Moving Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda [email protected] May 22 nd , 2014 UNITY Conference

UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda [email protected] May

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Page 1: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May


Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients

with Social Needs

Rishi Manchanda MD MPH

@RishiManchanda [email protected]

May 22nd, 2014

UNITY Conference

Page 2: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May


• Healthcare Value & the Social

Determinants of Health

• The Upstreamists

• Community Health Workers moving

healthcare upstream

Page 3: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Me, age 22

northern India

Community Health Workers

taught me to be an Upstreamist

Page 4: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

What does HealthBegins do? We mobilize and equip healthcare providers to improve health where it begins

Page 5: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

An “IHI for Social Determinants”

Page 6: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Are our clinics providing

the best value to patients?

Page 7: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Rishi Manchanda. The Upstream Doctors:

Medical Innovators Track Sickness to Its Source. TED Books. June 6th, 2013

But Veronica

was still sick.

Veronica had a

chronic headache.

She sought relief in numerous

healthcare encounters.

Page 8: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Is that Good Value?

Is that Good Care?

Page 9: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Photo taken with permission

Propietary/ Confidential

Veronica got

better. So did

her home.

Veronica’s new clinic asked routine

questions about housing risks, identified

her problem, and developed a plan to address housing risks with a CHW.

Rishi Manchanda. The Upstream Doctors:

Medical Innovators Track Sickness to Its Source. TED Books. June 6th, 2013

Page 10: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

That’s Better Value

That’s Better Care

Page 11: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Treating people without tackling the conditions that make them sick

is substandard care and a

losing value proposition

Propietary/ Confidential

Page 12: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

We spend two and half times more than other nations

Page 13: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

IOM. 2013. U.S. Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, poorer health. Washington DC: The National

Academies Press.

But we’re getting less in return

Page 14: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

It’s called

the “US Health Disadvantage” Compared to 16 peer countries, Americans as a group fare worse in at least nine health areas:

• infant mortality & low birth weight;

• Injuries & homicides;

• adolescent pregnancy & sexually transmitted infections;

• HIV and AIDS;

• drug-related deaths;

• obesity & diabetes;

• heart disease;

• chronic lung disease;

• disability

IOM. 2013. U.S. Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, poorer health. Washington DC: The National

Academies Press.

Page 15: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Why aren’t we

getting better


Page 16: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Not a great business model

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IOM. 2012. Best Care at Lower Cost. The Path to Continuously Learning Health Care in America. Washington

DC: The National Academies Press.

of health care expenditures don’t improve

health – That’s $750 Billion


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Bradley , E.H and L.A. Taylor, 2013. The healthcare paradox: Why spending more is getting us less. New York: Public Affairs.

US has a lopsided health: social services ratio


Page 20: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

For Richer and for Poorer

•The US Health Disadvantage cannot be fully explained by health disparities among uninsured or poor

•Even advantaged Americans experience poorer health compared to peers in other countries

•Social and Environmental Factors are key

IOM. 2013. U.S. Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, poorer health. Washington DC: The National

Academies Press.

Page 21: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Schroeder S. N Engl J Med 2007;357:1221-1228


of Social

Factors to



Social factors contribute to

60% of premature death

Page 22: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Social Determinants of Health


“Circumstances in which

people are born, grow up, live,

work, and age, as well as the health systems they utilize”

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). 2013. Social Determinants of Health.

http://www.cdc.gov/socialdeterminants Accessed Nov 1, 2013)

Page 23: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Social factors, like food insecurity, drive health behaviors

One in seven Americans cannot reliably afford food

Food insecurity is associated with increased HIV risk behaviors and susceptibility

In California, risk for hospital admissions for hypoglycemia increased 27 percent in the last week of the month compared to the first week among low-income patients.

Wang EA et al (2013). A Pilot Study Examining Food Insecurity and HIV Risk Behaviors Among Individuals Recently Released From Prison. AIDS

Education and Prevention: Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 112-123.

H. K. Seligman, et al Exhaustion of Food Budgets at Month's End and Hospital Admissions for Hypoglycemia," Health Affairs, Jan. 2014 33(1):116–23.

Weiser SD et al. (2007) Food Insufficiency Is Associated with High-Risk Sexual Behavior among Women in Botswana and Swaziland. PLoS Med 4(10):

e260. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0040260

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Zip code matters more than genetic code

Source: Mitchell & Popham, The Lancet 2008

Increased exposure to green space associated with lower death rate from heart disease

Page 25: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Doctor, where did my social determinants go?

Health Care Individual Level

Disease Research & Intervention

Public Health

SDOH research &


IOM. 2013. U.S. Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, poorer health. Washington DC: The National

Academies Press.



have not been

integrated in

clinic practice

or health care



to lower value,

substandard care

Page 26: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Lack of social determinants integration costs clinics a great deal

•Preventable illness & health disparities

•Less effective healthcare interventions

•Decreased efficiency and productivity

•Patient distrust

•Workforce recruitment & retention

•Wasteful spending

•Less competitive?

•Lower payments as payors shift to value instead of volume?

Page 27: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

How do we move to

the NEW way while

getting paid for the

OLD way?

Page 28: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Healthcare can be better but

care teams and clinics need


Training & Tools


Actionable data

Networks & support

to tackle the social

determinants of health

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Page 30: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Redesign the healthcare workforce to optimize value




By 2020,




Page 31: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

“It is unreasonable

to expect that

people will change

their behavior easily

when so many

forces in the social,

cultural, and



conspire against

such change.”

-Institute of Medicine

Lifestyle recommendations aren’t good enough

Page 32: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Let’s rethink what’s “addressable” in healthcare





Page 33: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Upstreamists optimize value by systematically improving

their clinics’ ability to address upstream problems

Clinic asks about where patients live, work, eat,

and play using EMRs & other tools

Clinic integrates upstream data & community interventions into workflows

Clinic addresses upstream problems at patient,

clinic, and population levels

Page 34: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

CHWs can put us on ‘Path to Continuously Learning Health Care’

when it comes to social determinants

IOM. 2012. Best Care at Lower Cost. The Path to Continuously Learning Health Care in America

Page 35: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

4 out of 5 doctors believe social needs are as important as health problems Yet 4 out of 5 doctors feel under-equipped to address their patients’ social needs

RWJF “Health Care’s Blind Side” Dec 2011

Propietary/ Confidential

CHWs can equip and train doctors to address social factors

Page 36: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Clinical opportunities for Upstream Interventions and CHWs



Health Home

Community-Centered Health Home

• Coordinate with policymakers and

community stakeholders to address social

and environmental conditions

Medical Neighborhood

• Coordinate care for patients and

populations with clinical and community


• Potential role for ACOs


Medical Neighborhood


Ambulatory ICU

• Integrate and coordinate care for high-

need, +/- high-utilizer patients with clinical

and community partners


Propietary/ Confidential


• Coordinate care for patients and clinic

population, primarily within clinical system

R. Manchanda MD

Page 37: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Vermont’s Community Health Teams are part of the PCMH

Page 38: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

PCMH 2014 is a big opportunity for upstream integration of CHWs

1. Health Literacy Assessments

2. Behavioral health conditions

3. High cost/high utilization

4. Poorly controlled or complex conditions

5. Barriers to Self Care

6. Social determinants of health

7. Community Resource lists

8. Referrals by outside organizations, practice staff or patient/family/caregiver

Page 39: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Social Determinants are coming to EMRs: IOM Phase 1 Recommendations

IOM. 2013. U.S. Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, poorer health. Washington DC: The National

Academies Press.

Page 40: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

CHWs can lead transformation through “Community Health Detailing” model developed by HealthBegins

•A participatory curriculum for CHWs/activated community residents

•Combined with community-driven resource mapping

•A“Yelp for Health” web application helps providers find resources

•Community ‘details’ healthcare providers to improve care for patients with social risk factors

Page 41: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Community Health Detailing: Building a “Yelp for Health” in South LA Over 100 high students engaged. Online tool now at UCLA

Page 42: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Clinic-based CHWs can use an ‘Upstreamist Project Canvas’ to develop solutions

Page 43: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

We can’t get health care right without addressing social

determinants of health

We can't get health care as a right

without addressing social determinants

To improve social determinants, it is

necessary, but not sufficient, to engage and transform health care

Page 44: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

A Better Standard of Care

and Better Value

is possible

#CHWs can improve healthcare by moving

it Upstream #Unity2014 @HealthBegins @RishiManchanda #sdoh

Page 45: UNITY Conference Moving Healthcare Upstream: … Healthcare Upstream: Enhancing Care for Patients with Social Needs Rishi Manchanda MD MPH @RishiManchanda rishi@healthbegins.org May

Join the Upstreamists network HealthBegins.org

1. We Mobilize:

Over 800 members & growing

2. We Equip: Trainings Coaching

Workshops for Upstreamists

Community Health Detailing

3. We Design:

Partners: Providers, Payers, Clinic Systems, Health Tech

Evaluation & Analysis

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Social Screening Tools UPSTREAM


Screen Find












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