Unabridged Constitution

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  • 7/29/2019 Unabridged Constitution



    The Presidents Oath of Ofice

    By FRANKLIN E. PARKERAuthor of

    Capital Punishment-The Heritage of Children

    The Autocrat With Parrot RefrainFashion, etc.


  • 7/29/2019 Unabridged Constitution


  • 7/29/2019 Unabridged Constitution


    Divine character is the crown of lifestudded with jewels of worthy actsand radiant with the spirit of God.

  • 7/29/2019 Unabridged Constitution


    Atonementis the

    open doorthat leads

    to the wisdomof


  • 7/29/2019 Unabridged Constitution


    TBECONSTlTUTION UNABRIDGEDExfracfs From fhe Constitution

    THE PRESIDENTS OATH OF OFFICE.I do solemnly swear or affirm that I willfaithfully execute the office of President of theUnited States, and will to the best of my abilitypreserve, protect, and defend the Constitution ofthe United States.Y OU will notice there is no mention of God-not even an evasive reflection: but the in-flated 1 is especially identified.

    As a Christian, the President has sworn with his3

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    THE CONSTITUTION UNABRIDGED.hand up-lifted before God, to honor the Bible, andas such he is held to the precepts of religion as avoluntary religious test.

    As a President, he has sworn to defend the Con-stitution-and the Constitution positively statesthat No religious test shall be required.

    Verily ! the President is in rather a delicate posi-tion for a conscientious man.

    How can a President be faithful to both sid,esof the contradiction and remain a Christian or anhonest man ?

    I do solemnly swear or affirm-to whom doesthis informal oath of office appeal? To the peopleof the United States, or to those present at the cere-monies ? Possibly directly to none-but, indirect-ly to all-as nothing definite is cited.

    Be it known there is no oath but an oath takenunto God that is binding and sacred. You arethen responsible to God and the spirit of God with-in your own heart and soul.

    Is the President responsible to God when heswears by the Bible?

    If so-then the Bible is of more value than theConstitution.

    I presume many would retort, if the President isresponsible to God, then let God settle with thePresident.

    Good! but as the spirit of God is within each and4

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    THE CONSTITUTION UNABRIDGED.every mortal-then the spirit within each andevery soul has a perfect right to question the Presi-dent, as we are all a part of God within our souland th,e god-like essence when recognized will pre-dominate.

    That is why mortal has a right to censure or re-buke sin and unrighteous ways. The spirit ofGod within us rises with indignation.

    Do not let the President forget that God can bein humble ranks as well as exalted ones, irrespec-tive of race, party or culture.

    The Constitution makes no definite declaration,special mention---or apparent discrimination-sim-ply, I do solemnly swear or affirm. It is eitheran intentional oversight or a perfect reflection ofmans perfidious weakness and evasion to rigidprinciples.

    To solemnly swear is ahnost universally ac-cepted as an iron-clad, irrevocable obligation untoGod. Otherwise, the sacredness of being sponsorfor a million people, descends to a low type of deigeneracy that reflects damnation on the presentmodus operandi of public control.

    Especially when accompanied with the polish ofcollege training and such a clear understanding ofmoral obligation.

    So pronounced.

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    THE CONSTITUTION UNABRIDGED.Moral obligations are not diplomatic toys for the

    manipulation of the brainy or classy, but divineduties that test the righteous value of honest in-dividuals-particularly when occuping the pulpit ofa nation.To affirm is a prefix conveying the Presidentsintention toward the people. Climatic in its na-ture and subject to a spell of diplomatic weather,so heart rending in devotion for the good of thecommon people.

    Buffoonery is a spurious method to serve the po-litical purpose of a favored few. But! never toguide the welfare of a civilized nation or the destinyof deserving souls. Never! Moral obligation has nospecials or favored few. It is universal and ap-plies equal to allYgood or bad, high or low. AsGod is within each and every soul, he cannot be di-vided against himself.

    Then, let us be explicit as to who we serve-Godor Mammon.

    If God-then honor the bible in your Constitutionand demand a moral obligation from all whoserve in control.If Mammon-unveil your college training to thenudeness of hypocrisy,*and bow in sincere penitenceto the simplicity of honest motives from com-mon intelligence. Quite vivid in contrast to theprodigious brains of the cultivated few. Particu-6

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    THE CONSTITUTION UNABRIDGED.larly when they chant Nearer my God to Thee ona glorious Sabbath day.Profundity Personified. .

    Where honesty is bliss tis folly to be cultivated.

    If the Presidents oath of office is not responsibleto mortal, then the formality of a soletrrn oath isambiguous to screen an undesirable motive. But-the Presidents oath taken on the Bible is bind-ing, and he is held in inviolable trust unto God.That means-religion shall be a part of his officeat all time.

    Then insert in your Constitution and demand areligious test-by annulling as now wed: Noreligious test shall be required.

    Does not the solemnity of the question

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    THE CONSTITUTION UNABRIDGED.tude to their forefathers who publicly honored God.

    Evidently our honored sires and cultured col-leagues-lacking in inoral courage to support animpartial conviction, have secreted the truth withinthe confines of their superstition-fearing lest theblaspheme of public censure be raised against themfor daring to question the ingratitude of those whofounded the Constitution.

    Possibly the question has never received due con-sideration except from a standpoint of blind ac-ceptance. But then-like many other granted fa-vors and consequential courtesies, the custom hasbeen acceptled as unquestioned; and must be sup-ported even if through the remarkable weakness ofpublic forbearance, regardless of truth and eternalpreservation.As Milton states :-The voice of God to mortal ears is dreadful.

    Ihe unpardonable sin of designating I do sol-emnly swear or affirm as a thing to be endearedis preposterous. But-to be endured is self-evi-dent.

    However the loyalty of righteous individualsshould be superceded by gratitude and respect tothe l3iety at all times, as moral obligation is theBrotherhood of Man. 8

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    THE CONSTITUTION UNABRIDGED.The Constitution without God has no permanent

    foundation.To protect, preserve and defend the Constitutionis glorious, when deserving-but the rights of thepeople as regards the commodities of life demand agreater protection and defence than the Constitu-tion, as the present predicament of private con-

    trol should suggest.A solemn oath is the greatest religious test thatmortal man can utter. Fearlessly confessing be-fore other mortals that God is omnipotent and su-preme.Woe be unto him who breaketh his oath as itmeans the dispensation of his. soul. And yet theConstitution declares No religious test required.If Christians-how pathetic? Can mortal mind con-ceive a greater sin than snubbing God.Hath independence such an imperative sway as

    to ignore the omnipotent?Is the Constitution such a reliablie factor as to,discountenance the support and guidance of Al-mighty God ! What is ithe Constitution as it stands-but the outgrowth and result of earthly conception-dedicated and commemorated by man to man.9

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    THE CONSTITUTION UNABRIDGED.A STUBBORN CHILD WITHOUT A FATHER.History has (repeated itself the world over withstubborn children.It does not take a classic or cultivated brainto demonstrate this fact, although I grant the ex-hibition is more pronounced in favored homes,than among the common herd as these arrogant

    superiors are prone to express it.

    Then is not the feeble phrase-1 do solemnlyswear or affirm an informal declaration to man-and not an oath to God ?.Would it not be better if executed as follows:--I do solemnly swear unto God, that I will faith-

    %ly execute the office of President of the UnitedStates and will to the best of my ability-preserve,protect and defend the interests of our people,through the Constitution of the United States,when it serves to honor the Deity.

    Are not Gods rights the equal rights of human-ity? Is he not a part of each and every individualas the seed of their soul?If the Constitution serves God, it must serve thepeople. Nothing can be more positive, as even achild can realize that. 10

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    THE CONSTITUTION UNABRIDGED.Hath man th,e precedence over God in (the hearts

    of a Christian people ?If so-since when.Then how can a professed Christian assume the

    responsibilities of a great executive office, the presi-dential chair or pulpit of the United States, where-in thousands of souls depend upon the voicings ofthe Presidents sentiments to nourish the growthand welfare of their souls-unless that individualappreciates and is reliable unto whom his oath ofoffice is given.C Whether partisanism--or mortal braggarts

    whose voice and power fadeth as the morning dew-or unto infallible powers that hold him personallyresponsible for the expression of his every act to al lhumanity. .

    When a man is sponsor for a million people, is hedirectly responsible to God or man ? Let a clearconscience give thee answer. Quail not! but I fearself-independence hath served thee a boastful mas-ter.

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    EXTRACT FROM THE CONSTITUTION.The President can recommend any measure he

    may deem necessary to Congress.H EREIN lies the channel by which redemptionmay be sought.Here lies the golden opportunity of a martyredsoul.If the President has professed an oath under acovenant, with the Bible to protect the Constitution,and the Constitution emphatically declares :-No religious test required-Let him beware!Let him repudiate the henious outrage that hasbeen perpetrated unto God, and zealously insist12

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    THE CONSTITUTION UNABRIDGED.upon remedying the evil, by annulling such a sacri-legious thought-No religious test required. Thathe may prove himself to be worthy as a true Chris-tion:-otherwise there is a dubious reflection ofan arrant knave.

    No man can impersonate a Christian by swearingto both sides of a contradiction at once.

    Be thou faithful unto death-yea I faithful untothy Father who art in heaven.

    We are all his children, worthy when we honorhis name and do his bidding. Unworthy when adisrespect and self-independence actuates our im-pulses to ignore his aid or presence.

    If unworthy as his children, how can we hon-estly and righteously expect to guide other chil-dren ?

    Self-independence bears the burden of self-indul-gence ; wh,ile self-reliance wears the crown ofself-respect.

    0 ! ye that don the Presidential cap, open thineears to hear and thine eyes to see. Send forth thyvoice in clarion tones to the multitudes, emphasiz-ing the absolute necessity of protecting the chil-dren of humanity over whom you preside.13

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    THE CONSTITUTION UNABRIDGED.Save them from the avalanche of misery and sin

    that impedes with imminent destruction.Honor thy Cod.Seek his aid and comforting influence. Counten-

    ance his name in every act of the Constitution.Bow to his inevitable will.Religion in sincerity is the rock of ages and the

    only foundation for a Christian people and its laws.This does not in any way bear a suggestion tocreed.

    Creed may embody a religious thought-but re-ligion is in no way akin to creed.

    Religion is a high sense of moral obligationand spirit of worship and reverence, which affectsthe heart of man with respect to the Deity. (Web-ster).

    Religion is the chime of a sacred hear-L(God from within, the internal ruling.)Creed is tile mouthpiece for a fertile brain.(His Nobs! from without, the external ruling.)Were not our forefathers Christian people?if the privilege of a President permits him to14

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    THE CONSTITUTION UNABRIDGED.recommend any measure he may deem it necessaryto Congress, then as a Christian man why dont herecognize and honor Christianity first and last, bysubmitting the truth to the people.

    If Congress attempts to repudiate a reverenceto God, let the President send forth an urgent appeal to the civilized public that they may honor theDeity and so declare through the public means ofexpression open to all.

    The ballot and church, where the truth shouldbe spoken and encouraged through a duty and re-spect to God.

    If politicians close their eyes and ears to the sa-oredness of honor and gratitude, Mr. President,then give the unaffected masses an opportunityto show their appreciation of Gods help in aidingthe Pilgrim Fathers, and the public in return willhonor you for doing your duty and showing a mor-al courage in elevating humanity to a sense of truthand justice, through seeking Gods help and protec-tion.

    It might be the one redeeming feature of a life-tim-for the children of this gewratfon to prizeand honor as a most remarkable heirloom.

    The Pilgrims, who honored God were loyal,brave and true. Untutored in the gloss and glamourof diplomatic suavity, they were proud of their16

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    THE CONSTITUTION UNABRIDGED.public devotion and loyalty in seeking Gods guid-ance.Courtesy to them meant honor. They did notseek the slick grooming of a mans personalappearance or the polish of an oratonca1 tongue.They sounded the heart to the prick of loyal prideand the core of honor.That was culture enough for them or any othersincere mortal.Give us your hand my brother,If honest-well pull together-Regardless of weather-That God may bless us all.Brothers through love and religion, for true re-ligion, was the foundation of their motive and ahelping hand to each other.This is the Brotherhood of Man.


    Extracts From the ConstitutionThe Constitution and laws of the United Slates

    shall be the supreme law of the land.Supreme ! without Gods help? Never!16

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    A NOTHER self-important, independent and im-prudent clause, that hath attempted to exilethe supremacy of God from the hearts of humanity.Barren of the seed that beareth precious food tofeed and educate the human heart.

    Destitute of raiment to clothe the impetuous andwilful arrogance that hath dared to defy AlmightyGod.

    Ragged, tattered and torn like the prodigal son,the thought embodied in that clause, shall hide itsbrazen face beneath the dust of humiliation and seekrepentance within the humble confines of servility.

    Thinkest thou that Gods laws bow to the incom-plete and selfish rulings of unstable man?

    Tyrannical or sloppy in the rendering of theirpurport and meaning! Untutored in the knowledgeand wisdom of Justice-Nay ! Thou knowest wellthat within the Holy Bible is the supreme law of theland and woe be unto ye that dare attempt to super-cede it.

    Where are the ministers of the gospel who daredefend the supremacy of the Bible-O, where arethey ?Where are the sublime poets who dare sing of theinjustice at the bold imposition of the imposter-0,where are they?

    Where are the judges who rely so dependentlyupon the Bibleto extract honor and truth from17

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    THE CONSTITUTION UNABRIDGED.mortals known as being under oath+by which theseeminent potentates are enabled to render a finalopinion to immortalize their name.

    Does the Constitution extract honor and truthfrom mortals ? Then which one by practice and uni-versal belief should be recognized and recorded asthe supreme law of the land.

    Is not using the Bible to extract truth and honorfrom mortals, being dependent upon God?Then how can the Constitution be supreme-whenit is not recognized as a recording factor for takingan oath.

    God is supreme and his laws, not the Constitution.If the Constitution is a braggart-then remedy the

    defect at once.Alas ! my fellow beings, self-independence hath ledthee a ludicrous dance, flexible to the slightest tom&thou art animated to a selfish and greedy nature,grasping at fleeting shadows as they prophesy theeeternal fame and material wealth; that sooner or la-ter retumeth to dust and leaveth thee in the bittershades of remorse and discontent.Mortal ! thou art idiotic in thy clamor for socialprestige, that haileth thee-behold ! See the conquer-ing hero comes arrayed in the exquisite of clownishattire. Fashion and customs that bedeck the outerhide to burden the inner soul.18

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    THE CONSTITUTION UNABRIDGED.Verily ! self-thou art a pitiable picture of misery

    and distress. Steeped in weakness. Enamored ofthe follies and foibles that makes thee susceptible asthe slave of passionate desire--thou art bonded in-deed to the lust of pride.

    Shame on ye that try to carve thine own imagewithin the hearts of thy countrymen, instead of for-getting thine own identity and inscribing Godsname first.Is this the culmination of college life or publicservice?

    Is this the acme of perfection, plucked from theteachings of cultured pedagogues ?

    Fraught with that material intensity to satiate anearthly desire.

    If so-what a tremendous influence the materialbrain has exercised over the religious dictates of Je-sus. But ! some of the community quietly and un-observed have been developing spiritual growth anda true progress towards the purification and equalityof souls-that lead& kindly in the light to therealm of God. Where reward and reunion resoundin the most complete sense-Well done, thou goodand faithful servant.

    That is true prosperity and progression acquiredthrough no other source-than the knowledge thatcometh through the spirit of God, within thine own19

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    THE COhrSTITUTION UNABRIDGED.heart, when thou wilt but listen to the guidance ofhis voice at all time.Mr. President, it is up to you. Speak ye the truth.Be thou fearless and undaunted. Pronounce Godslaw as the supreme law of the land and the universe.Seek to have it recorded as such in the Constitution.Is not the word of God supreme,Above the din of gossips scream-

    Then what care ye for earths blaspheme,Live for thy God and God esteem.FRANKLIN E. PARKER.P. 0. I&n@&@,Boston, Mass.


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    Like unto a Aower,Simplicite divine,Seek God as dictator,Then wisdom is thine.Amidst the fields and meadows green,Where nature smiles with glance serene,Where innocence and beauty dwell,Where flowers nod and secrets tell,Where roses bloom beneath HIS care,And waft their fragrance on the air:There jeweled blossoms rimmed with dew,Are peeping thru with radiant hue,And sparkling like the stars at night,.They sip the sunbeams with delight,Then bask within the sun-kissed rays,And, in their silence, offer praise.So grateful like an humble child,Although uncultured-growing wild.So perfect is their confidenceThey turn to God with reverence.0 lead us kindly in the light,Thou God of love-Thou infinite,Protect us as Thou wouldst a child,For we are flowers growing wild:Within Thy smile, we seem to know,Is warmth to nourish as we grow.And when the night-fall creeps around,Though silence reigneth deep, profound,

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    We close our lids and boil our hea&,While softly fall the silken threads,And web-like in their weaving lay;To shield us ti ll the break of diy iSo thou,ghtful is Thy tender care,:We feel that Thou art everywhere,.And bow with gratitude to Thee, .For thou art love and sympathy.0 Mortal! seek the infiriite way, lrWaste ,nbE a nioment in delay,With.: honest. heart and thought; serene, .Have faith iti trusting God unsten: tReflectiotis of HIS itiage-l formFrom worthy acts that we perfoti. I,Improve each precious fleeting hour,

    .With faith in God as doth a flower;For faith has never yet been knownTo truly hemonstrale 6r ownThat God hath form for morttll eyes,.His only forhi -in spifif lies :Unknown to souls bf ,mdrbid .mind,.Whose lack of fitith will neve+ find 1.HIS loving touch.or guiding; hand* Until they seek to understandi,iFor evezi flowers seem to knowThat l ife tb HIM they fully owe,And iecognize iyith iaith and trtist.

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    Then mortal ! why not be as just?For when with confidence you lean,And trust in that which is unseen,Then you have faith and nothing more,For faith is trust which comes before:By having faith and holding fast,Then truth appears-and lo ! at last,Your faith unfolding like a rose,Will blossom knowle&ed,.. as it grows.Then faith is a crutchWe need in our youth,Till knowledge appearsTo teach us the truth.-We should never .despa$Or waiver in faith,As nothing but knowledgeCan ever replace.Then faith ki3 like buds,With knowledge the blows-The two +ogxzthe$;..Completing the rose.Like unto a flower,Simplicite divine,Seek God as dictator,

    Then wisdom is thine.Copyright qog. -Franklin E. Parker.

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    !.II Love

    is not ,

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