Unconditional Love By: Samantha Sy It was a cloudy afternoon in March and students were already on vacation. It was surprising that in spite of the supposedly ‘summer’ month, the weather was quite dreary that day… it seemed as though it would rain cats and dogs anytime soon. A teenage girl wearing a school uniform was walking down on the sidewalk on the way home. She had to go to school that day because she had to receive her report card. As the young lady took slow steps, she slowly opened the report card again and scanned its contents. And with that, she smiled in satisfaction. She had attained her ultimate success, being the highest in her batch. Next year, she hoped to be the valedictorian because she was incoming fourth year high school. With a sleepy yawn, she closed her report card and put it back inside her sling bag. As she continued walking, she remembered that she was having a bad headache since morning of the same day. Ever since she rose from her bed when the sunlight entered the transparent window all the way to shine her eyes, she had been feeling dizzy and weak. Her mother thought that she was sick. She insisted her to stay home and offered to get the report card for her instead. She kindly refused and assured her mother she was fine. But now, the headache was getting worse and she would be lying to herself if she said again that she was fine. She felt terrible; her head was spinning, her cheeks felt hot, her body felt warm and her eyelids felt heavy. Being indifferent, she continued her steps.

Unconditional Love- Short Story

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Unconditional LoveBy: Samantha Sy

It was a cloudy afternoon in March and students were already on vacation. It was surprising that in spite of the supposedly ‘summer’ month, the weather was quite dreary that day… it seemed as though it would rain cats and dogs anytime soon.

A teenage girl wearing a school uniform was walking down on the sidewalk on the way home. She had to go to school that day because she had to receive her report card.

As the young lady took slow steps, she slowly opened the report card again and scanned its contents. And with that, she smiled in satisfaction. She had attained her ultimate success, being the highest in her batch. Next year, she hoped to be the valedictorian because she was incoming fourth year high school.

With a sleepy yawn, she closed her report card and put it back inside her sling bag.

As she continued walking, she remembered that she was having a bad headache since morning of the same day. Ever since she rose from her bed when the sunlight entered the transparent window all the way to shine her eyes, she had been feeling dizzy and weak. Her mother thought that she was sick. She insisted her to stay home and offered to get the report card for her instead. She kindly refused and assured her mother she was fine. But now, the headache was getting worse and she would be lying to herself if she said again that she was fine.

She felt terrible; her head was spinning, her cheeks felt hot, her body felt warm and her eyelids felt heavy. Being indifferent, she continued her steps.

She was nearing home. Now she was positive that she was definitely sick. Her feet felt tired and her body felt frail as ever and the bleak atmosphere didn’t help either. She sighed, touching her forehead. Her hand jolted and retracted as though what she touched was on fire---her head was burning with fever!

She groaned and thought of lying down on her soft bed with a cold compress on her forehead. She would wait for her mother’s famous duck soup as soon as she reached home.

Suddenly, a massive feeling struck her---her legs trembled, her eyelids felt heavier than a moment ago and she felt the symptoms now. She smiled weakly, she was the smartest in health class… and she knew that if one has fast heart beat, it is a symptom of fever.

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Now, she could practically hear her heart thumping and thumping hard against her chest… she felt sweat fall from her face… her head was spinning once more and one breath escaped from her lips… and then, it was all dark.


On the same street, a guy in his teens walked passed by. He just came from his school for his report card as well. With a smug look on his face, he continued walking while looking at all his grades in his report card---he didn’t fail any subject! He was so overjoyed, he wouldn’t have to attend summer school… and he was going to college next year!

His happy thoughts were distracted when he eyed a defenseless-looking girl lying down unconsciously on the sidewalk, her face smothered with sweat and dirt. He quickly ran as fast as he could, his jolly eyes were now filled with anxiousness and pity. He knelt down beside the girl and examined her appearance while he wiped her sweat with his handkerchief while curious passer-bys looked at the scene.

He scanned her visage. She was ravishingly beautiful; she was like a fallen angel, a blessing. Her beauty was nothing like he had ever seen; she looked so sweet and so simple and when the little sunlight reflected on her face, she was glowing. She had such a slender and curvaceous figure. He felt her forehead and quickly removed his hands from skin contact when he realized that this girl had a fever, therefore, she fainted and collapse down the floor.

She looked so weak, so vulnerable. Knowing what to do, he gently carried the feverish girl from the cold ground in his strong arms and continued walking home.


He unlocked the door with his free arm while his other arm carried the unconscious girl. With much effort, the door opened and he entered his house and closed the door behind him. He looked around and realized the emptiness of his home, the lack of mirth therefore made him conclude that his family must be out again. With a tired sigh, he carried the girl with both of his arms and walked upstairs to the guest room.

When he entered the room, he hurriedly laid the feverish girl on the bed and with a tender smile; he put a soft warm blanket on her. He quickly went downstairs and took a clean towel and a basin of clean cold water and ran back upstairs to the room where the girl slept. He went near her and soaked the towel with water from the basin and wringed it, allowing the excess water to drip down the water-filled basin. He tenderly placed the cold damp towel on her burning forehead and ran back downstairs.

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He made himself busy in the kitchen. He was preparing a warm healthy soup for the girl. He didn’t know how to cook well but he saw his mother did lots of times and he was sure whatever he was making was edible. Fishing out a can of corn peas from the cabinet, he opened it with the can-opener and poured the luscious contents of the can on the boiling water in front of him. His hands moved quickly towards the refrigerator and took out pieces of sliced meat and threw them inside the boiling hot casserole.

After adding more ingredients and seasonings into the boiling pot, he mixed the succulent soup with a ladle. When he saw the color of the mixture, he smiled with satisfaction as he sniffed the aroma emitting from the soup. It smelled delicious. He took a spoon and scooped some of the soup and took a sip. His lips twisted into a smile since he found the soup tasty and lukewarm.

He took a plastic bowl and poured the warm soup in and added a plastic spoon. He took the bowl in his hands and exited the kitchen. He took careful steps up the stairs while constantly glancing on the soup on his hands, cautious so that he won’t spill it. Taking the last step of the stairs, he grinned cockily since the bowl of soup in his hands did not even spill a drop. He walked towards the room with the girl and once he was in there, he placed the bowl on a desk beside her bed and waited for the girl to wake up.

He couldn’t stop looking at every bit of her face, her beautiful and silky long black hair, her fair white skin and (her beautiful being)?. As she breathed, he observed her once more. Her slow but steady intake of air mesmerized him. He looked outside the window and saw the sun had come out from the clouds again, although it would be sunset soon. (he knew this brightened the atmosphere.)sentence not important.

After a few moments, the girl’s eyelids started to shake and suddenly, her weak eyes fluttered open.

“You’re awake.” The boy greeted with a smile.

As soon as she realized her situation after seeing the very handsome boy grinning in front of her, she quickly got up to a sitting position and went into a sudden panic, throwing the blanket away from her. The damp towel on her forehead fell off as well. There was fear in her eyes. She looked around the room she was in and eventually felt the soft bed she was lying on.

“Where…where am I?” The girl asked with a scared voice. She had just woken up, realized that she was in an unfamiliar place, she was lying on a bed and moreover, a guy was right in front of her! She wondered how did all of this happen without her knowledge and how was she brought here. Then, she remembered that she was walking in the street and had a high fever… wait… did

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the guy take advantage of her when she fell unconscious?! She thought in utmost horror.

The guy was startled in seeing her frightened and knew the reason right away. If a girl found herself in a place she didn’t know… and with a guy she never met before, she would indeed be alarmed. Understanding her feelings, the lad explained in a calm and friendly voice when the girl attempted to stand up and leave the place.

“Wait.” The man said, holding her hand, stopping her from leaving. “Just let me explain.” “Who are you? Where did you find me?” The girl asked once more with a shaky and hoarse voice. “You’ve got a fever… and you must have collapsed on the sidewalk. While I was passing by, I saw you lying down the floor… and I wanted to help you… so I brought you to my humble home… and I let you stay here for a while, you know, to rest. I even prepared soup for you.”

The girl was still in shock, if what he said was true, then, he is really a very kind person, a very considerate and caring one at that. “Is that true?” “Yes.” Silence filled the air. “Why?” The girl asked in the quiet nothingness of the atmosphere. “You don’t even know me.” The guy smiled understandingly and said. “I couldn’t just ignore you, could I? What kind of jerk would I be if I did? Your fever was really high… and I don’t know any near hospital around. Look, I did it because I cared, alright?”

Enough was said. “Thank you.” The girl mumbled when a small smile appeared from her lips. “Do you want to drink some soup? I made this for you. Warm soup always helps sick patients.” The guy said with an affectionate smile while reaching out a bowl of soup that he held in his hands. The girl nodded, and with a little blush, said “Thank you” again.

The girl took a sip and savored the taste while she smelled the delectable aroma accompanying it. She swallowed it. “So? How is it?” The guy asked kindly. With a smile, the girl replied. “A little bit salty but it tastes good.” The guy’s smile softened as he watched her eat and enjoy what he had prepared for her.

After she finished the soup, she looked at him with gratefulness and said. “I really thank you for all your help. And I’m sorry for the bother… but I need to go home now.” “Ah…wait.” The boy called out while holding her hand. “You’re still feverish, I’ll walk you home.” The girl replied shyly. “No, it’s ok. I can manage. I’ve disturbed you too much already.”

“No, it’s alright, really, don’t resist. It is dangerous for a girl like you to walk by yourself now that it is quite late already… and there are lots of bad people out there. I insist. I’ll walk you home.” The girl simply smiled back at him and thanked him for his kindness and compassion and said. “Thanks for your concern.” She

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felt lucky meeting a man like him because not many men could be that kind-hearted to a girl and he was one of them.


While quietly walking down the street with the beautiful crimson red sunset, the boy broke the silence. “I never got to know your name… what is it?” “My name’s Grace.” She responded shyly. “You have a really beautiful name… Oh, I’m Alfred, but, call me Fred.” He introduced, and then Grace just blushed and said timidly. “Oh… nice name…” The walk was silent yet again. “Ah… there’s my house!” The girl said while pointing at a cute house nearby. “Oh, that house?” The boy asked in surprise. “I always ride a bike every morning… and I pass by this road… and I see your house everyday.” The girl controlled a laugh and smiled. “Oh, that’s a coincidence!” “Yeah…” The boy smiled in return.

Soon enough, the two reached the house and as Grace opened the door with her key, both her parents appeared from the door with worried faces. “Grace! Where have you been?” The father asked worriedly. “I told you not to go to school today, didn’t I?” The mother said apprehensively. “What took you so long? We were all so worried of you! How’s your fever?”

Noticing the man behind their daughter, they both asked. “Who is he, Grace? Is he your friend?” Grace’s father had this overprotective look in him when he saw a man beside his precious daughter. Grace laughed a bit and introduced him. “He’s name is Fred. I just met him today and he saved me.” Fred smiled and respectfully bowed to her parents and explained when he saw the surprise in her parents’ expression. “I’ll explain…”

“Why? What happened to my Grace?” The father asked a little bit angrily. “Come in, come in.” The mother said hospitably. “Let’s talk inside.” “Thank you.” Fred thanked with another smile as he and Grace entered the house. That night, Fred ate dinner in Grace’s house and the two explained to Grace’s parents and Grace’s siblings what really transpired that day.

The parents of Grace loved Fred a lot for what he did to Grace that day and Grace would always ride the bike with Fred to the park every morning when he passed by their house that beautiful summer. Sometimes, Fred would even cook soup again and let Grace eat it. Of course, Fred introduced Grace to his family as well and they were just as warm to her. Both Grace’s parents and Fred’s parents also got acquainted with each other and later became good friends.

Soon enough, they realized that they were both from the same high school but Fred was one year older than Grace. They were slightly wondering why they never saw each other back then in school… why they never met inside the campus if they were schoolmates. The juniors and seniors had different uniforms and their school was big so it was hard to recognize when they first met.

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Grace was 17 while Fred was 18. Fred was going to a university next year and he was planning to be a doctor while Grace was turning fourth year high school. Grace planned to be a doctor as well after she graduates high school. And true enough, after a year, both of them fulfilled their dreams.

Fred got into a nice and prestigious university while Grace became the valedictorian of their batch in fourth year. They both studied in the same college now, aiming to strive hard in their studies to be good doctors. They became the best of friends. They didn’t focus on love yet but rather they studied really hard and remained friends. Because real love waits… it does not haste… and a relationship cannot be made in a whim, they had to form their characters and build strong friendship with each other first before the crossed the line of friends to lovers. It is because the longer the relationship is built, the longer it will last.


Six years passed and they grew more and more affectionate towards each other. They studied medical school together and Fred would always help Grace in her studies since he was a year older. Deep down, both of them secretly liked each other very much but neither could admit it, probably part of the reason was rejection.

But then, one day, when Fred was 24 years old, he was able to admit his feelings. In the park where the usually went every morning, Fred suddenly spoke up while he and Grace were walking. He was nervous indeed, he started to sweat and he also felt the rhythm of his heart pumping faster and faster. He gave a shaky sigh… feeling really tensed. Grace just stared at him. Ignoring his loud heartbeats, Fred reached out his hand and held Grace’s shoulder and gave a friendly squeeze with an accompanied smile.

“Fred? What’s wrong? Are you sick?” Grace asked worriedly when she noticed his actions. Her eyes had traces of love and care. She gently held his forehead and concluded. “Your head’s not hot.” “No, I…” Fred started but lost his composure but tried to be calm, regaining it. Sighing, he said at last. “Grace… I’ve known you for six years now… and…” His eyes looked sideward, not wanting to meet her eyes. For a man, he really didn’t have the guts to tell her how he felt about her.

“And…?” Grace asked with confusion written all over her face. “I was attracted to your beauty and fragileness… when I saw you lying down unconscious on that street… the very first time I laid my eyes on you… and… ever since, I started to like you more and more… day by day I see you smiling… and you make me happy. My feelings grew… and I see you more than just a friend… I felt this way since before… but I never told you. Although you might not feel the same way, I…I…” Grace’s eyes widened and she gasped. Taking a deep breath, he finally

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released the words. “I love you, Grace… you’re the best person I’ve ever met… I’ll always love you, Grace…”

Tears fell from Grace’s eyes, the drops flowing one by one. A pain like a stab of a dagger penetrated Fred’s chest when he saw those tears. In a panic, Fred wiped the accumulating tears lingering in her eyes and said in a rush. “I’m sorry… you didn’t like what I said, did you? Did I hurt your feelings? I’m truly sorry, Grace…sorry… I didn’t mean to upset you…” “No…it’s not like that…” Grace said while sniffing. More tears flowed out and she inhaled deep breaths. “Because… since before… I…” She swallowed hard, her blurry eyes focused on his and with a smile she said lovingly. “I love you, too…”

Fred’s eyes widened and he was very elated when he heard those words. Not daring to believe, he asked for reassurance. “Is…Is that true?” With a small nod, Grace blurted out. “I really love you…” She said while breathing hard and controlling her tears of joy, looking in his eyes. Instantly, Fred implanted a long passionate kiss on Grace’s lips and she did not resist. After the kiss, Grace smiled and said. “I really love you…” “As do I…” He replied while gently cupping her cheek with his palm. And so, under the mahogany tree, Grace and Fred gave each other an affectionate and gentle embrace.

And so, their relationship started and it bloomed into a beautiful strong love. Fred and Grace promised each other that they would love each other unconditionally, through thick and thin, for better or for worse.


One night, Fred was walking to Grace’s house for a visit. Then, as he neared the house, he saw fire trucks and firefighters near the place and neighbors were screaming and panicking. There was thick smoke everywhere. He got worried and so he asked one of the troubled neighbors. “Hey, what’s happening?” “A…A house is burning!! And a person is trapped inside!” The man screamed in terror. “What?” Fred yelped in dread. “Whose house is burning? Who’s trapped inside?”

Even before the trembling man could answer, Fred heard a scream… no, screams. It sounded like Grace’s mother and father. His eyes widened in horror as he swiftly ran towards the voices. “What’s happening here?” Fred asked uneasily as he approached the couple. “Fred! Grace is trapped inside our house! The kitten hit one of the huge candles in Grace’s room and it caused this huge fire! All of us were able to escape… but… then… now we realize that Grace is still in there!! She’s still in her room!!” Grace’s mother cried endlessly as she narrated.

“Grace!! Grace!!!” Grace’s father screamed while tears continuously fell down the ground. At that time, it was like Fred’s heart just stopped beating. He couldn’t let this happen. She couldn’t die… she just couldn’t! If Grace died, he wouldn’t be

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able to live anymore. His eyes started to sting as tears were forming in his eyes. She was the only girl in his life and she was the most important thing to him in the whole world. His lips trembled as he saw how the fire devoured the house.

And so, with eyes burning with determination, Fred screamed as he ran through the crowd surrounding the house. “I’m going to save you, Grace!!” “No!!” Grace’s father yelled. “You’ll die!!!” “I don’t care!!! There is no life worth living without her!!!” Fred screamed back, shocking the crowd when he entered the burning house.

He constantly took deep breaths as he navigated himself to Grace’s room, avoiding all the burning pieces of cement and wood to fall on him. At this point, Fred was already wheezing because of the thick smoke and he also got several minor burns in his body but he didn’t care. He wanted to be reunited with her once again; he wanted to see her once more, even for the last time. No physical pain could be greater than the melancholy he would feel if ever Grace burned into ashes.

The powerful desire that Fred had towards Grace led him to this level of bravery… self sacrifice. Yes, his love for her was unconditional, for better or for worse. If Grace would die, he will stay with her until the very end, enjoying their last moment.

He ignored his bleeding and stinging wounds as he courageously ran towards her room. Then, his heart melted in an instant when he saw her lying barely alive on the floor. Fire was already surrounding her and she inhaled deeply, her lungs were probably begging for air. There were tears in her eyes. She had burns all over her body and she was already screaming with all the pain.

Fred’s heart sank as tears now fell from his eyes. He crawled beside her, baring the intense pain of fire touching his skin. He breathed hard. Then, he enveloped her whole body in an embrace. “Grace…” Grace’s eyes opened in a flash when she heard that familiar voice and when she felt that caring embrace. “Fred!” She cried out. “Why…why are you here? You’ll die!” “I’m trying to save you…” He said, teary-eyed. Then, forcing a soft smile on his face, he whispered. “You’ll be alright; I’m getting you out of here…” Fire was surrounding them now; their bodies were already in critical condition.

“Fred… why would you risk your life for me…?” Grace asked while crying, the fire already getting to her. “I love you…” Fred moaned when pieces of cement fell on him. “Love is unconditional… for better or for worse… I’m with you…” He replied with a very weak voice. The heat was draining his energy to the very last. “You are a part of me… if you died… I can never be whole again…”

Fred used all his might to carry Grace and tried to stand up and walk. He wheezed and wheezed again and realized that he could no longer stand. Instead,

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he crawled his way out of the room on the little spaces wherein fire still wasn’t there with Grace limped on his arms.

The two gagged for more oxygen but there was no use. The only thing entering their lungs was heavy smoke. “I love you until the very end…” Grace said while tears fell from her eyes. She was already very weak. “…thank you… I will always love…” Suddenly, Fred silenced her with a soft kiss on the lips while holding her slender waist firmly. The two were already almost dying but they still held onto each other, while embracing each other as tight as they can, they kissed each other passionately once more while their fingers were entwined with each other. Their love for each other had no boundary. Not even death can break them apart.


Grace slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry and her whole body stung painfully, her chest throbbing. Every muscle of her was swollen, even her face, and every little movement she made created unbearable pain. She opened her eyes wider this time… and the first thing that came to mind was Fred. She wondered if the place she was in was heaven because all her blurry eyes could see was white. She wondered if Fred was here in heaven, too. Then, she started to recognize someone out of her vague vision…her mother!

“You’re awake!” Her mother exclaimed with great relief. “Steven!” Her mother called out to her dad. “Grace is awake!!” “What?” Her father cried out with joy as he ran towards her. “Mom…? Dad…? Where am I? What happened?” Grace mumbled with a very soft voice. “You are here in the Intensive Care Unit, honey. Firefighters were able to get you and Fred out of the fire on time, thank goodness! But luckily, the doctor was able to save you! You just have to stay here for a while and recover…” Grace’s mom explained while kissing her lightly on the forehead.

“Fred was so brave… he just ran in there to save you…” The father said with awe. “He really loves you that much… I really love that boy…” ”Where’s Fred?” Grace asked softly, only moving a little because there were tubes inserted all over her body. There was also an oxygen tank beside her. With a smile, her father said. “He’s in the other room and his parents are also there taking care of him… he’s also in the same condition… but he will survive.” A small smile formed on Grace’s lips when she whispered. “Thank goodness…” Then, after that, she went back into deep slumber.


After several months of recovery, therapy included, Grace and Fred were finally discharged from the hospital and they were free to go home. There were still burn marks and scars left on them but most of their wounds have healed. They still had bandages, though, and they still had to ride the wheelchair since they

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cannot walk long distances. They were just glad they survived that day. Surviving that kind of fire was very rare and they were grateful to God for that.

“I could have never survived if you didn’t come for me…” Grace reminded Fred with a tender smile. Grace and Fred were both seated on wheelchairs at the park under the same mahogany tree where they had their first kiss two years ago. Fred smiled back at her and answered. “Because I could never live happily without you…”

“You save me over and over again…” Grace said in a soft voice, almost crying. “My skin is not as beautiful now… because of my burn marks and my scars… I’m ugly…You might not like me anymore… and I’m so weak…” She said sadly while her eyes were cast downwards, tears falling. “I’m not that shallow.” Fred said with a smile on his face.

“I have those scars, too… I told you…my love for you is unconditional… whether you’re bald…or fat… or whatever… I still like you no matter what and that can never change… my love for you did not decrease one bit… Even compared to a beautiful tall model, I will still choose you… You are the only one… no one can ever replace…” Fred said with full of love and understanding while stroking her cheek as gently as he could, wiping her tears away.

“I am really grateful to have someone like you.” Grace said with softness in her eyes. “Same here, Grace…” Fred said. “Hey… I’m not fat… nor am I bald!” Grace pointed out. “I know…I know…” Fred said with a laugh while looking at her with love and said. “I just said if…” “Oh…” Grace murmured with a small smile on her lips. Side by side, they were seated on their wheelchair, and somehow, Fred managed to give her a soft kiss on the lips. “Grace…” Fred said nervously. “I know this isn’t the best time but…” Grace listened carefully. “…will you marry me?”

Grace’s breath stopped for a moment, and a huge smile crept on her face. “Yes! Yes! I love you with all my heart, with all my soul and with my entire mind! Yes, I will marry you!” Grace responded merrily. “I’m so glad…” Fred whispered while caressing her cheek. “You’re still beautiful… and besides… our wounds will soon heal.” Grace smiled at him and said. “Even if you are not handsome, I will still love you… because my love for you is unconditional… my love knows no limits…”

“But I’m still handsome.” Fred said proudly while laughing. Grace laughed with him. “I love you…” Fred whispered. And once again, under the mahogany tree, the lovers stayed and kissed. And so they wed in the Church after. Both of them became successful doctors and they had four children. They had a very happy family full of love. No matter how much the world changes, their love for each other will never change.

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Their scars and burn marks simply represent the hardships and pain they are willing to go through just for the betterment of the other. They can go through anything together. And that is how much they both love each other. No words were said after, only good actions were done. Action speaks louder than words and true love is not simply a desire but a sacrifice and also for better or for worse. That may sound cliché, but it is true. And so, this story is sealed with the kiss of true love, a true love that can never be broken by time or distance.

The End

March 31, 2009- Apr 2, 2009