Nikki Kiga Bio 106 1. How do you define a successful undergraduate experience? Organize your thoughts into an essay of at least 500 words. I would define a successful undergraduate experience as making the most of the resources available. Those resources are not necessarily purely academic either; they could be clubs or friends too. The trick to making the most of the undergraduate experience is finding the right balance. Last year, I got a little distracted and perhaps put my friends before school too much. This quarter, I have done the opposite and been a little antisocial by not hanging out with my friends as much. I struggle to find this balance between school time and social time. My parents say that I am trying to do too many things at once, and maybe they are on to something. I’m interested in a lot of different things and I don’t always feel like I have enough time for all of them. In my ideal world, I would have enough time to be involved on campus, photograph and document, hang out with friends, volunteer, work, play soccer and get all of my school work done. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a very healthy way to balance all of these commitments. My goal is to begin to hone in on the things that really drive me. I have to prioritize my time in order to give my full one hundred on the things that I do choose. Lately, I have been realizing just how difficult it is for me to select only a few things. Not only am I interested in such a variety of pursuits but there are very few mediums to compare or connect these pursuits through. The University of Washington has an amazing abundance of resources—there are so many thinkers, research studies, projects, clubs and organizations and not a single accessible way to compare them all. Our University prides itself in its research. It’s true—in order to succeed at UW you truly have to become a researcher on course websites and various homepages. I have been toying with an idea to connect these thinkers through a single medium. I would have to start small of course and

Undergraduate Questions

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This was an exercise that I completed for my BIO 106 class during sophomore year.

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Nikki KigaBio 106

1. How do you define a successful undergraduate experience? Organize your thoughts into an essay of at least 500 words.I would define a successful undergraduate experience as making the most of the resources available. Those resources are not necessarily purely academic either; they could be clubs or friends too. The trick to making the most of the undergraduate experience is finding the right balance.Last year, I got a little distracted and perhaps put my friends before school too much. This quarter, I have done the opposite and been a little antisocial by not hanging out with my friends as much. I struggle to find this balance between school time and social time. My parents say that I am trying to do too many things at once, and maybe they are on to something. Im interested in a lot of different things and I dont always feel like I have enough time for all of them. In my ideal world, I would have enough time to be involved on campus, photograph and document, hang out with friends, volunteer, work, play soccer and get all of my school work done. Unfortunately there doesnt seem to be a very healthy way to balance all of these commitments. My goal is to begin to hone in on the things that really drive me. I have to prioritize my time in order to give my full one hundred on the things that I do choose. Lately, I have been realizing just how difficult it is for me to select only a few things. Not only am I interested in such a variety of pursuits but there are very few mediums to compare or connect these pursuits through. The University of Washington has an amazing abundance of resourcesthere are so many thinkers, research studies, projects, clubs and organizations and not a single accessible way to compare them all. Our University prides itself in its research. Its truein order to succeed at UW you truly have to become a researcher on course websites and various homepages. I have been toying with an idea to connect these thinkers through a single medium. I would have to start small of course and incubate my idea before thinking too big. However, my ultimate goal would be to create a sustainable feature feed that would feature the thoughts and research going on at UW right now. I would love to be able to use my passion for video and photography to connect my fellow community members to whats going on at UW and hopefully encourage them to get more involved or at least talk to one another. I hope to one day have a career that focuses on instilling awareness and responsibility while at the same time connecting ideas and people. This project that I have been sitting on would not only fulfill me in my role as a UW student but also give me the experience to do exactly what I hope to do for a career. My definition of success at UW is to engage thoroughly in every class, do my best, and talk to my fellow students and mentor figures, hopefully, by doing so; I can gain the knowledge and guidance for my career. 2. What major(s) and career(s) are you considering? Documentarian and entrepreneur3. What questions about academic or professional pathways do you have? I guess my questions are:where to look for more resources? And how to network within my means?