We “THE ASSEMBLIES OF BAIAME SPIRITUAL ABORIGINAL CORPORATION” & our private research group “THE RAHARAKATE” are of 'DIVINE TRUTH & JUSTICE. If we take the negative of the Eternal Mother NETE to the positive of the Eternal Father RA, we have TERA both Eternal Parents. – FIRMA meaning solid ground. Our Ancient Eternal Mothers & Fathers were once the Ancient Spiritual Ancestors of all people throughout the World. We now invite those ancient people, & all discussion Groups this question; “Has the big and powerful religions caused our Spiritual evolution to be so rudely interrupted causing a disorientation? A message to KOORI Australia & all PEOPLES BORN OF THIS SOD TO UNIFY UNDER “BAIAME”. For over 1,500 years Christianity has held the sway of power in the Western World, and as history records, maintained this power by inquisitions, tortures, and burnings at the stake of any disagreeing with their philosophies. When Christianity came to our land (Australia), they discredited our ancient beliefs, thus condemning our Great Spirit Father (our God) “BAIAME” as a demon indoctrinating, our children, teaching them to blaspheme against those things that we have held sacred. Our Spiritual Beliefs have survived in their true form, unpolluted by lies, and ridiculous stories invented about it. the “Assemblies” are National & International groups that protect our National Cultural Heritage. Our spiritual evolution has been disrupted causing masses of our people to become lost to alcohol and drugs and other evils . CHRISTIANITY HAS CREATED A DISUNITY AMONG OUR PEOPLE, BUT THIS IS EXACTLY HOW IT WAS MEANT TO BE . Christianity has a record of causing hate and disunity among peoples. In 65 A.D. The Church of Rome came to England. The Christians made a sport hunting down the Original British Icenic people who fled to the heaths to escape. Nevertheless, large massacres were going on as the HEATHEN were the HEATHS or (wastelands), were the last of Ancients of England remained until being massacred. Massacre thus Bodica was the last Queen of Ancient England. The word WITCH refers to the MEDICINE WOMEN who were tied to a stake and burnt alive., WICCAN translates as an Ancient BELIEF, ADULT FEMALE, PAGAN); These ancient people of Britain were very much the same as KOORI Australia, when Christianised and Colonised 2,000 years before, during the Church of Roman invasion of Ancient Britain. In MATHEW 10: 34-37. The Lord Jesus in speaking, says this: - Think not that I have I have come to send peace upon earth, I came not to send peace but a sword, for I am come to set man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and daughter-in law against her mother-in-law, and man's foe shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me, and he that loveth son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me. In LUKE 14; - 26, The Lord Jesus says; If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and his mother, wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea even his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. In Luke 12; 51-53 . The Lord Jesus says, do you suppose that I have to cause peace upon earth? I tell you nay, but rather division. TODAY THERE IS DIVISION, BETWEEN THE CHRISTIAN INDOCTRINATED ABORIGINAL, AND THOSE THAT HAVE BEEN TRUE TO OUR OWN KOORI SPIRIT FATHER (GOD) “BAIAME”. You Christian indoctrinated Aboriginals do not know the truth about our FAITH as you have only been exposed to a lot of rot about them. Our Spiritual Beliefs are now recorded in writing, art, literature, and there is no excuse in rejecting the true word, unless out of stubbornness-: - Be warned, BAIAME is the overlord of this island continent, placed under his hand by the great spirits of the Universe, wilfully reject him, and on your death, he will reject you. NOW I INVITE KOORI AUSTRALIA AND ALL THOSE BORN OF THIS SOD, AS THEY ARE SUBJECT TO THE SPIRIT OF THIS LAND REGARDLESS OF THEIR RACE OR CREED. ESPECIALLY PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE IN THEIR ANCIENT SPIRITUAL ANCESTORS OF THIS WORLD BEING IN UNITY UNDER OUR GREAT SPIRIT FATHER (GOD) “BAIAME”. Baime Cultural & Spiritual Research c/o [email protected] (ABN44615835484.) Per; the ‘Not for profit Assemblies of Baiame Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation, our private research group RA-HA-RA-KA-TE is of ultimate significance here. It was Raymond Johnstone or Dad Ra master research extraordinaire that enabled Koori Australia to revitalise their Ancient Ancestral Beliefs of Baiame & the Spirit -Ancestors. Painting-Prints, literature and sacred Spiritual Books distributed will assist in growing the above organizations. We now introduce the Ancient Egyptian World Faith to all people upon the planet. Find Spiritual Wirinun Supervisor Ruthervan Budger Davidson 0478802283. I care for all land matters around the Globe. Spiritual Guardian Wirinun Boomba Djunebun Thomas Wilmot 0423245893 cares for the Spiritual Realms of RA-HA-RA-KA-TE. The men & Religion have ruled the World with Wars against each other to the loss of all people. Our job empowers Women by shifting control to Our Eternal Mothers once again, thus enabling peace & a renewal of the 42 Ancient Wise Councils of this world. All Spiritual Books are for the World to read please donate to Account Name: Ruthervan Davidson BSB No: 062 836 Account No: 1028 7355.


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We “THE ASSEMBLIES OF BAIAME SPIRITUAL ABORIGINAL CORPORATION” & our private research group “THE RAHARAKATE” are of 'DIVINE TRUTH & JUSTICE. If we take the negative of the Eternal Mother NETE to the positive of the Eternal Father RA, we have TERA both Eternal Parents. – FIRMA meaning solid ground. Our Ancient Eternal Mothers & Fathers were once the Ancient Spiritual Ancestors of all people throughout the World. We now invite those ancient people, & all discussion Groups this question; “Has the big and powerful religions caused our Spiritual evolution to be so rudely interrupted causing a disorientation?“A message to KOORI Australia & all PEOPLES BORN OF THIS SOD TO UNIFY UNDER “BAIAME”.

For over 1,500 years Christianity has held the sway of power in the Western World, and as history records, maintained this power by inquisitions, tortures, and burnings at the stake of any disagreeing with their philosophies. When Christianity came to our land (Australia), they discredited our ancient beliefs, thus condemning our Great Spirit Father (our God) “BAIAME” as a demon indoctrinating, our children, teaching them to blaspheme against those things that we have held sacred. Our Spiritual Beliefs have survived in their true form, unpolluted by lies, and ridiculous stories invented about it. the “Assemblies” are National & International groups that protect our National Cultural Heritage. Our spiritual evolution has been disrupted causing masses of our people to become lost to alcohol and drugs and other evils . CHRISTIANITY HAS CREATED A DISUNITY AMONG OUR PEOPLE, BUT THIS IS EXACTLY HOW IT WAS MEANT TO BE . Christianity has a record of causing hate and disunity among peoples.

In 65 A.D. The Church of Rome came to England. The Christians made a sport hunting down the Original British Icenic people who fled to the heaths to escape. Nevertheless, large massacres were going on as the HEATHEN were the HEATHS or (wastelands), were the last of Ancients of England remained until being massacred. Massacre thus Bodica was the last Queen of Ancient England. The word WITCH refers to the MEDICINE WOMEN who were tied to a stake and burnt alive., WICCAN translates as an Ancient BELIEF, ADULT FEMALE, PAGAN); These ancient people of Britain were very much the same as KOORI Australia, when Christianised and Colonised 2,000 years before, during the Church of Roman invasion of Ancient Britain.In MATHEW 10: 34-37. The Lord Jesus in speaking, says this: - Think not that I have I have come to send peace upon earth, I came not to send peace but a sword, for I am come to set man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and daughter-in law against her mother-in-law, and man's foe shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me, and he that loveth son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me. In LUKE 14; - 26, The Lord Jesus says; If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and his mother, wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea even his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. In Luke 12; 51-53 . The Lord Jesus says, do you suppose that I have to cause peace upon earth? I tell you nay, but rather division. TODAY THERE IS DIVISION, BETWEEN THE CHRISTIAN INDOCTRINATED ABORIGINAL, AND THOSE THAT HAVE BEEN TRUE TO

OUR OWN KOORI SPIRIT FATHER (GOD) “BAIAME”. You Christian indoctrinated Aboriginals do not know the truth about our FAITH as you have only been exposed to a lot of rot about them. Our Spiritual Beliefs are now recorded in writing, art, literature, and there is no excuse in rejecting the true word, unless out of stubbornness-: - Be warned, BAIAME is the overlord of this island continent, placed under his hand by the great spirits of the Universe, wilfully reject him, and on your death, he will reject you. NOW I INVITE KOORI AUSTRALIA AND ALL THOSE BORN OF THIS SOD, AS THEY ARE SUBJECT TO THE SPIRIT OF THIS LAND REGARDLESS OF THEIR RACE OR CREED. ESPECIALLY PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE IN THEIR ANCIENT SPIRITUAL ANCESTORS OF THIS WORLD BEING IN UNITY UNDER OUR GREAT SPIRIT FATHER (GOD) “BAIAME”.

Baime Cultural & Spiritual Research c/o [email protected] (ABN44615835484.) Per; the ‘Not for profit Assemblies of Baiame Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation, our private research group RA-HA-RA-KA-TE is of ultimate significance here. It was Raymond Johnstone or Dad Ra master research extraordinaire that enabled Koori Australia to revitalise their Ancient Ancestral Beliefs of Baiame & the Spirit -Ancestors. Painting-Prints, literature and sacred Spiritual Books distributed will assist in growing the above organizations. We now introduce the Ancient Egyptian World Faith to all people upon the planet. Find Spiritual Wirinun Supervisor Ruthervan Budger Davidson 0478802283. I care for all land matters around the Globe. Spiritual Guardian Wirinun Boomba Djunebun Thomas Wilmot 0423245893 cares for the Spiritual Realms of RA-HA-RA-KA-TE. The men & Religion have ruled the World with Wars against each other to the loss of all people. Our job empowers Women by shifting control to Our Eternal Mothers once again, thus enabling peace & a renewal of the 42 Ancient Wise Councils of this world. All Spiritual Books are for the World to read please donate to Account Name: Ruthervan Davidson BSB No: 062 836 Account No: 1028 7355.