Mnemonics Unit 9

Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

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Page 1: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

MnemonicsUnit 9

Page 2: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

auxiliarygiving assistance; a

helper, aidan ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the


Page 3: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

candidfrank, sincere, honest; unposed

Candid Camera (like Punk’d)get an honest reaction to a


a candid photo - unposed

Page 4: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

cubiclea small room or compartmentcubby hole: in kindergarten –small cube to put your things

incubicles in offices – small


Page 5: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

drudgerywork that is difficult and

tiresomedrugs make your body work

hardCinderella had all of the

drudgery to do around the house. (difficult chores)

Page 6: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

envoya representative or

messengerenvelope = a messenger

(envoy) delivers an envelope

Page 7: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

escalateto elevate; to increase in

intensityescalator = you ride to

“elevate” to the next floor –to go UP

Page 8: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

expedienta means to an end

expedient=hear speed=to get the end quickly

expire = the end—it’s over

Page 9: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

feignto pretend

to fake

Page 10: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

flaira natural quality, talent, or

skillflare = break dancing move

a natural style/skillflair for fashion

Page 11: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

grievouscausing sorrow or pain

General Grievous = Star Wars

(4 light sabers = able to cause pain)

Page 12: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

heterogeneouscomposed of different kinds,

diversegenes = genetic make-upAmat has a heterogeneous

student body.

Page 13: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

hordea vast number

horde of peopleherd of animals

Page 14: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

impelcompel – drivenUnder a spell

(you may be forced to do something)

Page 15: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

incredulousdisbelieving; skeptical

creed = what we believecredible = believable


Page 16: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

inscribe to writescribble

escribe – to write (Spanish)a scribe (one who wrote

down laws, etc.)

Page 17: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

monologuea speech by one actor; a long talk by one person

mono=onedialogue=two people


Page 18: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

prognosisthe outcome of a situation

diagnosis of an illness (what the problem is)

prognosis (how will things turn out)

Page 19: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

raspingwith a harsh grating sound

SOME American Idol contestants

Page 20: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

repugnantoffensive; disagreeable

pug = nose = OFFENSIVE odor

thug = disagreeable = rebellious behavior

Page 21: Unit 9. auxiliary giving assistance; a helper, aid an ox = gives assistance to the farmer (pulls the plow)

scuttleto sink a ship by cutting holes in

itscurry away

the Sea Gull in The Little Mermaid

(named Scuttle) = sea = ships = sunken treasures