Computer Department Egyptian Language School First Term- 2017/2018 1 2 nd Prep. – Computer & Information Technology Unit Four (Hyper Text Markup Language) HTML Lesson One Create Web Pages by Using HTML After finishing this lesson the student will be able to: Identify the following basic rules to create a web page By HTML. Identify the structure to create a web page by HTML. Add “Text” to the web page and format it. We knew that one of the main stages to create a website is the execution stage, when the paper design becomes a web page in which all data, texts, images, videos, sound files are input. In this lesson, we will know in details how to use HTML to create a web. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) -It is a coding language used to create internet pages which are used through an internet browser (e.g. : Internet explorer- google chrome, Opera,… ) HTML codes: To create a web page, HTML codes are used, these codes are called Tags. An internet browser executes these tags on the browser page. To create a web page using HTML tags, do as follows: - Create a text file using a text editor to write and edit the HTML tags (ex: Notepad) - Write the HTML tags between these signs “< … >”. - Write most of the tags with a start " < >" and an end “</… >". - Save the text file with the HTML tags with.htm or .html extension - Open the saved file using a web browser and notice the result. - Write HTML tags in capital or small letters.

Unit Four (Hyper Text Markup Language) HTML …...2017/12/02  · HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) -It is a coding language used to create internet pages which are used through an

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Page 1: Unit Four (Hyper Text Markup Language) HTML …...2017/12/02  · HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) -It is a coding language used to create internet pages which are used through an

Computer Department Egyptian Language School First Term- 2017/2018

1 2nd Prep. – Computer & Information Technology

Unit Four

(Hyper Text Markup Language)


Lesson One

Create Web Pages by Using HTML

After finishing this lesson the student will be able to:

Identify the following basic rules to create a web page By HTML.

Identify the structure to create a web page by HTML.

Add “Text” to the web page and format it.

We knew that one of the main stages to create a website is the execution stage,

when the paper design becomes a web page in which all data, texts, images,

videos, sound files are input. In this lesson, we will know in details how to use

HTML to create a web.

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)

-It is a coding language used to create internet pages which are used through an

internet browser (e.g. : Internet explorer- google chrome, Opera,… )

HTML codes:

To create a web page, HTML codes are used, these codes are called Tags. An

internet browser executes these tags on the browser page.

To create a web page using HTML tags, do as follows:

- Create a text file using a text editor to write and edit the HTML tags (ex: Notepad)

- Write the HTML tags between these signs “< … >”.

- Write most of the tags with a start " < >" and an end “</… >".

- Save the text file with the HTML tags with.htm or .html extension

- Open the saved file using a web browser and notice the result.

- Write HTML tags in capital or small letters.

Page 2: Unit Four (Hyper Text Markup Language) HTML …...2017/12/02  · HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) -It is a coding language used to create internet pages which are used through an

Computer Department Egyptian Language School First Term- 2017/2018

2 2nd Prep. – Computer & Information Technology

The Structure of creating a web page using HTML:

The HTML tag is divided into two parts:

1- Head: the part where the page

information is written for the browser

like page title.

2- Body: the part where the content is


Add a web page title using </title>.......<title> tag:

-Start a text editor program.

-Type the structure to create the page using HTML tags.

-Type the tag <title> the page title </title> in the field <head >...</head

-Save the file with the name: Visit Egypt.htm

- Open the file the web page using a web browser.

Adding a “Text” to a web page:

- Type the HTML main tags for the previous.

- Type the phrase "An Eye on Egypt" inside the <body>…</body> tag.

- Save the text file with .htm extension

- Display the file using the internet browser.

Changing the direction of the web page using "dir" property:

The default direction of a web page is from left to right (English), to change its

direction to be from right to left use the “dir” property:

Page 3: Unit Four (Hyper Text Markup Language) HTML …...2017/12/02  · HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) -It is a coding language used to create internet pages which are used through an

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3 2nd Prep. – Computer & Information Technology

Web page formatting:

Applying formats to the content of the web page makes it more attractive. Some

of them are applied on the text of the web page and some of them are applied on

the background of the web page:

-Formatting the text includes:

Type the beginning from a new line

Text alignment

Putting spaces between words

Formatting the font (face, volume, cooler, style)

-Formatting the web pages includes:

Changing the cooler of the web page background.

Putting an image as a background web page.

Firstly: formatting the text in the web page:

1-Writing at the beginning of a new line by <br> tag:

-Open the text file, after <body>, write text#1.

- Add the tag <br> and write text#2.

- Save the text file with the .htm extension, then open the file.

-The texts appear on two lines.

2- Centering the text by <center>… </center> tag:

-Open the text file, after <body> write <center> Text </center>

- Save the text file with the .htm extension, then open the file.

-The text appears in the center of the webpage.

3- Add blank space between words by &nbsp

-Open the text file, after <body> write: Text#3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp, &nbsp text#4

- Save the text file with the .htm extension, then open the file.

-The two texts appear with 4 spaces between them.

Page 4: Unit Four (Hyper Text Markup Language) HTML …...2017/12/02  · HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) -It is a coding language used to create internet pages which are used through an

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4 2nd Prep. – Computer & Information Technology

4-Formatting the font in the web page (face, size, color):

The font is formatted by the <font> tag which has a

group of properties to determine font Name (face),

font size (size) and font color (color)

## Format the font in the webpage by <font>…</font>:

-In HTML the font property "size" values are from 1 to 7.

-Open the text file, after <body> write these tags:

<font face=”Arial” size=”20” color=”red”> Type your text </font>

- Save the text file with the .htm extension, then open the file. (Note: Any text written out of the <font> and </font) tag displays with the default face, color & size.)

## Formatting the font effects in the webpage by (underlined/ bold/ italic):

-Open the text file, after <body> write these tags:

<u> <b> <i> Type your text </u> </b> </i>

- Save the text file with the .htm extension, then open the file.

Secondly: Formatting the background of the web page.

1-Changing webpage background color the property bgcolor

The property bgcolor is related to the <body> tag.

-Open the text file, Write the code <body bgcolor="green"> (Note: bgcolor property is written inside the <body> tag.)

- Save the text file with the .htm extension, then open the file.

2- Adding image as a web page background by the property Background

Use the property Background that is relates to the <body> tag.

- Prepare an image file to be put as a webpage background.

- Save image inside the same folder where the web page is saved in.

- Write the needed code <body background="image1.jpg" > (Note: “image1” is the image name & “.jpg” is its extension. What are the images extensions???)

- Save the text file with the .htm extension, then open the file.

Page 5: Unit Four (Hyper Text Markup Language) HTML …...2017/12/02  · HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) -It is a coding language used to create internet pages which are used through an

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5 2nd Prep. – Computer & Information Technology

Lesson Two

Create Web Pages by Using HTML

After finishing this lesson the student will be able to:

Add contents to the webpage (image, video, hyperlink, etc.)

Format the content of the webpage.

Insert a hyperlink in the webpage / linking the site pages.

1- Insert image inside the webpage by <img> tag.

- Prepare an image file to be put in the webpage.

- Save image inside the same folder where the web page is saved in. (Note: If the image in another folder, we must write the complete path of the image file)

-Open the text file, after <body> write these tags:

<img src=”Photo.png”> (Note: “Photo” is the image name & “.png” is its extension. Don’t close the <img src> tag)

- Save the text file with the .htm extension, then open the file.

2-Controlling the image dimension in the webpage:

Control the image dimensions using the properties of the <img> tag as follows:

- Height= "200" - Width= "300" (Note: We use the measurement unit "pixel" to measure the image dimensions.)

-Open the text file, after <body> write these tags:

<img src=”Picture.bmp” height=”450” width=”300”>

- Save the text file with the .htm extension, then open the file.

3- Align the image inside the webpage:

-Open the text file, after <body> write

<img src=”Img.tif” align=”right”>

- Save the text file, then open the file.

4- Insert the sound as a background sound by <bgsound>tag

We can insert the sound as a background to the webpage to listen to when we

download the webpage by the browser. (Note: "Internet Explorer" is the only browser that supports the <bgsound> tag)

Page 6: Unit Four (Hyper Text Markup Language) HTML …...2017/12/02  · HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) -It is a coding language used to create internet pages which are used through an

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6 2nd Prep. – Computer & Information Technology

- Prepare an audio file to be put in the webpage.

- Save audio inside the same folder where the webpage is saved in. (Note: If the audio in another folder, we must write the complete path of the audio file)

-Open the text file, after <body> write these tags:

<bgsound src=”Sound1.mp3”> (Note: “Sound1” is the audio name & “.mp3” is its extension. What are the audio files extensions???)

- Save the text file then open the file.

5-Insert Video in the web page by <embed> tag

We can insert the video inside the webpage. We must notice that the tag

supports the video file of the type (.swf - .avi - .mov).

- Prepare a video file to be put in the webpage.

- Save video inside the same folder where the webpage is saved in. (Note: If the video in another folder, we must write the complete path of the video file)

-Open the text file, after <body> write these tags:

<embed src=”video1.avi”> (Note: “video1” is the video name & “.avi” is its extension. What are the videos extensions???)

- Save the text file then open the file.

6-Insert hyperlink in the web page by the <a>…</a>tag

Hyperlink is an image or a text, when we click it, we move to another place, it can

be in the same page or in another one, in the

same site or in another one.

To insert a hyperlink, we use href property to

the <a> that, as follows:

<a href= "the needed title, we want to move to" > the text or image </a>

7- Insert a hyperlink to an image:

To make a hyper image, we must follow:

- Display the image by <img> tag.

- Put <img> inside <a>…</a> to make it a hyperlink

Page 7: Unit Four (Hyper Text Markup Language) HTML …...2017/12/02  · HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) -It is a coding language used to create internet pages which are used through an

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7 2nd Prep. – Computer & Information Technology

Tag Function Associated




Written at the beginning and end of the code to

refer that the document is written by html.



A place where we write the web page title to the




A place where we write the content that will

appear inside the web page

Dir – bgcolor



<title> Choose a title to the web page

<br> Finishing the current line and start a new line

<center> To add a text in the middle of the line

&nbsp To insert a space between words in the browser



To control the font format Face-color-


<u> Underline

<b> bold

<i> Italic

<img> To display the image in the web page src-height-


<bgsound> To insert sound as a background to the web page src

<embed> To add a sound or video to the web page Src

<a> To create a hyperlink href

Page 8: Unit Four (Hyper Text Markup Language) HTML …...2017/12/02  · HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) -It is a coding language used to create internet pages which are used through an

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8 2nd Prep. – Computer & Information Technology


Practical Classwork #5

Website designing by HTML The site designing will be:

Home page designing

What are home page contents?

(Logo-banner-page title-links to other pages-texts-video-Audio)

1- Saving

Open Note padfile save as home.html

(note: it will be saved in the same folder (home) with all images, videos & audios of home page)

2- Start implementing (main tags)

3- Changing background color-add page title-logo & banner images

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9 2nd Prep. – Computer & Information Technology

4- Adding hyperlinks to other pages

5- Adding text & formatting it

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6- Adding video & link for term2

The final page

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11 2nd Prep. – Computer & Information Technology


Written Classwork #5

First Question:

Choose the suitable correct answer to the following phrases:

1- HTML refers to the phrase…………

a- Hyper Text Markup Library.

b- Help Table Made Layout.

c- Hyper Text Markup Language.

2- The web page which uses HTML in its design, it is only considered a……page.

a- Interactive

b- Active

c- Static

3- Using languages like JavaScript and PHP besides HTML in the design of the

web page is to modify the page to…………

a- Interactive

b- Homepage

c- Subpage

4- To display a text on the web page, we write the text in the…………….

a- Head

b- Title

c- Body

5- We must save the HTML file with the extension……………..

a- Docx

b- Jpg

c- Htm

6- To display the text "italic" on the web page, we use the tag………

a- <u>

b- <i>

c- <b>

7- To select the background color of the web page, we use the property…….

a- bgcolor

b- background

c- color

Page 12: Unit Four (Hyper Text Markup Language) HTML …...2017/12/02  · HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) -It is a coding language used to create internet pages which are used through an

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12 2nd Prep. – Computer & Information Technology

8-The property which is connected to the <img> tag, one of these properties


a- path

b- href

c- src

9- The <a> tag, is used to………………………inside the web page.

a- Align text

b- Add a hyperlink

c- Play video

10- To select the font type in <font> tag, we use the property………..

a- Font name

b- Size

c- Face

Second Question: Match (A) from (B):

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13 2nd Prep. – Computer & Information Technology

Third Question: Put () or the correct sentence and () for the wrong one:

1-HTML is used to create interactive web pages. (……..)

2-JavaScript is used to modify the static page to interactive page. (……..)

3-The tag that is written at the beginning of the code to refer that the

document is written by html is <title>. (…….)

4-To control the number of the spaces between words, use &nbsp. (…….)

5-To add image to the web page, we use the <img> tag. (….…)

Forth Question: Write the main tags of the HTML file? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………








Five Question: Give a reason?

<img src= "school.png">

Although there are no errors in the previous code, the image doesn't display on

the web page when loading it by the browser. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Sixth Question: Explain what is meant by the following codes:

<Title> My School </Title> ..........................................................................................................................

<body bgcolor="green"> ..........................................................................................................................

<Img src = "school.png"> ..........................................................................................................................

<font face="andalus"> ..........................................................................................................................

<bgsound src="egypt.MP3"> ..........................................................................................................................

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14 2nd Prep. – Computer & Information Technology


Homework #5

# Write the scientific terminology:

1-……………………….. is a coding language used to create internet pages which are

used through an internet browser?

2- ………………………..are used to create a web page and an internet browser executes

them on the browser page.

# Put () or the correct sentence and () for the wrong one:-

- To write and edit the HTML tags we use a text editor ( )

- Write the HTML tags between these signs “{…}”. ( )

- Most of the HTML tags start with " < >" and an end with “</… >". ( )

- Save the text file with the HTML tags with.html extension only. ( )

- To see the Open HTML file we use a web browser. ( )

- We must write HTML tags in capital letters. ( )

-The main structure for creating a web page using HTML is Head and Title ( )

- </title>.......<title> tag is used to define the webpage name. ( )

- To change the direction of the webpage we use "Indent" property ( )

- To write at the beginning of a new line by we use <newline> tag ( )

- To center the text we use the <center>… </center> tag ( )

- To add blank space between words we use &space ( )

# Complete the following:-

1-Formats of the webpage can be applied on:…………………….. or on …………………………… .

2-Formatting the text includes:………………. , ………………….. , …………………. and ……………… .

3-Formatting the web pages includes: ………………………. and …………………..……………

4-To change webpage background color we use the property ……………………

5-To add image as a web page background we use the property ………………………

6-To insert image inside the webpage use ……………….. tag.

7-To insert Video in the web page use ………….. tag

8-To insert hyperlink in the web page use the ……………………….tag.

Page 15: Unit Four (Hyper Text Markup Language) HTML …...2017/12/02  · HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) -It is a coding language used to create internet pages which are used through an

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15 2nd Prep. – Computer & Information Technology

# Write the HTML tags for:-

1-The Structure of creating a web page using HTML. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2-Making the webpage name/title is “My First Webpage” using HTML. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3-Adding the text “Book is your best friend” to a web page. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4-Changing the direction of the web page to be Arabic webpage. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5-Writing these “ELS school”, “Second prep.”, “Computer Dept.” on three lines. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6- Centering the texts in no.5. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7-Adding blank space between these words: Group1, Group2, Group3, Group4, Group5 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8-Witing texts in no.5 with the following format:” Batang, 25 and with color=purple. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9-Writing the text in no.3 to be: underlined, bold and italic. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10-Making the webpage color “Yellow” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11-Adding the image “photo.jpg” as the webpage background. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Page 16: Unit Four (Hyper Text Markup Language) HTML …...2017/12/02  · HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) -It is a coding language used to create internet pages which are used through an

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16 2nd Prep. – Computer & Information Technology

12-Inserting the image “pic.png” inside the webpage with height 350 and width 150. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13-Aligning the image in no.12 to the right. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14- Inserting the sound “music.mp3” as a webpage background sound. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15-Inserting the video “movie.mp4” in the webpage. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


16-Making the text in no.3 a hyperlink the website “http://www.kutub.info/ ”. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17- Making the image in no.12 a hyperlink to the website “http://www.wikihow.com”. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1

* Choose only one from the culture questions

Culture #5*: a. Who was “Zoha Hadid”?

b. Who discovered the microcirculation in humans? c. Who won the Nobel Prize after his death? Imagine#4: If you were a traveler, which place you want to visit and why?