Chapters 17 and 18 Unit 10: Eastern Cultures —17 th – 19 th Centuries

Unit 10: Eastern Cultures—17 th – 19 th Centuries

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Unit 10: Eastern Cultures—17 th – 19 th Centuries. Chapters 17 and 18. SSWH 11 Students will investigate political and social changes in Japan and in China from the 17 th century to mid-19 th century. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Unit 10: Eastern Cultures—17 th  – 19 th  Centuries

Chapters 17 and 18

Unit 10: Eastern Cultures—17th – 19th Centuries

Page 2: Unit 10: Eastern Cultures—17 th  – 19 th  Centuries

a. Describe the policies of the Tokugawa and Qing rulers; include how Oda Nobunga laid the ground work for the subsequent Tokugawa rulers and how Kangxi came to rule for such a long period in China.

b. Analyze the impact of population growth and its impact on the social structure of Japan and China.

SSWH 11Students will investigate political and social changes in Japan and in China from the 17th century to mid-19th century

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Mongols:Conquered ChinaEstablished the Yuan Dynasty

1368—Mongols are overthrown

Ming Dynasty is establishedfounder: Zhu Yuanzhang (Joo Yoo-en-JAHNG)

Ming means “Brilliant”Dynasty lasts 300 years

Background on CHINA


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Society divided into four classes:

Restored Confucianism

Scholar-gentry Farmers Artisans Merchants

This landed, highly literate class helped staff the royal bureaucracy.

They produced food and paid the taxes that supported the empire.

They made beautiful and useful objects.

At the bottom of the social order, they made their living by selling objects that peasants and artisans had produced.

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Confucianism restored as the official philosophy of the government

1. Drove the Mongols out of Chinaa. Centralized government control; faced new

invasions from the Mongolsb. Rebuilt and repaired the Great Wall to

prevent northern invasions.c. Restored Chinese cultural traditions and

civil service examinations

Ming Dynasty 1368-1644

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2. Ming Declinea. trade disrupted by pirates, 1520s-1560sb. Government corruption c. Famines and peasant rebellions during

the 1630s and 1640sd. Manchu (Manchurians) invaders with

peasant support led to final Ming collapse, 1644

Ming Dynasty

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Ming Dynasty conquered by Manchuria (unified tribes that formed a single people, the Manchu)

They were outsiders who conquered China

Established their own dynastyNot Chinese, but adopted Chinese culture

Ruled with traditional Chinese techniques

Qing (ching) Dynasty 1644-1912

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Manchu people, a minority, were kept separate from the Chinese

Manchu people, had to study Manchu language and cultural traditions

Qing emperors could marry only Manchu women

Chinese could not move to Manchuria

All Chinese men had to wear their hair tied in a queue [kyoo](tail), it symbolized Chinese submission to Manchu rule.

Qing Dynasty SocietyManchu—remained an ethnic elite

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Economy increasesGrowth of citiesGrowth of popular cultureStudied ancient writingsCreated library for rare books from their

past.However, most people lived in the

countryside-farmersSociety—based on the family---it reflected

Confucian belief that each person had a role in life.

Qing—Econ0my, Culture, and Society

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Population increasesMore crops = able to feed more peoplePeace and stability—caused population

increaseEventually—enormous peasant class in


Qing Dynasty—Peace and Prosperity

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•Kangzi ruled from 1661 to 1722

•the longest reign on the throne in China's history, 61 years

•Many famous works on literature and art were compiled under his order.

•During Kangxi's reign, the society accumulated huge wealth and most of the time enjoyed peace and prosperity.

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KangxiPolicy of strict control on foreign trade

Western merchants restricted to certain areas of China

Considered technological change disruptive

Believed that China’s abundant labor, labor-saving technologies were unnecessary

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The Tokugawa Shoguns in Japan

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Background on Japan1467—Ashikaga family dispute over

who would be next shogun (chief military and governmental officer)

100 years of warfareLate 1500s—3 daimyo (powerful local

lords in feudal Japan) emerged victorious

These powerful daimyo established themselves as overlords over other daimyo and built a centralized feudal system in Japan.

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1568—captured the city, Kyoto through conquests and alliances

Ended the Ashikaga shogunate in 1573

Started to strengthen his power in Japan

Attacked by one of his own vassals in 1582

Wounded, he committed suicide

Oda Nobunaga—first of the overlords

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The other 2 daimyo (overlords)2nd—Hideyoshi-succeeded

NobunagaCarried out a “sword hunt”

to disarm peasantsPeasants could no longer

become warriorsOnly men born into warrior

families could become warriors.

Ruled until he died in 1598

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Succeeded HideyoshiEstablished capital at Edo [AY-doh]

(now Tokyo)1603—he became shogun (chief

military and governmental officer)He crushed his defeated rivalsThe Tokugawa family—kept title of

shogun for more than 250 yearsEstablished a government known as

the Tokugawa shogunate

Tokugawa Ieyasu


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A cross between feudalism and a central monarchy

Within his domain, each daimyo governed as an almost absolute ruler

Local peasants paid taxes to support the daimyo

NOTE: The Tokugawa family had its own private domain—included ¼ of the nation’s resources.

Tokugawa rule

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1630s—adopted a policy of isolation from outside world

Foreign trade was under tight restriction at the port of Nagasaki

Despite the policy, Japan was never completely isolatedJapanese people were prohibitedfrom traveling abroad.


Foreign Relations

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Shoguns did not promote changeStability more important to the JapaneseAdopted—with some changes—the

Confucian ideal of social classes.1. Warrior classTherefore the samurai stood at the top of the Japanese social order. Peasants, artisans, and merchants followed in descending order of importance.

A person’s social class –determined at birthSons—followed occupation of their fathers.

Life in Tokugawa Japan

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Agriculture production doubled between 1600 and 17006

Population rose by a one-third from 1600 to 1700

THUSInternal trade expands (regions specialized in certain crops and handicrafts)Cities grewArtisans and merchants grow wealthier

Population growth

Rise in popular culture: art, literature, and theater

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1858—Japan and United States sign a new treaty

Samurai angered by agreement1860s –Japanese Civil War1867--anti-Tokugawa overthrew the

shogunateEmperor’s power restoredMore centralized government in Japan

Meiji reign— “Enlightened Rule”

The End of Japan’s Isolation

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SSWH12 The student will examine the origins and contributions of the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires.

a.Describe the geographical extent of the Ottoman Empire during the rule of Suleyman the Magnificent, the Safavid Empire during the reign of Shad Abbas I, and the Mughal Empire during the reigns of Babur and Akbar.

b.Explain the ways in which these Muslim empires influenced religion, law, and the arts in their parts of the world.

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The Ottoman Empire

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SuleymanThe greatest Ottoman sultan• Ruled 1520-1566• Known as “The

Magnificent” in Europe

• “The Lawgiver” by his own people

• Expanded the empire—conquered Hungary

• Ruled most of eastern Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa.

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Ottoman Empire—made up of different groups of peopleMuslim Turks—lived in the heart of the empireChristians and Jews—lived in the BalkansMuslim Arabs lived in the Fertile Crescent and

northern AfricaReligious differences = TENSION

Sultans allowed the different groups to practice their own religions. They were organized into separate religious communities called


The millet system

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Suleyman the Magnificent• died in 1566

• His death marked the start of a slow decline of Ottoman power and influence

• 1600s—Empire lost control of the silk and spice trade between Europe and Asia• New sea routes—they

bypassed the Turks• Destroyed their trade


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Late 1700s• Ottomans lost the Crimean Peninsula and

lands around the Black Sea—to the Russians

1798• The French invaded Egypt—an Ottoman

possession• Land in the Balkans were also lost

• 1923—The Ottoman Empire endsTurkey established itself as a republic

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The Safavid [sah-FAH-vid] Empire

Ottoman Empire on the westMughal Empire on the east



1399—shifted from the Sunni to the Shi’ah sect

Use the ancient title of shah or “king of kings”

Shi’ah—official religion

Persian language and history—strong sense of identity

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Shah ‘Abbas the Great1587---became shah died in 1626• Reformed their

military—used slave soldiers

• Recovered territory that had been lost

• Moved capital to Esfahan—a beautiful city

political, spiritual, and commercial center• Economic

development—manufacturing and foreign tradePersian rugs, rich fabrics (brocade, damask, and silk) and beautiful tiles

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The empire began to decline and had ended by 1736. Eventually Persia split into a number of small states.

Ancient Persian rug

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The Mughal Empire in India

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“Babur the Tiger”

1526—he attacked the Sultanate of Delhi

Occupied Deli and the surrounding region.

This territory become the core of the Mughal Empire.

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Babur’s grandson“the greatest Mughal

emperor”(r. 1556-1605)

• Tax System—based on average of what a village might produce over a 10-year period

• He encouraged Hindu and Muslim artists

• Encouraged literature, architecture (blending Persia, Islamic, and Hindu styles).

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Tolerant of ALL religions

• Repealed the special tax that non-Muslims had been forced to pay

• Thought of himself as a divine ruler

• Established a creed called the Divine Faith

• Creed blended elements of Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, Christianity, and others.

Note: Muslim strongly opposed it!

Allahu Akbar“God is great” or“Akbar is God”

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Economy and TradeEconomy improvedWealth and great resourcesLocation—sea route to Asia = European

tradersJewels and goldClimate—variety of crops grownCities—seemed larger than any in

EuropeLeaders lived in greater luxury than

those in Europe

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The Height of the Mughal Empire

Taj Mahal

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One of the Architectural Wonders of the World

Built by the Shah JahanTomb for his wifeMade of marble inlaid with semiprecious gems

Taj Mahal