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Unit 8 Five Traits of the Educated Man. Preview Warm-up Word Study Detailed Study of Text I Practices & Homework

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  • Unit 8 Five Traits of the Educated Man
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  • Preview Warm-up Word Study Detailed Study of Text I Practices & Homework
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  • Warm-up 1. What is education? And what role does education play in your personal growth? Home upbringing + formal schooling Home upbringing + formal schooling 2. What criteria do you use to judge whether a man is well-educated or otherwise?
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  • Word Study Reading aloud P115 Words and Phrases in use /Words in fine Thoughts Word Differentiation
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Trait a particular quality in sb s character; a certain aspect of one s character a certain aspect of one s character *National trait *Marked Chinese traits *A trait of : a little *Generosity is her best trait. *The trait of being communicative without being talkative
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Inconsiderable : very small --> considerable *He passed his life in an inconsiderable village. *His contribution was not inconsiderable to the disaster-stricken area. *I received no inconsiderable pleasure from the sight.
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Body: a large amount or collection of sth A large of body of people The governing body of the company ** A little body often harbors a great soul. ( ) Give body to Body and soul: heart and soul Keep body and soul together Over my dead body!
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  • Words and Phrases in Use After all: in spite of everything He survived the winter after all. After all he is only human. This is but a tiny world, after all.
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Capacity: sb s ability to do sth *At full capacity Be filled/packed to capacity Capacity for sth You are from the north, and may a big capacity for liquor. ( ) Capacity to do In one s capacity as in the capacity of As your father, I can set you free, but in my capacity as King, I must punish you.
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Endeavor: an attempt, or effort The central government is expected to launch an endeavor to curb the excessive increase of the CPI. We must endeavor to guarantee food safety and security. (food safety: to provide food safe enough to be consumed) (food security: to have a stable and sufficient food supply)
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Discipline: * Be under perfect discipline *He needs a little discipline. An organization without discipline Academic discipline Self-disciplined Well-disciplined
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Slovenliness * That man s slovenliness puts me off. ( ) * Slovenly management of the company * He is always so down at heel; is he hard up or just slovenly?( ) *Better a bachelor s life than a slovenly wife. ( )
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Vulgar vulgarity *Rise above vulgar interests *Pander to the vulgar taste *An unscrupulous vulgar social climber *Pretentious and vulgar self-display *A literary or dramatic work often makes a subject appear ridiculous by treating it in an incongruous way, as by presenting a lofty subject with vulgarity. *The heavy gold necklace and the huge luxury watch as worn by many upstarts in China today conveys nothing but their vulgarity.
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Peradventure *Beyond/out of/past/without (all) peradventure If peradventure If peradventure If peradventure you fail, whom should I bank upon?
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Diction: Her diction is noted for her freshness and vividness. ( ) Clarity of diction is vital for a public speaker.
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Unconscious *Unconscious movements *He remained unconscious for 5 hours after the accident. * He was quite unconscious of his mistakes. *It was a telling blow that rendered the opponent unconscious.
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Refine refined = cultivated *Refine on wording *You must refine your manners. *Affectedly refined or dainty *Appealing to refined taste He is quite cultivated. (He is a man of culture) He is quite cultivated. (He is a man of culture)
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Superficial Superficial knowledge Superficial understanding
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  • Words and Phrases in Use InstinctivelyInstinctive *An instinctive dislike of sb *Offering to help was as instinctive as breathing. *Preservation of oneself from harm is an instinctive tendency.
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Reflect-- reflection Literature and art reflect/mirror their era. Literature and art reflect/mirror their era. Reflect on sth :contemplate Reflect on sth :contemplate Reflections on human nature
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Induce The medicine will induce sleep. Nothing will induce me to go.
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Multiply 8 multiplied by 4 is 32. 8 multiplied by 4 is 32. The efficiency will be multiplied several times. The efficiency will be multiplied several times. Zhou ZHenglong was asked to multiply the evidences about the existence of wild tigers in Zhenping. He just made the fur fly. Zhou ZHenglong was asked to multiply the evidences about the existence of wild tigers in Zhenping. He just made the fur fly. ( ) May your offspring multiply on the land of promise.
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Visionary n, adj. A visionary : a dreamer Visionary schemes for getting rich overnight Vision Vision Personalities of broad vision Have a keen vision
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  • Words and Phrases in Use In vain *We protested in vain. *Liu Xiang tried in vain to have his second attempt in the 110m hurdle at Beijing games, and surprised the whole audience into long silence. Vain A vain person /
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Zeal Zeal without prudence is frenzy. With devotion and zeal Such zeal does not go far. Zealous adj. Zealot n.
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  • Words and Phrases in Use Competence * He has delusions of competence. ( ) I really must express my admiration for your competence. I really must express my admiration for your competence. A man of great competence. Competent adj.
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  • Word Differentiation Differentiate the following pairs in your spare time Trait vs. character Persist vs. insist Discipline vs. training Vulgar vs. low Superficial vs. shallow Induce vs. persuade Visionary vs. whimsical Zealous vs. enthusiastic Competent vs. capable
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  • A Detailed Study of Text I 1. Lead-up 2. A multi-perspective reading of the text 2.1 Detailed study of the text 2.1 Detailed study of the text 2.2 Linguistic features 2.2 Linguistic features 2.3 About formal writing: a demo 2.3 About formal writing: a demo 2.4. Deductive method 2.4. Deductive method
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  • Lead-up: Similar conceptions glimpsed through the text Five traits 1. Correctness and precision in the use of the mother tongue. ( ) 2. Refined and gentle manners 3. The power of habits and reflection 4. The power of growth 5. Possession of efficiency
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  • Difficult point in focus Paragraph1 An education will make its mark and find its evidences in certain traits, characteristics and capacities which have to be acquired by patient endeavor, by following good examples, and by receiving wise discipline and sound instructions.
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  • Difficult point in focus Paragraph 2 The quite shocking slovenliness and vulgarity of much of the spoken English, as well as not a little of the written English, which one hears and sees, proves beyond peradventure that years of attendance upon schools and colleges that are thought to be respectable have produced no impression. Structure: The slovenliness and vulgarity proves that years of attendance have produced no impression. Translation:
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  • Difficult point in focus Para 2 When one hears English well spoken, with pure diction, correct pronunciation, and an almost unconscious choice of the right word, he recognizes it at once. When one hears English well spoken, with pure diction, correct pronunciation, and an almost unconscious choice of the right word, he recognizes it at once. Translation:
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  • Difficult point in focus:Para3 Manners make the man. Clothes make the man. A bouquet of flowers make a good present for her birthday. A swallow does not make summer.
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  • Detail Difficult point in focus:Para3 He pointed to a great truth. revealed revealed
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  • Difficult point in focus:Para3 When manners are superficial, artificial and forced, no matter what their form, they are bad manners. When manners are superficial, artificial and forced, no matter what their form, they are bad manners.When=if
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  • Difficult point in focus:Para3 And they do not do them simply because they are bad manners. Simply: merely I simply couldn t make sense of his words. Yours is simply the best.
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  • Difficult point in focus:Para4 Human beings for the most part live wholly on the surface or far beyond the present moment and that part of the future which is quickly to follow it. Most of human beings just live on something superficial or are quite abandoned to visionary dreaming about far future, which is far from the present moment and from the very near future.
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  • Difficult point in focus:Para4 They do not read those works of prose and poetry which have become classic because they reveal power and habit of reflection and induce that power and habit in others.
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  • Difficult point in focus:Para5 A fourth trait of the educated man is power of growth. From birth to his dying day From womb to tomb From cradle to tomb
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  • Difficult point in focus:Para5 settle down to life on a level of more or less contented intellectual interest and activity.
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  • Difficult point in focus:Para6 One thousand ways: many I have one thousand and one reasons not to marry you. There are one thousand ways to fail, but only one way to succeed.
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  • Difficult point in focus:Para6 The power to do may be exercised in any of a thousand ways, but when it clearly shows itself, that is evidence that the period of study, of discipline, and of companionship with parents and teachers has not been in vain.
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  • Difficult point in focus:Para7 Given the five characteristics, one has the outline of an educated man. Given that: Be given to sth
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  • Difficult point in focus:Para7 So long as the framework or outline is there, the content may be pretty much what you will, assuming, of course, that the fundamental elements of the great tradition which is civilization, and its outstanding records and achievements in human personality, in letters, in science, in the fine arts, and in human institutions, are all present. You can fill in the framework with whatever content you like if the framework is ready, on the precondition that the fundamental elements of civilization and its manifestations are all there.
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  • Difficult point in focus:Para7 :
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  • 2.2 Linguistic features Formal /Academic writing: Word: big, formal Sentence: lengthy Complex Complex Structure: Complicated, (several layers, with parenthesis, clauses an ordinary presence)
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  • Different degrees of formality: a demo Original sentence: When I was in the university as a sophomore, I read the original play of the classical movies almost every day, which helped me a lot. When I was at university as a sophomore, I read the original play of some classical movies almost every day, which helped me a lot. When I was at university as a sophomore, I read the original play of some classical movies almost every day, which helped me a lot. As a sophomore at university, I read the original scripts of some western classical movies almost every day, and it helped me a lot. As a sophomore at university, I read the original scripts of some western classical movies almost every day, and it helped me a lot.
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  • A Demo I read the original scripts of some western classical movies almost every day when I was a sophomore at university, which was of much help to me. I read the original scripts of some western classical movies almost every day when I was a sophomore at university, which was of much help to me. : : My everyday reading of the original scripts of some classical movies when I was a sophomore at my alma mater ushered my oral English into a fast lane. My everyday reading of the original scripts of some classical movies when I was a sophomore at my alma mater ushered my oral English into a fast lane.
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  • A Demo ( ) My reading of the original scripts of some classical movies, among others, on a daily basis, as a sophomore back at university, yielded much help for my acquisition of English as a foreign language, especially in terms of oral competence and performance. My reading of the original scripts of some classical movies, among others, on a daily basis, as a sophomore back at university, yielded much help for my acquisition of English as a foreign language, especially in terms of oral competence and performance.
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  • A demo I just read the scripts of lots of has-been movies, when I did my second year at that damned diploma mill. My oral English did improve for that stuff. I just read the scripts of lots of has-been movies, when I did my second year at that damned diploma mill. My oral English did improve for that stuff. , , Like hell I read that stuff even I do university. Fancy improvin' my speakin' by that! And every day! Like hell I read that stuff even I do university. Fancy improvin' my speakin' by that! And every day!
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  • What is good English ? The right word to the right person at the right time and on the right occasion
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  • Deduction General >>>> particulars Commonly used in practical/functional writings and almost all argumentative writings. But in literary texts, it is a different story to say since the creation of suspension, plot conception, narrative, etc. are all factors to be taken into account. An analysis of the deductive method used in the text An analysis of the deductive method used in the text
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  • Homework Homework 1. Presentation: Five Traits of the Modern Citizen 2. A Comparative reading of the text. 3. Try to find some concepts or conceptions in China similar to those in the text.
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  • Q&A Question time
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  • Thank you! Thank you!