Unit 10 Workbook

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  • 8/14/2019 Unit 10 Workbook




    1.- FRISK- to pass your hands over sbs body to search them for hidden

    weapons, drugs etc.

    2.- SCATCHED. to rub your skin with your nails, usually because it is itching.

    3.- WINKING. To close one eye and open it again quickly, especially as a private

    signal to sb or to show sth is a joke.

    4.- CLAPPED.- to hit your open hands together several times.

    5.- SHOVING.- to push sb/sth in a rough way.

    6.- HUG.- to put your arms around sb. and hold them tightly.

    7.-SPIT.- to force liquid , food etc. out of your mouth.

    8.- RUB.. to move your hand or sth such as a cloth backwards and forwards over

    a surface while pressing firmly.


    1.- CREEP.- to move slowly , quietly and carefully because you dont want to be

    seen or heard.

    Ex. I crept up the stairs trying not to wake my parents.

    2. MARCH.- to walk with stiff regular steps like a soldier.

    Ex.- Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government building.

    3.- SWAY.. to move slowly from side to side. Ex.. The branches were swaying in

    the wind.

    4. HOP.- to move by jumping on one foot . Ex.. Kids hopping over puddles.

    5.- STROLL.- to walk somewhere in a slow relaxing way . Ex. People were

    strolling along the beach.

    6.- TIP TOE.- To walk using the front parts of your feet only, so other people

    cant hear you.

    7. CRAWL.- to move forward on your hands and knees with your body close tothe ground.

  • 8/14/2019 Unit 10 Workbook


  • 8/14/2019 Unit 10 Workbook


    CHEER UP.- To become more cheerful

    BREAK UP .- To come to an end. Ex.- He did nothing to stop the break up of their


    SET OFF.- To begin a journey. Ex.- We set off to London just after ten.

    WEAR OUT .- to make sth or become thin or no longer able to used ex. He wore

    out two pairs of shoes last year.

    GET SB DOWN.- to make sb feel sad or depressed.