t Ml tea aarh. o-aiiM. Now John I In th# Eaotegy lab: racantly. K rowing biU af profanity at the intrinsic, of a micro*. cap a. Conatarnation waa arouard, aapenal¬ ly alnca hi* partner a rdad. Tanakm waa relieved 'an the girl turned Jonay, I don't think a ahauM aaaaar so much" in a y wifely tone. . Aching Back , Go* Gag w It, SO help ua. Tbi* labettcal aaatlng would lead to I good. A campus student ra- ■rU that a sorial science Mm in the Basic College I tip building has a student I named Phillips in seat M. I gas thatII hold em for a MM I. .hit htre I Paul Mm haa had Ma fM af iwiv Wrat ftiillnH— bf Mkhlcm Sms College Viillir Pair ml Warmar. ait' Union Threatens Strike Of MSG Workers Labor Head Want* Negotiation Power Among Employees Passage Of | Will Halt fS' Building .Japs Have Housing Troubles Too Vandals Strip Frat House Park Lot Eani tanning 1'iilicr Nah Tmi Snaprrts In AuloJhrfl Two iMTsotts are being ques¬ tioned by East I*. nsing (ml ice on suspicion of ear stripping late Wednesday evening in the Sigma Nu fraternity parking lot, Chief RII.LETIN A late preaa time rtpart re. mM thai tMrem had W|- loHsrd the FM Kappa Tap fra¬ ternity kapae au Ml Delta street The vsMl pjp. These whs have riparlii hma aa far are Papl "Ni" CHae, af Police Charles Pric Hated y< tarda*. Vandals were removing hub rapr and white side walls fr< See VANDALS. Pace 4 Miter* Xttir: Tkh fa f*a tint af a mriaaaf artMM 1 preaenting the larhma lamsra sod csadMafw on ffka hot- tef Mia /till, ribr election la JVap. <; IS* regtatrntlaa llata '/•" Orl. f*. 20 daya Mart <*a rterftess. All llinlW J fcr/tef* ovusf Ir m Ml ftamf* •/ for*! election rbrfa by ) .vmp. J. ?d TaAmp'a mrtlrte progenia Mr larla ad pragnanI f. a gra> pnrd amendment In Mr atete tmulUmlkm graidSlna lap' l*r dfrrrafm al gnrt a/ Ma anlra lax rrnrswr la Ml fttft rnantiea ami arboal district*. Br JEBRT BENNY Michigan State would faa unable to complete moat af, the liuildinga now uadar cow. at ruction and would ha*S serious difficulty In .rating cs|<cnscs if pnpuaal Na 2 is sppnivod by Use solan. Mar. ». President John A. Hannah de¬ clared yestardoy. The stale Just would IS money In finance MSl"s a niwrstmn if the proposal because of the heavy drain of re¬ in local aourcao, .Hannah said Noted Lecturer To Shoir Morie. Sailing To Sea' ivation Begins This Week i Engineering Building Epic drama nf tKe grhfemi "Yankee" narrated by world tr; velar. let turer, adventurer Irvin Johnson will launch the am. i. World Advi ditor it at B o '"liege I Excavation began Wednesday morning on the ajrrit ultur kineering buildinir, the lart in the present I'uildinjr |irn km. which will be located on the other aide of the rivet.. T-rawo Nrw 0uinM |»,t«airn. I Ground haa also just been broken this |M4.«t week for the,pa|{ll pa||o and lister island are '""I engineering building* ' among the many placet filmed by I Mouth of tha power t and went of the band Tha CE building will _ a tha Bad Cadsr. and will fit I with the sebum* of having tu- j buildings fsca a river. The STM.OM building 1 be flaUhad by fall of 1*47. t 14 permanent build- a am uadar construrlian. three earn recently started. a rail for man's dorm- an bath sides af the Bad \ alana tha aaslarn asda of in charge of campus planning and j over 30 landscape architecture. is largely r.mateur responsible for the arrangement ! A commander in the United Prof. Lautner is making studies; States Naval Resei for further campus extension and outfitted his little schooner with development coordinating surface a crew of 18, carrying also his development coordinating i improvements with underground utilttice and with building* and structures. Librarian Explains .Staff Problems To Basic Students Lima sr. who is IT* Crass In contract to an Amwlican Federation of I jibor stal that non-teaching employees of Michigan Stfte college hove filed a .W-rla'v notice to strike for lietter wages, hours and working conditions. President John llannah declared t . is. m id the t that wnat the I'nion wantetl was reroxnition to negotiate for ■workers on campus. "This is impossible herniate ■f state law," I'resklent HM» oah stated. He enlarged on the situation, milling: "Tha Stale Board of Axrtculture la pro¬ hibited by law and the attorney xeneral lo ireugnix* a union." Harry rail* strike The declaration of a .tribe una made to llannah by Sidney 9. Harry, business representative of laa ai 2X11. American Federation of !alitor, county and imitnripol est- Ith the usual .Pi-day no. Iiatklsi of Tabyo doetug the a Htebig aad now lb* Nl»* aee taeeed to eaoceet I lala baas**. lAaaaetatad Preaa glHaeei. ep Rally, Street Dance o Take Place Tonight Rollie Young, Ixtnsing jun- .ir has announretl that a Comliination |iep rally uml atreet dance will lie hel.Mo- aiaht in from ol the Women's gym. The rally scheduled In liexin will last almut an hour n yalls a P.A. system will recorded music lot danc- Tonng ekpacts to hula some |of the football players si the rullv pltnned Over UNI petition* for pet I-1 ™ru'"' tions for class officers were . 113 Petitions] Filed; Election NextFridfiy w, will play at all future pep rally*, basketball g.imn, and Iter college functions. Students interested in playing in either the marching or rs bund are asked to contact Fakune "in 1IH Mubic building. o have rchmg Institute Offei Training Course In Floriculture lies bant wife and two tons. The Johnsons hava written four books about their various trips. Commander Johnson is the first of the widely known personalittes to be presented on this year i World Adventura Series. .Second number will he Sir Hu< bert Wi.kms. tic explorer, or October 18 frank Buck, noted wild animal hunter, will come to East Lansing on October 28. Jackson Towne. librarian. e«- ( plained in a Basic T12 tacturt MtfC E«iffMeri«C H—4 SrSVa'ThSST\Mt~* U.„ icfm"" ",rrtMM i Fro' t- c M.dcr h»d jheir'cidlTh ,:h; I -"wdi r;r^g.d.rtr.; V-,^r WTS rat* -IraTteSra Sx-irSra"swTU. «■ , , t cti Michigan Slab t urns-si 111 to Student council. [ mlikl. ri.but u, lust night unci the names of, t,ani| will be und til lie plated mi preliminary hid. ; III |N,n Jacksun. a lids fur nesl Friday's voting. ihands All candidates will speak ti their resiwetive classes al meet in*, nrx^veek Kiirltl BlirCUII I'luilH wh"h.:d" hoT<i(Olil-Tinie Dunces their gatherings in the Music audi¬ torium on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night, raapactivaly Tha frashman class will maat Thursday night in tha band shall. Candidal* far tha BanUN class includa Jo* B. Naiaon. praaidancy includa Joa K. Naiaon. John H. Mansion*. Jr.. Paul CUno. Ignatius Kanrad. Olann Diabart. Richard Mtahar and Robart But- The liiinil. which still ha: For Members Member* of the Junior Farm bureau held « lively di«cu*»ion »l their fir*t fall.. teffn mretinu when plan* were formulated sponsor hquare dance* a* a part of the college social functions. John Baker, Bancroft sopho more, chairmen, reported that the higgevt demand for the rustic pirties har. come from the city student* rather than those fr«»m rural area* Mary Wl*ner. Davison 2k. kasKe, mmretary of juncefi that Hated calendar are .onvention in i ties snri annual spring formal mm Slowr.ewi in i,ula(ir.t st tha j Library of Congreas is another} factor which makes it difficult tot ^'ar ||proa HoBOTpd the library to she MfKiml ratv- Normally. a boo* on order imve in M days, but under nt conditions it tabs* much longer. With the rspansicri of! the ^ spsrlmenl xned reading room and the. haM% |ur rtug*nU lo be acks still in the erw-lad un Harnnai rosd. west af l*m it no immadiata solution for camput, will be namad foe tha present situation. ; Hlate alumni who war* killed or lost in action during the war When completed, these II buildings wdl house 1M4 families Those servicemen whoa* names thr struct uras will bear all had brilliant racords. Joaaph Laid* Bat* III. a Detroit mi Oral aad te tha dam af IM4M. mlorruplad tea physical aducatioa the amy- *dt*i Franc* Jan. M. I»44, ha iaaalsad tha Dsala Running for vwa-praaidsnt an Jane Mathews. Martha Co*. Bav erly Johnston*. Maria Matta.Tal ricia Bolandar. Martha Driver. >.iph'im»i Margaret Frimodig. Margaret Wal-: the xruup, an lac* and Vara Cloaa | on the year'' On tha slat* lor secretary is Slate J B S Mary nucha. Bandy Tapoortan. vambar. Jun* Saoar Shirley Bandars. onii Marilyn Maan. Iran* Cunat. Kath-' lean Mull. Batty Card, brill Formtrv I'rofnuutr* Johnson. Paulina Monra*. Cilr.n. i-.ii' Ostrr. Maureen Shannon, and AHrnning lining Jaequaiin* Pattar. Prof Kjrt Uresscl and Prof Edward Moulton. John Poll- Arthur Wilcox, of Ihe VtSC for- Harold RockwaU and Baity Mid-1 Mtr, dcpaitmeni. will be piewrd dleton will compel* for the tress- j g . meeting i,l Ihe Mithig user's spot. aatry and Park associat Junior class candidate, for Ihe Midland, ts « ing at s JO The Short Course tartwi si training c< 1 tare ml floriculture, ilthuugh two year* This cot n length, i* work. The t of the time -IM . only « . which "the 9 Of- NEWS in BRIEF Pasted SutU low Afpent BERLIN. Oct. 10 I Ah—Hermann Ooarina and three arch Nans lust an appeal tonight to (be .1 sol¬ dier's death before a firing squad and the Allied Control council confirmed that Hitler's once-de¬ signated successor and ten of his annate* will die on the galluWi rxt Wednesday. After five and one half hours o| deliberation the four-power coun¬ cil rejected rlemency apfieitls foi high Nazi* convicted foi es against the world and hu¬ manity. V, S. Flight ttmm Idfled ollege tMirdinated by Prof M. Mason, ewcomer to the campus. This rse i.f integrated with the tqng course in nursery a Un.hitpe management, which vie* the direction of Prof. P. L. l.ouike. A special feature of this course 1 commercial floriculture is the rminar given each Wednesday evening at 1 in 204 Horticulture building. mm ■—lyla. ala to hsafrgaartsrs j C.-K torn to toe msrnmf toeatar ateadlaatly rtduoed 1 •to any 1 tarda*'• artgtoal der ar tor toe rota al ef toe Caeeti and Naagi Trutmmn Vrrfi mm Mmmt ^ WAaSlllNCrtlN. Oct. 10 * President Truman took a 1 al hand tonight in top level ad- miniBtr tmn conferences se«*king a solutii'ii to the meat shortage The president s|>ent an hour und 43 minutes in a White House meeting with OPA, Agriculture department .md other official* who held their fourth such con¬ ference within a week. Harry insisted that the strike IB living called on the wages, hanea vorking condition*, but Han¬ nah contradict* this, stuting that all Harry wants is the right to re¬ present non-teaching employoaa. t'ntan Tried Before Several years ago the union at¬ tempted to take over negotiations for worker* at Michigan State, bill turned down by virtue of tha law forbiding the college to rd- -ogni/e anyone but the empksytoK individually or collectively. In a letter to the state media¬ tion iMmrd ufter being refused re¬ cognition by the college Harry wrote that, "our organization has no recoure except to file a 30-day strike notice.' Hoof Tot* rid Lame In Police Advice Chief Charles I'egg of the Lansing Police department haa re¬ quested thj-t a.I studenu walk to the football game her« Saturday. least Saturday car* were be*n« parked until fifteen minute* after game time. This could he avoided if the students would walk Jn^the game from East Lansing, said. In « time check made on last two Saturdays it was found that five to ten minutea could be saved by walking instead of drtv- Mitchell Returns To Stale With Football Rivals Dr. Fred T. Mitchell, president of Miaaimippi State College and former Dean of Men at Michigan State College will accompany the >11 teem to East Houses Named After Former Spartans taktypr msrwra (My* gcgMrali-" To facilitate raiufsl"*' Mute beta—I U* r*«lst»at a o<- tektt. AraiaaUaikNi.bu.hl- ing as— lb* branch o«lc* mmnnslr-— ball, a latctypa -JSTv te-M .-—o twaasi tha tarn -B—• * I f— mkur haa ■■■■'■ Be—Una 'SSfovmOeZnpmAU in actsan m Inyla daalars Croar* aa* an East lanam in tha armorad infantry. -i.-n u, th* Philippinaa Ml 1*44 1 Lansing raaldant. ratarad (rum Daarburn BUM Hubavt Than* Bauman. fiVt Another East 1 arumg graduaU K|WI ln r^rman,. ha had racasv- hautaaant In lb* army Infantry, in hotel adrmnistrabon. Arthur ^ ^ star >lUl Q^a in Oacminy Jaim Hoarlaud. captain of artillery Cj H* waa enrolled In am- , Irani arts in tha army, was kilted in action uJT arba aMacad Jaaaph Altehoua. PMlon. a Tr'mV'.ol^^«vad In a, , » **--* i. . I Haauaia front PimtiSC. WM lieu- •" MWCteo. iite itetem ^ r"^. *** , „m, A., M*d*i ».ih o*k tra dram. *•* HgTLTiy. " i-JT m u^o Disunguisira FlyipM era. m4 HL'araXIra Mm «ST >'»"• -ndd A Landaa ten b. <--nd tea raw.Or mm\m* ^ |oc-ry (rom! juran. m branra ^nra-tete O. whan b* attandad ha teft culteg* m 1*41 William Tbamaa Baf-1 A graduate in bus.nra jacama a fir* Isautan- j istraUon in IU1. Arth, waa | aad It th* army Batiptent d Ik* Uunaran. of Lanun. In IMMT. waa aa j. Ha aterttad a raw asadal mt Ltetetedl UteB b Lansing Mitchell will arrive tha after¬ noon and will stay at th* Union Mrx. Mitchell will not accom¬ pany him. The Fraternity Alumni Advit- n aanciatsun. under the direct ion of Prof Russell Deubert wil la reception for Mitchell on Union sun purth from 3 00 to •At p m Later this evening he will at- tend a dinner at the Hotel Olds sponsored by the Athletic Council for the staff of the visiting team French Kdurahw To Gire Lecture On Experiences Dr Caorg* Conn**, pmfact of fBruits das latlraa. Uiuvarsily of Dsjon. will toslur* at MKhigan But*. Tuaaday awning at tat. I*4 Union. This is undar joint sgsimuihip id •daasibbsiil -kteltek and fomgn langual Ha will tectur* in Fraarh lo th* Hay Tickets Notr To Insure Seal tin Grid Sfterials With th«? announcement that an nhmited number of special buses /ill take Michigan State student* > Ann Arbor for the Michigan football game. Student council re¬ ntal ives suggest those who plan to go, secure tickets within e next two weeks. Dean S. E- Crowe released to* statement th.it the hoses would b* employed for student us*. Th** itmtest will be (flayed on Nustaii- iter 8 and Crowe stated that to* Greyhound bus lin* which will handle the arrangement* nwd know at least two weeks bctof* the tilt Just how many wish re¬ servations. The cost will be 43 43 far to* round trip, with the convoy Wav¬ ing at V 20 Saturday morning aad returning in two sections at J* and 8 13 in the evening. ROTCTo Hold Formal Dance Igal aft Jmm te KM srbda a BBra Iter. Oak Laaf CluMar, aad' first iteuteaant in lb* MfteteF- amter as Ibaarra —r •—pa. B*|ftetete Haart. h* wm kilted m ac-1 Hckter of Brtmm Sur. Pbtefo bra Mm DteMMdtebad fte— MBk Id Oagmaay m 1*44 Haart. and Itlvtr Sur. h* waa SraSte jterteSSTraM^SI wSraLteraFraraite- iteu-|k»ii*d m B*igiui» m ini. Bate bteralur* of th* p*at With emphasis on to* war year* and on ha own French university Corpe spunsoes will b* o ly presented to c.mpus sustatf at the formal C'ironatiun kaK to be held in the suditortum Nm. U Hubert Sturgeon, Gffkonf AA president, announced last ta^t* A UjuHjpnal honorary, Ctof*' Sponsoi* (late bar k to Ihe adh*1 of HOTC on campus to 1MB Dunn* the war yeors they vtaf* discontinued along with I * td military when cavalry, infantry, i aster snd field artillery tie reactivated Corps Spai ere again viactad. This term HOTC I eight branches of erUons are ill ' " to choose s corps g T_ and an honorary CdaMfb th* staff All i " pus. co-op haute* MSd t dormitorta* ar* abgibld te I candidate*, in s Pit HI tel. wunated by Muter B0TC Nte .

Union Threatens Strike Of MSG Workers includaincludaJo*Joa B.K. Naiaon.Naiaon. John H. Mansion*. Jr.. Paul CUno. Ignatius Kanrad. Olann Diabart. Richard Mtahar and Robart But- The

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t Ml tea aarh. o-aiiM.

Now JohnI In th# Eaotegy lab: racantly.

K rowing biU af profanity at theintrinsic, of a micro*.cap a. Conatarnationwaa arouard, aapenal¬ly alnca hi* partner

• a rdad. Tanakm waa relieved'an the girl turnedJonay, I don't think

a ahauM aaaaar so much" in a

y wifely tone.

. Aching Back

, Go* Gagw It, SO help ua. Tbi*

labettcal aaatlng would lead toI good. A campus student ra-

■rU that a sorial scienceMm in the Basic College

I tip building has a studentI named Phillips in seat M.I gas thatII hold em for aMM

I. .hit htreI PaulMm haa had Ma fM af

iwivWrat ftiillnH— bfMkhlcm Sms College

ViillirPairml Warmar.


Union Threatens Strike Of MSG WorkersLabor Head Want*Negotiation PowerAmong Employees

Passage Of |Will Halt fS' Building

.Japs Have Housing Troubles Too

VandalsStripFrat HousePark LotEani tanning 1'iilicrNah Tmi SnaprrtsIn AuloJhrfl

Two iMTsotts are being ques¬tioned by East I*. nsing (ml ice onsuspicion of ear stripping lateWednesday evening in the SigmaNu fraternity parking lot, Chief


A late preaa time rtpart re.mM thai tMrem had W|-loHsrd the FM Kappa Tap fra¬ternity kapae au Ml Deltastreet The vsMl

pjp.These whs have riparlii

hma aa far are Papl "Ni"CHae,

af Police Charles Pric Hated y<tarda*.Vandals were removing hub

rapr and white side walls fr<See VANDALS. Pace 4

Miter* Xttir: Tkh fa f*a tint af a mriaaaf artMM 1preaenting the larhma lamsra sod csadMafw on ffka hot-tef Mia /till, ribr election la JVap. <; IS* regtatrntlaa llata'/•" Orl. f*. 20 daya Mart <*a rterftess. All llinlW Jfcr/tef* ovusf Ir m Ml ftamf* •/ for*! election rbrfa by ).vmp. J. ?d

TaAmp'amrtlrte progeniaMr larla ad pragnanI f. a gra>pnrd amendment In Mr atete tmulUmlkm graidSlna lap'l*r dfrrrafm al gnrt a/ Ma anlra lax rrnrswr la Ml fttftrnantiea ami arboal district*.

■ Br JEBRT BENNYMichigan State would faa

unable to complete moat af,the liuildinga now uadar cow.at ruction and would ha*Sserious difficulty In —

.rating cs|<cnscs if pnpuaal Na2 is sppnivod by Use solan. Mar.». President John A. Hannah de¬clared yestardoy.The stale Just would IS

money In finance MSl"s aniwrstmn if the proposalbecause of the heavy drain of re¬

in local aourcao, .Hannahsaid

Noted LecturerTo Shoir Morie.Sailing To Sea'

ivation Begins This Weeki Engineering Building

Epic drama nf tKe grhfemi"Yankee" narrated by world tr;velar. let turer, adventurer IrvinJohnson will launch the am. i.World Advi

ditorit at B o '"liege

I Excavation began Wednesday morning on the ajrrit ulturkineering buildinir, the lart in the present I'uildinjr |irnkm. which will be located on the other aide of the rivet.. T-rawo Nrw 0uinM |»,t«airn.I Ground haa also just been broken this |M4.«t week for the,pa|{ll pa||o and lister island are

'""I engineering building* ' among the many placet filmed byI Mouth of tha power

t and went of the bandTha CE building will

_ a tha Bad Cadsr. and will fitI with the sebum* of having tu-

j buildings fscaa river. The STM.OM building1 be flaUhad by fall of 1*47.

t 14 permanent build-a am uadar construrlian. three

earn recently started.. a rail for man's dorm-

• an bath sides af the Bad\ alana tha aaslarn asda of

in charge of campus planning and j over 30landscape architecture. is largely r.mateurresponsible for the arrangement ! A commander in the UnitedProf. Lautner is making studies; States Naval Reseifor further campus extension and ■ outfitted his little schooner withdevelopment coordinating surface a crew of 18, carrying also hisdevelopment coordinating iimprovements with undergroundutilttice and with building* andstructures.

Librarian Explains.Staff ProblemsTo Basic Students

Lima sr. who is

IT* Crass

In contract to an Amwlican Federation of I jibor stalthat non-teaching employees of Michigan Stfte college hovefiled a .W-rla'v notice to strike for lietter wages, hours andworking conditions. President John llannah declared t

. is. mid the t

that wnat the I'nion wantetl was reroxnition to negotiate for■workers on campus.

"This is impossible herniate■f state law," I'resklent HM»oah stated. He enlarged onthe situation, milling: "ThaStale Board of Axrtculture la pro¬hibited by law and the attorneyxeneral lo ireugnix* a union."Harry rail* strikeThe declaration of a .tribe una

made to llannah by Sidney 9.Harry, business representative oflaa ai 2X11. American Federation of!alitor, county and imitnripol est-

Ith the usual .Pi-day no.

Iiatklsi of Tabyo doetug the aHtebig aad now lb* Nl»* aee taeeed to eaoceet I

lala baas**. lAaaaetatad Preaa glHaeei.

ep Rally, Street Danceo Take Place TonightRollie Young, Ixtnsing jun-

.ir has announretl that aComliination |iep rally umlatreet dance will lie hel.Mo-aiaht in from ol the Women'sgym. The rally scheduled In liexin


will last almut an hourn yalls a P.A. system willrecorded music lot danc-

_ Tonng ekpacts to hula some|of the football players si the rullv

pltnnedOver UNI petition* for pet I-1™ru'"'

tions for class officers were.

113 Petitions]Filed; ElectionNextFridfiy

w, will play at all futurepep rally*, basketball g.imn, andIter college functions.Students interested in playing in

either the marching or rsbund are asked to contact Fakune

"in 1IH Mubic building.

o haverchmg

Institute OffeiTraining CourseIn Floriculture

• lies ■ bant

wife and two tons. The Johnsonshava written four books abouttheir various trips.Commander Johnson is the first

of the widely known personalittesto be presented on this year iWorld Adventura Series..Second number will he Sir Hu<

bert Wi.kms. tic explorer, orOctober 18 frank Buck, notedwild animal hunter, will come toEast Lansing on October 28.

Jackson Towne. librarian. e«- (

plained in a Basic T12 tacturt MtfC E«iffMeri«C H—4

SrSVa'ThSST\Mt~*U.„ icfm"" ",rrtMM i Fro' t- c M.dcr h»djheir'cidlTh ,:h; I -"wdi r;r^g.d.rtr.;V-,^rWTS rat* -IraTteSraSx-irSra"swTU. «■

, , t cti Michigan Slabt urns-si 111 to Student council. [ mlikl. ri.but u,lust night unci the names of, t,ani| will be undtil lie plated mi preliminary hid. ; III |N,n Jacksun. a

lids fur nesl Friday's voting. ihandsAll candidates will speak ti

their resiwetive classes al meetin*, nrx^veek Kiirltl BlirCUII I'luilHwh"h.:d" hoT<i(Olil-Tinie Duncestheir gatherings in the Music audi¬torium on Monday, Tuesday andWednesday night, raapactivalyTha frashman class will maatThursday night in tha band shall.Candidal* far tha BanUN class

includa Jo* B. Naiaon.praaidancy includa Joa K. Naiaon.John H. Mansion*. Jr.. Paul CUno.Ignatius Kanrad. Olann Diabart.Richard Mtahar and Robart But-

The liiinil. which still ha:

For MembersMember* of the Junior Farm

bureau held « lively di«cu*»ion »ltheir fir*t fall.. teffn mretinuwhen plan* were formulated t«sponsor hquare dance* a* a partof the college social functions.John Baker, Bancroft sopho

more, chairmen, reported that thehiggevt demand for the rusticpirties har. come from the citystudent* rather than those fr«»mrural area* Mary Wl*ner. Davison2k. kasKe, mmretary of

juncefi that Hatedcalendar are.onvention in

i ties snri annual spring formal


Slowr.ewi in i,ula(ir.t st tha jLibrary of Congreas is another}factor which makes it difficult tot ^'ar ||proa HoBOTpdthe library to she MfKiml ratv-

Normally. a boo* on orderimve in M days, but undernt conditions it tabs* much

longer.With the rspansicri of! the ^ spsrlmenlxned reading room and the. haM% |ur rtug*nU lo beacks still in the erw-lad un Harnnai rosd. west afl*m it no immadiata solution for camput, will be namad foe

tha present situation. ; Hlate alumni who war*killed or lost in action during thewar When completed, these IIbuildings wdl house 1M4 familiesThose servicemen whoa* names

thr structuras will bear all hadbrilliant racords. Joaaph Laid*Bat* III. a Detroit miOral aad tetha dam af IM4M. mlorruplad teaphysical aducatioathe amy- *dt*i


Franc* Jan. M. I»44, ha iaaalsadtha Dsala

Running for vwa-praaidsnt anJane Mathews. Martha Co*. Baverly Johnston*. Maria Matta.Talricia Bolandar. Martha Driver. >.iph'im»iMargaret Frimodig. Margaret Wal-: the xruup, anlac* and Vara Cloaa | on the year''On tha slat* lor secretary is Slate J B S

Mary nucha. Bandy Tapoortan. vambar.Jun* Saoar Shirley Bandars. oniiMarilyn Maan. Iran* Cunat. Kath-'lean Mull. Batty Card, brill Formtrv I'rofnuutr*Johnson. Paulina Monra*. Cilr.n. i-.ii'Ostrr. Maureen Shannon, and AHrnning liningJaequaiin* Pattar. Prof Kjrt Uresscl and ProfEdward Moulton. John Poll- Arthur Wilcox, of Ihe VtSC for-

Harold RockwaU and Baity Mid-1Mtr, dcpaitmeni. will be piewrddleton will compel* for the tress- j g . meeting i,l Ihe Mithiguser's spot. aatry and Park associatJunior class candidate, for Ihe Midland, ts

• « ing at s JO

The Short Coursetartwi si training c<1 tareml floriculture,ilthuugh two year*

This cot

n length,i* work. Thet of the time

-IM .

only «

. which"the

9 Of-


Pasted SutU low AfpentBERLIN. Oct. 10 IAh—Hermann

Ooarina and three arch Nans lustan appeal tonight to (be .1 sol¬dier's death before a firing squadand the Allied Control councilconfirmed that Hitler's once-de¬signated successor and ten of hisannate* will die on the galluWirxt Wednesday.After five and one half hours o|

deliberation the four-power coun¬cil rejected rlemency apfieitls foi

high Nazi* convicted foies against the world and hu¬


V, S. Flight ttmm Idfled

ollegetMirdinated by Prof M. Mason,ewcomer to the campus. Thisrse i.f integrated with thetqng course in nursery a

Un.hitpe management, whichvie* the direction of Prof. P. L.l.ouike.A special feature of this course

1 commercial floriculture is therminar given each Wednesday

evening at 1 in 204 Horticulturebuilding.

mm ■—lyla.ala to hsafrgaartsrs j

C.-K torn to toe msrnmftoeatar ateadlaatly rtduoed 1•to any 1tarda*'• artgtoal •der ar tor toe rotaal ef toe Caeeti and Naagi

Trutmmn Vrrfi mm Mmmt ^WAaSlllNCrtlN. Oct. 10 *

President Truman took a 1al hand tonight in top level ad-miniBtr tmn conferences se«*kinga solutii'ii to the meat shortageThe president s|>ent an hour und

43 minutes in a White Housemeeting with OPA, Agriculturedepartment .md other official*who held their fourth such con¬

ference within a week.

Harry insisted that the strike IBliving called on the wages, hanea

vorking condition*, but Han¬nah contradict* this, stuting thatall Harry wants is the right to re¬present non-teaching employoaa.t'ntan Tried BeforeSeveral years ago the union at¬

tempted to take over negotiationsfor worker* at Michigan State, bill

turned down by virtue of thalaw forbiding the college to rd--ogni/e anyone but the empksytoKindividually or collectively.In a letter to the state media¬

tion iMmrd ufter being refused re¬cognition by the college Harrywrote that, "our organization hasno recoure except to file a 30-daystrike notice.'

HoofTot*rid LameIn Police AdviceChief Charles I'egg of the

Lansing Police department haa re¬quested thj-t a.I studenu walk tothe football game her« Saturday.

least Saturday car* were be*n«parked until fifteen minute* aftergame time. This could he avoidedif the students would walk Jn^thegame from East Lansing,said.In « time check made on

last two Saturdays it was foundthat five to ten minutea could besaved by walking instead of drtv-

Mitchell ReturnsTo Stale WithFootball RivalsDr. Fred T. Mitchell, president

of Miaaimippi State College andformer Dean of Men at MichiganState College will accompany the

>11 teem to East

Houses Named After Former Spartans

taktypr msrwra(My* gcgMrali-"To facilitate raiufsl"*'

Mute beta—I U* r*«lst»at a o<-tektt. AraiaaUaikNi.bu.hl-ing as— lb* branch o«lc*mmnnslr-— ball, a latctypa-JSTv te-M .-—o

twaasi tha tarn -B—• *I f— mkur haa ■■■■'■



in actsan m Inyla daalars Croar* aa* an East lanam in tha armorad infantry.-i.-n u, th* Philippinaa Ml 1*44 1 Lansing raaldant. ratarad (rum Daarburn BUM —Hubavt Than* Bauman. fiVt Another East 1arumg graduaU K|WI ln r^rman,. ha had racasv-

hautaaant In lb* army Infantry, in hotel adrmnistrabon. Arthur ^ ^ star >lUl Q^a' '

in Oacminy Jaim Hoarlaud. captain of artillery Cj H* waa enrolled In am-, Irani arts in tha army, was kilted in action uJTarba aMacad Jaaaph Altehoua. PMlon. a Tr'mV'.ol^^«vad In

a, , » — **--* i. . I Haauaia front PimtiSC. WM • lieu- •" MWCteo. iite itetem^ r"^. *** , „m, A., M*d*i ».ih o*k tra dram.*•* HgTLTiy. " i-JT m u^o Disunguisira FlyipM era. m4HL'araXIra Mm «ST >'»"• -ndd A Landaaten b. <--nd tea raw.Ormm\m* ^ |oc-ry (rom! juran. m branra ^nra-tete

O. whan b* attandad ha teft culteg* m 1*41William Tbamaa Baf-1 A graduate in bus.nrajacama a fir* Isautan- j istraUon in IU1. Arth,

waa | aad It th* army Batiptent d Ik* Uunaran. of Lanun.In IMMT. waa a aj. Ha aterttad a raw

asadal mt Ltetetedl UteB b

LansingMitchell will arrive tha after¬

noon and will stay at th* UnionMrx. Mitchell will not accom¬

pany him.The Fraternity Alumni Advit-n aanciatsun. under the direct

ion of Prof Russell Deubert willa reception for Mitchell onUnion sunpurth from 3 00 to

•At p mLater this evening he will at-

tend a dinner at the Hotel Oldssponsored by the Athletic Councilfor the staff of the visiting team

French KdurahwTo Gire LectureOn ExperiencesDr Caorg* Conn**, pmfact of

fBruits das latlraa. Uiuvarsily ofDsjon. will toslur* at MKhiganBut*. Tuaaday awning at tat.I*4 Union. This is undar jointsgsimuihip id •daasibbsiil-kteltek and fomgn langualHa will tectur* in Fraarh lo th*

Hay Tickets NotrTo Insure Sealtin Grid SfterialsWith th«? announcement that annhmited number of special buses/ill take Michigan State student*> Ann Arbor for the Michiganfootball game. Student council re¬

ntal ives suggest those whoplan to go, secure tickets withine next two weeks.Dean S. E- Crowe released to*

statement th.it the hoses would b*employed for student us*. Th**itmtest will be (flayed on Nustaii-iter 8 and Crowe stated that to*Greyhound bus lin* which willhandle the arrangement* nwdknow at least two weeks bctof*the tilt Just how many wish re¬servations.

The cost will be 43 43 far to*round trip, with the convoy Wav¬ing at V 20 Saturday morning aadreturning in two sections at J*and 8 13 in the evening.

ROTCTo HoldFormal Dance

Igal aft Jmm te KM srbda a BBra Iter. Oak Laaf CluMar, aad' first iteuteaant in lb* MfteteF-amter as Ibaarra —r •—pa. B*|ftetete Haart. h* wm kilted m ac-1 Hckter of Brtmm Sur. Pbtefobra Mm DteMMdtebad fte— MBk Id Oagmaay m 1*44 Haart. and Itlvtr Sur. h* waaSraSte jterteSSTraM^SI wSraLteraFraraite- iteu-|k»ii*d m B*igiui» m ini.

Bate bteralur* of th* p*at. With emphasis on

to* war year* and on ha ownFrench university

Corpe spunsoes will b* oly presented to c.mpus sustatfat the formal C'ironatiun kaK tobe held in the suditortum Nm. UHubert Sturgeon, Gffkonf AApresident, announced last ta^t*A UjuHjpnal honorary, Ctof*'

Sponsoi* (late bar k to Ihe adh*1of HOTC on campus to 1MB

Dunn* the war yeors they vtaf*discontinued along with I *td militarywhen cavalry, infantry, iaster snd field artillerytie reactivated Corps Spaiere again viactad.This term HOTC I

eight branches of •erUons are ill ' "to choose s corps g T_

and an honorary CdaMfbth* staff All i _ "pus. co-op haute* MSd tdormitorta* ar* abgibld te Icandidate*, in sPitHI tel.wunated by Muter B0TC Nte .

junior ami wnlnr studentsalike art' inviti'il to »tt«iiilthin "rctii<i|iiinntcd" tinner.

irwi- Dean and Mrs Ward flilt-

Iin.1 Ml', nud Mrs. Hubert H.Yin.'ton.

phrty which will feature the mu-sle of Jimmy Schnfer and histoad."Cutting will lie permissoblc."

■nd plans have lain worked nutso that every Issly will get "mix-ed up," said Ci.-chairmen thai

Alpha Phi OmegaSeveral rinsed parlies are also

nn Hi fur Slate students

mimle-rs id Alpha Plu Omega.national service fraternity. will la-

MaePha.l Detroit senior, and

JtjJjwtrJHett'ig. Cleveland Heights. tonight frnm'ttiatt'tu ,2*""ryfiver at the Delta Sigma l*h|

chapter .hmise tonight from it to

SA^"t2r";l12:1.1 brother hosts will la- . hum-

BAND I.KADKRJIMMY NHAFKR liUe w»ll. An auto radio antenna j

ajis also discovered. The antennamatched the identity of one re¬ported stolen several weeks •*>.Df those being questoh

take ■ tank at Ibmeprtar winner . . . team np «kirt«

and slack* with war

jaeqnard uwealcrw . . . they'reIhe winning eowbinatiann in

every wardeake . . . ci.mc

Iwday to nee exactly whatytnTvr been wanting

jarqaar* •wealrr. in black,brawn, fed, bine and aavybwkgPMnd* with red adwhile fiaam

7.95 t. 10.9Staada of nkirt. ia aay decyon prefer

7.95 to 16.95•lark* to gahardiae, fhaael

la 16.95




, ;Bg&ggyg

