Jan Hengeveld Uniface Solutions Sales Uniface - Observaties uit het Face to Face, 9 november 2010

Uniface - Observaties uit het · Nu: Web 2.0, Cloud Computing Productivity Technology Independence Investment Protection Integration & Re-use. Celebrating 25 Years Mijn observaties

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Page 1: Uniface - Observaties uit het · Nu: Web 2.0, Cloud Computing Productivity Technology Independence Investment Protection Integration & Re-use. Celebrating 25 Years Mijn observaties

Jan Hengeveld

Uniface Solutions Sales

Uniface - Observatiesuit het

Face to Face, 9 november 2010

Page 2: Uniface - Observaties uit het · Nu: Web 2.0, Cloud Computing Productivity Technology Independence Investment Protection Integration & Re-use. Celebrating 25 Years Mijn observaties

Celebrating25 Years

Page 3: Uniface - Observaties uit het · Nu: Web 2.0, Cloud Computing Productivity Technology Independence Investment Protection Integration & Re-use. Celebrating 25 Years Mijn observaties

Jan Hengeveld

Uniface Solutions Sales

Uniface - Observatiesuit het

Face to Face, 9 november 2010

Page 4: Uniface - Observaties uit het · Nu: Web 2.0, Cloud Computing Productivity Technology Independence Investment Protection Integration & Re-use. Celebrating 25 Years Mijn observaties

Celebrating25 Years

Ongeveer in het jaar 2010 leek de hele ontwikkelwereld verdeeld door de .NET soldaten van veldheer Bill Gates en de Open Source Radicalen van Java ...

Page 5: Uniface - Observaties uit het · Nu: Web 2.0, Cloud Computing Productivity Technology Independence Investment Protection Integration & Re-use. Celebrating 25 Years Mijn observaties

Celebrating25 Years

Heel de wereld??? Nee, het dappere bleef flink weerstand

bieden aan de „overheersers‟.....

Page 6: Uniface - Observaties uit het · Nu: Web 2.0, Cloud Computing Productivity Technology Independence Investment Protection Integration & Re-use. Celebrating 25 Years Mijn observaties

Celebrating25 Years

Uniface Kernwaarden

Produktiviteit door middel van abstractie Focus op lange termijn onderhoudbaarheid

Bescherming van investeringen in applicaties Opwaarts compatibel, “future-proof”

Integreren in bestaande en nieuweomgevingen Hergebruik versus opnieuw bouwen

Meegaan met innovaties in IT Nu: Web 2.0, Cloud Computing



Investment Protection

Integration & Re-use

Page 7: Uniface - Observaties uit het · Nu: Web 2.0, Cloud Computing Productivity Technology Independence Investment Protection Integration & Re-use. Celebrating 25 Years Mijn observaties

Celebrating25 Years

Mijn observatiesrondom Uniface

• Migraties

• Modernisaties

• New business

• Uniface Community

Er gebeurt weer wat!!!

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Page 10: Uniface - Observaties uit het · Nu: Web 2.0, Cloud Computing Productivity Technology Independence Investment Protection Integration & Re-use. Celebrating 25 Years Mijn observaties

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New business

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Uniface Community

Page 12: Uniface - Observaties uit het · Nu: Web 2.0, Cloud Computing Productivity Technology Independence Investment Protection Integration & Re-use. Celebrating 25 Years Mijn observaties

Celebrating25 Years

En dan nu een kijkje in de keuken met Uniface chefkok: Ton Blankers!

Page 13: Uniface - Observaties uit het · Nu: Web 2.0, Cloud Computing Productivity Technology Independence Investment Protection Integration & Re-use. Celebrating 25 Years Mijn observaties

Ton Blankers


Product Manager Uniface


“Uniface 9.5 Observaties in de keuken”

Page 14: Uniface - Observaties uit het · Nu: Web 2.0, Cloud Computing Productivity Technology Independence Investment Protection Integration & Re-use. Celebrating 25 Years Mijn observaties

Celebrating25 Years


Focus areas Uniface 9.5All based on customer wish list

Uniface RIA Javascript API

Grid WidgetDBMS Driver and

Proc Language

Page 15: Uniface - Observaties uit het · Nu: Web 2.0, Cloud Computing Productivity Technology Independence Investment Protection Integration & Re-use. Celebrating 25 Years Mijn observaties

Celebrating25 Years

Uniface Javascript APIJavascript in Uniface Triggers!

• Complete Field level API

• Operations on Client and Server Site

• Javascript editor

• Many samples and new widgets

• Security Guidelines

Watch iCU2011 in April!

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Celebrating25 Years


What started as a simple concept:

• Call a method on a remote server.

• The call and response are written in XML,

and messages are transported via HTTP.

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Celebrating25 Years

Has become:

Page 18: Uniface - Observaties uit het · Nu: Web 2.0, Cloud Computing Productivity Technology Independence Investment Protection Integration & Re-use. Celebrating 25 Years Mijn observaties

Celebrating25 Years

Webservices “Next generation” Uniface 9.5 Delivery

• Full support for SOAP

• Complex Data Types used in XSD:

• New datatype for Uniface

• Complex data made easy to handle in Uniface Proc

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Celebrating25 Years

Gridwidgets 9.5Windows is still king for Uniface customers

• Dynamic behaviour:

• row height

• column show/hide

• sort order

• column width

• Shift Click, Copy/Paste

• Combobox representation)

• Dynamic View-Port multiple occurrence list

• Windows Clipboard API + component that

implements API to allow drag and drop

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Celebrating25 Years

MiscellaneousBusiness as usual

• DBMS Driver Enhancements

• New datatypes:


• Sybase

• Unicode Support

• Stored procedures for MSSQL

• Proc language Loop contructs

Some of these will already deliver in U 9.4!

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Celebrating25 Years

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