Under British Rule Under British Rule Pages 193-198 Pages 193-198

Under British Rule Pages 193-198. (Do not write this) Countries Colonized by Britain North America Canada, the U.S The Caribbean Antigua and Barbuda,

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Under British RuleUnder British Rule

Pages 193-198Pages 193-198

(Do not write this)(Do not write this)Countries Colonized by Britain Countries Colonized by Britain

North AmericaNorth America Canada, the U.S Canada, the U.S The CaribbeanThe Caribbean Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize,

Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Trinidad & TobagoVincent & the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago

Sub-Saharan AfricaSub-Saharan Africa Botswana, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Botswana, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, ZimbabweTanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe

SW Asia and N. AfricaSW Asia and N. Africa Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Sudan, UAE, YemenSudan, UAE, Yemen

South AsiaSouth Asia Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka SE AsiaSE Asia Brunei, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore Brunei, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore AustraliaAustralia and Oceaniaand Oceania Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Tuva Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Tuva

Europeans in IndiaEuropeans in India

Many European countries saw great riches Many European countries saw great riches in India(1600s)in India(1600s)

England set up the East India Company & England set up the East India Company & forced Indian rulers to grant the British forced Indian rulers to grant the British powerpower

British outlawed many Hindu practices and British outlawed many Hindu practices and raised taxesraised taxes

Sepoy RebellionSepoy Rebellion

SepoysSepoys- Indian troops who served in the - Indian troops who served in the British armyBritish army

New law made Indians use British weapons New law made Indians use British weapons and fight over seas for Englandand fight over seas for England

Sepoys upset- rumored that cartridges of Sepoys upset- rumored that cartridges of rifles made grease w/ beef or pork fatrifles made grease w/ beef or pork fat

**British put down uprising**British put down uprising

India Becomes British ColonyIndia Becomes British Colony

1876- Queen Victoria becomes empress1876- Queen Victoria becomes empress Direct rule through British officialsDirect rule through British officials New lawsNew laws Controlled courtsControlled courts


Improved Improved



health carehealth care



India’s industry was practically destroyed India’s industry was practically destroyed due to British importsdue to British imports

Farmers grew less food to grow cash cropsFarmers grew less food to grow cash crops


To pay for British importsTo pay for British imports

Result= famineResult= famine


1920- Mohandas Gandhi leads country to 1920- Mohandas Gandhi leads country to gain home rulegain home rule

Freedom and PartitionFreedom and Partition

Pages 201 to 204Pages 201 to 204

Partition (division)Partition (division)

Hindus and Muslins intensely fought over Hindus and Muslins intensely fought over ideology, rights, and ruleideology, rights, and rule

Britain partitioned India as Hindu nation and Britain partitioned India as Hindu nation and Pakistan as Muslim nationPakistan as Muslim nation

15 million fled the 2 countries to get to their 15 million fled the 2 countries to get to their perspective nationsperspective nations

Turning Point in Struggle for Turning Point in Struggle for FreedomFreedom

Amritsar (uhm-Amritsar (uhm-ritrit-ser) -ser) Massacre- 10,000 Massacre- 10,000 Indians gathered to Indians gathered to protest harshness of protest harshness of BritishBritish

British troops opened British troops opened fire killing 379 and fire killing 379 and wounding 1,100wounding 1,100

Goal- Complete Goal- Complete separation from Britishseparation from British


Inspired common people to work towards Inspired common people to work towards changechange

Developed satyagraha- “truth force”- Developed satyagraha- “truth force”- nonviolent resistancenonviolent resistance

Used Hindu beliefs and Christian traditionsUsed Hindu beliefs and Christian traditions Followed Followed civil disobedience-civil disobedience- refusal to refusal to

obey unjust lawsobey unjust laws

Gandhi continuedGandhi continued

Wanted the the world to realize that the Wanted the the world to realize that the British were wrong by taking punishment British were wrong by taking punishment and not fighting backand not fighting back

Reached out to untouchables and MuslimsReached out to untouchables and Muslims Encouraged boycott of British goodsEncouraged boycott of British goods

Salt March (1930)Salt March (1930)

British forbade Indians to make saltBritish forbade Indians to make salt British HEAVILY taxed their saltBritish HEAVILY taxed their salt MG led followers on 200 mile march- broke MG led followers on 200 mile march- broke

law by making salt from sea waterlaw by making salt from sea water British arrested Gandhi and 50,000 IndiansBritish arrested Gandhi and 50,000 Indians

Independence (1947)Independence (1947)

Gained independence from British Gained independence from British becausebecause

1.1. Refused to help British in WWIIRefused to help British in WWII

2.2. Popular opinion opposed the British having Popular opinion opposed the British having overseas coloniesoverseas colonies

The Death of GandhiThe Death of Gandhi

Assassinated in 1948 by a fellow Hindu. Assassinated in 1948 by a fellow Hindu. Gandhi’s assassinator felt that he betrayed Gandhi’s assassinator felt that he betrayed

the Hindu religion by embracing Muslims. the Hindu religion by embracing Muslims.