Unification of Italy and the Crimean War

Unification of Italy and the Crimean War - Southcorner … of Italy and the Crimean War. Cavour’s Options What we know: ... 1855- 1857 (Piedmont is involved on the side of the French/British

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Page 1: Unification of Italy and the Crimean War - Southcorner … of Italy and the Crimean War. Cavour’s Options What we know: ... 1855- 1857 (Piedmont is involved on the side of the French/British

Unification of Italy and the Crimean War

Page 2: Unification of Italy and the Crimean War - Southcorner … of Italy and the Crimean War. Cavour’s Options What we know: ... 1855- 1857 (Piedmont is involved on the side of the French/British

Cavour’s Options

What we know: wants at least an independent ‘Italy”- free of Austria and it will be Liberal, not republican

What are his options if we can infer he truly wished to initiate some form of movement after 1850?

Why do historians see France as the only real choice for Cavour?

Page 3: Unification of Italy and the Crimean War - Southcorner … of Italy and the Crimean War. Cavour’s Options What we know: ... 1855- 1857 (Piedmont is involved on the side of the French/British
Page 4: Unification of Italy and the Crimean War - Southcorner … of Italy and the Crimean War. Cavour’s Options What we know: ... 1855- 1857 (Piedmont is involved on the side of the French/British

The Crimean War

Cavour knew that foreign intervention was needed if the Italian states were to be free from foreign rule

British help? French? Certainly not Austrian, Prussian or Russian

1854 a crisis emerged with, if skillfully utilized could bring about such intervention- The Crimean War

Russian imperialism against Ottoman territory

Page 5: Unification of Italy and the Crimean War - Southcorner … of Italy and the Crimean War. Cavour’s Options What we know: ... 1855- 1857 (Piedmont is involved on the side of the French/British

Cavour and the War

Russia (and possibly Austria?) vs. Britain, France and the Ottomans- could Piedmont get involved?

Unintended consequences- cliche of history

1855- 1857 (Piedmont is involved on the side of the French/British in 1856)

Traditional explanation for Piedmont’s involvement- Cavour- he recognized the benefits- by allying with the great powers they will be sympathetic to the “Italian Question”

Page 6: Unification of Italy and the Crimean War - Southcorner … of Italy and the Crimean War. Cavour’s Options What we know: ... 1855- 1857 (Piedmont is involved on the side of the French/British

Cavour and the War

New evidence/modern historians- Cavour was wary of committing troops- due to 2 significant problems

a. Little domestic support for the war (it was against Russia and not Austria)b. Britain and France made no promises regarding Italy

Victor Emmanuel gets some credit here- 1855 15, 000 Piedmontese Troops travel to the Crimea- fought one battle, lost 2,000 men to cholera

Direct benefits are very limited- no territorial gains from the treaty of Paris, little direct conversation at the table about the Italian Question

Page 7: Unification of Italy and the Crimean War - Southcorner … of Italy and the Crimean War. Cavour’s Options What we know: ... 1855- 1857 (Piedmont is involved on the side of the French/British

The Impact

Status and Prestige gained internationally- the leading “Italian state”

Moderate Italian Nationalists (Manin) looked to Piedmont for leadership (The National Society 1857)

*1856 Mazzinian revolt in Naples (failure- once again proving that popular insurrection was to be ineffective)- Piedmont it is then

Indirect benefits- Congress system destroyed

The obviousness- Piedmont will need help if foreign rule is to be removed- but who will help?

Page 8: Unification of Italy and the Crimean War - Southcorner … of Italy and the Crimean War. Cavour’s Options What we know: ... 1855- 1857 (Piedmont is involved on the side of the French/British
Page 9: Unification of Italy and the Crimean War - Southcorner … of Italy and the Crimean War. Cavour’s Options What we know: ... 1855- 1857 (Piedmont is involved on the side of the French/British
Page 10: Unification of Italy and the Crimean War - Southcorner … of Italy and the Crimean War. Cavour’s Options What we know: ... 1855- 1857 (Piedmont is involved on the side of the French/British
Page 11: Unification of Italy and the Crimean War - Southcorner … of Italy and the Crimean War. Cavour’s Options What we know: ... 1855- 1857 (Piedmont is involved on the side of the French/British
Page 12: Unification of Italy and the Crimean War - Southcorner … of Italy and the Crimean War. Cavour’s Options What we know: ... 1855- 1857 (Piedmont is involved on the side of the French/British
Page 13: Unification of Italy and the Crimean War - Southcorner … of Italy and the Crimean War. Cavour’s Options What we know: ... 1855- 1857 (Piedmont is involved on the side of the French/British

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