United Technologies Corporations (UTC) Failures To Disclose - Emails

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  • 7/30/2019 United Technologies Corporations (UTC) Failures To Disclose - Emails


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    The World Fire Safety Foundation First Published: June, 2013

    World Fire Safety Foundation/UTC Emails

    June 2008 ~ May 2009

    United Technologies Corporations

    (UTC - Kidde/Chubb/Quell)

    Failures to Disclose - Emails

  • 7/30/2019 United Technologies Corporations (UTC) Failures To Disclose - Emails


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    This document will be

    completed by 15 June, 2013.

    United Technologies Corporations (UTC)Failures to Disclose - Emails is one of aseries of Special Reports (see link below) exposing the root cause of the problem

    with the ionization type of smoke alarms in hundreds of millions of homes around

    the world - flawed Smoke Alarm Standards.

    Despite repeated requests, UTC, the worlds largest ionization smoke alarm

    manufacturer, continues to fail to disclose the level of visible smoke their ionization

    smoke alarms activate under Australian Government (CSIRO) Standards testing.

    This document contains correspondence between the World Fire Safety

    Foundation and UTC.

    This document is designed to be read together with:

    UTC Failures to Disclose document:


    Thank you.


    The World Fire Safety Foundation

    Adrian ButlerChairman, Co-Founder, Former Fire Fighter


    S P E C I A L R E P O R T S



    The World Fire Safety

    Foundation (WFSF) is a

    self-funded, Non-Profi t

    Organization founded

    in March 2000. We do

    not sell anything,

    solicit or accept


    SAFormalAcknowledgementOfFlawedAS3786May13.pdf | Updated: 13May-05:26am- Check for Updates: www.Scr ibd.com/doc/140862221 1 of 3

    S p e c i a l R e p o r t

    United Technologies Corporation

    (UTC - Kidde/Chubb/Quell)

    Failures to Disclose

    Read together with:UTCs Failures to Disclose

  • 7/30/2019 United Technologies Corporations (UTC) Failures To Disclose - Emails


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    On 16 December 2008 10:51, Adrian Butler wrote:

    Attn: Supercheap AutoGlen McGregor, Area ManagerDavid Ajala, CEOAlison Hancock, Manager(Alison, please forward to Mr McGregor and Mr Ajala)c.c.Steve Berman, Managing Partner, Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLPDamian Scattini, Practice Group Leader, Slater & GordonNeil Roberts, Queensland Minister for Emergency ServicesLee Johnson, Commissioner, Queensland Fire & Rescue ServiceGraham Thom, Superintendent, Queensland Fire & Rescue ServiceGeoff Garrett, CEO, CSIROAdam Liberman, Senior Legal Counsel, CSIRODavid Isaac, Standards Australia Committee FP2(for distribution to FP2 Committee Members)et al

    RE: Ionization Smoke Alarm Class Action - Summary Document Attached

    Good Morning Alison

    Thank you for your time yesterday afternoon. Further to our discussion a document summarising the current US

    Ionization Smoke Alarm Class Action Law Suit is attached.

    This document will help Supercheap Auto understand why the World Fire Safety Foundation believes the SCA9 andChubb (i.e. Quell branded) ionization smoke alarms you are currently selling are not fit for purpose. CompellingCSIRO evidence indicates, that in the case of smouldering fires, the type of fire that commonly kills, ionizationsmoke alarms do not activate until a "dangerously high and totally unacceptable" level of smoke.www.YouTube.com/watch?v=2OGO1updHJA

    Last night I spoke to Mr David Laundry, National Consumer Manager, Consumer Fire Safety Products, from Chubb'sSydney offices at length. We discussed issues relating to my Quell branded ionization smoke alarms purchased fromyour Supercheap Auto Burleigh store yesterday morning. I asked Mr laundry:

    "Will your SA502 or SA602 ionization smoke alarms SAFELY detect a smouldering fire - the type of fire that commonlykills?"

    Alison if you contacted your car manufacturer because you had a problem with your brakes and asked:

    "Will my car SAFELY stop when the brakes are applied?"

    Would you be concerned if your question was avoided, not answered?

    A more damming question about my new ionization smoke alarms I will require an answer to is:

    "What is the level of smoke that my ionization smoke alarms activated at under the CSIRO's, smoke alarm sensitivitytesting in accordance with clause 7 (e) and (f) of Australian Standard 2362.17 (AS2362.17, the smoke sensitivitytesting standard is called up by the Australian Smoke Alarm Standard, AS3786)

    Your CEO, Mr Ajala, may wish to ask Mr Laundry and or the CSIRO these same questions - Mr Laundry is availableon (Phone number removed). Mr Adam Liberman from the CSIRO is available on (Phone number removed). TheCSIRO listed Supercheap's own branded SCA9 ionization smoke alarm after they conducted scientific testing on thedevice last year. I have several other very interesting questions Mr Ajala may wish to ask the CSIRO.

    The World Fire Safety Foundation is currently investigating if Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro's Class Action Law Suitmay be extended into Australia. Supercheap Auto has a window of opportunity to do the right thing by it's customersand make a name for itself by doing what no one in the fire industry appears as yet, to have the foresight or integrity todo...

    To immediately stop selling and recall ionization smoke alarms from all residential applications. Why? Becauseempirical evidence indicates that since 1993, the CSIRO's (and SSL before them) own scientific testing proves theyhave NOT safely activated in the most common type of fire that kills.

    Once Supercheap investigates you will discover why Mr Steve Berman, the Managing Partner of Hagens BermanSobol and Shapiro stated in the attached document:

  • 7/30/2019 United Technologies Corporations (UTC) Failures To Disclose - Emails


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    "We had a client contact us with a story that was truly stunning."

    What is so "truly stunning" is the statistical probability that most of the recipients of this message will have ionizationsmoke alarms supposedly protecting their familys. This begs the last and most important question:

    "Why hasn't the public been adequately warned about ionization smoke alarms and the safe, available and affordablealternatives so they may exercise their right to chose between savings and safety and thereby properly protect theirfamilies from fire?

    Given the above, I respectfully request that you bypass Supercheap's bureaucracy so this matter is brought to theimmediate attention of your CEO, Mr David Ajala as soon as possible.

    Thank you.


    Adrian ButlerChairmanWorld Fire Safety FoundationGold Coast, Qld, AUSTRALIAPhone: +61 409 782 166- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -

    "It is truly alarming. It is so stunning and sohorrifying and it's so hard to believe that it'ssomething that people just don't know..."- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -

  • 7/30/2019 United Technologies Corporations (UTC) Failures To Disclose - Emails


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    The majority of smoke detectors sold today do not detect the type of fire that is most likely to kill you;a smouldering fire.Tom Clarke, Investigative Journalist, from the film Silent Alarms, CTV, Jan 2000. (See below)

    Find out how you may have been misled/deceived, why your familys lives may be at risk, and if you livein the USA, how you may seek compensation.

    Please forward this document to everyone you know - especially your local fire fighters.Adrian Butler, Former Fire Fighter. Chairman, World Fire Safety Foundation, Qld, Australia, 15 Dec 2008

    Seek Compensation - Join the Law Suit or find out more at: www.hbsslaw.com/smokedetectors

    IntroductionThis proposed national class action is brought on behalf of American homeowners and renters who have purchased

    stand-alone ionization-only smoke detectors. Early warning is key to surviving smoldering fires the deadliest kindof home fire. Ionization-only smoke detectors those detectors that use only ionization technology to sense thepresence of smoke are slow to warn, if they warn at all, of smoldering fires, which typically occur while theoccupants are sleeping.

    Defendants, three of the largest manufacturers of ionization smoke detectors sold in the United States, fail toadequately warn consumers of this dangerous limitation of ionization-only devices even though almost 90% of allstand-alone smoke detectors sold in the United States use this detection technology. When consumers purchase stand-alone smoke detectors, Defendants fail to adequately advise consumers that alternative photoelectric devices provide

    earlier warning typically by hours against the most dangerous fires, that the devices are priced similarly toionization-only devices, and that ionization-only devices should not be used alone in any home. By reason ofDefendants wrongful conduct, millions of American homeowners have purchased fire-alarm systems, not knowingthat their purchase inadequately protects their home and families against deadly fire. (page 1, emphasis added)

    ... Defendants conduct described herein constitutes prohibited practices,unfair, deceptive and unconscionable conduct

    under the Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices Acts of of 26 states and the District of Columbia... (clause 80, page 31 emphasis added)

    From the Filed Complaint (filed June 18 2008):

    Where theres smoke there is firePosted by Steve Berman - June 18 2008

    We had a client contact us with a story that was truly stunning. In short, our suitcalls into question whether ionization-only technology what makes most smokedetectors work -- does a very poor job of detecting slow, smoldering fires.

    Another technology using photo-electric devices does a much better job,according to our suit...

    Note: All information in this document is within the public domain ClassActionSummary.pdf Last Updated: 16Dec08 WFSFCAS08

    This could be a major casethat could make millions

    of Americans safer.Steve Berman, Managing PartnerHagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP

    Smoke Detector Class Action - Is Your Family Safe?

    Silent Alarms - You might be thinking that youre ok? . . . well think again!

    By now you might be thinking that youre ok because when you burn toast in your kitchen, what happens? The smoke detector goes off and that

    must mean that every things fine and that you're safe ... well think again!

    3. Toast and kitchensmoke generallyproduce lots of small

    particles, just the rightcombination to block

    the flow of ions.

    1. Most detectors workon a principal calledionization.A currentof ions flows between

    two metal plates.

    2. When smokeparticles enter the

    chamber the flow isinterrupted and thealarm is triggered.

    4. But smokeparticles from say

    the fire on youraverage couch ...

    5. ... are large andfew in number andthey often dont

    interrupt the flowand so the alarmdoes not sound.

    Note: Transcript and images from Silent Alarms. This award-winning documentary aired on Canadian national TV (CTV) in January 2000

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    On 22 December 2008 22:31, Adrian Butler wrote:

    Attention:Mrs Martha Berker, Senior Legal Council, Chubb Fire Safety Ltdc.c.Mr David Ajala, CEO, Supercheap AutoMr David Isaac, Standards Australia, FP2 Committee MemberMr David Laundry, National Product Manager, Chubb Fire Safety Ltd

    RE: CSIRO AS1670.1 Test Data Disclosure - Chubb Smoke Alarms

    Dear Mrs Berek

    On Friday of last week I had a long discussion with your National Product Manager, Mr David Laundry about safetyconcerns with Chubb's ionisation smoke alarms. Subsequent to my discussion I called your office and left a messageso we could discuss this matter.

    Last week I purchased two ionisaton smoke alarms from a Supercheap Auto store in Burleigh Queensland. They areboth Chubb alarms carrying the Quell Fire & Safety brand mark, i.e. Quell SA502 and SA602 models.

    I seek confirmation that my SA502 and SA602 ionisation smoke alarms are fit for purpose.

    Both alarms carry a logo on the front and back of the packaging stating "Know you're safe - Trust Quell". Pleaseadvise, in writing, within 14 days:

    1. Will my SA502 and SA602 smoke alarm/s safely activate in a slow smouldering fire, the type of fire that commonlykills?

    Australian Standard 1670.1 is the testing standard called up by the Australian Smoke Alarm Standard, AS3786.AS1670.1 sensitivity testing is currently performed by the CSIRO. It is a requirement of AS1670.1 that the CSIROdiscloses to the Manufacturer/Supplier the level of smoke at which my SA502 and SA602 alarms activated in theirsensitivity testing. Please advise, in writing, within 14 days:

    2. At what level of smoke (i.e. light obscuration per metre) did my SA502 and SA602 smoke alarm/s activate inaccordance with clauses 7 (e) and (f) of Australian Standard 1670.1?

    Thank You.


    Adrian ButlerChairmanWorld Fire Safety FoundationGold Coast, Qld, AUSTRALIAPhone: +61 409 782 166

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    On 24 December 2008 11:19, Adrian Butler wrote to "Nair, Sawan UTCFS"

    Hi Sawan

    Thanks for your message below.

    Supercheap Auto do market Quell branded Chubb product. However Supercheap's SCA9 ionisation smoke alarmappears to have nothing to do with Chubb (see attached CSIRO Product Listing Data Sheet).

    The product brochure that the Supercheap SCA9 comes with states, on page 6:"Another quality product by:PSA Products Pty Ltd"

    The CSIRO's Product Listing Data Sheet (attached) lists Kidde as the manufacturer.

    Please advise if Kidde sell the same smoke alarm identical to the SCA9 alarm sold by Supercheap (i.e. brandeddifferently) and if so what is the model name and number. I am wanting to find out if Supercheap did a joint listing witheither PSA or Kidde or if Supercheap paid for the CSIRO to subject their SCA9, Kidde manufactured, ionisationsmoke alarm through the CSIRO's complete smoke alarm testing.

    Thanks for your help on Christmas Eve!

    CheersAdrian ButlerChairman, World Fire Safety FoundationGold Coast, Qld, AUSTRALIAPhone: +61 409 782 166


    On 12/24/08, Nair, Sawan UTCFS wrote:

    Hi Adrian,

    The office you need to contact is CHUBB in NSW. I tried contacting the person in charge but he was on leave. So

    unfortunately I would not be able to help you out with your query until the new year. I apologize for any inconveniencecaused. I have given you the contact number below and I hope this is helpful.

    CHUBB Silverwater - (02) 8748 7222

    Regards,Kidde AustraliaSawan Nair, Applications Engineer - DetectionKidde AustraliaA UTC Fire & Security Company314 Boundary Rd,Dingley Village, VIC, 3172Tel: Fax:

    Mobile: www.kidde.com

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    On 9 February 2009 13:47, Adrian Butler wrote:

    Chubb Fire Safety Ltd

    Attention:Mr Rodney Molla CEO,c.c.Ainsley Wroe PA to Mr Molla,Martha Berek, Senior Legal Counsel,Josephine Pontillo, PA to Mrs Berek,

    Jackie Lawson, Legal Department,David Ajala, CEO, Supercheap Auto Pty LtdDavid Isaac, Standards Australia, FP2 Committee

    Dear Mr Molla

    Will Chubb's Ionization Smoke Alarms Safely Detect Smouldering Fires?

    I purchased two Quell branded Chubb Fire Safety Ltd smoke alarms from Supercheap Auto's Burleigh, Gold Coaststore in December 2008. As I have not had any response from your legal department on this issue (note emailscopied below) I am sending this message to you as I would sincerely appreciate an urgent response.

    Please advise:

    1. Will my SA502 and SA602 ionization smoke alarm/s safely activate in a slow smouldering fire?, and

    2. In the testing of these alarms by the CSIRO, at what level of smoke (i.e. light obscuration per metre) did my SA502and SA602 smoke alarm/s activate in accordance with clauses 7 (e) and (f) of Australian Standard 2362.17?

    If Chubb's intention is to not answer my questions, please extend the common courtesy of advising accordingly.

    Please note the updated information in relation to this matter on the World Fire Safety Foundation's website.www.SmokeAlarmDisclosure.org

    Thank You.


    Adrian ButlerChairmanWorld Fire Safety FoundationGold Coast, Qld, AUSTRALIAPhone: +61 409 782 166- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -"It is truly alarming. It is so stunning and sohorrifying and it's so hard to believe that it'ssomething that people just don't know..."www.SmokeAlarmDisclosure.org- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Adrian ButlerDate: Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 9:35 AMSubject: Correction to Follow Up - CSIRO AS2362.17 Test Data Disclosure - Chubb Smoke AlarmsTo: "martha.berek"

    Dear Ms Berek

    My apologies, I just noticed an error in my email sent three days ago(corrected and copied below):

    The email stated Australian Standard 1670.1 in error. It should havestated AS2362.17 which is the sensitivity testing standard called up

    by AS3786.

    I have corrected this mistake and resent the email below.

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    Adrian ButlerChairmanWorld Fire Safety Foundation andSupercheap Auto CustomerGold Coast, Qld, AUSTRALIAPhone:

    - --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -"It is truly alarming. It is so stunning and sohorrifying and it's so hard to believe that it'ssomething that people just don't know..."www.SmokeAlarmDisclosure.org- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -
