Unit 2 Simple Past -Past Progressive

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  • 7/21/2019 Unit 2 Simple Past -Past Progressive


  • 7/21/2019 Unit 2 Simple Past -Past Progressive


    Affirmative statements

    Maria studied at the library.

    Negative statements

    Lois didnt plan to marry Clark at first

    Yes/no questions

    id he tea!h"

    #hort ans$ers.

    Yes% he did.

    No% he didnt.

    &'( questions

    &here did they pra!ti!e"

  • 7/21/2019 Unit 2 Simple Past -Past Progressive



    PRORESSI/E)se the past progressive to des!ribe an a!tionthat $as in progress at a spe!ifi! time in the

    past. *he a!tion began before the spe!ifi! tiem

    and may or may not !ontinue after the spe!ifi!

    time. #he $as studying at the library.

    *hey $ere living in par+s in ,-.

  • 7/21/2019 Unit 2 Simple Past -Past Progressive


    Affirmative statements

    #he $as studying at the library.

    Negative statements#he $asnt planning to get married.

    Yes/no questions

    &as he doing resear!h"

    #hort ans$ers.

    Yes% he $as

    no% he $asnt

    &'( questions

    &here $ere they pra!ti!ing"