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UNIT SEVEN – Americans in Vietnam, Part 1 20 th Century US History

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20th Century US History

UNIT SEVEN Americans in Vietnam, Part 120th Century US HistoryUNIT 7, LESSON 1 AGENDAFinals/Comments Back What do I well? What could have been better?

Goals for the semester

Research Paper Introduction

Introduction to the War in Vietnam

HW: QUACK Chapter 1Vietnam BrainstormVietnam IntroOverarching Question for this Unit:

Was the war in Vietnam to protect Vietnams freedom and ensure U.S. security?Was the war just a misguided attempt to protect the U.S. from an imagined threat at the expense of the Vietnamese people?UNIT 7, LESSON 2 AGENDADo Now Reading Quiz

Lecture The French in IndochinaNote Check

Graphic Organizer Page 15

HW: Research Paper (pick a topic)

Chapter 1 Reading QuizWhat was the name of Frances colony in Southeast Asia?Who was Paul Doumer (what was his job)?What is civilization Francais?What improvements did the French make in Vietnam?What did French missionaries want to do in Vietnam?

The French in IndochinaFrench IndochinaFrom the late 1800s until 1954, Vietnam was part of this colony for a number of reasons:French missionariesConvert to CatholicismFrench merchantsProfits from rice, coffee, tea and rubberFrench governmentStrategic presence in Southeast Asia

The French in IndochinaLife in Vietnam (before the French)Indochina was three independent countries, one was VietnamVietnam successfully overthrew their Chinese rulersTradition of battle against foreign rulersStructure of lifeRuled by emperors with little powerLocal rule was more importantThe village was at the heart of lifeSimple lifestylesHigh level of educationBuddhism

Predict: How will the old way of life in Vietnam affect the Vietnam War?

The French in IndochinaThe French ArriveBegin to colonize in 1668Expand their power over 350 years

French strategiesPlay off of wars between rival factionsUse attacks as an excuse to extend powerReplace local leaders with Frenchmen

By 1925, 5000 Frenchmen ruled over 30 million people (includes Laos and Cambodia)

Infer: How did the people of Indochina feel about their new rulers?The French in IndochinaFrench Civilization in VietnamReligion and CultureCivilization FrancaisLanguage, food, religion, law, government, education, etc.Used as an excuse for their colonial empireThe Vietnamese perspectiveForced to be FrenchUpper-class people had to learn the languagePriests became CatholicsSchools taught French lit and history

Infer: What types of Vietnamese people were expose to civilization Francais?The French in IndochinaFrench Civilization in Vietnam:Modern Life The French influence RailroadsPaved streets, bridgesElectricityPublic parks and hotelsEconomics & Government French influencePaul Doumer governor of Indochina, wants the colony to be more profitableDoumer encourages the Vietnamese to smoke opium (why???)Vietnam began exporting rice, rubber, and coalVietnamese are kicked off their land, then forced to work for low wagesFrench people take high positions in the government

Potential Topics/QuestionsVietnam under the FrenchThe DraftGI Resistance to the WarVietnam protesters Vietnam at the movies (history v. Hollywood)The Gulf of Tonkin Incident & LBJThe Vietnam MemorialGuerilla Tactics and the VietcongDomino TheoryHo Chi Minh

UNIT 7, LESSON 3 AGENDAGo to library Lesson from Ms. Denzer.HW: Topics are due tomorrow. QUACK Chapter 2.UNIT 7, LESSON 4 AGENDADo Now Reading Quiz, Chapter 2Topic CheckLecture: Communism, Guerrillas, Inkblots, and Falling DominoesNote Check

HW: Study for Quiz 7.1 Chapters 1-2Reading Quiz Chapter 21. Who was Ho Chi Minh2. Who invaded Vietnam during World War II?3. Explain Ho Chi Minhs fish through the ocean metaphor4. Who were the Vietminh?5. What was the Domino Theory??Topic CheckSam anti-war, doves v. hawks. Thesis the doves were right. Why the US shouldnt have been involved in the war.Caroline Cody Technology in war. Thesis negative influence on war.Adam Lukas John Khmer Rouge (many Cambodians back home), begins 1975, Communist moment, kills 1.5 million Cambodian citizens. How was is caused, how did it end, what happened to people involved?

Communism, Guerrillas, Inkblots, and Falling DominoesFrench Indochina Ends1941 Japanese InvadeQuestion of whether rule under the Japanese would be differentHo Chi MinhRevolutionary commitment to getting rid of foreign invaders Communist, fought against the JapaneseCreated the Vietminh1. Free all of Vietnam from foreign rule2. Establish a socialist governmetnCommunism, Guerrillas, Inkblots, and Falling DominoesNorth and SouthThe Allies occupy southern Vietnam after WWIIThe Vietminh take the NorthThe French agree to leave Vietnam alone, but fighting breaks out in 1946

War with FranceHo Chi Minh uses guerilla tactics (soldiers swim through people like fish swim through the ocean)Three strategies1. Gain the support of the people2. Fight in small units using hit-and-run tactics3. Build a credible military force

Analyze motives: Why did Ho Chi Minh adopt these tactics?Communism, Guerrillas, Inkblots, and Falling DominoesThe American PerspectiveFrance should leave its colonies aloneNonetheless, the US offered France aid in 1949 why?????

The Domino Theory1949 Mao Zedong and the Communist Party take China1950 North Korea invades non-communist South KoreaPresident Eisenhower fears that if Ho Chi Minh, with Chinas help, could control North Vietnam, communism would spread to other countries in Southeast Asia (like dominos)

Remember?? Who is enemy #1 in the late 1940s and why??

Communism, Guerrillas, Inkblots, and Falling DominoesAnother view of communism?Rather than stopping the dominoes from fallingthe US should eliminate poverty, disease, and dispair.

Why?Communism is seen as a way out by the poor and disadvantaged people of the world.

How could this strategy be used??

Communism, Guerrillas, Inkblots, and Falling DominoesThe Inkblot PlanThe French begin to loseA French general decides to set up bases deep in Vietminh territory and expand outward (like inkblots)Tried this in a valley called Dienbienphu bad idea

France asks the US for helpJohn Foster Dulles (do we know him??) agrees, but why??

UNIT 7, LESSON 5Do Now study for quizTake QuizPartner GradingCartoon Activity

HW: Find sources, work on source cards, QUACK Chap 3.Cartoon ActivityWhat do you see (5 things)?

What piece of info canyou connect this to?

What symbols are there?

What message is theartist trying to show?

Do Now Binder CheckChapter 3 Reading QuizLecture Sink or Swim, with Ngo Dinh DiemNote Check(Graphic Organizer Page 39)

HW: QUACK Chapter 4, Quiz Corrections Due Monday, Source Cards Due TomorrowUNIT 7, LESSON 6 AGENDABinder CheckYour binder must be neat and organized and contain:

Research Paper Survival GuideQuiz 7.1Your Winter Term CommentsChapter 3 Reading QuizWhat happened at the Geneva Conference?Who is Ngo Dihn Diem?What did Americans like about him?What was President Eisenhowers big decision?

Sink or Swim with Ngo Dinh DiemThe French surrender at DienbienphuGeneva Conference sets the terms of peace1. Fighting in Indochina stops2. Vietnam would be temporarily divided into north and south, Laos and Cambodia become independent3. Free elections would be held to choose a new govt4. Free movement would be allowed between North and South5. Emperor Bao Dai would govern in the meantime6. Poland, Canada, and India would supervise the election

The US did not play a major role, but was left as the only country to oppose communism in VietnamSink or Swim with Ngo Dinh DiemNgo Dinh DiemElected president of South Vietnam with help from the U.S.Committed anti-communistDevout Catholic, very westernized

Anti-Communism under NgoSecret police find out who is loyal to himArrests 1000s of people suspected of being part of The Vietminh

Elections as promised?He and Eisenhower feared Ho Chi Minh would win the election

Sink or Swim with Ngo Dinh DiemMeanwhile in North VietnamHo Chi Minh attacks landlords and people thought to be working with the FrenchFarmers were divided into five classes1 in 20 farmers was killed in order to symbolically remove the rich landlord class (even if there was no landlord)Use of tortureSink or Swim with Ngo Dinh DiemSink or SwimNgo Dinh Diem upsets U.S. leaders, but do they do anything?No. Why??His tactics were justified to stop a ruthless communist enemyThere were no alternatives

President Eisenhowers decision1. Support Diem2. Oppose communism somewhere else, leave Vietnam to the communists

UNIT 7, LESSON 7Do Now Chapter 4 Reading QuizSource CheckLecture The Strategic Hamlet ProgramNote Check

HW: Source cards due tomorrow, continue reading through your sources. Chapter 4 Reading QuizWhat is the Strategic Hamlet Program?What was one problem with the program?Who were the Vietcong or what did they do?What happened at Nam Luong?

Sources??CodyJohnSamCarolineAdamLukasThe Strategic Hamlet ProgramReview?

Who is Ho Chi Minh?What were his three stages of guerilla warfare?What is the Domino Theory?The Strategic Hamlet ProgramThe Vietcong (VC) Who are they?? What did they do?Stage 1 Recruited people in villages to fight on their side.How?Offered foodHelped with the harvest, supplied seedsEncouraged complaints Killed leaders appointed by Ngo Dinh DiemProved: they could do what they wanted, were more powerful than the South Vietnamese govt

The Strategic Hamlet ProgramThe VietcongStage 2Attacked police stations, ridges, South Vietnamese soldiers, govt outpostsRevolution

The Strategic Hamlet ProgramCause: President Diem sees that he is losing control of villagesWhat is it?: Uses U.S. aid to build villages especially for loyal South Vietnamese Includes: schools, med stations, electricity, fences, etc.Why: to separate VC from loyal South Vietnamese Supported by: Presidents Eisenhower and KennedyNumbers: over 4 million South Vietnamese

The Strategic Hamlet ProgramProblems:Farmers did not want to leave their old homesHamlets were far away from fieldsPromised supplies disappearedUnpopular or corrupt village chiefs

The Strategic Hamlet ProgramNam Luong50 guerillas in black pajamas attack the village, killed the chief and his family in front of the villagers, denounced the South Vietnamese govt.Blamed: Ngo Dinh Diem, American advisorsAmericans options: 1. Do nothing since the village would be hard to access2. Call for an air strike, kill the invaders, but also many civilians

Outcome:Pattern: US often used its superior technology to supposedly protect the South Vietnamese population, but often resulted in large-scale death and destructionUNIT 7, LESSON 8Do Now Reading Quiz, Chapter 5Lecture The Gulf of Tonkin IncidentNote CheckGraphic Organizer Page 64

HW: Fill in your note cards!!Reading Quiz, Chapter 5What happened at the Gulf of Tonkin?What happened to Ngo Dinh Diem?What was one reason why Diem was unpopular?Who was Barry Goldwater?Ngo Dinh Diem & the Gulf of Tonkin1963: monk lights himself on fire in central SaigonSymbolic protest the govt of Ngo Dinh Diem why?Massive imprisonmentCatholicism (reminder of the French)Paranoia of the Dinh govt, mistrust of generalsUnpopular chiefs in the strategic hamletsCorrupt govt run by bribes

Ngo Dinh Diem & the Gulf of TonkinExit DiemJFK tells Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge the US would not oppose somebody new in powerNovember 1963 a coup detat seizes power, Diem assassinated, Lodge doesnt really help themReactionsVietnam celebrations in SaigonUS reliefDays later, JFK is shot. LBJ becomes presidentLBJ commits to continuing the war until the VC are defeated

Ngo Dinh Diem & the Gulf of TonkinAftermath of Dinhs deathGenerals fight for powerPolitical chaos in SaigonMeanwhile in the countrysideStrategic hamlets collapseVietnamese army becomes less effectiveThe US takes a larger and larger roleAid from the North flows in

Ngo Dinh Diem & the Gulf of TonkinBarry Goldwater1964 presidential candidateCalls LBJ and democrats soft on communismSupported by the hawksLBJAttacked by Republicans and by dovesNeeded a way to unite the nation behind him.The Gulf of Tonkin IncidentNorth Vietnamese patrol boats attack an American ship in the Gulf of TonkinAugust 1964No cause?Minor damage

Ngo Dinh Diem & the Gulf of TonkinGulf of Tonkin ResolutionLBJ says that the US must stand tall against attacks from North VietnamWhy?Vietnam broke the rules of international lawVietnam is a communist country waging war against its neighborsThe Us is trying to help the people of SE AsiaLegit?LBJ had the resolution planned before the attacksThe Maddox may have been in Vietnamese waters when attackedAn aide to LBJ responded We dont know what happened, but it had the desired result.What was that result????UNIT 7, LESSON 9Do Now Notecard CheckLecture Fighting a Guerilla WarNote check

HW: Study for quiz on chapters 2-6, work on outlinesFighting a Guerilla WarPresident Johnson escalates the war how?Task of soldiers in Vietnam: root out unseen enemies in small villages around the countryProblems:Villagers might appear friendly, but actually working for the VCVC could gather and disperse quicklyImpossible to distinguish who sided with the govt of Vietnam, who with the VCEven children could be working with the enemyFighting a Guerilla WarSo what was it like??

Memories of the soldiers page 76UNIT 7, LESSON 10Do Now Study for quizTake QuizPartner GradingCartoon Activity

HW: Work on outlines.Cartoon Activity