Unit 4: Spreadsheet Skills Lesson 4: Inserting Graphs and Charts Contents Engage 1 Introduction 1 Objectives 2 Explore 3 Explain and Elaborate 5 Graphs and Charts 5 Graphs and Charts Usage 5 Making a Graph or Chart in a Spreadsheet 9 Extend 21 Activity 1 21 Activity 2 21 Evaluate 23 Wrap Up 26 Photo Credits 26 Bibliography 27

Unit 4: Spreadsheet Skills L e s s o n 4 : I n s e rt i ng

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Unit 4: Spreadsheet Skills Lesson 4: Inserting Graphs and Charts   


Engage 1 Introduction 1 Objectives 2 

Explore 3 

Explain and Elaborate 5 Graphs and Charts 5 Graphs and Charts Usage 5 Making a Graph or Chart in a Spreadsheet 9 

Extend 21 Activity 1 21 Activity 2 21 

Evaluate 23 

Wrap Up 26 

Photo Credits 26 

Bibliography 27  












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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   




Fig. 1. A representation of graphs and charts 

Spreadsheet programs are very useful in different ways to different fields. As these built-in                           

programs store, sort and analyze data, they have showcased a wide range of use for                             

budgeting, calculating, interpreting, planning, and so much more. One way to present these                         

uses is through graphs and charts. These are not only for creative purposes but also for                               

easy understanding of what the data represents. 

Have you tried using graphs and charts in a presentation before? How did it help your                               

presentation? When do you think is the best time to use graphs and charts? 




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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   


In this lesson, you should be able to do the following: 

● Understand the purpose of graphs and charts in spreadsheets. 

● Use graphs and charts accordingly. 

● Insert independently graphs and charts in spreadsheets. 

 DepEd Competency 

Use common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced application techniques. 


























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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   


       10 minutes Are you familiar with the different kinds of graphs and charts? Do you know what kind to                                 

use for different purposes? McDonald has a big farm and is asking for your help to make a                                   

simple representation of his farm animals. Using the data below, create an appropriate                         

graph or chat inside the box. 


Chicken  Cow  Pig  Dog  Sheep  Horse 

25  5  10  15  20  5 












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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   

Guide Questions 1. What kind of graph or chart did you use for the given problem? 





2. Why did you use that kind of graph or chart? 




3. What are the different kinds of graphs and charts that you know of? What do you think is                                   

the importance of each one? What are its uses? 








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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   

Explain and Elaborate    Graphs and Charts 

Many are confused with the differences of graphs and charts, despite them being two                           

different things. People often use the two interchangeably. However, both graphs and                       

charts share the same function in providing an easy-to-understand representation of sets of                         


Graphs in Spreadsheets 

The graphs in spreadsheet programs are simpler than charts. These are considered to be                           

the most basic way to represent data visually. In graphs, you are usually dealing with                             

different data parameters. 

Charts in Spreadsheets 

The charts in spreadsheet programs are more complex than graphs. It is considered to be                             

the most pleasing way to represent data which uses different shapes other than the usual x                               

and y axis. In charts, you are usually comparing and contrasting parts of the same data                               

against each other.  


Graphs and Charts Usage 

There are many spreadsheet programs. Whether you are using Microsoft Excel, Google                       

Sheets or Apple Numbers, there are still different graphs and charts readily available for                           

users to utilize. However, for the purpose of illustrations in this lesson, we are using                             

Microsoft Excel. 








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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   


If you want to compare a single variable with various categories, it is best to use a column                                   

chart. It is usually used to compare and contrast different sets of data. There are different                               

types such as 2D columns, 3D columns, cylinder-shaped columns, cone-shaped columns,                     

and pyramid-shaped columns.  



Figure 2. Column Charts 



If you want to show trends over time, it is best to use a line chart. The lines that connect                                       

each data point can help you visualize whether the data are increasing or decreasing                           

through a period of time. There are different types such as simple lines, stacked lines, lines                               

with markers, stacked lines with markers, and 3D lines. 


Figure 3. Line Charts 







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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   


If you want to compare percentages of whole data, it is best to use a pie chart. In pie charts,                                       

each part of the data is represented by a portion of the pie. There are different types such                                   

as simple pie, pie of pie, bar of pie, and 3D pies. 


Figure 4. Pie Charts 



If you want to do a presentation while representing data in column charts oriented                           

horizontally, it is best to use a bar chart. Some may prefer to use bar charts to best                                   

represent sets of data with negative values. It has the same types as column charts such as                                 

2D bars, 3D bars, cylinder-shaped bars, cone-shaped bars, and pyramid-shaped bars.  


Figure 5. Bar Charts 








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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   


If you want to show how certain data affects other data, it is best to use a scatter chart. It is                                         

similar to a line graph. There are different types such as simple scatter, scatter with different                               

lines, scatter with different lines and markers. Bubble charts are also sometimes found                         

under scatter charts. 


Figure 6. Scatter Charts 


There are also other kinds of graphs and charts for more case-specific data. These are                             

minor kinds of graphs and charts. 


This shows the changes in values over time. It is like a line chart but it deals with multiple                                     

sets of data. 


This shows the high, low, and closing price of stock. It is usually used to analyze financial                                 



This shows data across a 3-D landscape. It is ideal to use this kind of chart for large data                                     



This shows data from multiple variables relating with one another. It is usually used to                             

compare the strengths and weaknesses of different sets of data.  




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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   

Making a Graph or Chart in a Spreadsheet 

For the purpose of illustration, we will continue to use Microsoft Excel. Some versions of this                               

program may provide fewer or more options but the general idea and function remain the                             



Step 1: Enter the data into a worksheet. 

Enter the data you want to create a graph or chart with. Remember to properly label your                                 

rows and columns. The data in the first column will be plotted in the vertical axis while the                                   

data in second column will be plotted in the horizontal axis. We will use the given data                                 

below for this example. Our goal is to compare and contrast the profit gained by the                               

different teams of a company for year 2019.  



Figure 7. Example of data. 











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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   

Step 2: Select graph or chart type. 

Highlight your data first. Go to the Insert tab on the top banner and choose what kind of                                   

graph or chart you would like to use. In this example, it is best to use a column chart.  


Figure 8. Choosing column charts. 


Step 3: Create your graph or chart and adjust Quick Layout. 

After selecting the kind of graph or chart you want to use, the chart will appear in the middle                                     

of the workbook as a preview. If it does not show the graph or chart that you want it to look                                         

like, you can try to click the Switch Row/Column tab. 




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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   


Figure 9. Preview of graph or chart created 


Figure 10. Enhanced graph or chart 


You can also change the layout of elements of your chart using chart layouts. Remember                             

that placing the cursor in the options will give you a quick description of the option.  




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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   


Figure 11. Chart layouts options 


Step 4: Add chart elements. 

Adding different elements can enhance your graph or chart. It will help provide additional                           

information and clarify other data.  


Figure 12. Layout ribbon options 


Chart Title 

This allows you to display and edit your graph or chart title. You can select the position of                                   

the graph or chart title. You can choose to display the title on top, centered overlay, or none. 




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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   


Figure 13. Chart title options 


Axis Titles  

These allows you to display and edit labels on the horizontal and vertical axes of the graph                                 

or chart. You can either display the label below the axis or do not display it at all for the                                       

horizontal axis. You display the label of the vertical axis in a rotated, vertical, horizontal way                               

or not display at all.  


Figure 14. Axis title options for horizontal axis 




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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   


Figure 15. Axis title options for vertical axis 


This allows you to display and edit the legend in different positions. You can put it on the                                   

right, left, top, bottom, in overlay, or no legend at all. 


Figure 16. Legend options 




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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   

Display Labels  

This allows you to display and edit the labels for each portion of the data in the graph or                                     

chart. You can display it at the center, inside the data on the end, inside the data on the                                     

base, outside the data, or no label at all.  


Figure 17. Data labels option 


Data Table  

This allows you to display and edit a table of data of your graph or charts. You can choose to                                       

show data tables with or without legend keys or not display at all. 




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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   


Figure 18. Data table labels option. 


This is for more general options for axes. For the horizontal axis, you can display and edit it                                   

from left to right, right to left, without label, or do not display at all. For the vertical axis, you                                       

can display data in default form, in thousands, millions, billions, log scales, or do not display                               

at all. 


Figure 19. Axes options for horizontal axes 




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Figure 20. Axes options for vertical axes 


This allows you to display and edit lines in horizontal and vertical axes for better                             

representation of data. It has the same options to choose from: minor, major, minor and                             

major gridlines, or do not display them at all. 



Figure 21. Gridlines option for horizontal guidelines 






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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   

Plot area  

This allows you to display and edit the colors inside the plot area. You can either put colors                                   

or not display them at all. 


Figure 22. Plot area options 


This allows you to display and edit trendlines to better represent how the data is                             

progressing. You can choose from linear, exponential, linear forecast, two period moving                       

trendline, or not display it at all. 


Figure 23. Trendline options 




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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   

Error bars  

This allows you to display or edit the potential error of data based on different standard                               

equations for isolating error. You can display error bars with standard error, with                   

percentage, with standard deviation, or do not display it at all. 


Figure 24. Error bars options 

Step 5: Change format. 

Designing your graph or chart to make it more pleasing is also a key point in presenting                                 

data. This will not only enhance the appearance of your graph or chart, but it also helps in                                   

distinguishing sets of data and their respective information. Excel has a wide range of                           

built-in colors and styles to choose from. 


Figure 25. Chart styles options 





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Figure 26. Format ribbon options 

Step 6: Move chart. 

After making necessary changes to your graph or chart, you can move your graph or chart                               

to a new sheet. Simply click the Move Chart tab and choose where you want to move it.  


Figure 27. Move chart options 

The figure below shows the chart we have created. It represents the profits of Team A, B, C,                                   

D, and E in the year 2019. You can clearly compare each team’s profit, and show that Team C                                     

has the biggest profit while Team D has the lowest.  


Figure 28. Example of a column chart 




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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   


Activity 1 Erly would like to create a simple pie chart to represent her ideal budget for the month of                                   

March. Help her to follow the right steps in creating a pie chart in Microsoft Excel by                                 

sequencing the steps below. Write the numbers 1 to 7 with 1 being the first step and 7 being                                     

the last. 


__________ Choose the pie chart icon and select the simple pie among the options.  

__________ Move the created pie chart to another worksheet. 

__________ Apply styles and colors to the chart to make it aesthetically pleasing. 

__________ Enter the desired data for the ideal budget.  

__________ Make necessary adjustments to the title and data in the axes. 

__________ Highlight the cells that contain the data and click the Insert tab. 

__________ Add or edit different elements of the chart for her desired layout. 



Sequencing a step by step procedure requires the mastery of the topic being                         

discussed. Always make a logical judgement to find the correct sequence.  

 Activity 2 Determine whether the following statements are best practices when creating graphs and                       

charts. Draw a smiley face inside the circle for each number if it is a best practice, otherwise                                   

draw a sad face. 



1. Make your graph or chart simple and clean.   2. Choose the appropriate kind of graph or chart. 




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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   

   3. Use unnecessary legends in your graph or chart. 

  4. Stick only with standard graphs and charts. 

   5. Apply needed elements in your graph or chart.  

  6. Display all the data that can be displayed in your graph or chart. 

   7. Decorate your graph or chart with lavish colors and styles. 

  8. Produce a graph or chart that is readable.  



Knowing the do’s and don’ts when creating a graph or chart is very important. It                             

would help you produce an effective representation for your audience. It would                       

also help your audience to grasp what information you would like them to take in. 





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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   


A. Choose the word that best matches each definition from                 

the word bank below.    


legend gridlines vertical axis 


error bars horizontal axis trendline 


1. A line inside the chart which represents the overall progress of the data is called                             


2. If you wish to display lines inside the plot area of your graph or chart for better                                 

representation, add _________________________. 

3. An element that shows the precision of the measurement of data with the help of                             

standard deviation is called _________________________. 

4. When inputting the data, what you put in the first box will reflect the                           

_________________________of the graph or chart. 

5. A/An _________________________ is an explanation of the characters and symbols inside                     

your graph or chart. 








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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   

B. Identify which kind of graph or chart is                 best to use in each of the following               statements. Provide a short explanation of           why you think it's the appropriate kind.             Write your answers on the box after each               number. 



6. Kate would like to use a visual representation of her data that will display the trends                               

of her different sets of data.  





7. Marione would like to use a visual representation of his data that will compare his                             

data with other data with negative values. 





8. Ruby would like to use a visual representation of her data that will show a                             

percentage of the whole set of data. 







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9. Allan would like to use a visual representation that will analyze his sets of financial                             






10. Mio would like to use a visual representation that will show his large sets of data in a                                   

3-D landscape. 




















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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   

Wrap Up ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 

● Graphs are considered to be the most basic way to represent data visually while                           

charts are considered to be the most pleasing way. In graphs, you are usually                           

dealing with different data parameters. In charts, you are usually comparing and                       

contrasting parts of the same data against each other.  

● There are different kinds of graphs and charts for general use such as columns, line,                             

pie, bar and scatter plot.  

● There are also other kinds of graphs and charts for more case-specific use such as                             area charts, stock charts, surface charts, doughnut charts and radar charts. 

● The following are the basic steps in creating graphs or charts. 

Step 1: Enter data into a worksheet. 

Step 2: Select graph or chart kind. 

Step 3: Create your graph or chart and adjust Quick Layout. 

Step 4: Add chart elements. 

Step 5: Change format. 

Step 6: Move chart. 



  Photo Credits 

Image by janjf93 is licensed under Pixabay via Pixabay. 








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Unit 4: Spreadsheets Skills   


“Excel 2013: Charts.” GCFGlobal.org. https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/excel2013/charts/1/         

(accessed April 21, 2020). 


“Excel Charting Basics: How to Make a Chart and Graph”. Smartsheet.                     

https://www.smartsheet.com/how-to-make-charts-in-excel (accessed March 30,       



“Using Microsoft Excel: Creating and Modifying Charts.” Research Guides. University of                     

Michigan Library, June 17, 2019.         





