UNIT 4 Anmol Javid

Unit 4 nterior Design A2 projectI

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This is an A2 Interior Design project by a student at Havering Sixth Form College

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Page 1: Unit 4 nterior Design A2 projectI

UNIT 4 Anmol Javid

Page 2: Unit 4 nterior Design A2 projectI


Using the theme of growth and evolution, I’ve chosen to design a contemporary

pavilion. My main focus will be on fossils and bones as well as natural objects to

get a more spiral structure to allow you to walk through a more prominent space.

I don’t want it to be a frame cut design, I would like it to consist of a more diverse



The purpose of my pavilion will be for the public to gain access to a space where

they can socialise as well as a walk through to experience a new route towards

their destination. It will be a more open space to use. The reason I have chosen

to focus on more natural objects for the project is because I like the shapes and

forms made naturally as it inspires me to bring historical assets to the modern

design world.


Changing public views of multiple personalities is my main focus on this pavilion.

A pavilion is a meeting spot for those intent on active work and either want a bit

of excitement in their day to day life or just a space where they can sit and work

more positively. The function of the space should be able to allow a stress free

zone. Since I’m placing it in a park, the concept behind it is to bring an enjoyable



I want this pavilion to be accessible and both an outstanding attraction for users.

I want it to be in the best place around South Kensington. Hyde Park is one of

the most popular natural attraction in England, which is also across from the

Royal Albert Hall. I chose to construct the pavilion here is because it’s a very

elegant area and adding a structure with a lot more depth will allow a higher

contrast between the two.


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STRUCTURES Natural Assets – Bones / Fossils / Nature

Since the exam theme is “growth and evolution” I have chosen to focus on

more natural objects rather than basic shapes and forms. This is because it

shows the decaying and reconstruction of natural shapes and forms. From

the deep ridges to the fine lines. However I also like the patterns on leaves

and plants so by combining both ideas I can possibly create something a lot

more abstract. As a designer I need to think of the progression my work will

go through, because often the final outcome isn’t as clean as the frameworks

made to put it together. The exterior is always the most attractive, however

the inside is what will keep the user entertained. So thinking of this I want to

be able to provide a both outdoor and indoor experience.

Fossil records allow us to view the intriguing insight of its origin and its

population on the planet. They often offer permanent solid evidence, which is

what I want my structure to present. A solid outcome which shows my

progression of human adaptation and experimentation with a range of

medium. Looking at architects and designers who have exploited these

concepts, it’s understandable that ancient regimes have played a huge roll

during the Egyptian era as well as the contemporary world.

Thinking about the relationship the structures would have as a space, it’s

important to understand function. I want my pavilion to allow you to socialises

as well as do work in a hassle free environment. I want to be able to make it

as contemporary and natural as possible. Thinking of an audience, I want it

to appeal to many people of all ages. For kids especially I want it too be a

space they enjoy. I will add a structure inside for the younger users, which will

be an interactive piece.. This could be something they sit on, touch or climb.

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Human Adaptation London: South Kensington – Hyde park

Hyde Park is one of the most

common and most visited

landmarks in the UK alone.

Thinking of it as location wise

for my work, I believe it will be

the best place for the pavilion.

Purely because it is not a

space alone to walk through,

but also a place to relax and

sit down. It is the largest of four parks which form a chain from the entrance of Kensington Palace through Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park, via Hyde Park Corner and Green Park (19 hectares), past the main entrance to Buckingham Palace and then on through Saint James's Park (23 hectares) to Horse Guards Parade in Whitehall.

Vast amount of facilities for people

to enjoy their experience. For

example, pedal boats. The image

on the left, almost feels like a

more transportable pavilion which

travels along water.

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IDEAS Exploration on archicad

Top elevation illustrating similar bone like structures as the

spinal chord.

Experimenting on archicad with structures. Here I have been inspired by the spinal chord and opted to create a more constructed

pavilion. You can see in relation where my inspiration has come from. I chose to make the pavilion this way because I wanted to

allow different spaces for people to be in. You can see there are a few empty spaces and then in contrast a few with furniture. This

will allow you to explore around the structure. Also I have added doors to allow easy access. Development wise, if I was to make this

a more permanent space, I would consider weather. As there isn’t a roof and my location is in London. Rain is a problem so as

development I would like to cover the roof yet leave it opaque.

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Normally we would expect a house to consist of pale colours such as white and magnolia,

and ordinary angled walls. Most of these houses work well however it can be stale looking

from time to time. What’s interesting here is the curvaceous form and structure of the book

shelf which conceals the staircase.

Personally the contrast between the colours bring forward a more peaceful environment.

Unlike any other frame like stair case, these are a lot more curved and hidden.

The house’s waistline structures the kitchen and behind a bookcase, the stairs. The kitchen

is very much open while the stairs provide the more private spaces and are more to the side.

With its slow climb, the stairs give a you a feeling of ‘proceeding’ rather than walking

between levels. This skews the house’s gables but also makes for the constant changing of room geometry

as one moves through the house.

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IDEAS Laser cut experimentation

During my recent visit to South Kensington, I saw this tree. You can instantly see that the patterns and

marks allowed the tree look very decayed. Which links to my theme of fossils and bones with the idea

of molecule patterns. The shapes inspired me to create this rather particular curved pavilion. Its in the 3

segments allowing you to walk through and see the space around more independently. The laser cut

experiment allowed me to experiment with more curved lines easily. As you can see the structures a lot

more neat and thinking of this as more of an ideal pavilion, it would work successfully. My main

intentions was to experiment with the rigged, hollow shapes. As I wanted to see how my structure

would look with these chosen features. Here you can see that the curved shapes allow the pavilion to

look more modern and different, rather than the ordinary lines and blocks.

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Function of space:

Although it’s a pavilion, the concept

behind it is that it’s a social area to an

extent. Although the majority of the

space is public, I still want to maintain a

steady flow between each space. This

will allow ease and comfort for the

people who wish to be in the space.

Seating space outside

Open space

Open space

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Understanding how the space works, I have managed to add scaled models into

the image. Seeing the space now it allows me to understand how the space will

be visualised by the public and how much potential it has in order to be


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Forest Pavilion’s relationship to the existing site is diaphanous and light – the

pavilion sits lightly in its environment with minimal disruption, yet with lighting

becomes a beacon at night, underscoring the relative emptiness of the valley.

Hualien created this space for a more of a multi purpose. It’s designed to be

used as a small outdoor theatre, as well as a walk through. The circular ring of

the deck, serves as both a seating area for spectators watching he

performance as well as a barrier around. Their mission was to design a

landmark installation suited for the vast scale of its scenic site, while providing a

sense of closure.

This new circular gathering space emerges from the ground in a series of

eleven green bamboo shading vaults, organized in two rings around a void.

The plan is inspired by the rings of a tree, and the different form of the vaults

by growth patterns in nature. In the same way that the infinite variety of shapes

in a tree emerge from very simple branching rules, the configuration of vault

shapes uses a single geometry, the parabolic arch, in a way that could in

theory generate endless configurations.

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UNDERSTANDING FUNCTION Shadow Pavilion – Shanghai, China

The expo pavilion is a complex

displaying the future of

technology, culture, and life with

today’s capabilities. To take a

look forward and to examine not

only what is on display but the

aperture that holds that promise

of a better city, better life. In the

long tradition of Expo

innovations, the Shadow

Pavilion pushes today’s ideas of

formation and structure to the

next step; by looking at complex

organizations and the

integration of the two ideas. The

dynamic structural organization

of parametric component logic

creates intensities which shapes

the flowing canopy overhead;

which in turn, produces the ever

changing patterning produced

by the sun’s play on the

structure. The seamless

transitioning of the pavilion’s

material aggregation and

structural patterns promise an

experience that is both vibrant

and elegant and will reshape

the way people think about their


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Responding to artist Flexibility with geometric forms

Multi purpose pavilion, which flows both

way to allow an easy access.


Repetition in man made structures. The mesh material allows for heightened ventilation and breathability by allowing air to flow

through the space to you while there. This is a revolutionary advantage over traditional fabric which often restricts airflow,

causing warmth and discomfort. The added ventilation also reduces the chance of unwanted odours.

I liked the idea of

adding geometric

shapes to form

more interesting

structures. The

concept behind

this idea was to

allow a space

where you can

feel comfortable

and also be in a



Open space to provide a fluid

atmosphere. Thus also to allow

comfort and pleasure.

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Responding to artist Model making - Triangles

I chose to experiment with folds and geometric shapes, rather

than joining components together. As a result I like the idea of a

shutter space. It’s almost as a plane ready to take flight. In return

as you would walk through, you would feel ‘controlled’.

Any pavilion will have to allow a space for you to walk through. I

personally don’t like the idea of a simple frame cut structure. So

here I have designed one that is both tall and spacious with more


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Development of Idea Adaptation

Knowing the boat area is famous within the park, I thought of creating a

pavilion, or more of a walk in space for kids to interact with. The image on the

right shows a little boy inside a sharks mouth. The idea that kids would interact

with patterns and 3d elements more gave me the idea of creating a more

interactive space.

Thinking of structure, I’ve taken the idea of the interior on an animal. For

example, dinosaurs. I particularly like their rib cage and the way it obscured

the inside away. In relation to that, I’ve designed a more compact space.

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Development of Idea Adaptation


Development wise, I will experiment with a more sustainable material,

which would be ideal for the structure. As the pavilions going to be in a

natural environment, wood will be a good medium to use, as it can

withhold the strength of the structure.

Thinking of the location, and the people more likely to be attracted to the

space, I initially thought about kids. I want the pavilion to be a space for

all ages. Kids love bold and interactive spaces where they can connect

and be a part of. Here I have designed a pavilion which resembles the

rib cage of a dinosaur. As you can see, the pavilion space is more likely

to intrigue young children, also I want the inside to have interactive walls.

Where the colours change with the touch of human adaptation. Meaning

sensory walls.

Location wise, I think it works best near the river

in Hyde park, purely because it’s where kids are

most likely to go, and with parents they can

explore the park in a broader range

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Wall functions

Since I want the interior of the space to be a more of an outstanding area for kids, I’ve chosen to

add an interactive or censored function. As you can see on the illustration on the right, the different

coloured panels portray the interactive theme of the interior. The reason I chose to add this feature

was to involve young kids, and make them feel welcomed as well as the adults. This will in return

encourage them to interact and in a way learn.

Development of Idea Adaptation – Model Making

Example of how kids would

interact within the space

The concept behind this model was inspired by my previous slide. I had chosen to

create a pavilion inspired by animal bones, however I've decided to add a more of a

curvaceous shape which conceals the space, similarly to how bones conceal


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UNDERSTANDING FUNCTION My Thread Pavilion for Nike NYC Fly Knit Collective

Artist Jenny Sabin created the My Thread Pavilion. The culmination of more than

four months of data collection and inspiration, this final project furthers the ethos of

performance, lightness, formfitting, and sustainability presented by the

revolutionary Fly knit technology and its Racer and Trainer+ silhouettes. Sabin’s My

Thread Pavilion is housed at Nike Sportswear’s own Bowery Stadium in New York

and will remain on display at the Manhattan storefront

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Development of Idea Adaptation – Model Making

The concept behind this idea, was to create something in addition

for kids to interact with. I took the idea of bubbles and created this

structure to add. Thus allowing kids to play with it and enjoy.

Thinking as development I would incorporate cotton wool as a

more three dimensional material however, fabric would be more

ideal in the real world.

Taking inspiration from the “My thread” Pavilion, I have opted to focus on

the idea of bubbles. Children love them and so do adults so it would be a

more ideal aspect to add.

Here I have taken liquid

and foam and combined

them together by blowing

into them. In return I was

left with these shapes of

bubbles. They are not

round which makes me

love them more.

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Development of Idea Adaptation – Model Making - FINAL IDEA 1

Basic entrance, with

glass wall, some

spaces to sit.

Main attraction inside. A interactive fabricated

space. Where kids and even adults can walk

through, touch, interact with. It will be formed of

many different strings and cotton. With gaps to

see through and allow a more abstract

understanding of spaces.

Roof top seating. This concept is ideal as the location is in

the heart of south Kensington. Therefore people can

socialise and have a look out towards the city surrounded.

There will be a glass panel on the floor space, to have a

view of what’s beneath.

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Linking back to my previous slide, I took the idea of adding a curvaceous central

point in the pavilion by creating this sculpture out of paper. As a meeting point it

works well as it isn’t closed. You can walk around it, through it and interact with its


Development of Idea Adaptation – Model Making - part 1

The space works well as a place for kids to enjoy, as the curves bend round like a

slide and kids can enjoy that. It will be a contemporary meeting point that will divide

the space from the exterior and interior.


The dessus rule applies that the interior and exterior have a

relationship that’s not obvious. As a mean of development this

structure could work well both in a frame cute building, allowing the

anticipation of the central point to be more eager.

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Taking the concept idea of an inside structure, I’ve implied it into a frame cut building. The

building is potentially the pavilion concept I am after. I want the curves to be the centre point

of my pavilion as it will allow you to walk around and view every corner more openly. Originally

the space inside was just going to be open with random seating range, however I wanted to

replace that with something more productive. By adding this curvaceous component, you can

now interact with the shape and socialise. It makes the experience of a pavilion more alive.

Development of Idea Adaptation – Model Making - part 2

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Development of Idea Creating an atmosphere within a building

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point of the

building Primitive building: the Stone Age

The hunters of the late Stone Age,

who moved about a wide area in search

of food, built the earliest temporary

shelters that appear in the

archaeological record. Number of sites in

Europe show circular rings of stones that

are believed to have formed part of

shelters. They may have braced crude

huts made of wooden poles. Looking

back at the exam theme of growth and

evolution, I think the stone age era is

most fluid starting point for the interior in

the pavilion.

The central point in the pavilion consists

of the interactive space, however

surrounding it has nothing unique. So

thinking of seating and function, the

stone like structure will allow me to

create a more natural structure. I

thought that using stone pillars to hold

the structure would allow a more airy

atmosphere; similar to the stone age.

Looking at the stone age era, I was

inspired by tree bark. The structures of

these were similar to the stone age. It

allowed me to experiment with space and

create an environment both natural and

interactive for people to sense and walk

through. I took the bark and played around

with composition. Not only to create a

social able surrounding but also a space

where you can sit and relax. Making sure

the structures were versatile.

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Stone age concept for a more natural structure. Ideal for a pavilion in

the park. It will give the interior space a more evolutionary depth

allowing you to be more interactive with the surrounding.

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Development of Idea Natural Forms

Using found objects I created indoor structures.

Looking at the idea of “socialising” I want people to

be able to experience different and new ways of

communicating. This being through the space they

are in. By adding more contemporary interior

objects, will allow you to be more open minded and

free with your own interpretations.

Hyde park is full of scenery and beautiful plants, so

by added something a lot more abstract; brings a

contrast between nature and man made structures.

Which would allow people to be more interested and

wonder around , creating a fluid environment.












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Development of Idea Natural Forms

Prana Yoga Station Park

Farmington, UT, United States Interior architecture with an emphasis on minimalist design. Curving forms and

a monochromatic palette reinforce the brand identity of Prana Yoga's second


Thinking of the

atmosphere I want

to conceal, I chose

to create a space

insipired by petals.

As a concept they

work well and make

socialising fun.

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Curvaceous Concept behind plants;

The sphere is nature's most efficient shape. A dome covers the most

living area with the smallest footprint. When compared with a similar-

sized rectangular-shaped house, a dome will have 30% less surface

area. Energy-efficiency - Save on heating and cooling costs.

Cost-effectiveness - Will cost less than traditional stick-frame

buildings based on the core structure comparisons.

Versatility - Curved shapes may be used for many building


Environmentally-friendly - Construction produces less waste and

uses less material than traditional stick-frame buildings.

Ecologically value-added - Uses recycled wood products.

Time saving - Efficient manufacturing process and quick on-site


Consistent quality - Manufacturing ensures proper shape and size

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As a form of development, I’ve chosen to focus on plants. Here in particular in flowers. You can see the petals

provide an oval shaped structure, which is both abstract and evolutionary. I like the concept of taking a small petal

and following its geometric shapes to design an evolved pavilion

Instead of trying to blend the structure into the location, I want it

to stand out and be seen as something different. I want it to be

able to evolve with its flower like base.

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CHOSEN IDEA Development

The interior space will

provide a sociable

experience, with

different seating.

Linking back to the

stone age

development of

seating's. They will

work well in a

contrast between the

growth and evolution

of natural inspiration.

The exterior of the pavilion will work

well if it had more control over it. Rather

than a frame cut structure, I’ve chosen

to mimic a flower but not in the most

obvious way.

The central point will

consist of the curved

structure inspired by the

‘My Thread Pavilion’ I

personally think the idea of

having a curved structure

inside will allow diversity

and fluidity between the


Location wise, I’ve considered the idea of the park and its

surrounding. The concept behind the pavilion is to illustrate a

natural space, and by having trees around will balance out

the atmosphere.

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Experimenting on cad to visualise how the space

would work and become a place to socialise in. The

design here is quiet closed off from the outside, so

as a means of development I will consider opening

the exterior barriers. Looking at the interior here it

seems empty but when adding the curved structure

and socialising objects, it will become more fluid.

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SIDE ELEVATION Top elevation of space.

Simple flower petals have different size pieces that once combined, create

a more solid structure. Thinking of concept and idea, this works well as it’s

an evolved space based around nature in a natural surrounding. Also

thinking of it as a working space, people will be able to walk through a fluid

system where they can also socialise.


The central point of the pavilion is where you will meet. To make the space

a lot more interesting I want the central reservation to be what people

anticipate as they walk in. Linking back to my idea of an interactive unit, I

think will be best to place here.

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Bringing the cad model into a physical dimension has made me realise the structure is

busy. I want to create a space that flows and creates a more calm environment,

especially one that’s fit for a park. Keeping the concept of the flower, I will work my way

around the exterior design of the pavilion, in a form of evolvement of structure. The

more open space is provided the higher the sustainability, as it will give people the

opportunity to explore and walk their way around a more spacious atmosphere where

they can feel open and calm, rather than trapped in a box frame.

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Simplifying the model down to an

open space is more ideal as it allows

more room to function in.


Thinking of curvaceous forms, I’ve taken the idea of the flower and started changing the

exterior of the pavilion into a more round structure. This will attract kids and adults to

wonder what’s inside and intrigue them to walk in with again the anticiaption of the

central point which will still consist of the curved structure from previous slides.

Flaps, that fold inside and

out, to allow you to walk

in with ease and without

feeling trapped.

Cad model

Arrangement of seating.

Inspired by the stone age

era, I will include blocks of

stone like benches, to

allow you to socialise.

Still incorporating the curved

interactive structure in the

central point. Surrounding it

would be the seating.

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More space to walk around

and visualise the space

within. Allowing comfort and

relaxation within.

BREAKING DOWN THE MODEL Visualizing the space

The outcome works well as a multi purpose space, especially in a park. It reflects the life of a tribal tent, with its geometric

structures. Representing the opening of a flower bud shows the growth of nature. There isn’t any specific door to enter the

pavilion, it will be an open environment. Integrating a structure within will give the users more of an option of what to do

and explore. My main focus is to provide a space to socialise in, catch up on any work, enjoy a day out with the significant

other or friends and family. The concept works well in understanding the needs and design in general.

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PLAN VIEWS function

Built on the grass itself will

allow it to look more natural.

The over all shape would form

a flower. Not entirely round

and obvious but have the

similar relationship.

Multi purpose space. Stone age inspired blocks in

various sections of the space to allow comfort and an

easy social experience. I like the idea of having

blocks being the single functioning purpose of the

space. So you can drink hot beverages, read a book

and feel connected to your surrounding.

This elevation plan shows how the entire space is designed to

work. The central point of the pavilion will run across from one

edge to another. It will work its way across the room, allowing

you to walk through it, interact with it and be involved in a

creative space.

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PLAN VIEWS Weather and Sustainability

Thinking of the weather, I want it to be

as comfortable inside the pavilion as

possible. Keeping the weather in mind, I

don’t want users to feel trapped and

concealed in an open environment.

Therefore I have allowed the space to

be open even from the roof, allowing as

much sunlight as possible.

However during the night, it can get

cold and damp in England. So to allow

comfort the best solution would be

adding heat within the benches. Making

sure the heat emitted isn’t high enough

to burn, it will be controlled by sensory

panels known as thermostats

Function of the censored


Weather the user is cold or

hot, the censored panels in

the interior of the bench

will sense the body

temperature and adjust its

settings for the user to

adapt and feel

comfortable, rather than


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MODEL MAKING Experimentation

Trying to see the

bigger picture, I’ve

created the model

again by adding the

curved structure

inside as well as

creating the location.

Making sure the

design balances out

in the atmosphere.

You can see the

concept is to keep the

space open with the

natural environment.

Including the interior

to be ‘fresh’ will allow

the user to want to

interact with the

space. Weather and

temperature wise, the

censored benches will

be able to determine

and adjust.

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Thinking of space and the way the user would interact with it, I chose to take

these shots of the structure. They are clear enough to understand how the user

will communicate; for example the triangular gaps which allow you to walk

through with ease. Also the images above on the left, shows what the user can

expect inside. Considering the idea that I chose to create a pavilion with more of

a purpose, rather than an empty space.


The interior space is formed of a curvaceous component. I feel like at this point,

it doesn’t fit in quiet as well as I hoped. It looks like a random piece inside which

has no relation to the design. As development, I will change the structure. Still

keeping a central point within, however I will make it more geometric by using

sharper and bolder shapes.


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FINAL MODEL Dramatic structures - research


The 2009 Pavilion was designed by Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa

of leading Japanese architecture practice SANAA. Describing their

structure you can tell that the Pavilion is floating aluminium, drifting freely

between the trees like smoke. Its appearance changes according to the

weather, allowing it to melt into the surroundings. It works as a field of

activity with no walls, allowing uninterrupted view across the park and

encouraging access from all sides.

Thinking of my model, I decided to create the inside to be more. dramatic.

Similarly here, the designer has dramatically created the space to be

open, however I want to the opposite, and create the centre point to be

compact space. Which would have the purpose to encourage kids to climb

and touch. That’s the concept behind the central point in the pavilion, I

want it to be appealing and interactive

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FINAL MODEL Pavilion - Interior

The center point in the interior is a space surrounded

by tall triangular blocks. Each consisting of space and

gaps to walk through, crawl under. It’s designed for

kids and the younger audience to interact with. They

can freely sit under it, inside of it, climb it, touch it and

much more.

Access to

climb, to jump

to different


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FINAL MODEL Pavilion - Exterior

Taking the combination of ideas, I’ve

incorporated the geometric pavilion inspired by

the shadow pavilion. Here you can see I have

joined the two together, allowing more function

to the space.

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At the very beginning of the project, I was unsure of what

exactly I wanted to design. I knew I wanted to create

something multi functional, however I wasn’t sure what would

appeal to my chosen audience. My visit to Hyde Park in South

Kensington gave me an insight of space, which led me to

design a pavilion. Through both primary and secondary

research I thought of designing a space inspired by natural

forms as well as evolutionary bones. This linked with the

theme of ‘growth and evolution’

The concept behind my design was to provide a space which

was both practical and social for my chosen audience. Since I

was locating it within a huge scale park, I decided to make the

centre point an interactive space for kids. It consists of a

abstract “playground” where younger users can climb and

interact within the gaps and ridges assembled.

Throughout the entire project, I had two initial goals. One being

how the user would interact and two being the structure. I

wanted to have a more natural concept behind my design, and

in the end I was able to focus on plants, especially flowers.

This allowed me to also experiment with forms and curvaceous


I am happy with the overall design and outcome of the pavilion.

I feel like it’s related to the theme well enough and would

provide a very sociable space for the users in Hyde Park. I’ve

incorporated little elements from most of my experiments, just

to make it more contemporary and it worked out successfully.

Sustainability and weather was a concern ,which is why I opted

to add a more technically advanced seating system. Which

sensors body temperature and adjusts to it for the user.

If I could develop the model further, I would try to make it as

sustainable as possible and consider weather as a main

aspect as well. Also making sure it fits the requirements of the
