ULX: Photon/mechanical luminosities Manfred W. Pakull, Observatoire de Strasbourg coll. Roberto Soria, Christian Motch, and others Bamberg, June 18-22, 2012 Leiden, April 3, 2014 Manfred W. Pakull, Obs. de Strasbourg coll. R. Soria, C. Motch, Fabien Grisé & others Non-nuclear sources @ non-X ls S26 in NGC 7793

ULX: Photon/mechanical Non-nuclear sources @ non … · ULX: Photon/mechanical luminosities Manfred W. Pakull, Observatoire de Strasbourg coll. Roberto Soria, Christian Motch, and

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ULX: Photon/mechanical luminosities Manfred W. Pakull, Observatoire de Strasbourg coll. Roberto Soria, Christian Motch, and others

Bamberg, June 18-22, 2012

Leiden, April 3, 2014

Manfred W. Pakull, Obs. de Strasbourg coll. R. Soria, C. Motch, Fabien Grisé & others

Non-nuclear sources @ non-X ls

S26 in NGC 7793

Non-nuclear sources @ non-X ls

Manfred W. Pakull Observatoire de Strasbourg coll.: R. Soria, C. Motch, F. Grisé & others

Leiden, April 2, 2014

NGC 1313 X-2


We can learn a lot about a phenomenon at wavelengths other than @ discovery

e.g. UV: 0 star winds; radio: jets and lobes from AGN; X-ray: hot gas in ClG

Here: ULXs at radio, optical, IR

Counterparts proper: see Fabien Grisé’s talk

Me: Action on – and interaction with ISM due to photoionization and winds and jets

ULX bubble IC 342 X-1


Laurent Mirioni & Pakull 2002 W. H.T., Integral Field spectrograph, H T. Roberts et al. 2003

Tooth nebula; diameter 220 pc ! SNR-like spectrum



bubble diameter ~ 26’’ = 400 pc (!); SNR like spectrum !‏

ULXB NGC 1313 X-2

Pakull & Mirioni 02, 03; Grisé et al. 08

The ‘SNR’ around HolmbergIX X-1

Holmberg IX X-1 = M81 X-9: Lx ~1040 erg/s; Grisé et al 2011 Miller (1995): X-ray superluminous SNR; but X-ray variable point source! see also Abolmasov & Moiseev 2008


Subaru Ha [OIII] B

30 "


500 pc

Holmberg II ULX an X-ray ionized nebula

Holmberg II ULX an X-ray ionized nebula

Broad (5 ’’) spectroscopic slit

Holmberg II ULX an X-ray ionized nebula; HeIIl4686 emiss.)

Holmberg II ULX an X-ray ionized nebula; HeIIl4686 emiss.)

Pakull & Mirioni 2002 NGC1313-X2 a rapidly expanding nebula

Size ~ 570 x 400 pc

Vex ~ 100 km/s

highly supersonic expansion !



Ramsey et al 2006


What makes ULXBs shine ?

Photoionisation by the X-ray source (and companion)

radiative shocks from highly supersonically expanding gas (a bit like SNRs)

NB: in many ULX bubbles, there is indication for both: photoionization

and shock-ionisation, ex. Holmberg IX, NGC 1313 X-2, N6946-MF16;

c.f. Abolmasov et al. 2007, 8

Same problem in AGNs, Liners, …

X-ray photoionization (XIN) No sharp Strömgren spheres because gas becomes optically thin for high hn photons; outer region of warm (10^4 K) nearly neutral atoms . With respect to stellar photoio: + strong low ionization lines [OI]l6300, [NI] l5200 [SII]; (but can be destroyed by O companion) With respect to stellar photoio: + very high ionization lines, HeII, [OIV] (IP = 54 eV=4Ryd) , [NeV] (IP = 97 eV) Te ~ 10,000 K; <~ 20,000 K for Z/Zsol < 0.2 (i.e. SMC) H, {HeIIl4686} ‘count ’ ionizing photons hn > 1Ryd , {>4Ryd} use Ferland’s Photoionization code Cloudy -> Possibility to derive ionizing luminosity from recomb. lines

Calibrating XIN (around M33 X-7)

Eclipsing (3.45 d MXRB, 16 Mo BH + 70 Mo O star Pietsch et al 2006, Orocz et al 2007 (48 GMOS spectra)

* Sits in HII region B0208f with HeII l4686 emission d(He++) = 4.5’’ = 20 pc * He+ -> He++ photoionisation by the X-ray source Pierre Maggi, Xian Hou & MWP 2012, 2014

Modelisation of photoionisation with Cloudy: degeneracy between models can be lifted (PowL, DiskBB, KerrBB excluded !) Brems, p-free-DiskBB (T~r-p) allowed

M33 X-7 cont

M33 X-7: L(4686)/L(0.3-10) = 2E 35 / 1E 38 ~ 0.002

LMC X-1: L(4686)/L(0.3-10) 2 E35/2 E38 ~ 0.001, Pakull&Angebault 1986


Holmberg II X-1

HST ACS; Kaaret et al 2004

Ha HeII [OI]

Pakull & Mirioni 2002; Mirioni 2003 thesis; CFHT broad-slit

L4686= 2.5 1036 erg/s

Using Cloudy , one derives an integrated X-ray luminosity Lx ~ 6 10 39 erg/s

No strong beaming here !! L(4686)/L(0.3-10) ~ 0.0002

[OIV] l25.9 emission in Holmberg II X-1

Spitzer observations: Berghea et al. 2009 note: IP (O++) ~ IP(He+) ~ 54 eV Extensive Cloudy modeling: Lx = 1.2E40 erg/s

Interesting: an XRB in an IS cloud (n >10 cm-3) creates

1 HeII l4686 photon per 1 X-ray photon

L4686/hn4868 ~ Lx(0.5-10keV) /2 keV

( poor man’s X-ray telescope)

Ionization by shocks

A few elements of shock physics (A) Adiabatic, non-radiative shock ( no B field) n1 = 4 n0; v1= 3/4 vs ; T1 ~ 105 K v100


(I) Isothermal, fully radiative shock (no B field) n2 = M2 n0; v2 = vs; T2=T0

Dopita & Sutherland 95 vs = 400 km/s

high- and low-ionization lines formed @ different Te e.g., Te[OIII] ~ 30-40 kK Te[OI] ~ 8 kK broad emission lines Dv ~ vs


[0I] 6300

Cooling & recombination

Shock diagnostics

[OIII]l5007/Hb ratio as function of shock vel. vs (Dopita et al 1984)

10 3 1






log distance from shock uncomlete radiative shock (see Raymond et al 1988)







radiative shocks

For fully radiative shocks dissipated energy (shock luminosity per surface element [erg/cm2/s]) is l = ½ r vs

3, spherical shock L = l4p R2 = 2p r R2 vs3

and a certain fraction is radiated as H recombination radiation, i.e., lb (~0.003 x l) Dopita et al 96, Allen et al. 08

+ precursor emission (photoionized by X-ray/EUV emission from shock) observable spectrum depends on vs ; age (completeness)

lb = 7.4x10-6 vs2.4 n0 erg/cm2/s

Structure and Energetics of ULX Bubbles


self–similar solution for hydrodynamics; p = (g-1) e

Rs = (125/154p)1/5 (Lw/r)1/5 t3/5; vs = 3/5 Rs /t; g = 5/3

= (125/224p)1/5 “ “ “ ; = 4/3

Wind/jet driven bubble with power Lw and radiative outer shock (Weaver et al 1977)

Lrad = 27/77 Lw = 0.35 Lw for g = 5/3 = 27/112 Lw = 0.24 Lw = 4/3

Lw ~ 500* Lb for vs ~ 50-150 km/s

Radiative shock

Energetics of ULX Bubbles

• Bubble radii R ~200 pc (i.e. >> SNR)

• Expansion velocity vs ~ 80 – 150 km/s

• IS densities n ~ 0.1 - 1 cm-3

Age : t ~ 106 yrs;

Power Lw ~ 1039-40 erg/s ~ Lx (ULX) Total energy: Eo~ 1053 erg/s (several 100 SNe !!)

With Mdot x t = m Msol; m limited to a few; ( Lw = 1/2 x Mdot x vw2 )

vw = 0.19 c (L39 t 6 m–1)0.5 (mildly) relativistic

Estimate: ~ 25 % ULX blow observable bubbles

If ULX photon emission strongly beamed, than there

should be many ULXB with ULXs that are beamed away from us

Expect many more ULXB from apparently faint, or

presently inactive, or misaligned ULXs

Search for compact X-ray sources among

large SNRs candidates

some very large SNR candidates…

Lozinskaya & Moiseev 2007

Log - logD for SNR


10 100 300 pc

IC 10: Bubble around XRB WR + 30 Mo BH (LM 2007)‏ NGC 5585 S1: new ULX (Pakull & Grisé 2008)‏

very large ‘SNR’ ULX bubble


Matonick & Fesen 1997 noted huge

(200x300) pc ‘SNR’ in NGC 5585

300 pc

Later, R. Soria detected Chandra point

source (Lx~ 5 1039 cgs);

-> another case of a previously identified

‘SNR’: Ho IX, N6946X-1; M81X-6, … First case of an optically predicted/selected ULX

NGC1313: another huge ULX bubble ?

NGC1313 Ha VLT

X-2 ~1040 erg/s


Vexp = vs = 180 km/s -> Energetic bubble

Lw / Eo ~ 1039/1053 cgs

presently inactive ULX ?

Lx < 1037 erg/s

125x225 pc

Ngc 470/

Arp 227

NGC 474 NGC 470

CFHT calendar

HLX in NGC 470 (d=38 Mpc) Sutton, Roberts et al 2012: most extreme ULXs

Lx ~ 2-10 E40 erg/s

HII #46

HeII l4686

[OI ] ll6300,60

[NII] l5200

ESO VLT VM test observations 2011: ‘easy’: 1 ksec integration time

XMM/Chandra 2004 - 2009

HLX in NGC 470 (d=38 Mpc)

F4686 ~ 5 10-17 cgs L4686 = 1. 1037 erg/s ~ 4 x Holm II Mv = -11.2 like HLX1

HII #46

HeII l4686

[OI ]ll 6300, 60

[NII] l5200

Emission of NGC 470 HLX photoionizes; isotropic ! i.e. not beamed

some large SNR candidates …

Lozinskaya & Moiseev 2007

Log - logD for SNR


10 100 300 pc

“SNR” S26 in NGC 7793 (d=3.9 Mpc)

S26: Blair & Long 1997; faint ROSAT source: Read & Pietsch 1999

300 pc


“SNR” S26 in NGC 7793 = triple XRS

Chandra archive; 50 ks; PI: Pannuti, Pakull & Grisé, 2007


Pakull, Soria & Motch, 2010 Nature

Lx ~ 5E36 erg/s

Lx ~ 7E36 erg/s

Lx ~ 1.1E37 erg/s

~ 1.5

kT ~ 0.3-0.8 keV

kT ~ 0.3-0.8 keV

Mx ~ few 100 Mo

+ 9 GHz radio contours = 0.7; opt. thin syn.

S26: X-ray/ radio image

X-ray Hot Spots lead radio HS

Using formalism for ULX bubbles:

S26 and FR II radio galaxies similar morphologies

Soria et al. 2010 MNRAS


1 : 1000

O – X-ray sources

S26 long slit along major axis incl. central star & hot spots ESO VLT 2011

HS North (blueshifted) *cont + *H em HS South (redshifted) 2 x 360 km/s

H [NII]l6584

S26 long-slit; short axis incl central star ESO VLT 2011

*H *HeI l6678

cont 23mag *

central star (B~23.0 mag) displays broad (HWZI~1000 km/s) redshifted emission in HeI l6678 and H (EW~ a few 100 A) very strong stellar wind activity (like SS433!)

Vex = vs =240 km/s

SS433 = ULX ? (see Fabrika 2006)

mechanically inflated Bubble W50 (SNR??) with ‘ears’ due to v = 0.26c jets Lmech = LJ ~ 1039 erg/s

200 pc

ASCA image (Kotani 1998)‏

Begelman’s ‘beambags’


SS433 seen from far away: triple source ! Like S26

ULXs, SS433, jets, bubbles


Hol II: Cseh et al 2014 S26: Pakull et al. 2010 M83 MQ1 Soria et al 2014

Proposed discussion SS433, S26 = edge-on ULXs ?

Conclusions ULX interact with IS medium - photoionization and winds/jets Photoionisation allows to measure total luminosity (irresp. of beaming) Optical identification of HLX-2 (=NGC 470X-1) and of new bubbles ULX bubbles indicate mechanical power ~ 1E39 - 1E40 erg/s ~ Lx t ~ 1E6 yrs ; Etot ~ 1E53 erg S26 in NGC 7793: super-SS433/W50 system with hot spots (->jets); Lj ~ 5E40 erg/s >> Lx; 23mag counterpart with broad em. lines Propose to discuss relation between ULXs and QSOs

ULX bubbles: hypernova remnants ?

see also: Abolmasov, Fabrika 2007 Abolmasov 2008, 2010 Abolmasov, Moiseeiv 2007, 2008

(Lw/n)1/3 R-2/3 bubble

Vexp ~ (Eo/n)1/2 R-3/2 SNR

Abolmasov 2008



no HNR, wind/jet inflated !