Chemie www.angewandte.org 2019–58/29 International Edition A Journal of the German Chemical Society Angewandte . Presentation of membrane proteins … … to host immune systems in a conformation-specific manner is a major challenge in vaccine or antibody development. In their Communication on page 9866 ff., J. Guo, J. J. Chou, et al. developed a method to address this challenge. They used a functionalized nanoparticle as a substrate to guide the formation of proteoliposome that can unidirectionally present many copies of membrane proteins.

Unidirectional Presentation of Membrane Proteins in … › sites › chou.hms.harvard.edu › ... · 2020-01-28 · Abstract: Presentation of membrane proteins to host immune systems

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International Edition

A Journal of the German Chemical SocietyAngewandte

.Presentation of membrane proteins …… to host immune systems in a conformation-specific manner is a major challenge invaccine or antibody development. In their Communication on page 9866 ff., J. Guo, J. J.Chou, et al. developed a method to address this challenge. They used a functionalizednanoparticle as a substrate to guide the formation of proteoliposome that canunidirectionally present many copies of membrane proteins.


andte Chem

ie International Edition 2019, Num

ber 29, Pages 9649–10010

Page 2: Unidirectional Presentation of Membrane Proteins in … › sites › chou.hms.harvard.edu › ... · 2020-01-28 · Abstract: Presentation of membrane proteins to host immune systems

German Edition: DOI: 10.1002/ange.201903093NanoparticlesInternational Edition: DOI: 10.1002/anie.201903093

Unidirectional Presentation of Membrane Proteins in Nanoparticle-Supported LiposomesWen Chen, Yongfei Cai, Qingshan Fu, Bing Chen, Junling Guo,* and James J. Chou*

Abstract: Presentation of membrane proteins to host immunesystems has been a challenging problem owing to complexityarising from the poor in vivo stability of the membrane-mimetic media often used for solubilizing the membraneproteins. The use of functionalized, biocompatible nanopar-ticles as substrates is shown to guide the formation ofproteoliposomes, which can present many copies of membraneproteins in a unidirectional manner. The approach wasdemonstrated to present the membrane-proximal region ofthe HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein. These nanoparticle-sup-ported liposomes are broadly applicable as membrane antigenvehicles for inducing host immune responses.

The large majority of antibodies currently being developedfor therapeutic use target membrane-anchored or integralmembrane proteins. Presenting these proteins to immunesystems to induce antibodies is however a difficult problem, inparticular for those whose structural integrity can only bepreserved on the membrane. Several approaches have beendeveloped to address this problem. Liposomes are often usedas membrane protein carriers for inducing immuneresponses.[1] During liposome formation, however, the proteinorientation is random. The unstable nature of liposome, thatis, its tendency to fuse with other cellular vesicles, could beanother source of risk in its application. Greater stability inserum could be achieved using interbilayer-crosslinked multi-lamellar vesicle (ICMV)-coated particles,[2] but the techniquehas not been demonstrated to incorporate transmembraneproteins. Lipid nanodisc is another popular medium formembrane proteins,[3] and has been used previously in phagedisplay.[4] But, nanodisc samples are generally difficult tomake in large quantities. Moreover, regular nanodiscs usuallycan only contain 1–2 copies of protein owing to its small size(10–15 nm in diameter),[5] and are thus not ideal for inducing

strong immunogenic responses in vivo. It is also possible touse mammalian cells to produce virus-like particles (VLP)incorporating membrane proteins on the VLP membrane.[6]

The success of this approach, however, depends on theefficiency of protein incorporation into VLP, which needslaborious optimization for each target and often cannot becontrolled manually.

We sought to use nanoparticles as substrates to guideproteoliposome assembly. By modifying nanoparticles withfunctional moieties that specifically recruit affinity-taggedmembrane proteins in bicelles, we could form proteoliposomearound the nanoparticle where the proteins are presented ina unidirectional manner. We have demonstrated thisapproach, named supported proteoliposome for antigendirected display (SPLANDID), for a membrane fragment ofthe HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) encompassing thetransmembrane (TM) domain and the membrane-proximalexternal region (MPER).

The design concept, illustrated in Figure 1a–d, is tospecifically recruit membrane proteins solubilized in lipid/detergent bicelles (which closely mimic a lipid bilayer) to thesurface of a globular shaped nanoparticle, also referred to asthe substrate. As detergent is removed, the protein-containingbicelles will grow on the substrate surface to form proteoli-posomes. Nanoparticles can take on various forms andcompositions. For biological or medical applications, it isimportant that the particles are biocompatible with no majortoxic or immunogenic risk to biological organisms. Weexperimented with two different types of nanoparticles(Figure 1a). One is natural polyphenol-stabilized gold nano-particle (AuNP), which is solid and can be fabricated tovarious sizes ranging from 3 to 50 nm by exploiting thecoordination and stabilization of gold ions with polyphenolmoieties.[7] AuNPs are biocompatible and have beenapproved by FDA as generally recognized as safe (GRAS)and for drug use.[8] Polyphenol moieties can be furtherfunctionalized via their hydroxy groups and active carbonsites.[9] Another form of nanoparticle is the hollow DNAbuckyball assembled by DNA origami.[10] DNAs are generallynon-immunogenic.[11] A variety of modifications can beincorporated into DNA during synthesis for functionaliza-tion.

In our assembly method, membrane proteins are purifiedand solubilized in bicelles composed of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) and 1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DH6PC) (Supporting Informa-tion, Experimental Procedures; Figure 1b). An affinity tagis placed at the cytoplasmic end of the protein for directingthe protein to the nanoparticles. In the current study, thisaffinity tag is a polyhistidine tag (His6-tag), and the functional

[*] Dr. W. Chen, Dr. Q. Fu, Prof. J. J. ChouDepartment of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology,Harvard Medical School250 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 (USA)E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Y. Cai, Prof. B. ChenDivision of Molecular Medicine, Boston Children’s Hospital,Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School3 Blackfan Street, Boston, MA 02115 (USA)

Prof. J. GuoDepartment of Biomass Science and Engineering, Sichuan University24 South Section Yihuan Road, Chengdu, Sichuan 610065 (China)E-mail: [email protected]

Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) forthe author(s) of this article can be found under:https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.201903093.


9866 T 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 9866 –9870

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moieties on the nanoparticles are Ni-NTAs (Figure 1c). Onlybicelles containing the membrane protein of interest willspecifically “glue” to the nanoparticle surface via (Ni-NTA)–(His6-tag) interaction, and since the His6-tag is on thecytoplasmic side of the protein, the protein–bicelle complexwill be glued in a unidirectional manner. As DH6PC isremoved, the bicelles will merge and form proteoliposomeencapsulating the nanoparticle (Figure 1d).

AuNPs were synthesized by mixing the gold precursor,gold(III) chloride (HAuCl4), and tannic acid (TA) solution asdescribed previously (Supporting Information, ExperimentalProcedures).[7a] The phenolic hydroxy groups (@OH) of TAcan coordinate with the Au3+ ions and act as reducing agentand surfactant to stabilize the synthesized AuNPs (SupportingInformation, Figure S1a). The size of the AuNPs can beprecisely controlled by the ratio of gold precursor to TA andtheir stirring speed of the reaction. We first prepared AuNPswith average diameter of about 47 nm, as shown by trans-mission electron microscopy (TEM) (Figure 2a) and dynamiclight scattering (DLS) (Supporting Information, Figure S2a).The AuNPs were then functionalized with lysine–NTA(Supporting Information, Experimental Procedures) by con-jugating the amine groups of lysine–NTA and the nucleophiliccarbons of the phenolic aromatic rings via glutaraldehyde(Figure 2a; Supporting Information, Figure S1b). The NTA-AuNPs further coordinated NiII upon the addition of Ni2+ ionsinto the NTA-AuNPs nanoparticle suspension. The surfacecharges of AuNPs, evaluated as the zeta potential (x), weremonitored during the functionalization process. As shown inthe Supporting Information, Figure S2b, the polyphenol-stabilized AuNPs are negatively charged (x =@52 mV)owing to deprotonation of the hydroxy groups. The

x increased to @36 mV afterconjugation with lysine–NTAand increased further [email protected] mV after addition ofNi2+, as a result of modificationof polyphenol groups and coor-dination with positively chargedNi2+, respectively. Finally, toexamine the ability of the Ni-NTA functionalized AuNPs(Ni-NTA-AuNPs) to specifi-cally interact with His6-tag, werecorded 1D 1H NMR spectrumof the Foldon protein contain-ing C-terminal His6-tag(Foldon-His6) before and aftermixing with the Ni-NTA-AuNPs (see the SupportingInformation, ExperimentalProcedures). The Foldon NMRsignals were essentially ablated

Figure 1. Illustration of nanoparticle-supported proteoliposome for unidirectional presentation of mem-brane proteins. a) The solid nanoparticle (for example, polyphenol-stabilized gold nanoparticle) and thehollow DNA buckyball can both be used as core substrates for liposome formation. b) Membraneproteins with cytoplasmic affinity tag are reconstituted in bicelles that mimic a lipid bilayer. c) Functionalmoieties for interacting with the protein affinity tag are covalentlylinked to the nanoparticles. d) High copy numbers of membraneproteins are presented in a unidirectional manner in a nanoparticle-supported liposome.

Figure 2. Nanoparticle-supported proteoliposome formation usingbicelle-reconstituted MPER-TMD. a) TEM images of gold-polyphenolnanoparticles (AuNPs) functionalized with NTA (NTA-AuNP).b) 1H NMR spectra the Foldon protein with C-terminal His6-tag in theabsence and presence of Ni-NTA-AuNPs. Blue: 450 mL of 30 mmFoldon-His6 ; Red: 450 mL of 30 mm Foldon-His6 mixed with 100 mL ofNi-NTA-AuNP (OD530 =0.1; the volume of the mixture adjusted to450 mL before NMR measurement). c) Illustration of unidirectionalcoating of bicelle-reconstituted MPER-TMD onto Ni-NTA-AuNP.d) Negative staining EM (nsEM) image (wide view) of Ni-NTA-AuNPsupported MPER-TMD proteoliposome (see text). e) nsEM images ofthe Ni-NTA-AuNP-supported MPER-TMD proteoliposomes at twomagnifications. f) nsEM images of DNA buckyball-supported MPER-TMD proteoliposomes at two magnifications. g) Analysis of FLAG-MPER-TMD-His6 orientation in Ni-NTA-AuNP-supported liposomes byantibody resin pull-down and SDS-PAGE. Lane 1: Ni-NTA-AuNP-sup-ported MPER-TMD liposome; Lane 2: flow-through from anti-His6

resin after 30 minutes incubation; Lane 3: elution from anti-His6 resin;Lane 4: flow-through from anti-FLAG resin after 30 minutes incuba-tion; Lane 5: elution from anti-FLAG resin.


9867Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 9866 –9870 T 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.angewandte.org

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upon the addition of Ni-NTA-AuNPs (Figure 2b), indicatingstrong binding of Foldon-His6 to the nanoparticles that causedNMR signals to decay rapidly.

Having generated Ni-NTA-AuNPs, we next tested theabove scheme of proteoliposome formation using a fragmentof HIV-1 Env that contains the membrane-proximal externalregion (MPER) and the transmembrane domain (TMD). Thisfragment (residues 660–710) is derived from a clade D HIV-1 isolate 92UG024.2 (designated MPER-TMD).[12] TheMPER is one of the most conserved regions of HIV-1 Envand bears epitopes of broadly neutralizing antibodies frominfected individuals.[13] Therefore, methods for presenting theMPER to human immune system are of strong interest toHIV vaccine development.

We introduced a His6-tag at the C-terminus of the MPER-TMD to interact with the Ni-NTA-AuNPs. The MPER-TMDwas expressed, purified, and reconstituted in bicelles with q =

0.5 as described previously.[12, 14] The Ni-NTA-AuNP solution(OD530 = 0.1) and the solution of bicelle-reconstitutedMPER-TMD-His6 (0.3 mm) were mixed at a volume ratio of3:1 to allow coating of protein-containing bicelles onto thenanoparticle surface (Figure 2c). After complete removal ofDH6PC by dialysis, relatively uniformly sized liposomes wereformed around the nanoparticles (Figure 2d,e). The diameterof the liposomes is 75: 5 nm, which is consistent with thepredicted size of the complex, including the Ni-NTA-AuNP(ca. 50 nm), the lipid bilayer (ca. 6 nm X 2), and the spacebetween Ni-NTA-AuNP and lipid envelope. To provideadditional evidence that the formation of stable nanoparti-cle-supported liposome is due to specific interaction betweenNi-NTA and His6-tag, we performed a series of controlexperiments, namely forming liposomes 1) with emptybicelles in the absence of AuNPs (Supporting Information,Figure S3a), 2) by mixing Ni-NTA-AuNPs with empty bicelles(Supporting Information, Figure S3b), and 3) by mixing non-functionalized AuNPs with bicelle-reconstituted MPER-TMD (Supporting Information, Figure S3c). As shown bynegative staining EM (nsEM), liposomes formed under theseconditions were mostly broken and highly inhomogeneous,indicating that direct recruitment of bicelles onto the nano-particles via the membrane protein affinity tag is crucial toachieving homogeneous proteoliposome assemblies.

To achieve the highest proteoliposome assembly effi-ciency, different ratios of Ni-NTA-AuNP to MPER-TMD-His6 were tested. When the volume ratio between the solutionof Ni-NTA-AuNP (OD530 = 0.1) and the solution of bicelle-reconstituted MPER-TMD-His6 (0.3 mm) was set at 1:1, inaddition to the expected liposome size (ca. 75 nm), muchsmaller liposomes (< 20 nm) were observed (SupportingInformation, Figure S3d), likely formed with excessiveMPER-TMD-His6 and DMPC lipid without the support ofNi-NTA-AuNP. When the ratio was set to 3:1 and 6:1, thesmaller liposomes mostly disappeared and very similar lip-osome populations were observed (Supporting Information,Figure S3e, S3f), suggesting that all protein-containingbicelles were recruited to Ni-NTA-AuNPs at the two ratios.Excessive Ni-NTA-AuNPs could not be observed owing toincompatibility with negative staining.

We next tested the use of hollow DNA nanoparticles toguide proteoliposome assembly. We used a previouslydesigned DNA buckyball formed with three different DNAstrands (long, medium, and short).[10] To functionalize theDNA buckyballs with NTA moieties, we used the TriNTAwith modified primary amine,[15] which can be covalentlylinked to thiol-modified DNA via an amine-to-sulfhydrylcrosslinker (Supporting Information, Figure S4a). As such,the long strand was synthesized with the dithiol group at the 3’end, and TriNTA was covalently linked to the long strand viaa bi-functional crosslinker, PEG2-SMCC (Supporting Infor-mation, Experimental Procedures). When charged with Ni2+,the TriNTA has high binding affinity for the His6-tag (20:10 nm).[15] The TriNTA-linked DNA strand was purified andmixed with the other two strands to form DNA buckyballswith an average diameter of about 80 nm (SupportingInformation, Figure S4b, S5). As in the AuNP applicationabove, the bicelle-reconstituted MPER-TMD (with C-termi-nal His6-tag) was mixed with the DNA buckyballs, and theratio of MPER-TMD trimer to TriNTA (or long strand) waskept approximately at 1:1 to achieve about 60 MPER-TMDtrimers per buckyball (there are 60 long strands in theassembly[10]). Upon removal of DH6PC, spherical liposomeswith diameter of 95: 15 nm were formed (Figure 2 f; Sup-porting Information, Figure S6). We note that a fraction ofliposomes are smaller than estimated size, probably becausesome DNA buckyballs were not completely assembled (thussmaller size) but could still catalyze liposome formation.More robust buckyball assembly can be achieved by usingadditional supportive DNA strands.[16]

To examine whether the MPER-TMD was unidirection-ally presented on Ni-NTA-AuNP-supported liposomes, weintroduced a FLAG-tag and a His6-tag at the N- and C-termini of the MPER-TMD, respectively, and examined theirrelative accessibility to antibodies using an antibody resinpull-down assay. The Ni-NTA-AuNP-supported proteolipo-somes containing the FLAG-MPER-TMD-His6 were pre-pared using the same protocol as described above. Equalamounts of the assembled proteoliposomes were incubatedwith anti-FLAG and anti-His6 resins separately. The flow-throughs from the resins were collected as readout of MPER-TMDs that do not bind the antibodies. Further, a 0.1m glycinesolution was used to elute the resin-bound fraction. Thesamples from flow-through and elution were analyzed bySDS-PAGE. For the anti-His6 resin, 97.1 % of MPER-TMDswere found in the flow-through (Figure 2g; SupportingInformation, Figure S7; lanes 2, 3), whereas 94.8% of theMPER-TMDs were retained by the anti-FLAG resin(Figure 2g; Supporting Information, Figure S7; lanes 4, 5).The results indicate that the MPER-TMD was incorporatedin the nanoparticle-supported liposomes in a unidirectionalmanner.

Finally, to test whether the nanoparticle-supported pro-teoliposomes are immunogenic, five guinea pigs were immu-nized with Ni-NTA-AuNP-supported MPER-TMD proteoli-posome with Adju-Phos adjuvant. Animal sera from differenttime points (Figure 3 a) were used to assess the ability of thevaccination regimen to elicit antibodies that can bind MPER-TMD reconstituted in regular liposome. The results from the


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enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) show that allof the sera after the first vaccination already containedMPER-TMD binding antibodies, and that sera from thesecond immunization elicited antibodies that bind muchstronger and more robust to MPER-TMD (Figure 3b). Asa negative control, no binding to the empty liposome wasobserved (Figure 3c).

We have shown that nanoparticles with functionalizedsurface can serve as effective guide for the formation ofproteoliposomes with unidirectional presentation of mem-brane proteins. Since the protein affinity tag drives uniformcoating of bicelles, which are essentially solubilized mem-brane patches, around the nanoparticles, proteoliposomeformation upon detergent removal is highly robust. More-over, varying sizes of proteoliposomes are achievable fordifferent applications, as the size of the nanoparticle substratecan be accurately controlled.

We believe the nanoparticle-supported liposomes can beeffective vaccine carriers. First, potentially high copy numberof membrane proteins can be incorporated. The unidirec-tional presentation further increases the amount of effectiveantigens for the immune system. Second, the AuNP used inthe current study is highly biocompatible and inexpensive toproduce. The presence of nickel inside the liposome may bea safety concern but its toxicity is expected to be greatlyreduced when chelated by NTA.[17] Finally, the nanoparticle-supported liposome is structurally more stable than theregular liposomes owing to the nanoparticle-protein inter-

action, and such enhanced stability is important for applica-tion in vivo.

Previous attempts at presenting MPER in immunogenshave not been successful in inducing neutralizing antibodiesin vivo.[18] The failure could be due to the conformationnature of the epitopes or their limited accessibility on themembrane surface. Recent studies suggest lipid bilayer alsoaccounts for the neutralizing potency of MPER-specificantibodies.[19] The reported method allowed unidirectionalpresentation of many MPER-TMD trimers on a singleparticle in a lipid bilayer environment. Indeed, the newimmunogen elicited MPER-specific antibodies in the guineapigs, though the neutralizing potential of these antibodiesremains to be investigated.

In conclusion, the use of functionalized nanoparticles toguide proteoliposome formation offers many distinct advan-tages, including the improved efficiency and uniformity ofliposome formation, the unidirectional presentation of trans-membrane proteins, the preservation of membrane proteinnative structure, the greater control of protein incorporationnumber per liposome, and the greater stability of the nano-particle-supported liposomes. While these advantages areparticularly important for vaccine development, they areequally useful for developing therapeutic antibodies againstmembrane proteins such as GPCRs, transporters, and ionchannels.


We thank Liqiang Pan for the insightful discussion. This workwas supported by NIH grant AI127193 (to B.C. and J.J.C.),and GM116898 (to J.J.C.). J.G. is grateful to the ChinaNational Youth Talents Program and Double First ClassUniversity Plan of Sichuan University.

Conflict of interest

W.C., J.G., B.C., J.J.C. declare competing financial interests. Aprovisional patent was been filed on behalf of the HarvardMedical School.

Keywords: HIV-1 MPER · membrane antigen presentation ·nanoparticles · proteoliposome formation · unidirectionality

How to cite: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 9866–9870Angew. Chem. 2019, 131, 9971–9975

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Manuscript received: March 12, 2019Accepted manuscript online: April 16, 2019Version of record online: May 7, 2019


9870 www.angewandte.org T 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 9866 –9870