Uneven Bars Execution Updated 7/15/13 3rd Run approach 0.50 Additional trunk movements to maintain balance/control on landing of dismounts (Applies to "stuck landings" but using trunk movements to avoid steps) ^0.20 Bent arms in support or bent legs (90° bend or greater receives 0.30) (Maximum of 0.30 for arms & 0.30 for legs on any one element) each ^0.30 Brush/touch the landing surface with one or both hands (no support) ^0.30 Deviation from straight direction on landing ^0.10 Extra arm swings on landing ^0.10 Extra steps on landing (maximum 4) each 0.10 Failure to maintain stretched body position (pikes down dismount) ^0.20 Fall on mat to knee(s) or hips OR Fall on or against the apparatus 0.50 Fall/Failure to land on the bottom of the feet first on dismount No VP/SR +0.50 Flexed/Sickled feet on Value Part elements each time 0.05 Full support on foot/feet on mat during exercise 0.50 Grasp of bar apparatus to avoid a fall 0.30 Hesitation during jump to HB or swing to Handstand each ^0.10 Hit on apparatus with foot/feet 0.20 Hit on mat with foot/feet 0.30 Incorrect body posture on landing ^0.20 Insufficient amplitude of "B" clear hip circle (NEW Deduction) ^0.40 Insufficient amplitude of bar elements (including releases - Except Clear Hip & Salto Dsmt) each ^0.20 Insufficient dynamics throughout - Consider: insufficient swingful execution throughout exercise energy not maintained throughout exercise gymnast fails to make difficult look effortless ^0.20 Insufficient exactness of body shape: tuck or pike position each ^0.20 Insufficient exactness of stretched position arch ^0.20 hip angle (136° - 179°) ^0.20 each time ^0.20 Insufficient extension of glides/swings into kips each ^0.10 Insufficient height (amplitude) of salto dismount ^0.30 Insuffiicient extension (open) of body prior to landing of dismount ^0.30 Intermediate (extra) swing (Max of 0.60 if more than one extra swing following an element) 0.30 Landing too close to the bar on dismount 0.10 Large step or jump on landing (approximately 3 feet or more) 0.20 Legs crossed during salto dismounts with twist ^0.10 Leg or knee separations each ^0.20 Poor rhythm in elements/connections each ^0.10 Precision of handstand positions throughout exercise ^0.10 Slight hop, or small adjustment of feet on landing of dismounts ^0.10 Spotting assistance during an element No VP/SR/Bonus +0.50 Spotting assistance upon landing the dismount Award VP&SR/No Bonus +0.50 Squat on landing (hips even with or lower than the knees) ^0.30 Support on mat with 1 or 2 hands upon landing 0.50 Swing forward or backward under horizontal each ^0.10 Touch/brush on apparatus or mat with foot/feet each ^0.10 Under-rotation of release/flight elements each ^0.10

Uneven Bars Deductions - NAWGJ · Precision of handstand positions throughout exercise ^0.10 Slight hop, or small adjustment of feet on landing of dismounts ^0.10 ... Uneven Bars

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Uneven Bars Execution Updated 7/15/133rd Run approach 0.50Additional trunk movements to maintain balance/control on landing of dismounts (Applies to "stuck landings" but using trunk movements to avoid steps) ^0.20

Bent arms in support or bent legs (90° bend or greater receives 0.30) (Maximum of 0.30 for arms & 0.30 for legs on any one element) each ^0.30

Brush/touch the landing surface with one or both hands (no support) ^0.30Deviation from straight direction on landing ^0.10Extra arm swings on landing ^0.10Extra steps on landing (maximum 4) each 0.10Failure to maintain stretched body position (pikes down dismount) ^0.20Fall on mat to knee(s) or hips OR Fall on or against the apparatus 0.50Fall/Failure to land on the bottom of the feet first on dismount No VP/SR +0.50Flexed/Sickled feet on Value Part elements each time 0.05Full support on foot/feet on mat during exercise 0.50Grasp of bar apparatus to avoid a fall 0.30Hesitation during jump to HB or swing to Handstand each ^0.10Hit on apparatus with foot/feet 0.20Hit on mat with foot/feet 0.30Incorrect body posture on landing ^0.20Insufficient amplitude of "B" clear hip circle (NEW Deduction) ^0.40Insufficient amplitude of bar elements (including releases - Except Clear Hip & Salto Dsmt) each ^0.20Insufficient dynamics throughout - Consider: insufficient swingful execution throughout exercise energy not maintained throughout exercise gymnast fails to make difficult look effortless


Insufficient exactness of body shape: tuck or pike position each ^0.20Insufficient exactness of stretched position arch ^0.20 hip angle (136° - 179°) ^0.20 each time ^0.20

Insufficient extension of glides/swings into kips each ^0.10Insufficient height (amplitude) of salto dismount ^0.30Insuffiicient extension (open) of body prior to landing of dismount ^0.30Intermediate (extra) swing (Max of 0.60 if more than one extra swing following an element) 0.30Landing too close to the bar on dismount 0.10Large step or jump on landing (approximately 3 feet or more) 0.20Legs crossed during salto dismounts with twist ^0.10Leg or knee separations each ^0.20Poor rhythm in elements/connections each ^0.10Precision of handstand positions throughout exercise ^0.10Slight hop, or small adjustment of feet on landing of dismounts ^0.10Spotting assistance during an element No VP/SR/Bonus +0.50

Spotting assistance upon landing the dismount Award VP&SR/No Bonus +0.50

Squat on landing (hips even with or lower than the knees) ^0.30Support on mat with 1 or 2 hands upon landing 0.50Swing forward or backward under horizontal each ^0.10Touch/brush on apparatus or mat with foot/feet each ^0.10Under-rotation of release/flight elements each ^0.10

Chief Judge Deductions Specific to BarsCoach standing between bars throughout exercise 0.10Complete or incomplete exercise with fewer than 5 VP elements 2.00Failure to remove board/spotting block after a release element 0.30Gymnast exceeds the 45 second fall time Exercise TerminatedIncorrect padding (use of heel or hip pads) If the CJ notices the heel pads prior to the gymnast's mount, a warning must be given. However, if the gymnast wears the heel pads during her exercise (whether or not the CJ warned her previously) the deduction must be taken.)


Composition¾ Giant circle forward w/ or w/o a grip change 0.10Choice of elements Consider:

Failure to perform elements (circles, releases) both forward & backward within the exercise (around bar or BA axis of body) (9/10 only) 0.05

Lack of balance between elements with pirouettes & flight phase ^0.10Lack of variety of elements & connections ^0.10

Choice of release elements not up to competitive level (10 only) ^0.201 "B" & 1 "C" release element 0.202 Different "D" release elements No Deduction

Insufficient change of direction (9/10 only) - Two 1/2 turns are required ̂0.10No elements with 1/2 turn and 1 element with 1/1 turn 0.101 element with 1/2 turn and 1 element with 1/1 turn 0.052 elements with 1/2 turn No Deduction

Insufficient distribution of the elements Consider: Level of difficulty throughout & Most difficult elements in same section ^0.10

Lack of 2 bar changes (10 only) 0.20Lack of elements that achieve (or pass through) vertical (8 only) ^0.20More than 1 element before the mount (take-off from springboard) 0.20

More than 1 squat/stoop on LB, w/ or w/o sole circle, to stand & jump to grasp HB (10 only) each 0.10

Uncharacteristic elements each 0.10

Amplitude of Casts and SwingsAmplitude of Cast Deductions (Legs straddled or together) for ALL Opt Levels: 0°-10° from vertical "B" VP awarded w/ NO deduction for amplitude of cast 11°-20° from vertical "B" VP awarded w/ 0.05 deduction 21°-30° from vertical No VP awarded w/ 0.10 deduction 31°-45° from vertical No VP awarded w/ 0.15 - 0.20 deduction 46° from vertical and below No VP awarded w/ 0.25 - 0.30 deduction (maximum = horizontal & below)


Amplitude of Flights to Handstand on LB 0°-10° from vertical No deduction Award higher VP 11°-20° from vertical 0.05 Award higher value 21°or more from vertical Award lower VP Amplitude of Circling elements, EXCEPT the Clear Hip Circle 0°-10° from vertical No deduction Award higher VP 11°-20° from vertical 0.05 Award higher value 21°-45° from vertical No deduction Award lower VP 46° from vertical ^0.20 Award lower VPAmplitude of Clear Hip Circle Only 0°-10° from vertical No deduction "C" VP 11°-20° from vertical 0.05 "C" VP 21°-45° from vertical No deduction "B" VP 46 - 89° from vertical 0.05 - 0.25 "B" VP 90° from vertical (horizontal) 0.30 "B" VP More than 90° from vertical (below horizontal) 0.35 - 0.40 "B" VP Amplitude of Body at Turn Completion for turns IN handstand ^20° from vertical No deduction 21°-30° from vertical Deduct 0.05 - 0.10 31°-45° from vertical Deduct 0.15 - 0.20 46° from vertical Deduct 0.25 - 0.30Amplitude of Body at Turn Completion for 1/1 turn AFTER HS & 1½ pirouettes ^30° from vertical No deduction 31°- 45° from vertical Deduct 0.05 - 0.15 46° from vertical Deduct 0.20 - 0.30