialof the CSIC, on 12 May 2005

Joan MajóCounsellor of the European Institute forthe Media, replaced by Antoni Garrell iGuiu, President of the Cercle per alConeixement, on 12 May 2005

Counsellors-representatives of Catalanpublic universities appointed by the Inter-university Council of Catalonia(Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya):

Joan BatlleRector, University of Girona

Joan TugoresRector, University of Barcelona

Rosa Maria VirósRector, Pompeu Fabra University

Lluís ArolaRector, Rovira i Virgili University

Counsellors-representatives appointed bythe most widespread lawfully-constitutedemployers’ associations in Catalonia:

Josep A. Díaz SalanovaVice President of Foment del Treball

Lluís GodayolRepresentative of PIMEC

Counsellors-representatives appointed bythe most widespread lawfully-constitutedtrade unions in Catalonia:

César López SánchezRepresentative of Comissions Obreres(CCOO)

Jordi Fayos i LópezRepresentative of UGT

Councillors-representatives appointed bythe Board of Trustees of the FUOC:

Josep VilarasauPresident, Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions deBarcelona FoundationChairman

Manuel Castellet, replaced by JosepMaria Terricabras, Director of the FerraterMora Chair at the University of Girona, on4 July 2005

Carmina VirgiliFormer Member of the Spanish SenateVice President

The two vacants were covered on 4th July by:

Antoni Farrés Former President of Localret and formerMayor of Sabadell

Vicent PartalDirector, Vilaweb

Gabriel FerratéRector, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Xavier AragayDirector, Foundation for the UniversitatOberta de Catalunya

Enrique AlcántaraSecretary, Foundation for the UniversitatOberta de Catalunya*

* They have no voting rights

The Governing Council of the UOC

The internal organisation of the UniversitatOberta de Catalunya has in theGoverning Council its highest body ofcollegiate government, whose function isto guide, plan and evaluate universityactivity, and to lay down the main lines ofaction of the University in all its spheres.

The Rector is the highest authority of theUniversity and holds the maximumresponsibility in its representation,government, and administration. TheRector is assisted by the Vice Rectorsand the Administrator, whose job is theoverseeing of the ordinary managementof the University.

Members of the Governing Council ofthe UOC

Gabriel FerratéRector

Carles SigalésVice Rector for Academic Policy andFaculty

Francesc VallverdúVice Rector for Research, EducationalMethodology and Innovation

Joan Fuster Vice Rector for Institutional Relations andCultural Policy

Francisco RubioVice Rector for International Relations

Xavier AragayAdministrator


Business Advisory Council of the UOC

On 1 April 2004 the Business AdvisoryCouncil of the UOC was established,made up of high-ranking businessmanagement of leading companies fromthe spheres of enterprise and economicsin Catalonia and Spain.

Its main mission will consist in:

- Favouring the access of the UOC to theworld of business and responding to itsneeds.

- Possessing a thorough knowledge ofthe process in which these needs aregenerated.

- Providing a more direct knowledge of,and an increased access to, theinstitutional, economic, scientific, andtechnological network, both at thenational and the international levels.

- Helping to disseminate the innovativeproposal that the UOC embodies, bylaying particular emphasis on itsbusiness activity.

In short, contributing to the fact that the UOC, because of its experience inteaching and research, is a world wide reference point in the realm of businessactivity and management, and inparticular, in information and knowledge.

Members of the Business AdvisoryCouncil

Anna Birulés BertranPresident

Luis Lada DíazExecutive Director and Director-General of Development, Planning, andRegulation, Telefónica SA

Francisco Belil Creixell Vice President and CEO of BayerHispania SA

Josep Daniel GubertFormer top executive at Nestlé

Juan Ignacio FornósVice President of Mitsubishi HeavyIndustries Europe

Antoni Massanell LavillaGeneral Executive Manager of “la Caixa”savings bank

Gabriel FerratéRector

Xavier AragayAdministrator

Carles EsquerréDeputy Administrator

Organisational Structure

Development of the Norms forOrganisation and Functioning

The development of the participationorgans, as laid down in the Norms forOrganisation and Functioning of theUniversity (NOF), was completed thisacademic year. On 27 and 31 January2005 the Campus Committees wereconstituted, and on 30 March 2005, theFaculty Council.

The Campus Committee is theparticipation organ of students, ownfaculty and management personnel, asregulated in the Llei de reconeixement dela UOC. The elections of representativestook place during the months ofNovember and December 2004.

The role of the Faculty Council is todebate and to put into common allaspects of university life, paying specialattention to those aspects specifically ofan academic nature and relating to thedevelopment of the University’s ownscientific community. The Council willmeet at least once a year.

Beforehand, a committee had beenconstituted for each of the University’sacademic faculties, whose function is tochannel student participation in theordinary functioning of the faculties, andto send to the Head of Faculty thoseopinions and suggestions from thestudent collective that involve academicissues. It was constituted in midSeptember, after the elections held in themonths of April and June 2004.

Similarly, and only for the Main Campus,a committee was constituted for each ofthe support centres, with a view topromoting student participation in theterritory. It was constituted in midSeptember, after the elections held in themonths of April and June 2004.

Finally, on 6th September last, theCommittees Service was launched. Thisservice provides the necessaryinformation, attention and guidance tostudent representatives and to the rest ofthe committee members so that they maydischarge their functions. Along theselines, at the end of January 2005 a newspace in the Virtual Campus waslaunched provided with tools andresources to facilitate the work andcommunication between the members ofeach committee and the representativesof the rest of students.

Make-up of the Main CampusCommittee

Joan Fuster SobrepereChairman

Víctor Renobell SantarenVocal Representative of the Teaching Staff(Information and CommunicationsSciences)

Agustí Cerrillo MartínezVocal Representative of the Teaching Staff(Law and Political Science)

Josep M. Batalla BusquetsVocal Representative of the Teaching Staff(Economics and Business Studies)

Joan Campàs MontanerVocal Representative of the Teaching Staff(Humanities and Language and Literature)

Enric Mor PeraVocal Representative of the Teaching Staff(Computer Science and Multimedia)

Eulàlia Hernàndez EncuentraVocal Representative of the Teaching Staff(Psychology and Educational Sciences)

Joan Miquel Gomis LópezVocal Representative of the Teaching Staff(Tourism and East Asian Studies)

Carles Rocadembosch BruchVocal Representative of the ManagementStaff (Area of University Community)

Jordi Serrano MuñozVocal Representative of the ManagementStaff (Area of Library)

Antoni Miguel Ponce SotilloVocal Representative of the ManagementStaff (GO Institutional Relations andActivities Management)

Pere Rovira GómezVocal Representative of Students(Economics and Business Studies)

Javier Camúñez DíezVocal Representative of Students(Computer Science and Multimedia)

Jordi Sàlvia LardiezVocal Representative of Students (Law and Political Science)

Maria Teresa Costa GatiusVocal Representative of Students(Humanities and Language and Literature)

Jaume Guinot ZamoranoVocal Representative of Students(Psychology and Educational Sciences)

Members of the Main Campus Committee

Make-up of the Latin American Campus

Joan Fuster SobrepereChairman

Víctor Renobell SantarenVocal Representative of the Teaching Staff(Information and CommunicationsSciences)

Ana María Delgado GarcíaVocal Representative of the Teaching Staff(Law and Political Science)

Josep M. Batalla BusquetsVocal Representative of the Teaching Staff(Economics and Business Studies)

Enric Mor PeraVocal Representative of the Teaching Staff(Computer Science and Multimedia)

Eulàlia Hernàndez EncuentraVocal Representative of the Teaching Staff(Psychology and Educational Sciences)

Joan Miquel Gomis LópezVocal Representative of the Teaching Staff(Tourism and East Asian Studies)

Alfred Salat RosasVocal Representative of the ManagementStaff (Postgraduate Training)

Josefa Pedrero RojoVocal Representative of the ManagementStaff (Postgraduate Training)

Cristina Laplana GómezVocal Representative of the ManagementStaff (Student Care)

Ricardo Trigo CalongeVocal Representative of Students (Law and Political Science)

Núria Jiménez LumbrerasVocal Representative of Students(Computer Science and Multimedia)

Manuel Olalla PinillaVocal Representative of Students(Psychology and Educational Sciences)

Vicente Martínez PastorRepresentative of Students (Tourism and East Asian Studies)


The Organisation

Application of a Planning-by-ObjectivesSystem

A key element at the time of developingstrategic plans is the planning andprogramming by objectives system, thatbasically seeks to link in a simple way,using a common format and sharing asingle time calendar (the academic year),the strategic challenges to the individualobjectives.

Within this system, the course’sobjectives plans (COP) are the instrumentto specify the objectives that the faculties,the lines of activity and the areas putforward in order to prepare for anacademic year. The following items aretaken into account in order to formulatethem:

- The strategic challenges.- The priorities that the Governing

Council may fix for the specific course.- The objectives of the “internal clients”.- The indications from internal

counsellors (Members of the GoverningCouncil).

The objectives fixed in one particularsphere (faculty, activity or area) seek to bespecific, feasible and open to evaluation,and resulting from an internal dialoguingprocess in which intentions and prioritiesfrom all the spheres of the institutionconverge. The personal objectives planslinked to the course’s objectives plans arethen fixed and become a source ofmotivation and development of the UOCprofessional team. In their formulation, thefour points mentioned earlier must betaken into account in order to form theobjectives of the course and theobjectives fixed for one’s own sphere.

In order to facilitate the introduction,validation, monitoring and evaluation of the individual objectives, the UOClaunched, in the academic year 2004-2005, an application that allowedeach person to define his or her ownobjectives, and it explained how theextent of the achievement and the weightof each objective overall would begauged. Thus from one single point it ispossible to find out the development byindividual objectives that result fromstrategic planning, for each course, of the priority objectives.

During this academic year 2004-2005, atotal of 318 people have defined theirown personal objectives.

At the end of the correspondingacademic year, the level of achievementof the objectives in each organisationalunit is evaluated by the GoverningCouncil, just as the personal objectivesare evaluated by the various people incharge of organisational issues at the endof the period object of an evaluation. The evaluation results, when evaluatingteaching staff, are a binding element intheir professional career, andconsequently this academic year all the staff defined their objectives. After theevaluation of a COP, the organisation re-starts the planning process, startingwith the reflections and priorities definedby the Governing Council in thesuccessive meetings taking place everymonth. The internal thoughts from the various teams, from the variousautoevaluation processes and from the monitoring by the managing team are also taken into account.

Strategic Challenges

Objectives of the Course

Individual Objectives

Members of the Latin American Campus Committee

Academic Structure

The University’s own teaching staff arethe central element of the academicstructure, and are in charge of theacademic supervision of all theundergraduate, graduate, postgraduateand third-cycle training programmes thatthe University offers, as well as ofcontinuing education.

Similarly, the UOC’s own teaching staffare also in charge of the co-ordination ofa network of more than 1,767 counsellorsand tutors, who are responsible forguiding the learning process and theattainment of the educational objectivesof the students of the University.


The Brand Evolves One of the UOC’s strategic objectives isto achieve a solid international presence,overcoming language and culture barriers.In accordance with this idea, andcoinciding with the end of the businesscollaboration with Grupo Planeta, thebrand UOC evolved towards a proposalthat needs no translations nor variousversions, depending on the countrywhere it has to be disseminated or thelanguage it should express itself in.

This new version of the universal brandresults from the previous one and, withno changes of import, integrates thismore global and unique vision. It is madeup of two main elements:

- The graphic element in the top part ismade up of the UOC sign (the graphicsign and the siglum), allowing a quickrecognition of the brand.

- The graphic element of the bottom partis made up of the square box with theURL to identify clearly its natural activityenvironment, i.e., the Internet.

- As for the colour and typographicspecifications, the corporate BluePANTONE 533 and the HELVETICA typein its NEUE and CONDENSED variantshave been maintained.

The only exception is the so-called“official academic” brand for those casesin which the university mustcommunicate, or witness to, in anobvious way that it is officially a university,that is to say, in documents or supportsof an official academic type: official titles,class graduation photographs,certificates, and diplomas, essentially.

UOC’s Model of Excellence

The UOC, Awarded the Gold Seal ofEuropean Excellence

In December 2004, the Universitat Obertade Catalunya obtained the Gold Seal ofEuropean Excellence from the EuropeanFoundation for Quality Management(EFQM), in recognition of the quality of thegovernance model of the UniversitatOberta de Catalunya. This award takesinto account the positive evolution of theintegral management of an organisation.The Gold Seal is also an indicator of theeffort that the University makes and hasmade to improve continuously throughoutthe ten years after its foundation.

Obtaining the Gold Seal is the culminationof a process that goes through two mainstages: a first stage of autoevaluation, ofwhich the EFQM Memorandum about theUOC is the result, and a second stage, ofvalidation and contrast of the informationcontained in this Memorandum. Thissecond stage took place during themonth of December 2004, and consistedof the evaluation by an external teammade up of members from the QualityManagement Club, coordinated by expertconsultants from the Bureau VeritasQuality International. The report resultingfrom the external evaluation singles out anumber of strong and weak points of theUOC.

To get to know and develop the strongand weak points resulting from theevaluation according to the EFQM criteriais the raison d’être of this process. Theway that leads to the improvement of the University begins here.

Gold Seal ofEuropean Excellence


Management Structure

Administrator’s OfficeXavier AragayAdministratorCarles EsquerréDeputy AdministratorJosep SalvatellaDirector of Planning and Quality

OfficesSergi CuadradoDirector of the Administrator’s OfficeJosep Maria OliverasDirector of the Rector’s Office

Heads of AreaLourdes AnglèsFinanceToni BrunetCommunicationAssumpta CivitHuman ResourcesConxita MarlésMarketingFrancesc NogueraTechnologyAdoració PérezLibraryGenís RocaUniversity CommunityLluís TarínDevelopment of the Educational ModelCarles Ramírez Teaching Management OperationsMireia RieraAdministrator, The InternetInterdisciplinary Institute (IN3)Josep RieraAdministrator of Recognised Degrees

Directors of Operating GroupsMagí AlmirallDevelopment of IntranetsCarles CortadaDesign, Creation, and Galvanisation ofVirtual CommunitiesAnna ZúñigaDigital Library

Israel GarcíaDigital ProductionEsther GonzalvoCommunication with StudentsIsabel GuinovartSecretary Josep IzquierdoFinance and Fiscal ManagementJuanjo MartíComputer Applications for ManagementAntoni MartínezOperational MarketingPedro MinguezaTechnological InfrastructuresJaume MoregóInstitutional Relations and Management ofActivitiesRosa OteroBudget ManagementÀngels ParedesDevelopment of the Professional TeamEva GonzálezTeaching Action ManagementPatrícia RieraDocumentation ServicesLluís RiusPublications and Dissemination Projects Antoni RomeroTerritorial ServicesAntoni RoureTelecommunicationsImma SánchezLinguistic ServiceNúria SolerManagement of Bibliographic MaterialJuan Antonio TaboadaInfrastructures and LogisticsMaria TaulatsInformation for ManagementImma CorregidorCounselling FunctionAndreu Bellot International RelationsNati Cabrera MethodologyLluís PastorContent Management

Head of the Latin American DivisionAntoni CahnerDirectors of the Latin American DivisionImma Garcia OrriolsAttracting New StudentsCristina Aparicio NicolásMarketingMontfragüe Madera SandínFinanceAnabel Marín GonzàlvezPostgraduate IssuesGemma Segura VirellaLoyaltyIsabel Solà AlbaredaAcademic IssuesLluís Tarín MartínezContinuing EducationMarc López AlabertCorporate DevelopmentExecutive Directors of ContinuingTraining ProgrammesMatías Álvarez GonzálezDiana Amigó i PelfortMontserrat Atienza AlarcónMildred Guinart Orpinell Jesús Mendoza JorgeM. Elena Rodríguez Vall-lloveraDaniel Roman RamentolHeads of Support CentresMònica de LlorensManresa - Vic - SaltFanny GalveReus - LleidaJosep Maria BastéBarcelona - Sant Feliu de Llobregat -Vilafranca del Penedès - Sabadell - TerrassaTeresa NiellesTortosaPersons in Charge of Sites outsideCataloniaMontserrat CasalprimAndorraJorge BronetMadridLaura AlcañizValenciaSergio CanceloSeville

Co-ordination 23

Directors of Operational Group/Office30

Support Centre Managers 4

Own Teaching Staff* 132

Technical Staff 258

Administrative Staff 56

Total 503

* It includes Vice Rectors

Professional Team Collaborating Teaching Staff of the Recognised Degrees at the Main Campus andthe Latin American Campus

Faculties Tutors* Counsellors** Total

Economics and Business Studies 416 100 516

Psychology and Educational Sciences 186 47 233

Law and Political Science 168 31 199

Humanities and Language and Literature 160 33 193

Computer Science and Multimedia 342 60 402

Information and Communications Sciences 99 20 119

Tourism Programme 57 9 66

East Asian Studies Programme 34 5 39

Total 1,462 305 1,767

* Tutor: Lecturer in charge of teaching the various subjects.** Counsellor: A person of outstanding importance for the student during his or her time at the University,offering guidance throughout the process of enrolment, learning, and presence at the UOC, and providing thestudent with attention and professional orientation at the end of the course of studies.



A new machine room has beeninaugurated at the University building inthe Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia deCastelldefels, which has taken on the roleof main production room. The oldmachine room works as a replica serviceof the main room and as a service whereto test applications coolly.

This new architecture has allowed animprovement in scalability, security andthe availability of all computer services.

The UOC has more than 120 servers inproduction, and 13 subnetworks; itprovides more than 50 services, andmore than five million monthly messagesare managed.


Educational Intranet

During this academic year an importantimprovement of the UOC didacticmaterials took place, consisting in themigration to SCORM standard, in a newdesign of browsing using usability criteria,and in the migration of didactic materialsto XML.

On the other hand, a draft has beencompleted of a project to migrate theeducational Intranet (the Virtual Campus)to free software.

Applications for Management

The setting up of a new methodology ofmanagement has involved a globalimprovement in this sphere. It allows thepublication of the state of projects, aswell as the normalisation of all managingdocumentation. The new applications forthe evaluation of previous studies, thedigitalisation of exams, and a new versionof user care centre have also beenlaunched.

Access Networks

The main access networks being used bystudents and lecturers to connect to theUOC servers are the Basic TelephonyNetwork (BTN), the Integrated ServicesDigital Network (ISDN) and the AsymmetricDigital Subscriber Line or ADSL.

The use of the ADSL during thisacademic year has kept on increasing tothe detriment of conventionaltechnologies. Satellite access to theVirtual Campus was successfully tested,this being an interesting solution forisolated houses in rural environments,although the cost is substantially higherthan that of more standard technologies.

The quality of the access to the VirtualCampus and to the portal has beenstrengthened by the use of contentaccelerators, an improvement that meansup to 50% less of the average timeneeded to obtain an answer when usingBTN. The AKAMAI service was contractedfor the portal, allowing the storage anddistribution of content on the Internet itself,so that the response time is shortened andthe reliability of the system is increased.

The volume sent on the Internet hasremained stable during the last academicyear, despite the fact that network activityhas doubled, as is customary lately. Thereason of the stabilisation is the impact ofthe information compression broughtabout by content accelerators.

Organisational Spaces

Municipalities m2

Buildings Tibidabo, 39 Barcelona 2,149.94

Tibidabo, 43 Barcelona 3,079.97

Tibidabo, 47 Barcelona 1,146.37

Tibidabo, 47 Barcelona 628.15

Diputació Barcelona 1,450.00

IN3 Castelldefels 4,167.00

Support Centres

Bages Manresa 47.51

Gironès Salt 195.00

Baix Camp Reus 360.00

Barcelonès Barcelona 1,343.84

Segrià Lleida 287.00

Andorra Sant Julià de Lòria 200.00

Vallès Occidental Sabadell 57.60

Vallès Occidental Terrassa 343.00

Baix Llobregat Sant Feliu de Llobregat 441.00

Baix Ebre Tortosa 251.00

Osona Vic 90.00

Alt Penedès Vilafranca del Penedès 100.00

Total m2 16,337.38


Strategic Alliances

Ever since the beginning of its activity, theUOC has struck multiple alliances withinstitutions of a very varied character(universities, enterprise, governmentalinstitutions, and so on), of a local,autonomous, national or internationalscope.

In this academic year, relations werebroadened with certain organisations withwhich the UOC had previouslycollaborated – universities, above all –and agreements have been signed toestablish new collaboration with variousinstitutions, all of which had the objectiveof offering better service to thecommunity, achieving the objectives ofthe Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, andpromoting its territorial extension.

The new agreements and accords weresigned with the following institutions:

UniversitiesConsortium of the Menéndez Pelayo International UniversityUniversity of GranadaUniversity of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)University of VigoAbat Oliba CEU UniversityAutonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)University of Barcelona (UB)University of Girona (UdG)University of Lleida (UdL)University of Vic (UdVic)International University of Catalonia (UIC)Jaume I UniversityPolytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)Pompeu Fabra University (UPF)Ramon Llull University (URL)Rovira i Virgili University (URV)

Generalitat de CatalunyaCentre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada, Ministry of Justice and Internal AffairsCentre for Business Innovation andDevelopment (Centre d’Innovació iDesenvolupament Empresarial, CIDEM)Corporació Catalana de Ràdio i Televisió (CCRTV)Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and FisheriesMinistry of Social Welfare and FamilyMinistry of the Presidency, Secretariat ofLinguistic PolicyMinistry of Institutional Relations and ParticipationMinistry of EmploymentMinistry of EducationMinistry of Universities, Research and theInformation SocietyEscola d’Administració Pública de Catalunya (EAPC)Patronat Català pro EuropaServei d’Ocupació de Catalunya, Ministry ofEmploymentTurisme Juvenil de Catalunya SA

Regional SphereTown Council of BarcelonaTown Council of CastelldefelsTown Council of Sant Adrià de BesòsTown Council of Sant Feliu de LlobregatTown Council of VinaròsRegional Council of MontsiàProvincial Council of Girona

State ScopeAeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea (AENA)Compañía de Radio y Televisión de GaliciaSpanish General Council of the JudiciarySpanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade

Institutions, Foundations, Associations, and Professional AssociationsAcció Cultural del País ValenciàAlianza ONGAsociación Hotelera y Extrahotelera de Tenerife,La Palma, La Gomera y El Hierro (ASHOTEL)Associació Catalana de Iuslaboralistes (ACI)Associació de Directors d’Art i DissenyadorsGràfics (ADGFAD)Associació de Dones per a la Inserció Laboral(SURT)Associació del Personal de la Caixa d’Estalvis iPensions de Barcelona, la CaixaAssociació Pla estratègic metropolità de BarcelonaCasa ÀsiaCentre d’Estudis Internacionals de Biologia iAntropologia (CEIBA)Centre d’Experimentació i Seguretat VialMAPFRE (CESVIMAP)Consell General del Notariat (CGN)Consell de Col·legis d’Enginyers TècnicsIndustrials de CatalunyaConsell Sènior de Premià de MarConsorci Agència per a la Qualitat del SistemaUniversitari a CatalunyaConsorci de Biblioteques Universitàries deCatalunyaFederació de Treballadors de l’Ensenyament dela Unió General de Treballadors (FETE-UGT)Fundació Bosch i GimperaFundació EngrunesFundació Ernest LluchFundació IMFE Mas CarandellFundació Orfeó Català, Palau de la MúsicaCatalanaFundació Tallers de CatalunyaFundación Canaria Universitaria de Las PalmasFundació CarolinaFundació Mapfre EstudisIES Sa ColominaInstitut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC)

Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO)Institut d’Estudis CatalansInstitut d’Infància i Món UrbàInstitut Internacional de Governabilitat (IIG)Institut Municipal d’Escoles de Barcelona (IMEB)Institut Químic Sarrià (IQS)Institut de Desenvolupament Regional. Fundacióuniversitària (IDR)Institut GESEM d’InformàticaInstitut Notarial per a les Tecnologies de laInformació (INTI)Justícia i PauLimes, Spaces for Action ResearchÒmnium CulturalPatronat de Turisme Costa Brava, GironaPatronat Municipal de Cinema de SitgesPatronat Municipal de Teatre de SitgesRotary InternationalServei Civil Internacional de CatalunyaServeis d’Intervenció i Cultura SL (SIC)UNICEF - Comité EspañolUnió General de Treballadors (UGT Catalunya)

Other EntitiesAbilbo Concept SLALCOA CSI España, SAArtyplanAsepeyoAtos Origin SABanco Español de Crédito (BANESTO)Barcelona Activa, SABeroni InformàticaCaixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, “laCaixa”Cetur SL (CompanyGame)Comprendium España, SLCondis SupermercatsCriteria Formación, SLData Segmento SLDell Computer SADerivados Forestales, SADoc6, Consultants on Information ResourcesEdiciones Doyma SLEdiciones Primera Plana, SAExperian Marketing Services SLFundosa Teleservicios, SAGL Events CCIB SLHewlett-Packard Española SL (HP)Hotel Barceló Punta UmbríaIbermàticaIncyta Multilanguage, SLIntergraph España SAIT DeustoMicroArtMutual CyclopsOficina de Cooperación Universitaria, SA (OCU)Qualitat en l’autodistribució i serveis SA(QUADIS)S21SEC Gestión, SASabadell Grup Assegurador, AIESadiel SASeguros Catalana OccidenteSun Microsystems Ibérica, SATraditext - Linguistic Centre

International InstitutionsInternational Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE)National Education Examinations Authority (NEEA)Panamerican Health Organisation / WorldHealth Organisation

Latin AmericaColegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica (CONALEP)Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE, Mexico)Escuela Bancaria y Comercial (EBC)Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura (ENJ),Dominican Supreme Court of JusticeFundación APEC de Crédito Educativo (FUNDAPEC)Fundación Universitaria CEIPA (Colombia)Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico)Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra(PUCMM)State Secretariat for Higher Education, Scienceand Technology, Dominican RepublicAPEC University (UNAPEC)Autonomous University of Colombia (UAC)Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD)Catholic University of Santo Domingo (UCSD)University of Guadalajara (Mexico)University of El CaucaIberoamerican University (UNIBE)National Open and Distance University (UNAD)National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University(UNPHU)Veracruzana University

International Scope

As for the internationalisation process, theacademic year 2004-2005 has been ayear of consolidation of the projectioncarried out in these last years. In additionto the efforts made in regard to thepositioning of the UOC’s EuropeanMaster’s courses, the activity carried outin Mexico and Colombia as prioritycountries, the seminars of the UnescoChair of e-learning, and the opportunitiesidentified in the Dominican Republic mustbe underlined.

Actions in Central and South America


During the last quarter of 2005, adelegation of twenty UOC representatives,among teaching and management staff,travelled to the Feria Internacional del Libro(FIL) at Guadalajara. Even though the mostnumerous representation was registered inthe forums on distance education, therewas also an important participation of theUOC teaching staff in the spheres of socialsciences, research, language learning andthe environment.

During the days of the Fair, there werenumerous contacts not only with Mexicanuniversities with which there exists somekind of collaboration, but also with otherinstitutions that showed an interest to getto know the UOC and to collaborate withit. The relation started two years ago withthe University of Guadalajara, theVeracruzana University, the EscuelaBancaria y Comercial, and the ColegioNacional de Educación Profesional(CONALEP), and it was furthered throughjoint research projects, double degrees,assessment on on-line training or virtualmobility, and they are our leading allies inMexico.

Similarly, during this last academic year,work has been undertaken with theInstituto Politécnico Nacional, the Universityof Tijuana, the Autonomous University ofNuevo León, and the AutonomousUniversity of Mexico, a work that will bearits fruits throughout the coming year.

To all these activities one must add thatthe journey of a delegation to the FILmade possible a gathering of more thanone hundred and seventy UOC studentsin Mexico who met in Guadalajara andMexico City.

Finally, the specific plan of actionapproved by the UOC Governing Councilduring the first quarter of 2005 unfolds astrategy of actions to develop the activityprogrammed for the coming two years inMexico, allowing, at the same time, toincorporate the international activity of theacademic and research objectives of theUOC faculty. Similarly, it has provided aspace for internal debate about theUniversity’s international relations that hashelped to bring closer and relate theactivities of international projection thattake place individually to those beingpromoted from an institutional standpoint.


The celebration of a second seminar ofthe Unesco Chair of e-learning in October2004 commissioned by that country’sMinistry of Education addressed toColombian university principals andacademic authorities, and the preparationof a new seminar for October 2005 havebecome the highlights of the UOC’sprojection in Colombia. The CEIPAUniversity and the National AutonomousUniversity of Bucaramanga continuebeing the universities with which we workon specific collaboration projects,although the agreement signed with theNational Distance University (UNAD) mustalso be underlined.

The UNAD is currently undergoing aprocess of transformation and oforganisational sphere and introduction ofthe use of technologies, for which it hasasked for the UOC’s accompaniment andassessment. In the face of this request,the UOC will teach a seminar to theauthorities of this university and willassess the technology team.

The UOC seminar in Colombia made itpossible for its directives to meet withone hundred students in Bogotá. Theresult of this working activity withauthorities from Colombian universitiesthroughout last year involved a 100%increase in the number of lecturers fromthese universities matriculatingthemselves in postgraduate and doctoralcourses compared to the previous year.

Dominican Republic

In July 2005 a seminar also commissionedby the Ministry of Education of thecountry took place in the DominicanRepublic, with a similar format to the onecarried out in Colombia.

An agenda kept in parallel to the seminarmade it possible to further contacts withthe Ministry of Education and to start newones with various universities, apart fromlending continuity to the relations alreadyestablished with this country’s EscuelaNacional de Judicatura. All thesemeetings ended with the signing ofagreements, to which reference is madein the Alliances section.

Unesco Chairw1

The second edition of the internationalseminar of the Unesco Chair of e-learningin Barcelona must be remarked upon, asonce again it showed the importance ofactivities organised by the Chair as a toolof international projection.

Various Activities

The growing demand for participation ofUOC representatives in congresses andseminars world-wide, the welcoming ofindividual visitors and delegations, andthe active participation in internationalassociations are a proof of the progressin the world recognition and positioning ofthe University.

In this sense, one could single out thenew impulse given to the office of theInternational Council for Open andDistance Education (ICDE) in Barcelona,whose main lines are the projection inEurope and the work on quality in flexiblehigher education modalities. One mustremark on the presence of the UOC inthe projects promoted by the EADTU onquality and the opening up of universitycourses to the general public, along thelines of the @teneu project.


Operating Bases in Mexico, Brussels and Beijing

w1 http://www.uoc.edu/catedra/unesco


Business Initiatives:The UOC Group

Editorial UOC, SLw1

Aragó, 182, 1st floor08011 Barcelona Tel. 93 452 74 20Fax 93 451 30 16

Director: Lluís PastorFoundation Date: 24 October 2001Capital at 31st Dec. 2004: 1,228,170 eurosParticipation: 100% UOC Group

Editorial UOC, the press of the UniversitatOberta de Catalunya, places at the disposalof the university community and of societyas a whole a wide range of publications invarious supports and formats, whichcomprise elements ranging from theUniversity Handbook to collections ofessays, and with a particular dedication tothe main lines of research at the University.

The press completes its activity byundertaking to disseminate and makeavailable to all citizens the materials thatthe UOC elaborates in accordance with aspecific methodology to facilitate distancelearning.

Eurecamèdia, SLw2

Aragó, 182, 1st floor08011 Barcelona Tel. 93 452 74 90Fax 93 451 10 54

Director-General: Josep SalvatellaFoundation Date: 29 October 1999Capital at 31st Dec. 2004: 60,104 eurosParticipation: 92.5% Grup UOC SL

Eurecamèdia continued throughout thefinancial year 2004-2005 to be a point ofreference for the publication of thedidactic material of the UOC and of itsinitiatives.

During this period 2004-2005 Eurecabegan its transformation process into anorganised – and consequently flexible anddynamic – network company, geared tothe improvement of the efficiency of itsprocesses, the quality of its services andits economic performance.

During this period it also consolidateditself as the UOC’s content factory, notonly regarding the production of trainingcontent, retrieving the management of thepostgraduate degree and the productionof Gestión del Conocimiento, SA, butconcerning other production needs too,opening up a new way called content forcommunication and providing service tothe UOC portal.


Virtual Consumers’Network

EurecamèdiaEditorial UOC







Planeta UOC

w1 http://www.editorialuoc.comw2 http://www.eurecamedia.com


Gestión del Conocimiento, SA (GEC)w2

Pellaires, 30-3808019 Barcelona Tel. 93 394 12 00Fax 93 394 12 01

CEO: Carles EsquerréAdministrator: M. Dolors BlanchFoundation Date: 31st January 1997Capital at 31st Dec. 2004: 180,300 eurosParticipation: 74% UOC Group

GEC is a company that developsinnovating solutions in e-learning,communities and collaboration work, andit accumulates experiences in numerousprojects of great scope in various sectors.

The aim of GEC is to contribute to makeorganisations more competitive, helpingits clients to attain their strategicobjectives through the implementation ofspecific or integral solutions. The maindifferentiating value of GEC is to be foundin its integral and multidisciplinarydevelopment of projects that combinesthe three essential aspects that contribute

to the creation of a successful experiencein learning management: technology,content and services, and participationmanagement.

In the period 2004-2005, learningprojects have been consolidated in thevarious sectors where GEC develops itsactivity (financial, pharmaceutical,insurance, public sector, and so on) andnew initiatives were developed in othersectors (consumer goods, tourism,communications media, and so on).

Planeta UOC, SLAv. Canal Olímpic, s/n. Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia08860 CastelldefelsTel. 93 681 19 00Fax 93 681 19 10

Director-General: Antoni CahnerFoundation Date: July 2000Capital at 31st Dec. 2004: 1,469,144.00 eurosParticipation: 50% UOC Group

A key landmark in this academic year2004-2005 was the agreement reachedby Grupo Planeta by which the UOC, asfrom 2005-2006, will undertake on itsown the management and promotion ofthe Latin American Campus.

After five initial years of strong growth andconsolidation that set the Latin AmericanCampus sailing at cruising speed, theUOC assessed the elements of future thatpoint to substantial changes taking placein the university panorama.

The advent soon of the European HigherEducation Area (EHEA) will substantiallyalter the framework and the conception ofcurrent and future graduate andpostgraduate studies. More flexibility willtherefore be required, to allow the integratedmanagement of spheres of action at publicor private costs, to be developed in parallel.

Up to this agreement, the UOC had,within the company Planeta UOC SL, the

activity of recognised degrees in Spanishat private cost, and postgraduatecourses, also at private cost.

The agreement with Grupo Planeta toabandon the partnership and thesubsequent integration of the whole UOCactivity is the best solution to face and tomake possible, with guarantees ofsuccess, the new challenges of the EHEAand to continue making progress in theSpanish-speaking world.

This view led the Board of Trustees of theFUOC and Grupo Planeta to reach theconclusion that the UOC should continueon its own – from the “business” point ofview only – with the Latin AmericanCampus as from the next academic year.The operation whereby Grupo Planetawas leaving the partnership was formallycompleted at the end of this academicyear 2004-2005, so that now the FUOCalready controls 100% of the LatinAmerican Division of the UOC.

Ensenyament Obert, SLw1

Rambla de Catalunya, 38, 3rd floor08007 BarcelonaTel. 93 496 92 00Fax 93 487 52 42

Administrator: Eugeni SenderFoundation Date: July 1998Capital at 31st Dec. 2004: 480,800 eurosParticipation: 50% Planeta UOC

Ensenyament Obert is an initiative createdby Enciclopèdia Catalana and UniversitatOberta de Catalunya. Ever since itsfoundation, Ensenyament Obertspecialised itself in the development ofstudy courses to access the UOC and it has obtained the leadership in thetraining offer for study courses to accessUniversity.

Ensenyament Obert’s second line oftraining programmes consists of thehigher training courses for professionals,which started being offered at the end

of 2002 and have developed in a veryrelevant way during the last threeacademic years, especially during theperiod 2004-2005.

Ensenyament Obert moved itsheadquarters to Rambla de Catalunyaand, coinciding with this change, itinaugurated a new portal (www.obert.com),making access to the content of itstraining offer much clearer, apart fromincluding news and activities about thecompany and the group.

w1 http://www.obert.comw2 http://www.gec.es


Xarxa Virtual de Consum, SCCLw1

(Virtual Consumers’ Network) Diputació, 219 08011 BarcelonaTel. 902 432 4273

Foundation Date: 25 November [email protected] 93 453 94 84

La Virtual (Virtual Consumers’ Network) isa consumers’ co-operative that appearedwithin the ambit of the Foundation for the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya andoperates within the framework of theservice-providing policy of the UOC, witha current membership of 30,555. Its aimis to offer solutions to the consumerneeds of the community of people whoare or who have been associated with the UOC (students, lecturers andmanagement staff).

Its juridical status as a consumers’ co-operative has the following objectives:

- To show the initiative’s will to serve,without any direct interest in theeconomic benefit, reverting the businessbenefits to the customers, basicallymaking prices cheaper.

- To favour the corporate identification of students and of the rest of thecommunity members, as the co-operative formula offers a greaterimplication potential with the institutionalproject, a factor of special relevance in a distance relation system.

w1 http://www.lavirtual.com





This academic year the UOC launchedthe new counselling function, after aperiod devoted to analysis, reflection andwork on this function, and of havinggained awareness of the importance ithas in the University educational modeland of the needs it will have to satisfy inits process of adaptation to the EuropeanHigher Education Area. During this periodthe initial counselling session was rolledout, whose aim is to facilitate theincorporation of the new student to theuniversity community, and to look into themain aspects of his academic life during the first two terms of his stay at theUniversity. Once this had been launched,the monitoring counselling session wasrolled out too. Through this specialisation,the counsellor may go deeper into all theneeds of a student when he has fullyintegrated into the University and whenhe requires another type of guidance andassessment.

As for the training offer, the UOC launcheda pilot experience of non-subsidisedcourses under the name of @teneuuniversitari; they are meant for anyoneinterested in extending or strengtheninghis competences and knowledge inwhatever fields of study that make up theUniversity’s training offer. Parallel to this,the UOC offered a subject that for the firsttime could be read in Catalan or inEnglish, depending on the choice of the student.

On the other hand, the UOC has startedto award the first official titles among the students from the first classes; thepossibility has been offered, as anexception and only for students residentabroad, of carrying out a distancevalidation process of the continuingevaluation of the subjects; the UOCcontinues to believe firmly in the digitaltreatment of the evaluation tests when itcomes to distribution, correction andmarking; a new management process ofthe evaluation of previous studies hasbeen launched to facilitate as much aspossible that students may make themost of their previous university learningand may obtain an immediate responseto their application; an application hasbeen developed to allow students tocheck the state of their payments and toobtain a voucher; a new procedure hasbeen launched to apply for progressivedegrees, and the service that looks afterthe relation between students and theUniversity has been improved, bringingtogether the various care services intoone single application, thus speeding upthe student’s access to information andthe solving of any doubts andconsultations he may have.

New forums have been launched too,through which all the members of theuniversity community have the possibilityof creating and promoting the groups andnetworks of friends that come closer totheir personal tastes and interests; thespace destined to students’ committeeshas been redesigned; information aboutthe subjects has also been improved; the teaching plan of the various subjectsis available from the classrooms in PDFformat; a new option to filter virus-carrying messages in the personalmailboxes has been introduced.

Martin Carnoy officially opened theacademic year 2004-2005 with a virtualinaugural lecture under the title of “ICT inEducation: Possibilities and Challenges”,w1

a reflection on the progress of theinformation and communicationstechnologies in the sphere of education,taking into reference the world ofbusiness.

In parallel to the lecture, as is traditional, a debate on the net followedw2 during anumber of weeks, moderated by lecturersJosep M. Duart, of the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciences,and Jordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies.

w1 http://www.uoc.edu/inaugural04/catw2 http://www.ucrania.uoc.es/forums/inaugural04/cat/index.jsp

Diploma in Business Studies

Date of Recognition: RD 2062/1995, of22 December 1995 (BOE no. 15 of 17January 1996)

Length: 3 years divided into 6 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 185.5 credits arerequired, of which 148.5 are compulsory,18 are optional and 19 are of freechoice/configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.

Degree in Business Administration andManagement (Second Cycle)

Date of Recognition: RD 217/1997, of 14February 1997 (BOE no. 57 of 7 March 1997)

Length: 2 years divided into 4 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 150 credits arerequired, of which 78 are compulsory, 36are optional and 36 are of free choice /configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.

Degree in Labour Sciences (SecondCycle)

Date of Recognition: RD 323/2003, of 14March 2003 (BOE no. 79 of 2 April 2003)

Length: 2 years divided into 4 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 120 credits arerequired, of which 78 are compulsory, 24are optional and 18 are of free choice /configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.


Man 56.7%

Between 25 and 29 years of age 31.6%


Academic Year 2004-2005 1,992

Accumulated 4,856

Title Holders

1st semester 2nd semester

Recognised Degrees 25,746 27,062

Own Degrees 593 591

Total 26,339 27,653

Faculty of Economics andBusiness Studies

First Cycle Studies; First-and-SecondCycle Studies; Second Cycle Studies;Own Degrees

General Data


Economics and Diploma in Business Sciences* Business Studies Degree in Business Administration and Management (2nd Cycle)*

Degree in Labour Sciences (2nd Cycle)*Degree in Market Research and Techniques (2nd Cycle)*

Psychology and Degree in Psychopedagogy (2nd Cycle)*Educational Sciences Degree in Psychology* Law and Degree in Law* Political Science Degree in Political and Administration Sciences (2nd Cycle) Humanities and Degree in HumanitiesLanguage and Literature Degree in Catalan Language and LiteratureComputer Science Technical Engineering in Computer Management* and Multimedia Technical Engineering in Computer Systems*

Computer Engineering (2nd Cycle)Degree in Multimedia Studies (Own Degree)**

Information and Degree in Documentation (2nd Cycle) Communications Sciences Degree in Audiovisual Communication (2nd Cycle) Tourism Programme Diploma in Tourism*East Asian Studies Degree in East Asian Studies (2nd Cycle)*Programme

* Studies offered at the main campus and at the Latin American campus** Studies offered at the Latin American campus only



Degree in Psychopedagogy (Second Cycle)

Date of Recognition: RD 2062/1995, of22 December 1995 (BOE no. 15 of 17January 1996)

Length: 2 years divided into 4 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 150 credits arerequired, of which 102 are compulsory,33 are optional and 15 are of free choice/ configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.

Degree in Psychology

Date of Recognition: RD 902/2001, of 27July 2001 (BOE no. 191 of 10 August 2001)

Length: 4 years divided into 8 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 300 credits arerequired, of which 220 are compulsory,48 are optional and 32 are of free choice/ configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.

Degree in Market Research andTechniques (ITM) (Second Cycle)

Date of Recognition: RD 362/2003, of 28March 2003 (BOE no. 86-2003 of 10 April2003)

Length: 2 years divided into 4 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 120 credits arerequired, of which 78 are compulsory, 24are optional and 18 are of free choice /configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.

Faculty of Psychology andEducational Sciences


Business Business Administration Labour Market ResearchSciences and Management Sciences and Techniques

1st semester 2nd semester 1st semester 2nd semester 1st semester 2nd semester 1st semester 2nd semester

5,989 6,545 1,297 1,381 1,802 1,749 546 653

Title Holders

Business Business Administration Labour Market ResearchSciences and Management Sciences and Techniques

Degree Holders Accumulated Degree Holders Accumulated Degree Holders Accumulated Degree Holders Accumulated

460 1,132 205 649 336 617 76 84

Teaching staff

Head of Faculty

Jordi Vilaseca Requena

Programme Directors

Josep Lladós MasllorensDirector of the Business SciencesProgramme

Antoni Meseguer ArtolaDirector of the Labour SciencesProgramme

Inma Rodríguez ArduraDirector of the Market Research andTechniques Programme

Joan Torrent SellensDirector of the Business Administrationand Management Programme

UOC’s Teaching Staff

Gisela Ammetller MontesJosep M. Batalla BusquetsCarlos F. Cabañero PisaDavid Castillo MerinoPau Cortadas GuaschRaquel Ferreras GarciaPilar Ficapal CusíLluís Garay TamajonCarolina Hintzmann ColominasAna Isabel Jiménez ZarcoM. Jesús Martínez ArgüellesM. Carmen Pacheco BernalDolors Plana ErtaEva Rimbau GilabertFrancisco Rubio RoyoElisabet Ruiz DotrasM. Mar Sabadell BoschEnric Serradell López

NOTE: The faculty directorate is available fromwww.uoc.edu/directoria/professorat. Here you will findthe academic profile and the research experience of thevarious lecturers.


Degree in Law

Date of Recognition: RD 217/1997, of 14February 1997 (BOE no. 57 of 7 March 1997)

Length: 4 years divided into 8 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 300 credits arerequired, of which 221 are compulsory,43 are optional and 36 are of free choice/ configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.

Degree in Political and AdministrationSciences (Second Cycle)

Date of Recognition: RD 323/2003, of 14March 2003 (BOE no. 79 of 2 April 2003)

Length: 2 years divided into 4 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 120 credits arerequired, of which 84 are compulsory, 24are optional and 12 are of free choice /configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.

Faculty of Law and Political Science


Law Political Sciences

1st semester 2nd semester 1st semester 2nd semester

2,490 2,708 280 265

Title Holders

Psychopedagogy Psychology

Degree Holders Accumulated Degree Holders Accumulated

163 752 31 35


Psychopedagogy Psychology

1st semester 2nd semester 1st semester 2nd semester

1,234 1,125 2,440 2,672

Teaching staff

Head of Faculty

Antoni Badia Garganté

Programme Directors

Josep M. Mominó de la IglesiaDirector of the PsychopedagogyProgramme

Montse Vall-llovera LlovetDirector of the Psychology Programme

UOC’s Teaching StaffManuel Armayones Ruiz Elena Barberà GregoriGuillem Bautista Pérez

Mercè Boixadós AnglèsJosep M. Duart i MontoliuAnna Espasa RocaAnna M. Gálvez MozoAdriana Gil JuárezLourdes Guàrdia OrtizTeresa Guasch Pascual Eulàlia Hernández EncuentraJordi Planella RiberaModesta Pousada FernándezIsrael Rodríguez GiraltAlbert Sangrà MorerCarles Sigalés CondeJosep Vivas Elias

NOTE: The faculty directorate is available fromwww.uoc.edu/directoria/professorat. Here you will findthe academic profile and the research experience of thevarious lecturers.

Title Holders

Law Political Sciences

Degree Holders Accumulated Degree Holders Accumulated

105 219 32 56


Degree in Humanities (First-and-SecondCycle, and Second Cycle)

Date of Recognition: RD 217/1997, of 14February 1997 (BOE no. 57 of 7 March 1997)

Length: 4 years divided into 8 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 300 credits arerequired, of which 219 are compulsory,51 are optional and 30 are of free choice/ configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.

Degree in Catalan Language and Literature(First-and-Second Cycle, and Second Cycle)

Date of Recognition: RD 217/1997, of 14February 1997 (BOE no. 57 of 7 March 1997)

Length: 4 years divided into 8 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 300 credits arerequired, of which 224 are compulsory,46 are optional and 30 are of free choice/ configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.

Faculty of Humanities andLanguage and Literature

Teaching staff

Head of Faculty

Pere Fabra Abat

Programme Directors

Albert Batlle RubioDirector of the Political and AdministrationSciences Programme

Raquel Xalabarder PlantadaDirector of the Law Programme

UOC’s Teaching StaffRosa Borge Bravo

Ana Sofía Cardenal IzquierdoAgustí Cerrillo MartínezAna Delgado GarcíaRosa M. Fernández PalmaAntoni Galiano BarajasJordi Garcia AlberoAlbert Padró-Solanet GrauMiquel Peguera PochLourdes Salomón SanchoVíctor Sánchez SánchezMònica Vilasau Solana

NOTE: The faculty directorate is available fromwww.uoc.edu/directoria/professorat. Here you will findthe academic profile and the research experience of thevarious lecturers.


Humanities Catalan Language and Literature

1st semester 2nd semester 1st semester 2nd semester

1,722 1,789 380 365

Teaching staff

Head of Faculty

Isidor Marí Mayans

Programme Directors

Narcís Figueras CapdevilaDirector of the Language and LiteratureProgramme

Glòria Munilla CabrillanaDirectorof the Humanities Programme

UOC’s Teaching StaffJoan Elies Adell PitarchEduard Aibar PuentesPau Alsina GonzálezElisenda Ardèvol Piera

Federico Borges Saiz Laura Borràs CastanyerJoan Campàs MontanerCésar Carreras MonfortSalvador Climent RocaPauline ErnestJoan Fuster Sobrepere Joseph HopkinsRoger Martínez SanmartíMar Massanell MessallesGlòria Munilla CabrillanaFrancesc Núñez MosteoJoan Pujolar CosMiquel Strubell TruetaAgnès Vayreda Duran

NOTE: The faculty directorate is available fromwww.uoc.edu/directoria/professorat. Here you will findthe academic profile and the research experience of thevarious lecturers.

Title Holders

Humanities Catalan Language and Literature

Degree Holders Accumulated Degree Holders Accumulated

50 134 10 21

Technical Engineering Technical Engineering Computer Degree inin Computer Management in Computer Systems Engineering Multimedia Studies

1st semester 2nd semester 1st semester 2nd semester 1st semester 2nd semester 1st semester 2nd semester

1,869 1,875 2,684 2,757 668 715 593 591


Teaching staff

Head of Faculty

Rafael Macau Nadal

Programme Directors

Ferran Giménez PradoHead of the Degree in Multimedia Studies

Maria Jesús Marco GalindoDirector of the Higher EngineeringProgramme

Josep Maria Marco SimóDirector of the Technical Engineering inComputer Management Programme

Josep Prieto Blázquez Director of the Technical Engineering inComputer Systems Programme

UOC’s Teaching StaffJoan Arnedo MorenoJordi Cabot SagreraCarlos Casado MartínezRobert Clarissó Viladrosa

César Córcoles BriongosAtanasi Daradoumis HaralabusAna Elena Guerrero RoldánIsabel Guitart Hormigo Montse Guitert Catasús Jordi Herrera JoancomartíM. Antonia Huertas SánchezJoan Manuel Marquès PuigAntoni Marín AmatllerDavid Megías JiménezJulià Minguillón AlfonsoEnric Mor PeraAntoni Pérez NavarroLaura Porta SimóM. Àngels Rius GavidiaElena Rodríguez GonzálezTeresa Romeu FontanillasEugènia Santamaria Pérez Jordi Serra i RuizMontse Serra VizernFrancesc Vallverdú Bayés

NOTE: The faculty directorate is available fromwww.uoc.edu/directoria/professorat. Here you will findthe academic profile and the research experience of thevarious lecturers.

Technical Engineering in ComputerManagement

Date of Recognition: RD 217/1997, of 14February 1997 (BOE no. 57 of 7 March 1997)

Length: 3 years divided into 6 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 180 credits arerequired, of which 144 are compulsory,18 are optional and 18 are of free choice/ configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.

Technical Engineering in ComputerSystems

Date of Recognition: RD 217/1997, of 14February 1997 (BOE no. 57 of 7 March 1997)

Length: 3 years divided into 6 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 180 credits arerequired, of which 144 are compulsory,18 are optional and 18 are of free choice/ configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.

Computer Engineering (Second Cycle)

Date of Recognition: RD 217/1997, of 14February 1997 (BOE no. 57 of 7 March 1997)

Length: 2 years divided into 4 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 120 credits arerequired, of which 72 are compulsory, 36are optional and 12 are of free choice /configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.

Degree in Multimedia Studies

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya’s OwnDegree

Length: 3 years divided into 6 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 180 credits arerequired, of which 144 are compulsory,18 are optional and 18 are of free choice/ configuration.

Faculty of Computer Science andMultimedia

Title Holders

Technical Engineering Technical Engineering Computer Degree inin Computer Management in Computer Systems Engineering Multimedia Studies

Degree Holders Accumulated Degree Holders Accumulated Degree Holders Accumulated Degree Holders Accumulated

88 194 127 271 75 100 39 59



Degree in Documentation (Second Cycle)

Date of Recognition: RD 1835/1999, of 3December 1999 (BOE no. 306 of 23December 1999)

Length: 2 years divided into 4 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 120 credits arerequired, of which 76.5 are compulsory,31.5 are optional and 12 are of freechoice / configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.

Degree in Audiovisual Communication(Second Cycle)

Date of Recognition: RD 362/2003, of 28March 2003 (BOE no. 86-2003 of 10 April2003)

Length: 2 years divided into 4 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 124 credits arerequired, of which 75 are compulsory, 36are optional and 13 are of free choice /configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.

Faculty of Information andCommunications Sciences


Documentation Audiovisual Communication

1st semester 2nd semester 1st semester 2nd semester

1,068 1,002 350 388

Teaching staff

Head of Faculty

Agustí Canals Parera

Programme Directors

Toni Roig TeloDirector of the AudiovisualCommunication Programme

Sandra Sanz MartosDirector of the DocumentationProgramme

UOC’s Teaching StaffJordi Alberich PascualGemma Andreu i PérezSònia Aran Rampsott Josep Cobarsí MoralesPablo Lara NavarraMario Pérez-Montoro GutiérrezVíctor Renobell SantarenFrancesc Saigi RubióImma Tubella Casadevall

NOTE: The faculty directorate is available fromwww.uoc.edu/directoria/professorat. Here you will findthe academic profile and the research experience of thevarious lecturers.

Teaching staff

Programme Director

Esther Pérez Martell

UOC’s Teaching StaffJoan Miquel GomisFrancesc González Reverté Marta Viu Roig

NOTE: The faculty directorate is available fromwww.uoc.edu/directoria/professorat. Here you will findthe academic profile and the research experience of thevarious lecturers.

Diploma in Tourism

Date of Recognition: RD 397/2003, of 4April (BOE no. 99-2003 of 25 April 2003)

Length: 3 years divided into 6 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 180 credits arerequired, of which 138 are compulsory,24 are optional and 18 are of free choice/ configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.

Tourism Programme



1st semester 2nd semester

601 680

Title holders


Degree Holders Accumulated

3 3

Title Holders

Documentation Audiovisual Communication

Degree Holders Accumulated Degree Holders Accumulated

177 515 15 15


Teaching staff

Programme Director

Anna Busquets i Alemany

UOC’s Teaching StaffLluc López VidalDavid Martínez RoblesCarlos Prado Fons

NOTE: The faculty directorate is available fromwww.uoc.edu/directoria/professorat. Here you will findthe academic profile and the research experience of thevarious lecturers.

The academic year 2004-2005 started off with the appointment of TeresaSancho, up to then Academic Co-ordinator, as Head of Programmes.

The change coincides with the launch of a new Plan of Doctoral Studies thatseeks to lend a greater flexibility to the teaching offer and to adapt it to theneeds of the UOC’s doctoral students.

In the new structure, all the subjectsoffered are worth 5 credits, and thecompulsory courses are eliminated; thusstudents may freely choose their itinerarywithin the framework of the programme.In addition, there is the incorporation ofthe Master’s degree in the Information

and Knowledge Society. To obtain thisdegree, a minimum 30 credits arerequired, which can be obtained eitherthrough the teaching and research periodof the doctoral programme (32 credits inall), or by reading for a minimum of sixsubjects from the programme (30 credits).

This new degree will also be awardedretroactively to all those students fromprevious editions of the programme whofulfil the requirements.

Another novelty this academic year is thevalidation of the research credits for workcarried out in any of the UOC researchgroups.


There are currently 637 students in thedoctoral programme, of whom 205started it according to the new format.

Degree in East Asian Studies (SecondCycle)

Date of Recognition: RD 1262/2004, of21 May 2004 (BOE no. 135-2004 of 4June 2004)

Length: 2 years divided into 4 semesters*

To obtain this degree, 120 credits arerequired, of which 84 are compulsory, 24are optional and 12 are of free choice /configuration.

* In accordance with the flexible nature ofmatriculation, each person may adapt thelength of the studies to his or her availability.

East Asian Studies Programme


East Asian Studies

1st semester 2nd semester

326 393

Doctoral ProgrammeThe Information and KnowledgeSociety

Third Cycle Studies















Geographical Distribution of Doctoral Students


Rest of Spain



With the collaboration of:


Technology, Economics and theUniversity: Analysis of the Effects of theInformation and CommunicationsTechnologies on the Economic Efficiency

of Virtual Universities, read on 24 January2005 by David Castillo; Dr Jordi Vilasecaacted as tutor.

Reading of Doctoral Theses

Degree Holders Accumulated

Diploma Holders in Advanced Studies 55 164

Doctors 1 3









Digital Artand


9 96

17 19





e-business e-government e-health e-law e-learning KnowledgeManagement



Research sphere of interest to new students

Production of Research Assignments

Research Assignments Completed

Students in the Third Edition 57

Students in the Fourth Edition 45

Total 102

Distribution of the Research Seminars

Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Information Society 26 assignments

E-learning 23 assignments

Cyberculture 15 assignments

Knowledge Management 14 assignments

The New Economy 11 assignments

E-governance 6 assignments

Information and Communications Technologies 5 assignments

Law and ICTs 2 assignments


In agreement with the internationalisationstrategy, inter-university agreements havebeen signed to facilitate the mobility andpresence of students from variousgeographical origins. This factor togetherwith the fact of having a permanent sitetaking care of students in Mexico hasenabled a 12% increase of students fromoutside Spain.

From the qualitative point of view, twoprojects have been developed that haverelied on the participation of theUniversity’s faculty and management staff:

- The study of the needs of continuingeducation, in which 8,909 students tookpart who had started their postgraduateeducation between 2001 and 2004.Very dependable scales were drawnfrom this study that corroborated theknowledge we already had about ourstudents.

- The collaboration in the initiatives fromother European universities, with theparticipation in a project called“Recognising the Knowledge Acquiredthrough the Professional Experience andOther Types of Experiences (RAEP)”,and the development of the project.

The RAEP project abounds on the ideathat people keen to acquire training sharesimilar common points of departure andof arrival.

What is pursued by recognising theknowledge acquired through theprofessional experience is to lendstudents the opportunity to obtainacademic credits for the learning obtainedthrough the exercise of their profession, ofcollaborations in specific projects, of theirhobbies or other vital experiences.

Programmes Prioritised by This Project

Programes prioritzats en aquest projecte - Master’s course in Human Resources

Management- Master’s course in Free Software- Master’s course in Multimedia Creation

and Production.

The double edition of Master’sprogrammes during the months of Marchand November has implied a considerablerise in the number of programmes offeredand also in the credits taught, totalling66,332.

Areas of teaching activity focused on theprofessional world:

Companies and Organisations

- Area of Management Development:General Management Programme (PDG)

- Area of Finances and EconomicManagement

- Area of Marketing- Area of Human Resources- Area of Logistics- Area of Prevention of Labour Risks- Area of Quality- Area of Mediation and Conflict

Resolution- Area of Co-operation

Technological Environment

- Area of Information andCommunications Technologies

- Area of Computers: InternationalMaster’s course on Free Software,Master’s course from Microsoft.net andMaster’s course in CNAP-CISCONetwork Administration

- Area of Multimedia Applications- Area of Information Management

Information Society

- Area of Communication- Area of Publishing

Culture and Education

- Area of Training Development andEducational Technology: InternationalMaster’s course in E-learning

- Area of Humanities: Cultural andHeritage Management

Sectorial Areas

- Area of Tourism: Hotel Management- Health Area: Health Management and

Mental Health

Asian Studies

- East Asia: Undergraduate Degree /Master’s Degree

Law and Political Sciences

- Area of Internet Law- Area of Political and Administration

Sciences- Area of Governance

Postgraduate Education

Postgraduate Education

The UOC’s Postgraduate Education activityfor the academic year 2004-2005 revolvedaround an offer of Master’s andPostgraduate programmes based on thedevelopment of the standardcompetencies of professional roles and on the new spheres of knowledge, such asHealth, Tourism, City Management, Law, or Co-operation.

These new programmes are representativeof the knowledge and the experienceaccumulated at the heart of the universityand have allowed the active participation of renowned professionals and at the sametime the consolidation of the relationship of the UOC with other universities andorganisations.

The creation of training itineraries offersstudents the possibility of reading forshorter and more integrated programmes:

- Postgraduate degree in Management ofInternational Co-operation Projects,together with the Spanish Red Cross;

- WTO-GTAT Master’s course in TopManagement of Tourist DestinationPolicies and Strategy, together with the World Tourism Organisation;

- Postgraduate degree in E-CommerceLaw, together with the University of the Balearic Islands;

- Postgraduate degree in Management ofthe Territory and the Environment;

- Master’s and Postgraduate degree inHealth Sciences, with four specialities tochoose from: Clinic Management; ICTs;Management of Insurance Companies;and Management of Social and HealthInstitutions and Services.

Programmes Developed

Master’s Programmes 36

Postgraduate Programmes 63

Specialisation Programmes 75

Update Programmes 4

Total 178


Master’s / Postgraduate / Specialisation / Update Programmes 3,227

Universitat Oberta d’Estiu (Summer Open University) 1,397

Universidad Virtual de Verano (Virtual Summer University) 731

Winter Courses 1,000

Total 6,355


Universitat Oberta d’Estiu(Summer Open University)

The Universitat Oberta d’Estiu (UOd’E)(Summer Open University) offers a widerange of courses directed toward personswho may wish to use the summer toobtain training in the virtual use orenvironment, with multimedia tools thatopen up new lines of action and ofprofessional development, and use themost advanced resources.

Courses last for 30 hours and have anacademic worth of 2 free-choice creditsfor UOC students and for the otheruniversities that form part of the summeroffer of the Joan Lluís Vives Institute.

Universidad Virtual de Verano (Virtual Summer University)

Winter Courses

This year, the fourth edition of theUniversidad Virtual de Verano consolidatedits position. These summer courses havebeen done in Spanish and they have the

same characteristics as the UOd’E asregards the number of credits required foreach course, the evaluation system, andthe general functioning.

Corporate Development The Corporate Development Departmentwas launched during the last semester of2004. The aim is to bring the University,and its learning model, to organisations,developing training programmes thatadapt to their professional and sectorialneeds.

A total of 572 organisations, of nationaland international scope, entrusted thetraining of their employees to the UOC,whether through matriculation to openprogrammes or through the matriculationto programmes adapted to their needs.

During the month of February and for thethird consecutive year the offer of thesewinter courses was consolidated.

Activity Figures

Courses on Offer 59

Participation 1,397

New Participants 13.74%

Success Rate 86.69%

Activity Figures

Courses on Offer 36

Participation 731

New Participants 92.48%

Success Rate 82.63%

Activity Figures

Courses on Offer 30

Participation 1,000

Success Rate 89.06%


The UOC is the only university inCatalonia offering three access courses

for people over 25 years of age.

Pre-university Training

Access Course for People over 25 Yearsof Age

The basic aim of the access course to the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya forpeople over 25 is that students may attaina learning that may allow them to passthe UOC entry exams and, at the sametime, join this university community in asuccessful way.

In the 2004-2005 period three accesscourses in Catalan and two in Spanishwere organised for people over 25. Therate of students who successfully passedthe exams reached 84.14% of allstudents who took the exams.

At the June 2005 sitting, the accesscourse to the UOC to read for the degreein Technical Engineering inTelecommunications, specialityTelematics, was launched as a responseto the creation of this UOC degree.

Students matriculated to the course

Faculties November November March May June Total2004 2004* 2005 2005* 2005

Business Sciences 135 30 56 25 84 330

Psychology 172 31 71 15 76 365

Law 88 36 44 24 53 245

Humanities 80 -- 41 -- 51 172

Catalan Language and Literature 7 -- 5 -- 7 19

TE in Computer Managementand Computer Systems 114 32 51 20 69 286

TE in Telecommunications,speciality in Telematics -- -- -- -- 7 7

Tourism 41 8 29 12 26 116

Total 637 137 297 96 373 1,540

* Access to Faculties at the Latin American campus

During the academic year 2004-2005new courses of university extension werecreated in Spanish (CFSPE) to be addedto those existing in Catalan (CFSP). The following are the new courses:

- Higher Training in Administrative andAccounting Management

- Higher Training in BusinessManagement

Higher training courses for professionals

New students matriculated


September 2004 - July 2005 288 1,013 1,301

During the second semester of theacademic year 2004-2005, there took placethe launch of the pilot test of the @teneuuniversitari (University @theneum). Throughthis initiative, the UOC seeks to make itpossible for any one to have access touniversity training, regardless of his or herprevious level of knowledge, especiallyconcerning those adults who are keen toretake studying, or to adapt or widen theircurrent knowledge, or to quench their thirstfor learning in all the spheres of cultural life.

The initial idea is for citizens to takeadvantage and use throughout their livesof each one of the opportunities availableto update, to go deeper into, and toenrich, this knowledge so as to be able to understand and adapt better to aworld under constant change.

@teneu universitari offers those keen towiden or strengthen competencies andknowledge the possibility of studying forthe UOC subjects without having to fulfilany requirements to access universities.Those matriculated in the @teneu monitortheir subjects in the same classrooms asthe rest of students, with identical didacticmaterials and the same calendar, andthey have access to teaching attention ofidentical rigour and quality that distinguishthe UOC model.

For the pilot test in March 2004, 42subjects were chosen for an initial targetof 200 candidates; the final result was589 candidates, something that willenable the consolidation and extension ofthe initiative during the coming semesters.


Activity Figures

Participants 589

Credits for which they matriculated 3,224


In this respect, and taking into accountthe student profile and the characteristicsof the knowledge society, the immediateaccess to information, the fluidity incommunication, networking, and so on,the UOC guides its educational modelaccording to four basic principles: flexibility(the facilities to follow one’s own learningpace – in evaluation, in permanence, in thedegree system, and so on); co-operation(the generation of knowledge acting incollaboration); personalisation (the individualattention received by the student thattakes into account his or her personalcharacteristics, needs and interests, andso on), and interaction (communicationbetween people and resources).

At the UOC, the student’s teaching andlearning process is at the centre of themodel. The basic units of the learningprocess are the subjects or trainingactions, which are developed in what wecall virtual classroom. This virtualenvironment contains information, tools,spaces and functionalities that allow thedevelopment of training activities and theorganisation of the agents and elementsthat form a part of it: the tutor, the group,the continuing evaluation, the teachingplan and the materials, the resources andthe sources of information. Beyond theseelements, the student has within his orher reach a counsellor, the Virtual Library,the communication spaces (forums andnotice boards), the virtual Secretary’sOffice for academic consultations andtransactions, and the spaces for studentassociations, among other services.

The UOC works to make its educationalmodel evolve and improve. Along this line,a number of innovating projects were

launched during the academic year withinthe sphere of educational quality andteaching methodology, among which onecould single out the conceptualisation of theTeaching Plan in accordance with the EHEAand the impact study of UOC graduates.

The pilot test carried out during the lastsemester with sixteen subjects from variousprogrammes enabled some progress tobe made in the conceptualisation of theTeaching Plan as a learning planning toolbased on design by competencies andfocused on the student’s activity. Themethodological and functionalspecifications of the Plan were defined; avisualisation proposal was made; themanagement and publication processesinvolved in the implementation of the newtool were analysed; and the work donehas been reviewed in order to keepmaking progress in the right direction.

The UOC Graduates Impact Study hasenabled an evaluation of the personal andprofessional benefits involved in studyingat the UOC to those people that haveobtained a degree or a diploma there, andit has also enabled the acknowledgementand value of the degree in the mostimmediate environment. The methodologyof analysis, both quantitative andqualitative, has enabled to go deeper intothe competencies and skills acquired atthe UOC and required in the professionalexercise, something that has provokedthe reflection on the sphere of the plansof study and the corresponding definition.This study becomes the point ofdeparture of a future observatory of UOC graduates.

UOC Methodology

The UOC’s base is a distance educationmodel that focuses on students that usethe information and communicationstechnologies (ICTs) to place within theirreach a whole series of spaces, tools andresources that facilitate to them thecommunication and the activity, not onlyin regard to their learning process, butalso to the development of their academiclife.

During this academic year, the number of subjects of which the printed version ofthe didactic materials were sent in websupport has expanded notably. Didacticmaterials have evolved towards thissupport with the idea of increasing thefacility of use and to improve sometechnical aspects.

Students have access to a newapplication that allows permanent accessto the most up-to-date version of thedidactic materials of the subjects forwhich they matriculated to the UOC.

During this academic year, the VirtualCampus evolved to provide facility of useand satisfaction to students and tutors,offering at the same time a stable serviceto a great number of users. in this sense,the Virtual Campus homepage and thevarious sections of the Virtual Secretary’sOffice have been redesigned. The servicetime was above 99%, with concurrencesof up to 2,600 students connected at the same time.

Specifically, a portable usability laboratoryhas been stabilised to analyse thescreens of the Virtual Campus and to findthe best solutions for students. Thelaboratory has worked with a number

of Campus areas. Classroom, diary,secretary’s office, and file area are justsome of the main projects tested withstudents at the support centres andduring the meetings.

During this academic year, a first batch ofmaterials totally written in XML providingautomatic book, web or voice formatswere developed. During a first phase, itwas possible to automate the structure of one thousand web materials. Specially,the work on accessibility to web materialsjointly developed with the FundaciónONCE could be singled out.


Learning Materials

Virtual Campus

New subjects of the course

1st Semester 2nd Semester Total

Recognised Degrees Main Campus 18 34 52

Latin American Campus 45 39 84

Total 63 73 136

Total Subjects Offered

1st Semester 2nd Semester Total

Recognised Degrees Main Campus 545 561 1,106

Latin American Campus 358 387 745

Total 903 948 1,851

Materials of new elaboration

CD-ROM CD-ROM Book/ Paper WebSoftware Manual

Economics and Business Studies 2 -- -- 21 27

Psychology and Educational Sciences -- -- -- 13 15

Law and Political Science -- -- -- 31 20

Humanities and Language and Literature 9 -- 4 19 15

Computer Science and Multimedia 3 21 -- 18 4

Information and Communications Sciences 1 -- -- 2 11

Tourism -- 2 -- 13 12

East Asian Studies -- -- 6 14 4

Total 15 23 10 131 108

During the academic year 12,155,939

Weekly connections per student 7

During the year 446,316,578

Per student 35

Connections Total connection time (in minutes)


During the academic year 2004-2005, the level of satisfaction of UOC studentsremained stable, with values nearing 4points over 5, according to the evaluationsurveys, so that the high level ofsatisfaction of students compared to the same period last year wasmaintained.

Institutional Evaluation

2nd Semester 2003-04 2nd Semester 2004-05

4.1 4.1

As regards the study plans, the followingevaluation elements were taken intoconsideration:

- Suitability: adaptation of content in the study plan to the expectationsgenerated, taking into account theobjectives set, the level of in-depth

study, and the difficulty of the subject.- Applicableness: this term refers,

basically, to the use of the content in the professional, academic and personalenvironment of student.

And the following were the results obtained:

Regarding satisfaction with the elementssupporting study, the main results werealso placed around 4 over 5. Specifically,the concepts evaluated in this sectionwere the following:

- Teaching action: student satisfactionwith regard to the actions of tutors andcounsellors.

- Communication: valuing of the variousrelationships and interactions offered tothe student by the virtual community,and of the various means and resourcesto obtain communication.

- Learning resources: methodologicalelements whose function is to facilitatelearning (activities of various types, casestudies, readings, links, and so on) aswell as the didactic material itself,whether in digital or paper support.

- Evaluation: valuation made by thestudent regarding the evaluation systemused, as far as its suitability, coherenceand feedback obtained.

- Virtual learning environment: studentsatisfaction regarding the information,the services and the functionalitiesoffered by the environment.

2nd Semester 2003-04 2nd Semester 2004-05

Suitability 3.9 3.9

Applicableness 3.5 3.5

As for general satisfaction, concerningofficial studies in Catalan, the global

values are given below, with anexplanation of each concept:

2nd Semester 2003-04 2nd Semester 2004-05

Teaching Action 4.3 4.3

Communication 3.6 3.7

Learning Resources 3.8 3.8

Evaluation 4.1 4.1

Virtual Learning Environment 3.9 4.0

2nd Semester 2003-04 2nd Semester 2004-05

Enjoyment 4.1 4.0

Belonging 3.8 3.7

Compensation of Dedication 3.9 3.9

Benefit Perception 4 4

Plan of Studies

Elements to Support Study

Global Values

Global Satisfaction


2nd Semester 2003-04 2nd Semester 2004-05

Students 20,618 27,280

Number of Replies 3,682 (18%) 5,232 (18.8%)

Type of Sampling Voluntary Voluntary

Margin of Error 1.49% 2.49%

Questionnaire Format Web Web

Questionnaire Available During July 2004 July 2005

Place of Publication Message sent to matriculated students

Technical Details of the Surveys

This year a new external companyspecialising in market research centralisedthe collection of replies and the analysisof results, thus ensuring confidentialityand professional handling in dealing withthe surveys. Reports were drawn thatlooked deeper into the analysis of thesurveys so that improvements could be suggested in the items valued bystudents.

The measure of student satisfaction formspart of the UOC’s methodologicalcommand box, which also includes the measure of the various indicators ofacademic performance and the degree of continuity in the faculties and in theinstitution. The gathering of all thisinformation in a periodical manner and the later analyses will enable us to have acommand box for decision makinggeared to improving the University’squality.

The Virtual Libraryw1 During this course the first prototype ofthe ARC@ project was generated (Accessto, and Retrieval of, On-line Content).

Access to teaching content is provided atthis phase of the project, in other words,to the didactic materials in web and pdfsupport, not just in Catalan, but also inSpanish; access is also provided byfaculties, subjects and authors.

Among the objectives sought by ARC@there is the improvement of the student’slearning process, facilitating the efficiencyof the teaching action and of the content.Under the leadership of the Virtual Library,various UOC faculties and areas take partin the project.

Similarly, improvements have beenintroduced in the organisation of contentand the viewing of the classroom libraries

of the subjects of recognised degrees.

On the face of the experience andsuccess obtained in the resource spacesat the international Master’s classrooms,the service was extended to all the UOCmaster’s and postgraduate courses, thusobtaining that this service may beavailable from all the classrooms.

In a regular way, digital monographicworks were generated on current issuesnot strictly related to the teaching andacademic activity, such as Blogs: TheNew Communication Phenomenon,Phishing and Security on the Internet,Open Access to Scientific Publications,Software Patents, The Kyoto Protocol,4th Centenary of Don Quixote and TheEuropean Constitution, among others.

Use of the Virtual Library

Users who used the Library through theVirtual Campus

1,911,050 93.48%


Users who contacted the support librariesto use their infrastructure, consultmaterials or collect the loan.

Consultations made at the various spacesof the Virtual Library total 23,383,201.

125,882 6.18%


The technical details of the survey are leftas shown in the boxes reproduced next.A light improvement is observed in thepercentage of participation and,consequently, the results stay within amore than acceptable error margin.

w1 http://www.xina.uoc.es/cat/



Thanks to the collaboration with theteaching staff of the degree in Audio-visual Communication, a novel newsservice on the subject was launched.Through this service any member of theUOC community can stay informed of the main news events taking place in theaudiovisual industry (TV, radio, filmcompanies), the main festivals, and the leading awards in the sector, the legalmodifications regulating the sector, andso on.

The Library Information Newsletter for the Faculty was also launched. This is amonthly service sent into the mailboxes ofall UOC teaching staff and researchers,with the aim of offering information aboutLibrary content and services that mightbe interesting for teaching and research.

Library Holdings

As regards physical documents, duringthis academic year the UOC Cataloguehas listed 64,370 items that refer tobooks, journals, CD, video-tapes, and so on. Through the consortium,subscriptions have been taken to twocollections of e-books: NetLibrary, withmore than one thousand books, andLecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS), made up of more than 1,800monographic works on computer issues.

In parallel, the Library subscribed to fournew databases: Blackwell Synergy, ofmedical scope; Proquest PsychologyJournals, in the sphere of psychology;Proquest Medical Library, of the AmericanMedical Association; and ProquestHealth&Medical Complete, providingaccess to more than 1,500 journals andto abstracts from the Medline database.

Internal projects

A design has been made for the Centrefor Resources for Research (CR2), avirtual centre specialising in content andservices focusing on the sphere of theinformation and knowledge society. The CR2 will lend information anddocumentary support to the doctoralprogramme and to the IN3 researchgroups.

A project has also been started for thecreation of a taxonomy to classify in asystematic way the areas of knowledge of the University.

External projects

The Library took part in a number ofprojects together with the UOC’sInternational Relations Area, elaborating a customised library for the diplomatstaking part in the Update Programme forDiplomats (PRADI). It has also taken partin courses elaborated by GEC, thecompany participated by the UOC, such as the course on Public Safety.


The agreements signed in previous yearswith various universities and entities arebeing maintained, and the followinguniversities have also joined:

- University of A Coruña- University of Las Palmas de Gran


External Projection

The Library took part in the CulturalObjects in Networked Environments(COINE) European research programme,from the Information Society Technologiesprogramme of the European Commission.In the project’s final action, the prototypewas presented in the dialogue“Moviments humans i immigració” heldduring the Forum Barcelona 2004. Apaper was delivered in Berlin, at theInternational Cultural Heritage InformaticsMeeting (ICHIM), about “PreservingMemories On-line”, jointly with the facultyof Humanities.

At the 4th REBIUN Workshop on digitalprojects: The Digital Library and TeachingInnovation: Learning Objects andInstitutional Deposits, the Librarypresented two papers; the first, under the title of “Management of TeachingMaterials: The ARC@ Project (Access andRetrieval of On-line Content)” and thesecond, ”Information Architecture forAccessibility and Usability: Syndication asan Instrument for Competitiveness andQuality in Content for Teaching”, togetherwith the faculty of Documentation.

An article relating to the implementationof a search engine for the VL waspublished in the Textos universitaris debiblioteconomia i documentació digitaljournal: “Selection and Implementation of a Search Engine for the UOC’s VirtualLibrary”.

Participation continues in the Dutch groupZwolle, a group that develops criteria toimplement policies to manage the rightsof authors of scientific and academicworks in university environments.

The UOC Library also forms part of theConsorci de Biblioteques Universitàriesde Catalunya (CBUC) and of the RedEspañola de Bibliotecas Universitarias(REBIUN).

Finally, the UOC Library forms part of theExcellence Network in Digital Libraries(DELOS).


University Life


The UOC university community is madeup of people related to the University who have access to the Virtual Campus.It is a collective involving more than fiftythousand people in the Campus inCatalan and more than twenty thousandin the Campus in Spanish. This includesgraduates, students, own faculty,

contributing staff, managementpersonnel, research staff, authors of the materials, and people linked to theco-operation projects.

All these people have a UOC card, whichthey receive by post during the firstsemester.

The university community is made up ofpeople with very diverse jobs, lifestylesand concerns. These people take part insocial spaces, proposals and activitiesthat allow them to continue trainingbeyond the classrooms, with the aim ofexchanging knowledge and experiences,and of favouring their personal academicand professional development.

The forums

People with identical professional,academic or personal interests exchangeopinions, experiences and informationthrough the participation spaces. This is amultidirectional environment, where onecan exercise his critical analysis andanyone may adopt a position that send or receives ideas and knowledge.

Any member of the university communitycan open up conversation spaces aroundany issues, and take part in those that arealready working.

Till the end of 2004-2005, more thaneleven thousand people joined and tookpart in the forums, with more than twohundred open spaces, embracingsubjects that range from the studies atthe University to leisure and culture,professions, geographical areas, hobbiesor aspects of a more personal nature.


The aim of the Associations Service is tochannel the work of the various interestgroups so that the activities undertakenby the members of the community maybe enriching for all.

The University offers a space within theVirtual Campus for each associationwhich contains information of theassociation and exchange mailboxes. In the academic year 2004-2005 nineteenassociations were active.

Participation Spaces

Study Trips

- Egypt (two trips) and Turkey. Organisedby the Aula Egipcíaca and the tutors ofPrehistory and Ancient History, with atotal of ninety-eight students taking part.

- Summer Course at the MenéndezPelayo International University inSantander. Organised by thePsychology students, it was attendedby a group of fourteen students.

- Summer Course in Chinese, at Beijing’sLanguage and Culture University(BLCU). Organised by the East Asiastudies and the UOC’s office in Beijing,twelve UOC students took part. The tripincluded a dinner with more than thirtyUOC students who normally live inChina.

Cultural and Social Activities

Out of the initiative of the members of thecommunity themselves, of the teachingstaff or of the University governing team, a number of activities of an eminentlysocial or cultural nature were organisedworld wide.

UOC Students’ Trip to Egypt


In Catalonia

The UOC community held dinnersorganised by the various support centres’committees and the centres themselves

in Amposta, Manresa, Palafrugell, Reus,Tarragona, Tortosa and Vidreres.

La Virtual

La Virtual (Virtual Consumers’ Network) isthe UOC university community’sconsumers’ network. Its function is toforward external commercial proposals tothe University, specially those that couldbe most interesting to its members. Itsactivity embraces a wide range ofadvantages for the community, as well asspecific offers and proposals aimed at

solving specific needs, such as telephoneconnection, computer equipment or theUOC didactic materials.

In addition, the members of La Virtual can obtain exclusive discounts and offers;to buy in other co-operatives, such asAbacus, in the same conditions of itsmembers; and to access the consumers’associations of consumer co-operatives.

Advantages in products and services

This is a space devoted to the exchange,buying or selling of any product and serviceamong individuals. The announcementsare sorted into the following categories:

- Sports- Property- Computers- Home- Motor- Employment- Others

The Butlletí de la Comunitat UOC is sentevery month to the university communitymembers. It includes information about

University activities, services and news.

With a will to facilitate to all communitymembers the practice of sport, access isoffered to spaces and services from otherentities in advantageous conditions, andparticipation is facilitated to Universitystudents, lecturers and staff in theuniversity championships.

Twenty-seven University students tookpart in the 2004-2005 University CatalanChampionships, which have this yearbeen co-ordinated by the UOC and theUniversity of Barcelona (UB).

The members of the university communityhave had access to more than twohundred and fifty offers and discounts ofbetween 5% and 50% in museums,bookshops, sports shops and otherproducts and services of companies andcultural entities across Catalonia andSpain.

In addition, the ticket raffle servicedistributed some four thousand fivehundred free tickets, or tickets at reducedor half price, for theatre plays andconcerts at the Gran Teatre del Liceu, the Teatre Lliure, the Teatre Nacional deCatalunya, the Teatre Poliorama, theTeatre Victòria, the Versus Teatre and the Auditori de Barcelona, among others.


Small Announcements

The Butlletí de la Comunitat UOC(UOC Community’s Newsletter)



The UOC university community includesstudents living in fifty-nine countries.During the academic year 2004-2005 theUniversity’s governing team hasencouraged meetings with students,graduates and contributing teaching staffin the following countries:

- China (7 students attended);- Colombia (31 people attended);- Mexico (52 people attended);- Belgium (10 people attended);- Dominican Republic (15 people attended);- Puerto Rico (3 people attended).

In Spain

Meetings were organised with the aim ofproviding a space to meet, to accompanythe new students along their first steps in

the Virtual Campus, to explain first-handthe challenges faced by the University,and to listen to the opinions andconcerns of students.

Territorial Meetings

Santiago de Compostela 90

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 65

Madrid 35

People attending


Face-to-face Meetings

Face-to-face meetings constitute the rightspace for bringing students and teachingstaff together at the beginning and at theend of each semester. Presentationmeetings take place at the start of eachsemester with the academic objective ofhaving the tutors set out the teaching planof the various subjects. Synthesis meetingstake place at the end of each semester withthe academic objective of allowing the tutorsto evaluate the development of subjectsover the semester and to provide their latestsuggestions regarding examinations.

The content of the meetings includes anacademic programme of counselling andtutoring sessions, a programme ofcomplementary activities made up ofworkshops and cultural activities, andvarious usually virtual services at theUniversity, such as: Computer Assistance,Student Services, the UOC Friends’ andGraduates’ Club, Community Galvanisation,and so on.

All activities can be previously consultedon the meeting’s website.

Since this academic year 2004-2005newly matriculated students can attendsynthesis meetings so they can startenjoying university life and the atmosphereof the meetings before starting theirstudies. The activities addressed to thesestudents are based on the presentations ofthe studies, face-to-face counsellingsessions with their initial counsellors andsome workshops specially prepared forthis new incorporation profile.

The academic programme of the meetingshas an approximate stable attendance of35% of the total matriculated students.

Presentation meeting, first semester

Venue: Bellaterra Campus, AutonomousUniversity of Barcelona (UAB)Date: 18 September 2004


- Faculty of Law and Political Science: “La signatura electrònica a l’administracióper Internet”, by Ignacio Alamillo, Headof Legal Issues, Agència Catalana deCertificació (CATCERT).

- Faculty of Information andCommunications Sciences: “Què és lavisualització d’informació?”, by JoanCarles Dursteler, founder of Infovis.net, a website devoted to the study of thevisualisation of information.

- Faculty of Psychology and EducationalSciences: “Lectura i alfabetisme a lasocietat de la informació”, by Dr CèsarColl, Professor of EvolutionaryPsychology and Education at theUniversity of Barcelona (UB).

- Faculty of Humanities and CatalanLanguage and Literature: “Elogi de laparaula parlada”, by Joan Francesc MiraCastera, Premi d’Honor de les LletresCatalanes 2004.

- East Asian Studies Programme andTourism Programme: “La Xina: apropantcultures a través del turisme. De la granmuralla a la Sagrada Família”, by JosepAndreu Casanovas, Head of Tourism,Tea Cegos/Consultur. Head of projectsin China.

- A lecture on “Cirurgia refractiva”, by Dr Joaquim Mauricio of the InstitutOftalmològic de Barcelona.

- A lecture organised by the Campus forPeace: “Campanya mundial per a lareforma de les institucionsinternacionals”, by Josep Xercavins iValls, lecturer at the PolytechnicUniversity of Catalonia (UPC) and co-ordinator of the Ad Hoc Secretariat ofthe World Forum of Civil SocietyNetworks and Campaign (UBUNTU).

- A lecture “El nou Estatut d’Autonomia”,by Francesc Baltasar, Secretary-Generalof the Ministry of Institutional Relationsand Participation, Generalitat deCatalunya.

Cultural activities

- Presentation of the book of theAssociació Catalana de Comptabilitat iDirecció (ACCID): NIC/NIIF, NormesInternacionals de Comptabilitat, byFrancesc Garreta, President, AuditingSection, Col·legi de Titulats Mercantils iEmpresarials de Barcelona; Ferran

Termes, President, ACCID; and JordiVilaseca, Head of the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies, UOC.

- Cinema at the UOC. A cycle onEuropean short films.

- Attendance to the meeting of the Busde l’Estatut.

Tutoring sessions 1,082

Subjects 483

Shared counselling sessions 95

People attending the face-to-face meetings (figures include students, counsellors, tutors and lecturers)

Two presentation meetings per semester (people attending) 10,000

Two synthesis meetings per semester (people attending) 8,000

Counselling and tutoring sessions


- Search for information in a virtualenvironment

- Internet I- Internet II- Planning your study time- Pocket PCs and other PDAs- Educational resources on the internet

- Linguistic services- The Virtual Library- Search for information in general

databases- E-books- Shiatsu massage- Digital video cameras


- A lecture of the Faculty of Humanitiesand Language and Literature: “Homiliesd’Organyà”.

- A lecture “Ser nen a Nicaragua”,organised by the UOC Campus for Peace,Familias Unidas and Dianova International.

Cultural activities

- A photographic exhibition “Ahorita...”,photographs of Nicaragua, El Salvadorand Guatemala by Pau Gavaldà, organisedby the Campus for Peace and the ComitèÓscar Romero Tarragona-Reus.

- Cinema at the meeting.A cycle of documentary films on theplight of children in Nicaragua. Organisedby the Campus for Peace with thecollaboration of the Comitè ÓscarRomero Tarragona-Reus and FamiliasUnidas: Metal y vidrio, De niña a madreand Chigüines.

Synthesis meeting, first semester

Venue: Bellaterra Campus, AutonomousUniversity of Barcelona (UAB)Date: 18 December 2004

Tutoring sessions 1,082

Subjects 483

Shared counselling sessions 95

Blood donations 43

Children in the ludoteca (Play Area) 108

Library Loans 81

Returns 132

Total workshops 12

Total sessions 33

Total people attending 1,457

- Exam preparation- Search for information in a virtual

environment- The Virtual Library- Internet I- Internet II

- Introduction to digital photography- Digital video cameras- General databases- Pocket PCs and other PDAs- Planning your study time

Total workshops 10

Total sessions 23

Total people attending 408

Blood donations 26

Children in the ludoteca (Play Area) 78

Library Loans 13

Returns 56

Presentation Meeting September 2004



Counselling and tutoring sessions




Presentation meeting, second semester

Venue: Bellaterra Campus, AutonomousUniversity of Barcelona (UAB)Date: 26 February 2005

- Planning your study time- General databases- Search for information in a virtual

environment- The Virtual Library- PowerPoint I- PowerPoint II- Linguistic services

- Digital video cameras- Digital video editing- Digital photography- Protecting your computer- Ergonomics- Introduction to yoga- Nutrition

Total workshops 14

Total sessions 34

Total people attending 1,203

Tutoring sessions 1,109

Subjects 554

Shared counselling sessions 87


- Catalunya Ràdio’s El suplement liveradio programme, on the occasion ofthe celebration of the 10th anniversary.

- Faculty of Humanities and Language andLiterature: “Corregir els crims delfranquisme. Les lliçons que es desprenendel cas de l’Arxiu de Salamanca”, withthe presentation of the book Volem elspapers. La lluita per la repatriació delspapers de Salamanca, by Antoni Strubell,President, Comissió de la Dignitat.

- Faculty of Information and CommunicationSciences: “L’Administració digital: unanova manera de gestionar la informacióen l’Administració pública”, by ManelSanromà, Head of Information Systems,Xarxa Sanitària i Social de Santa Tecla,Tarragona and Lecturer at the Rovira iVirgili University (URV).

- Faculty of Economics and BusinessStudies: “Els reptes actuals de l’economiacatalana”, by Jacint Ros Ombravella,Professor of Economic Policy, Universityof Barcelona (UB) and FinancialOmbudsman (Síndic de Comptes) of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

- Faculty of Law and Political Science:presentation of the book Derecho ynuevas tecnologías, by lecturers fromthe Faculty of Law.

- East Asian Studies Programme: “Lacerimònia del te: una percepció social iestètica en el món japonès”, by ReikoIshimatsu, lecturer in Asian Studies.

- Tourism Programme: “Altaïr, una talaiadel turisme durant el darrer quart desegle”, by Pep Bernades, Director, Altaïrbookshop.

- A lecture from the Campus for Peace:“Després del tsunami, reconstruïm elfutur?”, by Francesc Panyella, SpanishRed Cross international delegate forlogistic work in Sri Lanka.

Cultural activities

- Cinema at the UOC. Animation: pastand present.

Blood donations 26

Children in the ludoteca (Play Area) 126

Library Loans 93

Returns 168

Broadcasting of Catalunya Ràdio’s El suplementradio programme at the face-to-face meeting

Counselling and tutoring sessions




Synthesis meeting, second semester

Venue: Bellaterra Campus, AutonomousUniversity of Barcelona (UAB)Date: 4 June 2005

Tutoring sessions 1,109

Subjects 554

Shared counselling sessions 87


- East Asian Studies Programme: “Lasprotestas de Tiananmen en Pekín. Unamirada testimonial”, by Augusto Soto,tutor of East Asian Studies at the UOC,and direct witness of the Tiananmensquare events of June 1989.

- UOC Co-operation: “Turisme solidari”.

- A talk on the study trip to Santander’sMenéndez Pelayo InternationalUniversity by students of Psychology.

- The Virtual Library- Search for information in general

databases- Search for information in a virtual

environment- Organising your holidays

- Internet I- Internet II- Quo vadis? Developing your

professional career- Exam preparation

Total workshops 8

Total sessions 16

Total people attending 231

Cultural activities

- Audiovisual show of various journeys:Veneçuela, una joia del món.

- Cinema at the UOC. Cinema at themeeting. Compilation of the bestsessions from 2004 and 2005:

El baile de los esqueletos (1929) El patito feo; primera versión (1931) Flores y árboles (1932) La liebre y la tortuga (1934) La tierra de la música (1935) El patito feo; segunda versión (1939)

- Theatre at the meeting: Euripides’sMedea.

Blood donations 24

Children in the ludoteca (Play Area) 79

Library Loans 21

Returns 69

Synthesis Meeting, June 2005

Counselling and tutoring sessions




First semester 23,041

Second semester 19,873

Total academic year 42,914

Student Services and Care

Student Care

Students at the Universitat Oberta deCatalunya have a Student Care Serviceorganised into various areas andinformation services.

Students’ Guide and the CounsellingClassroom

The Guide, of which the second edition waselaborated last year, gives access to thecounselling classroom; explains the mainelements of the educational model; describesthe teaching objectives of recogniseddegrees; provides information about thevarious possibilities that students have for

personal contact and for participation inthe university community; and presentsthe main services the university provides.

The counselling classroom is the spacedestined to students, where they can getinto permanent contact with theircounsellor. The classroom also containsuseful content for the development of thestudents’ academic life.

Academic Information on the Campus

In the 2004-2005 academic year a numberof improvements continued to be made inthe presentation of Campus informationand also in regard to the personalisation ofthe academic content addressed tostudents doing recognised degrees. Theseimprovements consisted in the applicationof a new design to such areas as theHome Page of the Campus or varioussections of the Virtual Secretary’s Office,the use of graphic elements to reinforcethe arrangement of the material, the

adaptation of the structure of certainpages, and a clearer organisation andhierarchical structuring of information indifferent areas of the Virtual Campus.

In regard to the personalisation of information,the Secretary’s Office Newsletter month bymonth obtained more subscribers amongthe students doing recognised degreesand, with more than seven thousand five-hundred subscriptions at the end of theacademic year, it has consolidated itself asan informational resource linked to the mainacademic processes.

Consultation Response Service

Non-teaching issues 1,731

Teaching issues 194

Total 1,925

First semester 4,454

Second semester 7,685

Incidents attended to through the Campus 9,756

Incidents attended to over the phone 44,873

Total consultations 54,629

Computer Assistance Service

Inquiries, suggestions and complaintsreceived

Students subscribed to the Newsletter

Incorporation of new students

Prior to starting their studies at the UOC,students have already obtained access tothe Virtual Campus, from where they canconsult detailed information about thematriculation process, the transactionsand the papers that will have to be

submitted. They have the chance toparticipate in the virtual welcoming area –a space especially devised so that all newstudents may solve all the doubts theymay have concerning matriculation andincorporation into the University, in closecontact with a counsellor and other studycolleagues.

Student Opinion

Another aspect linked to the student careand attention is the collection anddissemination of student opinion in regardto the services they receive through theUniversity. The collection of the studentvoice is essential to maintain the quality ofthe processes of relation to the customerand, above all, to promote improvementactions in the services and care provided

by the UOC. In the academic year 2004-2005 the number and the scope of theactivities carried out to capture studentopinion has been extended. Among them,the satisfaction survey on the attentionservices carried out in July 2005 standsout. On the other hand, the definition of ayearly programme of the activities gearedtowards the sensing of opinion in order toadapt them to the pace of the academicyear has been co-ordinated.

Consultations attended


The centre offers the maximum level ofservices to all the students in the regionsthat it is aimed to cover. It also undertakesto co-ordinate all the work of the supportpoints and the link points, and the servicesoffered therefrom. Cultural activities thatcontribute to enriching the programmes of the areas in which the UOC is presentare also promoted from these centres.Support points and link points act ascomplementary entities to the supportcentres. They are located within publicservices or institutional centres inaccordance with a collaboration agreement.

These territorial entities offer service to thepublic and the possibility of carrying outsome specific transactions; they alsohave equipment for connection to theUOC’s Virtual Campus.

Throughout this academic year, the UOChas been present in the followingterritories:

- Tarragona Support Point (Tarragonès)- Amposta Support Point (Montsià)

New premises were also inaugurated inValencia, in Carrer de la Pau, number 3.

UOC Centres

The territorial network is structured in twolevels: A nucleus network of supportcentres which covers territorial limits orpopulation areas, and a capillary networkof support points and link points thatreaches all the Catalan regions.

The support centre, principal resource of the territorial network, is orientatedtoward the support and galvanisation of the university community and thedissemination of information about the UOC in that sphere.

Support Centres Support Points and Link Points With the support of Barcelona Badalona (Barcelonès)

Badalona-Llefià (Barcelonès) Town Council of BadalonaBarcelona-les Corts (Barcelonès) Barcelona Consortium of LibrariesBarcelona-Vila Olímpica (Barcelonès) Barcelona Consortium of LibrariesBarcelona-Sant Andreu (Barcelonès) Barcelona Consortium of LibrariesBarcelona-Guinardó (Barcelonès) Barcelona Consortium of LibrariesL’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelonès) Town Council of L’Hospitalet de LlobregatMataró (Maresme) Town Council of Mataró

Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Baix Llobregat) Vilanova i la Geltrú (Garraf) Town Council of Vilanova i La Geltrú Masquefa (Anoia) Town Council of MasquefaVallirana (Baix Llobregat) Town Council of Vallirana

Vilafranca del Penedès (Alt Penedès)Terrassa (Vallès Occidental) Rubí (Vallès Occidental) Town Council of Rubí Sabadell (Vallès Occidental) Granollers (Vallès Oriental) Town Council of Granollers

Barberà del Vallès (Vallès Occidental) Town Council of Barberà del Vallès Manresa (Bages) Berga (Berguedà) Town Council of Berga, Regional Council of Berguedà,

and Fundació Universitària del BerguedàIgualada (Anoia) Town Council of IgualadaPuigcerdà (Cerdanya) Regional Council of La CerdanyaSolsona (Solsonès) Regional Council of SolsonèsManlleu (Osona) Town Council of Manlleu, Caixa Manlleu and Fundació Mil·lenari

Vic (Osona)Salt (Gironès) Banyoles (Pla de l’Estany) Regional Council of Pla de l’Estany

Blanes (Selva) Town Council of BlanesFigueres (Alt Empordà) Regional Council of Alt EmpordàOlot (Garrotxa) Fundació d’Estudis Superiors d’OlotPalafrugell (Baix Empordà) Town Council of PalafrugellRipoll (Ripollès) Regional Council of Ripollès Santa Coloma de Farners (Selva) Town Council of Santa Coloma de FarnersRibes de Freser (Ripollès) Town Council of Ribes de FreserVidreres (Selva) Town Council of Vidreres

Reus (Baix Camp) Coma-ruga (Baix Penedès) Consorci Universitari del Baix PenedèsMontblanc (Conca de Barberà) Regional Council of Conca de Barberà Tarragona (Tarragonès) Regional Council of TarragonèsValls (Alt Camp) Consorci Pro Universitari Alt Camp-Conca de Barberà

and Town Council of VallsTortosa (Baix Ebre) Amposta (Montsià) Regional Council of Montsià

Gandesa (Terra Alta) Regional Council of la Terra AltaMóra d’Ebre (Ribera d’Ebre) Regional Council of Ribera d’EbreLa Fatarella (Terra Alta) Town Council of La FatarellaSanta Bàrbara (Montsià) Town Council of Santa Bàrbara

Lleida (Segrià) Seu d’Urgell (Alt Urgell) Regional Council of Alt Urgell Sort (Pallars Sobirà) Regional Council of Pallars Sobirà Tàrrega (Urgell) Town Council of Tàrrega La Pobla de Segur (Pallars Jussà) Town Council of La Pobla de Segur Alghero (Italy) - (Barcelonès)* Òmnium Cultural in Alghero, University of Sasser

and Town Council of AlgheroBrussels (Belgium) - (Barcelonès)* Patronat Català Pro EuropaCiutadella (Menorca) - (Barcelonès)* Town Council of Ciutadella and University of the Balearic IslandsIlles Pitiüses (Barcelonès)* Island Council of Eivissa and FormenteraManacor (Majorca) - (Barcelonès)* Town Council of Manacor and University of the Balearic Islands

Sant Julià de Lòria (Andorra)Virtual Studies of Andorra (University of Andorra) Madrid premisesValencia premisesSeville premises

* Reference support centre

Territorial Distribution


The various entities of the UOC thatprovide service to the public experiencedan overall increase in activity in the lastacademic year, of around 20%, speciallyin the entities located in Catalonia, a factthat can be attributed to the launch of the@teneu universitari and to the high demandof access to the recognised degrees duringthe period from April to June 2005.

There was also an increase in the numberof messages received by e-mail in theinformation mail-boxes and in the supportcentres of Barcelonès and VallèsOccidental.

The distribution of consultations for eachdevice was the following:

Attention to the Public

Support Centres and Points 76,281

Main Campus - 902 141 141 39,148

Latin American Campus - 902 372 373 23,100

[email protected] 6,118

[email protected] 3,850

Total 148,497

Postgraduate Training 6,382

Recognised Degrees 4,856

Doctorate 3

Total 11,241

Class of 2004-2005

This academic year saw the graduation ofthe first class of students of the Diplomain Tourism.

Business Sciences 460

Business Administration and Management 205

Labour Sciences 336

Market Research and Techniques 76

Psychopedagogy 163

Psychology 31

Law 105

Political and Administration Sciences 32

Humanities 50

Catalan Language and Literature 10

Technical Engineering in Computer Management 88

Technical Engineering in Computer Systems 127

Computer Engineering 75

Degree in Multimedia Studies 39

Documentation 177

Audiovisual Communication 15

Tourism 3

Total Graduates in Recognised and Own Degrees 1,992

Doctor’s degree in the Information and Knowledge Society 1

Master’s degree holders and other postgraduate students 880

Total 2,873

The UOC Friends’ and Graduates’ Club

Those who have done courses at theUOC attain a profile that is ideal for theirbecoming participants in an emergingknowledge society, since they acquire atalent for managing online informationand knowledge, which leads to theirdeveloping an innovative and creativementality that is open to continuouslearning, so making them committed tothe cultivation of that talent, flexible inregard to the changes going on aroundthem, and able to manage their time well.

Academic Year 2004-2005 Graduate Students

UOC Graduates

Information-providing Devices Number of consultations attended to


The UOC Friends’ and Graduates’ Cluboffers graduates the possibility of keepingup their links with the University, and so of forming part of a network of associatesthat share areas, services, and privilegeswith the objective of promoting theirprojection and recognition in theprofessional world and of bringing theiracquired knowledge up to date whileparticipating in the quality and prestigethat is the stamp of the University.

Club members enjoy a wide range ofresources and services to be found in thefollowing three theme areas.

The Club provides the tools, services, andresources necessary for the professionalprojection of members.

In this area the Employment Service isincluded. It offers professional personalisedguidance and selected job offers, as wellas the Directory of Graduates.

The Directory of UOC Graduates 2004

The Directory of Graduates 2004 is thebook in which figure those who haveobtained a Doctorate, a degree, or adiploma at the UOC in the period up toJuly 2004, with their contact details,academic title, and professional data.

We pursue two objectives through thepublication of this Directory.

- To facilitate contact between graduatesso that they will be able to interchangeideas and experiences, and to createnew projects in common.

- To offer a tool for communications withenterprise and with the mainintermediaries in the job market that willallow them to know who the graduatesof the UOC are in order to send themproposals for professional improvement.

The Directory of Graduates has beenpublished in Catalan and in Spanish andsent to numerous firms, among which arethe most representative consultancy firmsin the job market for the selection ofhuman resources, and the principal firmsin each of the sectors relating to thestudies offered at the UOC.

Professional Projection

The Club allows a constant re-cycling ofthe knowledge acquired during the courseof study on the subjects of the professionalsphere, the information society, and theknowledge of culture in general.

In this area are included attractivediscounts in training and the possibility ofobtaining access to courses, seminars,and one-day conferences.


The Club offers the possibility of creating,maintaining, and reinforcing contacts withother graduates, former students, andteaching staff, in order to consolidate a network of relationships that, eitherpersonally or professionally, may proveworthwhile and enriching.

The Club also offers activities andprovides advantages that make it easierto accede to cultural and artistic life andto participate in it.

The Club is aimed at graduates indegrees awarded by the UOC (Doctorate,first degrees, diplomas, and engineeringqualifications) and toward former studentswho may wish to keep up their contactsat the UOC even if they did not completetheir studies.

Membership is obtained through theVirtual Campus once a degree iscompleted, and new graduates areentitled to one year’s membership gratis.

This year the Third Graduates’ Night wascelebrated on the premises of the INEFC.That evening, there was a debate heldunder the chairmanship of the journalistSalvador Alsius. Those participating in itwere the Rector of the University, GabrielFerraté; the General Manager of FarrésAssessors, Antoni Farrés; the VicePresident of the Foundation for theUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya, CarminaVirgili; and the Humanities graduate, UOC Counsellor, and Administrator of the Col·legi Oficial de Periodistes deCatalunya (Official Association ofJournalists of Catalonia), Àngel Jiménez.Immediately afterward there was an open-air dinner with live music providedby Erwyns Jazz Kréd.

This act, which is of a recreational nature, is intended to offer a commonmeeting-place to all former students ofthe University.

Maintaining Contacts

Graduation Night – June 2005




On 9th February 2005 the GoverningCouncil of the University approved thedocument entitled Marc general de recerca de la UOC (General Research Frameworkof the UOC), in which the IN3w1 researchinstitute is defined as an instrument forpromoting and providing support to theactivities carried out within the frameworkof the research areas already established.

The UOC is a young university that,basically, in its ten years of history, hasdevoted itself to creating andconsolidating an educational offer of highquality with the objective of facilitating thetraining that people may need throughouttheir lives. Now, after this initial period inwhich the teaching and management staffhave oriented their activities towardeducation, it is time to begin on a seriesof activities that will facilitate, orient, andfoment research specialising in theinformation and knowledge society.

In order to carry out the double functionof the IN3 – on the one hand, to fomentand provide support to researchpromoted by the teaching staff of theUniversity, and on the other, to foment theareas of research which the Universitymay prioritise – work was carried outduring the 2004-2005 academic year onthe definition, conceptualisation, andimplementation of the five followingprojects:

Strategic Structuring of ResearchActivities

This begins with the definition, on the partof the Governing Council, of the variousareas of research that the Universityrecognises. Research activity is carriedout in the form of projects engaged in bythe research staff of the University. Inorder to favour the consolidation ofresearch teams and to give continuity to their research activities, recognition isgiven to the research programmes withinthe framework of each of the eightdefined areas. These programmes bringtogether various projects from a specificsubject-area that share genericobjectives, resources, tools, andmethodology.

The structuring of research in this way isintended to permit and to favour, on theone hand, the integration of research staffin the various programmes, a factorintended to have a positive influence on the obtaining of critical mass withcommon interests. For this reason, in thisacademic year the most fundamentalwork has been the elaboration of astrategic research plan and the definitionof the research map of the University.

Research Qualification

In an increasingly-competitive scientificenvironment it is indispensable to favourthe appearance of research structuresthat will help to establish research groupsand teams capable of carrying outresearch of high quality. In this context, itis clearly important to participate in thetraining of Doctors in order to contributeto increasing the critical mass of thesystem of science and technology.

The work carried out is made concrete inthe publication of calls for projectsadditional to those established by thevarious administrative bodies. These callsfor projects, which the UOC itself effects,are intended to satisfy two objectives.The first, that doctoral students qualifiedto apply state-wide to do doctoral thesesshould be able to start their researchwork in association with a research teamin the interim period prior to the resolutionof the official application process. Thesecond, that students who for varyingreasons may not be eligible for officialgrants but who may be able to fit theirthesis projects into the framework of theactivities of a University research team,should have the opportunity to do so.

Research Promotion

The increase in research activity – andconsequently, the obtaining of results and the increase in scientific production –requires activities that will help to fomentsuch research and make it easier forthose involved to carry out associatedactivities. To this end, a number of focalpoints of activity have been established.In the first place, the interchange ofinformation and knowledge amongexperts with common interests has been promoted with the objective of contributing to the establishment ofalliances, the detection of newopportunities, the fomenting of continuingeducation, and the creation of a workingenvironment among academics that willstimulate on-going and dynamic activity.In the second place, it has been of primeimportance to encourage the obtaining of scientific products in certain formats,given that this may have a direct effect on the impact of the results.

In the 2004-2005 academic year workwas done on the development of a toolfor the creation and maintenance ofproject websites; a start was made onthe Virtual Campus project for research,in which the Research Resources Centre(Centre de Recursos per a la Recerca) isinserted; and a definition was given to thegrants programme for researchers for theorganisation of one-day conferences andlonger conferences, for scientific mobilityand interchange, and for the publicationof results.

Publication of Results

It is vital to make scientific production andthe research, development, andinnovation projects carried out at thisUniversity known to society in generaland to financing institutions and otherscientific-technical institutions if we are toguarantee for the UOC a good position inmatters of research and innovation. At thesame time, a well-effected andappropriate publication of research,development, and innovation activitiesfavours the possibility of alliances withother institutions, allows an increase inthe number of possible outsidecollaborators in scientific activity, andcontributes to making society aware ofthe importance of research. For thisreason, a series of activities have beenplanned which are intended to promotethe publication of the research activity ofthe University and of our researchers:

the activating of the design project andthe implementation of both the platformfor the publication of research activity and the application of registry anddeposit of the UOC’s activity on research,development and innovation.

Research Management and SupportServices

To allow the consolidation and increase of research, development, and innovationactivities, it is also necessary for theUniversity to have a unit that will offermanagement and support services tohigh-quality research, such that both thedevelopment and the continuing supportof research activity may be guaranteed.

In this regard, in the year 2004 theProject Management Office (Oficina deGestió de Projectes, OGP) was created at the IN3 as a tool for the promotion,support, and management of research,development, and innovation activities.The OGP is the instrument intended tosupply and cover all the needs ofresearchers and supervisors throughoutthe various phases of a research,development, and innovation project.

Given the importance that managementand support services have in promoting,favouring, and fomenting research, workwas undertaken in the 2004-2005academic year not only on the redefinitionof some of those services, but also onthe development and implementation of agroup of computer tools intended to helpto improve such services. These tools,which are for making processesautomatic and so for offering an improvedquality in the provision of services, are thefollowing: integral research managementtool (GIR), which covers the managementof financing opportunities and proposals(financing sources database with thepossibility of searches), projectmanagement, research activityinformation (curricula of researchers invarious formats + a scientific report),economic management and managementof (project) staff, and the possibility ofdefining an evaluation process and ofestablishing standards of scientificproduction.

w1 http://www.uoc.edu/in3



Network Society


Objectives: The new laboratory will allowcompanies linked to the ICTs toexperiment with, and optimise, itsservices, headsets and applications with the aim of ensuring its commercialsuccess.

Head Researcher: Raquel Navarro Prieto

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC), Centre d’Innovació iDesenvolupament Empresarial (CIDEM).


Objectives: To define the model of initialanalysis of the impact of the use of theICTs at University.

Researchers: Josep Maria Duart,Francisco Rubio, Teresa Sancho, JosepM. Mominó, David Castillo

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya.


Project on productivity andcompetitiveness in Catalunya (PPCC).Second Phase (2005-2007): It analysesthe determinants of productivity and thecompetitive models of Catalan companies.

Research Team: Dr Jordi Vilaseca iRequena, Lecturer at the UOC and Co-director of the research project, Dr Joan Torrent i Sellens, Lecturer at theUOC and Co-director of the researchproject, Carlos F. Cabañero Pisa, Lecturerat the UOC, Dr David Castillo Merino,Lecturer at the UOC, Dr Rosa Colomé iPerales, Lecturer at the Escola Superiorde Comerç Internacional, Pilar Ficapal i

Cusí, Lecturer at the UOC, Dr Ana Isabel Jiménez Zarco, Lecturer at theUOC, Dr Josep Lladós i Masllorens,Lecturer at the UOC, María JesúsMartínez Argüelles, Lecturer at the UOC,Dr Antoni Meseguer i Artola, Lecturer atthe UOC, Dr Inma Rodríguez Ardura,Lecturer at the UOC, 2 research interns.

School in the Network Society. SecondPhase (2005-2007): In the second phase,the project addresses a more complexanalysis of the data obtained in the firstphase, the publication of results and theidentification of those most relevantquestions.

Research Team: Carles Sigalés, Lecturerat the UOC and Co-director of the researchproject, Josep M. Mominó, Lecturer atthe UOC and Co-director of the researchproject, Jordi Planella, Lecturer at the UOC,Israel Rodríguez, Lecturer at the UOC,Albert Fornieles, Lecturer at theAutonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)and Tutor at the UOC, Àngel Domingo,Tutor and Counsellor at the UOC, andstudent at the UOC Doctoral Programme,Daniela Ruiz, Researcher at the IN3, JulioMeneses, Researcher at the IN3, XavierLaudo, Researcher at the IN3

E-governance and Citizens in theGeneralitat de Catalunya (2004-2006):The main goal of the current researchproject is the analysis of the process ofchange in the traditional relationshipsbetween the administration and citizensthat implies the implementation of e-governance initiatives in an Autonomousadministration such as the Generalitat ofCatalonia, the Catalan government.

Research Team: Eduard Aibar, Lecturer atthe UOC and Director of the researchproject, Ferran Urgell, Researcher at theIN3, Yanina Welp, Researcher at the IN3

Internet and the Catalan publicuniversities workshop. Second phase(2005-2007): The aim of this researchproject is to analyse the transformationprocesses of the university system inCatalonia, their link to our current realityand the repercussions that theseprocesses have on society in general.

Research Team: Dr Josep Maria Duart,Lecturer at the UOC and Director of theresearch project, Dr Teresa Sancho,Lecturer at the UOC, Marc Gil,Researcher at the IN3, 1 ResearchAssistant

Communication and Social Change in theInformation Society: The Internet in theAudiovisual Context of Catalonia: Thisresearch has a dual value: on the onehand, this is one of the first studies at aninternational level on the Internet as acommunications media; and on the other,it seeks to be the first x-ray of thetransformations of the communicationsmedia in Catalonia caused by theimplementation of the Net and the use ofInformation and CommunicationsTechnologies.

Research Team: Imma Tubella, Lecturer atthe UOC and Director of the researchproject, Jordi Alberich, Lecturer at theUOC, Gemma Andreu, Lecturer at the UOC,Vincent Dwyer, student at the UOCDoctoral Programme, Esther Fernández,Head of Studies Service, Televisió deCatalunya, Carles Fernández, student atthe UOC Doctoral Programme, SylviaMontilla, Research Service, ConsellAudiovisual de Catalunya, VíctorRenobell, Lecturer at the UOC, Toni Roig, Lecturer at the UOC, CarlosTabernero, student at the AutonomousUniversity of Barcelona (UAB) DoctoralProgramme

Technological Modernisation,Organisational Change and ServiceDelivery in the Catalan Public HealthSystem: This research project analysesthe interaction among information andcommunications technologies,organisational change, cultural change,and relationships with users in the publicsystem of health services in Catalonia.

Research Team: Manuel Castells,Lecturer at the UOC and Co-director ofthe research project, M. Teresa Arbués,Lecturer at the UOC and Co-director ofthe research project, Francisco Lupiáñez,Researcher at the IN3, Francesc Saigi,Lecturer at the UOC


INTERACTION AND EDUCATIONALINFLUENCE: THE CONSTRUCTION OFKNOWLEDGE IN TEACHING ANDLEARNING ELECTRONICENVIRONMENTSObjectives: The study of knowledge-building processes and of themechanisms of educational influence informal teaching and learningenvironments that use distanceinteraction forms with the support of theuse of the new information andcommunications technologies.

Head Researcher: Elena Barberà Gregori

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya, Polytechnic University ofCatalonia (UPC).

w1 http://www.uoc.edu/in3/interactionlabw2 http://www.uoc.edu/in3/e-strategiasw3 http://www.uoc.edu/in3/pic

Funding Entity Generalitat de Catalunya

Work Started 28 November 2002

Work To End 28 February 2004

Total Cost of the Project 164,900 euros

Funding Entity Generalitat de Catalunya

Management of the Manuel CastellsResearch Programme Imma Tubella

Co-ordination Anna Sánchez-Juárez

Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Education and Science

Programme Directorate-General of Universities. Improvement

of quality in higher education and activities of

university staff

Work Started 27 May 2004

Work To End 28 October 2004

Funds Received by UOC 25,630 euros

Total Cost of the Project 25,630 euros

Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Technology

Programme Grants for the fundingof R+D projects

Work Started 28 December 2001

Work To End 27 December 2004

Funds Received by UOC 21,035.42 euros

Total Cost of the Projec 127,273 euros


Objectives: To increase the linguisticabilities of staff attending the 112telephone emergency service.

Researchers: Carles Fernàndez Barrera,Jordi Sarriera Pérez

Institutions Taking Part: VFDB-Associationfor the Promotion of the German FireSafety (Germany), Universitat Oberta deCatalunya (UOC), Feuerwehr Aachen(Germany), University of Cologne(Germany), KREASOFT (Germany),Servicio de Protección Civil S.O.S.Navarra (Spain), Institut National d’Étudesde la Sécurité Civile, INESC (France),Escola de Bombers i Protecció Civil deCatalunya, LandesfeuerwehrschuleBaden-Württemberg (Germany), ServiceDépartamental d’Incendie et Secours duHaut-Rhin (France), Regionale BrandweerZuid-Limburg (France), Merseyside FireService (United Kingdom), University ofLiverpool - Languages Learning Centre(United Kingdom), Hellenic Association ofFire Service Officers (Greece), LanguagesNational Training Association (UnitedKingdom), Brandweer Hasselt (Belgium).

EQUAL EMERGIMObjectives: To improve and put on thesame level the working conditions ofwomen that carry out work and personalassistance in homes, by acknowledgingand improving their professional role inthe Eix Diagonal environment.

Head Researcher: Meritxell SantiagoBayona

Institutions Taking Part: Town Council ofVilafranca del Penedès, Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC).


Objectives: To improve the understandingof culture and the open and distanceeducational systems of South East Asia.

Researchers: Carles Fernández, JeroenPeijnenburg

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC), International Councilfor Open and Distance Education, ICDE,Southeast Asian Ministers of EducationOrganization, SEAMEO (Thailand),SEAMEO SEAMOLEC (Indonesia),SEAMEO VOCTECH (Brunei), OpenUniversity (Germany), Pôle UniversitaireEuropéen de Montpellier et LanguedocRoussillon (France), Tilburg University(Holland).


Objectives: To become a tool to learn thepossible educational uses of the Internetin the schools, so that it becomes acommunication channel among teachers,parents and pupils. To learn to managethe virtual spaces that are created aroundthe educational community, so that it maybecome in the end a dynamic tool witheducational aims shared by all.

Researchers: Albert Sangrà Morer,Cristina Girona Campillo

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC), Metsolan KouluMetsolan Primary School in Kotka(Finland), Tavastilan Koulu TavastilaPrimary School in Kotka (Finland),Helsingin yliopiston AikuiskoulutuskeskusUniversity of Helsinki Kotka ContinuingEducation Center (Finland),Augustenborgsskolan AugustenborgSchool (Sweden), Söderkullaskolan SouthHill School (Sweden), It - Support FosieBarn och Ungdom ICT Support FosieChildren and Youth EducationDepartment (Sweden), Open UniversityUK Learning School ProgrammesDepartment (United Kingdom), RussellStreet First School (United Kingdom),Swanbourne Church of England School(United Kingdom), CEIP Frederic Godàs,Escola Sant Josep Oriol, Menon NetworkEIGG (Germany).

LIFE LONG LEARNING THROUGH IT&CIN ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION FORSUSTAINABILITY (LITES)Objectives: To develop a life-long learningsystem based on ICTs in education forsustainable development.

Head Researcher: Jeroen Peijnenburg

Institutions Taking Part: Network forPreventive Environmental Management,NetPEM (India), Universitat Oberta deCatalunya (UOC), University of Twente,Cartesius Institute, Franeker (Holland),Centre for Environmental Technologies,CETEC (Malaysia).

GRID AND PEER-TO-PEER MIDDLEWAREFOR COOPERATIVE LEARNINGENVIRONMENTS (GRIPEPEMICOLE)Objectives: An analysis of the collaborationinteractions, a methodological proposaland a definition of a distributivearchitecture.

Head Researcher: Atanasi DaradoumisHaralabus

Institutions Taking Part: PolytechnicUniversity of Catalonia (UPC), UniversitatOberta de Catalunya (UOC), University ofValladolid.

PEDAGOGICAL PSYCHOLOGYCOMPUTER ASSISTED ASSESSMENTSYSTEM (PEPCAA)Objectives: To generate a programme toolfor the training of trainers through thesupport of an intelligent counsellor. Theidea is to apply state-of-the-art computer-assisted assessment (CAA) as a hopefulmethod, with an efficiency proven in otherareas of comparable complexity.

Head Researcher: Carles FernàndezBarrera


Funding Entity European Commission

Programme LEONARDO

Work Started 1 February 2002

Work To End 1 July 2004

Funds Received by UOC 78,000 euros

Total Cost of the Project 562,483 euros

Funding Entity European Commission

Programme Asia IT&C

Work Started 2 October 2002

Work To End 30 September 2004

Funds Received by UOC 138,085 euros

Total Cost of the Project 529,972 euros

Funding Entity European Commission


Work Started 1 October 2002

Work To End 1 October 2004

Funds Received by UOC 65,590 euros

Total Cost of the Project 87,183 euros

Funding Entity European Commission

Programme Asia IT&C

Work Started 1 November 2002

Work To End 31 July 2005

Funds Received by UOC 71,754 euros

Total Cost of the Project 475,604.30 euros

Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Technology

Programme Scientific Researchand Technological

Development Projects

Work Started 1 November 2002

Work To End 31 October 2005

Funds Received by UOC 58,000 euros

Funding Entity Social EuropeanFund – Administrative Unit.

Ministry of Social Affairs

Programme EQUAL

Work Started 1 May 2002

Work To End 1 May 2004

Funds Received by UOC 22,600 euros

Total Cost of the Project 1,350,475.98 euros

w1 http://www.multicom112.orgw2 http://www.uoc.edu/in3/caew3 http://www.uoc.edu/in3/active

Institutions: FIM Psychologie (Co-ordinator),Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC),University of Liege LABSET, University ofGöteborg, Guildford Educational Services,University of Cambridge LocalExaminations, University of Munich.

ROMANIAN-EUROPEAN EUNIVERSITY(RE2U)Objectives: To promote a critical andresponsible use of the ICTs with the aimof promoting the innovation process ofHigher Education in Romania to get thisHigher Education to obtain a completeadaptation to the changes undergone bythis country in the economic and socialfields.

Researchers: Albert Sangrà Morer,Mariona Sanz Ausàs

Institutions: Polytechnic University ofBucharest (Co-ordinator), UniversitatOberta de Catalunya (UOC), LambrakisResearch Foundation, AcademicUniversity of Åbo, IBM, FIM Psychologie,Center for Health Policies and Services,RARTEL, s.a., Western University ofTimisoara, University of Oradea, Trans-sylvanian University of Brasov.

INTERACTIVE SAFETY TRAINING OFHOTEL PERSONNEL (SAFEHOTEL)Objectives: The interactive safety trainingaimed at hotel personnel.

Head Researcher: Laura Castellucci

Institutions Taking Part: Vereinigung zurFörderung des Deutschen Brandschutzese.V. (Vfdb) and Asociación Profesional deTécnicos de Bomberos de España(APTB) acting as Co-ordinatingInstitutions; Beratungsstelle für Brand-und Umweltschutz (BFBU), CzechAssociation of Fire Service Officers(CAFO), Chief Fire Officers’ Association(CFOA), DIV- DIRSTAT IngegneriVigilfuoco, ∂Nfl™H AEIflMATIKflN¶YPO™BE™TIKOY ™flMATO™E§§A§O™(EAPS), ESMG, Feuerwehr Aachen,Gasilska brigada Ljubljana, HECANSAEscuela Hotel Sta. Cruz de Tenerife,Merseyside Fire & Civil Defence Authority- Merseyside Fire Service, NorskBrannbefals Landsforbund (NBLF),Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC),

University of Cologne - PhilosophischeFakultät, Pädagogisches Seminar,Pädagogische Psychologie.


Objectives: To establish a common spaceamong the trans-frontier areas of theFrench Department of the East Pyreneesand of the Girona and Barcelona regions,to train in and disseminate the generaliseduse of ICTs for the training of people andcompanies through the instruments thatICTs place at our disposal.

Head Researcher: Meritxell VendrellLlinàs

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC), as the co-ordinatinginstitution; Town Council of Granollers,Town Council of Salt, Institut Universitairede Formation des Maîtres, PôleUniversitaire Européen de Montpellier etdu Languedoc-Roussillon, Institut deRecherche sur l’Enseignement desMathématiques.

DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONALNEWS AND PROFESSIONAL ANDUNIVERSITY INITIATIVES (DELPHY)Objectives: Assessment to the RussianMinistry of Education for the reform of itsopen and distance teaching system.

Head Researcher: Paul Fenton

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC), LUISS Management,Fontys University of ProfessionalEducation, British Council, ABU ConsultGmbH, University of Stockholm.

RÉNOVATION PÉDAGOGIQUE ETUNIVERSITÉ VIRTUELLE (RP@UV)Objectives: To provide the VirtualUniversity of Tunisia (UVT) with thetransfer of competences and resourcesby the European partners, and to laydown co-operation channels for futuredevelopments.

Researchers: Albert Sangrà, Xavier Mas

Institutions Taking Part: Jules VerneUniversity of Picardy, Amiens (France),Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC),Virtual University of Tunisia, (UVT, Tunisia),University of Versailles Saint-Quentin(UVSQ, France).

QUALITY IMPLEMENTATION IN OPENAND DISTANCE LEARNING IN AMULTICULTURAL EUROPEANENVIRONMENT (E-QUALITY)Objectives: To introduce a quality processin the creation of learning environmentsand training materials for higher open anddistance education.

Head Researcher: Carles Fernández

Institutions Taking Part: Pole UniversitaireEuropéen de Montpellier et du Languedoc-Roussillon, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya(UOC), University of Montpellier (France),Tampereen Yilopisto (Finland), PolitechnikaSzczecinska (Poland), Haute ÉcoleValaisanne Spécialisée (SW), University of Lausanne (France).

UNESCO CHAIR FOR THE APPLICATIONOF ITs IN EDUCATION (E-LEARNING)Objectives: To promote an integratedsystem of research, training anddocumentation activities on the use ofICTs in education.

Head Researcher: Josep M. Duart

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya.


Funding Entity European Commission

Programme SOCRATES. Minerva

Work Started 1 October 2002

Work To End 1 October 2004

Funds Received by UOC 16,000 euros

Total Cost of the Project 299,375 euros

Funding Entity European Commission

Programme LEONARDO

Work Started 1 October 2003

Work To End 31 March 2006

Funds Received by UOC 13,300 euros

Total Cost of the Project 18,520 euros

Funding Entity European Commission

Programme Tempus Meda

Work Started 1 September 2003

Work To End 31 August 2006

Funds Received by UOC 56,655 euros

Total Cost of the Project 459,821.05 euros

w1 http://www.uoc.edu/in3/transforma


Funding Entity European Commission

Programme SOCRATES. Minerva

Work Started 1 October 2002

Work To End 1 October 2004

Funds Received by UOC 16,000 euros

Total Cost of the Project 299,375 euros

Funding Entity European Commission

ProgrammeINTERREG III. European Commission

Work Started 1 January 2003

Work To End 31 December 2004

Funds Received by UOC 133,371.21 euros

Total Cost of the Project 883,942.25 euros

Funding Entity European Commission

ProgrammeINTERREG III. European Commission

Work Started 1 January 2003

Work To End 30 June 2005

Funds Received by UOC 372,400 euros

Total Cost of the Project 4,892.850 euros

Funding Entity Generalitat de Catalunya

Work Started 1 January 2004

Work To End 31 December 2004

Funds Received by UOC 24,860 euros

Total Cost of the Project 24,860 euros

Funding Entity European Commission

Programme SOCRATES. Minerva

Work Started 1 October 2003

Work To End 30 September 2006

Funds Received by UOC 48,162 euros

Total Cost of the Project 749,885 euros

LEARNING MATERIALS FOR ALL (MAT)Objectives: To develop a tool to assistcollectives of handicapped in their on-linelearning process.

Researchers: Llorenç Sabaté, JosepRivera, Jordi Sarriera, Rita Riba

Institutions Taking Part: FUNDOSATELESERVICIOS (Spain), UniversitatOberta de Catalunya (UOC).

ANALYSIS OF THE E-LEARNING OFFERIN SPANISH UNIVERSITIES AT 1st AND2nd CYCLE LEVEL: A STUDY OF THEIRCONTRIBUTION TO THE EUROPEANCONVERGENCE PROCESS (EYAObjectives: To conduct an analysis of theSpanish university system concerning the (partial or total) electronic offer ofsubjects and courses that affect theimprovement of the quality of universitylearning in Spain.

Researchers: Albert Sangrà, NatiCabrera

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya.

RAISING EUROPEAN AWARENESS ONE-LEARNING (METACAMPUS REAL)Objectives: Metacampus Marketplace(MM) results from IST-2000-26314METACAMPUS project. It offers a user-friendly life-long learning portal to assistcitizens in their selection and purchase ofthose 3rd party learning resources bestfitting their needs, preferences and profile.

Researchers: Ferran Giménez, JuliaWells

Institutions Taking Part: Atos Origin(formerly SchlumbergerSema SAE),Generalitat de Catalunya, Le Forem(Belgium), France Telecom R&D (France),University of Cologne (Germany), ErnstKlett Verlag (Germany), Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC).

E-PORTFOLIOS TO ASSESS ONLINESTUDENT PROFESSIONALCOMPETENCE (E-PORTFOLIOS)Objectives: To provide university lecturerswho use ICTs in their teaching withstudent assessment systems that focuson the monitoring of learning as aprogressive knowledge constructionprocess. They are instruments that mustset aside reproductive learning and mustprogress towards a reflective and creativeteaching, facilitating tests for a final markin line with the process followed bystudents and respectful of the richnessand diversity with which this knowledgehas been acquired.

Head Researcher: Elena Barberà

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya.


Objectives: To design and develop threespecific learning modules, each lasting amaximum of forty hours: 1. Writtenexpression techniques module; 2. Oralexpression techniques online module; 3.Recorded oral expression module. Moduleswill be verified through the Recorded oralexpression module. Modules will be testedon real users from each of the institutionstaking part in the consortium.

Head Researcher: Octavi Roca

Institutions Taking Part: FESALC,Catalunya, Federació de Pimes, UniverzitaKarlova (Czech Republic), UniversitatPresencialü HOMMEH (Greece),organització de pimesü Fondazione AldiniValeriani (Italy), Associació d’industrials,cambra de comerç i ajuntamentüFunduszu Wspópracy (Poland), Fundacióper a pimes.

DISPOSITIF EUROPÉEN D’INFORMATION,D’ORIENTATION ET DE VALIDATION ÀDISTANCE SUR LES FORMATIONS, LESMÉTIERS ET QUALIFICATIONS ENINFORMATIQUE DANS UNE APPROCHEDE LA FORMATION TOUT AU LONG DELA VIE (EUROPORTIC)Objectives: To create at the Europeanlevel, an integrated and flexible source oftraining, information and guidance aimedat very diverse public, integrating specifictraining and labour projects.

Researchers: Lluís Tarín, Rita Riba

Institutions Taking Part: University ofVersailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines,Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).


Researchers: Elena Barberà, AntoniBadia, Carles Sigalés, Teresa Guasch,Magí Almirall, Anna Espasa, Laia Canet

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya.


Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology

Programme PROFIT

Work Started 1 January 2004

Work To End 31 December 2004

Funds Received by UOC 21,193.50 euros

Total Cost of the Project 147,829 euros

Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Technology

Programme National Plan of GeneralPromotion of Knowledge.

Projects of Scientific Researchand Technological Development

Work Started 13 December 2004

Work To End 12 December 2007

Funds Received by UOC 23,600 euros

Total Cost of the Project 23,600 euros

w1 http://www.metacampus-real.com/info.dow2 http://www.uoc.edu/in3/@languages

Funding Entity European Commission

Programme eTEN

Work Started April 2004

Work To End December 2005

Funds Received by UOC 42,002 euros

Total Cost of the Project 679,964 euros

Funding Entity European Commission

Programme LEONARDO

Work Started 1 October 2004

Work To End 30 September 2006

Funds Received by UOC 137,002 euros

Total Cost of the Project 347,583 euros

Funding Entity European Commission

Programme DG Education and Culture. LEONARDO

Work Started 1 October 2004

Work To End 30 September 2007

Funds Received by UOC 55,724 euros

Total Cost of the Project 677,914 euros

Funding Entity Generalitat de Catalunya

Programme DURSI. MQD

Work Started 30 June 2004

Work To End 30 June 2006

Funds Received by UOC 12,250 euros

Total Cost of the Project 12,250 euros

Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Technology

Programme Studies and AnalysesProgramme 2004

Work Started 27 May 2004

Work To End 28 October 2004

Funds Received by UOC 24,521 euros

Total Cost of the Project 24,521 euros

MADE TO MEASURE. DEVELOPMENTOF A SYSTEM TO TRANSFORMCONTENT TO SUIT THE USERObjectives: A system devised forcompanies to facilitate the evolution ofdocumentation formats and content, withthe aim of obtaining deeper penetration ofproducts into the market and to bringvaried content closer to the user.

Head Researcher: Magí Almirall

Institutions Taking Part: Tecsidel, FundosaTeleservicios, Yes Sistemas informáticos,Xperience Consulting, ComprendiumEspaña, Fundació IBIT, FundacióCetemmsa, Radio-Televisión de Galicia,Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

E-law & e-government

THE TRANSFORMATIONS OF LAW INTHE INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGESOCIETY (TDSIC)Objectives: They are the following: 1. Toestablish the scope of the transformationsof law in the information and knowledgesociety. 2. To increase the knowledge oflaw in the information society. 3. To laydown the criteria for legal security withinthe framework of the information andknowledge society. 4. To elaborate aunified text to contain the bases of theWhite Book of law in the informationsociety.

Head Researcher: Óscar Morales

Institutions Taking Part: Ramon LlullUniversity (URL), University of Cadis,University of Barcelona (UB), UniversitatOberta de Catalunya (UOC).

Networking technologies

MULTIMEDIA CONTENT STREAMINGTOWARDS MOBILE DEVICES WITHMICROPAYMENT RETRIBUTION(STREAMOBILE)Objectives: To design a prototype formultimedia content streaming towardsmobile devices.

Researchers: Jordi Herrera Joancomartí,Francesc Vallverdú Bayés, Josep PrietoBlázquez, Mireia Pascual Sol

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC), Rovira i VirgiliUniversity (URV), CSIC - Institute ofResearch on Artificial Intelligence.

AD CALCULANDUM LOGIC –AUTOMATIC DEDUCTION ANDLEARNING (LOGCAL)Objectives: To research on the prooftheory, analysing the geometrical natureof proofs, the programming of a numberof issues related to deductive calculationsand the models, together with thetranslations among logics, not only in theMAUDE multiparadigm language, but alsoin the so-called elastic logic.

Head Researcher: M. Antònia Huertas

Institutions Taking Part: University ofSalamanca, University of Amsterdam,University of Udine, Universitat Oberta deCatalunya (UOC).

DIGITAL MARKING OF MULTIMEDIACONTENT, AND HYPERSPECTRALIMAGING (MULTIMARK)Objectives: To design new systems forthe protection of content in digitalsupport, both images and audio, throughinformation marking techniques(watermarking and fingerprinting).

Head Researcher: David Megías

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC).

IP-BASED NETWORK, SERVICES ANDTERMINALS FOR CONVERGENCESYSTEMS (INSTINCT)Objectives: To make a contribution to theDVB through the commercial provision ofmobile services, laying special emphasison DVB-T, DVB-H and DVB-MHPstandards, in keeping with the concept ofwireless communication networks,combined with terrestrial DVB broadcastnetworks.

Head Researcher: Raquel Navarro Prieto

Institutions Taking Part: Department ofElectronic and Computer Engineering,Brunel University (United Kingdom),Dibcom SA (France), France Télécom SA(France), Institut für RundfunktechnikGMBH (Germany), MotorolaSemiconducteurs SAS (France), MotorolaSAS (France), Optibase LTD (Israel),Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg (Germany),Netikos SPA (Italy), Philips France SAS(France), RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana SPA(Italy), Rohde & Scawarz GMBH & COKommanditgesellschaft (Germany),Siemens Aktiengesellschaft (Germany),Télédiffusion de France SA (France),Thales Broadcast & Multimedia SA(France), T- Systems nova GMBH(Germany), Technical University ofBraunschweig (Germany), PolytechnicUniversity of Madrid (Spain), AmazonasState University (Brazil), Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC), Fundacão de Apoioa Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil),Centro de Estudios e SistemasAvançados do Recife (Brazil), GeniusInstituto de Tecnologia (Brazil), FundaçãoCentros de Referencia em TecnologiasInnovadoras (Brazil).


Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Technology

Programme PROFIT- National Programmeof the Information Society

Work Started 2004

Work To End 2005

Funds Received by UOC 109,684 euros

Total Cost of the Project 2,272.591 euros

Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Technology

Programme PROFIT- National Programmeof the Information Society

Work Started 28 December 2001

Work To End 27 November 2004

Funds Received by UOC 68,755.8 euros

Total Cost of the Project 339,074 euros

Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Technology

Programme National Plan of GeneralPromotion of Knowledge. Projects

of Scientific Research andTechnological Development

Work Started 2003

Work To End 2006

Funds Received by UOC 20,800 euros

Total Cost of the Project 20,800 euros

Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Technology

Programme National Plan of GeneralPromotion of Knowledge. Projects

of Scientific Research andTechnological Development

Work Started 2003

Work To End 2006

Funds Received by UOC 16,000 euros

Total Cost of the Project 16,000 euros

Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Technology

Programme National Plan of GeneralPromotion of Knowledge. Projects

of Scientific Research andTechnological Development

Work Started 2003

Work To End 2006

Funds Received by UOC 89,600 euros

Total Cost of the Project 89,600 euros

Funding Entity European Commission

Programme Information Society Technologies (IST)

Work Started 1 January 2004

Work To End 31 December 2005

Funds Received by UOC 75,540 euros

BANCAFÁCIL: DESIGN GUIDES ANDPROTOTYPES FOR THE IMPROVEMENTOF USABILITY IN BANKING SERVICESTHROUGH THE INTERNET AND MOBILETECHNOLOGIESObjectives: To develop design guides andprototypes for the improvement ofusability in banking services through theInternet and mobile technologies.

Researchers: Raquel Navarro, Pep Vivasi Elias, Lourdes Valiente i Barros

Institutions Taking Part: Grupo USOLAB,S.L., Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

PROPERTY PROTECTION AND PRIVACYIN MULTICAST ON AD HOC MOBILENETWORKS (PROPIETAS)Objectives: Safe multicast of multimediacontent with protection of intellectualproperty and real-time pay-per-view onad hoc mobile networks.

Researchers: Jordi Herrera, FrancescVallverdú, Teresa Sancho, Josep Prieto,Mireia Pascual

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC).

Knowledge management


Objectives: To create a generalisedinfrastructure for managed digital culturaldominions that could be exploitedsimultaneously as personal andcommunity space.

Head Researcher: Marta Enrech Larrea

Institutions Taking Part: MetropolitanManchester University (MMU, UnitedKingdom), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya(UOC); Fretwell-Downing Informatics (FDI,United Kingdom), National MicroelectronicsApplications Centre (MAC, Ireland), EnnisInformation Age Town (ENNIS, Ireland),University of Macedonia, Economic andSocial Sciences (UM, Greece), University ofJagellons (UJAG, Poland).

KNOWLEDGE ASSETS IDENTIFICATIONAND METHODOLOGIES OFIMPLEMENTATION IN ORGANIZATIONALKNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (KAIMI)Objectives: The project seeks a twofoldobjective: on the one hand, to elaborate adefinition of knowledge to allow theefficacious identification and discriminationof knowledge assets within the frameworkof organisations; on the other, and keepinga clear link to the first objective, to design amethodology of implementation to be usedas a model of directives for knowledgemanagement projects in organisations.

Researchers: Mario Pérez-MontoroGutiérrez, Agustí Canals Parera, JosepCobarsí Morales

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC).


Objectives: Web accessibility and usabilityas instruments for competitiveness andteaching quality.

Researchers: Pablo Lara, Josep M.Duart

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC).

Knowledge economy


Objectives: To study the implementationof e-Government and e-Business in theEuropean regions in order to measureand evaluate the use of ICTs.

Researchers: Jordi Vilaseca Requena,Antoni Meseguer Artolà, Josep LladósMasllorens, Joan Torrent Sellens, IñigoMacias Aymar, Ángel Díaz Chao.

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC), Fraunhofer-Institutfür Systemtechnik undInnovationsforschung (ISI, Germany),Generalitat de Catalunya, IS Observatory- BSI, GKI Economic Research Company(Hungary), Instituto Superiore Mario Boella(ISMB, Italy), Observatorio das Ciencias edas Tecnologías (OCT; now Unidade deMissão Inovação e Conhecimento, UMIC,Portugal), Polytechnic of Turin (POLITO,Italy).

BARCELONA ACTIVA. PUBLICPOLICIES, INNOVATING ENVIRONMENT,MICROCOMPANIES AND LOCALDEVELOPMENT.Objectives: To analyse the companiespromoted by Barcelona Activa, from theperspective of a comparing them to otherinnovating environments.

Researchers: Manuel Castells/JordiVilaseca, Peter Hall, Josep Lladós, JoanTorrent, Inmaculada Rodríguez, MònicaCerdán

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC).


Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology

Programme PROFIT

Work Started 1 January 2004

Work To End 31 December 2004

Funds Received by UOC 32,551 euros

Total Cost of the Project 61,587 euros

Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Technology

Programme National Plan of GeneralPromotion of Knowledge. Projects

of Scientific Research andTechnological Development

Work Started 2004

Work To End 2007

Funds Received by UOC 78,000 euros

Total Cost of the Project 78,000 euros

Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Educationand Science

Programame Directorate-Generalof Universities. Improvement of

quality in higher education and activities of university staff

Work Started 27 May 2004

Work To End 28 October 2004

Funds Received by UOC 12,650 euros

w1 http://www.uoc.edu/in3/coinew2 http://www.uoc.edu/in3/dimaw3 http://www.uoc.edu/in3/regional

Funding Entity European Commission

Programme Information SocietyTechnologies (IST)

Work Started 1 March 2002

Work To End 1 September 2004

Funds Received by UOC 104,107 euros

Total Cost of the Project 1,531.327 euros

Funding Entity European Commission

Programme Information SocietyTechnologies (IST)

Work Started 1 March 2002

Work To End 28 February 2004

Funds Received by UOC 210,815 euros

Total Cost of the Project 1,594.400 euros

Funding Entity Barcelona Activa

Work Started 1 September 2004

Work To End 28 February 2005

Funds Received by UOC 80,680 euros

Total Cost of the Project 120,000 euros

Funding Entity Internet InterdisciplinaryInstitute, IN3

Programme IN3’s Call for Projects, 2002

Work Started 1 July 2002

Work To End 31 September 2005

Total Cost of the Project 10,881 euros


HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN THEKNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: CONCEPTUAL,METHODOLOGICAL AND APPLIEDASPECTSObjectives: To analyse the lifestyles ofdigital society; to study the suitability ofthe Internet as a means of informationtransmission to promote, prevent andintervene in the sphere of health, and todesign a programme of health promotiononline to encourage the quality of life ofthe Internet users.

Head Researcher: Lourdes Valiente

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC), University ofBarcelona (UB), Autonomous University ofBarcelona (UAB).


Objectives: To create virtual learning spacesrelating to cancer meant not only for under-training or active specialists, but also fornon-specialist professionals. This factmakes it essential to transform the existingcontent into a methodologically suitableformat to disseminate it on the Internet.

Researchers: Teresa Arbués, JesúsMendoza, Mireia Riera

Institutions Taking Part: Instituto deAssistencia Médica ao Servidor PúblicoEstadual (IAMSPE, Brazil), ProyectoEpidemiológico Guanacaste (Costa Rica),University of Valparaiso (Chile), NationalAutonomous University of Mexico(UNAM), Faculty of Medicine - InstitutoNacional de Cancerología (Mexico),University of Buenos Aires, Faculty ofMedicine - Instituto de Oncología ÁngelH. Roffo (Argentina), Del BosqueUniversity (Colombia), Cayetano HerediaUniversity (Peru), Scuola Europea diOncologia (ESO, Italy), University ofFlorence (Italy), University of Montpellier 1- Medicine UFR (France), InstituteGustave Roussy (France), InternationalAgency for Research on Cancer (France),Institut d’Estudis de la Salut, InstitutCatalà d’Oncologia, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).


Objectives: Study of the assistance-relatedlevels, analysis of user requirements,transmission protocols, optimisation ofresources and evaluation of services.

Researchers: Raquel Navarro, TeresaArbués, Maria Galofré, Francesc Saigi,Israel Rodríguez, Eva María Sabastían,Daniel López, Mari Carmen Puerta

Institutions Taking Part: University ofSaragossa, Universitat Oberta deCatalunya (UOC).



Objectives: To describe and analyse themain changes brought about by themassive implementation of the newtechnologies in the sphere of literarycreation and of learning of literature fromthe perspective of literary hermeneutics.

Head Researcher: Laura Borràs

Institutions Taking Part: University of Artois,University of Essex, University of Barcelona(UB), Autonomous University of Barcelona(UAB), Brown University, University ofTurku, Pompeu Fabra University,Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).


Objectives: To contribute elements for afirst understanding of ITC consumerdynamics by Barcelona teenagers inpublic and private leisure spaces.

Head Researcher: Adriana Gil Juárez

Institutions Taking Part: CIIMU, ConsorciInstitut de la Infància i Món Urbà made upof the Town Council of Barcelona, theBarcelona Provincial Council, the Universityof Barcelona (UB), the AutonomousUniversity of Barcelona (UAB) and theUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

SEE ARCH WEBObjectives: To develop an instructionalapproach to the issue of archaeologybased on the web technologies.

Head Researcher: Cèsar Carreras

Institutions Taking Part: AristotelianUniversity of Thessalonica (Greece),American University of Bulgaria (Bulgaria),University of Cyprus (Cyprus), Universityof Saarland (Germany), University of Paris(France), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya(UOC), Foundation of Hellenic World(Greece), MLS Multimedia SA (Greece),Metropolitan Manchester University(United Kingdom).


Objectives: To use a telematic system todevelop a virtual community of publicinterest (stakeholders) from the sphere ofthe groups of minority languages of theEuropean Union.

Researchers: Miquel Strubell, AinaVilallonga

Institutions Taking Part: CatholicUniversity of Brussels (Belgium), Centrefor European Research (United Kingdom),Institute for Ethnic Studies (Slovenia),International Centre on Plurilingualism (Italy),Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).


Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Technology

Programme National Plan of GeneralPromotion of Knowledge. Projects

of Scientific Research andTechnological Development

Work Started 2003

Work To End 2006

Funds Received by UOC 24,000 euros

Total Cost of the Project 24,000 euros

Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Technology

Programme National Plan of GeneralPromotion of Knowledge. Projects

of Scientific Research andTechnological Development

Work Started 2004

Work To End 2007

Funds Received by UOC 30,800 euros

Total Cost of the Project 30,800 euros

Funding Entity CIIMU (Consorci Institutde la Infància i Món Urbà)

Work Started 2002

Work To End 2004

Total Cost of the Project 24,000 euros

Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Technology

Programme National Plan of GeneralPromotion of Knowledge. Projects

of Scientific Research andTechnological Development

Work Started 2003

Work To End 2006

Funds Received by UOC 6,800 euros

Total Cost of the Project 6,800 euros

w1 http://www.uoc.edu/in3/@lfa_e-oncologiaw2 http://www.uoc.edu/in3/eteserw3 http://www.uoc.edu/in3/hermeneiaw4 http://www.uoc.edu/in3/joventicw5 http://www.uoc.edu/in3/adum

Funding Entity European Commission

Programme ALFA (Europaid)

Work Started 1 July 2004

Work To End 30 June 2006

Funds Received by UOC 134,430 euros

Total Cost of the Project 625,551 euros

Funding Entity European Commission

Programme SOCRATES. Minerva

Work Started 21 October 2003

Work To End 20 October 2006

Funds Received by UOC 18,199 euros

Total Cost of the Project 379,021 euros

Funding Entity European Commission

Programme DG Education and Culture. Language Learning and Linguistic Diversity

Work Started 15 December 2003

Work To End 14 December 2005

Funds Received by UOC 62,675 euros

Total Cost of the Project 341,608 euros

Introduction Teaching and research are the main linesalong which the UOC’s main activity runs.They find their complement and strengthin the actions that entail the disseminationand transfer of knowledge andtechnology. In this sense, we couldremark on the initiatives that theUniversity carries out on the Internet – itswebsite, its digital journals, and the

various network spaces it runs; thepublishing activity brought about byEditorial UOC; the activities of socialdissemination, which this year amountedto a number of activities within theframework of the celebration of theUniversity’s tenth anniversary; and finallyall the activity that focuses on training forenterprise and institutions.

*Single Visitors – Number of single IPs that havevisited the UOC website

Knowledge Dissemination andTransfer

HERMENEIA. Literary Studies and DigitalTechnologiesw1

Objectives: To systematise the knowledgeon this issue (map of literary studiesonline) and to place it within reach of theEuropean university fabric by means ofthe creation and the maintenance of areference web/portal.

Researchers: Laura Borràs Castanyer,Joan Elies Adell Pitarch, Isabel MollSoldevila, Narcís Figueras Capdevila.

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC).

ARACNÉObjectives: Benchmark of ICTapplications to institutions of culturalheritage.

Head Researcher: Cèsar Carreras

Institutions Taking Part: Universitat Obertade Catalunya (UOC) and University ofDeusto.


w1 http://www.uoc.edu/in3/hermeneiaw2 http://www.uoc.eduw3 http://www.uoc.edu/web/cat/canals/dret/dret.htmlw4 http://www.uoc.edu/web/cat/canals/empresa/empresa.htmlw5 http://www.uoc.edu/web/cat/canals/educacio/educacio.htmlw6 http://www.uoc.edu/web/cat/canals/documentacio/documentacio.htmlw7 http://www.uoc.edu/web/cat/canals/tecnologia/tecnologia.htmlw8 http://www.uoc.edu/web/cat/canals/cultura/cultura.html

Funding Entity Generalitat de Catalunya

Programme Distinction of university research

Work Started 19 September 2001

Work To End 25 September 2005

Funds Received by UOC 120,204 euros Funding Entity Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Technology

Programme National Plan of GeneralPromotion of Knowledge. Projects

of Scientific Research andTechnological Development

Work Started 2004

Work To End 2007

Funds Received by UOC 32,000 euros

Presence on the Internet

Given its nature, the UOC considers itsmodel of presence on the Internet astrategic one. The Net is a channel thatgreatly favours the dissemination andtransfer of knowledge – and consequentlya return from University to society of thefirst magnitude.

The UOC Website

The portalw2 has for yet another yearconstituted the figurehead of thepresence of the UOC on the Internet, and it has played a very active role asgalvaniser and disseminating agent ofscientific, cultural and artistic contentaround the information and knowledgetechnologies and their impact on society,business and education, as well asdisseminator of the University’sinstitutional profile and training offer.

Leadership among University Portals

The strategic option of disseminatingknowledge via the Internet has taken theUOC website to a leading position amongthe Spanish, European and LatinAmerican portals. The University portalstrengthens the dissemination andamplification of content through its sixtheme channels (law and politicsw3,economics and businessw4, education andpsychologyw5, information andcommunicationw6, technologyw7, cultureand societyw8), incorporating four servicesof news selection and weekly updates.













July 2004 July 2005

Single Visitors*













July 2004 July 2005




According to the 2004 edition of theInforme Anual eEspaña on thedevelopment of the information societyelaborated by the Fundación Auna, theUOC is the first Spanish university as faras the scope and the quality of itsInternet resources. The way this study isconducted is by analysing aspects suchas usability, citizen participation, interactivityand transaction of information of thewebsites of sixty-nine universities and the portal Universia.

In June 2005 the UOC website wasawarded the category of the best trainingwebsite of the Spanish state by Favoritosof Expansion.com, under the patronageof IBM on Demand.

Digital Journals and Net Spaces:Dissemination Projects on the Internet

During the academic year 2004-2005 aprogramme was launched to organise thevarious dissemination initiatives that theUOC has on the Internet, in the form ofvirtual spaces around the communitiesthat specialise in knowledge andelectronic publications.

The most veteran of all digital journals isDigithum,w1 a publication promoted by theFaculty of Humanities and Language andLiterature that has reformed its formatand design entirely. On its seventhanniversary Digithum published amonographic work on ICTs and heritage.

Lletra,w2 has become in less than fouryears the space of reference on theInternet on Catalan literature and it hasmore than 400 pages and 6,000 links. Forthe third year running, it has promoted anannual debate taking stock and making aprognosis about Catalan literature. Itrenewed its digital Rambla on St George’sDay and it awarded the Lletra prize forpages devoted to Catalan literature.

As for the virtual space devoted to thestudy of, and research on, the intersectionsamong art, science and technology,Artnodes,w3 apart from publishing a nodeon art and calculability, has promoted itsinternational projection by organising eventsand establishing shared alliances andprojects with prestigious networks suchas Leonardo/ISAST, linked to theMassachusetts Institute of Technology.

Mosaicw4 the journal on multimedia, hascontinued believing in an innovatingmodel of digital publication whichcompares, by way of interviews orarticles, the opinion of the professionalwith the opinion of the academic, apartfrom presenting the top results by theUOC multimedia students.

As for the new publications, RUSCw5

(Revista de Universidad y Sociedad delConocimiento) is an initiative of the UOC’sUNESCO Chair of e-learning and it haspublished two issues with extensivemonographic works: the first one, withthe title of Perspectiva social del e-learning en la educación superior:universidad y desarrollo en la era de lainformación, and the second one, Las TICen la universidad: estrategia ytransformación.

Finally, at the end of the academic year2004-2005, IDP.w6 Revista d’Internet, Dreti Política, was launched, containingarticles, reviews and comments oncurrent legal issues. The first issue hasevolved around the topic Copyright i dretd’autor: convergència internacional en unmón digital?

Articles 57

Reviews 10

Interviews 11

Working Papers 4

Doctoral Assignments 9

Colloquia / Virtual Debates 9

Lectures 6

Project Documents 1

Most Visited University Sites on the InternetSource: Alexa, July 2005

843 916 9471,616

2,898 3,1823,772


7,932 7,9738,693


13,156 13,357

University of California,


MassachusettsInstitute ofTechnology


University of Mexico

University of



of Barcelona

AutonomousUniversity of Madrid

LondonSchool of


University of Alacant

PolytechnicUniversity ofCatalunya

University of Oxford

ComplutenseUniversity of


PolytechnicUniversity of


UniversitatOberta deCatalunya




The UOC website is found among the threethousand top websites of the world,according to the Alexa ranking ofpositioning on the Internet. In the LatinAmerican scale, it comes second, after thesite of the National Autonomous University

of Mexico, and is the first in the Spanishstate. This ranking, which is an importantreference on the Internet, is elaboratedtaking into account the number of visits, thenumber of pages per visit, and the numberof pages that link to that particular site.

w1 http://www.uoc.edu/digithumw2 http://www.uoc.edu/lletraw3 http://www.uoc.edu/artnodesw4 http://www.uoc.edu/mosaicw5 http://www.uoc.edu/ruscw6 http://www.uoc.edu/idp

Content Published Online: www.uoc.edu


Publishing Activity

During the academic year 2004-2005,Editorial UOC, SLw1 continued with itspublishing activity bringing out forty newbooks, grouped as follows:

Activities of Social Dissemination

The Universitat Oberta de Catalunyacelebrated its 10th anniversary during thisacademic year 2004-2005. During thisperiod a number of activities took placegeared towards, on the one hand,communicating this event and, on theother, celebrating it with the variousactors directly linked to the UOC.

Within the sphere of the actions aimed atdissemination, the following could besingled out: the various adverts publishedin the national and local press; thepresentation of the new magazine MónUOC; and the creation of the web page10 anys d’història. This virtual spacecompiles experiences, memories, anecdotesand images that students, graduates,lecturers and staff obtained during theirtime at the UOC. Later, with a selection ofthe content contributed to by theparticipants, a book was elaboratedwhich the Rector gave as a present to thestaff of the UOC on Saint George’s Day.

Out of the celebration events, thefollowing stand out:

- A meeting with Mayors and Presidentsof Local Administrations of Catalonia;

- A dinner offered to the members of theBoard of Trustees and the Council forthe Foundation for the UniversitatOberta de Catalunya;

- A dinner held in Madrid with Catalanpoliticians (Members of Parliament,Members of the Senate and membersof the government);

- The presentation of the “10 years” logoduring the staff summer party in July2004;

- The live broadcast of the CatalunyaRàdio El suplement programme at thepresential meeting of February 2005;

- Graduation events at Madrid’s AuditorioNacional de Música and at Barcelona’sAuditori, with the presentation of thereport on the social impact on the UOCgraduates.

Training for Enterprise andInstitutions

During this period, the UOC, by means of GECw2, a company of its group,consolidated the projects based onlearning solutions in these sectors:financial, pharmaceutical, tourist,consumer goods, media, mutualities and public sector, among others.

The new clients of the financial sectorwere Banco Guipuzcoano, Caixa Gironaand Caja Burgos. In addition, workcontinued with old clients, such as LaCaixa, Banc Sabadell Atlántico, CAM,Bancaja, Ibercaja, Caja Navarra andCaixa Catalunya.

The pharmaceutical sector has beenanother of the activity pillars of GEC withthe incorporation of new clients, such asRoche laboratories, and the carrying outof new initiative with already-existingclients, such as Pfizer or Lilly.

GEC also continued its activity with themutualities sector, collaborating withAsepeyo, Mutual Cylops, Sanitas andAgencaixa. Also to be remarked is thecontinuity of the projects carried out withVolkswagen Audi España, S. A., whopioneer the automobile sector.

Also relevant were the projects carriedout in the sphere of the public sector,with the incorporation of new clients,such as the Institut d’Estudis de la Salut,Red.es (Spanish Ministry of Industry,Tourism and Trade) or the Consell Insularde Mallorca, and the new projects carriedout with existing clients, such as theEscola de Policia de Catalunya, theCIDEM (Catalan Ministry of Employment

and Industry), the Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya (Catalan Ministry ofEmployment and Industry), the Institutd’Educació de Barcelona (Town Councilof Barcelona), the Catalan Ministry of Welfare and the Family, the Centred’Estudis Jurídics (Catalan Ministry of Justice), the General Council of theJudiciary, the Agència Notarial deCertificació or the Institut Catalàd’Oncologia.

One of the important characteristics ofthe GEC during this period was theextension of the sectors where newprojects were developed and thesignificant growth of business in Madridand the rest of Spain. Important clientswho lead the sector have joined, such asSol Meliá and Globalia, in the touristsector; Grup Codorniu and Grupo LechePascual, in consumer goods; Tele5,CRTVG, Media Planning Group, EDPEditores y Aranzadi, in communicationsmedia; and Agbar, among others.

«Manuals» Collection, books in Catalan 10 titles

«Manuales» Collection, books in Spanish 19 titles

«Manuales» Collection + CD ROM, in Spanish 1 title

«Biblioteca Multimedia de la Industria» Collection, CD-ROM in Spanish 1 title

«Nuevas Tecnologías y Sociedad» Collection 2 titles

«Societat del Coneixement» Collection 2 titles

w1 http://www.editorialuoc.comw2 http://www.gec.es

Collections Published


Associated Companies

The purpose of the UOC-associatedcompaniesw1 is to create a network of relations that allows the exchange ofexperiences aimed at the development of the professionals and to the improvementof competitiveness of the organisationswithin the framework of the knowledgesociety.

The UOC-associated company link, whichis formalised through an agreement,implies to start with a number of servicesand advantages for the company and itsprofessionals:

- Financial aid for the matriculation incontinuing education.

- Personalised attention channel.- Personalised information.- Privileged access to knowledge.- Daily service of theme-based news.- Participation in the social event of

UOC-associated Companies.- Access to the pool of professionals

trained at the UOC.- Participation in the programmes of

educational co-operation for practicalwork university-company.

- Participation in the programmes ofsponsorship of UOC entrepreneurs.

- Participation in the training,dissemination and research projects.

- Contribution to the UOC-led solidarityprojects.

- Public dissemination of the link.

The UOC-associated CompaniesNetwork is a good scenario to bringinterests together and to discover thesynergies and the projects that we candevelop together with the aim ofcontributing value and competitiveimprovement, projects that can be placedalong the following line of activity:

- Assessment in the elaboration oftraining plans for the company.

- Design and development of virtualtraining adapted to the company.

- Collaboration in the UOC trainingprogrammes.

- Creation of virtual environments andcommunities.

- Participation in research and innovationprojects on the knowledge society.

- Collaboration in, and sponsoring of,face-to-face or virtual projects oractivities.

- Incorporation as an active member ofthe assessment counsel of a trainingprogramme.

- Creation of co-operation projects for the solidarity virtual development andvoluntary work.

Companies adhered to the proposal:

- Alcoahttp://www.alcoa.com/spain/es/home.asp

- Artyplanhttp://www.artyplan.com

- Asepeyohttp://www.asepeyo.es

- Atos Originhttp://www.atosorigin.es

- Cesvimaphttp://www.cesvimap.com

- Comprendiumhttp://www.comprendium.es

- Condishttp://www.condis.es

- Consorci Sanitari del Maresmehttp://www.csm.scs.es

- Corporació Catalana de Ràdio i Televisió http://www.ccrtv.com

- Doc6http://www.doc6.es

- Ibermáticahttp://www.ibermatica.es

- Incytahttp://www.incyta.com

- It-deustohttp://www.itdeusto.com

- Microarthttp://www.microart.es

- Millward Brownhttp://www.millwardbrown.com

- Mutual Cyclopshttp://www.mutual-cyclops.com

- Sabadell Grup Asseguradorhttp://www.sgaseguros.com

- Sadielhttp://www.sadiel.es

- Servei d’Intervenció i Culturahttp://www.torsimany.com

- Sun Microsystems Ibéricahttp://es.sun.com

- Traditexhttp://traditext.com

w1 http://www.uoc.edu/web/cat/empreses/empresas_aso.html



The Universitat Oberta de Catalunyacarries out its role as a co-operationagent in accordance with the principle of ethical commitment to society throughUOC Cooperació. This programme hasthe objective of supplying the expertise of the UOC to co-operation projects andinitiatives, so bringing to them theknowledge, technology, and know-howthat it has acquired and the voluntarywork of the members of its community.

Throughout this academic year, UOCCooperació has taken up the standardformerly carried by Campus for Peace,the co-operation project of the Universityfor improvement in the quality and quantityof associated activities. This change hasentailed the publication of a new webpage integrated into the portal of theUOC.

ActivityThe most noteworthy activities in thisacademic year were the following:

Awareness-raising campaigns and activitiesApadrina Nicaragua (Sponsor Nicaragua),this academic year’s ChristmasCampaign, had the aim of giving supportto the educational projects of the NGOsFamilias Unidas and Dianota International.It achieved sixty-seven commitments tosponsorship and raised 2,100 euros.

Together with the UOC Community it hasorganised other awareness-raisingcampaigns and activities:

- The “Cataluña con Centroamérica”campaign: collaboration in the“Ahorita” exhibition of photographs ofGuatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvadorby Pau Gavaldà, at the start-of-coursegathering and at the support centres inSabadell, Barcelona, Salt and Tortosa,in collaboration with the Comitè ÓscarRomero in Tarragona-Reus.

- South-East Asia solidarity campaign:invitation to collaborate with theentities linked to the UOC and thatcarry out activities in the field ofhumanitarian aid in the zone affectedby the tsunami. The Virtual Library hasprepared the compilation of currentinformation entitled Tsunami. Desastreal sud-est asiàtic (Tsunami: a Disasterin South-East Asia).

- A paper on Nicaragua. A synthesisgathering and conference: “Ser nen aNicaragua” (Being a Child in Nicaragua)in collaboration with Familias Unidas,the fair trade stand of the Comitè ÓscarRomero Tarragona-Reus, and the“Ahorita” photograph exhibition.

- Cinema-forum on childhood in Nicaragua.- Campaign for the Reform of the

System of International Institutions, incollaboration with the Fòrum Mundialde Xarxes de la Societat Civil (CivilSociety Network World Forum) (start-of-course gathering).

- Two talks within the framework offace-to-face meetings.

TrainingThe programme co-ordinated, togetherwith Postgraduate Education a number ofcourses in the International Co-operationArea: the postgraduate course in HumanDevelopment Technologies and thespecialisation course in EngineeringApplications for Human Development,carried out with the participation ofEngineers without Frontiers; thepostgraduate course in Management ofthe International Co-operation ProjectCycle; and the specialisation coursesDevelopment Project Planning Technician,Development Project ManagementTechnician, and Development ProjectEvaluation Technician, with theparticipation of the Red Cross.

Likewise, the solidarity e-learning projectwas created: this is an innovative projectfor adapting the UOC’s virtual educationmodel to the needs of the tertiary sector,with a formalisation of procedures and anelaboration of guides and annual reportsto launch virtual education developmentprojects.

Various entities and projects receivedskills training on-line (Capacitació FOL):Spanish Red Cross, Engineers withoutFrontiers Catalonia, Familias Unidas.

w1 http://www.uoc.edu/cooperacio

Solidarity Co-operation

UOC Cooperaciów1

VolunteersThe volunteers’ programme has beendeveloped in three teams: the team oftwenty virtual trainers that makes possiblethe Capacitació ONG programme and e-learning projects for development; themultimedia production team, made up of fourvolunteers, which has created the website ofthe awareness and fund raising campaign of the ADANE NGO for the construction of aschool at Magoine (Mozambique); and theteam of two NGO consulting volunteersthat have oriented in office automationthe trainers in the digital literacy course ofthe SURT association (Associació deDones per a la Reinserció Laboral,Women’s Association for LabourRehabilitation).

Virtual CampusNumerous entities possess a workingIntranet on the UOC Campus: UNICEF –Spanish Committee, the Spanish RedCross – Intranet of trainers, GATS (GrupsAssociats de Treball Sociocultural,Associated Groups for Socio-culturalWork). The total number of users of thistool stands at almost five-hundred.

Conferences and EventsUOC Cooperació has participated in thefollowing one-day conferences and acts:

- Conference on Social Participation and New Technologies, University ofAlmeria, Almeria, 6-7 May 2005.Workshop on “Virtual Training,Management, and Online Work ofNGOs: Campus for Peace”.

- International Conference of Volunteersand New Technologies, Conference andExposition Centre of Galicia, Santiagode Compostela, 7-9 April 2005. PlenarySession: “Virtual Volunteers”. Workshop:“Virtual volunteers for e-learning in solidarity”.

- Second Internet and SolidarityConference, Fundació Un Sol Món(One Single World Foundation) of CaixaCatalunya, Barcelona, 7-8 June 2005.Chairmanship of the debate “Access toICTs: a fundamental human right?”

- Fourth Conference: “Technology forHuman Development”, AgènciaEspanyola de Cooperació Internacional(Spanish International Co-operationAgency), Madrid, 25-26 November 2004.

- Conference Net.es3, MadridConference Centre, Madrid, 13-14October 2004. Presentation of theUOC volunteers’ programme.

- Public act of presentation of projectssubsidised by the Sabadell SolidariFoundation in 2005, Sabadell, 23 May2005.


Projects 22

Transfer projects 13

Web projects 1

Innovation projects 1

Awareness-raising Campaigns 7

Courses 13

Given by volunteers 6

Given by member entities 7

Entities 25

NGO Campus Entities 17

Collaborating Entities 8

Volunteers 27

Platform Users 2,220

Co-operation: Some Figures

Financial Report 2004



















Type 2000 (1) 2001 (1) 2002 (1) 2003 (1) 2004 (1) 2005 (2)

Ordinary 28,986,634.49 33,836,534.97 38,705,615.86 40,900,382.75 46,223,443.22 46,741,145.26

Investmens 4,765,386.21 4,839,289.18 7,190,938.43 9,407,455.37 7,709,872.89 5,119,724.93

(1) Settled budgets, with amortisations

(2) Approved budget, without amortisations

Budget (All figues are in E)


Founders for disbursements underwritten and not yet demanded 0.00

Establishment expenses 0.00Immaterial assets 30,679,141.82Material fixed assets 21,047,584.16Financial assets 3,531,864.34

Total fixed assets 55,258,590.32

Accumulated depreciation -30,661,005.77

Net Fixed Assets 24,597,584.55

Immaterial fixed assets in process 618,831.18

Expenses to be distributed over various years 1,412.18Inventory 319,340.63Receivable 18,701,957.03Temporal financial investments 480.81Cash 88,830.82Pre-paid expenses 108,791.11

Current Assets 19,219,400.40

Total Assets 44,437,228.31


Share capital 188,793.14Voluntary reserves 2,943,503.34Results 245.79

Own Funds 3,132,542.27Capital grant 20,411,571.74Other revenue to be distributed over various fiscal years 77,157.17

Revenue to be distributed over various fiscal years 20,488,728.91

Other provisions 85,135.94

Provisions for risks and expenses 85,135.94Long-term debt 6,054,354.70Other debt 648,600.83

Long-term liabilities 6,702,955.53Short-term debt 2,132,534.23Debt with companies of the groupand associated companies 3,088,682.70Suppliers 6,526,045.98Other non-commercial debt 1,840,748.54Pre-paid expenses 439,854.21

Short-term Liabilities 14,027,865.66Total liabilities 44,437,228.31

Balance Sheet on 31 December 2004

Balance Sheet Structure on 31 December 2004

Assets Liabilities


In the section that follows we are detailingthe financial figures of the Foundation forthe Universitat Oberta de Catalunyacorresponding to the fiscal year 2004.

As in previous years, the firm BovéMontero i Cia. audited the Foundation’syearly accounts and presented therelevant positive report to theFoundation’s Board of Trustees, whichapproved the report in the session of 4July 2005.

After a detailed analysis, we are singlingout the most relevant aspects of thefinancial data as follows:

- The monitoring of the profit and loss sheet,and the investment sheet, for the fiscalyear 2004 has been done separately forthe main campus (contract programme),for the specific projects, and for the IN3.

- The ordinary budget for the fiscal year2004 increased with respect to that ofthe previous fiscal year by 13%, in orderto cover the rise in activities.

- Investments totalled 7,709,872.89euros. The following were the mostimportant items:

Teaching modules 46%

Construction of the Researchpremises for the IN3 25%

Computer applications and hardware 14%

Material fixed assets 13%

- The cash flow generated was401,380.50 euros, which was destinedto cover the amortisations of the fiscalyear.




Own Funds

Net FixedAssets









Profit and Loss Statement 2004 (All figues are in E)

REVENUE Main Campus Specific Projects IN3 Total FUOC

Net Revenue 16,780,740.40 6,838,960.52 730,318.80 24,350,019.72

Works for fixed assets 17,475.76 18,299.81 0.00 35,775.57

Other Income 34,258.92 726,415.03 0.00 760,673.95

Operating subsidies 16,432,618.08 956,046.70 2,647,691.45 20,036,356.23

Capital Subsidies 4,408,373.70 378,848.35 973,642.06 5,760,864.11

Donations 411,625.00 32,447.76 0.00 444,072.76

Excess in provision of risks and expenses 0.00 7,385.00 7,385.00

Total operating revenue 38,085,091.86 8,951,018.17 4,359,037.31 51,395,147.34


Monetary aid and others 0.00 216,630.70 0.00 216,630.70

Suppliers 651,066.73 3,388.38 13,785.80 668,240.91

Labour Expenses 14,739,222.57 2,440,764.38 1,443,844.30 18,623,831.25

Amortisation 4,397,854.25 674,320.37 1,089,824.05 6,161,998.67

Variation in traffic provisions 74,363.35 34,801.16 157,583.38 266,747.89

External Services 16,879,276.25 5,433,320.45 1,162,504.74 23,475,101.44

Taxes 657,854.67 311,288.85 86,973.05 1,056,116.57

Other expenses of current management 0.00 0.00

Total operating expenses 37,399,637.82 9,114,514.29 3,954,515.32 50,468,667.43

Operating results 685,454.04 -163,496.12 404,521.99 926,479.91

Financial Income 123,620.63 0.00 11.64 123,632.27

Financial expenses 845,407.62 0.00 27,366.99 872,774.61

Result -36,332.95 -163,496.12 377,166.64 177,337.57

Extraordinary Income 522,139.90 0.00 0.00 522,139.90

Extraordinary expenses 308,404.57 24,985.37 365,841.74 699,231.68

Pre-tax results 177,402.38 -188,481.49 11,324.90 245.79

Tax on profits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Result 177,402.38 -188,481.49 11,324.90 245.79

Distribution of Elements for the Operating Revenue 2004

Capital SubsidiesGeneralitat




Other Income

Net Revenue


CapitalSubsidies Other





Distribution of Elements for the Operating Expenses 2004






Investments (All figues are in E)

CONCEPT Main Campus Specific Projects IN3 TOTAL

Cash flow of the financial year 166,882.87 106,990.74 127,506.89 401,380.50

Result 177,402.38 -188,481.49 11,324.90 245.79

End of the Year Figures (All figues are in E)

1) Investments made

Main Specific Building Total FUOC Campus Projects IN3 Castelldefels 2004

Establishment expenses 0 0 0 0 0Licences, brands and similar 15,408.55 0.00 0.00 15,408.55Computer applications 898,046.41 105,622.01 86,013.96 1,089,682.38Didactic modules 2,689,513.90 887,783.61 0.00 3,577,297.51Other immaterial assets 36,378.20 0.00 0.00 36,378.20

Total immaterial assets 3,680,803.36 993,405.62 86,013.96 0.00 4,760,222.94

Building Work 167,958.69 1,465,468.36 1,633,427.05Other Facilities and Furniture 325,079.64 0.00 13,515.67 338,595.31Hardware and OtherMaterial Assets 504,227.04 0.00 21,771.87 451,628.68 977,627.59

Total material assets 997,265.37 0.00 21,771.87 1,930,612.71 2,949,649.95

Total fixed assets(without amortisation fund) 4,678,068.73 993,405.62 107,785.83 1,930,612.71 7,709,872.89

Total 4,678,068.73 993,405.62 107,785.83 1,930,612.71 7,709,872.89

2) Investment finance

Main Specific Building Total FUOC Campus Projects IN3 Castelldefels 2004

Debt authorised by the Generalitat (Autonomous Govt.) 4,678,068.73 540,910.49 0.00 1,514,057.76 6,733,036.98Investment subsidies fromGeneralitat (Autonomous Govt.) 0.00 342,360.13 0.00 0.00 342,360.13Other investment subsidies 0.00 110,135.00 16,040.80 0.00 126,175.80Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Technology 0.00 0.00 91,745.03 0.00 91,745.03Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Technology - Feder Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 416,554.95 416,554.95

Total 4,678,068.73 993,405.62 107,785.83 1,930,612.71 7,709,872.89











Distribution of Elements for the Fixed Assets 2004

Other Facilities andFurniture

Building Work

Didactic modules


Hardware and OtherMaterial Assets (4.00%)


(7.00%) (2.00%)

Investment Finance 2004

Investment subsidiesfrom Generalitat(Autonomous Govt.)

Debt authorised by the Generalitat (Autonomous Government)


Other investment finance

Audit report

Audit Report by Bové Montero dated 6 June 2005



Annex. Activities Involving Social Dissemination

Lectures, Round-tables, Debates

[1.9.2004] Universal Forum of Cultures.BarcelonaLibrarian Núria Ferran took part in the HumanMovements and Immigration World Congresswith a presentation of the COINE (CulturalObjects in Networked Environments) project andthe result of its application to content at theCentre de Documentació of the Museu d’Històriade la Immigració a Catalunya. Organised by theInstitut Europeu de la Mediterrània.The Museu d’Història de la Immigració aCatalunya’s websitehttp://oliba.uoc.edu/lab/migracio/index.htm.

[2.9.2004] MadridJordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies gave alecture on “Les TIC en l’empresa: 10 ideessobre el canvi tecnològic digital a Catalunya”.

[4.9.2004] Linz (Austria)Pau Alsina, Co-ordinator, Artnodes space,delivered the paper “On Art, Science andTechnology e-Learning”, at the Ars ElectronicaFestival congress. Timeshift: The world intwenty-five years.

[14.9.2004] Barcelonès Support Centre The Faculty of Computer Science andMultimedia invited free software programmerMiguel de Icaza to give a lecture on freesoftware.http://www.uoc.edu/dt/cat/deicaza0904.html

[15.9.2004] Provincial Council of TarragonaLocal Development UnitJordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies, gave alecture on the information and communicationstechnologies (ICTs) and work.

[21.9.2004] Vilafranca del PenedèsA new lunch-and-debate session of the TribunaOberta Vilafranca was held, with EnricEsquerra, General Director of Condissupermarkets, as a special guest.

[22.9.2004] UOC, Central BuildingProfessor Charlotte Gunawardena, from theCollege of Education at the University of NewMexico (USA), gave a lecture on distanceeducation and cultural diversity.The event was organised by the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciences.

[23.9.2004] Chicago (USA)Raquel Xalabarder, a lecturer in the Faculty ofLaw and Political Science, gave a lecture oncopyright and the responsibility of the Internetservice providers, during the IntellectualProperty in Europe meetings, organised by theCenter for Intellectual Property Law at the JohnMarshall Law School in Chicago.

[29.9.2004] Centre d’Estudis i RecursosCulturals. Casa de la Caritat. BarcelonaPau Alsina, Co-ordinator, Artnodes space, gavethe lecture “Art digital a Catalunya” within the“E-CULTUR@ i els Serveis Municipals” cycle.

[30.9.2004] BarcelonaAdoració Pérez, Head of the UOC Library, tookpart in the round-table “Internet como mediopara la promoción de la lectura”, where shedelivered the paper “La biblioteca de referenciavirtual y su uso”.

[7.10.2004] Hall, Centre de CulturaContemporània de BarcelonaDebates on Education, co-organised by theFaculty of Psychology and EducationalSciences and the Fundació Jaume Bofill.“Política educativa i igualtat d’oportunitats.Prioritats i propostes”, a lecture given by XavierBonal, Miquel, Àngel Essomba i Ferran Ferrer.http://www.uoc.edu/dt/cat/bonal0305.html

[10.10.2004] Centre d’Estudis i RecursosCulturals, Provincial Council of BarcelonaCecilia Braslavsky, the late Director ofUNESCO’s International Bureau of Education,spoke about “Possibilities and limits of youtheducational policies. Reflections on theconclusions of the 47th InternationalConference on Education” during the fifthedition of the Debates on Education.

[21.10.2004] SaragossaFrancesc González, lecturer of the TourismProgramme, took part in a colloquium ontourism during a seminar held at the Universityof Saragossa.

[28.10.2004] Barcelonès Support CentreMario Pérez-Montoro and Sandra Sanz Martos,lecturers from the Faculty of Documentation,gave a lecture on “A la cerca del valor afegit enles empreses: la gestió del coneixement il’aprenentatge al lloc de treball”. Open to thepublic.

[4.11.2004] Hotel Domo de Vilafranca delPenedèsJoaquim Nadal, Catalonian Minister forTerritorial Policies and Public Works, attended alunch-and-debate session of the Tribuna ObertaVilafranca.http://www.uoc.edu/dt/cat/nadal0505.html

[4.11.2004] ValenciaJoan Miquel Gomis, lecturer of the TourismProgramme, took part in a round-table on thelow-cost airlines, together with representativesfrom Iberia, Air Europa, Air Berlin, Vueling andSavia Amadeus. Organised by Travel AdvisorsGuild, an association of specialised companytravel agents.

[4.11.2004] UOC, Central BuildingThe Head of the Faculty of Humanities gave alecture on “The Connectivist Paradigm: ArtScience and Consciousness” by Roy Ascote.

[11.11.2004] Hotel Fira Palace. BarcelonaJordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies, gave alecture on “Pimes, innovació en procés iformació en competències: cap un nou modelde creixement de l’economia catalana”, withinthe session “Tecnologia i coneixement com amotors de l’economia” of the Jornada delsEconomistes organised by the Col·legid’Economistes de Catalunya.

[17.11.2004] BadalonaJordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies, gave alecture on “Adaptació de les PIME a les NTIC.Situació actual i tendències”, at the FentEmpresa meetings run by the Institut Municipalde Promoció de l’Ocupació, ReactivacióBadalona, with the collaboration of the CIDEM.

[23.11.2004] LeónRector Gabriel Ferraté gave a lecture on“Liderar la universidad de la sociedad delconocimiento” at the University of Leon, Spain,on occasion of the specialisation course onuniversity academic management. Organisedby the Fundación General de la Universidad deLeón y de la Empresa.

[24.11.2004] Fòrum Can Basté. BarcelonaJordi Alberich, lecturer at the Faculty ofInformation and Communication Sciences, tookpart in the talk “L’efecte Mobius: nousllenguatges artístics i comunicatius en la culturavisual digital”.

[25.11.2004] GironaJordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies, gave alecture on the information technologies andenterprise, at Girona’s PIMEC headquarters.

[25.11.2004] Escola Politècnica Superior. GironaRector Gabriel Ferraté gave the lecture “EscolaPolitècnica Superior 30 anys. Del passat alpresent, passant pel futur”.

[26.11.2004] MadridIsmael Peña, the Administrator of the Campusfor Peace, gave the lecture “Trabajo en red:intranets”, at the V Conferencia Tecnología parael Desarollo Humano. ICTs: A Tool fordevelopment.

[29.11.2004] Jalisco (Mexico)Adriana Gil, lecturer at the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciences, gave thelecture “Voces no escuchadas: juventud y TIC”at the V Coloquio de Estudios de la Cultura.

[30.11.2004] Guadalajara (Mexico)Toni Badia, Head of the Faculty of Psychologyand Educational Sciences, gave the lecture“Xarxes de formació de professors i treballcol·laboratiu”, during the International Book Fair.

[1.12.2004] University of Barcelona.Departament of SociologyRosa Borge, lecturer at the Faculty of Law andPolitical Science, gave the lecture-workshop“La participación electrónica: estado de lacuestión y debate sobre sus dimensionessociales y políticas”.http://www.uoc.edu/idp/dt/cat/borge.html

[9.12.2004] University of SevillePau Alsina, Co-ordinator, Artnodes space, gavethe lecture “Revistas electrónicas y culturaaudiovisual digital: el caso Artnodes”, at theFaculty of Communication’s Graduates’ Hall.

[14.12.2004] Hall, Centre de CulturaContemporània de BarcelonaA new session of the Debates on Education,organised by the Faculty of Psychology andEducational Sciences, took place, with thepresence of Jorge Wagensberg, Director ofCosmoCaixa and Professor of the Theory ofIrreversible Processes at the Faculty of Physicsof the University of Barcelona. The lecture wastitled “Educar a la frontera: entre la intuïció i lacomprensió”.

[11.1.2005] UOC, Central BuildingThe Faculty of Law and Political Science invitedProfessor Fred von Lohmann, of the ElectronicFrontier Foundation, to give the lecture“Problems Generated with the Protection ofIntellectual Property on the Internet”. Thelecture was given in English, and a number ofquestions and a debate followed.

[17.1.2005] Amics de la UNESCO. BarcelonaAnna Busquets, Head of the East Asian Studiesprogramme, gave the lecture “La Xina que vaveure Lord MacDartney: el segle XVIII”, includedin the cycle “Els dilluns de la Xina”.

[18.1.2005] Escola d’Administració Pública deCatalunya. BarcelonaAgustí Cerrillo, lecturer at the Faculty of Lawand Political Science, gave the lecture“L’Administració electrònica local”.

[25.1.2005] MadridEsther Pérez, Head of the Tourism Programme,gave the lecture “La integración delconocimiento en los procesos productivos yorganizativos”, at the Gestión del conocimientopara el éxito en destinos turísticos work sessionof the Fitur fair.

[4.2.2005] Faculty of Psychology, EducationalSciences and Sport, Blanquerna. BarcelonaToni Badia, Head of the Faculty of Psychologyand Educational Sciences, moderated a round-table about “Sociedad de la información,nuevas tecnologías y educación” within theI Congreso Internacional Psicología yEducación en Tiempos de Cambio. LecturerElena Barberà also took part in the round-table.

[9.2.2005] UOC, Central BuildingProfessor Susanne Lajoie, from the Departmentof Educational and Counseling Psychology atCanada’s McGill University, gave the lecture“Teaching and Learning in Technology-richEnvironments”. She had been invited by theEDUS research group of the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciences.

[10.2.2005] Granollers Support PointJoan Torrent, lecturer at the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies, presentedthe PIC Empresa within a cycle of lecturesorganised by the UOC and ISOC-CAT, theCatalan Chapter of the Internet Society.

[16.2.2005] Hotel Domo de Vilafranca delPenedèsA lunch-and-lecture of the Tribuna ObertaVilafranca was held with Adriana Casademont,CEO of Casademont SA, as a special guest.The lecture given was “L’empresa familiar en unentorn global”.

[17.2.2005] Barcelonès Support Centre Carles Sigalés, Vice Rector for Faculty andAcademic Policy, presented the PIC Educaciówithin the cycle of lectures organised by theUOC and ISOC-CAT, the Catalan Chapter ofthe Internet Society.

[17.2.2005] Hall, Centre de CulturaContemporània de BarcelonaAgustí Canals, Head of the Faculty ofInformation and Communication Sciences, tookpart in the round-table “Gestió del coneixement:persones, processos i tecnologia”, organised bythe Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris iDocumentalistes de Catalunya and the Col·legid’Economistes de Catalunya, with thecollaboration of the UOC.

[22.2.2005] Hall, Centre de CulturaContemporània de BarcelonaA new session of Debates on Education tookplace, co-organised by the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciences and theFundació Jaume Bofill. Christian Laval,sociologist and Associate Researcher at theUniversity of Paris X, and member of the Institutde Recherches of the Fédération SyndicaleUnitaire, acted as guest speaker.http://www.uoc.edu/dt/cat/laval0405.html

[24.2.2005] UOC, Central BuildingRound-table “L’organització d’un despatxd’advocats”, organised by the Faculty of Lawand Political Science.

[1.3.2005] Faculty of Library andDocumentation Studies of the University ofBarcelonaLibrarian Cristina Barragán gave the lecture “Elprogramari lliure en l’àmbit de la documentació ibiblioteques”. Cristina Barragán is the co-ordinator of the Free Software for InformationProfessionals work group at the Col·legi.

[17.3.2005] Cosmocaixa. BarcelonaProfessor Manuel Castells, Head of Research,gave the lecture “La economía política delcódigo abierto”, included in the “L’era del’accés obert” cycle co-organised by the UOC,the University of Barcelona and Cosmocaixa.

[5.4.2005] Hall, Centre de CulturaContemporània de BarcelonaA new session of Debates on Education hadJoan Coscubiela, Secretary-General ofComissions Obreres de Catalunya trade union,as a guest speaker on “Educació: dret omercat?”.

[11.4.2005] ManresaRector Gabriel Ferraté gave the lecture“Societat del coneixement: dimensió social” toinaugurate the Jornades Científico-Tecnològiques TIC i societat, organised by theInstitut d’Educació Secundària SEP Lacetània.

[11.4.2005] Antonio de Nebrija University.MadridFrancisco Rubio, Vice Rector of InternationalRelations, gave the lecture “Las TIC en ladocencia, investigación y gestión”.

[22.4.2005] Istanbul (Turkey)Maria Taulats and Marc Ribó, of Information forManagement, intervened at the EFQMEducation Community of Practice to give alecture on the UOC’s model of excellence.

[10.5.2005] Palau de Pedralbes. BarcelonaJordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies, gave theinaugural lecture at the Awards to AgriculturalTechnological Innovation 2004. The title of hislecture was “Les TIC i la indústriaagroalimentària a Catalunya”.

[10.5.2005] Associació d’Entitats de Sants iHostafrancs. BarcelonaAnna Busquets, Head of the East Asian StudiesProgramme, gave the lecture “La Xina actual: ladona i la família”.

[11.5.2005] Online Educa Madrid 2005.MadridElena Rodríguez Vall-llovera and Diana Amigó,from Postgraduate Training, intervened in around-table on “Certificación de modeloseducativos basados en la formación porcompetencias”.

[12.5.2005] Barcelonès Support Centre Josep Cobarsí and Eva Ortoll, lecturers at theFaculty of Information and CommunicationSciences, gave a session on “Bones i malespràctiques en la gestió de la informació:desastres i competències informacionals a lesempreses”.

[14.5.2005] Headquarters of the Col·legiOficial d’Arquitectes de Catalunya. GironaPau Alsina, lecturer at the Faculty of Humanitiesand Language and Literature, and Co-ordinatorof Artnodes, gave a lecture at the internationalmeeting “El paisatge transgredit. Interseccionsde natura, art, ciència i tecnologia”. Themeeting was jointly organised by the UOC,Híbrids la Plataforma, the Col·legi d’Arquitectesde Catalunya of the Girona area, the Escolad’Art Floral, and the Fundació Espais d’ArtContemporani of Girona.

[17.5.2005] Vilafranca del PenedèsA lunch-and-debate session of Tribuna Obertatook place with Miguel Ángel Fraile, theSecretary-General of the Confederació Catalanade Comerç and the Confederación Española deComercio, as a special guest.http://www.uoc.edu/dt/cat/fraile0905.html

[25.5.2005] Òmnium Cultural premises inBarcelonaLaura Borràs, lecturer at the Faculty ofHumanities and Language and Literature,intervened in the “Societat i ciència” cycle withthe lecture “La malaltia mental a propòsit delQuixot”, which she gave jointly with Núria Pérez,who lectures at the Pompeu Fabra University.

[27.5.2005] Sarrià-Sant Gervasi municipalheadquarters. BarcelonaTeresa Fèrriz, Co-ordinator of the UOC’sliterature space , took part in the round-table ofthe “Seminari sobre el patrimoni literari aBarcelona”, organised by the Xarxa delPatrimoni Literari de Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, andfunded by the Any del Llibre i la Lectura.

[8.6.2005] Palace of Congresses. Fira deBarcelonaMagí Almirall, Head of Development of Intranets,took part in the round-table “Revisió de l’e-learning” at the Internet Global Conference.

[9.6.2005] GironaJoan Torrent, lecturer at the Faculty of Economicsand Business Studies, took part in the Fòrum deNoves Tecnologies organised by the Associaciód’Empreses de Noves Tecnologies de Girona(AENTEG), where he gave the lecture “Les TIC al’empresa: una inversió rendible?”.

[17.6.2005] Narcís de Carreras Auditorium.GironaJoan Torrent, lecturer at the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies, and Head ofthe Business Administration and Managementprogramme, took part in the round-table“Anàlisi de la situació actual de la innovació a lapetita empresa” included in the 2nd Cicle deTrobades sobre Innovació. Organised by PimecGirona and Caixa de Pensions.

[21.6.2005] UOC, Central BuildingDinner-and-colloquium, with the participation ofProfessor M. Carnoy, of Stanford University,within the cycle Debates on Education,organised by the Faculty o Psychology andEducational Sciences.

[26.6.2005] Calgary (Canada)Rector Gabriel Ferraté gave a lecture at theConnecting Technology and Teaching Learningcongress. Francesc Vallverdú, Vice Rector ofResearch, Methodology and EducationalInnovation, and Francisco Rubio, ofInternational Relations, also intervened. It wasorganised by the OECD (Organisation forEconomic Co-operation and Development).

[1.7.2005] UOC, Central BuildingThe UOC’s East Asian Studies organised, forthe closing ceremony of the academic year2004-2005, the paper “Empresa i pensament al’Àsia oriental: un diàleg entre el yin i el yang?”given by Seán Golden, Head of the Centre ofInternational and Intercultural Studies at theAutonomous University of Barcelona, andAmadeo Jensana, Head of the Business Circleat Barcelona’s Casa Àsia.


[7.7.2005] Auditorium, Faculty of Biology,University of BarcelonaPau Alsina, lecturer at the Faculty of Humanitiesand Language and Literature, gave the lecture“Sobre art, biologia i tecnologia”.

[8.7.2005] UOC, Central BuildingAdriana Gil, lecturer at the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciences,organised the round-table “El gènere i launiversitat”, in which the following took part:Assumpta Civit, Head of the Human Resourcesarea; María Jesús Izquierdo, lecturer ofSociology at the Autonomous University ofBarcelona and Co-ordinator of the Sentiments,Emocions i Societat research group; BarbaraBiglia, Consultant on Sociogenesis at the UOC;historian Muriel González, Magistra Artium fromthe University of Cologne; and Inés Massot,lecturer on Educational Research Methods andDiagnosis at the University of Barcelona.

[11.7.2005] TerrassaA new session of Tribuna Oberta Terrassa washeld, with the intervention of Maria TeresaCosta Campí, President of the Spanish NationalEnergy Commission. The speaker gave thelecture “Les TIC i la gestió del coneixementenergètic”.http://www.uoc.edu/dt/cat/costa0905.html

[16.7.2005] Hall, Centre de CulturaContemporània de BarcelonaPau Alsina, lecturer at the Faculty of Humanitiesand Language and Literature, and Co-ordinatorof the Artnodes space, gave the “CopyFight:cultura lliure a la societat de la informació”.

[25.8.2005] Universitat Catalana d’Estiu.Prada de ConflentPau Alsina, lecturer at the Faculty of Humanitiesand Language and Literature, and Co-ordinatorof the space, gave the lecture “La influència dela física en les pràctiques artístiques d’avui”.

Seminars, Meetings and Congresses

[9.9.2004] Until 12th. Copenhagen (Denmark)Julià Minguillón, lecturer at the Faculty ofComputer Science and Multimedia, took part inthe ESMRMB04 congress.

[9.9.2004] UOC, Tibidabo buildingAlbert Sangrà, lecturer at the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciences,organised the seminar “The Empathy Approachin Holmberg’s Theory of Teaching-LearningConversations”. The guest speaker was BörjeHolmberg.

[9.9.2004] Ramon Llull University. BarcelonaAntoni Badia, Head of the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciences, tookpart in the scientific seminar Miraona where hedelivered the paper “Los procesos deapropiación del discurso académico en laeducación superior. El caso de los estudiantesde Pràcticum I de Psicopedagogía de la UOC”.

[15.9.2004] Until 17th. University of GranadaJosep Grau, from Communication withStudents, and UOC tutor Albert Fornielespresented the article “Enquestes de satisfaccióper Internet: una experiència pràctica”, at the3rd Congreso de Metodología de Encuestas,held at the Faculty of Sociology of theUniversity of Granada.http://www.uoc.edu/dt/20398/index.html

[15.9.2004] Until 17th. MadridJulià Minguillón and Jordi Herrera, lecturers atthe Faculty of Computer Science andMultimedia, took part in the RECSI VIIIcongress, and gave, respectively, the lectures“Transmisión progresiva de imágenes marcadasdigitalmente” and “PlaPID: una plataforma parala protección de imágenes digitales”.

[16.9.2004] Until 18th. Metz (France)Isidre Ribot, of the Library, took part in theAssociation des Directeurs de BibliothèquesUniversitaires de France’s annual congress. Hepresented the UOC Library with the lecture“Adaptation des services bibliothécairestraditionnelles et création de nouveaux servicesà la Bibliothèque de l’UOC”.

[22.9.2004] Ronald Reagan Center.Washington (United States)Raquel Xalabarder, lecturer at the Faculty ofLaw and Political Science, took part in the2004-IP Europe Summit to present the latestEuropean legal developments on issuesinvolving copyright and responsibility of theInternet service providers.

[29.9.2004] San Sebastián / DonostiRector Gabriel Ferraté took part in the session“Las nuevas tecnologías al servicio de laeducación” included in the 2nd cycle ofJornadas y Conferencias Plan e-Guipúzkoa.

[21.10.2004] UOC, Central BuildingSeminar “Los derechos de propiedad intelectualde los artistas intérpretes o ejecutantes: supasado, su presente y su futuro”, monitored byRamon Casas, tutor at the Faculty of Law, andco-ordinated by Raquel Xalabarder, Head of theProgramme of the Faculty of Law and PoliticalScience. The seminar was inaugurated by ViceRector Joan Fuster and Pere Fabra, Head ofthe Faculty of Law, among others.

[25.10.2004] UOC, Central BuildingA workshop was held about SEEARCH-Web,an interactive portal on south east Europeanarchaeology, by the Òliba research group. On25th, the seminars “The UOC Distance-learningModel” and “Multimedia Materials: Some CaseStudies” were given by the Department ofInternational Relations and Cristina Girona, ofthe Educational Development Model area,respectively.

[26.10.2004] Barcelonès Support CentreA workshop was held about SEEARCH-Web,an interactive portal on south east Europeanarchaeology, by the Òliba research group. On25th, the seminars “The UOC Distance-learningModel” and “Multimedia Materials: Some CaseStudies” were given by the Department ofInternational Relations and Cristina Girona, ofthe Educational Development Model area,respectively. On 26th Cèsar Carreras, Co-director of Òliba, spoke on “Evaluation Methodsfor E-learning”.

[26.10.2004] VicJordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies, took part inthe Vic 2004 Meeting of Businesspersons,which on 26th dealt with “Empreses amb TIC osense TIC... invertim?”. Vilaseca spoke on“Economia i societat del coneixement. Situacióde l’empresa catalana. Reptes”.

[28.10.2004] MexicoVice Rector Carles Sigalés took part in the 3rdConferencia Internacional sobre BibliotecasDigitales como Apoyo a la Educación Superior,organised by the National AutonomousUniversity of Mexico (UNAM).

[2.11.2004] FigueresRector Gabriel Ferraté and Vice Rector forInstitutional Relations and Cultural ActivitiesJoan Fuster attended the inauguration of theDalí Symposium. Noves fronteres de la ciència,l’art i el pensament, at the Figueres DalíMuseum, organised, among others, byArtnodes.http://www.uoc.edu/artnodes/dali/cat

[5.11.2004] La Pedrera building. BarcelonaIsmael Peña, Administrator of the Campus forPeace, took part in the sessions on La qualitat enbenefici de tots: el tercer sector, l’empresaprivada, la Universitat i l’Administració. Peña tookpart in the workshop “Tecnologies de la informaciói la comunicació en projectes de cooperació en eldesenvolupament i el voluntariat del Campus forPeace de la UOC i la Fundació Iwith.org”.

[10.11.2004] Shanghai (China)Jordi Cabot, lecturer at the Faculty of ComputerScience and Multimedia, took part in the 23rdInternational Conference on ConceptualModeling, with the lecture “Roles as EntityTypes: A Conceptual Modeling Pattern”.

[15.11.2004] Until 19th. Hotel Alimara.BarcelonaA second edition of the UOC’s UNESCO Chairof e-Learning International Seminar took placeunder the title “Liderar la universitat en lasocietat del coneixement”.

[17.11.2004] SalamancaAdoració Pérez, Head of the Library, took partin the 2nd Congreso Nacional de BibliotecasPúblicas, with the lecture “El perfil delprofesional de bibliotecas públicas”.

[18.11.2004] SalamancaPatrícia Riera, from the Library, took part in the2nd Congreso Nacional de BibliotecasPúblicas, with the lecture “Sobre la propiedadintelectual y las bibliotecas”.

[20.11.2004] Col·legi d’Advocats deCatalunya. BarcelonaPere Fabra, Head of the Faculty of Law andPolitical Science, and Agustí Cerrillo, lecturer atthe same Faculty, took part in the Jornadasobre el nou Estatut d’autonomia de Catalunya,where the latter of the two delivered the paper“Els reptes actuals de la societat catalana i laseva incidència sobre l’Estatut”.

[27.11.2004] Palace of Congresses of Galicia.Santiago de Compostela Face-to-face meeting of Galician students andlecturers. The sessions were titled “La evoluciónde la acción docente en la UOC ante loscambios en la actividad empresarial”, and weregiven by the Head of the Faculty of Economicsand Business Studies Joan Torrent; “Cómorentabilizar el perfil UOC en tu evoluciónprofesional”, by a UOC graduate in LabourSciences, and “Cómo optimizar tu rendimientoen la UOC”, with the participation of graduates,counsellors and students.

[30.11.2004] OlotJoan Miquel Gomis, lecturer of the Tourismprogramme, took part in the sessions Comvenem el turisme rural? to lecture on touristdestinations and the ICTs. Jointly organised bythe Fundació d’Estudis Superiors d’Olot, theDirectorate-General of Tourism of theGeneralitat, and the Town Council of Olot.

[3.12.2004] Berlin (Germany)Marga Franco and Carme Anguera deliveredthe paper “A Successful CollaborativeExperience: The Virtual Seminars” at Berlin’sOnline Educa international congress.

[10.12.2004] Auditorium, França Building,Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), BarcelonaThe Faculty of Law and Political Science andthe Pompeu Fabra University jointly organisedthe 1st Congrés Internacional sobre Fiscalitat al’Habitatge. On the part of the UOC, lecturersAna María Delgado and Antoni Galiano tookpart. Joan Fuster, the Vice Rector forInstitutional Relations and Cultural Policy tookpart in the inaugural presentation.

[15.12.2004] Cosmocaixa. BarcelonaPau Alsina, co-ordinator of the Artnodes space,took part in the Física i Art cycle, together withthe Physics lecturer of the University of BarcelonaJosep Perelló and the artist Antoni Abad.


[17.12.2004] Until 18th. UOC, Central BuildingSecond plenary meeting of the Inter-universityCommittee on the Humanities, to elaborate theWhite Book of the Humanities Degree, with theidea of adapting it to the directives of theEuropean Higher Education Area (EHEA).Rector Gabriel Ferraté inaugurated the event.

[13.1.2005] Reial Acadèmia de Medicina.BarcelonaThe Second Anatomy Session took place, anevent organised by Lletra, the space on Catalanliterature, and the Institució de les LletresCatalanes, about the state of Catalan literaturein 2004 and the prognosis that several actors inthe Catalan literature system made with a viewto next year.It was attended by the Minister of Culture of theGeneralitat de Catalunya, Caterina Mieras; theRector, Gabriel Ferraté; Jaume Subirana – Headof the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes –;Vicent Alonso – Head of the journal Caràctersand writer –; Manuel Ollé – literary critic –;Joaquim Palau – Director, Ediciones Destino –;Miquel de Palol – writer –; Marta Ramoneda –from La Central bookshop –; and Sergio Vila-Sanjuán – Commissioner for the Year of theBook and of Reading.http://www.uoc.edu/lletra/anatomia2004/index.html

[19.1.2005] ArnesJoan Miquel Gomis, lecturer of the Tourismprogramme, delivered the paper “Situacióactual del turisme a Catalunya” at the 3rdJornades de Turisme Rural. Cap a un noumodel de turisme.

[26.1.2005] Sala Metrònom. BarcelonaPau Alsina, co-ordinator of the Artnodes space,took part in the Robot Sapiens sessions, withthe lecture “Imagina artbots, biobots,nanobots...”.

[27.1.2005] IESE. BarcelonaAgustí Canals, Head of the Faculty ofInformation and Communication Sciences, tookpart in the seminar “La indústria de lacomunicació i els reptes de futur”.

[8.2.2005] UOC, IN3 Building, CastelldefelsUOC’s Jornada de Recerca en e-learning,where the projects included in the line ofresearch led by Professor Tony Bates werepresented. The following took part: FranciscoRubio, Vice Rector for International Relations;Carles Esquerré, Deputy Administrator; andlecturers Josep M. Duart, Josep M. Mominó,Montse Guitert, Joan Campàs, LourdesGuàrdia, Glòria Munilla, Elena Barberà and JuliàMinguillón. For the closing session, MagíAlmirall; lecturer Enric Mor; and UOC usabilityconsultant Eva de Lera presented a researchproject on usability.

[10.2.2005] Barcelonès Support CentreSecond Seminar on Information ManagementProjects of the degree in Documentation.

[25.2.2005] UNED premises. MadridFrancisco Rubio, Vice Rector for InternationalRelations; Emma Kiselyova, from InternationalRelations; and Nati Cabrera, from EducationalMethodology, took part in a seminar organisedby the European Association of DistanceTeaching Universities (EADTU).

[25.2.2005] UOC, Central BuildingA technical session was held during whichMònica Surinyach, from Telecommunications,delivered the paper “La distribució decontinguts a Internet, el servei AKAMAI i laUOC”, and Adoració Pérez, Head of the Library,and Jordi Serrano, also from the Library,presented “Accés i recuperació de contingutsen línia (ARC@)”.

[1.3.2005] From 1st to 13th. On-line CongressFrancesc Saigi, lecturer at the Faculty ofInformation and Communication Sciences,delivered the paper “Impacto de labiotecnología y las ciencias de la vida en la sociedad del conocimiento” at the 1stCongreso Internacional Online sobreTecnologías de la Información en Ciencias de la Vida. It was organised by the AsociaciónHispana de Documentalistas en Internet. Thecongress was held on line, with some face-to-face sessions in Montevideo (Uruguay).

[1.3.2005] Barcelonès Support Centre The Seminar “Arts escèniques i novestecnologies”, with the intervention of ProfessorLuis Thenon, Head of the Laboratory of NewTechnologies of Image, Scene and Screen ofthe Laval University of Quebec (Canada). Theevent was introduced by the lecturer at theFaculty of Humanities and Language andLiterature, Pau Alsina, and a debate ensued withArtur Serra, Director of the F2ICAT. The eventwas jointly organised by the UOC, F2ICAT,Neapolis Vilanova and the Embassy of Canada.

[3.3.2005] Until 4th. Auditorium, Centred’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada.BarcelonaThe Faculty of Law and Political Science andthe Associació Catalana de Iuslaboralistesjointly organised the Jornades Catalanes deDret Social, devoted in this edition to the studyof “La responsabilitat laboral de l’empresari:sinistralitat laboral”. The sessions wereinaugurated by Joan Fuster, Vice Rector forInstitutional Relations and Cultural Policy.http://www.uoc.edu/symposia/dretsocial/cat/index.html

[3.3.2005] UOC, Central BuildingA session was held for the teaching stafforganised by the Faculty of Humanities andLanguage and Literature on browsing throughart and literature on line, under the titleImmersió Ciber. An immersion takes place intoworks of art and literature on line to obtain aglobal view of on-line creation from 1994 to2004, and browsing is effected among onehundred previously selected works. The following took part in it: ArtNodes, A2.CAT(Art i artivisme. Ciència, Art i Tecnologia) andHermeneia.

[4.3.2005] LogroñoManuel Armayones, lecturer at the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciences and amember of the PSINET research group, tookpart in the 11th Congreso de la SociedadEspañola de Toxicomanías with the paper“Internet como medio para la mejora de lasalud y la calidad de vida: reflexiones ypropuestas de actuación”.

[7.3.2005] Barcelonès Support CentreSecond seminar of the UNESCO Chair of e-Learning, under the name “Liderar la universitaten l’era del coneixement”.http://www.uoc.edu/catedra/unesco/cat/seminari.html

[12.3.2005] Lisbon (Portugal)Professor Manuel Castells, Head of Research,took part in the seminar “La sociedad en red yla economía del conocimiento”.

[14.3.2005] UOC, IN3 Building, Castelldefels Seminar “Noves eines per a l’ensenyament iaprenentatge en línia”, about contentmanagement and production of learningobjects. Professors Jeff Miller, Karen Belfer andMark Bullen, of the Distance Learning andTechnology Department at the British ColumbiaUniversity (Canada) expounded on theirexperiences. Similarly, UOC lecturers LourdesGuàrdia (Psychology and EducationalSciences), Julià Minguillón and Montse Guitert(both from Computer Sciences and Multimedia),and Joan Campàs (Humanities and Languageand Literature) talked of their experiences andresearch proposals.

[15.3.2005] Palace of Congresses ofCatalunya. BarcelonaJordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies, took part inthe Financorp forum (Finances Corporatives pera Pime) organised by the Creativities Group togive a view from the university standpoint.

[17.3.2005] Until 19th. Boston (United States)Agustí Canals, Head of the Faculty of Informationand Communication Sciences, delivered a paperat the 6th European Conference on OrganizationalKnowledge, Learning and Capabilities (OKLC).

[17.3.2005] Until 19th. Auditorium, Centred’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada.BarcelonaThe Faculty of Law and Political Scienceorganised the international congress Internet,dret i política. Les transformacions del dret i lapolítica en la societat de la informació. Thecongress was jointly inaugurated by the Rector,Gabriel Ferraté, and the Head of the Faculty,Pere Fabra, who is also its academic director,and was closed by Professor Manuel Castells.The following lecturers took part in it: AlbertBatlle – Director of the Political ScienceProgramme –, Agustí Cerrillo, Ana SofíaCardenal, Rosa Borge, Rosa Fernández, MònicaVilasau, Ana Delgado and Raquel Xalabarder.http://www.uoc.edu/symposia/idp/cat/index.html

[31.3.2005] Until 3rd April. Montreux(Switzerland)Maria Antònia Huertas, lecturer in ComputerScience and Multimedia, took part in the 1stWorld Congress on Universal Logic where shepresented the article “A Characterization ofQuantified Hybrid Logic”.

[31.3.2005] UOC, Central BuildingJordi Vilaseca, Antoni Messeguer and JoanTorrent, of the Faculty of Economics andBusiness Studies gave the seminar “Measuringe-Business Targets”.

[31.3.2005] UOC, Central BuildingInma Rodríguez, from the Faculty of Economicsand Business Studies, gave the seminar “AnIntegrated Model of Adoption and Developmentof Electronic Commerce in Companies” at thePIC-Empreses session.

[14.4.2005] Autonomous University ofBarcelona. Faculty of PhysicsPau Alsina, co-ordinator of the Artnodes space,took part in the Any Internacional de la Física:Física i Societat with the paper “Física i arts visuals”.

[14.4.2005] Santiago de Compostela (Galicia)Carles Sigalés, the Vice Rector for AcademicPolicy and Faculty , took part in the Jornadasde Formación de Asesores de Formación of theXunta de Galicia, with the lecture “La formaciónvirtual: el modelo pedagógico de la UOC”.

[18.4.2005] Until 29th, Barcelona and Madrid2nd Jornadas Interuniversitarias de Marketing:Marketing en movimiento, ¿interactúas? InmaRodríguez and Ana I. Jiménez gave the session“Productes i marques a Internet: noves einesper al disseny d’estratègies de negoci”.

[20.4.2005] Casa Llotja de Mar. BarcelonaJoan Torrent, lecturer at the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies, took part inthe E-business sessions organised by theChamber of Commerce of Barcelona with thelecture “La mobilitat a l’empresa i els serveismòbils de tercera generació: innovació,competitivitat i valor afegit al vostre abast”.

[24.4.2005] Until 26th. San Jose (UnitedStates)Josep Maria Duart, lecturer at the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciences and co-ordinator of the UNESCO Chair of e-Learning,took part in the Higher Education InstitutionalManagement international seminar organised bythe OECD (Organisation for the Economic Co-operation and Development), where hepresented the article “E-strategies in theIntroduction and Use of ICT at University”.


[25.4.2005] Barcelonès Support CentreAn interuniversity session on marketing tookplace under the title Productes i marques aInternet: noves eines per al dissenyd’estratègies de negoci. Inma Rodríguez,lecturer at the Faculty of Economics andBusiness Studies; the Director of the MarketResearch and Techniques programme; and AnaIsabel Jiménez, Director of the BusinessAdministration and Management programmetook part in the session.

[25.4.2005] Until 27th. University of Lleida(UdL) Centre de Cultures i CooperacióTransfrontereraLaura Borràs and Joan Elies Adell, lecturers atthe Faculty of Humanities and Language andLiterature, took part in the sessions L’escripturai el llibre en l’era digital. Borràs gave the lecture“Textualitats electròniques” and Adellmoderated the round-table “L’escriptura i l’arten l’era digital”.

[27.4.2005] Cuenca (Ecuador)Jordi Cabot, lecturer in Computer Science and Multimedia, delivered the paper viavideoconference “El aprendizaje de la ingenieríadel software en una universidad virtual: el casode la UOC”, included in the 1st CongresoInternacional de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones - V Congreso Nacional deInformática.

[28.4.2005] Until 30th. Brussels (Belgium)Eva Rimbau, lecturer at the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies, took part inthe 20th Workshop on Strategic HumanResource Management organised by theEuropean Institute for Advanced Studies inManagement (EIASM), where she presented thecommunication “A Strategic View on the Use ofContingent Work Arrangements”.

[28.4.2005] GranadaJosep M. Mominó and Guillem Bautista, Headof Programme and lecturer, respectively, at theFaculty of Psychology and EducationalSciences, took part in the JornadasInternacionales de Política Educativa en laSociedad del Conocimiento, organised by theDepartment of Education of the Junta deAndalucía Autonomous Government. Mominópresented the result of the PIC Escola in thenon-university educational environment at theround-table “Resultats de les polítiqueseducatives per a la societat del coneixement”.And Bautista presented the Sinergia researchgroup, which he co-ordinated during theacademic year 2004-2005.

[29.4.2005] BadalonaAntoni Galiano, lecturer at the Faculty of Lawand Political Science, took part in the Jornadesde Debat Ciutadà del Projecte Educatiu,intervening in the work groups that debated aframework document. They are organised bythe Town Council of Badalona with thecollaboration of the Provincial Council ofBarcelona.

[4.5.2005] CuencaVíctor Renobell, lecturer at the Faculty ofInformation and Communication Sciences,delivered the paper “Cine y teoría del género enAlmodóvar” at the seminar “Aproximaciones alcine de Pedro Almodóvar”, organised by theInstituto de Estudios Avanzados de la CreaciónAudiovisual a the University of Castilla-La Mancha.

[4.5.2005] Udine (Italy)Miquel Strubell, lecturer at the Faculty ofHumanities and Language and Literature, tookpart in the Seminario Internazionale per laPresentazione del Progetto Europeo “Adum:Working Together To Promote Regional andMinority Languages”, organised by theUniversity of Udine (Friuli Venezia Giulia region)in collaboration with universities from theSpanish state, Wales, Ireland, Belgium, Sloveniaand Italy.

[9.5.2005] Until 11th. Sao Paulo (Brazil)Víctor Renobell, lecturer at the Faculty ofInformation and Communication Sciences,delivered the paper “Ensenyament de lacomunicació audiovisual des d’Internet” at theinternational congress Celacom 2005 - IXColóquio Internacional sobre a Escola Latino-Americana de Comunicação. It was organisedby the UNESCO Chair of Communication forRegional Development.

[9.5.2005] Milton Keynes (United Kingdom)Eva Ortoll, Deputy Head of the IN3, and NúriaFerran, of the Library, took part in the EADTUMeeting, “Library and Support Learning” todeliver the papers “Personalisation in Librariesand Ontologies” and “Schools in the NetworkSociety”.

[18.5.2005] CosmoCaixa. BarcelonaDerrick de Kerckhove, Head of Education andTechnology at the US Library of Congress andformer Director of the McLuhan Program ofCulture & Technology at the University ofToronto, took part in the cycle “L’era de l’accésobert” jointly organised by the UOC, theUniversity of Barcelona and Cosmocaixa, tospeak about open culture and the weblogsensation. The event was presented by AgustíCanals, Head of the Faculty of Information andCommunication Sciences.

[20.5.2005] Until Saturday, 21st. BarcelonaToni Roig, Director of the AudiovisualCommunication programme, took part in the3rd Congrés Internacional Comunicació iRealitat, with the paper “Cinema contemporani,Internet i new media: interaccions i complicitatsen l’era digital”. The lecturers at the Faculty ofInformation and Communication SciencesVíctor Renobell, who presented “Noves formesde creació de continguts visuals més enllà del’MCM: de blog a fotologs”, and Sònia Aran,who co-presented “New Kid on the Blocks. Elfenomen dels blogs i la seva rellevància en lamediaesfera i en la política”, also intervened.

[23.5.2005] ManresaThe UOC collaborated in the organisation of the10th Jornada d’Economia Caixa Manresa underthe title “L’esperit emprenedor”. The followingdelivered papers: Gabriel Masfurroll, Presidentof USP Hospitales; José María Loizaga,President of Mercapital; Vicky Hu, President ofH. D. Biosciences Co.; Bert Twaalfhoven,President of the EFER; Ferran Adrià, Director ofthe cuisine workshop elBulli; Rosa Garcia, CEOof Microsoft Ibérica; Antonio Gómez, GeneralDirector of Aertec; Joan Laporta, President ofFutbol Club Barcelona.http://www.uoc.edu/symposia/caixamanresa/jornadaeconomia/2005/cat/index.html

[23.5.2005] Barcelonès Support Centre David Maniega, from the Library, took part inthe 2nd Jornada de Usabilidad en Sistemas deInformación, with the paper “Ver y oír al usuario:dos acciones que cambiarán la forma deentender el diseño de interfaces web”.

[26.5.2005] Until 27th. Tenerife and GranCanaria The lecturer of Tourism Joan Miquel Gomis tookpart in the Jornadas de Turismo Emergenteorganised by Hoteles Escuela de Canarias, acompany of the Ministry of Tourism of theCanary Islands Autonomous Government, witha lecture on the new profiles of the consumertourist.

[26.5.2005] Vilanova i la GeltrúJordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies, took part inthe Laboratori estratègic de ciutat sessions, runby the Town Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú tospeak about the PIC Empresa.http://www.uoc.edu/in3/pic/cat/pic21.html

[27.5.2005] Campus de Cappont, Universityof LleidaJoan Elies Adell and Laura Borràs, lecturers atthe Faculty of Humanities and Language andLiterature, took part in the creators’ meetingL’escriptura i el llibre en l’era digital, organisedby the Ministry of Culture of the Generalitat deCatalunya and the Institució de les LletresCatalanes, with the collaboration of the UOC.

[7.6.2005] Auditori Caixa Catalunya, LaPedrera building. BarcelonaIsmael Peña, Administrator of the Campus forPeace, moderated the paper “L’accés a les TIC:un dret humà fonamental?”, included in the IIJornades Internet i Solidaritat.

[15.6.2005] University of Victoria (BritishColumbia, Canada)Joan Elies Adell, Laura Borràs, Roger Canadelland Isabel Clara Moll, lecturers at the Faculty ofHumanities and Language and Literature, tookpart in the ACH/ALLC Conference (Associationfor Computers and Humanities / Association forLiterary and Linguistic Computing), with thecorresponding papers: “La docencia de lacreación digital emergente: la literaturaelectrónica”, “La imaginación al servicio de laeducación: un ejemplo de work in progress”,“Temas de literatura universal: usos yaplicaciones del hipertexto pedagógico” and “Eltrabajo final de carrera en filología: perspectivashacia un nuevo horizonte”.

[15.6.2005] UOC, Central BuildingJordi Vilaseca, Antoni Messeguer i Joan Torrent,of the Faculty of Economics and BusinessStudies, gave the seminar “Synthetic Indicatorsfor Measuring E-business: A Target Approach”.

[16.6.2005] Porto (Portugal)Jordi Cabot, lecturer at the Faculty of ComputerSciences and Multimedia, presented the paper“Computing the Relevant Instances That MayViolate an OCL Constraint” at the 17thConference on Advanced Information SystemsEngineering (CAiSE’05).

[17.6.2005] Centre d’Art Santa Mònica.BarcelonaPau Alsina, lecturer at the Faculty of Humanitiesand Language and Literature, and Co-ordinator,Artnodes space, co-ordinated the lectures inthe programme of the Sónar, Festival ofAdvanced Music and Multimedia Art.

[22.6.2005] Barcelonès Support CentreI Jornada sobre el MiDoc d’Humanitats.

[22.6.2005] UOC, Tibidabo, 47Meeting of IN3’s Scientific Committee. Thefollowing experts took part: Martin Carnoy,Professor of Economics at Stanford Universityin California; Cecilia Castaño, Professor ofApplied Economics at the ComplutenseUniversity of Madrid; Vinton Cerf, Vice Presidentof WorldCom; Betty Collis, Professor of On-lineKnowledge and Technology for Strategy at theUniversity of Twente in Holland; Jerome A.Feldman, Professor of Computer Science at theUniversity of California (Berkeley); Miguel ÁngelLagunas, lecturer at the Escola Superiord’Enginyeria de Telecomunicació of thePolytechnic University of Catalonia; RobinMansell, Professor of New Media and theInternet at the London School of Economicsand Political Science; William J. Mitchell,Professor of Architecture, Digital Art andScience at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology; Vicenç Navarro, Professor ofPolitical and Social Sciences at the PompeuFabra University; and Emilio Ontiveros,Professor of Business Economics at theAutonomous University of Madrid.

[30.6.2005] BarcelonaAgustí Cerrillo, lecturer at the Faculty of Lawand Political Science, delivered the paper “Elacceso a la información administrativa y laidentificación del usuario en Internet” at the 2ndJornades de Signatura Electrònica organised bythe Agència Catalana de Certificació.


[1.7.2005] Pontevedra (Galicia)Esther Pérez, Director of the Tourismprogramme; Francesc González, lecturer of theprogramme; and Cristina Girona, fromMethodology, took part in the 8th SymposiumInternacional sobre el prácticum y las prácticasen empresas en la formación universitaria,where they delivered the paper “Prácticum enTurismo bajo estándares europeos en unentorno virtual”.

[4.7.2005] Until 6th. GranadaMercè Boixadós, lecturer at the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciences, tookpart in the 9th European Congress ofPsychology to present the “Pòster de recercaamb metodologia i comunicació de la recercadel grup PSINET”, jointly elaborated withlecturers Eulàlia Hernández and ModestaPousada. It was organised by the AsociaciónEspañola de Psicología, with the collaborationof the Association of European PsychologyFederations.

[5.7.2005] Until 7th. GranadaEulàlia Hernández, lecturer at the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciences, tookpart in the 9th European Congress ofPsychology to deliver the paper “Managementof the Personal Time and Quality of Life in theNet Society”. This work is part of the researchby the PSINET group and was jointly elaboratedwith lecturers Modesta Pousada and MercèBoixadós.

[6.7.2005] Pompeu Fabra University.BarcelonaMario Pérez-Montoro, lecturer at the Faculty ofInformation and Communication Sciences, tookpart in the 7th Congress of the InternationalSociety for Knowledge Organization (Spanishchapter) to deliver the paper “La organizacióndel conocimiento en la empresa”.

[7.7.2005] Pompeu Fabra University.BarcelonaMario Pérez-Montoro, lecturer at the Faculty ofInformation and Communication Sciences,presided over the session “Ética ycompetencias en el manejo de la información”at the 7th Congress of the International Societyfor Knowledge Organization (Spanish chapter).

[7.7.2005] Until 8th. Tetuan (Morocco)Nati Cabrera, Head of the Methodologyoperational group, took part in the session “4.Posibilidades, debilidades y fortalezas de laenseñanza virtual” with the paper “La utilizaciónde las TIC en la educación superior”.

[8.7.2005] BanyolesJordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies, and PilarFicapal, lecturer at the Faculty, delivered thepaper “El teletreball a Catalunya”, included inthe Jornades del Teletreball organised by theRegional Council of El Pla de l’Estany.http://www.uoc.edu/uocpapers/dt/cat/vilaseca.html

[11.7.2005] Dominican RepublicA new seminar of the UOC’s UNESCO Chair ofe-Learning was held under the title “Launiversitat en l’era del coneixement”.

[13.7.2005] BarcelonaInma Rodríguez gave her session “Determinantsde l’adopció i l’abast del comerç electrònic ales empreses” during the seminar Recerca enEconomia del Coneixement i Empresa Xarxa.

[14.7.2005] Orlando (Florida, United States)Enric Mor, lecturer at the Faculty of ComputerScience and Multimedia, took part in theSimposio Iberoamericano de Educación,Cibernética e Informática, to present the article“Personalización del proceso de aprendizaje enentornos virtuales”, jointly elaborated by JuliàMinguillón, who lectures in the same Faculty;Lourdes Guàrdia, a lecturer at the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciences; andFrancesc Santanach, from Development ofIntranets.

[14.7.2005] Orlando (Florida, United States)David Megías and Josep Prieto, lecturers at theFaculty of Computer Science and Multimedia,delivered the papers “Máster internacional ensoftware libre en un entorno de formaciónvirtual” and “Requerimientos tecnológicos parala docencia de programación en un entorno deaprendizaje a distancia” respectively at theSimposio Iberoamericano de Educación,Cibernética e Informática.

[14.7.2005] Orlando (Florida, United States)Magí Almirall, Head of Development ofIntranets, took part in the SimposioIberoamericano de Educación, Cibernética eInformática to present the article “Contenidosde e-learning estándares accesibles y usables”,jointly elaborated by the following people fromhis operational group: Francesc Santanach,Jordi Casamajó, Josep Rivera and LlorençSabaté, and with David Zanoleti from ONCE.

[25.7.2005] Seoul (Korea)Julià Minguillón, lecturer at the Faculty ofComputer Science and Multimedia, took part inthe International Geoscience and RemoteSensing Symposium, where he delivered thepapers “Influence of Mark EmbeddingStrategies on Lossless Compression ofUltraspectral Images” (jointly elaborated withlecturers Jordi Herrera, David Megías, JordiSerra and Joan Serra-Sagristà) and “WaveletLossless Compression of Ultraspectral SounderData” (elaborated with Joan Serra-Sagristà,David Megías, Fernando García, Bormin Huangand Alok Ahuja).

[24.8.2005] Until 28th. University of LaLaguna, Tenerife Eulàlia Hernández, lecturer at the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciences, tookpart in the 12th European Conference onDevelopmental Psychology to deliver the paper“Online Cognitive Training Programs and LifeSpan”. The work was jointly elaborated withEulàlia Hernández and Modesta Pousada.

[27.8.2005] Until 30th. Riga (Latvia)Josep M. Duart, lecturer at the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciences and co-ordinator of the UOC’s UNESCO Chair of e-Learning, and Francisco Lupiáñez, of the sameChair, presented the results of the E-strategiasproject at the congress of the EuropeanAssociation for Institutional Research in HigherEducation.http://www.uoc.edu/rusc/dt/cat/duart0405.html


[14.9.2004] Universal Forum of Cultures.BarcelonaAn advisory council is set up for the Master’scourse Gestió de la ciutat del segle XXI. JordiBorja, the course director, makes a publicpresentation attended by the Rector, GabrielFerraté; the Vice Rector for InternationalRelations, Francisco Rubio; the Head ofContinuing Education, Lluís Tarín; the Directorof Postgraduate Education, Antoni Cahner; andthe Head of the Faculty of Law and PoliticalScience, Pere Fabra.

[22.9.2004] University of Lisbon (Portugal)The Psinet research group at the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciencespresented the result of its project on theInternet and quality of life at the 2nd CongresoHispano-Portugués de Psicología.

[28.9.2004] PIMEC premises. BarcelonaJordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies, presentedthe PIC Empresa research project to the PIMEC(Petita i Mitjana Empresa de Catalunya) boardof directors.

[30.11.2004] Instituto Mexicano de Juventud -Secretaría General de la Juventud. Jalisco(Mexico)Adriana Gil, lecturer at the Faculty ofPsychology and Educational Sciences,presented the chapter “Consum i producció denoves tecnologies per part dels joves catalans”included in the book Temps d’híbrids. It is abilingual edition.

[1.12.2004] Pompeu Fabra University.BarcelonaPere Fabra, Head of the Faculty of Law andPolitical Science, read his doctoral thesis, withthe title Veritat i correcció normativa. Lafonamentació del cognitivisme en l’obra deJürgen Habermas. The thesis was unanimouslyawarded the highest mark (Excel·lent cumlaude) by the tribunal.

[11.1.2005] University of Girona (UdG)Josep Cobarsí, lecturer at the Faculty ofInformation and Communication Sciences, readhis doctoral thesis with the title El sistemad’informació de campus per a estudiants en lesuniversitats espanyoles: caracterització i anàlisi.

[24.1.2005] UOC, IN3 Building, Castelldefels David Castillo, lecturer at the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Studies, read hisdoctoral thesis with the title Tecnologia,economia i universitat: anàlisi dels efectes deles tecnologies de la informació i lacomunicació sobre l’eficiència econòmica deles universitats virtuals. Jordi Vilaseca, Head ofthe Faculty of Economics and BusinessStudies, was the thesis supervisor.

[27.1.2005] UOC, Central BuildingThe East Asian Studies programme organisedthe presentation of the research work of twostudents - a work to earn them thepostgraduate degree in Economics andBusiness Studies in East Asia.

[3.2.2005] UOC, Central BuildingImma Tubella, lecturer at the Faculty of Informationand Communication Sciences, presented thePIC Societat project within the cycle of lecturesorganised by the UOC and the ISOC-CAT, theCatalan chapter of the Internet Society. http://www.uoc.edu/in3/pic/cat/pic1.html

[14.3.2005] ESADE. Building 2 Agustí Canals, Head of the Faculty ofInformation and Communication Sciences, readhis doctoral thesis with the title The StrategicManagement of Knowledge Flows in the SpatialEconomy: An Agent-Based ModelingApproach, supervised by Professors MaxBoisot and Marcel Planellas.

[6.4.2005] Tarragonès Support CentreJoan Elies Adell, lecturer at the Faculty ofHumanities and Language and Literature,presented his book La degradació natural delsobjectes, which was awarded a prize at thelatest Jocs Florals de Barcelona poeticcompetition.


[28.4.2005] University of Barcelona. Faculty ofHistory Joan Campàs, lecturer at the Faculty ofHumanities and Language and Literature, readhis doctoral thesis with the title El paperd’Internet en la cultura emergent del món actual(1945-2003), supervised by Rector GabrielFerraté.

[17.6.2005] Arteixo (A Coruña)Josep M. Mominó, Director of thePsychopedagogy Programme, presented,together with Àngel Domingo, a preliminarymodel for the evaluation of the Ponte dos Brozosproject of the Fundación Amancio Ortega.

[22.6.2005] Autonomous University ofBarcelona (UAB)Francesc Núñez, lecturer at the Faculty ofHumanities and Language and Literature, readhis doctoral thesis with the title Les plegades.Capellans secularitzats. La identitat dels ex.

Courses, Workshops and Exhibitions

[13.9.2004] Until 14th. Fundació Sant Joan deDéu. Esplugues de LlobregatThe Campus for Peace and the Compartefoundation gave a practical workshop on itsjoint campaign “Apadrinaja.org. Amb els nensde l’Argentina”, at the 4th Congress onFundraising in Spain.

[1.12.2004] Until 2nd. University of AlacantAdoració Pérez, Head of the Library, gave thecourse “Els serveis virtuals a les bibliotequeshíbrides”.

[14.12.2004] SantanderPatrícia Riera, from the Library, gave a courseon authors’ rights to library staff at theUniversity of Cantabria.

[26.2.2005] Asociación Andaluza deDocumentalistas. GranadaPatrícia Riera, from the Library, gave a courseon authors’ rights.

[9.3.2005] Hall, Centre de CulturaContemporània de BarcelonaVíctor Renobell, lecturer at the Faculty ofInformation and Communication Sciences, tookpart in the workshop “Nous models en lagestió, creació i distribució de contingut culturali periodístic”, included in the session Models departicipació en xarxa organised by the Veggaassociation.

[7.4.2005] Santiago de Compostela (Galicia)Ismael Peña, Administrator of the Campus forPeace, gave the workshop “Voluntariado virtualpara e-learning solidario” at the ConferènciaInternacional de Voluntariat i Noves Tecnologiesorganised by the Volunet association.

[1.6.2005] Until 3rd. UOC, Central BuildingThe Hermeneia research group at the Faculty ofHumanities and Language and Literature gave aseminar on e-Learning applied to literature for adelegation from the Open Hellenic University.

[6.6.2005] Until 8th. BarcelonaJordi Herrera, lecturer at the Faculty ofComputer Science and Multimedia, andFernando Pérez-González, of the University of Vigo, organised the 7th Information HidingWorkshop Barcelona 2005, a congress on theprotection of intellectual digital property.http://www.uoc.edu/symposia/ih05

[8.6.2005] Until 9th. BarcelonaJordi Herrera, lecturer at the Faculty ofInformation and Communication Sciences,organised the 1st Wavila Challenge sessionstogether with representatives from theUniversity of Vigo and the European Network ofExcellence company. http://www.uoc.edu/symposia/wacha05

[4.7.2005] Until 8th. Mediterranean UniversityCampus (UPC). Vilanova i la GeltrúJordi Alberich, lecturer at the Faculty ofInformation and Communication Sciences, gavethe course “Visions digitals. Espectacle,entreteniment i estètica de l’excés de la culturaaudiovisual digital contemporània”, as part ofthe summer courses.

[4.7.2005] Until 8th. Mediterranean UniversityCampus (UPC). Vilanova i la GeltrúPau Alsina, lecturer at the Faculty of Humanitiesand Language and Literature, gave the course“Arts digitals i imaginari tecnocientífic: quan elsandroides somiïn en ovelles elèctriques...”, aspart of the summer courses.

[11.7.2005] Until 14th. MediterraneanUniversity Campus (UPC). Vilanova i la GeltrúToni Roig, lecturer at the Faculty of Informationand Communication Sciences, and Director ofthe Audiovisual Communication programme,gave the course “Cine contemporani i mitjansdigitals: noves tendències, nous espectadors”,as part of the summer courses.

[12.7.2005] Faculty of Letters, Rovira i VirgiliUniversity. TarragonaJordi Alberich, lecturer at the Faculty ofInformation and Communication Sciences, andPau Alsina and Francesc Núñez, of the Facultyof Humanities and Language and Literature,gave respective sessions at the “Art ideconstrucció” course at the Rovira i VirgiliSummer University. The session of Alberich wastitled “De la veritat i de la realitat en l’art”;Alsina’s, “Els límits de l’art o l’art en el límits”;and Núñez’s, “La construcció del sentit: elsentits del sentit”.

[25.7.2005] Until 27th. MediterraneanUniversity Campus (UPC). Vilanova i la GeltrúMireia Pascual, from Infrastructures andLogistics, taught the course “Noves eines isistemes de comunicació audiovisual en xarxa”,as part of the summer courses.

Institutional Events and Activities

[14.10.2004] UOC Central BuildingProfessor Martin Carnoy from StanfordUniversity gave the inaugural lecture for theAcademic Year 2004-2005, with the title “ICTsin Teaching: Possibilities and Challenges”.http://www.uoc.edu/inaugural04/cat/index.html

[6.11.2004] Fòrum Building. BarcelonaGraduation Ceremony of students ofrecognised degrees from the main campus, andof postgraduate students, academic year 2003-2004, with the attendance of Joan Clos, theMayor of Barcelona.

[27.11.2004] Until 5th December. Guadalajara(Mexico)Inauguration of the Feria Internacional del Libro,with the presence of a stand of the UOC. Thefollowing academic authorities attended: theRector, Gabriel Ferraté; the Vice Rector forInternational Relations, Francisco Rubio; theVice Rector for Research, Innovation andEducational Methodology, Francesc Vallverdú;Professor Manuel Castells, researcher; theHead of the Latin American division, AntoniCahner; the person in charge of InternationalRelations, Andreu Bellot; the Head of theRector’s Cabinet office, Josep Maria Oliveras;the Head of the Faculty of Economics andBusiness Studies, Jordi Vilaseca; the Head ofthe Faculty of Psychology and EducationalSciences, Antoni Badia; the Head of the Facultyof Computer Science and Multimedia, RafaelMacau; the Head of the Faculty of Informationand Communications Sciences, Agustí Canals;the Head of the Faculty of Humanities andLanguage and Literature, Isidor Marí; AgnèsVayreda, lecturer in Humanities; lecturer AdrianaGil; the Head of Lletra, Teresa Fèrriz; andCristina Barragán, from the Library.

[2.12.2004] Teatre Prado. SitgesA special showing for UOC students took placeof the film CSA, the Confederate States ofAmerica, of Kevin Wilmott, with a previouspresentation by lecturers Imma Tubella andMario Pérez Montoro. The showing wasincluded in the Festival Internacional de CinemaFantàstic de Sitges.

[21.12.2004] UOC, IN3 Building, Castelldefels UOC Research Day, and graduation of thedoctoral students for the biennium 2002-2004.

[24.1.2005] TarragonaInauguration of the Tarragonès Support Point.At the event, Professor Francesc González, ofthe Tourism programme, gave the lecture“Ciutats mitjanes, patrimoni i turisme”.

[2.2.2005] Until 3rd. UOC, Central BuildingFirst meeting of the Advisory Council of theInternational Master’s course on E-learning,presided over by Professor Tony Bates. Inaddition to Prof. Bates, the Vice Rector forInternational Relations, Francisco Rubio, andthe course lecturers Albert Sangrà and LourdesGuàrdia also took part.

[7.3.2005] UOC, Central BuildingSecond meeting of virtual volunteers for theCampus for Peace, inaugurated by RectorGabriel Ferraté, who distributed the volunteeringcertificates. Juan Antonio García, Head ofDistance Training at the Spanish Red Cross,took part in the event, and Ismael Peña,Administrator of the Campus for Peace,presented the Co-operation Report for 2004and made a summary of the year.

[5.5.2005] VinaròsThrough the Hermeneia research group, theUOC and the Town Council of Vinaròs signedan agreement for the creation of the 1st PremiInternacional Ciutat de Vinaròs de LiteraturaDigital. Lecturer Laura Borràs gave a lecture ondigital literature.

[8.5.2005] Casa América. MadridGraduation ceremony of recognised degrees ofthe Latin American campus, and ofpostgraduate degrees, academic year 2003-2004.

[3.6.2005] Premises of the Institut Nacionald’Educació Física de Catalunya (INEFC).BarcelonaThird edition of Graduate Night.

[16.6.2005] UOC, IN3 Building, Castelldefels Professor Tony Bates, Director of DistanceEducation and Technology at the Department ofContinuing Studies, University of BritishColumbia in Canada, was invested as Doctorhonoris causa.http://www.uoc.edu/hc/bates/cat/index.htm

Mentions, Prizes and Awards

[8.9.2004] Ciudad RealRector Gabriel Ferraté received the Premio delComité Español de Automática.

[13.9.2004] Veracruz (Mexico)The Veracruzana University of Mexico awardedRector Gabriel Ferraté the Medal of UniversityMerit, during an event held by videoconferenceat the Tibidabo Building Auditorium.

[10.12.2004] BarcelonaAgustí Cerrillo, lecturer at the Faculty of Lawand Political Science, won the 4th PremioFermín Abella y Blave 2004 for study andresearch projects on local administrations, withthe work Las condiciones de vivienda de losinmigrantes: la intervención de los enteslocales, jointly presented with Vicenç Aguado.


[2.12.2004]The UOC was awarded the Gold Seal ofEuropean Excellence from the EuropeanFoundation for Quality Management (EFQM), inrecognition for the quality of its governancemodel.

[10.2.2005] Barcelona City Hall. Saló de CentThe Vice Rector for Institutional Relations andCultural Policy, Joan Fuster, was awarded oneof the Ciutat de Barcelona prizes – specificallythe one on history – by the Town Council ofBarcelona for his doctoral thesis.


Institutional Visits[2.9.2004] UOC, Central BuildingCarlos d’Imporzano, Rector of the FundaciónEurocolombiana de Educación Superior, visitedthe UOC.

[14.9.2004] UOC, Central BuildingPatricio Colombo and Horacio Santangelo,Rector of the National University of Salta andadvisor to the EAD at the Argentinian Ministry ofEducation and Culture, respectively, visited theUOC.

[15.9.2004] UOC, Central BuildingJuan A. Vázquez García, Rector of theUniversity of Oviedo and President of theSpanish University Rectors Conference (CRUE),paid a visit to the UOC.

[16.9.2004] UOC, Central BuildingThe Vice Rector for Programming andDevelopment from the University of Salamanca,Santiago López, visited the UOC where he metwith the Vice Rector for International Relations,Francisco Rubio.

[17.9.2004] UOC, Central BuildingThe Rector of the National University of theAustral Patagonia paid a visit to the UOC.

[20.9.2004] UOC, Central BuildingA delegation from the Colegio Nacional deEducación Profesional Técnica (CONALEP)from Mexico DF visited the UOC for aninterview with the Vice Rector for InternationalRelations, Francisco Rubio, and representativesfrom this Vice Rectorate.

[27.9.2004] UOC, Central BuildingThe Rector of the University of Quebec, RochDenis, visited the UOC.

[28.9.2004] UOC, Central BuildingThe Rector of the Santo Tomás University,Faustino Corchuelo, visited the UOC.

[26.10.2004] UOC, Central BuildingThe Vice Rector Francisco Rubio received theRector of the Pedagogical and TechnologicalUniversity of Colombia, Carlos Salamanca.

[4.11.2004] UOC, Central BuildingRector Gabriel Ferraté received Francisco Ros,the Spanish Director-General of the Secretariatof State for Telecommunications and theInformation Society, and Ramon Palacio theGeneral Director of Red.es.

[22.11.2004] UOC, Central BuildingJoaquín Ruiz Nando, General Director of theColegio Nacional de Educación Profesional(CONALEP) in Mexico, visited the UOC.

[23.11.2004] BarcelonaA dinner was held for the Board of Trustees ofthe FUOC and the UOC Governing Council aspart of the events of the UOC’s 10thanniversary.

[21.12.2004] UOC, Central BuildingMiquel Inglés, Director of the Adult TrainingDepartment at the Ministry of Education of theGeneralitat de Catalunya visited the UOC.

[24.1.2005] UOC, Tibidabo, 47Rector Gabriel Ferraté presented the UOC to adelegation of Brazilian mayors.

[31.1.2005] UOC, Central BuildingJosep Monràs, Mayor of Mollet del Vallès,visited the UOC.

[1.2.2005] UOC, Central BuildingRamón Rosales, General Consul of theBolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Barcelona,and Rafael Torres, President of INATUR(Instituto Nacional de Turismo de Venezuela),visited the UOC.

[1.2.2005] UOC, Central BuildingAntoni Castells, Minister of Economy andFinances of the Generalitat de Catalunya,visited the UOC.

[4.2.2005] UOC, Central BuildingThe Director for International Relations of theAnahuac University of Mexico visited the UOC.

[10.2.2005] UOC, Central BuildingThe Director-General of the Fundació Catalanaper a la Recerca, Enric Banda, visited the UOCand met with Rector Ferraté.

[3.3.2005] UOC, Central BuildingMartín Becerra, Academic Secretary of theUniversity of Quilmes (Argentina) visited theUOC to meet Vice Rector for InternationalRelations, Francisco Rubio, and MartaFerrusola, from International Relations, tomonitor the agreement that links the UOC withthis university.

[7.3.2005] UOC, Central BuildingProfessor Milon Potmesil, from the Faculty ofPedagogy of the Palack_ University atOlomouc, Czech Republic, visited the UOC. Hemet Marta Ferrusola, from InternationalRelations.

[9.3.2005] UOC, Central BuildingJosé M. Antón, General Secretary of VirtualEduca, visited the UOC.

[15.3.2005] UOC, Central BuildingClaudio Menezes, Director of UNESCOprojects, visited the UOC.

[21.3.2005] UOC, Central BuildingCarme Miralles, President of the Institutd’Estudis Metropolitans, visited the UOC.

[22.3.2005] UOC, Central BuildingAgustí Montal, President of MUTUAM and ofthe Fundació Enciclopèdia Catalana, visited theUOC.

[18.4.2005] UOC, Central BuildingLieutenant-General Miró, of the Spanish army,and Joan Carretero, Catalan Minister ofGovernance and Public Administrations, visitedthe UOC.

[21.4.2005] UOC, Central BuildingJosep Álvarez, Secretary-General of the UGT(Unió General de Treballadors) trade union, andAntoni Siurana, Catalan Minister of Agriculture,Livestock and Fisheries, visited the UOC.

[10.5.2005] UOC, Central BuildingFerran Amago, Dean of the Col·legi Oficiald’Enginyers Tècnics de Telecomunicació deCatalunya, visited the UOC.

[17.5.2005] UOC, Central BuildingRaúl Arias, Rector of the Veracruzana Universityof Mexico, visited the UOC.

[25.5.2005] UOC, Central BuildingMónica Jiménez de la Jara, Rector of theCatholic University of Temuco, visited the UOC.

[26.5.2005] UOC, Central BuildingJaime Leal, Rector of the National Open andDistance University of Colombia, visited theUOC.

[8.6.2005] UOC, Central Building and IN3Building, CastelldefelsA delegation from Sun Microsystems visited theUOC. It was led by James Simon (ChiefTechnologist, Global Education & Research,Sun, USA); Jean-Noel Colin (consultant forinternational projects for the European TeachingCommission in Belgium); Manuel Martínez(Senior Consultant of Web Services, Sun,Madrid); Manuel Jaffrin (Director of BusinessDevelopment in Teaching and Research, Sun,EMEA); and Cristina Montserrat (AccountManager for the Teaching Sector, Sun,Barcelona).

[24.6.2005] UOC, Central BuildingDennis Meadows, President of the Laboratoryfor Interactive Learning, visited the UOC.

[4.7.2005] Until 5th. UOC, Central BuildingThe expert consultants on the EFQM model,Diego Hidalgo and Francesc Martos – of theAPPLUS certification company – visited theUOC after this university had been shortlisted tothe final of the Premi Q awarded by theGeneralitat de Catalunya. The Premi Q is adistinction awarded to the companies thatstand out for their results thanks to their beliefin quality. CIDEM is the body that manages theprizes.

[25.7.2005] UOC, Central BuildingThe General Consul of France in Barcelona, M.Bernard Valero, visited the UOC.

[26.7.2005] UOC, Central BuildingMurrey W. Goldberg, Former President ofWebCT, visited the UOC.

Student Visits[9.11.2004] Sant CugatThe students of Information andCommunications Sciences visited the premisesof TVE Catalunya and recorded one episode ofLos Lunnis.

[15.12.2005] LocaliaThe students of Information andCommunications Sciences visited the premisesof Localia TV.

[14.4.2005] SoundtrackThe students of Information andCommunications Sciences visited the premisesof Soundtrack dubbing company.

[26.5.2005] TVC MultimèdiaThe students of Information andCommunications Sciences visited the premisesof TV Multimèdia.



Bages Support CentreBiblioteca Campus Universitaride ManresaAv. Bases de Manresa, 7-1108242 Manresa

BarcelonèsSupport CentreAv. Drassanes, 3-508001 BarcelonaTel. 93 481 72 72

Gironès Support CentreCasa de Cultura "Les Bernardes"C. Major, 17217190 SaltTel. 972 40 50 67

Osona Support CentreFundació Mil·lenariPlaça Mil·lenari, 208500 VicTel. 93 886 65 10

Vallès OccidentalSupport Centre, SabadellBiblioteca Vapor BadiaC. Les Tres Creus, 127-12908202 SabadellTel. 93 720 70 55

Vallès OccidentalSupport Centre, TerrassaRambla d’Egara, 340, 3r.08221 TerrassaTel. 93 733 92 00

Alt PenedèsSupport CentreCentre de Tecnologies de la Informaciói la Comunicació Vilafranca VirtualPlaça de la Verema, 108720 Vilafranca del PenedèsTel. 93 818 06 54

Baix LlobregatSupport CentreTorre del RoserC. Joan XXIII, 1408980 St. Feliu de LlobregatTel. 93 632 74 74

Baix EbreSupport CentreC. Alfara de Carles, 1843500 TortosaTel. 977 58 80 66

Baix CampSupport CentreC. Escorxador, s/n43202 ReusTel. 977 33 80 08

Segrià Support CentreCanyeret, s/n, 2a. planta25007 LleidaTel. 973 72 70 77

UOC Liaison Office in AsiaBaiziwanlu, yigoukongjian 2 hao lou #1704

100022 Chaoyang District, Beijing China

Mexico Support PointAv. Insurgentes Sur 1898Torre Siglum, 11th floorCol. FloridaC.P. 01030 Mexico, D.F.www.uoc.edu/mx

Brussels Support PointPatronat Català Pro Europa

Rue de la Loi, 227, 3e.1040 Brussels - Belgium

Tel. 00 32 2 231 03 30

Ciutadella Support PointCasa de CulturaC. Hospital de Santa Magdalena, 107760 Ciutadella de MenorcaIsland of MenorcaTel. 971 38 63 32

Illes PitiüsesSupport PointConsell Insular d'Eivissai FormenteraAv. d'Espanya, 4907800 EivissaIsland of EivissaTel. 971 19 54 56

Manacor Support PointC. Muntaner, 1207500 ManacorIsland of MajorcaTel. 971 84 50 64

Madrid Support PointPlaza de las Cortes, 428014 MadridTel. 91 524 70 00

Valencia Support PointC. Pau, 3Despatx 105-E46003 Valencia

Seville Support PointEdificio ExpoC. Inca Garcilaso, s/n41092 Sevilla

Alghero Support PointCarlo Alberto, 3207041 AlgheroSardinia – ItalyTel. 00 39 07 9 98 14 73

Estudis Virtuals d’AndorraCentre Cultural i de CongressosLaurediàPl. de la GermandatSt. Julià de Lòria – AndorraTel. 00 376 84 18 06

UOC Support Points outside Catalonia:

UOC Support Centres and Support Points


Presentation Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the FUOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Rector of the UOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Chairman of the FUOC Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

UOC Governing Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7The Foundation for the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Board of Trustees of the FUOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7The Standing Committee of the Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8The FUOC Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8The Governing Council of the UOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8The UOC’s Business Advisory Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Organisational Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Development of the Organisational and Operational Norms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10The Brand Evolves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11The UOC Model of Excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Academic Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Managerial Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Infrastructures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Strategic Alliances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14International Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Business Initiatives: The UOC Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Editorial UOC, SL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Eurecamèdia, SL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Ensenyament Obert, SL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Gestión del Conocimiento, SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Planeta UOC, SL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Xarxa Virtual de Consum, SCCL (Virtual Consumers’ Network) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Activity Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19First Cycle Studies; First-and-Second Cycle Studies; Second Cycle Studies; Own Degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

General Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Faculty of Economics and Business Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Faculty of Law and Political Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Faculty of Humanities and Language and Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Faculty of Computer Science and Multimedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Tourism Programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25East Asia Programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Doctoral Programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Third Cycle Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Postgraduate Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Postgraduate Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Universitat Oberta d’Estiu (Summer Open University) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Universidad Virtual de Verano (Virtual Summer University) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Winter Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Corporate Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Pre-university Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Access Course for People over 25 Years of Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Higher Training Courses for Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Ateneu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30UOC Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Learning Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Virtual Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Institutional Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

The Virtual Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34



University Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Participation Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Social and Cultural Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Meetings in the Territory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37Advantages in Products and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37Small Announcements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37The UOC Community Newsletter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Face-to-face Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Student Services and Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Student Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42The UOC Centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Attention to the Public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

The UOC Friends’ and Graduates’ Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442004-2005 Promotion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44Professional Projection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45Preserving the Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Knowledge Dissemination and Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54Presence on the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54Activities Involving Social Dissemination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56Publishing Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56Training for Enterprise and Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56Associated Companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Solidarity Co-operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58UOC Cooperació . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Financial Report 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62Balance Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62Profit and Loss Statement 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63End of the Year Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64Audit Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Annex Activities Involving Social Dissemination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

UOC Support Centres and Support Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77


Edited by: Universitat Oberta de CatalunyaArea of Communication

© Universitat Oberta de CatalunyaAv. Tibidabo, 39-4308035 BarcelonaTelephone: +34 93 253 23 00


Designed by : Manuel AndreuLay-out by: Jaume BrugueraLanguage revision by: UOC Linguistic Services

The company below contributed to thepublication of this report:

Versions of the Academic Report are availablein Catalan, Spanish and English athttp://www.uoc.edu

Central Building, Av. Tibidabo 39

UOC Teaching Council - March 2005









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