Underground Utility Mapping - PAS128:2014 Land Survey / Geomatics • 3D Scanning & Modelling • Underground Service Mapping • Monitoring of Structural Movement Structural Imaging Radar • Geophysical Survey • Site Investigation • Hydrographic Survey • Bridge Inspection • Mobile Mapping Engineering Ltd PAS128:2014, the new UK standard for underground utility detection, verification and location, was developed by the British Standards Institute and came into effect on 30th June 2014. The introduction of PAS128 ensures that all companies work to a common framework and guarantees that their work meets a certain quality level. Type B Survey A Type B survey provides the best achievable results without intrusive inspection. A minimum of two geophysical techniques must be utilised, these can include the following: Electromagnetic Location (EML) Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Resistivity Electromagnetic Ground Conductivity Magnetometry Essentially there are four survey types, increasing in both accuracy and confidence in results from D to A: Survey Type Method Scope Type D Desktop Utility A desktop search to collate existing plans, maps Records Search and diagrams locating underground utilities. Type C Site Reconnaissance Underground utilities plotted from utility record data only; site reconnaissance is undertaken to match utility record with physical utility street furniture as a best fit. Type B Detection Underground utilities detected by geophysical methods to obtain a horizontal and / or vertical position. Type A Verification Underground utilities verified and positioned by physical identification. LandScope specialise in delivering all survey types and in particular Type B.

Underground Utility Mapping - PAS128:2014Underground Utility Mapping - PAS128:2014 Engineering Ltd A Type B survey can be broken down into four detection methods and can be chosen

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Page 1: Underground Utility Mapping - PAS128:2014Underground Utility Mapping - PAS128:2014 Engineering Ltd A Type B survey can be broken down into four detection methods and can be chosen

Underground Utility Mapping - PAS128:2014

Land Survey / Geomatics • 3D Scanning & Modelling • Underground Service Mapping • Monitoring of Structural MovementStructural Imaging Radar • Geophysical Survey • Site Investigation • Hydrographic Survey • Bridge Inspection • Mobile Mapping

E n g i n e e r i n g L t d

PAS128:2014, the new UK standard for underground utility detection, verification and location, was developed by the British Standards Institute and came into effect on 30th June 2014.

The introduction of PAS128 ensures that all companies work to a common framework and guarantees that their work meets a certain quality level.

Type B SurveyA Type B survey provides the best achievable results without intrusive inspection. A minimum of two geophysical techniques must be utilised, these can include the following:

• Electromagnetic Location (EML)

• Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

• Resistivity

• Electromagnetic Ground Conductivity

• Magnetometry

Essentially there are four survey types, increasing in both accuracy and confidence in results from D to A:Survey Type Method Scope

Type D Desktop Utility A desktop search to collate existing plans, maps Records Search and diagrams locating underground utilities.

Type C Site Reconnaissance Underground utilities plotted from utility record data only; site reconnaissance is undertaken to match utility record with physical utility street furniture as a best fit.

Type B Detection Underground utilities detected by geophysical methods to obtain a horizontal and / or vertical position.

Type A Verification Underground utilities verified and positioned by physical identification.

LandScope specialise in delivering all survey types and in particular Type B.

Page 2: Underground Utility Mapping - PAS128:2014Underground Utility Mapping - PAS128:2014 Engineering Ltd A Type B survey can be broken down into four detection methods and can be chosen

Underground Utility Mapping - PAS128:2014

E n g i n e e r i n g L t d

A Type B survey can be broken down into four detection methods and can be chosen depending on the survey location, density of services or use of the survey. Effort, length of survey and associated cost increases from M1 to M4.

Each utility located by a Type B survey will have an associated quality level which defines its horizontal and vertical accuracy.

It is a requirement of PAS128 that underground utilities are geospatially located using a national coordinate grid system and datum. In Great Britain this is Ordnance Survey National Grid (OSGB36/OSTN02) and Ordnance Datum Newlyn (ODN). This can be achieved either using a Total Station setup on existing site control or by Network RTK GNSS.

A PAS128 survey is usually delivered as a 2D CAD drawing in digital format and paper plots. However, if required, a 3D CAD drawing may be delivered. Drawing style, layers and colours will be in accordance with The Survey Association’s ‘The essential guide to utility surveys – Detailed guidance notes for specifying a utility survey’ unless otherwise specified.

MethodEML Search Resolution

GPR Search Resolution

Typical Application

M1 ≤ 10m As applicable Undeveloped area

M2 ≤ 5m ≤ 2mOr high density array Suburban area

M3 ≤ 2m ≤ 1mOr high density array

Busy urban areaClearance survey for intrusive works

M4 ≤ 2m ≤ 0.5mOr high density array Congested city area

Quality Level


Horizontal Location Accuracy

Vertical Location Accuracy

Supporting Data Example

QL-B4 N/A Undefined Undefined Assumed position Located from records

QL-B3P Yes 500mm Undefined 1 geophysical techniquePE water pipe detected with GPR only

QL-B2P Yes 250mm 40% of depth 1 geophysical techniqueTelecoms cable detected with EML only

QL-B1P Yes 150mm 15% of depth 2 geophysical techniquesCast iron gas pipe detected with EML & GPR




rts A



01694 731930 www.land-scope.com [email protected]

Midlands & Northern Office Shrewsbury

Southern Office Romford

South West Office Plymouth

Ground Penetrating


Statutory Service Plan Compilation

LandScope is able to provide services to cover all four of the survey types detailed in PAS128:2014:

• Type D: Desktop Utility Records Search

• Type C: Site Reconnaissance

• Type B: Detection

• Type A: Verification

PAS128:2014 Survey - An Overview

Land Survey / Geomatics • 3D Scanning & Modelling • Underground Service Mapping • Monitoring of Structural MovementStructural Imaging Radar • Geophysical Survey • Site Investigation • Hydrographic Survey • Bridge Inspection • Mobile Mapping

E n g i n e e r i n g L t d

Type D SurveyLandScope will obtain and complete statutory records from all major utility service providers, to include:

• Electricity • Gas

• Water • Sewerage

• Telecoms • Other

In addition, site specific records will be collated wherever possible from all available sources.

This desktop utility records search is an essential first step in the planning and execution of an underground utility survey. It is also a prerequisite for survey types A, B and C.

Type C SurveyOnce the desktop utility records search has been completed, LandScope will carry out a site reconnaissance. This can be completed either before or during the detection of underground utilities. All records will be analysed against visible site features such as valves, inspection covers, manholes and surface scars.

PAS128:2014, the new UK standard for underground utility detection, verification and location, was developed by the British Standards Institute and came into effect on 30th June 2014.

The introduction of PAS128 ensures that all companies work to a common framework and guarantees that their work meets a certain quality level.

PAS128:2014 Survey - An


In association with our underground infrastructure mapping service LandScope offers a full utility record search and compilation service. This may include records from both statutory service providers and private sources.

Utility Record Search and Compilation

e n g i n e e r i n g L t d

Applications Include:• ProjectOverviewPlanning• DevelopingWorksSpecifications• InputtoDesktopStudyandUndergroundInfrastructure Mapping Campaign•SiteSafetyBriefs

StatutoryServicePlanCompilationThecompilationofstatutoryserviceplansforaspecificsitecanbeverytimeconsumingandoftenitisratherdifficulttodefineexactly who owns and operates what and where. Some data is availablefrominternetsiteshoweverthevastmajoritymustbeapplied for in writing and often require pre-established accounts. There are currently in excess of seventy different underground asset undertakersintheUKandthereisnotasingleplatformorformatfor data deliverable.

Whereverpossiblewebbasedsystemsofenquiryareutilisedtominimiseturnaroundtime.Datamaybedeliveredsimplyas received from the providers or complemented with a report or a composite drawing of the various data on a site plan, topographicalsurveyorOrdnanceSurveyMasterMapbase.

Features include:•CabFriendlyA4Format•Weather-ProofLaminatedPages•SiteOverview-planatanappropriatescale•DetailCongestion-LargerScalePlansofSpecificAreas•StatutoryPlansandData•CompositeStatutoryDataPlans•OtherSiteData-asrelevant•SpecificCompanyHSe Guidance and Instruction•HSg47 Guidelines

Site ViewAnestablishedcustomerreportedthatduringathreemonthperiod 5 out of 8 site accidents involving underground utilities and services may have been avoided with improved communication of information. In these cases there was data available on the location of underground infrastructure however, for whatever reason, this information had neither been received nor considered by the excavator.

Therefore in response to our customer requests LandScope have developedaserviceandutilitymapproductdesignedspecificallytoassistconstructionsiteworkersandinparticularthosewhohavearesponsibilityforexcavationandotherinvasiveworks.Basedonthe results of our established utility and mapping services, detailed above, Site View is an end-user friendly, hard-copy presentation of all available underground service and utility data.

Underground Service & utility


Ground Penetrating


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01694 731930 www.land-scope.com [email protected]

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