Aitch · Felix Aftene · Gabriel Caloian · Codruţa Cernea Mihail Cosuleţu · Cristian Crisbăşan · Suzana Dan Amalia Dulhan · Andreea Floreanu · Cornel Lazia Ileana & Cătălin Oancea · Dragoş Pătraşcu Tudor Pătraşcu · Radu Rodideal · Adrian Sandu Bogdan Teodorescu · Ioana Ursa / 11 11 17 - 31 decembrie Unfinished

Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

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Page 1: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Aitch · Felix Aftene · Gabriel Caloian · Codruţa Cernea Mihail Cosuleţu · Cristian Crisbăşan · Suzana DanAmalia Dulhan · Andreea Floreanu · Cornel Lazia

Ileana & Cătălin Oancea · Dragoş PătraşcuTudor Pătraşcu · Radu Rodideal · Adrian Sandu

Bogdan Teodorescu · Ioana Ursa

/11 11

17 - 31 decembrie


Page 2: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

"Unfinished" este deci o celebrare a continuităţii, a spaţiilor imaginare neîngrădite, a gestului creator surprins în mişcare, un "making off" la fel de interesant ca produsul final şi poate o radiografie a esenţialului dinăuntrul operei de artă. Nimic nu este mai incitant decât răscrucea dintre posibilităţi iar expoziţia care încheie proiectul "11172014" demonstrează că orice moment conţine o infinitate de potenţiale continuări din care noi avem întotdeauna libertatea de a o alege pe aceea pe care o dorim cel mai mult.

Proiectul "11172014" înseamnă 187 de lucrări şi idei, de abordări şi dorinţe artistice reunite cu succes în cele 11 expoziţii pe care ArtYourself le-a deschis publicului său pe tot parcursul anului 2014. Împreună am creat şi am admirat, am creat noi legături profesionale şi umane, am explorat şi ne-am jucat, testându-ne totodată limitele în contra-timp şi am descoperit că am câştigat pe toate planurile un pic de profunzime. "11172014" a fost o aventură artistică inedită de care suntem fiecare mândri din atât de multe motive şi pe care o încheiem cu certitudinea că a deschis calea către proiecte la fel de dinamice şi antrenante.



Page 3: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung


acrilic pe lemn

19 x 26 cm

Old Soul

Page 4: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Felix Aftene

acrilic pe pânză

150 x 100 cm

Despre Zbor!

Simt că sunt liber să zbor, astept să îmi crească aripi!

Page 5: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Gabriel Caloian

tuş şi marker pe hârtie

40 x 30 cm

N-am timp

Page 6: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Codruţa Cernea

acrilic pe pânză

90 x 95 cm

Fără titlu

Page 7: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Mihail Coşuleţu

tehnică mixtă

23 x 15 cm


Page 8: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Cristian Crisbășan

Imagine digitală procesată / Print DURST LAMBDA pe hârtie arhivală mată pe suport de placă DIBOND

100 x 70 cm

The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood

The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung. In more recent years, author Caroline Myss has suggested that the child, out of the four survival archetypes (victim, prostitute, and saboteur), is present

in all humans. According to Myss, its presence ranges from "childish to childlike longing for the innocent, regardless of age" and comprises sub-archetypes:

"wounded child", "abandoned or orphan child", "dependent child", "magical/innocent child", "nature child", "divine child", and "eternal child”.

Page 9: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Suzana Dan

acrilic pe pânză

30 x 40 cm


Page 10: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Amalia Dulhan

acrilic pe hârtie

100 x 70 cm

Blue like you II

Page 11: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Andreea Floreanu

acrilic şi ulei pe pânză

50 x 70 cm

Tea in two

Page 12: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Cornel Lazia

pigment print on archival paper

100 x 70 cm


The place at which independent and often unrelated systems meet and act on, or communicate with each other

INTERFÁȚĂ s. f. 1. suprafață de separare a porțiunilor care reprezintă faze diferite dintr-un sistem

fizico-chimic. 2. (inform.) frontieră convențională între două sisteme sau unități, care permite schimburi de informații după anumite reguli. 3. (electron.) dispozitiv care convertește semnalele

electronice astfel încât două aparate sau sisteme să poată comunica între ele. (< engl., fr. interface)

Page 13: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Ileana Oancea

30 x 25 x 100 cm

ceramică şi fier


Page 14: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Dragoş Pătraşcu

acrilic pe pânză, asamblaj obiecte

110 x 90 cm

Deep inside myself

În istoria artei, nudul este o instituţie.

Page 15: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Tudor Pătraşcu

creion pe hârtie

30 x 42 cm

Fără titlu

Page 16: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Radu Rodideal

ulei pe pânză

60 x 40 cm

Unfinished Supper

Page 17: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Adrian Sandu

acrilic pe pânză

100 x 70 cm

Fără titlu

Page 18: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Bogdan Teodorescu

desen în cărbune

50 x 70 cm

I can't control myself

Page 19: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Ioana Ursa

ulei pe pânză

10 x 15 cm

To be continued

Page 20: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung
Page 21: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung
Page 22: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung
Page 23: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung
Page 24: Unfinished - Art Yourself Gallery · The Prodigal Daughter: Reclaiming an Unfinished Childhood The child archetype is a Jungian Archetype, first suggested by psychologist Carl Jung

Art Yourself Gallery, Str. Clucerului nr. 88, București, +40 21 222 98 77, [email protected]

w w w . a r t y o u r s e l f g a l l e r y . r o

00 00 00 00Program: de marţi până vineri, între orele 12 şi 19 şi sâmbăta între orele 10 şi 13 .

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