UNIT 4 POPULAR PARTIES IN HISTORICAL CITIES Do you like popular parties? What ‘s your opinion about popular parties? Do you know any popular parties in your city? 1) Find the following words in the text and underline them. Then look up the works you don’t understand in the dictionary. Willing alive meals aside countryside Bonfire everyone entertain concern almost Major format small foreign combine 2) Read the text and answer the questions. Brazil is internationally known for its popular feasts such as the New Year, Carnival, or June Feasts. These enthusiastic celebrations, which combine singing, music and much dance, attract millions of foreign tourists to the country every year. In them, it is almost impossible to remain as a mere spectator everyone participates, everyone plays along. Accept this invitation and come celebrate life in Brazil. Those who visit, become fans. In the South of Minas Gerais, there is concern in celebrating the June feasts in the simple format of the countryside people. Contrary to the major cities, which have put aside the folkloric aspect of these feasts, the countryside keeps the tradition alive. During the event, typical meals are served by bonfire light, while dance groups entertain everyone. Tiradentes Carnival is considered one of the best in the State of Minas Gerais and attracts several merry makes willing to enjoy the party on the streets, in the middle of the crowd. Small bands play old Carnival songs and street dancers entertain the tourists. Source: www.braziltour.com/site/gb/home/index.php

Unit 4 - Meeting Minas Gerais

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Unit 4 - Meeting Minas Gerais

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Page 1: Unit 4 - Meeting Minas Gerais


Do you like popular parties?

What ‘s your opinion about popular parties?

Do you know any popular parties in your city?

1) Find the following words in the text and underline them. Then look up the

works you don’t understand in the dictionary.

Willing alive meals aside countryside

Bonfire everyone entertain concern almost

Major format small foreign combine

2) Read the text and answer the questions.

Brazil is internationally known for its popular feasts such as the New Year, Carnival, or June Feasts. These enthusiastic celebrations, which combine singing, music and much dance, attract millions of foreign tourists to the country every year. In them, it is almost impossible to remain as a mere spectator –

everyone participates, everyone plays along. Accept this invitation and come celebrate life in Brazil. Those who visit, become fans.

In the South of Minas Gerais, there is concern in celebrating the June feasts in the simple format of the countryside people. Contrary to the major cities, which have put aside the folkloric aspect of these feasts, the countryside keeps the tradition alive. During the event, typical meals are served by bonfire light, while dance groups entertain everyone.

Tiradentes Carnival is considered one of the best in the State of Minas Gerais and attracts several merry makes willing to enjoy the party on the streets, in the middle of the crowd. Small bands play old Carnival songs and street dancers entertain the tourists.

Source: www.braziltour.com/site/gb/home/index.php

Page 2: Unit 4 - Meeting Minas Gerais

3) Write T (true) or F (false)

a)_______ Brazil is internationally known for its popular feasts .

b)_______ These enthusiastic celebrations, which combine singing, music and

much dance, attract millions of foreign tourists to the country every year.

c)_______ In city of Minas Gerais, there is concern in celebrating the June

feasts in the simple format of the countryside people.

d)________ Tiradentes Carnival isn’t considered one of the best in the State of

Minas Gerais.

e) __________ In Tiradentes city, small bands play old Carnival songs and

street dancers entertain the tourists.

4) Write a short paragraph about the most interesting popular party that you

have seen recently.









1)Match the verbs in the present with the correspondent verbs in the past. Use

your notebook to do the activities.


Page 3: Unit 4 - Meeting Minas Gerais

Go Spent

Work Saw

Have Visited

See Was/were

Enjoy Went

Spend Had

Visit Enjoyed

Be Wanted

Want worked

2) The verbs on the right are:

a) in the present

b) in the past

3) the verbs on the left are:

a) in the present

b) in the past

4) Write the verbs which are regular:



5) Write the verbs which are irregular:



6) Select verbs from the box to complete the statements below appropriately:

Went spent wanted had were enjoyed was worked saw


a) I’m really tired today. I______ until midnight yesterday.

b) No, we weren’t at home last night. We _______ out with some friends.

c) I really ___________ my trip to Tiradentes. It’s a fascinating city.

d) We to see the show, but the tickets_________ too expensive.

e) I stayed home last night and I _____________ a documentary about the

Eskimos . It __________ really interesting.

Page 4: Unit 4 - Meeting Minas Gerais

f) My parents ___________ their vacation in Ouro Preto. They _________ a lot

of church and historical places.

g) We arrived in Minas Gerais last night. This morning we

_____________famous typical breakfast ( cheese bread), I like very much.

7) Read the information below and match the present and past activities that

refer to the same topic.

(a) I go to the movies. ( ) I liked my trip to Minas Gerais very much

(b) I visit my relatives. ( ) We spent three weeks in Belo Horizonte last


(c) I really like traveling. ( ) Last Sunday, we went to Guarapari beach.

(d) I love going to the beach ( ) I went see Dois filhos de Francisco


(e) We usually spend our ( ) I visited my brother in São Paulo last


vocation in Minas gerais


1) Read the sentences below and write T (true) or F (false) after reading the


( ) Ouro Preto is a town with fine baroque building.

( ) Aleijadinho is a Brazilian painter.

( ) São João Del Rey is in São Paulo.


The Luccas went to Brazil on their vacation, so Pat wrote a letter to her

paternal grandparents, who live in Boston.

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Dear Grandpa and grandma,

Here we are in Brazil!

First we went to São paulo and spent 15 days with our Brazilian

grandparents. This year, Dad wanted to go to Minas Gerais, so we went to

Ouro Preto and São João Del Rey. Ouro Preto is a lovely town in Minas

Gerais. Its baroque architecture is very impressive. We visited some

churches and saw some works by Aleijadinho an important Brazilian

sculptor. We also went to a very interesting museum, with lots of old

trains. We spent a wonderful week there.

I adored it.

Kisses ,


2) Read Pat’s letter again and answer the questions.

a) Where did the Luccas go on their vacation this year?



b) How long did they spend with their relatives?



c)What places did they visit in Brazil?



3) Read it again and find out...

a) where they went first.


b) how she describes Ouro Preto.


c) two things they did in Ouro Preto and São João Del Rey.

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d) her impression about the time they spent there.



3) When you plan your vacation, what do you prefer? Mark yes (Y), no (N) or

indifferent (I).

a) A calm and quiet place ( )

b) Beautiful beaches ( )

c) A very lively place, full of people ( )

d) A small village ( )

e) Exotic places ( )

f) A big town/ city ( )

g) A modern place ( )

h) Somewhere with cultural activities ( )

i) A cheap place ( )

4) Now, write a short letter to a friend telling him/her about the vocation you

spent in_____. Say where you went, what the place was like, what you did there

and if you enjoyed your vacation. Use your notebook to write your letter.

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http://www.vitualtourist.com/travel/South America/Sports travel-South America-





PACHECO, M. Cristina G. Stand Up ! Inglês para o ensino médio: curso completo. 1.ed. São Paulo: IBEP,
