UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DOCUMENT THERN DISTRICT or NEW YORK . ____________________________________ _ _ X ,1 ELECTRONICALLY FILED ALEX CRUZ ii DOC ll‘ DATE FILED: Plaintiff, —against— l7—cv-8794 (LAK) AMERICAN BROADCASTING COMPANIES, INC., Defendant. _ . __ ___ . ____ _ _ __ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . . . _ _ . . .. __ .. _ . _ .. .. X MEMORANDUM AND ORDER LEWIS A. KAPLAN, District Judge. On October 31, 2017, an alleged terrorist drove a truck down a bicyclepath beside the West Side Highway in Manhattan, killing eight people and injuring eleven more before being shot by police. Plaintiff captured a photograph of the driver lying in the street shortly after he was brought down by police bullets. The incident was the subject of intense news coverage by innumerable media outlets including American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. (“ABC”). ABC displayed plaintiff’ s photograph in its news reporting on the attack. Less than a month later, plaintiff brought this action against ABC claiming that its display of his photograph infringed his copyright. The matter is before the Court on the question of whether the Court, on its own motion, should require plaintiff to post security for costs, including attorneys’ fees, as a condition of proceeding with this action. Discussion We begin with the pertinent rule, Local Civil Rule 54.2. It provides:

UNITED STATES COURT THERN DISTRICT ELECTRONICALLY …ALEX CRUZ ll‘ DOC ii ’ DATE ... On Octoberan 31,2017, terrorista allegeddrovetrucka bicyclebesidedown path the West Side Highwayin

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Page 1: UNITED STATES COURT THERN DISTRICT ELECTRONICALLY …ALEX CRUZ ll‘ DOC ii ’ DATE ... On Octoberan 31,2017, terrorista allegeddrovetrucka bicyclebesidedown path the West Side Highwayin


____________________________________ _ _ X,1 ELECTRONICALLY FILED




—against— l7—cv-8794 (LAK)


Defendant._ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . . . _ _ . . . . _ _ . . _ . _ .. .. X


LEWIS A. KAPLAN, District Judge.

On October 31, 2017, an alleged terrorist drove a truck down a bicyclepath beside

the West Side Highway in Manhattan, killingeight people and injuring eleven more before being

shot by police. Plaintiffcaptured a photographof the driver lying in the street shortly after he was

brought down by police bullets. The incident was the subject of intense news coverage by

innumerable media outlets including American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. (“ABC”). ABC

displayed plaintiff’s photograph in its news reporting on the attack.

Less than a month later, plaintiffbrought this action against ABC claiming that its

display of his photograph infringed his copyright. The matter is before the Court on the question

of whethertheCourt, on its own motion, should require plaintiffto post security for costs, including

attorneys’ fees, as a condition of proceeding with this action.


We begin with thepertinent rule, Local Civil Rule 54.2. It provides:

Page 2: UNITED STATES COURT THERN DISTRICT ELECTRONICALLY …ALEX CRUZ ll‘ DOC ii ’ DATE ... On Octoberan 31,2017, terrorista allegeddrovetrucka bicyclebesidedown path the West Side Highwayin


“The Court, on motion or on its own initiative,may order any party to filean originalbond for costs or additional security for costs in such an amount and so conditionedas it may designate. For failureto complywith the order the Court may make suchorders in regard to noncompliance as are just, and among others the following: anorder striking out pleadings or staying further proceedings until the bond is filedor dismissing the action or rendering a judgment by default against ther1on—complying party.”

The costs for which security may be required include defendant’s attorneys’ fees, as

Section 505 of theCopyrightAct‘ permits a prevailingdefendant to recover its reasonableattorneys’

fees? “Factors generallyconsidered [in determining whether to require security for costs] include:

the financial condition and abilityto pay of the party at issue; whether thatparty is a non-resident

or foreign corporation; the merits of the underlyingclaims; the extent and scope of discovery; the

legal costs expected to be incurred; and compliancewithpast court orders.’’3 Securityoften has been

required where themerits of a plaintiff’s case are questionableand there is doubt as to theplaintiffs

abilityto satisfy any costs judgment that ultimatelymay be imposed.‘‘

The Court ofcourse is not fully informedwithrespect to themerits ofplaintiff’s case

and thereforedoes not prejudge them. Nevertheless,even on the faceof thecomplaint, thereappear

to be serious questions as to the merits of plaintiff's claim.

Photographs,withonlyvery rare exceptions, are proper subjects ofcopyright.5 Those

17 U.S.C_ § 505 (2012).

E.g., Selletti V. Carey, 173 F.R.D. 96, 100 (S.D.N.Y.1997) (Chin, 1.), aff’d, 173 F.3d 104 (2dCir. 1999).

Id. at 100-01.

E.g., id. at 101-102; Bressler v. Liebman, No. 96—cv—9310 (LAP), 1997 WL 466553, at *4(S.D.N.Y.Aug. 14, 1997).

See, e.g., Mannion v. Coors Brewing Co., 377 F. Supp. 2d 444, 450-54 (S.D.N.Y.2005); TheBridgeman Art Library, Ltd. v. Core] Corp., 36 F. Supp. 2d 191, 195-97 (S.D.N.Y. 1999).

Page 3: UNITED STATES COURT THERN DISTRICT ELECTRONICALLY …ALEX CRUZ ll‘ DOC ii ’ DATE ... On Octoberan 31,2017, terrorista allegeddrovetrucka bicyclebesidedown path the West Side Highwayin

“lTlh€ fair 1186 Of a Copyrighted work, includingsuch use by reproduction or byany other means

. . . , for purposes such as criticism, comment news reportingteaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, isnot an infringementof copyright. In determining whether the use made of a workin any particular case IS a fair use the factors to be considered shall include-

(1) the purpose and characterof the use, includingwhether such use is of a

commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;

(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;

(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to thecopyrighted work as a whole; and

(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of thecopyrighted work.”7

As this Court pointed out only recently, a use squarely within the preambulatory

portion of Section 107 of the Copyright Act — namely, “criticism, comment, [or] news reporting”

— goes at least part of the distance toward a conclusionof fair use.8 Moreover, Time Inc. v. Bernard

Geis Associates,” the case that held that the use in a book of copies of frames of the famous and

copyrighted Zapruder filmof the assassinationof President Kennedywas fair, at first blush seems

17 USC. § 107 (2012).

Emphasis supplied.

Kanongataa v. Am, Broadcasting C0s., Nos. 16-cv-7382, 16-cv—7383, l6—cv—7472 (LAK),2017 WL 4776981, at *1 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 4, 2017); see also 4 NIMMER ON COPYRIGHT §13.05[A][1][a],at 13—160—13-161 (Rev. ed. 2017).

293 F. Supp. 130 (S.D.N.Y. 1968).

Page 4: UNITED STATES COURT THERN DISTRICT ELECTRONICALLY …ALEX CRUZ ll‘ DOC ii ’ DATE ... On Octoberan 31,2017, terrorista allegeddrovetrucka bicyclebesidedown path the West Side Highwayin

,0 tend substantial support to a defense of fair use4

have a ful '

thatABC willprevailon a fair us6 defense and m -

’ °re0Ve13 that it would be entitled to recover costs,including attorneys’ fees, in thatevent 11


In thecircumstances, plaintiffshall show cause, on or beforeDecember1, 2017, whyan order should not be entered requiring thathe post security for costs as a condition ofproceeding

further with this action. Plaintiffs counsel is hereby directed to serve a copy of this order on the

defendant no later thanNovember22, 2017. Defendant may respond to plaintiffs submission, if

any, no later than December 15, 2017. Plaintiff may reply to any submission on behalfof the

defendant no later thanDecember22, 2017.


Dated: November17, 2017


United States District Judge


See also 4 NIMMER ON COPYRIGHT § 13.05[B][5], at 13-222.

The Court notes also that (1) plaintiffs counsel, Richard Liebowitz, according to court

records, has filed452 cases in this Court in the last 21 months (of which 20 have been filedso far this month),many against media and publishing defendants, and (2) the undersignedawarded over $121,000 in attorneys fees against a client of Mr. Liebowitz in three other,related copyright infringementcases thatwere dismissed from thebenchon fair use grounds.Kanongataa, 2017 WL 4776981, at *3.