Underground Power Cable Strikes – Project Team and Statistical Improvements March 2, 2017

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Underground Power Cable

Strikes – Project Team and

Statistical Improvements

March 2, 2017

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• In early 2016, interactions with Mines Inspectors

during inspections increased Mosaic’s level of

focus on Cable Strikes. After analysis of

Dangerous Occurrence reports, Mosaic’s

leadership realized that cable strikes have been

occurring far too frequently in our underground


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• Although the existing engineered safety systems are extremely robust, Cable Strikes can result in:

• Personal Injury• Equipment Damage• Production Delays

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Typical Example of Damaged Cable

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Alpine Mine – Pinched Cable

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Employee Safety First

Mosaic has decided to focus on eliminating all cable strikes to enhance employee safety.

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• In the past few years individual sites at Mosaic had made various attempts to address cable strikes. (Work Out Teams, RCA, Focus Groups)

• Despite these efforts there was a disturbing trend in the first half of 2016 as cable strikes were increasing in frequency.

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Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16

Electrical Cable Strikes – All Mosaic Potash UG

Mosaic Potash UG - Cable strikes

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Cable Strike Elimination Team Kick Off - August 22, 2016

A team as assembled and consisted of a representatives from each site:

• Colonsay• Carlsbad• Esterhazy K1• Esterhazy K2.• Esterhazy Inflow

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Cable Strike Elimination Team

As a Team we wanted a structured approach

• Opportunity Statement

• Team Objective

• Team Goals

• Action Items

• Action Register

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Opportunity Statement and Team Objective

Opportunity StatementWe have seen a dramatic increase in the number of DO’s due to cable strikes and we need to eliminate these events.

ObjectiveBy building on the work done by other teams this team will combine our knowledge and resources to develop a list of recommendations that will allow Mosaic to reduce and ultimately eliminate cable strikes at all UG sites.

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Team Goals – All UG Operations

• Create awareness of cable strike incidents at all UG operations

• Identify high frequency/high potential opportunity areas/causes.

• Evaluate existing Policy and Procedures, Engineering Controls in those identified areas

• Create achievable action items to address gaps.

• Demonstrate commitment to accountability.

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Track All Action Items on Action Register

• An action register was developed by the team

• policies, procedures, and lines of communication were developed, as well as a plan to implement them

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Evaluating Success


How will the team know it has been successful?

• When we have Zero Cable Strikes

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Action Items – Making Things Happen


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Team Review – First Task

• The Team reviewed the overall electrical cable handling policy and procedures at each site

• They were all very much aligned as some sites had collaborated when they last updated them.

• One site discovered the did not have an official cable handling policy and they immediately rectified that gap.

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• Did you know that there have been more than 15 cable strikes at our UG operations this year?

• In response, a team has been formed to work with employees to develop a unified and consistent approach to reducing and eliminating these incidents.

• UG Supervisors will be starting discussions at toolbox talks and safety meetings and will be asking for your ideas on how we can address this issue

• If you have suggestion you can inform your supervisor or contact any of the team members.

• Thanks you for your support in making our workplace safer.


Awareness – E-screens and Bulletins

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Crew Interaction


• The team reviewed each sites version of the Risk and Hazard Assessment card and verified that Electrical cable safety was indicated in one form or another on each card.

• Supervisors were instructed to use the existing tools to focus on the potential for Cable Strikes at toolbox talks and safety meetings

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Line 22 – Electrical Current & Handling Cables and CordsSupervisors to ensure this item is considered where applicable


Use Existing tools during Risk Assessment

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Crew Interaction


• Tool Box Talks – Ask for Ideas and Suggestions for Cable Handling including Engineering Solutions (Reels, Hangers, Lifts etc.)

• Review Visual Management Boards with Crews

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Visual Management Board


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Visual Management Board


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Identify Opportunities

• Collected and analyzed available cable strike data from all sites for 2015 and part of 2016

• A total of 57 events were analyzed.

2015 201623 34 57

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Statistical Improvements

Data collection and analysis

• Activity• Equipment• Location• Direction of Travel

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Data Summary





Cable Strikes By Activity

MiningDrivingTowingUnanticipated Change




Cable Strikes by Equipment

Miner Scoop Other

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Data Summary





Cable Strike by Cable Location

Overhead Floor Side




Cable Strikes by Direction of Travel

Forward Reverse Unknown

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• Miners back over the cable lying on the floor

• Scooptrams run over or pinch cable against wall

Statistical Analysis Summary – Top Two Opportunities

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Based on the data the team evaluated existing Policy and Procedures, Engineering Controls in those identified areas

• Marietta Miner Operation• Alpine Miners• Scooptrams• Mobile Bridge

A few gaps were identified and a few procedures were improved, overall they were quite well done at all sites which led us to believe that there was a probably behavioral and cultural adjustment required as well.

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• Supervisors will review and ensure that their crews follow existing policies and procedures in the identified areas

• Each and every incident reviewed with crew

• OHC is given the opportunity to investigate all cable strikes

• Corrective Action for every event

• Supervisors and employee will share responsibility for each incident that occurs and the CA generated.

• VM Boards maintained to keep the awareness level up and promotes ownership

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Measurable Results

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Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16

Electrical Cable Strikes Dangerous Occurrence

Trend Prompts Team to be Formed in August

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Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16

Electrical Cable Strikes Dangerous Occurrence

Measurable Results

Measurable Results from Team Effort

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Measured Improvement – Let the Celebration Begin!


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Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17

Electrical Cable Strikes Dangerous Occurrence

Don’t take your eye off the ball……

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Renewed Focus


We had great success after the initial team meeting, however frequency started to creep up again so the Team had a refresh meeting mid February.

• We are working to eliminate cable strikes to make our sites safer for our employees. Period.

• OHC is given the opportunity to investigate all cable strikes• VM Boards are effective and will be utilized at all sites• Cable Strike Elimination Incorporated as an EDGE goal• Renewed Awareness campaigns through toolbox talks, refreshers, E-screens,

FLHA/FLRA .• Corrective Actions reviewed as well as reviewing procedures looking for gaps

and correcting them

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Closing Comments


Our Target remains 0 Cable Strikes

Focusing on an issue will result in improvements, however when the focus wanes so can the improvements

Policies and Procedures, Engineering Controls, and Accountability will only get you so far.

To permanently eliminate Cable Strikes (or any recurring incident), behavioral and cultural adjustments are going to be required as well.

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