Unit #5 Quiz #2 Grade: «grade» Subject : «subject» Date: «date»

Unit #5 Quiz #2

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Unit #5 Quiz #2. Grade:. «grade». «subject». Subject:. «date». Date:. 1. Which of the following echinoderms have primitive gills:. A. Sea Urchin. B. Sea Star. C. Sand Dollar. D. Sea Cucumber. 2. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Unit #5 Quiz #2

Unit #5 Quiz #2




Page 2: Unit #5 Quiz #2

1 Which of the following echinoderms have primitive gills:

A Sea Urchin

B Sea Star

C Sand Dollar

D Sea Cucumber

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2 A sea star is torn in half by a predator. What must be included in the remaining sea star for it to be able to completely regenerate?

A A majority of the arms

B A fragment of the stomach

C A fragment of the central disc

D A majority of the water vascular system

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3 The animal in the following pictures represents ___________.

A asymmetry

B radial symmetry

C bilateral symmetry

D hexamerism

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4 What chemical makes up the endoskeleton of echinoderms?

A Chitin

B Spicules

C Spongin

D Calcium carbonate

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5 Which of the following does NOT describe a defense mechanisms found within echinoderms:

A A sea cucumber expelling its intestines out to scare off predators

B A sea star tearing itself in half to intimidate predators

C A sea urchin having poisonous spines on its back

D A brittle star being able to regenerate a leg dropped from its body when a predator grabbed it

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6 The water vascular system found within echinoderms is an evolutionary precursor to which of the following systems:

A Endocrine system found within humans

B Excretory system found within humans

C Cardiovascular system found in humans

D Respiratory system found within humans

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7 You reach into a tank and poke a brittle star fish. It responds by quickly moving under a nearby rock and curling into a ball. Which receptor provides the information allowing the brittle star to know that it is under a rock:

A Photoreceptor

B Thigmoreceptor

C Chemoreceptor

D Statocyst

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8 One advantage of a complete digestive system over an incomplete digestive system is that an organism with a complete system:

A Must pause to eject waste through its mouth prior to eating a food source larger than its’ GVC

B Can continue to consume food without having to eject that food through the same orifice that it is consuming food

C Must input food through multiple orifices while ejecting waste out of similar orifices

D An organism can simply diffuse nutrients through the thin tissues surrounding the organism

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9 Brittle stars and sea stars differ in their modes of movement in that:

A Brittle stars use hydraulics within their tube feet to suction onto a surface and hold there for a long period of time, while sea stars drag themselves across a surface with tube feet that resemble spines

B Sea stars use hydraulics within their tube feet to suction onto a surface and hold there for along period of time, while brittle stars drag themselves across a surface with tube feet that resemble spines

C Brittle stars use their tube feet to slide across a surface similar to the motion of a hover craft

D Sea stars can push water out of their mouth to lift themselves off of a surface and push themselves onto another, whereas s brittle star must climb up the same object

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10 Why do sea urchins have the longest tube feet of all echinoderms?

A They need long tube feet to reach beyond or between their protective spines

B The need the long tube feet to reach food from their most anterior end to their most posterior end to feed

C They use these long tube feet to help open and close their shell-crushing teeth

D They use these long tube feet to open the shells of the strongest bivalves

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11 Tube feet found within an echinoderm are responsible for all of the following EXCEPT:

A Feeding

B Digestion

C Locomotion

D Absorbing dissolved oxygen

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12 Sea stars lack teeth, but are active carnivores. How do they accomplish this?

A Sea stars use their tube feet to tear their prey apart

B Sea stars use their spines to poison prey prior to eating it

C Sea stars use their water vascular system to asphyxiate their prey

D Sea stars eject their stomach/digestive enzymes to dissolve their prey