Unit 9. Human resource development for TB infection control TB Infection Control Training for Managers at National and Subnational Level

Unit 9. Human resource development for TB infection control TB Infection Control Training for Managers at National and Subnational Level

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Unit 9. Human resource development for

TB infection control

TB Infection Control Training for Managers

at National and Subnational Level


After this unit, the participant will be able to:

• List the goals of human resources development (HRD)

• Describe guiding principles for training

• Access technical assistance, tools and modules for HRD in infection control



• Definitions and goals for human resource development (HRD)

• WHO strategic approach to support countries in HRD

• Training

• HRD resources


Human resource development means:

• Getting the right people

• With the right skills and motivation

• In the right place

• At the right time


Human resource development is the process of:

• Planning

• Managing

• Supporting the health workforce involved in the delivery of TB control services

• Within overall health workforce development


Strong and sustainable TB IC efforts depend on:

Timely, adequate, and ongoing

• Hiring

• Training

• Deployment

• Motivation

• Management of health workers


• Health workers at different levels of the health system have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes (professional competence)

• A sufficient number of health workers of all categories involved in comprehensive TB control is available at all levels of the health system.

HRD goals


• the professional ability required to carry out certain functions

• a potential which is realized at the moment of performance

Competence is:


• Organize ongoing in-service training for all health workers involved in TB infection control

• Monitor and supervise health worker performance

• Strengthen pre-service, basic training for – physicians – nurses – laboratory technicians– other health workers

HRD strategies for IC (1)


• Engage in strategic partnerships for health workforce development with– Professional associations– Private sector including NGOs– Civil sector and prisons– Employers

• Contribute to integrated personnel management system to foster adequate workforce planning, recruitment, hiring, deployment and retention

• Contribute to overall workforce planning, policy development and leadership

HRD strategies for IC (2)


• Provide strategic guidance and support to regions, countries and partners

• Provide technical and financial support to WHO Regional Offices and individual countries in development and implementation

• Collaborate and coordinate with other WHO programmes and UN departments

Role of WHO Stop TB Department in HRD


• Develop and update evidence-based HRD approaches

• Develop generic tools for competence development, including HR management− Training modules− Manuals and guidelines− Checklists and assessment tools

• Organize courses and other learning opportunities at regional, inter-country level for key staff in National TB Control Programmes

• Advocate for HRD in global meetings

WHO Stop TB Department strategies for HRD


• Competency based• Learner centred• Task and level-specific (based on analysis of

the tasks performed under a specific job description)

• Technically correct • Assumes most persons who will deliver training

courses have limited skills in facilitation and educational planning. All essential information should be contained in the training modules

• Based on sound educational principles (next slide)

Guiding principles for training


• Has measurable learning objectives (derived from the job description)

• Uses methods that actively involve the participant (to increase learning and the likelihood of transfer to the work setting)

• Enables the trainer (or facilitator) to assess whether the participant is learning and to give individual help as needed

• Includes objective evaluation to determine the extent to which the objectives have been attained

Sound educational principles for competency-based learning


• Who should be trained?• What should they be trained on?• Who provides the training?• How will the training be provided?• What does it cost and who pays?• Was the training effective last time?• What needs to be done to increase


Questions to ask when developing training


Lijkt mij goed om de hele presentatie te focussen op training en TA binnen TB/Infection control. Zijn dit de meest relevante vragen om de plannen verder uit te werken? Deze vragen worden in de break out session met de deelnemers verder ingevuld

• Implementers (doctors, nurses, laboratory staff, epidemiologists)

• Trainers

• Management

• Policy and decision makers

• Infection control program staff

Who needs to be trained


Dit is een van de vragen voor de break out session. Denk je dat de deelnemers hier nog wat op aan te vullen hebben? Staan deze doelgroepen al vast? Kortom: zullen we deze vraag dan wel stellen in de break out session?

By facility types• MDR-TB wards• Hospital TB wards, referral hospitals• HIV/AIDS care settings• Outpatient clinics• Congregate settings

By community, depending on:• Burden• Risk

Prioritization of training needs


• Country adaptation of generic training materials

• Curriculum development

• Training of trainers (TOT)

• Training of implementers

• Monitoring and evaluation

• Adjustment of training plan based on assessment of effectiveness

Steps in the training process-- the country level


• Training of trainers (TOT) approach

• In-service or pre-service training

• Vertical (stand alone training on infection control) or integrated (added as part of another training on infection control or TB)

• Supervision and support

• Commitment funding and staff

• Staff retention schemes

Scale-up of HR capacity for TB IC


• Current TA capacity is very limited• Competence – support countries in:

- Prioritizing TB infection control measures- Developing policies and action plans- Undergoing facility assessments - Developing partnerships, raising political will- Planning and budgeting- Addressing human resource issues - Monitoring, evaluation, supervision, quality


Technical assistance needs


• Training for health care workers• Generic training materials on TB infection

control for managers at the national and subnational levels

• Technical assistance to support country level training

• Courses for programme managers on scaling up infection control

• Courses that build ventilation expertise• New WHO policy on TB infection control

Available courses and materials



• The goal of HRD is to have professionally competent health workers in sufficient numbers at all levels of the health system

• Training should be task and level-specific, based on analysis of the tasks performed under a specific job description.