Advanced metaphysical theory on the "Universal Cosmic Modulation of the Matter" Gianfranco Soncini work orignally written in Italian was translated into English by Michael Kishline LDO [email protected] on 11/20/2011 with the help of www.wordreference.com and http://translate.google.com . Want to understand the structure of infinitesimal matter, after having denied the existence of the cosmic ether, is like study the flight of birds ignoring the existence of the air: inevitably falls into serious errors

Universal Cosmic Modulation of the Matter

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Page 1: Universal Cosmic Modulation of the Matter

Advanced metaphysical theory on the 

"Universal Cosmic Modulation of the Matter"

Gianfranco Soncini work orignally written in Italian was translated into English by Michael Kishline LDO [email protected] on 11/20/2011 with the help of

www.wordreference.com and http://translate.google.com.

Want to understand the structure of infinitesimal matter, after having denied the existence of the cosmic

ether, is like study the flight of birds ignoring the existence of the air: inevitably falls into serious errors

Page 2: Universal Cosmic Modulation of the Matter

(The first energy that moves and conforms neatly the universal matter)ADVANCED "ETHEREAL TURBINE", powered by cosmic energy is still unknown to modern physics, spin and swing quickly after its inertial mass attenuate, thus demonstrating the existence of experimentally real cosmic Ether.

Download the full theory by the website www.giansoncini.altervista.org/teoria.pdf


Page 3: Universal Cosmic Modulation of the Matter

As against the first revolution of modern physics and astrophysics (mainly based on instrumental observation of real phenomena) , the second age of modern physics is based on experimental quantification of infinitesimal events achieved by means of magnetic particles accelerators and resulting in a pyramid structure of expected, possible yet still relatively unproved discoveries chained together one after the other. The third age of modern physics which is the subject of this paper is represented by the theory named by the author: "the universal cosmic modulation of the matter". This theory explains how the third age of modern physics is based on transcendental scopes related both by the ancient scriptures and by the more modern concepts of metaphysics.

The explanation of this theory has required a language of rather unusual complexity in order to describe a very deep content for which great attention is required. The right approach for best understanding of this theory requires a multiple background and a mainly metaphysically rather than scientifically oriented mind as the theory abandons all earlier mathematical, relativity and quantum-based knowledge. Because of the present largely conformist attitude, a lot of modern current ideas are overwhelmingly accepted although often not meeting with real phenomena. Sometimes such assumptions have been brought so far as to Nobel prize awards, becoming deeply rooted certainties preventing any further constructive critic and thus negatively affecting and sometime even mistaking the scientific thinking.

A typical example of such current beliefs is - for instance - the light speed theory which has been soon taken as an absolute physical parameter (as well as the assumed hypothetical void where light is to be reflected) replacing and making "time" down to a relative size as if no more correlation was existing between cause and effect.

At present, scientists are seizing the infinite small matter and the universe by means of quantum mechanics and relativity respectively. However it is known long by now, how strongly against one another quantum and relativity theories are. They are sharing the same extent of contrasting as for the latest quantum heat theory and thermodynamics.

Any and all scientific theories are conceived from inside the natural system where we live in. So they are bound to be always approximate, temporary and hypothetical theories which may be true from a particular point of view but false from a more global approach. Because of their hypothetical character and their lack of an absolute parameter able to provide full evidence, they can never offer certainty values and only hold as long as

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more tests and experiments are brought forward to prove them. Sometimes they can even have a longer life depending on notoriety of their author who is sometimes likely to receive more and more appraisal and fame by dominant and often false ideas.

A technical teacher in Reggio Emilia, Mr. Gianfranco Soncini, has been carrying on studies and researches for a very long time and lately issued on CD ROM and INTERNET. His work is based on a new theory about the absolute origin of the universe and aiming to an attempt to solve the enigma enclosed in the heart of matter. For the first time a concept is based on a global approach to the "All" trying to unify all laws governing the material universe highlighting its origins and main fundamentals. Mr. Soncini’s theory has got roots into highest metaphysics in order to produce a global, scientific vision of the "All" behind appearance of perceptible world. The content of this theory is sustained by a number of metaphysical thoughts covering to the only possible fact supported by a particular interpretation of God given in the Bible (the Genesis) and by Augustine (The Confessions). Both of these ancient scriptures contain key-words assuming a clarifying meaning.

And so for instance: the term "firmament" now appears in its meaning of marker between two different universe parts, the term "heaven of heavens" as partition of the universe, the term "waters" as fluid matters turning elementary unit particles into order/disorder, the terms "light and darkness" as cosmic modulation generating order and equating disorder, the term "lights(luminari)" as universal motors responsible for dynamic order of universal matter, and finally the terms "day and night" as renewal cycle in universal phenomena.

According to several university studies, this mysterious and original theory - which is at once so closed and so far from our perceptive world - seems to be the only one considering both unknown and unconceivable facts as well as unknown yet still discoverable facts. This theory appears to be the only one containing significant scientific fundamentals about the infinite small and infinite big sustained both by metaphysical, Christian and biblical concepts. This issue is a copy of the first lay out shown on internet. That's why the text contains paragraphs which are sometime summarized and difficult to follow for the reader. The language used contains a lot of new terms, notes and remarks made by the author about other works to outline the innovative character of his theory rather than to provide a pure critic.

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The refuse and the rejection of God by the scientists has reached so far to believe that the very complex dynamics of the matter can be brought to one single level (relativity) as if no sequence order was given between multiple phenomena and the relationship between one another. So for instance:

There is no understanding as yet of the predestinated essence of the universal matter (not to be confused with the time when events take place) translated into its 3 everlasting and never changing states of: fluid linear space, piecewise stiff matter and wave-energy spread from the farthest borders of the fluid space to each and single stiff matter particle.

Casual evolution is believed to start from the chaos to reach the order and vice versa, without considering the universal entropy and the functions from which "the being" is depending.

Relativity is confused with inertial systems with no understanding neither of the perfect multiple order of diversified matter, nor of the prime causes of the matter physical states and the predetermination of all periodical events (that's why a virtual-mathematical equation is often confused with an complex infinite equation).

Modern conformist trends have gained an almost divine establishment through opinion makers from the recent past who were setting theories forth, which would often exchange NULL with ABSOLUTE and ABSOLUTE with RELATIVE. For this reason a quote from the "Time magazine" recently read: ...... a revolt is taking place against science. The scientific method used since the early age throughout the western countries is under attack ...

So the logical question comes to the author's mind whether science, advanced technology, or virtual patterns created by mathematics and satellite computers can be sufficient to identify and explain the final end of universal matter along with the confined space who contains it, the energy who moves it from the outside, the time who sets its everlasting cycles, the order who provides its periodical regeneration, the even-maker chaos crashing it down to absolute uniformity and the precise moment when matter starts, restarts or ceases its natural being.

When the scientific method is extended to all many natural events and used to replace metaphysics who is in turn used to replace the divine, then science is bound to become a server of modern trends and time confusing predetermined with casual events and thus producing a mainly materialistic concept replacing the divine project.

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Casual effects generated by accidental causes do not have any reason for happening as they are the purest, unconceivable and mystique expression of the FATE, impossible to reach and understand as God himself is.

The FATE is master of the matter and something far better and more powerful than our Mr. Magoo, as he's got the power to change invisible matter into visible matter starting from the last perceivable effect, he can change form unto formlessness and formlessness into form as well as matter into energy and energy into matter. His energy could expand the universe from the original infinite small and thick core. His "brain" relentlessly works at an unconceivable temperature of billions of degrees within a fraction of a second. He's got unlimited power of persuasion able to lead worldwide scientific groups into the belief that time, matter and space are like a stretching and shrinking band whereas there are three curved space dimensions combined with a fourth dimension: "time".

It is the action of "time" who made it possible for a father and a twin to be sent in the universe as astronauts and return to earth as young as they were while their children and the other twin have meanwhile died long before.

As Mr. Magoo remains just a cartoon, Mr. FATE has now been fully recognized and accepted both by official science and modern church.

Again, the fathers of modern science in the nineteenth and twentieth century own Mr. FATE their inspirations towards innovative ideas as against the dark past inheritance of the middle ages. So for instance:

Marx turned the monarch down into people government (Stalin, the father of the country)

Freud turned the soul down to rationality levels (beginning of psychoanalysis and shutting of mental health clinics)

Darwin thought the man was the evolution of a monkey species with no even little concern about the possibility of the reverse process turning man into monkey, who – according to nature – shows more chances of survival.

Einstein turned the divine predetermined and consequential law who created the matter into a pure cause of various effects happening and different times but on a same level of phenomena (theory of relativity who disagrees with new quantum-theory)

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Same as nobody can understand and get to know oneself by solely referring to oneself, researchers may not understand the present so nevertheless the past causes of the matter by solely looking at matter. So, theories who are not based on absolute scientific facts (which however still requires a certain extent of faith for taking facts as truth) can be either true or fake or sometimes even totally given an opposite meaning then they have.

A dilemma keeps arguing our minds whether matter and its laws can be better revealed by the scientific research method (although limited by relatively rough instrumental systems and excessive use of virtual models) or by a logical study of the ancient message given by God (starting from given assumptions to reach back to the original causes and rules of becoming).

There are critics to this theory of cosmic modulation who define it just a "well mixed philosophic pot" containing ancient Greece and Christian concepts, where lot is taken from Aristothelis, Pitagora, Parmenide, Empedocle, Eraclito e Plotino as well as scholar philosophy. Moreover they say, that this theory is condemning and thus rejecting all modern science included all what it is positive as the increased level of knowledge acquired and the advanced mathematical-instrumental research methods.

The author responds to these critics by pointing out that the taught of ancient Greece and Christian culture have lead us to a remarkable level of civilization whereas the actual relativity-mathematical-technological thinking is taking to a widely spread level of human degeneration. Leaving no space for debating, we could definitely tell by the outcome, whether our modern science is really certain or uncertain, useful or dangerous, true or false!

It is clear that this theory of cosmic modulation will be hardly accepted by modern scientists holding on to a traditional non-believing and trapped into the ancient conformism character of the nineteenth century still requiring for demonstration evidence from research, testing and instrumental procedures. No researcher – who would not like to rescue his reputation and his esteem – will abandon all assertions taken so far and accept that the universe is governed by a superior law. If he did so, then all the work done so far would need a review and occasionally new evidence based on different criteria and patterns.

For over half a century high technology means have been used to find out that nuclear physics is still basically standing on its beginning. Although a

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large number of decadence, persistent e rotanting particles was discovered with a numerical correlation within significant sets, they are still perceived as fragmentary matters. According to the theory of cosmic modulation these particles – the so called quarks – are further and further reducible down to a certain number of levels.

Because of their infinite small size, we can say that the basic original matter cannot be conceived as a physical state rather as a bunch of energy kept together by the ties of cosmic frequencies to form a structure with a multiple dimension made out of many cosmic modules containing an heterogeneous fluid called cosmic plasma.

This explains also the double form of irradiated energy that can be either waved or corpuscle.

A particular interpretation of the Genesis provides full support to the theory of cosmic modulation whose content and foundations are a key to a number of questions for which so far the official science could give no answer and should be just taken as a possible truth until contrary is proven:

Did the universe have a self-start from its internal core, or is it better the result of an external force (God) who created it in accordance both to the Genesis of the Bible and to some ancient cosmic studies?

As they say that pure matter cannot generate itself as well as no thing comes from nothing and nothing turns into nothing, then no corporeal creation can be self created nor self determine its relationship with the universal in respects of quality and quantity. If so, should we say the corporeal matter has ever been existing or was it set to exist in the past or is it still presently completing its evolutionary process.

According to later metaphysics corporeal matter was set to be, so as for human senses and human mind who serve to perceive and to conceive it. On this base we must assume that there is a mutual link between matter and senses/mind. If a link between them exists, then there must be also a force to provide this link and thus potentially decide for their existence. The contrary would necessarily mean that there is no logic reason for existing and the man is no more than a casual random matter event within the matter where he's existing.

But if so, what would the difference be between logical, instinctive, vegetal and material beings?

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Where is the cosmic energy coming from, who commands both elementary matter and star systems according to a intelligible logic?

Which sort of mysterious and thus still present force could collect evenly scattered matter fragments from all over the universe and get them together according to a precise scalar order as for galaxies, coil galaxies, star clouds, young stars with thick core, binary and multiple star systems and so on, following a growing (either pyramid or central pattern) order suitable for creation of a functional, grouping, balancing, spread or space relationship between individual components of astral and elementary matter?

How can the large scale universe be so uniform and even while its basic irradiation at 3.5 Kelvin degrees is and remains the same no matter which direction (same as if the huge and much assumed primordial explosion had never taken place)?

Why, according to actual theories, did the universe start at an expansion speed very close to the critical level between theoretical contraction and everlasting expansion patterns? Not to forget, that such speed still remains the same at present days (after 10 billions years) although it should have remarkably changed in either one sense or the other.

If matter exploded and later got randomly together by contracting in reverse reaction, so how could it form together again to give birth to the orderly planned universe?

How can stars perform periodical space and time rotations along perfectly geometrical targets (circles, ellipse, coils and other atypical shapes) within a set of correlated star system sets?

How come the galaxies, who all originate from a big bang, show different ages and different space dimensions (sometimes even millions and billions of light ears)?

Is the universe a finite or infinite dimension, is it closed or opened, is it casual or predetermined, is it stationary or in never-ending expansion, has it got a cycle or self-sequential order?

As each and single complex structure assumes the presence of multiple hierarchical levels, can we really expect the universe constants to reach through the entire universe or should we better presume their existence as limited to a particular system or level of the hierarchy?

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Which and how many are the primary, indivisible and fundamental parts of the matter and which is their precise serial correlation order between masses?

Which form of energy is contained within the infinite smallest part of the matter?

Where is the energy coming from, which moves infinite small atom particles around their center?

Even if the matter self generation was possible, a self predetermined order is very hard to imagine unless we make God or a divine power out of matter. In this case, as for ancient pagani, all corporeal matter forms should deserve divine adoration.

The infinitesimal energy has got a polyvalent, continuously ordered dynamic and can be only detected by multidimensional elementary matter belonging to the same size range. Because of its size, infinitesimal energy belongs to a dimension impossible to reach by actual technological instruments. It is therefore hard to expect, that any of its direct or indirect manifestation could be humanly caught.

Time didn't start with matter but rather with the order and classification ruling matter itself. If not, it would be impossible to grow a logical concept of "before" and "after" and all nature cycles would be meaningless.

The dual form (waved and corpuscle) of the infinitesimal matter does not fit with its simple classification as energy quarks. However this was done by quantum mechanics (who should have solved the problem of the energy dual form) when no other solution could possibly be found without contradicting itself. At last, though, the quarks theory became a good physical-mathematical system to provide an answer even if only partially sustained. In fact it still doesn't explain the phenomenal related to the infinitesimal extremely complex matter.

To solve this problem the theory of cosmic modulation assumes the existence of different elementary matter particles named "cosmic modules". Each cosmic module is infinitely small and cannot be further broken down. Their size does not allow for direct or indirect perception during no test or trial.

The universe is sustained by a classification order which cannot be processed by human intelligence and thus escapes all common definitions

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unless it is conceived as enclosure in the immensity. No human brain or intelligence can have perfect mastery of the universe, which contains the sequence of different events resulting from perennial cycles related to the mutations of all what is becoming.

Science main aim is to reveal the binding character of all that what is, was and will be in our physical world. This argument has got very deep implications to itself. Einstein spent around this subject most of his life, without reaching any successful conclusion. Younger scientists also started to wonder about it, while theorists and other researchers keep trusting their research methods and their immanent theories rather than researching the traditional transcendental vision of life as One Whole Disposing Unit and its relentless Becoming into the man.

Official science may well prove the nature and the amount of a lot of events. However it fails to track the set of their interrelated origins and reasons for happening, so that no global view and analysis can be given. For this reason, scientific statements have only a value of relative truth missing all static and absolute parameters. For this reason all scientific notions requires at least one link to metaphysics and to the spiritual sense behind it.

Same as your television does not show what it contains but rather only the demodulated message from the selected sender, so the atom organic structure is just reflecting the external forces who shaped it, while it hides the main core who governs it through a number of infinitesimal elementary particles duly classified over different levels and layers according to the same laws governing the matter throughout the universe, where matter aggregation into orderly patterns and scattering into even-up chaos and vice versa are performed.

Einstein, the founder of modern experimental-mathematical research, brought forward some new rather odd theory about the universe which he assumed to be like a static hyper sphere with given ray and mass and variable center. This hyper sphere would in turn contain four space-time dimensions: three of them showing a geometrical curved shape and one of them (time) depending from other variable physical parameters. As the middle of the hyper sphere is assumed to keep changing, the universal matter is forced either to aggregate according to a given law and order or to be scattered into chaos.

So, it was apparently proved by means of suitable assumptions that the light speed has got a constant and absolute valence no matter what ether

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free space it is crossing. But in this case, why is it not possible for this empty space to contain matter in form of aggregated particles if light waves can freely cross it without any change or effect?

In other words, the light would show superiority as against the matter which generated it. The implication of this assumption is therefore, that the only thing which can exist into absolute vacuum (assuming absolute vacuum exists) is light. However it was not cleared whether the light speed is really always constant and absolute no matter what space temperature (depending on the thickness and physical status of surrounding matter) it crosses.

Another contradiction to Einstein's theories soon came from Hubble, who argued that the universe is not static rather under continuous expansion , although slightly slowed down by the gravity force.

Hubble's theory was later confirmed by the spectrographic analysis of the lines left by extra-galactic nebulae who show a trend to the red shade when their distance from the point of observation increases (Doppler effect).

Again, it was God or chance who lead the telescope named after him to the discover that even this latter theory is partially wrong, as the universe seems to expand faster when the distance between observation point and observed object increases.

The famous Einstein's motto "the good God doesn't throw dices" supported by his continuous success, lead him to oppose the newly born quantum-mechanic introduced by new scientists who were not pretending any truth about the universe and rather tried to define it by means of a mathematical translation of physical events under consideration of recent doubts and reservations raised by Heisenberg. So while Einstein was pretending having found the absolute starting with relativity, Heisenberg was providing clear evidence that all dynamic (in his case atomic) phenomenon always contain a certain degree of unexplainable uncertainty barrier. The first theory of relativity (special relativity) was formulated by Einstein in 1905 and referred to objects performing a uniform motion. The theory was articulated in two main criteria sustained by special mathematical considerations whereas the light speed becomes an absolute valence crossing throughout the vacuum. However because of relativity, controversial effects are supported such as: slowing of clocks, mass expansion, length contraction of observed objects, and increase of the relative speed between the standing observer and the moving object.

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Above observations are resulting into the fundamental equation mass: energy asserting that the mass of a corporeal body is to be meant as an energy concentration having own weight when entering a gravity field. By the famous equation E = mc2 , Einstein brought forward the idea that resting matter can still produce energy. On the contrary it is nowadays fully acknowledged that even the smallest part of the matter has got a revolution speed around its centre.

Einstein's second theory of general relativity was introduced a few years later, whereas Einstein was lead to take secondary relativity effects into consideration too. This part of the theory was to analyze corporeal matters subjected to accelerated motion by the gravity force. Observing that the falling speed of a body attracted by gravity force is not depending from its mass weight (equivalent to inertial mass according to the Newton's second dynamic law), Einstein considered the universal gravity as a phenomenon depending on the geometrical features of related space.

According to Einstein general relativity theory, there is a link between gravity and the three space dimensions (four if time is considered. However time is not considered as an absolute magnitude separate and different than space, rather as a physical magnitude called time-space and showing a curving pattern depending on the mass, density and thus gravity of the matter involved.

The presence of matter within vacuum space causes a geometrical space strain and changing flat space into curved space. This curvature is the first motion cause of celestial bodies. For this reason Euclid linear geometry changed into Riemann positive elliptic curvature or Lobacevskij negative hyperbolic curvature.

General relativity results into some odd mathematical outcomes such as: light rays curved by the gravity force, time slowing gravitation waves, matter turning motion and so on. None of these considerations has got a metaphysical logical support to it (as for example a link between cause and effect). As they rather are a purely mathematical conclusion, they also left space to many more later interpretations such as for instance: CLOSED TIME LINES in super dense matter allowing for time trips (so called CTC) and the more recent GUT theories (super symmetry, super gravity, super corde and inflation).

According to the latter INFLATION theory, the part of the universe where we are living and whose time and space boundaries were set by Einstein and the later BIG BANG theory, is just one out of many more continuously

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reproducing itself and causing the universe to grow dramatically fast at higher speed than the light itself! Later on, as Newton celestial mechanics was abandoned, a new theory was set forth about the atom which was to explain the discontinuity of its dominating forces and the reason for its escaping the traditional idea that all universal matter either infinite small or big is kept together by the same force and criteria. As a consequence of the new theories, the atom has become an undetermined unit much depending on probability of its consistent dynamic status. Therefore it is no more possible either to track the path of the atom particles around its center and to define its structure.

The negation of the cosmic ether and the consequent assumption of the light speed as the only constant magnitude as against all other parameters, has lead Einstein to deny also Galileo's relativity although it was backed-up by centuries of experience.

The dominating idea of absolute vacuum replacing ether, soon became so popular and wide spread that no attention was even paid to Mr. Todesini's experiments (Marco Todeschini from Bergamo). Mr. Todeschini performed a number of successful experiments showing the effect of MAGNUS DYNAMIC FLUIDITY. In his experiments a number of small balls turning on their own axis was dipped into a tab filled with water. By letting them float around a bigger ball also turning on own axis, it was noted that a reproduction of a mini solar system soon got produced by the smaller balls.

By accepting the inter atomic vacuum instead of ether, the physics of infinitely small and big would be bound to give up all logical explanations of dynamic phenomena stating an obvious failure to understand the law of universal matter. On the other hand refusing these conclusions turns science into a sort of denial fighting against divine laws.

If compared to the present theory of cosmic modulation, all common and current mathematical assumptions - who are not supported by transcendent thoughts neither by sufficient evidence of human logic - seem to be missing any realistic ground. According to the theory of cosmic modulation the absolute global energy spreading into matter remains constant while the volume of energy "bubbles" produced by the vibration of each single particle in the cosmic plasma, changes according to dynamic-space strains of equal energy due to the motion of the bodies as against the approaching cosmic modulation waves.

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Einstein's theories thus loose validity because all considered magnitudes have been associated to the same phenomena on the same level so that inertial systems producing conservative energy are now same as the ones with volumetric energy sent in form of waves into open space.

Furthermore, it is now explained how light cannot cross the absolute vacuum neither freely nor in quark "packets" or waved energy. It is in fact explained, that between leaving its sender and reaching its receiver, light cannot be into what is not given to be: which is the absolute vacuum (now meant as the separation between sender and receiver).

So, the light speed (VCP) is not a throughout constant value, rather an average fluid-waves scattering value, changing because of matter cosmic modulation in accordance with the temperature of across-space and surrounding matter. In addition to this, the theory of cosmic modulation also takes into consideration the scattering speed (VCF) of the cosmic fluid contained with the matter and leads to the conclusion that no absolute vacuum can be there, as corporeal matter is a unbreakable, diversified bunch of substances influenced by the same external laws (metaphysics).

A resulting system cannot affect or change the absolute the superior, external agent or power which issued it. So the theory of relativity is standing on a basic lack of coherence disregarding the relationship and the difference between external agents causing things into place and internal agents issued and influenced by them. The agent affecting from the outside and its resulting agent are two different dynamic factors in a correlated hierarchical order.

The assumption that elementary (indestructible) matter masses can possibly mutate into perfect energy and thus disappear as if they never existed, leaves space to the thought that such energy may somehow show-up in that null or absolute vacuum where light is assumingly scattering.

In this respect, the theory of relativity starting from vacuum to reach vacuum, is just no more than a virtual mathematic equation of double vacuum.

The elementary matter particles directly influenced by the closed universe energy are the primary corporeal entities in the universe creation process and thus they cannot ever be destroyed. Therefore nuclear energy is not the result of matter destruction, but rather of a temporary interruption in the orderly asset of such primary matter particles.

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Again, Einstein theory is totally reversed by the theory of cosmic modulation, as far as nuclear power in no more the production of matter transformation into energy. It is rather the result of an event happening in the closed matter universe when space depressions around the matter primary components (cosmic modules) implode (cosmic modules resonance) due to lack of the dynamic force keeping matter together.

Primary indivisible matter is a direct product of creation by its Creator and is a perfect universal unit essence such as space, energy and time; it has multiple cosmic dimensions and an overall spatial position; it shows in a triple dynamic and alternated form (form, formless and converted matter); it is everlasting and its final purpose never changes.

For this reason there is not as yet any full understanding of the atom and its nature.

According to traditional nuclear physics, the atom is a double pole (dipole) structure consisting of a layer of negative particles moving around a central positive core consisting itself of a number of several other particles. According to the theory of cosmic modulation, the atom is indeed consisting of a central multilevel core representing the hierarchic atom structure which shows a scalar, "pyramid" form (modulated atom) instead of the traditional concentric scalar orbits. Such structural hierarchy is consisting of a first level of outer modular particles moving around their central module who represents the next pyramid level where more outer particles move around another central core and so on for a number of levels similarly as for a complex star system.

The modulated atom is practically an aggregate of different cosmic modules set on different orbit levels. Each cosmic module turns around the others according to their respective mass. An interaction between cosmic modules (in both inside and outside directions) gives birth to an aggregating, balancing and spacing action. So each single cosmic modules (or primary particle) in each atom level or in different atoms can dynamically combine with the others to form different space positions and matching of interacting "relative poles".

Actually science has widely accepted the present version of the universe creation, whereas years of studies and experiments have been showing the BIG BANG as the best possible description of what should have happened in the instants of the universe life.

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Later on this version was completed and added of a second theory describing a second and opposite event to the BIG BANG: the so called "black hole".

According to the first part of this theory (the BIG BANG theory), 15 billions of years ago the universe, the empty space, time and matter were not existing. At that time there was only an infinite small and thick core. At some stage, this core exploded with impressing speed and scattered energy and matter at extremely high temperatures until hydrogen and helium were formed. About half a million of years later, this "mass on fire" cooled down until the atoms were formed, who released a huge quantity of photons (light) and energy (at a few Kelvin degree = 270°C) throughout the universe.

The second part of the theory (black holes), describes the later negative universe evolution of black holes. The black holes theory deals with the death of star systems due to high contraction effects caused by a concentration of very high density matter able to oppose and cancel everything (even scattering of the light).

More recently both these theories are becoming increasingly more doubtful as a result of new astronomic findings, as for examples the records of observations taken by the orbital telescope "Hubble" and other space satellites.

Additional debate is brought forward by comparison of these theories either with natural events such as birth and death of nature entities and new theories such as the cosmic modulation theory. Basically the BIG BANG and the BLACK HOLES theory increasingly seem having been given an inverse formulation. Contrarily to both these theories, natural events suggest that birth is rather resulting from a mastered and well planned association and aggregation of life elements while death involves a dissociation effect followed by a limited closed space expansion aiming to even scattering of structural life elements (same as if a cycle was to be closed before recommencing).

Other elements exist besides the essence of corporeal space matter, the fluid space and the time. There are in fact energy waves that human technology is not yet able to detect. This energy provides shaping and modulation of primary particles generating matter in turn. They are the primary essence of their structure and their imposed order.

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God created the infinite universe, for it should be visited at least! That's why primary energy cannot come from a destructive event. Rather it must be coming from all over the universe, so that any living being may use it to move between inter galactic spaces.

May be, future manipulation and exploitation of special materials will give us a chance to track and isolate this immense and extraordinary modulating energy able to create, scatter and recreate matter.


The following page is meant as a key-tool for the reader summarizing the content of the theory of cosmic modulation and its metaphysical aim to find the origin and the laws of the universe by men of logical and spiritual analysis away from past scientific conclusions.

Taking inspiration from the Bible Genesis, the theory of cosmic modulation assumes the universe as created in a sequence of three actions: firstly, a perfect never changing and everlasting creation act; secondly, a shaping act (forming and making interacting elements); and last, a dynamic dual and cyclic act providing everlasting motion of the universe.

Above acts happened in the following time sequence:

In the beginning there were only the incorporeal material space (heaven) consisting of different and separate fluids dipped into the depth of abyss and the formless material space (earth) made out several different multiple particles generating material matter; then it was the energy (light) who separated the universe into "inter-cosmic" (waters under the firmament) and "meta-cosmic" (waters above the firmament); then all the "fluids" (waters) under the firmament gathered with existing particles into one corporeal place (dry land); at last dual universe (light-darkness) was created and time cycle (day and night) was started.

Recalling this interpretation of the Bible Genesis, the theory of Cosmic-modulatingmakes out of the elementary particles the immense original source of energy generating matter creation power according to five simple, logical and universal laws following a precise object in accordance with an established creation plan. They are set forth in a sequence order applicable to the detail at start and to the universe at the end, they've got a dual interaction and alternate according to a perennial cycle matching with perennial change of matter.

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A physical analysis of such laws, has outlined 5 main groups to define them:

Universal system (on 3 different dimensions)

Bearing system (a set of interacting cosmic fluids)

Creating system (cosmic modulation)

Recognition system (set of vibrating particles)

Scattering system (scattering into chaos, thus bringing all down to a uniform level)

Classic philosophers outlined the same metaphysical laws by outlining universal matter according to the following 4 causes generating related effects (in parenthesis):

Matter (generating density at same essence)

Form (generating matter form and dimensions)

Moving energy (generating gathering/scattering force)

Death/end (transcendental aim of the universe.

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The unit, as an expression of being, both passively and when it receives one or more systems simultaneously in order to be part of the order, or when you send them actively in order to order the parts, can also be understood as an element of a set constituting the his all, able to satisfy a goal. The end result requires that the natural order of matter arises from a single point, then by a purchaser only reason that everything which half must have been generated previously established, to be considered as a whole in what order before the order it was only by default. Space dense matter, which is derived from his Creator, as well as space fluid material, energy and regulating the flow of cyclical time, is unique in its universal essence; multi dimensioned in outer space; everywhere and variable in its spatial position; defined as a "dynamic tribalism" order, chaos, conversion, permanent and immutable in the cyclicality of its final cause. It is thus clear that in giving the notion of matter, there should not ignore the matter itself, then by its very essence.

Now assume that the dynamic material system consists of an "inside" defined in your order and an "outside" undetermined. If the "inside" is dynamic over time by continuing to possess the same order with the same energy level, then more power to the outside must provide some form of motive power, because if it were not so the interior would have the perpetual motion, discordant effects of physics. In any case, the energy transfer must have occurred at least the first time, since no material entity is the cause of itself, not being a perfect and subsistent.

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It is also impossible to transfer a perpetual motion from the outside that is perfect or imperfect inward, because in the first case the outside does not lose that part of his subsisting all that makes it perfect, the imperfection in the second case it is impossible to generate perfection of perpetual motion, as well as the disorder cannot generate definitely the order.

The perfection to be such, must be definable, thus belong to an order. But the order that starts from a single reason to everything, and then return to its original source and controls it and keeps it in place, presupposes the existence of all the same, namely, its closed universe, failing which there may exist without order or perfection.

One can therefore say that in order to conceive a complex dynamic system, we have to start all over from one officer to his order (from top to bottom) to solve it, but must be ordered from all over to her an officer (from the base to its summit ), not to understand it and solve it, then produce confusion, enough to exclude an officer at all (vertex). Then the atom is structured on a number of levels, where each system has its own orbiting the center, as well as each center is part of another system orbiting the unit until you get all of her ordering.

The atom-modulated cosmic pyramid, intended as a infinitesimal microcosm of universal matter, assumes a hierarchical "tree", rather than centralized and scalar concentric orbits. It's completely different from that envisaged by modern nuclear physics, shaped according to a bipolar model link, consisting of a layer of negative particles orbiting around a positive nucleus, composed in turn by several other sets of lattice particles.

It is structured by a variety of elementary particles (cosmic-modules) belonging to scalar levels distributed across multiple orbits. These particles, depending on their mass, spin around each other in an orderly manner according to a certain stage, interacting is so conveniently to your center of gravity and externally, in order to join balance and distance between them conveniently.

These particles orbiting, being subjected to a hierarchical pyramid-type "tree, are drawn from a central particle of a higher level, in turn owned by another peripheral system is also orbiting around another particle, and so more on, as an infinitesimal and complex astronomical system, structured by means of dynamic combinations of spatial positions and connections of "polarity relative", interacting according to the Magnus effect-fluidic universe. The matter in the universe is made up of one essence, indefinable

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man for lack of a reference absolute magnitude. It shall be implemented in two different forms: a continuous and uniform multi-fluid extended in all its parts, the other multi-dimensioned and discontinuous everywhere diffused. This is manifested in the aggregate systems ranging from atoms to stars.

The structure of a unit cell of the atom-modulated cosmic universe is composed of a central module-type with a positive polarity hypothetical, oscillating around a spherical bubble produced by him depressed, surrounded by other relatively negative Cosmic-modules, spacers and BCs than their exterior, which revolve around the other Cosmic-positive forms, spacers and in balance with your extension, and so on for a number of levels. The relative polarity of a cosmic-module belonging to a higher level, it is always opposite to that belonging to another Cosmic-interacting lower-level module.      The Cosmic-atom form, subjected to symmetrical vibration - three-dimensional, as if moving along the surface of a spherical bubble, inside which a vacuum is formed by repeated draining huge cosmic-form itself, than the external pressure of cosmic plasma. Wanting to represent this hypothetical phenomenon through a trigonometric equation, one would notice visible to the computer, compared to a fixed point of reference, a cyclic pulse of the cosmic-form itself, as if he had a heart beating at high frequency.

The atom-modulated cosmic, visible in the figures above, it is composed of a combination of Cosmic-modules rotating around each other, according to a simple model hypothetically placed on only three levels, although their actual number is difficult if not impossible to quantify. From the first picture you can also see the multiple correlation between the fields produced by cosmic-modules belonging to two interacting atoms. Each orbit circumscribed around the central particle is associated with a given particle peripheral rotation translating it to a specific resonant frequency to be so attracted or repelled from the center to the right placement of the orbital revolution, also dependent on its relative phase of interaction.

Each elementary particle orbit is consequently subjected to three buttons and drag forces surround them in the spherical, and the interactive strength of attraction or repulsion due to Cosmic-Magnus effect, which arises between the interacting particles.

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According to this theory of Universal Cosmic-modulation, the system consists of absolute universal eternally immutable entities which - space fluid material, and not empty space, the hierarchical structure for space with dense multi-module, the energy between the interacting fluid space and dense matter - but not the time, which is the measure of what is relatively diverse. In other words, the absolute system is composed of a heterogeneous cosmic fluid, the transmitter of a complex wave form of energy, forms of elementary particles revealing the resonance minimum energy confined in a depressed bubble formed in the fluid itself, consequently derived.

Since all infinitesimal particles of matter are interactive to be associated with cosmic-resonant frequencies, or accommodation of opposing wave causes payers, an agent to put them in place, the other to be interacting to curb this, it is immediately evident the inconsistency of quantum mechanics, which took no account of either the cause nor the countersuit to being in charge of the matter itself. The energy modulation, to move to different units of matter, i.e. the Cosmic-modules, uses a set of fluids forming the plasma universe, wrapped and placed under pressure in the range closed universe. Each of these fluids is a mixture of elementary particles with masses belonging to a particular level size, other Cosmic-fluid-fluid universe.

The cosmic has a plasma-corpuscular structure infinitesimal uniform in all it’s cosmic-fluid component, because if it were not so uneven carrier would vary the order of transfer. The Cosmic-form, the surrounding matter aggregator specific resonance, can also be defined minimum concentration units of energy and of matter. Therefore, because of its mass greater than that of plasma particles in the cosmic during its rotation symmetry - Space compresses, modulating the energy of the waves of the cosmic-plasma itself, focuses energy within the bubble that surrounds depressed for relative sliding masses derived from the diversity of interacting ..

The multiplicity of the universe-the cosmic-plasma fluid constituents, the action of different frequencies and relative concordance Cosmic-phase, the variety of Cosmic-modules conveniently distributed in their layered structures, producing models, systems and combinations of effects, hierarchically related in space and time according to a predetermined order in the universe.       The cosmic system energy - matter, always defined in its order, in a continuous dynamic state of change, will lose certain material structures and return periodically, otherwise it would be immutable: consequently will

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vary between its extreme limits, from minimum to maximum phase aggregating , and vice versa during leveling. If these limits are exceeded or random, then the system would fall into disorder first, then uniformity, thus losing the key feature that agree to interact in harmony and universal in its orderly cyclical time.

In fact, during the subsequent disintegration of matter, there is a splitting of the same up to the minimum state of elementary matter, that is, the cosmic-form, which is inseparable and remains so intact even when subjected to impact energy products at the speed of light. This suggests that nuclear energy is not contained in the material, but closed Universe which comes to be revealed, or rather stored by the Cosmic-resonant modules. Although in a very long time, matter cycles through from one dynamic state to another.

In summary we can say that after the state ordered aggregation of matter, following the chaos that is the absolute lack of order, but a second phase of the order, which tends to disperse the surrounding matter to re-distribute it evenly in the surrounding space. In fact, the matter closed and shaken by the chaos positive disperses up to the minimum potential space available and the minimum state of aggregation, thus ending a cycle, then resume another, passing from one system to conveniently less than a superior system, to its structural completion.



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The architecture of the atom consists of a specific particle relative to the element considered central, located in three-dimensional vibration from the cosmic ether, to create a thin bubble. This bubble is surrounded by some particles gregarious second order stationary, symmetrically arranged in space, each of which may be surrounded by other particles of the third order, and so on for a specified number of branching levels. All these particles, which does not revolve around their nucleus of attraction, but vibrate around their rarefied bubble, maintain a position that is stationary in space. The cosmic ether multi-fluid, agitated by waves Cosmic-multi-frequency modulating from closed universe, then acts on these multi-thus producing Atomic particles, bubbles, which in turn produce energy waves differ in length, intensity, phase, and that interacting among them are a repulsive or attractive force, or swinging interactive effects of attraction first, and then, after turbulence repulsive that such particles have exceeded their limit of approach. The various combinations of vibrating particles are regulated by their wave step, in place of molecules, that according to this theory does not exist as separate entities. This wave force, even if it occurs with different effects from employees sine wave characteristics, unifies all the fundamental forces of nature (nuclear electric, gravitational forces). Finally it is stated that the masses of elementary particles are indivisible fundamental Particle multiple of God.


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The first powerful source of energy, still unknown to modern physics, inexhaustible, diffuse and unlimited, which moves and governs the universe and the sub-elementary particles of atom, expects to be fully exploited, while modern science, conditioned by the dominant scientific atheism, continues to search for energy sources but are always, so pollutants.

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Page 27: Universal Cosmic Modulation of the Matter

Consider a hypothetical microsphere consists of an intense magnetic flux rotating at high speed. During its rotation, it carries with it a thin layer of Cosmic-plasma, which in turn will drag another one, with an intensity scale, and so on. Around the magnetic field are formed so many rotating and expanding circular fillets from the same center.

Suppose now that this is invested by the waves coming Cosmic-modulated. An examination of the motions of rotation and translation of the magnetic field of the waves Cosmic-modulating are often quite clearly the phenomenon of Cosmic-propulsion. In fact, while the top of the magnetic field lines are concentrated Cosmic-plasma an increase of their speed, thin out the bottom instead of away from them, while their intensity tends to decrease.

Consequently, a driving force on the sphere is born perpendicular to the direction of the waves Cosmic-modulating. The phenomenon known as the Magnus Effect, named after the German physicist who was able to explain

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more than a century ago, is also observed on the tennis balls "cut".

The driving force that supports a hypothetical UFO shaped dish upside down, similarly born from the same principle driving force. In fact, the disc is shaped so as to thicken the lines of modulating Cosmic-plasma arriving on its upper part, and the spacing of the same Cosmic-plasma lapping at the bottom of the disc. Thus was born on the wings of the spacecraft a Cosmic-dynamic push upward.

It should be noted that while the current aerodynamic applications is the mechanical means that relatively moves, interacting with a given fluid in which it is immersed, usually air, in future applications will Cosmic-dynamic waves Cosmic-modulate Cosmic-mobile to head the firm, with obvious advantage. But this advantage is offset by a big inconvenience to be overcome, namely the penetration of the waves Cosmic-modulating in every material structure, thus preventing the dynamic interactions of nature bearing.

You will then experience systems, guidelines and models related to superconductors and ultra high frequency electromagnetic effects can produce partial shielding from cosmic waves coming. In this way, could develop a high driving force of special devices modeled by geometric curves, able to differentiate, from surface to surface, the path moved by Cosmic-plasma Cosmic-frequency, to obtain an effect similar to that produced by the air carrier on the wings of birds or aircraft (Cosmic Magnus effect).

The same shielding effect could be achieved through a particular surface coating having a lattice structure composed of innumerable cells generating three-dimensional flows, shaped as a rotating magnetic beads at high speed.

But the official science will be willing to accept these assumptions and test innovative or best sci-fi, after admitting errors due to misconceptions, inherent in Einstein's relativity and quantum mechanics of probabilistic indeterminateness?

And the world of work will change so drastically its system organization and production, with all the consequences that this new type of motor would?


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Bearing in mind that nuclear power is the chaotic effect derived from extinction of individual bubbles that are generated, refined from indivisible particles in cosmic ether via resonance from the Cosmic-universal modulation of matter:"A mass subjected to a powerful bombardment of wave energy clearly defined, can weaken their rarefied outer resonant bubbles until they implode, thus developing a powerful energy thermal type chaotic, usable without significant emissions of harmful radiation.


METAPHYSICAL SYNTHESIS OF CREATION:From the indefinable is spherical uniqueness, and from the One is the All eternally cyclical, and from the Outside is the dinamic Inside, and from the indivisible minimum is the aggregate Maximum, and from the aggregate Maximum is the indivisible separated minimum.

From the extreme limits of the Universe closed and oriented, along the three dimensions of space multi-fluidic continuous, arrive multi-energy waves modulating the multi-elementary indivisible particles of matter revealing, and multi-disruptive energy waves of the same material structured, generating cyclical edifying order and chaos dispersant, alternate between them in space and cyclic time.

The "Cosmic-Modulation of the universal matter" is then understood as the active force ordering of the universe, that structure, moves and governs the whole universe matter cycles, using a variety of Cosmic-frequency orders, supported by a set of cosmic fluid, to meet it in an orderly hierarchical systems are interrelated, with strength greater than their cross-complaint dissociating and uniformity.

The universe is divided into five parts, which they can be defined as follows:> Universal system (on 3 different dimensions)> Bearing system (a set of interacting cosmic fluids)> Creating system (cosmic modulation)> Recognition system (set of vibrating particles)> Scattering system (scattering into chaos, thus bringingall down to a uniform level)

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The dynamics of the universe is governed by 5 closed systems:> Universal conservation of energy > Universal conservation of cyclic gravitation > Universal conservation of gravitational equilibrium > Universal conservation of distribution uniformity of matter> Universal conservation of phenomenal orientation

- The gravitational system is composed by two cyclic transfers opposite between them: towards the center of Universe in phase of aggregation matter, and to its extreme periphery in disintegration matter. - In accordance with the principle of conservation of matter distribution, the average amount of matter in the aggregation stage is equivalent to that of disintegration time. - In the conservative system of the energy, the single elementary indivisible masses, during their transformation or apparent energy transfer, their rarefied bubble are undergo to deformation with constant volume, always tending to maintain their spherical shape, and with it their total energy, thus invalidating the concept of entropy.- In the conservative system of gravitational equilibrium, beyond the gravitational force of attraction, the Universe is subject to balancing braking forces and repulsive forces of the wave nature, clearly demonstrated in the rotation, followed by the swing brake shown in the experiment of Ethereal Turbine.

The Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, after ignoring the creative plan of God and summarily determined that there are no cosmic ether, have misrepresented the true essence of the matter. In nature there is only one fundamental force wave, but it manifests itself in various effects (nuclear, electric, magnetic, gravitational) through the multi-fluids cosmic ether.

Nuclear power is not derived from the transformation of matter into energy, but by the destruction of depressed bubbles derived from the fluidic flow generated by the vibrations of elementary particles, cosmic-modulated trough the cosmic ether. The Universe does not expand, but shrinks to its center, the hotter its suburbs, which was confirmed by the Doppler red shift. The primordial Big Bang is a misconception, because while one half of the cosmic matter being conforming converges toward the center of the closed universe, the other half of the material is dispersed into the disrupted its extreme limit. The speed of light is not an absolute value, but a much larger average value of transmission. The light is not formed by photons, but the waves partly not detectable, having apparently corpuscular properties. In long distance, If light waves were electromagnetic will cancel between them rapidly, for the known effects of electromagnetic energy conservation.

The electric current is not a movement of electrons, but a movement of bubbles rarefied cosmic ether.

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The magnetic flux emitted by a permanent magnet is a constant movement of cosmic ether.The magnetic flux generated by the electric current and the force of gravity are wave interactions produced by multi-fluids, agitated by multi-frequency of cosmic ether.

The experiment of the following Ethereal Turbine, clearly shows the existence of the cosmic ether, thereby upsetting the calculations of modern physics and astrophysics. The material mass inherent the calculations submitted to the inertial phenomena, also takes on a ethereal valence free from accumulations of energy, so in addition to the approximate law of universal gravitation and the conservation of energy and motion, matter is also subject to the dynamic laws of universal gravitational equilibrium, and the universal constant of order opposed to universal entropy, thus invalidating quantum mechanics and relativistic theories, which are devoid of any foundation.

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Scientists say that the total mass of the products of nuclear fission is less than the original one, and that this difference is transformed into energy according to the relation E = mC ^ 2, which is why if you do not detect loss

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of mass production cannot be even of energy. In fact one can derive energy from matter in the unlimited time without a loss of weight or radiation, although they may take secondary chemical reactions.

This is because the material reveals the energy from the cosmic, the cosmic of its resonance-orbiting modules (generating indivisible particles of matter). Because of their unique three-dimensional vibration, these produce a repeated emptying within their orbits, so depressed a bubble in the cosmic-compressed plasma. This bubble is imploding a source of potential energy, ready to grow when you terminate or change that supports the cause, found in the path of cosmic-orbiting modules.

If two modules-the cosmic, under the action of certain phenomena, in some way combine temporarily to form a third mass different from the other two, then it might be a change in resonance, then a significant variation of their swings, resulting in partial implosion depressed toward the inside of the bubble, and energy development. If in the next instant, it was possible to resume at two elementary masses combined with each other before their dynamic structure, constantly repeating the experiment could produce large amounts of energy far greater than spending, with no loss of matter itself, as mentioned . If the movement of the cosmic-plasma is such that there is an overlap of these multiple effects, then it is not ruled out a powerful destructive implosion.

2. THE COSMIC PROPULSION could become an inexhaustible source of clean energy

The Cosmic-dynamic science that will be applied with reference to fluid dynamics will study advanced applications, dare I say fiction, can produce very high driving forces that can move at speeds unimaginable cosmic-moving machines, and build the cosmic perennially-turbines powered by the energy Cosmic-modulating, with nothing to spend. It should be noted that while the current aerodynamic applications is the mechanical means that relatively moves, interacting with a given fluid in which it is immersed, usually air, Cosmic-dynamics applications in the future will be cosmic-modulating waves heading towards the cosmic-mobile firm, with obvious advantage.

But this advantage is offset by a big inconvenience to be overcome, namely the penetration of wave-modulating the cosmic in every material structure, thus preventing the dynamic interactions of nature bearing. You will then experience systems, guidelines and models related to superconductors and ultra high frequency electromagnetic effects can

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produce partial shielding from cosmic waves coming. In this way, could develop a high driving force of special devices modeled by geometric curves, able to differentiate between the surface area, the location of the cosmic by cosmic-driven plasma-frequency carrier to obtain an effect similar to that produced by 'air on the wings of birds or aircraft (Cosmic-Magnus effect). The same shielding effect could be achieved through a particular surface coating having a lattice structure composed of innumerable cells generating three-dimensional flows, shaped as a rotating magnetic beads at high speed.

Another propulsion system, extremely dangerous, could be thought of as a device able to drop a material structure of universal gravitation, using a powerful high frequency electromagnetic action. By means of magnetizing devices combined with synthetic ceramic superconductors, enhanced by converging effects superimposed, perhaps it is already possible to see the dangerous releases gravity, where matter is not subject to law-modulated cosmic order to find themselves later in an unknown point of universal space.

According to this theory, the structure of matter consists of a set of peripheral modules-sets of the cosmic revolving around its orderly cosmic-core modules, hierarchically arranged "tree" according to a lattice shape characterized by a geometric structure of symmetrical patterns and repetitive.

A special alloy, consisting of two or more different metals, then subjected to the action of powerful three-dimensional high-frequency magnetic fields, could face a forcing your system to adopt a particular lattice geometry is not symmetrical so oriented, partially shielding the cosmic to certain -natural frequencies from interfering with the incoming modulated cosmic. The thus produced would be the same powerful leverage effect. We can therefore hypothesize three Cosmic-propulsion systems: A magnetic roto-sphere - shielding. A gravity release - Universal. To override grid - shielding.


Telecommunications, always looking for new channels of transmission and new frequency bands, may receive unexpected help for resolving all problems related to the amount and speed of transmission of the encoded

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data and information. Since the Universal Cosmic-modulatingis a form of energy modulating, composed of a multiplicity of frequencies emitted by cosmic creo-sphere (create the atmosphere) modulator, to aggregate each individual elementary particles (cosmic-modules), ordered hierarchically related systems, it is clear, if the technology could control these high frequencies, and an unlimited development of advanced communications for all, not satellite, but on "Universal Cosmic-Modulation", with all its benefits included in a truly global vision of human relations. On the other hand, telepathy, or thought transference immediately released by the distances, it is already used scientifically advanced military applications.

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1. System ordered universe on three levels: Inter-cosmic, cosmic, Meta-, Peri-cosmic 2. Multi-carrier transmitter system fluids 3. Aggregator multi-frequency system officer 4. Multi-particle detector system: aggregation and gregarious 5. Leveler system, multi-frequency disruptor

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PRINCIPLE cosmic-modulating of universal matter and the universe:

"From 'indefinable Oneness, all from one et, et from the inside out, from the minimum et maximum, the minimum from the maximum et. From the closed ends of the universe, along the three dimensions of space multi-fluidic continuous, multi-energy waves reach of multi-modulating revealing indivisible elementary particles of matter, and multi-disruptive energy waves of the same material structured, creating edifying cyclically order and chaos dispersant, alternate between them in space and cyclical time. "

The "Universal Cosmic-modulating of the matter" is then understood as the active force ordering the universe, that structure, and moves cyclically governs all universal matter, through a variety of cosmic-frequency orders, supported by a set of fluid cosmic, to meet it in an orderly hierarchical systems correlated with strength greater than their cross-complaint against dissociating and uniformity. The multiplicity of the cosmic-the universe-forming fluid plasma immersed in the primordial fluid, joint action and reaction and precise pulsations of various agents on the diversity of the cosmic cosmic-resonant modules wisely placed in orbits appropriate to bring such a material structure ordered on several levels, producing models, systems and combinations of significant effects, hierarchically

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correlated in space and time according to a precise and objective universal order.

1. University System

It is the material shape of the Universe, which appears symmetrical, with a center and three layers of different nature, wrapped in each other and arranged hierarchically on three well-defined cosmic levels (from top): Peri-cosmic, indefinable, because the first one belonging to the driving and regenerative creative entity, called the heaven of heavens or the third heaven from the Holy Bible; Meta-cosmic, closed and open-ended, the sky of the sky defined by the Bible, understood as a link, or "dynamic interface" Creator - Universe; Inter-cosmic, closed and fixed, reserved for the really sensitive, so also to all living creatures, including humans.

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2. Carrier system

It is composed of the primordial fluid and Cosmic-plasma. The first is an all-pervading fluid indefinable, all claims, transmits and receives everything around, and through whom all things were put in place to size and shape. The second, in the same primordial fluid and enclosed inter-cosmic, is composed of different and specific Cosmic-fluid, each of which is composed of infinitesimal particles having a mass well below that of the resonant Cosmic-module. The Cosmic-plasma was then created in order to support the action by ordering from creo-sphere (create the atmosphere) modulator and to support the opposing action from the dissociative scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere) standardizing on the multiplicity of different elementary particles, conveniently sorted into related structures, immersed in it.

3. Detector system

This is the set of elementary particles (= Cosmic-module cosmicd) generating the material, immersed in Cosmic-plasma, and diversified with certain solid masses (M = mass Cosmicd Cosmic-module) belonging to specific levels (L = Cosmicd Cosmic-module level); characterized by hypothetical polarity alternately opposite (or Cosmicd Cosmicd P N), necessary to aggregate the material combinations for the second periodic "snap-polarized" in order to avoid their clutter-free order. The pyramid shape of the atom, is thus produced by the individual associated with specific Cosmic-frequency Cosmic-module resonant modulators, modulator and contrasted creo-sphere (create the atmosphere) generated by the dissociative Cosmic-frequency, from standardizing scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere).

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4. System Officer

It is a form of energy emitted by ordering creo-sphere (create the atmosphere), composed of a multiplicity of Cosmic-frequency modulators, designed to aggregate each individual elementary particles (Cosmic-module) subjected to selective resonant effects, ordered hierarchically related systems with higher power than from the dissociating scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere) . It also serves to order the material and create the dynamic space field strengths necessary to maintain their energy content.

5. Dissociator system

It is a form of energy dissociating opposed to ordering, composed of a variety of disruptive cosmic-frequency scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere) issued by standardizing, in order to maintain the elementary particles of matter generating increasingly disassociated with each other and uniformly distributed in space.

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Biblical Genesis: the first day or time

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The land was deserted and empty, darkness covered the abyss and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters

MEAN: In the beginning God created the space fluidic material consists of a set of distinct and separate fluids together, immersed in the primordial fluid, contained in the abyss, and also created the space matters dense discontinuous, composed of a multiplicity of diverse and disconnected elementary particles in modular way of conformation within these fluids button operates energy of God, contrasted by negative leveling (darkness): both opposed to dynamically transform these particles detectors order cosmic-modulating cosmic-module diversified, then aggregated together to become a substance . STOP

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God said "Let there be light" and there was light. God saw that the light was good and separated light from darkness, and he named the light "day" and darkness "night."

MEAN: God said, "Whether ordering energy (light) of the elementary masses (cosmic-module) to generate and sort the matter universal and the energy ordering was. God saw that the energy ordering was good and separated itself from the energy ordering the uniformity (darkness) already created, and the ordering function clearly distinguished from that uniformity, dynamically opposing, in a dualistic view of nature, realized in a material system and perpetually required in its cyclical variability. STOP

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Biblical Genesis: second day or time

God said, "there is an expanse between the waters, which separates the waters from the waters." And so it was. And God made the firmament separated the waters under the firmament from those that are above, and called the expanse "sky."

MEAN: God said, "there are between different cosmic fluid separation limit (sky or heaven), which separates the fluid from the fluid (water from water), according to their functional characteristics." And God separated the cosmic fluid are within the closed universe and determined (Inter-cosmic), those external to it (Meta-cosm). STOP

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Biblical Genesis, the third day or time

And God said, "gather the waters under the heavens in one place and let dry ground appear." And so it was. And God called it the dry land "earth" and the gathered waters he called "seas." And God said, "the earth sprouts vegetables, herb bearing seed and fruit trees that bear fruit after their kind, who have it if your seed upon the earth. And so it was the land produced vegetables, herb yielding seed that is according to their kinds, trees that bear fruit with the suit itself according to its kind.

MEAN: And God said to unite the various cosmic fluids (water) to form one (cosmic-plasma), but with several interactive features, thus uniting cosmic-

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module detectors also inseparable from the respective fluids, thus forming the largest concentration of natural elements of the primordial matter (dry). And God said, will join the cosmic-module in simple and complex compounds composed of matter, the first cycle then aggregated disruptive (justification of the seed) in a defined time assigned to them. And so it was the cosmic-module is neatly aggregated together in simple compounds and complexes, and specific subject, which is also the first cycle then aggregated disintegration. STOP

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Biblical Genesis, the fourth day or time

Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from night, and signs are for seasons, days and years, and serve as luminaries in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth." And so it was. God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night and the stars. And God set them in the

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firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and over the day and at night and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good.

MEAN Then God said, "Let people in extreme inter-cosmic closed, a modulator of matter creo-sphere (create the atmosphere) (luminary positive) to sort dynamically, and standardizing scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere) (luminary negative) to keep it constantly split and evenly distributed, distinguishing the cycle Officer of matter from its opposite loop breaks - uniforming. And it was so. God made two great antagonists energy systems: the larger system to order the material, subjecting the system to lower its break-up is that the uniformity of distribution, for his recycling aimed at constant variability. cosmic-plasma immersed in Matter enclosed inter-cosmic, depending on its state of aggregation, is subjected to three movements are complementary: the first rotation, the second from the translational cosmo-centric limited sphere to the third, too translatory it from the limited sphere cosmic-centric. At any given time, the average amount of matter in the aggregate one or more universal sets, which expands during disruptive rotating around its center, or even moving away from a reference point after reaching certain structural constraints, it is always equivalent to the same average amount of matter at unifying focus turning to the same center, or even approaching the same point of reference, to regroup in an orderly, regular and differently over time. The star systems are consequently subjected to three events foreordained: disruptive event (occurs when the velocity of motion exceeds a certain limit dissenting); rotational event (occurs when the total mass of matter assumes a given state), reversing the motion event (occurs when the magnitude of the mass exceeds a predetermined value). STOP

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The experiment of turbine Ethereal below, clearly shows the existence of the cosmic ether, thereby upsetting the concepts of modern physics and astrophysics. The mass of material on the calculations submitted to the inertial phenomena, also takes on a value-free accumulation of ethereal energy, so in addition to the approximate law of universal gravitation and the conservation of energy and motion, matter is also subject to the dynamic laws universal gravitational equilibrium, and the universal constant of order versus universal entropy, thus invalidating quantum mechanics and relativistic theories, the resulting lack of any foundation.

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The unit, as an expression of being, both passively and when it receives one or more systems simultaneously in order to be part of the order, or when you send them actively in order to order the parts, can also be understood as an element of a set constituting the his all, able to satisfy a goal. The end result requires that the natural order of matter arises from a single point, then by a purchaser only reason that everything which half must have been generated previously established, to be considered as a whole in what order before the order it was only by default. Space dense matter, which is derived from his Creator, as well as space fluid material, energy and regulating the flow of cyclical time, is unique in its universal essence; multi dimensioned in outer space; everywhere and variable in its spatial position; defined as a "dynamic trialism" order, chaos, conversion, permanent and immutable in the cyclicality of its final cause. It is thus clear that in giving the notion of matter, there should not ignore

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the matter itself, then by its very essence.

Now assume that the dynamic material system consists of an "inside" defined in your order and an "outside" undetermined. If the "inside" is dynamic over time by continuing to possess the same order with the same energy level, then more power to the outside must provide some form of motive power, because if it were not so the interior would have the perpetual motion, discordant effects of physics. In any case, the energy transfer must have occurred at least the first time, since no material entity is the cause of itself, not being a perfect and subsistent. It is also impossible to transfer a perpetual motion from the outside that is perfect or imperfect inward, because in the first case the outside does not lose that part of his subsisting all that makes it perfect, the imperfection in the second case it is impossible to generate perfection of perpetual motion, as well as the disorder cannot generate definitely the order.

The perfection to be such, must be definable, thus belong to an order. But the order that starts from a single reason to everything, and then return to its original source and controls it and keeps it in place, presupposes the existence of all the same, namely, its closed universe, failing which there may exist without order or perfection.

One can therefore say that in order to conceive a complex dynamic system, we have to start all over from one officer to his order (from top to bottom) to solve it, but must be ordered from all over to her an officer (from the base to its summit ), not to understand it and solve it, then produce confusion, enough to exclude an officer at all (vertex). Then the atom is structured on a number of levels, where each system has its own orbiting the center, as well as each center is part of another system orbiting the unit until you get all of her ordering.

The atom-modulated cosmic pyramid, intended as a infinitesimal microcosm of universal matter, assumes a hierarchical "tree", rather than centralized and scalar concentric orbits. It 's completely different from that envisaged by modern nuclear physics, shaped according to a bipolar model link, consisting of a layer of negative particles orbiting around a positive nucleus, composed in turn by several other sets of lattice particles.

It is structured by a variety of elementary particles (cosmic-modules) belonging to scalar levels distributed across multiple orbits. These particles, depending on their mass, spin around each other in an orderly manner according to a certain stage, interacting is so conveniently to your

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center of gravity and externally, in order to join, balance and distance between them conveniently.

These particles orbiting, being subjected to a hierarchical pyramid-type "tree, are drawn from a central particle of a higher level, in turn owned by another peripheral system is also orbiting around another particle, and so more on, as an infinitesimal and complex astronomical system, structured by means of dynamic combinations of spatial positions and connections of "polarity relative", interacting according to the Magnus effect-fluidic universe. The matter in the universe is made up of one essence, indefinable man for lack of a reference absolute magnitude. It shall be implemented in two different forms: a continuous and uniform multi-fluid extended in all its parts, the other multi-dimensioned and discontinuous everywhere diffused. This is manifested in the aggregate systems ranging from atoms to stars.

The structure of a unit cell of the atom-modulated cosmic universe is composed of a central module-type with a positive polarity hypothetical, oscillating around a spherical bubble produced by him depressed, surrounded by other relatively negative cosmic-modules, spacers and BCs than their exterior, which revolve around the other cosmic-positive forms, spacers and in balance with your extension, and so on for a number of levels. The relative polarity of a cosmic-module belonging to a higher level, it is always opposite to that belonging to another cosmic-interacting lower-level module.      The cosmic-atom form, subjected to symmetrical vibration - three-dimensional, as if moving along the surface of a spherical bubble, inside which a vacuum is formed by repeated draining huge cosmic-form itself, than the external pressure of cosmic plasma. Wanting to represent this hypothetical phenomenon through a trigonometric equation, one would notice visible to the computer, compared to a fixed point of reference, a cyclic pulse of the cosmic-form itself, as if he had a heart beating at high frequency.

The atom-modulated cosmic, visible in the figures above, it is composed of a combination of cosmic-modules rotating around each other, according to a simple model hypothetically placed on only three levels, although their actual number is difficult if not impossible to quantify. From the first picture you can also see the multiple correlation between the fields produced by cosmic-modules belonging to two interacting atoms. Each orbit circumscribed around the central particle is associated with a

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given particle peripheral roto translating it to a specific resonant frequency to be so attracted or repelled from the center to the right placement of the orbital revolution, also dependent on its relative phase of interaction.

Each elementary particle orbit is consequently subjected to three buttons and drag forces surround them in the spherical, and the interactive strength of attraction or repulsion due to cosmic-Magnus effect, which arises between the interacting particles.

According to this theory of Universal Cosmic-modulation, the system consists of absolute universal eternally immutable entities which - space fluid material, and not empty space, the hierarchical structure for space with dense multi-module, the energy between the interacting fluid space and dense matter - but not the time, which is the measure of what is relatively diverse. In other words, the absolute system is composed of a heterogeneous cosmic fluid, the transmitter of a complex wave form of energy, forms of elementary particles revealing the resonance minimum energy confined in a depressed bubble formed in the fluid itself, consequently derived.

Since all infinitesimal particles of matter are interactive to be associated with cosmic-resonant frequencies, or accommodation of opposing wave causes payers, an agent to put them in place, the other to be interacting to curb this, it is immediately evident 's inconsistency of quantum mechanics, which took no account of either the cause nor the countersuit to being in charge of the matter itself. The energy modulation, to move to different units of matter, i.e. the cosmic-modules, uses a set of fluids forming the plasma universe, wrapped and placed under pressure in the range closed universe. Each of these fluids is a mixture of elementary particles with masses belonging to a particular level size, other cosmic-fluid-fluid universe.

The cosmic has a plasma-corpuscular structure infinitesimal uniform in all its cosmic-fluid component, because if it were not so uneven carrier would vary the order of transfer. The cosmic-form, the surrounding matter aggregator specific resonance, can also be defined minimum concentration units of energy and of matter. Therefore, because of its mass greater than that of plasma particles in the cosmic during its rotation symmetry - Space impressed (imprinted) modulating the energy of the waves of the cosmic-plasma itself, focuses energy within the bubble that surrounds depressed for relative sliding masses derived from the diversity of interacting ..

The multiplicity of the universe-the cosmic-plasma fluid constituents, the

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action of different frequencies and relative concordance cosmic-phase, the variety of cosmic-modules conveniently distributed in their layered structures, producing models, systems and combinations of effects Officers , hierarchically related in space and time according to a predetermined order in the universe.       The cosmic system energy - matter, always defined in its order, in a continuous dynamic state of change, will lose certain material structures and return periodically, otherwise it would be immutable: consequently will vary between its extreme limits, from minimum to maximum phase aggregating , and vice versa during leveling. If these limits are exceeded or random, then the system would fall into disorder first, then uniformity, thus losing the key feature that agree to interact in harmony and universal in its orderly cyclical time.

In fact, during the subsequent disintegration of matter, there is a splitting of the same up to the minimum state of elementary matter, that is, the cosmic-form, which is inseparable and remains so intact even when subjected to impact energy products at the speed of light. This suggests that nuclear energy is not contained in the material, but closed Universe which comes to be revealed, or rather stored by the cosmic-resonant modules. Although in a very long time, matter cycles through from one dynamic state to another.

In summary we can say that after the state ordered aggregation of matter, following the chaos that is the absolute lack of order, but a second phase of the order, which tends to disperse the surrounding matter to re-distribute it evenly in the surrounding space. In fact, the matter closed and shaken by the chaos positive disperses up to the minimum potential space available and the minimum state of aggregation, thus ending a cycle, then resume another, passing from one system to conveniently less than a superior system, to its structural completion.


The nuclear matter is dragged active cosmic ether, consisting of diverse cosmic fluid. The speed of light, which is not an absolute value, but an average value of transmission wave, which varies in the presence of mass or heat, can be largely overcome by the single-frequency modulating the cosmic, not achievable by the technology.

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PRINCIPLE cosmic-modulating of universal matter and the universe:

"From 'indefinable Oneness, all from one et, et from the inside out, from the minimum et maximum, the minimum from the maximum et. From the closed ends of the universe, along the three dimensions of space multi-fluidic continuous, multi-energy waves reach of multi-modulating revealing indivisible elementary particles of matter, and multi-disruptive energy waves of the same material structured, creating edifying cyclically order and chaos dispersant, alternate between them in space and cyclical time. "

The "Universal Cosmic-modulating of the matter" is then understood as the active force ordering the universe, that structure, and moves cyclically governs all universal matter, through a variety of cosmic-frequency orders, supported by a set of fluid cosmic, to meet it in an orderly hierarchical systems correlated with strength greater than their cross-complaint against dissociating and uniformity. The multiplicity of the cosmic-the universe-forming fluid plasma immersed in the primordial fluid, joint action and reaction and precise pulsations of various agents on the diversity of the cosmic cosmic-resonant modules wisely placed in orbits appropriate to bring such a material structure ordered on several levels, producing models, systems and combinations of significant effects, hierarchically correlated in space and time according to a precise and objective universal order.

1. University System

It is the material shape of the Universe, which appears symmetrical, with a center and three layers of different nature, wrapped in each other and arranged hierarchically on three well-defined cosmic levels (from top): Peri-cosmic, indefinable, because the first one belonging to the driving and regenerative creative entity, called the heaven of heavens or the third heaven from the Holy Bible; Meta-cosmic, closed and open-ended, the sky of the sky defined by the Bible, understood as a link, or "dynamic

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interface" Creator - Universe; Inter-cosmic, closed and fixed, reserved for the really sensitive, so also to all living creatures, including humans.

2. Carrier system

It is composed of the primordial fluid and cosmic-plasma. The first is an all-pervading fluid indefinable, all claims, transmits and receives everything around, and through whom all things were put in place to size and shape. The second, in the same primordial fluid and enclosed inter-cosmic, is composed of different and specific cosmic-fluid, each of which is composed of infinitesimal particles having a mass well below that of the resonant cosmic-module. The cosmic-plasma was then created in order to support the action by ordering from creo-sphere (create the atmosphere) modulator and to support the opposing action from the dissociative

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scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere) standardizing on the multiplicity of different elementary particles, conveniently sorted into related structures, immersed in it.

3. Detector system

This is the set of elementary particles (= cosmic-module cosmicd) generating the material, immersed in cosmic-plasma, and diversified with certain solid masses (M = mass Cosmicd cosmic-module) belonging to specific levels (L = Cosmicd cosmic-module level); characterized by hypothetical polarity alternately opposite (or Cosmicd Cosmicd P N), necessary to aggregate the material combinations for the second periodic "snap-polarized" in order to avoid their clutter-free order. The pyramid shape of the atom, is thus produced by the individual associated with specific cosmic-frequency cosmic-module resonant modulators, modulator and contrasted creo-sphere (create the atmosphere) generated by the dissociative cosmic-frequency, from standardizing scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere).

4. System Officer

It is a form of energy emitted by ordering creo-sphere (create the atmosphere), composed of a multiplicity of cosmic-frequency modulators, designed to aggregate each individual elementary particles (cosmic-

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module) subjected to selective resonant effects, ordered hierarchically related systems with higher power than from the dissociating scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere) . It also serves to order the material and create the dynamic space field strengths necessary to maintain their energy content.

5. Dissociator system

It is a form of energy dissociating opposed to ordering, composed of a variety of disruptive cosmic-frequency scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere) issued by standardizing, in order to maintain the elementary particles of matter generating increasingly disassociated with each other and uniformly distributed in space.

Original Italian text:

È la conformazione dell'Universo materiale, che si presenta simmetrico, con un centro e tre strati di natura diversa, avvolti l'uno sull'altro e ordinati gerarchicamente su tre livelli cosmici così definibili (dall'esterno all'interno) : Peri-cosmic, indefinibile, prima causa motrice e rigeneratrice appartenente alla sola Entità creatrice, definito cielo dei cieli o terzo cielo dalla Sacra Bibbia; Meta-cosmico, chiuso e indeterminato, definito cielo del cielo dalla Sacra Bibbia, inteso come collegamento, o meglio "interfaccia dinamica" Creatore - Universo; Inter-cosmic, chiuso e determinato, riservato alla realtà sensibile, quindi anche a tutte le creature viventi, compreso l'uomo.

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The equation E = mc 2 is a mathematical and virtual identities, devoid of any relationship between cause and effect

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Einstein's theory, expressed in the first and second principle of relativity, supported by specific references derived from hypothetical mathematical considerations, due to the relativistic factor supports controversial phenomena, such as time dilation and length contraction and the masses. With regard to this theory cosmic-modulating universal, appears to be devoid of any real basis for a number of different reasons.

The first postulate of relativity is wrong because it does not distinguish between inertial systems with stored energy of straight line, from the energy volume of common open space.

The second assumption is also flawed, because the speed of light is not constant, but is an average value of diffusion fluidic - wave, which varies as a function of temperature in their space propagation, and the surrounding masses, because of the phenomena due cosmic-modulating the matter.

Unlike what has been always thought, the mass of bodies is not a material entity solely dependent on its absolute amount of matter, or an entity subject to its relativistic speed, but rather a physical product in cosmic-plasma, by all the individual employee volumes produced in the depressed spherical bubbles generated by resonant cosmic-module. It is therefore put in place as a result of the interaction between the modulator and cosmic-plasma cosmic-module resonant. The mass, unsolicited by the force of gravity, is subject to the phenomenon Cosmic-Magnus fluid dynamics, while the inherent inertia of bodies in motion (acceleration, deceleration, shock) is due to the thrust exerted by cosmic-plasma, agent or reagent on the same bubble depressed . This dynamic phenomenon is similar to a balloon in the air accelerates or decelerates, or stops abruptly. In fact, while it moves, air moves forward along the direction of its trajectory, dragging the same amount, in case of an abrupt shutdown of the balloon will manifest a boost reagent, derived from the change in its motion.

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An ordered system cannot change that system absolute power, superior and external to it, which puts in place: so the theory of relativity, not even taking into account the difference between the outside and the inside officer ordered two systems dynamically and hierarchically related, is based on considerations inconsistent, while the indeterminate and the absurd can become a reality.

In fact, if the masses of elementary matter, indestructible, however, during their hypothetical and perfect transformation into energy would disappear into thin air, as if they had never existed, this energy should still occur, however, that nothing, or vacuum, hypothetically, where also the light spreads.

But then what is this theory of relativity, which starts from scratch again to get to nothing, if not a mathematical identity of the double-virtual nothingness? The elementary particles of matter, energy moves directly from the universe closed primaries are physical entities of the universal creation, so indestructible: the development of nuclear energy can thus be understood as a transformation of the generators of these particles revealed by matter diffusing through the chaos cosmic-plasma, not derived from their dissolution.

So where does the energy that moves these atomic particles around its own center? The answer is on one: the energy, eternal driving force of matter, they cannot be subsisting, or perennially come from within, by force of circumstances must be supported from the outside, through the universal cosmic-modulating of matter, through its five systems: system universe, carrier system, system officer, detector system, uniform system. The fact of the matter cosmic-module subjected to symmetric oscillations - cosmic-plasma by three-dimensional pressure, moves as if it could walk down the surface of a spherical bubble, inside which a vacuum is formed by the huge empty cosmic-module repeated itself, than the external pressure of cosmic-plasma. This cosmic-module, aggregator of surrounding matter resonance specification, can also be defined minimum concentration units of energy and matter. Therefore, because of its mass much higher than that of the particles of cosmic-plasma, during its rotation symmetry - Space impressed (imprinted) modulating waves of the same cosmic-plasma,

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depressed in the energy concentrated his bull for limited relative sliding derived from the diversity of interacting masses, amounting to E = - pV. So while the masses of the infinitesimal cosmic-plasma translate this to the hypothetical speed of light, cosmic-module of matter moving at speeds well below instead. It therefore has a scroll cosmic-plasma differentiated between active and passive cosmic-module themselves.

By the following fundamental equation of transformation of matter into energy is deduced that nuclear energy imploding, present in the material, is directly proportional to its mass, the square of the speed of diffusion of the wave and a constant undetermined cosmic-fluid significantly less than unity ( km), dependent on the relationship between the indefinite fast the cosmic-module and the spreading wave of cosmic-fluid, then from their mutual sliding. Because of the indeterminacy of the constant flow of km, the value of nuclear energy that develops during the nuclear reactions cannot be quantified. Excluding the constant km, the fundamental equation of transformation of matter into energy is exactly equal to the equation E = m C 2, which thus becomes a complex mathematical and virtual identities, devoid of any relationship between cause and effect.

So the equation of Einstein's relativity is replaced by the equation of the fundamental transformation of matter into energy: E = - m (k m V f) 2, according to the algebra given in the table below.  

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From this fundamental equation of transformation of matter into energy is deduced that nuclear energy imploding present in this area is directly proportional to its mass, the square of the speed of diffusion of cosmic-fluid wave and a constant undetermined significantly less than unity, dependent on the relationship between the indefinite fast the cosmic-wave form and the diffusion of cosmic-fluid, and by their mutual sliding. Because of the indeterminacy of the constant flow of km, the value of nuclear energy that develops during the nuclear reactions cannot be quantified.


The equation for the depletion of the cosmic fluid in the bubbles generated by resonant indivisible elementary particles is:

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Einstein's theory, expressed in the first and second principle of relativity, supported by specific references derived from hypothetical mathematical considerations, due to the relativistic factor supports controversial

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phenomena, such as time dilation and length contraction and the masses. With regard to this theory of Universal Cosmic-modulation, appears to be devoid of any real basis for a number of different reasons. The first postulate of relativity is wrong because it does not distinguish between inertial systems with stored energy of straight line, from the energy volume of common open space. The second assumption is also flawed, because the speed of light is not constant, but is an average value of diffusion fluidic - wave, which varies as a function of temperature in their space propagation, and the surrounding masses, because of the phenomena due Universal Cosmic-modulating of the matter.

Unlike what has been always thought, the mass of bodies is not a material entity solely dependent on its absolute amount of matter, or an entity subject to its relativistic speed, but rather a physical phenomenon in the cosmic-produced plasma by all employees volumes of individual products in the depressed spherical bubbles generated by cosmic-resonant modules. It is therefore put in place as a result of the interaction between the cosmic and the cosmic-modulator-plasma resonant forms. The mass, unsolicited by the force of gravity, is subjected to fluid dynamic phenomena Cosmic-Magnus, while the inherent inertia of bodies in motion (acceleration, deceleration, shock) is due to the thrust exerted by the cosmic plasma, agent or reagent bubbles on the same depressed. This dynamic phenomenon is similar to a balloon in the air accelerates or decelerates, or stops abruptly. In fact, while it moves, air moves forward along the direction of its trajectory, dragging the same amount, in case of an abrupt shutdown of the balloon will manifest a boost reagent, derived from the change in its motion.

An ordered system cannot change that system absolute power, superior and external to it, which puts in place: so the theory of relativity, not even taking into account the difference between the outside and the inside officer ordered two systems dynamically and hierarchically related, is based on considerations inconsistent, while the indeterminate and the absurd can become a reality. In fact, if the masses of elementary matter, indestructible, however, during their hypothetical and perfect transformation into energy would disappear into thin air, as if they had never existed, this energy should still occur, however, that nothing, or vacuum, hypothetically, where also the light spreads.

But then what is this theory of relativity, which starts from scratch again to get to nothing, if not a mathematical identity of the double-virtual

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nothingness? The elementary particles of matter, energy moves directly from the universe closed primaries are physical entities of the universal creation, so indestructible: the development of nuclear energy can thus be understood as a transformation of the generators of these particles revealed by matter in the cosmic-chaos diffusing through the plasma, not derived from their dissolution.

So where does the energy that moves these atomic particles around its own center?

The cosmic energy, eternal driving force of matter, they cannot be subsisting, or perennially come from within, necessarily must come from outside, through the Universal Cosmic-modulating of the matter. The elementary particles of matter moving along the surface like a bubble, inside which a vacuum has formed huge for repeated emptying of the cosmic-modules themselves, than the external pressure of the plasma universe. The module-oscillating universe, combining the specific resonance surrounding matter, can also be defined minimum concentration units of energy and matter. Therefore, because of its mass much higher than that of plasma particles in the cosmic during their rotation symmetry - Space impressed (imprinted) modulating waves of the cosmic-plasma itself, depressed in the energy concentrated his bubble limited to relative sliding due to the diversity of interacting masses, quantifiable energy = - Depression by volume. So while the masses of the infinitesimal to the cosmic plasma translate this hypothetical average speed of light, the cosmic-modules instead of matter moving at speeds considerably lower. There is therefore a shift differential between the cosmic and the cosmic-plasma-activated passive modules themselves. So the equation of the transformation of matter into energy by Einstein: energy = mass times the speed of light squared, is replaced by the following hypothetical equation of cosmic energy in Matter:

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From this fundamental equation of transformation of matter into energy is deduced that nuclear energy imploding present in this area is directly proportional to its mass, the square of the speed of diffusion of cosmic-fluid wave and a constant undetermined significantly less than unity, dependent on the relationship between the indefinite fast the cosmic-wave

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form and the diffusion of cosmic-fluid, and by their mutual sliding. Because of the indeterminacy of the constant flow of km, the value of nuclear energy that develops during the nuclear reactions cannot be quantified.


These are not fields of forces, but interactive effects of attraction, repulsion, and rotation. Throughout the closed universe, consisting of masses and masses of elementary multi-indivisible, and multi-bearing fluids agitated by multi-frequency feeders, because of their increased flows from the inertia of the primary resonant, and because of the interactions between fluids themselves or between the fluid drag resulting from the rotating masses are generated forces of attraction - repulsion, and moments rotating axial or revolution, governed by the laws of classical fluids.


1. Nozzle (inertial force) 2. Draining (strong nuclear force) 3. Discharge and tidal (magnetic force) 4. INTERACTION (forces: gravitational, electric, weak nuclear)

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How are gravitational, electric, magnetic, NUCLEAR

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The same dynamic effects are always implemented by the same power, resulting from interaction of two antagonistic actions between them. Every cause produces an effect more dependent on it, destined to become extinct at the end of its active power. This statement is evident in the order of regularity observed in natural processes, where we see that the same effects result clearly from the same causes, and that the causes are directed to the realization of its goal, because if not, the effects would be the product of chance, nothing stands out because it knows nothing.

In this way, because every agent produces an effect that is given her: the universal order of matter therefore requires the active existence of a perfect understanding of the material ordering. In fact, the end does not work if it is not intended and cannot be understood if there is a intelligence, intelligence, and thus there is a supreme perfection, understood as the principles of finality to the dynamism of the same universe. These concepts can be seen clearly in the processes of association and dissociation of the expanding matter, by forces operating in such a way.

Across the Universe, simple or complex aggregates of matter, are subject to a cause which tends to place them around its center, through the action of ordering present in the same medium in which agents are located. So,

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logically induced, the universe conforms to the finished and symmetrical, having to also have a center.

The forces of attraction and repulsion between the various modular particles, interacting with each other, develop through modulating cosmic-frequency, operating on the same cosmic-module by cosmic-plasma. Two cosmic-module, having the same mass, interacting with each other, vibrating in the same fluid with the same resonant cosmic-frequency and relative phases, so as to produce relative sliding, reaching the same time and in the same position the same maximum compression that can to create, under certain conditions, a repulsive effect between them. If they have masses sufficiently different to each other, even their resonant frequencies and their phases will be.

Then, if at a given time and at a given point cosmic-module produces a compressed wave, while the other generates a wave depressed, this time you could get an attractive effect between them, since the cosmic-plasma, and with it the cosmic-module, moved from higher pressure toward the lower. So two cosmic-module, vibrating and interacting with each other, may be rejected when they have the same mass, and attract each other when their masses are different.

According to this theory, the forces acting in the matter may be defined as follows:

Pressing force: It is the immense force exerted on the bubble depressed by cosmic-plasma roto-spheric pulse produced by the resonant cosmic-module. Its value is quantified by the equation:

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Born from the powerful and tumultuous close interaction between the present and cosmic-module cosmic-plasma.      

Interacting forces: Are all those forces that arise directly or indirectly, by the interactions between the resonant cosmic-module cosmic-plasma.

These forces, generated by the effect Cosmic-Magnus, take a scalar value dependent on the square of the distance of the orbits of interacting vortices from their centers of revolution. The first of these forces is gravity, and the second is electromagnetic, external to the atom and the third is still inside the atom, but electromagnetic. These forces have different functions: to aggregate the material, store the energy balance the structure of matter, etc.. They are subject to the same physical laws already known: f = k (Q1.Q2) / r ²

8 / 10. The entropy of the universe and 'scientific concept COMPLETELY WRONG

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The energy is not transmitted directly from field to field, but indirectly by passing on the "Cosmic Universal Modulation" active universe, and from this again to the matter, so the total energy contained in matter itself remains constant in every transformation or change of state, both at rest and in motion, thus invalidating the concept of entropy. Furthermore, the amount of its energy ordered, orderly structure that is always equivalent to the amount of reagent to the chaotic energy cosmic- modulators of matter itself. Consequently, the "Basics" of modern physics, synthesized after experiments quantified, refer to this advanced theory, are quite devoid of sense.

This statement implies the following corollary: The masses of elementary matter, subject to fluctuations in the spherical "Universal Cosmic-modulating of the matter," circumscribe the same volume from their depressed, but undergoes a deformation, and that provision is added to or subtracted any form of energy.

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The equation E = mc 2 is a mathematical and virtual identities, devoid of any relationship between cause and effect

Einstein's theory, expressed in the first and second principle of relativity, supported by specific references derived from hypothetical mathematical considerations, due to the relativistic factor supports controversial phenomena, such as time dilation and length contraction and the masses. With regard to this theory cosmic-modulating universal, appears to be

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devoid of any real basis for a number of different reasons.

The first postulate of relativity is wrong because it does not distinguish between inertial systems with stored energy of straight line, from the energy volume of common open space.

The second assumption is also flawed, because the speed of light is not constant, but is an average value of diffusion fluidic - wave, which varies as a function of temperature in their space propagation, and the surrounding masses, because of the phenomena due cosmic-modulating the matter.

Unlike what has been always thought, the mass of bodies is not a material entity solely dependent on its absolute amount of matter, or an entity subject to its relativistic speed, but rather a physical product in cosmic-plasma, by all the individual employee volumes produced in the depressed spherical bubbles generated by resonant cosmic-module. It is therefore put in place as a result of the interaction between the modulator and cosmic-plasma cosmic-module resonant. The mass, unsolicited by the force of gravity, is subject to the phenomenon Cosmic-Magnus fluid dynamics, while the inherent inertia of bodies in motion (acceleration, deceleration, shock) is due to the thrust exerted by cosmic-plasma, agent or reagent on the same bubble depressed . This dynamic phenomenon is similar to a balloon in the air accelerates or decelerates, or stops abruptly. In fact, while it moves, air moves forward along the direction of its trajectory, dragging the same amount, in case of an abrupt shutdown of the balloon will manifest a boost reagent, derived from the change in its motion.


An ordered system cannot change that system absolute power, superior and external to it, which puts in place: so the theory of relativity, not even taking into account the difference between the outside and the inside officer ordered two systems dynamically and hierarchically related, is based on considerations inconsistent, while the indeterminate and the absurd can become a reality.

In fact, if the masses of elementary matter, indestructible, however, during their hypothetical and perfect transformation into energy would disappear into thin air, as if they had never existed, this energy should still occur, however, that nothing, or vacuum, hypothetically, where also the light

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But then what is this theory of relativity, which starts from scratch again to get to nothing, if not a mathematical identity of the double-virtual nothingness? The elementary particles of matter, energy moves directly from the universe closed primaries are physical entities of the universal creation, so indestructible: the development of nuclear energy can thus be understood as a transformation of the generators of these particles revealed by matter diffusing through the chaos cosmic-plasma, not derived from their dissolution.

So where does the energy that moves these atomic particles around its own center? The answer is on one: the energy, eternal driving force of matter, they cannot be subsisting, or perennially come from within, by force of circumstances must be supported from the outside, through the universal cosmic-modulating of matter, through its five systems: system universe, carrier system, system officer, detector system, uniform system. The fact of the matter cosmic-module subjected to symmetric oscillations - cosmic-plasma by three-dimensional pressure, moves as if it could walk down the surface of a spherical bubble, inside which a vacuum is formed by the huge empty cosmic-module repeated itself, than the external pressure of cosmic-plasma. This cosmic-module, aggregator of surrounding matter resonance specification, can also be defined minimum concentration units of energy and matter. Therefore, because of its mass much higher than that of the particles of cosmic-plasma, during its rotation symmetry - Space impressed (imprinted) modulating waves of the same cosmic-plasma, depressed in the energy concentrated his bull for limited relative sliding derived from the diversity of interacting masses, amounting to E = - pV. So while the masses of the infinitesimal cosmic-plasma translate this to the hypothetical speed of light, cosmic-module of matter moving at speeds well below instead. It therefore has a scroll cosmic-plasma differentiated between active and passive cosmic-module themselves.

By the following fundamental equation of transformation of matter into energy is deduced that nuclear energy imploding, present in the material, is directly proportional to its mass, the square of the speed of diffusion of the wave and a constant undetermined cosmic-fluid significantly less than unity ( km), dependent on the relationship between the indefinitely fast, the cosmic-module and the spreading wave of cosmic-fluid, then from their mutual sliding.

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Because of the indeterminacy of the constant flow of km, the value of nuclear energy that develops during the nuclear reactions cannot be quantified. Excluding the constant km, the fundamental equation of transformation of matter into energy is exactly equal to the equation E = m C 2, which thus becomes a complex mathematical and virtual identities, devoid of any relationship between cause and effect.

So the equation of Einstein's relativity is replaced by the equation of the fundamental transformation of matter into energy: E = - m (k m V f) 2, according to the algebra given in the table below.  

From this fundamental equation of transformation of matter into energy is deduced that nuclear energy imploding present in this area is directly proportional to its mass, the square of the speed of diffusion of cosmic-fluid wave and a constant undetermined significantly less than unity, dependent on the relationship between the indefinite fast the cosmic-wave form and the diffusion of cosmic-fluid, and by their mutual sliding. Because of the indeterminacy of the constant flow of km, the value of nuclear

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energy that develops during the nuclear reactions cannot be quantified.

9 / 10. NEW THIS THEOREM Gravitation ": Axial Gravitation, Orbital, Antigravity : d with adequate instrumentation to quantify high-tech space

A mass subjected to gravity, while appealing to the mass approaches with uniform motion, it undergoes a rotational torque around its axial center of gravity, with a certain sense subordinate to the approach speed, and then wrap himself in a cloak of cosmic ether fused-form generated by this axial rotation, which in turn will develop a second rotational torque tending to orbit the mass attractive, depending on the speed of axial rotation of the mass attracted. However, if such motion is accelerated approach, in that mass comes a brake antigravity force, stabilizing cosmic balancing of the masses (anti-Big Crunch), proportionate to the value of the acceleration, while the axial direction of rotation will be reversed.

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The experiment can be seen on YOUTUBE by the multilingual website: www.giansoncini.altervista.org

One of the many mysteries that made people talk and get dozens of scholars in the field, each in order to prove his case, is that of Hartmann's Network, which takes its name from Professor Ernest Hartmann, a physician and professor at the University of Heidelberg in Germany. After several empirical studies, he worked in the 50s a strange theory that the Earth would be shrouded in a mysterious network or grid is not yet clearly defined by mainstream science, whose lines of force around cm wide. 21 and spaced between 2 and 2.5 meters, are directed from north to south and from east to west crossing at certain points called "nodes".

Assuming that God may have created infinite space for the man, without giving an adequate source of pure energy to visit them, thus by implication one can say that this energy cosmic diffuse throughout the Universe and inexhaustible closed that the structure, moves and governs it, waits for its exploitation, while science and technology are constantly seeking new and powerful sources of energy, but are more and constant change, and pollutants.

The author of this theory, even to prove a theorem which he described gravitate after complex considerations and empirical evidence relating to the vertical movement of the masses between the multi-frequency lattice that move and govern the universal matter, has built a prototype rotor Cosmic hanging by a thread runs faster by taking a mysterious source of

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energy from the universe he considered closed.

This prototype, which turns and swings like the earth, using the active force of God, that moves and governs the Universe and the sub-particles of the atom, is based on its advanced theory known as "Universal Cosmic-modulating of Matter", downloadable from : giansoncini.altervista.org, as a synthesis between the biblical Genesis, the Confessions of St. Augustine, philosophy, metaphysics, the cosmic web of Hartmann, the Fibonacci series and Fractals phenomena.

At the moment, the inventor of this "Cosmic Rotor," not having available an adequate high-tech scientific instruments, mostly yet to be invented, it only pertains to his theory, then working in the field of hypotheses.

This device is driven in rotation by an external force, as if it were self-propelled, so moved by its own internal energy source, should use the principle of jet propulsion. Not having found any kind of tricks, this energy depends therefore on a roundabout due to it outside. But this external cause is from a cosmic initial due to exhaustion, or a specific cause is not preordained dependent effects taking place in the universe, or so intended to be a cause aimed at the axial rotation of the cosmic mass?

This prototype, which develops a limited power enough to run its mass or so, roughly comparable to the energy developed by photovoltaic cells, is not convenient at the moment seems to produce pure energy, both industrial and domestic applications. To achieve an unlimited, inexhaustible energy from the universe and powerful, there is another possibility, however, completely different from the principle of rotation of this prototype, but it requires high-tech experiments, in protected areas, to prevent dangerous releases gravitational, accompanied by clashes between materials subjected to 2 different physical states, i.e. the masses "hooked" against those "dropped by universal gravitation."

However, this "Science and Atheist Communism" of the scientific communities, who accept only what is published in their prestigious journals, almost all in English, is unlikely to fall for a stranger to their research, is not to make a fool of evident in front of the public, is not to lose the substantial state funding.

Content of the theorem called "gravitational equilibrium", obtained by observing the rotation of this turbine space (with adequate instrumentation to quantify high-tech space)

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A mass subjected to gravity, while appealing to the mass approaches with uniform motion, it undergoes a rotational torque around its axial center of gravity, with a certain sense subordinate to the approach speed, and then wrap himself in a cloak of cosmic ether fused-form generated by the axial rotation, which in turn will develop a second rotational torque tending to orbit the mass of attractive, depending on the speed of axial rotation of the mass attracted.

However, if such motion is accelerated approach, in that mass comes a brake antigravity force, stabilizing cosmic balancing of the masses (anti-Big Crunch), proportionate to the value of the acceleration, while the axial direction of rotation will be reversed.

This simple statement, if deemed valid by the scientific community, could undermine the whole modern relativistic physics, since the concept of creationism evolutionism become significantly prevalent.

The rotating force impressed the "Cosmic Rotor" is not the Coriolis force, as one is led to think, because there is no correlation can be clearly proven, and reproducible between the Earth's rotation and the rotation of this prototype.


A mass (Helicopter, parachute, balloon, atmospheric vortices, watery Vortices, Vortexes Star) to slow down or slow ascent, it reaches a certain critical velocity of translation, undergoes a sharp pair of rotational oscillations accompanied by any cosmic nature, the turns on itself in a counterclockwise direction if it is slow down, or clockwise if it is slowly rising, with all the consequences derived from this phenomenon is still unknown to science.


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a) The universe is closed, spherical, and with a center.

b) All universal matter cyclically rotates around the center and from that, when it is in the process of aggregation, as it turns toward the cyclically expanding its extreme limit, when it is in the process of disintegration. This is because the velocity of recession of the galaxies is directly proportional to their distance from the earth, which the Bible is placed in the center of the universe.

c) On average, the amount of matter undergoing cyclic combination is equivalent to the amount of matter in the cyclic phase of disintegration.

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1. The Universe is closed, spherical, and with a center.

2. All universal matter cyclically rotates around the center and from that, when in phase of aggregation, as it rotates cyclically to its extreme limit expanding when it is in the process of disintegration.

3. On average, the amount of matter in the process of aggregation is equivalent cyclic the amount of matter in the cyclic phase of disintegration.

What causes the mysterious, however, still present in our universe, have fragmented and dispersed uniformly that matter which was the first meeting after its creation and conformation grade, then re-aggregate in an orderly arrangement according to a scalar levels, such as clusters of galaxies> galaxies Spiral> stellar clouds> young dense star centrally> binary and multiple systems of stars, and so on according to an order

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scalar pyramid or centralized, able to chain together in a functional relationship, association, balancing, distributive and distance, the individual components of matter orbiting astral and likewise also the elementary atom?

Because galaxies are moving away at speeds proportional to their distance from the point of observation, and not with expansion slowed over time due to the effects produced by the force of universal gravity?

The universe is intelligible, dynamic, bounded, symmetric and uniformly distributed in its spherical shape, designed in a transcendental vision, as the final end of the first half and needed to man, cannot be permanently variable patterns in the cyclicality of its immutable and perfect of its strict laws. It constantly moves all its matter, potentially capable of occupying any position in an orderly space permitted, but not the second chance, but order. But the material order, which arises from the multiplicity constituent on the whole, requires a reference center of the periodic oscillations, cycles to which the masses to join interactive dynamics converge, or diverge and spread evenly in order to dissociate the surrounding space.

This universe, closed, symmetrical, three-dimensional, it behaves as if it were immersed in a kind of "cosmic web" static ordering of the matter is that the elementary aggregate multidimensional cube-shaped mesh. In fact, while the cube is the most symmetrical and perfect that you can get from static geometry, the sphere is the most perfect and balanced approach that can be achieved by dynamic geometry. So any form of real and perceived material world has its corresponding static form ordering in the cosmic world, if so, whether an elementary particle is associated with an infinitesimal cubic cell, every star is associated with a large cube.

Consequently, the fluidic material is ordered and modular geometry designed in two models into one global system: geometry due to static electricity or energy configured in a cubic form, dynamic geometry or material effect conformed in a spherical form. The quantification of the phenomena belonging to the dynamic geometry requires the study of the Fibonacci series and Fourier. The dynamic effects multi-frequential cosmic Magnus, interacting between the various aggregates of stellar matter, thus producing some cyclical phenomena and events.

The event reversing radial motion authorizing an event that is achieved when the magnitude of increase of star clusters, on approach to cosmic-centric, reaches a certain value.

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These clusters around the cosmo-centric translate this universal, with both bikes roto-spheric at constant angular velocity, with both converging radial motion, until the occurrence of "reversing the motion," after which the masses acquire speed to the far periphery of the universe until recurrence "splitting".

The event is an event splitting officer that is achieved when the magnitude of the escape velocity of the star clusters, being away from cosmic-centric, reaches a certain value. These clusters around the cosmo-centric translate this universal, both with constant angular speed roto-spheric bike, both bikes with radial divergent, until the occurrence of "splitting", after which the masses are again pushed to the broken cosmic-centric, until the repetition of 'event' reversing the motion. "

The motion of astral clusters, converged by the limited sphere cosmic-centric, or divergent from the cosmo-centric limited sphere, is produced by the interaction between the spherical cosmic-wave multi-frequential supported by cosmic-plasma, according to a dual function: the first is due to reflected waves generated by the specific individual clusters astral, and the second is due to interacting between those provisions and translating, due to the effect fluidic cosmic-Magnus.

The event is a massive anti-gravity systems officer event is reached when the total mass of matter is in these conditions, so it rejects the surrounding matter. In this way, is regulated both the growth of galaxies, their equilibrium distribution is universal.

The rotational event is an event of massive systems officer is reached when the total mass of matter is in these conditions, for which he began to turn in on itself. At any given time, due to the phenomenon of uniformity of distribution, the average amount of universal matter aggregated in one or more sets, which expands during disruptive rotating around its center, or even moving away from a reference point after reached certain structural limitations, it is always equivalent to the same average amount of matter that is concentrated at aggregating turning to the same center, or even approaching the same point of reference, regroup neatly, regularly and in time otherwise.

The temperature at the center of each aggregate material is proportional to the amount of material placed around it. It is due not to a thermal event early in the process of cooling, but warming effect to a permanent product from the outside toward the inside from the effects of return derived from

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cosmic-modulating universal matter. It follows that the amount of energy that enters the Purchaser subject, in addition to being constant in each of its transformation, is also equivalent to the same inordinate amount of energy that it radiates outward, partially in the form of heat is like say that any sort of material is always equal and opposite a disorder.

So all the astral systems maintain a constant temperature, at least until their total mass, gravitating around its center, undergo some modification. When you said resolutely denies the primordial big bang. Thus, the velocity of a star cluster with a sliding motion roto-spheric, both internally and on an outer orbit from the point of view, is relatively greater, the greater the difference between the radius of the observer and the point that of the galaxy observed. Consequently, the universe seems relatively constant expansion with accelerated motion, proportional to the distance of stellar systems from the point of observation.

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0 1. Atom pyramid 0 2. Cosmic-center 0 3. Cosmic-less fluid 0 4. Cosmic-frequency modulating 0 5. Cosmic-frequency uniforming 0 6. Universal Cosmic-Modulation 0 7. Cosmic-module 0 8. Cosmic-plasma 0 9. Creo-sphere (create the atmosphere) 10. Cosmic-Magnus Effect 11. Effect thermo gravitational 12. Fundamental equation the energy-matter 13. Event antigravity 14. Event reversing radial motion 15. Event rotational systems of massive 16. Event splitting massive systems 17. Phenomenon of energy constant 18. Phenomenon distribution uniformity

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19. Primordial fluid 20. Unreliability of the equations of events 21. Inter-cosmic 22. Limited sphere 23. Mass and bulk phenomena 24. Level hyper luminary 25. Level hypo luminary 26. Light levels 27. Meta-cosmic 28. Meta fluid higher 29. Peri-cosmic 30. Pressure cosmic 31. Principles of transcendence 32. Principle of determination of phenomenal 33. Scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere) 34. Propagation velocity hyper luminary 35. Propagation velocity luminary

1. Atom pyramid    

The atom-modulated cosmic pyramid, seen as a microcosm of the universal matter infinitesimal, assumes a hierarchical "tree", rather than centralized and scalar concentric orbits. It 's completely different from that envisaged by modern nuclear physics, shaped according to a bipolar model link, consisting of a layer of negative particles orbiting around a positive nucleus, composed in turn by several other sets of lattice particles.

It is structured by a variety of elementary particles (Cosmic-modules) levels belonging to scalar multiple distributed orbits. These particles, depending on their mass, spin around each other in an orderly manner according to a certain stage, interacting is so conveniently to your center of gravity and externally, in order to join, balance and distance between them conveniently.

These particles orbiting, being subjected to a hierarchical pyramid-type "tree, a particle is attracted to the central level, in turn owned by another peripheral system is also orbiting around another particle, and so more on, as an infinitesimal and complex astronomical system, structured by means of dynamic combinations of spatial positions and connections of "polarity relative", interacting according to the effect fluidic cosmic- Magnus.   

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The matter in the universe is made up of one essence, nondescript man for lack of a reference absolute magnitude. It shall be implemented in two different forms: a continuous and uniform multi-fluid extended in all its parts, the other multidimensional and discontinuous everywhere diffused. This is manifested in the aggregate systems ranging from atoms to stars.

The structure of a unit cell of the atom-modulated cosmic universe is composed of a central module-type with a positive polarity hypothetical, oscillating around a spherical bubble produced by him depressed, surrounded by other relatively negative cosmic-modules, spacers and BCs than their exterior, which revolve around the other cosmic-positive forms, spacers and in balance with your extension, and so on for a number of levels. The polarity for a cosmic-module belonging to a higher level, it is always opposite to that belonging to another cosmic-interacting lower-level module. The cosmic-atom form, subjected to symmetrical three-dimensional vibration, as if moving along the surface of a spherical bubble, inside which a vacuum is formed by repeated draining huge cosmic-form itself, than the external pressure of the cosmic -plasma.

2. Cosmic-center

It is the geometric center of the universe perceptible (Inter-cosmic).

3. Cosmic-less fluid

Waters below: primordial fluids are those used by the Creator, the first dimension the individual to conform and indivisible elementary particles, then gather them all together in order to structure the universal matter. Because each of these fluids contain a certain type of elementary particle of matter, their next meeting produced both cosmic-plasma multi-fluid that the great mass of primordial and chaotic matter, then ordered through a process called " Universal Cosmic-Modulation ".

4. Cosmic-frequency modulating

They are emitted from a variety of cosmic-frequency creo-sphere (create the atmosphere) in modulating cosmic-plasma multi-fluid to aggregate each individual elementary particles, ordered hierarchically related systems, with strength greater than that disrupted - dispersing generated by uniforming cosmic-wave issued by scindo-sphere (split or divided

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sphere) . We also need to sort the matter in space and create dynamic forces in order to maintain its energy balance.

5. Cosmic-frequency uniforming

There are a variety of cosmic-frequency , issued by standardizing scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere) in cosmic-plasma multi-fluid to exert a disruptive individual from cosmic-module aggregated form of matter. They also serve to disperse the material split, the first of its new recycling system from a minimum to a maximum.

6. Universal Cosmic-Modulation

The Cosmic-modulation is the active force ordering the universe, that structure, and moves cyclically governs all universal matter, through a variety of orders by cosmic-frequency creo-sphere (create the atmosphere) modulator, supported by a set of cosmic fluids, to conform neatly to the related matter in hierarchical systems, with strength greater than that emitted by dissociating scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere) standardizing.

The multiplicity of cosmic-fluid up the cosmic plasma immersed in the primordial fluid, joint action and precise pulsations of various agents on the cosmic variety of forms cosmic- resonant orbits cleverly positioned so appropriate to bring a tiered structure of the material ordered produce models, systems and combinations of significant effects, hierarchically related in space and time according to a precise universal order. We can therefore say that each fluid is associated with the cosmic-own cosmic-frequency , which in turn is associated with your cosmic-module, which is also associated with its orbit ...

7. Cosmic-module

The cosmic-detector module is the seed of matter, i.e. its minimum constitutional unit, selectively driven by cosmic-spectrum agents in cosmic plasma . Becomes selectively activated when resonates because of the aforementioned issued by the cosmic-frequency modulating creo-sphere (create the atmosphere). Is defined according to its mass elementary level to its location, its combination cosmic-Polar Magnus, which can be positive or negative.

During his spherical rotation, due to its inertial mass greater than that of the particles of the cosmic-modulating plasma, concentrates negative

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energy (depressed) in the bubble that surrounds, derived precisely from their relative sliding. For this reason, when it is in resonance stores its maximum amount of energy imploding. The diverse set of modules and Cosmic-Cosmic-modulating different frequencies, determines the complex structure of the pyramid configured tree.

8. Cosmic-plasma

The plasma universe, enclosed in ' inter-cosmic , is a composite of different cosmic-fluid , each of which consists of tiny particles belonging to a particular level size. It was created to support both the action by ordering from creo-sphere (create the atmosphere) modulator, which disrupts the opposing - blowing from the scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere) standardizing on the multiplicity of elementary particles, properly diversified and immersed in it.

9. Creo-sphere (create the atmosphere)

It is a positive energy that surrounds the band ' inter-cosmic . Receives an indeterminate form of wave energy through the primordial fluid , which transmits the cosmic plasma for cosmic-modular and sort the matter selectively.

10. Cosmic-Magnus Effect

·          Aerodynamic effect applied to the Universal Cosmic-modulating of the matter

·          Polarized forces of attraction (> <) and repulsion (<>)

·          Effect orbiting

Cosmic-Magnus Effect is the Magnus effect (fluid) applied to this theory. A cosmic-form immersed in cosmic plasma carrier and modulator at the same time, when it resonates around the bubble that it produces, generates around this circular concentric lines of cosmic-rotating plasma, which expand with decreasing intensity.

If now against the flow of the cosmic-wave nature sent many a cosmic-waves generated by cosmic-sounding form, its circular and concentric lines tend to become stronger in one direction, while weaker in the opposite one, thus producing a pressure difference acting on the cosmic-

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module, therefore able to move in a direction opposite to the first or the other.

Are perceived as both the principle of attraction and repulsion generated by cosmic-modules interacting with each other, that their movement orbiting concentric vortices generated by the plasma-products in the cosmic, but also to future technological developments Colegate cosmic-propulsion.   

11. Effect thermo gravitational

The temperature at the center of each material system, gravitational micro or macro that is proportional to the amount of material placed around it. So the temperature in this system gravitating, is due not to a thermal event early in the process of cooling, but warming effect to a permanent product from the outside toward the inside from the effects of return derived from the Universal Cosmic-modulating of the matter.

It follows that the amount of energy that enters the Purchaser subject, in addition to being constant in each of its transformation, is also equivalent to the same inordinate amount of energy that it radiates outward, partially in the form of heat is like say that any sort of material is always equal and opposite a disorder. So all the astral systems maintain a constant temperature, at least until their total mass, gravitating around its center, undergo some modification. When you said resolutely denies the primordial big bang.

12. Fundamental equation of transformation of matter into energy

All elementary particles multidimensional, modeled on the atom forming a hierarchical tree structure, the detectors are indestructible cosmic universe of their order-modulated. During the nuclear reactions of the atom, the masses of his last indivisible particles remain perfectly intact without undergoing any transformation of energy, while their energy, proved to be relatively depressed within the spaces of their oscillatory motion roto-spheric multi-fluid through the universal ether, is returned to relatively 'External: first chaotically disruptive form of nuclear power, then spread evenly to the source modulator lender and at the same time Recycling, according to the formula: E = m (kC) ², where k <<1. While the cause drive, restructure uplifting and at the same time, power is always placed on the individual particles of the atom, however, the cause may be disruptive in place only temporarily, if it exceeds the power purchaser.

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Nuclear power imploding present in this area is directly proportional to its mass, the square of the velocity distribution in the cosmic-fluid wave and a constant undetermined significantly less than unity, dependent on the relationship between the speed of the cosmic-form and the diffusion of cosmic-fluid wave, then by their mutual sliding. Because of the indeterminacy of the constant flow, the value of nuclear energy that develops during nuclear reactions is not entirely quantifiable. Excluding the constant K, the fundamental equation of transformation of matter into energy is exactly equal to the equation E = mc ², which it reveals its true meaning, consisting of a complex mathematical identities and unjustified virtual double-zero (but how can the light traveling in vacuum or better in anything without a physical medium, and the matter turned into pure energy in the same nothing intended as a means of spreading the light?).

13. Event massive antigravity systems

It is an event that officer is reached when the total mass of matter is in these conditions, for which rejects the surrounding matter. In this way the growth of galaxies is adjusted, then the equilibrium distribution universal.

14. Event reversing radial motion of massive systems

Officer is an event that is achieved when the magnitude of the accretion star clusters, on approach to the cosmic-center, reaches a certain value. These clusters around the universe-translate this universal center, with both bikes roto-spheric at constant angular velocity, with both converging radial motion, until the occurrence of "reversing the motion," after which the masses acquire speed towards the extreme periphery of 'universe, until recurrence "splitting".

The motion of astral clusters, converging from the cosmic limited sphere-center, or diverging from the center of the cosmic-limited sphere, is produced by the interaction between the cosmic-spherical waves from the cosmic multi-frequential supported plasma, according to a dual function: the first is due reflected waves generated by a specific individual astral clusters, and the second is due to interacting between those provisions and translating, due to the effect fluidic cosmic-Magnus.

15. Event rotational systems of massive

It is an event that officer is reached when the total mass of matter is in such a manner, that starts to spin.

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16. Event splitting massive systems

Officer is an event that is achieved when the magnitude of the escape velocity of the star clusters, being away from the cosmic-center, reaches certain value. These clusters around the universe-translate this universal center, with both bikes roto-spheric at constant angular velocity, either radially divergent motion, until the occurrence of "splitting", after which the masses are pushed back toward the center of the cosmic-up the repetition of the "reversing the motion."

The motion of astral clusters, converging from the cosmic limited sphere-center, or diverging from the center of the cosmic-limited sphere, is produced by the interaction between the cosmic-spherical waves from the cosmic multi-frequential supported plasma, according to a dual function: the first is due reflected waves generated by a specific individual astral clusters, and the second is due to interacting between those provisions and translating, due to the effect fluidic cosmic-Magnus.

17. Phenomenon of energy constant

Since, according to the principle of Universal Cosmic-modulating of matter, all forms of energy entering orders in the matter, is always an equivalent amount of energy disordered outgoing energy (negative) present in the depressed spirit of the cosmic-resonant form is always constant, however, it is added or removed other form of energy (positive). This implies a change in the symmetry of its volume limited, so a change to the sphericity of the bubble itself, which tends to oval, or otherwise change its shape, while maintaining a constant depressed its internal energy E = - pv = constant.

For the reasons stated and because of the interaction between the cosmic and the cosmic-module-plasma waves are generated consequently chaotic balancing the limits of the universe back to the modulator, which in turn should act as the bubble depressed, thus changing the symmetry spherical volume of its total energy, while keeping its volume constant total energy.

In relation to the movement of matter in space, and to finish when said in a very generic, where you leave the mathematical development of the physical phenomena resulting derivatives, provides as follows:

Because each order is always an equal and opposite disorder, every elementary particle (cosmic-sounding form) without motion (static mass),

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is a source of disruption wave that propagates uniformly in every direction.

As the issue is linked to the same amount of energy, while every structural change is always an equal and opposite fluidic disorder, every elementary particle (cosmic-sounding form) that moves in space with uniform motion, is a source of additional constant disturbance wave along the direction of its motion. It is as if in the sense of motion is chaotic waves propagate more continuous compensation: thus the body would be curbed.

Each elementary particle (cosmic-sounding form), which moves in space with motion uniformly varied, is the source of two additional wave disturbance and variable: one along the direction of motion, the other in the plane perpendicular to it. It is as if the bubble was constantly depressed compressed in the opposite direction to the change of motion, thus showing a significant recoil of chaotic wave is along the direction of motion in the plane perpendicular to it. Thus, this phenomenon when varying the mass expressed his reaction in the cosmic-plasma waves remain in the previous dynamic state (inertia).

18. Uniform distribution of matter universal phenomenon

At any given time, the average amount of universal matter aggregated in one or more sets, which expands during disruptive rotating around its center, or even moving away from a reference point after reaching certain structural limitations, it is always equivalent to same average amount of matter at unifying focus turning to the same center, or even approaching the same point of reference, to regroup in an orderly, regular and differently over time.

19. Primordial fluid

This is the first all-pervading fluid substance, and all orders, directly dependent upon the power of God rules and governs all matter universal dynamics of the cosmic by plasma-modulator of its indivisible elementary particles. Before the universe was, was the first active cause models and sizes of particles such as to put them in place according to a hierarchical multiplicity, such as primitive entities combinable neatly in complex material structures.

20. Equations because of the unreliability of the phenomenal events consequential to one another

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Even if it were possible to precisely define all the variables inherent in a given situation, and then bind them neatly in a mathematical relationship in order to obtain meaningful solutions to specific problems, however, is impossible to resolve with certainty that mathematical equation, and because all its parameters are influenced by other phenomena interacting with them, but because the universe is supported by outside causes continuous and periodic events consequential to one another.

21. Inter-cosmic

It is the innermost part, closed universe perceived and determined. Contains the cosmic plasma that serves to support and modulate the cosmic-module generators of matter.

22. Limited sphere

It is the extreme limit that includes the ' inter-cosmic , separating it from the meta-universe .

23. Mass and bulk phenomena

Unlike what has been always thought, the mass of bodies is not a material entity solely dependent on its absolute amount of matter, or an entity subject to its relativistic speed, but rather a physical phenomenon in the cosmic-produced plasma by all employees individual volumes of spherical bubbles, generated by cosmic-resonant modules .

It is therefore put in place as a result of the interaction between the cosmic-plasma resonant modulator and cosmic-modules. The mass, unsolicited by the force of gravity, is subjected to fluid dynamic phenomena Cosmic-Magnus, while the inherent force of inertia of bodies in motion (acceleration, deceleration, shock) is due to the thrust of the cosmic plasma, agent or reagent on depressed bubbles generated by cosmic-resonant modules.

This dynamic phenomenon is similar to a balloon in the air accelerates or decelerates, or stops abruptly against an obstacle. In fact, while it moves, air moves forward along the direction of its trajectory, dragging the same amount, in case of an abrupt shutdown of the balloon will manifest a boost reagent, derived from the change in its motion.

24. Level hyper luminary

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Faster than the light: First the physical layer of matter on the cosmic-wave phenomena due to the Cosmic-modulation of the Universal elemental matter indivisible, comprising: primordial fluid, cosmic-fluid plasma constituents the cosmic, cosmic-detector modules of the cosmic-the resonance frequency of the modulating structured field (constant energy).

25. Level hypo luminary

Slower than the light: Third level of physical matter, relating to bulk phenomena (classical physics).

26. Light levels

Speed of light: According to the physical layer of the material on the volumetric wave phenomena, using the interactive cosmic plasma (light, electromagnetism, gravity, rotational event, event splitting, reversing the motion event, etc..)

27. Meta-cosmic

It is the middle part, closed and open-ended universe, understood as a link, or "interface" between the "Deus ex machina" and the perceivable universe. Peri-cosmic is located between the outer and inner Inter-cosmic.

28. Meta-over fluids

Upper waters: primordial fluids are those in power, used by the Creator to bring the individual generating indivisible elementary particles of matter. The Creator, through their presence outside and inside the Inter-cosmic Meta-cosmic, could build new worlds, since the human point of view, the man calls the perennial indefinable eternity of the future.

29. Peri-cosmic

It is the outer part of the universe and indefinite, belonging to one creative entity: heaven of heavens is called the third heaven, or from the Holy Bible. It is the primary source of energy that spreads standardizing and regulating the universe through the primordial fluid.

30. Pressure cosmic

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It is the high pressure system from fluidic carrier, enclosed in the range of the cosmic, the indivisible elementary matter, consisting of different fluids (plasma universe) places in turmoil from the energy uniformity scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere) and from that generated by modulating creo-sphere (create the atmosphere) . This pressure, depressed within the bubbles generated by cosmic-module generators of matter, however, is much lower than that of the plasma universe external to them, because of the depression produced by pulsing roto - modular generating spherical particle of matter, immersed in it.

31. Principles of transcendence

Since no one can fully understand the infinitely large without knowing the infinitely small part of which is, the infinitely small or infinitely large without understanding the of which it forms part, nor the cause which they intended to, nor the ultimate for which they are put in place, the man can never perceive the extreme limits of the universe, then the universal matter.

So pure and right reason has limits beyond which in front of him, beyond which stands the permanent enclosed nell'indefinito. But while the indeterminate is conceptualized only through reason alone, and spiritual (metaphysical), the indefinite, the absolute, eternal, divine perfection belong to reason, then the only non-Triune God, by revelation, and also to ' man. If God is Triune, diversity and difference in the ever-regenerating its three Persons, expressed according to power, wisdom, justice and love, God is the absolute being: Only to be first of all and in all to be for All: so God is the one who is.

32. Principle of determination of phenomenal

The researchers of modern physics, with their "enlightened" if not "godlike" fantasy mate matic of profit scientific formulations, such as general relativity, where time becomes a fourth dimension of space, or quantum mechanics, where nuclear power is conceived as the reversing the result of the coupling between matter and antimatter real virtual or real, perhaps they have not yet realized how unacceptable uncertainty have driven out, because it is absolutely possible to formulate hypotheses about the origins strictly scientific primordial matter starting from the universal natural or experimental phenomena, because it is not possible to detect the temporal sequence of intermediate events that have occurred over time and space.

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It 'may be possible to understand the inside of a dynamic system without knowing its exterior it intended to, or understand the workings of the eye leaving the primary physical phenomenon of light, or assert that the light can spread in the vacuum while the material structure that generated by excitation cannot exist as such? So it is equally unreasonable to suggest the origins of the universe without setting precedence constraints phenomenal, starting from the same initial situation, where the pressure and temperature simultaneously coexist in the same case generator, together with space, matter and energy fluidics, to give rise to so universal matter. So in the universe conceived as a closed system and isolated, while a set of physical parameters cannot be relativistic even partially solved, if not as an absolute value at least known reference to it interacting, a set of absolute physical parameters is still not known if all its values are not known or are known only through an experimental survey.

It is therefore not possible to trace the synthesis, the complexity of reality to its original simplicity of being the final, because you do not know the causes nor the inheritance hierarchy between them consequential, or its derivatives intermediate effects that have made such a increasing degree of uncertainty solution, while it is understood in becoming undefined. So every effect being responsible climb flattens into a single layer of phenomena, their causes and become one, which is the one that immediately precedes the being itself.

33. Scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere)

It is a band energy - embracing the negative inter-cosmic, generating the uniformity of the material. Receives an indeterminate form of wave energy from the cosmic through the meta- smooth primal, which then retransmits adequately transformed to cosmic plasma , to keep dissociated matter and disperse evenly into outer space.

34. Speed of propagation of cosmic-fluid hyper luminary

Speed of propagation of the Cosmic-modulation in one of Universal -cosmic fluids constituting the plasma universe , on the first level of matter. This speed is hyper luminary than that of light.

35. Speed of propagation of cosmic plasma luminary

Wave propagation velocity in the cosmic plasma on the second level of matter. This speed corresponds to that of light luminary.

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Biblical Genesis: the first day or time

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The land was deserted and empty, darkness covered the abyss and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters

MEAN: In the beginning God created the space fluidic material consists of a set of distinct and separate fluids together, immersed in the primordial fluid, contained in the abyss, and also created the space matters dense discontinuous, composed of a multiplicity of diverse and disconnected elementary particles in modular way of conformation within these fluids button operates energy of God, contrasted by negative leveling (darkness): both opposed to dynamically transform these particles detectors order cosmo-modular cosmic-module diversified, then aggregated together to become a substance . STOP

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God said "Let there be light" and there was light. God saw that the light was good and separated light from darkness, and he named the light "day" and darkness "night."

MEAN: God said, "Whether ordering energy (light) of the elementary masses (cosmic-module) to generate and sort the matter universal and the energy ordering was. God saw that the energy ordering was good and separated itself from the energy ordering the uniformity (darkness) already created, and the ordering function clearly distinguished from that uniformity, dynamically opposing, in a dualistic view of nature, realized in a material system and perpetually required in its cyclical variability. STOP

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Biblical Genesis: second day or time

God said, "there is an expanse between the waters, which separates the waters from the waters." And so it was. And God made the firmament separated the waters under the firmament from those that are above, and called the expanse "sky."

MEAN: God said, "there are between different cosmic fluid separation limit (sky or heaven), which separates the fluid from the fluid (water from water), according to their functional characteristics." And God separated the cosmic fluid are within the closed universe and determined (Inter-cosmic), those external to it (Meta-cosmic). STOP

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Biblical Genesis, the third day or time

And God said, "gather the waters under the heavens in one place and let dry ground appear." And so it was. And God called it the dry land "earth" and the gathered waters he called "seas." And God said, "the earth sprouts vegetables, herb bearing seed and fruit trees that bear fruit after their kind, who have it if your seed upon the earth. And so it was the land produced vegetables, herb yielding seed that is according to their kinds, trees that bear fruit with the suit itself according to its kind.

MEAN: And God said to unite the various cosmic fluids (water) to form one (cosmic-plasma), but with several interactive features, thus uniting cosmic-

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module detectors also inseparable from the respective fluids, thus forming the largest concentration of natural elements of the primordial matter (dry). And God said, will join the cosmic-module in simple and complex compounds composed of matter, the first cycle then aggregated disruptive (justification of the seed) in a defined time assigned to them. And so it was the cosmic-module is neatly aggregated together in simple compounds and complexes, and specific subject, which is also the first cycle then aggregated disintegration. STOP

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Biblical Genesis, the fourth day or time

Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from night, and signs are for seasons, days and years, and serve as luminaries in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth." And so it was. God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night and the stars. And God set them in the

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firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and over the day and at night and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good.

MEAN Then God said, "Let people in extreme inter-cosmic closed, a modulator of matter creo-sphere (create the atmosphere) (luminary positive) to sort dynamically, and standardizing scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere) (luminary negative) to keep it constantly split and evenly distributed, distinguishing the cycle Officer of matter from its opposite loop breaks - uniforming. And it was so. God made two great antagonists energy systems: the larger system to order the material, subjecting the system to lower its break-up is that the uniformity of distribution, for his recycling aimed at constant variability. cosmic-plasma immersed in Matter enclosed inter-cosmic, depending on its state of aggregation, is subjected to three movements are complementary: the first rotation, the second from the translational cosmo-centric limited sphere to the third, too ' translatory it from the limited sphere cosmic-centric. At any given time, the average amount of matter in the aggregate one or more universal sets, which expands during disruptive rotating around its center, or even moving away from a reference point after reaching certain structural constraints, it is always equivalent to the same average amount of matter at unifying focus turning to the same center, or even approaching the same point of reference, to regroup in an orderly, regular and differently over time. The star systems are consequently subjected to three events foreordained: disruptive event (occurs when the velocity of motion exceeds a certain limit dissenting); rotational event (occurs when the total mass of matter assumes a given state), reversing the motion event (occurs when the magnitude of the mass exceeds a predetermined value). STOP

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. .. that sky of the sky [Peri-cosmic] was for you, Lord, but the land which You gave the children of men, visible, tangible, was not what we now see and touch. It was invisible, formless [Particles not yet transformed into cosmic-module generators of matter], an abyss [space filled with primordial fluid] on which it was not the light [Universal Cosmic-modulating of the matter], and the darkness [power leveling] stretched "over the abyss," that is more than "the abyss" [then closed around the universe and indeterminate, i.e. the meta-universe].

But before the day [time] You had made the heaven and the heaven of heavens CODEST [peri-cosmic], because "in the beginning made the heaven and the earth." The earth was created by you rather formless chaos,

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being invisible [ie, amorphous particles of matter not yet transformed into cosmic-module generators of matter], disordered [unconnected particles], and the darkness [power leveling] were above the abyss [meta-cosmic].  

From this earth invisible and disordered [amorphous particles of matter not yet transformed into cosmic-modules], this does not form, from this you had to almost nothing and then draw the whole [Inter-cosmic] which is and is not changing the world [duality: order / consistency], where the very mutability makes possible the perception and measurement of time [this is the true time, that is cyclical, not the relativistic Einstein].

Because time is the fact that the mutations are liable when things change and transform shapes, and their matter is invisible above the ground [the atoms and molecules that turn are composed of indivisible elementary particles: cosmic-module generators of matter]. But the chaos, the earth invisible and in order, is not counted among the days [the time does not exist yet because the matter is still subject to the order cycle].

In fact, if there is no order form, nothing comes, nothing goes: and, lacking that, obviously you do not have days, or changes in length of time [in the system ever-changing universe, and not before time follows the dynamic order of matter, failing which it has no reason to exist, so the time is cyclical and dependent].

However, because everything was created not by the same divine substance, but from nowhere, and is not "Being" who is God, but has in it a common mutability [duality: aggregation / consistency] we wanted to indicate the subject on [ cosmic fluid, amorphous particles and then immersed in them to be into cosmic-sized modules] of all things visible and invisible, shapeless, but receptive of the form [dimensional through the energy of God] from which would come out the sky and earth - that is, with the creation of visible form - with the expression: the earth invisible and chaotic darkness over the abyss, and with this distinction: for "the earth invisible and chaotic" means the corporeal matter [amorphous elementary particles] before being determined by the shape [ie, before these elementary particles were transformed into cosmic-amorphous module generators of matter], and "darkness over the abyss" spiritual matter [primordial fluid] which had to be restrained in its first floating undetermined [because of the energy uniformity] and to be enlightened by the wisdom [Modulation by the Cosmic-Universal] ...

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Original Italian text:

[particelle non ancora trasformate in cosmic-moduli generatori della materia] , un abisso [spazio ripieno di fluido primordiale]

Contribute a better translation

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In the history of scientific research, the Shroud is certainly the only object that pulls the attention of analysts widely highly specialized, not only because of the importance of his message God sent to humanity, as a further proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ but also for those mysterious physical phenomena that hides the relativistic science, thus putting in difficulty compared to the methods of advanced technology instrument.


After the death of Christ, his body was wrapped in the Shroud of Turin today.

After three days resources, but his natural body was not found anything except bands limp and folded towel wrap placed in a corner.


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In recent times, through advanced technology, the luminaries of modern science have found that:

The Holy Shroud appears on the frames in a positive rather than negative.

The Shroud shows a truly three-dimensional image.

The Shroud shows halos emitting radiant energy produced by a stranger.

The Holy Shroud was impressed not only superficially and in depth.

The Holy Shroud is free from any kind of pictorial contributions.

The Holy Shroud has not undergone chemical changes, after the fire occurred in the sixteenth century.

The Father, creator of the universe, to resurrect the Christ, had to transform the nature of his body, facendogliene take an entirely different, or better supported by a revitalized form of unknown energy. The linen shows so this supernatural event with four different radiation phenomena in nature, but not radioactive, they leave much to think about the content of their message understood only by a technologically advanced civilization, and with certain knowledge, such as:

The effigy imprinted in negative;

The three-dimensional image;

The luminescent halos;

The imprint of the body detectable only superficially.

That said it can be inferred that the Shroud was the result of two simultaneous non-overlapping phenomena of a different nature, with opposite directions of propagation. The first, of a chemical nature, was caused by the transfer of fluids emerging from a corpse, and the second, the nature of radiation, three days after he was impressed by a mysterious incoming energy. So here it is clear that energy coming from the outside, before turning his body was that of a living being, has produced a three-dimensional, instantaneous and superficial but also direct and negative moods absorbed from Sacred linen.

For the physical principle of specular reflection axis, the image is also justified in negative radiation, which is not that of a natural body, but that

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of the body "spiritual" life, by which was made by other cosmic-frequency universal dimension to another. Mainstream science believes that the energy ordering present in infinitesimal material comes directly from its internal structure, while this theory of cosmic-modulating says exactly the opposite, namely that the atom is governed by three-dimensional external energy, coming from the depths closed universe.

According to the relativity of einsteinium, disappears when a mass produces an equivalent amount of energy, according to the equation E = mass times the speed of light squared. If it does not, as was the case for the body of Jesus, then you must then wear it scientific, bearing in mind that even miracles, seen as exceptional phenomena, followed by still mysterious natural means, even if exceptional and implemented from the Divine Will.

In short, you may well believe that the Holy Shroud monsters and death of Jesus Christ took place according to nature, that the resurrection occurred even second nature by divine intervention, with a three-dimensional image of the visible positive photographic negative, as its non-conforming light is reflected from a flat shape to that negative, but sent directly from the Shroud with its own light, the phenomenon is still incomprehensible to science. This demonstrates that the infinitesimal particles of matter, according to this theory, can vibrate at specific frequencies neatly through the multi-fluid cosmic ether.

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All universal matter, always distinguished by the energy that moves it, tending to seven physical states, such as the absolute quiet, the perfect sphericity, the stationary universal, uniform distribution, the uniformity decomposability, the constant energy, constant cycling , is identified within its limits impassable and extreme minimum and maximum, by means of four interrelated reasons: because that gives rise to subjective, objective cause that arises in connection with the elements of the universe; global cause that puts the universe in relation to periodic events, because

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transcendental finalizes the universe to man.      The universal matter is over, perfect with regard to man than to God, but infinite and submitted with respect to the imperfection of becoming man.

The space that contains it is closed and bounded from God, open and unrestricted respect for the man.

The energy that moves matter non degradable universal or permanently regenerated by God, but entropic degradation than the man.

The passage of time is eternal than God, but in the long term cyclical and even retrace (relativity) than the man.

The minimum and maximum limits of the universe are a reality willed by God, but eternally unattainable by man.

Absolute references are the Universe: universal center, orientation and periodic time evolution or involution.

It is therefore not possible to go back to towards the synthesis of global knowledge of the universal order, and the extent of the acquisition because of its complexity rises, the degree of his confidence goes down, so the power of instrumental reason can be anything except by the light spirit radiated from God

So if the man makes the science determinism random evolution in action, thus abandoning the creative vision aimed universe, how can its own technology, advanced and most powerful in the past but the future backward and dwarfed, reaching that truth should be revealed to the little ones?

This innovative theory, is based on the correlation of a global following logical propositions:

1) If an order can never create lasting and cyclical

2) Every order dynamic system is imperfect, not to exist, then tending to his full uniform

3) The field is governed by a single universal system, because the order was founded by a single point

4) The report (end - the beginning - because - countersuit - effect) is always inseparable

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5) The same dynamic effects are always put in place by the same power, resulting from interaction of two antagonistic to each other causes

6) The first cause and last effect beyond the material

7) The perceptible universe is absolutely closed

8) All material entities are likely to operate through two distinct entities fluidic, and related carriers, and a form of wave energy

9) The material Universe is governed by hierarchical systems and related

10) The globalization of dynamic order in the universe does not allow the material vacuum

11) The dynamic equilibrium of the universe implies a constant and uniform average distribution of matter in it

12) The universe is a fixed known part of the universe undetermined, but was ordered to be default

13) The first case is cubic ordering, while its effect is spherical

And 'therefore more credible this innovative theory, which is based on the correlation of these global logical propositions, or that advocated by mainstream science conceived as self-expansion, self-development and self-extinction and gradual random universe: the first from a dense towards all with expansion of matter, energy and active intelligence (Big Bang), then by all even to a point of matter and energy through contraction (Big Crunch). But the active intellect where did it go? Or perhaps it is silent, so participate in the corruption of the pure reason transformed into opportunities, which should always be present in modern scientific conceptions, even if it reveals a limited back-synthesized to the knowledge of first causes and final ends?

1. Being, in its two constituent elements: a primary and immutable as the first act of creation, the other multivalent cyclic finalized and submitted to become man, is perennial and foreordained to be created

In support of this theory on the origins of the universe matter is that the first principle, logical - transcendental, which appears even before Parmenides and expresses the need of being original. And 'the principle of non-contradiction, or standard, or reason, the logos, that being is and

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cannot be, ie, being in itself is and remains.

The logical foundation technically is consumed with the exclusion of evidence under the opposite. Being the first principle, it subtracts the requirement of the test (it should use to prove to himself), but no one - like that of non-contradiction - has the requisite evidence. He may, however, present a defense, as did Aristotle in his Metaphysics and Aquinas in the Summa of theology, and the defense is to detect the hypothetical objector, that denying the principle of non-contradiction, is in a situation that does not allow any loophole: he uses it, seeing himself forced against his will to recognize, or be reduced to say nothing.

Being, therefore, by its nature, not being rejected, its contradictory. Excludes all non-being, not all. And since becoming the means test or not being, or ceasing to exist, the cancellation, reduction to the nonexistence of something, being rejected for that very becoming. So also rejects the existence part, expressed by the multiplicity.

But the evidence also attests to the fact, the reality of becoming, for phenomenological immediacy. Now metaphysics is born in the theoretical purity of vision on things, with and in awe for their existence. The human mind is, as it were dazzled by the light of metaphysics. What happens to the rise of that philosophical knowledge, when it recognizes the importance of the presence or anything that affects the whole experience, cannot be original.

Admitting the fact originality of a structured experience in the finite and becoming, in that nothing would be contradictory. Assume the originality of becoming equivalent to assume the absurd: the original identity of being and nothingness. It 'so untenable assumptions. Now the two opposing immediate truth, that falsify each other, the principle of logos and the empirical evidence of progress, must be held firm both. Historically, as is well known by all, Parmenides makes a choice: there is only being, becoming (the world) does not exist.

Heraclitus, however, prefers to be guided by the experience: there is only becoming (the world is absolute). Obviously, however, that the original objection cannot be removed by eliminating one of the two truths. Because, being clear, original, on a conceptual level of the phenomenological and the other, would lead to the self-elimination of thought. So the problem is essentially this: how to save the empirical reality of becoming and staying with the logical principle of being? Thus we should take away the opposition and mediation, which is capable of Inver both principles.

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The author of this theory recognizes and proposes the theory of universal creation, as appropriate to resolve the contradiction of becoming over being. The beginning of creation, unknown to the ancient Greek thought, is the supreme metaphysical assumptions and goes beyond all other attempts to solve the ambiguous problem. The fact is to be understood as a perennial and pre-ordained to be created in its two aspects: a basic and immutable as the first act of creation, the other multivalent cyclic finalized and submitted to become man. In this way, the dualism of being passed and becoming, because the world is not independent and random with respect God, but ontologically dependent. And 'pantheism passed since the world, being freely created, is distinct from the Creator himself. Now if the creative power dominates and governs the whole universe, the essence of its becoming become secondary entities, subject to a free will so creative, so dominant. The principles outlined here can be regarded as simple corollaries of the principle of non-contradiction, in particular the principle of "ex nihilo nihil" [from nothing comes nothing]

2. The case can never generate an order permanent and cyclical

An order defined by the case cannot arise, but from causes related dynamics, operating in the diversity of its elements. Therefore, the "case officer" of matter has no reason to be, or it may be equipped with free creative ability, so it would be that Creator who produced this grand universe in which we live.

Because the order was created and developed by another order for a derivative thereof, and a definite cause, it is absurd to consider the case as primitive entities generating an intelligible order: the cosmic system, therefore, always be defined in its order, may not annex any ordering potential, even if episodic. So the case, seen as an unpredictable event that is repeated in the same complex system, it can never generate a dynamic order intelligible, but only vague disorder. In reality, it is still expected, being produced by one or more cases linked with a beginning and an end, and defined hierarchically related, dependent on each other, even if the man with his limited knowledge of the instantaneous phenomena and inability solution, conceives them as a "case" to justify what they ultimately do not understand. If then, which is designed as energy purchaser, acts in a medium consisting of elements equal to each other, then it does not produce an order, but nothing related disorder or uniformly distributed, as it lacks the diversity of these interactive elements, so even the relative order derivative.

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The case is therefore a known effect of an unknown cause, or even the outcome of a mystery unfathomable necessity, or even an abstract entity that derives from Chaos unstable and even balanced and varied an order, or a completely known due to the Creator, but unknown to man?

3. Each dynamic system is imperfect ordered not to exist, then tending to his full uniform

If current scientific ideas - materialist, based only on the evidence of sensible phenomena, cannot admit the existence of a dynamic ever ordered, then this transcendent reality cannot accept the limitations of the evidence alone. So here's the dilemma: it is better to believe in a higher reality to understand, or understand the one reality perceptible to believe?

Assume a system consists of a dynamic material "inside" defined in your order and an "outside" undetermined. If the "inside" is dynamic over time by continuing to possess the same order with the same energy level, then more power to the outside must provide some form of motive power, because if it were not so the interior would have the perpetual motion, discordant effects of physics.

In any case, the energy transfer must have occurred at least the first time, since no material entity is the cause of itself, not being a perfect and subsistent. It is also impossible to transfer a perpetual motion from the outside that is perfect or imperfect inward, because in the first case the outside does not lose that part of his subsisting all that makes it perfect, the imperfection in the second case it is impossible to generate perfection of perpetual motion, as well as the disorder cannot generate definitely the order.

The perfection to be such, must be definable, thus belong to an order. But the order that starts from a single reason to everything, and then return to its original source and controls it and keeps it in place, presupposes the existence of all the same, namely, its closed universe, failing which there may exist without order or perfection. If a system is not perfect then it is imperfect, therefore, limited in time and destined to become a mess, to the global or uniform entropy distribution, which is a mess not been finalized.

But the entropy of the universe is zero, since the total energy content of matter is constant, irrespective of the type, degree and extent of additional energy added to it: this is possible because the energy of the cosmic- modulating field acts on the elementary action perfectly and always

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symmetrical, so if you add energy in a sense, the other opposite to the first, is removed.

4. The field is governed by a single universal system, because the order was founded by a single point and diverges from its all

The unit, as an expression of being, both passively and when it receives one or more systems simultaneously in order to be part of the order, or when you send them actively in order to order the parts, can also be understood as an element of a set constituting the his all, able to satisfy a goal. The end result requires that the natural order of matter arises from a single point, then by a purchaser only reason that everything which half must have been generated previously established, to be considered as a whole in what order before the order it was only by default. Space dense matter, which is derived from his Creator, as well as space fluid material, energy and regulating the flow of cyclical time, is unique in its universal essence; multidimensional in outer space; everywhere and variable in its spatial position, defined in his "trialism dynamic" order, chaos, conversion, permanent and immutable in the cyclicality of its final cause. It is clear that in giving the notion of matter, there should not ignore the matter itself, then by its very essence.

The purely rational science, but borders on metaphysical reason, to his knowledge will never end, nor the ultimate end for which there is, as you may know much more important than another, which begins where reason ends, that is, the divine revelation, understood as a science to be able to motivate, as being and as an entity distinct from human, making it the first and most important principle inherent knowledge of the material universe.

The thinking then that the subject acts only on the basis of their essence has the consequence of disrupting the order of creation (nuclear reactions), thus making man the absolute master of his own becoming. If the natural man is preordained, and the man while being subordinated to it, wants to intervene to improve it so that all gain an advantage, then its maximum power will only be destructive, with nothing to add, remove or improve. But if one recognizes that the proceeds from acting - and being, if not absolute is relative, and subject to the intelligence that governs all - we realize that the actions are bound to a single universal ethical law , which prohibits the same being for the sake of acting above the own limited knowledge, then himself.

Therefore, any mathematical law, applied at all times to the phenomena of nature, can never be defined exactly, but only trusted or at least acceptable

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to this, because who does not know the whole, cannot even be sure you understand its smallest part, to Unless God himself.

5. The report: end - the beginning - because - countersuit - effect is always inseparable

If an order does not precede a project and a project is not a preordained set of parts to constitute a whole hierarchy, then all this can only be a multiplicity of parties meeting to form a quantity without order. Thus any ordered system, including universities, can only be a set of parts, combined into a unit capable of serving a purpose. But the end transcends into another dimension in order to join the man has put in place. To think otherwise is to presume to understand an order sensitive place dynamically implemented by a random power, ruled by irrational entities, such as IF, the chaos and become uncertain of the universal matter, intertwining one another, without priority, previously and functionality, enhance the credulity of those who pressed the infant human science with divine wisdom.

The requirement of finality about each entity manifesting material-dependent effect by constantly ordering their cause: therefore every agent acts for an end, a mechanism that has nothing to complete or uniformly repetitive. Consequently, the material in the Universe God's will does not act arbitrarily, but in an orderly manner according to a final end to the matter itself outside and above, consists of predefined entities, causes to be subjected to dynamic and higher order in matter itself. If such entities are indivisible, they are also immutable and perfect, to be first on acts that support a universal project carried out by certain acts passed static and dynamic loads present. Then the cyclic order, and that comes from an absolute point spreads to the whole, can only return to himself, constantly shifting from the first systems to systems of less than, then from systems to systems of less than: it stands the ' relative imperfection of becoming cyclical, enclosed in its absolute perfection of everything.

6. The same dynamic effects are always put in place by the same static power, resulting from interaction of two antagonistic to each other causes

Every cause produces an effect more dependent on it, destined to become extinct at the end of its active power, then to turn into chaos, blowing some consistency first, then evenly distributed. This statement is evident in the order of regularity observed in natural processes, where we see that the same effects result clearly from the same causes, and that the causes are

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directed to the realization of its goal, because if not, the effects would be the product of chance, nothing stands out because it knows nothing. In this way, because every agent produces an effect that is given her: the universal order of matter therefore requires the active existence of a perfect understanding of the material ordering. In fact, the end does not work if it is not intended and cannot be understood if there is a intelligence, intelligence, and thus there is a supreme perfection, understood as the principles of finality to the dynamism of the same universe.

7. As the first cause and last effect transcend the material, it is equally impossible to trace the complexity of the final to initial simplicity of its origin

In a dynamic system, ever, because the motive of the last produced by an effect due to an end, while the cause of the first cause is still a cause that cannot be the cause of itself, being pre-ordained and ordering at the same time: then both and higher are foreign to the matter itself. Therefore the universe closed, any system of order is always dependent on another system of order superior to, but because each comes from a succession of other causes dependent on each other through intermediate effects, until the final summary of all, where the man must be silent about leaving his Creator. So if you do not know the extreme synthesis of the universal order, as you can conceive the first time the formation of the universe, based only on evidence of the phenomena? Nor is it possible to trace, by synthesis, and the complexity of the final reality of being developed, its initial simplicity of the origin, since they do not know the hierarchical succession of causes and effects that have made this, as you conceived in becoming undefined. So every effect being responsible climb flattens into a single layer of phenomena, their causes and become one, which is what immediately precedes being.

8. The perceptible universe is closed. All material entities are likely to operate through two distinct entities fluidic, and supporting services, and a form of wave energy: The Universal Cosmic-modulating of the matter

Since the essence of the matter first, into being in its perfection, in a symmetrical shape with respect its center, surrounded by universal space and sized to achieve the universal creative project, can be understood as pure capacity to suffer, but also to relay power purchaser , all material entities are likely to operate, thus showing, by means of their action, their power put in place to meet their end. But you need to operate their existing drive causes effects, while the formal causes coexist with them.

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This causes power to act on the matter in order to put it in place in its specificity, need different means, that starting from the first due to arrive until the last dynamic effect of the material. The first of these means (primordial fluid), which entity the primary transmitter of the order conforming to the second fluid cosmic-modulator of elementary matter, which cannot be indefinite in his uniform, constant and unchanging in its essence and its extension, the second half (cosmic-plasma), multivalent elements in the particularity of its constituent fluidics, distributed uniformly in outer space not to vary the order of transfer, supports and encloses the range of dynamically generating infinitesimal elementary particles of matter universal. If the whole universe is conveniently filled with these two-fluid universe, distinct and related to the one end, one of which is by nature indefinable, while the other is strictly physical, they also have the primacy over the whole matter perceptible structured to be indivisible elementary particles, which cannot be dissolved by either mutable, not to make it similar to these cosmic-bearing fluids in their uniformity and ordering at the same time. The cosmic-plasma, thus provides a compound of different cosmic fluid under pressure contained in the range of the cosmic, each of which consists of tiny particles belonging to a particular level size. The latter was created to support both the action from the purchaser creo-sphere (create the atmosphere) modulator, which opposed the breaks - from the uniformity scindo-sphere (split or divided sphere) standardizing on the multiplicity of different elementary particles, immersed in it.

So there is no advantage of the existence of eternal substances if they cannot itself able to implement the principle of the movement. That's why energy should correspond to eternal substance eternal, perpetually and cyclically varying time, space, able to define and contain the whole matter: from this it follows that it is impossible to admit the existence of the universe is open, if it is conceived as a result of a creative intelligence that finalizes all at a rational being, who cannot and must admit the existence of the indeterminate, in that being in the inside from the outside is logically determined that circumscribes.      9. The material universe is governed by hierarchical systems and related

The variety of elementary particles, their particular shape, the uniqueness and ordering that all diversified carrier, are a reality of the material universe. While the essence and the conformation of the different kinds of matter indivisible generating units to make up their own special and distinct

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entities, the common carrier and organizer at the same time, not being subsisting, is operating by virtue of his being fluidic, but indefinitely for something that is added from outside. This implies that beyond the elementary matter, beyond the space that contains, besides the energy that moves beyond measuring the time of its cyclical change, there is also ordering an entity at all, but all the same external and independent:

Meta-cosmic indefinitely, dependent on another entity upper and indefinite, called Peri-cosmic or heaven of heavens, or the third heaven, mentioned several times in the Bible. Every material entity indivisible, when it receives the order passive and active when the universal retransmits it, has itself two modes of being: a static and subjective, determined by its material essence (the first act of the Creator), the spatial extension of its size and symmetrical with respect to a specific indifferent its center point (the second act of the Creator), the other universal (the third act of the Creator) with perennial and dynamic cyclical time, then interacting with parts of his "everything" through the set of material entities, now combined, which have placed first and separately into being subjectively, according to the laws of nature, which the person who initially transmits life must also assume responsibility for the maintenance, at least initially.

10. The globalization of dynamic order in the universe does not allow material or the absolute void, or the randomness formal

Consider a set of matter spherically limited: its limit peripheral configuration separates it from the outside entity consisting of different materials than the inside, because if not then the inside cannot be defined as such in the absence of the discontinuity. So the limit between two different substances together. If the extension contains a substance that surrounds the outside and contains nothing, then vacuum, then we say that the inside is completely isolated from the outside, so without any user interaction or connection of any kind.

Since the natural order of the material contained unit is perfect, both in the static nature of each of its material essence, that in the global dynamics of the Universe for which each element must interact with the whole system, the insulation is not acceptable: consequently the empty space or vacuum cannot exist. The perfect forever be defined in its essence and in its state space as the limit of matter complied as an extension of the space, immutable to be potentially superior to the imperfection of its perennial countersuit leveling, do not put in place by the uncertainty of its order to become cyclical, nor

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an emanation of the One abstract, but a complete creative act in its universality, implies definition, form, finiteness and indestructibility.

As the effect cannot eliminate the root cause from which it depends and by which it is put in place, so it is impossible to create the vacuum in the space within which is placed the matter to be disrupted by agents of the material artifacts fluidic same medium in which it lives, and taking place in its composite structure.

If, then, as has been demonstrated with tests of hypotheses considered suitable for this purpose, the speed of light takes on a seemingly constant and absolute value, however, be regarded as devoid of physical space within which air passes as it is possible to detect a physical entity quantified, dynamic and neat (light), however, passed through a space containing half nonexistent supposed to be devoid of "ether", if the matter under it could not be considered in the composite due to the lack of his order, uplifting energy? Because the information in that physical space that supports the structure of matter cannot exist, while the information is also physical and transiting, holding the light can continue to be as such?

If the interaction between the cosmic-modulated waves of elementary particles of matter, and the cosmic-which they are immersed in the plasma, produces heat and structural order of the cosmic-plasma still performs another function, which is to stop the motion of bodies celestial escaped the gravity of the surrounding masses, why sooner or later will have to stay within the limits set by its creator. This feature justifies the absence of absolute emptiness.

Since any material body, at rest or in motion, in aggregation or disintegration conforming uniformity, however, positioned in space, is constantly subjected to this universal order, a universal order for a future and eternal transcendent goal: what can thus represent the vacuum if you do not make no sense without order, without a sense or logic, or anything similar to a single concept present in all?

11. The dynamic equilibrium of the universe implies a constant and uniform average distribution of matter in it

The cosmic system energy - matter, always defined in its order, in a continuous dynamic state of change, will lose certain material structures and return periodically, otherwise it would be immutable: consequently will vary between its extreme limits, from minimum to maximum phase

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aggregating , and vice versa during leveling. If these limits are exceeded or random, then the system would fall into disorder, then the first entropic consistency, losing one key feature that agree to interact in an orderly fashion in the universal and indefinite. Because the order aggregating generated by Universal Cosmic-modulating in the material by means of a carrier fluid, as the wave comes from the outside, consequently derived the same subject will also be a source of disorder leveling expanding outward from the same order Incoming.

The universal matter immersed in the cosmic in the range of plasma-enclosed universe, depending on its state of aggregation, the cosmic than-universal center is subjected to three movements are complementary: the first rotation around the center of the cosmic-and the second from the translational cosmic-center to the limited sphere, the third, also translational, limited sphere from the cosmic-center. The average amount of universal matter aggregated in one or more systems, which expands from being disruptive cosmic-center, or even moving away from a point of reference is always equivalent to the same amount of matter being divided neatly in the opposite direction focuses to the same cosmic-center, or even approaching the same point of reference, to regroup in an orderly, regular and otherwise in cyclical time.

12. The universe is a fixed known part of the universe undetermined, but was ordered to be default

Imagine a closed space containing a particle of matter, both with a certain space / very large mass. If now this particle is divided into two equal parts, each of these are steeped in their own space, having the same space / mass. Even in this continuing indefinitely exact division of the particles and their spaces, this ratio will remain constant, since each half of a half space committed mass proportional to it, with no surplus.Estimate now the same closed space containing the same particle of matter, but this time to proceed to their doubling repeated indefinitely while maintaining a constant space / mass.

After these hypothetical considerations, if it is rationally possible to combine in a single set of these particles varied with the specific locations

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involved, you could get a closed universe structured on different levels in different systems, one inside the other, but also independent of each other. Starting then from a space availability - unlimited mass, so indefinite, was supposedly created a universal set, determined and multidimensional. From these concepts has thus led to believe that the universe is a closed-determined permanent part of the Universe, in turn defined to have been preordained.

13. The first case is cubic ordering, while its effect is spherical

The universe, closed, symmetrical, three-dimensional, in keeping with the metaphysical principles set out above, it behaves as if it were immersed in a kind of "cosmic web" static ordering of the matter is that the elementary aggregate multidimensional cube-shaped mesh. In fact, while the cube is symmetrical and perfect The Most That You Can Get from static geometry, the sphere is perfect and balanced approach The Most That Can Be Achieved by dynamic geometry. Any form of Real and I know Perceived material world has ITS Corresponding static ordering form in the cosmic world, if I know, Whether an elementary particle is Associated with an infinitesimal cubic cell, every star is Associated with a large cube.

Consequently, the fluidic material is ordered and modular geometry designed in two models into one global system: geometry to two static electricity or energy configured in a cubic form, dynamic geometry or material effect conformed in a spherical form. The quantification of the phenomena belonging to the dynamic geometry of the network requires knowledge of Hartmann, the fractal phenomena but also the study of the Fibonacci series and Fourier. Universe, all simple and complex aggregates of matter, are subject to a cause which tends to place them structuring around its center, through the action of ordering present in the same medium in which agents are located. So, logically induced, the universe conforms to the finished and symmetrical, Also HAVING to have to center. The foregoing serves to introduce the principles of Universal Cosmic-modulation.

14. the laws of order and chaos

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A dynamic system can be permanent or temporary closed:

And 'if it takes constant values determined periodically.

And 'temporary if not regularly takes certain values.

In a closed system, dynamic and orderly, its order is maximal if:

1. It comes from a single point2. The diversification of its component elements is greatest3. The degree of freedom of its components is minimal4. The space available potential of its components is maximum5. The degree of predictability is greatest6. Admits only one solution7. Tends to an end

In a closed system, dynamic and messy, its chaos is greatest if:

1. It comes from all elements2. The action of diversifying its component elements is minimal3. The degree of freedom of the components or the maximum4. The space available potential of its components is minimal5. The degree of predictability is minimal6. Does not admit any solution7. Does not tend to any order

Interaction between an order and without a dynamic ordered

A disorderly element that interacts constantly with a complex dynamic system, closed and perfectly neat, orderly, if not absorbed in that system, generates the greatest disorder, making it the highest order in chaos, which starts from the minimum to reach the maximum.

Original Italian text:


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As technology advances, the relativistic theory STAGGERS

1. Einstein's relativity does not get along with quantum mechanics

The modern physics and cosmology are now facing a widespread crisis, because of recent discoveries, while fundamental questions to be resolved, require a way of thinking that transcend the traditional canons or patterns. The quantum cosmology has tried to combine the vision theorized infinitesimal quantum mechanics, with the much larger and extended the general relativity of space and time formulated by Einstein.

These two theories seem never before without unifying relationships, often paradoxical, since the laws that govern subatomic particles have replaced the certain with the uncertain, but undoubtedly considerable progress has been made. Will remain as long as the contrast between relativity and quantum mechanics, the science officer will be immersed in the uncertainty of the previous assumptions, such as the birth of space-time with the Big Bang primordial or her death with the holes blacks, followed by all other considerations than fiction or not, derived from mathematics and the observations telesatellitari.

2. A mysterious force expands the cosmic in the opposite way than expected

Discovery of a new anti-gravity or repulsive force that will bring down all the current theories about the origins of the universe, bound rigidly to the force of universal gravity. To make this baffling scientific discovery are not only Americans but also Europeans and Russians. More than sixty years ago, Edwin Hubble, all accredited by the official science, was able to show a great first "scientific mistake", which shows an expanding Universe, with slow motion according to certain universal constant.

Now, using the orbiting telescope that bears his name, the official science prove the exact opposite: a mysterious force permeating space and opposes the attraction of gravity on a cosmic scale. From the most distant supernovas, scientists had expected, therefore, a slightly slower growth than those closer to home, due to the gravitational force braking. Instead you have noticed exactly the opposite, namely that the expansion of the galaxies does not decrease with their distance, but increases. If, therefore, scientific arrogance admits in passing this huge mistake, how can you be

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sure of the rest? But now astrophysicists are beginning to think about other reality never officially assumed so far, as the static nature of universal space, where its all that material cannot be done, but also regulated by prearranged driving causes, and ultimately perhaps even closed.

3. Two photons give wrong Einstein

In brief here's how it was completed the two-photon experiment of twins, recently performed at the University of Geneva. A photon of light emitted by a laser through a crystal of niobium and oxygen, breaking up into two photons equal to each other perfectly, each pacing its own fiber optic cable similar to but distinct from, to be at a mutual distance of 10 km. and then meet with a Semi Mirror, with physical properties opposite.

From the experiment it was found an enigmatic aspect is not yet resolved, which leaves a lot to think about. Indeed, both photons are reflected or randomly while continuing to then meet with a photon detector. Even if their behavior does not follow any precise rule, they do react randomly and simultaneously in the same way while being the distance between them: if a photon is reflected by a mirror the other Semi suffers the same fate, but if it continues to the detector the other goes to the right detector. It should be noted that a possible interaction between the two photons should be actualized at a speed greater than that of light, however, invalidate the fundamental principle of relativity of Einstein.

According to the hypothesis of this theory of universal cosmic-modulating of matter, since the two identical photons and two reflecting mirrors are subjected to a common cause external dynamic ordering, are also found in the same physical conditions, since their status is from the same cause cosmo-modular: it is as if the phenomena were found tied to a rope the same motive. In this way, this incredible experiment is substantially clear, though under a different light, or better design.

4. The mysterious power of the pyramids leads to new conceptions of the universe

The multiple searches astral energy found in the pyramids in different continents, have established conclusively that the observed effect of samples placed in them are substantially different from those observed on the same samples placed outside of these . Through many experiments repeated several times, it has been possible to demonstrate that the

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internal space of the Great Pyramid (this also applies to its similar models) has the power to convey, or better to activate a form of unknown energy, can produce specific positive psychological phenomena - bio - physical as a positive alteration of the human psyche, but also enhanced seed germination, dehydration and storage of food, sharpening blades, etc..

The pyramid, while being a physical object, due to the effects induced on the bodies in it, it seems you could confirm, or better unravel the great mystery of the universe that surrounds and supports dynamically matter, precisely as set out in this metaphysical theory of subject, however, also expandable with the laws of bio-modulanting multiple forms of life. So here it is unclear how the pyramid, with its pointed shape, can change the density of cosmic-plasma translating, thus indirectly also cosmic-frequency subject modules, so that they acquire a new state, with those aspects of science fiction, or more or less divine.

5. Neutrinos, unlike previously thought, have the same mass

Neutrinos, unlike scientific hypotheses incurred to date, have a mass. They are distributed uniformly throughout the universe, which as a result of this discovery should be closed, so circumscribed by an insuperable barrier. Which can then be the purpose of these tiny particles, if not their regrouping in another matter yet?

6. A mysterious force slows down the speed probes launched into space

In 1980 two spacecraft, the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11, after reaching the planet Saturn, continued their journey to the frontiers of the solar system. In eighteen years of course the two probes have sent a huge amount of data, however, that could undermine modern physics. The data collected during this time do not correspond precisely to the hypothesis: the two satellites are held back by a mysterious force in the universe, not assumed by the theories of relativity.

This has rekindled a debate which ended believed: there is a fifth force of nature added to the other four already known (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, strong nuclear)? And here it brings up the space-dust, any misstatement or undervaluation of certain physical quantities etc..

The reality, however, is only one: the vacuum Einstein hypothesized there. So the space sector is immersed in a cosmic fluid, which in this case is braking. Therefore, failing which the only absolute value is based on

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relativity, it loses its validity, although a great array of scientists is fierce ready to defend it with every means at their disposal, rather than lose those privileges obtained from research experimentally.

7. The CERN experiments disprove Einstein does not turn back time

From the experiments carried out recently by researchers at Illinois and at CERN, has proved conclusively that the time cannot go back, so the controversial theory of relativity, Einstein showed once again enhanced its essence, or rather deified beyond belief . The assumption on which rests the reversibility of time is based on the reversibility of hypothetical subatomic particles according to the principle of equality, so when you create an infinitesimal particle of matter, it also creates another of opposite electric charge.

According to the theory of the Big Bang, the birth of matter, antimatter is also created, by whom he had originally a anti-universe symmetrical and opposite to ours, which is heated by contracting instead of expanding and cooling. By measuring the fluctuations of certain particles called kaons, using the accelerator at CERN has shown that starting from anti-kaon antimatter, you produce more than anti-kaon kaons are obtained from kaons.

It was established so that the electric charge, parity and time involved in each transformation particle, that time is not a simple function, but one of the three fundamental coordinates needed for each phenomenon.

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If a set of physical parameters of relativistic cannot be solved even partially, if not as an absolute value of at least one known reference to it interacting, a set of absolute physical parameters is still not known if all its values are not known or are known only through significant experimentally.

According to this theory of Universal Cosmic-modulation, the system consists of the absolute universe perpetually immutable entities which - fluidic material space (but not empty space that has no natural meaning), the dense space matters with hierarchical multi-module, the 'energy from interacting fluidic space and dense matter - but not the time, which is the

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measure of what the relation is between before and after. In other words, the absolute system is composed of a heterogeneous cosmic fluid, the transmitter of a complex form of wave energy from the universe, revealing modulator of elementary particles in resonance of the minimum energy contained in the depressed individual spherical bubbles formed in the fluid itself as a consequence derived from their interaction.

The classical laws of Newton, the principles of conservation of energy and momentum have so masterfully described the motion of bodies is that of the terrestrial planets, to be also considered suitable for treatment of other physical phenomena, such as the propagation of the wave light and electromagnetic waves in a fluid called ether, then. The theory developed by Maxwell was not only unified the electromagnetic phenomena, but also described the manifestation of the same electromagnetic waves, however, similar to that of luminous phenomena.

However, the two theories of Newton and Maxwell, due to the speed of light hypothetical held constant, were incompatible with each other on a fundamental question of natural logic, inherent in the prevalence of one of the two reference systems on the other, so in order to define in a single physical link these two phenomena in question. This issue of choice, in my opinion, it was resolved too quickly, enclosed in a single report for phenomenal two systems belonging to different levels, as if everything was conceivable in a peer group of elements, where each of them assumes a variation independent of everything else.

Based on the famous experiment of Michelson and Morley, where apparently it was demonstrated that there are no universal cosmic ether, as a fluid medium wave transmitter of light and electromagnetic phenomena, Einstein published a theory that quickly established itself as decisive for all these issues in place . In it he proposed to abandon the idea that there was this cosmic ether as a medium wave transmission fluid, so even an absolute reference system, while advancing a hypothesis revolutionary quantifying references relativistic equal, expressed in two postulates or principles , which included all the results obtained from previous experiments, but instead groped to explain adequately, were simply accepted as true, drawing the necessary mathematical deductions.

The first, belonging to Galilean relativity, valid for mechanics, says that the laws of physics are the same for all inertial reference systems, including inverters. The second, known as the principle of constancy of the speed of light, says

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that the light propagates in vacuum with constant speed, regardless of whether the speed of the light source, both from the observer.

If, then, as has apparently been demonstrated with tests of hypotheses considered suitable for this purpose, the speed of light takes on a constant and absolute, however, is regarded as devoid of physical space within which the air passes, why in that empty space does not matter can exist as a structure consisting of aggregated particles, while holding the information light wave can move freely, continuing to remain in their own being, which phenomenon is real and not virtual?

This amounts to sustain even a preposterous idea-free natural order, because the light generated from the raw material is excited superione matter itself, which generates the light: it is like saying that, unlike the matter, only light can remain in the vacuum, however, non-existent. But is it always true that the speed of light is constant regardless of temperature and absolute present in space in which it passes, in turn originated from the consistency or the physical state of the surrounding matter? It is known that if a beam characterized by a specific frequency, with sufficient intensity strikes the blade of a photocell, the incident light strikes against its electrons, freeing them by placing them so electric.

Einstein, in the light of the inferences drawn from previous experiments, so he gave his explanation to this strange phenomenon: the light energy delivered may not be distributed uniformly and continuously in a beam of light, but must be located in packets or quanta of light called photons, meaning energy particles traversing the speed of light in vacuum. In contrast to what was stated by Einstein and according to this innovative theory of Universal Cosmic-modulation, the phenomenon can be interpreted in a completely different way, thus denying their significance to the theories of quantum relativistic, self-supporting instead the essence of light.

In fact, the luminous flux, usually translating as wave and particle, when it reaches the particles constituting the electron, in place from the set of cosmic-modulated waves, means that both the energies and interacting buttons on specific frequencies, then associated electron and light, they mutually modify, weakening each other to such an extent as to free electrons from their electrical constraints. Since all elementary particles of matter are interactive to be associated with cosmic-resonant frequencies, or accommodation of opposing wave causes, of which one agent to put them in place over the universe, the other interacting to curb this be, is also readily apparent inconsistency of quantum mechanics, which did not

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take account either of the complex causes of the corresponding or related countersuits to exist of matter itself.

The matter is governed on three distinct hierarchical levels correlated

Level hyper luminary (faster than light): the first physical layer of matter, phenomena related to the cosmic-Cosmic-wave modulation due to the Universal elemental matter indivisible, comprising: primordial fluid, cosmic-fluid plasma constituents the cosmic, cosmic-modules detectors resonance frequencies of the cosmic-structured subject modules (impact energy constant).

Light levels (light speed): second physical layer of the material on the volumetric wave phenomena, the cosmic via interactive plasma (light, electromagnetism, gravity, rotational event, event splitting, reversing the motion event, etc..)

Level hypo luminary (lower speed to light): third physical layer of matter on the bulk phenomena (classical physics).

The energy systems of elementary matter, must be distinguished from those of absolute desired size.

Parameters are absolute, and immutable

The single indivisible unit of matter

The negative energy contained in the bubbles generated by the depressed individual modules cosmic-resonant, even if deformed because of their movement or by external forces: E =-pv = const

Variable parameters are slightly

The wave propagation velocity in the individual constituents of the cosmic cosmic-fluid plasma The wave propagation velocity in the cosmic plasma The spherical symmetry of the depressed volumes of bubbles produced by cosmic-resonant modules.

In the light of subsequent concatenated metaphysical propositions, presented in this theory, we state an innovative vision of these phenomena, only conceptually formulated as follows: The energy in matter is constant in all its manifestations, whatever its

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energy is added or removed. For this variable, or the dynamic state of matter is related to cosmic-specific reagents in order to it, just to keep constant its total energy than the universal. The light material is the revelation of a particular perturbation wave fluidic space (cosmic-plasma), also produced by a particular physical state of matter, or emitting active or passive, or reflective.

Therefore, the luminous phenomena occur as a consequence derived from the perturbation produced by the carrier fluid (plasma universe), in spherical symmetry present in the impression left depressed by the rotation of the oscillating universe-resonating modules. The equation E = mc ² is unreliable, not from the mathematical point of view but conceptual or phenomenological parameter setting, the individual particles as elementary constituents of matter are inseparable, even for shocks received at the speed of light. Furthermore, it is impossible to determine their mass, so even their scrolling speed than that of their cosmic-bearing fluid. Consequently, it is also impossible to quantify the energy present in the nuclear field.

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Consider a hypothetical microsphere consists of an intense magnetic flux rotating at high speed. During its rotation, it carries with it a thin layer of cosmic-plasma, which in turn will drag another one, with an intensity scale, and so on. Around the magnetic field are formed so many rotating and expanding circular fillets from the same center.

Suppose now that this is invested by the waves coming cosmic-modulation. An examination of the motions of rotation and translation of the magnetic field of the waves cosmic-modulation are often quite clearly the phenomenon of cosmic-propulsion. In fact, while the top of the magnetic field lines are concentrated cosmic-plasma an increase of their speed, thin out the bottom instead of away from them, while their intensity tends to decrease.

Consequently, a driving force on the sphere is born perpendicular to the direction of the waves cosmic-modulation. The phenomenon known as the Magnus Effect, named after the German physicist who was able to explain more than a century ago, is also observed on the tennis balls "cut".

The driving force that supports a hypothetical UFO shaped dish upside down, similarly born from the same principle driving force. In fact, the disc is shaped so as to thicken the lines of modulating cosmic-plasma arriving

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on its upper part, and the spacing of the same cosmic-plasma lapping at the bottom of the disc. Thus was born on the wings of the spacecraft cosmic-dynamic a push upward.

It should be noted that while the current aerodynamic applications is the mechanical means that relatively moves, interacting with a given fluid in which it is immersed, usually air, in future applications will cosmic-dynamics waves cosmic-modulation cosmic-movement to head the firm, with obvious advantage. But this advantage is offset by a big inconvenience to be overcome, namely the penetration of the waves cosmic-modulation in every material structure, thus preventing the dynamic interactions of nature bearing.

You will then experience systems, guidelines and models related to superconductors and ultra high frequency electromagnetic effects can produce partial shielding from cosmic waves coming. In this way, could develop a high driving force of special devices modeled by geometric curves, able to differentiate, from surface to surface, the path moved by cosmic-plasma cosmic-frequency, to obtain an effect similar to that produced by the air carrier on the wings of birds or aircraft (Cosmic Magnus effect).

The same shielding effect could be achieved through a particular surface coating having a lattice structure composed of innumerable cells generating three-dimensional flows, shaped as a rotating magnetic beads at high speed.

But the official science will be willing to accept these assumptions and test innovative or best sci-fi, after admitting errors due to misconceptions, inherent in Einstein's relativity and quantum mechanics of probabilistic indeterminateness?

And the world of work will change so drastically its system organization and production, with all the consequences that this new type of motor would?

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1. What distinguishes this theory from other cosmic-modulation?


While modern theories must always be rational, so obvious, though not experimentally proven with mathematics, this theory of universal cosmic-modulating matter was conceived in a completely different way, considering first the premise of divine revelation, then the reason metaphysics, and science and Quantifying relation. In this way all the faculties that are measured are the human being, without exception, or contingent conditions.


2. The material Universe can be considered a product of chance?


The case, seen as an unpredictable event that is repeated in the same complex system, it can never generate an intelligible order, only chaos indescribable. In reality, the case is to be expected, being produced by one or more cases linked with a beginning and an end, and defined hierarchically related, dependent on each other. Therefore the case has no reason to be, or it may be equipped with free creative ability, so it would be that Creator who produced this grand universe in which we live.


3. By what logical sequence - the material time the Universe was created?


The material Universe, according to the interpretation advanced by the author of Genesis Biblical conceived in this theory, was created in three acts logical - consequential:


The first was a creative act, so perfect, immutable and eternal;

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The second was an act training, act to align and size of its interacting components;


The third is the active power that governs the universe, able to move cyclically throughout the universal matter.


Thus was created the first fluidic material space (sky) consists of distinct and separate fluids, immersed in the fluid contained in the primordial abyss, and the dense space matters (earth) consists of generating multiple particles of different material structure, then the energy ordering ( light), then the subdivision of the Universe in Inter-cosmic (less water) and Meta-cosmic (upper waters), then the union of the fluidic substance (lower waters together) and their particles already conformed to constitute the variety of material substances (dry) and finally dual boot Universe (light and dark) and the beginning of the cycle time (day and night).


4. As it is now the dynamic universe?


The universe is symmetrical, has a center and three layers of different nature, wrapped up on each other, hierarchically on three cosmic levels:

Peri-cosmic indefinite, belonging to one creative entity; Meta-cosmic closed and open-ended, intended as a link, or better "interface" Creator - Universe; Inter-cosmic closed and fixed, reserved for only really noticeable, including humans.


5. The entropy (power leveling) the universe is increasing?


The entropy of the universe is zero, since the energy content of the global unit of matter is constant, irrespective of the type, degree and extent of

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additional energy added or subtracted to it. This is possible because the energy acting on matter cosmic-modular elementary action perfectly symmetrical, so if you add energy in a sense, the other opposite to the first, is removed.


6. How is it maintained the dynamic equilibrium of cosmic matter?


The cosmic system energy - matter, always defined in its order, in a continuous dynamic state of change, will lose certain material structures and return periodically, otherwise it would be immutable: consequently will vary between its extreme limits, from minimum to maximum phase aggregating , and vice versa during leveling. If these limits are exceeded or random, then the system would fall into disorder, then the first entropic consistency, losing one key feature that agree to interact in an orderly fashion in the universal and indefinite.


Immersed in the material contained cosmic-plasma inter-cosmic, depending on its state of aggregation, is subjected to three movements are complementary: the first rotation, the second from the translational cosmo-centric to limited sphere and the third also from translational limited sphere cosmo-centric to: the average amount of matter in the aggregate one or more sets that expands from cosmic-centric, or even moving away from a point of reference is always equivalent to the same amount of matter being divided which is concentrated in the opposite direction to the same cosmic-centric, or even comes close at the same point of reference, to regroup in an orderly, regular and differently over time.

This is why it is regulated by four events responsible for its dynamic and cyclical order: Event rotational dissociative events, reversing the motion event, an event antigravity.


7. What is the principle of modulation of the cosmic universe matter?


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The cosmic-modulating is the means by which the Creator governs dynamically universal matter, space and indefinitely defined by the cyclic action and dualistic.

It consists of a set of five interdependent systems: a world divided into three layers enveloping each other, half fluidic carrier and transmitter modulation order and a system of officer cosmic-wave modulators, a detector system conforming order It consists of a variety of materials indivisible units of generating substances in the field, a uniform system of cosmic-wave breaks - aimed at dispersing perennial cycles of material phenomena.


The joint action implemented by the various constituents of the fluid for the carrier (cosmic-plasma), the variety in size of generating units of matter indivisible materials (cosmic-module resonant), the multiplicity of cosmic-frequency and their concordance phase, produce many combinations of effects, systems, models and essential functions, hierarchically ordered in space and time, according to an order finalized, then fixed.


8. What do you mean by cosmic pressure?


It means the high pressure produced by the system enclosed fluidic carrier inter-cosmic infinitesimal matter, consisting of fluid agitation by cosmic different places. This pressure cosmic cosmic-module generators within the material, however, is much lower than that of cosmic-plasma, depressed because of the bubbles produced by generating modular cosmic-modulation acting on particles of matter, immersed in it.


9. What structure assumes the atom modeled by cosmic-modulating universal?


The modulated atom assumes a configuration completely different from that assumed by the nuclear physics: his model is hierarchical from the

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center to its most extreme edge, shaped pyramid complex structured "tree", rather than centralized with concentric orbits, where cosmic-module peripheral revolve around a central cosmic-module, which in turn is a peripheral element of another upper branch, and so on for a number of levels.


10. As may be classified or better unified forces in the field?

The effects of the forces present in the matter are:


Pressing force:

is the immense force exerted on the bubble depressed by cosmic-plasma roto-spheric pulse produced by the resonant cosmic-module. Born from the powerful and tumultuous close interaction between the present and cosmic-module cosmic-plasma.


Interacting forces:

are all those forces that arise from interactions between the resonant and cosmic-module cosmic-plasma. These forces, derived from the effect Cosmic-Magnus, take a scalar value dependent on the square of the distance of the orbits of interacting vortices from their centers of revolution.


11. From what source comes from nuclear energy?


Nuclear power comes from the outside to the elementary particles of matters cosmic-modulation. It is in the form of potential energy imploding.

Scientists say that the total mass of the fission products is less than the original one, and that the difference in mass corresponding changes in energy according to the relation E = mc 2, which is why if there are no loss of mass production cannot be of energy.

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In fact, it is not quantitatively. In fact, every particle of matter indivisible (cosmic-module) was surrounded by a bubble depressed, which is a source of potential energy imploding: so the nuclear explosions nuclear implosions are actually due to variation of the resonant effects in the present modular vibrating particles. Therefore, the equation of relativity is conceptually incorrect because the matter is converted into energy, dissolves into nothing, being made up of indivisible elementary particles, loaded cosmic-modulating energy from the Universe.


12. From this theory it is possible to see significant technological developments?


Could extract energy from the Universe unlimited clean through proper handling and multiphase high multivalent frequencies, including the nature of magnetic materials on specific structures composed of different materials. The relationship of matter, such as gravitational forces, can be loosened considerably by powerful magnetic fields oriented, translating unpredictable and unsettling effects on matter. This would develop a high driving force of special devices modeled by geometric curves, able to differentiate, from surface to surface, the path moved by cosmic-plasma cosmic-frequency to achieve an effect similar to that produced by the air carrier's wings birds or air.


Moreover, in the telecommunications field, where he is constantly looking for new channels of transmission and new frequency bands, when you can control the cosmic-frequency modulators of universal matter, it could revolutionize all communication systems, thus receiving unexpected help and conclusive for all on-going issues related to the amount and speed of information transmission and coded data.

On the other hand, telepathy, or thought transference immediately released by the distances, it is already used scientifically advanced military applications.