UNIS Annual Report 2003

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THE UNIVERSITY CENTRE IN SVALBARDUNIS – P.O.Box 156 – N-9171 Longyearbyen, Norway

Tel. +47 7902 3300 – Fax +47 7902 3301

e-mail: [email protected]













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The University Centrein Svalbard

... a sea of oportunities


1993 2003

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UNIS celebrated 10 years of activity in2003. During that time, the institutionhas earned a sound place in Arctic

research and research-based education. The next10 years will offer many challenges andopportunities. Further evolution of UNISactivities must be based on maintaining ourcharacteristic quality and characteristics,combined with a capacity to meet new realitieswith flexible solutions.

UNIS fylte 10 år i 2003. Institusjonen haroppnådd en solid plass i arktisk forskning ogforskningsbasert utdanning. De neste 10 årenevil by på store utfordringer og uante muligheter.Den videre utvikling av aktiviteten ved UNISmå baseres på vedlikehold av kvalitet ogegenart, og på evne til fleksibel tilpassing tilnye betingelser.


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Trykt på svanemerket papirLisensnr. 244.024


Cover photo:

The scientific establishment at UNIShas developed a special interest inFridtjovbreen. This glacier, lying at themouth of Van Mijenfjord, has advancedroughly 3000 meters since UNIS wasfounded. Now the advance has ceased,and the glacier is starting to recedeslowly. The last time the glacier wentthrough a surge was in about 1860.

Det har knyttet seg en spesiell interessefor Fridtjovbreen i forskningsmiljøet påUNIS.Breen, som ligger ved munningen avVan Mijenfjorden, har beveget seg ca3000 meter på den tiden UNIS hareksistert. Nå er fremstøtet stanset opp,og brefronten har begynt å trekke seglangsomt tilbake. Forrige gangFridtjovbreen hadde et såkalt "surge"var omkring 1860.

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UNIS Board, Academic workgroups, UNIS staff 2003

Report of the Directors 2003

Styrets beretning 2003

Resultatregnskap, balanse og noter


Courses taught 2003Emner undervist 2003

UNIS 1993-2003 – a ten year perspective

Student body annual report


Department of BiologyBiologisk avdeling

Department of GeologyGeologisk avdeling

Department of GeophysicsGeofysisk avdeling

Department of TechnologyTeknologisk avdeling

Scientific publications 2003

Guest lecturers 2003



















Wind, precipitation and temperature in Longyearbyen in 2003Vind, nedbør og temperatur i Longyearbyen år 2003

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Arctic Biology:Professor Karl Arne Stokkan, University of TromsøProfessor Claus Bech, NorwegianUniversity of Science and TechnologyAssociate Professor Torleiv Brattegard,University of BergenProfessor Stein Kaartvedt, University of OsloAssociate Professor Ketil Eiane, UNISJakob Orheim, Student representativeUNIS

Arctic Geology:Professor Karin Andreassen, University of Tromsø Associate Professor Sverre Ola Johnsen,Norwegian University of Science andTechnologyProfessor Atle Austegard, University of BergenProfessor Jon Ove Hagen, University of Oslo


Director of Faculty Kjell A. Sælen, University of Bergen (Leader)Deputy Member: Head of Administration Siri Jansen

Associate Professor Else Hegseth, University of TromsøDeputy Member: Professor Noralv Bjørnå

Professor Annik Myhre, University of OsloDeputy Member: Professor Dag O. Hessen

Professor Steinar Nordal, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Deputy Member: Professor Berit Kjeldstad

Viva Mørk Kvello, Longyearbyen Lokalstyres RepresentativeDeputy Member: Kjell Mork

Associate professor Frank Nilsen, UNIS, Staff Representative Deputy Member: Executive Officer Ingrid Vinje

Per Inge Myhre, Student RepresentativeDeputy Member: Kristine Braut

UNIS board


UNIS staff

From left: Annik Myhre, AudhildSchanche (director), Steinar Nordal,Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir (observer),Else Hegseth, Kjell A. Sælen, VivaMørk Kvello, Frank Nilsen, Per IngeMyhre.


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Associate Professor Hanne Christiansen,UNISJulie Bjørlien, Student representativeUNIS

Arctic Geophysics:Professor Asgeir Brekke, University ofTromsøProfessor Berit Kjeldstad, NorwegianUniversity of Science and Technology Professor Tor Gammelsrød, University ofBergenProfessor Jan Erik Weber, University ofOsloAssociate Professor Dag Lorentzen, UNISNjål Gulbrandsen, Student representativeUNIS

Arctic Technology:Associate Professor Torbjørn Eltoft,University of TromsøProfessor Lars Olav Grande, NorwegianUniversity of Science and TechnologySeniorforsker Anders Solheim Universityof OsloProfessor Jakob J. Stamnes,University ofBergenAssociate Professor Knut Høyland, UNISHallvar Fjell, Student representativeUNIS


Administration:Study Counsellor Jan Gunnar BrattliOffice Manager Helen Fossmo FlåDepartment Secretary Wenche GuldbergDepartment Secretary MarianneHatlestadLibrarian Berit JakobsenStudy Counsellor Eystein MarkussonDirector Audhild Schanche Senior Executive Officer Ingrid Vinje

Technical staff:IT-Engineer Gunnar Aske (until May)Engineer Stefan ClaesEngineer Jørn Dybdahl IT-Engineer Frank Eggenfellner (fromAugust)IT-Manager Heinrich Eggenfellner (fromMay)Head of Safety and Logistics FredSkancke HansenIT-Engineer Kristian Jaldemark (untilJune)Janitor Frithjof KildalCleaner Tove Kaldbekken LarsenChief Lab Technician Gerd Irene Sigernes

Department of Arctic Biology:Associate Professor Jørgen Berge (fromJune)Research Fellow Malin DaaseAssosiate Professor Ketil EianeProfessor Ingibjörg Svala JónsdóttirAssistant Professor Kari Klanderud (fromAugust)Associate Professor Rolf LangvatnAdjunct Professor Bjørn Gulliksen,University of TromsøAdjunct Associate Professor Geir Johnsen,Norwegian University of Science andTechnologyAdjunct Professor Rolf Arnt Olsen,Agricultural University of Norway

Department of Arctic Geology:Professor Ole Humlum (AdjunctProfessor from October)Professor Olafur Ingolfsson (AdjunctProfessor from October)Associate Professor Ida Lønne (until July)Associate Professor Tine RasmussenResearch Fellow Marta SlubowskaAdjunct Professor Arild Andresen,University of OsloAdjunct Professor Ron Steel, Universityof Wyoming, USAAdjunct Professor Anders Solheim,Norwegian Geotechnical Institute

Department of Arctic Geophysics:Associate Professor Dag LorentzenAssociate Professor Frank NilsenAssociate Professor Fred SigernesAssociate Professor Anna Sjöblom (fromAugust)Research Fellow Alexei StuliyAdjunct Professor Asgeir Brekke,University of TromsøAdjunct Professor Tor Gammelsrød,University of BergenAdjunct Professor Yngvar Gjessing,University of BergenAdjunct Professor Ove Havnes,University of TromsøAdjunct Professor Jøran Moen, Universityof Oslo

Department of ArcticTechnology:Assosiate Professor Per Johan BrandvikAssociate Professor Knut V. HøylandResearch Fellow Per Olav MosletResearch Fellow Svetlana Shafrova (fromAugust)Adjunct Associate Professor ArneInstanes, Instanes ASAdjunct Professor Elis Holm, Universityof Lund, SwedenAdjunct Professor Sveinung Løset,Norwegian University of Science andTechnologyAdjunct Associate Professor Jan GunnarWinther, The Norwegian Polar Institute

Externally financed researchers:Research Fellow Carolin Arndt, TotalPost.doc. Lionel Camus, NorwegianResearch CouncilPost.doc Elisabeth Cooper, NorwegianResearch CouncilResearch Fellow Christiaane Hübner,Norwegian Research CouncilResearch Fellow Leif Egil Loe, NorwegianResearch CouncilResearch Fellow Magne Andersen Drage,FBTPost.doc. Angelique Prick, EuropeanCommission (until May)Research Fellow Ragnheid Skogseth,Norwegian Research Council (untilAugust)

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The University Centre in Svalbard(UNIS), now known correctly asUniversitetssenteret på Svalbard AS, is

a Norwegian state corporation constituted asa limited company. It is a continuation of theUniversity Courses on Svalbard, orUniversitetsstudiene på Svalbard, alsoabbreviated UNIS, which was the name ofthe original non-profit foundationestablished by the four Norwegianuniversities in 1994.

The corporation’s objects are to providestudy offerings and engage in research basedon the unique location of Svalbard in a HighArctic latitude, exploiting the specialadvantages this confers when it comes toaccessing and utilising the Arctic wildernessas a natural laboratory and arena forobservation, acquisition and analysis of data.UNIS study offerings are designed foruniversity students and provide asupplement to the tuition that Norway’smainland universities provide, while stayingwithin a coordinated program leading up todegrees and postgraduate studies atbachelor’s, master’s and doctoral level.

The portfolio of courses offered in 2003retained the topics of previous years. Studentcomposition was also similar, as well as thenumber of students. Research activity washigh, as reflected in the increased externalfunding, influx of new projects and solidproject participation, and the numbers ofscientific papers.

Development of study offeringsStudies at UNIS have an international profileand all tuition is given in English.

The institution offers four major fields ofstudy: Arctic Biology, Arctic Geology, ArcticGeophysics, and Arctic Technology. In 2003these offerings were consolidated in each ofthe fields. A total of 39 subjects were taught,including a unit on the History of Svalbard.There were 19 courses at master’s anddoctoral level. Students at UNIS returnexcellent results and the course failure rate isless than 1 per cent. In the coming years theDirectors intend to extend activities with amajor emphasis on studies at master anddoctoral levels, while maintaining the qualityof the bachelor programs.

UNIS is an active member of the Universityof the Arctic (UArctic). Two of theinstitution’s course combinations, AT-206+207 and AGF-213+214, are available asspecialist studies for the Bachelor ofCircumpolar Studies (BCS) degree. UNIS hasalso undertaken to assist the UArctic FieldSchool programs.

Student bodyThe institution reported 279 studentsfollowing tuition or working on master’sdegree or doctoral theses in 2003, equivalentto 119 full student years. There were 57student years expended on bachelor level, 24on master’s and doctoral studies, and 29 onmaster’s and doctoral theses. UNIS is proudof its large component of internationalstudents and no less than 63 per cent of ourgraduates are in this category. Roughly halfof the international student body comes fromthe Scandinavian countries, and the totalnumber of nations being represented in 2003was 28. The female representation in thispopulation was 46 per cent.

Research activityThe year 2003 saw 39 students working onmaster level at UNIS, and 25 doctoralcandidates were registered. They come toUNIS on joint programs with Norwegian orinternational universities. Each student isallocated a tutor at UNIS in addition to his orher parent university tutor. During 2003, 16students took their master’s diploma atUNIS. Development and furtherance ofresearch cooperation with the Norwegianuniversities, as indeed with other researchinstitutes in Norway and abroad, is a UNISpriority. In 2003 UNIS faculty members co-authored 70 publications under refereeschemes. UNIS researchers participate in EUprojects and several projects attract funding –wholly or in part – from the NorwegianResearch Council (NFR).

Other activitiesThe Directors hold promotion of theactivities of the University Centre as a vitaltask. In January and February 2003 the”Svalbard Seminar”, assisted by the localoffice of the Norwegian Polar ResearchInstitute and the island’s chief administrator,the County Governor of Svalbard, was againheld at UNIS. As always, patronage wasexcellent. In June a large internationalconference on research on climate change inthe Arctic, organized in collaborationbetween The European Commission DGResearch, the Norwegian Research Counciland The Norwegian Ministry of Researchand Education, was arranged at UNIS. UNISacted as Secretariat and Local SteeringCommittee. In September UNIS celebratedits 10-year anniversary, hosting a variedprogram lasting three days, during which theNorwegian Minister of Environment, MrBørge Brende, laid the foundation stone forthe new Svalbard Science Centre. UNISattracts many professional conferences andseminars, and in 2003 six such gatheringswere held, two of them with international

Report ofthe directors2003


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delegations. In addition, many presentationswere arranged for visiting groups fromNorway and abroad.

Some of the research results from theinstitution are communicated to the world byweb-based publication series. To promote theproper communication of scientific researchin the new Science Centre, UNIS is involvedin the planning of the new exhibition at theSvalbard Museum.

OrganisationUNIS consists of four academic faculties, one Technical Department, and theAdministration Department. The facultyheads and the Institute Director make up the UNIS Executive Committee. FacultyCommittees for each study field meet once ayear with mainland university represen-tatives to establish guidelines for thefaculties. In autumn 2003 an additionalseminar, to which all Faculty Committeemembers were invited, was held to examinethe academic development at UNIS.

Academic and technical staffAs of 1st March 2004, the scientific staff atUNIS comprised of 18 persons in full-timepositions, plus 17 other individuals tenuredas adjunct professors. There was a technicalstaff of 8 and an administrative staff of 8.UNIS also has 8 externally financedfellowships.

The gender distribution of UNIS staff is asfollows:

Working Women Men Total years

Administration 6 2 8 7.0Technical services 2 6 8 7.8Scientific staff 6 12 18 18.0Associate professors 17 17 3.4External funding 5 3 8 8.0

UNIS building, housing and student dormsThe UNIS main building was completed in1995. It contains laboratories, class rooms, aspacious Auditorium, a Library, a Canteen,30 offices, and reading cubicles for 100students. We are experiencing a severeshortage of laboratory and office space forstaff, visiting lecturers and researchers, andresearch scholars. This situation will persistuntil UNIS can move into the new ScienceCentre in December 2005.

By year’s end 2003, UNIS had 26 familyhomes and eight apartments for staff use.The institution owns twenty-five of thefamily homes. In view of the increasing levelof research activity, the Directors areconvinced that continuing allocation of fundsfor housing investment is vital.

The Student Union in Tromsø (TSU) isresponsible for the student housing at UNISand have undertaken the refurbishing of fourold mining barracks in Nybyen. TSU cannow offer 120 units for students. The Unionhas been planning to build a new dormitory

Model of the Science Centre as seen from the east.ILLUSTRATION: JARMUND / VIGSNÆS A.S. ARKITEKTER M. N. A. L.

Foundation work on Science Centrewas completed in September.


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in Nybyen, but uncertainties regarding sitechoice have postponed the operation.Thankfully, the matter has now been settled.When it is completed the new building willbring the total student accommodation to144 units.

It is absolutely vital for the properdevelopment UNIS activities that studentscan find satisfactory accommodation. TheDirectors therefore find it important tocontinue the good relations with the TromsøStudent Union.

FinancesFunding for operations and investments atUNIS are provided over the budget of TheMinistry of Research and Education. In 2003these funds totalled NOK 45,400,000(Norwegian kroner), of which NOK40,083,550 was spent on operations. TheAnnual Accounts for 2003 show that 51 percent of goods and services are purchasedfrom the local community. The operatingaccount for 2003 reports a deficit of NOK1,900,084. The reasons are technical: fundsfrom the Ministry for four research fellowswhich in 2001 and 2002 were allocatedoutside the budget, were in 2003 included init, an adjustment which was not notified toUNIS until November 2003. After financialincomes and expenditures and allowing forextraordinary items the account shows adeficit of NOK 1,711,446. It will be coveredfrom equity. The total assets of the institutionat 31st December 2003 ran to NOK14,974,143, of which NOK 2,709,901represent the buildings at UNIS and NOK342,579 represent the share capital and otherequity. In 2003 the Institute Director receiveda salary of NOK 463,538. The Board ofDirectors received NOK 35,000 to theChairman and NOK 20,000 to otherDirectors.

Going concernThe Annual Report and Accounts arepresented on the assumption of a continuedoperation. This assumption is supported bythe profit and loss prognoses for 2004 andthe UNIS long-range Strategic Plan for 2001-2010.

Working environment and staffThe institution reported 88 lost workdays in2003, or 1.89 per cent. UNIS has a contractwith Longyearbyen Hospital to supplycorporate medical care. No accidentsresulting in major material damage or personinjury have been reported in 2003.

The UNIS building is a modern one whereclimatic standards are high. Modern buildingmethods, modern materials and carefullyengineered features have resulted in a goodindoor climate.

To our knowledge, operations at UNIS donot pollute the external environment.

Directors’ activitiesIn 2003 the UNIS Directors held five Boardmeetings. Three of these were inLongyearbyen. The year’s agenda covered 59separate issues. Among the most importantwere the Development Plan 2004-2010,which defines academic priorities and staffposition consequences for the period, thepreparations for the 10-year anniversaryprogram, the plans for the new building, andthe budget.

General meetingThe inaugural General Meeting of the newlyincorporated UNIS was held on 26th May2003.

Looking aheadThe plans for design and furnishing of theUNIS spaces in the Science Centre have moreor less reached completion. Work at theinstitution in the coming years will beaffected by the building and commissioningof the Science Centre, the expected increasein externally funded research projects, andthe consolidation and expansion of ouractivities in line with the plans adopted. Inaccordance with the Norwegian NationalAssembly’s decision to increase levels ofactivity at UNIS, the Directors will engage inactive and constructive dialogue with theMinistry of Research and Education to thisend.

In connection with the GeneralMeeting, helicopter flights werearranged to Pyramiden, the disusedRussian mining community.


The International ClimateConference was held at UNIS as acollaboration between the NorwegianResearch Council, the Ministry ofEducation and Research, and the EUCommission.


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Universitetssenteret på Svalbard AS(UNIS) ble opprettet som statligaksjeselskap den 29. november 2002.

Selskapet avløste stiftelsen Universitets-studiene på Svalbard (UNIS), som bleopprettet av de fire norske universitetene i1994.

Selskapets formål er å gi studietilbud ogdrive forskning med utgangspunkt iSvalbards geografiske plassering i ethøyarktisk område, og de spesielle fortrinndette gir gjennom bruk av naturen somlaboratorium og arena for observasjoner oginnsamling og analyse av data.Studietilbudet skal være på universitetsnivåog fremstå som et supplement til denundervisning som gis ved universitetene påfastlandet, og inngå i et ordinært studieløpsom fører frem til eksamener og grader påbachelor-, master- og doktorgradsnivå.

Kurstilbudet har i 2003 vært vedlikeholdt fraforegående år. Det samme gjelder antallstudenter. Forskningsaktiviteten har værthøy, noe som gjenspeiles i økte eksternebevilgninger, initiering og deltakelse iprosjekter og antall vitenskapeligepublikasjoner.

Utvikling av studietilbudetStudietilbudet ved UNIS har en internasjonalprofil, og all undervisning foregår påengelsk.

UNIS har fire studieretninger: Arktiskbiologi, Arktisk geologi, Arktisk geofysikk og

Arktisk teknologi. I 2003 ble studietilbudetinnen de fire studieretningene konsolidert.Det ble gitt undervisning i totalt 39 emner,inkludert et kurstilbud i Svalbards historie.19 av kursene er på hovedfags- og doktor-gradsnivå. Studentene ved UNIS oppnårgode resultater og har mindre enn en prosentstryk til eksamen. Årskursstudentene tar igjennomsnitt 19 vekttall pr år. Frem mot2006 ønsker UNIS å videreutvikle aktivitetenmed hovedvekt på hovedfags- og doktor-gradsnivå. Samtidig er det viktig atkvaliteten på studietilbudet på lavere gradvedlikeholdes.

UNIS deltar aktivt i utviklingen av TheUniversity of the Arctic (Uarctic). Tokurskombinasjoner ved UNIS (AT-206+207og AGF-213+214) kan brukes somfordypning i Bachelor of circumpolar studies(BCS). UNIS har videre tatt på seg arbeidmed UArctic Field School.

StudenttallTil sammen 279 studenter fulgte under-visning, eller arbeidet med hovedfags- ogdoktorgradsoppgaver i 2003. Dette tilsvareren studentaktivitet på 119 studentårsverk. Avårsverkene var 57 på lavere grad, 34 påhovedfags og doktorgradsemner og 29 iforbindelse med hovedfags- og doktorgrads-oppgaver. Ved UNIS er det et stort innslag avutenlandske studenter, og denne student-gruppen utgjorde i alt 63 % av student-massen. Omtrent halvparten av de uten-landske studentene kom fra Norden, og i alt28 nasjoner var representert i 2003.

Model of the Science Centre as seenfrom the west.


The foundation for the Science Centreconsists of more than 400 piles.


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Kvinneandelen blant studentene lå i 2003rundt 46% for institusjonen som helhet.

ForskningsaktivitetI 2003 var det 39 studenter som arbeidet medsin hovedfagsoppgave ved UNIS, og 25doktorgradsstudenter var registrert vedUNIS. Dette skjer i samarbeid med etuniversitet i Norge eller i utlandet.Studentene får oppnevnt en veileder vedUNIS og har i tillegg en veileder ved sitthjemmeuniversitet. I løpet av 2003 tok 16hovedfagsstudenter sin hovedfags- ellerdiplomoppgave ved UNIS. Utvikling ogvidereføring av forskningssamarbeidet medde norske universitetene og andre norske ogutenlandske forskningsinstitusjoner er enprioritert oppgave. I 2003 var UNIS- ansattemedforfatter på 70 publikasjoner medreferee-ordning. Flere forskere er sentrale iEU-prosjekter og flere prosjekter erfinansiert/delfinansiert av Norgesforskningsråd.

Annen virksomhetStyret ser det som viktig at det fortsattarbeides aktivt med formidling ved UNIS. Ijanuar/februar ble det såkalte“Svalbardseminar” arrangert i samarbeidmed Norsk Polarinstitutt og Sysselmannenpå Svalbard. Oppslutningen var som vanligmeget god. I juli ble det avholdt en storinternasjonal konferanse om klimaforskning.Konferansen var organisert i samarbeidmellom EU-kommisjonen, Norgesforskningsråd og Utdannings- og forsknings-departementet, med UNIS som sekretariat oglokal arrangør. I september avholdt UNIS sitt10 års jubileum med et allsidig program overtre dager, og samtidig la statsråd BørgeBrende ned grunnstein for SvalbardForskningspark. UNIS tiltrekker seg mange

faglige konferanser og seminarer, og i 2003ble det i alt avholdt 6 slike, derav to medinternasjonal deltakelse. I tillegg ble det gitten rekke presentasjoner for gjestendegrupper fra inn- og utland.

Forskningsresultater formidles bl.a. ved ennettbasert publikasjonsserie. For å bidra til engod forskningsformidling i den kommendeForskningsparken deltar UNIS i planarbeidfor den nye utstillingen ved museet.

OrganiseringUNIS er organisert med fire fagavdelinger, enteknisk avdeling og en administrativavdeling. Avdelingslederne utgjør sammenmed direktøren institusjonens lederteam.Fagutvalgene for hver av de fire studie-retningene med representasjon frauniversitetene møtes en gang i året og skalfungere som rådgivende organ for avdeling-ene. Høsten 2003 ble det i tillegg avholdt etseminar om den faglige utviklingen vedUNIS der alle fagutvalgsmedlemmer varinvitert.

StabenPr. 1. mars 2004 utgjorde den vitenskapeligestaben 18 personer på full tid, samt 17 medprofessor II/førsteamanuensis II tilknytning.Det var en teknisk stab på 8 personer og enadministrativ stab på 8 personer. I tillegg harUNIS 8 eksternt finansierte stillinger.

Fordelingen mellom kjønnene er som følger:Antall Års-

Kvinner Menn personer verkAdministrasjonen 6 2 8 7Teknisk avdeling 2 6 8 7,8Vitenskapelig stab 6 12 18 18Professor II 17 17 3,4Eksternt finaniserte 5 3 8 8

UNIS-bygget, boliger og studenthyblerUNIS-bygget stod ferdig i 1995 og inneholderlaboratorier, undervisningsrom, et stortauditorium, bibliotek, kantine, 30 kontorersamt lesesalsplasser for 100 studenter. Det erstor knapphet på laboratorier, kontorer tilansatte, gjesteforelesere, gjesteforskere ogstipendiater. Denne situasjonen vil vedvarefrem til UNIS kan flytte inn i Forsknings-parken i desember 2005.Ved utgangen av 2003 disponerte UNIS 26familieboliger og 8 hybelleiligheter til sineansatte. Av disse er 25 familieboliger eid avUNIS. Med økende forskningsaktivitet serstyret det som viktig at det fortsatt bevilgesmidler til investeringer i boliger. Studentsamskipnaden i Tromsø har ansvaretfor hybler til UNIS-studenter og har pussetopp fire gamle gruvearbeiderbrakker iNybyen slik at de i dag kan tilby til sammen


The General Meeting visitingFredheim, – the old trapper lodgeat Sassen.

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120 hybler. Studentsamskipnaden i Tromsøhar lenge hatt planer et nytt bygg forstudenthybler i Nybyen. Uklarheter rundttomtevalg har gjort at saken har tatt tid, mendette er nå avklart. Når det nye byggetrealiseres vil den samlede boligmassen forstudentene utgjøre til sammen 144 hybler.For UNIS’ virksomhet er det helt avgjørendeå kunne gi studentene tilfredstillendeboforhold, og styret legger stor vekt på åvidereføre det gode samarbeidet medStudentsamskipnaden i Tromsø.

ØkonomiMidler til drift og investeringer for UNISbevilges over budsjettet til Utdannings- ogforskningsdepartementet. I 2003 varbevilgningen på totalt kr 45 400 000, hvoravkr 40 083 550 gikk til drift. Regnskapet for2003 viser at 51 % av varer og tjenester kjøpeslokalt. Driftsresultatet på årsregnskapet for2003 viser et underskudd på kr 1 900 084.Underskuddet skyldes at midler fra UFD til 4stipendiatstillinger som i 2001 og 2002 bletildelt utenfor ramme ble lagt inn i rammen,og at UNIS fikk beskjed om denne endringenførst i november 2003. Etter finansinntekter/finanskostnader samt ekstraordinære posterviser regnskapet et driftsunderskudd på kr 1711 446. Driftsunderskuddet dekkes avannen egenkapital. Stiftelsens totalkapital pr31.12.03 var på kr 14 974 143, hvorav kr 2 709901 utgjør institusjonens bygningsmasse ogkr 342 579 utgjøres av aksjekapital og annenegenkapital. I 2003 er lønn til direktørutbetalt med kr 463 538. Styrehonorar er i2003 utbetalt med kr 35 000 til styrets lederog kr 20 000 til styrets øvrige medlemmer.

Fortsatt driftÅrsoppgjøret er avlagt under forutsetningom fortsatt drift. Til grunn for antagelsenligger resultatprognoser for 2004 og UNISlangsiktige strategiske plan for 2001-2010.

Arbeidsmiljø og personaleSykefraværet var i 2003 på 88 dagsverk, dvs.1.89%. Institusjonen har avtale medLongyearbyen Sykehus ombedriftshelsetjeneste. Det er ikke forekommetskader eller rapportert om alvorligearbeidsuhell eller ulykker i 2003 som harresultert i store materielle skader ellerpersonskader.I UNIS bygget, som ble oppført i 1995, er detstilt store krav til innemiljøet. Modernebyggemetoder, materialvalg og tekniskeløsninger gir et godt inneklima.UNIS kjenner ikke til at selskapets driftforurenser det ytre miljø.

Styrets virksomhetI 2003 har styret for UNIS avholdt 5 møter,hvorav 3 i Longyearbyen. Det er i altbehandlet 59 saker. Viktige saker som blebehandlet i 2003 var Utviklingsplan 2004-2010, som definerer faglige prioriteringer ogstillingsmessige konsekvenser for perioden,samt saker tilknyttet forberedelser tiljubileumsmarkering, planer for nybygg ogbudsjett.

GeneralforsamlingDen første generalforsamlingen for selskapetUNIS ble avholdt den 26. mai 2003.

Veien viderePlanene for utforming og innredning avUNIS´s areal i Forskningsparken er på detnærmeste ferdigutformet. Arbeidet vedinstitusjonen de nærmeste årene vil værepreget av at Forskningsparken reises og tas ibruk, av en forventet økning i eksterntfinansierte forskningsprosjekter og av enkonsolidering og videreutvikling avselskapets virksomhet, i tråd med vedtatteplaner. I henhold til Stortingets vedtak om enøkning i aktiviteten ved UNIS vil styret ha enaktiv og konstruktiv dialog med Utdannings-og forskningsdepartementet om dette.

Longyearbyen 30. mars 2004


The Norwegian Minister ofEducation, Kristin Clemet, openedthe Climate Conference at UNIS inSeptember.

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RESULTATREGNSKAP PR. 31.12. 2003 Note 2003 2002

Driftsinntekter og driftskostnaderDriftstilskudd fra UFD 1 40 083 550 38 563 000Utsatt inntektsføring av tilskudd -135 000Investeringstilskudd fra KUF, utstyr 1 383 042Investeringstilskudd fra KUF, boliger 2 604 447Eksterne prosjektinntekter 0 6 829 514 5 586 909Øvrige inntekter 2 2 072 361 2 229 484

Brutto driftsinntekter 48 850 325 50 366 882

Eksterne prosjektkostnader 6 829 514 5 586 909

Netto driftsinntekter 42 020 810 44 779 973

Lønn og sosiale kostnader 6 21 551 616 19 848 545Avskrivninger 3 987 489Felt- og toktkostnader 6 978 650 6 910 172

Øvrige driftskostnader 3 15 390 628 13 762 423

Sum driftskostnader 43 920 894 44 508 629

Driftsresultat -1 900 084 271 344

Finansinntekter og finanskostnaderFinansinntekter 267 128 432 290Finanskostnader 78 490 46 354Netto finansinntekter 188 638 386 035

Ordinært resultat -1 711 446 657 379

Årsresultat -1 711 446 657 379

Disponeringer:Til/ fra annen egenkapital -1 711 446 657 379




Note 0: Regnskapsprinsipper

Årsregnskapet er satt opp i samsvar medregnskapslovens regler og er utarbeidet etternorske regnskapsstandarder og anbefalingertil god regnskapsskikk. Følgendeunntaksregler for små selskaper er benyttet:

Kontantstrømoppstilling er ikke utarbeidet.

Pensjonsforpliktelse er ikke innarbeidet ibalansen.Alle fast ansatte er medlemmer avStatens Pensjonskasse, 40 personer i 2003.

Selskapet er ikke skattepliktig da selskapetikke driver ervervsvirksomhet.

Tilskudd som benyttes til finansiering avinvesteringer føres direkte mot investeringeni balansen som nedskrivning avanskaffelseskost. Differanse mellom utbetaltog benyttet tilskudd til investerings-formålfremkommer som ubenyttetinvesteringstilskudd i balansen.

Boliger avskrives ikke.

Eksterne prosjektinntekter/prosjektkostnader

Inntektsføring på ekstern finansierteprosjekter skjer i takt med opptjeningen måltmed påløpte kostnader. Midler til dekning avoverhead er inntektsført under øvrigeinntekter i resultatregnskapet.

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BALANSE PR. 31.12. 2003 Note 2003 2002EIENDELERAnleggsmidlerBygninger 4 2 709 901 48 779 187Utstyr og inventar 3 521 721Andeler Svalbardhallen 5 1 1Sum anleggsmidler 2 709 902 52 300 909

OmløpsmidlerVarebeholdning 84 311 68 437Debitorer 3 364 752 1 763 906Andre kortsiktige fordringer 7 564 956 644 802Betalingsmidler 8 250 222 5 026 124Sum omløpsmidler 12 264 241 7 503 269

SUM EIENDELER 14 974 143 59 804 178

GJELD OG EGENKAPITALAksjekapital 100 000Grunnkapital 200 000Annen egenkapital 8 242 579 1 754 024Sum egenkapital 342 579 1 954 024

Avsetninger for forpliktelse:Ubenyttet invester.tilsk.,utstyr 1 922 038Ubenyttet invester.tilsk.bygg 1 3 400 000Utsatt inntektsføring tilskudd stipendiat 135 000Utsatt innt.føring på invester.tilsk.,utstyr 6 443 858Utsatt innt.føring på invester.tilsk.bygg 44 129 187Sum avsetninger med forpliktelse 4 457 138 50 573 045

Kortsiktig gjeld:Leverandørgjeld 3 690 138 2 214 725Skyldige offentlige trekk og avgifter 1 707 885 1 687 025Annen kortsiktig gjeld 9 4 776 403 3 375 358Sum kortsiktig gjeld 10 174 427 7 277 108

SUM GJELD OG EGENKAPITAL 14 974 143 59 804 178

Note 1:Tilskudd fra Utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet

Totalt tilskudd til drift og investering fra UFD er mottatt med 45.400.000 Derav er1.916.450 investeringstilskudd til utstyrskjøp. Kr 3.400.000 utgjør øremerket tilskudd til nyeboliger og er ført i balansen som ”ubenyttet investeringstilskudd på bygninger”.

Inntektsføring av driftstilskudd i årsregnskapet kan framstilles slik: 2003Bevilget tilskudd fra UFD 42 000 000Andel inntektsført i driftsregnskapet 40 083 550Avsatt til investeringer 1 916 450Tilskudd øremerket for investering i boliger fra UFD (oppstart 2004), ført som ubenyttet tilskudd pr 31.12.2003 3 400 000Sum tilskudd til investeringsaktiviteter 5 316 450

Bruk av tilskudd til finansiering av investeringer framkommer slik:Aktiverte investeringer 1 916 450Nedskrevet med investeringstilskudd -1 916 450Netto aktiverte investeringer 0

I tillegg er det ubenyttet investeringstilskudd fra årene 1999-2002 med til sammen kr 922 038.

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Note 2: Øvrige driftsinntekter

Leieinntekter boliger 758 941

Til dekning av overhead for eksterne prosjekter 477 066

Inntekt av konsulenttjenester 229 676

Inntekter kantine 140 432

Kost, båt 142 692

Tilskudd andre instanser 134 131

Øvrige driftsinntekter 189 423

Sum 2 072 361

Note 3: Øvrige driftskostnader

Fraktkostnader kr 459 104

Vareforbruk kr 138 887

Kostnader vedrørende lokaler kr 2 957 451

Fremmedtjenester kr 1 814 831

Bibliotekkostnader kr 1 306 716

Kontorkostnader,telefon,fax kr 1 079 559

Drift kjøretøyer kr 378 610

Undervisningsmateriell kr 337 835

Reisekostnader kr 3 863 192

Forskningstøtte og stipender kr 1 267 471

Annonser og profilering kr 752 279

Kontigenter og forsikring kr 282 498

Diverse kostnader kr 752 196

Sum øvrige driftskostnader kr 15 390 628

Note 4: Driftsmidler

Bygninger Driftsløsøre Sum

Bokført verdi 01.01.2003 2 649 901 0 2 649 901

Årets tilgang 60 000 1 916 450 1 976 450

Nedskrevet med tilskudd i 2003 0 - 1 916 450 - 1 916 450

Bokført verdi 31.12.2003 2 709 901 0 2 709 901

Note 5:Andeler Svalbardhallen ( anleggsmidler)

Av velferdsmessige hensyn for ansatte og studenter er det tegnet andeler i

«Svalbardhallen A/L» for kr. 50.000.Andelene er nedskrevet til kr. 1,- , da andelene

ikke har noen omsetningsverdi.

Note 6: Lønn og sosiale kostnader

UNIS har i 2003 lønnet 37 fast ansatte

Faste stillinger kr 11 422 359

Gjesteforelesere, sensorer kr 3 062 610

Tokt-og feltgodtgjørelse kr 777 508

Styrehonorar kr 213 000

Sosiale kostnader kr 5 645 383

Andre ytelser kr 430 756

Sum kr 21 551 616

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Note 7:Andre kortsiktige fordringer:

Reiseforskudd ansatte kr 30 495

Fordringer ansatte kr 24 819

Lån til ansatte kr 23 328

Forskudd leverandører kr. 486 314

Sum andre kortsiktige fordringer kr 564 956

Note 8: Egenkapital

Aksjekapital Annen egenk.

Innbetalt 100 000

Overtatt nettoformue fra Stiftelsen 1 954 024

Årets resultat -1 711 445

Sum 100 000 242 579

Selskapets aksjekapital består av 100 aksjer til pålydende kr 1 000, totalt kr 100.000.

Staten eier samtlige aksjer.

Note 9:Annen kortsiktig gjeld

Interimskonto lønn kr 22 015

Påløpne feriepenger kr 1 619 641

Eksterne prosjekter (forskuddsbetalte midler) kr 3 072 607

Depositum studenter kr 62 140

Sum kr 4 776 403

Note 10: Godtgjørelser

Lønn til direktør er utbetalt med 463 538

Arbeidsgivers andel pensjon direktører 31 752

Andre ytelser direktør 4 630

Styrehonorar er utbetalt med kr. 35.000 til styrets leder og kr 20.000 til styrets øvrige


Det er ikke kostnadsført revisjonshonorar i 2003. Revisjonshonorar for 2003 vil bli fakturert i


Longyearbyen 18.mars 2004

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Administrative staff

Technical staff

Scientific staff

Adjunct professors

Research fellows


Administrativt ansatte

Teknisk ansatte

Fast vitenskapelig ansatte

Professor II



Guest lecturersGjesteforelesere

1999 2000 2001 200320020











Publications scientific staff

Publications adjuncts

In press (all categories)

Presentations (all categories)

Books (all categories)

Publikasjoner vitenskapelig ansatte

Publikasjoner professor II

Publikasjoner in press (alle)

Presentasjoner (alle)

Bøker (alle)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Production in Student-labour years(1 year equals 20 Norwegian credits)categorised on teaching levels.

Produksjon av studentårsverk (ettårsverk = 20 vekttall) ved UNIS1999-2003, fordelt påundervisningsnivå.

Student nationality categorised asNorwegian Nordic and non-Nordicstudents 1999–2003.

1999 2000 2001 20032002



Master/Ph.D. work



Hovedfags- og doktorgrads arbeid








Publications etc at UNIS 1999–2003.

Publikasjoner etc. ved UNIS1999–2003.

Workforce in man-labour yearsaccording to occupational category atUNIS 1999–2003.

Årsverk ved UNIS 1999–2003 fordeltpå stillingskategori.

Totalt antall studenter ved UNIS1999-2003 fordelt på norske, nordiskeog ikke-nordiske.





Norwegian students

Nordic students

Non-Nordic students

Norske studenter

Nordiske studenter

Ikke-nordiske studenter








1999 2000 2001 20032002

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Course Course name ECTS semester No. of students*

AS-101 Arctic Safety and Survival 3 spring and autumn 62SH-201 The History of Svalbard - an Introduction 6 Spring 7

AB-201 Terrestrial arctic biology 15 autumn 16AB-202 Marine arctic biology 15 autumn 18AB-203 Arctic environmental management 15 spring 23AB-204 Polar ecology and polulation biology 15 spring 18AB-306A Arctic Plant Ecology 9 spring 14AB-311 Biotelemetric methods 9 spring 12AB-321 Marine Benthic Fauna of Svalbard 10 autumn 13AB-322 Flux of Matter and Energy from Sea to Land 10 spring 6

SUM Arctic biology 98AG-201 The geology of Svalbard 15 autumn 10AG-202 Arctic marine geology 15 spring 13AG-204 The physical geography of Svalbard 15 autumn 14AG-207 Seismic exploration 9 spring 7AG-216 Marine Geological and Geophysical Studies:

Data Acquisition and Interpretation 10 spring 11AG-301 Arctic terrestrial and marine quaternary

stratigraphy - excursion 6 autumn 12AG-302 Geometry and Kinematics of Foreland Fold

and Thrust Belts 9 spring 9AG-303 Sequence stratigraphy: A tool for basin analysis 6 autumn 15AG-304 Glacial and periglacial processes 9 spring 18AG-305 Glaciology 6 spring 19AG-308 Sedimentary facies analysis

- From processes to systems tracts 9 spring 11SUM Arctic geology 109

AGF-207 Space activity and Remote sensing 15 autumn 9AGF-217 Remote sensing 10 autumn 1AGF-210 The middle polar atmosphere 15 autumn 4AGF-211 Air/ice/sea interaction 15 spring 16AGF-212 Processes in snow and ice 15 spring 18AGF-213 Polar meteorology 15 autumn 7AGF-214 Polar oceanography 15 autumn 11AGF-301 The upper polar atmosphere 15 spring 14AGF-304 Radar diagnostics of space plasma 15 spring 14AGF-311 Air/ice/sea interaction II 10 autumn 13

SUM Arctic geophysics 145

AT-205 Frozen ground engineering for arctic infrastructure 15 spring 6

AT-206 Arctic water resources 15 autumn 8AT-207 Pollution in the arctic 15 autumn 19AT-208 Thermo-mechanical properties of materials 15 spring 10AT-307F Arctic offshore engineering - Fieldwork 3 spring 4AT-309 Cold regions field investigations 9 spring 6AT-311 Fate and modelling of pollutants in the arctic 9 spring 9AT-320 Heat and mass transfer 10 autumn 4AT-323 Thermo-mechanics of ice and snow,

and loads on structures 10 autumn 8AT-327 Arctic offshore engineering 10 autumn 19

SUM Arctic technology 111

* Number of students that participated in the courses, students taking the exam may be lower

Coursestaught 2003


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10 years of UNISOn 19th and 20th September 2002 the Univer-sity Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) celebrated itsten-year anniversary as an educational andresearch institution in the High Arctic. A var-ied program for distinguished guests, localcommunity, staff and students had been setup. The official celebration for invited gueststook place on Saturday, 20th September. Mostof persons who have had an influence onUNIS were present, and the guest listembraced a range of prominent representa-tives from the national government, partnerinstitutions and local community.

The UNIS storyThor Bjørn Arlov, research fellow at UNISand editor of “Universitetet på tundraen - UNIS1993-2003” (The University on the Tundra –UNIS)1, which was launched at the anniver-sary, has summarised the early days of UNISin the following words:

The history of establishing UNIS is marked bynumerous players and processes that oftenoccurred simultaneously, but not always in acoordinated manner. This could give the impres-sion that UNIS is a result of pure coincidence, butit is rather the outcome of what we could call“happy circumstances” – the presence of manybeneficial factors in the early 1990s. The first ini-tiatives may be traced back to the second half ofthe 1970s and are closely connected with OlafRønning, professor of botany. During the 1980sthe idea was developed and presented selectively topoliticians and decision makers, but without con-crete results. Towards the end of the decade, how-ever, the idea became increasingly relevant due tothe government’s desire to create alternative jobson Svalbard and to strengthen Norwegian polarresearch. A process was initiated to establish akind of “Arctic College”, involving partly univer-

sities, local and central authorities and privateinterests. In 1992, at a point when the process waslacking momentum, the Minister of Educationand Research, Gudmund Hernes, forcefully inter-vened. He seized an opportunity to establishUNIS by allocating a hundred new student posi-tions and securing a cooperation with the Min-istry of Industry to finance infrastructure. At anunprecedented pace in the world of AcademiaUNIS was opened less than a year after the Min-istry had announced its establishment.

The first building was put up in record time,and King Harald in person travelled north tounveil it. The happy circumstances that led tothe foundation of UNIS have been continuedby the positive effects of student results andscientific production. The first ten years arewithout doubt a major success, created bydedicated, diligent and competent facultymembers, students and supporters.

Looking forwardTo coincide with the Anniversary Celebrationon 20th September, Statsbygg organised thelaying of the foundation stone for the Sval-bard Science Centre. Norway’s current Minis-ter of Environment, Mr Børge Brende, per-formed this ceremony at the completedbuilding foundation. Not only did theAnniversary provide an opportunity to lookback in time, but it also meant we could takea long look forward. Plans for the new Sci-ence Building are on schedule. When itopens, so too will new and exciting opportu-nities for UNIS as a key international centrefor Arctic research and education.

The then Minister of Education andResearch, Gudmund Hernes,inaugurating the University Studieson Svalbard on 6th September 1993.Tore S. Jørgensen (right) was the firstDirector.


1 Arlov, Thor Bjørn: Universitetet på

tundraen (The University on the Tun-dra). UNIS 1993-2003. UNIS, Sval-bard 1993. The book may be pur-chased from UNIS.

UNIS 1993-2003

- a ten yearperspective


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UNIS 10 årDen 19. og 20. september 2002 feiretUniversitetssenteret på Svalbard AS (UNIS)sitt 10-års jubileum. Det var lagt opp til etallsidig program for gjester, lokalbefolkning,ansatte og studenter. Den offisiellemarkeringen for inviterte gjester fant stedlørdag den 20. september. De fleste av de somhar betydd noe for UNIS var til stede, og itillegg en rekke representanter for nasjonalemyndigheter, samarbeidsinstitusjoner oglokale samarbeidspartnere.

HistorienThor Bjørn Arlov, førsteamanuensis II vedUNIS og redaktør for boka ”Universitetet påtundraen - UNIS 1993-2003”1, som ble lansertunder jubileet, har summert opp UNIS sintilblivelseshistorie på følgende måte:

“Historien om UNIS sin tilblivelse er preget av enrekke aktører og prosesser som ofte virketsamtidig, men ikke alltid på en koordinert måte.Dette kunne gi inntrykk av at UNIS er et resultatav rene tilfeldigheter, men det må heller sees somresultat av det vi kan kalle “lykkeligeomstendigheter” – av mange heldige faktorer somvar til stedet tidlig på 1990-tallet. De førsteinitiativ kan spores tilbake til første halvdel av1970-tallet, og er nært forbundet med OlafRønning, professor i botanikk. Gjennom 1980-årene ble ideen utviklet og selektivt presentert tilpolitikere og beslutningstakere, men uten konkreteresultater. Mot slutten av tiåret ble imidlertidideen stadig mer relevant, noe som skyldtesmyndighetenes ønske om å skape alternativearbeidsplasser på Svalbard og om å styrke norskpolarforskning. En prosess mot etablering av enslags ”Arktisk Høyskole”, som skulle involvereuniversiteter, lokale og sentrale myndigheter ogprivate interesser, ble initiert. I 1992, på ettidspunkt da prosessen manglet drivkraft, grep

daværende utdannings- og forskningsministerGudmund Hernes kraftfullt inn i den. Han grepmuligheten til å etablere UNIS ved å allokerehundre nye studieplasser og sikre samarbeid medNæringsdepartementet til finansiering avinfrastruktur. I et tempo uten sidestykke i denakademiske verden ble UNIS åpnet mindre enn etår etter at departementet hadde annonsert at detskulle etableres.”2

Det første bygget ble reist på rekordtid, ogkong Harald kom selv for å innvie det. De”lykkelige omstendigheter” som førte til atUNIS kom på plass, har vært videreførtgjennom en svært positiv utvikling både nårdet gjelder studentresultater og vitenskapeligproduksjon. De første ti årene kan uten tvilkarakteriseres som en suksesshistorie, båretoppe av motiverte, dyktige og innsatsvilligeansatte, studenter og støttespillere.

FramtidenSamtidig med jubileumsmarkeringen den 20.september arrangerte Statsbygggrunnsteinsnedleggelse for Svalbardforskningspark. Nedleggelsen ble foretatt avstatsråd Børge Brende, på det da ferdigefundamentet for Forskningsparken. Vedsiden av å skue tilbake på historien, pektedermed arrangementene også framover. Planleggingen av det nye forskningsbygget eri rute. Når det står ferdig, vil det åpne nye ogspennende muligheter for UNIS som et viktiginternasjonalt senter for arktisk forskning ogutdanning.

1 Arlov, Thor Bjørn: Universitetet på tundraen.UNIS 1993-2003. UNIS, Svalbard 1993. Bokaer til salgs på UNIS.2 Teksten er oversatt til norsk fra Arlovsengelske sammendrag.

The foundation stone for the ScienceCentre is laid by Norway's Ministerof Environment, Børge Brende.Managing Director of the NorwegianDirectorate for Public Constructionand Property (Statsbygg), ØyvindKristoffersen, is on the right.


Directors and Chairmen fromUNIS's ten-year history. From left: Kjell Sælen (Chairman 2000-dd),Audhild Schanche (Director 2002-dd), Lasse Lønnum (Director 1998-2002), Jarle Nygard (Director 1995-1998), Tore S. Jørgensen (Director1993-1995), Jan Larsen (Chairman1993-1999)



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For some reason almost all students whohave ever visited UNIS try at somestage to return to Longyearbyen. Life

and education in the world’s northernmostuniversity ensure that you get not simply afantastic scientific opportunity to pursueyour field, but also enable you to spend timeenjoying one of the wildest and most unusuallandscapes on the planet. One student, askedwhy he wanted to come back to Svalbard,replied “If you spend a whole year here, youwill understand why.”

Student democracyAt the beginning of each term a GeneralMeeting is held to elect the Study Council.The General Meeting is the highest organ ofthe Student Union and comprises all thestudents. The Study Council oversees thedaily work of the Student Union andrepresents the students in the formaladministration of UNIS. The students have one representative on theUNIS Board of Directors, which is thegoverning body of the University. We havethe right to vote on the Board, just like theother Directors. We are also represented onthe Executive Committee, which handles thedaily business of the University. Thanks tothis representation and the comparativelycompact size of the institution, students feelwe have a real say in the life of UNIS.

FundingThe Student Union receives financial supportfrom UNIS. Last year we also received someadditional funding from the Student Union inTromsø. The funds go towards maintenanceand refurbishing of student cabins, sleds andtouring equipment. Some of the money alsogoes to organise the Norwegian Course, toreimburse students unlucky enough to haveincurred medical bills, fitting out the newstudent accommodation in Nybyen, andorganising a wide variety of studentactivities.

ActivitiesThe Study Council organises a whole rangeof activities for students during the schoolyear. Here are just a few. Each Friday we holdour Friday Gathering, a relaxing and socialway to meet not only fellow students, butalso teaching staff. On Wednesday we havethe Wednesday Movie: when the film shownis the best of three chosen by popular ballottwo days before. The Study Council alsoorganises the Norwegian Course for a largenumber of non-Norwegian students.

Equipment and tripsBeing in Longyearbyen you don’t need to gofar to experience the Arctic wilderness. Evengoing on a short trip outside the town, youmust take adequate equipment with you. Youmust always be prepared for the suddenonset of bad weather. The Student Union isthe place to go for assistance with outdooractivities. Here you can borrow a rifle, tent,crampons, helmets – or whatever you needfor your expedition. If you prefer to hop on asnowmobile, we also rent out suitable sleds.The two Student Union cabins are populardestinations for shorter (Bjorndalen) andlonger (Svea) outings. Although thesurroundings look inviting you mustremember that real dangers lurk out there. Itis absolutely vital that expedition memberslook after each other and fill in the Tour Bookbefore departure, stating destination,equipment borrowed, and expected time ofreturn.

Social lifeStudent accommodation is provided on thefar side of town, at the very edge ofcivilisation. Two glaciers mark the beginningof the inhospitable wilderness. In Nybyenitself you will find no difficulty locating aparty in the evening. Students are keendefenders of the social graces and practice atevery opportunity. Revelling can evensometimes be heard from within the UNISwalls. Every semester we hold an Ice-BreakerParty at the university to break the icebetween the old and the new students.Students also enjoy ties with the localcommunity and take part in social events likesports, soapbox racing, sleddingcompetitions, charity events, etc. Students arenot confined to barracks, and you are just aslikely to meet your fellows dancing the tangoor attending folk meets. The local sportscentre, Svalbard Hall, is another favouritehaunt of students in the evenings. The mottois simple: if you have even an ounce ofcreativity, there is something for you inLongyearbyen, the community ofpossibilities.


Students engage in many socialactivities during the year. This is anoutdoor birthday party in Nybyen inSeptember.

Student bodyannual reportWOJCIECH MILOCH

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The UNIS Library is the scientificinformation gateway for students andfaculty at UNIS. Also staff at the local

office of the Norwegian Polar ResearchInstitute rely on the Library. A total of 246patrons were registered using our services in2003. The Library holds books, journals anddatabases in Geology, Geophysics, Biologyand Technology – and also runs databasetraining and interlibrary loan (ILL) servicesfor our members.

The Library doors opened on 202 workingdays for roughly 30 hours per week. For mostof the year, there was one staff librarian onduty.

For a period of about six weeks in January-February, we were assisted by a traineelibrarian, Kathrin L. Kvilstad. She joined uson an experience program from the OsloUniversity College, Faculty of Journalism,Library and Information Science. Kathrin wasinstructed in the use of several of ourdatabases and helped with the introductionof new UNIS students at the Library. Hermain task, however, was the long-overduereclassification of books purchased in theearly 1990s. Back then documents followedthe Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)system, but from 1995 onwards the Libraryhas been classifying all new acquisitionsaccording to the Universal DecimalClassification (UDC).

The Library was also deeply indebted to thelong-range assistance of our consultant, ElkeLindner, who works in a part-time positionfrom Berlin in Germany. Elke was invaluablein verifying and compiling bibliographicdatabases for the Annual Report 2002, theAnniversary Bibliography and the SvalbardReindeer Bibliography. Elke enjoys remoteuser access to the bibliographic databasesthat UNIS subscribes to. As a result of herefforts, the UNIS Library succeeded inentering in the region of 1500 bibliographicrecords for these three bibliographical worksin 2003.

In 2003, the Library took out a subscriptionwith ScienceDirect, which offers roughly 1800full-text journals within a wide range ofsubjects, with articles dating from 1997 till thepresent. We also signed up for 69 new full-text journals via SWETS, which willsupplement some of the 132 printed journalson our shelves. UNIS also maintained severalfree trials of reference databases in additionto the 15 we hold on firm subscription.During the year, 1874 new documents (1317journal issues and 557 books and reports)were entered into BIBSYS.

In 2003 we registered 2027 over-the-counterloans. In addition, quite a number ofdocuments were circulated as unregisteredcopies and scans. There were 801 interlibraryloans, 110 of which came from librariesoutside Norway. In the other direction, theUNIS Library supplied 41 books and 30Xerox copies to requesting libraries. Thesefigures are slightly below the statistics for2002.

Since 1996 the UNIS Library has been amember of the Polar Library Colloquy,participating in these conferences which takeplace ever other year. At the last businessmeeting of the colloquy, the UNIS librarianwas re-elected as a member of the SteeringCommittee for the period ending 2004. Since1995 the former librarian and the presentlibrarian have represented UNIS at meetingsof the BIBSYS Council.


Kathrin L. Kvilstad enters patron no. 1000,Simon Jessen, into the BIBSYS database on the7th of February 2003.


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The Department of Arctic Biology offerseducation and performs research inArctic biology and ecology. According

to the strategic plans of the department, weseek to build up two active research groups,one in terrestrial and one in marine ecology.Both groups have two full-time staff, and inaddition three adjunct professors wereemployed at the department in 2003.This year we have chosen to present two ofthe ongoing research projects run by theterrestrial research group.

Goose Grazing and Climate ChangeImpacts on Svalbard’s Tundra

Background Migratory geese breed in Svalbard insummer and return to Western Europe forthe winter, feeding on wetlands andagricultural fields. In recent years changes inland use, including increasing agriculturalproduction and the implementation ofprotective measures have dramaticallyimproved the birds’ ability to survive thewinter. This has resulted in a 30-fold increasein the barnacle goose and a 4-fold increase inthe pink-footed goose populations inSvalbard over the past 40 years. Bothbarnacle geese and pink-footed geese havetraditional stop-over sites on mainlandNorway during their spring migration. Dueto the increasing numbers of birds, conflictswith farmers in these areas are intensifyingand the geese may be forced to alter theirmigration strategies. As a consequence,feeding in pre-breeding areas in Svalbardmay be of increased importance for the geeseto build up their body reserves, therebyincreasing the impact on the vegetation inthose areas. In addition, increasedtemperatures in the Arctic as predicted byclimate change models may result in earliersnow melt allowing birds to breed earlier andproduce more offspring. Warmertemperatures during summer may also affectplant productivity. At UNIS, we are studyinginteractions between geese and their foodplants, changes in climate and the possibleconsequences for geese and plants in twoprojects, one focussed on the issue of earlysnow-melt at the pre-breeding areaVårsolbukta, the other concerned withpressures on the tundra due to summergrazing.

Effects of early snow melt on theinteractions between vegetationand geese.Vårsolbukta is one of the few known pre-breeding areas for geese on Svalbard. Manygeese gather there at the end of May aftermigrating from temperate regions and before

dispersing to the breeding areas. For thegeese, it is the last chance to replenish theirbody reserves before breeding and so feedingactivity is high. This constitutes atremendous grazing impact on the vegetationduring a sensitive period for the plants.Grasses, one of the most important foodtypes for geese, have just emerged from thesnow and growth starts rapidly to utilize theshort growing season effectively. There is ahigh concentration of nutrients in the youngdeveloping leaves and loss of those may havea significant effect on the plants’development. Geese are poor digesters anddepend on high quality food with highnutrient content in order to successfullyaccumulate body reserves. Mosses areregarded as low quality food for geese, buttheir availability is almost unlimited andgeese feed extensively on mosses if highquality food is scarce. If climate changesresult in early snowmelt during spring, thetime of peak quality of food plants may bealtered and move out of phase with thetiming of goose arrival.

The project in Vårsolbukta investigateseffects of the timing of snowmelt on therelationship between geese and their foodplants and possible consequences for thegoose population dynamics and the plantcommunity in such areas. One part of thestudy is to manipulate the timing ofsnowmelt in combination with grazingsimulations. By adding and removing snowin certain areas, the timing of snowmelt canbe delayed and enhanced, respectively. Inthese areas, three levels of grazing intensity -none, moderate, and heavy grazing - aresimulated by clipping individual plants.Thus, consequences of goose feeding inrelation to the timing of snowmelt can berecorded at the plant species level.

Vulnerability of Tundra EcosystemsArctic ecosystems are very vulnerable toovergrazing, as shown by recent experiencein N.E Canada, where high numbers of snowgeese caused large-scale degradation ofpristine low arctic salt marshes, leading todesertification of these ecosystems. Is thetundra in Svalbard equally sensitive toovergrazing? Which ecosystem processes aremost sensitive and what are the thresholdsfor irreversible change? In order to explorethese issues, a group from UNIS isparticipating in a large EU funded project,‘FRAGILE’: FRagility of Arctic Goose habitat:Impacts of Land use, conservation andElevated temperatures. We aim to assess thevulnerability of Svalbard tundra ecosystemsto further increases in breeding goosepopulations caused by changes in European



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land use and bird protection measures, in acontext of future climatic change.

Mosses and grasses often dominate Arcticplant communities that are grazed by geese,and any shift in the balance between thesegroups would alter the carbon balance of thesystem. The low thermal conductivity ofmosses reduces soil temperature, and theirlack of roots means that, once the water tableis below the soil surface, evaporation andtranspiration is minimised, maintaining wetsoil conditions. Both these factors reducedecomposition rates in the soil. Thus moss-dominated vegetation is likely to be a carbonsink. By contrast, grasses access soil waterand their transpiration increases overall ratesof evapo-transpiration, drying the soil andpotentially increasing microbial activity. Theyalso produce litter with lower amount ofcarbon that decomposes faster than mosstissue. Grass dominance is thus more likely toshift the system towards being a source ofcarbon to the atmosphere rather than a sink.Herbivory by geese can have a large effect byselective removal of plant tissue thuschanging the vegetation composition and theamount and quality of the litter produced.Goose grazing has also been shown toaccelerate the nitrogen cycle and in this wayincrease the productivity of their forage,when goose droppings and nitrogen fixationfunction as a source of nitrogen for thevegetation. A continued increase in thepopulations of geese grazing the tundra willalmost certainly have significant implications

for both the carbon and nitrogen balance ofthe system.

Experimental ApproachWe have set up experiments in Adventdalenin two vegetation types which arerepresentative of those used by geese inSvalbard in the summer; one is wet moss-dominated vegetation with grasses and theother is a drier tundra vegetation with shrubsand flowering plants as well as grasses. Weincrease the temperature of the air andground using small greenhouses, and allowcaptive geese to graze the experimental plotsfor one or five hours, to represent a ‘normal’and ‘greatly enhanced’ grazing pressure. Wemeasure the effect of the geese and thetemperature increase by examining the plantgrowth and productivity, the rate ofdecomposition of dead leaves and mosses,and output of carbon dioxide and methanefrom the soil. In addition we are looking forany changes in species diversity as a result ofthese treatments.

Carrying geese; Barnacle geese used in the experiments are carried to the plot where they graze forone or five hours.


Carbon dioxide fluxes are measuredto determine whether the tundra is asink or source of carbon, and whetherit changes with goose grazing andincreased temperature.


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Research Projects Arctic Biology 2003

Title: Population dynamics of zooplanktonin the North SeaCollaborating institutions: University ofCalifornia San Diego, University of BergenFinancing: UNISDuration: 1997-2003UNIS: Ketil Eiane

Title: Distribution of zooplankton in relationto biophysical gradients associated withfrontal systemsCollaborating institutions: Norwegian PolarInstitute (NP)Financing: UNISDuration: 2000-2003UNIS: Ketil Eiane

Title: Zooplankton communities under dif-fering advective influence in coastal areas onSvalbardCollaborating institutions: Norwegian PolarInstitute (NP), University of Kiel, Germany,UiTøFinancing: NP, UNISDuration: 2000-2003UNIS: Ketil Eiane

Title: Sympagic communities in the peren-nial sea-ice zone around SvalbardCollaborating institutions: Norwegian PolarInstitute (NP), University of Kiel, Germany,UiTøFinancing: TotalDuration: 2001-2004UNIS: Ketil Eiane and Jørgen Berge

Title: Fragility of Arctic Goose-grazed eco-systems: Impacts of Land use change, conser-vation policy, and Elevated temperatures(FRAGILE)Collaborating institutions: NetherlandsInstitute of Ecology (NIOO, coordinator),and 12 others, including three other Norwe-gian partnersFinancing: EUDuration: 2002-2004UNIS: Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir, Elisabeth Coo-per

Title: The effect of winter conditions on arcticplant populations and vegetationFinancing: UNISDuration: 2002-UNIS : Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir

Title: Effect of climate warming on tundravegetation, The International Tundra Experi-ment, ITEX.Collaborating institutions: Direct collabora-tors: Agricultural Research Institute and Ice-landic Institute of Natural History, Iceland,Göteborg University, Sweden. In addition,there is a networking collaboration with allmembers of ITEX Duration: 1994-Financing: No funding at the moment. Seek-ing funding for continuation of the project inIceland, Sweden and on Svalbard for studiesof long term effects of warming on plantcommunities. UNIS: Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir

Title: Population biology of clonal tundraplants: impacts of herbivores, climate andglaciation historyCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsø, Göteborg University, Swedish Uni-versity of Agricultural Sciences at Balsgård,Colorado State UniversityDuration: 1999-Financing: no funding at the moment. Fund-ing sought to complete analysis of sampledmaterial and data from Arctic Canada UNIS: Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir

Title: CAT-B: The Circum-Arctic TerrestrialBiodiversity Initiative - Causes and Conse-quences of Changing Biodiversity in Arcticand Alpine Terrestrial EcosystemsCollaboration: The project members so farcome from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Rus-sia, Canada, USA and UK.Financing: International Arctic Science Com-mittee, IASCStart: 2003UNIS: Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir

Title: The role of plant-herbivore-parasiteinteractions in the regulation of Svalbardreindeer.Collaborating institutions: Center of ecol-ogy and hydrology (CEH), Scotland, Univer-sity of Oslo, Norwegian College of Veteri-nary medicineFinancing: UNIS, CEHDuration: 1996-2003UNIS: Rolf Langvatn

Title: Population biology of red deer, - envi-ronmental effects and demographicprocesses.Collaborating institutions: University ofOslo (UiO)Financing: UNIS, UiO, Norwegian ResearchCouncil, Norwegian Institute of NatureResearch, Directorate for Nature Manage-mentDuration: 2000-2004UNIS: Rolf Langvatn

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Title: The ecological effects of climate fluctu-ations and change: A multi-disciplinary andintegrated approachCollaborating institutions: University ofOslo, Norwegian Institute of NaturalResearch, Institute of Marine Research, Uni-versity of Iowa, National Center of Atmos-pheric ResearchFinancing: Norwegian Research Council,UNISDuration: 2001-2004UNIS: Rolf Langvatn, Frank Nilsen

Title: Antarctic Deep-Sea AmphipodsCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsø, AWIFinancing: UNISDuration: 2002-UNIS: Jørgen Berge

Title: Amphipod associates of sea urchinsCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsø, AWIFinancing: UNISDuration: 2002-UNIS: Jørgen Berge

Title: Biomarkers to monitor oil and gasindustrial activities in the deep NorwegianecosystemCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsø, AkvaMiljøFinancing: NFRDuration: 2002-2003UNIS: Bjørn Gulliksen

Graduates 2003Dr.scient

Title: Biology and ecology of marine cold-water species in the ArcticCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsø (UiT), TotalStudent: Sten R. BirkelySupervisors: Ole J. Lønne (UNIS), Bjørn Gul-liksen (UiT/UNIS)Finnished: Spring 2003


Title: Spatial dynamics of zoolplankton in anarctic fjordCollaborating institutions: ChristianAlbrecht University of KielStudent: Daniel VogedesSupervisors: Ketil Eiane (UNIS), Dr. MichaelSpindler (Christian Albrecht University inKiel)Finnished: Autumn 2003

Title: Patterns of mortality caused by starva-tion in a Svalbard reindeer population.Collaborating institutions: SverigesLandbruksuniversitetStudent: Pernilla HanssonSupervisors: Rolf Langvatn (UNIS), ÖjeDanell (Sveriges Landbruksuniversitet)Finnished: Spring 2003

Title: Population structure and tropic interac-tious in polar cod (Borealis saida) in fjord onSvalbard.Collaborating institutions: University ofOsloStudent: May ArnbergSupervisors: Ketil Eiane (UNIS), SteinKaartved (UiO)Finnished: Autumn 2003

Title: Makebevoktning og sang hos hannerav snøspurv Plectrophenax nivalis, påSvalbard sett i relasjon til deresforeldreinnsats.Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and TechnologyStudent: Marie LierSupervisors: Rolf Langvatn (UNIS), YngveEspmark (NTNU), Arne Moksnes (NTNU)Finnished: Spring 2003

Title: One of the best managed wildernessareas in the world- demands and reality inwilderness conservation on the arcticarcipelago SvalbardCollaborating institutions: University ofGreifswaldStudent: Sebastian UngerSupervisors: Rolf Langvatn (UNIS), KonradOtt and Michael Succow (University of Greif-swald)Finnished: Spring 2003

Plant measurement; We measure the length ofgrass leaves throughout the summer todetermine their productivity.


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Title: On the structure of benthic soft-bottommacrofauna at Jan Mayen; A comparison ofdata retrived by Van Veen grab samples andvideo recording using ROVCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and TechnologyStudent: Trine MolandSupervisors: Torleiv Brattegard (UiB), OleJørgen Lønne (UNIS)Finnished: Autumn 2003

Title: Goose grazing in a High Arctic ecosys-tem: Impact on productivity and biomassallocation of the common tundra grassesAlopecurus borealis and Duponitia spp.Collaborating institutions: EnvironmentlaChange Institute, University of OxfordStudent: Dominique L. ChaputSupervisors: Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir (UNIS),Elisabeth Cooper (UNIS), Pam Berry (Univer-sity of Oxford)Finnished: Autumn 2003

Graduate students 2003Dr. students/Ph.D.

Title: Reduction in the Arctic ice cover;sources for and pathways of ice faunal pro-duction in the Svalbard regionCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsø (UiTø), TotalStudent: Carolin E. ArndtSupervisors: Ketil Eiane (UNIS), Bjørn Gul-liksen (UiT/UNIS)

Title: How soil fauna influence plant-micro-bial competition for N in arctic ecosystemsCollaborating institutions: Lancaster Uni-versity, UK, Centre for Ecology and Hydrol-ogy (CEH), ScotlandStudent: Stephen DuttonSupervisors: Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir (UNIS),Richard Bardgett (Lancaster University, UK),René van der Wal (CEH)

Title: The role of mosses in high arctic vege-tation: competition, facilitation, herbivoryand diversityCollaborating institutions: University ofAberdeen, Scotland, Centre for Ecology andHydrology (CEH), ScotlandStudent: Jemma L. GornallSupervisors: Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir (UNIS),Sarah J. Woodin (University of Aberdeen,Scotland) René van der Wal (CEH)

Title: Ecology of Bryozoa in Svalbard watersCollaborating institutions: University ofGdansk, University of Tromsø (UiTø)Student: Piotr KuklinskiSupervisors: Bjørn Gulliksen (UiT/UNIS),Jan Marcin Weslawski (University of Gdansk,Poland)

Title: Mechanisms of density dependence inNorwegian red deerCollaborating institutions: University ofOslo (UiO) Student: Leif Egil LoeSupervisors: Rolf Langvatn (UNIS), NilsChristian Stenseth (UiO), Atle Mysterud(UiO)

Title: Extent and dynamics of changes in Arc-tic microbial communities as a consequenceof exposure to hydrocarbones.Collaborating institutions: University ofTromsø (UiTø), TotalStudent: Stian RøbergSupervisors: Rolf Arnt Olsen (AgriculturalUniversity of Norway/UNIS), Bjarne Land-fald (UiTø)

Title: Succession of organism after glacialretreat on Spitsbergen: The role of cyanobac-teria and nitrogenfixation in ecosystem devel-opment.Collaborating institutions: University ofTromsø (UiTø), University of Idaho, USAStudent: Ursel SchütteSupervisors: Rolf Arnt Olsen (AgriculturalUniversity of Norway/UNIS), Bjørn Solheim(UiTø), Larry Forney (University of Idaho,USA)

Title: Diversity and nitrogen fixation ofcyanobacterial communities in terrestrial arc-tic ecosystemsCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsøStudent: Matthias ZielkeSupervisors: Rolf Arnt Olsen (AgriculturalUniversity of Norway/UNIS)

Title: Plant-herbivore interactions in an Arc-tic pre-breeding area for geese: effects of tim-ing and foraging intensity.Collaborating institutions: University ofTromsø (UiTø), Norwegian Institute forNature Research (NINA)Student: Christiane E. HübnerSupervisors: Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir (UNIS),Rolf A. Ims (UiTø)

Title: Effects of variations in ocean climate onarctic pelagic ecosystem.Collaborating institutions: Norwegian PolarInstitute, University of BergenStudent: Malin DaaseSupervisors: Ketil Eiane (UNIS), Dag Aksens(UiB), Stig Falk-Pettersen (NP), Håkon Hop(NP)

The tundra heath site is the drier ofthe two sites we are studying in theFRAGILE project.


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Cand.scient./Master students

Title: Analysis of succession of a rocky bot-tom community in SmeerenburgfjordenCollaborating institutions: Fredrich-SchillerUniversität - JenaStudent: Ulrike BartkeSupervisors: Ole Jørgen Lønne (UNIS), BjørnGulliksen (UNIS), Winfried Voigt (Universityof Jena)

Title: Life strategies and massive blooms inLimacina helicinaCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsø, Norwegian Polar instituteStudent: Charlotte GanneforsSupervisors: Ketil Eiane (UNIS), Bjørn Gul-liksen (UiTø), Stig-Falk Pettersen (NP)

Title: Life history and abundance (Mertensiaovum) in relation to lipids.Collaborating institutions: University ofTromsø (UiTø)Student: Marte LundbergSupervisors: Ketil Eiane (UNIS), BjørnGulliksen (UiTø), Stig Falk Pettersen (NP),Håkon Hop (NP)

Title: Zooplankton community structure indifferent water masses north of SpitsbergenCollaborating institutions: University ofBergenStudent: Katharina StoremarkSupervisors: Ketil Eiane (UNIS), Torleiv Brat-tegard (UiB)

Title: Demography of Laminata digitata (Hud-son) J.V.Lamouroux from two different areasin Norway (Svalbard and Hordaland)Collaborating institutions: University ofBergenStudent: Bernt Rydland OlsenSupervisors: Ole Jørgen Lønne (UNIS),Kjersti Sjøtun (UiB) og Tore Høisæter (UiB)

Title: Ecological amplitude in two evergreendwarf-shrubs in Svalbard: growth and repro-duction along topographic gradients.Collaborating institutions: Högskolan påGotlandStudent: Anna NilssonSupervisors: Ingibjörg Jônsdottir (UNIS),Karin Bengtsson (Högskolan på Gotland)

Title: Plant-reindeer interactions on SvalbardCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and TechnologyStudent: Eirin Marie BjørkvollSupervisors: Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir (UNIS),Rolf Langvatn (UNIS), Håkan Hytteborn(NTNU)

Title: Dynamics of overwintering zooplank-ton in an Arctic fjordCollaborating institutions: Wageningen Uni-versityStudent: Arjen BreurSupervisors: Ketil Eiane (UNIS) and RudiRoijackers (Wageningen)

Title: Development of digital photography asa means to estimate species composition andbiomass in tundra vegetationCollaborating institutions: Swedish Univer-sity of Agricultural Science in UppsalaStudent: Gry BenediktsonSupervisors: Elisabeth Cooper and IngibjörgS. Jónsdóttir (UNIS) and Anders Glimskär(Swedish agriculture university in Uppsala)

Title: Hatching asynchrony and egg size vari-ation, and their impact on hatching success,nesting growth, and survival in snowbuntings (Plectrophenax nivalis)Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and TechnologyStudent: Tore Kristian LerenSupervisors: Rolf Langvatn (UNIS), ArneMoksnes (NTNU)

Title: The interrelationship between egg size,growth, blood hemoglobin content and ther-moregulatory development in the Snow-bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis)Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and TechnologyStudent: Alexandra NävåsSupervisors: Rolf Langvatn (UNIS) andClaus Bech (NTNU)

Title: Ecology and productivity of dominantgrass (Alopercurus borealis and Dupontia spp.)in two high arctic plant communitiesCollaborating institutions: University ofGenèveStudent: Astrid PahudSupervisors: Elisabeth Cooper and IngibjörgS. Jónsdóttir (UNIS), Pierre Spierer (Univer-sity of Genève)

Title: Plant community differentiation in rela-tion to winter conditions in the high ArcticStudent: Inger MoeCollaborating institute: Agricultural Univer-sity of Norway (NLH)Supervisors: Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir (UNIS),Ørjan Totland (NLH)

The FRAGILE project was shown onSwedish TV in September.


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The Department of Arctic Geology isorganised around four main areas ofteaching and research: Pre-Quaternary

Geology, Quaternary Geology, MarineGeology and Physical Geography. In 2003 theDepartment formulated a new researchvision connecting these four scientific mainfields. The prime focus of this vision is therecognition that Svalbard, its fjords andadjacent shelf, offer an excellent opportunityto study a wide range of landforms,processes and sediments, related to thedevelopment and infill of sedimentarybasins. As a terrestrial outcrop on the BarentsShelf, we have complete access to a vastrange of basin settings, from the low-latitudeinfill of the Devonian basins, to the presentglacial and periglacial erosion and infill ofvalleys and fjords.

In 2003 the Department offered 11 courses;five at 200 level (undergraduate) and six atthe 300 level (graduate). The undergraduatecourses, making up the one-year 64 ECTSstudy programme, were offered in theirpresent form for the tenth year in succession.The six 300 level courses, each lasting 2-5weeks, were offered to masters and doctoralcandidates with a total of 45 ECTS. Astatistical average of 12.6 students attendedeach course. The total output of theDepartment in 2003 was 1346 ECTS.

Our academic staff numbers four full-timefaculty and four adjunct positions. ProfessorOle Humlum, Professor Olafur Ingolfssonand Associate Professor Ida Lønne allfinished their UNIS tenure periods in thesummer and autumn 2003. As the newphysical geographer, Associate ProfessorHanne H. Christiansen, University of Oslo,started in September 2003. Both theQuaternary geologist and the Pre-Quaternary geologist positions wereannounced in 2003. Dr. Gary Nichols, RoyalHolloway University of London, wasappointed to the latter position in December2003, and will start his professorship in mid-year 2004. At the end of 2003 we had still notappointed the new Quaternary geologist.

In the autumn 2003 two new adjunctprofessors were taken appointed. One,Olafur Ingolfsson of the University ofIceland, in Quaternary Geology. The other,Ole Humlum, of the University of Oslo, inPhysical Geography. This is the first time thatthe Department has appointed adjunctprofessors in Quaternary Geology andPhysical Geography, and reflects theincreasing amount of supervision of master’sstudents and courses being given in thesesubjects at UNIS. The appointment of formerUNIS staff in the adjunct capacity shall help

ensure the continuity of courses and researchat the Department.

In summer 2003 Dr. Angélique Prick fromBelgium completed her two-year MarieCurie Fellowship funded by the EuropeanCommission. In a cooperative project withthe University of Gothenburg and incollaboration with the Universities ofStockholm and Alberta, Sofia Holmgrencontinued working on her Ph.D. project onLate Glacial and Holocene climate andenvironmental variability on Svalbard. MartaAnna Slubowska, who in 2002 received ascholarship to pursue doctoral studies atUNIS, continued work on her researchproject in Marine Geology. Anotherpostgraduate student, Siri Hansen from theUniversity of Copenhagen, visited theDepartment for three months to attend twoUNIS level 300 courses. Siri is a collaboratingUNIS postgraduate working on a Ph.D.project on surging glaciers in the NorthAtlantic.

During the year, therefore, the Departmentexperienced quite extensive staff changes,but gained new professional competence.However, our guest lecturers still remain avital resource for implementation of thebroad range of courses we offer. Guestlecturers are also regular partners in ourongoing scientific projects. The close contactwith visiting lectures is also of great value toour students, who in this way have a closeassociation with research conducted onSvalbard and elsewhere in the Arctic.

During 2003, staff at the Department ofGeology was actively engaged in severalresearch projects. A number of projects werecontinued from the previous year andseveral new projects were initiated, as can beseen from the list of research projects in thisreport, as well as from supplementaryinformation available on the Department’sUNIS website. Some examples of ongoingresearch at the Department are brieflyoutlined below.

Research in Arctic Marine Geology focuseson high-resolution marine core studies fromSvalbard fjords (Storfjorden and Isfjorden),and the west and southwest shelf and slopeareas. Svalbard is situated at thenorthernmost extent of the North AtlanticDrift derived from the Gulf Stream system,which is responsible for the relatively mildclimate in northern and western Europe.Even small variations in the flow of warmersurface water are expected to have a largeeffect on regional climates and environments.

Palaeooceanography, palaeoclimatology andsedimentary processes of the Svalbard

Arctic Geology


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margin is investigated for the last 40,000years to better understand the processesbehind climate and environmental changesin the geological and historical past. The icerafting, palaeocirculation and deep-waterformation history of the Svalbard west slopeare studied in relation to millennial scaleclimate change, as recorded in the Greenlandice-sheet cores. The outer Storfjorden and theStorfjorden Fan are investigated with thepurpose of studying the history of brineformation in the past 20,000 years in relationto climate and oceanographical changes.Preliminary results show that brineformation occurred during deglaciation, butstopped during the Holocene ClimaticMaximum. Brine formation intensified againduring the Late Holocene.

The Holocene climate and paleooceano-graphical development are being studied aspart of the Ph.D. project which Marta A.Slubowska started in 2002. High-resolutioncores from the northern and westernSvalbard continental shelf form the basis ofthe study. Results indicate high oceano-graphic and climatic variability throughoutthe Holocene interglacial and a pronouncedcooling, and an increase in iceberg debrisrafting and freshening of water massesduring the Late Holocene.

Research on ice-wedge dynamics andpalaeoenvironmental reconstruction based

on ice veins from ice-wedges was extendedin 2003. A study site was instrumented incentral Adventdalen for continuous thermalcracking observations by miniature shockand vibration data loggers inserted directlyinto the ground above the ice-wedges.Additionally, manual measurements ofdistances across ice-wedges and insidepolygons, daily automatic digitalphotography of the site for snow-cover depthand distribution studies are carried out andground thermal conditions are registered forgaining a better understanding of theprocesses of thermal contraction cracking. Inonly a few other places in the Arctic havesuch detailed data on ice-wedge dynamicsbeen collected so far. Oxygen isotopeanalyses of ice veins from profiles across ice-wedge are being conducted in combinationwith 14C AMS dating of organic materialalso from the ice veins, to study the potentialof using this combination of methods fordetailed palaeoenvironmental reconstruction.

The avalanche-related research initiated in2001 was continued, making use of frequentfield investigations, daily automatic digitalphotography and automatic meteorologicalstations, to map snow-cover variations in thelandscape around Longyearbyen. Thisproject was prompted by a tragic event inFebruary 2001, when a snow avalanche nearLongyearbyen killed two persons. The

Mediumfjellet (Medium Mountain), Western Spitsbergen, exhibits Permian (ca. 245-290 Ma yearsago) strata and Cretaceous (65-145 Ma years ago) strata in which Tertiary thrusting and foldingoccurred. The opening of the North Atlantic Ocean and changes in the continental plateconfiguration caused that Svalbard and Greenland were pressed oblique against each other duringEarly Tertiary. Svalbard was exposed to high pressure from the west, which resulted in intensefolding and thrusting, seen in the mountain chain along the western coast of Svalbard.


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extensive mountain plateaus aroundLongyearbyen act as source areas for driftingsnow during the winter, and this redistribut-ion of precipitation has significance foravalanche activity and other phenomena,such as glacier mass balance. In 2003 thisproject was extended by establishing debristraps in avalanche fan areas above Larsbreento quantify sediment transport byavalanches.

On a more local scale, the thickness of thesnow-cover is also important for groundtemperatures due to the insulating effect,thereby influencing the ground temperatureand the thickness of permafrost. Also theplant cover is influenced by the thicknessand duration of the snow-cover, both duringwinter where the snow-cover protects theground from physical wind abrasion and lowtemperatures, and during the growingseason where surviving snowpatches act aswater reservoirs. A modelling researchinitiative (snow-cover, permafrost thickness,active layer, growing degree days, etc.) iscarried out utilising results derived from thisfield-based project.

In a cooperative project between theDepartments of Geology and Biology atUNIS, a lake monitoring programme wascontinued in 2003. The aim of theprogramme is to observe and quantifydifferent physical and biological processesoperating in and around Svalbard lakes, toimprove the understanding of the presentlake environment. Processes monitoredinclude air, ground and water temperatures,vegetation cover and communities,productivity, snow-cover and lake ice-cover.The first year of observations in this projectwere collected in 2003.

An interdepartmental UNIS project betweenGeology and Technology on boreholetemperature monitoring was initiated in2003. An old borehole drilled in 1988 next tothe Aurora Station in Adventdalen will beinvestigated in this project. Thermistors willbe installed in the 10 m deep liquid-filledborehole in early 2004, to allow comparisonwith ground temperature registration fromother shallow, but dry, boreholes close by.

In summer 2003 Post. Doc. Angelique Prickcompleted her EU-funded intensive researchprogramme on rock weathering in high-latitude environments started in 2001. Frostweathering of bedrock is highly important inpermafrost environments. As a study topic ithas occupied scientists from many researchinstitutes for at least a century, both in thefield and in the laboratory. The mechanisminvolved in frost shattering was initiallythought to be the dilation of freezing water,but this process requires a very highsaturation level in order to induce ashattering effect. New experimental resultsindicate that cryogenic suction is themechanism that is most likely to be effectivein the temperature and moisture conditionsthat occur in natural environments, as thewater content levels that commonly occur innature are far from complete saturation. NearLongyearbyen a detailed researchprogramme on rock weathering, rocktemperature and rock moisture was carriedout at a site that is daily accessible on a year-round basis, making high frequencyobservations possible.

During the year the Department of Geologywas proud to house the Secretariat of theInternational Permafrost Association (IPA),under the leadership of Hanne H.Christiansen. In the IPA’s Council Meeting in2003, Norway was asked to keep theInternational Permafrost Secretariat for thefive-year period ending 2008. It was pointedout how appropriate it would be for thefunction to be performed at UNIS, aninstitution that is itself standing onpermafrost.

Masters degree students at the Departmentof Geology studied a wide range of issuesrelated to snow distribution in the landscapeand its relation to the distribution of glaciers,permafrost, the meteorological control onavalanches, glacial geomorphology at asurge-type glacier, the dynamics of surge-type glaciers, the geomorphic impact ofsnowmobiles, and the thermohaline oceancirculation and its control on sedimentationin the sea. A full list of these M.Sc projects isgiven below.

Large avalanche crossing thesnowmobile track in upper Bødalenspring 2003.


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Research Projects Arctic Geology 2003

Title: NORD-LINK: Linking Land and Seaaround the Faeroe Islands and SvalbardCollaborating institutions: Geological Sur-vey of Denmark and Greenland, FaroeseMuseum of Natural HistoryFinancing: The Nordic Council of Ministers,program NARP (Nordic Arctic Research Pro-gramme 2003-2004)Duration: 2002-2003UNIS: Ole Humlum, Tine L. Rasmussen

Title: Mapping snow cover duration,avalanches and other geomorphic processesby automatic digital cameras, Longyeardalen,SvalbardFinancing: UNISDuration: 1999-2005UNIS: Ole Humlum

Title: Monitoring surface climate and activelayer temperatures in various landformsaround Longyearbyen, SvalbardFinancing: UNISDuration: 1999-2005UNIS: Ole Humlum

Title: Isotopic composition of modern precip-itation in Longyearbyen, SvalbardCollaborating institutions: Niels Bohr Insti-tute, University of CopenhagenFinancing: UNISDuration: 1999-2005UNIS: Ole Humlum

Title: Modeling energy balance, surface tem-peratures, active layer depth and permafrostthickness around Longyeardalen, SvalbardFinancing: UNISDuration: 1999-2005UNIS: Ole Humlum

Title: Monitoring surface climate and activelayer temperatures in various landformsaround Longyearbyen, SvalbardFinancing: UNISDuration: 1999-2005UNIS: Ole Humlum

Title: The climatic and palaeoclimatic signifi-cance of rock glaciersFinancing: UNISDuration: 1999-2005UNIS: Ole Humlum

Title: Late Weichselian ice sheet dynamics inthe coastal regions of western and northernSpitsbergen.Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Agri-cultural University (NLH), University ofTromsø.Financing: UNISDuration: 1999-2003UNIS: Ólafur Ingólfsson

Title: Late Quaternary glacial history of Sev-ernaya Zemlya, Arctic RussiaCollaborating institution: Göteborg Univer-sity, Lund University, Institute of Arctic andAlpine Research at University of Colorado,University of Illinois at Chicago (USA)Financing: Swedish Natural SciencesResearch Council, Swedish Polar ResearchSecretariat, National Science Foundation(USA), UNISDuration: 1999-2003UNIS: Ólafur Ingólfsson

Title: Monitoring annual changes in environ-mental variables (snow cover, lake-ice cover,vegetation, snow-melting, runoff and tem-perature (air, ground, lake-water) at two siteson V-Spitsbergen, for creating a baseline forcalibrating and evaluating earlier, presentand future environmental changes .Collaborating institution: Department ofGeology and Department of Biology, UNISFinancing: UNISDuration: 2002-2004.UNIS: Ólafur Ingólfsson, Ingibjörg S.Jónsdóttir

Title: Sediment transport during and afterthe last deglaciation and its effect on thedevelopment of a high-arctic arid landscape,Svalbard Collaborating institutions: University ofBergenFinancing: UNISDuration: 1997-2003UNIS: Ida Lønne

Title: The dynamics of marine glacier terminias read from moraine architectureCollaborating institutions: University ofBergenFinancing: UNISDuration: 1999-2003UNIS: Ida Lønne

Title: Rock weathering in high latitude envi-ronmentsCollaborating institution: European Com-missionFinancing: European Commission (MarieCurie Fellowship)Duration: 2001-2003UNIS: Angélique Prick

Title: Temporal and spatial variations in cir-culation of deep and intermediate watermasses in the North Atlantic region since 150kyr BP.Collaborating institution: Woods HoleOceanographic Institution (WHOI), AarhusUniversity, Geological Survey of Denmarkand Greenland (GEUS), Rostock University,Germany, University of Bergen.Financing: UNISDuration: 1999-UNIS: Tine L. Rasmussen

Students studying aerialphotographs.


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Title: Living (Rose Bengal stained) and fossilforaminifera from Storfjorden area, Svalbard:reconstruction of the Recent and LateHolocene history of brine formation.Collaborating institutions: Norwegian PolarInstituteFinancing: UNISDuration: 2002-2005UNIS: Tine L. Rasmussen, Marta A.Slubowska

Title: Sea level control on turbidite accumula-tions, the Battfjellet formationCollaborating institution: University ogBergen, University of WyomingFinancing: WOLF-consortiumDuration: 1995-2003UNIS: Ronald Steel

Graduates 2003Cand.scient

Title: Glacier dynamics at Höganesbreen,SvalbardCollaborating institutions: University of Oslo(UiO), Store Norske Spitsbergen Grube Kom-paniStudent: Thomas ChareyronSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), Jon OveHagen (UiO)Finnished: Spring 2003

Title: Glacial history and glacial landforms,processes and sediments; Vestre and AustreBrøggerbreen, Brøggerhalvøya, Oscar II Land,SvalbardCollaborating institutions: University ofCopenhagen, DenmarkStudent: Anders SchomackerSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), JohannesKrüger (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)Finnished: Spring 2003

Graduate students 2003Dr. students/Ph.D.

Title: Late Glacial and Holocene climate andenvironmental variability on SvalbardCollaborating institutions: Göteborg Univer-sity, Sweden, Stockholm University, Univer-sity of Alberta, CanadaStudent: Sofia HolmgrenSupervisors: Ólafur Ingólfsson (UNIS), Bar-bara Wohlfarth (Stockholm University)

Title: Mass balance characteristics of debrismantled glaciersCollaborating institutions: University of St.Andrews, ScotlandStudent: Lindsey NicholsonSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), DougBenn (University of St. Andrews, Scotland)

A small-scale laboratory model demonstrating the large-scale Thermo Haline Circulation.PHOTO: HANNE CHRISTIANSEN

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Title: Paleooceanography and sediment varia-tions in relation to climate change: A marinecore study from the Svalbard margin.Collaborating institutions: Norwegian PolarInstitute, University of TromsøStudent: Marta Anna SlubowskaSupervisors: Tine Rasmussen (UNIS) andNalan Koç (Norwegian Polar Institute)

Title: Geomorphological implications and theimpact of climate changes on the dynamics ofsurging glaciers in the North Atlantic Regions- with examples from western Greenland andSvalbard.Collaborating institutions: University ofCopenhagenStudent: Siri HansenSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), JohannesKrüger (University of Copenhagen)

Cand. scient./Master students

Title: The oxygen isotope stratigraphy ofLongyearbreen, SvalbardCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen (UiB)Student: Åse Hjetland BringedalSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), Atle Nesje(UiB)

Title: Lille Istids Maksimum i VanKeulenfjorden; deglasiasjonsdynamikk ogsedimentasjon under tilbaketrekningenCollaborating institutions: University ofOslo (UiO)Student: Marit CarlsenSupervisors: Ida Lønne (UNIS), Jon OveHagen (UiO)

Title: Climatic control on snow avalanches incentral Spitsbergen, SvalbardCollaborating institutions: University ofCopenhagenStudent: Jonas Ellehauge HansenSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), Hanne H.Christiansen (University of Copenhagen)

Title: The Geomorphic impact of snowmo-biles around Longyearbyen, SvalbardCollaborating institutions: Lund UniversityStudent: Malin Elisabeth PerssonSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), JonasÅkerman (Lund University)

Title: Permafrost investigations in arctic andmountain environmentsCollaborating institutions: University ofInnsbruckStudent: Anja FleigSupervisors: Arne Instanes (UNIS), Ole Hum-lum (UNIS) and Johan Stötter (University ofInnsbruck)

Title: Mapping of dominant wind directionswith emphasis on the influence of wind uponorientation of glaciers and snowdriftforms.Collaborating institutions: University ofBergenStudent: Torger Natvig HolenSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), Atle Nesje(UiB)

Title: Periodical subduction of the Atlanticlayer. A concept for climatic fluctuations oncentennial to millenial scale during last glacia-tion?Collaborating institutions: University ofCopenhagen Student: Simon JessenSupervisors: Tine Rasmussen (UNIS), Christ-ian Christiansen (University of Copenhagen)

Title: Geological studies in the Ispallen-areawith emphasis on the Todalen-Member of theFirkanten formation.Collaborating institutions: LMU MünchenStudent: Malte JochmannSupervisors: Ron Steel (UNIS), Sverre OlaJohnsen (NTNU), Bernd Lammerer (LMUMünchen)

The planktic foraminiferaNeogloboquadrina pachyderma d(right coiling form) is a warm waterspecies. Photo shows dorsal side.


The planktic foraminifera N.pachyderma s (left coiling form) is acold water species. Photo showsventral side.


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The Arctic Geophysics Departmentspecialises in four fields of teachingand research: Oceanography,

Meteorology, and Middle and Upper PolarAtmospherics. Hence we cover the verticalcolumn from below the sea to the solar windin near space. Our emphasis is on Polargeophysical phenomena with globalimplications, such as ocean currents, weathersystems, and atmospheric radiation. Four fullprofessorships cover the specialist fields. In2003 there were five adjunct professors in 20per cent positions in Meteorology,Oceanography, Middle Atmospherics, andUpper Atmospherics (two positions).Andøya Rocket Range funds the secondadjunct professor in Upper Atmospherics. In2003 Lars R. Hole replaced Yngvar Gjessingas our Meteorology associate. Anna Sjøblomfunctioned as associate professor inMeteorology in the autumn term while Holetook paternity leave. The Department hadnine doctoral fellows and eight master’sstudents doing their research at UNIS duringthe year. Three master’s students completedtheir theses, while one doctoral fellow(Ragnheid Skogseth) held her disputation atUNIS. Our Department has been accreditedas a Madam Curie Training Site by theEuropean Commission, and three of ourPh.D students were Madam Curie fellows.

TeachingWe currently offer six undergraduate andfour postgraduate courses. One postgraduatecourse counts for 9 ECTS whereas all othercourses count for 15 ECTS credits. Coursesare aimed at students with a background inGeophysics, and introduce them to processesand theories related to the Arcticenvironment. Fieldwork is an importantelement in the teaching, and students gethands-on experience in instrumentoperation, data collection, and analysis offield data.

ResearchOur Department pursues a broad range ofArctic research. We supervise dailyoperations at the Auroral Station inAdventdalen. This optical research stationhas 25 instruments and engages 17collaborating institutions from eight differentcountries. Research focus is on plasmaphysics processes in the ionosphere andmagnetospheric boundary processes,combined with temperature measurementsin the mesosphere.

The Auroral Station suffers from increasedlight pollution, an outdated building, andlimited space to accommodate newinstrumentation. A building program for the

new Auroral Station was drawn up in 2003by the Norwegian Directorate for PublicConstruction and Property (Statsbygg), butfunding for the construction has not yet beenappropriated. A petition for constructionstart-up is now being evaluated by theMinistry of Education and Research. Withthe increasing international interest in opticalground-based research of the mesosphere,ionosphere and magnetosphere, coupledwith satellite data, EISCAT radars and rocketlaunches, there is a unique opportunity tostudy important processes in the upperatmosphere, and see how these processes arecoupled with energy transfer from the Sunvia solar winds to the Earth. A new AuroralStation would greatly improve theinfrastructure for this type of research onSvalbard.

In 2003 we hosted the 30th Annual EuropeanMeeting on Atmospheric Studies by OpticalMethods, a meeting that drew 50 delegatesand lasted for five days. The conferenceincluded sections on aurora, ionosphere andmagnetosphere; new instrumentation;mesosphere and related phenomena;stratosphere and related phenomena, as wellas a special section for the 25-yearanniversary of the Auroral Station inAdventdalen. Conference proceedings arenow being published.

Mesospheric temperature logs have beenkept at the Auroral Station for almost 25years, constituting one of the longest timeseries in the world for this type ofmeasurement. Quality assurance on thereadings, as well as analysis of the data, iscarried out at UNIS. Temperature records areimportant both in a global context, and forour understanding of the interaction betweenthe upper and middle atmosphere. In thisconnection we actively use data from theSOUSY radar located near Longyearbyen,and the LIDARs situated at the KoldeweyStation in Ny-Ålesund. One MINI Dustyrocket payload is being put together incooperation with the Auroral Observatory,University of Tromsø. The rocket will belaunched as soon as rocket motors becomeavailable. In addition, a small dual channelspectrograph have been designed and testedin cooperation with the Auroral Observatoryand the Fisheries Institute in Tromsø. Theinstrument is intended to be part of the MINIDusty payload.

A new generation of spectral imagers hasbeen developed at the GeophysicsDepartment. The instruments detect spectralsignatures of any target at high spectral andspatial resolution. Two of the units are usedby the Fisheries Institute in Tromsø, and at




Ragnheid Skogseth defending herthesis at UNIS on 25th September2003.

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the Institute of Physics in Lhasa, Tibet. TheGeophysics Department has conductedseveral airborne campaigns in order toidentify possible applications. Theclassification of ice, melt water, vegetation,etc., provide a few of the potential uses. Anew version of these spectral imagers with afaster frame rate (25 fps) has beenconstructed in cooperation with Statoil forairborne classification of bedrock layers onSvalbard. Also, as a consequence, InertialNavigation Systems are being developed.One of these systems has been successfullytested aloft. The aim is to be able to applygeometrical corrections to the data from thespectral imagers, and to map the result ontoa terrain model.

The Geophysics Department has initiated ajoint venture combining the efforts of theTechnical University of Berlin with theNorwegian Space Agency and SVALSAT touse and operate the DLR-TUBSAT satellite.This microsatellite is designed for interactiveearth observation where the target is notclearly identified in advance. Preliminarytests from SVALSAT have been performed todownload data from the satellite in polarorbit and a command station has beeninstalled at UNIS to control the attitude.

Doctoral student Magne A. Drage studiesaccretion and precipitation icing onstructures located in complex terrain. We arecollecting data from two locations:Gaustadtoppen (1800 m), a mountain in thecentral Norwegian highlands; andBrosviksåta (900 m), situated on the westcoast of Norway. He has installedinstrumentation to monitor atmosphericturbulence and ice loads on a cylindricalstructure. TV cameras monitor the icingprocess. The main objective of doctoral student AlexeiStuliy’s work is to estimate wind speed,wind stress, thermal stability factors and

other important geophysical parametersfrom ERS-2 and ENVISAT satellites. Duringthe year, Alexei Stuliy has mainly beenworking on data collected during a ten daysexperiment in September 2003. The dataconsists of both ground based in-situmeasurements of meteorological parametersand remote sensed microwave space bornesatellite imagery, i.e. vertically polarized(VV) C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)imagery from ERS-2 and Envisat satellites.The remotely sensed data will be comparedagainst the ground based measured in-situdata. The accuracy of remotely measuredturbulent fluxes will be estimated and theimpact of operational and theoreticalconstraints will be investigated.From 25th to 27th July, UNIS arranged anInternational Conference on “ClimateChange Research in the Arctic – FutureChallenges”, with the then Minister ofEducation and Research in Norway, MsKristin Clemet, as the official host. Theconference attracted eminent scientists froma variety of scientific fields as well as high-level policy makers, and resulted in valuableinput to our common understanding ofresearch challenges and the need for policymeasures. Our own Frank Nilsenrepresented UNIS on the Scientific SteeringCommittee and Marianne Hatlestad acted asConference Secretary.

The Department takes part in studies of massexchange and variability in the NorthAtlantic and Arctic Oceans. Focus is onseasonal and other variations in waterexchange between the Norwegian Sea,Greenland Sea, Arctic Ocean and contiguoussea areas. Øyvind Leikvin defended hismaster’s thesis “Currents and Water MassFluxes between Franz Josef Land and NovayaZemlya 1991-1992” in September.

Another project is “Polar Ocean ClimateProcesses (ProClim)”. In order to understand

Research vessel Lance from theNorwegian Polar Institute is used byUNIS on scientific cruises. Here it ismoored to an ice floe in the FramStrait, May 2003. Students are atwork on the ice.


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and predict large-scale ocean climatevariability, one needs to take into account anumber of mesoscale and small scaleprocesses controlling how properties (such asheat, salt, momentum, nutrients, traceelements) are being transferred throughoutthe system. Three major regions can bedistinguished in the geographical areacovered by the Polar Climate Program: thecontinental shelf, the continental slope anddeep ocean basins. The regions are reflectedin the first three work packages in the project.In deep basins (1) deep convection in regionsof weak vertical stratification leads to theformation of deep and intermediate waters,which are the main constituents of theGreenland-Iceland-Scotland overflows andultimately of the North-Atlantic deep-waterfaction. The focus on shelves mainlyconcentrates on brine-enriched water (2)resulting from sea-ice formation in coastalpolynyas and along topographicallyinfluenced fronts and ice edges. Interactionsbetween shelves and deep basins aremanifested in cross-slope exchanges (3)involving slope convection and cascading.Our new Post Doc in Oceanography, Dr.Ragnheid Skogseth, will mainly focus onwork package 2 and use Storfjorden as alaboratory for her observations andmodelling trials.

Ragnheid Skogseth defended her thesis on“Dense Water Production Processes inStorfjorden” on 25th September, in the processbecoming the first female student to do so atUNIS. The thesis examines the processesinvolved in production of dense, saline andcold deep-water in Storfjorden (Svalbard).Production of deep-water is important inorder to maintain the thermohalinecirculation and to feed the deep oceans withoxygen. Temperature and salinityobservations are used to describe seasonalchanges of water masses in Storfjorden. Fromobservations of such parameters as wind andair temperature, the sea-ice growth can bemodelled each winter. Afterwards, themodelled ice production is used to estimatethe resulting production of cold, saline deep-water in Storfjorden. The accompanyingdense bottom gravity current across the shelfbreak is observed and mapped with theemphasis on transport and mixing properties.Storfjorden may supply up to 20 per cent ofthe deep-water contribution from coastalpolynyas in the Arctic. Interannual variabilityis linked to regional ice-cover, ice transportand salinity profile (stability of the watercolumn). Some connection to the large-scaleatmospheric circulation in the North-Atlantic(NAO) is also found.

In November and December, for the first timelectures in AGF-311 Air-Ice-Sea Interaction IIwere given at UNIS. Our 13 postgraduatespassed the examination with flying colours.The course objectives were based on datagathered in Skogseth’s Ph.D work and theaccompanying scientific cruise and datacollection therefore took place in an ice-covered Storfjorden.

A project financed by the NorwegianResearch Council on “Atmosphere-Ice-OceanInteraction Studies (AIO)” in January 2003 wasundertaken by doctoral student KarolinaWidell, who could apply state-of-the-artturbulence instrumentation. The project’soverall objectives are to provide a rigorousbasis for selected sea-ice related aspects ofclimate hypotheses, by the use of controlledfield experiments using the Svalbard fjords asa natural laboratory, and to improveNorwegian capabilities in sea-ice interactionresearch by engaging US expertise andinstrumentation in joint experimentation, andlastly by the exchange of research fellows.Van Mijenfjorden and Kongsfjorden werechosen as the observation sites. In November,Anders Sirevaag defended his master’s thesison “Turbulence and Heat Exchange Below theIce” using data collected in this project.

Research into processes in the coastal andfjordal areas of Spitsbergen has continued in2003. During the scientific cruise in unit AGF-214 Polar Ocean Climate, measurements oftemperature and salinity were conducted inthree different fjord systems along WesternSpitsbergen: Van Mijenfjorden, the Isfjordensystem, and the Kongsfjorden system. In allthese fjord systems, and especially theIsfjorden system, the water temperature was3-4 degrees colder than in previous years.These water masses were not only colder, butalso fresher than hitherto, and their salinitysuggested that less Atlantic water hadpenetrated into Isfjorden. Ongoing researchprojects are trying to explain the mechanismsbehind the flow of Atlantic water into thefjord systems and why it might differ fromyear to year. When, in August, Elin Dareliusdefended her master’s thesis on “Circulationand Water Mass Formation in an Arctic Fjord”,she relied on these data. Since then, SaraMattsson has continued the study under theworking title “Why Is There No Ice onIsfjorden?”

The institution’s collaborative project withmining company Store Norske SpitsbergenKullkompani continued in 2003. Theprincipal interests are ice thicknessdistribution and historical time series of theice-cover in Van Mijenfjorden.

Students in AGF 212 learn how tomeasure turbulent fluxes of heat andmomentum over the drift ice in theFram Strait, May 2003.


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Research Projects Arctic Geophysics 2003

Title: Monitoring Atlantic inflow north ofSvalbardCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen (UiB)Financing: UNIS, UiBDuration: 1999-UNIS: Tor Gammelsrød, Frank Nilsen

Title: Dense water production processes inStorfjordenCollaborating institutions: University ofBergenFinancing: Norwegian Research CouncilDuration: 2000-2003UNIS: Tor Gammelsrød, Ragnheid Skogseth

Title: Atmospheric accreation and icingCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen, Norwegian Defence ConstructionServiceFinancing: Norwegian Defence ConstructionService, Norkring, Statnet, TelenorDuration: 2001-2004UNIS: Yngvar Gjessing, Magne AndersenDrage

Title: Mass balance and climate on glaciers inIcelandCollaborating institutions: University in Ice-landFinancing: University in Iceland, UNIS, Uni-versity of BergenDuration: 2000-2004UNIS: Yngvar Gjessing, Ola Brandt, PeterSchelander, Kaisa Halkola

Title: Environmental research in Tibet Collaborating institutions: MeteorologicalBureau Lhasa, University of BergenFinancing: Norwegian Foreign Ministry, Nor-wegian Agency for Development Coopera-tion Duration: 1995-2006UNIS: Yngvar Gjessing, Helen Flå

Title: Study of snow storage around build-ings and deposition of ice on constructions atMelkøya.Collaborating institutions: Barlindhaug,University of Bergen (UiB)Financing: BarlindhaugDuration: 2001-2002UNIS: Yngvar Gjessing, Magne A. Drage.

Title: ProtonicsCollaborating institutions: University ofAlaska, Fairbanks (UAF)Financing: UAF, UNISDuration: 2001-UNIS: Dag A. Lorentzen

Title: Auroral substorm and the magntos-pheric bundary layerCollaborating institutions: University ofOsloFinancing: UNISDuration: 2001-UNIS: Dag A. Lorentzen

Title: Polar airglow patch investigationCollaborating institutions: Univ. of Alaska,FairbanksFinancing: UNISDuration: 2002-UNIS: Dag A. Lorentzen

Title: SERSIO rocket campaignCollaborating institutions: National Aero-nautics and Space Administration (NASA),UNIS, University of Oslo, EISCATFinancing: NASA, UNISDuration: 2004 – UNIS: D.A. Lorentzen, Fred Sigernes

Title: TARGIT EISCATCollaborating institutions: University ofOslo, UNIS, EISCATFinancing: Norwegian Research CouncilDuration: 2003 – UNIS: D.A. Lorentzen

Title: Studies of small scale wind pattern byuse of remote sensingCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen, Technical University of DenmarkFinancing: UNISDuration: 2002-2005UNIS: Frank Nilsen og Yngvar Gjessing

Title: Measured and modelled tidal circula-tion under ice covered Van MijenfjordenCollaborating institutions: Institute ofMarine ResearchFinancing: UNISDuration: 2001-UNIS: Frank Nilsen

Title: Isdannelse og isvekst i VanMijenfjordenFinancing: Store Norske SpitsbergenKulkompani , UNISDuration: 2001-UNIS: Frank Nilsen, Knut Wilhelm Høyland

Title: Is og tidevanns påvirkning på nyttkaikonsept i LongyearbyenFinancing: Svalbard Samfunnsdrift (SSD),UNISDuration: 2003-UNIS: Frank Nilsen, Knut Wilhelm Høyland

Title: Why is there no ice on Isfjorden?Financing: UNISDuration: 2003-UNIS: Frank Nilsen, Sara Mattsson

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Title: Long-time variation in the Svinøy sec-tionCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen, Norsk HydroFinancing: Norsk HydroDuration: 2000-2003UNIS: Frank Nilsen

Title: Atlantic water in Spitsbergen fjords:How instability processes in the West Spits-bergen current influence fjord ecosystemsCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen, Norwegian Polar InstituteFinancing: UNISDuration: 2001-UNIS: Frank Nilsen

Title: Objectiv analysis applied on mappingoceanic and atmospheric scattered dataFinancing: UNISDuration: 2001-UNIS: Frank Nilsen, Ingo Bethke

Title: Atmosphere / Ice / Ocean interactionstudies (AIO)Collaborating institutions: University ofBergen, University of Washington, McPheeResearch Company, Norwegian Polar Insti-tuteFinancing: Norwegian Research CouncilDuration: 2001-2006UNIS: Frank Nilsen, Karolina Widell

Title: The ecological effects of climate fluctua-tions and change: A multi-disciplinary andintegrated approachCollaborating institutions: University ofOslo, Norwegian Institute of NaturalResearch, Institute of Marine Research, Uni-versity of Iowa, National Center of Atmos-pheric ResearchFinancing: Norwegian Research CouncilDuration: 2001-UNIS: Frank Nilsen, Rolf Langvatn

Title: Polar Ocean Climate Processes (Pro-Clim)Collaborating institutions: The BjerknesCentre for Climate Research Financing: Norwegian Research CouncilDuration: 2002-2006UNIS: Frank Nilsen, Ragnheid Skogseth

Title: Monitoring of OH rotational tempera-tures in the mesosphereCollaborating institutions: University ofAlaska (UAF), Embry-RiddleFinancing: UAF, UNIS, Embry-Riddle, MaxPlanck InstituteDuration: started in 1980 - UNIS: Fred Sigernes

Title: Imaging spectroscopy by planeFinancing: UNISDuration: 1998-UNIS: Fred Sigernes

Title: Proton precipitation on the daysideCollaborating institutions: University ofAlaska (UAF)Financing: UAF, UNISDuration: 1998-UNIS: Fred Sigernes, Dag A. Lorentzen

Title: Multiplatform observatories of thepolar middle and upper atmosphere at theAuroral Station (campaigns)Collaborating institutions: The Auroral Sta-tion and its partners. See haldde.unis.noFinancing: Multiple institutionsDuration: 1993-UNIS: Fred Sigernes, Dag A. Lorentzen

Title: Rocket-instrumentationCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsø (UiT)Financing: UiT, UNISDuration: 2000-UNIS: Fred Sigernes

Title: Imaging spectroscopy of Spitsbergenmountain rocksCollaborating institutions: StatoilFinancing: UNIS, StatoilDuration: 2001-UNIS: Fred Sigernes

Graduates 2003Dr. scient/PhD.

Title: Dense water production processes inStorfjordenCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen (UiB)Student: Ragnheid SkogsethSupervisors: Tor Gammelsrød (UiB/UNIS)


Title: Currents and water mass fluxesbetween Novaya Zemlja and Franz JosefsLand 1991-1992Collaborating institutions: University ofBergenStudent: Øyvind LeikvinSupervisors: Tor Gammelsrød (UNIS/UiB),Frank Nilsen (UNIS)Finnished: Autumn 2003

Title: Water mass formation and circulationin an Arctic fjordCollaborating institutions: University ofBergenStudent: Elin M. DareliusSupervisors: Frank Nilsen (UNIS), PeterHaugan (UiB)Finnished: Autumn 2003

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Title: Turbulence and heat exchange undericeCollaborating institutions: University ofBergenStudent: Anders SirevaagSupervisors: Frank Nilsen, UNIS, Peter Hau-gan, UiBFinnished: Autumn 2003

Graduate students 2003Dr. students/Ph.D.

Title: Atmospheric accreation and icingCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen, Norwegian Defence ConstructionServiceStudent: Magne Andersen DrageSupervisors: Yngvar Gjessing (UNIS/UiB)

Title of project: UV modelling and validationof UV models for Tibethian PlateauCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen (UiB)Student: Norsang GelsorSupervisors: Fred Sigernes (UNIS), JakobStamnes (UiB)

Title: Snow metamorphosis and distributionin FinlandCollaborating institutions: University ofHelsinkiStudent: Tari OksanenSupervisors: Yngvar Gjessing (UNIS), MattiLeppäranta (University of Helsinki)

Title: Investigation of the reconnection rate atthe subsolar point using EISCAT Svalbardradars and Optical dataCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsø (UiT)Student: Nikita ShumilovSupervisors: Fred Sigernes (UNIS), DagLorentzen (UNIS), Asgeir Brekke (UiT/UNIS)

Title: Inferring ADL turbulence propertiesfrom the SAR imageryCollaborating institutions: University ofBergenStudent: Alexei StuliySupervisors: Frank Nilsen (UNIS), YngvarGjessing (UNIS/UiB)

Title: Optical classification of ocean colour.Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and Technology Student:Zsolt VolentSupervisors: Fred Sigernes (UNIS) and GeirJohnsen (NTNU)

Title: Atmosphere/ice/ocean interactionstudiesCollaborating institutions: University ofBergenStudent: Karolina WidellSupervisors: Frank Nilsen (UNIS) and PeterHaugan (UIB)

Cand. scient./Master students

Title: Bruk av satelitt data for å besvarefølgende spørsmål: Har breenesmassebalanse i Tibet forandret seg?Collaborating institutions: University ofBergenStudent: Caidong CaidongSupervisors: Yngvar Gjessing (UNIS), KnutBarthel (UiB)

Title: Measured and Modelled Tidal Circula-tion under Ice Covered Van MijenfjordenCollaborating institutions: Göteborg Univer-sityStudent: Jon BerghSupervisors: Frank Nilsen (UNIS), AndersStigebrandt (Göteborg University)

Title: ESR study of the ionospheric throughregionCollaborating institutions: University ofOsloStudent: Åsmund SkjævelandSupervisors: Dag Lorentzen (UNIS), HerbertCarlson og Jøran Moen (UiO)

Title: Meterological Factors and Snowdrifteffect on glacier AccumulationCollaborating institutions: University ofHelsinkiStudent: Kaisa HalkolaSupervisors: Yngvar Gjessing (UNIS) andMatti Lepparanta (University of Helsinki)

Title: Why is there no ice on the Isfjorden?Collaborating institutions: Göteborg Univer-sityStudent: Sara MattssonSupervisors: Frank Nilsen (UNIS) and GøranBjörk (Göteborg University)

Title: A multiinstrumental investigation(ground and space) of polar cap connectionand night side reconnectionCollaborating institutions: University ofOsloStudent: Kristian SnekvikSupervisors: Dag Lorentzen (UNIS) and FinnSørås (UiO)

Title: Electron density measurements in thepolar cusp.Collaborating institutions: University ofOsloStudent: Johnny Grøneng AaseSupervisors: Dag Lorentzen (UNIS) andJøran Moen (UiO)

Title: Klassifisering av is på bakken, hav og iatmosfæren ved hjelp av fjernmålingCollaborating institutions: University ofOsloStudent: Ivan FøreSupervisors: Fred Sigernes (UNIS) and JonEgill Kristjansson (UiO)

A polar bear suddenly appears tocheck out the quality of the field workon the AGF 211/212 cruise in theFram Strait in May 2003.


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TeachingThe Arctic Technology Department offered in2003 four level 200 courses (total 60 ECTS, 20credits) and seven courses at level 300 (12credits). One of the 300 courses was not held.This makes the course load in theDepartment roughly comparable with thesister Departments at UNIS. The level 200courses combine to form a full year of studyin Arctic Technology and the option tospecialise for a M.Sc. or Ph.D. degree basedon level 300 studies.

The faculty is relatively small by UNISstandards, with two associate professors andfour adjunct professors on staff. This reflectsthe still young age of the Department. In2004 we extend with a full time employee inGeotechnics. We expect to extend furtherwith a position in Hydrology within a coupleof years. This will make Arctic Technologycomparable with the three otherdepartments.

In 2003, Arctic Technology taught 36 studentsat level 200 and 42 at level 300. The averageattendance in the lower series was 9 and thecourses were completed with excellentresults. Teaching of the undergraduatecourses combines lectures, fieldwork andlaboratory exercises.

Arctic EngineeringThe Department offers a full-time program inArctic Engineering which combines coursesin Frozen Ground Engineering (AT-205, AT-309and AT-310), Arctic Water Resources (AT-206)and Ice Mechanics (AT-208, AT-307 and AT-313). Students follow a unique program oflectures and fieldwork and laboratorypractice. The experiments performed in ourice-laboratory, where mechanical propertiesof frozen ground and ice samples are tested,is only one example. Fieldwork often goesahead despite severe climatic conditions andoperating in this harsh environment gives thestudent valuable skills that are not directlydocumented on the degree certificate. Wealso note with great satisfaction that UNISgraduates are sought-after candidates for keypositions in local industry on Svalbard andon the mainland.

Arctic Environmental Technologyand ChemistryThe Department also offers a full-timeprogram in Arctic Environmental Technologyand Chemistry, focusing on pollution in theArctic. The courses making up the programcan be heavily technology-biased, but wealso encourage students to include offeringsfrom other Departments, to form aninterdisciplinary Arctic Environment

program. Many students from the otherDepartments at UNIS also follow our coursesin Environmental Technology. A new courseat 300 level: AT-312 Radioactive Pollution onSvalbard, was offered for the first time in2002 and filled to capacity.

ResearchThe technological challenges related toincreased human activity in the northernmarine environments as well as locally hereon Svalbard are our main focus. The facultystaff continued to work on establishedresearch programs at UNIS and several newstudies were initiated. The projects aredetailed later in this section.

Key topics of interest within EnvironmentalTechnology include: The fate of oil spills inan Arctic environment and possiblecountermeasure techniques; levels andspreading of persistent organic pollutants(PCB pesticides in reindeer, Arctic fox, Polarcod, lake sediment and seaweed); andspreading and effects of pollution from localmining industry. Oil spills in an Arcticenvironment, for instance the waters aroundSvalbard, can be expected to behavesignificantly differently than oil spills inwarmer waters, like the North Sea. Thedifferences in spreading, evaporative loss,emulsification, dispersion and other factorsadd up to important modifications inoperational oil spill contingency planning.There is a range of potential sources of oilspills in and around Svalbard, includingfishing boats and freighters, tourist ships,and leakage or seepage from oil depots onland. As the new Environment Act forSvalbard (Norwegian Public Reports NOU1999:21) succinctly points out: an oil spillfrom a large cargo carrier could have amassive and detrimental impact on thefragile ecosystems of Svalbard.

The Department’s research in Frozen Groundand Permafrost Engineering focuses on theeffects of climate change on Arcticinfrastructure and the permafrost response toenvironmental and industrial loads, with aspecial emphasis on the physical propertiesof oil-contaminated soils. The new ScienceCentre in Longyearbyen will be a pilotproject and UNIS is involved in research inthis connection. Unfortunately our lack ofspecialist staff in frozen ground andpermafrost studies limits our activities, butthis will change with our new employee in2004.

The research on Ice-mechanics focuses on in-situ measurements and simulations ofthermo-mechanical properties of first-year



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sea-ice, and we are working in VanMijenfjorden as well as in the Barents Sea. Inthe Van Mijenfjorden the ice cover is stablethroughout the season, allowing us toperform seasonal studies without risk ofloosing our equipment. Close to the Sveacommunity, we did a unique experiment in2002, constructing a miniature ice ridge anddragging it up the beach. We measured theforces and deformations on the ice ridge andsea bed. This kind of information isimportant when designing pipelines inshallow Arctic waters. We also monitored theice conditions off the new jetty at CapeAmsterdam in Svea. Strain, temperature,motion, weather and currents are allmonitored. The aim is to identify howenvironmental factors such as wind, currentsand thermal expansion of the ice inducestresses in the sheet and its resultant motion.The formation and growth of sea-ice isimportant to understand as the ice coverlimits the shipping season for coal export. Weare working together with the GeophysicsDepartment at UNIS in a program thatmonitors the ice thickness and theenvironmental factors that affect it.

Our graduate students and doctoralcandidates make important contributions tothe research done by faculty staff in theDepartment. During the year we had 13postgraduates working on a master’s ordoctor’s degree. Here is a brief specificationof the projects:

Modelling of the oil spills and contingencymeasures in the Arctic with emphasis on thePechora Sea region, Northwest RussiaCharacterisation of acid drainage as afunction of melting process from tailingsdeposit on permafrost in Bjørndalen,Svalbard

Modelling permafrost temperature responseto short-term (annual) and long-term (50year) variations in meteorological dataTemperature regime and permeability of atailings deposit on permafrost in Bjørndalen,SvalbardLeakage of toxic water-solvable componentsfrom different oil types during an oil spill inan Arctic environment Persistent organic pollutants in lakesedimentsPCBs and pesticides in Arctic char in lakes onSvalbard and the influence of migration intothe sea during summerModelling of airborne persistent organicpollutants into the ArcticDetection of oil spill under sea-iceThe effects of sea-ice loads on the coal exportjetty at Cape Amsterdam, SveaIce ridge-pipeline interaction, fieldexperiments in the Van Mijenfjorden andnumerical analysisIce formation and growth in the VanMijenfjorden (joint project with ArcticGeophysics)Consolidation of first-year sea-ice ridges.

Several of the master’s degree projects havefocused on topics important to the localcommunities on Svalbard and wereperformed in close cooperation with nationaland local industry. The master’s degreeprojects were carried out under the guidanceof supervisors from UNIS, the NorwegianUniversity of Science and Technology(NTNU) in Trondheim, other universities andcolleges, and industry.

Working on an ice ridge in the Barents Sea.PHOTO: KNUT V. HØYLAND

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Research Projects Arctic Technology 2003

Title: Pollution from mine tailings on Sval-bardCollaborating institution: Store NorskeSpitsbergen Grubekompani (SNSG)Financing: SNSG, UNISDuration: 1999-2003UNIS: Per Johan Brandvik, Arne Instanes

Title: Levels and transport of polychlorinatedbiphenyls (PCB) in the Arctic (reindeers, Arc-tic char, lake sediments and seaweed)Collaborating institution: Norwegian Insti-tute of Air Research Financing: UNISDuration: 2000-2003UNIS: Per Johan Brandvik

Title: Level and transport of heavy metalsfrom local industry on Svalbard (river water,tundra and seaweed)Collaborating institution: Norwegian Geot-echnical Survey (NGU)Financing: NGU, UNISDuration: 2001-2003UNIS: Per Johan Brandvik

Title: Leakage of water soluable componentsfrom oil spilled in Arctic environmentCollaborating institution: SINTEFFinancing: UNIS, SINTEFDuration: 2000-2003UNIS: Per Johan Brandvik

Title: Oil spill contingency for Arctic areasCollaborating institutions: SINTEFFinancing: UNIS, SINTEFDuration: 2000-2003UNIS: Per Johan Brandvik

Title: Ice ridge-pipeline interactionCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and Technology, TechnicalUniversity of St. PetersburgFinancing: Norwegian Research Council,UNIS, Statoil and SNSGDuration: 2001-2006UNIS: Knut V. Høyland, Sveinung Løset,Pavel Liferov and Svetlana Shafrova

Title: Ice interaction with vertical pileCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and Technology, TechnicalUniversity of St. PetersburgFinancing: Norwegian Research Council,UNIS; Statoil and SNSGDuration: 2001-2005UNIS: Knut V. Høyland, Sveinung Løset,Per Olav Moslet

Title: Ice ridges in the Barents Sea, physico-mechanical propertiesCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and Technology, TechnicalUniversity of St. PetersburgFinancing: UNISDuration: 2001-2006UNIS: Knut V. Høyland, Svetlana Shafrova

Title: Formation and growth of sea ice in theVan Mijen fjordCollaborating institutions: Arctic Geo-physics, UNISFinancing: UNIS, SNSKDuration: 2001-2004UNIS: Knut V. Høyland and Frank Nilsen

Title: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment(ACIA)Collaborating institution: University ofAlaska Fairbanks, Moscow State University,Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Canada, Nor-wegian University of Science and Technology,Norwegian Polar InstituteFinancing: Ministry of the EnvironmentDuration: 2000-2004UNIS: Arne Instanes

Title: Measurements of structures in ice(STRICE)Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and Technology, Shipmodel basin in Hamburg, Helsinki TechnicalUniversity, Luleå Technical University, Tech-nical Research Centre in Finland, CambridgeUniversity and Geophysical and Glaciologicalenvironmental laboratory, GrenobleFinancing: European UnionDuration: 2001-2003UNIS: Sveinung Løset, Knut V. Høyland

Title: ISO TP2b Ice ActionsCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and Technology Financing: StatoilDuration: 2003-2004UNIS: Sveinung Løset, Knut V. Høyland

Title: ISO TP9 Ice Engineering for OperationsCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and Technology Financing: StatoilDuration: 2003-2004UNIS: Sveinung Løset, Knut V. Høyland

Title: Permafrost monitoring at Longyear-byen Research CentreCollaborating institutions: Statsbygg,Instanes Svalbard A/S, NGIFinancing: StatsbyggDuration: 2002-2005UNIS: Knut V.Høyland, Arne Instanes

Mapping the iceconditions of CapeAmsterdam in the Van Mijenfjord.


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Title: Ice and tide action on LongyearbyenHarbourCollaborating institutions: Arctic Geo-physics UNIS, Norwegian University of Sci-ence and Technology, Svalbard Samfunns-drift (SSD)Financing: SSD, UNISDuration: 2003-2004UNIS: Knut V.Høyland and Frank Nilsen

Graduates 2003Cand.scient./ Master degree

Title: Geotechnical aspects of first-year iceridge scouring on a seabed.Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and Technology (NTNU)Student: Rune NilsenSupervisors: Knut V. Høyland (UNIS), LarsGrande (NTNU)Finnished: Spring 2003

Title: The detection of oil under ice, using aground-penetrating radar and the influenceof ice on the costs and effectiveness of theclean-up operation.Collaborating institutions: Technical Uni-versity Eindhoven, The NetherlandsStudent: Alex PasteSupervisors: Knut V. Høyland (UNIS), PerJohan Brandvik (UNIS), G. P. J. Verbong(Technical University Eindhoven, TheNetherlands)Finnished: Spring 2003

Title: Thermal aspects of forces from first-year ridges on offshore constructions.Collaborating institutions: St. PetersburgState Technical University, Russia (SPTU)Student: Elena GordienkoSupervisors: Knut Høyland (UNIS), KarlShkhinek (SPTU)Finnished: Spring 2003

Title: Nytt databasert vedlikeholdsprogram iSvea.Collaborating institutions: Høyskolen i Sta-vangerStudent: Arne Stray Supervisors: Knut V. Høyland (UNIS), ToreMarkeset (HiS)Finnished: Spring 2003

Title: Small scale mechanical and physicaltests of first-year sea ice and ice ridgesCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and Technology (NTNU)Student: Laila VatneSupervisors: Knut V. Høyland (UNIS),Sveinung Løset (NTNU/UNIS)Finnished: Spring 2003

Burning of oilspills can be used in arctic areas to reduce the environmental impact.PHOTO: PETER HULSE

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Graduate students 2003Dr. students/Ph.D.

Title: Ice ridge – pipeline interactionCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and Technology (NTNU), St.Petersburg Technical UniversityStudent: Pavel LiferovSupervisors: Knut V. Høyland (UNIS), Svein-ung Løset (NTNU/UNIS)

Title: Ice interaction with vertical pileCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and Technology (NTNU), St.Petersburg Technical UniversityStudent: Per Olav MosletSupervisors: Knut V. Høyland (UNIS), Svein-ung Løset (NTNU/UNIS)

Title: Ice ridge – pipeline interactionCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and Technology (NTNU), St.Petersburg Technical University.Student: Svetlana ChafrovaSupervisors: Knut V. Høyland (UNIS), Svein-ung Løset (NTNU/UNIS), Karl N. Shkhinek(St. Petersburg Technical University)

Cand.scient./Master students

Title: Characterisation of acid drainage as afunction of melting process from tailingdeposit on permafrost in Bjørndalen, Sval-bardCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and TechnologyStudent: Eva HolmSupervisors: Per Johan Brandvik (UNIS),Eiliv Steinnes (NTNU)

Title: Studying persistent organic pollutionon Svalbard, focusing on PCB levels of ArcticChar in “Linnévatnet” and “Aresjøen”.Collaborating institutions: University Col-lege of Härnösand, SwedenStudent: Lisa StrømSupervisors: Per Johan Brandvik (UNIS), NilsEkelund (University College of Härnösand,Sweden)

Title: Oljeforurensing i Arktis;Karakterisering av oljenedbrytende bakterierisolert fra tundra som er fourenset medoljesølCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen (UiB)Student: Irja Roiha SundeSupervisors: Per Johan Brandvik (UNIS), LiseØvreås (UiB)

Title: Oljeforurensing i Arktis; Kartlegging avdiversiteten og sammensetningen avbakterisamfunn i tundra som er kontaminertmed oljesølCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen (UiB)Student: Synnøve YndestadSupervisors: Per Johan Brandvik (UNIS), LiseØvreås (UiB)

Title: Studying persistent organic pollutionon Svalbard focusing on PCB levels in ArcticCharr in “Linnévannet”Collaborating institutions: Umeå UniversityStudent: Anna AnderssonSupervisors: Per Johan Brandvik (UNIS),Patrik Andersson (Umeå University)

Title: Estimation of ocean-ice heat flux fromdata in Van Mijen fjord (Analytical andnumerical model.)Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and TechnologyStudent: Jean-Charles BordelSupervisors: Knut V. Høyland (UNIS), DagMyrhaug (NTNU)

Title: Determination of fat composition in tis-sue from Arctic Char from Svalbard by analy-sis of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME).Collaborating institutions: Luleå Universityof TechnologyStudent: Charlotta RylanderSupervisors: Per Johan Brandvik (UNIS),Douglas Baxter (Luleå Tekniska Universitet)

Title: Modelling of long range transport ofpersistent organic pollutants in to Arcticareas.Collaborating institutions: Uppsala Univer-sity, Uppsala tekniska HögskolaStudent: Kristina SkoogSupervisors: Per Johan Brandvik (UNIS), LeifEnger (Uppsala tekniska Högskola)

Title: Thermal expansion and thermalstresses in first-year sea ice.Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and TechnologyStudent: Sigurd Henrik TeigenSupervisors: Knut V. Høyland (UNIS), JohanSkule Høye NTNU)

Title: An Artificial Island in the Caspian SeaCollaborating institutions: St. PetersburgTechnical UniversityStudent: Sergey VernyayevSupervisors: Knut V. Høyland (UNIS), KarlN. Shkhinek (St. Petersburg Technical Univer-sity)

Producing an iceridge in Svea in theVan Mijenfjord.


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• Scientific publicationsin reviewed journalsby full-time faculty

• Scientific publications by adjunct professors

• Scientific publications «in press» or «accepted»

• Books

• Reports, published abstracts, etc.

• Popular scientific publications

• Presentations (oral or poster)


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Scientific publicationsin reviewed Journals by full-time faculty

Barnes, D.K.A. & Kuklinski, P. (2003). Highpolar spatial competition: extreme hierar-chies at extreme latitude. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 259, 17-28.

Beig, G., Keckhut, P., Lowe, R.P., Roble, R.G.,Mlynczak, M.G., Scheer, J., Fomichev, V.I.,Offermann, D., French, W.J.R., Shepherd,M.G., Semenov, A.I., Remsberg, E.E., She,C.Y., Lubken, F.J., Bremer, J., Clemesha, B.R.,Stegman, J., Sigernes, F. & Fadnavis, S.(2003). Review of mesospheric temperaturetrends. Reviews of Geophysics. 41, 4, 1015. DOI:10.1029/2002RG000121.

Berge, J. (2003). The taxonomy of theamphipod genus Stilipes (Crustacea:Amphipoda: Stilipedidae), with descriptionof one new species. Organisms Diversity &Evolution. 3, 4, 305.

Berge, J. & Vader, W. (2003). Description oftwo new Glorandaniotes species (Amphipoda:Stegocephalidae). Journal of Crustacean Biol-ogy. 23, 3, 633-643.

Berge, J. & Vader, W. (2003). Metandania tordin.sp.: a new stegocephalid (Crustacea: Per-acarida: Amphipoda) species from the South-ern Ocean. Proceedings of the Biological Societyof Washington. 116, 4, 986-995.

Berge, J. & Vader, W. (2003). Stegocephalid(Crustacea: Amphipoda) species fromAustralia and New Zealand, with descriptionof seven new species. Records of the AustralianMuseum. 55, 1, 85-112.

Bjerke, J.W., Zielke, M. & Solheim, B. (2003).Long-term impacts of simulated climaticchange on secondary metabolism, thallusstructure and nitrogen fixation activity intwo cyanolichens from the Arctic. New Phy-tologist. 159, 2, 361-367.

Camus, L., Birkely, S.R., Jones, M.B., Grøsvik,B.E., Børseth, J.F., Gulliksen, B., Lønne, O.J.,Regoli, F. & Depledge, M.H. (2003). Bio-marker responses and PAH uptake in Myatruncata following exposure to oil-contami-nated sediment in an Arctic fjord (Svalbard).The Science of the Total Environment. 308, 1-3,221-234. DOI: 10.1016/S0048-9697(02)00616-2.

Cooper, E.J. & Wookey, P.A. (2003). Floralherbivory of Dryas octopetala by Svalbardreindeer. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research.35, 3, 369–376.

d’Udekem d’Acoz, C. & Berge, J. (2003). Ves-tigial structures in pontoporeiid and stego-cephalid amphipods (Crustacea, Amphipoda,Gammaridea). Bulletin, Biologie. 73, 107-114.

Fer, I., Skogseth, R., Haugan, P.M. & Jaccard,P. (2003). Observations of the Storfjordenoverflow. Deep-Sea Research. Part I,Oceanographic Research Papers. 50, 10-11, 1283-1303. DOI: 10.1016/S0967-0637(03)00124-9.

Hansen, B.U., Humlum, O. & Nielsen, N.(2003). Meteorological observations in 2002 atthe Arctic Station, Qeqertarsuaq (69°15’N),Central West Greenland. Geografisk tidsskrift.103, 2, 93-97.

Hansen, S. (2003). From surge-type to non-surge-type glacier behaviour: Midre Loven-breen, Svalbard. Annals of Glaciology. 36, 97-102.

Hjort, C., Ingólfsson, Ó., Bentley, M.G. &Björck, S. (2003). The Late Pleistocene andHolocene glacial and climate history of theAntarctic Peninsula region as documented bythe Land and Lake Sediment Records: areview. Antarctic Research Series. 79, 95-102.

Holm, E.B., Brandvik, P.J. & Steinnes, E.(2003). Pollution in acid mine drainage frommine tailings in Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic.Journal de Physique IV - Proceedings. 107, 625-628. DOI: 10.1051/jp4:20030381.

Humlum, O., Instanes, A. & Sollid, J.L.(2003). Permafrost in Svalbard: a review ofresearch history, climatic background andengineering challenges. Polar Research. 22, 2,191-215.

Ingólfsson, Ó., Hjort, C. & Humlum, O.(2003). Glacial and climate history of theAntarctic Peninsula since the last glacialmaximum. Arctic, Antarctic and AlpineResearch. 35, 2, 175-186.

Ingólfsson, Ó. & Lokrantz, H. (2003).Massive ground ice body of glacial origin atYugorski Peninsula, Arctic Russia. Permafrostand Periglacial Processes. 14, 3, 199-215. DOI:10.1002/ppp.455.

Johansen, T.A., Digranes, P., van Shaack, M.& Lønne, I. (2003). Seismic mapping andmodeling of near-surface sediments in polarareas. Geophysics. 68, 2, 566-573. DOI:10.1190/1.1567226.

Klanderud, K. & Birks, H.J.B. (2003). Recentincreases in species richness and shifts in alti-tudinal distributions of Norwegian mountainplants. The Holocene. 13, 1, 1-6.

Krebs, C.J., Danell, K., Angerbjörn, A., Agrell,J., Berteaux, D., Bråthen, K.A., Danell, Ö.,Erlinge, S., Fedorov, V., Fredga, K., Hjältén, J.,Högstedt, G., Jónsdóttir, I.S., Kenney, A.J.,Kjellén, N., Nordin, T., Roininen, H.,Svensson, M., Tannerfeldt, M. & Wiklund, C.(2003). Terrestrial trophic dynamics in theCanadian Arctic. Canadian Journal of Zoology.81, 5, 827-843.

Loe, L.E., Mysterud, A., Langvatn, R. &Stenseth, N.C. (2003). Decelerating and sex-dependent tooth wear in Norwegian reddeer. Oecologia. 135, 3, 346-353. DOI:10.1007/s00442-003-1192-9.

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Lokrantz, H., Ingólfsson, Ó. & Forman, S.L.(2003). Glaciotectonized Quaternarysediments at Cape Shpindler, YgorskiPeninsula, Arctic Russia: implications forglacial history, ice movements and Kara Seaice sheet configuration. Journal of QuaternarySciences. 18, 6, 527-543. DOI: 10.1002/jqs.771.

Lundervold, M., Langvatn, R. & Milner-Gulland, E.J. (2003). A comparison of ageestimation methods for the saiga antelopeSaiga tatarica. Wildlife Biology. 9, 3, 219-227.

Matsuoka, N. & Humlum, O. (2003). Moni-toring periglacial processes: new methodol-ogy and technology. Permafrost and PeriglacialProcesses. 14, 4, 299-303. DOI:10.1002/ppp.461.

Milner, J.M., Stien, A., Irvine, R.J., Albon,S.D., Langvatn, R. & Ropstad, E. (2003). Bodycondition in Svalbard reindeer and the use ofblood parameters as indicators of conditionand fitness. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 81, 9,1566-1578.

Prick, A. (2003). La désagrégation des rocheset les chutes de pierres en milieu demontagne polaire (Longyearbyen, Spitsberg).Bulletin de l’Association des GéographesFrançais. 80, 1, 73-85.

Rasmussen, T.L., Oppo, D., Thomsen, E. &Lehman, S.J. (2003). Deep-sea records fromthe Southeast Labrador Sea: ocean circulationchanges and ice-rafting events during thelast 160,000 years. Paleoceanography. 18, 1,1018. DOI: 10.1029/2001PA000736.

Rasmussen, T.L., Thomsen, E., Kuijpers, A. &Wastegård, S. (2003). Late warming and earlycooling of the sea surface in the Nordic seasduring MIS 5e (Eemian Interglacial).Quaternary Science Reviews. 22, 8-9, 809-821.DOI: 10.1016/S0277-3791(02)00254-8.

Rasmussen, T.L., Thomsen, E., Troelstra,S.R., Kuijpers, A. & Prins, M.A. (2003). Mil-lennial-scale glacial variability versusHolocene stability: changes in planktic andbenthic foraminifera faunas and ocean circu-lation in the North Atlantic during the last 60000 years. Marine Micropaleontology. 47, 1-2,143-176. DOI: 10.1016/S0377-8398(02)00115-9.

Rasmussen, T.L., Wastegård, S., Kuijpers, A.,van Weering, T.C.E., Heinemeier, J. &Thomsen, E. (2003). Stratigraphy anddistribution of tephra layers in marinesediment cores from the Faeroe Islands,North Atlantic. Marine Geology. 199, 3-4, 263-277.

Sigernes, F., Shumilov, N., Deehr, C.S.,Nielsen, K.P., Svenøe, T. & Havnes, O. (2003).Hydroxyl rotational temperature record fromthe auroral station in Adventdalen, Svalbard(78°N, 15°E). Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics. 108, A9, 1342-1351, 1342. DOI:10.1029/2001JA009023.

Sjöblom, A. & Smedman, A.S. (2003).Vertical structure in the marine atmosphericboundary layer and its implication for theinertial dissipation method. Boundary-LayerMeteorology. 109, 1, 1-25.

Smedman, A.S., Högström, U. & Sjöblom, A.(2003). A note on velocity spectra in themarine boundary layer. Boundary-LayerMeteorology. 109, 1, 27-48.

Stien, A., Irvine, R.J., Langvatn, R. & Rop-stad, E. (2003). Evaluation of ultrasoundscanning as a method for measuring subcuta-neous fat in Svalbard reindeer. Rangifer. 23, 2,71-73.

Welker, J.M., Jónsdóttir, I.S. & Fahnestock,J.T. (2003). Leaf isotopic (δ 13C and δ 15N) andnitrogen contents of Carex plants along theEurasian Coastal Arctic: results from theNortheast Passage expedition. Polar Biology.27, 1, 29-37. DOI: 10.1007/s00300-003-0562-4.

Widell, K., Østerhus, S. & Gammelsrød, T.(2003). Corrections to “Sea ice velocity in theFram Strait monitored by mooredinstruments”. Geophysical Research Letters. 30,23, 2219. DOI: 10.1029/2003GL018893.

Widell, K., Østerhus, S. & Gammelsrød, T.(2003). Sea ice velocity in the Fram Straitmonitored by moored instruments. Geophysi-cal Research Letters. 30, 19, 1982. DOI:10.1029/2003GL018119.

Scientific publicationsby adjunct professors

Birkely, S.R., Grahl-Nielsen, O. & Gulliksen,B. (2003). Temporal variations and anatomi-cal distributions of fatty acids in the bivalveMya truncata, L. 1758, from Isfjorden, Spits-bergen. Polar Biology. 26, 2, 83-92. DOI:10.1007/S00300-002-0450-3.

Birkely, S.R. & Gulliksen, B. (2003). Feedingecology in five shrimp species (Decapoda,Caridea) from an Arctic fjord (Isfjorden, Sval-bard), with emphasis on Sclerocrangon boreas(Phipps, 1774). Crustaceana. 76, 6, 699-715.

Birkely, S.R. & Gulliksen, B. (2003). Popula-tion features of the caridean shrimp, Sclero-crangon boreas (Phipps, 1774) in Isfjorden,Spitsbergen. Crustaceana. 76, 1, 87-101. DOI:10.1163/156854003321672854.

Bruhn, R. & Steel, R.J. (2003). High-resolu-tion sequence stratigraphy of a clastic fore-deep succession (Paleocene, Spitsbergen): anexample of peripheral-bulge-controlleddepositional architecture. Journal of Sedimen-tary Research. 73, 5, 745-755.

Cattaneo, A. & Steel, R.J. (2003). Transgres-sive deposits: a review of their variability.Earth Science Reviews. 62, 3-4, 187-228. DOI:10.1016/S0012-8252(02)00134-4.

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Chauton, M.S., Optun, O.I., Bathen, T.F.,Volent, Z., Gribbestad, I.S. & Johnsen, G.(2003). HR MAS 1H NMR spectroscopy analy-sis of marine microalgal whole cells. MarineEcology-Progress Series. 256, 57-62.

Chauton, M.S., Storseth, T.R. & Johnsen, G.(2003). High-resolution magic angle spinning1H NMR analysis of whole cells of Thalas-siosira pseudonana (Bacillariophyceae): broadrange analysis of metabolic composition andnutritional value. Journal of Applied Phycology.15, 6, 533-542. DOI:10.1023/B:JAPH.0000004355.11837.1d.

Deibert, J., Benda, T., Løseth, T., Schellpeper,M. & Steel, R.J. (2003). Eocene clinoformgrowth in front of a storm-wave dominatedshelf, Central Basin, Spitsbergen: no signifi-cant sand delivery to deepwater areas. Journalof Sedimentary Research. 73, 4, 546-558.

Figueroa, F.L., Escassi, L., Pérez-Rodríguez,E., Korbee, N., Giles, A.D. & Johnsen, G.(2003). Effects of short-term irradiation onphotoinhibition and accumulation ofmycosporine-like amino acids in sun andshade species of the red algal genus Porphyra.Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-Biology. 69, 1, 21-30. DOI: 10.1016/S1011-1344(02)00388-3.

Forsberg, C.F., Løvlie, R., Jansen, E., Solheim,A., Sejrup, H.P. & Lie, H.E. (2003). A 1.3 Myrpalaeoceanographic record from the conti-nental margin off Dronning Maud Land,Antarctica. Palaeogeography PalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology. 198, 1-2, 223-235. DOI:10.1016/S0031-0182(03)00402-4.

Godtliebsen, F., Olsen, L.R. & Winther, J.G.(2003). Recent developments in statisticaltime series analysis: examples of use inclimate research. Geophysical Research Letters.30, 12, 1654. DOI: 10.1029/2003GL017229.

Grydeland, T., La Hoz, C., Hagfors, T., Blixt,E.M., Saito, S., Strømme, A. & Brekke, A.(2003). Interferometric observations of fila-mentary structures associated with plasmainstability in the auroral ionosphere. Geophys-ical Research Letters. 30, 6, 1338. DOI:10.1029/2002GL016362.

Gäfvert, T., Pagels, J. & Holm, E. (2003).Thorium exposure during Tungsten Inert GasWelding with Thoriated Tungsten Electrodes.Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 103, 4, 349-357.

Hagen, J.O., Kohler, J., Melvold, K. &Winther, J.G. (2003). Glaciers in Svalbard:mass balance, runoff and freshwater flux.Polar Research. 22, 2, 145-159.

Hartquist, T.W. & Havnes, O. (2003). Machcones and magnetic forces in Saturn’s rings.JETP Letters. 78, 2, 97-98. DOI:10.1134/1.1615538.

Hartquist, T.W., Havnes, O. & Morfill, G.E.(2003). The effects of charged dust on Sat-urn’s rings. Astronomy & Geophysics. 44, 5, 26-30. DOI: 10.1046/j.1468-4004.2003.44526.x.

Havnes, O., La Hoz, C., Næsheim, L.I. &Rietveld, M.T. (2003). First observations of thePMSE overshoot effect and its use forinvestigating the conditions in the summermesosphere. Geophysical Research Letters. 30,23, 2229. DOI: 10.1029/2003GL018429.

Lindahl, P., Ellmark, C., Gäfvert, T., Mattsson,S., Roos, P., Holm, E. & Erlandsson, B. (2003).Long-term study of 99Tc in the marine envi-ronment on the Swedish west coast. Journal ofEnvironmental Radioactivity. 67, 2, 145-156.DOI: 10.1016/S0265-931X(02)00176-5.

Maynard, N.C., Burke, W.J., Moen, J., Ober,D.M., Scudder, J.D., Sigwarth, J.B., Siscoe,G.L., Sonnerup, B.U.Ö., White, W.W., Siebert,K.D., Weimer, D.R., Erickson, G.M., Frank,L.A., Lester, M., Peterson, W.K., Russell, C.T.& Wilson, G.R. (2003). Responses of the open-closed field line boundary in the evening sec-tor to IMF changes: a source mechanism forSun-aligned arcs. Journal of GeophysicalResearch-Space Physics. 108, A1, 1006. DOI:10.1029/2001JA000174.

Moldestad, D.A. & Løset, S. (2003). The Skibase Structure Analyser (SSA). Modeling Iden-tification and Control. 24, 1, 15-26.

Nozawa, S., Imaida, S., Brekke, A., Hall,C.M., Manson, A., Meek, C., Oyama, S.,Dobashi, K. & Fujii, R. (2003). The quasi 2-day wave observed in the polar mesosphere.Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres.108, D2, 4039. DOI: 0.1029/2002JD002440.

Nozawa, S., Iwahashi, H., Brekke, A., Hall,C.M., Meek, C., Manson, A., Oyama, S.,Murayama, Y. & Fujii, R. (2003). The quasi 2-day wave observed in the polar mesosphere:comparison of the characteristics observed atTromsø and Poker Flat. Journal of GeophysicalResearch-Atmospheres. 108, D24, 4748. DOI:10.1029/2002JD003221.

Pinglot, J.F., Vaikmäe, R.A., Kamiyama, K.,Igarashi, M., Fritzsche, D., Wilhelms, F.,Koerner, R., Henderson, L., Isaksson, E.,Winther, J.G., van de Wal, R.S.W., Fournier,M., Bouisset, P. & Meijer, H.A.J. (2003). Icecores from Arctic sub-polar glaciers: chronol-ogy and post-depositional processes deducedfrom radioactivity measurements. Journal ofGlaciology. 49, 164, 149-158.

Porebski, S.J., Pietsch, K., Hodiak, R. & Steel,R.J. (2003). Origin and sequential develop-ment of Badenian-Sarmatian clinoforms inthe Carpathian Foreland Basin (SE Poland).Geologica Carpatica. 54, 2, 119-136.

Porebski, S.J. & Steel, R.J. (2003). Shelf-mar-gin deltas: their stratigraphic significance andrelationship to deepwater sands. Earth-ScienceReviews. 62, 3-4, 283-326. DOI: 10.1016/S0012-8252(02)00161-7.

Pourchet, M., Magand, O., Frezzotti, M.,Ekaykin, A. & Winther, J.G. (2003). Radionu-clides deposition over Antarctica. Journal ofEnvironmental Radioactivity. 68, 2, 137-158.DOI: 10.1016/S0265-931X(03)00055-9.

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Sand, K., Winther, J.G., Marechal, D., Bru-land, O. & Melvold, K. (2003). Regional varia-tions of snow accumulation on Spitsbergen,Svalbard, 1997-99. Nordic Hydrology. 34, 1-2,17-32.

Sandholt, P.E., Moen, J., Farrugia, C.J.,Cowley, S.W.H., Lester, M., Milan, S.E.,Valladares, C., Denig, W.F. & Eriksson, M.(2003). Multi-site observations of theassociation between aurora and plasmaconvection in the cusp/polar cap during asoutheastward (By ~ �Bz�) IMF orientation.Annales Geophysicae. 21, 2, 539-558.

Steltenpohl, M., Hames, W., Andresen, A. &Markl, G. (2003). New Caledonian eclogiteprovince in Norway and potential Laurentian(Taconic) and Baltic links. Geology. 31, 11, 985-988.

Steltenpohl, M.G., Andresen, A., Lindstrøm,M., Gromet, P. & Steltenpohl, L.W. (2003). Therole of felsic and mafic igneous rocks indeciphering the evolution of thrust-stackedterranes: an example from the northNorwegian Caledonides. American Journal ofScience. 303, 2, 149-185.

Søreide, J.E., Hop, H., Falk-Petersen, S., Gul-liksen, B. & Hansen, E. (2003). Macrozoo-plankton communities and environmentalvariables in the Barents Sea marginal ice zonein late winter and spring. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 263, 43-64.

Winther, J.G., Bruland, O., Sand, K., Gerland,S., Marechal, D., Ivanov, B., Glowacki, P. &König, M. (2003). Snow research in Svalbard:an overview. Polar Research. 22, 2, 125-144.

Scientific publications“in press” or “accepted”Basedow, S.L., Eiane, K., Tverberg, V. &Spindler, M. (in press). Advection of zoo-plankton in an Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden,Svalbard). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2003.12.004.

Berg, K., Solheim, A. & Bryn, P. (in press).The Pleistocene to recent geological develop-ment of the Ormen Lange area. Marine andPetroleum Geology.

Berge, J. (in press). The subfamily Andan-iopsinae (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Stego-cephalidae): description of one new speciesand redescription of Steleuthera maremboca.Journal of Natural History.

Berge, J. & Vader, W. (in press). Redescriptionof three South African amphipod species: twoOchlesis (Ochlesidae) and one Dikwa (Dik-widae). Annals of the South African Museum.

Bonenfant, C., Loe, L.E., Mysterud, A., Lang-vatn, R., Stenseth, N.C., Gaillard, J.M. &Klein, F. (in press). Multiple causes of sexualsegregation in European red deer: enlighten-ments from varying breeding phenology athigh and low latitude. Proceedings of the RoyalSociety of London Series B-Biological Sciences.

Bråthen, K.A., Agrell, J., Berteaux, D. & Jóns-dóttir, I.S. (accepted). Intraclonal variation inherbivore defence substances: a study onCarex and lemmings. Oikos.

Camus, L., Davies, P.E., Spicer, J.I. & Jones,M.B. (accepted). Temperature-dependentphysiological response of Carcinus maenasexposed to copper. Marine EnvironmentalResearch.

Camus, L. & Gulliksen, B. (accepted). Totaloxyradical scavenging capacity of the deep-sea amphipod Eurythenes gryllus. MarineEnvironmental Research.

Christiansen, H.H. (in press). Meteorologicalcontrol on interannual spatial and temporalvariations in snow cover and ground thawingin two NE Greenlandic CALM sites. Per-mafrost and Periglacial Processes.

Christiansen, H.H. (in press). Windpolishedboulders and bedrock in the Scottish High-lands: evidence and implications of LateDevensian wind activity. Boreas.

Ci Ren, P.B., Sigernes, F., Hansen, G.A. &Gjessing, Y. (accepted). Spectral measure-ments of the global and diffuse solar ultravio-let radiation and the deduced aerosol opticaldepth on the Tibetian Plateau. Journal ofAtmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics.

Eriksson, E., Holm, E., Roos, P. & Dahlgaard,H. (accepted). Flux of 238,239,240Pu, 241Am, 137Csand 210Pb to High Arctic lakes in the Thuledistrict. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity.

Fer, I., Skogseth, R. & Haugan, P.M. (inpress). Mixing of the Storfjorden overflow(Svalbard Archipelago) inferred from densityoverturns. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans. 109, C1, C01005. DOI:10.1029/2003JC001968.

Figueroa, F.L., Escassi, L., Pérez-Rodríguez,E., Korbee, N. & Johnsen, G. (in press).Effects of the irradiance in the short-term onaccumulation of mycosporine like aminoacids in sun and shade species of the redalgal genus Porphyra. European Journal of Phy-cology.

Foldvik, A., Gammelsrød, T., Østerhus, S.,Fahrbach, E., Rohardt, G., Schröder, M.,Nicholls, K.W., Padman, L. & Woodgate, R.(in press). Overflow and bottom water forma-tion in the southern Wedell Sea. Journal ofGeophysical Research-Oceans. 109, C2, C02015.DOI: 10.1029/2003JC002008.

Hamre, B., Winther, J.G., Gerland, S.,Stamnes, J.J. & Stamnes, K. (in press). Mod-eled and measured transmittance of snowcovered first-year sea ice in Kongsfjorden,Svalbard. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres.

Havnes, O. (in press). The PMSE overshooteffect due to cycling of artificial electron heat-ing. Journal of Geophysical Research.

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Havnes, O., La Hoz, C., Biebricher, A., Kassa,M., Meseret, T., Næsheim, L.I. & Zivkovic, T.(in press). Investigation of the mesosphericPMSE conditions by use of the new over-shoot effect. Physica Scripta.

Huang, D., Moen, J. & Brekke, A. (accepted).Magnetic conjugate study on the substormonset. Chinese Journal of Polar Science.

Instanes, A., Lønne, I. & Sandaker, K. (inpress). Location of avalanche victims withground-penetrating radar. Cold Regions Sci-ence and Technology. 38, 1, 55-61. DOI:10.1016/j.coldregions.2003.08.002.

Ivanov, B., Gerland, S., Winther, J.G. &Goodwin, H. (in press). Energy exchangeprocesses in the marginal ice zone of the Bar-ents Sea during spring 1999. Journal of Glaciol-ogy.

Kaczmarska, M., Isaksson, E., Karlöf, L.,Winther, J.G., Kohler, J., Godtliebsen, F.,Olsen, L.R., Hofstede, C.M., van den Broeke,M.R., van de Wal, R.S.W. & Gundestrup, N.(in press). Accumulation variability derivedfrom an ice core from coastal Dronning MaudLand, Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology.

Kuklinski, P. & Hayward, P. J. (in press). Twonew species of cheilostome Bryozoa fromSvalbard. Sarsia.

Kuklinski, P. & Porter, J. (in press). Alcyonid-ium disciforme Smitt, 1871: an exceptional Arc-tic bryozoan. Journal of the Marine BiologicalAssociation of the UK.

Lindahl, P., Roos, P., Eriksson, E. & Holm, E.(accepted). Distribution of Np and Pu inSwedish lichen samples (Cladonia stellaris)contaminated by atmospheric fallout. Journalof Environmental Radioactivity.

Liston, G.E., Winther, J.G., Bruland, O., Elve-høy H, Sand, K. & Karløf, L. (accepted). Snowand blue-ice distribution patterns on thecoastal Antarctic Ice Sheet. Antarctic Science.

Loe, L.E., Meisingset, E., Mysterud, A., Lang-vatn, R. & Stenseth, N.C. (in press). Pheno-typic and environmental correlates of tootheruption in red deer (Cervus elaphus). Journalof Zoology. 262, 1, 83-89.

Lorentzen, D.A., Shumilov, N. & Moen, J. (inpress). Drifting airglow patches in relation totail reconnection. Geophysical Research Letters.31, 2, L02806. DOI: 10.1029/2003GL017785.

Lorentzen, D.A., Shumilov, N. & Moen, J. (inpress). Optical signatures of drifting polarcap patches in relation to tail reconnection.Geophysical Research Letters.

Lønne, I. & Nemec, W. (in press). High-arcticfan delta recording deglaciation andenvironmental equilibrium. Sedimentology.

Løset, S., Jensen, A., Gudmestad, O.T., Ravn-dal, O. & Eide, S.I. (accepted). Model testingof an arctic shuttle barge system for loadingof oil in ice. International Journal of Offshoreand Polar Engineering.

Mathews, J.T., Mann, I.R., Rae, I.J. & Moen, J.(in press). Multi-instrument observations ofULF wave driven discrete auroral arcs propa-gating sunwards and equatorwards from thepoleward boundary of the duskside auroraloval. Physics of Plasmas.

Moros, M., McManus, J.F., Rasmussen, T.L.,Kuijpers, A., Dokken, T., Snowball, I., Nielsen,T. & Jansen, E. (in press). Quartz content andthe quartz-to-plagioclase ratio determined byX-ray diffraction: a proxy for ice rafting in thenorthern North Atlantic? Earth and PlanetaryScience Letters. 218, 3-4, 389-401. DOI:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00675-7.

Muto, T. & Steel, R.J. (in press). Autogenicresponse of fluvial deltas to steady sea-levelfall: implications from flume-tank experi-ments. Geology.

Oksavik, K., Søraas, F., Moen, J., Pfaff, R.,Davies, J.A. & Lester, M. (in press). Simulta-neous optical, CUTLASS HF radar, and FASTspacecraft observations in the cusp. AnnalesGeophysicae.

Pryse, S.E., Sims, R.W., Moen, J., Kersley, L.,Lorentzen, D.A. & Denig, W.F. (in press). Evi-dence for solar-production as source of polar-cap plasma. Annales Geophysicae.

Sjöblom, A. & Smedman, A.S. (in press).Comparison between eddy-correlation andinertial dissipation methods in the marineatmospheric surface layer. Boundary-LayerMeteorology. 110, 2, 141-164.

Solheim, A., Berg, K., Forsberg, C.F. & Bryn,P. (in press). The Storegga Slide complex:repetitive large scale sliding with similarcause and development. Marine and PetroleumGeology.

Veiberg, V., Loe, L.E., Mysterud, A., Lang-vatn, R. & Stenseth, N.C. (in press). Socialrank, feeding and winter weight loss in reddeer: any evidence of interference competi-tion? Oecologia. 138, 1, 135-142. DOI:10.1007/s00442-003-1399-9.

Winther, J.G., Edvardsen, K., Gerland, S. &Hamre, B. (in press). Surface reflectance ofsea ice and under-ice irradiance in Kongsfjor-den, Svalbard. Polar Research.

Zhdanov, S.K., Morfill, G.E., Samsonov, D.,Zuzic, M. & Havnes, O. (accepted). Origin ofthe curved nature of Mach cone wings. Physi-cal Review E.


Brekke, A. (ed.) (2003). Physics of the UpperPolar Atmosphere. Tokyo: PRAXISPublishing, 450. ISBN 4-87256-304-2.

Humlum, O. & Matsuoka, N. (eds.) (2003). Ahandbook on periglacial field methods.Longyearbyen: International PermafrostAssociation (IPA), 66.

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Maynard, N.C., Burke, W.J., Moen, J., Sand-holt, P.E., Lester, M., Ober, D.M., Weimer,D.R. & White, W.W. (2003). Bifurcation of thecusp: implications for understanding bound-ary layers. pp. 219-228. In: Newell, P.T. &Onsager, T. (eds.). Earth’s low latitude bound-ary layer. Geophysical Monograph. Vol. 133,382. DOI: 10.1029/133GM32. ISBN: 0-87590-992-2.

Mysterud, A., Stenseth, N.C., Yoccoz, N.G.,Ottersen, G. & Langvatn, R. (2003). Theresponse of terrestrial ecosystems to climatevariability associated with the North AtlanticOscillation. pp. 235-262. In: Hurrell, J.W.,Kushnir, Y., Ottersen, G. & Visbeck, M. (eds.).The North Atlantic Oscillation: climatic sig-nificance and environmental impact. Geophys-ical Monograph. Vol. 134, 279. DOI:10.1029/134GM11 ISBN: 0-87590-994-9.

Reports, published abstracts, etc.

Aksnes, A., Stadsnes, J., Brekke, A., Løvhaug,U.P., Ostgaard, N., Germany, G.A. & Von-drak, R.R. (2003). Comparing height profilesof the ionospheric electron density derivedfrom remote sensing of UV- and X-ray emissi-ons and from EISCAT radar data. 2003 AGUFall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 8-12 Dec.2003. Eos Trans. AGU, 84 (46), Fall meetingSuppl., Abstract SA22A-0096. ISSN: 0096-3941.

Andersen, T., Griffin, W.L., Pearson, N.J. &Andresen, A. (2003). Sveconorwegian rejuve-nation of the lower crust in South Norway.pp. 51-53. In: Duchesne, J.C. & Korneliussen,A.(eds.). Ilmenite deposits and their geologi-cal environment : with special reference to theRogaland anorthosite province: including ageological map at scale 1:75,000 and a CDwith a guide to the province. Trondheim:Norges geologiske undersøkelse. pp. 134.(Special publication; no. 9). ISBN: 82-7385-108-7.

Andreev, A.A., Forman, S.L., Ingólfsson, Ó.& Manley, W.F. (2003). Middle Weichselianenvironments on western Yamal Peninsula,Kara Sea. pp. 57-58. In: Bondevik, S. et al.(eds.). 33rd Annual Arctic Workshop: abstracts:Polar Environmental Centre Tromsø, Norway,3-5 Apr. 2003. Tromsø: Norsk polarinstitutt.pp. 127. (Internrapport; no. 13). ISBN: 82-7666-199-8.

Andresen, A., Heilemann, M. & Holte, M.(2003). Structural and metamorphic observa-tions across the fjord region detachment, Kej-ser Franz Joseph Fjord: implications for late-and post-Caledonian evolution of the EastGreenland Caledonides. pp. 3-4. In: Lyså, A.& Nakrem, H.A. (eds.). Den 18. Vinterkonfer-ansen, Oslo, Norway, 6-8 Jan. 2003. Trond-heim: Norsk geologisk forening. pp. 100.(NGF Abstracts and Proceedings; no. 1, 2003).ISBN: 82-92394-04-4.

Andresen, A., Holte, M. & Heilemann, M.(2003). Contemporaneous lower crustal shor-tening and upper crustal extension: evidenceand implications from the East GreenlandCaledonides. p. 4. In: Lyså, A. & Nakrem,H.A. (eds.). Den 18. Vinterkonferansen, Oslo,Norway, 6-8 Jan. 2003. Trondheim: Norskgeologisk forening. pp. 100. (NGF Abstractsand Proceedings; no. 1, 2003). ISBN: 82-92394-04-4.

Andresen, A., Johansen, S.E., Tjåland, E.,Kleppe, J. & Bekkeheien, M. (2003). SVALEX:et tverrinstitusjonelt undervisningsoppleggpå Svalbard: erfaringer etter 2 år, 200 studen-ter og en isbjørn. pp. 4-5. In: Lyså, A. &Nakrem, H.A. (eds.). Den 18. Vinterkonferan-sen, Oslo, Norway, 6-8 Jan. 2003. Trondheim:Norsk geologisk forening. pp. 100. (NGFAbstracts and Proceedings; no. 1, 2003). ISBN:82-92394-04-4.

Bekkeng, J., Pedersen, A. & Moen, J. (2003).Rocket probe for electric field measurementsin PMSE and NLC regions. pp. 333-338. In:Warmbein, B. (ed.). Proceedings of the 16th

ESA Symposium of European Rocket and Bal-loon Programmes and Related Research, 2-5June 2003, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland. Noord-wijk : ESA Publications Division ESTEC. pp.619. (ESA SP; no. 530). ISBN: 92-9092-840-9.

Bergh, S.G., Ohta, Y., Andresen, A., Braathen,A. & Dallmann, W.K. (2003). Geologic map ofSvalbard 1:100 000. Sheet B8G, St. Jonsfjorden.Tromsø: Norsk polarinstitutt. (Temakart; no. 34)

Beuchel, F. & Gulliksen, B. (2003). Temporalvariations and succession of sublittoral rockybottom biota in the arctic Kongsfjord usingunderwater photographs and image analyses.p. 37-[38]. In: Heip, C.H.R. et al. (eds.). Pat-tern and Process: an Euroconference. Patternsof biodiversity in different habitats. Biodiver-sity of Coastal Marine Ecosystems, Corinth,Greece, 5-10 May 2001. pp. 92.

Bjerkås, M., Moslet, P.O., Jochmann, P. &Løset, S. (2003). Global ice loads on the light-house Norströmsgrund in the winter 2001.pp. 829-838. In: Løset, S. et al. (eds.). POAC‘03, Trondheim: proceedings: 17th Internatio-nal Conference on Port and Ocean Enginee-ring under Arctic Conditions: June 16-19,2003, Trondheim, Norway. Vol. 2, pp. 453-872.ISBN: 82-7482-062-2.

Bonnemaire, B., Høyland, K.V., Liferov, P. &Moslet, P.O. (2003). An ice ridge in theBarents Sea: part I: morphology and physicalparameters in-situ. pp. 559-568. In: Løset, S.et al. (eds.). POAC ‘03, Trondheim: procee-dings: 17th International Conference on Portand Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditi-ons: June 16-19, 2003, Trondheim, Norway.Vol. 2, pp. 453-872. ISBN: 82-7482-062-2.

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Bonnemaire, B. & Løset, S. (2003). Modelltests of a riser armour for subsea offshore loa-ding of hydrocarbones: part I: response to iceimpacts. pp. 363-372. In: Løset, S. et al. (eds.).POAC ‘03, Trondheim: proceedings: 17th

International Conference on Port and OceanEngineering under Arctic Conditions: June16-19, 2003, Trondheim, Norway. Vol. 1, pp.450. ISBN: 82-7482-063-0.

Bonnemaire, B., Løset, S. & Gudmestad, O.T.(2003). Riser armour for subsea offshore loa-ding of hydrocarbons in shallow ice-infestedwaters. pp. 343-352. In: Løset, S. et al. (eds.).POAC ‘03, Trondheim: proceedings: 17th

International Conference on Port and OceanEngineering under Arctic Conditions: June16-19, 2003, Trondheim, Norway. Vol. 1, pp.450. ISBN: 82-7482-063-0.

Bonnemaire, B., Løset, S. & Gudmestad, O.T.(2003). Riser armours for subsea loading ofhydrocarbons in ice-infested waters. pp. 220-223. In: Proceedings of Russian Arctic Offs-hore, RAO 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia, 24-25Sept. 2003. Vol. [1].

Brekke, A. (2003). Early studies of pulsatingaurora at the auroral observatory. pp. 91-100.In: Moen, J. & Holtet, J.A. (eds.). Egelandsymposium on auroral and atmospheric rese-arch. pp. 154. ISBN: 82-91853-09-6.

Bryn, P., Berg, K., Lien, R., Solheim, A., Ott-esen, D. & Rise, L. (2003). The Storegga geo-model and its use in slide risk evaluation:geological and geotechnical site investigati-ons in the Storegga slide area. pp. 12-13. In:Lyså, A. & Nakrem, H.A. (eds.). Den 18. Vin-terkonferansen, Oslo, Norway, 6-8 Jan. 2003.Trondheim: Norsk geologisk forening. pp.100. (NGF Abstracts and Proceedings; no. 1,2003). ISBN: 82-92394-04-4.

Bryn, P., Solheim, A., Berg, K., Lien, R., Fors-berg, C.F., Haflidason, H., Ottesen, D. & Rise,L. (2003). The Storegga slide complex: repea-ted large scale sliding in response to climaticcyclicity. pp. 215-222. In: Locat, J. & Mienert,J. (eds.). Submarine mass movements andtheir consequences : 1st international sympo-sium. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publis-hers. pp. 540. (Advances in natural and tech-nological hazards research; no. 19). ISBN:1-4020-1244-6.

Carlsen, M., Hagen, J.O. & Lønne, I. (2003).Glacier front retreat in Van Keulenfjorden,Svalbard, during the last 100 years. p. 63. In:Bondevik, S. et al. (eds.). 33rd Annual ArcticWorkshop: abstracts: Polar EnvironmentalCentre Tromsø, Norway, 3-5 Apr. 2003.Tromsø: Norsk polarinstitutt. pp. 127. (Intern-rapport; no. 13). ISBN: 82-7666-199-8.

Chafrova, S., Gudmestad, O.T. & Shkhinek,K.N. (2003). Design of movable drilling plat-forms for the shallow arctic offshore. pp. 513-523. In: Løset, S. et al. (eds.). POAC ‘03,Trondheim: proceedings: 17th InternationalConference on Port and Ocean Engineeringunder Arctic Conditions: June 16-19, 2003,Trondheim, Norway. Vol. 2, pp. 453-872.ISBN: 82-7482-062-2.

Christiansen, H.H. (2003). Ice-wedges inAdventdalen. pp. 112-116. In: Sollid, J.L. &Christiansen, H.H. (eds.). Permafrost,periglacial features and glaciers in Svalbard:excursion guide. Oslo: University of Oslo. pp.143. (Rapportserie i naturgeografi; no. 14).

Christiansen, H.H., Åkerman, J.H. & Repele-wska-Pekalowa, J. (2003). Active layer dyna-mics in Greenland, Svalbard and Sweden. pp.19-20. In: Haeberli, W. & Brandova, D. (eds.).Extended Abstracts Reporting Current Rese-arch and New Information. 8th InternationalConference on Permafrost, Zürich, Switzer-land, 21-25 Jul. 2003.

Christiansen, H.H. & Humlum, O. (2003).Active layer monitoring in Ny Ålesund andin Adventdalen in the CALM network. pp.97-100. In: Sollid, J.L. & Christiansen, H.H.(eds.). Permafrost, periglacial features andglaciers in Svalbard: excursion guide. Oslo:University of Oslo. pp. 143. (Rapportserie inaturgeografi; no. 14).

Christiansen, H.H. & Humlum, O. (2003).The southern boundary of the NorthernHemisphere periglacial zone at the FaroeIslands. pp. 139-144. In: Phillips, M. et al.(eds.). Permafrost : proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Permafrost,21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. Vol. 1,pp. 660. ISBN: 90-5809-584-3.

Christiansen, H.H., Humlum, O., Ballantyne,C.K., Stone, J.O., Fifield, K.L. & Stuart, F.(2003): Glacial-Periglacial interactions duringthe Late Weichselian of the Faroe Islands.Cryospheric Systems. BGRG/JAQR Confe-rence: Cryospheric Systems, London, UK. 13-14 Jan. 2003.

Drage, M.A. & Mølmann, T. (2003). Arcticcoastal climatic impact on design construc-tion and operation of the Hammerfest LNGplant. pp. 421-431. In: Løset, S. et al. (eds.).POAC ‘03, Trondheim: proceedings: 17th

International Conference on Port and OceanEngineering under Arctic Conditions: June16-19, 2003, Trondheim, Norway. Vol. 1, pp.450. ISBN: 82-7482-063-0.

Fjeldheim, C. & Andresen, A. (2003). PostCaledonian structural restoration of NE Gre-enland in relation to the NW Vøring margin:a model for crustal extension. pp. 27-28. In:Lyså, A. & Nakrem, H.A. (eds.). Den 18. Vin-terkonferansen, Oslo, Norway, 6-8 Jan. 2003.Trondheim: Norsk geologisk forening. pp.100. (NGF Abstracts and Proceedings; no. 1,2003). ISBN: 82-92394-04-4.

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Gjøsteen, J.K.Ø., Løset, S. & Gudmestad, O.T.(2003). The ability to model oil spills in bro-ken ice. pp. 717-725. In: Løset, S. et al. (eds.).POAC ‘03, Trondheim: proceedings: 17th

International Conference on Port and OceanEngineering under Arctic Conditions: June16-19, 2003, Trondheim, Norway. Vol. 2, pp.453-872. ISBN: 82-7482-062-2.

Gjøsund, S.H., Løset, S. & Tørum, A. (2003).Wave loads on an offshore oil terminal inshallow water. pp. 407-419. In: Løset, S. et al.(eds.). POAC ‘03, Trondheim: proceedings:17th International Conference on Port andOcean Engineering under Arctic Conditions:June 16-19, 2003, Trondheim, Norway. Vol. 1,pp. 450. ISBN: 82-7482-063-0.

Grøsland, R. & Løset, S. (2003). Evaluation ofan icebreaking buoy in front of a singleanchor moored ship. pp. 383-392. In: Løset, S.et al. (eds.). POAC ‘03, Trondheim: procee-dings: 17th International Conference on Portand Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditi-ons: June 16-19, 2003, Trondheim, Norway.Vol. 1, pp. 450. ISBN: 82-7482-063-0.

Hartz, E.H., Corfu, F., Andresen, A., Ander-sen, T.B., Bowring, S.A. & Hodges, K.V.(2003). Intracratonic (non-oceanic) deep sub-duction and exhumation, East GreenlandCaledonides. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly,Nice, France, 6-11 Apr. 2003. GeophysicalResearch Abstracts, 5, 03390.

Heia, K., Esaiassen, M., Nilsen, H. & Siger-nes, F. (2003). Visible spectroscopy: evalua-tion of storage time of ice stored cod and fro-zen stored hake. pp. 201-208. In: Luten, J.B. etal. (eds.). Quality of fish from catch to consu-mer: labelling, monitoring and traceability.Fish Quality Labelling and Monitoring,Firenze, Italy, 15-17 Apr. 2002. pp. 456. ISBN:90-76998-14-0.

Holmgren, S., Wolfe, A.P., Wohlfarth, B. &Ingólfsson, Ó. (2003). Recent environmentalchanges in western Spitsbergen inferred fromlake sediments. p. 77. In: Bondevik, S. et al.(eds.). 33rd Annual Arctic Workshop: abstracts:Polar Environmental Centre Tromsø, Norway,3-5 Apr. 2003. Tromsø: Norsk polarinstitutt.pp. 127. (Internrapport; no. 13). ISBN: 82-7666-199-8.

Holte, M., Andresen, A. & Corfu, F. (2003).New U-Pb constraints on syn-contractionaland syn-extensional magmatism in the EastGreenland Caledonides. p. 42. In: Lyså, A. &Nakrem, H.A. (eds.). Den 18. Vinterkonferan-sen, Oslo, Norway, 6-8 Jan. 2003. Trondheim:Norsk geologisk forening. pp. 100. (NGFAbstracts and Proceedings; no. 1, 2003). ISBN:82-92394-04-4.

Humlum, O. (2003). Larsbreen and Longyear-breen. pp. 83-96. In: Sollid, J.L. & Christian-sen, H.H. (eds.). Permafrost, periglacial fea-tures and glaciers in Svalbard: excursionguide. Oslo: University of Oslo. pp. 143.(Rapportserie i naturgeografi; no. 14).

Humlum, O. (2003): Late Holocene andmodern permafrost growth on Svalbard.Cryospheric Systems. BGRG/JAQR Confe-rence: Cryospheric Systems, London, UK. 13-14 Jan. 2003.

Humlum, O. (2003). Permafrost in Svalbard.pp. 5-21. In: Sollid, J.L. & Christiansen, H.H.(eds.). Permafrost, periglacial features andglaciers in Svalbard: excursion guide. Oslo:University of Oslo. pp. 143. (Rapportserie inaturgeografi; no. 14).

Høyland, K.V., Valkonen, J. & Dettwiler, B.(2003). An ice ridge in the Barents Sea: part II:laboratory investigations. pp. 569-576. In:Løset, S. et al. (eds.). POAC ‘03, Trondheim:proceedings: 17th International Conference onPort and Ocean Engineering under ArcticConditions: June 16-19, 2003, Trondheim,Norway. Vol. 2, pp. 453-872. ISBN: 82-7482-062-2.

Ingólfsson, Ó., Jónsdóttir, I.S. & Stenström,A. (2003). Ice sheet history of the EurasianNorth reflected in genetic variation of arcticplants. p. 78. In: Bondevik, S. et al. (eds.). 33rd

Annual Arctic Workshop: abstracts: PolarEnvironmental Centre Tromsø, Norway, 3-5Apr. 2003. Tromsø: Norsk polarinstitutt. pp.127. (Internrapport; no. 13). ISBN: 82-7666-199-8.

Instanes, A. (2003). Climate change and pos-sible impact on Arctic infrastructure. pp. 461-466. In: Phillips, M. et al. (eds.). Permafrost :proceedings of the 8th International Confe-rence on Permafrost, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich,Switzerland. Vol. 1, pp. 660. ISBN: 90-5809-584-3.

Instanes, A. & Brigham, L. (2003). Climatechange and arctic coastal environment andtransportation. pp. 737-744. In: Løset, S. et al.(eds.). POAC ‘03, Trondheim: proceedings:17th International Conference on Port andOcean Engineering under Arctic Conditions:June 16-19, 2003, Trondheim, Norway. Vol. 2,pp. 453-872. ISBN: 82-7482-062-2.

Isaksen, K., Humlum, O. & Sollid, J.L. (2003).The Janssonhaugen PACE borehole. pp. 101-111. In: Sollid, J.L. & Christiansen, H.H.(eds.). Permafrost, periglacial features andglaciers in Svalbard: excursion guide. Oslo:University of Oslo. pp. 143. (Rapportserie inaturgeografi; no. 14).

Isaksen, K., Humlum, O., Sollid, J.L. & Har-ris, C. (2003). Permafrost temperature monito-ring at Janssonhaugen, Svalbard: a five yearseries. EGS-AUG-EGU Joint Assembly, Nice,France, 6-11 Apr. 2003. Geophysical ResearchAbstracts, 5, EAEO3-A-10765.

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Isham, B., Belyey, V., Grydeland, T., La Hoz,C., Blixt, E.M., Løvhaug, U.P. & Brekke, A.(2003). Observations of Langmuir Waves inthe high-latitude winter auroral ionosphere.2003 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA,8-12 Dec. 2003. Eos Trans. AGU, 84 (46), Fallmeeting Suppl., Abstract SA21B-0086. ISSN:0096-3941.

Koç, N., Kristensen, D.K., Hasle, K., Forsberg,C.F. & Solheim, A. (2003). Late glacial paleo-ceanography of Hinlopen Strait, NorthernSvalbard. p. 82. In: Bondevik, S. et al. (eds.).33rd Annual Arctic Workshop: abstracts: PolarEnvironmental Centre Tromsø, Norway, 3-5Apr. 2003. Tromsø: Norsk polarinstitutt. pp.127. (Internrapport; no. 13). ISBN: 82-7666-199-8.

Kosch, M.J., Makinen, S., Sigernes, F. &Harang, O. (2003). Absolute optical calibra-tion using a simple Tungsten light bulb: expe-riment. pp. 50-54. In: Sigernes, F. &Lorentzen, D.A. (eds.). The 30th Annual Euro-pean Meeting on Atmospheric Studies byOptical Methods, Longyearbyen, Norway, 13-17 Aug. 2003. pp. 121. ISBN: 82-481-0006-5.

Kuklinski, P. (2003): Bryozoa as potentialindicators of environmental conditions: preli-minary study. In: Heip, C.H.R. et al. (eds.).High level scientific conference activity“Biodiversity of coastal marine ecosystems: afunctional approach to coastal marine biodi-versity”: book of abstracts. 2nd Euroconferenceon “Biodiversity of Coastal Marine Ecosy-stems: a Functional Approach to CoastalMarine Biodiversity”, Renesse, Holland. 11-15May 2003.

La Hoz, C., Kebede, S. & Brekke, A. (2003).Plasma viscous heating in sheared regions ofthe high latitude ionosphere. 2003 AGU FallMeeting, San Francisco, USA, 8-12 Dec. 2003.Eos Trans. AGU, 84 (46), Fall meeting Suppl.,Abstract SA21B-0076. ISSN: 0096-3941.

Landvik, J.Y., Ingólfsson, Ó., Mienert, J. &Salvigsen, O. (2003): Siste istid på Svalbard:ny forståelse av isdynamikk i kystområdene.In: Lyså, A. & Nakrem, H.A. (eds.). Den 18.Vinterkonferansen, Oslo, Norway, 6-8 Jan.2003. Trondheim: Norsk geologisk forening.pp. 100. (NGF Abstracts and Proceedings; no.1, 2003). ISBN: 82-92394-04-4.

Liferov, P., Gudmestad, O.T., Moslet, P.O.,Nilsen, R., Shkhinek, K.N., Løset, S. &Håland, G. (2003). In-situ modelling of iceridge scouring of the seabed. pp. 249-257. In:Proceedings of Russian Arctic Offshore, RAO2003, St. Petersburg, Russia, 24-25 Sept. 2003.Vol. [1].

Liferov, P. & Høyland, K.V. (2003). Ice rubbleproperties from plain strain tests. pp. 611-621.In: Løset, S. et al. (eds.). POAC ‘03, Trond-heim: proceedings: 17th International Confe-rence on Port and Ocean Engineering underArctic Conditions: June 16-19, 2003, Trond-heim, Norway. Vol. 2, pp. 453-872. ISBN: 82-7482-062-2.

Liferov, P., Jensen, A. & Høyland, K.V. (2003).3D finite element analysis of laboratorypunch tests on ice rubble. pp. 599-610. In:Løset, S. et al. (eds.). POAC ‘03, Trondheim:proceedings: 17th International Conference onPort and Ocean Engineering under ArcticConditions: June 16-19, 2003, Trondheim,Norway. Vol. 2, pp. 453-872. ISBN: 82-7482-062-2.

Lindner, E. & Jakobsen, B. (2003). UNIS 1993-2003: an anniversary bibliography. Longyear-byen: UNIS. pp. 50. ISBN: 82-481-0005-7.

Lokrantz, H. & Ingólfsson, Ó. (2003). Genesisof a massive ground ice body at CapeShpindler, Arctic Russia. p. 95. In: Bondevik,S. et al. (eds.). 33rd Annual Arctic Workshop:abstracts: Polar Environmental CentreTromsø, Norway, 3-5 Apr. 2003. Tromsø:Norsk polarinstitutt. pp. 127. (Internrapport;no. 13). ISBN: 82-7666-199-8.

Lorentzen, D.A., Shumilov, N. & Moen, J.(2003). Optical signatures of drifting polarcap patches in relation to tail reconnection.pp. 23-27. In: Sigernes, F. & Lorentzen, D.A.(eds.). The 30th Annual European Meeting onAtmospheric Studies by Optical Methods,Longyearbyen, Norway, 13-17 Aug. 2003. pp.121. ISBN: 82-481-0006-5.

Lorentzen, D.A., Sigernes, F., Claes, S. &Shumilov, N. (2003). A new optical auroralstation on Svalbard? pp. 88-90. In: Sigernes, F.& Lorentzen, D.A. (eds.). The 30th AnnualEuropean Meeting on Atmospheric Studiesby Optical Methods, Longyearbyen, Norway,13-17 Aug. 2003. pp. 121. ISBN: 82-481-0006-5.

Lunde, J., Lorentzen, D.A. & Moen, J. (2003).Diagnostics and notification of the expansionphase of the magnetic substorm. pp. 28-32. In:Sigernes, F. & Lorentzen, D.A. (eds.). The 30th

Annual European Meeting on AtmosphericStudies by Optical Methods, Longyearbyen,Norway, 13-17 Aug. 2003. pp. 121. ISBN: 82-481-0006-5.

Lystad, M., Langsholt, E., Misund, O.A.,Nordli, P.Ø. & Winther, J.G. (2003). Rapportnr 1: Viktige klimadataserier. Oslo: Norgesforskningsråd. pp. [64]. ISBN: 82-12-01808-3.

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Lønne, I. (2003). Fridtjovbreen on Svalbard:evolution of the two last surge events. p. 42.In: Bondevik, S. et al. (eds.). 33rd Annual Arc-tic Workshop: abstracts: Polar EnvironmentalCentre Tromsø, Norway, 3-5 Apr. 2003.Tromsø: Norsk polarinstitutt. pp. 127. (Intern-rapport; no. 13). ISBN: 82-7666-199-8.

Løset, S., Bonnemaire, B. & Bjerkås, M. (eds.)(2003). POAC ‘03, Trondheim: proceedings:17th International Conference on Port andOcean Engineering under Arctic Conditions:June 16-19, 2003, Trondheim, Norway. Trond-heim: NTNU. Vol. 1, pp. 450. ISBN: 82-7482-063-0.

Løset, S., Bonnemaire, B. & Bjerkås, M. (eds.)(2003). POAC ‘03, Trondheim: proceedings:17th International Conference on Port andOcean Engineering under Arctic Conditions:June 16-19, 2003, Trondheim, Norway. Trond-heim: NTNU. Vol. 2, pp. 453-872. ISBN: 82-7482-062-2.

Løset, S., Grøsland, R. & Jensen, A. (2003).Model testing of a single anchor moored shipin the wake of a buoy in level ice and pres-sure ridges. pp. 393-405. In: Løset, S. et al.(eds.). POAC ‘03, Trondheim: proceedings:17th International Conference on Port andOcean Engineering under Arctic Conditions:June 16-19, 2003, Trondheim, Norway. Vol. 1,pp. 450. ISBN: 82-7482-063-0.

Mathews, J.T., Mann, I.R. & Moen, J. (2003).Multi-instrument observations of discreteauroral arcs propagating sunwards and equa-torwards from the poleward boundary of theauroral oval in the afternoon sector. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11Apr. 2003. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5,07916.

Moen, J. (2003). Solar wind controlled ionos-pheric dynamics observed from Svalbard. pp.125-138. In: Moen, J. & Holtet, J.A. (eds.).Egeland symposium on auroral and atmos-pheric research. pp. 154. ISBN: 82-91853-09-6.

Moen, J., Bekkeng, J.K. & Pedersen, A. (2003).ICI-1: a new sounding rocket concept toobserve micro-scale physics in the Cuspionosphere. pp. 543-550. In: Warmbein, B.(ed.). Proceedings of the 16th ESA Symposiumof European Rocket and Balloon Programmesand Related Research, 2-5 June 2003, SanktGallen, Switzerland. Noordwijk : ESA Publi-cations Division ESTEC. pp. 619. (ESA SP; no.530). ISBN: 92-9092-840-9.

Moen, J. & Holtet, J.A. (eds.) (2003). Egelandsymposium on auroral and atmospheric rese-arch. Oslo: University of Oslo. pp. 154. ISBN:82-91853-09-6.

Moldestad, D.A. & Løset, S. (2003). Frictionof the autosock on ice. pp. 747-756. In: Løset,S. et al. (eds.). POAC ‘03, Trondheim: procee-dings: 17th International Conference on Portand Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditi-ons: June 16-19, 2003, Trondheim, Norway.Vol. 2, pp. 453-872. ISBN: 82-7482-062-2.

Moslet, P.O. & Høyland, K.V. (2003). Icestress measurements adjacent to a wild struc-ture in land-fast-ice. pp. 283-292. In: Løset, S.et al. (eds.). POAC ‘03, Trondheim: procee-dings: 17th International Conference on Portand Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditi-ons: June 16-19, 2003, Trondheim, Norway.Vol. 1, pp. 450. ISBN: 82-7482-063-0.

Mulch, A., Cosca, M.A., Fiebig, J. & Andre-sen, A. (2003). Time scales of shear zone reac-tivation and fluid circulation at the Pors-grunn-Kristiansand shear zone (SouthernNorway): an integrated in situ 40Ar/39Argeochronology, structural and stable isotopestudy. p. 61. In: Lyså, A. & Nakrem, H.A.(eds.). Den 18. Vinterkonferansen, Oslo, Nor-way, 6-8 Jan. 2003. Trondheim: Norsk geolo-gisk forening. pp. 100. (NGF Abstracts andProceedings; no. 1, 2003). ISBN: 82-92394-04-4.

Möller, P., Ingólfsson, Ó., Lubinski, D., For-man, S.L., Andreev, A., Antoniov, O.,Lokrantz, H. & Pavlov, M. (2003): Glacial andenvironmental history of Severnaya Zemlya,Siberian high Arctic, during the last >130.000years. 2003 INQUA Congress Program withAbstracts. 16th INQUA Congress: Shaping theEarth: a Quaternary Perspective, Reno,Nevada. 23-31 Jul. 2003.

Möller, P., Ingólfsson, Ó., Lubinski, D., For-man, S.L., Andreev, A.A., Antonov, O.,Lokrantz, H. & Pavlov, M. (2003). Glacial andenvironmental history of Severnaya Zemlya,Siberian high Arctic, during the last >130,000years. p. 45. In: Bondevik, S. et al. (eds.). 33rd

Annual Arctic Workshop: abstracts: PolarEnvironmental Centre Tromsø, Norway, 3-5Apr. 2003. Tromsø: Norsk polarinstitutt. pp.127. (Internrapport; no. 13). ISBN: 82-7666-199-8.

Nemec, W., Steel, R.J. & Lønne, I. (2003).Sedimentary facies analysis: from processesto systems tracts: lecture illustration compen-dium with excercises. Longyearbyen: UNIS.pp. 400.

Nielsen, C.P., Moen, J., Carlson, H.C., Oksa-vik, K., Gallop, P. & Denig, W.F. (2003). Patchformation in ralation to cusp auroral activity.EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France,6-11 Apr. 2003. Geophysical ResearchAbstracts, 5, 13910.

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Nilsen, J.E.Ø. & Nilsen, F. (2003). Detectingfrontal structures in oceanic station timeseries. [Var. pag.]. In: Nilsen, J.E.Ø. (ed.).Aspects of the Atlantic flow through the Nor-wegian Sea. Bergen: University of Bergen.(Reports in Meteorology an Oceanography;no. 3-2003). ISBN: 82-90569-99-8.

Oftedal, B.T. & Andresen, A. (2003). Syn-riftsedimentation in a marine half-graben: theEarly Triassic Wordie Creek Formation atHold with Hope (72° N), NE Greenland. pp.68-69. In: Lyså, A. & Nakrem, H.A. (eds.). Den18. Vinterkonferansen, Oslo, Norway, 6-8 Jan.2003. Trondheim: Norsk geologisk forening.pp. 100. (NGF Abstracts and Proceedings; no.1, 2003). ISBN: 82-92394-04-4.

Oksavik, K., Søraas, F., Moen, J., Pfaff, R.,Davies, J.A. & Lester, M. (2003). Simultaneousoptical, CUTLASS HF radar, and FAST spa-cecraft observations in the cusp. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 Apr.2003. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5,07796.

Prick, A. (2003). Cryogenic weathering androck fall in Longyearbyen. pp. 117-125. In:Sollid, J.L. & Christiansen, H.H. (eds.). Per-mafrost, periglacial features and glaciers inSvalbard: excursion guide. Oslo: Universityof Oslo. pp. 143. (Rapportserie i naturgeo-grafi; no. 14).

Prick, A. (2003). Frost weathering and rockfall in an arctic environment, Longyearbyen,Svalbard. pp. 907-912. In: Phillips, M. et al.(eds.). Permafrost : proceedings of the 8th

International Conference on Permafrost, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. Vol. 2, pp.661-1322. ISBN: 90-5809-585-1.

Prick, A. (2003). Monitoring weathering pro-cesses and rock fall activity in an arctic envi-ronment, Longyearbyen, Svalbard. p. 33. In:Bondevik, S. et al. (eds.). 33rd Annual ArcticWorkshop: abstracts: Polar EnvironmentalCentre Tromsø, Norway, 3-5 Apr. 2003.Tromsø: Norsk polarinstitutt. pp. 127. (Intern-rapport; no. 13). ISBN: 82-7666-199-8.

Sandholt, P., Farrugia, C., Denig, W., Yeoman,T., Cowley, S., Lester, M., Dyrland, M. &Moen, J. (2003). Spatiotemporal structure ofthe southward IMF dayside aurora duringmagnetopause reconnection events. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11Apr. 2003. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5,02870.

Shkhinek, K.N., Løset, S. & Kärnä, T. (2003).Global ice load dependency on structurewidth and ice thickness. pp. 857-868. In:Løset, S. et al. (eds.). POAC ‘03, Trondheim:proceedings: 17th International Conference onPort and Ocean Engineering under ArcticConditions: June 16-19, 2003, Trondheim,Norway. Vol. 2, pp. 453-872. ISBN: 82-7482-062-2.

Sigernes, F. & Lorentzen, D.A. (eds.) (2003).The 30th Annual European Meeting on Atmos-pheric Studies by Optical Methods. Longy-earbyen: UNIS. pp. 121. ISBN: 82-481-0006-5.

Sigernes, F., Lorentzen, D.A., Shumilov, N.,Moen, J., Gjessing, Y., Havnes, O., Skartveit,A., Raustein, E., Ørbæk, J.B. & Deehr, C.S.(2003). The mysterious red sky on 6 december2002. pp. 72-75. In: Sigernes, F. & Lorentzen,D.A. (eds.). The 30th Annual European Mee-ting on Atmospheric Studies by OpticalMethods, Longyearbyen, Norway, 13-17 Aug.2003. pp. 121. ISBN: 82-481-0006-5.

Sigernes, F., Shumilov, N., Deehr, C.S. & Hav-nes, O. (2003). The polar winter mesospherictemperature trend at Svalbard. pp. 61-64. In:Sigernes, F. & Lorentzen, D.A. (eds.). The 30th

Annual European Meeting on AtmosphericStudies by Optical Methods, Longyearbyen,Norway, 13-17 Aug. 2003. pp. 121. ISBN: 82-481-0006-5.

Skogseth, R. (2003). Dense water productionprocesses in Storfjorden. PhD Thesis. Bergen:University of Bergen. pp. 194. (Reports inmeteorology and oceanography; no. 2-2003).ISBN: 82-90569-97-1.

Slubowska, M.A., Koç, N., Rasmussen, T.L.& Kristensen, D.K. (2003). Holocene climatechanges at the northern Svalbard continentalmargin. p. 116. In: Bondevik, S. et al. (eds.).33rd Annual Arctic Workshop: abstracts: PolarEnvironmental Centre Tromsø, Norway, 3-5Apr. 2003. Tromsø: Norsk polarinstitutt. pp.127. (Internrapport; no. 13). ISBN: 82-7666-199-8.

Solheim, A. & Nadim, F. (2003). InternationalCentre for Geohazards (ICG) established atthe Norwegian Geotechnical Institute in Oslo,Norway. 2003 AGU Fall Meeting, San Fran-cisco, USA, 8-12 Dec. 2003. Eos Trans. AGU,84 (46), Fall meeting Suppl., Abstract OS22B-1164. ISSN: 0096-3941.

Sollid, J.L. & Christiansen, H.H. (eds.) (2003).Permafrost, periglacial features and glaciersin Svalbard: excursion guide. 8th InternationalConference on Permafrost. Oslo: Universityof Oslo. pp. 143. (Rapportserie i naturgeo-grafi; no. 14).

Steel, R.J., Porebski, S.J., Plink-Björklund, P.,Mellere, D. & Schellpeper, M. (2003). Shelf-edge delta types and their stratigraphic signi-ficance. pp. 205-230. In: Roberts, H. et al.(eds.). Shelf-margin deltas and linked downs-lope petroleum systems: global significanceand future exploration potential. 23rd AnnualGCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Rese-arch Conference, Houston, Texas, 7-10 Dec.2003.

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Vader, W. & Berge, J. (2003). Antarctic deep-sea amphipods. pp. 78-81. In: Fütterer, D.K. etal. (eds.). The Expeditions ANTARKTIS-XIX/3-4 of the research vessel Polarstern in2002: (ANDEEP I and II: Antarctic benthicdeep-sea biodiversity: colonization historyand recent community patterns). Bremer-haven: Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- undMeeresforschung. pp. 174. (Berichte zurPolar- und Meeresforschung; no. 470).

Popular scientific publications

Arlov, T.B. (2003). Kunsten å bygge etuniversitet på tundraen: om forhistorien tilUNIS. pp. 9-20. In: Arlov, T.B. (ed.).Universitetet på tundraen: UNIS 1993-2003.[Longyearbyen]: UNIS. pp. 143. ISBN: 82-481-0004-9.

Arlov, T.B. (ed.) (2003). Universitetet påtundraen: UNIS 1993-2003. Svalbard: UNIS.pp. 143. ISBN: 82-481-0004-9.

Brandvik, P.J. (2003). En viktig brikkemanglet!: avdeling for arktisk teknologi. pp.67-73. In: Arlov, T.B. (ed.). Universitetet påtundraen: UNIS 1993-2003. [Longyearbyen]:UNIS. pp. 143. ISBN: 82-481-0004-9.

Brandvik, P.J. (2003). Forsker på forurens-ning. Interview by Hansen, C.K. Svalbard-posten. 23 May 2003, p. 14.

Brandvik, P.J. (2003). Skipstrafikk og risikofor miljøet. Svalbardposten. 22 Aug. 2003. p. 33.

Brandvik, P.J. (2003). UNIS valgte hunde-spann. Interview by Hansen, C.K. Svalbard-posten. 16 May 2003, p. 14.

Brandvik, P.J., Sæther, Å. & Stolle, I.A. (2003).Stor sannsynlighet for oljesøl. Interview bySandberg, S.M. Svalbardposten. 8 Aug. 2003,pp. 12-13.

Brekke, A. (2003). Nordlyset: vårt særeignenaturfenomen. Fjell og vidde. 1, pp. 38-42.

Brekke, A. (2003). Nordlysmesteren: intervjumed Asgeir Brekke, 30.03.2003. p. 96. In:Arlov, T.B. (ed.). Universitetet på tundraen:UNIS 1993-2003. [Longyearbyen]: UNIS. pp.143. ISBN: 82-481-0004-9.

Brekke, A. (2003). Skråblikk heimatt. Vigga. 3Jan. 2003. p. 2.

Brekke, A. (2003). Space research at the top ofEurope. The Parliament. 173, p. 48.

Brekke, A. (2003): Uniskvede: prolog fram-ført ved festmiddagen under åpninga avUNIS 14. august 1995. p. 97 In: Arlov, T.B.(ed.). Universitetet på tundraen: UNIS 1993-2003. [Longyearbyen]. UNIS. pp. 143 ISBN:82-481-0004-9.

Brodersen, C., Jaklin, G.S., Lønnum, L.,Orheim, O.J., Gabrielsen, G. W. & Winther,J.G. (2003). Nye krav og nye muligheter forforskningen. pp. 23-26. In: Brodersen, C. et al.(eds.).: 75 år for Norge: Norsk polarinstituttjubilerer. Tromsø: Norsk polarinstitutt. pp. 56.ISBN: 82-7666-196-3.

Christiansen, H.H. (2003). På feltarbeideblandt iskiler i mørketiden i Adventdalen. At: Danish Broadcasting Corporation News.22. Dec. 2003.

Cooper, E.J. (2003) Interview by Myllynen, C.SVT 2. Mitt i naturen. 7 Aug. 2003.

Eiane, K. (2003). Levende vitenskap i kaldtklima: avdeling for arktisk biologi. pp. 59-65.In: Arlov, T.B. (ed.). Universitetet påtundraen: UNIS 1993-2003. [Longyearbyen]:UNIS. pp. 143. ISBN: 82-481-0004-9.

Elberling, B. & Humlum, O. (2003). Etlevende klimaarkiv. Aktuel naturvidenskab. 6,pp. 10-13.

Gjessing, Y. (2003). Fra havdyp tilsolatmosfære: avdeling for arktisk geofysikk.pp. 49-56. In: Arlov, T.B. (ed.). Universitetetpå tundraen: UNIS 1993-2003.[Longyearbyen]: UNIS. pp. 143. ISBN: 82-481-0004-9.

Grøndahl, K.K. (2003). Gudmoren: intervjumed Kirsten Kolle Grøndahl, 29.01.2003. p.57. Interview by Arlov, T.B. In: Arlov, T.B.(ed.). Universitetet på tundraen: UNIS 1993-2003. [Longyearbyen]: UNIS. pp. 143. ISBN:82-481-0004-9.

Hansen, F. S. (2003). Utendørslaboratoriet:om operasjoner i felt, ekskursjoner ogsikkerhet. pp. 87-95. In: Arlov, T.B. (ed.).Universitetet på tundraen: UNIS 1993-2003.[Longyearbyen]: UNIS. pp. 143. ISBN: 82-481-0004-9.

Hermansen, R. (2003). UNIS var en alliert frastarten: intervju med Robert Hermansen,27.01.2003. p. 85. Interview by Arlov, T.B. In:Arlov, T.B. (ed.). Universitetet på tundraen:UNIS 1993-2003. [Longyearbyen]: UNIS. pp.143. ISBN: 82-481-0004-9.

Hernes, G. (2003). En av heldigerebeslutningene jeg har tatt: intervju medGudmund Hernes, 03.03.2003. p. 21.Interview by Arlov, T.B. In: Arlov, T.B. (ed.).Universitetet på tundraen: UNIS 1993-2003.[Longyearbyen]: UNIS. pp. 143. ISBN: 82-481-0004-9.

Hormes, A., Jónsdóttir, I.S. & Humlum, O.(2003). Vil gjenopplive 1880 år gammel isbre-mose. Interview by Pedersen, T.Svalbardposten. 21 Mar. 2003, pp. 12-13.

Humlum, O. (2003). En dannelsesrejse i tidog rum: avdeling for arktisk geologi. pp. 35-47. In: Arlov, T.B. (ed.). Universitetet påtundraen: UNIS 1993-2003. [Longyearbyen]:UNIS. pp. 143. ISBN: 82-481-0004-9.

Humlum, O. (2003). En sensation underjorden på Svalbard. At: Euroradio Danmark,23. May 2003.

Humlum, O. (2003). Isgrotten i Longyear-breen, Svalbard. At: TV2, 11. May 2003.

Humlum, O. (2003). Plantejagt undergletscherisen. Polarfronten. 2, p. 3.

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Humlum, O. (2003). Student truffet av ras.Interview by Ødeaard, L. Svalbardposten. 21Mar. 2003, p. 9.

Humlum, O. (2003). Titanic i Arktis?Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten, kronik. 3 Feb.2003. p. 12.

Jakobsen, B. (2003). Development in thenorth: news from the northernmost libraryoutpost. Polar Libraries Bulletin. 54, p. 7.

Jónsdóttir, I.S. (2003). Gjess legger norskeavlinger øde. Interview by Rapp, O.M.Aftenposten. Morgenutgave. 2 Aug. 2003, p. 24.

Jónsdóttir, I.S., Cooper, E.J. & Solheim, B.(2003). Vil fly tamme gjess til Svalbard.Interview by Heyerdahl, N. Svalbardposten. 13Jun. 2003, pp. 12-13.

Kessler, M. & Humlum, O. (2003). Kan for-klare steinsirklene. Interview by Pedersen, T.Svalbardposten. 24 Jan. 2003, pp. 14-15.

Klanderud, K. & Birks, H.J.B. (2003). Nyligeendringer i Jotunheimens flora: et resultat avklimaforandring? Naturen. 127, 2, pp. 61-69.

Larsen, J. (2003). Det var en sportsligutfordring å få det til: intervju med JanLarsen, 28.03.2003. p. 115. Interview by Arlov,T.B. In: Arlov, T.B. (ed.). Universitetet påtundraen: UNIS 1993-2003. [Longyearbyen]:UNIS. pp. 143. ISBN: 82-481-0004-9.

Lorentzen, D.A. (2003). Foreløpig ingen nynordlysstasjon. Interview by Hansen, C.K.Svalbardposten. 20 Jun. 2003, p. 13.

Lorentzen, D.A. (2003). Gøy med solstorm.Interview by Pedersen, T. Svalbardposten. 7Nov. 2003, p. 4.

Lønne, I. (2003). Da Fridtjovbreen påSvalbard våknet. Naturen. 127, 6, pp. 250-255.

Lønne, I. (2003). Stinkende hval i høyden.Interview by Pedersen, T. Svalbardposten. 12Sept. 2003, p. 4.

Moen, J. (2003). Fingransker trøblete nordlysover Svalbard. Interview by Larsen, R.L.Aftenposten. Morgenutgave. 29 Nov. 2003, p. 4.

Moen, J. (2003). [Innslag omforskningsraketter på Svalbard]. At: NRK 1.Schrödingers katt. 18. Dec. 2003.

Moen, J. (2003). Om plasma og romfysikk. At:Radio Nova. Skumma kultur. 11. Sept. 2003

Moen, J. (2003). Rakettferd for å løse støygåtei nord mislyktes. Interview by Larsen, R.L.Aftenposten. Morgenutgave. 5 Dec. 2003, p. 4.

Moen, J. & Bøen, K. (2003). Mislykketoppskyting. Interview by Sandberg, S.M.Svalbardposten. 5 Dec. 2003, p. 3.

Mysterud, A. & Langvatn, R. (2003).Hjortebrunst: det koster å være kar. Jeger,hund og våpen. 8, 10, pp. 44-48.

Mysterud, A. & Langvatn, R. (2003).Vektvariasjon hos hjort på Vestlandet.Hjorteviltet. 13, pp. 72-76.

Nadim, F. & Solheim, A. (2003). Geologiskkunnskap redder liv. Interview by Mørk, K.GEO. 6, 8, pp. 20-22.

Nilsen, F. (2003). Du vet ikke hva du får påkroken. Natur og miljø bulletin. Dec. 2003, 20,p. 5.

Nilsen, F. (2003). Havstrømmer i endring.Interview by Ellingsen, R.K. Svalbardposten. 7Nov. 2003, p. 14.

Nilsen, F. (2003). Mer forskning på Svalbard.Interview by Hansen, C.K. Svalbardposten. 1Aug. 2003, p. 13.

Nilsen, F. (2003). Mer ustabil is. Interview byPedersen, T. Svalbardposten. 21 Feb. 2003, p.11.

Nilsen, F. (2003). Stormflo tok isen. Interviewby Pedersen, T. Svalbardposten. 21 Feb. 2003,p. 11.

Nygard, J. (2003). Vi gjorde UNIS til byensstorstue: intervju med Jarle Nygard,01.04.2003. p. 125. Interview by Arlov, T.B.In: Arlov, T.B. (ed.). Universitetet på tun-draen: UNIS 1993-2003. [Longyearbyen]:UNIS. pp. 143. ISBN: 82-481-0004-9.

Orheim, A. & Sigernes, F. (2003). Kosmiskringvirkning. Interview by Pedersen, T. Sval-bardposten. 15 Aug. 2003, p. 17.

Rønning, O.I. (2003). Flower power: intervjumed Olaf I. Rønning, 12.05.2003. p. 33.Interview by Arlov, T.B. In: Arlov, T.B. (ed.).Universitetet på tundraen: UNIS 1993-2003.[Longyearbyen]: UNIS. pp. 143. ISBN: 82-481-0004-9.

Schanche, A. (2003). Om administrasjon ogorganisasjon: en samtale med Helen Flå. pp.99-105. In: Arlov, T.B. (ed.). Universitetet påtundraen: UNIS 1993-2003. [Longyearbyen]:UNIS. pp. 143. ISBN: 82-481-0004-9.

Sigernes, F. (2003). 20 år med atmosfære-målinger. Interview by Hansen, C.K.Svalbardposten. 20 Jun. 2003, p. 12.

Sigernes, F. (2003). Rødt lys på konferanse.Interview by Hansen, C.K. Svalbardposten. 11Jul. 2003, p. 8.

Sigernes, F. (2003). Verdens raskestenettbygd. At: NRK. Verdt å vite. 01 Oct. 2003.

Steel, R.J. (2003). A wonderful time. Inter-view by Carstens, H. GEO. 6, 5, pp. 44-47.

Strøm, L., Brandvik, P.J., Skoog, K. & Bælum,K. (2003). Polarmåken er mest giftig. Inter-view by Hansen, C.K. Svalbardposten. 6 Jun.2003, pp. 12-13.

Winther, J.G. (2003). Ekstrem gjennom-slagskraft. Nordlys. 25 Nov. 2003. p. 3.

Winther, J.G. (2003). Klima i fokus. pp. 28-32.In: Brodersen, C. et al. (eds.).: 75 år for Norge:Norsk polarinstitutt jubilerer. Tromsø: Norskpolarinstitutt. pp. 56. ISBN: 82-7666-196-3.

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Winther, J.G. (2003). Snøen inn i klimamodel-lene. Interview by Pedersen, T. Svalbardposten.21 Feb. 2003, pp. 10-11.

Presentations (oral or poster)Andresen, A. (2003). En fjellkjedes vekst ogfall. Faglig-pedagogisk dag, Universitetet iOslo, 3 Jan. 2003. (Talk).

Andresen, A. (2003). Extensional deformationversus contractional deformation in the EastGreenland Caledonides. Seminar at the Uni-versity of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland,15-18 December 2003. (Invited talk).

Arlov, T.B. (2003). UNIS historie. The Univer-sity Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) 10 years anni-versary, Longyearbyen, 20 Sept. 2003. (Invi-ted talk).

Arndt, C.E. & Lønne, O.J. (2003). Dead endfor hitch hikers in the Arctic Ocean: prelimi-nary results on the fate of ice fauna in theFram Strait. Gordon Research Conference,Ventura, California, 16.-21. Mar. 2003.(Poster).

Beuchel, F. & Gulliksen, B. (2003). Monito-ring of benthic communities at Svalbard andJan Mayen, using image analyses. ICES/Benthic Ecology working group meeting,Forth Pierce, Florida, 2-5 May 2003. (Talk).

Beuchel, F. & Gulliksen, B. (2003). Monito-ring of rocky-bottom macrobenthic communi-ties on locations at Svalbard and Jan Mayenusing digital image analysis. NHF årsmøte2003, Longyearbyen, 8-12 Oct. 2003. (Poster).

Bonenfant, C., Loe, L.E., Mysterud, A., Lang-vatn, R., Stenseth, N.C., Gaillard, J.M. &Klein, F. (2003). Sexual segregation in reddeer: disentangling the effects of social affi-nity, habitat preference and reproductive sta-tus. 4th European Congress of Mammalogy,Brno, Czech Republic, 27 Jul. - 1 Aug. 2003.(Poster).

Borgå, K., Skaare, J.U., Gulliksen, B. & Gabri-elsen, G.W. (2003). Forekomst av organiskemiljøgifter i marine organismer i drivis iBarentshavet: biokonsentrasjon og biomagni-fikasjon. Forskerseminar for forskningspro-grammene Proof og ProFo, Skedsmo, Nor-way, 14-15 Oct. 2003. (Poster).

Brekke, A. (2003). Auroral E-region dyna-mics. Lectures at NIPR Tokyo, Japan, 16 Oct. -20 Nov. 2003. (Invited lecture).

Brekke, A. (2003). Auroral E-region dyna-mics: a lecture series of 3 lectures. Visit toUniversity of Tohoku, Sendai, Japan, 16-19Dec. 2003. (Invited lecture).

Brekke, A. (2003). E-region neutral wind stu-dies by EISCAT. Informal Week on Chemi-stry: Dynamics Coupling near the Mesos-phere, Hamburg, Germany, 10-13 Jun. 2003.(Invited talk).

Brekke, A. (2003). EISCAT and other infra-structure for polar research in Scandinavia.Seminar at Antarctic Centre of Ukraine, Kiev,Ukraine, 24-25 Jun. 2003. (Invited talk).

Brekke, A. (2003). EISCAT Scientist trainingat Chatanika. 11th biannual EISCAT 2003International Radar Workshop, Menlo Park,California, 25-29 Aug. 2003. (Talk).

Brekke, A. (2003). Nordlys i tro og vitenskap.Kunstseminar Andøya Rakettskytefelt, Ande-nes, Norway, 21 Jan. 2003. (Invited talk).

Brekke, A. (2003). Nordlys i tro og vitenskap.NTVA julemøte, Trondheim, Norway, 5 Dec.2003. (Invited talk).

Brekke, A. (2003). Nordlys i tro og vitenskap.Besøk på Tautra Cistercienserklosteret, Frosta,Norway, 22 Jul. 2003. (Invited talk).

Brekke, A. (2003). The Polar Ionosphere.[ERCA School Seminar], Grenoble, France, 9-10 January 2003. (Invited talk).

Camus, L., Davies, J.A., Spicer, J.I. & Jones,M.B. (2003). Temperature-dependent physio-logical response of Carcinus maenas exposedto copper. 12th International Symposium onPollutant Responses in Marine Organisms,Tempa, Florida, 9-11 May 2003. (Poster).

Camus, L. & Gulliksen, B. (2003). Antioxi-dant defences properties of deep-sea and Arc-tic amphipods. 12th International Symposiumon Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms,Tempa, Florida, 9-11 May 2003. (Talk).

Camus, L. & Gulliksen, B. (2003). Antioxi-dant defences properties of deep-sea and arc-tic amphipods. NHF årsmøte 2003, Longyear-byen, 8-12 Oct. 2003. (Poster).

Camus, L. & Gulliksen, B. (2003). Heavymetal induced oxidative stress in the Arcticsea ice amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii. 22nd

Conference on Biological Effects of Pollutants:the Role of Environmental Proteomics andGenomics, Alessandria, Italy, 14-18 Dec. 2003.(Poster).

Camus, L., Pampanin, D.M., Volpato, E.,Sanni, S., Delaney, E. & Nasci, C. (2003). Totaloxyradical scavenging capacity responses inMytilus galloprovincialis transplanted into theVenice lagoon to measure the biologicalimpact of anthropogenic activities. 22nd Con-ference on Biological Effects of Pollutants: theRole of Environmental Proteomics and Geno-mics, Alessandria, Italy, 14-18 Dec. 2003.(Poster).

Chaput, D.L., Cooper, E.J. & Jónsdóttir, I.S.(2003). Growth and biomass allocation ofAlopecurus borealis and Dupontia spp. follo-wing simulated goose grazing. 12th Internatio-nal Tundra Experiment Workshop, Fairbanks,Alaska, 26-29 Sept. 2003. (Poster).

Christiansen, H.H. (2003). The meteorologyand snow conditions of the modern Faroesearctic zone. NORDLINK workshop on theFaroe Islands, Torshavn, 3-7 Jun. 2003. (Talk).

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Cooper, E.J. (2003). Does reindeer floral her-bivory affect the germinable seed bank onSvalbard? Arctic-Alpine Ecosystems and Peo-ple in a Changing Environment, Tromsø,Norway, 24 Feb. - 1 Mar. 2003. (Poster).

Cooper, E.J. (2003). Effects of changes in win-ter climate on the interactions between plantsand herbivores in the Arctic. Arctic-AlpineEcosystems and People in a Changing Envi-ronment, Tromsø, Norway, 24 Feb. - 1 Mar.2003. (Talk).

Cooper, E.J. (2003). Effects of increased rain-fall on lichen growth on Svalbard. Arctic-Alpine Ecosystems and People in a ChangingEnvironment, Tromsø, Norway, 24 Feb. - 1Mar. 2003. (Poster).

Cooper, E.J. (2003). Out of sight, out of mind:what happens belowground when the Arcticwarms? Arctic-Alpine Ecosystems and Peoplein a Changing Environment, Tromsø, Nor-way, 24 Feb. - 1 Mar. 2003. (Talk).

Cooper, E.J. (2003). Reproduction by seeds inSvalbard. Arctic-Alpine Ecosystems and Peo-ple in a Changing Environment, Tromsø,Norway, 24 Feb. - 1 Mar. 2003. (Poster).

Cooper, E.J. & Jónsdóttir, I.S. (2003). Goosegrazing and climate change impacts on thetundra: presentation of a new project inAdventdalen, Svalbard. 12th InternationalTundra Experiment Workshop, Fairbanks,Alaska, 26-29 Sept. 2003. (Talk).

Cooper, E.J. & Roald, J. (2003). SvalbardsFlora. Norsk polarinstitutt. (Poster).

Daase, M. & Eiane, K. (2003). Can Arcticmesozoplankton community structure be pre-dicted from physical properties of water mas-ses? 3rd International Zooplankton ProductionSymposium: the role of zooplankton in globalecosystem dynamics: comparative studiesfrom the world oceans, Gijon, Spain, 20-23May 2003. (Poster).

Daase, M. & Eiane, K. (2003). Prediction ofzooplankton community structure from ocea-nographic data in Arctic-Atlantic waters.NHF årsmøte 2003, Longyearbyen, 8-12 Oct.2003. (Poster, Talk).

Drage, M.A. (2003). Fonndannelse og turbu-lens rundt snøgjerder. Nordisk seminar omdrivsnø, Bø, Norway, 8-11 May 2003. (Talk).

Eiane, K., Breur, A.N. & Wheeler, K. (2003).Population dynamics of marine copepods inan arctic fjord during winter. NHF årsmøte2003, Longyearbyen, 8-12 Oct. 2003. (Poster,Talk).

Forbord, S., Valle, K.C., Hilstad, K., Evertsen,J. & Johnsen, G. (2003). Annual variation ofpigments in marine red-, brown- and greenmacroalgae. NHF årsmøte 2003, Longyear-byen, 8-12 Oct. 2003. (Talk).

Gannefors, C., Falk-Petersen, S., Hop, H.,Gulliksen, B. & Eiane, K. (2003). Life cycle,body composition and lipids of the shelledbutterfly Limacina helicina (Gastropoda) inKongsfjorden, Svalbard. Arctic-Alpine Ecosy-stems and People in a changing Environment,Tromsø, Norway, 24 Feb. - 1 Mar. 2003.(Poster).

Gerland, S., Widell, K., Haugan, P.M., Nilsen,F., Winther, J.G., Edvardsen, K., McPhee, M.& Morison, J. (2003). Atmosphere-ice-oceaninteraction studies in frozen Svalbard fjords.Arctic climate feedback mechanisms, Tromsø,Norway, 17-19 Nov. 2003. (Poster).

Gulliksen, B. (2003). Bunnfauna og isfaunaved Svalbard. NHF årsmøte 2003, Longyear-byen, 8-12 Oct. 2003. (Invited talk).

Gulliksen, B. (2003). Sympagic fauna (icefauna) and benthic fauna in Arctic and Antar-ctic ecosystems. Arctic-Alpine Ecosystemsand People in a changing Environment,Tromsø, Norway, 24 Feb. - 1 Mar. 2003. (Talk).

Gulliksen, B., Beuchel, F., Brattegard, T. &Palerud, R. (2003). The marine sublittoralfauna of Jan Mayen Island. NATO ARW Con-ference, Oslo, Norway, 11-15 Nov. 2003.(Talk).

Hansen, F.S. (2003). Bruk av satellitt data iforskning og undervisning ved UNIS: sikker-het. Svalbardseminar, Longyearbyen, 4 Feb.2003. (Talk).

Hartz, E.H., Eide, E.A., Andresen, A., Midt-bøe, P., Hodges, K.V. & Kristiansen, S.N.(2003). East Greenland’s basin models BATte-red: 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and structuralresearch of basements and basins. BAT Pro-ject, Trondheim, Norway, 30 Jan. 2003. (Talk).

Hilstad, K., Evertsen, J., Forbord, S., Valle,K.C. & Johnsen, G. (2003). Annual variationin bio-optical characteristics in marine red-,brown-, and green macro algae. NHF årsmøte2003, Longyearbyen, 8-12 Oct. 2003. (Poster,Talk).

Humlum, O. (2003). Danish polar research asseen from abroad. Danish Polar ResearchDay, Copenhagen, Denmark, 20 November2003. (Invited talk).

Humlum, O. (2003). Mapping the extent ofthe Weichselian glaciation on the FaroeIslands. NORDLINK workshop on the FaroeIslands, Torshavn, Faroe Islands, 3-7 Jun.2003. (Talk).

Humlum, O. (2003). Permafrost på Svalbard:fortid, nutid og fremtid. Møte i Selskabet forArktisk Teknologi, København, Danmark, 19Nov. 2003. (Invited talk).

Humlum, O. (2003). Svalbard climate, gla-ciers and permafrost. 8th International Per-mafrost Conference, Ny Ålesund, Spitsber-gen, 28 Jul. 2003. (Invited talk).

Humlum, O. (2003). Svalbards kvartærgeo-logi. Svalbardkurset, Ny Ålesund, Spitsber-gen, 28 Jul. 2003. (Invited talk).

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Hübner, C. (2003). Plant-herbivore interac-tions in an Arctic pre-breeding area for geese.FRAGILE 1st Progress Workshop, Roskilde,Denmark, 25-30 Nov. 2003. (Talk).

Hübner, C. (2003). Plant-herbivore interac-tions in relation to snowmelt in the High Arc-tic: a PhD-project description. 12th Internatio-nal Tundra Experiment Workshop, Fairbanks,Alaska, 26-29 Sept. 2003. (Poster).

Johnsen, G. (2003). Light absorption and uti-lization in 13 different pigment groups ofbloom forming phytoplankton. NHF årsmøte2003, Longyearbyen, 8-12 Oct. 2003. (Poster,Talk).

Jónsdóttir, I.S. (2003). Background and inte-rest in CAT-B. 1st CAT-B Workshop, Uppsala,Sweden, 10-12 Nov. 2003. (Talk).

Jónsdóttir, I.S. (2003). Climate changeimpacts on high arctic plants and vegetationin Svalbard. Climate change and its impactson terrestrial ecosystems and landscapes ofthe Arctic: insights, challenges and ways for-ward: a workshop to explore trilateral colla-boration among Sweden, Norway and theUSA, Abisko, Sweden, 15-16 Sept. 2003.(Talk).

Jónsdóttir, I.S. (2003). Effects of herbivory onarctic plants: more than one level of organisa-tion to consider. Department Meeting onPlant-Animal Interactions in (Sub-) ArcticEcosystems, Groningen, Netherlands, 1 Dec.2003. (Invited lecture).

Jónsdóttir, I.S. (2003). Impact of geese on arc-tic terrestrial ecosystems. International Confe-rence on Climate Change Research in the Arc-tic, Longyearbyen, 25-27 Jul. 2003. (Talk).

Jónsdóttir, I.S., Ingólfsson, Ó. & Stenström,A. (2003). Ice sheet history of the EurasianNorth reflected in genetic variation of arcticplants. 12th International Tundra ExperimentWorkshop, Fairbanks, Alaska, 26-29 Sept.2003. (Poster).

Klanderud, K. (2003). Impacts of climatechange on plant species diversity of Dryasheath communities in alpine south Norway.12th International Tundra Experiment Works-hop, Fairbanks, Alaska, 26-29 Sept. 2003.(Talk).

Kuklinski, P. (2003). Bryozoa as potentialindicators of environmental conditions: preli-minary study. 2nd Euroconference on “Biodi-versity of Coastal Marine Ecosystems: a Func-tional Approach to Coastal MarineBiodiversity”, Renesse, Holland, 11-15 May2003. (Poster).

Loe, L.E., Bonenfant, C., Mysterud, A., Lang-vatn, R., Stenseth, N.C., Gaillard, J.M. &Klein, F. (2003). Climate predictability andbreeding phenology in red deer: timing andsynchrony of rutting and calving in Norwayand France. 4th European Congress of Mam-malogy, Brno, Czech Republic, 27 Jul. - 1 Aug.2003. (Poster).

Lorentzen, D.A. (2003). Instrumentering ogsamarbeidspartnere ved UNIS og nordlys-stasjonen i Adventdalen relatert til ILWS.[International Living With a Star (ILWS) Con-ference], Tromsø, Norway, May 2003. (Talk).

Lorentzen, D.A., Shumilov, N. & Moen, J.(2003). Optical signatures of drifting polarcap patches. [Conference at the ChineseSociety of Space Physics], Shanghai, China,October 2003. (Talk).

Lorentzen, D.A. & Sigernes, F. (2003). Brukav satellitt data i forskning og undervisningved UNIS: forskning. Svalbardseminar, Long-yearbyen, 4 Feb. 2003. (Talk).

Lønne, I. (2003). Svalbard glasiert, men hvor-for så få spor etter eldre istider? : landformerog prosesser gir nye svar. Bergen, Norway, 27Mar. 2003. (Invited talk).

Lønne, I. (2003). Svalbard: nøkkelen tilmange klastiske avsetningssystem. NorskHydro, seminarserie, Bergen, Norway, 28Mar. 2003. (Invited talk).

Moen, J. (2003). Er alle nordlysets hemmelig-heter avdekket? The University Centre inSvalbard (UNIS) 10 years anniversary, Longy-earbyen, 20 Sept. 2003. (Talk).

Moen, J. (2003). ICI-1: a new sounding rocketconcept to observe micro-scale physics in theCusp ionosphere. 16th ESA Symposium ofEuropean Rocket and Balloon Programmesand Related Research, Sankt Gallen, Switzer-land, 2-5 Jun. 2003. (Talk).

Moen, J. (2003). Identification of the open-closed field line boundary by multi-instru-ment techniques. RAS G/MIST meeting, Lon-don, UK, 10 Oct. 2003. (Invited talk).

Moen, J. (2003). Studies of dayside magnetos-pheric boundary layers by multi-instrumenttechniques. [International Living With a Star(ILWS) Conference], Tromsø, Norway, 29-30April 2003. (Talk).

Moen, J., Lockwood, M., Oksavik, K., Carl-son, H.C., van Eyken, A.P. & McCrea, I.W.(2003). The dynamics and relationships ofprecipitation, temperature and convectionboundaries in the dayside auroral ionos-phere. Norsk fysikermøte 2003, Oslo, Nor-way, 9-12 Aug. 2003.

Mysterud, A., Stenseth, N.C., Langvatn, R.,Yoccoz, N.G. & Pettorelli, N. (2003). Lifehistory of red deer in Norway under theinfluence of NAO. ClimWork: ClimateChange and biodiversity, Oslo, Norway, 27-28Mar. 2003. (Talk).

Nicholson, L. (2003). Modelling sub-debrisablation rate: considerations of annual ther-mal regime in supraglacial debris, NgozumpaGlacier, Nepal. IGS British Branch Meeting2003, Belfast, UK, 14-16 Sept. 2003. (Talk).

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Nicholson, L. (2003). OSL dating of glacigenicdeposits from debris covered glaciers,Khumbu Himal, eastern Nepal. Lumines-cence/ESR British meeting 2003, Aberyst-wyth, UK, 7-10 Sept. 2003. (Poster).

Nicholson, L. (2003). The thermal propertiesof supraglacial debris on Ngozumpa Glacier,Nepal Himalaya. BGRG/JAQR Conference:Cryospheric Systems, London, UK, 13-14 Jan.2003. (Poster).

Nilsen, F. (2003). Future field work in VanMijenfjorden. NOClim/ProClim/AIO Coa-stal Steamer Meeting 2003, Hurtigruten, 29Sept. - 3 Oct. 2003. (Talk).

Nilsen, F. (2003). Havstrømmenes betydningfor Svalbard. Svalbardseminar, Longyear-byen, 11 Feb. 2003. (Invited talk).

Nilsen, F. (2003). The University Centre onSvalbard (UNIS): a unique international insti-tution for education and research in the Arc-tic. Japan-Norway Science and TechnologySeminar: Space Science, Tokyo, Japan, 26 May2003. (Talk).

Nilsen, F. (2003). Veien framover. The Univer-sity Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) 10 years anni-versary, Longyearbyen, 20 Sept. 2003. (Invitedtalk).

Prick, A. (2003). Cryogenic weathering androck fall in an Arctic environment, Longyear-byen, Svalbard. Deep weathering and paleicrelief in Southern Norway, Dombås, Norway,10-15 Jun. 2003. (Talk).

Prick, A. (2003). Rock fall in an arctic environ-ment (Longyearbyen, Svalbard): triggeringfactors and geomorphic implications. NORD-LINK workshop on the Faroe Islands, Tors-havn, 3-7 Jun. 2003. (Talk).

Rasmussen, T.L. (2003). Marine core studiesfrom the Faroe Islands area. NORDLINKworkshop on the Faroe Islands, Torshavn,Faroe Islands, 3-7 Jun. 2003. (Talk).

Sigernes, F., Lorentzen, D.A., Shumilov, N.,Moen, J., Gjessing, Y., Havnes, O., Skartveit,A., Raustein, E., Ørbæk, J.B. & Deehr, C.S.(2003). The red sky of Svalbard: 6 december2002. The 10th Assembly of Space PhysicsCommittee in Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 17-21 Oct. 2003. (Invited talk).

Skogseth, R. (2003). Some results from thestudy of dense water production processes inStorfjorden. NOClim/ProClim/AIO CoastalSteamer Meeting 2003, Hurtigruten, 29 Sept. -3 Oct. 2003. (Talk).

Solheim, A. & Nadim, F. (2003). InternationalCentre for Geohazards (ICG) established atthe Norwegian Geotechnical Institute in Oslo.Ocean Margin Research Conference, Paris,France, 15-17 Sept. 2003. (Poster).

Valle, K.C., Forbord, S., Hilstad, K., Evertsen,J. & Johnsen, G. (2003). Detectation of annualvariation in red-, brown- and green macroal-gae using in situ video technique and fluores-cence microscopy. NHF årsmøte 2003, Longy-earbyen, 8-12 Oct. 2003. (Poster, Talk).

Vogedes, D., Eiane, K. & Tverberg, V. (2003).Spatial dynamics of zooplankton in an Arcticfjord. NHF årsmøte 2003, Longyearbyen, 8-12Oct. 2003. (Poster, Talk).

Webb, C.E. & Lønne, I. (2003). Geofagligeaktiviteter i tilknytning til “Furufjell”. Plan-leggingsdag for lærere ved Manglerud skole,1-5 kl, Oslo, Norway, 15 Sept. 2003. (Invitedtalk).

Widell, K. (2003). Om blandningslängd i“mixed layer”. Turbulens seminar, Bergen,Norway, 29 Aug. 2003.

Widell, K. (2003). UNIS/AIO on Van Mijen-fjorden, spring 2003: measurements from theunder-ice boundary layer. NOClim/ProClim/AIO Coastal Steamer Meeting 2003,Hurtigruten, 29 Sept. - 3 Oct. 2003. (Talk).

Zielke, M., Forney, L.J. & Solheim, B. (2003).The effect of enhanced UVB-radiation onnitrogen fixation potential and the commu-nity structure of moss-asociated cyanobacte-ria in high arctic vegetation. Arctic-AlpineEcosystems and People in a Changing Envi-ronment, Tromsø, Norway, 24 Feb. - 1 Mar.2003. (Poster).

Zielke, M., Olsen, R.A. & Solheim, B. (2003).The effect of temperature, water content, andlight intensity and quality on nitrogen fixa-tion in high arctic tundra vegetation.SEARCH Open Science Meeting, Seattle,USA, 27-30 Oct. 2003. (Poster).

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Alfredsen , Knut Norwegian University ofScience and Technology

Alm, Göran Stockholm University,Sweden

Andresen, Steinar University of Oslo, Norway

Asplin, Lars Havforskningsinstituttet,Norway

Austegård, Atle University of Bergen,Norway

Bakken, Vidar Freelance, Norway

Bardgett, Richard D. Lancaster University, UK

Benn, Doug University of St. Andrews,UK

Berggren, Anne-Lise Geofrost Engineering A/S,Norway

Björk, Göran Göteborg University,Sweden

Bjørnsson, Helgi University of Iceland

Bjørnå, Noralv University of Tromsø,Norway

Blikra, Lars Harald The Geological Survey ofNorway

Blixt, Mårten University of Tromsø,Norway

Bløtekjær, Kjell Norwegian University ofScience and Technology

Bogen, Jim Jens Norwegian water resorcesand energy administration

Brattegard, Torleiv University of Bergen,Norway

Broda, Grete H. NAMMCO, Norway

Brown, Jerry The InternationalPermafrost Association,USA

Bruland, Oddbjørn SINTEF, Norway

Buvang, Richard University of Tromsø,Norway

Cochrane, Sabine Norwegian Institute forWater Research

Dalehaug, Arvid Norwegian University ofScience and Technology

Dowdeswell, Julian University of Cambridge,UK

Egeland, Alv University of Oslo, Norway

Eiken, Trond University of Oslo, Norway

Elberling, Bo University of Copenhagen,Denmark

Eltoft, Torbjørn University of Tromsø,Norway

Elvebakk, Arve University of Tromsø,Norway

Fevolden, Svein-Erik University of Tromsø,Norway

Finch, Ivan Rutherford AppletonLaboratory, UK

Finseth, Jomar Norwegian University ofScience and Technology

Foldvik, Arne University of Bergen,Norway

Forsberg, Carl Fredrik Norwegian GeotechnicalInstitute

French, Hugh M. University of Ottawa,Canada

Fuglei, Eva Norwegian Polar Institute

Gabrielsen, Geir Wing Norwegian Polar Institute

Gjøsæter, Harald Havforskningsinstituttet,Norway

Goering, Douglas University of Alaska, USA

Grøndahl, Kirsti Kolle Fylkesmannen i Buskerud,Norway

Grønnevet, Martin Storm, Norway

Gudmestad, Ove TobiasStatoil, Norway

Guio, Patrick University of Oslo, Norway

Hagen, Jon Ove University of Oslo, Norway

Haug, Tore Norwegian Institute ofFisheries and Aquaculture

Heinemeier, Jan University of Aarhus,Denmark

Henriksen, Mona University of Bergen,Norway

Hinzman, Larry University of Alaska, USA

Hjøllo, Solfrid University of Bergen,Norway

Hodkinson, Ian D. Liverpool John MooresUniversity, UK

Hop, Haakon Norwegian Polar Institute

Hoppe, Ulf Peter Norwegian DefenseResearch Establishment

Huse, Geir University of Bergen,Norway

Hyllestad, Robert Post- og Teletilsynet,Norway

Haagensen, Per J. Norwegian University ofScience and Technology

Haarpaintner, Jörg Norwegian MeteorologicalInstitute

Ims , Rolf A. University of Tromsø,Norway

Isaksen, Ketil University of Oslo, Norway

Isham, Brett EISCAT, Norway

Jaedicke, Christian Norwegian GeotechnicalInstitute

Jaldemark, Kristian Carmenta AB, Sweden

Jansson, Peter Stockholm University,Sweden

Jensen , Bjørn Munro Norwegian University ofScience and Technology

Jeppesen, Jon W. Freelance, Denmark

Kallenborn, Roland The Norwegian Institutefor Air Research

Kjærnet, Torfinn Bergmesteren for Svalbard,Norway

Knutsson, Sven Luleå University ofTechnology, Sweden

Kovacs, Kit Norwegian Polar Institute

Kuhn, Michael University of Innsbruck,Austria

Kuvaas, Berit University of Bergen,Norway

La Hoz, Cesar University of Tromsø,Norway

Laberg, Jan Sverre University of Tromsø,Norway

Name Institution Name Institution


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Landvik, Jon Agricultural University ofNorway

Lemnell, Per Arne Televilt AB, Sweden

Liferov, Pavel Norwegian University ofScience and Technology

Lundén, Bengt Stockholm University,Sweden

Lønnum, Lasse Norwegian Polar Institute

Matsuoka, Norikazu University of Tsukuba, Japan

McPhee, Miles McPhee ResearchCompany, USA

Mehlum, Fridtjof University of Oslo, Norway

Mitchenko, Igor Gupkin University of oiland gas, Russia

Mjelde, Rolf University of Bergen,Norway

Morison, James University of Washington,USA

Myrvang, Arne Norwegian University ofScience and Technology

Mørkved, Brynjar Post- og Teletilsynet,Norway

Maattanen, Mauri Helsinki TechnicalUniversity, Finland

Nagy, Jenö University of Oslo, Norway

Nemec, Wojtec University of Bergen,Norway

Neuber, Roland Alfred Wegner Institut fürPolar- undmeeresforschung, Germany

Nilsen, Jan Even Øie Nansensenteret, Norway

Nordal, Inger University of Oslo, Norway

Nøttvedt, Arvid Norsk Hydro, Norway

Oftedal, Bjørn Terje University of Oslo, Norway

Olsen, Lasse Norwegian University ofScience and Technology

Ovhed, Magnus Forecasting Division forNorthern Norway

Palerud, Rune Norwegian Institute forWater Research

Paulsen, Jan Erik Forecasting Division forNorthern Norway

Pleijel, Fredrik Muséum nationald’Historie naturelle, France

Ranebo, Ylva Lund University Hospital,Sweden

Raustein, Elmer University of Bergen,Norway

Reed, Mark SINTEF, Norway

Reeh, Niels Technical University ofDenmark

Reymert, Per Kyrre Tromsø Museum, Norway

Ruud, Bent Ole University of Bergen,Norway

Rønning , Jan Steinar The Geological Survey ofNorway

Röttger, Jürgen Max Plank Institut fürAeronomie, Germany

Sand, Knut Statkraft Grøner AS,Norway

Sandven, Rolf Norwegian University ofScience and Technology

Seim, Bjørnar University of Tromsø,Norway

Shkhinek, Karl State Technical Universityof St. Petersburg, Russia

Siggerud, Erling I HeintzPGS Reservoir AS, Norway

Skogseth, Ragnheid Freelance, Norway

Smedman, Ann-Sofi University of Uppsala,Sweden

Sneli, Jon-Arne Norwegian University ofScience and Technology

Snowball, Ian Lund University, Sweden

Solheim, Bjørn University of Tromsø,Norway

Sorteberg, Asgeir University of Bergen,Norway

Steffensen, Jørgen PederUniversity of Copenhagen,Denmark

Stenseth, Nils Chr. University of Oslo, Norway

Stette, Gunnar Norwegian University ofScience and Technology

Strømme, Anja University of Tromsø,Norway

Sundet, Jan Norwegian Institute ofFisheries and Aquaculture

Sundvor, Eirik University of Bergen,Norway

Svenning, Martin Norwegian Institute forNature Research

Svenøe, Trond Norwegian Polar Institute

Sæther, Ola Magne The Geological Survey ofNorway

Telebond, Turid Svalbard Samfunnsdrift,Norway

Thorhallsdottir, Thora EllenUniversity of Iceland

Toudal, Leif Technical University ofDenmark

Tverberg, Vigdis Norwegian Polar Institute

Ulfstein, Geir University of Oslo, Norway

Vader, Wim University of Tromsø,Norway

Vaskinn, Kjetil Arne Statkraft Grøner AS,Norway

von Quillfeldt, Cecilie HellumNorwegian Polar Institute

Walløe, Lars University of Oslo, Norway

Wastegård, Stefan Stockholm University,Sweden

Weber, Jan Erik University of Oslo, Norway

Wiig, Øystein University of Oslo, Norway

Wookey, Philip A. Uppsala University,Sweden

Zabavnikov, Vladimir PINRO, Russia

Zolotukhin, Anatoly Statoil, Norway

Økland, Finn Norwegian Institute forNature Research

Øritsland, Nils A. Norwegian Institute forNature Research

Østerhus, Svein University of Bergen,Norway

Aagaard, Knut University of Washington,USA

Aasen, Åge Norwegian MeteorologicalInstitute

Name Institution Name Institution

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THE UNIVERSITY CENTRE IN SVALBARDUNIS – P.O.Box 156 – N-9171 Longyearbyen, Norway

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