Underground Rock Characterisation Facility at Olkiluoto, Eurajoki, Finland Underground Rock Characterisation Facility at Olkiluoto, Eurajoki, Finland

Underground Rock Characterisation Facility at Olkiluoto, Eurajoki

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Underground Rock Characterisation Facility at Olkiluoto, Eurajoki, FinlandUnderground Rock Characterisation Facility at Olkiluoto, Eurajoki, Finland

Page 2: Underground Rock Characterisation Facility at Olkiluoto, Eurajoki

Finland has been preparing for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel for some 25 years. Based on the

screening of investigation areas, detailed site investigations and environmental impact assessment, in

1999, Posiva submitted an application to the Government for a decision in principle to choose Olkiluoto

in the municipality of Eurajoki as the site of the final disposal facility for spent nuclear fuel. Since the

municipality of Eurajoki had given its consent to locate the disposal facility in the area and the Radiation

and Nuclear Safety Authority’s (STUK) safety assessment had noted that there were no objections to the

decision in principle, in December 2000 the Finnish Government duly issued a decision in principle in

favour of the project. The Finnish Parliament approved the decision in principle by 159 votes in favour and

3 against. Since then, planning disposal has progressed to the next stage – constructing an underground

characterisation facility, known as ONKALO, at Olkiluoto. Work on the entire final disposal project is

progressing so that disposal can commence in 2020.


ONKALO – the underground rockcharacterisation facility

The map shows the location of ONKALO at Olkiluoto. Numerous deep boreholes have been drilled in the investigation area to obtain furtherinformation for planning ONKALO.

© N

ational Land Survey of Finland, permission N

o 119/MYY/0


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ONKALO will be used to obtain further information to plan therepository in detail and to assess safety and construction engineeringsolutions. ONKALO will also enable final disposal technology tobe tested under actual conditions.

ONKALO is not intended solely for research premises, but hasalso been designed to serve as an access route to the repositorywhen constructed.

ONKALO will take 6–7 years to complete. Construction isscheduled for 2004–2010 and investigations will be made from the

Blast signifying the start of work on the tunnel in September 2004Excavation in June 2004

start of construction in conjunction with excavation. An applicationfor a building permit for ONKALO was submitted to the municipalityof Eurajoki in May 2003 and construction work began in June 2004.

Once ONKALO has been completed, work will start on buildingthe encapsulation plant and final disposal repository in the 2010s.These stages of construction and commissioning of the facilityitself are subject to separate permit procedures.

Preparation and implementation of the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel

1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 2120

Nuclear power plant operation: Loviisa 1–2

Olkiluoto 1–2

Olkiluoto 3

Site investigations

Selection of disposal site

Construction of ONKALO, complementary characterisationsand planning

Construction and commissioning of repository

Encapsulation and final disposal: Loviisa 1–2

Olkiluoto 1–2

Olkiluoto 3

Decommissioning and sealing of final disposal facility



0 m

-500 m

-400 m

-300 m

-200 m

-100 m



Construction 2004–2011

Investigations 2004

Construction of repository 2015

Final disposal 2020

Page 4: Underground Rock Characterisation Facility at Olkiluoto, Eurajoki

ONKALO progresses deepinto the bedrock


ONKALO construction and investigations

An access tunnel and ventilation shaft will be excavated to the maincharacterisation level at a depth of 420 m. Other engineering workincluding tunnel opening structures, cable ducts, floor structuresand pipelines, etc will be carried out at the same time. Excavationwill be carried out using drill and blast technology. The accesstunnel is being excavated in stretches of about five metres at atime. Charges of explosive are placed in holes drilled into the rock.The charge is then detonated and the blasted rock removed. Therock walls are washed and any loose stones removed.

Pre- and post-grouting and lining structures will be used toseal the rock in places as required. Cemented rock bolts andshotcrete will be used to strengthen the rock. Cast concrete, whichserves as both a water insulator and a rock reinforcement, can alsobe used in the ventilation shaft. Final choice of materials will dependon the findings of preliminary investigations and investigationscarried out while work is in progress.

A shaft building, maintenance and control buildings and a civildefence shelter will be built at ground level. Road building, earthworksand electrical work will also be carried out.

Planning and construction investigations will be carried outfrom the access tunnel in conjunction with excavation. The findingswill be drawn on immediately in excavation and construction work.Investigations focusing on rock groundwater conditions and thelocation of the repository will commence at a depth of 200–300metres.

Later, excavation of the access tunnel and ventilation shaft willcontinue to the lower characterisation level at a depth of 520 m.The access tunnel will total 5.5 km in length at an inclination of1:10. The premises involve the excavation of a total of 330,000 cubicmetres.

The lower characterisation level will be used to investigate rockmechanics conditions and factors impacting on the positioning ofthe repository. This stage also includes disposal demonstrations,which, like other investigations and tests, will also continue during2010–2020, after ONKALO has been completed.

Drilling of grout holesMapping of the tunnel rock surface

Page 5: Underground Rock Characterisation Facility at Olkiluoto, Eurajoki

Diagrammatic plan of ONKALO and the repository

Main characterisationlevel –420 m

Access tunnel


Ventilation shaft

Lower characterisation level –520 m


Drilling Blasting Removal of blasted rock Grouting and reinforcement

��Repository tunnel���3.5 m

Access tunnel���5.5 m

Ventilation shaft

5.7 m

Page 6: Underground Rock Characterisation Facility at Olkiluoto, Eurajoki

Legislation passed in Finland requires nuclear waste generated inFinland to be processed, stored and finally disposed of in Finland. Thepower companies concerned, Teollisuuden Voima Oy and FortumPower and Heat Oy, are responsible for nuclear waste management.The power companies’ responsibility covers all actionsuntil such time as the nuclear waste is finally andpermanently disposed of. Posiva Oy, which is ownedby the power companies concerned, is responsiblefor the practical implementation of final disposal.


Nuclear waste managementin Finland

The Finnish authorities are responsible for the principlesgoverning nuclear waste management, safety criteria and forensuring that legislation is complied with. The Ministry ofTrade and Industry (KTM) is responsible for licenses andlegislation and the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority(STUK) for supervising safety.

Finland has two nuclear power plants, each with two

reactor units. The power plants are at Olkiluoto in

Eurajoki, on the Finnish west coast, and at

Hästholmen in Loviisa, on the Finnish south coast.

The combined output of the two reactors at

Teollisuuden Voima Oy’s power plant at Olkiluoto is

1,680 MW and that of the two reactors at Fortum

Power and Heat Oy’s power plant in Loviisa is 976 MW.

Finland made a decision in principle in 2002 to build

a fifth reactor unit. The new reactor unit (OL3) being

built at Olkiluoto will have an output of 1600 MW.





Posiva’s network of partners:Research institutes, universities, consultants,


TeollisuudenVoima Oy

FortumPower and Heat Oy



Ministry ofTrade andIndustry

Radiation andNuclear Safety

Authority (STUK)






Page 7: Underground Rock Characterisation Facility at Olkiluoto, Eurajoki


Under nuclear waste management regulations,radioactive waste is divided into low level,intermediate level and highly radioactive waste.

The disposal of low and medium level radioactivewaste or so called operating waste is already

under way and is being carried out by eachpower plant on its own site. At Olkiluoto,

the final disposal of operating wastebegan in 1992 and in Loviisa in1997. Finland has also made a

decision in principle as regards thefinal disposal site and solution of highly

radioactive spent nuclear fuel. It is planned tobegin the disposal of spent nuclear fuel at Eurajokiin 2020. Until then, the spent fuel is being temporarilystored in pools built on the power plant sites.

Posiva Oy, established in 1995 and jointly ownedby TVO and Fortum Power and Heat, is responsiblefor practical preparations and research into and

the actual final disposal of nuclear waste. Posivacoordinates research and preparation in the finaldisposal project and works together with expertorganisations in many different specialist fields andwith similar nuclear waste management companiesand other organisations in different countries.

Under the Nuclear Energy Act, funds for nuclearwaste management are collected in advance in theprice of nuclear electricity and paid into the StateNuclear Waste Management Fund. In 2005, theFund stood at some EUR 1400 million, which willalso be used to cover the cost of decommissioningof the plants.

Under the Government’s decision in principle,the spent nuclear fuel generated by Finland’s existingnuclear power plant units and the new unit (OL3)can be finally disposed of at Olkiluoto. A maximumof some 6,500 tonnes of uranium will haveaccumulated for disposal at Olkiluoto.

Repository at a depth ofsome 500 metres

Management of nuclear waste in Finland


of spentnuclear


Interimstorageof spentnuclearfuel

Loviisa nuclear power plantOlkiluoto nuclear power plant

Final disposal of spent nuclear fuel, Olkiluoto.Posiva Oy is responsible for the project.

Operating wasterepository,Olkiluoto

Operating wasterepository,


Page 8: Underground Rock Characterisation Facility at Olkiluoto, Eurajoki

For further information,visit our website at www.posiva.fi or contact

Posiva OyFI-27160 OLKILUOTO

FinlandTel: +358 2 837 231

Fax +358 2 8372 3709

Posiva works together with numerousorganisations

Implementation of ONKALO represents a decentralised model, where Posiva has outsourcedthe work to outside researchers, consultants, suppliers and contractors. Posiva is responsiblefor implementation management and overall administration of the project, which highlightscollaboration and compatibility with investigations, design of the disposal facility and theconstruction of ONKALO.

Posiva’s international partners include:

• SKB (Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB), Sweden• ANDRA (Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs), France• NAGRA (Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle), Switzerland• OPG (Ontario Power Generation), Canada• RAWRA (Radioactive Waste Repository Authority), Czech Republic• NUMO (Nuclear Waste Management Organisation), Japan• RWMC (Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center), Japan

Posiva also has a contract to exchange information with the above organisations and regularlycooperates with SKB and ANDRA on research into disposal facility systems and bedrockinvestigations.

