Underwater Solar Cells

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  • 8/19/2019 Underwater Solar Cells



    JULY-AUGUST 2012 | VOLUME 15 | NUMBER 7-8 3

    Solar cells that work nine metres under the sea have

    been developed by US scientists. These could be used

    to power autonomous electronic sensing systems.

    Electricity is currently supplied to under-water

    sensors by on-shore sources, batteries or solar cells on

    platforms above the water. However, the development

    of stand-alone devices is desirable. “The use of

    autonomous systems to provide situational awareness

    and long-term environment monitoring underwater

    is increasing,” says Phillip Jenkins, an expert in solar

    cell R&D at the Naval Research Laboratory where this

    research was carried out.

    Earlier attempts used silicon-based solar cells and

    researchers struggled with their performance due to the

    type of light available at this depth. “Solar cells based ongallium indium phosphide were shown to produce 2 – 3

    times more power than conventional silicon solar cells

    when used underwater,” explains Jenkins. At a depth of

    9.1 m, the GaInP cells were able to produce 7 watts of

    electricity per square metre: enough power to operate

    electronic sensor systems.

    “Although water absorbs sunlight, the technical

    challenge was to develop a solar cell that can efficiently

    convert these under-water photons to electricity,”

     Jenkins says . “The

    spectral response

    of GaInP solar cells

    is well matched to

    sunlight transmitted

    underwater and

    converts this light

    more efficiently

    than conventional

    silicon solar cells,”

    he adds.

    The sun is filtered by

    the water and more

    of the blue/green

    part of spectrum getsthrough. “Virtually

    all photons two

    metres and below the surface, have an energy greater

    than 1.8 electron volts (eV). The most efficient way to

    convert this radiation is with a solar cell having a band

    gap energy close to this cut-off energy. GaInP has a band

    gap close to 1.8e V - much higher than silicon’s band gap

    of 1.1 eV,” Jenkins explains. “Additionally, high quality

    GaInP solar cells have very low parasitic losses and thus

    operate better at low intensities (found underwater)

    compared to silicon.”

    Next, the team are planning an in situ study: “We

    intend to field an underwater power supply to

    understand issues of lifetime and reliability of long

    term deployment,” Jenkins told Materials Today .

    Nina Notman

    Underwater solar cellsENERGY

    Super powered shock absorbersMECHANICAL PROPERTIES

    A prototype shock absorber capable of significantly

    reducing vibrations, such as those experienced

    while driving, has been developed by German

    researchers. The device can also convert vibrations

    into energy, meaning it has the potential to power

    inaccessible sensors.

    Shock absorbers are devices that dampen

    unwanted vibrations. Most are passive in nature

    and made of materials called elastomers that are

     yielding and malleable. An alternative approach

    is to use an active shock absorber that works to

    counteract the vibrations: hence improving the

    dampening effect.

    Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for

    Structural Durability and System Reliability

    have made an active shock absorber containing

    an electroactive elastomer. “These are elastic

    substances that change their form when exposed

    to an electrical field,” team member William Kaal


    An alternating current is applied to the electroactive

    elastomer, causing it to vibrate. If the elastomer

    vibrations are tuned to complement those of the

    external vibrations they can effectively cancel

    each other out. “By sensing the vibrations and

    feeding the signal back to the electronics an active

    absorber can virtually be tuned in its stiffness and

    damping properties,” Kaal told Materials Today.

    The team built a prototype dielectric stack actuator

    consisting of 40 alternating layers of thin films of

    natural rubber (the electroactive elastomer) and

    nickel electrodes. The key part of this work is the

    design of the electrode layers. “The challenge was

    the design of the electrodes with which we apply

    the electric field to the elastomer layers,” explains

    Kaal‘s colleague Jan Hansmann.

    As metals are rigid they hinder the vibration of

    the elastomer layers. To overcome this “we put

    microscopic-sized holes in the electrodes”, says

    Hansmann. “If an electric voltage deforms the

    elastomer, then the elastomer can disperse into

    these holes.”

    To test the prototype, a vibrating oscillator

    was attached. After a short period of time the

    vibrations stopped, as the frequency of the stack

    actuator’s vibrations adjusted to counteract those

    coming from the oscillator.

    One potential use for this is in passenger vehicles.

    “The vibrations [of a car’s engine] are channelled

    through the chassis into the car‘s interior, where

    the passengers start to feel them,” says Kaal.

    “Active elastomers may help further reduce

    vibrations in the car.”

    The team also demonstrated that it is possible

    to change the function of the stack actuator, so

    it can produce energy through the absorption of

    external vibrations. When an electromagnetic

    oscillator was attached to their prototype,

    they demonstrated that the vibrations were

    converted into power. “That would be of interest

    if you wanted to monitor inaccessible sites where

    there are vibrations but no power connections,”

    says Hansmann. One example given is for the

    temperature and vibration sensors that monitor

    the condition of bridges.

    Nina Notman