Understanding Islam Questions Review

Understanding Islam Questions Review. Question 1

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Page 1: Understanding Islam Questions Review. Question 1

Understanding Islam

Questions Review

Page 2: Understanding Islam Questions Review. Question 1

Question 1

Page 3: Understanding Islam Questions Review. Question 1

Question 1: IdentificationsMuslim: person who follows Islam

Ka’aba: Islam’s holiest shrine – located in Mecca – Arabic for cube

Qu’ran: secret text, holy book of Islam

Mecca: birth place of Islam, holiest city, Saudi Arabia

Mosque: Muslim house of worship


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Question 1: IdentificationsAllah: Arabic for God same as J and C

Medina: first Islamic community, 2nd Holy city, Muhammad gains political and religious power

Hejira: 622 – Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Medina; marks first expansion of Islam

Jerusalem: 3rd Holiest city to Islam – Dome of the Rock

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Question 2What does Islam mean?

Islam literally means “to submit,” in this case, to God’s will

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Question 3Identify and Explain the Five Pillars of Islam

1. Declaration of Faith (Shahada)

“There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His Prophet.”

2. Prayers (Salah) 5 X/day: face Mecca

3. Charity (Sawm): give to the old & poor

4. Fasting (Zakat): during Ramadan

5 .Pilgrimage (Hajj): must complete a pilgrimage to Mecca

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Question 4Describe Muhammad’s Early Life

Muhammad was born in 570 A.D., orphaned at a young age, and was raised by his uncle, who was a bedouin tribesman.

Became a merchant

Married the wealthy widow, Khadijah

Was always very uncomfortable with polytheism.

The Angel Gabriel first appears to Muhammad when he is 40 years old. He begins to recite Quran

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Question 5Why is Muhammad important to Islam?

Muhammad is the founder of the religion of Islam.

Muhammad was also the last Prophet of God

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Question 6What do Muslims believe about the Old and New Testaments? Identify People of the Book.

Muslims refer to Jews and Christians as People of the Book, because they viewed the Holy Bible (Old and New Testaments) as sacred texts.

Believed that Jews and Christians, over time, had corrupted and misinterpreted the teachings of the Bible.

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Question 7What two books form the basis of Islamic Law? Identify Shariah.

The Quran and the Hadith form the basis of Islamic Law. The Arabic term for this is Shariah.

Hadith = sayings and teachings of Muhammad which did not come directly from God.

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Question 8Identify and explain two basic beliefs of Islam.

The two basic beliefs of Islam are expressed in the First Pillar, or Declaration of Faith.

“There is no God but Allah.”

“Muhammad is His Prophet.”

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Question 9What three rites of passage are celebrated as part of life itself and God’s will at work in the world?




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Question 10Identify three reasons for the spread of Islam. Identify: Jihad

1. The Arab armies were united in their beliefs

2. Weakness of Byzantine and Sassanid Empires

3. Many people welcomed the Arabs as liberators

4. Imposition of the jizya, or non-believer tax

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Question 10Jihad = inner struggle to fulfill one’s duty to



outward physical struggle in the defense of Islam

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Question 11During which Islamic Dynasty did Islam divide into its two main branches? What issue divided Islam? Identify: caliph

Islam split into two branches during the Umayyad Dynasty.

Islam was divided over the issue of who should succeed Muhammad as caliph.

Caliph = religious and secular leader in Islam

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Question 12What are the two main branches of Islam: Where can they be found?

Two main branches of Islam:

Sunni: caliph can be anyone qualified

Shi’ite = caliph must be a direct descendant of Muhammad

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Question 12

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Question 13What are the basic Muslim beliefs about food and drink? Identify: Halal

Halal refers to food that is considered “permissible.”

Any meat which is slaughtered for consumption must be done so in the correct way, invoking the name of God.

The eating of pork is strictly forbidden by Muslims.

The Quran also outlaws alcohol.

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Question 14What takes place during the month of Ramadan? Identify: Night of Power, Eid ul-Fitr

Ramadan = ninth month of Muslim calendar

Celebrates when the Angel Gabriel first appeared to Muhammad in the cave outside of Mecca.

Is a time of fasting and prayer for Muslims, lasting 30 days: no food or drink from sun-up to sundown.

Night of Power = holiest night of the year in Islam

Eid ul-Fitr = celebratory feast that marks the end of Ramadan

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Question 15Why were the first 100 years of the Abbassid Dynasty considered a first Golden Age of Muslim Rule?

Was much more inclusive of other peoples: Persians, Indians, Turks

This led to greater political stability

Controlled trade routes between China and India with Europe and the Middle East

This led to great wealth

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Question 16Explain the Muslim view of education.

Muslims valued education.

They preserved Classical (ancient Greek and Roman) knowledge of science, mathematics, astronomy, architecture, and medicine.

Built schools and libraries to keep and expand this knowledge.

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Question 17What advances in learning have come from Muslims and the Arab world?

Muslim scholars preserved much Classical Knowledge

Made advances in medicine, mathematics, and architecture

Improvements in navigation

Beautiful poetry

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Question 18What commercial practices have the Arabs developed? How did those practices improve trade?

Controlled trade routes between China and India with Europe and the Middle East

Commerce thrived:

letters of credit, receipts for payment, bills of lading, built inns for travelers along trade routes

These practices made conducting business over long distances safer and more reliable